The Straits Times, 6 January 1948

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times The Straits Times I'WKI.Vfc PACiKS SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1948 PRIC'F TEN CENTS
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  • 447 1 Consul Among The Killed JERUSALEM, Monday. THE Spanish Consul, Count Manuel de Salazar, was among those killed when members of the Jewish underground blew up the Semiramis Hotel m Jerusalem early today. Tonight three bodies had been recovered from under tons of masonry, and 16
    Reuter; AP; UP  -  447 words
  • 97 1 FRANCE has honoured a leading French citizen of Singapore with the Croix de la Resistance for bravery while under Japanese torture m Singapore and Indo-China during the war. He is M. Paul Clerc. managing director of Optorg (Malaya) Ltd. M. Clerc has worked for French business concerns m
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  • 150 1 ROME, Monday.— ltaly and tfugoslavia appeared to have reached a deadlock today over the choice of a Governor for Trieste and it seemed most unlikely that any agreement would be reached by midnight tonight— the time limit set by the U:ii**>d Nations Security Council. The talks requested
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  • 25 1 NAGOYA. Monday— Twenty were killed instantly and 30 injured when a capacity-loaded electric car overturned at a sharo turn. I —UP.
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  • 320 1 THE Japanese war-time Prime Minister, ex-General Hideki Tojo, told the LJZ\ c h Mihtar Tribunal today under cross-examination that he or «££d SIZ! f? "?t ll f T ve 4 been an atta <* on Pearl Harbour if the Japanese KSKd! 5Sm? IJmtedJt^ on Nov. 7
    Reuter  -  320 words
  • 49 1 ARCHBOLD. Ohio. Monday. —Ten children were killed when a speeding New York Central train crashed into a sleighing party at a level crossing here. The train struck the sleigh, killing ten outright and injuring two others. No railway passengers were hurt. U.P. and Reuter.
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  • 341 1 NANKING, Monday. JJEPORTS that large Communist forces had crossed the upper reaches of the Yangtse River near Shasi, 125 miles west of Hankow, and -4hat Communist shipping had been concentrating m that area, led to the belief here today that they might try U» enter
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  • 158 1 Hopes Rise Of Free Tin Market From Our Own Correspondent LONDOK, Monday. r'O developments m the tin situation have recently encouraged a few market people to wonder whether there is not now some hope of the reopening of their section at least of the London Metal Market, says the Daily
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  • 103 1 C.-G. Leaves Tomorrow The Governor General, Mr. Malcolm MacDonald, will leave Singapore by air from Kalian? Airport tomorrow. He will travel to the United Kingdom by flying boat. Mr. MacDonald will take part in routine talks at the Colonial Office. He will also, however, have talks at the Foreign Office
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  • 292 1 GENEVA. Monday. <TiHE exile train of ex-King 1 Michael of Rumania arrived at Buchs. on the Swiss frontier, today, but tire fevmer monarch remained behind drawn curtains and refused to descend even to accept a telephone call from Princess Anne of Bourbon-Parma, whom he plans to marry.
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  • Article, Illustration
    24 1 General view of one of Japan's largest coal mines near Muroran, Hokkaido, where the Allies have stepped up production by nearly 100 per cent.
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  • 339 1 Federation Of Indonesia Within Year? BATAVIA, Monday. •JHE Dutch Premier, Dr. Louis Reel, today expressed the hope that a Government for a Federated United States of Indonesia could be formed by Jan. 1, 1 *)!?>. Dr. Beel told a news conference that he was encouraged by the action of representatives
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  • 157 1 Rubber Touches 45 Cents RUBBER reached 45 cents per lb for No. 1 sheet buyers f.o.b. on the Singapore Market yesterday. This was the highest level reached since the removal of the controls and the re-open-ing of the free market in the early spring of last year. It was achieved
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  • 72 1 BANGKOK. Monday.— A 40man constituent assembly will draw up a permanent Siamese constitution, according to a decision taken by the Parliamentary Committee recently set up for devising means towards the purpose. Half the Assembly membership will be from the present Parliament, while the other half will be
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 59 1 HOLLYWOOD, Monday. Marlene Dietrich has returned from France to resume her Hollywood career with one of three starring roles m the picture "A Foreign Affair." Producer Charles Brackett and Director Billy Wilder will film it at Paramount studios. Miss Dietrich will portray an Amer ~an Congress woman
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 38 1 SINGAPORE^* mMmf/wr/Ktwm\ can't praise them I'd no idf« that Virpini* couU IMM like tliin. How'a ii done?" There'll never be a better cigarette iPT/ I dv MAURIERiIII Made m fngltnd Si. so T^'lm FILTEI TIP CIGARETTES for 50
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    • 62 1 Jewek Jte# KPUWIOM yT^.V-O WILLIAM <JAO<^> CO., (MALAYA) LTD. have pleasure m announcing that they have appointed Messrs Van Hin Electrical Co. 136, ORCHARD ROAD, SINGAPORE AS AUTHORISED DEALERS FOR THE WORLD FAMOUS HOOVE R VACUUM (LEANER Have you seen the new HOOVER "DUSTETTE"? A COMPLETE VACUUM CLEANER FOR $49.
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  • Cable Flashes
    • 71 2 BERKELEY, California, Monday. THE world's first supersonic wind tunnel to duplicate high altitude conditions above 250,000 tcet was demonstrated here for the first time yesterday. The new low pressure tunnel will enable scientists to explore the "no man's land" m the upper atmosphere,
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    • 37 2 DIJON, Prance. Monday. Jean Baptiste Aragnet, aged 70. was burned to death at Aurorre, when his house caught fire. Rescuers were unable to reach him because the house was surrounded by flood waters.— A.P.
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    • 49 2 LONDON, Monday. Vice Admiral Sir Geoffrey Mile*, Flag Officer Commanding the Indian Navy, has been proi to trie rank of Admiral. He was Flag Captain on the battleship Nelson when the struck m e of the first magnetic mines m the early part of the war.— Beuter.
      Reuter  -  49 words
    • 47 2 NANKING. Monday.— With faces badly srratchM and bruised, newsboys here deli1 Saturday papers latp yesterday afternoon. English paper m wsbovs have been on strike for lncreas > m wages. Yesterday, they fuught with subscribers who attempted to collect their own copies from the dlsn centre.— Renter.
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    • 43 2 SHANGHAI. Monday. Commercial dance halls and cabarets here will all close down by the end of v ber. The banning to commercialised dancrng m Shanghai. which has long been approved by the central authorities, is now being put into force. R*-uur.
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    • 40 2 COLOMBO. Monday. "Coming to Ceylon was like beine transferred to a retrion of peace.' So said Mr. Herbert Bryant, former Rotary International secretary for the Middle East and South East Asia, who is to settle down m Kandy.
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    • 43 2 MANILA. Monday. One man was killed and three seriously injured after the snaDpinc of a support. ng cable of an aerial ropeway across the San Juan River m Batanea Province. They fell 300 feet into a rocky gorge.— A. P.
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    • 44 2 PARIS. Monday. Police charged a crowd of several thousand filir. actors and technicians who blocked trafIflc In the De La Reoublique here yesterday. The crowd was demonstrat- I i ing against the Francoj American film importation agreement sismed last June. 1 Rev:>
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    • 40 2 VATICAN CITY. Monday.— Pope Plus addressed 3.000 Catholic youths here yesterday urgine them to co-oper-ate m solving "the burnine question of the hour". He defined this aa the achievment of a new social order of justice.— A.P.
      AP  -  40 words
    • 34 2 WASHINGTON, Monday. Chairman August H. Andersen of the Special House Committee Investigating market trading, left here yesterday on a mission. He is to investigate alleged gambling In grain by Government employees. U.P.
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    • 55 2 MANILA, Monday. Nine thousand and three hundred tons of rice are beine loaded aboard the S.S. Velerius here for the Netherlands Indies. Shipment is beine made by the Nationl Rice and Corn Corporation, which has already sent many tons of ricel to Malaya as it is unmarket- J
      AP  -  55 words
    • 37 2 SHANGHAI, Monday. The figure of CNC $1,216,726 million was quoted by CMnrse Customs sources as the foreign trade deficit .for China for October. October's exports wore estimated at one third of the import total. U.P.
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    • 19 2 MARRAKESH, Monday.— Mr. Winston Churchill was reported "very well" yesterday. He is n covr ring from bronchitis.—A.P.
      AP  -  19 words
    • 95 2 NEW YORK. Monday. A New York Times leading article says that prosperity In Burma would greatly aid the success of the Marshall Plan. The article adds that Burma has become the world's chief rice exporter and her production might be raised In large enough quantities to feed all
      Reuter  -  95 words
    • 48 2 PHILADELPHIA. Monday.— Machinery sent to bombedout European factories by the US. is being used by the Russians to make firearms. This allegation was made m a speech yesterday by Representative Franklin S. Maloney, of Pennsylvania, who has iust returned from a tour of Europe. A.P.
      AP  -  48 words
    • 31 2 MANILA, Monday. Seven persons were killed and three others seriously injured, m a fire yesterday. It destr ved five houses on the main avenue of Quezon city.— U.P.
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    • 58 2 SYDNEY. Monday Five Australian scientists have left Sydney for Calcutta by Qantas flying-boat on a twomonth goodwill mission to Tndfa. The misflon will spend a week at the Indian Science Congress at Patna before visiting main Indian research centres. The Indian Government h;is invited the mission to rt
      Reuter  -  58 words
    • 59 2 BATAVIA, Monday. The Dutch Premier, Doctor I-ouis Beel, announced today that he was unable to accept the invitation of the Australian Government to visit Canberra because he had already overstayed his present visit to Indonesia. He is returnmg to Holland with Oversea Territories Minister, Mr. Jan Jontonan I
      AP  -  59 words
    • 93 2 NEW DELHI. Monday. A total of 7,500 rupees (£511) m prizes is bein? offered b Government of Indisigns for India's new Swaraj" (.freedom) stamps to te issued m 1948. The new designs will be used for the denominations (if three pics, half-anna, nine pics, one anna, li annas,
      Reuter  -  93 words
    • 55 2 CANBERRA, Monday.— The Australian Government has abandoned plans to recall its Army component m Japan by next June because of expected delays m con^ludinf the Jap peace 'rea'y. ing to Radio Australia The time wtthin which families of service men msy Join tJiem m Japan te ex- tended
      UP  -  55 words
  • 176 2 De Gaulle Calls For Power ST. ETIENNE, Monday. /"•ENERAL do Gaulle to*J day attacked those "who seek to ruin France in order to establish dictatorship for conquerors of the East." In this his first major speech since his party polled a majority in the October municipal eliv.tioiis. General o> Gaulle
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  • 89 2 PEKING, Monday. Two Communist regiments w< re routed by Nationalise cultes a daylong clash on Sata near Ishie, 60 miles sout:-:-wes f of Peking. General Fu Tso-Yi's north Cliirm neadquarters announced icitTd*y. It said fled reinforce n: trying to reach the scene of the engagCTnTit were
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 943 2 NOTICES NOTICE. SINGAPORE TUtF CLUB. Election has been re-opened for a limited number of Pre-War Members only. No new Members or Lady Guest '^eribors will be elected. C. A. NIVEN. Secretary. S.T.O. NOTICES NOTICE The Public is hereby notified that Mr. Soh Chwt-e Oheow is no more m our employ
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    • 689 2 .NOTICES CHANGE OF ADDRESS LOUIS DREYFUS CO., LTD. Please note that from January 2nd 1948 our office address will be as below: NO. 10/11 MERCANTILE BANK BUILDING.. POST BOX NO. 965. SINGAPORE. TELEPHOMB NO. *****. FIRST CLASS LAND TO BE DISPOSED OF First- class land to be disposed of 44
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    • 658 2 NOTICE^ NOTKE MALACCA MUNICIPALITY Claims for Rerand at Rates on Unoccupied Bafldings. (Section GO of the Municipal Ordinance) Notice is hereby given that claims for refund of Rates for 2nd Half-year. 1947. (the period from Ist July to 31st December, 1947). m respect of unoccupied buildings within Municioal Limits must
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    • 67 2 TT f v Ay ■oVv Life's important hours HlKtefc/ vk of the man of taste. In ::^^R~^^^»i' cigarettes he need look no i fl|W>tf 3. further than to the name of J^&M j^^" Benson Hedges of London J> f to distinguish all those occasions J^T^t^S^ M S^\ uheu only the
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  • 381 3 Denials about Kashmir "Cut No Ice' i seriously depleted by the Balkan, Korean and Palestine Commissions. They believe, however, that i it would be difficult to ar- rive at an objective opinion i merely by hearing charges and counter-charges around a table. UNO Commission As both
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  • 150 3 Russia To Loycott Assembly JAKE SUCCESS, Monday.; A SOVIET spokesman said •H. yesterday that Russia vas leady to carry out her threatened boycott of the United Nations' "Little! Assembly." which begins its year-around sittings hi- iv tomorrow. Russia is expected to be joined m the boycott by the five other
    UP  -  150 words
  • 176 3 Radio Permits To Malaya WASHINGTON, Monday. THE Federal Communications Commission has entered a final order re-distributing service permits for British Commonwealth and other j Overseas points among] American Radio Telegraph Companies. The Commission dismissed, "without prejudice" to a renewal, the applications of RCA and MacKay for direct service to Ceylon.
    AP  -  176 words
  • 49 3 SAIGON, Monday.— A fire, believed to have been started by saboteurs, destroyed 2,000 tans of rubber valued at £375.000 m a dockoide warehouse here today. The fire, which started shortly after coolies had left the dockyard, covered the harbour area with dense smoke. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 60 3 The 15-year-old Chinese girl accused of murder was yesterday sent to the Mental ilospital for observation. She appeared at Singapore Juvenile Court yesterday morning, and, at the request tne police prosecutor, the magistrate Mr. Paul Sammy, made the order. It is alleged that she murdered another girl on
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  • 377 3 WASHINGTON, Monday CENATOR William F. Knowland, Republican, of California, demanded yesterday that the State Department should disclose whether there was any secret Big Three agreement promising Russia a substantial portion of dismantled Japanese industrial plants. Ir. a letter to the Under-Secretary of State, Mr. Robert
    AP; UP  -  377 words
  • 65 3 GENEVA, Monday. Bao j 1 Dai, ex-Emperor of Annam, arrived here today from London. He was greeted at the i station by the French Con- I sul-General, M. Xavier de I Gaulle, brother of Gen. de Gaulle. M. Emile Bollaert, French High Commissioner for Indo-China,
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 78 3 MADRID. Monday.— Spain j claimed last night that she could play a useful part m the re-construction of Europe under the Marshall plan. The Foreign Minister, Don Alberto Artaja. said that, if the great powers desired to put into play effectively all the forces for
    AP  -  78 words
  • 99 3 Shakespeare Talks To A Critic LONDON, Monday. •THE dramatic critic, 1 Percy Al'en, said today that he had talked with William Shakespeare, the Earl of Oxford and Sir Francis Bacon m the spirit world and had asked them bluntly the question: "Who wrote the plays attributed to William Shakespeare?" Mr.
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  • 127 3 For the past century. In Britain and other countries, groups of critics have backed various Elizabethean noblemen and writers as the actual authors or part authors of Shakespeare's plays and poems. These groups contend that Shakespeare himself was just an unlearned country bumpkin who became a passable actor
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  • 143 3 STOCKHOLM, Monday.— Professor Ella Berven. Sweden's leading cancer specialist, on his way to Moscow, said today on his arrival m Helsinki: 1 have not been called to Moscow to treat a prominent cancer patient." He added that he was "only returning a visit which some Russian
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  • 103 3 WARSAW, Monday. The Polish Government has protested against a "brutal attack" by American military police on Mrs. Maria .Berikowicz. a Polish diplomatic courier. A note was handed to the American Embassy m Warsaw. It alleges that while Mrs. Berkowicz was passing i through Karlsruhe, m
    AP  -  103 words
  • 41 3 KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. —The Department of Public Works states that the Kota Tinggi-Johore Bahru Road, at the 7th and 24th mile, is flooded to two feet, and the Kluang-Jemaluang Road, at the 83rd and 87th mile, is flooded to three feet.
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  • 290 3 LONDON, Monday. THE ultra-feminist Married Women's Association of Britain is launching a campaign to abolish the divorce court procedure of placing a monetary value on unfaithful wives. This procedure ha^ .ong been deprecated by women, who resent being still regarded m the eyes of the law
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  • Article, Illustration
    59 3 Model of England's new House of Commons, designed by Sir Giles Gibbert Scott. The speaker's chair is being placed m position. The skeleton of ihe new house is complete and it is expected that members will be able to leave their present quarters m the House of Lords and move
    AP  -  59 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 194 3 COOD-NICHT iiirilleflfef FOR yi?*</-ntC7*H*Kf REGULARITY 01 1 D r r\ n When \our «\«trm i«rlugce<! b> impuritirtthrougb V U R <j O I O S f ai urf of bt origan* to them Especially ronwnirol normally. Purgoid* effectivrly restore ihe oitural intiz- aoi -«fr m irtwn. artioo. safely
      194 words
    • 237 3 The new KELVIN ATOR refrigerators can oe constructed to special requirements to suit your store. This handsome, food-keeping derlce with its 'Balanced Cold", will keep your cookod. fresh, bottled and canned foods moist, flavorful and delicious. TO OUR STUDENTS AND PROSPECTIVE STUDENTS The British Institute of Ingineerinq Technology extends to
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  • 292 4 First Act Of Independence RANGOON, Monday. THE Burmese Parliament today over-rode Communist opposition and ratified a treaty with Britain. The ratification was Parliament's first act as a sovereign assembly. The treaty gives Britain permission to maintain military missions m Burma. It also provides for the transfer of 37
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  • Article, Illustration
    34 4 So thick was the snow m New York on December 27 that this Eskimo family, from Wales, Alaska, felt that Park Avenne where they exercised their dog team was just like home. A.P. photo.
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  • 275 4 SHANGHAI, Monday. "r-HRISTIANITY today V/ i3 playing a greater role in China's national life than it has ever played before," said Dr. Hollington Tong, Director of the Chinese Government's Information Office, in a radio address to China's Christians over the Christian broadcasting station here last night.
    Reuter  -  275 words
  • 92 4 ATHENS, Monday. Queen Frederika stopped m loannina today and delivered to Greek soldiers and townspeople the good wishes of her ailing husband, King Paul. She <s en route to Konitsa, the war-battered town near the Albanian frontier. She visited the headquarters of the elgnth division, whose
    AP  -  92 words
  • 99 4 WASHINGTON. Monday. Battle lines were drawn yesterday between President Truman and the Republicancontrolled Congress on three towering issues around which the fortunes of the major political parties could flourish or fade m this presidential election year. Streaming back into Washington for the re-convening of the
    AP  -  99 words
  • 306 4 Dean s New Book On Russia LONDON, Monday. COVIET planners are counting on Russia's J population growing to 300,000,000 people during the next 40 years, the Dean of Canterbury, the Very Rev. Hewlett Johnson, declares m his new book, "Soviet Russia since the War," published by Boni and Gaer. The
    UP  -  306 words
  • 47 4 A brarxn of the Indian OwßtseM Bank. Ltd, was opened at Bangkok by Mr Bhagwat Djia!. Charge d'Affaires of the Indian. Legation Mr. A. Subbiah, general manager, welcomed 300 represenitatives of communities and banks m Siam and stressed the commercial importance of the new venture.
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  • 234 4 SAN FRANCISCO, Monday. A UNITED Nations Commission assigned the task of holding: elections m all of Korea has no definite plan of how it will conduct the election m I the Russian-occupied northern zone. A spokesman for two U.N. delegates and 27 members of the
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  • 214 4 MILAN, Monday. THE Italian Communist 1 leader, Palmiro Togliati, yesterday warned the nations "reactionary forces" to remember that 'his party had behind themj "tens of thousands of youths wh 0 learned to use arms as partisans and were ready to use them again if necessary."
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 237 4 ACADEMIC TUITION For oil Grades m PIANOFORTPFlnwinsr. Touch. Musical Interpretation Theory Harmony by DAVID APEL Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts. Prague VIOLIN Style Bowing. Intonation and Rapid Mastery of Technloue fSevcik Method) individual and Class by GOH SOON TIOE Conservatoire de Muaique, Genera SINGING Technique. Intenwetatton English. French. German
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    • 183 4 Btautn VT, IH uitbii^ td You cannot ..miinuiJ a Invely fkin but you tun cu'nv^ir beauty. li nrcda only a link care, if you rcaluc that ymir ikin cQnsisu of •rvcral hvrn and lhai th« catm of all the muddy and dull compleuoni v thai minutr panicle* of the wom-nui,
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  • 684 5 Plans For 1948 Outlined EXTENSIVE and generous plans tor the development of Mission School education m Singapore were outlined by the Director of Education, Mr. J. B. Neilson, yesterday The decision that parents should have the right to choose for their children an English or vernacular
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  • 125 5 lic-n Our Staff Correspondent PARIT BUNTAR, Monday TWO young Banjarese Hajis were committed for trial yesterday. Evidence was given that, while they were m company with a gang wriich robbed a house on February 14. 1947, five people had been shot, two of whom had died.
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  • Article, Illustration
    32 5 lac Director of the C.1.D., Malayan Union. Mr. B. M. B. O'C'onnel, who this month takes up the appointment of Deputy Commissioner to the Commissioner of Police. Singapore, Mr. R. E. Foulger.
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  • 271 5 TODAY: Y. M. C. A., Orchard Road, horthand and typewriting class, o 30 p.m., keep fit class, 6 30 p.m., Malay class, 7.15 p.m. Children's tea party, Redemptorist Monastry, Thomson Road 3.30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Methodist Mission annual coniiTtnce Malaya Conference season, Wesley Church, 4, Fort Canning
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  • 234 5 Govt. Dept. Has No Accountant From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Monday /GOVERNMENT replies to VJ Mr. A. W. Wallich m the Malayan Union Advisory Council today showed that the Union's Supplies Department has never had a full-time, professionally qualified accountant. This Department deals annually with more than $200,000,000 worth
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  • 201 5 Twenty-two public health and sanitary inspectors of Singapore and the Malayan I Union yesterday started the first lecture course on public health and hygiene since 1941 m Singapore. The course will last six months. It will include instruction on anti-malaria education. The pre-war length of the course
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  • 249 5 A PLANNING committee will be set up m 1948 to work out details of the new educational policy for Malaya. The Director of Education, Malayan Union, Mr. H. R. Cheeseman, made this announcement when he spoke at the Methodist Conference m Singapore yesterday. Mr. Cheeseman said
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  • 197 5 AWARDS to Malayan Scouters have been announced by* the Chief Scout for the British Commonwealth and Empire. The awards are: Silver Acorn: E. C. Hicks, D. C, Peralc. Medal of Merit Rev. Canon R.K.S. Adams, DC, Singapore, Abdul Rahman bin Hajl Md. Said. D.S.M., Singapore, Ahmad bin
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  • 83 5 Ships alongside the Singa- pore wharves (eodowns m brackets) are: Main Wharf: Steel Fabricator (31-32). Scott E. Land, Bredero (33-34), Narbada (36), Socotra (38-39), Don-y-Bryn (40-41), Trevose (42-43). Gorgon (44). Seremban (45). West Wharf. Empire Niger, Georgic (1-2), City of Lucknow (4-5), Melampus (6-7). Trevethoe (8-9). Sumatra (1011).
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  • 185 5 THE pipeline for Singapore's $27,000,000 scheme to 1 tap the Johore River for drinking water will run through jungle which has not yet been entirely cleared of booby traps laid during the Japanese occupation. The scheme one of the i Municipal projects to be! financed by the new
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  • 205 5 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Monday THE Malayan Union Gov1 eminent will shortly publish a bill similar to the Singapore Control of Rent Ordinance to permit landlords to charge graduated increases of rents. The Attorney General, Mr. K. K. O'Connor, announced this at the
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  • Article, Illustration
    60 5 The s.s. Kelantan, of the Straits Steamship Company line, leaves Singapore today for Palembang on her first run for the company since she was derequisitioned by the Navy. The refitting of the ship after her war service took nine months. The Kelantan was built m 1921. She has accommodation for
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 219 5 w* 7y7^38 W iii mi, -^^i^ '^S W^n^lriPM W^^ M Q de m England 1M GENERAL ELECTR'C CO.,' LTD. OF ENGLAND ADVT OP THE GENERAL ELECTRIC CO.. LTD., OF ENGLAND SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PENANG V k Agents: The Kinta Electrical Distribution Co. Ltd. IPOH banish m^\stH** £Bo*W^ RELIEF stahts W'%-^=^
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    • 155 5 Money... When you most need it "Will you most need money In a lump sum, when you retire? As an Annual Income, after you retire? q For your Family, if you should die during your working years? We have devised a policy which covers you for all three of these
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  • 33 6 ON 2nd January 1948 at covenIry. Conrad Laurence de S uza *;h son of the late Mrs. C. C. D? S uza of No. 7 Akyab Ifci. EintraDore. Java Dar>ers nlease codv.
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  • 25 6 THE children nf Mr. Thomas Rrtrrt Allen thank all who attenac ti the funeral, sent wreaths. *nri ~'S of condolences in their sad bfreaviment.
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  • 1103 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Tues., Jan. 6, 1948. SISTER AND NURSES With the nursing staffs of Singapore hospitals almost one third below the establishment, it is not surprising that the need for more recruits and the improvements that are being made m the Government nursing service should have been stressed
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  • 124 6 The Special Commissioner m South-East Asia, Lord Killearn, said m a special broadcast on Sunday that the people of Asia looked to Burma to continue the flow of rice 'to her less fortunate neighbours." He was broadcasting from Radio Malaya on the occasion of Burmese Independence. "As one
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  • 615 6  -  LT. COL. R.W.R. OLIVER By A SINGAPORE WAR CEMETER V THERE have been references m the Press recently which suggest that the Military Cemetery at Kranji is neglected and does not compare with war cemeteries m other parts of the world. It is not necessary to
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    • 246 6 DURING the war m Malaya, Telecommunication Department telephone operators who were Volunteers, were exempted from military service and ordered to resign from the Volunteers as their duties j as telephone operators were regarded as more essential for the defence of the country. When civilians and Government
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    • 157 6 rCRE is nothing m Mr. Jee Ah Chian's article "1947 or 1948 Income?", which is not already common knowledge to the public. Every reasonable point has already been raised and thoroughly thrashed out. Some of Mr. Jee's arguments are far from sound, especially the one concerning
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    • 327 6 RAILWAYS ARE TOO EXPENSIVE A CORRESPONDENT j has recently written to the Straits Times praising the Malayan Rajlways. I maintain, however, that railway travel is too expensive at present, even for the rich. Take the case of a Government or private employee receiving, say, $50 a month, and having a
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    • 115 6 I AGREE entirely with "Untrusting" m his! letter to the Straits Times j that it is not at all profitable to send boys and girls' to Raffles College m; future. It would be far better to send the boys for a Veterinary diploma *n
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    • 225 6 T^HE photograph of the 1 comet (Honda's) seen at Melbourne, and published m a recent issue of the Straits Times, is the first I have seen, although j I read reports of Timmer's comet observed from Rome m 1946, and other comets j observed from Bloemfontein
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    • 204 6 WE trade unionists are loosely charged with being anti-European, yet I gather that the Malayan Teachers' Union is pressing for the raising of the starting salary to $380 for the Grade I (Trusted) Officers, and also for their full service to be reckoned instead of on the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 764 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. DANKER. To Maureen wife of Peter J. Danker at Government H'spiUU Kluang on the 4th January a daughter. Both well. FAIRWEATHER— on 4th January 1948 at Bunjtsar Hospital. Kuala Lumpur, to Ann, wife of W M. Fairweather. Road Transport Department, A son. The EnKHgemrnt is announced h'\kW Mr.
      764 words
    • 16 6 EYE COMFORT VISUAL EFFICIENCY depend on Professional Skill Complete Modern Equipment C. S. CHONG, OPT: D.
      16 words
    • 72 6 V FOR BAgi32 Yes, keep up the good work Baby has done so well on Cow Gate Milk Fc xd and now here's another Cow Gate product for him. Needless to say he loves it the delicate malted flavour of Cerex appeals to his eager little palate and che finely
      72 words

  • 657 7 Creech Jones Assurance To Governor From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. THE Secretary of State for the Colonies has given the Governor of the Malayan Union, Sir Edward Gent, an assurance that, if the new tin price of £500 is insufficient to secure expansion
    657 words
  • 157 7 Malayan Methodists' Delegate THE Reverend M. D. Dods- worth is to represent Malaya at the Methodist General Conference to be held in Boston Massachusetts in April. This was decided at the annual Malayan Conference of the Methodist Church held yesterday at Wesley Church, Fort Canning. Mr. Dodsworth is superintendent of
    157 words
  • 109 7 Two middle-aged Chinese, Yip Fook Pooy and Tang Wee Kong, were each sentenced to j six years' rigorous imprisonment and eight strokes of the rotan by Mr. Justice Jobling at the opening of the 1948 Assizes yesterday. Tne accused pleaded guilty to a charge of
    109 words
  • Article, Illustration
    42 7 Mr. Justice Jobling, robed m red, inspecting a police guard of honour outside the Supreme Court, Singapore, yesterday morning. The occasion was the ceremonial opening of the 1948 Assixes. Mr. W. A. P. Grose, A.S.P., is escorting the Judge.— Straits Times picture.
    42 words
  • 143 7 MANY inquiries for Singapore Municipality's new $25,000,000 3»/i per' cent Debenture stock issue were reported yesterday. Subscription began on Saturday. The Municipal Treasurer Mr. J. R. Hill said that the inquiries were both for the conversion of holdings of! Municipal five per cent Debenton Stock 1928
    143 words
  • 95 7 Singapore gunmen, robbed a Chinese bar m Anson Road early yesterday morning. They drilled open the locks of three doors to enter the house The three masked Chinese awoke two employees of the bar at 2.30 am and $50 and a founSin pe"n from the bar's
    95 words
  • 249 7 AN assistant-Superinten-dent of Police attached to the Singapore C.1.D., Mr. G.C. Ripley, was complimented by the Singapore Coroner, Mr. W. G. Porter, yesterday at an inquiry into the death of a Chinese gunman. Mr. Ripley had a narrow escape from death during a police ambush when he
    249 words
  • 124 7 Tan Khai Hong, aged 22 and Tan Toh Tong, aged 20. were charged before the Second Police Court magistrate, Mr. E. de Banzie, yesterday with trying to enter Singapore with forged papers. Both pleaded not guilty were ordered to be remanded m custody till Jan. 12 V
    124 words
  • 507 7 'Teachers Gnash At Salaries From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. JHE salary scales proposed by the Trusted Salaries Commission for locally-recruited teachers were severely criticised by several speakers at today's meeting: of the Advisory i Council. Replying, Mr. A. T. Newboult, the Chief Secretary, said the salaries report had
    507 words
  • 97 7 "pO-OPERATOR," the maV gazine of the co-oper-ative movement m Malaya and Singapore, congratulates Government for protecting undistributed profits of co-operative societies from income tax. The January issue of the magazine says, m a leading article, that co-operative societies are really savings societies and iheir "profits" are rebates
    97 words
  • 56 7 1 Seventeen Chinese were charged at th* Eighth Police I Cr vith playing UK.-kow) a i imon garni ng 1 > re on J .mary 3. Sixteen f them were each nne^ m default, two weefc> i^jjous imprisonment The case agftl&it 28-year-old Chan Man Cheong, who pleaded
    56 words
  • 18 7 An Indian shop-keeper m Johore Bahru, V. Andippan. was fined $1,000 yesterday fori having possession of dutiable tobacco.
    18 words
  • Malayan Round-up
    • 133 7 From Our Staff Correspondent A^™*.. PENANG, Mondiy. KbDAII police party is on the trail of an eleplnnt which escaped into the jungle after attacking Ua Siamese keeper. j The keeper, Endin Din- yat, died of his injuries. The elephant is said to be 100 years o'd.
      133 words
    • 91 7 DENANG, Monday— .To en- courage members in outdoor sketching, P e n a r. g Teachers' Union has organised a series of holiday excursions to the countryside. These classes were started during the Christmas, vacation and have proved very Poplar- The next excursion will be held tomorrow when
      91 words
    • 60 7 A GIRL aged about 11 was -wi1"11? 1 by a landslide while she was playing near a tin mine m Pengkalen Lahat I on Saturday. I Four other girls who were playing with her were fourd sobbing by a foreman shortly after the landslide. He ordered labourers to
      60 words
    • 79 7 pADGHT with 3i yards of V canvas wound round his waist on Dec. 27. Tan Chee Chan. 20. offered $2 to his faPt 01". A. P. O. Mac Donald. to let him off. Yesterday he pleaded guilty m the Singapore Third Polia Court to stealing the canvas from
      79 words
    • 75 7 TEE Lam, master of ,h~ vessel Hai Leor.g, was fined $500 m the Sine Sixth Police Court yesterday, under the Merchant Shipp'ng Ordinance. He was convicted for failing to fly a pennant on arrival at Singapore Harbour, to show his vessel carried aliens failing to provide the Immigration
      75 words
    • 40 7 A VARIETY entertainment m aid of the Ramakrlshna Mission Orphanage, Singapore, will be held on Jan. 16 and 17 at the Victoria Memorial Theatre. The programme will include popular Indian dances, orchestra recitals, and sketches from Hindu history.
      40 words
    • 29 7 rE Redemptorist Fathers will hold a party for children at the monastery m Thomson Road, Singapore, from 3.30 p.m. to 7 p.m. today. Entrance is by invitation.
      29 words
    • 85 7 KUALA Lumpur, Monday— An accountant, Law Sau Choon, was acquitted and discharged by Mr. B. G. Smith, the District Judge, today on tiwo summons charges. The charges related to selI ling two lorries to the Foh Hup Omnibus Company without a licence from an authorised officer of the Road
      85 words
  • 274 7 COR the first time since, the re-occupation of Singapore, the ceremonial service marking the open-j ing of the first Assizes of the year was held at St. Andrew's Cathedral yesterday morning. Judges of the High Court of Singapore Mr. Justice' Jobling and Mr. JusUce Brown attended
    274 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 38 7 appearance hers, I hi. MODEL 5101 i» endorsed by the many fortunate owner* \^^k and all who bear it H^L J iloc THE INEVITABLE CHOKE MUSIC LOVING PUBLIC tip Mil Jj M 'Jl ■i■ l *fr|H M j
      38 words
    • 31 7 I SHIRTS 1 by ROBINSONS N Made to Measure I PRICE from $16.50 I Use of SELECTED Products confirms the/J£ji^^^ ■famous MINERALS FRUIT CORDIALS PHONE YOUR ORDERS TO 3709 OR 3700
      31 words

  • Article, Illustration
    36 8 Pretty Rosemary Preston, a new British starlet is wearing something unusual and attractive m the way of headgear The designer studied miners wearing their helmets and produced this novel feminine adaption, complete with "lamp" m front.
    36 words
  • 1282 8  - Methods Of Correcting A Baby's Bad Behaviour Nurse Elizabeth MOTHERCRAFT IN MALAYA By Nurse Elizabeth is qualified in the care of babies and young children. If you have any problems and need her help, write to Nurse Elizabeth, c/o Straits Times, Cecil Street, Singapore. Please give a pseudonym under which
    1,282 words
  • 164 8 AFTER years In an Army workshop repairing some of the world's largest tanks, ex-Sergeant Ernest Blackall. of Middlesex, England, came home to find that his wife wanted a pram for their baby son. The Sergeant considered the price of a new pram was far too high, so he
    164 words
  • 827 8 THE CAT WHICH LOVES TO BE BATHED .|T is commonly said that cats do not like water, particularly on their feet. Certainly they never (as far as I know) go swimming willingly though they are quite good swimmers when put to it. But it is quite certain that water fascinates
    827 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 95 8 Wj+i^ There is no Problem Wbea btt—i milk ink lor oih« mwu bolllc feeding Xft— ary. Doctor* reoonmeod. 'Pal voor Baby oe LACTOGEM." LACTOCEN provide*, ia lorm Baby caa eaaily digeM and aauailalc. ihm C^k"^* 'food rlreirau atrrmmry 10 umly ibe oeedt of hi* fact growiatg frame aa4 *-_^_m "~jjj^
      95 words
    • 285 8 j CAPITOI NOTHING LIKE IT BEFORE. NFXT rHANTFM the most hilarious J^JNt^l^ IMAINU& I TECHNICOLOR SHOW! m^DANNY KAYTsT\ |B| m every sense out <M£»* a J'^ axax ot this world!" I. I -TIMI MAOAZINf vflf PT mm ■P^^Suwiclgoldwyn ,77^^ m DANNY VIRGINIA f KAYEMAYO and the Goldwyn Girls im TCCHMICOIOR
      285 words

  • 1161 9  -  R.E. Holttum Notes' On Gardens By Director Of The Botanic Gardens Singapore IN most parts of 1 Malaya ordinary garden lawns do not need watering. There is enough rain to keep them green throughout the" year, except m spells of unusually severe dry
    1,161 words
  • Article, Illustration
    35 9 Women competed successfully m a Country Conies To Town exhibition held on th« sands at Blackpool recently. Mrs. Nellie Baxter, a housewife of Sheffield won the women's ploughing section with 15 points out of 20.
    35 words
  • 852 9 THE Royal Palm, (Or- eodoxa regia), is undoubtedly the best singlestemmed palm for formal planting. Its smooth shapely trunk and graceful crown give it a most dignified character when well grown: but poor spacements are often deplorable. Generous retreatment is essential for good growth. The closely allied cabbage
    852 words
  • 40 9 Next week Mr. Holttum will discuss Foliage Pot Plants In his series of gardening notes. He will deal mainly with plants grown m pots such as the various types of potted ferns, palms, begonias, aroids, dracaenas and other foliage plants.
    40 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 63 9 '""r" l m \^A Stl'»BU FOR \-ti»mciAi\£Wy CHIIPRIN ADULTS tfSttAIEl INSTRUMENT MANUFACTURERS LTD. (A/filitted Companies m London, India Burma) Z MALACCA ST SINGAPORE <^ FOR EVERY SCIENTIFIC REQUIREMENT K> Tel. BJOIO W^r Telg AIMTL AvattahU from Stock B N OCULARS and TELESCOPES TODAY 1 Frosh California Oysters 2. Frosh Australian
      63 words
    • 217 9 Announcement! THE BORNEO COMPANY^ LIMITED hma b€*m «ppontlcd L f P<l» distributer /*r Smrfmjmre tmH Mnhifttn I'minn NICHOLAS ETHICALS '->j VITAMINS sii.piioMnmFs AMIBitIKKUUi \Usni( U.S S M^<c^^^ Idtm/t liuruurc, twpki >U fnca aniliti* from t M&!lvl*7\F THE BORNEO COMPANY LIMITED •|J Till/Si 'JL. JI i l^y <IMCOMO«ATtO IN INCLA-OJ f
      217 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 631 9 According to Culbertson East to ruff. A diamond was then returned, but declarer had salvaged the important trick the club king had been preserved against a ruff. At one table, however, West did not make the superficially inviting return of the dob ace and a low club. This West stopped
      631 words

  • 1525 10  - Our London Letter Airmail By says Britons expect a better New Year m jvhich they will follow coal figures "more eagerly than football or cricket results 9 tells of the Communist "war" against the Labour Party... of sawing a Christmas log from the oak tree. TT was a black-skied, snow-threatened,
    1,525 words
  • Article, Illustration
    75 10 British artist. Charles Thrale. at the opening m London of an exhibition of pictures he painted while a prisoner-of-war m Burma. He used brushes made from his own hair and made his own paints by boiling down the coloured backs of old books. Some of his pictures are painted on
    AP  -  75 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
      436 words
    • 373 10 _C{jk2^^A^/C SHOWING! "THE SQUEAICm" n y^llLW Starring Based on 4mM The Best Novel V -?t? t FDnIOHD By Sgß^ LOWE EDGAR WALLACF MEI Packed with -^fll SUSPENSE! M BJJ EXCITEMENT' W NEXT CHANG!: Samuel Goldwyn presents m Technicolor "THE SECRET LIFE OF WALTER MiTTf' Starring DANNY KAYE— VIRGINIA MAYO One
      373 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 265 10 Today's Radio Programmes RADIO MALAYA SPORE 7-45 Music. 8 00 Indonesian: Star; 9.00 Here We Are Again; 1 p.m. Radio Orch.; 1.40 f£f.£ A J^P'\ 8 05 o^ ic J. 8 30 8 45 *»lm Theatre Music; Rhythm. 8.15 News. Topical 5"* h .^*^?vi M Kuoyu: 1015 Music Xor Sally;
      265 words

  • 137 11 A LOSS of $32,434 for the year was reported at the annual meetinc of Linrvl Tin Ltd., held m Singapore. After deducting this loss there was a balance at the credit of the profit and loss account of $251,282. which It was agreed to carry forward. In
    137 words
  • 198 11 CLEVELAND (Ohio), Monday.—The metal working industry last year set a peacetime record of XJSJfM,000,000,000 m dollar volume of total production, the magazine "Steel" said yesterday. The magazine forecast that the 1948 output would be about the same m physical volume with a I slight increase In dollar volume
    198 words
  • 238 11 Produce Market From A Market Correspondent MARKETS wen exceedingly quiet yesterday. Certain quotations eased, bat sellers were en the whole re•erred, awaiting better advices. Yesterday's prices were: Rie*: No. 1 $140; No. 2 $125; other Qualities: 1 $96; 2 $78; 3 $«7. GhttMU Bice: No.
    238 words
  • 59 11 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association's prices at noon yesterday were: Buyers Sellers Cts. Cts per lb. per lb. No. 1 RAS. Spot loose nominal 44% 45% No. 1 R.S.S. fob m bales Jan. 45% 15% No. 2 R.S.S fob m bates Jan. 44% 44% No. 3 RS.B.
    59 words
  • 15 11 Sungel Bidor Tin Dredging Ltd., output for December, 1947 was 502 piculs.
    15 words
  • 256 11 j UNCERTAINTY and dilatoriness U by the authorities m assisting rehabilitation was claimed by the chairman, Mr. J.A. Elias when be spoke to the annual meeting of The Jesseltoo Ice Power Co. Ltd. In Singapore on New Year's Eve. Mr. Bias said that every effort was
    256 words
  • 271 11 (By Our Market Correspondent) SINGAPORE, Monday. THE foeal share market again opened the week very firm in both Tins and Industrials and in many cases prices were marked up. la spite of the rise in the price of the commodity rubber shares still remained unmoved and failed to
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 628 11 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. (Incorporated id Slneanore) BLUE FUNNEL LINE SAILINGS FROM TJ.K. AND C.S.k. "Nfleus" From C.X <*• "Mcdon" Dae From U.K. Contlneat Jan. "Tantslm" Dne from TJ.K "Mrnrtous" Dna fram TJ.K n "AeiDcnor" Dnt from TJ.K "Calchas" Doe from U.S. A Jaa. 1» FAILINGS FOR LIVERPOOL. GLASCOV7 AND CONTINENTAL
      628 words
    • 281 11 PRESIDENT LINE MARINE SWALLOW Pasaencers only. SaJUnc San Fraadaea via Hanc Konr. Shanghai, Japan 9 pat. Jaa. &tt» SAILINGS TO NEW YOKE. AND BOSTON via INDIA EGYPT MEDITERRANEAN PORTS- Fretchl Only SCOTT E. LAND Sincapore Gd. 33/34 P. S"ham Arr. Jaa. 1 Penaac MARINE SNAPPER Sincapore Arr. Jan. It Penanc
      281 words
    • 264 11 Shtepen aad atitet later tmtt* tn SM**fc>« tnteairRX* mm mur«< to mdT«Ttis«-m«it5 tn OMs. 6 and 7 ippnrtU pace Shipping Notice* «a Pace j P O BOMBAY LINE s.s. FORT BRUNSWICK loads late JANUARY ISLAY KERR CO., TD. SINGAPORE PENANG BEN LINE OUTWARDS BEVDOBAN G. 48/43 Froai U.K. sails Baax
      264 words
    • 580 11 II I I ~-i I. ELLERMAN KLAVENESS BUCKNALL p AC |HC LINE PORTS HATRE, LONDON r ANTWERP at Gda. 4/5 Dae Sincapore Jan. Safe Slacaaore 1* Jan. 1* tan. p S'haai 11-12 J«»- Penanc 11 Jan. Peaanr 13-14 Jaa. Aceota: McAUSTER CO., LTD. (Incoroorsteo m SlmraDore) PHONE »06 BOUSTEAD
      580 words

  • 432 12 INDIANS SKITTLED OUT FOR 125 Australia 2 Up In Test Series MELBOURNE, Monday. TRAPPED on a sticky wicket for the third successive match in the series, India were skittled out in the second innings for 125 under two hours, Australia thus winning the third cricket Test by 233 runs. Bradman
    Reuter-AAP  -  432 words
  • 119 12 Bf ARTHUR MAILEY MELBOURNE, Monday. HEAVY rain last night beat India, although, had fine weather prevailed, an India victory would have been almost impossible, so dominating a lead had Australia obtained. India really lost their chance of winning at midday. Saturday, when the tail-enders were deprived,
    119 words
  • 162 12 Moroney' s Claim To Selection SYDNEY, Monday. JMORONEY, top scorer with 81 for New South Wales against Queensland m the drawn Sheffield j Shield match today, is staking his claim to a place m Australia's team to tour England this year. Moroney has been batting consistently well this season and
    Reuter; AP  -  162 words
  • 95 12 KINGSTON (Jamaica, Mon. —The West Indies cricket star, George Headley. will not play m the Test match against the Marylebone tourists m British Guiana starting on March 3. This was made known yesterday and is a further chapter In the story which began when Headley said he
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 101 12 THE Singapore Recreat on Club's hockey tram to play the Ceylon Sports Club m their league fixture ■on the Police Training School ground m Thomson Road today will be chosen from the following: Patrick Yee, Dr. Ong Swee Law, Lav Hock Chye, Oan Kee Swng, Low Kee Pow.
    101 words
  • 100 12 The team to play football for the Jollilads Athletic Union's first team against the CM. P. XI team at Gilman Barracks to- j morrow at 5.15 p.m. will be chosen from the following: Sit- 1 hambram. Rasak, Muthu. Ghani, j Haniff, Kayambu. K. R. Muthiah, S.ilahudin. Murugasu Munivandi,
    100 words
  • 36 12 ST. MORITZ. Monday. While engaged m a practice on the Rti run ben last Right, Eddie Rominger.' o"e of Switzerland's prinrirwl competitors for the Olympic Winter Games, broke his leg. XI 'Ut< r.
    36 words
  • 28 12 TOULOUSE. Monday.— New Z' 'nnd's Ru'iby League touring side 'o«;t to tlie Pyresiees-Banguedoc j I :nb iwtion here yesterday by 15 J '■oints to zero. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 127 12 Australia first innings 394 India first innings 291 for nine declared. Anstralia second innings 255 for four declared. INDIA—2ND. INNINGS Mankad b Bill Johnston..; 13 Sarwate b Bill Johnston... 1 j Gulmahomed c Morris b lan Johnson 28 1 Hazare c Barnes b Miller... 10 Amarnath b Lindwall 8
    127 words
  • 55 12 MELBOURNE, Monday.— At a dinner tendered by the Australian Board and Indian Test teams. Amarnath presented the president, the secretary and Don Bradman with Indian Dlazers, crests ar.d scarfs. The Indian captain also presented to the Australian Board a flag with the crest of the Indian Board
    Reuter; AP  -  55 words
  • 67 12 Kuala Lumpur, Mor.aay. A. R. Omar, of Selangor, won the 100-mile open chamship at the Bombay Provincial Olympics, according to a telegraphic communication received m Kuala Lumpur today. Awathar Singh, who won the all-Malayan 100-mile open championship last month by beating Omar, punctured a tyre
    67 words
  • 32 12 San Mateo (California), Monday Captain Jack Austin's Green Point polo teai.i from Australia wore defeated eight to zero yesterday by a side led by San Francisco's Eric Pedley. A. P.
    32 words
  • 88 12 LONDON, Monday. pNGLAND'S rugby selectors have lEi made two changes m the side Ito meet Wales at Twickenham on Jan. 17 compared with that defeated by Australia on Saturday. j The alterations are both In the pack, where Kelly and Lusa replace Evans and My
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • 82 12 LONDON, Monday. NINE of the 15 Australian rugby players who defeated England at Twickenham on Saturday had mild food poisoning. They reported sick on Friday night after arriving from Eastbourne Stomach powders were ordered. Just before the match they took more powders. Ninety- five minutes later,
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 68 12 TODAY HOCKEY: S.H.A. League: S.C.R.C. vs. CSC, PWice Depot. Thomson Road, 5 p.m G.H.Q. FARELF vs. V.M V, Tanglin, 5.15 p.m.; TABLE-TENNIS: S.M.S.U. vs. Chinese Youth Service, 27. Tyrwhitt Road, 7 30 p m TOMORROW HOCKEY: S.C.R.C. vs. S.R.C, S.B.C. padang, 5.15 p.m.. RUGBY: S.C.C. "A" n. 11l
    68 words
  • 231 12 NEW YORK, Monday. •THE first Chinese player m the history of profes1 sional ice hockey m North America is due for promotion from his amateur status, according to observers here. He is 24-year-old Larry Kwong, Canadian-born Chinese, who is one of the top-scoring
    UP  -  231 words
  • 169 12 S'pore Tennis Revival WITH the holding of the first S.L.T.A. indoor championship tournament next month and the rej opening of the Y.M.C.A. grass courts in the near future, tennis in Singapore is in for a full-scale revival thifc year. The presence in the Colony of several players of interiational class
    169 words
  • 252 12 LONDON, Monday. WHATEVER Britain's position may be m the heavier weights of boxing, there is no disputing they have star performers m lower weights notably m fly, feather and bantam and what is more, men who are not afraid to fight more than once yearly. Taking Peter Kane
    Reuter  -  252 words
  • 153 12 LOS ANGELES, Monday. •PHE defending champion, Ben Ho- I 1 gan. out to regain the role of golfdom's No. 1 professional, returned one under par 70 today to hold a three-stroke lead over fttafl rest of the field with a total of I 208 for
    153 words
  • 56 12 A Tangle Of Arms Begs Joel Kaufman (white shirt), of New York University, and Ben Bidwell, of the University of Missouri, are a tangle of arms and legs as they tussle for the ball m the basketball match at Madison Square Garden on Dec. 27. New York University won by
    AP  -  56 words
  • 171 12 The Yoong Yoong Club's table tennis team, 1947 I Selangor champions, are visiting Singapore this week and will play against local teams. On Thursday they meet the Chin Woo Athletic Association, last year's interclub runners-up m Singapore On Friday they play the Singapore champions, Tiger Sporting
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  • 48 12 WEST PALM BEACH (PLOFRIDA), Monday.— The American and Canadian sculling champion and winner of the Diamond Sculls at Benley last summer. Jack Kelly easily won a 2.000-metre singles sculls event on Lake Worth when competing for Pensylv»nia University m the annual contests with Yale University.—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 246 12 H.M.S. Malaya Rugby Final To Be Broadcast MALAYAN rugger fans are looking forward to I*l2 H.M.S. Malaya Anal, which will be played m Kua a Lumpur on Saturday and will be broadcast by Radtu Malaya. 1 Although no trophy is now being competed for, rivalry is just as keen as
    246 words
  • 119 12 From Oar st;.ir Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. THOUGH he has been nam- ed a member of the team, it is doubtful if Maurice Pestana, Penang's brilliant scrum-half, will be able to turn out for Saturday's H.M.S. Malaya final between Penang and the Singapore Services. Pestana cracked
    119 words
  • 101 12 NEW YORK. Monday. Enrico Bertola, 25-year-old Italian heavyweight champion, arrived at La Guardia airfield yesterday headPd for Chicago for a series of fights, but found himself detained and headed for Ellis Island instead. It appeared that Enrico nobody to meet him. and ro contract, return ticket
    UP  -  101 words
  • 92 12 From Our Stan t on cy 0.1-ent PENANG, Wonuay. THE possibility of reviving amateur racing m Alor Star early this year is to be discussed at a general meeting of the Kedah Gymkhana Club next week. The question was considered at an informal meeting of
    92 words
  • 193 12 LONDON, Monday. PRST and second divi sion league teams an participating in the third round of the F. A. Cup on Saturday. League fixtures for the dr<y are: THIRD DIVISION SOUTHERN I.Mdershot v Ipswich T. j Brighton H. v Southend U. Crystal Pal. v Bristol C. Northampton
    193 words
  • 53 12 LA PLATA. Monaay Aloerto Cerioni, one of the oest football players, was found dead yesterday. Cerioni, who was a professional footballer, returned from Italy eight months ago and had been living m La Plata since. No foul play is suspected. Cerioni was reported to have been involved
    UP  -  53 words
  • 26 12 The Seletar Football Club *iti meet the Kranji Rangers m a i on the ground at the 15*h. mil., Seletar, tomorrow at 5.15 p
    26 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 414 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. Continued tram naet 6) FOP SALE WILL TRADE 35 mm Welta camera Zeiss Tessar f.2.8 attachable ranee finder, accessories, fcr Rolleiflex. Box A 1449. S T. ?OR oALE Anson Aircraft Australian Certificate of Mr-w<-rtMness for Aerial work readv flv flwav £2.500 Also 5 new and romnifte SCR-522A-V.H.F. Transmitter
      414 words
    • 5 12 DUNLOP (f) TYRES provide— Hm^LONGErJ
      5 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous