The Straits Times, 23 August 1947

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 586 1 NO S.H.B. STRIKE: RIOT AT SHOT MAN'S FUNERAL Dispatch Rider Chased Into" Police Station gQUADS of anti-riot police, armed with batons and equipped with wicker shields, steel helmets and anti-gas respirators, were called to violent scenes during the funeral yesterday of the Indian road worker, Vengadaselam, who was shot dead
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  • 185 1 WORKERS AMEND DEMANDS BEFORE Vengadaselam's funeral 3,000 labo/rers of the Singapore Harbour Board who stopped work on Thursday after the fata] shooting of Vengadaselam and the wounding of another Indian decided to return to work today. This decision followed iiscusBions lasting an hour and a half between the chairman of
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  • 69 1 KHARTOUM. Friday.— The pilot of a British Mosquito plane was killed early today when the aircraft, belonging to No. 13 Squadron. RAF, crashed after taking off from the Khartoum station. The pilot. Warrant Officer Stone, was killed outright. The navigator. Warrant Officer Tyson was rescued
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  • 69 1 LONDON, Friday.- Admiral Sir Arthur John Powers, Second Sea L rd and former Commander.inChief of the British Naval Head, quarters. Ceylon, and Miss Margaret Joyce Watson, WRNS Second Officer who was his secretary at the Ceylon Naval Headquarters during the war, have been married
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  • 64 1 COLOMBO. Friday.— More than 341,900 men and women will go to the polls tomorrow to elect ten members to Ceylon's first House of Representatives under ihe v near-Dominion Status of the Soulbury Constitution. Among 42 candidates who face the polls tomorrow are three ministers and a speaker of
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  • 144 1 Singapore Wants Jap From Soviet TOKIO, Friday. EFFORTS are being made by General MacArthur's H.Q. "through diplomatic channels," to secure extradition from Russia of a Japanese General who was in charg e of PoW camps in Malaya in 1943, and is wanted for a war crimes trial in Singapore. The
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  • 56 1 LONDON, Friday:— A man answering the description of the "moon man" was brought down by a policeman's rugby tackle on a crowded London street today after a two-month search. Fearing further criminal assaults by the 26-year-old man, Scotland Yard set a precedent by publishing the
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  • 189 1 DUTCH OFFICIAL CIRCLES AT The Hague say there is no doubt that unless UNO orders Me Indonesians to cease hostilities the Dutch will resume large-scale war m the Indies. Renewed fighting would probably lead to a government crisis and a national emergency cabinet.—Page three. maiaya
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  • 386 1 LONDON, Friday. AN appeal to the peoples of all the British colonies to rally round the mother country m her hour of need was made last night by the Colonial Secretary, Mr. Arthur Creech Jones. Outlining Britain's financial crisis leading to Wednesday s ending of
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  • 60 1 CAIRO, Friday. iflOLENT anti-British deI monstrations took placs in Cairo this afternoon in which 40 people, including ten mounted policemen, were injured. At one point police opened fire. Many arrests were made. In Alexandria, crowds paraded the streets shouting "Down with negotiations". They also demonstrated against
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  • 308 1 SIDELIGHTS ON CRISIS MORRIS Aiotors announce Fnat. they will now devote 75 per cent, of their total output of Morris cars from Cowley to overseas markets. Morris eights and tens to the value of more than £500,000. will be shipped to Australia and New Zealand within the next few weeks.
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  • 203 1 LONDON, Friday. rE Times correspondent m Lahore describes the city as being "bathed m blood," and th c scene for four days "one of the ugliest outbreaks of communal slaughter m India's history." The correspondent says that out of 300,000 Hindus who formerly lived there lees
    The Times  -  203 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1391 2 NOTICES NOTICE WITH effect from 15th of August, i947. the Office of the Commissioner of Lands, Malayan Union Is situated n the Land Office Building Seremban. NOTICE "LYNDHURST" 39 Newton Rd. First Class accommodation. Bookings now taken, single, double. Phone 3590 for bDDOint. THE STAGE CLUB, SINGAPORE. A CfcNERAL MEETING
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    • 914 2 NOTICES WARNING The great need for reliable, sturdy timekeepers to replace the thousands, which have been lost In Malaya during the occupation, and. on the other hand, the severe restriction of Imports (our quota=3o% la actual numbers of our pre-war Imports) has led to illegal Imports of ETERNA and ROLEX
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    • 886 2 NOTICES SELANGOR CLUB. THE HALF-YEARLY GENERAL MEETING r will be held on s Wednesday, 17th Sept. 1»47. f at 7.00 P.M. m the Long Bar. r f Any member wishing a matter to tx l brought up under General, must mii form the Secretary before 27th Augusi >«• NOTICE NOTICE
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    • 851 2 TENDERS SALE BY TENDER 1. The Custodian of Enemy .-Toper- ty. Malayan Union will dispose of the plant and material etc. specified in the schedule hcreunder by public lender. a. Permits to view and official lender forms giving particulars Jf the property and conditions of sale *nay be obtained on
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  • 410 3 Hague Statement To Be Issued THE HAGUE, Friday. QFFICIAL Dutch circles here said yesterday that unless the United Nations Security Council today orders "the Indonesian Republic to cease their present hostilities" m violation of the Council's cease-fire order, there can be "no doubt" that the
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  • 191 3 CHINA BID TO CONTROL EXCHANGE By The Times City Editor LONDON, Friday. TTHE Chinese Government's 1 decision to set up a new Foreign Exchange Stabilisation Board which, for the present at all events, is quoting more realistic rates than the official quotation, will b<± welcomed. As far as it goes,
    The Times  -  191 words
  • 63 3 Ton Kirn Shai, 21, pleaded not guilty m the Fourth Polic e Court yesterday to criminal intimidation by threatening Lim Tiang Kay with injury. Toh was alleged to have forced Lim to ride m a taxi at the poinl of a pistol on Wednesday m
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  • 299 3 CTARTINO to-day, the census enumerators will go round to TheTwm^rw^Ka^ the MiU^" form on which there are sixteen questions. The enumerator will leave the form v:ith the householder and will return a few days later to collect it They are all simph questions which anybody can
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  • 266 3 THE U.S. State Departmeni 1 disclosed yesterday that ..ussia had protested against an American, British and French conference on increasing German industrial activities, but made it plain the talks would be held regardless of the Soviet objections. This has widened the breach between Russia and the
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  • 473 3 SOUTHPORT, Friday. rR coats and skins worth between £25,000 and £30,000, including two mink coats worth £3,600 each, were stolen from a manufacturing furrier's premises in Lord Street, Southport, last night. Entry had been gained by a drain pipe and a window at the rear of the premises.
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  • 104 3 The Singapore Stage Club will present "A soldier for Christmas," at the Victoira Theatre from August 27 to 30. This will be in the nature of a farewell performance to at least two of the club's best-known members. James Belchamber, the producer, is going to the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 174 3 FOR THE LATEST IN VINTUJM 011 1 ihsulmion I You cannot do better than i Veni-Axia Stale Air Extractor Units Versil Glass Silk Insulation Materials Factory Representatives:— W. G. ThurstOll 6c Co., 60, The Arcade, Singapore. Telephone No. 6548 SENG HENG COMPANY, 63, Pudu Road, Kuala Lumpur SENG HENG COMPANY,
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    • 224 3 GM GENERAI MOTORS GENERATING SETS SERIES 71 25, 35, 50 75 Kilowatts at standard voltages, single Or three phase, 50 cycles. SERIES "268-A^ 60. 125, 165 250 Kilowatts at 240. 480. 600, 2400 or 4160 volts, three phase, 50 cycles. SERIES 567- g' 350. 500, 750 1000 kilowatts at 480.
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  • 90 4 Government Suspends Import Permits pENDING clarification pf I future import policy, the granting of further permits for imports into Malaya from U.S.A., Canada and countries in Central and South America, except Argentine and Brazil, will be temporarily suspended, says an official statement issued last night. Exceptions will only be made
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  • 147 4 Mystery Of Jap Deaths In Fire rUR Japanese died in a mysterious fire which gutted a tent in the transit camp i n Jurong Road, Singapore/ at 2.30 a.m. on Thursday. The Japanese were to have bean repatriated or, Monday in the Nippon Maru. Two of the four died an
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  • 146 4 Weekly Rubber Report NEW York, after a long interval, took a little of the rubber offering from here this week, but the majority of business done was for shipment to other destinations, says Lewis and Peat's weekly market report. Fluctuations have been narrow, and although the undertone here continued to
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  • 79 4 Rubber, after a steady day, closed last night unchanged on Thursday's closing price of 29 cents per lb., buyers, for No. 1 sheet f.0.b., with sellers at 29 1/4 cents. Spot loose prices were also unchanged. When business opened yesterday f.o.b. was slightly below Thursday's close at
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  • 79 4 SHIPS alongside the Singapore wharves yesterday (godowns In brackets) were: Main Wharf: Marine Snapper (33-34). Cuacan (40), Bidor (41), Prometheus (42-43). West Wharf: Ikauna (1-2), Marella (6-7). Denbighshire (8-9), Agamemnon (10), Glenbeg (41). Empire Dock: Ting Sang (17-18), Kelso Victory (19-20), Lake Side (26). Sheers Wharf: Van der
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  • 202 4 Continued from Page 1. per head for heifer calves of approved types. The scheme is for financial assistance to encourage grass conservation. Farmers will get increased prices for their products. After he had announced the agricultural plan Mr. Williams with the Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Herbert
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  • 300 4 Another request by Mr. Anthony Brooke to be allowed to enter Sarawak to attend the hearing of his libel action against Sarawak Attorney General, Mr. K. H. Digby, and the Sarawak Press Company has been refused. The action Is set down for hearing in Kuchlng
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  • 133 4 A 36-year-old Sikh, Darwara Singh, was charged In the Second Police Court, yesterday, with offering a bribe to Inspector D. F. Meyer, to release him from custody in a truck in Serangoon Road on Thursday. He was also charged with being in fraudulent possession of
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  • 73 4 ATCHESON S SON FLYING TO TOKIO HONOLULU. Friday.— Mr. George Atcheson, third son of the American ambassador who was lost m the plane crash near here on Saturday night, arrived m Honolulu today on his way to Tokio to be with his mother. When he continues his Journey shortly he
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  • 124 4 PARIS, Friday. T^HE French Government has reached agreement on peace proposals for Indo. China, the terms of which will be finally approved at a special cabinet meeting either tonight or sometime tomorrow, it was learned officially tonight. Emile Bollaert, French High Commissioner in Indo-China, on leaving
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  • 207 4 Producer-director Carol Reed's "Odd Man Out" is probably the finest piece of suspense drama and characterisation ever seen on the screen. James Mason plays the gaolbreaker leader of a gang m Belfast. To raise money for a political scheme, he organises a robbery which ends
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  • 65 4 A 32-year-old Hokklen, Ong Ah Kim, who offered a bribe of $495 to a police corporal on July 23 at New Bridge Road when the corporal found six pounds of opium on him. wa^ sentenced to nine months' rigorous imprisonment in the First District Court yesterday for possession
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  • 270 4 r-MORROW'Sr -MORROW'S services In Singapore churches are as follows*. Church of England: St. Andrew's Cathedral 7 a.m., 8 a.m., 10.30 a.m., 11.15 a.m. and 5.30 p.m.; St. Ocorge's Garrison Church (Tanglln) 7.15 a.m.. 9 a.m., 9.45 a.m., 6.30 p.m.; Christ Church (Dorset Road) 8 a.m., 10.30 a.m.,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 433 4 HAVE YOU HAD YOUR COPY OF "ENGINEERING OPPORTUNITIES"? A«BB«agn Whatever your position or ag«, »duc«tion or 1/fA exp«ri«nc« you should read this highly in- lormatir* guld* to th« best-paid Engineering posti U^L, S^JM Among other intensely* interesting matter, "ENI^h A?A GINEERING OPPORTUNITIES" contains particuf ta B^H lart of AMICE., A.M.l.Mech
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    • 327 4 STOP THAT PAIN IN THE BACK WITH DE WITT'S KIDNEY BLADDER PILLS Do you dread getting up In the morning? That first move to get out of bed means more pain, and herald' another day of misery and suffering. But why suffer any longer than Is necessary? Get a botttle
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    • 360 4 3 Shown Dally— 3. 6.15 9.15 p.m. Thrilllnit spectacular adventure! RANDOLPH SCOTT m "SHE" —To-Nite at Mid-Nite BUD ABBOT A LOC COSTELLO In "HOLLYWOOD" QUEENS THEATRE Today: 3, 6.30 A 9 15 p.m. "HAPPY DAY" In Egyptian —To-night at Midnight "1001 NIGHTS" In Malay OpeninK To-morrow "WAR OF THE WILDCATS*
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  • 646 5  -  Carolyn Earle By WHEN Dorothy Parker wrote her famous quip, "Men seldom make passes at girls who wear glasses," there was some truth in it. Not so today. Those were the lays when people wore glasses because they had to, a curse on
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  • Article, Illustration
    52 5 BRIDAL GLAMOUR: Jeanne Lanvin's superb wedding sown worn by French mannequin Janine Lequievre. The bodice is severely tailored, the skirt of full panniers caught with a cluster of flowers over the tulle underskirt. Right: RKO actress Martha Hyer m white satin with veil and gloves of real lace, full sleeves
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  • 551 5 CHE' SALEHA'S ENGLISH DIARY DEAR MALAYA— Y^U can imagine how excited I was when I visited a small settlement of our people m Bute Street, Cardiff. It is called the Dark Settlement and is the home of poor coloured people of every nationality and religion, mostly
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  • 655 5 From BILL STRUTTON lONDON, (By Airmail).— L All the fury of British feminists on the march is turning on Mr. Fred Wormull. The puns, they make on his name are nobody's business. Mr. Wormull is a quiet, inoffensive, studious little man of 32, who plays
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  • 111 5 Scouts will be posted at the corner of Holland Road and Cornwall Gardens to direct people to the Rotary Club's Children's party at 182 Leedon Road todaf The party, which is being held to raise money for the Rotary Club T-B Fund begins at 2.30
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 193 5 1- Minute Mask your skin y >rf J^k a lighter I "QI\L)3 fltk ■3k A.VTUO.NY DREXEL DUKE, lovely lorietj H favorite. My*, "The Mack of Pond** Vanishing 11 Cream my bvorlie beauty treatment!" Help brighten and soften jour skin— quickly! Give your skin a lighter look, a Wipa off the
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    • 163 5 IItROVOII DISTIXGirisMED SERVICE S. Sow» stv/ti< of Kf smtoti Quality rolled gold I ptoie-hara b«ei> worn for tn long as thirty'ftve All Kremerrt* jewelry wilt give corresponding I I t Ki-»m«ntz cwHlinln remain t t^3£^^Wtot!& t > b«cou«» of tfvWr mrfoc* I FOR MfN: Ev.ning Jowalry Collar fNf>s Tie Hol<»er«
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  • 1286 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Saturday, Aug. 23, 1947. BEGINNINGS IN SINGAPORE Our heading on this column today is taken from a booklet which was published in Singapore several weeks ago and which has a special and topical interest this week, when the international Social Welfare Conference is meeting in the
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  • 38 6 Ng Chor Kirn family thank aU relatives and friends, who paid night visits, sent wreaths, banners, monetary gifts, loaned cars, lorries, buses and attended the funeral of their late mother. Madam Ooh Chow on 12th August 1947.
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  • 32 6 PERY. In memory of Henry Vernon Horsley Pery (late of Han Yang Estate. Johore). only son of the Hon. Henry Pery. and grandson of the second Earl of Limerick. uinuT
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  • 1304 6 ]A Malayan Countryman's Diary T HAD a job as acting manager of an estate very near Mersing m the year 1934. The property was much overgrown, and walking round of a morning it was usual to meet a herd or two of pigs, which took
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  • Article, Illustration
    32 6 A scene at the Child Welfare Feeding Centre m Havelock Road, illustrating the practical steps taken to assist the needy by Singapore's Social Welfare Department which is discussed m today's leading article.
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  • Man In The Street
    • 437 6 Income Tax Opponents Flayed "THERE is no doubt that 1 opposition to income uoc comes only from those members of the public who havethe means and can well afford to contribute a larger share to the expenditure of th a country* The pan-Malayan meeting sponsored by the Malayan Association m
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 875 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. FERDINANDS At Kuala Lumpur oo 19th August to Inez wife of Ronald Ferdinands. The Rift of a daughter. CHADWICK. At Kandang Kerbau Hospital, on 21st August. 1947. to Joan, wife of Donald Chadwlck. a daughter. SITUATIONS VACANT ■ESTATE Agency House has vacancies for Junior Estate Managers. Previous experience
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    • 23 6 Accurate Visual Analysis requires Up to-date Instruments. To solve your Eyesight Problems, consult C. S. CHONG, 0. D. Fully equipped with latest instruments.
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  • 87 7 Tolay's map is the eighth of a series to show yon w%«re to register for a vote in the Singapore elections. If you live in the mukims included in the map, you should register with one of the following: Mukim XXIII, Mr. Moharaed Nor bin
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  • Malayan Round-up
    • 716 7 'A WATCH on the beach m the small hours of the morning: for opium smugglers was described m the Fourth Police Court yesterday when three seamen, Yong Sen Joh, Eng Ek Kia, and Tan Ah Moy pleaded guilty to loitering on the beach a/.
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  • 266 7 26,000 Workers To Be Out In Kedah From Our Staff Correspondent SUNGEI PATANI, Friday. IN accordance with the decision reached by 1 the AH-Malayan Rubber Workers' Council, 26,000 employees on Kedah rubber estates will go on a oneday strike on Monday. The general secretary of
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  • 156 7 Strike Threat By U.E. Men rO hundred and fifty employees of United Engineers, Ltd., Singapore, yesterday threatened to strike this morning if the company did not reinstate 15 men dismissed at its Tanjong Rhu slipway. United Engineers' main activity is repairing tin dredges. The Company 10 days ago dismissed 15
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  • 138 7 UP AM ESTATES ONLY From Our Staff Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, Friday. Monday's Malaya-wide rubber strike will affect only United Planting Association of Malaya >es totes Mr. V. Krishna Moorthl, of the Council, said today. "We have sanctioned the strike and Informed all the affected braches by telegram, he said, "and
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  • 164 7 TODAY: Indonesian Art Exhibition, J-C Raffles Place, 9.30 a.m. to 4 p.m. British Books Exhibition, Victoria Memorial Hall, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Inter-School Art Exhibition, Great World, 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. "We Two," free show for Indian children, given by Mr. M. Rajagopal, Theatre Royal, 10
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  • 121 7 A Chinese woman said In the Singapore Coroner's Court yesterday that she believed her 53-year-old mother, Ah Choy, who was found with a wound on the neck and a chopper beside her, had been murdered. The woman. Choy Ah Sai. said wherj she visited her mother
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  • 662 7 REPLYING to criticisms in the Press of there being "still too much delay at Singapore docks," the acting chairman of the Singapore Harbour Board, Mr. P. A. T. Chrimes, in an interview yesterday, said: "Consignees who complain about this delay are at complete liberty to do
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  • 80 7 1LLEGED to have let wine and coconut oil drop from the first floor of a store on to rice bags on the ground floor, Boey Boon Yok appeared in the Second Police Court yesterday. He was charged with causing mischief by letting the wine drop on July
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  • 151 7 STABBED IN BACK WITH SCISSORS A PAIR of scissors and a wood chisel figured in twj hurt charges which came up in the Second Police Court yesterday. A Malay, Osenssa Mahomed Yacob, was charged with voluntarily causing hurt with a pair of scissors to his elder brother, Habld bin Mahomed
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  • 352 7 By A Market Correspondent 1 FURTHER rise m Siam white rice wae reported yesterday, but there was no corresponding increase m market activities. As a result of the recent price trend a shift for broken rice In consumers' demand has become noticeable. It is generally believed that,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 41 7 DUBO DUBON DUBONNET DUBONNET FRENCH TONIC WINE (To serve very cold) Delicious and invigorating "Aperitif* Mixed with Gin makes a famous Cocktail Ask your Provision Dealer for a BOTTLE Sole Agent* for Malaya OPTORG CO., mum LTD. 124, ROBINSON ROAD SINGAPORE
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    • 152 7 b^^— g^^^^^ M^^Jij!igi V THR RADIO YOU HAVE BEEN fcajaj B^ WAITING FOR WILL BE JP""""*" ARRIVING IN SEPTEMBER ~**Bk- A su p ER HET JOB EITHER 1 00U5l£ OBX*^ I*^^'^1 SEW -CONTAINED BATTERY V MBißlf™ OPERATED— ITS THE DOUBLE DECCA 46 PORTABLE RADIO Obtainable from all Decca Authorised Dealers.
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  • Straits Times SATURDAY FORUM
    • 353 8 Nonyas' stories held innocuous BABAS REPLY TO MR. YEO DO not agree with Mr. T. Y. Yeo's five reasons why Nonyas are looked -down. In the first place, Miss H. N. Kho was right when she said "the Nonyas must, be revered." That is, of course, filial piety Mr. Yeo
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    • 117 8 I WONDER why Mr. T. Y. Yeo should have taken so much trouble to explain, m a contemptuous and sarcastic manner, the difference between the Straits-born Chinese and the Straits-born Chinese Baba and Nonya. After all, <3o not both belong to {the same nationality? Vs j, straits-born Chinese,
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    • 103 8 1 APPEAL to the Government to give us an opportunity^ make use of the public telephone again at Tanjong Katong Road as m pre-war days. At present we are allowed to ■use the Post Office telephone but what about at night and after office hours? "^so, may
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    • 115 8 I HOPE I am not wrong m saying that there are two types of Nonyas and Babas*. (1) the Penang-Malacca type, and (2) the Penang type. Obviously. Mr. T. Y. Yeo referred to the former, as the picture showed. There is a great difference between No.
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    • 75 8 t|/E enjoy th c Hawaiian music rendered by Mr. George Philips and his Hawaiian Serenaders every Monday night at nine, but we think the time allotted for such delightful music is too short. Cannot Radio Malaya see its way to extending the programme to
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    • 116 8 rS five reasons given by Mr. T. Y. Yeo as to why the Nonyas aacr c "looked down* go back to his type. Prom what he nas written, I infer that there is something wrong with him, and I have not the least doubt that he had
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    • 104 8 HIGH cost of living allowances were granted m most cases as temporary allowances adjustable from time to time according to conditions ruling. Enquiries among clerks reveal that very few firms, if any at all. are giving an increase m the allowance to meet this recent rise
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    • 222 8 r. T. Y. Yeo's letter on Babas and Nonyas was a typical example of unhealthy criticism. It was a letter which was very irresponsible m Its statements and mischievous m Its intent. The Babas and Nonyas are persons whose forefathers, put m plenty of hard work
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    • 99 8 A PARAGRAPH headed "Store Your Water, Warns Municipality" m a recent issue prompts me to bring to light the following. A large vacant block of land m Calrnhill Road was taken over some months ago by the military authorities and is now being used as a
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    • 206 8 A White -Collar Man Goes To Market LAST Saturday I went with $10 to buy rice.. These dolhrs bought me 9 katties. for which I hav to work one and a half days a» a clerk. I am now beginning to wonder if the clerking game is worth the money
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    • 73 8 pEOPLE have been clamourI ing for an increased cost of living allowance but they have forgotten one vital allowance which should be claimed, that is, children's allowance as paid to Europeans with children. A case recently was reported tn which a clerk was charged with misappropriating public
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    • 185 8 Why we must be thankful REFERRING to the article I* published in the Straits Times in the "Saturlay Forum", about "80 miles standing up: trials of East Coast travel," I wish to say a few words. To begin with, we should thank God there is a regular bus service between
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    • 269 8 but... pHERE appears to be som« 1 misunderstanding in certain quarters about the term "Hospital Assistant" as applied to that section of tha Government hospital service formerly known as "Dressers.** Some people imagine that tha hospital assistants and the hospital attendants are one and tha same. Recently it
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 115 8 Baby's first year —how vital It Is. In this j short period, what hopes and fears are g^at**"" crowded! Is he gaining weight —Is his flesh firm and A healthy —are sound bones forming In that little body —miniature of the man to be Happy Mothers all over the world,
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    • 159 8 John I JjuVUNOatf tGl?*" (Incorporated m England) TANK ROAD m SINGAPORE m TANJONG RHU Thornycrof t Mbrine Engines Commercial Vehicles Chadburn Telegraphs Steering Gears Sestral Compasses, Marine Instruments Boat Fitti Rylard Paints Varnishes Seagull Outboard Motors Tanaem Bearing Metals B. T. U. Magnetos Beclawat Windows -_-_-_r ____K^^^___ TASTEFULLY DECORATED FRESH
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 576 8 The declarer in today's deal avoided nin the diamonds, hoping to get one pitfall, but fell squarey into enough discards before an opponent another. ruffed in with the high trump. Aa North, dealer. may be seen, this plan would have Neither side vulnerable. failed dismally, because East would have ruffed
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  • 342 9 Two Young People Ramble Around S'pore XHIS page shows some of the scenes of the Singapore back-ground as the British Servicemen and Servicewomen set* it during their hour? off duty. To secure these pictures, a Straits Times cameraman accompanied a 20-year-old Auxiliary Territorial Service girl and a 21 -year-old British
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 99 9 just right! Just right in weight and j&*\l balance, based on Jchn White's y^ JJk experience in making 25,000,000 A \aflkk. pairs of footwear for men. /r K$-JMm\. Just right in quality and A? \$//UkmBk. resources and latest /V^^^rr\^^^r^mf\ production methods. MtsfWttti mj^mm^ PRENTISS-LANE INC. 1472 BROADWAY. NEW YORK, U.S.A.
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    • 143 9 T>^^BWtkCk fi ADD THESE HmE RECORDS TO YOUR COLLECTION N.B.C. SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Cond: TOSCANINL Egmont Overture Beethoven, Op. 84. DB 5705. PHILADELPHIA ORCHESTRA Cond: EUGENE ORMANDY. Daphnis et Chloe Suite No. 2-Ravel. DB 5734-5. With RACHMANINOFF, Pianoforte, Concerto No. 1 m F sharp Minor, (Rachmaninoff Op.l) DB 5706-8. ARTUR SCHNABEL,
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  • 385 10 LONDON, Thursday. A LTHOUGH generally J\ speaking, the announcement of the suspension of the convertibility of sterling was construed as helpful by dealers on the Stock Exchange as showing the first practical step for dealing with the economic crisis, it did nothing to extend business today, says Renter's
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  • 475 10 market, Price quotations given today by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association were as follows: INDUSTRIALS SINGAPORE, Friday. OUIET conditions again continued through out all sections of the Singapore share market, which was featureless. A slightly easier tone was reported. Atlas Insce 13.00 14.00 Alex. Brick Ords. 1.85 1.95
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  • 57 10 Ihe Singapore Chamber oi Commerce Rubber Association's prices at noon yesterday were: Buyer* Sellers Ctt. Cta. per id. v No. 1 R.S.8. Spot loose 28 No. I R.8.8. foe In bales Sept. 28% No. 2 R.S.S fob In bales Sept 28tt No. 3 R.S.S. fob In bales Sept 28
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 627 10 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. (Incorporated rf> Sinrapore) BLUE FUNNEL LINE SAILING* KROM O.K. AND 0 S A. "Prometheus" From U.K. for ManlU and H*Kong O. 42 'Calrhat* Due from U.K Au». 29 *Atrru«' Dae from U.K Aug. 29 "Altinons" Do' from U.S. A Sept. 1 •'Van T. HofT- Due from U.S.
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    • 276 10 P 6c O s. s. CANTON From Singapore Nov. 30th due London Dec. 22nd Feb. 29th March 23rd Passage Rates Singapore/London FIRST CLASS from £122 to £15* TOURIST CLASS from £84 to £100 Apply to the Agents ISLAY KERB tfc CO., LTD. SINGAPORE and PENANG. Harrisons Crosfield (Malaya) Ltd. KUALA
      276 words
    • 577 10 EL LEHMAN KLAVENESS LINE B LI C X N A I tlncoroonueo witfi minuted S. S. CO., LTD. l-os /ingeles. rw« SAN FRANCISCO VANCOUVER HAVRE. LONDON CITY OF KHARTOUM -CASTLEVHXT- Sept. Dtw 17 Jcvt. p Swe«t«ham A Ptiuaf §rentat McALISTER CO., LTD. «.lnenroorar««c >t SlnsaDora) PHONB mi—Mt BOUSTEAD CO., LTD.
      577 words

  • 1400 11 SPORTING TOPICS 1 By THE SPORTS EDITOR THE visit of the Sing Tao team to Great Britain has given us Malayans plenty of food for thought We, in fact, admire the Hongkong club, both for their courage and for
    1,400 words
  • 112 11 From Our Own Correspondent TAIPING, Friday. Keen games were seen la the Kempe Club's table tennis tournament for the Idrls Cup. Results are as follows: First Round: Sin Yok; Khoon beat Ong Sim Lcng three-nil; Chung Swee Wah beat CNeil three-nil; Kanagasabai beat Murugaju three-nil; Durenat
    112 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 298 11 SKYWAYS (f««st) LTD. (Incorporated In Hongkong) DIRECT LANCASTRIAN PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE BETWEEN SINGAPORE AND HONGKONG IN 7 HOURS NEXT DEPARTURES Tuesday 26th August Friday 29th August Tuesday 2nd Sept, enquiries to THE BORNEO COMPANY LIMITED. (Incorporated m England) General Arents Telephone: Singapore 3876, Penang 7. K. Lompar 3303 Bookings
      298 words
      161 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 447 11 BADIO MALAYA ft*^"- £SS^% B «SE5 <SSft SINGAPORE Sfira c^ K S^ala S 5.«FuJS5 Australian on Record. ENGLiSH-i p.m. Radio Orchestra; Music. RADIO SEAC If ¥-J*%?? M V^ t .J^ 1 iV M WM1* NETWORK 7 p.m. tee 1 am Music; 8.45 Morning Star; "'''""J SK^vVl S w A^f Orange
      447 words

  • 1198 12 Full Review Of Race Prospects By Our Racing- Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. TOMORROW'S card of nine races at Kuala Lumpur for the first day of the Selangor Turf Club's August meeting provides many problems for punters, but on race and track form Tin
    1,198 words
  • 99 12 Race I—GREENDALE, First In. Race Z—APOLLO. Foundation Stone. Race 3 —CHRISTMAS, Kin. vara. Raoe 4—RED HACKLE. Bronze Flash. Race S—LAST DOUBLE. Mont Blot Race 6 TROUSERS. Fine Lady. Raoe 3—INVEST, Rosewell's Boy. Race B—TIN8 —TIN PLATE, Electroplate. Raoe 9 —RENOIR, Grand Prix 11. By -Trespasser" Race 1
    99 words
  • 61 12 The annual championships of the RAJ? 1 Malaya Lawn Tennis Association will begin on Sept. 6 at the Fairy Point tennis courts Changi. Matches will be played every day until Sept. 17, when the finals will be held. In addition to men's singles and doubles, it is
    61 words
  • 69 12 SEGAMAT, Friday. The following is the Segamat Cricket Club team against the Ceylon Sports Club on Sunday at Thomson Road (Police Depot) ground, Singapore, at 10.30 a.m: P. Nagesu (capt.), H. R. J. Lockhart, C. S. K. Bovell, R. O. Willacy, J. M. Singh, R. McOechan,
    69 words
  • 18 12 The Katong Eurasian Sports Club's inter-team soccer competion opens tomorrow on the St. Patrick's School ground.
    18 words
  • 1312 12 piELDS for today, the first day of the Selangor Turf Club August Meeting, are given below, -with the scratchings and order of running. The double totes are on races four and five, and races eight and nine. The big sweep is on race nine. King Arthur, Princess
    1,312 words
  • 165 12 Decisive Wins For Middlesex Kent LONDON, Friday. nECISIVE victories wer c scored by Middlesex, Kent aid V Nottinghamshire m the county cricket matches whicl ended yesterday. At Dover, Kent beat Wor- cestershire by 135 runs. Kent 208 and 273; Worcestershire 139 and 207 (Dovey, rightarm slow, four for 31). At
    Reuter  -  165 words
  • 274 12 LONDON, Friday. Following are the final Test match averages: ENGLAND BATTING Inns. N.O. R. H.S. Avef. W. Edrich 8 1 552 192 110.40 D. Compton 8 0 753 208 94.13 Washbrook 10 2 396 75 49.50 L. Hutton 10 2 344 100 43.00 T. Evans 7 2
    274 words
  • 35 12 To mark the conclusion of the Singapore Malays' badminton tournament, a tea-party will be held tomorrow at 5 p.m. at the Singapore Malay Teachers' Union. The prizes will be distributed at the function.
    35 words
  • 29 12 AKRON, (Ohio), Friday.—^Sußar Ray Robinson. welterweight champion, knocked out sailor Sammy Secreet of Pittsburgh m the first round of a scheduled ten-rotmd non-title headllner last night.— AP.
    AP  -  29 words
  • 111 12 /K)N Balasis meets Lambong v m 15 rounds of aIV-in wrestling; at the Great World Arena tonight m the Far Eastern heavyweight eliminations. Con Balasis is the Greek-born Australian wrestler who has scored T.K.O. victories over Son of Kong and Kid Callon. He was interned m
    111 words
  • 52 12 The following will represent Indiall Association against H.Q. Singapore District at Port Canning tomorrow at 11 a.m.: N. Abbasbhoy (captain), Selakan Singh, C. Senevlratne. M. 3. Gill. Rasiklal, R. Bapoo, S. Ratnam, H, U. Patel, Punchl Hewa, Q. C. Arthur and Z. Bhatrl. Reserves: Kevin. P. Mallal
    52 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 506 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued from page 0) VEHICLES FOR SALE NORTON M/CYCLE (1940) 3tt h.p. neat appearance good running order taxed and insured 31.12.47, $475. Reply Box No. A163 S.T. $2,000 1940 MOrtRIS 8 SALOON. In good running order, sound engine, 3 new tyres. Bargain for quick sale. Phone Arthur "ilson.
      506 words
    • 97 12 Uunlop TENNIS BALLS Jt/tainable from leading Sports Dealert THE DUNLOP RUBBER COMPANY (MALAYA) LTD, 142, Robinson Road Singapore WRESTLING 2%tZX£?L TONIGHT Far Eastern Heavyweight Eliminations lambong isxs balasis (200 Lbs Chinese Champion of Lt Heavy-wt. Champion of The I Bangkok. Famous S.A.W.L. A: WorM. Recently T.K.O. Ed Son Star) of
      97 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous