The Straits Times, 30 May 1947

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 655 1 VICEROY FLYING BACK TO INDIA LONDON, Thursday. THE Viceroy of India, Viscount Mountbatten, and Viscountess Mountbatten left Northolt Aerodrome at 7.15 a.m. today m the vice-regal plane, a specially fitted York, on their way back to India. Lord Mountbatten is carrying with him proposals for the handing over of power
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  • Article, Illustration
    64 1 Priiucs Elizabeth arriving at the courtroom of the historic Drapers' Hall m Lcndon, where she signed the declaration which gaye her the Freedom of the Company of Drapers. As such she becomes eligible lor the Freedom of the City of London m June. The only other woman to receive the
    AP  -  64 words
  • 75 1 YOKOHAMA Tuesday <' urt-rmrtial today sentenced Col. Edward Murray to dlsmis- :,al from the sendee, ten years' imprisonment with hard labour and lorfeiture of all pay and allowances He was convicted on all specifications of a six-count indict-mt-nt charging violations of the 95th and 96th articles
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  • 62 1 Malaya's wisn to compete m *<be Olympic Games will be welcomed by the International Olympic Committee, according to a cable received last night. While pointing out that no time must bs last m applying for affiliation to the international c:mmittee. officials warn that Singapore and the
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  • 74 1 SANDRINGHAM, ThursdayFiremen fought a 300-acre heath and woodlands blaze on the King's estate at Sandringham, Norfolk, through the night and returned to the scene today after snatchIng only a few hours' sleep. The blaze, seen 14 miles away, was under control this morning. The fire, believed
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  • Article, Illustration
    159 1 ON Sunday on? of the Catholic Church's most impressive and colourful ceremonies will be seen at the Cathedral of the I I Good Shepherd, Singapore, when Mgr. Michael Olcomendy is I 5 consecrated as the new Bishop of Malacca. I The new Bishop's Diocese, which traces its history back to
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  • 197 1 BATAVIA, Thursday. 'PHE Dutch delegation which has arrived m Jogja- karta, the Indonesian Republic headquarters, with a note proposing a federal interim government for the whole of Indonesia, is expecting to start discussions with six Republican officials tomorrow, it was learned here today. Mr. P. J.
    Reuter  -  197 words
  • 152 1 Demand To Turkey For Bases ANKARA, Thursday. rS Turkish Premier, Mr. Recep Peker, told the Turkish Parliament that a certain foreign power" had sent a note asking Turkey for bases. He did not name the power referred to. but said the request was made "on the pretext of common measures
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  • 201 1 THE Singapore Federation of Trade Unions, the most powerful individual trade union organisation m Malaya, is likely to be registered within the next week or two. Tho President of the 3 F.T.U Mr. P. Veerasanan, told the Straits Times last night that a
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  • 33 1 LONDON. Thursday.— Cricket result: At Birmingham, Yorkshire beat Warwickshire by 101 runs. Yorkshire 113 and 233 (Wilson 67, Hollies 5 for 50); Warwickshire 47 and 108 (Robinson 5 for 54).— Reuter.
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  • 457 1 STORE REIGN OF TERROR BY SOCIETIES rONDITIONS m Singapore today were compared with the Colony's reign of terror of half a century ago by the acting Colonial Secretary, Mr. H. Bryson, when he spoke yesterday m the Singapore Advisory Council. "Singapore," he said, tuation somewhat similar 1890, when the Colony
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  • 100 1 The Times Correspondent LONDON, Thursday. MR. Tom Harrison, the wellknown authority on Borneo, has left London by plane at the request of the Colonial Office to s.udy tho Kelabit '•I ill people of Sarawak. Mr. Harrison hopes also to renew old friendships he made m Sarawak after
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 218 2 TWO TIME -BOMB PLOT ARRESTS Java Goodyear Factory Sabotage BUITENZORG, Thursday. THE Dutch Army announced today the arrest of t vo Indonesians m what it described as a plot lo plant a time bomb m the American-owned Goodye \r Tyre Company factory here. Col. J. J. Thomson, Commander of the
    AP  -  218 words
  • 90 2 NUREMBERG, Thursday. Lieut-Gen. Franz Boehme, one of the 12 German generals now awaiting trial on charges of war crimes m the Balkans, died during the night after throwing himself from the third floor of Nuremberg gnol. The indictments accusing Boehme and the 11 other generals of
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  • 98 2 HONGKONG. Thursday. Three Japanese, alleged to have shot a British airman seven hours after the Japanese surrender, will face a War Crimes trial here tomorrow. The airman shot was Sub.Lieut. Fred Hockley, R.N.V.R., a pilot on the aircraft carrier. Indefatigable. The accused are Col. Tamura Telchi. Maj.
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  • 291 2 Bevin Wins Support From Party MARGATE, Thursday. P5 Labour Party today adopted a resolution approving of the foreign policy of the Foreign Secretary. Mr. Bevin. Mr. Bevin himslf defended his foreign polcy today. At the end he received one of the biggest ovations In his public career. The left-wing "rebels"
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  • 41 2 WASHINGTON, Thursday.— Mr. Robert A Lovett of New York was confirmed by the United States Senate yesterday as Under Secretary of State. He was formerly Assistant Secretary of War. He succeeds Mr. Dean Acheson. who resigned to enter private business— A.P.
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  • 194 2 BERLIN, Thursday. GEN. Lucius D. Clay and Lt. Gen. Sir Brian Robertson reached an agreement to-day on the formation of an Economic Council for the British-American zones of Germany, representatives of which will be elected by the German state parliaments. The council will create econo- mlc
    Agencies; AP  -  194 words
  • 273 2 LONDON, Thursday. THE King and Queen held their first post-war "presentation" function yesterday afternoon m the grounds of Buckingham Palace. It was a garden party, attended by about 5,000 guests. In keeping with the urinclple of austerity, the function was held m a much more informal atmosphere
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  • 162 2 CANBERRA, Thursday Jre Australian Deputy Prenii r and Minister for External Affairs. Dr. Herbert Evatt, called the Australian Communist Party "a" m an article dealing with the recont threatened Trade Union boycott of a rocket range m Central Australia. Writing m the Australian Observer Dr. Evatt
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  • Cable Flashes
    • 160 2 Women's Equality Endorsed MARGATE, Thursday. A LAST-MINUTE sensation was caused at the Margate Labour Party conference yesterday when, against the advice of the Executive, a resolution was adopted calling on the Government and Local Authorities to give equal pay at once to men and women doing equal work. The resolution
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    • 71 2 HAMBURG, Thursday. German courts next manth will try about 20,000 members of organisations declared criminal at Nuremberg. Betwe.i. 80 and 100 German courts will be sitting simultaneously m the British zone to deal with th* cases. Four orga.ications declared criminal by the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal were
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    • 60 2 LONDON, Thursday.— The Admiralty yesterday announced the 40,000-ton battleship Vanguard, the largest m the British Fle^t. would be laid up for six month;.' refitting. The battleship was damaged 93 a small fire m South African waters while carrying the Rcyal family on the recent tour. Vanguard
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    • 53 2 LONDON. Thursday —For the first time for nearly 10 years. British petty officers may buy themselves out of the Royal Navy. The Admiralty said they could get discharges for £20 and upward, from branches with a surplus of officers or from any branch for "sirong compassionate
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    • 42 2 BELGRADE, YUGOSLAVIA. Thursday.—Nearly the entire Cabinet of the Occupation Government of the puppet state of Croatia go on trial m Zagrsb today for alleged war crimes. Siegfried Kasche, former G?iman plenipotentiary to Croatia, will also be a defendant. —A. P
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    • 90 2 BEIRUT Thursday. Unsucessful candidates m last weeke-d's general election la Lebanon yesterday formed a "Committee of National Salvation" to demax.d the annulment of the results which gay» the Government an overwhelming majority. The Committee accuses the Government of fraudulent practices during voting ana demar.ds that fresh elections be
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    • 77 2 CAIRO. Thursday.— After a running gun battle. 70 miles south of Mersa Matruh. an Egyptian patrol captured a 17- camel convoy carrying a quantity of arms and ammunition across the Western Desert. The action was part of i campaign to stamp out bar .y In Egypt. Desert Bedouins
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    • 74 2 i'tiursday. Eire must secure a considerable increase m production and exports during the next few years to balance the international trading account and avoid lowering the standard of living m Eire, the Minister for Industry and Commerce, Mr. Scan Lemass. said today. "The kind of external trade we
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    • 85 2 PETERHEAD. Thursday. A horse yoked to a coalcart took fright, broke away from its traces and plunged headlong into Peterhead Harbour. Aberdeenshire. Striking out boldly it evaded capture for some time before it; was finally cornered and lassooed by four men m a small row boat, but Instead of
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    • 72 2 LONDON, Thursday. Mr. Winston Churchill's Jicn, Rota, has produced pandemonium :n Regent's Park Lien House because he has been separated froi.i his mate dur.n™ meal-Umsa, zoo officials reported yesterday. Rota, presented as a gift CO Mr. Churchill during the war, wants to eat mere than a lion"3 share
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    • 45 2 BROADSTAIRS, Thursday.— Underwater explosions from sur.ker. warships yesterday shook south-east coast towns and bathers wer? warned to remain within half-a-mile of the shore. Police said the explosions might cause sufficitnt concussion m the water to place th.» strongest swimmers m dttßsultf** UP.
      UP  -  45 words
    • 80 2 An ti-Communist HONOLULU, Thursday.—Fortytwo American Federation of Labour Unions yisterday declared "war on the International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union. The latter represents the labourers m Hawaii's vast pineapole and sugar Industrie. The territorial A.F.L. representative, Mr. Jo'r.n A. Owens, told newsmen the 42 uniens had formed an 'A.F.L. United" and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1380 2 NOTICES ANGLO ORIENTAL (MALAYA) LIMITED. Subsidiary of London Tin Corporation Limited. Are authorised by the Oirectois of Berjuntai Tin Dredging Limited to announce that the dredge (fifteen cubic feet buckets category B) started production Ist May. 1947. NOTICES NOTICE NOTICE Is hereby given that Gerhard Strauch (otherwise known as Brother
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    • 704 2 NOTICES. ROAD NOTICE The Seremban-Port Dickson Road will be closed for Railway track repairs at the Level Crossing. Mambau. from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. on 3/4 th June and 6/7 th June. 1947. 2. Traffic will be passed at Intervals while repairs are m progress. R. G. ILES. i
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  • 1788 3 Result Of Rubber 's Downward Trend JOHORE BAHRU, Thursday. CEAP that the downward trend m the rubber market would limit work on most properties to tapping and minimum upkeep was expressed by Mr. C. H. F. Pierrepont, presiding at the first post-war meeting of the Johore Planters'
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  • 208 3 •TOE Australian Government 1 have announced that they will take over the running of Qantas Empire Airways before the end of the year. Qantas, which has run a scheduled service through Singapore since 1937, la at present Government controlled to the extent of about 50
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  • 193 3 RADIO Malaya will have new schedules and programme-; wrnn Q *P-r«nH h^^(-«, r v shnrtw;ive transmitter begins <p ra* nj ir m Singapore soon. "Revision of present sessions is pore and Malayan Union. Mr J S. Dumeresque. said yesterday. Mr Dumeresque had been asked to comment
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 356 3 (HjTßtc V% AND iMUUik WPGEyuTnG t PMONti 1&407& <V LAST 3 SHOWS: 3, 6.30 and 9.15 p.m. JOHNNY MACK BROWN TEX RITTER m "RAIDERS OF SAN JOAQUIN" Opening To-morrow Johnny Weissmnller m "SWAMP FIRE" To-morrow Mid-nit* "NORTHERN PURSUIT" H.A.P P V 1 Shows at 1 and 9.15 p.m. Edward Ciannelli
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    • 225 3 THE TRAVANCORE FORWARD BANK LTD. (Incorporated m Travnncore with limited liability) Head Office:— Kottayam. Travancore. Branches throughout Travancore and at Madras and other Important Centres In South India. AUTHORISED CAPITAL Ra. 50.00.000 Issued Subscribed Capitol Ra. 25.00.000 Patd-Up Capital Reserves Rs. 17,26,000 Total Resources Exceed R5. The Bank receives
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    • 140 3 Kiotcus! Hilarious! S<rr«^ "THE KID FROM BROOKLYN* (In Tcchnirn'orl ■teriagl Danny K.ivr «iroaU-st Musical Show V.xet' "ZIEGFELD FOLLIES" (In Trt-hnlrnloi I Spino-Tinnllnn Drama! "THE SPIDER'S RETURN' (Final hap* i M" 1 1 IffWWl 7.9.15 pm. TrnM Mystery Drama! "THE BLUE DAHLIA" starring: Alan l.ndd Veronica l.akr 3.30 6 8.30 p.m.
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  • 746 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Friday, May 30, 1947. The Societies Ordinance A Bill to amend the Societies I Ordinance was passed at yesterday's meeting of the Singapore Advisory Council. The amendj ments, which relate to political organisations, are not without considerable significance for, if I nothing else, this action by
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  • 219 4 WASHINGTON, Thursday. URGING Senate ratification of the treaty with Canada for the development of the St. Lawrence River, the United States Secretary of State, Mr. George Marshall, said yesterday the completion of the project would immeasurably aid United States-Canadian defence of the North American continent. Mr.
    Reuter  -  219 words
  • 122 4 RABAT, Morocco, Thursday. References to Morocco's aspirations to independence were exchanged between the Sultan of Morocco, Sidi Mohammed, and the new French Resident General, Qen. Alphonse Juin, when Gen. Juin called on the Sultan at his palace here yesterday. The meeting at the palace. Jke that which
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  • 117 4 SAIGON, Thursday.— The Government of Cochin-China will use all the means at its disposal if a new wave of terrorism sweeps over the country after the breakdown of negotiations between the French and the Vietnam Government, said the President of the Provisional Government of Cochin-China, Dr.
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  • 1228 4 Wall Street-Hub Of The Dollar Empire BULL MARKET: Firm, with bnyers predominating. BEAR MARKET: Weak, with sellers predominating MARGIN BUYING: Buying on a desposit that is only a portion of the fall buying price. SELLING SHORT: Ton offer to deliver to a buyer certain shares at a certain price on
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  • Man In The Street
    • 181 4 ANE hundred and fifty five II houses vacant m Singa-' pore (according to Straits! Times)! Though belated that's news. And the landlords have simed I a declaration that every endea- J your has been made to octain tenants. What this endeavour was one fails to
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    • 198 4 rE recent announcement m the Press of an increase m the quota of pigs exported| to S: n£apore was hailed wthj delight, but there appears, to be an aspect of this trade that is conveniently forgotten, and that is the method of transport of the pig?. How any
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    • 161 4 yOUR account of the asto I nishing success of the School Broadcast Department of Radio Malaya is borne out| by the enthusiasm of the pupils of my school. At one time the broadcast: period m the school curriculum was a signal for tomfookry. Now it has becom c
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    • 163 4 IN a fortnight rubber has fal1 len from $55—to $35 —a picul. Rice on the other hand nas jumped from $60—to $90 ii —a picul. These are signs of I breakers ahead. 1 I suggest that the International I Raw Materials Control Committee be revived and made as
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    • 96 4 I THINK there must be something wrong with our mentality these days. If you were a perfectly sensible gang robber who had threatene-i to descend upon the village of Khan Intan on the Siamese I I border, and you had read m atl' the newspapers for days before
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 871 4 CLASSIFIED ADS. At Kuala Lumpur on May 14th, 1947. William L. Mussett. Malayan Hallway. Kuala Lumpur, to Lesley Orifflth ot Melbourne. Australia. i.ire: GAM—The marriage between Mr. Lee Ber>w Chiang and Miss Oan Bee Ec took place on the 27.5.47 at 3. Teuibellng lid.. Spore. A wishes to relatives
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    • 82 4 Why worry about tliat TORTURING HEAT! The streamlined Hawkins Fan instantly relieves yon. Its fas^-revolvinn 9-inch, blades sends you a pleasant stream of "Sprlnc Breeae" that you will for(tet that others are beinj? tortured by the present Heat Wave. The guard and blades are beautifully finished m Cream and the
      82 words
    • 127 4 IfI^OPTICiaN Fenow or tr>e irst. Oohtnatmic Oducmio <Kn<?land) Fellow of the WorshiDful Company of Soectacls-Makers <Ensr.> Freeman of the City of London. OPTICIAN BY APPOINTMEKT TO H. M. FORCES SOOTH EAST ASIA 6 RAFFLES PLACE OPP. LITTLES > P.4OME ***** Just Received from London; LADIES' HATS Prices from $6.00 to
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  • 665 5 SOCIETIES BILL PASSED BY COUNCIL 'Neces sary Step A t Present Time" THE compulsory registration of all societies other than those excluded under the provisions of the Societies Ordinance is an emergency measure and will be repealed or amended when that emergency no longer exists, said the acting Colonial Secretary,
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  • 297 5 Consul Invites Criticism From Oar Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Thursday. VUALA Lvnpur Chinese who may with to make suggestions to their Consul or criticise him, are to be provided with a special "public opinion" box at the Consulate otfices into which they may drop letters. Mr. A. C. T. Kwong,
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  • 124 5 After a police corporal had given evidence that the scene of an alleged theft was a protected place, although the searchlight was no longer used, Mr. W. H. Nightingale, yesterday fined three Chinese, Chee Foo_ Team, 21 Leong San. 23. and Chee Fook Weng, 22, $70 each
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  • 40 5 Indian dancer, Shivaram Meno n uses his hands eloquently to help him tell the stories which are embodied m his Eastern dane sequences Cupping of his hands like this symbolises the sacred lotus fl'Jwer. Herald-Sun photo.
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  • 269 5 WAR damage suffered by Malaya and other Far Eastern countries will be discussed at an international conference at Shanghai on June 10. Members of the United Kingdom delegation to this conference of the Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East are now m
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  • 73 5 Nobody saw how a Chinese painter, Fong See Keng, was fatally knocked down by a military lorry driven by a Japanese P.0.W.., Y. Sninkichi. at Blair Road on May 16. After the accident someone shouted out to the lorry driv3r to stop. Fong died m the
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  • 66 5 Prom Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Thursday. The Penang Rubber Exchange, has called a meeting of members for Saturday to discuss steps to be taken to meet the decline ir.; the price of rubber. The meeting is expected to consider a possible revision of the: packing
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  • 144 5 STORY OF MIDNIGHT FIGHT /OMPLAINTS about a police v» identification parade by one of the accused m a case m the First District Court, yesterday, led to the Magistrate, Mr. E. P. Shanks, postponing the hearing until today so that the principal witness for the prosecution couid be recalled. The
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  • 77 5 Vessels alongside the Singapore wharves yesterday (godowns m brackets) were: Main wharf: Narbada (31-32), Glengarry (33-34), President Menroe (36-37), Oxfordshire (33-39), Kepong (41). West Wharf: Gleniiler d-2), Asphalion (4-5), Nevasa <6-7), Samyork (8-9), Empire Palace (14), Memnon (15-16). Empire Dock: Oberlln Victory (23-24), English Prince (25-2fi), Sadmauntless (27-28),
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  • 39 5 Alleged to have attempted the extortion of $10,000 from Lee Keng Guan by putting him m fear of death at Singapore, on May 12, two young Chinese were remanded m custody m the Third Police Court yesterday.
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  • 223 5 THE Friends of Singapore Association, held thair first general meeting since the war, at the Adelphi Hotel, Singapore, yesterday. Professor T. H. Silcock. who took the chair, made a brief report on the state of the Society and following the election of office-bearers future activities of
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  • 311 5 WHY SINGAPORE RUBBER PRICE SLUMPED NEW YORK, Thursday. THE United States Government, which has been selling rubber at 25% U.S. cents a pound, has some 100,000 long tons which it expects to sell soon at 23 cents U.S. a pound despite the fact that the spot price m New York
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  • 234 5 NEW YORK, Wednesday. rE Reconstruction Finance Corporation will begin selling iti 216,000 tons stockpile of natural rubb/: at 2% cents per pound below its present price within the next few days, it is learned here. Government officials are inclined to think it may have a
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 167 5 SHERRY Dry Ply Sherry per bottle $9 00 Dry Clut Sherry 9 00 Old Fashion Brown Sherry 9 50 A Win t c r's Tale Sherry 10.50 Old Moreno Sherry 9.00 PORT Crown P<xt 18.50 SOLE AGENTS ,1 -fi< f\ fc*%HrtTC_?fa»ft_-_-_il y -Wr< h HM^_^kiM_iM_H«_f AUSTRALIAN HATCHERIES (MALA If A
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  • 232 6 MORE GOLD IN U.K. Secret Figures LONDON, Thursday. ILTHOUGH precise figures n. are a close official secret, well-informed London quarters believe that the British Government has been accumulating gold on a significant scale since it started drawing on the United States loan last July. This is regarded as more important
    Reuter  -  232 words
  • 129 6 Penang Rickshaws To Go From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Thursday. •THE fate of the Penang rick1 shaw is to be decided shortly by the Settlement Traffic Committee said the Resident Commissioner, Mr. S. N. King, at a press conference yesterday. Mr. King said the Municipal Commissioners had not taken steps
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  • 126 6 Uruguay, U.K. Trade Talks LONDON, Thursday. TTHE Uruguayan economic 1 delegation was closetted at the Treasury yesterday m the second day of negotiations for a new contract, whicfti, British sources frankly said, they hoped would "give as much meat as possible for as little money as possible." Although primary attention
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  • 74 6 From Our Own Correspondent SEGAMAT, Thursday.— A fine of $25 was imposed by Che Hamid bin Mustapha m the Segamat District Court on Lim Ping, a 60-year-old Chinese, for moving 82 katties of rice without the necessary permit from the Food Control Department. Lim Ping
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  • 60 6 From Our Own Correspondent SEGAMAT, Thursday.— X. Nadarajah, an Indian shopkeeper of Batu Annam, was fined $75 m the Segamat District Court before Che Hamid bin Mustapha, on Tuesday for selling textiles without a licence. Accused said that he had applied for the necessary licence
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  • 98 6 From Our Own Correspondent SEGAMAT, Thursday. Price Control Inspectors brought several cigarette vendors to the Segamat District Court before Che Hamid bin Mustapha yesterday and fines ranging from $80 for overcharging to $20 for unlicensed sales were imposed. Mama Kutty. owner of a railway stall at Segamat,
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  • 46 6 From Our Own Correspondent MALACCA. Thursday.— A reception to welcome back Malay delegates to the recent Pan-Asian Conference at New Delhi will be held by the Malay Nationalist Party at the Old Cabaret Hall City Park, Malacca, at 5.30 p.m. on Sunday.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 235 6 "Sam Wood Scores Again T Times Opening Today 4 Shows B/^OijLiri fl 1.30 4 6.30 9.30 p.m. wS" 4 J"$J^ a 3 y •w w www m*» w m*~^^M fr.>j ••SHE just 3 husbnndl W« W ROOtRT RAYMOND HAKIM W GINGER ROGERS W m SAM WOOD S wf^^V^ft JEAN PIERRE
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 494 6 SINGAPORE FRIDAY 1 00 p m. Artie Shaw Dance Band; 1.30 News; 1.40 18th Century Ballroom; 2.00 Close down. 8.15 p.m. News headlines and programme summary: 8.20 Listener's Post- 8.30 Friday Prom; 9.30 Ne*s; 9 45 Talk. The Week In Malaya; 10.00 Personal Choice; 10.30 Glenn Miller and His Dance
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    • 428 6 Thp contest In to-day's deal was between a highly Imaginative declarer and a defender who was not nearly so alert East, dealer. Neither side vulnerable NORTH 83 f AQJ» QJ1 A K 108 WEST EAST' AQ109? 32 •643 2 ♦A5 ♦K643 ♦582 *QJ96 SOUTH KJ64 VK105 ***** 14 The bidding:
      428 words
    • 225 6 clarer of course won with the Jack. Now, after careful study of the situation, declarer led the five of hearts to the jack and returned the seven of diamonds. East inrocently followed "secnd-hand-low," and the ten forced forced out Wests ace. (It would have done West no good to hold
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  • 457 7 LONDON, Wednesday.— lt was another day of minimum trading with small sales inclined to exaggerate the effect on quotations, states Router m lt« London Stock Exchange report. Glltedgeds were dull, while among foreigners. Hungarians met some demand, other Central Europeans remaining dull Little transpired on either South American
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  • 371 7 By Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Thursday. THE market today was less active and the turnover 1 moderate. The tone was steady and the recovery m tin and industrial prices was maintained. Fraser and Neaves streng- thened from $3.60 to $362 V? with buyers at the close at
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  • 62 7 The Singapore Chamber ol Commerce Rubber Association's orices at noon yesterday were Buyer* Sellm Cts. Cts. per Ib. per Ib No. 1 RS S. Spot loose 31% 31* No. 1 R.S.S. fob m bales Jure 32 "x 32?; No 2 R.S.S. fob m bales Jure 31 r 31% Wo.
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  • 319 7 Produce Market From A Market Correspondent /""OFFEE was a feature of V* the Singapore market yesterday with fresh activity while all otlier commodities were on the decline. Owing to the heavy stocks m Singapore last month, local importers were warned not to bring m fresh supplies. This has
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  • 34 7 NEW YORK, Wednesday— Crude rubber futures elos P yesterday 30 to 60 points higher with siles at 49 contracts. ClosiTe qu'ta'lonx: Fepierrb'r 16.45 (U.S.) bid. December 16.20 bid, March 1.595 bid.
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  • 218 7 Company Meeting JHE chairman, Mr. H. W. Steele told the annual meeting of Kramat Rubber Estate Limited held at Penang that of the 387 acres under rubber, the mar-ager reported that 120& acres were wholly cleaned and 121 \2\ 2 acres had been renticed for tapping purposes. After
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  • 140 7 NEW YORK. Wednesday.— Leading industrials managed to recover from the low levels but most other groups s,howed little or no recuperative power and small losses still predominated. The bear market will be one year old at the end of May and during the period of its run
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 632 7 MANSFIELD C 0. LTD. (Incorporated Id Singapore) BLUE FUNNEL LINE iteDUMn" from U.K. for H'Kong, Sliai. Japan G. 15 *Glenlffei* ttom U.K. for Hong Kong G. 1 tram 11. Manila Hong Kong Shanghai Japan G 33 'Mentor- *M frw U.S. A *o*i; "Robert Frnln" .due from U.S. A May 31
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      168 words
    • 247 7 P O and B I SAILINGS TO AND FROM INDIA. CEYLON. AUSTRALIA. SIAM CHINA. ADEN EGYPT CONTINENT AND UNITED KINGDOM Agent* Singapore ISLAY KKKK CO.. LTD and at HA CaUyer Qu«y. Singapore Penang 25 Beach Street. Prnang P O Agents K. Lampar P. Swettenhaaa Harrison* ts CrosHekf (Malaya) Ltd. B
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    • 576 7 EUERMAN KLAVENESS LINE BUCKNALL (incorporateo wltb Limuet SS CO LTO L WU N wav) wu., liv. LOS ANGELES, llncorporateo id BnKland) SAN FRANCISCO LONDON VANCOUVER CITY OF CHESTER "GranviUe". June 10 EARLY AUGUST CalU P. SwKtenham Agents: McALISTER CO.. LTO. Incoruorntto m Singapore) PHONES 7JJ7— 6506 BOUSTEAD CO LTD. LLOYDS
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  • 279 8 Plimsoll Takes Six For 53 PORTSMOUTH, Wednesday. THE South African cricket I tourists were not seriously extended by the Combined Services team m a three-day match which began here today. Plimsoll, left-arm medium-fast bowler, achieved his best bowling performance since arriving m England and his six for 53 helped dismiss
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  • 105 8 LONDON, Thursday. DRITISH soccer football D matches scheduled for Saturday are: ENGLISH LEAGUE riRST DIVISION Portsmouth v Derby Sheffield U. v. Charlton Arsenal Everton Wolves v Liverpool SECOND DIVISION Chesterfield v Bury Fulham v. Bradford Notts P. v. Plymouth W. Bromwich v. Manchester C. West Ham v. Burnley
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  • 359 8 MALAYA WOULD BE WELCOMED AT GAMES Warning On Olympic Status MALAYA'S wish to compete m the Olympic Games will be welcomed when the International Olympic Committee meets m Stockholm next month. This information is contained m a cable from the Straits Times London representative, which arrived m Singapore late last
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  • 76 8 DOUGLAS, ISLE OF MAN, Thursday. Stanley Woods, motor cycling ace, has arrived at he Isle of Mar. with six Itglian Motto Guzzi machines, which he will ride m the first post-war senior BEd Junior trophy raeos on June 9. 11 and 13. Italian motor-cyclists constitute the
    AP  -  76 words
  • 64 8 SCARBOROUGH. Thursday. BRITAIN has made a surprise change m her Davis Cup team to play South Africa m the third round of the European Zone Tourney at Scarborough tomorrow. Donald Butler, 36, is being preferred m the singles to Derek Barton, a number of the winning team,
    64 words
  • 267 8 MALAYS WIN FOUR-NIL THE Malays scored an easy four-nil win over the Indians m a second round league game at the Stadium yesterday. The victory puts the Malay.s fourth on the league tables with 11 points from nine games. The Malays proved their superiority from the start and it WI
    267 words
  • 39 8 Chicago. Thurs The American Golden Gloves Champions representing Chicago trounced the European amatew boxirn team, comprising eight winners of the recent European championships m Dublin, by seven wins to one at the Chicago stadium last night.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 27 8 IODAY: High water 12 56 p.m., 8 ft 4 m. TOMORROW: High water 12.10 a.m, 9 ft 4 m.; 1.49 p.m. 9 ft 0 m.
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  • 576 8 Cricket CSC. team to play the Jurong Cricket XI on Sunday at 2 p.m. Transport will leave V.M.C.A. at 1 p.m. J N. Fernando (Capt.), A.C., M. Peters, G. Fernando, Mayeo Perera, Wijeaweera. N. Balasingham, W. Ponnampalam, N.S. Muttu, A. Ponnampalam. Novel Murugupillal. 12th
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  • 83 8 GLASGOW, Thursday.— Jackie Paterson, world flyweight champion who fights Dado Marino for world title at Glasgow on June 11 looked heavy and sumbersome m his public workout m Glasgow o:i Wednesday. Paterson obviously is well over j 112 pounds, his ilywe-ght mark punched strongly, but lacked his
    AP  -  83 words
  • 807 8 The Sad Story Of The Fighter Who Earned £15,000 In an Australian court last week Ron Richards, one of the world's best middleweights m the *****, faced a charge of vagrancy. Here well-known boxing writer Merv Williams tells. MELBOURNE, Thursday. UOW the mighty fall! A few short yen rs ago
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 528 8 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued from Page 4) TUITION MRS. R. ABDY, expert dressmaker. Dutch diplomas, 17 years experience, ex-Principal School of Domestic Science. Sumatra, teaches modern dressmaking at 26 Bencoolen Street. Please enrol Immediately. WANTED ID PURCHASE WANTED to buy house or bungalow with three or more bedrooms, modern sanitation. Preferable
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