The Straits Times, 26 May 1947

Total Pages: 7
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 220 1 SHANGHAI, Sunday. PS local rice situation was for the first time officially admitted to be "very seiious'' when Mayor Wu told a foreign press co.'i rence this morning it was impossible to introduce general rationing of rce here at present. He said a supply of
    Reuter  -  220 words
  • 552 1 Meeting Called In Singapore From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. DUBBER producers and dealers will be meeting m 1 Singapore on Wednesday to explore the present state of the rubber industry m Malaya today and to see what remedies can be applied as a temporary
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  • 49 1 NEW YORK, Sunday. CRI'DE rubber futures on Friday closed eight points higher to five points lower. There were 47 sales contracts. Closing quotations: September 15.80 cts. (U.S.) per pound: December 15.30: March 14.85 bid. Number one ribbed smoked sheets (spot) IBV2 cents (US.) nominal. —A.P.
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  • Article, Illustration
    37 1 The Chinese Ambassador to India, Mr. Lo Chia-lueb (right fore* ground.) leaving the ballroom in the Viceroy's residence at New Delhi after presenting his rr*d~ntials to Viscount Mountbatten (in white Government of India Information Services (Malaya) picture.
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  • 279 1 fllE Dutch report that Australian communists proposed to incorporate m Singapore a private firm with a capital of £A1,000.000 to £A2,000,000 to trade with the Indonesian Republ'c was yesterday described as "absurd" by two men alleged by the Butch to be partners m the "company." They
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  • 182 1 Reds Urge Loan Pact Revision LONDO. niciay. THE miners' leader, Mr. 1 Arthur Homer, issued a statement at Margate toiiay urging revision of the British loan agreement with the Unit td States and a conference of all Dominion Prime Minister? and colonial leaders of the British Empire to discuss economic
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  • 138 1 NEW YORK, Sundiv Mr. Edwin J. Thomas Pres; it of the Goodyear Tyre and Ruober Company, said on Friday the recent slump m crude rubber prices m Singapore was due to general market conditions and added: "When rubber production spurted m Malaya, and
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  • 86 1 BATAVIA, Sunday.— Surprise that Mr. c -i Campbell. Indonesian Trade Commissioner to Australia, had left for Singapore wag expressed today by Premier Shahrir Mr. Campbell, he said, had submitted a full report of his activities, ar.d had now gone off before the Republican Government had told him
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  • 29 1 MANILA, Sunday. The wrecked Government plane, Lili Marlene, which has been lost since last Sunday, has been found on the top of Mount Ragang, south Dansalan, Mindanao.—UP.
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  • 355 1 RIOTERS WRECK BRIDGE, ATTACK COURT HOUSE NEW DELHI, Sunday. rSLJM League rioters to-day smashed window panes m the judge's court at Hardan, near Peshawar, and dynamited the Frontier road bride e m a fresh wave of communal rioting. Six Hindus, including two women and two children, were injured when a
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  • 77 1 NEW DELHI, Sunday. MAHATMA Gandhi arrived here today by rail from Patna *n response to a special invitaton from Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Vice President of the Indian Interim Government, and Mr. J. B. Kripalani, Congress President. He will be present at a special Congress Working Committee
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  • 71 1 SHANGHAI. Sunday. A United States Marine corporal was shot dead m Tsingtao yesterday during an altercation at a cabaret betwetn United States and Chinese service personnel, according to a statement Jointly released today by the Chinese military and United States naval authorities A U.S. Naval Lieutenant
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  • 237 1 NEW YORK, Sunday. THE action of an all-white South Carolina jury which acquitted 28 men, accused of lynching a negro who had stabbed a white taxi -driver, may be referred to President Truman. Officials of the Department of Justice m Washington were said to be sharply
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 150 1 GREAT NEWS! "ATLAS A" is now NON-LEACHING! Already tfce most efficient Wood Preservative available, Atlas A has been improved and given two important new attributes! "Atlas A" is now definitely non-leaching. Even torrential rains cannot wash it out of the timber! Secondly, timber treated with Atlas A can now be
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    • 62 1 FASHton rABRiC FROM U.S.A. BEMBERG SILK CoWrfmJ Gorgeous Designs Patterns <*&&*&&■ IN OTT.W PACES Lord v .i..ry '2 Review of Tin-Minine m Malays 3 Editorial— Faring Rubber Realities 4 Dublin E tate Shooting Inquiry I Weekly Share Market Report I Finance 7 Sport 8 Macfiam Tadl! TIME FOR A T
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  • 443 2 THkj ban o* tiarowood, husband of the Princess RoyaJ and brother-in-law of King George VI, who died on Saturday, aged 64, became the Kings brother-in-law through his marriage to the Princess Koyal m 1922. Princess Mary is the King's only sister. Lord Harewojd had suffered from asthma
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  • 50 2 LONDON. Sunday.— The Briiish Board of Trade Journal said on Friday night that United Kingdom imports m April totalled £140,400,000. the hiehest since June 1920. Exports reached £82,700,000, a sum higher than that of any month since the end of the war, except November and December—A.P.
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  • Cable Flashes
    • 184 2 LONDON, Sunday. HER bows blown off by the explosion caused by a collision with a fishing vessel, the United States oil tanker Newhall Hills was last night towed into Sheerness by three tugs. Earlier the Newhall Hills had radioed: "Fishing vessel ran into me. No trace
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    • 78 2 GENEVA, Sunday.— The United Nations Balkans Enquiry Commission has found that Yugoslavia and to a lesser extent Albania and Bulgaria have assisted guerrilla forces fighting I against the Government m Greece. In its report, approved for forwarding to the United Nations Security Council, the Commission said that at
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    • 93 2 SYDNEY, Sunday. Social service payments tn 1947-48 a.c estimated at £72,060.000 more than four times what they werj before the war m Australia The Minister for Health and Social Services. Senator McKenna, gave this figure m th<* Senate, i when introducing a new Bill to I make pensions
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    • 44 2 SAIGON, Sunday— A Vietnamese businessman \>n Saigon has given large quantities of medical supplies and clothing to tha "National Resistar.c P Committre," Vietnamese sources state The surplus will be distributed among Vietnamese guerillas fighting French troops m Cochinchina, they add.d.— Reuter
      Reuter  -  44 words
    • 81 2 Gift To Coven try LONDON, Sunday.— Coventry, on c of Britain's most bombed 2^ s> Jf :st €rday received a gift of 8.000 plants, includitg flowering I shrubs and trees, from the Dutch j National Committee as a n expression of erratitud c fo r Britain's help m th.^ war
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    • 57 2 SOUTHAMPTON, Sunday Rumours of protsts by Servicemen abaut conditions m the Arundel Castlp durin? her voyag c from Bombay were de/.ied wh->n tru troopship reached Southampton yesterday. "Th?re was som c unren when the Servicemen embarked at Bombay, but everyon c quickly rettled down Th P voyage has
      Reuter  -  57 words
    • 91 2 BRUSSELS. Sunday :-Elevc r former Gestapo men were executed by flrin- squais at N'amur yesterday. They had been sentenced with eight others including two tried m ai/sentis at Liege last July for crimes m Belgium and France during tne war. The crimes listed had involved b 23
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    • 85 2 OSAKA, Sunday:- -Jaoanese blackmarket operators are utilising short-wave radio to direct truck deliveries to prontable markets and to warn against police raids, the Kyodo Mews Agency reported yesterday. An Osaka radio repairman reported to the police iie nad neard a powerful short-wave broadcast over the instrument he
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    • 70 2 TEHERAN, Sunday.— Feridoun Ibrahimi. Public Prosecutor m 1 the short-lived Azerbaijan "Dei mocratic Gov rnment." was handed fcl the main square of Tabriz, an official announcement said i yes' erday. 6 Ho was convicted hv cour:martiul for pronouncing "many Ideaih s:nt r-^ on innocent pjcVe." TThe pro-Russian sep
      AP  -  70 words
    • 74 2 SYDNEY, Sunday:— Mr M. S. j Woodward, 78-yDar-ola South Australian who clairr.o to Have turned incompatib.o marrisd i counts inf> -i'?;"v>^" |by hypnosis, was to arrive m j London by pjane this noi'j k j on a visit to his 85-yea;-o!:i sister ar.d his daughter Before boarding a ijanciWtrian
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    • 83 2 NUREMBERG. Sunday. Dr. Freidrich Btrjrhold. lawyer for Field-Marshal Erhard Milch, said V3s erday that th P cne-time Luftwaffe chief had filed a letter lequesting the U. ited States Supreme Court fcr a review of his conviction by the United States Wa r Crime Tribunal mi n April. H
      UP  -  83 words
    • 53 2 NEW DELHI. Sunday —The following advertisement recently appeared m th.. Statesman New Delhi: "Brigadier Cane leaving for the [Uni.ed Kingdom desires to thank hLs British and Indian friends for mau-y kindn sses. He further desires that his enemies should not j indulge m wishful thinking that h P
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  • 220 2 BATAVIA, Sunday. RUMOURS that the visit of the Netherlands CommissionGeneral to Holland indicated a breakdown of negotiations m Indonesia were denied last night m a Dutch communique The Indonesia^ Prirre Minster, Sutan Shahrir, ha? also said he does not agree with those who regard the'
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1351 2 NOTICES. ACS. OLD BOYS Old Boys of the Ar.glo-Chlnese School jere informed that enrolment for First Year Primary 1948 will open on Monday. 19th May. 1947 and close on Fricay. 30th May. 1947. Application Forms may be obtained from the Headmistress. Coleman Street. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that Ho
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    • 930 2 NOTICES SELANGOR TURF CLUB JUNE. MEETING 1947 Ist day— Saturday 7th June 1947 2nd day— Wednesday —11th June 1947 3rd day— Saturday —14th June 1947 $1 Unlimited Sweep for members only, each day, Tickets obtainable from the Secretary, Mercantile Bank Building, K. Lumpur until further notice. $2 Course cash sweeps
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    • 722 2 TENDERS GUNBOATS "APHIS" AND -COCKCHAFER" Tenders are invited for the purchase of the above ships, full particulars of which, and permission to Inspect, can be obtained on application to the Captain of Dockyard. H.M. Dockyard. Seletar. Vessels will be on view after 24th May 1947. Tenders should be enclosed In
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  • 1093 4 The Straits Times. Singapore, Monday, May 26, 1947. Facing Rubber Realities The most serious setback that Malaya has suffered since the liberation has been reflected In the Singapore rubber market this month. At the end of April the rubber price was around 43 cents per pound: last Saturday it was
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  • 107 4 MANILA. Sunday. United States Army and Navy planes as well as civil air liners have continued the search for the missine; Philippine Government plane, Lili of Marlene. Carrying high Government officials, it disappeared last Sunday m Mindanao while on a flight to Negros Island. Dispatches reaching
    Reuter  -  107 words
  • 74 4 ROME, Sunday.— The former Premier of Italy, Signor Alcide clt Gasperi, moved cautiously towards the formation of a fourth Government last night. He won the support of the Communists on a programme for the union of n}l parties to replace the three-party coalition. At the end
    UP  -  74 words
  • Man In The Street
    • 702 4 THE Japanese are back m business again, or at least are looking for business. Several Singapore firms last week received 'letters from Japanese com[panics seeking orders. One of these comments: •With the peace treaty not yet m existence and General Mac Arthur having dissolved all the
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    • 140 4 IT is said that claims for money taken by the Japanese Military Administration ;annot be entertained by the Malayan War Claims Committee. This is strange. Will, therefore, all the committee members and leaders of the Overseas Chinese Association I during the Jap. regime, m all towns of
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    • 133 4 I READ with considerable interest the article written by "X.C" (Straits Times May 19). As the article Imputes, there is an entire lack of intelligent cooperation at this end against a powerful and well-organised combine at the other. The work and wealth that has been put into
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    • 215 4 our benign Government 3 has, at long last, decided to relax import controls which have been hampering the free flow of trade as well as the smooth and rapid rehabilitation of Malaya. One wonders whether this announcement is one result of the InteTr.ational Trade Conference which started some
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    • 105 4 YOUR (eader of Tuesday, May 20, quotes the oftical accident rate for Safety Fust Week as 106 m wh:ch four persons were killed and 46 injured. No mention was made of the number of Service vehicles involved, and as Service drivers get most of the blame for the
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  • 448 4 'tpOFFICIAL Majority m U Legislative Council" reads well as a news headline until it is realised that it m no way means an elected majority but is the old story, so familiar to India until recently, of the Government taking back with one hand what it
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 909 4 CLASSIFIED ADS. CHUE: At D'Cotta Clinic. Singapore an 17th May. 1947. to Mrs. Chue Shut Uoong a son. The engagement Is announced between Lieutenant de Valsseau Durival only son of M. Mme. Durival of Kermalvezin. Carnai:, Franoe and Mary Monica Kinloch, youngest daughter of Mr. Mrs. Victor Kinloch, Bagan Pasir
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    • 126 4 THE LITTLE SHOP RAFFLES HOTEL NYLON DE LUXE STOCKINGS $7 50 per pair Also EVENING HAND BAGS FLOWER CORONETS from Paris i Ifl^OPTICinN Fellow of the Inst. Ophthalmic Opticians i England > Fellow of the Worshipful Company of Spectacle-Makers (Eng.) Freeman of the City of London. OPTICIAN BY APPOINTMENT TO
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  • 497 5 NO ORDER GIVEN TO FIRE AT LABOURERS Sequel To Dublin Estate Shooting From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Sunday. DOLICE riflemen, m danger of being overwhelmed, opened fire on a crowd of 300 labourers but they did this without any order to shoot being given. This was stated by Mr. P.
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  • 504 5 B.E.M.FOR BRAVERY IN 1941 rHE stories behind the awards of the British Empire Medal (Civil Division) 1 to six Singapore Passive Defence and Auxi'iary Services workers, announced last week in a Reuter cable from London, were told in an official announcement in Singapore yesterday. The citation which accompanies the award
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  • 90 5 Mr. Justice Bosto^k Hill today delivered judgment m the appeal of Abdul Manas bin Siman, former Court Inspector, agavut a conviction on two charges of criminal breach of trust. Although there appeared to be a very unsatisfactory system of dealing with cash exhibits, particularly before the
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  • 147 5 Sultan As Peacemaker From Our Own Correspondent. KLANG, Sunday. THE Sultan of Selungor has taken a hand m trying to avert a Sino-Malay communal clash. The trouble arose over a 900acre food settlement scheme at Sawah Sempadan, Tanjong Karou, which came into being during the Japanese occupation. The settlement was
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  • 59 5 A picturesque ceremony took place at Jesselton on May 13 on the erosion of th e presentation by His Excellency th^ Governor of North Borneo of Certificates of Merit awarded by th Government of the Commonwealth of Australia to persons who had assisted Australian prisoners of war
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  • 101 5 ALOR STAR, Sunday.— For demanding $10,000 from Llan Chen Seng, a rubbeT dealer of Serdang, South Kulim, two Chinese youths, Ng Thean Soo and Teh Soon Show, were sent to prison for three years by Mr. Justice W. G. W. Hastings, in the Kedah Supreme Court,
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  • 511 5 Malacca Traders Fined $350 From Our Own Correspondent MALACCA, Sunday. rO Malacca businessmen were cross-examined at length by the Deputy Public Prosecutor, Mr. D. B. W. Good on an allegation made m their evidence that the Chief Price Inspector, Malacca, had invited them
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  • 71 5 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. HEAVY rain which fell last night and during this morning has caused the Klang river to rise five feet. Low-lying areas m Kuala Lumpur are flooded and some damage has been caused to Kampong Bahru, Kuala Lumpur's Malay settlement.
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  • 320 5 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR Sunday M. .nn piRST on the list of 20 youths who "signed up" at the Army recruiting centres m Kuala Lumpur on Friday and Saturday were two employees of temporary government departments who said they look^-d forward to better
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  • 171 5 ILL Chinese "of marriageable age who are willing to abide by the conditions" are invited to join m a mass wedding organised by the Mayfair Musical and Dramatic Association, SingaporeIt will be the third of its kind organised by the Association. These
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  • 563 5 SINGAPORE police, making surprise checks on suspicious pedestrians have arrested 14 gunmen in the Beach Road area and a number of gunmen outside the Thomson Road police station, the Officer-in-Charge of the C.I.D., Mr. R. C, B. Wiltshire, told the Straits Times yesterday. A system
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  • 129 5 EVIDENCE FOR WAGES BOARD THE Chairman of the Singa- pore Harbour Board was among those who gave evidence j before the Joint Wages Commission during the weekend, states an i official announcement. The Assistant Trade Union Aa- vlser, Mr. S. P. Garrett. was in- terviewed a second time. Twenty-six persons
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  • 118 5 From Our Own Correspondent SEREMBAN, Sunday. Th, Yar.g Di Pertuan Besar, of Negri Sembilan, made h j second tour of inspeoiion m the State when, accompani:d by ths Resident Commissioner, Mr. W A. k Gordon-Hall, the Tunku Panglima Besar, and th-> State Public Relations Officer, visited
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  • 321 5 Speed-Up In Malayan Railways From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. rXTRA trains on busy sec- tions and a general speed up of mail services are to be instituted by Malayan Railways tomorrow. The most important speed-up will be a reduction of one hour and 20 minutes in tlie night
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  • 169 5 From Our Dwn Correspondent n.UALA LUMPUK, & THE aircraft carrier Theseus is now m Penang wher c she will remain until Jun e 3. She will then sail to Port Sw:ttenham and than to Singapore At Singapore sh e will joi n the aircraft carrier Glory and both
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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  • 1020 6 Weekly share Market Report By A Market Correspondent THE collapse m the price of rubber throughout the week is a serious blow to Malaya. On Friday the price fell below 30 cts. per lb., representing a drop of 33 1/3 lb.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 327 6 T^^ l^fe A TEL: 34-05. jT\ ACTION-PACKED Western! PUJPfI W^H TERROR! the ow We*! DRAW FAST or DIE FIRST! m a Land where hot Lead £5 writes the Law! W^W 'RUSTLER'S ROUND-UP" H^rw^^S^ OPENS TO-DAY! !kUs T/' 5 SHOWS! "*F T TTf 1* tMt*)t*l?l! ll %—*15—€.30—9.15% *15— €.30— 9.15 'he
      327 words
    • 181 6 5281A LAST DAY I 111 I I I U am 2 P 4 15 p.m. Vl>/1 II I lyL/ 6-30 p.m 9.15 pm. THEn n Rofod Sabofini's^ tf^^ Black Swan to > OPENS TO-MORROW > "^Hiftflt LUST FOR THRILLS DRIVES /^***~^MANIAC HUNTER TO KILL T 1 HUMAN 'GAME!' l^^SSrS IMPERISHABLE
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 496 6 SINGAPORE MONDAY 1.00 p.m. Hospital half-hour; 1.30 News; 1.40 Musical Comedy Memories; 2 00 Close down 8.15 p.m. News headlines and programme summary; 8.20 Listener's Post; 8.30 George Mel&chrlno Orchestra; 9.00 Harry Martinez and His Royal Hawaiians; 9.30 News; 9.45 World Affairs by Allington Kennard; 10.00 Ambrose Anne; 10.30 Nights
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    • 482 6 The fact that the opponents have bid a certain suit does not mean that the defenders should be afraid to lead hai suit. Consider this case: East, dealer. North-South vulnerable. NORTH 6 K84 QJ 109 3 2 QS2 WEST EAST ♦QJ7 32 ♦AK10 95 4 VQ32 VJ6 86 7 l
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    • 229 6 ties. Against five hearts. West opened his fourth-highest spade. East won and considered his return. A diamond lead to dummy's long suit was certainly not attractive and. as far as clubs were concerned well. South had bid that suit. A trump return was unthinkable, so, figuring that West had started
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  • 350 7 From Our Market Correspondent. SINGAPORE, Sunday. THE Singapore produce market for the week ending May 24, was over-clouded by the slump m rubber, pepper and sago-flour, and almost all major activities were at a standstill. This was especially shown In the food markets, In which
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  • 176 7 BALI MAY RESUME PIG TRADE BATAVlA.— Officials of the N.E.I. Directorate of Economic Affairs are anxious and reasonably optimistic about the resumption of Bali's fresh meat trade, but point out that its restoration will deoend largely on how soon the Indonesian Republic is open- ed to trade. I Because the
    Reuter  -  176 words
  • 50 7 From Our Own Correspondent Kuali Lumpur. Saturday. THE rubber market m Kuala Lumpur closed on a better tone today than it did yesterday. The price had a tcrri^cy to improve because sellers were withhc (-in'- The local market price today was 30 and 30 2 cents.
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  • 127 7 NEW YORK, Saturday. I Weekend caution was evident as the market fluctuated aimlessly m the last Saturday of trading ontil October. Price changes were mostly frac- tionally mixed with numerous is- I sues unchanged or untraded late m the session. Interest again turned to Was- j
    Reuter  -  127 words
  • 466 7 LONDON, Friday.— lt was an exceptionally quiet but steady day. Slight glltedged changes were otny technical adjustments while the only real movement m Foreigners was for Japaflese which rallied further, states Reuter, m its London Stock Exchange report. Industrials showed few signs of life. Breweries and most building
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  • 309 7 rOLOMBO— There is no «te prospect of an Jn the pr cc of rubber, according to a wellknown rubber merchant m Col:mbo. Rubber prices are easier and the market is dull. Though the United States has virtually freed her own market of controls, she has sufficient stocks
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 657 7 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. i incorporatrii m Singapore) BLUE FUNNEL LINE "Kamerlingh Unncs" from U.S. A G. 6/7 ■Gleoaffartc" from UJC. for II Kong G 42 "Memnon' from UK. for H'Kong, S'hai, Japan G. 15 "Glenlffer* 'ront U.K May 2G •Glengarry" v X May 8 •Robert Fruln" .due from USA June
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      239 words
    • 252 7 P O and B I SAILINGS TO AND FROM INDIA. CEYLON, AUSTRALIA. SIAM. CHINA. ADEN. EGYPT. CONTINENT AND UNITED KINGDOM AgentSingapore ISLAV KERR A CO., LTD. and at HA ('Oliver Quay. Singapore Penang 25 Beach Street Penang P O Agents K. f.ummir A P. Swettenham Harrisons A Crosfield (Malaya) Ltd.
      252 words
    • 563 7 EUERMAN KLAVENESS LINE 6 U C X N A L (Incorporateo wi.b Limited c c aa ti» Llabllltv Id Norway) SS CO., LTD. LOS ANGELES (Incorporateo m England) SAN FRANCISCO LONDON VANCOUVER CITY OF CHESTER "Granville". June 10 EARLY AUGUST Calls P. Swettenham ArenU: McALISTER CO., LTD. (Incorporates to Singapore)
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  • 540 8 111 1 ii n Europeans will be m a winning position for the Clarke Cup, the most coveted cricket trophy on the Island, when play resumes m the match Europeans versus The Rest on the Padang at 10.30 a.m. today. At close of the second day's
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  • 264 8 EUROPEANS— IST. INNINGS J. Ewart b Schnbert J Bates b Sundram 20 J W. Elderton c Kailasapathy b Sivagnanam J. I.ockie b Kailasapathy 25 J. Pear-.on Ibw Kailasapath> 0 W. Leggett ">w KaUasapathy 3^ J. Harding not out 57 P. Firkins b Kaila&apathy |N. Colrman b Kailasapathy 22 AC
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  • 130 8 From Our Own Correspondent' JOHORE BAHRU, Sunday. A JOHORE XI beat the Singapore Hong Kong and: Shanghai Bank 7—37 3 m a thril- j ling game of soccer on the 1 Astana ground today. The Singapore visitors opened scoring through Baines, who net- ted from far
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  • 140 8 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Sunday. DENANG were defeated by an innings and 23 runs by Selangor m the interstate cricket match which concluded here today. Highlights m today's play vere a great innings of 67 by jail Singh, and an inspired pell of bowling by
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  • 62 8 NEW YORK, Saturday. WELTERWEIGHT champion, Ray Robinson, notified the Ring magazine publisher, Nat Fleischer, today that he would not £ecid« until Jun-» 15 about accepting the offer to defend his title m Manila against Flashy Sebastian on Aug. 17. Fleischer has b»en acting as representative for promoter
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  • 56 8 Thr«T. ats by i r o the main features of a l soccer match la which the U H.Q. aignal Rjgiment overvh.' i the Jolliladj .ithletic T km —0 at the Bescr .m r.i terday. The Jollilad- i plmytag without the servii t i of
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  • 79 8 THE Johore Bahru Offiteis Clul. reopened at No. 5. Bukit Melcrum. Johore Bahru at 11.00 a.m. y^sterdav. Normal club facilities, such as bar meals, etc. are available. By agreement with the Committee of the Royal Johore International Club Service, members of the Officers' Club have full use
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  • 930 8 taiurdays U./t. lootDan league results and tables up-to-date j are: ENGLISH LEAGUE I Arsenal Ever on ILoeds Sheffield U. Sunderland 1 Liverpool a 1 Charlton 1 0 Portsmouth 1 2 Preston 3 2 Brentford 1 tec u. Stok« Ci y :d Villa Land M :acilesbro' Everloi)
    Reuter  -  930 words
  • 120 8 From J. R. Chambers LONDON, Sunday. England's football championship \s more open than ever and the remaining matches of the seajon m the First Division will keep the ians' interest at fever pitch. On Saturday, Liverpool, with Wolverhampton Wanderers, Manchester United, and Stoke City
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  • 216 8 CTERLING bowling by Hill, who took four wickets for only five runs, helped the Paya Lebar R.A.F. to bring about a collapse of the Singapore Indian Association m a cricket match played at Paya Lebar yesterday. The R.A.F., declaring at 99, won the game by
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 671 8 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued from Page 4) ACCOMMODATION VACANT FURNISHED with Doard— an extra large room suitable for 3 or 4 girls or Email family, also a double room for a couple. 2 Rlrls or 3 bachelors. No modern sanitation Reply Box A130.«5.T. KiDVI.MIIIiAIKtN WANTED EUROPEAN ailling oay good rent house
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    • 76 8 PL A N g SKYWAYS LIMITED (Inc. m England) Largest Private British Air Company announces the inauguration of unscheduled services Singapore -Hongkong m 6' hours LANCASTRIAN SKYLINERS 4 ROLLS ROYCE ENGINES STEWARD SERVICt USUAL RATES NEXT DEPARTURES Tuesday 27th May Friday 30th May Enquiries to: THE BORNEO COMPANY LIMITED. (Inc.
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