The Straits Times, 7 January 1948

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 320 1 IVan Heutz Pirates Send Notes HONG, KONG, Tuesday. THE pirates who looted the Dutch steamer Van Heutz and kidnapped six wealthy Chinese passengers off the China coast a lew miles north of here on Dec. 14 have demanded HK$lOO,OOO for the return of each of their victims.
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  • 184 1 SHANGHAI, Tuesday. REVIVAL of large-scale fighting m Manchuria appeared imminent today as pro-Government des-; patches told of Communist columns of Korean and. Mongolian troops converging on Changchun. The same despatches stated that heavy attacks were expected on Mukden within the next two weeks probably
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  • 212 1 Questioning Of Tojo Concluded TOKIO, Tuesday. THE prosecution today closed its cross-exami-nation of Hideki Tojo, the former Japanese Premier, after Tojo had declared to the international court trying him for war crimes that he felt he had committed no wrong, either legal or moral, m whatever he had to do
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  • 45 1 RANGOON. Tuesday.— Sao Shwe Thaik, first President of Burma, today ceremoniously planted a holy sapling presented by Dr. Rajendra Prasad, Indian special envoy to the Independence celebrations, m the grounds of Rangoon's gol d c n-d om c d Shwe Dagon Pagoda— Reuter.
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  • 102 1 BANGKOK. Tuesday.— lt is understood that Slam's December rice shipments amounted to 52.106 tons. Another 34.040 tons are at present being loaded, which comprises 16,400 tons to China. 9,370 tons to India. 3.830 to Malaya, 3.230 to the N.E.I. and 1.210 to Borneo. Meanwhile the Siamese
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  • 267 1 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. THE Officer m Charge of Detectives, Seiangor, Mr. W. Stafford, today shot dead with a carbine bullet a gangster who was diving and swimming under water m a mining pool m an attempt to escape a police party.
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  • 94 1 A CORPSE sent to a Siamese temple for burial as a pauper on Mon- I day has been identified as that of Prince Chetanakorn Voravarn. He is one of the 15 brothers of Prince Yarn Vidyakorn. Siamese Ambassador m Washington. A tricycle on which the Prince
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  • 55 1 LONDON, Tuesday. The Prime 'Minister, Mr. Attlee, said m a New Year message to the Labour movement today that the first signs of national recovery were apparent. This year would demand from all a continuance of effort and devotion Hard work and self-sacrifice were having
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  • 128 1 RUBBER lost 5 8 of a cent on the local market yesterday. There was a heavy volume of business and up-country li- <. quidation of stocVs and some profit-taking sent the price down. No. 1 sheet f.0.b., closed last night at 44 3/8 cents per
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  • 82 1 NEW YORK, Tuesday.— Faced with rising costs of natural rubber, American manufacturers are becoming more inclined to view synthetic rubber plants which began production during the war as a "balance wheel" operating to hold down/ the price of their raw materials, writes William W. Hersey m
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  • 175 1 •PHE Government of SinI gapore has selected March 20 as the provisional date for registered voters to elect six unofficial members to the I re-constituted Advisory! Council. it will be Singapore'! first] Legislative Council polling day and the first step towards democratic government of
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  • 349 1 Malaya Left Out Of New Tin Move From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Tuesday. HPHE Ministry of Supply announced today the second increase m a month m domestic and export tin prices, but the Malayan product were not included m the rise. The price for Nigerian ore was increased from £477
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  • 178 1 Border Bandits Again From Our SlalT C'orrc pu.idrnt PENANG, Tuesday. TTHREE people were ki'kd 1 and five injured when about 20 armed bandits of the notorious Klian Intan gang ambushed a lorry 44 miles from Klian Intan on New Year's Eve. Reports reaching here today state that the bandits made
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 19 1 SP. H. HENDRY,! JEWELLER ui'h an Established Malaya-wide I I Reputation. Jj7fl&K6 mark Pyk MADE IN ENGLAND M ARK
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    • 53 1 ■■■■■■■■■■■■WWi |s/ Urf/oU rf/o DE LUXC> High Class Portrait Cf OutJoor Photographers haw opened J A SPECIAL D. P SERVI 1 I TEPARTMEVT I I For FINF GRAIN PIY! I o'T.r: I PRINTING A INIUOINO Service:: 24 hiiir* Vh'.rr IKf J 33, Stamford Rd. (neir Cupi I mmmmmmmmmmmmm mm»mmm -i
      53 words

  • Cable Flashes
    • 67 2 RANGOON, Tuesday. r*IFTS from the British Government of a Rolls-Royce car for the new President of the Union of Burma and an Austin for the Premier were presented here yesterday. The presentations were made by Mr. Arthur Henderson, Britain's special envoy for the independence celebrations.
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    • 50 2 HAMBURG, Tuesday.— Dis- missals of Germans m official positions m the British zone of Germany on "denaziflca- tion" grounds have been discontinued. An official announcement j describes the step as the I "completion of the most important phase m the denazification of provinces of the British zone." Reuter.
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    • 49 2 CAPE TOWN. Tuesday. The Chairman of the Committee of the Natal Indian Organisation and leader of the South African Indian community, Mr. G.M. Kajee, collapsed and died here yesterday. Mr. Kajee, who was 52. took a leading part m discussions between Indians and the Union Government.— Reuter.
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    • 40 2 DUESSELDORF. Tuesday.— Food strikes are threatened m many parts of the Ruhr this .week Unrest followed the announcement yesterday of the week's ration of 2.500 grammes (5 lb.) of bread and 250 grammes (8 ozs.) of macaroni —Reuter
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    • 54 2 LONDON. Tuesday.—British miners came within 300.000 tons of reaching their output target of 200.000.000 tons for 1947. They mined a total of 199,700,000 tons. Mr. Hugh Gaitskell. Minister of Fuel and Power, said there would be disappointment that the target had not been reached, but "we were
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    • 38 2 NEW DELHI. Tuesday—Delhi newspapers yesterday published reports of outbreaks of cholera and smallpox at 32 places m the Punjab. There is said to have been I "heavy" loss of life following an outbreak at Trichinopoly. —A.P.
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    • 43 2 SHANGHAI, Tuesday To keep up with the inflationary spiral, all public utility companies m Shanghai yesterday announced increased rates. It was stated that the future rates would be based on automatic formulae approved by the National Economic Council m Nankin?. Reuter.
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    • 63 2 LONDON. Tuesday— Plans are being made to restore the flow of Hollywood pictures to Britain, according to the Dally Mail. This is hoped to be done on a film for film basis, one British film being guaranteed a showing m the U.S. lor i I every new American
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    • 54 2 RUGBY, Tuesday— A soliciI tor who was head boy and a member of the school XI is to be the headmaster of Rugby School. He is Sir Arthur Forde, aged 47, who has accepted an I invitation to succeed Mr. P. H. B. Wren, who retires at the
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    • 43 2 SWANSEA. Tuesday—Thelma Debell. 20, of Danygraig Road. Swansea, is to be married m a hospital ward here to an RAF. pen pal. The bridegroom. Gordon Poole, 26, of Lowestoft. will leave within a few days for overseas duty. Reuter.
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    • 44 2 EDINBURGH. Tuesday. Mothers and wives shared In a civic reception here of the Ist Battalion, Royal Scots, just home from India. The Battalion's return closes a chapter of military service associated with India lor nearly one and a half j centuries. Reuter.
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    • 46 2 MIDLAND. Texas, Tuesday. Seven schoolchildren have died from an unidentified chest disease here. One hundred and seven other children are ill and all schools have been closed. No children are to be admitted to public gatherings until the illness has been brought under control.—Reuter.
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    • 31 2 LONDON, Tuesday.— The body of Dr. Ziauddin Ahmed, the Indian Muslim educa- tionist, has been sent to India for burial. He died m a nursing home at Christmas. Reuter.
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    • 26 2 LONDON, Tuesday. Radio Moscow said yesterday that Bulgaria and Russia had raised their respective lega- tions to embassy rank and their envoys to ambassadors. -UP.
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    • 53 2 LONDON, Tuesday. Charles Jones broke a British penal record when he pleaded guilty m Wigan court yesterday Admitting three cases of housebreaking, he asked the court to rule, also, on 240 other robberies to which he confessed He estimated his total loot at almost £5.000, and got four
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    • 50 2 CANBERRA, Tuesday. Preliminary plans to transport British immigrants to Australia by air are expected to he presented to the Cabinet on Jai. 12. Seven aircu ft companies including twT British, two A'-^tralian an*, wo American i companies are reported to have made proposals for the j scheme. A.P.
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    • 25 2 PALERMO, Tuesday— Five men tried to force open a hand-grenade with a blow torch Three were killed and two I injured. U.P.
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    • 32 2 SEATTLE, Tuesday. Eic;ht persons have been res>. _>d from the ice-sheathed point of the Alaska peninsular. They were taken aboard a Coast Guard cutter after being marooned m a heavy gale.
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    • 58 2 ATLANTA, Georgia, Tuesday. "White Rule" leaders m Georgia are to seek votinz law modifications to bar most of the state's 1,084,927 Negroes from the polls. Mr. Herman- Talmadge, leader, of the "White Rule" movement, said here yesterday that he did not think more than 10 or 15 per
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    • 44 2 TSINGTAO, Tuesday. There is still no rews of the five American marines who have been missing from a hunting trip since Christmas. A Chinese informant said the jeep belonging to the party, found beyond Government lines, showed no signs of violence. A.P.
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    • 37 2 Science Starving NEW YORK, Tuesday. The New York Herald-Tri-bune devoted an editorial today to the problem of hunger m India. The paper urged that scientists should study the subject of population m relation to food supplies. Reuter.
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    • 43 2 MANILA, Tuesday. President Roxas has declared that he will press the task of cleaning up all vestiges of dishonesty and corruption m his Government. At a State luncheon he appealed for help to those officials who had betrayed their trust. A.P.
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    • 41 2 WASHINGTON. Tuesday. Vice-Admiral Forrest P. Sherman. U.S. naval strategist, has been ordered to take over command of the United States Mediterranean Fleet. Admiral Sherman, who Is 51, has served as deputy chief of naval operations since December 1945. UP.
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  • 246 2 LAKE SUCCESS, Tuesday. rpHE strife and bloodshed touched off by the A partitioning of India will come to the attention of the United Nations today when the Security Council takes up India's complaint against Pakistan over the fighting m Kashmir. The issue of Kashmir covers
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  • 209 2 Servicemen" Bodies Recovered HONG KONG, TueaC AFTER nine weeks r\ hazardous and difficu t iravi'lling over 4,000 miiea of inland China, a th Id team from a War Graves Concentration L'n t returned to Hong X witli the remains <>i .>J British servicemen wno lost their lives during the war.
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  • 119 2 LONDON, Tuesday- A new Anglo Egyptian financial agreement signed m Calx day extends until Dec. 1. 1948, the financial agreement signed on June 30 with certain modifications The new agreement provides for the release during 1948 of £21.000,001 from Egypt's pre-July 1947 sterling balances and for an increase
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  • 49 2 NEW DELHI. Tues dia's progress m th( trade, industry and will be demonstrated a^ exhibition to be hrld b\ I Government of India m 51 gapore next month. Exhibits supplied b firms for the Bangkok cxl bition, arranged for < ember, will be sent I pore. Reuter.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1095 2 NOTICES S'JE EASTERN B4NK HTMITED ivc pleasure m announcing that a branch of the Bank will be opened at Oriental Building. Kuala Lumpur, on 12th January. 1948 (Telephone No. 3373). All kinds of Banking business will be conducted. AUCTION SALB OF VMI ABLE SINGAPORB PROPERTIES To be held at our
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    • 711 2 NOTICES The Singapore Auctioneers FOR SALE Priv. |!y Beautiful pure cut-cry:;* v.ware. silver St Sheffield plated tableware, laree old Chinese porcelain plates, brass cones. kitchen sink, BallHeads, Kodak 620. F3.5. ROYAL typewriter. ETC, ETC. The Singapore Auctioneers AUCTION SALE OF Valuable Properties To Be Held At Our Sale-Room. No. 9-C,
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    • 745 2 NOTICES IHNDHEDE QUARRY The above quarry ia now In production and enquiries are invited for block or crushed stone. Telephone ***** or 73/ i milestone Bukit T>mah Road. SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY Tenders are invited for "INeTALLATTON OF KLECTRIC SERVICES" for the Water Department. Tenders close at 13 noon on Thursday. 19th.
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  • 410 3 Marshall Plan Appeal To Congress WASHINGTON, Tuesday. THE White House today told the United States 1 that President Truman's State of Union message to Congress would be of extreme importance." He will deliver it m person at 6.30 p.m. today. The message will call for
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  • 292 3 LONDON, Tuesday. THOUSANDS of bargain-hungry women stormed the large stores m London's West End today m the biggest scramble for cheap clothes since before the war. Coupon values for old-style short dresses were halved under a Board of Trade concession to allow shops to
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  • 241 3 LAKE SUCCESS. Tuesday THE United Nations Little Assembly met yesterday for the first time, but under boycott by Russia and the other nations ot Eastern Europe. The Little Assembly offl- ially the interim committee ot the Genoral Assembly-- -was attended by 51 delegates. Eastern Europe's
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  • 139 3 Greek Army Increase Sanctioned ATHENS, Tuesday. 'THE Greek Premier, Mr. I Sophoulis, has announced that the United States has agreed to an m;- crease m the size of the Greek army and National Guard. Twelve thousand men will be added to the army, while the strength of the National Guard
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  • 91 3 CLEVELAND, Tuesday. I The president of the Ameri-! can Medical Association today issued a warning that the medical profession was not prepared for atomic bomb attacks m which there would be mass casualties. The president, Dr. Edward Bortz, advocated the esta- blishnk'nt of widely dispersed first-aia teams
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  • 103 3 WASHINGTON. Tuesday.— There is no secret agreement for Russia to get a substantial part of Japan's industrial plants as war reparations, it was stated here today. Speaking at a news conference a press pflicer, Mr. Lincoln White, said Russia would get nothing of the initial
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  • 54 3 HONG KONG. Tuesday.— The Chinese Democratic League, outlawed by the Chines? Goverr men*., held its third plenary .session m this British Colony today. It lamed a statement that it "would light to bring about destruction of the Nanking regime", which was., it alleged, "the tool of
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  • 246 3 Police said she apparently regained consciousness from time to time, but she was unconscious when she was finally dug out. Rescue workers have increased their efforts, hoping to find others alive. Five dead have been removed so far. Another Arab front will be opened soon m
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  • 105 3 -c also said that Egyptian volunteers would begin fighting on the southern front as soon as People's Army unit* went into action m the north and east. Egypt's new Foreign Minister (Ahmed Khahsada Pasha) today reaffirmed Egypt's determination "to extend a helping hand to Arabs m Palestine until
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  • 184 3 LAUSANNE, Tuesday. EX-KING Michael and his mother, Queen Helen, rested m their rooms today after their two-day journey from Rumania, while the per-! sonal belongings which the King and his suite had been allowed to take from (Rumania were unloaded m (Lausanne station. Three cars and
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  • 72 3 LONDON. Tuesday. The first steps of the Government's plan to make a record of the country's workers and "droned went into effect yesterday. All street traders had to register at labour exchanges. i Other traders and artists from 18 to 50 were required to register
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  • 130 3 LONDON. Tuesday.—Charges that Communist influence is increasing m the Government and political and industrial organisations of the Indonesian Republic are made m a memorandum published by the Dutch "National Committee for Commonwealth Unity." The committee is a private organisation presided over by Professor P. O. Herbrandy,
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  • 112 3 MELBOURNE, Tuesday.— j Temporary repairs have been 1 made to the Antarctic exploration ship Wyatt Earp, which has been recalled to Melbourne for a complete overhaul. The Wyatt Earp left Hobart for the Antarctic last Friday and was heavily battered m a storm. This caused a leak
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  • Malay Newt
    • 135 3 I From Abdul Aziz bin Ishak I TTUSAN Melayu, m an U editorial yesterday, criticises the broadcast made by the GovernorGeneral (Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald) on Sunday. The paper states that most of Mr. Mac Donald's speech was not new and referred to subjects which he himself
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    • 128 3 KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesday. The Governor (Sir Edward Gent) and Unofficial members lof the Advisory Council yesi terday congratulated two of their number on the New Year Honours awarded to them Sir Hussein Abdoolcader on his knighthood and Col. H. S. Lee, who received the C.B.E. ".Their
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    • 79 3 MADISON. Wisconsin, Tuesday—Gen. Mac Arthur had definitely indicated that he would be receptive to the Republican nomination as President of the United States, a prominent supporter said today. The supporter is the Wisconsin Secretary of State, Mr. Fred R. Zimmerman. Mr. Zimmerman declared that he interpreted a
      AP  -  79 words
    • 35 3 BANGKOK. Tuesday. Prince Rangsit of Chainat, President of the Council Regency, has expressed the hope that Siam and Burma will continue their present friendly relations m a message to the new President. U.P.
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  • 323 3 rE Little Theatre Players have scored another success with their latest production, Priestley's "Time and the Conways," which opened on Monday night at their Armenian Street Theatre. The play— it Is one of Priestley's cycle of "Time" plays is perhaps not among his best. We see a
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 136 3 BRINKMANNS LTD. MOTOR DIVISION, fIRESTONE Tyrms and Accessories, Agents for NASH, JAGUAR, INTER NATIONAL HARVESTER, ANTHONY HOISTS and CORGI. Tel, 2787. Small shipment ol the Postwar model AUTOMATIC ROLLEIFLEX CAMERA with Zeiss Tessar P, 3.5 lens Just arrived. THIS is definitely the last shipment available with the Zeiss Tessar lenses
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    • 229 3 OPENING TO-DAI 3 Shewg 1. CIS A 9.15 n «n. Mystery! Thrills! Siurrnsr: "DRUMS OF FU MANCHU" Madman on the Urn Terrorhdm Tw« Nation,! Chapters 8 to Final— GREAT WORLD GLOBE 7 9.15 p.m. "Hands Across the Bordi r" Opens To-morrow **The Man m the Iron Mask" NEW WORLD LIDO
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  • 1050 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Wed., Jan 7, 1948. MULTI-MILLION BUYING In our leading article headed A Multi-Million Scandal," published last month, an at- tempt was made to indicate the various ways m which losses totalling over $150 million were incurred on supplies i ordered m London for the 1 rehabilitation
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  • 86 4 PARIS. Tuesday. The French High Commissioner for indo-China <M Emile Bollaertt leaves for Geneva today for important conversations with the ex-Emperor of Annam <Bao Dal). M. Bollacrt conferred today with the French Prime Minister (M. Robert Schumam, the Foreign Minister (M. Georges Bidault), the Colonial
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 571 4 By Our Penang Correspondent CIR Husein Hasanally Abdoolcader, Penang's new knight and the first Indian m Malaya to receive a knighthood, was once threatened with execution by the Japanese. Throughout the enemy occupation, Sir Husein was under suspicion for his pro-Allied sympathies. The Kempeitai eventually arrested
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    • 241 4 IT seems some time since j the common griev-j ances of the homeless were aired m your columns,! and I feel that the begin- j ning of this new yeari might be a convenient! opportunity to put a few, facts on record.
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    • 346 4 On Tuesday I went to see a i house nearer to the centre of the town. It had been built by one of those brilliant architects of a type who seem to have abounded m this delightful city since time immemorial, who believed against all comers that windows
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    • 210 4 Of course, I realise that the Government are far too busy to worry about my little difficulties: they have so much to do issuing all their dinky little petrol coupons to all the nice motorists who really don't need them since they can buy as much petrol
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    • 225 4 FNGLISH schools m Seremban selected their primary pupils for 1948 as early as August, leaving hundreds of children without any chance of gaining admission to primary classes. In these schools there are no more vacancies for beginners. If education is denied to these little ones the
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    • 92 4 THE Singapore Police 1 have recently raided Balestier Road and driven bread hawkers off the street. Because of the very small rice ration, I and my five children have subs*itu:ed bread for rice m our daily meals. We have been Duylng our bread from the hawkers
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  • 770 4 A MESSAGE TO KEDAH FROM LONDON Tungku Abdul Rahman A BBC Malay Broadcast' IUOST Malays m Brim tain have followed with the greatest interest news from Malaya concerning the nomination of Prime Ministers and Chief Secretaries for the nine Malay States when the new Federation proposals come into force this
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 723 4 CLASSIFIED ADS. NUTATIONS VACANT WANTED Lady shorthand-typist $300 350 for Shipping and Merchant House. Apply 2nd Floor, bl Robinson Road. BRITISH European Import Finn, established over 40 years, require! the service of a competent Chinese salesman with full ledge of the bazaar trade. > apply m own handwriting With copy
      723 words
    • 27 4 'REVO' ELECTRIC COOKER. (Made m Er.flauit R-14 Two tnortrt with /utoniatie Ov-n Control. For AC. Mains only. 5275.00 EACH T. M. A. LTD., 61/63 Hißh Street, Singapore.
      27 words
    • 65 4 FOR YOURJNSUffAWi REQUIREMENTS THE COMMERCIAL UNION GROUP:- Bf v Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ltd. "~jj Union Assurance Society, Ltd. (London) Palatine Insurance Co., Ltd. Liverpool Victoria Insurance Corp: O British General Insurance Co. Ltd. I C Branch Offir es:— XPOH (P.O. Box 47 SINOAPORE (Tel: 574) C. W. WARREN J.
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  • 427 5 Nominates NonBritish Su bject As Cotnmissifmer members were disturbed by the Government's correspondence which called for a British subject as a nominee to the Municipal Commission. He added that Government had gone back on its former attitude which was critical of the Laycock Commission's recommendations that
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  • 151 5 Daughter Of Millionaire Dies In Crash I From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG. Tuesday. T'HE eldest daughter of the millionaire miner, Mr. Oh Hock Teck, was kill.-d cm her way to Singapore yesterday. Ie was Mrs. Chan Kai Pin, who was fatally injured when a c:ir skidded and overturned on the
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  • 167 5 PREVENTION of unto- ward happenings on I ships carrying oranges j should be considered by shipping companies, said the Singapore Coroner, Mr. W. G. Porter, yesterday. He was inquiring into the deaths of four labourers who were overcome by carbon dioxide gas exuded by a cargo or
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  • 75 5 For Importing tobacco on which duty of $894 had not been paid, two Chinese were fined a total of $13,000 m the: Singapore Third Police Court yesterday. They were Ng Chuan and! Ng Yong Chuan. In addition the "kolek.'i (canoe) which belonged to' Ng Chuan and
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  • 83 5 CAPTAIN Abdul Rahman bin Abdul Aziz of the S.V.C. has been awarded the 0.8. E. (Military) m the New Year's Honour List. This is the first award to a Malay officer since 1936. when Captain Abu Bakar was awarded the M.B.E. Captain Abdul Rahman was m
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  • 190 5 From Our Staff Correspondent M KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. AJOR Kokokoji Kyomf, < fficer-in-charge of the former Japanese Bth Company m Malaya, was today sentenced to 12 years' rigoious imprisonment by a War Crimes Court m Kuala Lumpur He was sentenced for his part m the
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  • 199 5 AT the close of the final session of the Malaya Annual Conference of the Methodist Mission, yesterday, at Wesley Church, delegates and friends bade farewell to Bishop and Mrs. E. F. Lee. The Bisnop Is retiring from Malaya and returning shortly to the US.A. Bishop and
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  • 111 5 THE Malayan Teachers", Union m a statement is- sued yesterday says that Mr. A.T. Newboult. the Chief Sec retary, Malayan Union, is biased m his views. The statement criticises a i reply given by Mr. Newboult m the Malayan Union Advisory Council on Monday. He replied to
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  • 99 5 r THE former leader of 1 Australian prisoners-of-war m Malaya will lay a| wreath on thje Singapore! war memorial when he arrives by air from Australia on Friday afternoon J He is Brigadier Frederick Galleghan. former commander of one of the first of the Australian units to
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  • 244 5 I ABDUL Baiki bin Sueb, J*\ a 34-year-old IndoI nesian, yesterday faced a charge of assisting m the management of the Ang1 j katan Permuda Insaf M (Malay Youth Movement) on Nov. 12. He was warned repeatedly by the District Judge, Mr. E. P. Shanks, to
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  • 177 5 A 62-YEAR-OLD mother screamed and wept m the Singapore Assize Court yesterday when her son was sentenced to 10 years* rigorous imprisonment and 12 strokes of the rotan. After her son had been led to the cells below, she ran to the back of the Court building:
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  • 224 5 THE British Air Ministry has granted the Dutch X.L.M. airlines permission to make two Constel-' lation aircraft landings; each week at the Singapore R.A.F. Station at Tengah. X.L.M. authorities m Sin- Kapore say they expect to make their first regular i Constellation landing at Tengah next
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  • 397 5 I pi From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. £90,000,000 error m a cabie retarding Malaya's London reserves was corrected In official sources today. Replying m the Houseof Commons, on Dec. 19 last, to a question by Mr. D. N. Pritt (Independent Labour), the Under
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 97 5 jKIR!AI(JASES(MMA)[m AVOID COSTLY SHUTDOWNS DaTta?ed Steel. Cast Steel and Manganese Steel Parts can be prepared for welding In situ OXY-ACETYLENE GOUGING Let cur Technical Service Depart f-ent sohe your welding and cutting problems. 1 9. de Souza Street. P.O. Box 761 T<-1 No- 802.V4 SINGAPORE. BUY (JfjD BRITISH SANiTARY WARES
      97 words
    • 87 5 !ily|g FURNISH'MG Si?? fAB»ICS Large Ranges of Latest Designs including TOOTALS Sell Figured and Chintz Satins PRINTED CHINTZ HOUSEHOLD TAPESTRIES DfCOLA=— LIVING MUSIC the very uresence of concert and M-iyy voice m its unsurpassed anneal M^3B*L -fc-n^ great orchestra. notc-Derfect. BtLm i mTSnimm every instrument clearly articulate. the bite of
      87 words

  • 310 6 N.E.I Desperate, Says Killearn THE Netherlands East Indies was m a "condition of desperation" owing to the non-arrival of its rice allocations from Brazil and the U.S.A., the Special Commissioner for South-East Asia, Lord Killearn, said yesterday. He was addressing the 17th meeting of South-East Asia Liaison Officers
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  • 177 6 "Study Rice And Prices," Says Samy MALAYAN employers would prevent "troubles" during 1948 if they studied their employees' rice and prices problems and "acted accordingly," a leading Singapore unionist told a press, tea-party last night. He was the president of the Singapore Traction Company Employees' Union, Mr. R. K. Samy.
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  • 87 6 From Our Staff Carresponaem JOHORE BAHRU, Tuesday. —Tan Jee Wah, alias Poi Tee, was sentenced at the Assizes today to six years' rigorous imprisonment on a charge of being m unlawful possession of a Sten gun and 46 rounds of Sten gur. ammunition. The prosecution's
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  • 81 6 From Our Staff Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU. Tuesday. —Mr. Koh Ewe Teik who has been selected as the nominee of the Kluang branch of the Johore Civil Service Association for the seat on the Johore Council of State and Mr. C. D. Westwood, Muar branch nominee for
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  • 155 6 MARKET prices of certain locally grown vegetables have increased by about 25 per cent, during the past week or two as a result of one of the wettest rainy seasons ever recorded m Singapore. These prices are now "reaching the high level obtaining before the lifting
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  • 87 6 From Our Staff Correspondent Reginald Dv Toit, a 25-year-old South African seaman, was fined $10, m default three days' simple imprisonment, by the Second Police Court Magistrate, Mr. E. S. de Banzie, yesterday for riotous and disorderly behaviour m the charge room of t*e Central
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  • Article, Illustration
    85 6 From Our %J ft Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Tuesday. —Sim Hock Chye, now serving six months' rigorous imprisonment on a charge of rash driving, was today, on his own plea, fined $200 m default two months' hard labour, on a charge of giving false information to a police officer.
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  • 181 6 from the Railway Renewals Funds m order to complete last year's programme. The programme of new works for this year amounts to almost $11,000,000. From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. fFHE Malayan Railway expects to receive this x year 20 Diesel electric shunting locomotives and nearly
    181 words
  • 273 6 TODAY: Union Jack Club, North Bridge Road. dancing lessons, by apI poinanent. 2 p.m., Welsh cluO, I 8 p.m., dance club, for practice > vr instruction, 8 pm. Film and Stage show, sp^njcied by Arab Association, m aid cf the Associations Funds, Queen's Theatre, Geylang, 2.30 pjn., for
    273 words
  • Article, Illustration
    69 6 Mr. H G. Beverley, Chief Police Officer of Selangor, who will go on leave this week. The last six months of police activity m Selangor have seen the wiping out of two vicious gangs the "Green Dragon Mountain Society" and the "Chinese People's Self Defence Corps." Mr. Beverley himself shot
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  • 128 6 ftANTAS Empire Airways and British Overseas Airways Corporation have j expanded their passenger and freight booking facilities m Singapore. They have extended their old passenger office m the Raffles Hotel buildings m Bras Basah Road to accommodate their own booking office. This office is now the
    128 words
  • 240 6 1 The following n?w books have 'been added to Raffles Library. Adler < Felix > Our Part m thU i World: Cole (G.p.H.) The Intel- ligent Man's Guide to the post-war i world: Deanft (John R) The Strange Alliance; Harrop (A.J.) New Zealand after Five Yrars;
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  • 51 6 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR Tuesday. A communique issued by the Malayan Union Secretariat states that total banishment orders m the Union ud to Jan. 1 numbered 201. Of these, 166 banishees had been convicted m court. Since Nov. 30, 1947. 48 banishment orders have been
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 228 6 LAST 4 SHOWS 2 p.m.; 4.15 p.m.; 6.30 p.m. &9.15 p.m. WARNERS' TENSE RTV DRAMA OF EXCITEMENT! Jlrl "THE CHARGE OF THE \g/ LIGHT BRIGADE" Krrol FLYNN Olivia de HAVILAND T^^^i«w»-*v '^^Bkv^iß^ «^9iiliih 2S^^s?3ii«9^^^^^ mi""" I r\ l«^^«as "n«(Two Academy Awards m a row!) Arturo de William Paul CORDOVA BENDIX
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 270 6 Today's Radio Programmes RADIO MALAYA SPORE BFBBS »•*> Clo* Down. Orange Network: 7 p.m. Kyo- BAD1O SB AC lpm Viva America* 1.40 Y^- 7.15 English: News; 7.25 a.m. Music; 8.45 Morning Dane* Music 8 15 News. Toni- Talk "Growth of the Modern Star; 9.00 BBC Light Orchestral ral Talk Arm
      270 words

  • 390 7 LONDON, Tuesday. UNCERTAINTY ruled tb j U London Stock Exchang 9 yesterday, keeping the tradin U volume down to z bare mini I7 mum, says Reuters financi; 21 correspondent. This made f« an easier tendency amon Industrials, several leadin shares being marked dowi Tins advanced. Shipping shares were
    390 words
  • 254 7  -  A Market Correspondent Produce Market By FAIRLY large coconut oil transaction yesterday broke n the spell of quiet on the local markets. Pepper and sago flour also came into demand. Quotations for pepper Improved but sago flour prices slipped to low levels Minor changes were
    254 words
  • 14 7 Stocks 64.90; Industrials 179 53: I Rails 52.72: Utilities 33.73— A.P.
    AP  -  14 words
  • 877 7 From Our Market Correspondent t he stfEirttsL? ac Y y '—^siEsryttS'u. J* Industrials weTe steady with a limited amount of business passing. Rubber issues were still quiescent pie comparative high price of the r commodity failing to move them t Quotations given today by the S Malayan
    877 words
  • 62 7 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association's prices at noon yesterday were: Buyers Sellers Cts. Cts. per lb. per lb. No. 1 R.S.S. Spot loose nominal 44 M M% No. 1 R.SS. fob m bales Jan. 44% 44 T No. 2 R.SS. fob m bales Jan. 44 M« No.
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  • 463 7 Company Meetings ALTHOUGH Ulu Klang Tin Ltd delayed thoir annual meeting until the last possible moment they were not able to announce to shareholders that mining operations had commenced on the hill areas at Ulu Klanr The chairman, Mr. A. Arbuthnott. told the annual meeting which
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 689 7 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. ilix-nrnnraiec id Singapore) BLUE FUNNEL LINE SAILINGS FROM U.K. AND O.S.A. "MtN— 1 rom UK O. 13 "Mcdno* 1 l>i-e From U.K. Continent Jan. 8 •••^•n-atu-f" imp from C X Jan. 8 "M-nflous" Hue .rom U.K Jan. 11 ••'"■npnor" D»ie from U.K Jan. 11 TftfafaM" Due from
      689 words
    • 84 7 PRESIDENT LINE MARINE SWALLOW Passengers only. Sailing San Francisco via Hong Kong, Shanghai, Japan 6 p.m. Jan. BtJh SAILINGS TO NEW YORK AND BOSTON via INDIA EGYPT MEDITERRANEAN PORTfr Freight Only SCOTT E LAND P. sham Arr. Jan. 7 MARINE SNAPPER sfng^or. ajr. fe M PRES. MONROE SSS-i.'V:." Irr. SZ.
      84 words
      63 words
    • 516 7 ELLERMAN KLAVENESS BU CKNAU PACIFIC PORTS BAVKK LONDON i^^^H I <9 ANTWERP s.i. CITY OF LUCKNOW at Gdn. 4/5 Don Slnpaporo Gdn. ttftA Rails Singapore It Jan. Port SwrUrnham 1" »'n. tJSr.::::::::&SSi McALJSTER CO.. LTD. (incoTDomteo <r Sin^soore) PHONT. MM BEN LINE OUTWARDS BENNEVIS mh MNvoEcV:*-. ?-sr m From U.K.
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  • 254 8 SERVICES RUGBY TEAM WEAKENED Star Wing Three LeavesFor U.K. INJURIES and departures of personnel have greatly weakened the Singapore Combined Services rugby team. They will take the field on Saturday for the H.M.S. Malaya final against Penang without several of their best players. There will be at least six changes
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  • 221 8 BRIDGETOWN (Barbados). Tuesday. G. O. ALLEN, captain and manager of the Marvlebone Cricket Club team, which arrived here to-day, injured a leg while training on board ship during to* trip and is unlikely to play In the first Test startine on Jan. 31. Immediately on his
    Reuter  -  221 words
  • 63 8 At a cricket meeting of the Indian Association, Singapore. held on Sunday, Mr. R. Sitharam was elected captain and Mr. Ravilal N. Mehta vice-captain for the 1948 cricket season. All Indians who are desirous of playing cricket are requested to get In touch with Mr. D. Dharmaraj, eric-
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  • 171 8 BOMBAY, Tuesday. MALAYA'S three badminton players returned to Bombay yesterday after playing exhibition matches m Kolhapur. Outstanding results m the series of matches were A. S. Samuel's second victory over George Lewis m straight sets and the defeat of Durai, All-India champion, by Davinder Mohan, also
    UP  -  171 words
  • 73 8 The following will represent the Singapore Cricket Club A" team at rugger against 711 Army Grouo Squadron on the Padang this evening: W. C. Bainbridge. N. McKechnie, C Milton (capt), J. A. O'Brien, W. A. Rodick. J. Oates, H. B. Wilson. P. T. North, K. N. R.
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  • 62 8 The council meeting of the Singapore Chinese Amateur Sports Federation arranged for last Saturday was not held, owing to the unavoidable absence of the president. The meeting, which will be held today at 5.15 p.m. at 70—1, Club Street, will discuss several important matters, including the invitation
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  • 130 8 MELBOURNE, Tuesday. AT a meeting m Melbourne the Australian Boarl of (Ticket Control derided to ask individual State associations to contribute to the Food for Britain Fund to offset the food which the Australian 'I si team will eat on the Australian tour this year. The States
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  • 21 8 LONDON, Tuesday. SCOTTISH league football results yesterday were: •V Division: Falkirk 0. Aims 0 Arbroath 3, letlc 2.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  21 words
  • Article, Illustration
    71 8 The Singapore Hockey Association League game between the Singapore Chinese Recreation Club and the Ceylon Sports Club, which was to have been played at Thomson Road yesterday, was postponed owing to rain. Golden Grove (Morsillo up) canters home to score a dou ble for the meeting Golden Grove
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  • 289 8 rE Great World, Singapore, yesterday announced plans to revive weekly boxing promotions m Singapore, m which local and overseas boxers will appear. Mr. A. Hamid yesterday revealed, on behalf of the Great World, that the sponsors of the new boxing scheme had Invited members
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  • Article, Illustration
    35 8 Australian batsman Keith Miller falls m attempting a big hit off Amarnath. Hamence, who was hacking is propping to return to his crease. An incident m the Second Test at the Sydne y cricket grand.
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  • 70 8 MELBOURNE, Tuesday. THE Victorian Amateur Ath- letic Association has agreed to the Jamaican sprinter, McKinlay, delaying his departure for Australia until after Jan. 10. McKinlay, who is to compete m the Australian championships m Melbourne on Jan. 24. originally Intended to arrive here on Friday this
    70 words
  • 503 8  -  EPSOM JEEP By PENANG, Tuesday. pOURTENAY, a sevenV/ year-old Australian gelding by Double Court, became one of the greatest money-spinners of the Malayan Turf when he annexed the GovernorGeneral's Challenge Cup ($2,500) at Penang. It was his eighth victory for Mr. S. C. Wong and "Madam Chan,"
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  • 139 8 The follow iug will play Xor the S.C.R.C. against the Singapore Recreation Club at the SRC. Didaruf to-day at 5 15 d n>. Lee Ah Ch:o; Dr. Ong Swee Law; Cheong Thiam Siew; Goh Chin Chye, Chcah Kirn Swee, Gan Kee Siang; Low Kee Pow, Swee Lim
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  • 108 8 TODAY: HOCKEY: S.C.R.C. vs. S.R.O, SRC, 5.15 p.m. RUGBY: S.C.C. "A" vs. 711 Army Troops S*dn., Padang, 5.15 p.m. SOCCER: Setetar Football Club vs. Kranji Rangers. sth. mile, Seletar. 5.15 pjn.; JoiUiaJs vs. C.M.P. Ist. XI Gilman Barracks. 5. 1S p.m.; Indonesian Ist. XI vs. Hurricanes, Geylang Stadium.
    108 words
  • 509 8 I ton horses Invariably appeared absolutely fit to race, and. if necessary, to race hard, even upon their first appearance as two-year-olds. Never were two-year-olds "jump,«d off" at Beckhampton, and I asked "to come all the way" or j even part of the way "upsides." Yet time
    509 words
  • 109 8 I A T the annual general meet- ing of the Unicorn's Club, Singapore, held on Dec. 28 last, the following were elected office-bearers for 1948: President. Mr. R. Sitharam (re-elected); «»*>neral secretary, Mr. Anthony Marshall; assistant general secretary Mr. Kenneth Teo; hon. treasurer. Mr. O. R. Perumal;
    109 words
  • 346 8 Serge Kalunkoff have all done very Well for themselves. Tho really big men of boxing have not been slow to go over to wrestling when their leatherslugging days were over. Primo Camera and Tony Gah-nto are two who turned wrestlers and made money m their new profession.
    346 words
  • 185 8 IN their table tennis encounter against the Chinese Youth Service Association at Tyrwhitt Road yesterday evening, the Singapore Municipal Services Union went down to the tune of five games to two. Llm Soo Guan of the S.M.S.U. played well after losing the first set to Ting
    185 words
  • 276 8 Whether one agrees with King i Kong's tactics m the ring or not .It must be agreed that he combines wrestling with showmanship and, come what may, the crowds are always assured of something sensational when he is m the ring The opponent who inflicts the
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  • 70 8 The Chung Cheng Hi'^i School XI will meet the Ooinese High School Old Boys m i\ friendly soccer match at the Jalan Besar Stadium tomorrow at 5.15 pjn. TShe C.C.H.S. XI will be selected from tht following: Chen? San, Chan Hoe, Scon Kwok Kwong. Chit Yoong, CJhan
    70 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 335 8 CLASSIFIED ADS. d from page 4> I OK SALE ■.i opDortunitv Owner la*?-!-.^riDore Former U.S. Land-~-ft. Excellent Condition. Engine. Also Hudson ler Marine Eneine. Box No. ST. "HIGHWAY" LEVEL m Case and Rigid Tripod, 3-screw base. $495.00, Ex-Stock. THE CCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENT CO. LTD. SINGAPORE. TOR 7 cv. ft. A.C. i
      335 words
    • 71 8 d ii tftfrilMC** THE GR ATEST IS3 W MAN-HUNT !N WffS^Pu^ M BUENOS A| RES' BM^Ksl 2 P m ■< 4.15 p.m. m Wl r 6.3© 9.1, i p.m. W- MORROW I I*' J'l-1ll1 1'*il THE BEST OF ALL BOOK THE ROAD' SHOWS! EARLY! W% 0^ 1% 4* REQUIREMENTS WHtjSSBM
      71 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous