The Straits Times, 31 January 1948

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 1244 1 Hands In Prayer As He Fell: Hindu Arrested NEW DELHI, Friday JViAHATMA GANDHI, the apostle of nonviolence, was assassinated here today* The man who shot him was arrested, and identified as a 36-year-old Maratha Hindu, Nathuram Vinayak Godo, known to be an extremist The assassin stepped out
    Reuter; AP; UP  -  1,244 words
  • 88 1 The Governor of the Malayan Union (Sir Edward Gent) said last night: "I am deeply shocked over this shameful tragedy. "A great character who has shown for years his fearless championship for the cause of peace in India has now laid down his life. "1 pray thai n.ay
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  • 2224 1 THE frail and emaciated Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi led India's 400,000,000 to his cherished goal of freedom, but the reward he received was bitter sorrow and disappointment. For the cause he and fasts. His favourite weapons for rousing the masses were civil disobedience I campaigns and hunger strikes.
    AP  -  2,224 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 40 1 ft^ FJM II ]H_^ i V/t L pttMt 3390 x ll In this tiny handbag phial you can buy Goya's incomparable 'No. j perfume, sophisticated luxurious bewitching, [RCIANO IT *H!k™ CIS I KinuTOKi Mi fc< raitum. 4*, ¥Vmuie»t«f tiuua. imgoport
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    • 14 1 Jiwiutit w±iA L J i {orjslercj SATISFIES SOLE IMPORTERS THE [AST ASIATIC CO., LTD.
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  • Cable Flashes
    • 96 2 He Gave Dog A Bad NameSo Owner Shot Him Dead From Our Own Correspondent NEW YORK, Friday. *17INCENT Conlon, m a Manhattan restaurant, called Christopher Maikish's pure-bred Dobermann Pinscher "a fussy mongrel." So Maikish drew a revolver and shot Conlon dead. Maikish, aged 40, has been sentenced to die in
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    • 33 2 SANTIAGO. CHILE, Friday. The Government newspaper La Nfccion said yesterday that Argentina and Chile would Jointly reject a British protest over the establishment of military bases m the Antarctic. A P.
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    • 41 2 LONDON, Friday. Ttie Danish ship Margrethe arrived at London Bridge! yesterday with 10,440,000 eggs said to be the largest shipment to reach Britain since the war. The shipment is under an agreement made with Denmark last November. -A. P.
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    • Article, Illustration
      60 2 LONDON, Friday. The Home Secretary, Mr. Chuter Ede. announced m the House of Commons yesterday the G o vernment proposed to extend Summer Time this year from Mar. 14 to Oct. 31 Last year Summer Time stdiiod on Mar. 16. Double Summer Time operated from Apr. 13 to
      Reuter  -  60 words
    • 36 2 Tenders are invited for the supply of approximately 3.000 yards White Drill and 18.0PO yards Khaki Drill. Deposit $50 (refundable). Samples should be submitted. Closing m Municipal Secretariat (Room 235) noon 9 February. 1948.
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    • 43 2 WASHINGTON. Friday. President Truman yesterday designated the United States Ambassador to India, Mr. Henry F. Grady, to be his personal representative with the rank of Special Ambassador at the Ceylon independence ceremonies to be held from Feb. 10 to Feb. 14.— Reuter.
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    • 76 2 MANILA, Friday. Mr. Milton Reynolds, millionaire fountain pen manufacfuture en route to Chicago after a 10-day visit to China, said he was returnins: with an expedition to prove geography books wrong. He hopes to find a mountain higher than Mount Everest. He will pick up round-the-world flyier William
      AP  -  76 words
    • 70 2 BOSTON, Friday. The United States Army "coffin ship," Joseph V. Connolly, abandoned on fire in midAtlantic a fortnight ago, sank yesterday. See had broken adrift from a towllne while being taken to New York. The Joseph V. Connolly was abandoned by her crew of 45 and one
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    • 74 2 JOHANNESBURG. Friday. No action has yet been taken by the South African Government aeainst 15 Natal Indians who illegally crossed the border into Transvaal last week end. The Indians, who travelled by ear, were welcomed by thousands of their comrades. Two policemen watched without interfering as they crossed
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    • 56 2 FRANKFURT, Friday. The American Dakota, with three American women and five children aboard, missing since Tuesday on a flight from near Marseilles to Uriieie, Italy, had not been found by last night. Rescue teams in the area between Marseilles and Udine are searching. aid«d by Superfortresses. The aircraft
      Reuter  -  56 words
    • 60 2 NEW ALBANY, Indiana, Friday. A minister's widow yesterday permitted herself and her five children to be innoculated against din^h'Tia although her husband had refused inoculation as "sinful." The husband died of diphtheria on Wednesday. The Rev. Melvin Ramsy, 37-year-old pastor of the Church of God, said medical treatment
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  • 68 2 ATHENS, Friday.— Police shot and killed the Athens Communist leader Haraiambog Panagopoulos after surrounding the house in which he was hiding. His companion, guarding the house, fired at the police when they asked Panagopoulos to surrender. The poli" returned fire. Panagopoulos was Communist chief for one
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  • Article, Illustration
    42 2 "Archbishop Nuoi.ii. >.ifstyled Russian archbish »p, m a Munich coartrM hi Jan. 21. The I nitod Siatea Military Government charged him wtili falsely representing himself as a Roman Catholic official and collecting funds for n inexistrnt charity organisations, A.! 1 piitun
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  • 45 2 LONDON, Friday. The Air Ministry night that specialty airwomen are to b .ded lervies ccm sions m .six branches ol W.A.A F.- secretarial, < n, eauiir Bnd admlnistrai They will be the first I commissioned m 'he force .sinco before VJ. Da Renter.
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 58 2 HA\!i -Albert Pierrei; hangman, ysterdav In lin supervised the execution of five ex-Nazi ITe will carry out a further hangings today. Among thos? on his list are 14 guards sentenced for kill— ing 12 Allied airmen aftor a mass escape from Stnl 3 during the war. In all
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 80 2 CAMBRIDGE. Friday- Sir Arthur Hor)e. fonm r Governor of Madras, was cited as rorespond nt m an undefend d divorce suit at Cambridge terday. Mr T. H. Lincoln was granted a decree nisi rind costs on the ground ol aultery of his wife, Beatrice Dorothea, with S r
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1091 2 NOTICES NOTICE Notice is hereby given that St. Josephs Trade School. 9\-i milestone Bukit Timah Road, will open ■bortly. For the first year the main .sections will be. (1) General Mechanfcs, (ii) Carpentry, (iii) Printinß. Electricity, Motoring and Sewing will later be added. Applications can be handed In now The
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    • 754 2 NOTICES EDUCATIONAL NOTICE PASIR PANJANG GOVERNMENT SCHOOL, it is hoped, will reopen about April, 1948. Applications for admission should be submitted to the Dy. Director of Education. Singapore, before 29th Feb., 1948. Application forms may be obtained at Pasir Panjang Police Station. EDUCATIONAL NOTICE It is hoped to open a
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    • 662 2 NOTICES BRITISH STORES v DISPOSAL BOARD BT ORDER OF THE DIRECTOR DISPOSALS. FAR EASTERN AREA (M.0.8.) The following tenders have been circulated to Registered Contractors during the past week: SINGAPORE AREA. Tender 259. Closing date 6th February 1948 for Racks, Extinguishers Fire. Scales Weighing. Ladder. Trolley. Tubing Various, Machine Potato
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    • 308 2 IN THE MATTER OF THE ISLAND INVESTMENT CO., LTD. At an Extraordinary General Meeting of the abovenamed Company duly convened and held at the Registered Office of the Company, NTS. Building. Singapore, on 24th January. 1948. the following Special Resolution was duly passed That The Island Investment Company Limited be
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    • 75 2 MALAYAN AIRWAYS LTD, NOW TWICE DAILY SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR North-bound South-bound Singapore dep. 07.30 15.15 Penang dep. 11.30 X Lumpur 09.00 16.30 'P° h 1215 Ipoh 10.05 X Lumpur 13.15 17. 00 Penang arr. 11.00 Singapore arr 14.45 18.15 For reservations ring Singapore 2636 I Kuala Lumpur 2467 Ipoh 93
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  • 517 3 Kashmir Plan 'Not Acceptable LAKE SUCCESS, Friday. THE Indian delegate (Mr. G. Ayyangar), objected strongly to resolutions on the Kashmir problem put before the Security Council last night. The two resolutions, one to provide mediatory action to end fighting in Kashmir and another to set up a
    Reuter  -  517 words
  • Article, Illustration
    37 3 Practising m St. Moritx, Switzerland, for the approaching Winter Olympics, Dick Button, U.S. figure skating champion, makfs a spectacular leap which, by a camera illusion, seems to c»rry him above the mountains m the background. A.P. picutre.
    AP  -  37 words
  • 140 3 LAKE SUCCESS, Friday. 1 •TVHE United Nations 1 Palestine Commission I decided last night to help| organize immediately a Jewish-controlled militia to enforce, if necessary, partition of Palestine. The five-nation Commission also agreed to accept an offer of the Jewish Agency to take the lead in
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  • 134 3 REPORT ON HONG KONG 'INCOMPLETE' HONG KONG. Friday. Maj.-Gen. C. M. Maltby's dispatches on the fall of Hong Kong were "far from complete" said the British-own-ed newspaper. The China Mail. The colony's defences "degenerated into the muddle lor which Gen. Maltby him- j vif was partially to blame," the paper
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  • 88 3 CAPETOWN, Friday.— The South African Government is studying means of holding a conference with Indian and Pakistan delegates to restore friendly relations between the two dominions. The South African Prime Minister (Gen. Smuts) told this to an Indian deputation here, yesterday. The deputation met the Prime
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • 82 3 TODAY Y's Men's Club, luncheon mect-j ing. Dr. H. B. Amstutz en "Mo-' dem Trends of Youth in America,' Cecil's Restaurant, i.15 p.m. Union Jack Club, North Bridge Road, Saturday Ni«ht Cabaret, 8 p.m. Y.M.C.A.. Orchard Road, chess club. 3 p.m. TOMORROW Public meeting. Dr. Cugenlo Ferreira. Minister
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  • 42 3 BF 7E, Switzerland. Frida-. Princess Barbara Hutton Troubetzkoy, 35. five and tea cent store heiress, rallied slightly after a relapse* which followed a recent serious operation. She is now under tihe care of a world famous heart specia"
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  • 354 3 LONDON, Friday. PARLIAMENT yesterday approved the multilateral Geneva Trade and Tariff Agreement despite sharp Opposition attacks. An amendment that the Government should not sub] nit prematurely to the principle of nondiscrimination m its commercial relations was defeated by 256 votes to 111. Moving the amendment Mr.
    Reuter  -  354 words
  • 18 3 Bethesda Bras Basab Road. 8.30 a.m. and 5.30 p.m. Bethesda (Katong) 8.30 a.m.. 10 a.m. and 5.30 p.m.
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  • 364 3 TO-MORROW'S services in Sin1 gapore churches are as follows: Church of England: St. Andrews Cathedral 7 a.m., 8 a.m.. 10.30 a.m.. Tl.15 a.m. and 5.30 pjn.; St. George's Garrison Church (Tanglin) (open to civilians also) 7.15 a.m.. 9 a.m., 9.45 a.m.. 6.30 p.m.; Christ Church (Dorset Road> 7
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  • 266 3 PARIS, Friday. AT 2.30 today the National Assembly adopted by 307 votes to 286 the Schuman Government's bill to withdraw from circulation all 5,000- j franc notes, representing about one third of the! total currency. The Government sudenly deciced yesterday on this move in order
    Reuter  -  266 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 351 3 HERE AGAIN! COOPER S GENUINE JOCKEY SHORTS AND VESTS IN SEVERAL MODELS FOR MEN, YOUTHS AND BOYS OIHITEHUIRVS (WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW CO.. LTD.) ISSSS^^L. 1 55ii*****3 Kgjj^iglflß I BANDSPREAD ror AC pl(.v«rfulp 1( .v«rful Kxport t-.alv» 100/250 Volt ..iipertietrrodvne letciVH MODEL A69 Spec a' Features u;< r-tunrd It.F. Aniplifirr stage operative
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    • 279 3 Those ernp +L) MILK BOTTLES... are restricting supplies to YOU anu other customers when you fail to return them to your store By promptly returning all empty bottles, you protect your own supplies cf fresh milk. Inserted by The LIDO DANCE HALL SWIMMING POOL Hi Mile, Pasir Pan jane R->ad
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  • 958 4 Minister's Call To The Chinese From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Friday. IN an eve-of-the-Federation message to the people of Malaya, the Under-Secretary of State for Colonies, Mr. D. R. Rees-Williams, calls on the Malayan Chinese to "come m and work the new Constitution." He described to the
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  • 188 4 Ceylon Under-Cut Malaya •"THE rubber market has 1 been Influenced this week more by the threat to sterling constituted by the devaluation of the franc, than by normal trade factors. The UJ5JL showed Uttle interest in tfcis market, and Ceylon is reported to hare been under-selling Malaya both ki London
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  • 38 4 The president of Persatuan Melayu, Johore, denies that this Malay Association is included among those which recently sent to the British Prime Minister a telegram protesting against the inauguration of the new Federation of Malaya^
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  • 31 4 The Muslim Relief Committee. Perak North, has sent $1,140.45 to the Secretary of the Pakistan Relief Fund i.i Karachi. Included m this sum is $200 donated by the Sultan of Perak.
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  • 91 4 Rubber lost i of a cent on ih* local market yesterday. No. 1 sheet f.0.b.. buyers, closed last, night at 40 7/8 cents per lb with, sellers. 41 1/3 cents. Spot loose, buyers were 40 5/8 cents and, sellers, 41 1/8 cents. The market
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  • 234 4 By A Martiet Correspondent REPORTS of impending increases in rice ration and the free movement of rice between the Malayan Union and Singapore helped to ease conditions on the local rice market, yesterday. Most other section were unchanged. Yesterday 'i prices were: Rice Unclassified: No. 1
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  • Article, Illustration
    34 4 The first New South Wales policewomen appeared m Sydney streets last week. Constable Amy Mullgate, 24. said it gave her a "wonderful feeling" to see a line of traffic obey her command. A.G.I.S. picture.
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  • 41 4 MALACCA. Friday The Malacca Eurasian Association has decided to alter their rules to permit the admission o/ women to full membership. The reason for this is, it Is stated, that Eurasian women arc evincing more interest m public affairs than hitherto.
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  • 308 4 CJHAW Brothers have contracted with London Film Productions to release all Sir Alexander Korda's films m their chain of theatres m Malaya, Borneo Siam and Indo-China. i Mr. Run Run Shaw said yesterday his company had absorbed most ol the London Film Productions staff
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 379 4 GREAT WORLD ARENA— tonightv. ALL STAR WRESTLING $3000 FIGHT TO A FINISH S3OOO Vhe World's Greatest Heavyweight CIIA ON OF EUROPE Wk Thr Most Ferocious And >*%9 Relentless I '.ght'Bg f, «^fl» iW^l^ Ma. him- Of These Times -jM OH^BKm fcify. Hr GEORGE ZBISKO CHAMPION OF POLAND and hi y
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    • 264 4 Visit Our Carpet Museum for Genuine Persian, Bokhara Indian CARPETS RUGS S. QURESHI CO., 67, The Arcade, Sr« Flooi (Entrance from Raffle* Place) Telephone 6453 TNE GREAT EASTERN OPTICAL CO.. 275 South Bridge Bd., Singapore QUALIFIED OPTICIANS C Y. FAN Opt D. (Phila) Tel. Y~'A Ijrt Est 7236 J1925J 1925
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  • 391 5 From A Suburban Diary IANUARY 30.—Decide to spend entire morning being domestic airing Boxes, washing Hair, Greasing Face, doiner T ails and generally rehabilitating House and Self. Embark on Hairwashing and, having accomplished Oiat, grease Pace and paint Nails the only chaste shade of pale pink that
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 33 5 'r, a lo smoke a Matinee sis to m) find a new refinement 4jO(V ol an old pleasure... 00?^ iWJ Cigarette obtainable. Im m^ F- 4m\ i\^rA fm WKmf- /•lff- $*l oo&r MA'i-i
      33 words
    • 192 5 luscious fruit juice? jyQßSg^ TO QUENCH fruity tut* of Mjrnor Fruit Cup /^l M 9 tomes from th« balanced blend /rW N of oranjes, lemons, pineapple! /A I fUli Bf ups »nd children enjoy the aBIJll'Sf CotaiM.'ifK delicious tut* of Mynor, they <jj\/wB benefit from the valuable i I vitamin*
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  • 8 6 PCTRIE—Bruce died Perth, Australia. 27th. January. 1946.
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  • 40 6 Will the many friends of Mr. St Mrs. Norman Batcheller kindly accept this expression of thanks for the messages of sympathy and beautiful flowers received after the sad loss of their little daughter Ann Patricia, on 21st January 1948.
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  • 1043 6 The Straits Times Singapore. Sat., Jar., 31, 1948. BLAMING THE BRITISH The latest production of AMCJA and PUTERA is a pamphlet which is described as •'an analysis of the communal problem in relation to the constitutional issue." Like all the policy statements which the intellectuals of the M.D.U. write for
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  • 129 6 MOSCOW, Frida y —Wider applica.ion of the ece rat« bonus systems \re to be given special attention in th* thousands of trade union contracts to be signud In the Soviet Union between Februarv and March. The All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, which has
    AP  -  129 words
  • 1373 6 A Malayan Countryman's Diary r£E squatter in the Little Dusun, whose chief job is that of tapping on the big estate opposite, has finished making his home, which hm no doubt much prefers to the ordinary estate labourers' quarters. The wall:: are of bark, a
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  • 580 6 SEVERAL weeks ago Tuan Djek asked why honey does not appear in that monumental two-volume work, Burkill's "Dictionary Of The Economic Products Of The Malay Peninsula." A Malayan entomologist has written to Tuan Djek on this point as follows: "I think that Burkill did not include honey
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 772 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED immediately one manageress for a small boarding Box A1743. S.T. BOX NO. 390 Clerk/Typist. A nil cants are thanked, position ban now been filled. WANTED transformer windin? i-anic. Only experienced an need apply. Box Ni A 733 S T WANTED. By British Firm. InDt Junior
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    • 16 6 EYE COMFORT VISUAL EFFICIENCY depend on Professional Skill Complete Modern Equipment C. S. CHONG. OPT: D.
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    • 52 6 i^'WaN l/\i*TANXTAVe 0 5 COKE x r <« Tfe JJL Oh t >4/ Lflki^Lfl Ed jm3 iklltNfMMCNl Wfc I V FM. FLINTER S. GRINS T WHOLESALE RETAIL OfiAl.EkS <n DIAMONDS and JEWELLEKi Just Received A New Shipment o. 14 18 CARAT GOLD CIGARETTE CASE; 67. Stamford Rd. Eu Court Building
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  • 647 7 Indians To, FastAsMark Of Respect ]y|ALAYA, and in particular the Indian community, was stunned last night by the news of the death by assassination of Mahatma Gandhi. Open disbelief, then doubt and then, when the fact could no longer be denied, open-hearted grief was the reaction
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  • 228 7 FLOODS inundated lowlying areas of Singa- pore yesterday. The high tide which came after 1 p.m. aggravated the overflow from the already swollen drains. Some of the areas flooded included Cross Street, Kim Seng Road. Grove Road and Upper Serangoon. Eighteen inches of water were reported in Orchard
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  • 53 7 Stanislaus Emanuel De'Souza, a 36-year-old Eurasian appeared before the Second Police Court Magistrate, Mr. L C. Goh, yesterday charged with theft. It was alleged that De'Souza committed theft of $46 cash at the General Post Office at 4 p.m. yesterday. De'Souza claimed trial and the case was postponed
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  • 193 7 S'pore Man Rewarded For Bravery PR his bravery in the rescue of a Singapore labourer who was overcome by gas, a Municipal officer, "Mr. J. C. Silberman, was presented with an honorarium by the Municipal Commissioners at a meeting yesterday. The Municipal President (Mr. L. Rayman), made the presentation. He
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  • 155 7 Activities of the youth of the Seventh Day Adventist Church were discussed during the Far Eastern Division general conference at Thomson Road, Singapore, yesterday. Pastor R. S. Watts spoke of the great part the young people of nations in the Orient must play in the evangelisation uf
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  • 216 7 INCREASE in the price of rice throughout Malaya x from 25 to 30 cents a katty was officially announced last night, in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. The increase in both the* price and ration of rice will take effect on Feb. 2. In the Union the
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  • 71 7 The Nederland Line ship Oranje yesterday left Singapore for Batavia eight days behind schedule. Strong winds and currents prevented the 20,000 tons ship from drawing alongside th? Harbour Board wharves on Thursday. Yesterday, Singapore passengers and their families disembarked at Clifford Pier. The Oranje which had
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  • 219 7 To Support F.T.U. In One Day Strike yHE Singapore Municix pal Labour Union will associate themselves with the Singapore Federation of Trade Unions in staging a one-day strike on Feb. 1. The strike is in protest aeainst the introduction an that day of the new Federal Constitution in the Malayan
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  • 261 7 'THE Suiian and Sultanah of Johore gave a banquet m honour of the retiring 1 Resident Commissioner (Mr. E. E. F. Pretty) and Mrs Pretty, on Thursday nieht. I 1 Jf Among the 100 guests were members of all communities and representatives of Government,
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  • 69 7 rpHE Straits Times editorial X department was besieged with telephone calls from members of the Singapore Indian community throughout last night and the early hours of this morning. In voices which ranged m tone from crave concern to undisguised grief, they sought confirmation of the news. which
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  • 373 7 A HEAVY shower of rain yesterday caused an alteration to the ceremony, at which the Singapore Governor (Sir Franklin Gimson) presented eight police medals for conspicuous raUantry and four police medals for meritorious service to members of the Singapore Police Force. The ceremony
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  • 72 7 A regional statistical conference which yesterday concluded four days ol delibt rations im Singapore recommended methods of be.tcr estimating: rice production a:.- grading rice, and early construction of indices for wage rats, hours of work, cost of living, consumer and retail rices for Eastern countries. The conference,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 32 7 TODAY'S SAFETY FIRST SLOGAN— 3 Wait until the road is clear before you cross. Ml brandy Over 2 Centuries 1 °f Reputation Sole /\t(cnts for Maloya: •■.8 CO.(«u»)L7D. 24 ROBiNcoN rd Singapore
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    • 73 7 4G U IT ARS COLLECTED FROM THREE COUNTRIES England, Italy Czechoslovakia PRICES FROM $65.00 Good Tone and Craftsmanship IMPORTED BY: KELLER PIANO Co. 2, ORCHARD ROAD SINGAPORE. Lower COST^ if for ease of transport I and economical ff storage of materials 1/ on platforms to suit. If you fthouid instal
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  • 327 8 Workshop Was Not Licensed THE room m 89-B Lavender Street m which an explosion occurred on Jan. 23 causing" the death of seven Chinese was being used as a workshop for making children's fireworks known as sparklers. This was stated by A.S.P. Mr. W. H. P.
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  • 118 8 DUTCH WELCOME A.P. LIFT pOMMENTING on the abolition of A.P. forms in the Malayan Union and Singapore, a spokesman of the Netherlands I Consulate-General said yesterday that the lifting of any restrictions was a step in the right direction. He pointed out, however, exports from the Netherlands East Indies were
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  • 73 8 The following new appointments were gazetted yesterday: Mr. A. Williams, to act as Financial Secretary. Singapore, with effect from Jan. 23. Mr. K. C. Tours, to act as Principal Assistant Secretary. Colonial Secretary's Office, from Jan. 23. Mr. R. F. H. Caddick, to act as Trade Union
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  • 75 8 Tong Kirn Yoke and Lim Ah Ang, two middle-aged Chinese were charged m the Third Police Court yesterday with having attempted to cheat Hee Pali on Jan. 29 at 3.30 p.m. It was alleged that the two accused had impersonated members of Dalforce and tried
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  • 158 8 To Fight For Women's Rights MRS. Malathy Pillai, the only woman to announce hw candidature; for the new Singapore, Legislative Council, says that if elected she will campaign for increased gnition of women's rights. She is the wife of Mr. K. S. Pillal, the managing-pro-prietor of the Kerala Bhandu Press.
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  • 315 8 A FIGHT between two boys over the possession of a kite, which resulted in the death of one of them, had a sequel in the Singapore Assize Court yesterday. In the dock was 18-year-old Koh Ah Bee, who was charged with committing culpable homicide
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  • 80 8 The Spitfires of No. 28 Squa- dron which flew to Hong Kong I on a training flight earlier this month under the command of Squadron Leader I. Broom are due to arrive back at Tengah i airfield about mid-day today. The flight, an exercise m
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  • Article, Illustration
    58 8 The Rev. Ronald McLeod and Mrs. McLeod after their wedding yesterday at St. Andrew's Cathedral. The Rev. McLeod is a Royal Air Force chaplain. The bride was formerly Miss Gladys Patricia Hughes, a nursing sister at the R.A.F. Hospital, Changi. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hughes of
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  • 231 8 Municipal Commissioners yesterday turned down a proposal that, by way of showing appreciation of the past services rendered by Mr. John Laycock, he should be granted the use of hoardings round the Kallang gas works at a nominal fee of $1 for the purpose of
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  • Malayan Round-up
    • 93 8 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Friday. FIVE armed pirates attacked a motor vessel two hours out of Penang on Wednesday. They took cash and textiles worth $5,800. The victims, who were released after being imprisoned in two cabins, returned to Penang yesterday, to report
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    • 61 8 IPOH. Friday— Inche Puteh Marian Dlnti Ibrahim for office in the Federation Rashid is fhe first woman Councillor of State appointed of Malaya. She took a leading part in the discussions which led to, and '*-as present at. the sipnme, of the State and Federation Treaties last week.
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    • 58 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. Official sources m Kuala Lumpur today said Government was considering the question of granting tax exemptions for beer for the forces m the Malayan Union. The development follows the action by the Singapore Advisory Council yesterday m granting exemption to the forces for beer
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    • 63 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Friday.— Two Sikhs, Sucha Singh ocdi Root Singh, round an Austin car m Maxwell Road on the night of Aug. 7 last year. They stripped it of wheels and tyres. They were each sentenced to four years' rigorous impri-sc.-imnt at the Selangor Assizes today. The car
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    • 60 8 MALACCA. Friday— Malacca raised $1,028.65 for medical and other relief to be sent to distressed persons m Indonesia. A cheque for this sum has been forwarded to the president of Planag Merah Indonesia (Malaya), Singapore. The relief fund committe: mugam, with Mr. Tan Cheng oha'rman was Mr. S.
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    • 64 8 IPOH, Friday.— Mr. L. Chin, of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, referred to the possibility of setting upa Chinese Consulate soon in Ipoh. He told his luncheon hosts, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce here, that a consulate in Perak was necessary in view of the States large Chinese population.
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    • 26 8 The 86th birthday anniversary of Swami Vlvekananda Will be celebrated by the Singapore Ramakrlshna Mission tomorrow at the Mission premises. Norris Road, startling from 6 p.m.
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    • 102 8 Soldier Acts As Court Interpreter THE Second Police Court Magistrate (Mr. L. C. Goh), yesterday thanked a member of the Royal Pioneer Company (Ceylon) for his services. He was Sergeant A. E. H. Vijeyekoon, who acted as an interpreter m a case where D. H. Deonis. a Sinhalese Jeweller was
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    • 168 8 THE QUtttton of forming a special Labour Committee io deal with matters affectkm the weliaie of Municipal labourers, would be given further consid; ration, the Sinsapore Municipal President, (Mr. L. Ray man), said at a meetimg of the Municipal Commissioner^ yesterday. Mr. Rayman was speaking or a reply,
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    • 60 8 The Victim of the $5,000 armed robbery which occurred on Wednesday night at the Rev. Chew Hock Hin's house in Hillside Drive, was Mr. K. H. Lim. Mr. K. H. Lim said he was the occupant while Rev. Chew was away in America, and the jewellery belongs to
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    • 58 8 Tiie Cuief Fire Officer (Mi. Arthur Platt) said yesterday that all members of the Singapore Fire Brigade staff were on duty on the Hartal day. on Oct. 20, last year. The Straits- Times incorrectly reported in last' Wednesday's issue that 150 member; of the Fire Brigade did net
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 465 8 Why Wisdom is made this Shape (and only this shave) I^gjSj VOTISDOM'S cranked aandle like every other detail of us shape I U scientifically designed to MM I correct teetb cleaning easy Hot I example, the correct way to .irao EUe^K MMm outside upper back teeth is shown at lUPff
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  • Straits Times SATURDAY FORUM
    • 515 9 ROAD-HOGS OF BUKIT TIMAH RD. TIME and time again the local newspapers and public have given much space and thought to the traffic problem m Singapore. "The Keep Death Off The Roads" and "Safety First" campaigns have done good, for there has been a drop m the number of road
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    • 208 9 Back Pay And Bank Balances I KNOW personally of one officer m the employ of the Malayan Union Government who is a millionaire now. He has investmenta m Ceylon worth more than $500,000. In Malaya, to my knowledge, he is worth as least $2,000,000. He has estates, bungalows, shophouses, cars,
      208 words
    • 228 9 Municipal Service Promotions AS one who was in the Municipal Service for seventeen years, and who might not have resigned if the Establishments Board had been formed earlier, I believe that the objection raised by the Heads of Departments against the formation of such a Board recently by the Commissioners
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    • 71 9 IN response to the Municipality's request to economise in the use of electricity during the last few months, I did my humble best. My last bill received from, them a day or so ago included a minimum charge for not' having used enough electricity!!! This is
      71 words
    • 165 9 I NOTICE in your afternoon contemporary this reference: "Shiploads of Jood are reaching England and tags bearing the names and addresses of recipients to affix to them are being sent by air daily from Australia."' I It is also stated that ware-house accommodation is being
      165 words
    • 125 9 XHE announcement that 1 additional night classes in commercial subjects are to be opened early this year in Kuala Lumpur is indeed very encouraging. The report that five separate classes In English that were opened in May last failed to attract good attendance is perhaps due to
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    • 240 9 WE have read Mr. Wharf's frank criticism of the Blood Transfusion Service for not being open on Sundays. Every effort is made by the Service to be open to the public on all other days. The reason why the Blood Transfusion Service is closed for the
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    • 199 9 Singapore Could Do Belter AS a visitor to Singapore, 1 entirely agree With "L.P.S." m your recent Saturday Forum that we could improve conditions here m Singapore by copying Penang's trolley bus services. The Singapore Traction Co.. deriving its income irom :he public of Singapore, shou'd afford more comfort to
      199 words
    • 73 9 |T is disgusting to know that letters have been thrown away by a Penang postman because "he had too many letters to deliver." I hope nothing of that sort will happen again, as it may cause misunderstanding between friends or spoil burr.ess prospects. Postal officials should see that
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 202 9 'cabaret; cIOU^V KEEP FRESH AIR I§^ 2» CIRCULATING WITH /J^' STROMBERG-CARLSON AIR-CIRCULATORS < Are not fans; they replace them and bad air too. Customer comfort counts. j For a demonstration on f site Phone— 4^^^ AUSTRAL ASIAN TRADING CO., LTD. 34. Medeiros Bldg 18. Cecil St.. Spore— Tel. ***** 45.
      202 words
    • 187 9 /certainiy\ I —plenty of QxercisG^-\ to keep you /ff < k \INTRIM"I[ (V^lyn t^e all know thai physical exercise it good (or health, but it'i not «o widely trahsed that Inner Cleanliness plays a vital pan m keeping us fit. AocJrrwi brings Innet Cleanliness, and rherc't nothing to iavigorating n
      187 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 560 9 South dtaler heart and oae s P a de from Bo?h rab'. ST"-* then Ied low to d 0-«. the nine and returned the spade Queen through East. Naturally > OK I It. the latter did not cover, and while Q 10 2 declarer was hesitating over V K .">
      560 words

  • 420 10 LONDON, Friday. FEATURE on the London Stock Exchange yesterday was a boom m Italian bonds on the announcement that arrears of interest on sterling bonds would be paid, says Reuter's financial correspoo dent. Other sections showing strength were Oils and Tins, the latter being irregular to higher Selected
    420 words
  • 60 10 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association's prices at noon yesterday were: Buyers Bellers Cta. Cts. per lb. per Ib. No. 1 R.S.S. Spot loose nominal 40} 41 No. 1 R.S.S. fob In bales Feb. 40) 41 Mo. 3 R.S.S. fob in bales Feb. 40* 401 No. 3 R.S.S.
    60 words
  • 82 10 Rubber Drice fluctuations on the London market since free rubber dealings were restored at the btvinnlmr of 1947 were: Per 1b c.i.f. Maximum Minimum January February March April Mav June Julv August September October November December 1 1 1116 12 ***** 1 1 12% I 1 7|16
    82 words
  • 63 10 Malayan Tin Dredging Ltd. announces that In the quarter ended December 31 last their output was 3,544 plculs. Three dredges were working and No. 5 dredge commenced operating during November. The output for the same quarter by Southern Malayan Tin Dredging Ltd. was 9,040 piculs. They also had
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  • 65 10 Kinta Kellas Tin Dredging Is resuming dividends with a 7% per cent, less tax. Interim In respect of the year ending 3Jst March. The previous payment was also a 74 per cent, less tax Interim for 1941-42, when no final dividend was declared, the property in the
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  • 862 10 By Our Market Correspondent. npiNS remained firm on the local share market. Business was slightly less than on the JL previous three days. Nevertheless most prices were marked up. Industrials were firm witb little scrip passing. Quotations given by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association were as follows: INDUSTRIALS
    862 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 611 10 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. i lururoorateo ir SUuraoore) BLUE FUNNEL LINE SAILINGS FROM I) ft. AND OS. A. -Trtin" Dut from II.X eb "Atreus" Due from U.K "Prometheus" Due from U.S.A "RSirsui" Dv» from U.K Feb. 1» "Memnon- Due from U.K. "Elprnor" »ue from U.K Feb. Zl SAILINGS FOR LIVERPOOL GLASGOW
      611 words
      180 words
    • 211 10 Shippers and others interested m Shipping Intelligence are referred to advertferaiento ia Col. 1 and 2 opposite page and to Shipping Notices on Page 2 P.titO. S.N. Coy. M. S. "TREVETHOE" FOR GENOA AND LONDON, AND HAMBURG, ROTTERDAM VIA LONDON. MARSEILLES AND/OB HAVRE IF SUFFICIENT INDUCEMENT OFFERS LOADING SINGAPORE FEB.
      211 words
    • 544 10 BUCKNALL PACIPi^ HAVRE, LONDON po»T«T ANTWERP "CITY OF KHARTOUM" 4 '30U6A1u..^ Dae Singapore 12 Mar Ol< 4pnu McALISTER CO.. LTD. 'li.c rr,, ■i-.anorp' PHONF S«»fl« BOUSTEAD CO., LTD LLOYDS AGENTS Agent* for Ma lava Railway* GLEN LINt SALEN-SK/MCKN IJVK Sailings to and from Cnlna. **>—_ *t»mntn London Amsterdam Rotterdam PoMland
      544 words

  • 1061 11  -  S.E. NELSON ATHLETES OF THE WORLD PREPARE -I By The 1948 Olympic Games have ceased to be a subject for distant speculation, and m many fields the probable individual contestants are already known. This is the first of three articles dealing with the men and women who
    1,061 words
  • 647 11  -  ALLEYNIAN By A REMARKABLE feature of post-war Malayan rk racing has been the unqualified success of horses either bred or raced m Western Australia. From the moment they were set toi earn their corn horses f from that part of Australia have totted up an
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 309 11 AMERICAN MAIL LINE I AST DIRECT SERVICE I l.os Antrrl.-s San Francisco, Portland Seattle Vancouver. "AMERICAN MAIL" loads Penang 6th Feb. Swettenham 9th Feb. Singapore 11th Feb. For Freieht passage please apply to: Agents;- GUTHRIE CO., LTD. Phone 5131 EVERETT ORIENT LINE Sails For Saigon, li'kong, S'hai m/s Studding Sail
      309 words
    • 282 11 UL 7th GREAT DAY/ #f GONE ifflE THE WIND AN M.G.M. PICTURE m Technicolour starring Clark Vivien Leslie Olivia do GABLE LEIGH HOWARD HAVILLAND ONLY 3 PERFORMANCES DAILY! 12.40 p.m.— 5.00 p.m.— 9.20 p.m. AIR A n V ''HONE COOLED MT M, A UJJ 5159 -NEXT CHAN«?i3Z!! You Will Spend
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 94 11 RADIO MALAYA (S'JfORI 1 p.m. Radio Orch.; 1.30 News. Share Market; 1.45 Dance Music Edmundo Roe; 2.00 Close. 8.15 News, announcements; 8.20 Sports Round-Up; 8.30 Variety; 9.45 Dance Music; 10.30 Rhythm' 11.30 News, Close. RADIO MALAYA K.L > 1 pm. See S'pore. 5.00 Sports; 8.35 Racing Results; 8.40 South American
      94 words
    • 118 11 Rubber Prices; 10.00 Film TYanscrtption "Nicholas Nickleby;" 10.30 Magazine for women in India and Pakistan; 11.00 Rhythm; 1130 News St Analysis: 11.45 Dance Music: 12.00 Close. RADIO SEAC am. Music; 8.49 Morning Star; 9.00 BBC Symphony Concert; 9.45 BBC Variety; 10.15 Pian Playtime: 10.48 Serenade to the Stars; 11.00 Composer
      118 words
    • 120 11 RADIO AUSTRALIA Two Station*— Hits from the Movies; 9.45 Music for Millions; 10. OC Variety Bandbox; 10U0 Requests; 10.40 Andre Kostelanetz jQrgh.' 10.45 Songs from the ;8hoVs; 1100 Violin Coftcerto in O. Minor bv Max Bruch; 11.80 Close. 4 p.m. Sport; 4.40 Music Lovers' Hour; 4.45 Musical Feature (BBC); 5.15
      120 words

  • 762 12  -  EPSOM JEEP By Big Fields For Today's Races IPOH, Friday. THE best bet for tomorrow's races here is John Bull, an easy winner in his last outing at Penang. Two other good bets are No Regrets and Sylvan Lass. There have been few scratchings,
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  • 1307 12 DELOW are the acceptances for today, the first day of the Perak Turf Club's January-February Meeting The Double Totes will be on races 3 and 4, and races 6 and 7. The Big Sweep will be drawn on race 8. Race 1—2.30: Horses CI. 4, Div. 5, 5F.
    1,307 words
  • 43 12 FINAL hints on today's Ipoh races from the Straits Times racing correspondent, "Epsom Jeep", will appear in today's Singapore Fre« Press. "Epsom Jeep" will indicate the horses most favoured on the course this morning and the latest state of the coins.
    43 words
  • 59 12 ADELAIDE. Friday. Mr. W. H. Jcancs. Secretary of the Australian Cricket Board of Control, has announced that G. S. Cooper and A. Barlow will be the umpires for the fifth Test match between Australia and India beginning at Melbourne on Feb. 6 Mr. Cooper comt.s from South Australia
    Reuter-AAP  -  59 words
  • 336 12 By EPSOM JEEP DROBABLE Jockeys lor to1 day's races at Ipoh are as follows RACE 1: Desert King (Jcffers), Foundation Stone (J. Donnelly) The Thistle (Woods), Moonsunstar (Harper), Inipravo (Tait), Jaunty (E. lionnelly), Carmana (Flannery), Donalla (Bagby), Thirteen (T u' r n e r), Skipper iDawson), Don Q
    336 words
  • 47 12 ST. MORITZ. Friday—Amateur winter sports champions from 28 nations marched m a colourful parade down the main street of this gala capital of ice and snow this morning for the official opening of the Winter Olympic Games. Twenty thousand fr\ns jammed the streets.— U.P.
    UP  -  47 words
  • 102 12 'PORT OF SPAIN, Friday r3 M. C. C. captair G.O. Allen, caused surprise when, after winning the toss, he sent Trinidad m to bat on a matting wicket under perfect conditions. Trinidad scored 192 for hree. Ganteaume being lbw. o the last ball of the day with
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  • 257 12 THE Army have selected a fast and balanced side to play the Singapore Cricket Club m today's key match m the five-, cornered rupbv competition. Owing to injuries and do- partures of personnel, the j Army have made severai changes In their side.
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  • 163 12 "EPSOM JEEP" "T-ESPASSER* TOINTFR" Ra<* 1 1. SKIPPER 2. DonalU 3. The Thistle FOUNDATION STONE Carman* Desert King CARMAN Foundation Stone Desert King RACE I 1. ADORABLE 2. Fair Week 3. Te Taki FAIR WEEK Adorable Dark Cerane PEGGY'S CHOICE Dark Cerane Lovely Bore RACE S 1.
    163 words
  • 300 12 S 'pore Turf Club To Resume Donations O PEAKING at the annual general meeting of the Singapore Turf Club last evening, the acting chairman (Dr. P. S. Hunter) said the Club's finances do not permit donations to charitable institutions at present. He pointed out that It was with regret the
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  • 141 12 'THE Singapore Chinese YMCA beat the Ying Ying Club at table tennis on Wednesday by six games to one. Detailed results (C h i nese Y.M.C.A. players mentioned first): Singles: George Chen beat Leong Yat Choon 21-15, 21-13, 21-13; Kwan Sung Ho beat Pang Cheong Wing 21-15. 21-18,
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  • 68 12 As the ground is unfit for play, today's fixture in the Sineapore Hockey Association knockout competition between the Ceylon Sports Club 2nd XI and the Singapore District Signals has been postponed to next Friday. Today the P. T. Union will play the Katong Eurasians on the S.R.C. ground
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  • 40 12 CHICAGO. Friday. Joe Louis, fat and flabby as any boxing champion had ever been, overpowered Bob Foxworth, an Illino's heavyweight winning an unofficial decision m a four-round exhibition bout. Louis weighed 220 lb. and Foxworth 177 lb.— UP.
    UP  -  40 words
  • 167 12 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Friday PENANG will go on to th« Kuala Lumpur pndang tomorrow for the ninth All Blues Cup fin:>l against Sdangor with th>» right to believe that thoy are tlie stronger side and should win. Their outstanding race this season
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  • 61 12 ST. MORITZ. I /Ida makeshift solution of the Olympic ice hockey mixup was reached last night The secretary of the InterncUjonal Olympic Committed Otto Meyer, announced that all nine nations entered in the hockey competition u-11 play as scheduled. The announcement by Meyer means that the team representing
    61 words
  • 111 12 rOOAT RUGBY: Five-cornrred compete ion Army v. S.l'.C, udang, 5 p.m. HOCKEY: S II knockout tourninnrt P. T. Union v. Katong Eurasians. S.K.( 5 p.m.; Cable A: TThflf XI v. Cults. S.E.S. ground Simon Road, 5 p.m. CRICKET: Raffl«-s Cullrgc Intcr-Facully match. Bukit Timali Road, 1.30 p in
    111 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 706 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. 'Continued trom ow 8) MOMMOUAIION WANTED PAYING OUE8T accommodation urerntlv required by M. N. nnd wife. Box A1746. ST. 3TNOLI ROOM and full board ii urea oprn outlook for K'lr'in^n. bachelor elderly. Reply Box No A 1720. ST. -=-riROPKAN BUSINESS GIRL accommodation In Private II <:ne. Part Board
      706 words
    • 237 12 Whether your car is young oj^ old Performance is bettei tvttk Mobiloil I Q uaU iL' umo hd house STANDARD VACUUM OIL COMPANY (/ffCO/tPOPAriD /M US. A. WITH UM/rtD L/AB/L/TYj S/AW4PC#£ JWJ/J L£/MP£/fi PfAMA/O /POH Rheumatism, Ankles Puffy Backache, Kidneys Strained! If >oure feeling oul o-»ort». G« Up tors r^-ords
      237 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous