The Straits Times, 29 May 1947

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 443 1 No Repetition Of Coup To Be Permitted BATAVIA, Wednesday. THE Netherlands East Indies Government anj nounced today that the Sundanese People's Party j m West Java would be warned that the Dutch would permit no repetition of the "coup d'etat" m which the party
    Reuter; AP  -  443 words
  • 171 1 Separate Peace Favoured WASHINGTON, Wednesday. •MR. John Taber chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, today urged the (State Department to adopt !Mr. Herbert Hoover's separate peace formula as the best way to reduce the American relief fcurden abroad. At the same time, Mr. Taber niade public tabulations showing •t ,iat
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  • 90 1 SHANGHAI, Wednesday.—Another 1.300 displaced Chinese have I been repatriated to Siam, Indo. China, Malaya and North Borne} by the U.N.R.R A. displaced persons division m South China. "U.N.R.R A. announced today. The refugees are being screened In Swat:w, Foochow and Canton, according to instructions from the Burma
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • 107 1 GENEVA. Wednesday. Commodity prices are not included on the agenda of the International Trade Conference, and therefore it is unlikely that problems created by the recent rubber price slump can be raised at the conference, according to informed quarters here. The Singapore Chinese Chamber of
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  • 129 1 NUREMBERG, Wednesday. Franz von Pa pen, son of the former diplomat now serving a prison term at Regensburg, told the United Pre« today that his father was attaciwd and seriously injured m the hospital ward of the prison by a former S.S. officer last Wednesday. Von
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  • 116 1 Two penerals a rear-admiral and the Japanese Chief Justice of Johore are among the party of 27 suspected Japanese war criminals who will arrive m Singapore aboard the Dilwara on Saturday. One general is wanted for questioning m connection with beheadings m Morotai and the other about
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  • Article, Illustration
    16 1 Before her 55th *h*hd«*tkrt Mon^r. Q««n Mmt po»ed for this special kirthday photograph.— A. P. photo.
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  • 120 1 BATAVIA, Wednesday. •THE Dutch authorities anI nounced today that several attempts had been made recently to sabotage the $2,500,000 American owned aoodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. plant at Buitenzorg. The Dutch Army has posted sentries around the factory. Thr> Goodyear plant recently resumed operations. It ts
    AP  -  120 words
  • 513 1 m Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. THE total number of requests for trade information about Malaya at the Malayan stand m the British industries iair was three hundred and twenty-eight stated to be nearly double the total reached at any previous British industries
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  • 26 1 JERUSALEM, Wednesday.— lt was reported today that two heavy explosions occurred In Haifa shortly before noon m the vicinity of the extensive oil ineUlUUon».-A.P.
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  • 320 1 TROOPS TO BE REINFORCED IN CALCUTTA CALCUTTA, Wednesday. r[E Governor of Bengal, Sir Frederick Burrows, today arranged to have troops m the province reinforced as a precaution against new outbreaks of communal violence next Monday, when the Viceroy is to make an announcement on the method of transferring the Government
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  • 34 1 BANGKOK. Wednesday.— John Clark Burgard, 24-year-old stepson of Lawrence Tibbett, the Metropolitan Opera baritone, died here on Monday. Burgard was a representative of the China Corporation, an export-import firm. —A.P.
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  • 160 1 VICEROY'S FINAL CONFERENCE LONDON, Wednesday. THE Viceroy, Viscount Mountbatten will be back m New Delhi m good time for the opening of the leaders' conference on power transfer procedure on authoritative London quarters stated today. It is not quite certain, however, whether Loxd Mountbatten will leave London tomorrow as planned
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  • 73 1 HONG KONG, Wednesday. The British Reparations Mission is leaving for Japan today, together with local technical aides who will advise the mission regarding textile machinery and deckyard equipment. The mission, which includes representatives from Ceylon, the Malayan Union, Burma and Singapore, attended a reception at tb«
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 75 1 l7ai/l4Ofudfe 6£ADY-MAD£\^^ j MADITO-OflOCft IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT PHILIPS Radioplayers Correct Selling Prices are as follows: 5-VALVE TYPE 256A $240.00 6-VALVE TYPE 171A $280.00 7-VALVE TYPE 483 X $380.00 DO NOT PAY MORE In Singapore these Receivers are distributed ONLY through the following selected dealers: KOSTER CO. UNITED RADIO SERVICE M. and
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  • 269 2 U.S. Influences Cabinet Form? ROME, Wednesday. ITALY'S two million Communists were threatened yesterday with exclusion from the Italian Government for the first time since the war ended. The Premier-designate, Signor Alcide de Gasperi started to form a Cabinet without them. An officially circulated report that the
    AP; UP  -  269 words
  • 48 2 FRANKFURT. Wednesday.—The International Refugee Organisation reported yesterday that it expected to sign agreements with the American. French and British Military Governments under which it would have resmnsibi.iiy for the care of displaced parsons and refugees In Germany m the middle of June.—U.P.
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  • 57 2 LONDON. Wednesday King George flew from London to Yorkshire to attend the funeral of hia brother-in-law, the Earl of Harewood, near Leeds The services were attended Dy more than 500. about half of whom were tenants of Harewood Estate. Accompanying the King m his Viking aircraft was
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  • 145 2 WORKERS CALL OFF STRIKE PARIS, Wednesday. PENCH gas and electric workers late yesterday called off their proposed na-tion-wide 24-hour strike and Premier Ramadier's Government, on its side, lifted th* order requisitioning the per* sonnel of these utilities. The compromise came niter* both sides had begun to baclc away from their
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  • 170 2 MONARCHY REVIVAL IN ANNAM? SAIGON, Wednesday. TTHERE were rumours m Saigon yesterday of an early revival of the monarchy m Annam, Indo-China. The French High Commissioner, M. Emite Bollaert, who went to Cape Saint Jacques m CcchinChina yesterday, was reported to have met the ex-Emperor Than Thai. Than Thai was
    Reuter  -  170 words
  • 204 2 SHANGHAI, Wednesday. TWENTY-FOUR hours alter 97 students were released from 1 .gaol, police yesterday arrested 80 more students from the national Tungchi University and several groups of students from other universities. Police swept down o n one group after another when the students gathered m an
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  • 168 2 WASHINGTON, Wednesday.— President Truman's Administration was accused yesterday by Senator Moore, Republican of Oklahoma, of continuing rationing and price controls on more than 400 items through "manipulation of exports and imports. H e said m a stat ment this included food, structural steel products, farm machirery,
    AP  -  168 words
  • 184 2 PORTLAND, OREGON, Wednesday. nRIGADIER-General Evar.3 D F. Carlson, 51. leader of the United States Marine unit known aa "Carlson's raiders" m the Pacific during the w;ir died m hospital here yesterday. For his wartime services, Carison was awarded the equivalent of two Navy Crosses and the
    Reuter; AP  -  184 words
  • 123 2 WASHINGTON. Tuesday. THE Nicaraguan Congress appointed Senhor Benjam::i Lescayo Sacasa to be provisional President after a successful and bloodless two-day revolt President Leonardo Argu.Mlo, who was overthrown, has taken refuge m the Mexican Embi^y m Managua, the Nicaragua capital, according to official 0l»* patches
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  • 80 2 SHANGHAI, Wednesday: -The price of rice declined slightly from 460,000 Chinese dollars per picul to 440,000 Chinese dollars after having increased more than 70 per cent during the last week. The prices of other foods have increased from 10 to 70 per cent, during the last
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  • 150 2 PARIS, Monday. r-NCE'S Elder Statesman, M. Leon Blum, today supported Mr. Winston Churchill m advocating a United States of Europe, In a series of editorials m the Socialist newspaper "Le Populaire" of which he is tha political director, M. Blum appealed for American financial
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 704 2 NOTICES ANGLO-CHINESE EVENING SCHOOL i ('airman Street. Singapore) New Classes will commence on 2.6.47. SHORTHAND CLASS for absolute beginners every Mon. Wed. Frl at 530 p.m. ENGLISH CLASSES for Standard "wo to Eight three times a week. PEES: -*10 per subject for June/ August. PLEASE ENROL EARLY TIANG CHOON KOK
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    • 922 2 NOTICES. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that I. Cheng Kwee Kay of No. 45. Campbell Lane Singapore, has applied under Section 46 of the Liquors Revenue Ordinance to the Board of Licensing Justices, Singapore for a Third Class restricted to the sale of ale. beer, porter and stout m respect
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    • 763 2 NOTICES THE SINGAPORE HARBOUR BOARD Tublic Auction of Unclaimed Cargo NOTICE Is hereby given that the public auction of unclaimed cargo which was advertised to take place at the Board's Godown No. 45A on the 4th June, 1947 HAS BEEN POSTPONED UNTIL 9TH JUNE, 1947. By Order J. COOPER. Secretary,
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    • 621 2 TENDERS SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY TENDERS INVITED Por th« supply of "A' Class Public Street Lighting concrete columns. Tender forms, specification, etc. from Municipal Electrical Engineer's Office, on Deposit $50 (refundable). Closing m the Municipal Secretariat (Room 235) 12 noon, 10 June, 1947. SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY. Tenders are invited for the "Supply of
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  • cable Flashes
    • 246 3 LONDON, Wednesday. A SOVIET scientist has successfully performed a heart expriment on animals wheh may be of far-reaching importance to human surgery, the Soviet Radio announced w.terday. Th i s: enli t, Professor N k !ai Sinitski, tran planted c ue fog's l^eait to lhat of
      Reuter  -  246 words
    • 57 3 Wednesday. —A strike of boO dockers, who refused i to unload two American ships en Win Monday ho:iday, spread yesterday with over 2,000 oth r d~-kers quitting work. The threat of severe punishment from the harbour employere led the dockers" Trade Union to advise the men to continue
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    • 32 3 WASHINGTON, Wednesday.— Brig. Gen. Duncan K. Major, Jr.. 71-year-old veteran of the Boxer Rebellion and the Philippine Insurrection, died yesterday. He served as aide to General Pershlng m 1923.—A.P.
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    • 80 3 LONDON, Wednesday. The General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, meeting at Edinburgh, agreed to join the other Churches m Britain In a wholly new translation of the Bible into "modern idiom." The Rev. George Hendry, author of the Assembly's proposal, said the Church of England,
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    • 38 3 JOHANNESBURG, Wednesday. —A snake farm stocked with 8,000 snakes, including cobras, pufl adders and mambas, is to be started m Natal by Dr. Fitzzimons, owner ot the Durban Snake Park. Snake venom is xanted for serum—A.P.
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    • 58 3 LONDON, Wednesday —It was announced yesterday that the Minister for Town and Country Planning, Mr. Lewis Silkin, had begun talks with Local Authorities for the expansion of the following seven towns m the Greater London area: Newbury (proposed expansion to 35,000) Ayle.;bury (44.500) Blctchley (40,000) Chelmsfrd (47,600j Witham
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    • 68 3 LONDON, Wednesday— The construction of a £300,000 Jewish cultural centre m London will begin shortly, according to the'. chairman of the new Yiddish Theatre, Mr. Nathan Beitler. The centre, the first to oe •pon^ored by a Government outalde Russia and Palestine, would bouse the Yiddish theatre, a library,
      Reuter  -  68 words
    • 42 3 GLASGOW, Wednesday— The Rev Dr. Arthur Taylor, of the China Inland Mission, told the British Christian Endeavour Convention m Glasgow yesterday that although Japan had >een iafeated she was recovering with cyclonic speed* unparalkled m the history of the world.—Reuter.
      Reuter  -  42 words
    • 89 3 CANBERRA. Wednesday. The Australian Information and Immigration Minister, Mr. A. Calwell, announced yesterday tnat the Australian Government would contribute to the fares otf American ex-Servicemen who wanted to emigrate to Australia. Aid would also be granted to j additional classes of British Em- r.ire Servicemen enabling former members
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    • 51 3 The Cuief Woman Police Oiliccr of Prague City Police, Dr. Vyenanovska, using a magnifying glass m the Scotland Yard Information Room on May 20. Sixteen police officials from France, Sweden, Czechoslovakia and Iceland wre attending a fortnight's course, arranged by the British Council, at Scotland Yard.— A.P.
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    • 57 3 RANGOON, Wednesday.— A Government communique last night announced U Ba Win and U Ba Gyan had been sworn m as members of the Governors Executive Council and assumed the posts of Commerce and Supply, and Public Works and Rehabilitation, respectively They replaced U Ba Pc and Sir Maung
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    • 92 3 NUREMBERG, WednesdayOswald Pohl, who ran Hitler's concentration camps, told the American war crimes tribunal today that m his hieh Dosition he could not be concerned with such trifling matters as the cost of exterminating camp inmates. Pohls testimony came "vhen the prosecutor asked him to identify the bill
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    • 82 3 GARMISCH PARTENKIRCHKN, Wednesday Alois Lang, former Christ of the famed Passion Piay at Oberammergau, was yesterday declared a follower of the Nazi Party and fined 1,000 marks ($212.00. Straits) by a German court. Lang, who portrayed the role of Christ m 1930 and 1934, .irote.sted that he
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  • 245 3 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday rE Governor of the Malayan I Union Sir Edward Gent,j with Lady Gent and Miss Ann 1 Gent, left Kuala Lumpur today on a tour of the east coast which will end on Monday. They flew to Kuantan this
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  • 279 3 Benefits Of New Colonial Status From The Times LONDON, Wednesday. WHEN Sarawak became a British Colony just 12 months, ago there was some disposition to question the wisdom of the methods employed to bring about the change of status, even among those who believed
    The Times  -  279 words
  • Article, Illustration
    70 3 In." >._^.oy oi lucuU, Viscount Mountbatten, and Lady Mountbatten arriving at Northolt airfield on May 19 for the Vice. roy's talks with the British Cabinet. Armed with a mandate giving him wider powers than ever before accorded to a British Viceroy, Viscount Mountbatten will return to N:w Delhi this week
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  • 325 3 Test Case On Army Requisition IN a decision having wide application m Singapore, the Compensation Board has held m a test case that tho military authorities had no right to deduct 24 per cent, for rates or assessment for rent compensation payable m 1945 m respect of requisitioned houses. The
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  • 60 3 MR. Lim Kcon Teck, formerly a magistrate m Penang, has been appointed Crown Counsel, Singapore. Mr. Lim is manager of Lee Produce Co.. a firm with which Mr. Lee Kong Chian, of the Lee Rubber Co., Ltd., is associated. Under the terms of service, he will retain
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  • 290 3 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Wednesday SGT. Yazaki Kansaku was brought before the war crimes court here today charged with being concerned m the killing of six Chinese at Sen^i on July 11, 1945. Lt. Col P. A. Forsythe, presided and the oth:r members of
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  • 309 3 Stern Gang Admit New Palestine Terror Outbreaks Wetinesuuy. THE JSiern gang last night proclaimed their rcvonsibility for the blowing up of a railway station, me derailment of a freight train and the sabotage of railway tracks. These outbreaks occurred m Palestine yesterday. A spokesman said these attacks had been made
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  • 28 3 MUNICH, Wednesday:—Twen-ty-two officials and guards of j Mauthausen concentration camp, sentenced to death by the military court at Dachau, were hanged at Landsberg prison terday.
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  • 155 3 3 Opium Smokers Bound Over A CHINESE who hid a pound of opium and seven tahila \A chandu m a gramophone was bound over m $500 m two sureties for two years by tfc«: District Judge, Mr. E. P. Shank.--, yesterday. Admitting possession of iho opium and chandu, 35-year-oid Lim
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  • 53 3 Lee Moh Chin, a member of an armed gang of Chinese who robbed a Chinese family at Tiong Bahru of £1,800 m cash and jewellery on May 25 last year, was sentenced to eight years' rigorous Imprisonment and 12 strckes of the rctan at the
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  • 270 3 Plan For $5,000 Memorial HOW best lv ue»ous a sum of about $5,000 to the memory of one of the past principals of the Singapore Raffles Institution, Mr. W. Hullet, was raised at the annual general meeting of the Old Rafflesians Association yesterday. Dr Noel Clarke said this money was
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 43 3 1 KSfck, 4&m C /P^l/v oAKinOLPH SCOTT, lovely i\ i*W -^y J screen star: JF .(y wif. of "jjrti? I •"ttoa^itcS contain I W, m SWTT T ngces exclusive Pet \(ll/*^ <^i^ _f. IM i YOU CAW set h° w be* otiF 1
      43 words

  • 399 4 From Our Own Correspondent IPOH, Wednesday. rE killing of Chinese political prisoners held as hostages by the Japs at the Slim River police station during the days of transition m August 1945 was recalled m the Perak Assize Court today. S. Sivam,
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  • 95 4 A batch of 166 Chinese repa-tdJaic-s from Mr.laya siiled yestrlates from Malaya sailed yesvessei Hong Siang for Hongk:ng. Swatow and Amoy. They were the second party. The first, of 141, left last week by the H:ng Kheng for China ports. The majority of those sailing yesterday wsre
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  • 232 4 CAMPBELL ACCLAIMS INDONESIA •THE Indonesian Trade Com1 missioner m Australia, Mr. C. H. Campbell, left by plane for Sydney on Tuesday after a four-day sop m Singapore on his return trio from Java. Mr. Campbell, who described himself as managing director of a group of New South Wales manufactuiing industries,
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  • 54 4 Fr.-m Our Own Correspondent. PENANG. Wednesday.—Penang Municipal Commissioners yesterday confirmed a decision, reached m committee, that a fireman and driver of the Penang Fire Brigade should be permanently stationed at Bayan Lepas Aerodrome, and that the Deoartment of Civil Aviation should be charged $250 a
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 496 4 Riotous! Hilarious! "THE KID FROM BROOKLYN" (In Technicolor) starring: Danny Kaye B I I aPi'-ll'l'^ JfffHMf 'WANDERER OF THE WASTELAND' Opens To-morrow "ZIEGFELD FOLLIES" (In Technicolor) Spine-Tingling Drama! "THE SPIDERS RETURN" (Final Chaps.) HihFffW.UH 7, 9.15 p. Mysterious Drama! "THE BLUE DAHLIA" starring: Alan Ladd Veronica Lake 3.30 6 8.30
      496 words
    • 330 4 THE EFFICIENT LAXATIVE XAXOL Is not a purgative but a gentle laxative. Two tablets nightly, swallowed whole, will usually prove to be sufficient to relieve your constipation TAXOL is made by Continental Laboratories Ltd. of London. Look for this sign on the packet. Obtainable from: All first class Chemists Dealers
      330 words
    • 409 4 SEWERAGE PIPES SPECIALS (or SANITARY INSTALLATION LATEX CUPS (ALL rr y p«» Cot RUBBER ESTATES SEIAHGOR EARTHEN PIPE CB.. (Leading earthenware Manufacturers), Phone No MB6 117 Sultan St. P.O Box No 98 Koala Lumpur. YICK WOH HING (Contractors to lI. M. Forces since 1938) Watch Dealers Repairers Give us a
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 484 4 YOUR RADIO PROGRAMME SINGAPORE THURSDAY 1.00 p.m. Gipsy Caravan: 1.30 News: 1.40 Calling all Hospitals; 2.00 Close down. I 8.15 p.m. News headlines and programme summary; 8.20 Radio Orchestra with guest artist Clifford Huntsman; 9.00 I.T.M.A.; 9.30 News; 9.45 Film Review; 10.00 Music in Miniature; 10.30 Picture Parade; 11.00 News
      484 words
    • 701 4 According to Culbertson A bad bid by North m today^s deal resulted In a slam contract that should not have been reached, but the defenders still had to be alert to protect their interest. North, dealer. of the 30 part-score, there was no way for South to know that this
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  • 290 5 No More Loans, Says Morrison MARGATE, Wednesday. THE Deputy Prime Minister, Mr. Herbert Morrison, told the Labour Party's annual conference today that he hoped Britain would soon reach a mutually beneficial trade agreement with Russia. At the same t*me he intimated that Britain did
    Reuter  -  290 words
  • 166 5 From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Wednesday. niNDING that the police opened fire "m self-defence," the Kulim coroner, Che Azmi Mohamed, returned a verdict of justifiable homicide at the conclusion of a three-day inquiry into the death of a labourer named Loh Teik. Loh died of gunshot
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  • 325 5 LONDON, Wednesday. OFFICIAL and unofficial quarters m Britain concur m believing that many countries grossly exaggerated their stated requirements of grain imports during this past season. Their object wad that m a general scaling down they would still get something nearer to their real requirements, writes
    Reuter  -  325 words
  • 304 5 LONDON, Wednesday. rS General Electric Company, has announced it will soon begin construction of a two-way "radio link," based on the secrets of wartime radar, for automatic transmission of television programmes for more than 100 miles. Up to now, a Company spokesman said, plans for
    AP  -  304 words
  • 52 5 From Our Own Correspondent. MALACCA, Wednesday. Malacca nonyas belonging to wellknown Straits-bom families are taking part m a concert m aid of the Malacca Welfare Fund to June 6, 7. The concert is being staged by the Malacca Chinese Dramatic Party of the Royalty
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  • 99 5 £166,000 PARTY PROPAGANDA FUND MARGATE, Wednesday. A private session of the Labour Party Conference here yesterday decided to create a special propaganda organisation fund of at least £166.000 "to emable us to pursue a vigorous campaign during the most Tital period m th 3 history of our movement." the fund
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  • 50 5 "tiu triumphal battery of Frederick of Prussia, taken from Prussia by Napoleon, was fired at the Isvalides m Paris on May 10 to mark the opening of an exhibition of military trophies stolen by the Germans during the war and since recovered. A.P. photo.
    AP  -  50 words
  • 295 5 German Princes For Trial NUREMBERG, Wednesday. nOUR German princes who F aided the Hitler Party were yesterday m Nuremberg gaol waiting to testify against their former Nazi colleagues. Later, they themselves are to be tried by the German Denazification courts. One of the princes, Philip von Hessen, son-in-law of the
    UP  -  295 words
  • 57 5 From Our Own Correspondent SEREMBAN, Wednesday. A ceremonial passing out parade of members of the Malay Regiment will be held at Port Dickaon oc Sunday. The salute will be taken by tne Governor-General, Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald, and the attendance will include several of the Rulers, the
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  • 79 5 From Our Own Correspondent 1 JOHORE BAHRU, Tuesday.— Mr. Chia Hoi Yuen, of the Kwong Chan Cattle Co., who was recently appointed a member of the Kluang Town Board, was enter- tamed by residents of Kluang on Sunday and yesterday. A dinner m his honour
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  • 166 5 JACKSON, Wednesday. «EVEN men were arrested last night on charges of kidnapping a young negro prisoner who was seized from gaol early on Friday. Officials refused to reval the names of the seven, win were immediately released on $250 bonds each. The Chief of Police said tbat
    UP  -  166 words
  • 618 5 SMUTS WARNS OF U.S.-RUSSIAN PEACE THREAT CAPE TOWN, Wednesday. I7IELD-MARSHAL Jan Smuts, South Africa's Prime Mini*. ter, told the Senate yesterday he looked upon British nil* as a "safer guarantee of peace m the world than the United Nations itself". Dangers to peace, he declared, lay m 1h« existence of
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 91 5 YOUR FAVOURITE CIGARS ARE AGAIN AVAILABLE Golofina fck Ele*aiites^ and Perfiectos IN BOXES OF 25s FROM ALL HIGH CLASS STORES THE BEST (^fg^BmOCULRRS (Void Available ;r NEW SHIPMENT jjf STEPNADA Ix3l, per or $230.00 1 All with Centre W* '"*lf Focussing In case. mjT -%M Stocks Limited. B The new
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    • 721 5 Glands Made Active and Youthful Vigour Restored in 24 Hours American Doctor's Discovery th u lh £l!r35S Strengthens Blood, Nerves, M B R *< Body, Memory, Brain, Mus- yyBll down. «r.d worn-out LB^M ror Instance. Dr T A cles, and Endurance— Better Eg eh*, or Canada. Than Gland Operations. Y§
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  • 1006 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Thurs., May 29, 1947. The Worries Of Russia The Soviet Union has had as rough a handling m the American and British press since the end of the war as Mr. Molotov has given the United Nations from time to time. Boorishness, suspicion and dfslike quite
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  • 246 6 WASHINGTON, Wednesday. PORMER President of the United States, Mr. Herbert Hoover, said yesterday that Europe's swing towards "collectivism" and "proposed Utopias" had retarded world recovery. He emphasised again his conviction that industry m the former Axis countries must be unchained for production. Mr. Hoover was appearing
    AP  -  246 words
  • 1378 6 Ceylon Gets Parliamentary Government From The Times Correspondent In Colombo ALTHOUGH the Btitish Government's White Paper granting Ceylon a constitution on the British model was accepted by the State Council m November, 1945, the,general election for the new Parliament cannot take place before September next. The prin'ing of electoral registers
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  • Man In The Street
    • 272 6 JNSTEAD of having our English programmes from 1 p.m. 2 p.m. and 8.15 p.m.. onwards, I wonder if it is not possible to begin them from 12 noon to 2 p.m., 6 p.m. to 12 midnight on a different metre band so as not to
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    • 133 6 I FORWARD an original letter from the Ag. Controller of Posts, Malaya, which answers your correspondent, Khoo Eng Teo's complaint concerning the disappearance of the official postcard. In my opinion a more fetble excuse could not have been offerd. I voerheard an Asiatic at our post office counter
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    • 120 6 OLD boys of the Singapore English School received with dismay the decision of the Army authorities to use their former school as a recruiting centre. Since the return of our former principal, it had been our hope that the sahool would be handed over to him and that,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 821 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. BIRTHS RUSSELL. At Muar on 25th. May to Joy wife of E. P. L. Russell, a son. Patrick John Ltmpenny. LEWIS At Kt.ndang Kerbau Hospitai on May 26th to Muriel Aurea, wife of Hugh Dan Lewis, a son Robin Geoilrey. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of John Baptist
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    • 52 6 Scientific Glare Control American POLAROID DAY GLASSES FITS-ONS also available. The only type of glasses that really controls glare. During the war used by the American Army and Navy. Call for a demonstration to prove the differences from ordinary sun glasses Various New Types cf Spectacle Frame > Mountings also
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    • 129 6 The Finest Radio m the World available to the public at the. Price M U RPH V THE STATION MASTER It Is easy to put a Short-wave Switch en a radio set and a list of Short-wave Stations on the dial. But is It easy to get those Stations? Is
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  • 433 7 AMERICA SHORT OF "NEARBY" RUBBER Factory Stocks 'Materially Down NEW YORK, Wednesday. COME American rubber traders express the view that nearby rubber may become relatively tight during the next few weeks. It is believed that manufacturers have on hand and m transit no more than four to five weeks' supply
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  • 362 7 ♦THE national red, black and 1 yellow flag of Sarawak was hoisted by the ex-Rajah Muda of Sarawak, Mr. Anthony Brooke, m the garden of his Sngapore residence, Sarawak Lodge, Newton Road, last night. short ceremony which preceded the hoisting of the flag was attended
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  • 62 7 Ships alongside the Singapore ■vharves yesterday (godovns m brackets) were: Main Wharf: Narbada «31-.*2 Glengarry 133-24*. President Monroe < 36-37 Empire Helford '33-39 i. Kepong (41 1. West Wharf: Gleniffer <l-2\ Asphalion <4-s>, Nevasa >$-1), Samyork <3-9>, Empire Palace 1 13). Memnon '15-10). empire Dock: Oberlin Viciory •23-24
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  • 91 7 Sentence of eight years' rigorous imprisonment and 12 strokes of the rotan was imposed on a young Chinese. Gee Lok Soo. by jvir. Justice Jobling at the Assize Court yesterday for armed robbery with two other Chinese of 52.000 from a Chinese family m Lavender
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  • 70 7 From Our Own Correspondent SEREMBAN. Wednesday. Twenty-eight accidents were recorded m Negri Sembilan during Safety Week. Five Involved no offences. One accident m Reinbau and another m Pedas were due to negligent driving and one m Mantin was due to inconsiderate driving. The response to the
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  • 202 7 THE Singapore Supervisor of Elections, Mr. G. Hawkins, yesterday assisted 200 students at Raffles Girls' School to conduct a mock election, i i The schoolgirl "parties' which contested the "election" were Democrats, Progressives, a. id Lberals. A table m the school hall was turned into
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  • 94 7 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Wednesday. —Tan Chen Kiam, charged at the Assizes beiore Mr. justice B-s-tock Hill, on three counts of robbery, was yesterday convicted and sentenced to eight years' r.i. on each charge, the sentences to run concurrently. He was also sentenced to
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  • 176 7 Court Asks For Army Evidence T"O decide whether or not a 1 military property was abandoned by the forces, Mr. H. W. Nightingale, postponed sentence for a day m a case m the Singapore Fourth Police Court yesterday. The case was on c m which tlu\> Cantonese, Chee Fook Team,
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  • 191 7 r rom Our Own Correspondent SEGAMAT, Wednesday. MADHAVAN, an Indian conductor of North Labis Estate, told the Segamat District judge yesterday how he had been held dow n by some labourers for 15 minutes. Other labourers had beaten him with sticks while he was down. Supaya and nine
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  • 98 7 From Our Staff Correspond int. KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday.— Heavy rains and severe flooding have stopped traffic between Kuala Lumpur and Klang during the past two days. The waters are said to be falling, however, and if there is no further rain the road should be clear
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  • 97 7 rO teams of investigators will be set up to obtain 1 information on the fate of 140 missing members of the R.A.F. i and Dominion Air Forces who j were involved m 40 aircraft! losses over Malaya during the Japanese occupation. This was announced yesterday m an
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  • 82 7 The auction of unclaimed goods at the Singapore Harbour Board Godown No. 45A. scheduled to take place on June 4 has been postponed to June 9. states the Gecretary of the S.H.B. The postponement has been made m order to offer all consignees better facilities for inspecting
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  • 32 7 Fifteen thousand bags of Gov- ernment-controlled rice have I been unloaded from the Hong I Slang m the past two days. The Hong Siang arrived from Rangoon earlier this week.
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  • 222 7 From Our Own Correspondent MALACCA, Wednesday AN order that the investigating officer should come to court and himself give full reasons for the postponement of cases was made by Mr. R. H. W. Lilly, m the Malacca Court yesterday. The order was made following an application by
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  • 17 7 Pictures taken during the muck election held at Raffles girls' school yesterday. S.T. photas.
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  • 144 7 CHILD SOBS AS FATHER FACES GAOL WHEN the father of 13-year- old Chong Mcc Lan was unable to pay a fine of $250 imposed on him m the Singapore sixth Police Court, yesterday ior aOctting her m selling cigarettes above the controlled orice tnd ft r A six weeks m
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  • 113 7 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUrt. Wednesday. —Police who answered a call from Petaling Street last night found the dead body of a Chinese. He was lying m a room which showed signs of having been used as an opium den. The man had been
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  • 38 7 Mr. K. W. Blackburne, C.M.G., 0.8.E.. has been appointed to the newly-created post of Director of Information Services, Colonial Office. The American Consulate-Gene-ral m Singapore will be closed on May 30 which is American Memorial Day.
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  • 194 7 From Our Own Correspondent- PENANG Wednesday. rIFORMED employees of the Postal and Telecom-, munications Departments m the Malayan Union have submitted a memorandum to the Salaries Commission, inviting members of the commission to visit the departments and judge working condition? for themselves. The memorandum poii.-s out
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  • 137 7 SEVEN YEARS FOR GUNMAN Remarking that tlie case oeiore him was "a particularly bad one of carrying arms," ar.d that the accused was a danger to society, Mr. Justice Jobling at the Court yesterday sentenced >. young Chinese lan Peng Kam. t*i seven years' rigorous im. ment. Tan was lound
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  • 99 7 From Our Own Correspuuuent PENANG. Wednesday.— liv i nang Municipal Commis-idi is yesterday decided to ask the Deputy Municipal President. Dr W. ;H. Brodie. to remain m service 13 months beyond his retiring da.i Dr. Brodie, who was Municipal Health Officer, returned to Penang
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 12 7 H %£.VV Awarded First Prize ■-■?5- ii, •'**>i7ffl ln °P en Competition
      12 words
    • 51 7 Short Cuts to Better Lawns SHANKS "N E W BRITISHER" MOWERS Driving wheels 9 inches diameter. 5 Blades m Cutter 12 inch cut. Self-aliening British Ball Bearings Cutter Blades and SoleDlate of best Sheffield Steel. PRICE $75 00 EACH Strong and Durable. Easy Running and Reliable throughout. Now on Display
      51 words

  • Straits Times Thursday Magazine
    • 338 8 MEW YORK.— United States authorities have revealed some details of two new instruments of war more terrible than anything mankind has yet faced. They are: Radio-active clouds which would spread lingering death and corrosion over great ar as. Bacteriological warfare involving the spreading of
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    • 699 8 poss: tin ties ot these new agencies oi death. The fact tha». the United Suites Administration has suddenly permitted release of a reasonably detailed report on the possibilities of radio-active cloud. ar.d a ".O.OOQ-word "summary" on <?ort on bacterial warfare Ls significant. America has released these
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    • 188 8 Atom-proof warships planned rV YORK.— The United States plans to build warships that will go into battle with crews and instruments hidden from the enemy. The Assistant Secretary for the Navy, Mr. John Kenney, said that new designs m warships would incorporate lessons learned m postwar tests. These tests were
      188 words
    • 47 8 MARRIAGE by proxy, that m is marriage performed when the two partners are separate, is valid m Great Britain if the ceremony la valid m the country where it was performed, according to a ruling by Lord Justice Merriman of the Divorce Court.—A. P.
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    • 353 8 A New Yorker's Round-up NEW YORK.— On tropical Miami Beach which is shark conscious, an exParisian, named Paul Chotteau, is working out an idea for a shark-boat. Paul hates sharks. They should work for man not bite him he says. For 29 months now he has
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    • 293 8 5,000,000 T.B. cases m Japan; bait for change of heart. By RICHARD HUGHES T 0 X I o.— Buddha's birthday was celebrated by the traditional pouring of cold sweet tea over the heads of all statuee of Buddha m shrines throughout Japan. Latest estimates place the number of
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    • 132 8 NEW YORK.— New York City needs 100,000 new flats, but rousing projects involving £32,C00,000 have been shelved because of the high cost of building. Owners of 100 sites ckared for building m anticipation of a post-war boom, are leaving their Droerties unimproved. Three months
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 88 8 m Agents: GETZ BROS. CO. Visit our ladies^ Gian Singh Co. 30-1, RAFFLES PLACE j^^Mft STILL OBTAINABLE <jß%jF^^^ Difficulties of distribution owinf to j j& Uck of shipping may cause local y %y l^. scarcity of your favourite Evening %A *"j A m Paris toilet preparations. If your -)> r*
      88 words
    • 157 8 tit is a wise rule, and one which more and oor people are daily proving for themselves, to take a regular glass of sparkling Andrews and so make sure of that state of being sweet and clean inside which is the true foundation of everyday good health. Andrews cools, refreshes'
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  • 915 9 Book Of The Week FIREBRAND, THE L IFE OF DOSTOIEVSKY, by Henry Toyat. New York: Roy Publishers. WHEN Feodor Mikhailovitch Dostoievsky, the great Russian novelist, died n 1881, 30,000 people flocked to his graveside, and fellov.writera hailed hMi as "the Bpiriviui guide
    915 words
  • 496 9 THE silver "Wah- Wah" monkey of Malaya and Java is a favourite pet m some Malayan households. It is not generally to be found m the pet shops that exist m some of the larger Malayan towns, but may be obtained from the
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  • 106 9 FOR YOUR DUSTBIN Excerpts from "The Red Box," by Rex Stout: Wolfe wiggled a finger at her. Page 29. Wclfe wiggled a finger at Mm. —Page 31. He wiggled a flr.ger at Frost. —Page 34. Wclfe wiggled a finger at him. —Page 45. Wolf wiggled
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  • 76 9 MR. Charles Dukes, 66-year-cld yice-chahman of the Trades Union Congress, who was made a baron m the New Year Hon:urs List, has found that he oannot call himself L~rd Dukes It !s announced m the London Gi?atte he had taken the title Lord Dukeston of
    76 words
  • 458 9 FISHLORE, by A. F. Magri MacMahon London: Pelican Books. •THIS mocest, humorous 1 fellow MacMahon with a shipload of lovingly acquired knowledge, set out to write a fish book that common folk could read. An<i he managed to do just that. To Brother General Reader he
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  • 557 9 MYSTERY OF THE WEEK SITUATION VACANT, by Miles Burton. London* The Crime Club. THOUGH Mr. Milles Bur1 ton's jejeune treatise on how to get rid of secretaries who Know Too Much has added nothing to my knowledge of detection, it has left me with a
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  • Article, Illustration
    33 9 A visitor to the British Industries Fair sets her watch by an array of 240 alarm clocks exhibit d at the fair. Millions of pounds' worth of foods, all insured, were on display.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 180 9 Limited stocks are now K^l I available, with more on the way Ep^r Get all the facts and you'll choore McCRAY! With smart restaurant operators. .with Keen hotel men who Keep a watchful eve on the all-important "back of the house." where profits are rY ".ade. or lost with these
      180 words
    • 70 9 DANCING MADE EASY! -"Vj Quick successful f\l methods m leach t9 i, /3 iD Beginners, JKT^JP guaranteed xyw^ to dance In *3 V\ M hours." Fee $20/-V-J^| La d > Partners i^»*»- available for orae- l\\ lice Times: 10 I am 9 m I'lcase call at //■^ft ~> MODERN DANC-
      70 words
      81 words

  • 575 10 U.S. Films Lose Favour Abroad UOLLYWOOD.-A tangle of imposts, quotas, film shortages and competition from Government protected companies is impeding the progress of the Hollywood motion picture industry m the foreign field. Evident m some countries, notably England, is a growing dissatisfaction with the absence of realism m the American
    AP  -  575 words
  • 146 10 NEW YORK.— Plans are announced for the erection of 50 large cinemas m the principal cities of the United States for showing fi ms produced by the J. Arthur Rank Organization. The cinemas will be "show windows for Rank products and will be erected
    Reuter  -  146 words
  • 112 10 NEW YORK.— Minor stars are complaining that some big stars have created a monopoly m the en'ertainment world. They blame the American public for this star monopoly, and ask: "Do they want talent or do they want names?" Examples of star monopolies are: Last
    112 words
  • 84 10 HOLLYWOOD.— RoIand Winters, a New York sta;;e actor, has become the newest "Charlie Chan" of the films the third actor to play the pert of the famed Karl Deir Bigsers character. Monogram Prod acer James Burkett announced the selection of Winters for the role after
    84 words
  • 51 10 AI.HAMBRA: Wif- of Monte Cristo." Next "Red River Robin H<.od." CAPITOL: "A Game Of Death." Next "Storm Over Lisbon." CATHAY: "The Lost Weekend." Next "Theirs Is The Glory." JUBILEE: "The Daring Young Man." and "Cowboy Canteen." PAVILION: "Beware Of Pity." Next— "Heartbeat." REX: "A Song To
    51 words
  • Article, Illustration
    25 10 GINGER ROGERS m cast with French actor Jean Pierre Aumont, Adolphe Menjou and Basil Rath bone m the Parisian comedy "Heartbeat," coming: to the Pavilion.
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  • 64 10 LONDON. -M. Julien Duvivier is to direct for Sir Alexander Korda a film version of Leo Tolstoi's epic of 19th Century Russia— "Anna Karenira." Miss Vivien Leigh and Sir Ralph Richardson wJll be among the principal players. An adaptation or' the novel was made
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  • 189 10 HOLLYWOOD.— Two more II stars were gaoled this week or.c for stealing and the other for disorderly conduct. They are songster Tony Martin and Diana *Jarrymore, daughter of the famous John Barrymore Martin spent two days m the Hollywood gaol on a stealing charge. When
    189 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 273 10 TO-DAY flinVii 14'j The GRANDEST GANG of fIIJMUUuf Funsters ever corralled! V4 SKowt: us^,-6w^ ±9*,. Hg. 'COWBOY CANTEEN' Western Fun corralled it. COLUMBIA'S BANG-UP WESTERN! Preceded by UNSOPHISTICATED!! Jgj-gV No Magnacolor! or Mulitcolor! J£~ij!!j&3 BUI \n&4f It provides the Much-needed J^W IAUGHS "DARING YOUMG MAH'^^p^ with Jo« E. BROWN It's
      273 words
    • 268 10 THE DARING NOVEL THAT "COULDN'T BE FILMED" COMES TO>DAY TO THE 11 a.m.. 1.45. 4.15 fAT U A V Phone 3400 p^ for a m^^Jw^MT m CfiOv** 1 m m you'll WLy Tina it m |"THE LOST WEEKEND"! Miiitfif'i*'' Paramount Picture v 2^9Mmß KbVbk ittnt£ JtiteL- i&£&kv-> 'ImS RAY MILLAND
      268 words
    • 51 10 HAPPY -o-nijfht at 7 and 9.15 p.m. Edward Ciannelli as the ♦MYSTERIOUS DR. SAT AIT Opening Chapter* SEASIDE To-night at 7 aad 9.15 p.m. Fred McMurray In "TAKE A LETTER DARLING" m. ffclk 1 £fr ipJ W CfllLV 3.15.6-3043./4 pr^g Special Return Screening Noorjehan m (n:iHiu>| A Picture You'U See
      51 words

  • 452 11 LONDON, Tuesday. An exceptionally quiet day was experienced In most sections, resulting m initial firmness giving way to dullness as the day progressed, states Reuter m its London Stock Exchange report. Kaffirs were idle and Cape selling resulted m lower Kaffir prices, while Coppers also eased. Industrials were
    452 words
  • 391 11 PRODUCE MARKET From A Market Correspondent THE arrival of another large shipment of sugar from 1 Hong Kong has caused local sugar prices to drop further, and Java sugar was totally neglected yesterday. Dealings for Canton ana Philippines produce have been interesting at between $2 and $3
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  • 62 11 rhe Singapore Charooer ol Commerce Rubbei Associations orices at noon yesterday were Buyers Sellers Cts. Cts. per lb. per lb No. 1 R.S.S. Spot loose 314 31% No. 1 R.S.S. fob m bales June 32 Vk 32 No. 2 R.S.S. fob m boles June 31 31% No. 3 R.B.S.
    62 words
  • 331 11 By Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Wednesday. TTiE market showed more 1 activity and firmness yesterday and there was a considerable improvement mi n the volume of business passing. There was a general appreciation m the price of Industrials. Alexandra Brick Ords were available at $2.45 and Tin
    331 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 629 11 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. (Incorporated m Singapore) BLUE FUNNEL LINE •Memnon" from U.K. for H'Kong, S'hai, Japan G. 15 'Glenlffer* from U.K. for Hong Kong O. 1 "Glengarry" from U.K. Manila Hong Kong Shanghai Japan G. S3 "Mentor" dut from U.S. A May 31 "Robert Fmin" .due from U.S. A May
      629 words
      194 words
    • 364 11 P&O and B I PASSENGER FREIGHT SFRVU r P. <Sc O. S. N. GO. s.s. TREVETHOK ...From U.K. /Genoa May 30 s.s. TREVAYLOR ...From U.K f nne s.s. TREWORLAS Rom U.K. /Genoa Late June s.s. TREVELYAN For Genoa/London Jam s.s. SAMSOARING .For U.K jnß.j nB B. I. S. N. CO.,
      364 words
    • 578 11 (HERMAN KUVENESS LIKE DUCKNALL (lncorporatec »nr> liWiHtr" S.S. CO LTD Llamutv r Norwnv> UM., LIU. LOS ANGELES, (Incorporateo to England) SAN fRA^ciSCO LONDON VANCOUVER CITY OF CHESTER "Granville" June 10 EARLY AUGUST Calls P. Swettenham McALISTER CO, LTD. < Incorporate*] id Singapore) PHONES 7237—5906 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. LLOYDS AGENTS Agents
      578 words

  • 658 12 Airman Surprises In 200 M. Event By Our Swimming Writer k YOUNG airman who was persuaded to compete hgr ft his mess-mates, yesterday won the Combined Services 200 metres swimming championship at the Singapore Swimming Club. He is Bob Fowler, a member of the
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  • 261 12 Lanes And Yorkshire Draw LONDON, Wednesday. WHILE the Lancashire and York- shire match was drawn yesterday, three other County games ended decisively, Kent, Gloucester and Essex being the winners. Surrey collected the highest total of the present season when they scored 706 lor four declared against Notts. Fletcher, Squires, Parker
    Reuter  -  261 words
  • 62 12 LONDON, Wednesday Final acceptors for Epsom Derby to be run on June 7 over a mile and a half are: Blue Train, Bhishma. Mighty Maharatta, Sayajirao, Cadir, Castle Street, Combat, Tudor Minstrel, Tlte Street, Blue Coral. Privy Purse, Sunday Express, Mlgoli. Saravan, Grand Weather, Young AfTran, Telegraph,
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 717 12 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday, ANE hundred and forty-nine entries have been received for the Selangor Turf Club's June Meeting, This total is a record for any turf club m the Malayan Union since racing recommenced. That figure was high, even 1 m
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  • 25 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. The Eurasians and the Kuala Roveis drew one-all at the Taylor Koad ground m a First Division match today.
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  • 515 12 Table Tennis The Queen Street Boy's Club Table- Tennis team beat the Currency Office team by 6 game, to 1 at Th 3 Queen Street Boy's Club house last Friday. Thp Queen Street Boy', Club players mentioned first: Soorg Hin Mun beat Lim Yew Wee
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  • 103 12 |F present arrangements mature it Ms likely the Tsingtao football team will arrive in Singapore before the middle of next month. Tentative matches in Singapore are against the Combined Services. Singapore Civilians ard against the Combined Up lay* Chinese. The team will also visit
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  • 197 12 Tourists To Play 6 Matches IOCAL basketball enthu*V, siasts are looking forward to the visit of the Manila Chinese basketball team, which is expected to arrive early next month. Arrangements are being made to hold six matches three against Singapore's best and three against representative teams from up-country. AH games
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  • 275 12 S. Africans' Easy Victory CARDIFF, Wednesday. COUTH AFRICA won their *J match against Glamorgan by an innings and 131 runs here yesterday, but later the Glamorgan batsmen showed stubborn resistance. The overnight pair, Robinson and Watkins, carried their partnership to 156, having put on 77 runs and then the eighth
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  • 57 12 The Indian Association and the Malays meet at Jalan Besar Stadium today m the second rcund of the S.A.F.A. League. In their first meeting, Malays, were just able to snatch a I—nil victory, the Indians displaying surprising form. Today the Malays will have to win again
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  • 104 12 St. Andrew's Old Boys Associatiort will meet the Johore Cricket Club :n a game to be played at Johore Bahru on Sunday, starting at 1.30 p.m. The following will represent the Old Boys: A. G. Armstrong. S. Hope. I. Ross, J. Duclos. J. Anchant, G. McCully. E. Ebert.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 475 12 C LASSI FIE D ADVERTISEMENTS Classified Smalls 51. 25 per line Mm. Charge S3 Public Notices Sid per single column inch. Personal Domestic 52.50 per line Mm. Charge $10I ivr avertge words comprise one line. Advertisements may be sent by post arco.npanird by remittance. For Ininrmalion telephone Advertising Manager 5471
      475 words
    • 76 12 SKYWAYS LIMITED (inc. m England) Largest Private British Airi r Company announces the inauguration of unscheduled services Singapore -Hongkong m 7 hours LANCASTRIAN SKYLINERS 4 ROLLS ROYCE ENGINES STEWARD SERVIQ USUAL RATES NEXJ DEPARTURES Friday 30th May Tuesday 3rd June Friday 6th June. Enquiries to:— THE BORNEO COMPANY LIMITED. (Inc.
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous