The Straits Times, 2 March 1948

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 555 1 President 'Supports' Red Pact HELSINKI, Monday. the Communist press here was making strong attacks on "reactionaries*' and urging Finland to begin negotiations with Russia, the President (Mr. Juho Paassikivi) was reported to be m support of a Russo-Finnish treaty of friendship and mutual military assistance suggested
    Reuter; AP; UP  -  555 words
  • 184 1 Gloomy Rice Future BAGUIO, Monday. A DDRESSING the open- ing session here today of the 11 -nation Rice Confer -'cc, the United Nation ood expert, Mr. I James said the I world rice shortage for j 1948 was estimated at 6.700,000 metric tons. Asia s food supply, he said, would
    UP  -  184 words
  • 69 1 BATAVIA. Monday.— An i report from Sourabaya today said the British-regis-tered freighter Coorabie was being held there pending legal igation into the allegation that its master. Capt. Richards, had entered the Re-pubhcan-held port of Tuban without the Netherlands' pern. Thr vessel arrived at Sourabaya on Saturday under
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  • 52 1 BATAVIA, Monday. An earthquake, about twice as heavy as the recent Philippines quake, was registered at Batavia early this morning by the Batavia Geophysics StT\ The epicentre was determined as being very close to th< Indies islands of Ceram and Buru. lying between Cc- j :.-bti and New
    UP  -  52 words
  • 108 1 WASHINGTON. Monday. A $500,000,000 economic recovery programme for Japan was proposed today by a Foreign Affairs Committee consultant. In a report to the Committee Mr. W. M. McGovern, who toured the Orient for the Committee last year, refers to Japan as "the bastion of pro-Ameri-can sympathy
    AP  -  108 words
  • 220 1 WASHINGTON, Monday. THE United States Senate was expected to start the debate today on the European aid programme, whietthas been cut by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee from the proposed U. 5.56,800,000,000 for 15 months to $5,300,000,000 for 12 months. Under the original figure Britain
    AP  -  220 words
  • 76 1 SHANGHAI. Monday.— The Ta Kung Pao reports from Amoy that at least 160 persons were drowned on Saturday when pirates, masquerading as passengers, clashed with ship guards and caused a commotion among the 280 passengers, resulting m the sinking of the vessel. The steamer Changhsin,
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  • 43 1 MUNICH. Monday. The Emperor Haile Selassie of Abyssinia has ordered ten tons of barley to be sent to Munich for the brewing of 1.100 cases of genuine Munich beer for his own use, the German News Agency DPD reported today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • Article, Illustration
    40 1 WHAT NEXT? With the announcement of a Communist Government m Czechoslovakia, the world is asking; itself which country will be next to hoist the red flag. This map of Europe shows the vast area already under Communist control. A.P. map.
    AP  -  40 words
  • 381 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. THE Minister of State for the Colonies (the Earl of Listowel) is to carry out a personal in- vestigation m Sarawak of Mr. Anthony Brooke's I claims. At a press conference today Lord Listowel announced that he was going to Sarawak I with an
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  • 128 1 Fire At Ammunition Depot AN army fire engine covered four miles m six minutes early last night to put out a fire at one of the biggest ammunition depots on Singapore Island. The fire occurred m the guardroom of the 443 Base Ammunition Depot at Kranji, 12 miles from Singapore.
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  • 89 1 OTTAWA, Monday. Canada is to hear the story of the fall of Hong Kong on Christmas Day, 1941, when 2.000 Canadian troops were killed or taken prisoner by the Japanese. The Canadian Prime Minister (Mr. Mackenzie King) told the Canadian Parliament last 'week that the evidence
    AP  -  89 words
  • 55 1 TOKIO, Monday. British Commonwealth occupation force authorities m Japan today called m all British occupation currency m a move against black-mar-keteering among troops. The forces were given no warning of the currency change and were permitted only to -exchange amounts not exceeding their pay book withdrawals m
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  • 339 1 Train Wrecking A Reprisal, Say Terrorists JERUSALEM, Monday. TODAY rescue parties were still searching for victims of the Jewish terrorist explosion which wrecked three military coaches of the Cairo to Haifa express yesterday. Twenty-eight British soldiers were killed and 50 injured 33 of them seriously and a number are still
    Reuter; AP  -  339 words
  • 67 1 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Monday. The 33-year-old H.M.S. Malaya is i one of four more battleships to be scrapped. She probably has a greater record of sea service than any j other ship m the British Navy. Serving with distinction m j both world wars,
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  • 216 1 TVf ALAYA'S war damage claims came nearer possible settlement yesterday with the return of the War Damage Commissioner (Mr. J. J. St. L. Carson) from talks with the British Government. Mr. Carson would not comment on the result of his discussions with Treasury officials, the Colonial Office
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 59 1 singapore^Sp "What I like about them is^^, their delicious flavour y "m^fV B*l thr true Virginia and V^M^^U rnnoothness and r-C paMf''Hr iA f L jp |^/tip makes sure of all l^ fIU 2flh l lf B°°^ things you say *o» SO There II never be better cigarette dv MAURIER
      59 words
    • 89 1 !|<!L»ss| c l |T£% Jewe ers J vjf MPUTiriO* V //J^J J I B.P.<tef//valtdX^K (/mcoMHMunt anon) l\ IfA V% ENGINEERING SUPPLIES FROM STOCK:— Fire Extinguishers, Plastic FirebricM Soda-Acid Foam, C.T.C. Carborundum am! Alexite Wheels and Ransomes Laws stones Mowers Stones Bearing Coventry Cub DM Metals Enguna Desoutter Pneumatic Bronzes, Rods,
      89 words

  • Cable Flashes
    • 460 2 Roberts Regala, Philippines Consul General m San Francisco, who is visiting Manila. Reuter. AUCKLAND, Monday. 117ITH the arrest here of the Maori wife of a Chinese VI on a charge of murdering her four-year-old daughter, three women are in custody in New Zealand on murder
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 685 2 NOTICES MALAYA CHINA/JAPAN CONFERENCE Notice ,s hereby Riven that as up 1st day of April 1M8 thr fr'i^ht tariff rate on rubber nehal will be StralU MO ubic tttt MANSFT»LD CO LTD Secretaries. Mali a China Jaoan Conference. •SINGAPORE ALLCE" MALAY REGIMENT PERSONNEL. M\ e\-members of the Maiaj Rrsimrnt who
      685 words
    • 439 2 NOTICES In the Matter of the Companies Ordinance 1940 and In the Matter of OIL PALM PLANTATIONS LTD. (Members' Voluntary Wlndlng-Up) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Creditors of the abovenamed Company, which Is being voluntarily wound up. are required on or before 21st April 1948, being the date for
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    • 773 2 NOTICES Estate or THOMAS ABRAHAM CURRAN SHARP Deceased Sharp deceased late of Koala Selangor, Selangor, who died on the 4th day of February. IMS. Notice is hereby given that all persons having any claims or demands upon or against the estate of Thomas Abraham Curran Sharp late of Kuala Selangor,
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    • 322 2 KUALA LUMPUR TOWN BOARD Tenders are invited Hor the j supply and installation >f vehicle actuated trafSc J^hta at the following points m Kuala Lumpur: I) Junction of Batu Road and Mountbatten Road til) Junction of Malacca Street, Mountbatter. Road and the Embankment. Sealed tenders will be received at the
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    • 111 2 P. W. D. TENDERS Tenders for QUARRYING AND TRANSPORT BY TONGKANG S AND LORRIES OF METAL m respect of Minyak Betu Quarry will close at the office of the State Engineer Johore. on 12th March, 1948 For all paritculars form of tender apply to Executive Engineer at Batu Pahat. Distributors
      111 words
    • 321 2 M B ill You cannot »mmand lovely *lun bui you cum culci*4(r beauty It ntrdm only m link cmrc, if you rcaliM thM youi Mn c«n<iiu M •rvcnl bvcrN and lhai the cauat of ail thr muddy and dun cucnplruoni t» that minuir particle* ot thr wom-nuu drwd-up uurer cuticle
      321 words
    • 135 2 'Bj "BG* ff* (THOMAS f.REEN SON LTD.— LEEDS) DIESEL ROAD ROLLERS For heavy duty at low cost SOLE AGENTS IN MALAYA PATERSON, SIMONS CO., LTD. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPLR PENAI\<; PHILCO... the greatest Refrigerator of all Time! aaaaaaajsssssssssssssssssssssssaass| It's new It's modern BE^H bringing you exclusive features for greater
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    • 516 3 LONDON, Monday. A MOSCOW radio commentator declared yesterday m a review of the Falkland Islands dispute that the United States, using Argentina and Chile as took, was trying to crowd Britain out of the Antarctic.** Upholding British sovereignty over these territories, Moscow radio said that
      Reuter  -  516 words
    • 33 3 BERLIN, Monday—Press reports said today that Admiral Doenitz, now serving a tenyear sentence m Spaiidau prison here, had been given an additional small ration of butter owing to his loss of weight.—U. P.
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    • 94 3 LONDON, Monday.— The Sunday Pictorial yesterday suggested to Princess Elizabeth that she should "fire her advisers, get oat of West End night-clubs and visit factories and fields." In a half-page article the paper exempted the Princess from blame and absolved her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh,
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    • 203 3 SEOUL, Monday. rE United States today announced plans to proceed with a general j election on May 9, under! United Nations observation, to name delegates for establishing, a Korean Government. Lieut. -Gen. John Hodge, the U.S. Commander m South I Ko:ea. made the announce-! rr.ent
      AP  -  203 words
    • 99 3 BRU6SELS, Monday. —The j 3«ielux countries (Belgium.' the Netherlands, and Luxem- I bourg) agreed yesterday on their attitude towards the five-nation pact proposed by Britain. They did not announce the decision. The decision will be presented at the next meeting with representatives of Britain and Prance. The
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    • Article, Illustration
      32 3 MAE WEST, the famous American stage and film star, is at present touring variety halls and theatres m England. This photograph was taken at a 8.8.C. "In Town Tonight" broadcast. 8.8.C. picture.
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    • 342 3 \f ALAYA'S vital imiT1 portance to Imperial defence was realised m Britain, declared Mr. Somerset de Chair, a former M.P V m Singapore yesterday. In the event of an attack on Malaya, he said, he believed that the main defending forces would be drawn from
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    • 207 3 BATAVIA, Monday. The Indonesian Republic, called Good Offices CommisTH E Indonesian Re- «ld the Premier, was willing united Nations, a 1 publican Vice-Presi-;^^^^^/^^ lead** role In which was dent and Premier (Dr Qonelia ifiuTnaUonS m- nlayed by th* American defeHatta) said yesterday m tegrity
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 246 3 NOW AVAILABLE] Tbf "Ten" 11k Morris lea" now being delivered has MM* rigid construction, road springs iaterkared for silence, rubber-aoawted front awl rear afrarkln, new design front and doable acting rear akock absorbers, aew style door trimming, WgUy Ulu.tlia drxucht-exdiidifig doors, and-corrosive waterproof** 1 H.mii and aaany other developments hi
      246 words
    • 340 3 v^B THI ZufUtioi MISIUSY lEABTY CIEiM PMMtmnt refrMhlac. Ven-Yuaa brings to the skin an enchantment that few men can resist. It la an aid to true lastinr. ■kin loveliness, a protector against the moat trrin* climate. Being non-greaav and 5 IrfiJSß s\ delicately DerinH^vl fUJan <1 v «n£II TT^_j Yumi
      340 words
    • 220 3 Baata* aaalC \^l The new KELVINATOR refrigerators can oe constructed to special requirements to suit your store. This handsome, food-keeping device with lta 'Balanced Cold", will keep your cooked, fresh, bottled and canned foods moist, flavorful and delicious. BRITISH BINOCULARS The type C. F. 39 Binocular was designed for the
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  • 340 4 A via tion Board 9 s Five- Year Plan WASHINGTON, Monday. THE yearly cost of the American armed services 1 will reach $18,720 million by 1953 if Congress accepts the Air-Power-Preparedness programme drawn up by the Aviation Policy Board. Under an alternative plan proposed by
    AP  -  340 words
  • 209 4 b rom Our Own Correspondent LONDON. Monday. SUGGESTIONS that conO ditions at No. 1 British Transit Camp, Singajviiv. are far from satis factory are contained m a quest on which is being asked m the House ol Commons next Tuesday. Mr. S?r;->1 (Labour) will allege 'hat
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  • 63 4 ANKARA. Sanday.- Turkish authorities today decided to reply m arms m the event i of any repetition of attacks on Turkish boats m the Aegean Sea. reported to have been made recently by armed boats manned by Greek guerillas. The raiders were said to have
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 81 4 DETROIT, Monday. New cars are rolling off the assembly lines m increasing numbers, but deliveries are still behind schedule. The actual order backlog Is bigger now than it was m July, 1945, when the industry returned to peacetime output. The average buyer seeking an average car must
    AP  -  81 words
  • 58 4 SYDNEY. Monday The American liberty ship Cecil O. Sellers is ablaze m the Indian Ocean and will probably be abandoned, her Sydney aeents said today. The freighter, loaded with 9.000 tons of wheat for France, carried an American crew of 36 men. I Three ships are rushing to
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • Article, Illustration
    50 4 "BIG FOUR" MEET: Representatives of Britain, the United States, France and Russia photographed outside Lancaster House, London, after a meeting; to discuss the disposal of German assets m Austria. Left to right: Gen. Cherriere, of France; Mr. Sam Reber, U.S.; Mr. Kotomov, Russia and Mr. James Marjoribanks, Britain.— A.P. picture.
    AP  -  50 words
  • 121 4 CAIRO, Monday. SANA, capital of the Yemen, whose ruler, the Imam Yehia, was recently assassinated, is now "completely besieged" by forces of Prince Ahmed, the late Imam Yehia's eldest son, said Sayed Muayed, Yemen representative m Cairo, yesterday. Sayed Muayed said that on Sunday morning he
    AP  -  121 words
  • 303 4 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Monday. THE decision that discussions with the United States over the rubber clause m the Geneva Trade Agreement are not to be re-started at present, because the existing U.S. rubber regulations are due to expire on March 31, has
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  • 242 4 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Monday. WRITING on world price prospects, a special correspondent of The Times points out that non-agricultural commodities have increased m price much less than agricultural commodities. On the eve of the recent recession m United States, foodstuff prices were five
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  • 162 4 BRISBANE, Monday. THREE THOUSAND Queensland Sta > c railway .strikers continued to defy their Governme'i s "back to work" order ;oday, although some thousands of "stood down" men returned to work and some trains were running. Mr. E. Hanlow. the Quceislanrt Premier, who said yesterday that the Government
    Reuter; AP  -  162 words
  • 61 4 SYDNEY, Monday. British and American capital to be invested m Australian industries is estimated at A £47,000,000. Many of the- new industries would already be m operation but for the shortage of manpower, building materials, coal and other fuels. Other countries examining the possibilities of establishing industries
    AP  -  61 words
  • 37 4 LOaIDON, Monday. j \\c Trades Councils of Lanca and Cheshire counties sent a Joint cable to Mr. Henry Wallace on Saturday express n>' the hope that he would win the presidential election UP.
    UP  -  37 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 678 4 MARTINS $20,000 COMPETITION RESULTS DISTRICT PRIZE WINNERS— JOHORE N \MI. A ADDRESS IMTS PRIZE l,i Mi Un Soon Chwee, 35 JaUn Ngee Heag. 2^47 1 new Kelvinator 7 en. ft. De Luxe (Receipt Nos. 308 A 314). model R*-frif«rator. 2nd Mr. Lee Chin Hen«. 11 Jalan KiuU 473 1 six-valve
      678 words
    • 499 4 ALL MALAYA PRIZE WINNERS NAME UNITS FIRST Mr. P. S. WONG. 21 Leone Sin Nam Street, 10,124 IPOH. (Receipt Nos. 1624. 1636). PRIZES 1 Austin 10 Saloon, 1947 Model. SECOND Mr. LIM TEONG SENG, 177 McAlistet 1477 Road. PENANG. (Receipt No. 1919). 1 Austin 8 Saloon, 1947 Model THIRD Mr.
      499 words
    • 589 4 DISTRICT PRIZE WINNERS— IPOH UNITS PRIZE lft (RaSlSJ*^- Y °S5» ce i /O Hon kon Bank H"* M« 1 Kelvins 7 r... f t De iSKSL^wifffc-ta Depl.. S«n^ glp.l Krti'-iff-o-a™ iw«. ipoh. IM -U.- au. (B«rtPt No.. 1615. 1626) 840 1 Raleigh Rajah Bicycle ?a^^, K £SS^Tl£^Ho l^ffi' 81 Lgr£r
      589 words

  • 217 5 Are You Making These Mistakes in English? Do you say. "If I was you." "I laid down tor an hour," 'Between you and I" or "He was that pleased"? You may never b* guilty of these errors m Eacusli. but you have Drcbably heard others make <=uch mistakes. Can you
    217 words
  • 54 5 "Word Mastery" Write to The Recent Institute fDept. 468 L). Palace Gate. London. W.B. for a free copy of "Word Mastery." which gives full particulars of the Effective English Course. the special arrangements for overseas students. Send for this interesting booklet NOW— while you think of it
    54 words
  • 401 5 To Search For Highest Peak CHICAGO, Monday. EQUIPPED with special uranium detectors, a 1-1 CB7 plane took off from here yesterday on the first stage of a flight to China m an attempt to find a mountain higher than Everest. The aircraft was commanded by Capt. William
    Reuter  -  401 words
  • 245 5 ON instructions from; the Deputy Public Prosecutor, the complainant m a case of attempted extortion was charged j m the Singapore First District Court yesterday with disorderly conduct. He was Mohamad Yacob, who pleaded guilty to the charge. The charge ot attempted ex.ortion arose from a complaint
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  • 127 5 •THE Singapore Assizes 1 opened yesterday before Mr. Justice Jobling^ with 29 cases on the calendar. Pleas were recorded and dates fixed for hearing In nine cases concerning robbery, six each of carrying arms and unlawful possession of arms and ammunition, one of attempted murder, one of
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  • 261 5 Fortnightly Club Fosters Friendship From Our Women Correspondent AT a meeting of the "Fortnightly Club yesterday, Mrs. H. B. Winter related her experiences as a travelling nurse. The Club Has now a membership of almost 30 women, and it is hoped the number will increase to 60 by the end
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  • 69 5 'ALLURE 1450 AND 1948 Mmcsfl iirst fcecame tioiiics -conscious m 1400." according to Mr. James Layer, an expert on costumes, who recently arranged a London television programme entitled "Sex appeal m clothes." Low-cut dresses are not new, as the picture on the left of a 1450 costume proved, but the
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  • 175 5 rl case against C. W. Roberts, who was until June 1947 the officer- in -charge of the Food Control Inspectorate, was yesterday dismissed by the Singapore Third District Judge (Mr. A. D. Farrell). Roberts was charged with abetment of unlawful possession of 21 bags of controlled rice
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 148 5 you wiij always sec hne I /^jH things amongst them 3k./ /(L afl Ronson Lighters. People £m *^GrV /'> m ot tsste snd discrimmatioo > r el^*/?%J .^B pftet the elegance and -^^^i^ ffl smartness of this MasterPMSI of Lighters, appreciate its »n tailing reliability. A Ronsoo Lighter makes the
      148 words
    • 102 5 We are' prime suppliers of: FORMIC ACID 85% and 90% Packed m 45 lb., 05 lb. and 127 lb. carboys. Orders now being accepted for immediate and future deliveries. I. R. GREEN 80 East 11th St.. New York 3. N.Y. Cable Address: RTJSGREN Attention Importers: PERFECT BALING AND BURLAP CO.
      102 words
    • 150 5 Introducing the NEW model 38G with NEW features and NEW performance MODEL 38G. 5 VALVE FOR A.C. MAINS Price: $240 FULL BANDSPREADING with redesigned serial circuit giving greater Sensitivity and Selectivity. EXCELLENT REPRODUCTION du e 'to special Fidelity audio circuit used with a sensitive moving coil loudspeaker and an acoustically
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  • 19 6 POOPAI.ANPATHY— Third son of Dr. K. Klramathypathy expired m an accident. Burial 11.30 a.m. Monday 1 3 48.
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  • 26 6 Mr. Mrs. Lim Siang Choon of Johore Bahru wishes to thank all fnonds relatives who send pres nts or Rifts m their marriage on 28-2-48.
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  • 1060 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Tues. Mar. 2, 1948. UNPUBLISHED DISPATCHES There is one more dispatch on the Malayan campaign yet to be published. But it is one that will never be published. We have had the dispatches of Sir Robert Brooke-Popham, Lord Wavell, General Percival and Air Marshal Sir Paul
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  • 90 6 PHILADELPHIA. Sunday.— Declaring that a vote for Mr. Wallace would help to elect a liberal United States Congress, the national chairman of American Communists (Mr. Wlliam Z. Foster) last night lined up the extreme Left Wing behind the third party presidential candidate. Speaking at a
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • 122 6 The diagram shows the brighter stars mat will be above the horiion m the nrntude of Singapore at 10 o'clock at the beginning, 9 o'clock m the middle, and at 8 o'clock at the end of the month, the time being Singapore Standard Time (seven hours
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  • 1193 6  -  J. C. COOKE By THE Hyades m Tau- rus the Bull provide a test of good eyesight and are a beautiful sight if field glasses are used. It is a celebrated group nearly as famous as the Pleiades which belong to the same constellation. The
    1,193 words
  • 76 6 INTERESTING were Mr. I Bembroke'a little signs, saying "No Turn" planted m the middle of Orchard Road. This was written m high dudgeon and wrath at 1 a.m. on Saturday... I am willing to bet all Lombard Street to a China orange, as the saying goes, that unless
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    • 495 6 YOUR paper is regarded m this country as the champion of any just cause, and the exposer ol any hypocrisy. For this reason I wish to draw your attention to what I consider one of the greatest scandals m this brave
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    • 236 6 WHEN will tile Trusted Tangle be finally straightened out? Writing of my personal affairs m a newspaper is rather impolite, but there are many others like me m the same boat, so, m short, here it is: I am dead b-r-o-k-e! I have been able to carry
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 800 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. BORN 29 248 at Kan dang Kerbau Hospital Peter Nlco son of G Altona and H. O. Altona— Alley JACKSON McCormick The rnsagement is annouced between Roland Rofley. younger son of the late Mr. and Mrs. S. H. C. Jackson of Peterborough. England, and Gloria Joan, youngest daughter
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    • 33 6 WHY YOU CAN SEE CLEARLY BUT EYES FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE? LET US ANALYSE YOUR CASE ELIMINATE YOUR TROUBLE! C. S. CHONG. OPT D. Fully equipped with cwnplete m« dern eye examination and training Instrument*.
      33 words
    • 172 6 Q, <i>elconte CtfjJZSt •Yes \pttiua<ift him to come m," says Mother proudly. "Now we »re all right. The children can have their milk tonight and their cereals and puddings tomorrow. What a relief it it to have a tin of DOMO m the house again It U such a convenience
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  • 336 7 Talks Sought On Hollandia TWO of the Malayan Eurasians who hope to colonise Hollandia m Dutch New Guinea will, subject to official N.E.I, permission, fly to Batavia to interview the president of the N.E.I. Dutch Eurasian Union, Dr. E. D. Wermuth. They will discuss
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  • 88 7 The Czech business man who gave an interview to Ike Straits Times, on Friday and published under the heading "Local Czechs Concerned." stated yesterday that the opinions expressed m th;<t interview were entirely his own. had no authority to vn-ik on behalf of the Czech community of Singapore
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  • 135 7 THIKTY-FIVE young labourers began learning 1 the English alphabet under kerosene pressure lamps m a Singapore Peoples' Restaurant last night. They came from as far M Pasir Panjang and the East Coast Road. The People's Education Association was launching its adult education programme with twice weekly
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  • 135 7 JUDGMENT dismissing iB appeal by Mr. B. H. Ch;a, a Singapore lawwas delivered m the; Singapore Supreme Court; yesterday. The appeal was against the decision of Mr. Justice Jobling. who dismissed an action^ brought by Mr. Chia Mr. S. Qureshi. an Indian merchant, for mali- rious prosecution.
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  • Article, Illustration
    49 7 The Y.W.C.A. last Friday welcomed their new General Secretary, Miss Dora Greene, to Singapore. Miss Greene is m the centre of the picture above. Left is Miss Beatrice Lynch, Malayan Secretary for Youth Work and Training, and right, Miss Mabel Robertson, Malayan Secretary of the Y.W.C.A. Straits Times picture.
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  • 166 7 T'HE constant endeavour of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association was to improve packing methods of rubber, a spokesman of the Association told the Straits Times yesterday. It was also the Association's constant endeavour, he added, to maintain a high standard of rubber shipments from
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  • 110 7 JOHORE BAHRU, Monday. At the opening of a murder trial here today, the Crown prosecutor, Mr. McCall, said the crime took place on M.dlands Estate on pay day, June 6 and arose from an altercation over a game of cards. Suppiah Ramasamy. a labourer on the estate,
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  • Malayan Rojund-up
    • 441 7 rpOBACCO, cigarettes, textiles and imported manux factured goods (all kinds, except foodstuffs and soap) may now be exported as unsolicited gifts by parcel post provided that the total value of the contents of any one parcel does not exceed $40. This was officially announced m
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    • 232 7 Govt. Help For A.C.S. Pledged THE Director of Education, Singapore, (Mr. J. B. Neilson) last night promised the AngloChinese School full support for its extension programme. Mr. Neilson was speaking at an Old Boys' Association Founder's Day dinner which marked the school's 62nd birthday. Mr. Neilson said that this year's
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  • 192 7 SINGAPORE'S election •3 ballot boxes are ready. A hundred of them have been made by the Public Works Department at a cost of $9 each. The Supervisor of Elections Mr G. Hawkins told the Strait6 Times yesterday: "tt,,. boxea been made with a special slide shutter,
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  • 153 7 A SUGGESTION that the Income Tax Ordinance should provide for a deduction from rents received by landlords has been made by the Singapore Ratepayers Association to the Government. > No reply had been received by the Association on that point, the president (Mr. Tan
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  • 43 7 »l 1 I lil' KUALA LUMPUR, Momiay. —Mr. P. I. Read of Dublin, and Mr. J. E. Bunyan, of T/mdon. had been appointed engineers m the Drainage and Irrigation Department, Malaya Both men served m the R A F during the war.
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  • 605 7 MR. Yap Pheng Geek, of Singapore, one-time» m O.C. "E" (Chinese) Company, Second Battalion, the S.S. Volunteer Force, yesterday contradicted statements made by General I'm cival on Chinese sub-units m the war-time volunteer organisation. Mr. Yap taxed Gen. Percival with having made a faulty appreciation of
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  • 80 7 Mr. Sng: Choon Yee \esterday took over as Kinistrar of Trade Unions, Singapore, m place of Mr. J. J. Steel, who has left Malaya on grounds of health. Mr. Sn? has a lons record of Government service since he joined the Chinese Secretariat m Wit. lie
    80 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 104 7 Better than Ever! H|fl If MAGNIFIES ifl-r Ii BANDSPREA3 5101 i -~"^=Mil makes short wave reception more efficient than ever before To hear this «e*en valve auperhet Table Model for AC. and D.C. mains Ls to be convinced of its long stride forward m short wave reception. I %v% v
      104 words
    • 59 7 Make your own With the BEL Cream Maker you can make rich, delicious cream from Butter or Margarine and Milk—— quickly simply easily DLTI CREAM DLL MAKERS STOCKED IN CLAMP or PADESTAL MODKLS $25 00 EACH t ROBINSON CO., LTD. RAFFLES PLACE SINGAPORE €t^GiENTc] j|m /^^Manufacture ensures aQjF famous MINERALS
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  • 165 8 Prom Our Muslim Correspondent. MUSLIMS m Singapore will bo glad to know that, thanks to Tuan Syed Ibrahim Alsairoff. J.P., the iv bu lding fund of th< All-Malaya Muslim Mis nonary Society of Singapore has been augmented Dy a donation of £200 from King Ibn
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  • 430 8 Union 9 s View On Discrim ination THE Singapore Teachers' Union sees no possibility of either improving the standard of education or expanding the educational services m the Colony "unless discrimination against locally recruited teachers is removed.** It says so m a memorandum to be sent
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  • 121 8 Malay Mews Siam Malays Pour Across Border From Abdul Aziz bin Ishak A MALAY correspondent from Kota Bahru reports that large numbers of Malays from the four southern Siamese States of Patani, Yala Setul and Bangmara are pouring into Perlis, Kedah, Perak Penan g and Kelantan because of the threats
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  • 270 8 THAM Wee, who was stated to be president of the Mutual Aid Association of the employees of Cressonite Industries Ltd., Pasir Panjaner, was yesterday sentenced to throe months' rigorous imprisonment by the Singapore Third District Judge (Mr. A. D. Farrell). j Tham, who
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  • 70 8 Women and girls living m the Katong area who would like to join Keep Fit Class are asked to contact ths Y.W.C.A.. 11 Leonie Hill Road. Tel. *****. This class will be 'eld at 3t Hilda's School on a Wednesday afternoon, from 5.30 to 6.30 p.m., and
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  • Article, Illustration
    45 8 ARAB LEADER: The Mufti of Jerusalem (Haj Am m el Hosseini), photogr aphed as he left a meeting of the Arab League Council m Cairo. Arab leaders have intimated that an administrative committee for Palestine, including the Mufti, Is to be formed. A Planet picture.
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  • 184 8 The Malay Nationalist Party, Singapore branch, m a press statement yesterday, charged In<-he Sardon bin Haji Jubir. election candidate for Rural East, with playing up racial sentiments among Malays m an election speech at Kampong Melayu, Jalan Eunos, last Saturday. The statement quoted Inche Sardon as having
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  • 150 8 SINGAPORE Food Control authorities are tightening •J their check on the supply and issue of weekly rations of rice, sugar, wheat flour, and butter by retail shops. New food control regulation* published by the Government over the week-end warn holders of retail licences that they must
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  • 33 8 Two Chinese. Ng Hoon Siong, aged 22, and Kah Chin Sew, aged 24, were remanded m custody yesterday on charges of committing street robberies on Saturday. Both pleaded not guilty.
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  • 153 8 TODAY Singapore Family Benefit Society, annual general meeting, Victoria Memorial Hall, 5.15 pjn. Election meeting, Victoria 'School, 5.30 p.m. Police Band, Waterloo Street, 5 30 p.m. to 6.30. I Variety entertainment, m aid 'of Ramakrishna Mission Orphanlage. Victoria Theatre. 6.30 p.m. V.M.C.A.. keep fit class, 6.30 [p.m.. Malay
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  • 227 8 Johore Weekly Letter JOHORE BAHRU, Mon. HTHE Sultan of Johore will visit Pontian on "Tiday. He will be entertamed by members of the Pergerakan Melayu Semenanjong. He wUI be able to obtain a closer insight into the progress made m the district since the liberation. Pontian is the largest centre
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 146 8 THAT NEVER, NEVER (^^f) CHANGES IN QUALITY t*f L top ELSIE, th« BORDEN COW IWDI TWi KJire' ll it pure, pcrierrd whole milk. Only fto« milk troea hcaJtby co»i ta made into Klir-u And it ta kept »afe and pvra tKiougli our apwctal packing process. Khra quality never varieal \_9\
      146 words
    • 236 8 fVRK smoking of a good Turkish cigarette is not something you do out of mere nervous habit. You select, you discriminate, and you enjoy; you do not merely puff away. Sobranie Turkish No. 6 are made by the makers of the famous Bulkan Sobranie Turkish Cigarettes for those who rightly
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 190 8 STRAITS TIMES CROSSWORD to "Now wh«i they *x CROSSWORD No 212 1 Id.ou bdp te make thU r m (he They'd JMJ FSO. i p*p«r «t» titMktnx left but one ipln I I j j J" I |J I U I^^S I 1 I* I' I' MakcTpoOT d»rt through M
      190 words

  • Article, Illustration
    21 9 i hi> evening dress designed by Bruyere ol Paris is of black tulle embroidered with silver thread and scintillating semi-nrecious stones.
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  • 362 9 MOST Tamil vegetable gardeners dislike hearing it said that this or triat crop is a g< od on.i for fear that the il' chostn words may bring ter t o it. As well as acting as a talisman. Against such foolish words. or other stroke." of bad
    362 words
    • 1002 9  - Diet and routine for a 13 month old NURSE ELIZABETH By A CORRESPON- DENT seeks advice on certain pratical matters concerning her 13 months old son and below are given answers to the questions that she asks. Here are my answers to the questions that she asks. It frequently happens
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    • 271 9 pLEAR cut contours are v* important to every pretty face and the slightest muscle sag can impart quite a different expression. So choose and use wisely the exercise needed to retain a clear cut look the results are well worth it. 1. For The Muscles Under
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    • 652 9 By Florence Mills DARIS dress designers, doubling back m thp uuuuung uacK m me revolutionary tracks they trod last season, have substantiated the "new look" vogue to such an extent that curwlpt? extent mat curveiess creations flapping at the 20-inch mark are completely outdated. A.P.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 65 9 Ajiltt fin* All to Enjoy I\\ e» *jn». k -It lK Uu c ea- g=^» 1 j_iL. h«u~-1...H nrrd ***h m >»ur kimr MIMM '"><• !rr<J» tni ■SSI tt*tn Ihr i«Mi rtclw»l pmmliut% thank* Nrstlr I nj..» ihr tMSNttI ol hr>l frrth milk, m a v«(t *a4 cv<"r"*nl Ivn b)
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  • 1379 10  - Our London Letter FEB. 18. THESE are days of determined, quick action. Although you will have heard of individual steps taken to meet the imminent threat of bankruptcy and disaster you may be interested m what a high-up friend m Whitehall told me today. "Arrangements to stop inflation m its
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  • 359 10 RADIO MALAYA (SPORB) 10.55 a.m. to 12 noon Schools' Broadcast; 1 p.m. Radio Orchestra; 1.40 Benny Goodman. 8.15 Topical Talk, Announcements; 8.30 Show Business; 9.00 London Playhouse; 9.45 Talk; 10.00 r.-rs' Post; 11.00 Close. RADIO MALAYA .K.L.; 1 p.m. See Spore. 8 35 South American Way; 9.00
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 167 10 I UN .t\l) VLIDT a« Thf X- j r^^Hfl 11 A.M.. 2 P.M.. 4.15 6.30 and 9.15 WUT CAPITOL OnYeaJb Mcowc.-Get S«t... '~W. TOMORROW v -I "3 Marx Bros. MUNfGMTW .1 Re/cosed thru United Artnit BOOKINGS NOW ON! PHONE 5159. touchln performance m /V Ifll "WHITE S/fHH CRADLE 2—4.15—6.30—9.15 .3L«!H
      167 words
    • 365 10 AMERICAN MAIL LINE FAST SERVICE T« Los Anretas San Francisco. Portland Seattle Vancouver "INDIA MAIL" loads mid. \pril "ISLAND MAIL** mid. Max For Freight ft passage please apply to IMtt:- GUTHRIE CO.. LTI. tUnt 5131 evewttForientTline Sails For Penang s/s Pronto tnd Mirtvli For Hongkong- ft Shanghai m s Coastal
      365 words

  • 95 11 From A Market Correspondent rpilE Singapore sago flour X market opened the week active with business done for fair quantities of Siak sago. Quotations on the coffee market were heavily marked down. Elsewhere these were no changes on the local produce markets. Business remained very restricted Price changes
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  • 63 11 BATAVIA, Monday.— According to official figures given by the Banka Tin Mining Company for 1947, the total tin production was 10.000 tons, with US $14,000,000. The Bllllton Company's figures for 1947 were 5,800 tons worth US $8,500,000. The Singkap Company produced a total of 300 tons,
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  • 123 11 From Our Own CwinpunsVnl LONDON, (By Air Mail)— The annual report of the Sungei Buaya (Sumatra) Rubber Company said the extent of the damage suffered by the company's property had made it impossible at this stage to forecast when it would be possible to
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  • 233 11 From Our Market Correspondent. SINGAPORE, Monday. rCHOING the firmer tendency m London on Saturday, both Tins and Industrials improved on the local share market today. Most issues were marked up. Changes m quotations given by the Malayan Sharebrckers' Association were: Bayer. SelW B.B. Petrol 43 6 44 3
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  • 145 11 ¼-CT. DROP IN RUBBER RUBBER eased by quarter of a cent on the local market yesterday. No. 1 sheet f.o.b. buyers closed last night at 386 cents per Ib. F.o.b. sellers were 38} cents. Spot loose buyers were 38| cents, sellers 382 cents. The market yesterday was quiet m the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 669 11 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. I uicuruoraied m Singapore) BLUE FUNNEL LINE THINGS rROM U X AND USA. -Trne MM" Doe ..OB L.-. r "Win then lie rrom U.K r r.nnros" D«. from U.K Mar. 14 Ak.nooi- Doe from USA Mar. 16 SAILINGS FOR LIVERPOOL GLASGOW AND t'ONTINENTAI PORTS -AiiW >aib for
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    • 560 11 ELLERMAN KLAVENESS BUCKNALL PACIFIC PORTS LONDON BOUGAWVIUE ANTWERP D,,e 1*S PsP s h? Sail« Mar 10 M-r Wai "CITY OF KHARTOUM" ROSEViUE Doe Apr U *"r Dne Singapore It Mar. SaHj| Apr ,0, 0 Xpt or McALISTER CO., LTD. ilncorDorated m Singapore* PHONE 590« BOUSTEAD&CO.,L7J>. LLOYDS AGENTS Agents for Malayo
      560 words

  • 470 12 TIGER S.C. WIN FIRST LEAGUE FIXTURE Strong Defence Foils Seaforths CIELDING a team which included some of the leading S.C.F.A. players of last season, the Tiger Sports dub made an impressive debut m the Singapore Amateur Football Association League yesterday when they beat the Seaforth Highlanders four-one. The game, which
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  • Article, Illustration
    74 12 James Russell, 67-year-old Lincolnshire trainer, whose claim against the Jockey Club for alleged breach of contract and for alleged libel m the racing calendar was dismissed by the Lord Chief Justice last week. Russell's licence was withdrawn after the Jockey Club had inquired into allegations that Boston Boro, a horse
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  • 120 12 THE Island Club's February Bogey for women, played over last week-end, was won by Mrs. A. We?k, with a nett score of all square. The "A" division of the men's February- Bogey was won by D. A. Ferrier -Smith with a nett score of one down. The
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  • 85 12 A goal scored by Twist late m the second half gave the Sirgapore Cricket Club a three-two victory over the Jollilads m a football match played on the padang yesterday. The Jollilads opened accounts through Salahudin. but Hutchinson equalised soon afterwards. The score was one-all at the
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  • 95 12 LONDON. Monday. The draw for the semi-finals of the Football Association Cup was made here today and resulted as follows: Blackpool v. Tottenham Hotspurs at Aston Villa's ground. Queen's Park Rangers or Derby County v. Manchester Utd.. at Sheffield Wednesday ground. Both the ties will be
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 54 12 MANCHESTER Monday —The draw for the third round of the Rugby League cup-tie was made here today as follows: Wakefield Trinity or Bradford Northrrn v. Oldham: Dewsbury or Hunslet v. Hull: Keighley v. Rochdale Hornets; Warrington v. Wigan. The matches are to be played
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  • 110 12 The Council of the Malayan Chinese Football Association, at its meeting at Kuala Lumpur, on Sunday, discussed the application of the Chung Wan 1 Football Association (Chinese Athletic), Singapore, for affiliation. According to a Singapore 1 member of the M.C.F.A. Council who attended the meeting, i the
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  • 193 12 LAST night's semi-finals m the Singapore Amateur Boxing Association's civilian championships produced some entertaining fights. Tan Choon Ouan was too good for his opponent, Ahmad bin Noordln, whom he knocked out with a terrific right to the jaw m the first round. Fighting m the light-heavy-weight class, APO
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  • 54 12 All players of affiliated clubs who wish to play football for the Malay Football Association m the S A.F.A. League are requested to assemble at Restaurant Kita, 769, North Bridge Road, today at 5 pm. for a meeting. Interested players who are not members of the M.F.A. are
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  • 23 12 Yesterday's fixture m the Singapore Hockey Association's knockout competition, between Shell Co. XI and the Police, was cancelled owing to rain.
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  • 21 12 Today: High water. 3.35 p.m. (7.7 ft.). Tomorrow: High water, 3.16 a.m. (8.3 ft.) and 4.45 p.m. (6.8 frr.
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  • 288 12 SYDNEY, Monday. ON the eve of th e departure of the Indian cricket team from Australia their manager, Mr. Pankaj Gupta, received letters containing tributes from Mr. R. A. Oxlade, chairman of the Australian Board of Control, Mr. R.. A. Bamle, acting High Commissionr for
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  • 62 12 MANILA, Monday.— Del Rosario, featherweight champion of the PhiUppnies. on Saturday night annexed the featherweight championship r the Orient by~defetttin« David Kui Kong Young, Chinese Hawaiian-born bantamweight southpaw. Unleashing a savage twofisted attack following a slow start, the local champion, weighing 122 lb., gained the decision over
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  • 73 12 Leon Labriola, the 240-lb. Italian wrestler now i/i Singapore, will fight Bosca Boa of Kuala Liuupur at the Happy World, Singapore, on Saturday. While m Australia, Labriola defeated some of the best wrestlers there. Wong Bock Cheong and Harban Singh, who ar* wellknown m Malaya,
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  • 78 12 The Rocklites Sports Party, Singapore, beat the Catholic Young Men's Association (Church of Our Lady of Lourdes) at cricket on Sunday by 38 runs. Th? Rocklites scored 118 (C. B. Von Hagt 29, P. Swyny 28. Dass three for 34, Farrer two for 17. Jerome two for 7,
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  • 63 12 TODAY TENNIS: S.L.T.A. Indoor championships, Happy World, 6 15 p m BOXING: Singapore Civilians' championships (finals), Happy World, 8 30 p.M. SOCCER: S.A.F.A. league. Div I— A v. S B.C.. Jalan Bcsar Stadium, 5.1S p m HOCKEY: S AHA. Knockout tourney Clarke Rangers v. GHQ FAEELF, SRC, 5.15
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  • 322 12 From VERNON MORGAN n ARELY a week goes by without a controversy m sport cropping up somewhere or other. Two messages this week from opposite ends of the world threw the sportlight on the participation of women m sport and set the critics wrangling. The
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  • Article, Illustration
    48 12 Joe Louis and his wife arriving at Waterloo staiion, London. Louis is appearing at the Health and Holidays Exhibition. Irwin Rosee, his manager, is reported to have dispensed with the services of Eddie Phillips as a sparring partner for Louis. Phillips is a former British light -heavyweight champion.
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  • 212 12 fHIN Kee Onn, former Malayan tennis champion, vas given a hard fight by R. K. Macartney m last night's men's singles ties m the Singapore Lawn Tennis Association's indoor championships. With both players win- ning alternate games, the issue was m doubt until the
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  • 84 12 HELSINKI, Monday. DLUNDBERG of Nor- way, who a fortnight ago finished third m the European speed-skating championships, yesterday won the world title here. Lundberg was second m the 5,000 and 10,000 metres events, fourth m the 1.500 metres and fifth m the 500 metres, John Werket of
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  • 440 12 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Monday. OELOW are the weights for Wednesday, the second day of the Penang Turf Club Leap Year Meeting. The card comprises eight events. The first race will be run at 2.30 p.m. Acceptances close at 11 a.m. tomorrow. The
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 663 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued from page 6) ACCOMMODATION WANTED BRITISHER requires room with board (lunch not necessary) near r. n:re of town. Box A2072. S.T. WANTED by English couple small flat or bungalow furn. or unfurn mod. san. long l<»ase. Will pay compensation Box A2062, S.T. DIREOTCR of well-knjwn Eurap an
      663 words
    • 117 12 c Action GRAND PRIX BERNE 1914 Available at all leading watch dealers throughout Malaya. Sole Agents: CHUN CHONG 53, South Bridge Rd Singapore CV^2fe!f\ DUNLOF BALLS nave Men VT l// 1 chosen for exclusive use m M__P" tne 1948 Singapore Indoor £^v Tennis Championships now In progress at the Happy
      117 words