The Straits Times, 4 January 1948

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 500 1 UNION POPULATION UP A MILLION Malays still in majority Sunday Times Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. THE total population of the Malayan Union in last year's census, according to the first count figures, was 4,867,491 as compared with 3,787,758 in 1931, showing an increase of 1,079,733 or 28.5 per cent.
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  • Article, Illustration
    37 1 MR. MUTHIAH S. DOSS. who will be the first locally-born man to be appointed to ft senior post in the Trade Union Adviser's I)ppt. He goes to Penan g shortly to act as Assistant Trade Union Adviser.
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  • Article, Illustration
    33 1 CAfx. N. WALEYCOHEN. formerly of the British Army. receiving from Mr. E.0.A.M1. Winkeliii in. the Dutch ConsulGeneral in Singapore, the badge of Chevalier of the Order of Orange-Nassau at Mr. Uinkelman's house yesterday.
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  • 98 1 ASMARA, Saturday. THE four-power commission investign ing the future of the former Italian colonies Ifft for a >hree-day visit to Addb, capital of Abyssinia, today alter completing >he r 'port on their fell rea tour ber-ind the barbed vlre enclosing the s.rongly-j guarded Asmara Palace.
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 67 1 PARIS. Saturday. MR. Winston Churchill's secretary said by telephone from Marraki'sh today that the wartime Prime Minister was "all right" Mrs. Churchill and Lord Mn'in arrived In Marrakesh late last night by plane from England, r:\ends said that Mr. Churchill has been able to resume
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  • 74 1 NANKING, Saturday. FINANCE Minister. Dr. O. K. Yui, told a meeting of the Residents' Commute of the Peoples Political Council this morning that "China's National Treasury is exhausted." He said that owing to the large expenditure incurred by the Army in the Communist suppression campaign, the
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  • 42 1 JOHANNESBURG. Saturday.—The South African flag has been hoisted on the Antarctic Prince Edward Island. In the Southern Indian Ocean. 1,400 miles southeast of South Africa, with a view to making the island Into a permanent air base.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 177 1 Pirates Seize Tongkang Sunday Times Staff Reporter. MALACCA. Saturday. CHINESE masked pirates \j armed with pistols yesterday attacked a Singaporebound tongkang, carrying rubber and other produce from a Sumatran port, ten miles out of Port Dickson and got away with 20 tons of rubber. A member of the tongkang's cew
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  • 94 1 Sunday Times Correspondent LONDON, Saturday. THE financial discussions between Mr. W. D. Godsall, Financial Secretary to the Malayan Union, and the Colonial Office are not likely to lead to any definite decision until Mr. Godsall has reported back to Malaya. He will return to Malaya when
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  • 227 1 LOtfbON, Saturday. MR. CLEMENT ATTLEE, Britain's Prime Mil ister, virtually arrayed the Labour Government alongside the United States in the "cold war" against Russia tonight with a warning that Soviet Communism was threatening the rest of Europe with a new form of imperialism. His attack on
    Reuter  -  227 words
  • 110 1 RESULTS in brief oi yesterday's races in Penan? are: Race I:— PETER CON SlBl and 574; Adorable $11; Carmana 526. Race 2:— JOHN BULL $15 and $8; Gracious Lady $9; Old Eagle $15. Race 3:— HAPPY VALLEY $27 and $10; John Ham $8; Young Clem $14. Race
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  • 172 1 SAN FRANCISCO, Saturday. MAO TSE-TUNG. tho Chinese Communist leader, in a broadcast picked up today by Associated Press in San Francisco said one of the Communist goals in China was confiscation of "monopoly capital head"d by Chiang ~ai-shek." T. V. Soong, H.fl. Hung and Chen I.i
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  • 209 1 RANGOON, Sunday. FREE Burma's star-spangled tricolour Hew proudly over every rooftop in the country today in honour of the greatest event in Burmese history— the proclamation of independence and the birth of a new Asian Life-size portraits of the U Aung San. Burmsse Premier assassinated in
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  • 35 1 RANGOON. Saturday. U Saw. Burmese ex-Premier sentenced to death on Tuesday for complicity in the murder of U Aung San last July, filed an appeal in the Rangoon High Court today. Reutcr.
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 86 1 JERUSALEM. Saturday. HEAVY fighting broke out around the town of Safad. in Northern Palestine, last night after Jewish guerillas were reported to have blown up Arab houses. Three heavy explosions followed by 6hooting and the breakdown of all communications were officially reported. Police cars received
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 160 1 LONDON, Saturday. rE King has appointed Lord Listowel last Secretary of State tor India and for Burma Minister of State for Colonial Affairs. The appointment wiil take effect from today when Lord Listowel relinquishes the Secretaryship of State for Burma under the provisions of the Burma
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  • 43 1 HAMBURG. Saturday. A r.ew mass grave estimated to hold 2.000 bodies was uncovered yesterday at the BeLsen camp. According to "a camp source this is the eighih mass grave discovered in BeLsen Camp since the end of the war.— U.P.
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  • 311 1 Spore City loan makes good start Sunday Times Staff Reporter PIE new $25,000,000 loan at 3 per cent which war, launched yesterday by the Singapore Municipality to further their scheme for the development of essential services will, it is generally expected, soon be fully subscribed. The acting Municipal Treasurer, Mr.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 307 1 Diamond o< uen det Jewellery. P. I. h£NDRY, .U.WEI.LER wi'h an E.itablished Malayanwide Reputation 78. Nrrih Bridge Road S'porc. R. CHARD CROOKS. i Richard Crooks, as a Lyric Tenor, has won I International Fame. Today, he is one oi the 'T* ,-A I most htehlv esteemed tenors In the world.
      307 words
    • 36 1 TAILORING Of JJ VISTINCTION jjT/ Film Star j > KOHKKT I V/ W Have you Entered for the Martin's $20 (MM) ftimfi >h? Particulars write with Stamped reply en velope to Martin's P. O. Box 1099. Singapore
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  • 3284 2 JN my father's diary for the year 1894 there occurs the following entry: "White Lodge, 23rd June. At 10.00 a sweet little boy was born and weighed 81b Mr. Asquith (Home Secretary) came
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 60 2 WICKLESS KEROSENE STOVES CLEAN, HOT FAST COOKING x .vu Blue Flame Wickless Burners with Blued steel drums. Finished in white synthetic enapel with black japanned cooking top. Glass fuel tank allows ready knowledge of fuel supply. AT REDUCED PRICES On s.ilc at All Ijeoding Stores or from the Agents w.iUG
      60 words
    • 111 2 oyster 16, Colly er Quay THANKS TO 'KEPLER There's mow goodness to the spoonful in T>» f«"^~»i Kepler the world-fanious Cod Liver \^m >—jf; Oil with Malt Extract. Otic fluid ounce of jj •Kepler* provides not less than 3,500 (£o' Wp»S intci national Units of Vitamin A the I "s**
      111 words

  • 368 3 ANOTHER CABLE LINK WITH AUSTRALIA Repairs to CocosBatavia breach Sunday Times Staff Reporter ANOTHER cable link to Australia will soon be provided through the repair of the Batavia-Cocos cable. The cableship Recorder, of Cable and Wireless Ltd., has arrived in Singapore to begin mending the cable. Mr. W. J. Knight,
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  • Article, Illustration
    22 3 LIM AH CHANG outside the hut he has made with oil drums and bits of wood in the Singapore police courts compound.
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  • 146 3 Vots Make Protest to Government ...a., limes S.aiT Reporter R Lf.iBERS of the Malayan j M Veterinary P .Mion, a I p..n-.\;alayar. organisation of! lied Government veter- j i'uuy employees, have pro- j tea td to the Colonial SecreSingapore, and the Chief Secretary. Malayan Union, 1 nst the recemmendatiens i
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  • 234 3 Sunday Times Staff Reporter AWARDS to Malayan Scout- ers made by the Chief Scout for the Eriilsh Com- j monwealth and Empire have been announced by the Commissioner for Malaya Mr. F. C. Sands. Full list of awards and de- cipient follows: Silver Acorn: E. C. Hicfcs,
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  • 328 3 Sunday Times Staff Reporter HUGGING the foot of a tree in the grounds of South Bridge Road (Singapore) police courts is a fourfoot high hut with walls made of oil drums and a roof of bits of wood. In it lives 53-year-old Lim Ah Chang,
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  • 107 3 Sunday Times Staff Reporter. COH Boon Liuchia, a 56--year-old Chinese, thought tie could distil samsu for his cwn consumption without ajiy licence. He set up a still at 631, Aljunicd Road, and begam to distil intoxicating liquor from fermented rice. But revenue officers were on
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  • 62 3 Sunday limes Staff Reporter FOUR masked Chinese gun- m:n. three of whom carried pistols, waded through Moon waters to rob a house in Jalan Ampas, off Balestier Road, at 1.30 a.m. yesterday. They entered the house by an unlocked side door, held up the families of two
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  • 45 3 Sunday Times Staff Reporter. The first, third and eighth companies of the Boys' Brigade, Singapore, are going into camp at Pasir Ris tomorrow. All campers are to meet at Battalion Headquarters at 8 a.m. tomorrow. The camp breaks up on Jan. 8.
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  • 161 3 M«™« Sunday Time s Staff Reporter OTOR cars are now being sold in Malaya on hire purchase terms, which are 50 per cent down and the rest payable over a year. Although only about 100 cars have been sold in this way, it is expected
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  • 171 3 Sunday Times Staff Reporter PENANG, Saturday. DENANG minii:g interests expressed disappointment today over the statement by a Whitehall authority that Britain would maintain the prices fixed for Empire tin. The Eastern Manager of the Eastern Smelting Company, Mr. D. Mackay told the Sunday Times that
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  • 144 3 Sunday Times Staff Reporter. PENANG. Saturday. DESPITE exceptional conditions under which the mine worked, Rahman Hydraulic Tin Limited made a net profit of $130,000 for the past year. This was reported at the company's annual meeting by the chairman, Mr. J. O. Brown. Preferring to recoveries
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  • 83 3 Sunday Times Staff Reporter. THE 35-year-old Indian woman, Violet, who on Dec. 27 was charged in the Fourth Police Court, Singapore, with having been drunk and disorderly, has been certified to be of unsound mind When charged she danced in the dock and offered "love and
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  • 80 3 Sunday Times Staff Reporter. PENANG. Saturday. A former inspector of posti\ men, A. W. Wells, appeared in the Police Court today on a charge of having murdered his wife. He was remanded In police custody for a week. The alleged murder, it was stated, took
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  • 66 3 Sunday Times Staff Reporter. I TPaET over gambling losses \J amounting to several hundreds of dollars, a Chinese, Ho Boon Teong, hanged himself in his bathroom. His wife. Tan Kirn Neo, told the Singapore Coroner, Mr W G. Porter, yesterday that Ho had pawned her Jewellery,
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  • Article, Illustration
    36 3 MR. B. M. B. OCON.Ni.LL (above). Director of the Malayan Union C.1.D., who moves to Singapore as Deputy Commissioner of Police. Below is Mr. K. J. N. Duthie who succeeds him at Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 335 3 Continued from pace 1. i and Kelantan, although the Jump in the Malays is high over the last 17 years as compared with the period 1921 to 1931. The following are the details of Increases by races, which Indicate that, again the Europeans, Eurasians and "others" form
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  • 73 3 Sunday Times Staff DEATHS in Singapore city last week (ending Dec. 27) i totalled 164, as against 484 births. Of those who died 123 were Chinese, 24 Malays and 17 Indians. About half of them. 58, were females. Main cause of mortality was again
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  • 48 3 Sunday Times Staff Reporter A Chinese, Lee Ah Sah, hanged himself in a bathroom .in Singapore on Dec. 19 because he had leprosy and was unable to continue work at a military establishment. A verdict of suicide was recorded at the inquest on him yee--1 terday.
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  • 205 3 Sunday Times Staff Reporter OINGAPORE passenger ships calling at China ports •J now have armed guards on board. This is a result of the recent pirate hold up of the Dutch vessel Van Heutz. On the next voyage of the Van Heutz a special police
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  • 132 3 Sunday Times Staff Reporter. AT the request of a number of factory workers in the Waterloo Street area, the Public Relations Film Unit will arrange a special free film show at the Queen Street Boys' Club on Friday. The films to be shown will
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  • 271 3 Sunday Times Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. PARLY police concentration on the problems crea'etl Li in the Malayan Union by secret .societies and widespread graft may he poss ble this year. Mr. BM.B. O'Connell, Director of the C.1.D., Malayan Union, told me today: "As soon as
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  • 38 3 For carrying three chickens with their heads down, a young Chinese, Koh Thye Sia, was fined $30, in default 10 days' simple imprisonment by the Singapore Second Police Court Magistrate, Mr. E.S. de Benzie, yestorday.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 300 3 Wffl 1793 —4— ■$■!>'§ W Wo ran su»Ply y°u with any BRITISH or AMERICAN B<xks or f z >4««A;^|i^agg yf^\ D".'o:c. Ir, that you may require Send us a li.t of vcur requii-m'nts I J&£sdS3aßHf^V*lM(Sl and wp shall te Dleasea to quot? you C3ffl^^*2^^ |B oSI Club?. Schcok. Messes. Hospitals
      300 words
    • 501 3 Be Proud of Your English Improve Your Speech and Writing in a Few Hoars Are you content with the gain noticeable improvement way you speak and write? within a few hours. Thousands of men and women *#o nw omhitinns nponip ar« are handicapped because they Many g^tt^ peopte aw £ttfn?
      501 words

  • 945 4  -  Bob Giltnore Australian Newslettef by MELBOURNE, Dec 24 (by Aii Mail). THE Common- wealth's unsuccessful bid to hustle tHigh Court into g a date January vas proposed for the public as an indication of Government nervousness. Mr. Calwell, in his memorable banking speech in Parliament,
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  • 620 4 THE WEST CHINA SIR JOHN PRATT'S great virtue is that he really does know, understand and appreciate China and the Chinese. This is not to be wondered at, as he first went to China in 1898 and spent 27 years there before going to the British Foreign Office and later
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  • 481 4 What Makes A Picture PHOTO NOTES 117 HAT is it that makes Tt a picture? Is it the paper that the picture is printed on, the tone in which it is finished, the way the lines and masses are composed, or is it the subject matter? Well, despite the many
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 280 4 ■5? 'SI *1 Pj./ l ;;w L/ /IN LUGGAGE There is no finer M* TRAVEL GOODS >^* 'j§Y fnan fn€ 'rt e fl on RANGE FOR ALL PURPOSES. f^% ft 77~Iadies rev-robes Travelling Wardrobe Cases Navy or Brown. Holds 12 dresses Vulcanised Fibre $1 1 5 .00 Rexine Covered $125.00
      280 words
    • 136 4 Parker "51" MAGNETIC DESK SETS ft Single Double Pen Models (including pens; for BANKERS, BOARD ROOMS, EXECUTIVES. ft Small consignment just arrivedWholesale only. ft MONITOR LTD. 35/40, THE ARCADE, SINGAPORE. 1 TELEPHONES: 5891 5892 Tops in Frozen Food Cases... McCray's Modern Self-Serve Frozen Food Display Case MODEL GK». At last,
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 95 4 RADIO MALAYA S'FOh£ 1 p.m. Julien Foonnan Orch. 1.40 Music. 5.03 Music; ft. SO Service from Methodist Church; 6.30 Children's Corner; 7.00 Close Down. 8.15 News A Announcements; 8.18 Radio Orch. 9.00 Spot the Favourites; 9.45 Talk by Governor-General; 10.15 Classic Concert from the Little Theatre; 11.00 News, Close Down.
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    • 83 4 i-i. gKunmc, rt 30 p.m. News Headlines; 8.35 p.m. Sunday Prom; 9.30 p.m. News in English; 9.45 p.m. Ttv? GovernorGeneral BFEBS Orange Network 7 p.m. Kuoyu. 7.15 English: News; Review of Science 3t Arts; Topical Talk. 7.45 Dance Music. 8.00 Indonesian: Topical Talk; 8.05 Music. 8.30 Dutch: Orchestral. 9.00! Kuoyu:
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    • 94 4 RADIO SKAI 8 a.m. Music; 8.4 A Morning Star; 9.00 These Bands Make Music; 9.45 BBC Shipmates Ashore; 10.15 BBC The Arts; 10.45 Let's Go a Roamin; 11.00 Silver Strings; 11.30 Music Hall; 12.00 Vignette; 12.30 The Week's Listening; 1.02 Football Results; 1.15 Yours for the Asking; 2.05 i Close
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  • 85 5 Sunday Times Staff Reporter PENANG. Saturday. PENANG police are investigating the loss of chandu worth 130,000 reported to have been stolen from the medical store room of Penan* General Hospital. The loss was discovered yesterday by the chief clerk of the store. Two broken padlocks indicated
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  • 62 5 The Singapore Cnambei ol Commerce Rubber Associations prices at noon yesterday were: Buyers Sellers Cta. Ota. oer ib. oer lb No. 1 R.S.S. SDOt loose nominal 44% 44% No. 1 R.S.B. fob In bales Jan. 44% 44% No. 9 R.BJ3 tob In bales Jan. 44H 44% No. S R.S.B.
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  • 215 5 Malaya gets I penicillin Sunday Times Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. AIRBORNE supplies of penicillin received in Kuala Lumpur a few days ago ended a temporary shortage of the drug in Malayan hospitals. Giving this information, Dr. A. E. Struthers, acting Director of Medical Services
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  • 47 5 Sunday Times Staff Reportei PENANO. Saturday. —Th Governor-General, Mr. Mai colm Mac Donald, gave a Nei Year cocktail party at th Penang Residency yesterda evening. As he will be goln to the United Kingdoc shortly, the party was In th nature of a farewell function
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  • 307 5 TROPICALFISH BRING TROPICAL fish from Johore, Singapore, Borneo and 1 Sumatra 50,000 of all varieties and every colour —win soon be going to the United States in the largest single shipment ever to leave Singapore. The man responsible for this rather unusual way of putting American dollars into the sterling
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  • 233 5 Sunday Times Staff Reporter THE following is the full list of nurses and hospital assistants who completed their first post-war courses in Singapore and received certificates from Lady Gimson at the General Hospital last Friday: Nurses: F.A. Pe*tana, E. Wong. Frances Low, B. Rodrigues, Wee
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  • 171 5 Sunday Times Staff Reporter pOCONUT palms and native Malay life form ex- >~ cellent objects for paintings, according to Miss Yu Yoon-shan, whose collection of 120 worlrs has been voted by Singapore's art lovers as the most outstanding of Chinese exhibitions ever held in the
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  • 276 5 ALL. J. B. Priestley's fans know how much he enjoys "playing about with time" and the dramatic situation he can wring from the time theories of J. W. Dunne, and Cuspensky. They will be glad to see the Little Theatre Players' production this week of "Time
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  • 104 5 Sunday Times Correspondent LONDON, Saturday. MR. Ivan Spens, chairman of Southern Kinta. in a reference at the annual meeting to the inability to obtain deliveries of essential materials, said that in an endeavour to improve this position schedules of the main items which were holding
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  • 204 5 Sunday Times Staff Reporter, i WITH the closing down of the coding office of the Malayan Census Headquarters on De 31, the main hall and the lobby of Ipoh Town Hall have been derequisitioned. All the coded schedules have already been sent to England for
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 587 5 /boils ECZEMA gfaOl^f ULCERS^ U.iy.U. I PSORIASIS 3RMSe RINGWORM HttttuS DHOBI ITCH MALARIASORES =f SINGAPORE FOOT SKIN RASHES ERUPTIONS Why *uffie/L\ Jy why endure Ihe pain and irritation f *"\W when a few applications of D.D.D. y A^^^S^vSV PrrHcriptioD will give you relief? Iff f?V^ Sj D.D.D. b the famous
      587 words
    • 351 5 NOW. you, too, can have "FAMRER", p^MORE BEAUTIFUL Bat /^S** N^\ V B^W^ V BJWWiynWHWiWI rdM Even if you are naturally dark THIS WONDIKfUL New SKIN BEAUTIFIER make* your «kin 44 SHADES FAIRER At last, women of Malay can bring out die real beauty of their skin with Whiicx, an
      351 words
    • 476 5 BOOKS ON LETTERING. SKETCHING, POSTERCRAFT ETC. Sketching Without a Master— Hullah Brown t 4 51 Lettering for the Commercial Artist— A. H. ftunter. 4.00 A Book of Lettering Reynolds Stone 1.50 Manual of Postcrcraft Will Clemence 6 30 A Book of Printed Alphabets David Thomas 3 60 Drawing Faces and
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  • 625 6 THE SUNDAY TIMES SINGAPORE, JAN. 4, 1948. Pound Of Flesh A MID the long-drawn battle A in the United States Congress over the Marshall plan and its astronomical figures of dollars needed to Implement the plan in its Intention to save Europe from economic collapse, it has been fatally easy
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  • 185 6 I^ROCODILE shooting is \j a profitable sport in Australia. Mr. H. Grant, a retired Sydney police officer, has just returned from the Gulf of Carpentana, where he shot 100 crocodiles in six weeks. He brought home the head of the biggest, a 12--cwt. giant that had killed an
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  • 1227 6 Raffles First Wife By A CORRESPONDENT QNE cf the historical monuments in Java which has happily survived four years of war and two of revolution is I the little shrine in the botanical gardens at IBuitenzorg, 40 miles from Batavia, erected by Sir Stamford Raffles to the memory of his
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  • 614 6 SPOTLIGHT On MALA YANS CLIFFORD PEER TURNS HIS A FTER directing some of the most successful wars against bandits and gangsters in this country, Mr. BASIL O'CONNELL, Director of the Criminal Investigation Department, Malayan Union, moves from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore later this month as Deputy Commissioner to Mr. R.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 455 7 BRIDE ROBBED: POLICE NOT FAR OFF Man afraid to call out Sunday Times Staff Reporter JOHORE BAHRU, Saturday. pANGSTERS armed with rifles gate-crashed a Johore Chinese wedding party on New Year night, robbed the bridal pair of their "ang pows" (gifts) and stripped the bride of her jewellery while police
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  • Article, Illustration
    73 7 STAFF of the General Hospital and Kandang Kcrbau Hospital, Singapore, who were among those who completed their first post-war course and received certificates from Lady Gimson at the General Hospital on Friday. The Assistant Matron, Miss I. D. Brown, is fifth from the left. In the centre
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  • Article, Illustration
    48 7 MR. and Mrs. Yeo Kuan Hock after their wedding at Gajah Berang, Malacca. The bride, the daughter of Mrs. Tan Chai Ec of Port Swettenham, was formerly on the nursing staff of the General Hospital. Malacca. The bridegroom is a well-known violinist and leader of two musical parties.
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  • 90 7 Sunday Times Staff Reporter IPOH, Saturday. MESSRS. G. W. Firth, C. H. Yin and Thong Slew Lam have been appointed new members of the Kinta Town Board in place of Messrs. H. D. O. Jansz, Cheah Ghim Leng and Cheong Kirn Voon, who retired at the
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  • 110 7 Sunday Times Staff Reporter A SUICIDE note explaining why he drank caustic soda to end his life was produced at the Singapore Coroner's inquiry yesterday into the death of a Chinese named Chung Slak Leng. Chong said he was "useless and good for nothing"
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  • 215 7 Sunday Times Staff Reporter r.. D. K. Rajakariar, a senior teacher of the AngloChinese School, Klrng, was yesterday elected lay delegate to represent Malaya in the Methodist General Conference to be held in Boston, Massachusetts, in April this year. The election was made on the
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  • 188 7 HARBOUR WAS IF' IN HISTORY HISTORY is written round the little wo^d "if" If Julius "aesar had landed on his t- id when thrown from his horse when he rode ashore on Britain's beaches In 55 B.C. If The Chinese had never invented gunpowder. If Napoleon had been more severely
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  • 88 7 Sunday Times Staff Reporter. SEREMBAN. Saturday. TWO nursing sisters and two medical officers from England have arrived in Seremban ana have taken up their duties. The nursing sisters. Miss O'Kane and Miss McCook, have taken up their appointments at the General Hospi tal. Dr. G. H. Lowe,
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  • 172 7 NIW YORK, Saturday. "THE increased Bolivian tin ore prices probably wiU I not be reflected immediately in American consumer fields because the higher prices for tin plaU previously announced are for the entire year of 1948 trade sources in New York said last night.
    AP  -  172 words
  • 91 7 JOHORE BAHRU, Sat. AS a labourer, I have no friends worth $500," said Chong San, when offered bail in that amount after being charged in the District Court with criminal breach of trust in respect of $169 worth of goods which had been entrusted
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  • 38 7 SHANGHAI, Saturday.— Nearly 9,000 overseas Chinese were repatriated through the Fukienese port of Amoy to Malaya, Singapore. Burma, the Netherlands East Indies, Borneo, Saigon and Siam in the past year, states the Overseas Chinese AfTairs Bureau.—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 65 7 SEREMBAN. Saturday. CHE YAACOB BIN A. LATIF. who has been Assistant Public Relations Offlce»\ N.S.. since the establishment of the Public Relations Branch here in Aug. 1946, will go tomorrow to Kuala Lumpur to take up a senior appointment at the Public Relations Headquarters. He will
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  • 126 7 Sunday Times Staff Reporter MALACCA, Saturday. THE question of appointing Chinese representatives In ijampongs to assist pcnghulus Hi matters relating to Chinese attain has been deferred unitl the inauguration of the Federation. This decision was taken at a meeting of the Majlis pen- I ghulus at
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  • 146 7 Sunday Times Staff Correspondent SEREMBAN. Saturday. THE Negri Sembilan Stat« Welfare Department has 1 bought, for $45,000, a bunglow and site at Temiang to house 100 orphans whose parents died during the occupation. The orphanage will be delared open [his week. The children are now
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  • 56 7 Sunday Times Staff Reporter. Cli Kuala Lumpur Rover scouts who cycled to Singsfpore over the New Year holidays were entertained at a camp fire last night at the Kota Raja Malay School given by Malay boy scouts. The function was arranged by Mr. A.
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  • 297 7 BOOM BUST FOR BOAT-BUILDERS Sunday Times Staff Reporter QINGAPORE river's many Chinese boat-builders, •J who enjoyed an unprecedented boom in their industry during the Japanese occupation, last year experienced a severe industrial depression. The industry is many decades old. Last year's disruption oi Singapore's inter-island trade, caused by th< Dutch-Indonesian
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  • 57 7 Sunday Times Staff Reporter POLTCE bail was extended to Goh Ah Keng, a middleaged woman, who appeared before the Second Police Court Magistrate, Mr. E. S. de Banzie, yesterday, charged with steaflrlg five katles of rice from a Singapore Harbour Board godown. Ah Keng pleaded not gurlty.
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  • 237 7 Missionary council for Malaya Sunday Times Staff Reporter FIRST steps to inaugurate a Christian Council for r Malaya, representative of all denomination.-;, x> that the country can properly be brought into iLe field of evangelism under the International Mission.iry Council, are to be taken early this month. Representatives of all
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  • 37 7 A personal message to Burma from the Special Commissioner In South East Asia. Lord Klllearn, will be broadcast from all stations of Radio Malaya In the 1.30 p.m. news bulletin today (Burma Independence Day).
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  • 46 7 Sunday Times Staff Reporter Two 19-year-old British soldiers, J. Brown and M. Millard, were charged in the Singapore Third Police Court yesterday with having attempted to commit robbery and causing voluntarily hurt to an Indian. They were remanded in police custody for 43 hours.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 77 7 JIMMIED- ?K^ There are TR/X %15Bg| Amplifiers from t?% s—so°5 50 Watt MICROPHONES f\ AMPLIFIERS II LOUD SPEAKERS PO RT A BLE EQUIPMENT For either A.C AC/DC and/or 12 Volt Battery M xlel UB4 12 Watts for AC/DC $535 M :-<<«l 86 1 8 18 Watts for A.C. 6f or
      77 words
    • 147 7 Pg^J^^fl 1948 Model JH^^^mT^r^S' new Aim iiiib^— mil 5 VALVE MODEL No: 472 AX 7 WAVES FOR A.C. MAINS PRICE: $200.00 (spore price) Bindspread, 13, 16, 19. 25. 31. Medium and Medium Short Wave, Floodlit Calibrated Dial, Fiy-Wheel Tuning Control, 4 Position Tone Control, 6j M.C Loudspeaker. Sockets for Gramophone
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  • 0 8
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  • 554 8 THIS WEEK FOR YOU CAPRICORN (Dee. 23-Jan. 20).— Initiative and personality will be helpful in pushing sales today. Be fully alert to any opportunity offered. General conditions are good for taking on new obligations with profit in view. Avoid legal entanglements. Sidestep adventuresome prospects. AQUARIUS (Jan.
    554 words
  • 444 8 WINNING CONTRACT BRIDGE WHEN the next player bids after partner has made a take-out double of an openingsuit bid. you are rellered of the responsibility of responding Logically, therefore. If yon do bid i you should haw some definite I values. While a bid in this position Is a free
    444 words
  • 105 8 rpHE Christian or given X names t Small, Booth, Jacobson and Rutherford are Arthur, Ethan, Otto and Rupert but not In that order respectively. From the following clues, determine what Is '.he first name of each of the four men. Ethan and Arthur entered the restaurant
    105 words
  • 36 8 Mv number, definite and known, It ten times ten told ten times o'er; One-half of me is one alone, The other exceeds all count and score. („-ajo»s pu« wn-o tm noqjj pxresno-aj, :uoij"i i J-li-t-«7
    36 words
  • 506 8 1. Britain started the Penny Post on January 10 Can you say in what year? 2. Who is Secretary-General of the United Nations? And what country does he come from? 3. largest city in the British Isles is, of course, London. But can you name
    506 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 296 8 fI 9 A nistrlbutir* Afteffs for Malayai Am; in -Thai Corp. Lt4. IV fuiicnri Ointment (or my Mult,ifn itching sktn ItOUlHe. It stops the ilchinc instantly and quickly rrstorrs'th* tM* tv a clear, healthy condiOoa. GIVES COOL RELIEF for BEST JAVANESE DISHES served in the BEST LOCALITY, Tbtt "BANDOENG" 25
      296 words
    • 31 8 Ev«ry Dro» of So»erei«n'i ESSENCE OF CHICKEN mean* Oie combined strenrth of A HUNDRED CHICKENS! obtainable at: Singapore Cold Storage and K. LEE SAN CO.. LTD.. No. 86, Bishop Street, Penang
      31 words
    • 352 8 PROTECT YOUR EYES WITH Optrex EYE LOTION WmmmMmMVmss?*,:-^ ~> WVnu- r»« •O' fluMa or isk. rou iKould tuv* fo«r >u»>W M r«(«Ur iMtrol by O»w;' fnatto—r. lbtainable at all Dispens... and Leading S(or-s V J 0P. 3 J7. MEDICAL BOOKS MELLORS MODERN INORGANIC CHEMISTRY by: O. D. Pakes $10.50 rNTERM^SDIATE
      352 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 195 8 Sunday Times Crossword 1. Skill of a wc:ic r Stand a drink to (6) 28. Baain (13) 10. Born (3) 11. Stare with for baptism (4) 39. Hurt (4) open mouth (4) 12. Rascal (5) 30. Telegram (4) 31. Animal 14. Risks (7) 16. Spar (4) 17. (3) 33. Augment
      195 words
    • 101 8 Continued from previous column (5) 3. Family hostility (4) 4. For the golfer (3) 5. Used for brooches (5) 6. Promontory (4) 7. Mineral spring (3) 8. Great bravery (7) 9. Deferments (.13) 13. Tree (3) 14. Appals (9) 15. Female parents (4) 17. Ditch (4) 20. Jot (4) 21.
      101 words

  • 1038 9 MARY HEATHCOTT DREAMS OF..-» LONDON. Dec. 18 (by Air Mail) THIS is the time of the year when we either look back regretfully or forward hopefully. At least we have Sir Stafford Cripps's authoIrity for facing the future with quiet confidence. Putting those New Year resolutions
    1,038 words
  • 114 9 IDEAS for dressing up seen in London-by-night: A rope of pearls twisted through a topknot of corls. A black velvet pillbox with a deeD frill of lace and black tulle at the back. A stole of black net worn with a strapless evening dress and embroidered with sequins
    114 words
  • 332 9 QOMETIMES the frozen O fish we buy seems to be limp and lack flavour. Uod, haddock and whiting are delicious when marinaded and baked in the following way:Marinaded Fish mAKE a pound of fish and 1 then make the marinade using a tablespoonful of salad
    332 words
  • 488 9 QCREENS in gardens •3 may be formed by planting hedges—either to be kept neatly trimmed or J to be allowed to grow more freely and flower i or they may be of suitable l types of trees planted close together. A very j suitable type of tree
    488 words
  • 329 9 Coula you say a word about the casual way men lead girls on and then just fade out? Surely they could explain that they have someone they like better, gone back to the wife or simply got bored. It would be a smack in the eve for the
    329 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 257 9 YOU are cordially invited to attend £Jax Factor HOLLYWOOD OF MAKE-UP ART SCHOOL lMkovw for yourself the very beauty secret* used by Hollywood's alluring stars. No Cost No Obligation AURORA, LTD. (GROUND FLOOR) WISHING ALL OUB PATRONS A HAPPY A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR HOCK KIM KONGSEE, HIDES. SKINS, LEATHER. TANIN
      257 words
    • 254 9 Tab? uf> beauty JttU* Md THE %j*A&i /hds*C WAY CLEANSE with Ardena Cleansing Cream for bandbo/ freshness. TOME with Ardena Skin Tonic to keep your complexion clear. SMOOTH with Velva Cream. MAKE-UP (lightly) Wlt h Amoretta Crjeam. Ardena \wder and Upstlck. Sole Agents MAYNARD CO., LTD. 11 Battery Road o
      254 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 112 9 CROSSWORD SOLUTION Across: 1, Craftsmanship 10. Ne«. 11, Gape 12 Rogue. 14, Hazards. 16, Yard. 17 Mote. 18. Oat. 19, Sky. 20, Wore. 21, Limp. 23, Char 23, Lasso 24, Criticism. 26, Treat. 18 5 out. 23. Harm. 30 Wire. SI, Ram. 33, Eke. 34, Shed. 35, Tide. 36, Measles.
      112 words

  • 264 10 THE Singapore State table tennis team created a surprise last night by defeating the No-th Malaya side by four games to three .n their tournament at the Great World. The best game of the evening was that between Chan Fock Kee of Singapore and Ho Kum
    Reuter-AAP  -  264 words
  • 470 10 RUGBY FINAL AT k.L OM SATURDAY Thrilling Game Anticipated Sunday Times Kuala Lumpur Sports Correspondent MALAYA'S first post-war Rugby final, which is to be played in Kuala Lumpur next Saturday between Penang and the Singapore Services, promises to be the most spectacular of the season. Both sides have already proved,
    Kee Chun  -  470 words
  • 126 10 THE British National Rifle Association has decided to enter a team for the full-bore rifle shooting event at the 1948 Olympics. This event, shooting with "free' rifles weapons specially built for target shooting and with no restrictions as to weight or shape of s^ock has never been
    126 words
  • 115 10 LONDON, Saturday. THREE world records were today ratified by the International Amateur Athletic Federation. They are: 1,500 metres 3 mln. 43 sec. by Lennart Strand of Sweden on July 16. 1947. This equals the record already held by another Swede Gundar Haeg. Relay (four by 1.500
    Reuter  -  115 words
  • 24 10 LONDON. Saturday. Australia beat England by 11 points to zero in the International Rostby Union match at Tw ckenluua this afternoon Router
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 93 10 SCFA League To Start On Saturday THE Singapore Chinese Football Association's inter-district 1' ;ue will start on Saturday, Jan. 10, when the opponents will be the Jellicoe Lads and Naval Base. Kick-off will be at 5 p.m. A group photograph of all teams participating in the league will be taken
    93 words
  • 194 10 A TMOSPHERIC interf erJ\ ence with radio reception made it impossible for full home football results to be received in Singapore last night. Results which were received are: FIRST DIVISION Arsenal 3 Sheffield Utd. 2 Blackburn R. 1 Wolves 0 Blackpool 5 Everton 0 ißolton W. 1
    Reuter  -  194 words
  • 87 10 DARA Singh beat Flashy Louis, an Army wrestler, by a knockout in the third round of the main event of last night's wrestling at the Happy World, Singapore. The other bouts resulted as follows: Bosca Boa beat Harry Cushway, who retired hurt in the fifth
    87 words
  • 132 10 tf ING Kong, the Hungarian wrestI ler, scored another victory at the Oreat World, Singapore, last nights when he beat Curly Connors lof Australia Connors succumbed to an aeroplane spin and body smashes and was unable to come up for the third round. In the
    132 words
  • 644 10 Badminton Notes rE North was to be congratulated for their fine sportsmanship and overwnolming victory but the South although beaten was not disgraced. They put up a grand fight against odds right up to the last match when the result was already a foregone conclusion.
    644 words
  • 565 10 Sunday Times Ipoh Sports Correspondent THE Perak Slate hockey team has done very well indeed to emerge undefeated in the first round of their state engagements. What makes the feat all the more gratifying is the success which has attended the state selectors' bold policy of giving
    565 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 390 10 A RETREAT FROM I Central position, fac- iiii; golf course. Pro- comforts, service I and food, including hnme-Rnwn veßeta- hies poultry and crss. ti Single and double fl rooms. Inclusive rate H SI") per person per H day Taxi meets trains if required. m Pain after Meals? You can
      390 words
    • 253 10 8.0.A.C. Speedbirds operate over 72.000 r.M.'emiles on which are most of the world's principal cities, i nus, 8.0.A.C. links Singapore with international centres of commerce and industry. The 8.0.A.C. Speedbird fleet of over 200 aircraft is the largest in the world, and at the controls are 8.0.A.C.'s 640 pilots, more
      253 words

  • 2332 11  - ANOTHER 3-FIGURE DIVIDEND EPSOM JEEP By Happyyalley, Golden Grove score doubles PENANG, Saturday. PETER Con (Dawson up) created a big surprise today the last day of the Penang Turf Chib X'mas-Nev Year Meeting, winning the first race to pay $181 foi a win and $74 for a place. Two horses
    2,332 words
  • 79 11 LONDON, Saturday. 17INCE HAWKINS, the British middleweight chamI pion, has been matched with Bob Murphy, New Zealand title-holder for the vacant British Empire title, at the Royal Albert Hall, London, on Jan. 26. Hawkins' manager, John Simpson, agreed to terms offered by Jack Solomons today. Murphy
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 136 11 Annual Ryder Cup Matches 'Impossible" A HIGH official oi the Bri- tish Professional Golfers Association said that the proposal for annual Ryder cup matches is "impossible of fulfillment." The official, who declined use of his name, said that Britain's P.G.A. has not enough money to pay the match expenses of
    AP  -  136 words
  • 57 11 SIX British cyclists—aJl Olympic "possibles"—will tour South Africa next February and March. They are world sprint champion Reg Harris, A. Bannister, joint Tandem champion with Harris, Dave Rlcketts, Lou Pond Tommy Godwin and lan Scott. Flying expenses for the team are being paid by the
    57 words
  • 36 11 THE meeting of the Binga~ 1 pore Chinese Amateur Sports Federation which was to hare been held at 70-1, Club Street yesterday has been postponed to Wednesday. The meeting will start at 5.15 p.m.
    36 words
  • 34 11 THE league hockey between 1 'the Btcgnpore Chinese Recreation Club and the Army, which «as to have been played on the S.R.C. padang yesterday, was cancelled as the ground was ui:nt.
    34 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 218 11 \^SM^J^hm SHOWING! PAULINE'S ESCAPADES WILL HOLD YOU SPELLBOUND! JP^v A IOVE STORY SET TO A M :Jk CAVALCADE OF THRIUSI Dir«ct»d by &wt^ 4 !&2 ■W« wl XMIWiK PLUS! rialayan Film Unit Newsreel showing the Governor General's visit to Kuala Lumpur and the Ist pictures of Perak floods! OUR NEXT
      218 words
    • 180 11 >— <THPAY mH■■ m 6TH DAY fhone LAI HAY 340fl 4 SHOWS DAILY 11,30 2,45 6, p,m, 9.15 The word has spread: "It's the Greatest motion picture I've Ever Seen." HP«BjJ/ j «^^Yt;\ j F^Tjft* IW> air oft fT'JsYp 1 If-^jHK,^! <~^--~^£jJo* EDMUND GOULDING BP^JSSS*^^-— "m LMMS IBOTTI j- NEXT
      180 words

  • 1056 12 AUSTRALIANS ON TOP IN 3rd TEST Bradman and Morris bat brilliantly BRADMAN CAINS NEW DISTINCTION By ARTHUR MAILEY Exclusive to the Sunday Times MELBOURNE, Saturday. WITH a lead of 358 with six wickets in hand, Australia appear to be in an almost unbeatable position at the close of the third
    1,056 words
  • Article, Illustration
    21 12 A S.C.C. player well tackled by a Chanci Airman in yesterday's padang; mcjer which tbe S.C.C. won 8-3.— Sunday Times picture.
    21 words
  • 189 12 AUSTRALIA— IST. INNS. 394 INDIA— IST. INNS. Mank.d <■ TaUon b W. Johnston 116 Sarwate c Tall >n b W. Johnston 38 Gul Mahomed c ft b Do' land 12 Hazare c Tallon b Barnes 17 Amarnath Ibw Barnes t Adhikari st Tallon b lan Jrhnson 26 Phadkar n..|
    Reuter  -  189 words
  • 436 12 PLAYING on a pitch inches deep in mud the S.C.C. had very Mttle difficulty in defeating R.A.F. Changi, in their rugby match on the Padang yesterday by 8 points (a goal and a try) to 3 (a penalty). Right from the start of the game the
    436 words
  • 240 12 RA.F. Base Seletar beat REME Base Workshops in a hard-fought game of rugger played at Seletar yesterday by eight points (one goal and one try) to three points (one try). The ground wa3 waterlogged and consequently play fIM slowed up and several movements were foiled by
    240 words
  • Article, Illustration
    21 12 Ai«e it.A K. I'hanfi Ru<i>y X\ *..<> net the a.C.C. Ml the p^uang yesterday. The S.C.C. won B—38 3. Sunday Times picture.
    21 words
  • 227 12 IN a thrill-packed soccer match played in a sodden Held at GUlman Barracks yesterday the Seaforths Ist XI defeated the Jollilads Athletic Union by three goals to nil. Two cups, donated by Mr. Hameed, were presented by Lt. Col. J.S.H. Douglas, CO. Sea for Mi Highlanders,
    227 words
  • 23 12 THE Harlequins and Hornets will meet In a friendly nmp of hockey on the Police )epot ground p* 5 p.m. today.
    23 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 277 12 In complete Kno wl c dge and Its Consequences Study The MOTORISTS GUIDE I and be up-to-date ft Published by: Straits Publishing Bureau 8. DE SOUZA ST.. STORE Phone R3bOo BOOKS These I Have Loved. Sim 3.60 In Defence of Singapore 3 50 Jail Bird Jottings 6.00 How to Play
      277 words
    • 547 12 Singapore to PEKANC Daily 35 BAT AY I A Fridava $M PALEMBAN6 Tuesdays 75 SAIGON Sundays $2CO MED AN Saturdays Penang, to M E D A N Saturdays 60 MALAYAN AIRWAYS LIMITED (Mansfield Co. I^td., Singapore) ROTTERDAM LLGYIu mv. "WILI.EM RUYS" Jan sth 1948 to Colombo, Southampton Rotterdam Luggage for
      547 words