The Straits Times, 13 January 1948

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 430 1 BIG STAFF CUTS BY FAR EASTERN RADIO Services To Be Reduced THE Foreign Ofiice and the British Broadcast- ing Corporation have decided to reduce operations of the British Far Eastern Broadcasting Service and to dismiss from 50 to 60 per cent of the Service's broadcasting staff m Singapore. Broadcasting and
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  • 225 1 NANKING, Monday. fFHREE missionaries, two American women and one Finn, have been killed by bandits north-west of Hankow, and attempts are being made to evacuate 20 others m the same area, according to a message received by the United States Embassy m A message sent
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  • 40 1 BAT A VIA, Monday. Dutch troops were today combing the rugged jungle country of the Tjianjoer district, about 60 miles from Batavia. for two Dutch women and two men believed kidnapped during the week-end by Indonesians. —Reuter.
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  • 63 1 rE Singapore waterfront I returns to normal today after the two-and-a-half-day strike called by the Harbour Labourers' Union. Wharfworkers and stevedores returned to work at 7 a.m. yesterday. Ships which had left the docks to anchor m the roads, where some loading and unloading was possible, moved
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  • 69 1 LAUSANNE. Monday. Major Jacques Vergotti. aide to ex-King Michael of Rumania, today denied reports that Princess Anne of Bourbon- j Parma would meet King Michael m France. "The King has no plans for leaving Switzerland to meet 1 the Princess", he said. Circles close to the
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  • 80 1 From Our Own Correspondent MELBOURNE, Monday Not only were Australian egg exports to Malaya limited to second-grade eggs, but even these were said to be arriving m Singapore "bad," the secretary of the National Poultry Farmers' Association (Mr. C. A. Hurst) said here today. He added that
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  • 171 1 Russian Threat To Berlin WASHINGTON Monday. RUSSIA'S threat to drive the American and British out of Berlin was not unexpected, but it was unlikely that she would resort to force, diplomatic observers here said today. The threat was issued through the Official Soviet newspaper, m Berlin, Targliche Rundschau. "Britain and
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  • 332 1 WASHINGTON, Monday. PRESIDENT TRUMAN fired an unprecented peace-time budget of $39,669,000,000 at Congress today. This, he said, was to meet "the realities of our existing international and domestic requirements" during the 1949 fiscal year beginning July 1. He told the hostile Republican Congress that nearly
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  • 62 1 JERUSALEM, Monday. Seven Jews, wearing masks and armed with tommy-guns, held up Barclays Bank Jn Tel Aviv at noon today and escaped with some £12,000. The Jews, believed by police to be Sternists or Irgunists, collected all the cash they could find m the bank's
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  • 75 1 i TOKIO, Monday.— The de- fence at the International Military Tribunal for the Far East m Tokio closed its case this afternoon, ending the presentation of the individual phase. The prosecution is now entering its final speeches, i which will be followed by the i defence
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  • 108 1 NEW YORK, Monday. •THE United Stages trans1 port Joseph V. Connolly, carrying 5,000 empty caskets to bring war dead back from Europe, was afire, helpless and abandoned, 900 miles east of New York today. Army authorities here expressed hope that 44 men, who had taken to
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  • 38 1 LONDON, Monday. Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald, Gover-nor-General of Malaya, arrived at London airport today from Karachi. He is to stay m London for several weeks for consultations before sailing to Canada to join his wife.— Reuter.
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  • 178 1 Ambonese Guards In The Van Heutsz •TWELVE Ambonese anti1 pirate guards sailed from Singapore yesterday aboard the X.P.M. ship Van Heutsz for Hong Kong, Amoy and Swatow. They were dressed m Dutch Arv.y uniforms. Fully armed, they joined the 6hip at Medan. Anti-pirate precautions were taken by the ship's apevta
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  • 93 1 RUBBER regained 7/8 of a cent on the Singapore market yesterday. No. 1 sheet f.o.b. buyers closed last night at 43 5/8 cents per lb. with sellers 43 7/8 cents. Spot loose finished at 43 1/8 cents buyers and 43 5/8 cents sellers. In the absence of
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  • 100 1 ATHENS, Monday.— Reports m Athens newspapers said tuday that movements of a large force of guerillas and a number of army units were under way m north-west Greece, south of the Albanian bordr. The dispatches said this indicated that a major encounter was shaping up. They
    AP  -  100 words
  • 224 1 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. pROBABLY for the first time since the advent of British administration, Kuala Lumpur District is to have a Malay Territorial Chief appointed by the Sultan of Selangor. A Territorial Chiefs salary Is $3,300 a year. The names of
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    • 104 1 MANUFAOURINd Q*un/&UWH 76 YEARS j -y t*l P?7i %r W J I PHILIPS M FBILID7IIB f?4l m BEST Light output Jjji* Hs/ at Low Speeds p ?tKt BEST Regulation LijlTfcjLgMK at High Speeds In that slogan lies the superiority of the PHILIPS Cycle Dynamo Equipment. It gives you light even
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  • 537 2 Forecast Of Red Offensive MUKDEN, Monday. pHINESE and foreign V/ quarters closely studying the situation predict that the biggest Communist offensive m Manchuria since V-J Day will begin m March or April, according to Spenser Moosa, A.P. correspondent. He adds that the offensive, when it begins, is expected to confront
    AP  -  537 words
  • Cable flashes
    • 116 2 JOHANNESBURG, Monday. AN almost world-wide racket m postage stamps has been published by an Imperial request made to South Africa. The racket ie organised to deieai exchange control. The biggest trade is said to be between South Africa and the United States. South Africa
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    • 83 2 In ter-Planetary BERKELEY, California, Monday. Scientists of the University of California are toying with the idea of sending rocket ships to neighbouring planets. The first ship presumably would be unmanned and radar controlled. Mr. Samuel Hcrrick, Associate Professor of Astronomy of Los Angeles, said "I think techniques already exist to
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    • 79 2 MANILA, Monday. An Intensified military campaign against Col. Luis Tanuc, leader of 20,000 armed peasants of the independent Hukbulahap movement m Central Luzon, was ordered here yesterday by the Philippines Interior Minister, Senor Jose Zulueta. The main demand of the Hukbulahaps, who have been operating against the Government since
      Reuter  -  79 words
    • 78 2 MAHE, Seychelles, Monday. The Seychelles Islands, British Colony m the Indian Ocean, have offered Britain an interest-free loan of Rs. 300,000 m addition to the loan of £15,000 accepted by Britain last November. Mr. F. B. Jakeway, Secretary to the Seychelles Government, made the announcement yesterday m a
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    • 67 2 GLASGOW, Monday. —In dustrialists said yesterday one of the Remington Rand plants at Bridgeport, Connecticut, ls being shipped to Glasgow to manufacture typewriters and electric razors. One purpose of the project, which has the approval of the Board of Trade, is to make products for which Britain
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    • 20 2 LONDON, Monday.— Mr. Reginald K. Pierson, 56, designer of Britain's Wellington Bombers, died here on Saturday night A.P.
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    • 77 2 SHANGHAI, Monday— The Lutheran Mission headquarters m Shanghai yesterday said i* planned to evacuate 20 American and 50 Norwegian missionaries from Laohokow, 300 miles north-west of Hankow. Hankow has been isolated by a Communist military drive for two weeks. The acting United States Consul-General m Shanghai, Mr. J.
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    • 58 2 SHANGHAI, Monday. Report* from Nanking quote Chen Chin Yun, Minister of Overseas Affairs, as expressing concern over the marriage problems of overseas Chinese. He referred to foreign countries where the entrance of denendents is barred. The reports said he was especially critical of South and Central America where
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    • 63 2 WASHINGTON, Mctiday.— Dr. Gilbert Grosvenor, president of the National Geographic Society, sfiid the Society and the Smithsonian Institute would Join with Australia m an expedition to Arnhemland, little known corner of Northern Australia. They will study aborigines and their eviranment. The scientists will take the field at
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    • 106 2 ROME, MonClrxy.— ltalian tax collectors will go on strike today m support of the 12-day-old walkout of the country's bank employees, it was announced last night. The tax collectors' action could become the first step towards a nation-wide general strike of the 6.000,000 members of the Com-munist-domina.ted Italian.
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    • 90 2 LONDON, Monday. A new variety of orange for cultivation m the northern sub-tro-pics, and tea leaves which can withstand 30 degrees of frost, have been developed by Soviet scientists. A Moscow radio report heard m London said the orange had been evolved at a sub-tropical plant experimental
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    • 50 2 CARNESVILLE. Georgia, Monday. Sheriff T. W. Andrews, of Franklin County, believes m rewarding good conduct. He gave guns to six short-term prisoners and let them go rabbit-hunting. The experiment worked. In addition to building up prisoner morale, it supplied a fried rabbit meal for the county prison table. AP.
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    • Article, Illustration
      24 2 American Secretary of Agriculture chews straw and holds a pitchfork for his initiation into the Circus Saints' and Sinners' Club, New York— A.P. Photo.
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    • 67 2 PRAGUE, Monday.— The Extraordinary People's Courts m Slovakia, which ended their "retribution" on Dec. 31, acquitted more than half of 19,749 persons indicted for war crimes and collaboration. They handed out 55 death sentences, a total of 12,255 years m prison. About 1,500 cases were still pending when the
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    • 34 2 MOSCOW, Monday. The Soviet Union completed its post-war elections to all organs of State authority yesterday with elections to the local Soviets of the ByeloRussia, Kazakh, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Kirghizsov republics. Reuter.
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    • 64 2 WASHINGTON, Monday. Personal incomes of Americans rose m November to an unusual rate of U.S. $204,900,000,000. the U.S. Commerce Department reported yesterday. This lifted the average level, for the first 11 months of 1947, to a record annual rate of U.S. $196,400,000,000— 20 per cent above the same
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    • 69 2 NANKING, Modnay.—Acting on a petition signed jointly by 2,500 public functionaries, the Central Yuan today ordered an investigation into a case of alleged embezzlement. The case concerned an alleged unauthorized sale of woollen materials to Australia by the Central Trust, a subsidiary of the Central Bank of China.
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  • 118 2 MUNICH, Monday. A MYSTERIOUS "ether wall" at the Russian zone border is blacking out American broadcasts to a big segment of Bavaria, and Soviet-occupied territory, U.S. Military Government officials disclosed yesterday. j The "wall," however Ls not preventing Russian broadcast from pouring into this part of the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 536 2 NOTICES REMOVAL NOTICE T*ie premises of Mangharam Chsndlram (Melwanl Silk Store) Importers and Exporters at Kuala Lumpur has been removed from Malay Street to No. 5 Old Market Square (first floor) with effect from January 8, 1948. Post Box No. 488 and Telephone No. 2828. Remain the same. NOTICE It
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    • 551 2 NOTICES BOY SCOUTS ASSOCIATION Please note that on and after January 9th my telephone numbers will be: Office 5929 Residence ***** FRANK C. SANDS Commissioner for Malaya REMOVAL OF A WRECKED RECTANGULAR PONTOON AT THE MARINE JETTY, PORT SWETTENHAM. Tenders will be received at the office of the Marine Superintendent,
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    • 76 2 lift 1 S^Mii Sole Acrnu HAIR DYE N \m BLACK AND OTHER Lj DISTINCT SHADES Sole Agents for Malaya: THE FEDERAL DISPENSARY LTD. S3, Raffle* Place, SINGAPORE. Post Box 211. 6. The Embankment 27, Cameron St. KUALA LUMPLB SEREMBAN 28, Rembaa St. B\. Railway Buildings KLANG. PENANG. i^^^£9 V itni'
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  • 412 3 LONDON, Monday. THREE British ex-Indian Army officers left A London by air over the week-end to fight for the Arabs m Palestine, it was learned tonight. They refused to disclose their identities, but said there had been many applications m London to join the "Palestine
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  • 118 3 Record U.S. Tyre Output AKRON, OHIO, Monday. TTYRE manufacture m 1 1947 set a new alltime record for the second; successive year, Mr. P. W.j Lichfield, Board Chairman: of the Goodyear Tyre and! Rubber Co., said m a statement today. He said production of automobile tyres would approximate 78.000,000 In
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  • 99 3 BERLIN, Monday.— A Russian border guard fired five shots into a car m which American Air Force Maj. R. B. Baker and his wife were riding, according to an American report. "I told my wife to lie on the floor quick," said the Major. "It was
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  • 300 3 Police Action In NEI Again? BATAVIA, Monday. THE Republican news agency, Antara, reported last night that the Republican capital of Jogjakarta was mobilised for "any eventuality" as the United Nations mediation m the DutchIndonesian dispute appeared about ready to collapse. Radio Jogjakarta broadcast a bulletin that an
    Reuter-AAP; UP  -  300 words
  • 83 3 NEW YORK, Monday. President Truman said m a letter to the United Service for New Americans that he hoped early action by Congress would authorise the admission of "our country's fair share" of displaced persons. "Ever since the war ended It has been my desire that
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  • 323 3 THE smell of destruction i i I this beautiful frost-tipp threatens to engulf one-fiftl in war and chaos. Seventy five twisting bumpy miles of breathtaking, narrow roads I winding from Jammu to Naoshera is dotted with the' remains of a conflict. Burned out
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  • 254 3 NANKING, Monday. A NOTHER major Nationalist victory was claimed m pro-Government dispatches today with the reported caoture of Mancheng, an important town north-west of Paoting. the Hopei provincial capital, where six Communist regiments were defeated Describing operations along the western flank of he Pek-ing-Hankow railway, the reports
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    • 341 3 It. the nost modern Hospitals ana Dmpmuqi m KELVXNATOR refrieprator a ntructed to SDectal rerjlrements Is always m use for he v"ti rtorare nf vaccines and drues. f > It's clean. hvßienic aonearance and quiet. \W"i P unfailinu Derformance make it a deoendable ipf* B^ and economical storage unit NEW
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  • 333 4 Pact Reached With Britain NANKING, Monday. A FOREIGN Office release today said that Britain and China had reached an antismuggling agreement through an exchange of notes between the Foreign Minister (Mr. Wang Shih-chieh) and the British Ambassador to China (Sir Ralph Stevenson). The agreement, which
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  • Article, Illustration
    32 4 A view of the sea wall fronting the Manila terminal building when the wont typhoon for 29 years struck Manila shortly after dawn en Dec 26. Damage amounted to $5,000,000.— AJ». Photo.
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  • Article, Illustration
    51 4 Twelve-year-old King Feisal of Iraq, who broke bis left leg yesterday while oat skiing alone at Villars (Switzerland). He was carried home to his hotel, where doctors are attending him. He arrived at Villars with his mother three weeks ago and was due to return shortly to school m England.
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  • 27 4 ROME, Monday. The Italian news agency Snea said yesterday that an Italian three-motor military plane crashed and burned near Florence on Saturday. The four occupants were killed.
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  • 132 4 Carol Warns Of Danger In Rumania LISBON, Monday. EX-KING Carol of Rumania said m a statement to the press last night: "I consider recent events m Rumania extremely grave for my country and for the international situation. "The substitution of the monarchy mi n Rumania by a democratic popular republic
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  • 57 4 LONDON. Monday.— Lord I Latham, chairman of J London's newly-nationalised 9 transport system, disclosed today that last year buses, trams and trains m the London area ran 610.000,000 more times than m 1946. More than 1,000 new buses were operating and extensions had been made to
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  • 178 4 MANILA, Monday. r THE Philippines' second 1 and third sea tragedies within a week are believed to have cost the lives of 24 persons. A belated report to the 110 110 Collector of Customs, said 14 persons were missing from a converted landing barge
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  • 169 4 TOKIO, Monday. GEN. MACARTHUR yesterday expressed his strong belief that the Korean people wanted an independent nation. Their aim was being hindered, he thought, through being fought over m the cross-currents of opposing ideologies. Gen. Mac Arthur gave his opinion at Sunday lunch
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  • 109 4 WASHINGTON, Monday. By-products such as uranium, sulphur, wax and ammonium are cutting the costs of making petrol out of oil shale m some countries, the Bureau of Mines said yesterday. In Sweden, for example, some shale deposits have yielded up to a pound of uranium per
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  • 49 4 SHANGHAI, Monday. A second shipment of American relief food, amounting to 8.000 tons of wheat-flour, arrived In Shanghai today for rationing m Nanking, Shanghai. Tientsin, Peking and Canton. Distribution is entirely m the hands of the Executive Yuan which handles the entire $30 million relief programme. U.P.
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  • 118 4 Persian Support For Muslims TEHERAN, Monday. ABOUT 3,000 Muslims gathered at Teheran's largest mosque yesterday to "express their disgust at the ill-treatment of their Muslim brethren m India and Palestine." The meeting, which no women were allowed to attend, ended without an incident, although police surrounded the mosque m anticipation
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  • 89 4 HONG KONG. Monday. Hong Kong police used tear gas m a clash today with the "squatters" of Kowloon's walled city. First reports said one squatter was wounded m the crowd which resisted removal from insanitary shacks which they had re-erected since the authorities pulled them down
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  • 29 4 BARGEDDIE. Scotland, Monday. Eight were killed and several others injured by a bus which crashed or* Saturday night into shoppers waiting for a tram car. A. P.
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  • 376 4 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON. Monday. THE January issue of Tin refers to a general improvement m the conditions of world tin mining at the end of 1947. "Production showed a sharp rise," says the magazine. "This was reflected m the fact that m November
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 176 4 choose from Mm /^■*3^ fey CONSTELLATIONS 2/ldl/ffS o* fh, MMCJUIOO SttVtCl /,:^^^^6y FLYING BOAT The dual Consriil.ition and Flying *^^9 I'cui icn!i'r« now operating meet < rj>^3^PV^^/jE9FEKB rivsftil tlav conditions with the ut- y^^^^^yyyy^i^r^tL most utilit) and economy, **^-^P9H[ fchi i*i^l^?i m.iipi.nn.Dp I'ntisii prc-vmincnce m 7T i=^3s^Js<^|R|^R I. national air
      176 words
    • 420 4 NOW-hair kept smart 16 hours A well-groomed look is a great asset to any business man. Try this new way to keep your hair tidy To-morrow morning brush it with Silvifix and ai midnight you will still appear unruffled. Silvifix is so fine it brings out all ihe natural colour
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    • 225 4 OPENING TO-DAY t SHOWS: 3. 6.15 I. la p.m. The most amorous arlvc-i tiie In l.ova History! Paillette Goddard Ray Millin "KITTY" She made a rarrer m Love! GREAT WOULD OLOBE 7 |.U pm. "DESHRT AGENT" (Chaps. 1 ti 7) Final Chaps. To-tr.orro-.y NEW WOKI.U "DO 7 a.15 p.m. "DAKOTA"
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  • 484 5 New Plea For 1948 Tax Assessment From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. IN a joint memorandum issued today, Chinese Chambers of Commerce m the Malay States strongly urge the Government not to levy income tax on 1947 incomes, but to take 1948
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  • Article, Illustration
    43 5 Mr. and Mrs. Chia Poh Cheow after their wedding at 22 Prinsep Street, Singapore, yesterday. The bride was formerly Miss Lim Gek Kian, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lim Tian Swee. The bridegroom works at the General Post Office, Singapore. Straits Times photo.
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  • 450 5 3 Accused Said To Be Afraid Of Rival Union THREE well known Singapore unionists, accused 1 yesterday of house-breaking and theft, were said to have been afraid that a former Harbour Board welfare inspector would start a rival union. They were the president of the Singapore Harbour Labourers' Union P.
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  • 58 5 More than 100 children of Government clerks living in Haig Road Quarters, Singapore, were taken out on Sunday to Pasir Ris for a picnic to end their school holidays. Land and sea sports were open to all the children. The picnic was arranged for the children by
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  • 451 5 Are you content with the way you speak and write? Are you sure that you are not making mistakes that cause people to underrate you? rer has the importance of effective speech and writing been more widely recognised than today. If you can express yourself
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  • 99 5 The Course that Gives You Confidence The Regent way to the mastery of English is the sure way and the swift way You can study the Effective English Course m the odd minutes of the day The Course is so planned that you make definite progress from the very first
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  • 244 5 CINGAPORE was the only major port m Asia free from cholera, plague and smallpox during the week ended Jan. 8. She is thus keeping up her pre-war record as one of the healthiest ports m Asia. This information is continued m a press communique issued yesterday
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  • 134 5 The Anglo-Chinese Continuation School Old Boys Association, Singapore, has offered a scholarship for a School Certificate class student of the A.C.C.S. Singapore, for 19*8. The scholarship includes examination fee and text books. The committee of the Association is planning for more scholarsnips m the future. Plans to raise
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  • 31 5 Mr. R. W. C. Meade, of Scarborough, has been appointed an Air Traffic Control Officer in the Civil Aviation Department, Malaya. An ex-R.A.F. officer, he was awarded the D.F.C. in 1945.
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  • 169 5 Malay News From Abdul Aziz bin Ishak RE P R E S E NTATIVES from all branches of Persatuan Melayu Selangor met recently to choose the territorial chief for Kuala Lumpur. The State of Selangor has normally six territorial Malay chiefs, Orang Kaya Ulu Selangor. Dato Pegawai
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  • 93 5 Singapore Criminal Investigation Department men raided a house m Trengganu Street on Sunday night and arrested 10 Ghiinese playing '•pai kow." They were charged m the Eighth Police Court yesterday with gambling. Nine of them, including six wom<a, were each fined $25 or two weeks' rigorous imprisonment.
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  • 233 5 TODAY: Exhibition of Mulberry Harbour Model, Victoria Memorial Hall, noon to 7 p.m. Open to the public. Singapore Stamp Club, social meeting, Palm Court, Capitol Restaurant. 5.15 Dm. Display of Princess Elizabeth's original letter of thanks addressed to Singapore Governor for the wedding present from the people of
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  • 185 5 lIONEYMOONERS, milII lionaire ranchers, business executives and an American prison chaplain, are listed among the 30 round-the-world passengers who arrive m Singapore tomorrow by the President Monroe. The President Monroe. American President Lines vessel, is the first of the tourist ships to visit Singa- j pore
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 44 5 *Post this Coupon NOW THE REGENT INSTITUTE (Dept. 468 D), Palace Gate. London, W.B, England. Please send me without obligation a free copy of "Word Mastery." describing your Postal Course m Effective English and the special arrangements for overseas students. NAME (Block Letters) ADDRESS
      44 words
    • 241 5 ■TOMORROW you must fac? a crowded day. So what? A: you light up your Balkan Sobranie Smoking Mixture, tomorrow is as unreal as yesterday. You live m peace and contentment and let your smoke run rings round every worry. That is the precious boon of those who m their wisdom
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  • 987 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Tues., Jan. 13, 1946. "PARLIAMENT" IN JOHORE The membership of the new Johore State Council, an- nounced a few days ago, merits attention not only m that State but m Malaya as a whole, for it is a pointer to changes that may be expected m
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  • 82 6 Tho family of the late Mr. R""i!iald William Lewis wish to M their heartfelt thanks to all kind relatives and friends who :'!''iided tho funeral as well as those who sent wreaths and letter? of -nndolencr. Mr. Pritam Singh of Glan Singh Co., Kuo'h T.umpur, thanks all relatives, friends
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  • 129 6 LONDON. Monday.— Sir Henry French, ddrectorgoneral of t*ie British Film Producers' Association, said yesterday he saw no im-' mediate prospect of breakIng the deadlock on import of American films. Import was banned by American producers after Britain had imposed a 75 per cent tax on
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  • 1106 6 FIRST TWO WOMEN M.P's IN A MALAY STATE Johore Seta A New Tradition By Our Johore Correspondent When the Johore State Council metis on Feb. 1 for the first time since 1941, its members will include two women, Inche Azizah and Hijjah Zain. It will be the first time in
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    • 453 6 YOUR editorial of Jan. 2i headed "OUR PLANTING ECONOMY" prompts me to write this. I am glad to see that you appreciate the importance of agriculture so much that you! devote the first editorial! of the year to the subject.! I trust you will appreciate also
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    • 121 6 IN the Straits Times recently there appeared a news item under the heading "DHOBY BILLS TOO HIGH." I, like many other sufferers, convey through the medium of your paper, my thanks to Mr. Thlo Ctaen Bee for his efforts to alleviate the sufferlrgß of th*
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 707 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. DRAOGETT. On January 10th at Kandane Kerbau to Sandra fnre Dockray). wife of T. B. Draareett, a son. SMITH-WATSON. At Bt. Andrews' Church, Inob. on January' I0:h. 1948. by the Rev. John Havtcr, Charles Smith. Batu Oalah. to Marjory Wateon Malayan Medical Service. SITUATIONS VACANT ENGLISHWOMAN required as
      707 words
    • 17 6 EYE COMFORT VISUAL EFFICIENCY i depend on Professional Skill Complete Modern Equipment C. S. CHONG, OPT: D.
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    • 123 6 They Were AU Wrong! WILLIAM PITT said:— "There is scarcely anything around us but ruin and despair." WILBERFORCE, m the early 1800's, said:— "l dare not marry, the future is so dark and unsettled." LORD GREY m 1879:—" believed everything was tending to a convulsion." The DUKE OF WELLINGTON, on
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    • 101 6 The Great Court. Trinity College, Cambridgt •For halt a century Pye has been associated with the achievements of Cambridge, and this new 6 valve 6 i^V waveband AC receiver Model 36H fully lustifies the Isf Com P anv s long standing reputation m the scientific \y7 ♦'eld. It has many
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  • Article, Illustration
    63 7 The Hungarian heavyweight wrestler. Kin? Kong, (weight 309 lbs.) complained m the Third Police Court yesterday that a 20-year-old < kiiu-se. Tan Yock Sang, had used criminal force on him. King Kong alleges that Tan threw stones and wood at him at 11 p.m. at the Great World amusement park
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  • 369 7 Gang Wiped Out After Big Ba Me AN eye-witness of the recent battle between police and pirates m the Sumatran fishing port of Bagan Siapiapi has just arrived m Singapore. He has told a remarkable story, how 1,000 police, volunteers and residents fought a pitched
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  • 161 7 5 Doctors Will Aid The Poor FIVE Singapore doctors have agreed to give free treatment and medicines to the poorer classes oi Singapore Malays. The doctors are: Dr. H. S. Moonshl. Dr. Syed Ibrahim, Dr. A. Snmat, Dr. Said Hassan Aljunled. and Dr. C. J. Paglar. They will share the
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  • 92 7 A British soldier. W. G. Walker, was fined $25 at the Fourth Police Court yesterday for assaulting a police constable. The magistrate, Mr. R. J. C. Wait, said he was taking a lenient view of the case because of the testimony given by an officer as to
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  • 39 7 KLANo. Monday The Kuala Lumpur— Klang and Port Swettenham railway passenger service will be resumed or. Feb. 1. Although restored soon after the liberation, the service was terminated several months ago owing to shortage of rolling stock.
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  • 225 7 GIFT OF FLAG TO K.P.M. i TTHE house flag of the 1 Singapore Chinese Foodstuffs Association was; j yesterday presented to the X.P.M. Shipping Company at a short ceremony jon board the 22-year-old Dutch ship Van m 1 the Singapore Outer Roads. Th? flag replaces a similar emblem which
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  • 237 7 2 Gunmen Captured By Victims CHUA AH BEE, a 21-year-old Chinese, tackled and captured a Chinese gunman m front of a big crowd outside the Pavilion Cinema on Saturday night. He held the gunman, who was armed with a fuljy-load-ed .38 revolver, until police arrived. Chua Ah Bee's two brothers,
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  • 145 7 Jap Who "Beheaded A nother" Is Gaoled From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. CAPT. ITO SHICHIRO, former commander of the Japanese garrison at Tapah. was today sentenced to life imprisonment by a War Crimes Court m Kuala Lumpur for his part m the beheading of a Chinese woodcutter during
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  • 363 7 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. j TWELVE European, Malay and Chinese! officers of the Malayan j police were presented with gallantry and meritorious 1 service medals today. The Governor, Sir Edward I Gent made the presentations before a parade of several hundred recruits of
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  • 191 7 •TOE "real i^ue," says) 1 the Malayan Demo-j cratic Union, m its latest j bulletin, is not that "Gimson Must Go," but that power should be trans- 1 f erred from the Governor to the properly elected re-j presentatives of the people. The article refers to
    191 words
  • 490 7 THE Malayan Railway Department announced yesterday that the first normal SingaporeKuala Lumpur rail services, since the Johore floods, are due to be resumed on Thui*sday. Trains leaving Singapore and Kuala Lumpur today and tomorrow at 7.30 a.m. will transfer mails and passengers by bus to
    490 words
  • Malayan Round-up
    • 110 7 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Monday. A MALAY student of the Penang Free School left tonight for Nanking on a goodwill scholarship awarded by the Chinese Government. The student, Abdul Majid bin Osman, will study economics, political science and Oriental languages at Nanking University. He
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    • 68 7 NEO CHIA HUA, alias Leow Kong Lim, 26, was charged m the Singapore Third Police Court yesterday with wrongfully concealing a kidnapped person m order to demand $3,000 from the father of the kidnapped. He was remanded m police custody for 48 hours by the Magistrate, Mr. F.
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    • 67 7 rpAIPING, Monday— MohamM. Ed Hussein, who appeared m the District Coprt yesterday i three charges of cheating:. was alleged to have told a man that he was under a spell of black magic. He claimed he could cure the man, Ganapagrasam, who was induced to give Hussein three
      67 words
    • 86 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Monday.— A piano recital by Mr. Jack Redhlll. for the benefit of Spare Time and Talent Enterprises and the T. B. Fund, is to be given m the Town Hall here on Saturday, Feb. 21. and Sunday, Feb. 22. The recital is under the patronage of
      86 words
    • 53 7 JOHORE BAHRU, MondayGovernment officers have been notified of a new rule in regard to cost of living allowance. Married officers whose wives are ateo in Government employ can in future only draw one cost of living allowance. Separate cost of living allowance for each will not bo
      53 words
    • 101 7 KUALA KANGSAR, Monday. A number of oranges, eggs and a tinned cake, which were originally intended as a bribe, were confiscated ar.d sent to children at the Women's Hospital. A Cantonese. Tan Choon was sentenced to two months' rigorous inprisonmcnt on a charge of attempted bribery and corruption.
      101 words
    • 54 7 KUALA LUMPUR Monday.— Chin Siew Fah. of Rodscr Street, made a concoction, put it into Dottles containing Tiger Stout labels ar kept thfcm in his premises. Tcxlay. he was fined $100 by the Kuala Lumpur magistrate. Inche Baba. for using a false trade mark. Chia said he used
      54 words
  • 40 7 A Singapore inques' u.i :i 53-year-old Chinese labourer, Goh Soon Liew, w; adjourned yesterday till Jan. 24. Goh, it was stated, was fatally Injured while removing a drum of sulphuric acid from a store in Hawlock Road on Dec. 22.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 119 7 change of Telephone Number..... As from 12th January, 1948, the Telephone Number of BRINKMANN LIMITED is: 3774 with Extensions to MOTOR DEPT. PARTS DEPARTMENT NATIONAL CASH REGISTER SERVICE DEPT. KELVINATOR SALES SERVICE DEPTS. BRINKMANN LIMITED 15. GRANGE ROAD. SINGAPORE. £ggj REGULARITY PUPGOIDS If >'•«" JHtltnt nr r mn~ Ui\ I<>
      119 words
    • 85 7 By appointment Biscuit Manufacturers to H. M. THE KING ROMARY'S BISCUITS Water Biscuits H (unsweetened) very J jj^<> s^^/S/j I light and crisp, delicious with I a dai/d Butter, Cheese and J RQMARrs 5 U Beverages. <} «w.m;^.,^.€li.»- Jfl I II) wl Hwty n Honey Bake, IC jg British Oats
      85 words

  • Article, Illustration
    25 8 I Johns, young British Mm star, wean this exquisite evening gown of mother of pearl taffeta shot -wiih silver m "Mir&a da" her latest film.
    25 words
  • 340 8 I IVING upcounk-y and L four miles from even a small town it is not easy to get m to a market yourself. Certainly if you did you might not find a/iy bargains and I'm afraid I always seem to get the kledi that have
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  • 1398 8  -  Nurse Elizabeth MOTHERCRAFT IN MALAYA By A READER tells a story this week; and at the end of it, she is left, wondering. "Quid" writes: The other day my twins, aged 3, were with some friends and ourselves at a club, and
    1,398 words
  • Article, Illustration
    24 8 This table setting is m gilt (cutlery, plates, goblrt.s and centre nieces) and was specially designed by Christofle of PwU* («t Uaalius Patty diunec
    24 words
  • 289 8  -  Carolyn Earle By WOMEN who look their best m hot weather are generally those who really enjoy it, and although the rest of us may not care for high temperatures, we can at least plan to keep cool. Wearing cooler clothes, eating cooler
    289 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 111 8 Sparkling »;yc» uxi Ultie totj cbeek* tell of correct feeding LACTOGEN ju(Jti frtdinc. LACTOCEN it v pure, v Babj't oatonl food. Pot roar baby wff^(iO on to LACTOGEN. LACTOCEN provide*, is form Baby can eaiirf digeal and l filf. the food element* oeceuary to aatiafy (he aeed* «l hi* fast
      111 words
    • 148 8 It's right for Jill And brother Bill -^&HfL If s right for Daddy too? In yf\ If Wright* s is right g^tf^L jff for all of us w^t& It must be right mFJ& IDEAL FOR TOILET AND NURSERY AUTO CONTROL ff^^ SAFETY MA// ELECTRIC mf'// IRON W/'sr ON SALE EVERYWHERE
      148 words

  • 2169 9  -  R.E. Holttum, 7 he Malayan Gardener —By Director Of The Gardens, Singapore FOLIAGE plants is a term used for plants which are cultivated for the beauty of their leaves, not for their flowers, though many of them may be flowering plants. A certain number
    2,169 words
  • 16 9 Next week, m the concluding article of this gardening: series, Mr. Holttum discusses more foliage plants.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 122 9 11—1.45— 4.15 lAI U AY BOOK NOW 6.45-9.30 VM I I PHONE 3400 OPEVTNG TO-DAY THE NAUCHTIEST-BLUSHIEST FILM of the YEAR! They thought her life was an Open 800k.., j 'TILL THETREAV IT -IN HER P//ligy./^ L I B^"^^^^^^^jT ...VIRGINIA GREY ALAN MOWBRAY 'r^ "^J ERIC BIORE WILLIAM W TERRY
      122 words
    • 459 9 *Round tKe Clock /Round the Globe KLM is m the Sky ROYAL DUTCH AIRLINES TOWN OFFICE: Kalian? Airport Mi 8 106* I, Finlayson Green Chanel Airport ***** TeL: 5431 For Reliability and Long Life CI)l0rl5e BATTERIES For whatever purpose a battery is required, whether for lighting on Rubber Estates or
      459 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 670 9 When a contract looks fairly ten of diamonds was returned and safe, the average declarer begins dummy won with the queen. Deat once on the trump suit to pre- clarer noted that he would haw vent the opponents from getting to hold the trump loss to on* a ruff. The
      670 words

  • 1423 10 OUR LONDON LETTER surveys Britain's 1948 prospects... tells of hopes for "jam from tin, margarine from rubber" shares. says Britons are now a race of realists notes the advent of State railways. By Airmail THE people of Britain feel happy but cautious happy because their 2,700calories -a day austerity zoomed
    1,423 words
  • 408 10 TUSTINGUISHED scholars mJ who will give short introductory talks before UniTersity Programme lectures each weekday at 11.15 a.m. and 11.45 p.m. m the BBC Overseas Service (relayed by BFEBS, Sin?a!M>re, nightly) are: ARTS Professor B. Ifor Evans, M.A.. D.Litt. (London), P.R.S.L.. Principal of Queen Mary College London since
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 268 10 LAST 5 SHOWS TO-DAY I (11 a.m., 2 p.m., 4.15 p.m., (i.30 and 9.15 p.m Samuel Goldwyns "THE SECRET LIFE OF WALTER MITTY" IN TECHNICOLOR STARRING Danny Kaye Virginia Mayo and the GOLDWYN GRLS. PcapitolT .Air-Conditioned. Pbone 5159. STARTING TO-MORROW at the 2 and 4.15 p.m. Shows only alexander korda's
      268 words
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 343 10 RADIO MALAYA <*'POR« \&£*]jj&* 1lM'mtSmSSt\ RAOI 1 p.m. Radio Orch.; 1.40 Programme— ''Medicine— A Gene- 1 T stations— 10 30 am AusRhythm; 8.30 Marek Weber al Surgeon by Prof. J. R- I tr al iln News 10 40 RmuZNews, Close Down. la 30 close Down Ballads; 11.30 Close Down. 4
      343 words

  • 208 11 NEW YORK, Monday. MOST n on -ferrous metals prices were unchanged this week but the trade heard rumours that tristate rinc concentrates might advance soon, forcing the price of slab sine above the 10} cents (U.S.) a pound level it has held since November 1946. Some zinc
    AP  -  208 words
  • 252 11 Produce Market By A Market Correspondent RICE prices jumped on the local market yesterday. Floods in Johore had temporarily held up movement of rice under private holdings from the Malayan Union. The Sago flour market, quiet lot the week, was uncertain. Yesterday's prices
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  • 58 11 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association's prices at noon yesterday were: Cte. Cts. per R>. per Ib. No. 1 RJ3JS. Spot loose nominal 43 43% No. 1 RJ3.S. fob in bales Jan. 43% 43% No. 3 R.8S fob in bales Jan. 43% 43% No. 3 R.S.S. fob in
    58 words
  • 102 11 (By Our Market Correspondent) SINGAPORE, Monday. F:E local share market! opened the week quietly but with a steady undertone. There were no special features to report. Changes in quotations given by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association were as follows: Buyer Seller Alex Brick Pref. 3.45 Gammon (M) 5.25 Henry
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  • 37 11 The Straits Plantation* Limited report that output* of copra and palm oil for first* half of the flnancial year were^ mi/3 tons tons tons Copra ».0»0 1.737 4,855 Pato OU 680 216 710
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 703 11 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. (IncorDorateO u> Singapore) BLUE FUNNEL LINE SAILINGS FROM U.K. AND D.S.A. "Aledon" From U.K. Continent G. W "Mrnrlous" Due from U.K In Port "Tantalus" Due from U.K Jan. 14 "U'nenor" Due from U.K Jan. 17 "" Due from U.S. A Jan. 21 SAILINGS FOR LIVERPOOL. GLASGOW AND
      703 words
    • 408 11 PRESIDENT LINE SAILINGS TO NEW YOKK AND BOSTON via INDIA EGYPT MEDITERRANEAN PORTS Freight Only PRES- MONROE Singapore Arr. Jan. 14 Penang Jan. 19 MARINE FLIER Singapore Jan. 20 Penang Jan. 27 PRES. POLK Singapore Feb. 5 Penang Feb. 9 LYKES ORIENT LINE •fired to HOUSTON, MOBILE, NEW ORLEANS 85
      408 words
    • 364 11 Shlpoers and other interested m Hblpot»»- Intelligence are 1 to advertisement* In Cols. and 7 opposite page and to Shipping Notteea on Page P 0 and BRITISH INDIA U.K. LINE TREVOSE In Port LONDO!f TRKVENTHOE Mid-Feb GENOA. M'SETLLES LT>ON ZCANTON Feb. 278h-29th LONDON INWARDS TREVETHOE In Port HONG KONG A
      364 words
    • 597 11 ELLERMAN KLAVENESS BUCKNALL p AC |FIC PORTS HAVRE, LONDON A ANTWERP ri/S "CASTLEVILI.Et4. CITY OF LUCKNOW D r T at Odn 4/5 Port Swettenham 13 Jan. S%£m.:: U-ll M B "BOUGAINVILLE" Penang 17-19 Jan. Due Singapore 7 Mar. McALISTER CO., LTD. (inoorDoratpd m Singapore) PHONE 5906 BOUSTEAD&CO LTD LLOYDS AGENTS
      597 words

  • 383 12 Rail Transport Now Possible CINGAPORE horses entered for the coming T Selangor Turf Club races will leave Bukit Timah railway station tomorrow afternoon for Kuala Lumpur. Following the subsidence of the Johore floods, the normal railway service between Singapore and Kuala Lumpur is expected to
    383 words
  • 84 12 LONDON, Monday. VERY few soccer enthusiasts overseas m fact, very few m England realise ihat Tommy Lawton, Errand and Notts County en.ip-forward, is also a fi it cricketer. like many other soccer players, Lawton turns to cricket m the summer nion-hs. 'n indication of his capafcirties is
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 118 12 HOBART, Monday. C. R. Rangachari has received at least one presentation m recognition of his hattrick. At a private party on Saturday night m honour of participants m the recent Mel-bourne-Hooart yacht race, several members of the team were guests. Former Test player Victor Richardson, m a happy
    Reuter; Reuter-AAP  -  118 words
  • 415 12 TME Singapore Recreation Club became virtual x champions of the Singapore Hockey Association league, when they defeated the Army by two goals to one on the padang yesterday. The club have won allthe four games they have played and on goal average head the table,
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  • 36 12 AUCKLAND, Monday—Ron MaKenzie, the New Zealand No. 1 Davis Cup player and singles champion, retained his title when he beat a fellow Davis Cup player, J. Robson, 7-5, 6-3, 6-2. m the Dominion's final here. —Reuter.
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 61 12 f iay was stopped for a few minutes m the Singapore Hockey Association i Plfll(> game between the S.R.C. and the Army yesterday, when the crosshaTof iff Amu goa" became dislodged and collapsed. Hasson. the Army custodian, and Rhys Pry™e the right full-back, are seen putting the crossbar
    61 words
  • 122 12 LONDON. Monday. THE draw for the fourth round of the Football Association Cud matches to take dace on Jan. 24 was made m London today as follows: Leicester vs. Sheffield Wednesday; Charlton vs. Stocknort: Manchester C. vs. Chelsta; Fulham vs. Bristol R.; Wolverhampton vs. lEverton;
    Reuter  -  122 words
  • 249 12 BEFORE the prize distribution of the Singapore Harbour Board Boys Club yesterday, the "C" class team, champions of the club's football league, played against The Rest ("B" and "C" classes combined) The Rest emerged winners by four goals to nil. Loh Kok Kee (three) and Chee
    249 words
  • 75 12 PARIS, Monday. TTHIRTY thousand specta1 tors cheered themselves hoarse when France scored an unexpected victory over Australia m their Rugby Union match here yesterday. The score was 13 points (two goals and a try) to six (two penaK: goals). France's captain, Guy Basquet. proved a brilliant opportunist, and
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 52 12 Tlie following players have been selected to represent the Police against the Singapore Cricket Club "A" XV at rugby on the padang tomorrow at 5p.m.: Minns; Shelmerdine, Hibbert. Thomas, Niaz; Cheam, Laurence; j Rahman, Masod, Jantan. Bulat. Derrick, Tan, Rajahratnam, Humphries. Reserves: Maphuz, Chapman. Benton and Teng.
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  • 55 12 SYDNEY. Monday. There was no play today m the Sheffield Shield match between New South Wales and South Australia because of rain. South Australia had lost six wickets for 222 at the close of play on Saturday, m reply to New South Wales' total of 374.
    Reuter-AAP  -  55 words
  • 218 12 LONDON, Monday. WITH the question of! rough play alleged j to be due to bad and immature refereeing being discussed everywhere, those much-malign-ed offic'als of the whistle are m the limelight again. j The general impression is that the standard of referee- j ing is far from
    Reuter  -  218 words
  • 47 12 NEW YORK, Monday.— The U.S. Golf Association has announced the American Curtis Cup team to meet the British women amateurs at Birkdale, England, on May 21 a,nd 22, as follows: Louise Suggs, Polly Riley, Grace Lenczeyk, Dcroty Kirby, Dorothy Kielty and Julius Page. U.P.
    UP  -  47 words
  • 28 12 TODAY HOCKEY: Lea S ue. CSC. vs. S. C.R.I' at 5.8.C., 5 p.m. SOCCER: S.H.B. Boys' vs. C.S. Recorder XI, at club's ground. 5.15 p. m.
    28 words
  • 325 12 DROBABLY there is only on e place in doubt for the AuS a 1 lan i 68 1 to tour En &*n* this year, states Arthur Mailey, former Australian cricket wizard in a survey in the Sydney Daily Telegraph Although the team wil< not be
    Reuter  -  325 words
  • 153 12 rENTY-FOUR teams have entered the Singapore Hockey Association's knock-out competition, but they do not include the Singapore Recreation Club. At a hockey committee meeting of the S.R.C. yesterday, it was decided that since several of the club's players were members of other teams which were
    153 words
  • 136 12 TASMANIA—IST- INNINGS 124 INDIA—IST INNS Mankad Ibw b Richardson .17 Sarwate b Richardson 2 Amarnath c Ron Thomas b Layer Itl Hazare c Alexander b Walmsley 11l Kanenekar c Murfrtt b Richardson 43 Rai Singh run out 2 Adikharl not out 23 Ranvirsinhji run out 1 Extras 9 Total
    Reuter-AAP  -  136 words
  • 120 12 The January mixed foursomes golf competition of the Island Club, Singapore, held over the second nine holes on Sunday fttfernoon, resulted m a win for Mrs. Weeks and J.A. Chipplndale, with a net score of 36% Following wen? some of the best cards returned: Mrs. Weeks and
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  • 52 12 PRAGUE, Monday. Czechoslovakia will not compete m the Olympic soccer tournament m London. The Secretary of the Czech Football Association told Renter I today that a team of pure amateurs would not be good enough, and Czechoslovakia did not want to field a player whose status was m
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 154 12 LONDON, Monday. IN a socc«ff match last 1 week-end a dog ran on to the field and was struck by the ball, which bounced into goal. The referee rightly awarded a goal, despite protests from the spectators. Another case where a referee was within his rig-tits
    Reuter  -  154 words
  • 548 12 Indians Put Up Big Score In Hobart Match HOBART, Monday. |N reply to Tasmania's first innings of 142, India compiled 406 for seven when play was resumed here today m their three-day fixture. Amarnalh made his fourth century of the tour m the third over, wi<h a powerful square cut
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 272 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continuea trom oaee 6) rOK BAU FRFSH SHIPMENT. 17 bales Minapore Carpets for juick sale As. orted sizes. Enquires. Post OJTice Box No. 883. Sineaoore FOR SALE, collection of original oil of old masters. Only serious buyers to apply. Box No A1534 S.T. ROSS" BINOCULARS are freeIv
      272 words
    • 15 12 P/sJ\/ he famous I FmX HEAD I^\TRADEMARK E| is found only on DUNLOP •TYRES Jgllll
      15 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous