The Straits Times, 10 January 1948

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 62 1 LONDON. Friday. The appointment of Sir Edward Gent, Governor of the Malayan Union, as High Commissioner of the Federation of Malaya has been approved by the King, a huh Whitehall official re- I vealed today. Sir Edward is expected to assume this post as soon as
    AP  -  62 words
  • Article, Illustration
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  • 116 1 No Denial Of 'Stalin Dead' Reports LONDON, Friday. LAST night, after ru-. mour.s that Marshal Stalin was dead had been sweeping Europe for 24 hours, Moscow was still' silent. The rumours started m Berne, Switzerland. The newspaper, Berner Tagwacht. carried an article headed: "Stalin Dead?" It declared that there was
    Reuter  -  116 words
  • 85 1 From Our Staff Correspondent LONDON. Friday. The Financial Secretary. Malayan Union. Mr. W. D. Godsall. is leaving for Malaya on Tuesday. He is taking back a number of suggestions for the consideration of the Malayan Union Government. If these are acceptable or provide reasonable ground for
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  • 596 1 30 Per Cent At Work On Night Shift THE Harbour Labourers' Union called a dock strike in Singapore yesterday, but 30 to 40 per cent of last night's shift were working. Loading and unloading of 14 ships virtually ceased after pickets at 1 p.m.
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  • Article, Illustration
    67 1 Biig. Frederick ("Black Jack") Galleghan, former Australian prisoner-of-war leader m Malaya, with Mrs. Galleghan, after their arrival at Kalians airport. Singapore, yesterday. When she received a bunch of flowers from th« wife of a former P-o-W, Mrs. Galleghan said: I have never been to Singapore before, but I have tiven
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  • 94 1 MANILA. Friday.— A total of 1.039,734 long tons of copra valued at approximately 396,418.787.61 pesos has been licensed for export this year by the quota office. This is the first year which passed the million-ton mark. Last year. 600.000 tons were shipped. Before the war, Philippine
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  • 43 1 TEL AVIV. Friday.—Unofficial reports from the Syrian border said today that Arab troops had crossed the border and attacked two Jewish villages—Kefar Sold and Dan m Hagalil. British troops arrived from Mettula. and fighting continued—UP. Security Force for Palestine?— Page 3.
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  • 357 1 SINGAPORE-KL UANG TRAIN TODAY A TRAIN will run between Singapore and tfluang at 8 a.m. today, the Railway Department announced last night. It will accept only Singapore-Kluang passengers, and then only if the weather permits. The road between Kluang and Labis will be inspected today with a view to running
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  • 98 1 HONG KONG. Friday. Direct air services between the Netherlands, *he Netherlands i East Indies. China and Singapore will be inaugurated m April. Dutch and Chinese air liners will then tmplement the four- year air transport agreement signed by the two countries m Nanking last October. The agreement
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  • 44 1 BATAVIA. Friday.—Nineteen Malay and Chinese pirates were killed m a 24hour shooting affray with Indonesian Republican police and Chinese volunteers which took place on Monday off the Sumatran fishing port of Bagan Siapiapi, according to Antara, the Republican news agency, today. Reuter.
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  • 38 1 WASHINGTON, Friday.— The Republican party has announced its victory slogan for the presidential campaign of 1948 as: "Vote Republican and Save What's Left." In the Congressional elections of 1946 its slogan was "Had Enough?" Reuter.
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  • 95 1 "THE amalgmation of the 1 International Emerj gency Food Council with the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations was announced at yesterday's meeting o f the I.E.F.C.'s Singapore SubCommittee on Rice for South-East Asia. It was made clear at the meeting that the functions and
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  • 79 1 BRUSSELS, Friday. The I Belgian Prime Minister. M. Spaak. will establish direct contact with King Leopold, now m exile m Switzerland, to seek a solution to Belgium's I three-year-old "Royal proI blem." it was officially an- nounced here today. M. Spaak told the Cabinet that
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  • 449 1 THE Premier of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr. Amir Sharifuddin, said m Singapore yesterday that he had made no definite commitment to the Dutch that the Republic 'vould agree to join a federation of Indonesian states. Dr. Sharifuddin added that a Dutch-Indonesian settlement was
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  • 53 1 BATAVIA. Friday. The United Nations Good Offices Committee announced today that it would meet on Sunday m Jogjakarta with leaders "f the Indonesian Republican Government to complete discussion of cease-fire proposals and Dutch amendments. The Committee said President Soekarno. Dr. Snaiwucidin, Sutan. Shahrir an; Dr. Hatta
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  • 161 1 T'UE former Australian prisoner-of-war leader m Malaya received a gift I "bouquet" of prison-camp j food when he arrived m Singapore yesterday. The card ua the "bouquet" read: "Memo: Black Jack i your ration, sir." Brig. Frederick Galleghan once among the tough- jest est disciplinarians m
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 73 1 yyV// PH0N***** i >^^\|V%SCOLEimMST. SEACON LTD. Civil Engineers Contractors PERMANENT HOUSES 2 Bed-rooms, Modern Sanitation. Built on your own land. Api?rox. 1.000 so. ft. Floor Area From $12,500/NEW STEEL FRAME GODOWN 6.000 SQ. FT. COMPLETE WITH SHEETING, 2 SLIDING DOORS. AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE ERECTION. Head Office: 4 5 MKVKK CHAMBERS.
      73 words
    • 117 1 \mnanur*nin JiwiutKt w*4A .1 CMMXitOHCeA. Malaya's "Biggest Ever- Competition Save your slides and labels and WIN A MOTOR CAR Or win one of these many other valuable 2 Latest Model Austin Saloon Motor C ars 1 G.E.C. Auto Radio-Gram (7 Valve) 6 Kelvinator De Luxe Refrigerators 6 Milliard six-valve Radios
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  • Cable Flashes
    • 80 2 WASHINGTON, Friday. THANKS made largely of plastic and light enough to be 1 flown from one front to another will play a decisive role in the event of another war, a military exnert predicted here. Major-Gen. James M Gavin, who commanded parachute troops m Normandy,
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    • 41 2 WHITBY. Friday.— After a day and night of torrential rain a drain under a railway embankment near here burst. Tons of earth were thrown out. leaving a hole 13 feet deep and 17 feet wide. Traffic was suspended.— Reuter
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    • 37 2 MOGADISHU. Italian Somaliland, Friday.— Ten Italians were slightly injured when a Mills bomb was thrown into a cafe here by Somalis. The incident was the climax to demonstrations by the Somali Congress Party.— Reuter.
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    • 40 2 NANKING. Friday.— Four Americans on their way to Hankow from Yenching are reported missing. It is presumed that they have been taken prisoner by Chinese Communi.'ts. They are a missionary, his wife and child, and a n\irse.— Reuter.
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    • 36 2 LONDON. Friday— The British Red Cross Society's fund for relief among refugees m India and Pakistan now amounts to £47,000. This is irrespective of the £125,000 already allocated from the Society's own funds. ;er.
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    • 27 2 Nine Killed PARIS. Friday.— Nine people were burned to death when a plane crashed against a hillside near Algiers yesterday. Two children were among those killed.— Reuter.
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    • 47 2 DUDLEY. Worcestershire, Friday.— A young couple were found dead m a car parked on waste land here. A rubber tube attached to the exhaust pipe led into the car through a window. They were Irene Evans, of Cradley Heath, and Cyril Green of Birmingham. Reuter.
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    • 40 2 LONDON. Friday. Dick Barton, special agent— whose exploits thrill radio audiences of all ages— was yesterday fined five shillings for driving a car off the road m Richmond Park. He is really Noel Johnson, of West Hampstead— Reuter.
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    • 29 2 BOMBAY. Friday.— The last British troops should have left India by the end of February. This was stated here yesterday by Major-Gen. Donald Bateman. G.0.C.. Bombay.— Reuter.
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    • 38 2 KIRKWALL. Friday—Burning by the head, an Aberdeen trawler was making for Kirkwall yesterday. A message received said the fite was out of control, but the crew were pumping m water m an effort to hold it.—Reuter.
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    • 42 2 LONDON. Friday. —Arnold Tranter. 45. died from the presence of a two-inch corroded darnine needle m his right kidney. This was stated at an inquest held here. There was no evidence to show how the needle eot there.— UP.
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    • 25 2 COLOMBO. Friday. Mrs Beatrice Winans. of Santa Barbara. California, has become a Buddhist nun. She was ordained at a suburban Buddhist temple. Renter.
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    • 40 2 racket was said to be indicated.—A.P. SAN FRANCISCO, Friday.— An imrrlgration inspector told the Federal District Court that 167 court orders for delayed birth certificates issued to Chinese here since 1941 appeared to be fraudulent. A Chinese naturalisation
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    • 65 2 GENEVA, Friday. The Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Trygve Lie, is expected to arrive m Geneva by air tomorrow night to begin a tour m search of a European site for the General Assembly of the United Nations m September. Mr. Lie is expected to visit
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    • 53 2 WILMINGTON, Ohio, Friday.—A flaming red cone trailing a gaseous green mist has appeared m the sky near the Clinton County Army Airbase. Army officials said: "The :iky phenomenon hung suspended m the air at intervals, and then gained and lost altitude at what appeared to "le rtrrific bursts
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1098 2 K*MKfflfr8 THE EASTERN BANK LIMITED tiave pleasure In announcing that a branch of the Bank will fee opened at Oriental Building. Kuala Lumpur, on 12th January. 1948 (Telephone No. 3373). All kinds of Banking business will be conducted. LOST SHARE CERTIFICATES Application has been made to the Directors of Chin
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    • 781 2 NOTICES MALACCA MUNICIPALITY APPOINTMENT OF VETERINARY PROBATIONER Applications are invited for the appointment of a Veterinray Probationer m the Municipal Veterinary Department. Applications should be addressed to the Municipal Veterinary Officer, Malacca, and no applications received later than 1 p.m. on Wednesday 21st January, 1948, will be considered. Candidates should
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    • 524 2 "Inotices^ BRITISH STORES DISPOSAL BOARD BT ORDER OP THE DIRECTOR OF DISPOSALS FAR EASTERN AREA (M.0.5.) The following tenders have been circulated to Register Contractors during the past two weeks: SINGAPORE AREA Teader No. 232. Closing date 14th January. 1948. for Mild Steel Plates. Screws. Brass and Iron Bolts, Nuts.
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    • 316 2 Why Wisdom Is made this Shape (and only this shape) L jjl VV7ISDOM'S cranxed nandle like every other detail of its shape v scientifically designed to maka WMk OOrTCCt teelb 1 1 1 ;asv Fof X example, the correct way co clean outside upper back teeib is shown at PBWPrsßlfffl
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  • Article, Illustration
    26 3 The Premier of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr. Amir Sharifuddin, centre, with Sutan Shahrir, left, and Haji Agoes Salim at Kalian airport yesterday. Straits Times pictare.
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  • 134 3 "30,000 Reds In Trap" NANKING, Friday. MORE than 30,000 Communists have been trapped and one whole regiment wiped out northeast <if Hsusui, says a Chinese Government bulletin. With the encirclement being tightened, the report states, "the total annihilation of the Communist forces m that area is anticipated." Another Communist unit
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  • 379 3 U.N. Partition Commission Fear Arab Bullets LAKE SUCCESS, Friday. THE United Nations Palestine Commission, due to meet here this afternoon, is now preparing to face the problem of how to protect itself when it goes to Palestine shortly to work out the details of the partition
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  • 327 3 Semi -Autonomy For W. Germany FRANKFURT, Friday. WESTERN GERMAN political leaders accepted yesterday an American-British proposal for establishing a "German economic administration" bearing strong similarities to the United States and British forms of government. The administration would have far more extensive powers than the present native government of the merged
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  • 120 3 NEW YORK. Friday— Mr. Hairy Ferguson, Irish-born inventor, accused the Ford Motor Company today of appropriating his hydraulic system for hitching farm implements to tractors. He sued Ford, three subsidiaries and eight individuals m the Federal District Court for $251,000,000. This is one of the
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  • 135 3 DUSSELDORF, Friday. Thirty-five thousand workers m Solingen downed tools today for a 48-hour general strike. Solingen is a steel city. The strikers are demanding that both normal and workers' rations be met m full. They also want blackmarketeers adequately punished. At the week-end union leaders will
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  • 52 3 MADRAS. Friday. The monsoon failure has affected about 20 million people of Madras Province "with an acute food crisis." A food official says that several districts have been virtually placed under famine conditions. There is a total shortage of 1,500.000 ons of rice and millet this
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  • 249 3 Marshall's Prestige High WASHINGTON, Friday. 'THE personal prestige 1 of the Secretary of State, Mr. George Marshal, was dominating the Marshall plan debate today. The debate had entered Its second day in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Mr. Marshall's grim and moving warning of the responsibility of Congress has had
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  • 133 3 SEOUL, Friday.— A million cheering Koreans with banners and torches lined the streets here at dusk yesterday to welcome the United Nations Korea Commission. First official meeting of the Commision has been fixed for next Wednesday, and one of the main tasks will be to arrange
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  • 207 3 PARIS, Friday. FRANCE has offered virtual dominion status to the r area of Indo-China claimed by Vietnam. She has also offered the; crown of the country to; the former Emperor of! Annam, Bao Dai, if he can win support for a peaceful settlement. M. Ensile Bollaert,
    AP  -  207 words
  • 175 3 TOKIO. Friday. EIGHT standby ships today guarded the Russian vessel Dvina. which is> still wallowing deeply, her decks awa*li, with 780 passengers aboard. Clearing weather this afternoon gave some promise that efforts to tow her to safety might begin soon. A Russian patrol boat succeeded m
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 252 3 S OJjD jVN SAFETY QUOINS Quoin Bodies JF Have Exception- <&* tv iCCURAfI LOrK-l'P tl'lllil ASU SENSITIVE TO THE TOUCH Available rd Width V Obta nable from THE OCEAN TRADING COMPANY, I\<). 80x_937 "98 C -cil Street, Singapore Phone: ***** mm Vis IB IrM l^ CONTINUING 16 YEARS OF LEADERSHIP
      252 words
    • 190 3 PH01(*****/|^ LAST 5 'i^ffi ffiffl/-^"^ n SHOWS < ;r«"-" S' < >o 11 a.m., 2 p^n 4.15 p.m., K^,^^ SEE IT C.30 9.15 p.m. k NOW! STARTS TO Mnooow MLAGLcM PHrWBg n Columbia Picturt 'rTzL GRAND HULA NIGHTS TONIGHT Extension to 1 A.M. 1. Dance of the "Flesh." ■■■MP^' t.
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  • 358 4 Malayan Metal Would Bring Top Prices NEW YORK, Friday. JUST so long as tin prices are fixed by GovernJ merit decree there is bound to be dissatisfaction." The "American Tin Market" says this m an editorial and adds that the "simple remedy is to permit the
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  • 305 4 NEW YORK, Friday. THE British Minister of Commonwealth Relations, Mr. Philip Noel-Baker, believes that India and Pakistan will reach agreement soon. He said In an interview here that he was sure the leaders of the two Dominions would find their own interests would best
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  • 110 4 BUCHAREST, Friday. RUMANIA is handing over to its people the extensive property owned by ex-King Michael and the former Royal family, Bucharest radio announced last night. Ex-King Michael alone, it is estimated, owned 58,000 acres of private land, while the Royal family as a whole owned
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  • 49 4 ATHENS. Friday. The Greek Government has ordered from England 40,000 rifles and ammunition to go with them for its campaign against the Greek guerillas. The value of the order, £770 000, will be paid with the frozen foreign exchange of Greek citizens m Engand. A.P.
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  • 197 4 NEW YORK, Friday. MR. James Fieser, Red Cross director for 25 years, said today the proposal for raising $15 million for a Christian University in Japan would be discussed on Jan. 14. He said the Committee, of which he was executive director, would meet
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  • 352 4 LONDON, Friday. FS Foreign Secretary, Mr. Ernest Bevin, yesterday presented to the Cabinet a drastically revised global programme of foreign policy* covering eveiy point in the world where Russian and American interests conflict. Formal approval of the plan which is expected, means that the
    UP  -  352 words
  • 277 4 B.M.A. Rejects Health Scheme THE British Medical Association has unanimously 1 rejected the Government's plans for a nationalised health service. This step was taken at a private meeting of the Association yesterday. Under the proposed scheme, doctors would have become State employees. Three hundred and seventy doctors from all parts
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  • 279 4 RANGOON, Friday. BURMA would never for- get the grace and dignity with which the British had withdrawn their sovereignty over Burma and left ncr free, the Foreign Minister, U. Tin Tut, said today. He was speaking at a luncheon given to foreign representatives who had attended
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 486 4 Enjoy yourself by the seaside The best spot m Singapore THE LIDO 4*4 Mile. Pastr Panjan* Road. OFFER YOU if Cocktail Bar Swing Music Delicious Food Mixed Swimming Dance Hall Palm Garden Prompt Services are Guaranteed Dance nightly 8 P. M. to mid-night Special rice curry tiffin Tea Dan*** I—3
      486 words
    • 121 4 BRINKMANNS LTD. MOTOR DIVISION, FIRESTONE Tyres and Accessories, Agents for NASH, JAGUAR, INTER NATIONAL HARVESTER, ANTHONY HOISTS and CORGI. Tel, 2787. Our Carpet Museum for Genuine Persian, Bokhara Indian CARPETS RUGS S. QURESHI CO., 67, The Arcade, 3rd Floor (Entrance from Raffles Place) Telephone 6453 FOR DEPENDABILITY AN EXCELLENCE OF
      121 words
    • 218 4 3 Show* Daily— 3. Ml A9 i 5 pa. A Stranire Love Story! Charles Ctaplin In "MONSIEUR VFRDOrX" —To-nite at Mid-nite— Dot Lamour A l-irk Pnwtll m "RIDING HIGH" —In Technicolor— GREAT WORLD GLOBE 3—3 7 9.15 p.m. "THE MAN IN THE IRON VI ASK" Opens To-morrow "Desert Agent" (Chans.
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  • 584 5 GOOD FOOD, by P. C. B. Newington, (Charles Grenier Co., Ltd.) Price $5. 'pOOD Food" is an ideal \J cookery book for those who wish to extend their knowledge of distinctively Malayan and Eastern d shes. Here is a guide to the most intriguing and
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  • Article, Illustration
    27 5 Miss Aja Vrzanora, the Czech ice-skating champion is seen here practising at the Richmond Ice Rink, London, in preparation for the Ice Skating Championships. "Daily Graphic" Picture.
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  • 83 5 PREVENT browning of freshly peeled apples by dipping them m water to which a little lemon Juice has been added. Fashion Flash: No woman ever takes another woman's advice about frocks. (You wouldn't ask the enemy how to win the war, would you?) Decorative substitute for a
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  • Article, Illustration
    40 5 Bill and Nanette Parks illustrate what the well-dressed couple of tomorrow will wear. The latest fashion dictum from New York decrees that men's trousers and coats shall be three inches shorter and women's hemlines shall reach almost to ankle length.
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  • 238 5 AT this time of year it is not infrequent to find that the hair gets dull and falls out. This is due chiefly to constitution. A strong tonic given by the advice of a doctor is a wise procedure. It can be noticed when
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  • 944 5 From A Suburban Diary JANUARY Bth WAKE up with apprehensive feeling that No Good Portends and slight tendency to think that this should be Friday 13th. Try to reassure self with glance at calendar on Williams dressingtable when feeling immediately commences to justify
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 261 5 m O\ THIS FILM iXf X*™ -^~> ii-WSff' I*'1 1 WINNER WILL (frfi MAKE WOMEN M k CRY AND ~'4 JKft* 0 LIKEIT «ijj* W V Reg Whitley \M JE »VC (Daily Mirror) SOON AT CAPITOL M I //dflpiMljßJ \V>/ "P' Rn ty exercise yr ptx'd for health, but it's
      261 words
    • 382 5 KINGS COLLEGE CAMBRIDGE RADIO Por A.C. and DC and Battery Op»* tJon 86H. 6 valve A.C. Receiver R310.00 360. 5 valrp A.C J2lO 00 Sole Distributors: ANN *-£NG -LEADERS 9. Stamford Road. Slnsanore. Factory Representatives T. V. MITCHELL 6c CO. ELECTUICAL APPLIANCES AT MOST COMPETITIVE PRICK. "REVO" Electric Cooker 1
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  • 1050 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Sat., Jan. 10, 1948. CONFLICTING COUNSELS This week has seen rubber touch 45 cents on the Singapore market. That was not the first time since the reoccupation, but before the war this price was only reached m one year, 1937, after the first restriction scheme was
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  • 161 6 The Association of British Malaya is holding a winter "At Home" in the ballroom at Grosvcnor House. London, on |the evening of Tuesday. Feb. 24. It is hoped that peoole at I Home on leave from Malaya I will attend, whether they are members of the
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  • 2042 6 A Malayan Countryman's Diary THE DUSUN DURIANS FAIL •THE durian crop is an lalmost complete failure in the dusun this season. Such fruits as were not spoiled by the squirrels are only enough to provide a few pips for the cook's three children and his baby boy. The squirrels, by
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 833 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. BIRTHS HAWBS On sth. January. 1948 to Gladys wife of E. M. Hawes. a son. CHUA— At Penal.* Hospital on 9tii Jan. to Nice wife of F. A. Chua. a daughter. DAINTRY. To Felice Daphne rrifo of P. Daintrv Sunsrei Plentone Estate. Johore Bharu at Kanclane Kerbau Hospital
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    • 17 6 EYE COMFORT VISUAL EFFICIENCY depend oa I Professional Skill Complete Modern Equipment C. S. CHONG, OPT: D.
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    • 25 6 I *rcn.— .MEODACAF ft f M. FLINTER S. GRINBERG WHOLESALE RETAIL DEALERS ID DIAMONDS «nd JEWELLERY 67, Stamford Rd. Eu Court Building Telephone 7923 Singapore
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  • 560 7 A merican Broker Says Govt. Needs Better Quality WHEN the U.S. Government had unloaded the inferior quality rubber from its present strategic stockpile it would replace it with better grades, a New York rubber broker, Mr. Elliot H. Simpson, said m Singapore yesterday. Mr. Simpson
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  • Article, Illustration
    67 7 Mr. Aw Boon Haw, of "Tiger Balm" fame, and Mrs. Aw Boon Haw, who returned to Singapore yesterday m a specially chartered 8.0.A.C. plane from Hong Kong. The plane also carried the families of the Shaw brothers, Mrs. Run Run Shaw an I her four children, Dorothy, Violet. Vee Ming
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  • 108 7 Sea Belle Gets A New Crew A COMPLETE Filipino crew, comprising captain, officers and seamen, has been flown to Singapore from Cebu to man the pro-war Governor's yacht, Sea Belle 11. Sea Belle II was recently purchased by an American business man from the Ph.lippines, Mr. Bill Morrison, for U.S.
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  • 117 7 For abetment of robbery, a young Malay, Ali bin Awang, was sentenced at the Singapore Assizes yesterday to five years' rigorous imprisonment. Ali was arr/sted after the victim of the robbery, a woman named Maya binte Bnwi, reported to the police the numb?r of the taxi
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  • 109 7 Demolition of five Singapore temporary markets has been postponed till the end of February. The markets are m Allwal Street. China Street. Waterloo Street. Lamah Street and Rowell Road. After the end of February, there will be no further extension, the Chinese Hawkers' Association has
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  • 56 7 Old Javanese and Siamese dances were the features of a show. "Forced Marr'age," staged by the Malay Women's Welfare Association of Singapore at the Victoria Memorial Hall last night. The show, m aid of the Muslim Women's Trade School attracted a large audience. Another show, "Evils
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  • 45 7 New moon day, which falls today, will be celebrated at the Sinhalese Buddhdst Temple 96, Outram Road, Singapore, by the Singapore Buddhist Association. All are invited. 6.00 p.m. Illumination. 7.00 p.m.— Buddha Puja. 7.30 p.m.— Sermon by Yen. M. M. Mahaweera Thera.
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  • 137 7 RUBBER was down 5/i,5 /i, of a cent on the local market yesterday. No. 1 sheet f.o.b. buyers. January, at close of business last night were 43 5/8 cents per lb., with sellers 43 7/8 cents. Spot loose buyers closed at 43 1/8 cents and sellers
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  • 59 7 A detective who searched a cyclist m Kelantan Road, Singapore, on Thursday for arms, found Instead 'Chap Ji Ki' slips on the man. The cyclist, Ng Lav Mm, pleaded guilty m the Eighth Police Court yesterday to assisting m the management of a public lottery and
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  • 144 7 A DAKOTA aircraft which made a forced landing at Changi airport on a flight from Java last week is due to leave Singapore for Sumatra today. On board will be a coffin; containing the body of an Indonesian who was shot dead m fighting m
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  • 190 7 MoreP&O Ships In Service Soon •THE P O Company expects to have six more 1 passenger liners back m service by the middle of this year. These vessels will run m addition to the Stratheden and Canton which are now on the United Kingdom-India-Australia and United Kingdom-India-Far East service. They
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  • 164 7 A nine-year-old girl told the Singapore Coroner yesterday that she had been playing with her baby brother on the second floor of her house a few minutes before she heard him crying m a room on the floor below. When she turned around, she said, she
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  • 29 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Friday.— The next meeting of the Malayan Union Advisory Council will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 27. and may, if necessary, continue the next day.
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  • 127 7 Mulberry Harbour On View THE exhibition of the 1 Mulberry Harbour was opened by Sir Franklin Gimson yesterday at the Victoria Memorial Hall. Service chiefs, consular representatives, heads of Government department, and representatives of the various communities of Singapore attended the opening. The two main exhibits were a detailed model
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  • 74 7 Police chased a group of Chinese whom they saw gambling on the five-foot-way at Henderson Road. Singapore. Cheng Yew Ley, whom they arrested, was fined $50, m default two months' rigorous imprisonment, m the Eighth Police Court yesterday for gambling. Ng Jeng Teo, 18, was caught gambling
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  • 70 7 "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty." at the Capitol, is fine entertainment m Samuel Goldwyn tradition. It has all the Goldwyn set extravagance, the humour of a James Thurber plot and the comely Goldwyn Girls. "Mitty" (Danny Kaye) is a daydreamer whose best dream comes true.
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  • 181 7 'THE new tin price still does not appear to satisfy a large number of Malayan producers," says i he annual tin review issued by The Strait* Trading Company. The producers considered the price too low dn comparison with other non-ferrous metals, and not
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  • Malayan Round-up
    • 70 7 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. A SPITFIRE pilot baled out between Port Dick.s,.^ and Seremban this morning when his Snithre developed engine trouble. The pilot, Flying Office] William lan Harts, of No 28 Squadron, Singapore landed unhurt. He was brought to Kuala Lumpur by
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    • 52 7 IPOH, Friday.— Alleged to be an absentee from the locally enlisted personnel training centre at Johore Bahru. a young Malay, Omar bin Salleh, was today remanded f n custody till Jan. 16 pending the arrival of an escort from Johore. Omar was stated to have absented himself from
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    • 68 7 PENANG, Friday.— The fire brigade was called out to Runnymede Hotel yesterday afternoon to deal with a small outbreak of fire on the roofing. The fire was put out within a few minutes. The cause is believed to be a cigarette end thrown on the rod on which
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    • 42 7 A 24-YEAR-OLD Chinese woman was charged m the Fourth Police Court yesterday with cheating three different people of various sums of money. The total amount involved was $208. She claimed trial on all charges and was allowed bail of $500.
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    • 73 7 MISS Pal Ying, (White Nightingale) 15-year-old Singapore Chinese singer. ~I- who had been missing since Saturday, walked into Beach Road police station at 7.45 1 yesterday morning. Five days after she was rej ported missing by her m (Madam Ong Boon Eng > !Pai Ying wrote her mi
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    • 66 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Friday.— The four-masted barque, i Passat, today completed the unloading of 4.400 tons of wooden railway sleepers which she had brought from Australia more than a month ai The vessel will probatv. turn to Australia early next v; ek where she will load wheat for Britain.
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    • 75 7 Jabin bin Haji Shaddin, alias Kamil bin Sappi. a 20j year-old Malay R.A.S.C. solI dier. was produced before the Sixth Police Court Magistrate, Mr. R. W. P. Rule, yesterday, and chargvd with criminal intimidation. He is alleged to have obtained the thumb print o* Samiah binte Kassanraji by
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    • 38 7 Singapore Police yesterday morning removed the body of a 45-year-old Indian from Rochore Canal. He had injuries on the head and The body was taken tSingapore morgue, and has not yet been identified.
      38 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 60 7 ROURE BERTRAND FILS IE! JUSTIN DUPONT PARIS (Established 1820) Manufacturers of: Essential Oils Terpeneless Oils Essences Extracts Resinoids Compound Oils Floral Ottos Synthetic Perfumes Confectionery Essences Tobacco Flavours Sole Ager, ts: OPTORG CO., (malaya) LTD. 124, ROBINSON ROAD SINGAPORE. JUST ARRIVED*. TIGER BRAND GENT'S ENGIiSH LEATHER SHOES PRICE $18.00 PER
      60 words
    • 91 7 "QUALITY FUR FELT HATS" BRITISH MADE *0 JBfel_ Smart snap brim Vl^'^ :r jM W curled at baclc. JjSt^^^^jßj Colours Ni^er, V* Mid-ni&ht Blue i l^v S\zq\ 6j to 7] r^^fj $10.50 22.50. A "two-w wry crown, especially designed f to be worn with the usual crease, or m "Pork-pie"
      91 words

  • 149 8 Crocodile Snaps Up Chinese From Our Staff Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Friday A CROCODILE seized a Chinese m its jaws and dived out of sight with him at Geylang Patak, on Wednesday. The incident took place In full view of eight men. The Chinese was standing m a small boat helping
    149 words
  • 215 8 TODAY: Exhibition of Mulberry Harbour model. Victoria Memorial Hall. 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Open to tlu public. District Methodist Youth Ftilowship. annual general meeting, Tamil Methodist Church. Short Street. 2.30 r>.m. V.M.C.A.. Orchard Road, ch<??s club. 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. General meeting. Ladies' Union. 62. Owen
    215 words
  • 25 8 SEREMBAN. Friday. Tan Chong Huat, was fined $50 dn the District Court today for breach of his licence to operate a Government rice mill here.
    25 words
  • 261 8 3 Collect Toll At Gam bling Shrine THREE Chinese have been collecting toll froni worshippers attracted to a new gambling "chap-ji-ki" shrine m Singapore. In the past month or so, since the shrine was erected, it is estimated that about 3,000 people have worshipped there The latest addition to Singapore's
    261 words
  • 125 8 U.S. Library For Rubber Research rE United States has instituted a library to promote scientific investigation into the rubber industry. The rubber chemistry division of the American Chemical Society has opened thej library m the University of Akron. Literature on developments m the rapidly expanding field of rubber technology will
    UP  -  125 words
  • 155 8 THE Commissioner of Police, (Mr. R. E. Foulger) yesterday led 380 police m one of the biggest comb-outs for firearms conducted m Singapore. In a dawn raid police searched the area between Lorone; 17 and Aljunied Road, Geylans. They detained 40 men, and seized opium pipes,
    155 words
  • 187 8 THE Singapore Govern-, ment has informed the! Municipal Commissioners that it does not favour State lotteries as a means of raising funds to combat T.B. The Municipal Commissioners asked the Government to legalise State lotteries for this purpose last May. The Commissioners declared that they viewed
    187 words
  • 268 8 Nearly 100,000 Extra Acres From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. THE Department of Agriculture, m its latest report on food production m 1947, is confident of a good padi season this year. Nearly 100,000 more acres are under padi now than a
    268 words
  • 204 8 Malay News From Abdul Aziz bin Ishak IF the British Government had not stood between the Malays and the natural independence of their country differences would not have arisen between communities said Ungku Abdullah bin Omar m a letter to the GovernorGeneral, (Mr. Malcolm
    204 words
  • 99 8 A SUM of $863,000 to meet the cost and handling charges of Unicraft tugs and barges has been sanctioned by the Singapore Advisory Council. The purchase of these tugs was made to relieve port congestion in Singapore in the early days of the liberation by facilitating discharge
    99 words
  • Article, Illustration
    46 8 Members of the Indian goodwill mission to Malaya who are now m Kuala LumpurLeft to right: Sri S. Viswanathan (secretary); Sri K. V. Al M. Ramanathan Chettiar, Sri Saw Ganesan (leader) and Sri K. Ramanathan Chettiar (Secretary. All-Malaya Chettiar Chamber of Commerce). Photo by P.R., Ml.
    46 words
  • 159 8 The past week has seen an Improvement in rubber prices, with a large volume of business transacted, says Lewis and Peat's weekly market report. The higher levels resulted in fairly heavy profit-taking, but the drop in the Malayan Exports for December at 78,820 tons, a decrease
    159 words
  • 262 8 r-MORROW'Sr -MORROW'S services m Singapore churches are is follows: Church of England: St. Andrew's Cathedral 7 a.rfi H am 10.30 a.m.. 11.15 a.m. air. 5.30 p.m.; St. George's Oarrison Church (Tanglin) 7.15 a.m.. 9 a.m., 9.45 a.m., 6.30 p.m Christ Church (Dorset Road> 7 am.: 8
    262 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 59 8 Just right/ Just right m style because so J?' vy>4B Ea! enormous an output can employ >^(V uVV^al the best shoe designers." /*^T Pv"jB to the work of expert crafts- S^HrXil men with the most up-to- i^nMf fl BrVvC date machinery and the /KSS jB Es4^K w vast resources of
      59 words
    • 164 8 DOORWAY TO JAP AN I ONLY OUT OF AN jgM^ ADVENTURE GREAT J*l i i *n£i Greater 3/9 TOJIOHT f f( 'Air Force' -WUM AT HnpAT 'Sergeant W M'HITE Jjl|||V<L k *k RYNN BOOK NOW! C APIT O L so small so powerful sure 1| l|t j ■JU Influenza, Sore
      164 words

  • Straits Times SATURDAY FORUMS
    • 348 9 Confusion In Battle —And In Citations? AN ECHO OF THE WAR IN SINGAPORE AS a member of the Forces who served m the defence of Singapore and elsewhere previously, I feel that I mus# protest on behalf of the large majority, now far away, of those who so served and
      348 words
    • Article, Illustration
      74 9 War and peace are eloquently contrasted m this picture taken by a Straits Times photographer at the point where the headquarters of the Singapore River are crossed by Havelock Road. In tbe background are old godowns that have never been repaired since they were destroyed m a bombing raid m
      74 words
    • 228 9 A Student Asks For More Time AS most schools, if not' all, will re-open on Jan. 12, I wish all ambiti( us students desirious of having a proper education, to join me m appealing to the Education Department lor the extension of the school period, which I think is very
      228 words
    • 157 9 A Body Under The Debris At Serangoon BUSES, cars, Muncipal trucks and Army lorries "whiz" by at nothing less than 40 m.p.h. Tyres screech, a boom and a crash and what's next a body under the debris of a collapsed building or the driver of an over-turned vehicle clambering out
      157 words
    • 354 9 The Municipal Treasurer And Miss Emily Post T SHOULD like to bring to your notice the kind of unprincipled effrontery on the part of "servants of the public," which members of the Singapore public have to endure. This is a notice which a consumer recently received from the Municipal Treasurer:
      354 words
    • 145 9 IAM a War Department employee. I sent m an application for a house or flat to the Secretary of the Singapore Improve-; ment Trust several months ago. Sometime ago a form for accommodation was forwarded to me to be filled and returned with my photograph. After
      145 words
    • 204 9 T'HE following points may 1 be of interest to "Onlooker" and others who have complained about the salary scheme recommended for veterinary surgeons. Malayan students are not likely to be admitted Into the Indian Veterinary Colleges unless they possess the minimum entrance qualification of
      204 words
    • 74 9 A READER interested m stamps, recently asked for "wedding commemorative stamps" for Malaya and Singapore, m the Saturday Forum. We unfortunate philatelists m Singapore could not even get "Victory Stamps," even though Malaya and the Par East were more directly concerned with this than any other British
      74 words
    • 283 9 COME years before the Japanese invasion certain local Chinese published a small magazine. I forget the title. It did not last long, but it was good while it lasted. Notably it sponsored a photographic competition. In each of three successive monthly issues there appeared four photographs of odd
      283 words
    • 158 9 Europeans Only Need Apply f UNDERSTAND that it is the policy of the Malayan Governments to recruit local personnel wherever possible. It, therefore, came as a surprise to me to read m Malayan newspapers, the othei day, the following advertisement: European shorthand-typist required for Government Office. Balny $250 p. m.
      158 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 155 9 luscious fruit juices TO QUENCH YOUR Mynor is famous for purity and PM^ !!4 {-/Kszfj& T?J excellent quality. The wonderful irt VfWiQ kh fruity taste of Mynor Fruit Cup Ifv Ml comes from the balanced blend of /HJ fHfji^ Xl oranges, lemons, pineapples and /»jfti- CUP B I passionfruit. While
      155 words
    • 181 9 The Finest Name on Hecord SELECTED RECORDS Prelude from the Film "A Matter of Life and Death" Theme from the Film "This Man is Mine" Queen's Hall Light Orchestra. DX 1320 •Yeoman of the Guard" Overture Patience Dr. Malcolm Sargent and the London Phil. Orch. DX 1339 Concert Overture "Oliver
      181 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 683 9 In most hands pi*>ed ac suit s..u^J have brought home uie contracts, it is easier to count contract. losers than winners, hence this The club eight was opened, should be done before planning dummy played low, the ace won. the play. Occasionally however, *nd a club was returned. Declarthe count
      683 words

  • 389 10 LONDON, Friday. rpilE London Stock Exchange 1 opened yesterday with a wave of buying: following overnight publication of deI tails of the Marshall Plan, 1 says Reuter's financial correspondent. However, a sharp setback followed consideration of the warning concerning the general economic situation which was given by the
    389 words
  • 847 10 From Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Friday. TINS on the local market yesterday were easier m sympathy with London and some local profit taking. Industrials were steady with small inquiry for selective shares. Quotations given by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association were as follows: INDUSTRIALS Buyer SeOet Atlas Ice
    847 words
  • 295 10 By A Market Correspondent. FAIR activity was recorded in coffee sugar and rice yesterday. Demand for medium quality rice improved quotations. Business in coffee was mainly In Palembang 15 per cent beans. Good parcels were transacted The coconut qil market ruled firm with buyers
    295 words
  • 61 10 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association's prices at noon yesterday weref Buyers Sellers Cts. Cts per lb. per lb. No. 1 R.S.S. Spot loose nominal 43 43 7 i No. 1 R.S.S. fob m bales Jan. 43% 44% No. 2 R.S.S fob m bales Jan. 43% 43% No.
    61 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 720 10 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. Uncorooraiec id Singapore) BLUE FUNNEL LINE SAILINGS FROM C.R. AND OS. A. •Tklcdon" Dne From O.K. Continent Jan. 10 "Tan'alut" Due from O K Jan. II "Monelous" Due from D.K '»•>• U •*Ae»n«-nor" Due from O.K Jan 11 "Calcl as" Due from i: S A Jan. 21
      720 words
    • 184 10 PRESIDENT LINE SAILINGS Id NhV\ KOKH AND BOSTON via INDIA EGYPT Hi MEDITERRANEAN PORTS Freight Onl* SCOTT E. LAND I', .'ham Arr. Jan. 8 Penanr Jan. 11 MARINB SNAPPER Singapore Arr. Jan. 10 Penanr Jan. 15 PRES. MONROE Singapore Arr. Jan. 14 Penanr Jan. 19 LYKES ORIENT LINES direct to
      184 words
    • 157 10 Shinpers and other interested id Sblnoir- Intelllrenee are -e»er-eo to advertisements m Cols. 1 and 2 opposite pare and to Shippinr Notice* an Parr B. I. S. N. Coy APCAR LINE M.V. SANGOLA FOR MADRAS CALCUTTA JAN. 20th BSLAY KERR Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE 8c PENANG JAVA NEW YORK SAILINGS Rotierdamsche
      157 words
    • 637 10 ELLERMAN BUCKNALL LINE HAVKfc. LO.\U()N XNTWERr s.s. CITY OF LUCKNOW at Gdn. I/I Sails Singapore 1"! Jan. P. STiam 14-16 .fin. Penanr 17-19 Jan. KLAVEM.I2S PACIRC PORTS M S ■•<• \STLf 1 VII if" C!rw odn IS/M r»,,» 11 Jan Port Swtter»S->-i tl Jar. McALISTER CO., LT£. iincoroorn»j-r 1 c*HONr
      637 words

  • 1214 11 Thumbnail Sketches Of Participating Teams By Reg Williams, Straits Times Rugby Reporter TODAY'S H.M.S. Malaya rugby final at the Selangor Club patlang 1 m Kuala Lumpur between the Singapore Combined Services and Penang promises to be one of the most keenly contested and exciting
    1,214 words
  • 44 11 NEW YORK, Thursday. Working on the assumption that the 1956 Olympic Games will be awarded to the United States, the American Olympic Committee asked for bids and has received applications to stage the Olympics from Philadelphia, Detroit, Los Angeles and Minneapolis. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • Article, Illustration
    414 11 HAir.H r Penang Sports Club) New arrival from Ceylon; kicks and fields well; very useful when m form. RITCHIE (Penang Recreation Club) Fast and dangerous wing threequarter. Good tackier and a potential scorer. Played for Penang m 1941 and last and this seas<Mi. One of the mainstays of
    414 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
      321 words
    • 150 11 U» ADVENTURES 11 a.m., 2 p.m. Vf^V-^ IC^4.15. 6.30 9.15 7\ Phone 5159 SigJ^^S^S^ T <> PAY f+ A TNJ A W TOPAT 11,1.45,4.15 C A Wi MJL PHONE 6.45, 9.30 J 3400 BBTTER THAN "THE BEST YEARS OF OUR LIFE" PLUS TUE GREATEST COURT-ROOM SCENL EVtll SCREFNED to cy
      150 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 114 11 RADIO MALAYA (S'POR£) I 1 p.m. Radio Orch.: 1.45 Rot Pox Orch.: 8.15 News, Announcements; 8.20 Sports Round-Up; 8.30 Remember These; 9.00 Best Sellers; 9.45 Concert Orchestra Style; 10.30 Rhythm; 11.30 News. Close Down. j RADIO MALAYA (K.L.) 1 p.m. See S'pore. 5.00 Sound* track; 5.15 Listener's Choice— Mr Pang
      114 words
    • 126 11 mese. 9.45 English: News; 10.00 Film of the Week; 10.30 British Polk Music; 10.45 Short Story: 11.00 Rhythm; 11.30 News; New» Analysis; 11.45 University Programmfc "Agricultural Science' by N.M. Comber: 12.16 News A Rubber Prices; 12.30 Close Down. RADIO SKAC I a.m. Music; 8.45 Morning Star; 9.00 BBC Symphony Concert;
      126 words
    • 137 11 I Dancers Only: 11.45 Close Dowu RADIO AUSTRALIA Two SUUons— «.3O a.m. Hits from the Movies; 9.45 Music for Millions; 10.00 Variety Bandbox; 10.10 Requests; 10.40 Andre Kostelanetz Orch.; 10.45 Songs from the Shows; 11.00 Violin Concerto In Q. Minor by Max Bruch; 11.30 Close Down. 4 p.m. Sporting Roundup;
      137 words

  • Article, Illustration
    27 12 A leading contender for the British skating championships was Jill Lister. She is lacing her skating boots m readiness for practice at Wembley. She hails from Liverpool.
    27 words
  • 355 12 Rail Transport Not Available By EPSOM JEEP KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. TEMPORARY suspension of the rail service between Singapore and Kuala Lumpur owing to floods may mean that about 30 horses from Singapore stables will miss the Selangor Turf Club January Meeting, which begins next
    355 words
  • 151 12 PARIS, Friday. THE Swiss Winter Olympic Games committee expect to lose about 50,000 Swiss francs m staging the games at St. Moritz from Jan. 30 to Feb. 8, it was reported here yesterday by a Swiss correspondent] of a sporting paper. Total expenses, the correspondent wrote,
    Reuter  -  151 words
  • 91 12 THE Yoong Yoong Club of K.L. defeated The Rest of Singapore m their table-tennis tournament at the Great World last night by three games to two. Results (Singapore named first* were: Lam Kwong Meng lost to Leon? Siak Ng 10-21, 11-21, 18-21; Loh Kum Soon beat Chong
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  • 284 12 Services Team To K.L. By Plane From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Friday THEIR original transport 1 plans upset owing to the floods m Johore, the Singapore Services rugby team will fly to Kuala Lumpur tomorrow for the H.M.S. Malaya competition final against Penang. The flight Is being arranged by
    284 words
  • 22 12 LONDON. Friday. Gloucester beat the Army by 25 points to nine m a U.K. Rusby Union game pliyed yesterday. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 93 12 TODAY: HOCKEY: Singapore vs. Johore, at Johore Bahru, 5.15 p.m.; Clarke Rangers vs. Johore Cricket Club, at Johore Bahru, 5.15 p.m. SOCCER: S.C.F.V. Inter-dis-trict League opens, Jalan Besar, 5.15 p.m.; Indians vs. No. 7, MT RAF. Govt. Printing Office fciound. 5 p.m.; Indonesian XI. vs. Blue and White
    93 words
  • 194 12 SYDNEY, Friday. S. G. BARNES, back to his old form, played the brightest innings of the day m scoring 85 for New South Wales on thej first day of their Sheffield Shield match against South Australia here. At the close 0/ play New j South Wales
    Reuter-AAP  -  194 words
  • 110 12 Johore Fielding Scratch Side OWING to the floods m J hore, several of the State's heckey players residing m Segamat, Muar and Batu Pahat are unable to participate m today's interState fixture against Singapore at Johcre Bahru. The Johore officials have drawn up a scratch side, which will play m
    110 words
  • 65 12 The Singapore Chinese Football Association's inter-district league will start tcday, when the opp~nents will be the Jellicoe Lads and I Naval Base. Kick-off wil! be at 5 p.m. A group photograph of all teams participating m the league will be j taken at 4.30 p.m., and all players
    65 words
  • 73 12 LO: JDON. Friday. Paraguay (South America) have withdrawn their entry from the Olympic Games. The reason, they have informed the organising committee m London, is that "the training of our athletes has not yet attained the necessary efficiency." They hope to participate In future competitions. Guatemala,
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 71 12 As the majority of the players chosen were not able to get leave the Singapore Football Association have called off their proposed visit to Medan. The team was scheduled to leave by air on Jan. 20 The S.C.F.A have elected a subcommittee to go into the question
    71 words
  • 281 12 HOBART, Friday. THE Indians begin a three-day match here tomorrow against Tasmania, "Cinderalla" State of Australian cricket. Tasmania has produced several noted internationals including C. J. Eady the allrounder contemporary of Darling and Noble; E. L. McDonald, rated the best bowler m the world when m
    Reuter; Reuter-AAP  -  281 words
  • 67 12 A meeting ol representatives ot all Indian sports clubs wiii be held tomorrow at 11 a.m. at 6, Race Course Lane, Singapore. The object of this meeting will be to discuss matters pertaining to Indian soccer and the forthcoming B. A. P. A. League. All Indian clubs
    67 words
  • 59 12 The team to play soccer for No. 1 Sub-Depot, 223 8.0.D., against the Blue Rovers at St. George's Road, Singapore, tomorrow at 5.15 p.m. will be chosen from the following: Kuan Chong, Syed Omar, P. Lopez, L.B. Teck, Suppiah, T£. Wee, P. Tbn, P. de Souzp T.C. Balen,
    59 words
  • 44 12 line Singapore Harbour Board Boys' Club "C" team defeated the Breeze Road Youngsters by four goals to one m a friendly soccer match at Keppel Road, yesterday. Sow Wing Kee and Sze-to Poo Har each scored twice for the Boys' Club.
    44 words
  • 342 12 LONDON, Friday. PUR of Britain's leading boxers m th e featherweight division Ronnie Clayton, British, European and Empire champion, Johnny Molloy, Al Phillips and Frank Williams— will be m action early this year Clayton fiehts Mollov at the Albert Hall, London, on Jan.
    Reuter  -  342 words
  • 325 12 Job ore C.C. Beat S .C. C At hockey Cricket Club had little difficulty m v a ing the Singapore Cricket Club m their hockey match on the padang yesterday evening, the score being four-one. The Johore side proved superior m all departments of the game, but it must
    325 words
  • 200 12 NEW YORK, Friday.— > World heavyweight champion Joe Louis signed yesterday with the 20th Century Sporting Club to defend his title against Jersey Joe Walcott, or any other opponent mutually agreeable to the champion and promoter, "about June 23," at a site to be determined later.
    Reuter  -  200 words
  • 58 12 THE Royal Singapore Golf Club announce thai, owinc to the state of the course, the monthly medal competition for January has been cancelled. In the event of further rain, the course may be unplayable over the week-end. Members are requested to ascertain from the club t'n«*
    58 words
  • 181 12 TWE giant Hungarian wiest- *<£*' King Kong will n *ve a difficult taik m maintaining nis unbeaten record when he meets the Polish heavyweignt champion, George Zbisko. at nigh? 1 65 W rld arena to Zbisko was injured m his bout with King Kong a fortnight
    181 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 711 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. continued from oaire •> ACCOMMODATION VACANT FULLY furnished single room, will •}<• vacant on the 10th 11. Inspection 348 River Valley Rd. Miss Lim ACCOMMODATION WANTED WANTED or. lonsr lcare house or ro 'own snice P.O. Box No. 1088. ENGLISH couple needs accommodation, or house, furnished or
      711 words
      311 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous