The Straits Times, 23 December 1947

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 386 1 Retaliation For Palestine Partition? CAIRO, Monday. |£ING Ibn Saud, of Saudi Arabia, has summoned U.S. oil representatives there to a conference at his capital at Al Ryadh to tell them, it is reported, that he is compelled to reconsider their oil concessions because
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  • Article, Illustration
    76 1 A Chinese Buddhist nun being robed yesterday for "direct communion" with dead massacre victims of the Jar.nese who are beta? content 1 o" *«*d -*ith worship at a temporary ten.pie erected by Singapore Chinese at Siglap. Tha Japanese here machine-gunned 28 truck-loads of Chinese captives soon after the fall of
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  • 189 1 Acid Drum Explodes, Hurts Four TWO Chinese were seriously burned and a European and a Chinese were slightly burned yesterday afternoon m Singapore when a 150-lb. drum of sulphuric acid exploded. The drum was being removed frmn the Havelock Road godown of a Chinese firm. The two seriously burned were
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  • 138 1 BATAVIA, Monday. A DUTCH military commu- nique announced today that 150 Indonesian guerillas were killed and eight were captured m a heavy clash at Krawang, 40 miles from Batavia, which began on' Dec. 9 and is still progressing. The communique said one prisoner was an
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  • 136 1 Frontiers Closed By Cholera BAGHDAD, Monday. rFHE frontiers between Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Transjordan and Palestine were closed today owing to an outbreak of cholera m Syria. The Syrian Government has mobilised physicians to fight the outbreak. So far, seven deaths from cholera have been officially reported. Physicians have cordoned of!
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  • 78 1 Rubber Rises To 41 3/8 Cents From Our Market Correspondent OUBBER yesterday picked up i a cent on the local market which was steady and quiet. No. 1 sheet f.0.b., buyers, closed last night at 41% cents a pound. There was little interest either way, sellers holding off and buyers
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  • 102 1 Refuses To Verify Speed Story NEW YORK, Monday. fOLONEL S. A. Gilkie, Commander of Muroc Airfield, test base for the Bell XS 1 rocket-propelled plane, declined today to verify reports that the plane had flown faster than sound. "I think I would have been n.tifed if such flights had been
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  • 23 1 NANKING, Monday. Gener&lLssimo Chiang Kai-shek and Madame Chiang Kai-shek left here by plane for Kuling for their Christmas vacation. U.P.
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  • 189 1 From Our Own Correspondent MELBOURNE, Monday. AN Australian court at Parramatta, outside Sydney, today x granted permission to a 19-year-old Cantonese girl, Gwenda Yee, to marry Australian Ernest Goulding, aged 24 against the wishes of her father. Gwenda had been m hid- ing for
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  • 205 1 WASHINGTON, Monday. PRESIDENT Truman will ask certain European countries for increased production of tin, rubber and other scarce raw materials for America's national defence stockpiles m return for Marshall Plan aid, according to Associated Press. It is believed that scarce raw materials worth
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  • 77 1 HEATHROW, Monday. After flying hundreds of miles m circles, a BOAC Halton aircraft landed at London airport last night. Four hours previously, it took off for West Africa with ten passengers, but was forced to retur owing to engine trouble. The pilot circled London over three-and-a-half
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  • 34 1 NEW DELHI, Monday.— The Indian Defence Minister, Baldev Singh, announced today that by next April 1 the free Indian army would be officered almost entirely by Indians.— A.P.
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  • 90 1 NANKING, Monday. A SPOKESMAN of the Government's civil aeronautics authority today said a fourengined chartered Belgian airliner going to Shanghai and Peiping with a group of Catholic missionaries, crashed after the take off at Kunming. A Catholic spokesman m Nanking said the plane probably carried from
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  • 363 1 Bulldozer Clears Road Block From Our Staff Correspondent IPOH, Monday. A BULLDOZER despatched from Raub has cleared a great landslide at the 46th mile on the Pahang-Selangor trunk road caused by the foods. The bulldozer worked four hours to clear a single-lane passage thrvagh the tons of earth that had
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  • 85 1 LONDON, Monday.— The Royal Family returned to Buckingham Palace last night after a week-end at Windsor Castle and will leave today for Sandringham for the Christmas holidays. The King and Queen together with Queen Mary. Princess Elizabeth, Prince Philip and Princess Margaret, will be joined at
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 154 1 y luiwijjuMiiim nrrmm fTWO MORE DAYS TO GO and we shall celebrate our CHRISTMAS Let's make this Christmas Brighter than the last We have everything to hclo make your party Gay and Merry. Amongst the thousands of items of Toys. Gifts, etc., we i. at you get the followine if
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    • 20 1 B.P. de'Silva Ltd.. O*co*re**rrc m cmo*) SMGAPOKi PE/VAMC BUILDING MATERIALS We will be pleased to discuss your requirements and problems.
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  • Cable Flashes
    • 107 2 LONDON. Monday. WARTIME mine detectors have been used by Scotland Yard m a foot-by-foot search for tile DuchtWindsor's missing jewels. The Yard disclosed yesterday that the search was made on the pounds of Eddan Lodge. The search was completed two or three weeks ago
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    • 57 2 rural scene on the Gatineau river. —AP. QUEBEC, CANADA, Monday. An exhibit by Field Marshal Viscount Alexander, Governor General of Canada, was among the 189 oil and water colour paintings displayed at the opening of the 68th Annual Exhibition of the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts. Viscount Alex- aider's
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    • 36 2 HOLLYWOOD. Monday— Mark Hellinger. 44-year-old writer and motion picture producer, died of a heart ailment here yesterday. During the war, Hellinger served as a correspondent for International News Service m Australia and New Guinea.—AP.
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    • 57 2 MANILA, Monday.— The Manila Daily Bulletin's correspondent at Laoag. Ilocos Norte, 260 miles north of Manila, reported today two earthquakes of "alarming intensity." The tremors frightened the residents of that city of 41.000. but did no damage. The first quake occurred at 1 midnight, loc?l time, and the
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    • 57 2 HONG KONG. Monday—Panl- cky Dassengers jumped to safety when saboteurs set a passenger coach afire with concealed jars of acid m an unsuccessful attempt, to hold up the Kowioon-Canton train on Friday. In the confusion, train cuards. unable to use fire extinguishers, fired shots into the air and called
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    • 59 2 BAGHDAD. Monday. —It was officially announced yesterday that the Government would send an Iraqi representative to Europe I to contact Yugoslav Muslims now m Central European displaced persons camps, m order to select 2,500 persons to settle m Iraa. This is m accordance with an Iraq Government plan
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    • 68 2 TTMARAU, New Zealand, Monday.—The body of a 12-year-old girl was taken from a hospital mortuary here and police used planes yesterday m a wide s< arch for a porter missing from the hospital. A car, believed to have been used by the porter, was found bogged on the
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    • 42 2 BUCHAREST. Monday. Kins Michael of Rumania and Queen Marie Helen arrived here yesterday by special royal train from Switzerland. The Prime Minister, the Fort I'm Minister and other members of the Cabinet were at the station to receive them. A.P.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1252 2 NOTICE. Custodian of Properly Proclamation No. 14 of 1945. Notice U hcrebv given that any person or persons having claim to the property described In the Schedule hereto are requested to forward such claims to the relative officer below indicated not later than noon 7th January IMt, After the date
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    • 111 2 NOTICES LEE RUBBER COMPANY, LIMITED. China Bunding. thulU Street., Singapore. Please note that as from Monday. December 32. 1»47. our telephone switchboard number will be 3987 (3 "nes) with extensions to all Departments. NOTICE X'MAS SHOPPING Por the convenience of Customers, our premises will remain open until 6 Dm. on
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    • 14 2 NOTICES NOTICE The Eurasian Volunteers Re-Union Dinner Dance for 28th. December has been cancelled.
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    • 298 2 NOTICES SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY. Unserviceable tyres, tubes and scrap metal are for sale by tender. Tender forms and particulars from Municipal Engineers' Office (Room No. 218). Deposit 8100/- (refundable). Closing m the Municipal Secretariat (Room No. 235) at noon on Thursday. Bth January. 1948. THE BANG TOE PROSPECTING COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorporated
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  • 109 3 IPOH SOUTHAMPTON. Monday. rIRTY-TWO stowaways landed from the Royal Mail liner Almanzora when it reached here yesterday from the West Indies. Among them were 31 West Indians who apparently got abroad at Kingston, Jamaica. The other stowaway was a 15-year-old Welsh boy, John Francis Chapman, whose father
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  • 200 3 PRESTWICK, Monday. TWELVE survivors of the 1 British fishing trawler Dhoon, which was wrecked off the Icelandic coast on December 12 with the loss of three lives, gave dramatic accounts of their rescue when they arrived at the Scottish airport, Prestwick, from Reykjavik m a specially chartered
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  • 363 3 Chiang Planes Go To Mukden 9 s Aid NANKING, Monday. MATIONALIST dispatches from the Manchurian front said that the Communist advance on Mukden had been halted, but fierce fighting was continuing west of the city. Nationalist fighter planes and light bombers joined the battle for the city,
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  • 69 3 BELGRADE, Monday. Official reports from Ljubljana yesterday stated that eight Franciscan priests were sentenced to terms of from six months to six years hard labour for aiding the escape of war criminals. The reports said the priests confessed to contacting and spy- j ing for the Yugoslav National
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  • 195 3 TODAY "The Song and the Star," a pageant of the Nativity, presented by the Sunday School, Wesley Church, Fort Canning Road, 5.30 p.m. "Thoughts on the Nativity," by Dr. Benjamin Chew, Young People's Group, Bethesda (Katong) Hall, 6 p.m. Y.M.C.A., Orchard Road, Malay class, 7.15 p.m. East- West
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  • 116 3 LONDON, Monday. A dossier of top secret German army documents published by the War Office disclosed that within six weeks of the Allied landings on the Normandy beaches, German army commanders were convinced that Germany was doomed. The documents, which cover events m the West ff«m the
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  • 72 3 FRANKFURT, Monday.—Lieut-enant-General Curtis le May, chief of the United States Air Force In Europe, said yesterday that he planned to fly to Berne, Switzerland, to hand to the Swiss Government a cheque for $1,056,052. The money will be m payment for food, clothing, medical treatment
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  • 44 3 LONDON, Monday. -At Stalin's special request, Soviet newspapers and magazines Ignored his 68th birthday yesterday. By tradition he should have made an appearance at the Kremlin but— as on his birthday last year— be preferred his habitual seclusion.— U.P.
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  • 201 3 WASHINGTON, Monday. TTHE first agreement entered 1 into by the Republic of Burma with any foreign country was signed today m Rangoon. The Burmese Foreign Minister, U Tin Tut, and the United States Charge d' Affairs, Mr. R. Austin Acly. launched a $200,000 programme under
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  • 52 3 SHANGHAI, Monday. Police authorities announced yesterday that they were definitely not postponing the enforcement on the first of the year of the opium regulation under which all nonregistered drug; addicts will be executed upon conviction. Registered drug addicts must cure the habit within an individually prescribed
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 291 3 tDElPHI H0TE1 /.DELPHI JS^S HOTEL Roof Garden NEW YEAR'S EVE SPECIAL DINNER DANCE JfJI per head including Dinner $2.50 Crackers, Hats Novelties 52.50 Decoration and Music $1.50. KKSKKVATIONS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY REMITTANCES. Money will not be refunded in respect of cancellations received after Monday, 29th December, 1947. SINGAPORE'S BIGGEST
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    • 145 3 S$:$:;:::;::Sj:S::::>> !j!j^|^ I f f j CONTAINERS V -4. rC*3? These dependable freezinit cabinets /^fXir^<^rak. powered by the famous PolaisDliere A\tK A'-^^n. inits. and scientifically construcU-d L 7 /^^?LX for tne stora e of bulk foods and icer=^A^S^./ cream are ideal for use in Milk Bars Hotela. Cafes, etc. \_Js%/f
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  • 312 4 PLEA TO LIFT TIN PLANT EXPORT BAN Straits Times Staff Correspondent PENANG, Monday. IVTALAYAN restrictions on the export of mining machinery to Siam were "necessary," otherwise, Siam might get the equipment needed by Malaya. The Economic Adviser to the Governor-General, Mr. F. C. Benham, made this statement to members of
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  • 112 4 LONDON, Sunday. Eleven prominent Britons urged President Truman and Prime Minister Clement Attlee to approach Prime Minister Stalin m "one last attempt" to persuade Russia to share m the international control of atomic energy. If that fails, the appeal said "the freedom-loving powers closely associated
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  • 85 4 BLAUSEE, £>witzerland, Sun,— Swiss Military authorities ordered closed far 60 hours an area around this village m Kanderthal Valley where an arms dump In the mountainside exploded and strewed the area with a hail of m-ssiles. Light snowfall covered the unexploded missiles still on the ground
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  • 38 4 MEXICO CITY, Monday.—lntent upon developing her natural resources, Mexico has undertaken an extensive oil exploration programme. About one hundred areas m various parts of the country have been selected by the Government geologists as potential oil fields. A.P.
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  • 206 4 Education Scheme For Kedah Malays Malay News From Abdul Aziz Bin Ishak r rHE Seberkas, a leading 1 Malay political body m Kedah, which has oeen running night classes m the English language for its members at Alor Star, recently held its end-of-the-year examination. More than 60 students of all
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  • 131 4 PENANG, Sunday. CORGED Indonesian Republican currency notes amounting to over 100.000 roepiahs m value, were seized by the police m a lonely attap hat on Waterfall Road. Police also seized a complete printing press and other materials used for counterfeiting. Eight Chinese, including a woman, were
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  • 90 4 PARIS, Monday.— French authorities have refused to allow 300 Armenians to return to Russia on board the Russian ship Pobeda which is ready to sail from Marseilles. Another 1,080 Armenians have been allowed to embark on the Pobeda. The 300 who were not permitted on board are
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  • 236 4 From Our Staff Correspondent. SEREMBAN, Monday. IN a breakaway from the Malayan Estate Workers Union, Asian estate staff workers m Negri Sembilan yesterday formed themselves into the "N.S. Estate Asian Staff Union." At the meeting it was decided that it would be more advantageous for Asian
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 350 4 HAVE YOU SEEN THE ASK THE MAP JnL WHO OWNS ONE MALAYAN MOTORS LTD. 14/20 Orchard Rd.. Sincapore Rpfjrrsonted m Malayan Hnlon by WEARNE BROS.. LTD. M A SOLID FAVOURITE nothing like Macleans Solid Dentifrice for keeping chil«fl^il^Br?!*S drens' teeth clean and addstefcif'^^M ImsS sparkle to their smiles. r TASTK
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    • 320 4 TONE UP YOUR KIDNEYS WITH DE WITT'S KIDNEY BLADDER PILLS. For more than 50 years thl» wellknown remedy has been appreciated b* people oi many races and colours all ovei the world As a remedY for all Kidney troubles, rheumatism, backache, boneache. lumbago and other pains and weakness caused by
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    • 668 4 1^0? S^T lM t S Shows— S, 6.15 A9 M i> m. f Suspense! Drama! Intrigue! /y if I "TEMPTATION" 1 If starring Mer!« Oberon. George Brent I *W I —OPENING TO-MORROW IC« no l eave. no i.ovi: w"/ Romance! Music! Coivedy! V_^7H^ QUEENS THEATRE m To-day only: 3.00, 6.30
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  • 387 5 Proposed Reprisal For Deportations From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LLMI'L'K, Monday. A RESOLUTION suggesting that in the future Fede- ration of Malaya, no Government post should be given to Australians will be put before the Assembly of the United Malays National Organisation when it meets this week-end. This
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  • 130 5 SINGAPORE representatives of the J. Arthur Rank film organisation expect that the eight-year-old Singapore boy, Alastair KerLindsay, will be tested m Sydney, Australia, today for a part m the film Blue Lagoon. Because of a last-minute cancellation of two seats on a Qantas Constellation aircraft, Alastair
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  • Article, Illustration
    64 5 ihe ii:ii..u ami nMtOB vi the Dutch Order of Oranje-Nassau, with which Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands has honoured Sir Jojhn Hay, British rubber, industry leader. Sir John has been awarded the rank of Commander of the Order. He received the announcement when at sea on the Dutch ship Willem
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  • 172 5 THE oldest passenger on board the Willem Ruys which arrived m Singapore yesterday was 80-year-old Mr. Charles Theodore Hiltermann, a senior partner m the firm of Brinkmann's, Ltd., the Singapore importers and exporters. Mr. Hiltermann should have been met by his 75-year-old brother, Mr. E. T.
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  • 151 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Monday.— Immediately after its formation yesterday, the Pan-Malayan Council of the Stamford Club of Raffles College Graduates drafted a resolution protesting against the salary schemes recommended by the Trusted Commission. It protested against the scheme recommended for Raffles College graduates m general and for
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  • 100 5 The payment oi a unai dividend of 20 oents per share and a bonus of 20 cents per share on the management and ordinary shares was approved at the annual meeting of shareholders of Malayan Breweries Ltd, yesterday. The payment of the dividend and bonus absorbs
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  • 238 5 rpHE Pan-Malayan Federation of Trades Unions says In a .'•atemerfl isßued ye'sterdny tihat it agrees witto the basic principle otf income tax being the fairest form of taxation, but it disagree* ivith the methods toy which the Governors imposed income tax. The PMFTU says its tax
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 247 5 CARPETS op REPUTE JUST UNPACKED Charming Shades Attractive Designs SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF 10% allowed to members of NAW, ARMY and A'RFORCE on the tale price. PAY A VISIT ANY DAY BETWEEN 8 AM. 7 P M. STRAITS CARPET EMPORIUM •Dt Souza Street, off Raffle* Place; Singapore Phone ***** IDEAL CHRISTMAS
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    • 231 5 IV HLj Hard wear and frequent washings will not down a PYRAMID Pyramid handkerchiefs TOOTAL firpsttrtd Trade Mark Ut*i on tvmry handksrt h,p' RAFFLES HOTEL TONIGHT DANCE 9.15 p.m. to midnight XMAS EVE SPECIAL XMAS DINNER BALL Crackers, Novelties, Noisemakers, Balloons, etc. X'mas Carols. Extension to Z a.m. Diners SB.OO.
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  • 1123 6 Singapore, Tuesday, Dec. 23, 1947. THE INCOME TAX DEPARTMENT It is surprising that income tax m its first year is estimated to yield more m Singapore than m the whole of Malaya beyond the Causeway. For the Colony the yield next year is estimated at $25 million, whereas m the
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  • 159 6 IN your issue of Dec. 17 you I published a letler under the heading "Bidadari and! Woodlands a comparison." I T write to ask you to correct a! mis-statement contained m your editorial comment, printed below this letter. The Imperial War Graves Commission has no representative
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  • 1851 6  -  WARREN S. LOCK WOOD SIR JOHN HAY Anglo-American Debate By By American and British views of rubber policy present a sharp contrast m this page today. We publish an extract from Lockwood's Monthly Rubber Report," a well-informed New York publication, and a reply to it written by Sir
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 878 6 C L A S S I F lED ADVERTISEMENTS Classified Smalls $1.25 Der line Mm. Charge $5 Public Notices $10 per single column Inch. Personal Domestic $250 per line Mln. Charge $10 Five avrraer words comprise one line. Advertisements may be tent bj post accompanied by remittance. For Information telephone
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    • 73 6 STEP LIVELY WITH PANOPTIK BIFOCALS ON! Objects seen through ordinary bifocal lenses are distorted, with unusual colours, etc. That Is why many people complain of "can't get used to bifocals." PANOPTIK Bifocal Lenses are made of the latest discovered materials by Bausch «te Lomb Opt Co. of USA. with unique
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    • 161 6 XMAS Suggestions for that attractiv e but inexpensive Gift. FOB TOE LADIES:— Perfumes by Coty Chanel Lentherlc Innoxa */39 to 529/-. Yardlej Gov» Bath Salts 2/20 Bath Powder 2/59 4/lt Eau de Cologne 2/59 to 8/50 Lavender Water 8/50 Max Factors Gift Beta 6/50 to $12/50 Innoxa Beauty Sets $16^59
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  • 233 7 PAYING his Hrst visit to Malaya for ten years, Sir John Hay, chairman of Guthrie and Co., and a leader of the rubber industry, arrived m Singapore yesterday by the new Rotterdam Lloyd liner Willem Ruys. Sir John said he had little to 6ay but "you
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  • 341 7 Families Worship At Scene Of 1942 Massacre A THREE-day ceremony to commemorate 28 lorry- loads of Chinese, massacred by the Japanese at Siglap m 1942, will end today. Hundreds of Singapore Chinese have been commemorating the massacre victims, who fell before Japanese machine-guns soon after the fall of
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  • 36 7 A Singapore detective arrested a Chinese at a coffee stall near the junction of Canal Road and New Market Road at 8 p.m. on Sunday, and seized an automatic pistol loaded with eight rounds of ammunition.
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  • Article, Illustration
    84 7 A customer chats with a salesgirl over the curved glass counter of the gift shop aboard the luxury Dutch motor vessel Willem Bays, a Rotterdam Lloyd liner which arrived m Singapore yesterday on her maiden voyage to the East. The shop stocks all manner of gifts for adults and children.
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  • 240 7 CH)R the first time m the history of the colony, a Singapore Immigration officer flew to Medan to board the 22,500ton Dutch luxury liner, Willem Ruys, and inspect the passports of 108 passengers disembarking at Singapore The officer is Mr. Harry Noble who boarded
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  • 103 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. The rubber industry's claims for preferential treatment undw the new Income Tax Ordinance were urged by Mx. J. H. Clarkson, chairman of Amalgamated Malay Estates, Ltd. m his address at the 27th annual meeting of the company held today. Mr. Clarkson said:
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  • 146 7 SINGAPORE'S Indonesian and Malay community yesterday celebrated Mother's Day with a round of charities which ended last night with a gala sandiwara m the Happy World Stadium. Highlight of the all-women eandiwara, organised by the Indonesian and Malay Women's (Welfare) Association, was an act by six-year-old
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  • 57 7 Seventeen-year-old Hong Ah Guan and 18-year-old Tan Gock Seng were produced m the Fourth Police Conrt yesterday charged with armed robbery of $21.10 from Tan Joon San on Dec. 20 at 4.45 a.m. at Bukit Tirr.ah Road. The charge was explained to them and the case
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  • 85 7 The Katong Boys' Club held a successful Christmas Ball— their first— a. the S.V.C. Mess Hall, Singapore, last night. The guests numbered more than 300. They included the Social Welfare Officer, Mr. T. Eames Hughes and Mrs. Hughes, I and Mrs. Sandy G. Pillay, Mr.
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  • 63 7 Singapore^ acling Municipal lyrical Engineer. Mr. R. a Waddle, said last night he hoped there would be no blackouts over Christmas. Electricity consumption ie usually low enough on holidays for St. James Power House to meet without overloading, which necessitates blackouts. Mr. Waddle said
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  • 103 7 A CHINESE bride of 15 days, Seah Swee Nguk told the v, Singapore Coroner, Mr. W. G. Porter, yesterday that her husband had lived "m constant fear" of his uncte T^y The husband, Tong Ec Choo, disappeared on Oct. 9 and his skeleton
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  • 57 7 EUROPE AN CHARGED WITH TRESPASS N. Newar, a 21-. ai Id European, yesterday pi^adea not guilty m the Fourth Police Co art to a charge of trespass into the house of Mr. D. Ned man on Dec. 20 at 4.15 a.m. The case was postponed to Dec. 29 for mention.
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  • 59 7 Vellian, a municipal mandore begged for leniency yesterday m the Second Police Court. He had been sentenced to two months' rigorous impprisonment by Mr. E. S. de Benzie for theft of 14 drums of bitumen. Vellian said his 20 years' career m the Municipality had been ruined
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  • 43 7 A 22- year-old Malay, Jantan bin Mudin, pleaded not guilty m the Fourth Police Court yesterday to theft of an Iron bed valued at $50, from the R.A.F., Seletar. He was allowed bail of $50 and the case was postponed to Dec. 29.
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  • 240 7 From Our Stall Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Monday A PROSECUTION witness, Mr EC. Jumeaux. giving evidence at the trial of Law Sau Choon. a Kuala Lumpur accountant, who is charged with cheating the Foh Hup Omnibus Company of $4,709.50 said today that when his company audited the accounts
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  • Malayan Round-up
    • 106 7 T«E Singapore Coroner, Mr. W. G. Porter, yesterday returned a finding that a British officer, who was riding a horse, died through a rash act by an unknown lorry driver. The officer, Major S.J.S. Lee, of the Ist. Bn. Seaforth Highlanders, was one of
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    • 55 7 MALACCA, Monday.— A special m Chinese clinic has been opened m Malacca for the immunisation of children against diphtheria and whooping cough. The Health officer. Dr. Robert Calderwood, today issued an appeal to parents to bring all children, between nine months and two years old, to the
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    • 33 7 TAIPING, Monday.— A Christmas party for children will be held at the Chinese Methodist Church here tomorrow night. On Christmas Day, there will be a fair and concert at the Church.
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    • 57 7 A special Christinas Eve service will be held at St. George's Church, Tanglin Barracks at 6.30 pin. on Dec. 24, when' the children of the Sunday School will appear lrj a series of Nativity tableaux. An augmented choir will sing appropriate carols, and two solos will be
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    • 47 7 OENANG, Monday.— Fifty shot I guns have been allocated on loan to agriculturists and smallholders m the south-west district of Penang. The guns were issued for die destruction of pests which had been causing considerable damage to crops. Two smallholders will share one gun.
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    • 45 7 lINEMPLOYED members of the v Singapore Clerical and Administrative Workers' Union are asked to register with the Unions employment bureau. The Union, it is pointed out. is to touch with the Labour Department and has received many enquiries from firms for clerical workers.
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    • 26 7 IPOH, Monday.—While bathing m the Kinta river yesterday afternoon, a young artisan. Chan Foon, got into difficulties, and disappeared. The body was recovered today.
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    • 33 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Monday. H.M.S. Amethyst returns to Port Swettenham today and from then on until Dec. 27, when sho leaves, her crew will be entertained by the Army m Kuala Lumpur.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 63 7 HMV MODEL 5101 7 VALVE SUPERHET FOB A. C. MAINS OQIEULJO.WATIS price $***** STg MQ?!T^S. F?EE SERVICt INCLUDES SUPPLY ANO Ak£ tbU iiiAßAh'Tfe Mlm imstauation o> AUUAt. SOLf WXWJTTfW V OTstriBTJTOWS <*»:■ IMS' U, ROBiNioa SB. Ttu Tom.sinG-popc. j V S M. 1 1 XAf4 S (g) C m AERATED
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    • 182 7 I CHRISTMAS 1 EVENING WEAR Wo^) Pique Sof t m_j yt^M Fronted II /\/3 llntOO kl Jyl HIRT M V/ iV d Im 1 with Coll II N V 'jL I I attached, II v-m^^^JK— Double cfM 1 I Sizes: 15 16 t| I^j Price. A CHRISTMAS PRESENT for YOUR
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  • 457 8 Britain Will Celebrate Usual Traditional Christmas TRILLIONS throughout Britain set about preparing for Christmas this year, grimly determined it would be as near tradition as possible. Mrs Britain read m the newss that fewer puddings than were being manufactured, so she made her own. as economically as she could and
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  • 1131 8  - Frightened Children Need Careful Handling Nurse Elizabeth MOTHERCRAFT IN MALAYA By WHEN children are frightened it is seldom that grown-ups can understand just what it is that they are afraid of, or why. But fortunately there are things we can do which will help them to withstand unreasoning fear, and
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  • Article, Illustration
    35 8 Albert and Giles Bolton posting off their list to Father Christmas. It's been a hard job choosing what they want him to bring them, but it will be worth all the trouble on Christmas morning.
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  • Article, Illustration
    16 8 Chilly, isn't it? says Hazel Court, young film actress of the J Arthur Rank Organisation Ltd.
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  • 346 8 TWICE have I found dead civet cats on my morning rounds of the estate. The first was a very young one which could only have been dead a few hours but showed no wound. Today I found the maggotty remains of a large civet cat, lying across a
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 117 8 "^X -^X. jfrf 1 ']f Happy Dreams t \fi He't a sturdy young raacal well developed, glowing with health, ami, V^ y-**^ i although he deeps hi* head off, he's foil of torn and ritality is hit i^^**\ waking moment*. It's because he's jt LACTOCEN baby. LACTOCEN provide*, m a
      117 words
    • 103 8 Vtl f t ML/ t JoM& BkXT* ATKINSONS gb G OL O MEDAL EAU DB COLOGNE I ii«i«ioi ii«hio. i, ate cbse niini, i^r.ixD -AEC 69- JBB BO MRS. GfORGI WHI7NIY. XL, papvior Mctaftf b*outy, w«art Pond't "sta«r-g,jug*" f.jvd«r, Pond's Dreamfflower Powder Tm fascinated with the sheer, smooth-as-silk way that
      103 words

  • 1319 9  - GRASS LAWNS MUST BE 'GROOMED' R.E. Holttum, The Malayan Gardener I By QRASS lawns are the groundwork of most gardens. Against their uniform greenness we set our flowering shrubs of trees, our flower beds and palms. The essence of a good lawn is that it should be level and trim,
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  • 229 9  -  J.N. MILSUM and J.R.P. SOPER Grow Your Own Vegetables DEETROOT, although a vegetable of temperate climates, can be grown successfully on most well established gardens on the plains of Malaya, and there is no doubt that the homegrown product always has a better flavour
    229 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 79 9 fiZZ* V, t^ .^■BBBb. Matinee settles the protn isQ£y*w* Jbm b^^b^P lemofwhat one likes to smoke f'^&^Y^m and why one hkes k ls M I I ,^P two reasons the excellenc« 111 J^P^T *HO of tne filter tip and the ex- cellence of the tobacco. II ""V^ The one ensures
      79 words
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 235 9 STRAITS TIMES CROSSWORD »e«o»» zi Mocing tS) fROQQWORn M« ones 1 I Plant thai sound* UXe ta U A universto fellow la tnwaWUKU INO. «£UO inn (10. 3). beloved of Venus (6> ri i i ill. 10 Detests as the rearrange- 24 fascinated mffli e door- |§|s 3 9 8
      235 words
    • 386 9 Todays deal, played at match and all three of his spades. Declarer po.nt duplicate, gave one declarer now cashed his spade tricks hut after very bad score because he was too that the best he could do wal to "^trdJL^r dOWD the heart Me Md rtvTweSS BSuSSST; -n^ b ie.
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  • 1361 10  - Our London Letter Airmail By QOP m Lancashire yesterday they told me of the man who failed to keep up the hire-pur-chase instalments. The furniture company sent him a tough letter, ending: "What would the neighbours think if we sent our van and took it all away?" A week later
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 269 10 AMERICAN MAIL LINE FAST DIRECT SERVICE TO PACIFIC COAST INDIA WAIL" -for Los Angeles DIRECT 17 Jan. MKRICAN M An,"— for Ixw tngeles via Manila— early Feb. A Rents:— GUTHRIE «c CO, LTD. Phone 5131 EVERETT ORIENT UNI DVB SINOAPOM lor P. Sham. Prnant. Rangoon. Calcutta m/s "Studding SaiT 30
      269 words
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 367 10 RADIO MALAYA (S'PORS) Report: 10.00 Modern Poetry; 10.30 RADIO AUSTRALIA t> n. h i at, D J), m Concert; 11.30 New«: Wrom Today's 1 p.m. Radio Orch., 1.40 Rnyjf 1 Talk— Labour Industry; 12.00 Two Stations: 10.30 a.m. Austra Parade; 8 15 Topical Talk Announce- j^^ Musk; 12 15 Headl
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  • 130 11 \y Our Market Correspondent THE pre-holiday feeling on the local share market made itself felt yesterday with the volume of business lessening and prices of Tins slightly easier. Industrials showed a firm tendency. Changes m quotations given by the Malayan Sharebrokers 1 Association were as follows: INDUSTRIALS Buyer
    130 words
  • 158 11 Pa jam Ltd. shareholders will receive a dividend of five per cent for the year ended September last. The accounts, issued yesterday show that the company Earned a working profit ot $188,735. The directors have ;written-ofl $121,822 incurred on rehabilitation and have reserved $34,475 as
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  • 240 11 Produce Market QUIET but steady conditions ruled the Monday markets Sugar and rice quota tions eased a little The coconut oil market, however, showed a firm tendency In spite of a willing copra market. Yesterday's prices were Rice: No. 1 $140; No. 2 (125; other
    240 words
  • 150 11 A final dividend of 1% per cent absorbing $73,615 was approved by the annual meeting of Batu Lintang Rubber Co., Ltd. held at Penang an Friday. The report showed that the crop iharvested during the year was 1,451,500 lbs. 'The estate" continued the report, "can now be said
    150 words
  • 59 11 The Office of Metal Reserve announced, effective on and from last Friday and until further notice. Ho selling prices for pig tin will be as follows: Grade A 94 cents per pound, Grade B 93.85 cents Grade C 93.50 cents. Prices prevailing m the first half of
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 93 11 X.M.S. (Malay States) Rubber Plantations made a profit for the year ended 30th June (subject to audit), after all rehabilitation expenditure and depreciation, of £31,854, against a loss of £5,697 for 1945-46. Taxation absorbs £17,000 (ntli, replanting £4,560 (nil), and a dividend of Bd. per 1 u
    93 words
  • 63 11 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association's prices at noon on Saturday were: Buvere Sellers Cts. Cta. oer lb. Der lb. No. 1 R.S.S. Soot loose nominal 40% 41 H No. 1 R.S.S. fob ln bales Jan. 41% 41 2/8 No. 2 R.S.S. fob m bales Jan. 40 40%
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  • 240 11 NEW YORK, Monday.— Tin advanced 14 (U.S.) cents a pound m the United States and England, and an active demand during the past week kept the prices of copper, lead and zinc firm and unchanged. The Reconstruction Finance Corporation raised its selling price to the equivalent of
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 605 11 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. (Incoroorated id Singapore) BLUE FUNNEL LINE SAILINGS FROM U.K. AND U.S.A. HirMdrs" From UK <?• Jj •M-nlor" From US A •<*• TlLlf Due from U X o "TanUlus" Due from UK J» n vxu.TNGS FOR LIVERPOOL. GLASGOW AND CONTINENTAL PORTS "Orestes" Sails for Liverpool Dec .24 "Maron"
      605 words
    • 657 11 Shippers and other Interested m Shipping Intelligence are referred to advertisements In Cols. and 7 Opposite pace and to Shipping Notices on Pace P. O. M.V. SOCOTRA DUE SINGAPORE DEC. 2380 PRESIDENT LINE loads direct for SAILINGS TO NEW YORK AND BOSTON genoa. Marseilles, tangier^iavre. london. Antwerp via INDIA EGYPT
      657 words
    • 497 11 ELLERMAN KLAVENESS RiirirKi ai i PACIFIC LINE PORTS M/s ■aomrvius" HAVRE. LONDON A ln Por< \NTWEKP alls Sineapore 11 I>cc. fTTV t\V I lIPVWAU7 omlt Porl S-5. U I I Or LUCKNOW and Penan? M/S "CASTLEVII.I.B" Sineapore tt Dec. -10 Jan. Dne Singapore tin. P. Sham 11-12 Jan. Por Sweflenham
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  • 491 12  -  EPSOM JEEP By Counsel 11, Gold Medallist Still In Winning Form PENANG, Monday. QUTSTANDING gallop at this morning's track work m preparation for the coming Penang Turf Club race meeting was that done by Gold Medallist (Harper) and Counsel II (Flannery). They covered three furlongs
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  • 191 12 T<HE hockey match at x Thomson Road yesterday between an Army XI and the Singapore Harbour Board Police XI ended m a win for the Army by the odd goal m five. There was no score until towards the end of the first half, when
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  • 116 12 MELBOURNE, Monday. VICTORIA carried their first innings to 412 before dismissing five Queensland batsmen for 144 when the Sheffield Shield match was continued here today. Queensland lost the wickets of Bill Brown, W. Morris, Ken Archer amd McCool before tea for 47 but wicketkeeper Don
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  • 263 12 T»HE following players have been selected to represent the South against the North m the first inter-zone badminton tournament to be held m Malaya, which will serve as trials for the Thomas Cup international competition. Men's Singles: Wong Peng Soon (Singapore), Yap Chin Tee
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  • 72 12 The following will represent the Singapore Chinese Recreation Club against the Singapore Cricket Club at hockey on the Padang today at 5.15 p.m.- Patrick Yee; Ong Swee Law, Cheong Thiarn Siew; Au Tat Chu. Goh Chin Chye, Tan Kee Slang; Low Kee Pow, Harry Pang. Swee Llm
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  • 72 12 TOOAV lIOCK£Y: S.C.RC. v. S.C.C., radang 5.15 p.m. SOCCER: Singapore Police championship final: S.H.B. Auxiliary Police t. "M" Division, Thomson road, 5.15 p.m.: Chang Cheng High School t. 8.0.D St. George's Road, 5.15 p.m. TOMORROW SOCCER: Nelson S.C. v. S.R.I) 2nd XI. Thomson Road polo ground, 5 15
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  • 99 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. tHDR the sixth time since the inauguration of the competition, the T.P.C.A. won the Selangor F.A. Cup this evening, beating the V.M.C.A. by the odd goal m three after extra time. The Tamiliams are also the Selangor League champions The V's gave a
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  • 146 12 IZING KONG, bearded 300-lb IV Hungarian wrestler, has arrived m Singapore from India to n^!af a «7 hr montn season at the Great World covered arena. King Kong said yestf-day th: his last visit to Singapore was m i»3B, and since then he had engaged
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  • 20 12 Tiie hockey match between GHQ FARELF and R.A.F. Tengah which was to have been played at Tanglin yesterday, was cancelled.
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  • 77 12 SHANGHAI, Monday. THE crack Hon* Kong Chinese soccer team, Sing: Tao, which toured the United Kingdom recently, are scheduled to visit the United States m the near future, according to Chinese press dispatches. The visit, it is understood, is being arranged to provide special
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  • 398 12 Abandonment Of Hockey Match KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. SATURDAY'S inter-State hockey match between Selangor and Singapore was called off eight minutes from the end because ground conditions were such that the toodetermined efforts of players to lift the ball from the pools of mud and water were
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  • 156 12 BATHURST, Monday. THK Indian touring team gained a meritorious win against 1 the New South Wales Western Districts XI m the last over of the match, winning by 104 runs. Mankad, who took six second innings wickets for 38, captured the last two wickets
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  • 254 12 The captain of the Singapore hockey team, Ronnie Barth. told the Straits Times yesterday that the Selangor umpires action In stopping Saturday's match eight minutes before it was to end was being icf erred to tne Singapore Hockey Association. Referring to the match, he said
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  • 314 12 INDIA IST INNINGS— I 43. WESTERN DISTRICTS— IST INNS C. Price c Nayudu b Sarwate 22 S. Hawken c Phadkar b Mankad 15 C. Kearney low b Sarwate 6 R. Sitch r Mankad b Amir Elahi 12 R. Heywood b Mankad I F. Martin b Mankad o F. Smith
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  • 72 12 The Catholic Young Men's Association (Church of Saints Peier and Paul), Singapore, are holding a Christmas treat for members and their families on Friday at 4 p.m. ai the association's compound The distribution of prises for the table tennis and badminton championships held during the year will
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  • 309 12 r PHE Malayan Chinese have been invited to send a repreA sentative soccer team to take part m China's Olympic trials, which are to be held m Hong Kong next month. This announcement was made by Mr. Kok Chong Fook,
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  • 106 12 BOMBAY, Monday. iVIALAYA is leading India xri by three matches to one m the international badminton tournament here, having won one singles and two doubles yesterday. India's only win was vi the singles when Davlnder Mohan beat Samuel m s'.rai^ht games. Mohan adopted detersive tactics,
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  • 78 12 THE official film of the world 1 heavyweight title fight between Joe Louis and Jersey Joe Walcott on Dec. 5 will be screened m Singapore at a preview today at 10 a.m. The picture, which includes slow-motion shots of Walcott's two knockdowns of Louis, will be shown
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  • 55 12 The following players have been selected to represent the Singapore Police Force against the 2nd Battalion. Royal Welch Fusiliers at the Police Training School tomorrow at 1.15 p.m.: Minns; Niaz Mohd. Shah. Thomas. Hibbert. Shelmerdine; Cheam, Laurence; Rahman. Masod. Jantan, Thick. Bulat. Humphries, Rajahratnam. Tin. Reserves: Maphuz.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 364 12 (Continued from page 6) FOR SALE. FOR YOUR next party now available assorted rubber balloons. $2.50 $28. Gross Javamaha Stores. 352. Batu K. Lumpur. "ROSS" BINOCULARS are freely arknowlodred the World's best Binoculars Write foi illustrated list to the Sole Malayan Aeents: THE SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENT CO.. LTD PO. BOX 92.
      364 words
    • 86 12 DUNLOP TYRES provide— 46X IS LIGHTING SETS' We can now offer ex-stock m Singapore a limited number ot the latest small American "BELCO" Electric Generators. These are eminently suitable for lighting ESTATES. FACTORIES. SHOPS or BUNGALOWS otc. Send for illustrated brochure Special Discount to Trade. Sole Distributors: BIRCH CLARKSON, 26,
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous