The Straits Times, 16 January 1948

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 222 1 Men Taken In Pontian From Our Staff Corespondent JOHORE BAHRU, Thursday. A POLICE party patrolling the notorious Scudai-Pontian bandit area late last night arrested six Chinese and iwo Indonesians. The eight men were travelling together m two jeeps and a car. The men were carrying
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  • 114 1 UNO, Thursday. T Chinese Ambassador m London has been instructed by his Government to demand the release of the two Chinese who were imprisoned bj the Hong Ku.'ig Governn>"it on Tuesday. two Chinese were arind gaoled for inciting ii mob of Kowloon squatters to /Ictlon from their
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  • Article, Illustration
    35 1 'i ue Wir Minister. Mr. Emanael Shinwell, examines tome of the lead model soldiers on the army careers display stand when he rtaited the schoolboys' t the Horticultural Hall. London, on June 6. A.P. photo.
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  • 51 1 I m n Our Stafl Correspondent /JNDON. Thursday. Tin G ivernor-General of Malays (Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald will be the guest of the Royal Institute of Internationa] Affairs at a dinnfr at Chatham House on Jan. 28. Major-Gen. Sir Nelll Mai>rmerly General Otfi>mmand:n<j Malf.ya, will nr Straits Times
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  • 63 1 Money And Arms Articles seixed by the police party in their Wednesday night arrests in the Scudai-Pontian area were: Indonesian Republic currency notes, suspected forged, to the value of $250,000; S3. 000 in Straits currency. Two Lew's guns; 186 rounds of .303 ammunition; 272 rounds of Sten gun ammunition. Jon
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  • 259 1 BATAVIA Thursday. rE Republic of Indo-j nesia has accepted i the United Nations Good Offices Committee's proposals designed to effect a. cease-fire truce in Indo-! nesia and the Dutch amendments to the proposals. This was reliably stated here today, although the Republic's official announcement has not
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  • 124 1 rERE was no chance m the "losing price of No. 1 >heet f.0.0. buyers on the local rubber market yesteTday. P'tyeia asain closed at 42 2 :cr.tfi per lb. wilh sellers at 12 585 8 ceints. "Spot loose, buy:rs, -a as 42 U cents and, seil*r.
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  • 522 1 LAKE SUCCESS, Thursday. MR. Gopalaswami Ayyangar, presenting India's case m the United Nations Security Council today, said the Kashmir dispute with Pakistan was a matter of immediate urgency. "The situation is grave today," he said. "It is growing graver every day, thanks to the
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  • Article, Illustration
    37 1 The four-masted Finnish barque Passat, photographed from a launch 25 miles outside Port Swettenham as she gets under way. Picture shows the Passat m the process of unfurling her fore-top gallants, mainsail and stunsails. Straits Times picture.
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  • 102 1 MR. C. H. Da Silva, Mr. Chew flock Leone and Mr. A. F. Taylor have been nominated by the Governor of Singapore to sit on the Malayan Board of Income Tax. Mr. A. Arhuthnott. Haji Eusoff bin Mohd. Yusoff and Mr. Liew Kwang Hon are
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  • 38 1 LONG BEACH. California, Thursday. Fire swept a hangar and repair sheds of the Martin service plant near the Long Beach Municipal Airport last night, damaging or destroying 20 planes m and near the hangar.— A.P.
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  • 146 1 Siam King Was Murdered BANGKOK, Thursday. r THE Government radio 1 announced here toil night the late King Ananda Mahidol was mur1 dered. The police investigation committee investigating the death of the King reached this verdict after it had been determined that the Colt .45 1 calibre automatic found beside
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  • 92 1 JERUSALEM, Thursday— A Jewish plane fired on a Royal Air Force aircraft over the Hebron area, it was oilicially reported today. The official report explained that a British military reconnaissance plane operating over the Hebron area spotted a strange plane, believed to be Jewish, dropping
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  • 320 1 AN Indonesian-owned Dakota aircraft left Kallang airport at dawn yesterday for Sumatra carrying the body ot an Indonesian Republican Army soldier naniod Achmad. Netherlands authorities nave identified the Dakota as RI-002, a Republican military transport which ran quinine from Jogjakarta to Manila last
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  • 91 1 SHANGHAI, Thursday. A strong cordon of police and troops was thrown around the Shanghai-Hongkew wharf at noon today as the Canadian freighter Cliftside docked with a large cargo of Canadian war supplies consigned to the Chinese Government. Unloading proceeded all the afternoon inside a roped-ofl arr>i guarded
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  • 54 1 LONDON, Thursday. Mr. Herbo/t Mqrrison said yesterday that Britain intended to play her "full part" m developing atomic energy "The Government is taking steps to bring science to the forefront of British industry," he said. Government research. Mr. Morrison said, would help increase pvoduction m all lines
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  • 188 1 rpHE office of the Special Commissioner m SouthEast Asia officially announced yesterday that Malaya "Is to get 26,300 tons of rice from Brazil." The same statement includes the paragraph: "The warning against undue optinsm is ol course still applicable." Jhis warning was given by
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 84 1 r mm Just Arrived I a Wide Selection of 5 j GOLD SILVER CIGARETTE CASES j i G. C. de SILVA BROS, j r Jewellers I 3, Raffles Place, j Phone: ***** Spore. IJWtAtisters OFFER "KIIXGERM" FUNGICIDE Foz* Treatment of Bark Diseases o£ RUBBER TREES C^UJBTI Approved by the Rubber
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    • 160 1 I~£^~~^ TIGER p|p BEER COMPETITION RESULTS j A poll of over 2,000 valid votes m the recent Tiger Beer "You be the judge" Competition, awards first prize to Professor Fincklestein of 12 Club Road, Klang. WINNING RHYME SELECTED BY POPULAR VOTE I Tiger! Tiger! sparkling bright li ay tankard every
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  • Cable Flashes
    • 113 2 BRISBANE, Thursday. AN Army officer who rem oved his own appenofx using only a mirror and a knife received the Military Cross and Bar at a Brisbane investiture yesterday. He is Capt. Robert Kerr, McLaren, 50-y ear-old Scottish-born veterinary! surgeon from
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    • 51 2 HONG KONG. Thursday. Hong Kong may become the International Bank's Far East headquarters, according to the field representative. Mr. Raoul de Sercey. Mr. de Sercey visited Hong Hong recently m a threemonth survey tour of Far Eastern countries He was impressed by the Colony's financial and economic stability.
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    • 46 2 DAR-ES-SALAAM, Thursday.—A landslide killed 21 Africans, seriously injured 15 and destroyed the homes of 21 others on the main KilosaIfakara road m Tanganyika yesterday. A mile of the road was deluged m rocks, earth and torrents of water. Huts were buried m the debris. Reuter.
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    • 54 2 HONG KONG, Thursday.— The Salaries Commission report, recommending increases i to Government servants ranging from 200 to 20 per cent, has been received with j mixed feelings. The recommended in- creases, if finally accepted, 1 are expected to cost budgeti deficit Hong Kong another i HK$12
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    • 38 2 ANKARA, Thursday. ["here are no Communists m furkish Government poslions, sa'.d the Vice-Premier, Paih Ahmed Barudju, yesterlay. He said the Government had aken precautionary steps to ;ee that no Communist could let into any important poslion.—A.P.
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    • 63 2 HAMBURG, Thursday. Repeated representations lave been made to Russia ibout femalr German Army personnel imprisoned m Russia, British occupation authorities said yesterday. The authorities were replying to a request by the GerTian Zonal Advisory Council for speedy repatriation. A similar reply was given to i request for inquiries
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    • 67 2 LONDON. Thursday.— The King has granted unrestricted perr lisslon to Lord Mountbatten, Governor- Genera! of India. to wear the Grand Cross of the Order of the Netherl a n d s Lion. The London Gazette announced this yesterday. The decoration was bestowed on ford Mountitten by the Queen
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    • 49 2 MELTON MOWBRAY, Thursday. Anti-tank mines exploded at an ammunition dump near Melton Mowbray yesterday. They killed two soldiers of the Royal Pioneer Corps and injured 19 others. An official announcement said the blast occurred m an iiiF->e<*tion laboratory. The mines were due for disposal at sea. —A.P.
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    • 58 2 FLADBURY. Thursday. One RAF. man was killed and another seriously injured when a Mosquito crashed and laught fire at Fladbury, Worcestershire, yesterday. The plane was headed for Perswore aerodrome. It dived and crashed against a hill. The pilot was killed outright. The other occupant, an aircraftman, was taken
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    • 40 2 WASHINGTON. Thursday. The United States Undersecretary of StLte. Mr. Robert Lovett, said yesterday American policy was to renain m Berlin until a satisfactory settlement between Britain, France and America lad been established regardng the future of Germany. VP.
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    • 44 2 RANGOON, Thursday. About 1,300 prisoners at the Rangoon Central Gaol yesterday abandoned a four-day-aid sit-down strike. They were protesting against "the inadequacy" of the Burmese Independence Day amnesty. Ringleaders of the strike movement were moved to a prison outside Rangoon. Reuter.
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    • 89 2 NEW DELHI. Thursday. Mr. Al Griffith, silviculturlst at the Forest Research Institute of India and the man who helped to film the elephant scenes for Sabu's- "Elephant Boy," has left Delhi. He returns to the United Kingdom after 21 years' service m the Forest Department of the Government
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    • 28 2 WASHINGTON, Thursday.— One person was killed and one Injured when fire broke out early yesterday m an old hotel, four blocks from the White House. A.P.
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    • 49 2 LONDON, Thursday. Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, returned to London yesterday from Sandringham, the Royal family's country residence. They had been staying at Sandringham since Christ* mas, with the King and Queen. The Duke will resume his duties at the British Admiralty today. Reuter.
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    • 105 2 I LONDON, Thursday. Responsibility for the riots which occurred .at Mogadishu, capital of the former Italian colony of Somaliland, will be investigated from London. A full report on the fighting between a Somali Youth League procession and Italians and pro-Italiap Somalis on Sunday with a death roll of
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    • 32 2 ROME, Thursday. All contact between Italy and Yugoslavia over the choice of a Governor for Trieste has now broken. This was learned at the Italian Foreign Office last night. —Reuter.
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    • 61 2 LOS ANGELES. Thursday. —General Mar Arthur. often ;r>fi:pp. of as a potential Presidential cand ida t c, has no immediate plans for returning to the United States, he said m a letter received here yesterday. He said conditi on s in Japan had not permitted him even
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    • 83 2 In terna tional Un ion? PARIS. Thursday. Steps to establish a joint organisation of the French and Italian Trades Union Federations, m a "French-Italian Industrial Committee," were voted by the French section yesterday. The two federations launched widespread strikes a month ago m their respective countries. The Bureau of the
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  • 193 2 LONDON. Thursday. FIRST steps towards the "great and powerful navy" which Lord Mountbatten, Gov-ernor-General of India, has said India's new international position demands were taken at Plymouth last night. The sloop Cauvery, which left Eombay on Dec. 23, disembarked the first of the Indian officers and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 836 2 NOTICES AUCTION SALE OF One Steamship T.S.S. "Coombar" in eofvi running order. Description Model 1912 Length 166". Breadth 30 1.5'. Depth 10 8 3 tenth? feet. Tonnoee: Gross 593.91 tor.> RfRd. Nett 227.01 tons. Tvt>e: Tvunscrew. HP 99 NHP. 670 IHP. Sn id 9 knots per hour. Coal fonsumotion 10
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    • 461 2 NOTICES ESTATE OF LEE CIIOON GCAN, DECEASED SECOND GRAND AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD A LEASEHOLD SINGAPORE PROPERTIES To be held at The saleroom of Messrs. Cheong Koon Seng A Co., Ltd., No. 10 Chulia Street Singapore. On Wednesday, 21st January 1948, at 2.30 p.m. Lot 1. 999 years' leasehold
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    • 749 2 NOTICES Change of Address, S. SOLOMON ft CO., Jute, Hessians, and gunny bags merchant have removed to their new office 15. Battery R->t.6, Telenhone No *****. CALDBECK MACGREGOR CO., LTD., SINGAPORE. Change of Telegraphic Address as from 9th. instant will be "CALMAC." NOTICE A public meeting of the Ceylonese of
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    • 386 2 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the business of Shanghai Bee Hua Furniture Company of 186 and 188 i Vl'oria Street, will be taken over by the undersigned as from 20.1.48. Any claims against the said I Shanchai Bee Hua Furniture I Company must be submitted to 1 them direct
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    • 268 2 tONDON and BIRMINGHAM BRITISH INDUSTRIES rail: MAY \A V>/n May 3rd Is4B, when sole selling agents and you the British Industries Fair will find exhibits carefully opens, buyers from ali over grouped by trades so that the world will have an oppor- comparisons may be made tunity «of inspecting the
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  • 404 3 U.S. Consul In Hankow Issues Urgent Appeal HANKOW, Thursday. A CHINA Lutheran Mission plane today eva- cuated 25 missionaries from the Communistcontrolled Yangtze River basin, but it is feared that a new Red offensive north of the river has trapped at least 100 more in the
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  • 154 3 LONDON. Thursday. PUBLICATION of Lt. Gen. Pervival's Malayar dispatches, expected ir February, is likely t< provoke the liveliest controversy concerning th« alleged diversion of reinforcements between th< Middle East and Far Easi early in 1942. <; n. PerclvaTs dispatches ar<- expected to attribute Mas fail partially
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  • Article, Illustration
    67 3 Princess Anne of Bour-bon-Parma, who is at preNat m Luxemburg. The m m she is snid to intend to marry, ex-King Michael of Rumania, is m Switzerland riding*. A spokesman for Kins Michael said this week that he had not joined Princess Anne because he did not want the purely
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  • 124 3 AVASHINGTON, Thursday. —A new synthetic rubber \v eh may surpass natural rubber in tyre threads was described to the Chemical I >-rs' Club here. n sldent and General Manager of the United States Ruijber Company's synthetic rubber division, Mr. John Cox, making the announcement sai.i preliminary data
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  • 59 3 SHANGHAI. Thursday— A Nationalist report from Nanking said today that China and Australia have reached an accord by which both have cancelled ths fingerprinting procedure in the passport examination at the Immigration Office. The report praised the move as the scrapping of another red tape which always irritated the
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  • 135 3 SHANGHAI, Thursday.— A section of the former foreign employees of the Shanghai Municipal Council, the prswar governing body of the < .Shanghai International Settlement, is attempting to brins the matter of their superannuation and cither funds to the notice of the highest official quarters in Washington.
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  • 254 3 JERUSALEM, Thursday. JEWISH circles claimed that up to 100 Arabs were killed when theyj were blown up on minefields m attempting to smash into four Jewish settlements south of Jerusalem. Another 100 were killed In j the fighting. It was also claimed. The Arabs were
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  • 127 3 LONDON, Thursday. RUMOURS from France state that Britain and France may discuss simultaneous devaluation of the pound and franc. Industrial shares reacted to this news today by soaring j as high as 3/- in late trading. Most responsible brokerage sources were sceptical of impending monetary chanees.
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  • 299 3 Red Plot To Wreck Europe LONDON, Thursday. pOMMUNIST plans for V/ wrecking Europe's recovery programme are detailed m a secret document unearthed by intelligence sources m the western zones of Germany, state agency reports from Berlin. While no official comment is available, authoritative informants said tonight that there was no
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  • 49 3 VATICAN CITY. Thursday. THE Catholic Church has decided to grant Catholics dispensation from fasting and abstinence during 1948 because of 'ncreased hardships all over the world. The Vatican allowed the fasting and abstaining rule to be stopped durnj the period of World War 11. UJ».
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  • 85 3 COLOMBO, Thursday By reducing the floor price of rubber from 65 cents to 55 cents, the Ceylon Government is saving approximately Rs. 2,000.000 every month. When the Government Durchased rubber at 65 csnts per pound and sold it at 55 cents, I the toss incurred fluctuated
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  • 57 3 MONTREAL, Thursday. Nine people were killed and 56 Injured when a Canadian. Railways Express train smashed into the rear of another passenger train. Many victims were trapped for an hour In temperatures of 35 degrees below zero. The wreck occurred near the small station of Wikes in Quebec,
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  • 32 3 COLOMBO. Thursday. About 3,300 more persons from Ceylon are expected to have enlisted for military duty m the Royal Pioneer Corps serving m Malaya by the end of March this year.— U.P.
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  • 77 3 NEW DELHI, Thursday.— Indian Premier (Pandit Nehru), angrily pounced upon a small group of Hindu and Sikh refugees who were demonstrating outside Birla House last night and shouting M Let Gandhi die." Pandit Nehru, who had just been meeting Gandhi on the second day of his fast
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  • 169 3 "Teachers On Same Scale As Gardener" '"THE Sirgapore Govern1 ment should compare the status of a Malay teacher with three years' training at the Sultan Idris College on a recommended initial salary of $50 with that of the College's head gardener." Tli is statement is made by the Singapore Malay
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  • 249 3 *Tarn Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. OIR Edward Gent will be ceremonially installed M first High Commissioner of the new Federation of Malaya at the Federal Legislative Council Chamber, on Sunday, Feb. 1. If all goes well, the Federa- tion and
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  • 232 3 NEW DELHI, Thursday. [\OCTORS reported this afternoon that Mahatma Gandhi, who is on the third day of his fast, had grown considerably weaker. He had to be carried out of his bedroom in a chair. The report added that he was still able to drink plain hot
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 324 3 N.B. Patrons kindly note:— No 11 a.m. show P owing to renovation of theatre. CAPITOL^ Air-Conditioned Phone 5159 NOW SHOWING at the 2 4.15 p.m Shows Only. Alexander Kai«L>'s BLOOD-CURDLING DRAMA! THE DRUM" I TO-NIGHT NIGHTLY at the 6.30 9.15 p.m. Shows! j ANOTHER MILESTONE IN BRITISH MOTION-PICTURE HISTORY ;Qf
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  • 74 4 CHAN. A sudden peaceful ith nf Chan Koon Leong. aged 81 occurred at h: home No. 12 Loronv 22 Oeylann at 8.55 p.m. m Wednesday. Jan. 14. 1948. lie leaves behind his beloved wife, t'vo brothers Koon B«e and Koon Te;k- 5 sons Kwanc Cheng Chieu Kirn. Chieu Yearn.
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  • 1024 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Fri., Jan. 16, 1948. STOCKPILES IN AMERICA One factor in the demand for Malayan tin and rubber which Malaya knows very little about is stockpiling for strategic purposes in the United States. What we do know, however, is that recently there has been much more emphasis
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  • 122 4 From Our Staff Correspondent PLNANG, Wednesday. The Municipal President, Mr. W. C Taylor, told the P n; ng Commissioners yesterday tha the Governor of the Malayan Union had approved Ponanq's Municipal Bud- get for 1948. The Budget, m its final iorm. was presented to the Commissioners on
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  • 867 4  -  J.C. COOKE By Lecturer In Mathematics At Raffles College This is the firft article m a series to i>e contributed by M.. Cooke which will be published at the beginning of each month m future, with a star map of the sky during that month.
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  • 362 4 I WAS an observer at the screen show organised Iby the Malay Women's Welfare Association m aid; of the Muslim Girls' i Trade School Building Fund, and held at the Garrick Theatre, Geylang,! recently. As much has already been said m the Press regarding this
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  • 60 4 IT is not uncommon thedays to see beggarwho persistently ask for money from cinema-goer.-while queuing up for tic kets. This particularly applies t< one of Malaya's largest am most up-to-date cinema hall the Capitol Theatre of Singa pore. Their persistent begging i often very embarrassing, especially,
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    • 332 4 Why A Builder Is Opposed To Control EHJRTHER to your ac-l count in the Straits Times of the passing of the Control of Building Bill, and the Attorney General's remarks on "frittering away of building resources," no one would take exception to 'ts concept if it was founded on true
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    • 168 4 MISS R. M. Handy a article on "How L..4 Is Your Dowry,'' has led me and a few of my friends to take a different view of the dowry system a highly amused view. Formerly, we felt tha* the dowry system amounted to little less than
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    • 148 4 IT is astonishing that Mr. Payne has receiv< trade complaint reg;s! the quality of Australian eggs. Or is it becaua trade simply have no1 had the time? The fact remains that Australian eggs are more than suspect at one tim ratio of bad ones was high
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 696 4 CLASSIFIED ADS. EWART: On Jan. 18. 1948. at Knndans Kerbau Hospital, to Mary, wife of John Fwart, a daughter. PERSONAL RENUMERATION offered t)asI saihnt' "Charon" 22nd. to tskp charge boy aeed 8. Guild-fo>-d Grammar representative meet' Freeman tie. Please Dhone Paterson 38M (office) or 3353 :i ft r five. SITUATIONS
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    • 31 4 If it's Electric, TEN to ONE it's SMITHSjSFfTBIC STYLISH DESIGNS, MODERATE PRICES. Finest range of Table and WmU "Electric' Clocks always in stock. T. M. A. LTD., 61/63 Hijth Street Sineapore.
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    • 98 4 HARVEY CO. London's latest m tropic and 'Home' Suitings and Tweeds, including palmbeach, Sportex, flannels. Tritwist, serge, gabardine, etc., All Moderately Priced. Largest selection of ladies' white Felt Hats east of Su» Entrancing silhouettes, at 512.00 8 Raffles Quay (opposite petrol pump) Singapore. Fellow Institute Ophthalmic Opticians (Eru'J Fellow Worshipful
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  • 399 5 C.I.D. Chief Puts Onus On Public There were 25 cases of extortion m December, as m November. Three murders and three attempted murders were reported. Fifty-five armed and 50 simple robberies m December compared with 41 and 22 respectively m November. Police
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  • 158 5 S'pore Man To Make World Tour MR. Leo Kong Chian, Managing Director of the Le e Rubber Works, Singapore, and president of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce, will be leaving Singapore shortly on a round-the-world business trip. Mr Lee said yesterday that the main purpose of the trip was
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  • 124 5 From Our Own Correspondent London. (By Air Mail). Two trainees cf St. Mary's Ltal, Manchester, are liktiy to find themselves on the same ship bound for Malaya. They have jU^t accepted appointments as nuising j sisters m the Malayan Union. I One is Miss Mary Casey, of
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  • 52 5 The Binchew Jit Poh chain of newspapers in Mubya and Hong Kong, yesterday celebrated its 19th anniversary. In Singapore the anniversary was celebiut^d at th^ Swimming Pool in Posir Panjar.g. re than 500 fruits attended the rocopljon, including Mr Aw Boon H owner of the news; jand Dr.
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  • 133 5 0X tour m Singapore and the Malayan Union, making arrangements for the repatriation of remnant Chinese refugees, is Mr. Thomas D. Sherrard, of the United Nations'. Internal ional Refugee OrgaI ion, Hong Kong. Mr. Sherrard arrived In Sinin Wednesday from where he dealt with ;rn
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  • Article, Illustration
    35 5 J«C Spcctwn. bandleader m Singapore for more than 21 years, proposes to form a b;iud In Kuala Lumpur. He will uivc larewell concert at Raffles Hotel on Sunday night. <Sre story at foot of pace).
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  • 204 5 A TRAGEDY on board the Narbada had a "snow- I ball effect" on the deterioration of part of the cargo of oranges. This view was expressed by the Australian Trade Commissioner for Malaya (Mr. James Payne) yesterday. On the first day of unloading four wharf
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  • 160 5 PEONS arc doing tnt work of police con stables at the Registrar o* Vehicles Court m Singa pure, it was stated m the Third Police Court yesterday. The magistrate. Mr. F. B. (Dealers, said he was surorisec. to learn this. This was mentioned m a case
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  • 57 5 The Rev. R. K. S. Adams, headmaster of St. Andrews School. Singapore, referring yesterday to his speech at the Rotary Club luncheon on Wednesday, emphasised that he supported the Singapore Government's policy against the teaching of party politic? In schools. Mr. Adams said he was in
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  • 64 5 Because John Deman, a 19-year-old Indian had no money to pay his trishaw hire he resorted to steal. This was stated in the Second Police Court yesterday. John Dcnian and Ng Ah Hoo, a 15-year-old both pleaded guilty to stealing coconuts from Martla Road Convent. They were
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  • 30 5 Lee Ah Thong, a 40-year-old Cantonese, was in the Second Police Court yesterday, sentenced to three nvnlhs" rigorous imprisonrvont for the theft of cloth, property of the Singapore Harbour Board.
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  • 176 5 TTiE Democratic Move1 ment m Malaya was finding itself faced with a crucial situation, said Mr. Geral de Cruz, at the MDU Hail yesterday. Mr. de Cruz, a delegate from the Malayan Democratic ULnion to the All Malaya Council of Joint Action, was STrnkinc: on "The
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  • 356 5 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. A CHINESE witness, Tan Kok Chin, told the Assize Court judge today that he had been beaten and burned during Japanese occupation m order to make him confess that he was a Communist. In the dock was Saw
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  • Malayan Round-up
    • 110 5 114 Houses Swept Away By Floods From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPIR, Thursday. A TOTAL of 114 houses were swept away and 263 badly wrecked, 981 acres ot padi totally destroyed and 13,700 people were rendered destitute by the recent floods m Perak. An official statement giving these details des-,
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    • 63 5 I POH. Thursday. The set ♦ing up of a Government Housing Trust is still under discussion with the Secretary of State for the Colonies, said the Kinta Town Board chairman. Mr. R. F. H. Drake Brockman at today's meeting of the board. He said the Financial Secretary. Mr.
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    • 53 5 THE first meeting of the circle of the Katorng Boyi' Club m Haig Road. Singapore will be held at 8 p.m. today at tihe club premises. The music circle was recently introduced m the club to promote part-song, chamber and contemporary music. It will meet every fortnight
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    • 54 5 THE y.w.c.a. fortnightly club will meet at. 10 a.m. on Monday instead of 5.30 p.m. as previously arranged, at the associations pr< j m Fort Cannin? Road, Singapore. Mrs. John J. Berryman. president of the American men's Association will sprak at the meeting. Her si. >Ject will be.
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    • 48 5 PARIT BUNTAR. Thursday. —A middle-aged Indian. Parasmanon, who is alleged to have posed as a Food Control officer, appeared before the District Jud?e. Mr. C. P. Newton today on a cliarge of I impersonation. He claimed trial and the case was postponed to Jan- vary 21.
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    • 31 5 PARIT BUNTAR, Thursday. —An unindentified Tamil was killed when he was run over by a train on Tuesday afternoon. The accident occurred m ±r the<r Lima Station tion
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    • 42 5 TELUK ANSON, Thursday.— A new wing has been added to the main build m a: of tile St. Anthony School m Anderson Road. Costing about $30,000, it has four classrooms which pupils will occupy within the next few days.
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    • 77 5 OHORE BAHRU. Thursday, J Dato Onn bin Jaffar, Mentri Besar, Johr c, left to1 day for Kuala Luinjur to atterd a meeting of the Wcrking Committee of the Federation of Malaya tomorrow. It is understood that thii will be the final meeting o] the committee. I The Legal
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  • 229 5 A SPECIAL classical concert at Raffles Hotel on Sunday night will mark the disbanding of the Joe iSpeelman Band, the oldest I dance band m Singapore. I Carpcn'.ors will begin mod(rn renovations costing $50,000 to the ballroom and pri-c'ncts or Monday. Mr. Sjeclman's fan-well coi. jrt
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  • Article, Illustration
    70 5 A piper and a firing party of the Seaforth Highlanders pay last respects Jo the Re P v. P Norman Moncur at his funeral at Pasir Pan Jang 7™^. Sl"S l"f f a P«" n iTzllorl' R-v. Moncur was minister m charge of the Church of sc0 d el if
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 69 5 1 hm\{ mmii 1 Arc obtainable on -^^^^^^^—^^m^^^mm^m HUE PLKCHA-- ZL^S '-i 'J aii h.m.v. haws h iifSEEzEEEEE^ I*'!1 tADWS IHCOSPOWt I'/ MAGNIFIED I I r f 1 BANDSPREAD > -T-\ -W J MODEL SiOl THE INEVITABLE CHOKE MUSK LOVING PUBLIC v m Bit fi^nff\T?y J§ CARPETS OF LATEST DESIGNS
      69 words
    • 92 5 F/p TO-DAY'S CLEARANCE ,7#^> OFFERr-^ j BERKERTEX BLOUSES fj ■X^^W/T AT 12#5 LACH 1] LONOONUS BLOUSE^ i| M msk'i S27sn $15%00 II M lH v 1 mm ygashel skirts '^S^JitX***? $35.00 $25.00 &r\ TWEED SKIRTS %L 539.50 $30.00 Poisoned Wounds, ~^BC^G Cuts, Scalds Burns R^'y] T\ world's greatest antiseu- R
      92 words

  • 431 6 Wide Range Of Vacancies On Proposed Body THE Colonial Office is inviting applications for executive posts on the proposed Colonial Development Corporation, legislation for which is now before Parliament. The Secretary of State for the Colonies, Mr. A. Creech Jones, has asked the Governor of Singapore to
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  • Article, Illustration
    24 6 Soprano, Evelyn Dods. who makes her farewell appearance at Sunday night's Raffles Hotel concert. The soprano gave 300 performances to troops during the war.
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  • 52 6 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Thursday.— A new Chinese temole. dedicated jointly to Buddha and the Goddess of Mercy, will be opened in Penane on Sunday. The opening wiK be marked by a three-day ceremony. The new tetnole is erected at Dato Kramat Road near the Dato
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  • 135 6 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. AFTER investigating allegations of leakages of questions in important clerical service examinafona last month, the Malayan Union Secretariat has decided to reset some of the papers. A Secretariat official said today. "Very careful investigations tended to support the allegations
    135 words
  • 346 6 TODAY: Display of Princess Elisabeth's original letter of thanks addressed to S.ngapore Governor for the wedding present from the people of Singapore Raffles Museum. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Exhibition of Mulberry Harbour Model, 'Victoria Memorial Hall, noon to 7 p.m. Open to the public V.W.C.A. Malay classes.
    346 words
  • 95 6 The Tale Of The Tired Postman From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Thursday. A POSTMAN who said he had thrown some| letters away because he had had too many letters to deliver was sentenced to six months' rigorous imprisonment today. Cheah Kuan Hock was charged with throwing away 16 letters and
    95 words
  • 344 6 From Our Staff Correspondent 1POH, Thursday. "TT IS worthless to die for the sake of a woman 1 and I hope no one on earth should follow my footsteps.'* A Chinese, Low Kow, 36, wrote this to a friend before stabbing his mistress
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  • 76 6 The first meeting of the newly-appointed Prison Inquiry Commission was held yesterday m tone Government Couincil Chamber. The Commissioner of Prisons, Singapore, Mr. G. E. W. W. Bayly presided. The meeting discussed the terms of reference and several amendments were made which will be referred back to
    76 words
  • 162 6 Malay Newt From Abdul Aziz b'n Ishak MALAYA'S first Malay Book Club was opened in Ipoh recently. Dato Panglima Buklt Gantang, Tuan Hajr Abdul Wahab, who Is president of the club, declared it open. The club premises are In Hale Street. Its main aim is to
    162 words
  • 85 6 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG. Thursday.— The Penang Police are taking action against offenders who fly kites In the streets or let off fire-crackers without permit. Five boys were fined yesterday for these offences An Indian youth, Sllvanathan was fined $2 for flying a kite
    85 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 218 6 [f<jg\ R^ Children's Matinee ij^i. TO-MORROW AT 11 AM. 1 nil Laurel Hardy m "Saps at Sea" IKIII/ irs the happiest VV THING THAT EVER HAPPENED! M.d.MS BIG MUSICAL! NOW SHOWING p.m., 4.15 p.m.. 6.30 p.m. 9.15 p.m. I ■JBu '^WBBBMBHHHViHHBHHHIIIB^B TO-MOPT?OW AT MIDNIGHT tUTAYSOUT- &*.ietftHl n SPIRITED NUMBERED. V
      218 words
      355 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 124 6 l j& wb ITfTni ypyyyy'yy* 1^^ RADIO MALAYA i^'POH£ 1 p.m. Dance Music; 1.40 Military Music; 8.15 News Singapore Food Prices, Announcements: 8.30 Friday Prom; 9.45 Forces Quarter Hour "The Merchant Navy in Wartime; 10.00 Musio Shop; 10.30 Dance Music: 11.00 News Close RADIO MALAYA (K.L 1 p.m. See S'pore;
      124 words
    • 134 6 ry" by Sir Robert Watson- Watt; 10.30 Symphony for Strings: 10.45 Talk: "New Ideas— Preservation by Freezing of Foodstuffs;" 11.00 "The Three Musketeers" (Part 4); 11.30 News New* Analysis; 11.45 University Programme "Pure Applied Science" (Introduced by Prof. R. A. Peters): "Chemistry" by Prof C. N. Hinshelwood; 12.05 Dane* Music;
      134 words
    • 128 6 I Magazine; 9.30 BBC Radio Newsreel; 9.45 Men Books; 10.00 Picture Parade; 10.30 Ridn' Down the Canyon; 10.50 Forces' Prom; 11.45 Close. RADIO AUSTRALIA Two Stations 10.30 a.m. News; 10.40 Light Ensemble; 10.49 Sport; 11.02 Bing Crosby, Perry Como; 11.15 London String Orch.; 11.30 Close. 4 p.m. Harry Horlick Orch.;
      128 words

  • 374 7 LONDON, Thursday. RUMOURS of a possible devaluation of sterling, m the last few minutes of trading on the London Stock Exchange yesterday, caused heavy buying, particularly of home industrial issues and of South African gold mine shares, says Keuter's financial correspondent. There was a sharp upswing of prices,
    374 words
  • 440 7 Produce Market I By A Mr-rket Correspondent rrtHE tone of the pepper market rained a high pitch yes1 terday when fair parcels of black pepper continued to change hands. Chinese pepper exporters have bought a good amount for United States consumers during the week. The demand
    440 words
  • 61 7 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association* I prices at noon yesterday were: Buyers Sellers Cts. Cts. per Ib. per Ib. No. 1 R.S.S. Spot looae nominal 42 "4 42^ No. 1 R.SS. fob m bales Feb. 42% 43% No. 2 R.s.a fob to bales Feb. 41-. 43. No.
    61 words
  • 40 7 Kcsang Tin Limited report the f' llowing Tribute receipts for No- ember and December. Piculs Tribute Nov. 157.30 $2,696.96 Dec. 304.36 55.825.86J Output of Sungei Way Dretiging Ltd for the quarter ended DecemDtr 31, 1947 was 1,445 piculs.
    40 words
  • 34 7 Operations started on January j 2 widening and later deepening the paddock at Dredge Takuapa No. 1. It is expected that it will take! three week? before payable tin land is entered.
    34 words
  • 27 7 The directors of Kinta Kellas Tin Dredging Co. Ltd. have decided to pay an Interim dividend of 7j i per cent payable on February 17.
    27 words
  • 168 7 By Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Thursday. JTtlNS were firm on the local A market and there was a marking up of prices. Industrials were very steady. British Borneo Petroleums were taken at 47/- closing with further buyers. There has been steady buying of this stock, which is issued
    168 words
  • 112 7 Rubber crop outputs for Decrmber 1947 are announced as follow,: Alor Gajah Rubber 30,000 Ayer Panas Rubber 95,000 Glenealy Plantations 70,000 Kluang Rubber 63.000 Pa jam Ltd. 186,500 Tambalak Rubber 33,i00 Teluk Anaon Rubber 67,758 Ulu Benut Consolidated 40.000 Buklt Katil Rubber 36.463 Brunei United Plantations 50,000 Chan"kat
    112 words
  • 11 7 Stocks 63.90: Industrials 177.57: Balls 51.38; TTUlities 33.25.
    11 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 710 7 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. ilncurnoraieo id Singapore) BLUE FUNNEL LINE SAILINGS FROM U.&. AND U.S.A. "iVdno" From V X Continent G. W •Menrlaus" From U.K G. 31 •■■na'os" From U.K In Port -w-prnor" Due from UK Jan. J8 "r hs" Due from USA lan 21 "Tttsa" Due from V. X Feb.
      710 words
    • 254 7 PRESIDENT LINE SAILINGS TO NEW V'OKK AND BOSTON via INDIA EGYPT MEDITERRANEAN PORTS Freight Only PRES- MONROE Singapore Gd. 36/37 Penanr Arr. Jan. 19 .VKINK FLIER Sinrapore Jan. 26 Penanr Jan. 27 PRES. POLK Sinrapore Feb. 5 Penanr Feb 9 LYKES ORIENT LINE direct t« HOUSTON. MOBILE, NEW ORLEANS J5
      254 words
    • 269 7 'bh»o«T» UHt other mterrsteo id SMnoir- Intelllrrr** »re •*<«■-»•> to advertisements in Cob. 6 and 7 opposite Dare and to Shipnfne Notk<e» 9» Pme» B. I. S. N. Coy APCAR LINE M.V. SANGOLA FOR MADRAS CALCUTTA JAN. 20th ISLAY KERR Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE 6c PENANG SILVER LINE, LTD. Kerr Steamship
      269 words
    • 640 7 ELLERMAN BUCKNALL LINE HAVRE. LONDON ANTWERP 14. CITY OF LUCKNOW P. Sham 15-17 Jan. Penanr 18-26 Jan. McALISTER CO., LTD. (InowDorated k Sin<raDoro PHONE r>!)o<s BOUSTEAD&CO. LTD. LLOYDS AGENTS Agent* for Malaya Railway* GLEN LINt salkn-skai <;en link Sailing* to and from China. tor os Anreles. San l-'ianrisro. London. Amsterdam.
      640 words
    • 10 7 KLAVENES3 PACIFiC PORTS M/S "80l r.AINVir"" Due Sinrapore i »lar.
      10 words

  • 597 8 Splendid K.L. Work-Out From EPSOM JEEP KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. TOLD Medallist (Gentles) did a splendid gallop on the track this morning. Sent from the fourth, he broke into a gallop from the third and finished on the bit. The Golden Sovereign gelding is retaining his Penang
    597 words
  • Article, Illustration
    58 8 The high speed flash camera, operating: at 1 10,000 th of a second, took this unusual photo of a dive at the North Sydney Olympic Pool. The upper figure was caught on the negative with the first photo flash, and lower with another flash a fraction of a second later.
    58 words
  • 146 8 THE reconstitution meeting of the Malayan Chinese Football Association, which was to have been held either in Singapore or Kuala Lumpur tomorrow, has been postponed to Jan. 31. The postponement Is neceseessary as no .reply has been received from Penang, Kedah and Malacca to a circular letter
    146 words
  • 60 8 Outstanding Come-back NEW YORK, Thursday. Joe Walcott, who almost dethroned heavyweight champion Joe Louis on Dec. 5, staged the outstanding come-back of 1947, m the opinion of American sports editors participating m the annual Associated Press poll. The 33-year-old fighter, four times retired from the ring, earned the "comeback crown"
    60 words
  • 203 8 "THE Singapore Recrea1 tion Club beat the Johore Cricket Club by six goals to one in a fast game of hockey at th e Padang yesterday. Five minutes after the start, R. Birker emerged from a melee to beat Pomniah from close range, and
    203 words
  • 149 8 The S.C.C Oldsters will play rugby against the S.C.C. Youngsters on the Padang tomorrow at 5.15 p.m. In arranging this game within the Club, it was agreed to make the dividing line roughly 27 years. The teams are Youngsters (m Colours): W. C. Bainbridje; J. Oates,
    149 words
  • 27 8 GLASGOW, Thursday. Forty thousand spectators saw Scotland beat Ireland by three goals to nil m the International inter-league soccer match at Celtic Park yesterday. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 507 8 LAUNCESTON, Thursday. A MARNATH, the Indian captain, passed his 1,000 first-class runs of the Australian tour today when he scored a century against Tasmania. Don Bradman needs 77 to complete his 1,000 runs this season. At close of play the Indians were 373 for four,
    Reuter; Reuter-AAP  -  507 words
  • 67 8 India 1st Inning* Sarwate c Alexander b Richardson 128 Irani c Alexander b Murfett 3 Amarnatb b Waimsley 135 Hazare not oat 55 Mohamed e Alexander b Wabnsley 14 Phadkar not oat SS Extras Total (for 4) 37S Fall of wicket*: 1-5, 2-258, 3-284, 4-318 BOWLING lurfett irhardson aver
    67 words
  • 186 8 R. A.F. Team For Rugby rpHE Royal Navy will take the x field strong favourites tomorrow when they meet the Royal Air Force in a FiveCornered Rugger Tournament fixture, the game scheduled to take place at Seletar. An exciting encounter Is anticipated, however, as the Airmen have got together a
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  • 41 8 The inter-state hockey fixture between Singapore and Selangor which was scheduled to be played tomorrow at Singapore, has been postponed. The Selangor team are unable to make the journey owing to transport difficulties due to the recent floods.
    41 words
  • 239 8 rE draw for the Singapore Hockey Association's knock-out tournament took place at the Singapore Recreation Club yesterday. The fixtures are (venue In brackets): FIRST ROUND; Byes. S.R.C; R.A.F. S.C.C. Ist. XI. Saturday Jan. 24; Khalsa v 223 8.0.D. (S.R.C); S.H.B. Police v Hospital Assistants (Police); S.C.R.C v
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  • 72 8 JOHORE BAHRU. Thurs. JOHORE will play hockey against Selangor on Sunday at Singapore. If a suitable ground is not available in Singapore, the match will be played in Johore Bahru. The Johore team will be selected from the following: J. Ponniah. R. West, L K. Cheah. Salim;
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  • 45 8 The Singapore Harbour Board Europeans drew twoall with the ship's team from the 8.s. Fort Brunswick at Singapore Harbour Board ground yesterday. H. I. Sanders and C. E. Sanders scored for the S.H.B. team. Wild and Donnlson were I the Fort Brunswick's scorers.
    45 words
  • 75 8 From Our Staff Correspondent PEN'ANG, Thursday. A FIRST-HALF goal by the inner-left Lmi Keng Hock enabled Penang to beat Kedah m tho:r inter-state hockey at Victoria Green today. Penang pressed from the start and 15 minutes lati>r were awarded a short cornr-r from which Keng Hock
    75 words
  • 37 8 TODAY HOCKEY LEAGUE: Police at Thomson Road at 5 p.m.: S.C.C. t S.C.RT. at S.C.C. at 5.15 p.m. SOCCER: Krppri Bus Company t Paya Lebar Bus Company at West Coast road ground at 5.15 p.m.
    37 words
  • 290 8  - Indians 25 Per Cent Better Now ARTHUR MAILEY By Exclusive to the Straits Times LAUNCESTON, Thursday. r VHE Tasmania matches 1 have proved of greater value to 'the Indians than expected. Although the bowling was not devastating, the Indian batsmen, Amarnath, Hazare, Sarwate. Phadkar and others have been given excellent
    290 words
  • 369 8 DESPITE losing two players halfway through Hi z second half, 223 8.0.D. H.Q. decisively beat No. l Sub-Depot m their Governor's Shield soccer ma a at St. George's Road yesterday by seven goals torn Ahmed and Busu, H.Q. left back and left bail
    369 words
  • 68 8 CALCUTTA Thursday. IN the international badminton te«t match l>ctweeh India and Mala>a which started here yesterday, Malaya won both the singles matches. Samuel beat G. Lewis (India) 15—12. 13—15 and IS— lO. S. A. Durai beat Davindcr Mohan (India) l."> »>. 10—15 and 18—16. India won
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 479 8 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued from Page 4) VEHICLE FOR SALE 1940 MO SPORTS 2 seater TN !%•!>■ 10 HP lust completed engine overhaul tax oald insured Nov.. '48 price $1,850. Box No. A1579. S.T. H»K SALE RATTAN PLAY-PEN and highchair as new $25. Tel. *****. KRESH SHIPMENT 17 Oalci. MirzaDore Camels
      479 words
    • 121 8 presents Saturday. 17th Jan. 1948 at 9 r.m. A fi*ht to thrill ewy V^V Vgfrwrestlinf fan US' -jf King KONG A m 10 Ri. 7 Mini V. X H &7g T HT^2SK£ WORLDS GEEATPST.U ,W TURKEY AND WINNER WEIGHI CHAMPION OF OLYMPIC GAMES, BERLIN EUROPE 23 ST. BEARDED *93« TERROR
      121 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous