The Straits Times, 20 May 1947

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 2661 1 PRODUCTION DRIVE IS URGED Two Important Statements On Tin World Needs A Reserve Stock TONCENTRATION on the immediate production of tin is more important than discussion of restrictions on production three or four years hence, said Sir John Bagnall, chairman and managing director of The Straits Trading Company, Ltd., at
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  • 137 1 From Our Staff Correspondent. KI'ALA LUMPUR, Monday. MAI AYA'S tin-mine labour force, which totalled 86.799 m September, 1941, had dropped t.. !7.024 at the end of March thi> \ear. Mr. H. S. Lee. Presid:nt of th« Mining Association of Selangor, Negri Sembilan and Fahan::. revealed
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  • 127 1 "MALAYA BELL" FOR K.L. 10-nxo.;, i o.iday. ONE ol the main bells of the Dittlcship Malaya is being, >vi ably inscribed and sent to the President of t ie Victoria Institute m Kua'a Lumpur, an, Anmralty spokesman told; Rov er this aftemom. A letter confirming this was I m nt
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  • 54 1 TEXAS Cl at ay. A *****-ton tanker burned for boun today m the harbour of Texas City, where last month a waterfront disaster took nearly 500 lives. Th're were no lives los: today. Th? crew escaped from the laden Teasel by leaping ovorboard. Th? cause of
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  • 78 1 TOKIO, Monday. Two ships seized by the Japanese during the war were being restored to thi original Chinese and British owners, the Allied Headquarters Civil Property Custodian announced today. The Talthybius, the British ship sunk at Singapore and later raised and brought to Japan, has been
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  • 317 1 "ENGAGEMENT SOON"— Swaffer was 'imminent" or "distant," source, yesterday. Three London newspapers published "ins'de information"! about the engagement, but! they did not seem to agrte on the date of an engagement. The engasement ils?lf seems! to be taken for granted. Following are some of tne Pr?ss c mm' ni Hannen
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  • 106 1 Fron: Our Own CorrespondentKI'ALA LUMPUR. Monday. ASKED by the Government to give their views on the Toddy Shops Committee report issued last year, members of th; Kuala Lumpur Town Board held a special meeting this morning; and passed a resolution recommending the total abolition of toddy
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  • 35 1 U.S. Warships In Turkish Waters U.S. warships photographed thi ough the minarets of the I'J.nahache Mosque, Istanbul, en May 4. A United States Navy Squadron was paying a visit to the Turkish port.— A.P. picture.
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  • 31 1 LONDON, Monday. Viscount Wavell, former Viceroy of India, has taken the title of "Viscount Keren of Eritrea and of Winchester, m the County of Southampton, and Earl Wavell."— Renter.
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  • 54 1 Major-Gen. G. .>. Russell, Transportation Adviser to the Special Commissioner, Lord Killeawi, embarks on the Catenas today for the United Kingdom. He Is accompanied by his wile, formerly Miss Jocelyn HarvieBennett, whom he married In Singapore. She was Rice a<nd Cereals Assistant m the Economic
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  • 187 1 VICEROY LANDS IN ENGLAND TO SEE PREMIER LONDON, Monday. VISCOUNT Mountbatten, Viceroy of India, landed at Northolt Aerodrome shortly after noon today on his visit to Britain to consult with the Prime Minister and the Cabinet on the situation m India. With him was Viscountess Mountbatten. Among those who met
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  • 258 1 LAHORE, Monday. Rioters vere said to have used pistols and rifles last night against the police m fifth day of cemmu- nal upheaval. j The District Magistrate of Lahore Mr. J. C. W. Eustace, said the police were fired on when aying to stop brick-bat fighting
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  • 285 1 The Correspondent NEW DELHI, Monday. WHEN Viscount Mountbatten left for London, he took with him the good wishes of all s:ctions of the Indian people. He has captured their imagination by hLs directness and obvious determination to hand over power to the Indian leaders with,
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  • 59 1 AUCKLAND, Monday. Mr. George William Forbes, Prime Minister of New Zealand from 1930 to 1935. died at Christ Church today. He was 78. A.P. LONDON, Monday. County cricket: At Manchester, Lancashire beat Kent by eight wickets Kent 102 and 143 (Ames G9. Garlick 3 for 11, Roberts 3
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 31 1 Mechanical .jl. A Electrical Engineering, CM List from Engineering, PITM A N S. Mlninr. Parker St.. Building. LONDON. Radio. W.C. 2. Printing, etc. IjTP *<a%~ Mill I i Distri bu tors:
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    • 25 1 B.P. de Silva Ltd.J (mcoMtvittrtci m errtcj SIMGAPOKi PSHAM6 £46 <^A*:ws> tUnna WILLIAM JACKS <k CO., (MALAYA) LTO. PHONK 3911 OCEAN BUV.DIKG SINGAPOfIfI I 1
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  • 486 2 Case To Be Put To United Nations CAIRO, Monday. THE Egyptian Premier, Fahmy Nokrashy Pasha, m a state1 ment last night demanded the immediate withdrawal of British troops from Egypt and declared that Egypt cannot accept a continuation of the Angto-Egyptia n treaty of
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  • 148 2 GERMANS TO LEARN TRUTH BERLIN, Monday. General Lucius D. Clay, military governor of the American occupation zone of Germany, disclosed yesterday that he had launched an extensive campaign to tell hungry Germans the "full story" oi American efforts to provide them with food. One motive, he said, was to counteract
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  • 144 2 PARIS, Monday. Six hundred French disabled war veterans pushed their way through police barricades yesterday to tie up traffic on Pans main boulevaros while they shouted demands for increased pensions. The police <H".ly offered passive resistance In an tflort to B et the demonstrators Into side streets,
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  • 100 2 PARIS, Monday.— Paul Ramadier, French Premkr, speaking m the wine centre of Macon near Lyons called on wine growers for disciplined co-operation with the Government's export programme, warning that without economic discipline France would be seized with social paralysis, disorder and ruin. 1 1 "W c
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  • 99 2 JERUSALEM, Monday. Jewish and Arab leaders who have been at Lake Success, New York, for the United Nations hearing on Palestine, will report back to special meetings of their organisations this week. David Ben Gurion, exj.-;c-ted back m Palestine tomorrow, has called a special meeting next
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  • Cable Flashes
    • 142 2 U. S. Ships Held In Trieste TRIESTE, Monday. TWO American merchant ships have been held m port at 1 Trieste after Customs seizure from them of large quantities of contraband cigarettes. Th? ships are the Grovder Uterson and the Macli?ter Victory. Their masters have b:en ordsrad to pay heavy dec
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    • 125 2 MANILA, Monday.— The Bri-tish-owned cable between Manila and Hong Kong, was reopened yesterday for the first time since the Japanese cut it during the siege of Hong Kong m Dec, 1941. The historic cable, laid more than 60 years ago, was cut once before, by Admiral Dewey, during
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    • Article, Illustration
      77 2 Twenty-year-old Armenian Awak, robed m flawing brown (centre), on bis arrival at New York on May 5. He was on his way to a Californian wine producer's son. whose ailments 'te hoped to cure by prayer. Mr. John Mentis 50 (right), was one of the many men
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    • 39 2 LONDON. Mo^dr* «t»"utW| people were seriously injured and nau tj cc is.»ei; t/O .lii-.i^ >* the crowd panicked m a swaylni j stand at a Milan football match, said Milan Radio yesterday. Dozens of people had slight injuries.—Reuter.
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    • 77 2 BUCHAREST, Monday.— Ruma- I nian Opposition parties the I National Peasant Party led by Dr. Julse Maniu, the National Liberal Party led by Mr Constantin Bratianu and the Social Democrat Party led by Mr. T tel Petrescu have iodged "another protest" with representa t ivrs oi the Allied
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    • 76 2 MUNICH, Monday. A new racket m souvenirs supposed to have been possessions of Adolf Hitler, has started m Munich On the German black market one can find "ashtrays used personally by the Fuehrer" and wrist watches he supposedly wore. At least 24 of these cvhtrays and nine watches were
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    • 80 2 WARSAW, Monday. Russian and Polish troops combined yesterday m battling widespread forest fires m south-eastern and south-western Poland. The fires are alleged to have been started by Ukrainian nationalist bands resentful over tneir expulsion to Russia. Warsaw newspapers said the fires had enveloped 30-square-rnils area near Wroclaw as
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    • 103 2 NEW YORK, Monday. m; Indian authcr, Mr. Chaman la), who left here by air yesterday foi London en route for India, szid he round "a creat mass or evidence" m support of his theory that Indians rrom Central and S xrth Am:rica are derived from the Hindus
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    • 70 2 MANILA, Monday. The >me~ rican radio war correspondent Mr. W. J. ("Bill") Dunn, who broadcast from Singapore belore the Japanese occupation of the city has joined the start of the Manila Broadcasting Corporation, operators of station KZRH. Mr. Dunn, formerly on the staff of the Columbia Broadcasting System, was
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    • 51 2 SYDNEY, Monday.—Worshippers m Anglican and Roman Catholic churches throughout the State of New South Wales yesterday gave fcod coupons and cash to aid a dnve for a big fcod gift to Britain. In one Roman Catholic Church alone 5.700 meat and butter coupons and £320 were collected.—.
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    • 70 2 FRANKFURT, Monday.— Army officials announced yesterday thati an American civilian ar.d a 26-year-old German girl were found shot dead m a house outside Hcidelb.rg. First reports indicated that the civilian had been shot m tho back while th e girl had be:n shot m the head. A .45
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  • 258 2 LONDON, Monday. Thomas Mann, the celebrated German writer who is visiting Europe for the firs^ time since 1939, said on Sunday that "Germany is aga n misusing her opportunity for democracy." Mann said that selfpity has led Germany to fail to co-operate with the Allies. The 71-year-old
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1064 2 NOTICES NOTICE NOTICE m hereby given that. I Llm Dim Hal of No. 338- A North Bridge Road. Singapore, trading under the name Mool Tnien Restaurant am apolyine to the Doard of Licensing Justices Singarjore. for a Beer licence to sell beer and stout for consumption on the first floor
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    • 294 2 NOTICES SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY. f—'-JIMIf '-JIMl Bacteriological Laboratory AvbUnt, Vacancy filled. Appllciuirs thanked. NOTICE MR. ERIC ADCROFT CORLESS has been authorised to sign per procuration our firm. FRASER Si CO. IN THE ESTATE OF Alfred William Bean deceased Arthur Morley deceased Leonard Langdon Williams deceased Ellas Shalome deceased Philip Townshend Hutchings
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    • 351 2 NOTICES NOTICE St. Patrick's Society. An Extraordinary General Meeting of the Society has been called for 28th May at 6.30 pjn. m Raffles Hotel. Any Irishman or woman who are not yet members and who wish to join are Invited to attend. It Is proposed to hold an Informal supper
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    • 108 2 SHIPPING NOTICE HOLLAND EAST ASIA LINE is. "THORBECKE" due Singapore appr. 25th May loading lor Colombo, Aden, Port Bald, Genoa, Antwerp, Rotterdam and further Continental ports U sufficient Inducement offers. Por cargo and particulars apply to: NEDERLAND LINE ROYAL DUTCH MAIL 41. Robinson Road Tel. 7128 ISBRANDTSEN LINE n. "FLYING
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  • 108 3 BRITAIN'S Mr. \Vitu;*on Um.rhill. leading the illuminated pcrdl he recc vcd with the ff-^''>ni of I)Tlin«ton on May VP. =:,ture. F*~ .> ..t. 1. 0.1 Blum, at a ntn t cf the N iional Council pf the French Socialist P?rtv m P- -'<s on "lav 7. P'.anet
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  • 56 3 Radios, kimonos, clothing, hand-bags, cigarette lighters and number of other articles seized 'by the C.I.D. oa Sunday night after three Javanese had been •rri-otod arc open for inspection .Xt the Kandang Kerbau Police JBv.ition. Th? Juva«nese were arrested m Ihe Tanglin area and the articles Yore
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  • 62 3 The Welfare Branch of H.Q Bii gapore District, has arranged for a special show of Safety First films lor Army drivers at the eampan Cinema, Tanglin Baryracks lor three days beginning .•tomorrow. Films to be shown are M.G.V.s •Drunk Driving," RK.O.'s 'Highly Mania." Eagle Lion's
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  • 283 3 Ma lay a Broadcasts To 137 Schools QADK) -broadcasts to young school children m Mulaya have been astonishingly successful, said the Radio Malaya, Director of School Broadcasting, Mr. Norman Lloyd Williams, yesterday. The success, he said, had been gauged by a gallup poll taken recently. About
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  • 110 3 THE highest annual profit m the h story of the Company was recorded m the past firancial year of J. H. Vavastcur and Co., Ltd. After provision for taxation of £90,000, a net profit of £104,319 was carried forward to the appropriation account The accounts were presented
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  • 250 3 k RESOLUTION calling upon the Singapore Muni- cipal President, Mr. L. Ray man, to make known the findings of the special Municipal inquiry Into wages and conditions was passed at a meeting of Municipal unions on Sunday night. One hundred and fifty committee members of the
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  • 130 3 The Pres.dent Liner P.tsiaent tff.croe brings to faingapo.f on May 25 the "first four American round-t>"?-w:rld *cv I s for six years. They ar«> Mr. and ivl.o. ovaries H. Demarest, Mr. Charles H. Lickle and Dr. H. E. Russe!, who embarked at L"s Angeles. Under the
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  • 115 3 Mr. P. A. B. McXerron will be installed as Officer Administering the Government at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning m the Council Chamber. The Royal Commission will te read by the acting Colonial Secretary and the Chief Justice will administer the Oath. There will be a fifteeiygun
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  • 252 3 BANGKOK, Monday. •PHE Siamese Government has 1 sanctioned a large grant io the Department of Agriculture to purchasa good quality padi seeds for distribution to the farmers. This is part of th* campaign io assist farmers m raising the standard of their crops and
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  • 79 3 A list of political parttes which will be excluded from the provisions of the Societies Ordinance has been prepared and will soon be gazetted, the Registrar of Societies. Singapore, Mr. E. C. S. Adkins. told the Straits Times yesterday. The definition of "political parties" was the same
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  • 58 3 Expenditure on the upkeep of Government House grounds is bring increased by an aidUional sum of $10,830. The original provision m the estimates of $25,000 was found to be insufficient and the additional provision is required to keep th? labour force at its present minimum
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  • 274 3 RIO DE JANEIRO, Monday. FR three mlnute.s and 43 1 seconds on the morning of! Muy 20, a bit of Brazilian soil,! hitherto or.c of the most de-j solate spots on earth, will befor scientists, the most impor tant spot m the world. Situated
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  • 94 3 SHIPS alongside the Singe p:re wharves yesterday (godowns m brackets) were: Main Wharf: Kertosono «3132-,) Marine Arrow (34.) Maron 36-37. > Lane Victory (38-39.) Charon •40-41.) Rajula (42-43). West Wharf: Empire Rani (12.) uTng Son™ (3.) City of Poona i 4-5.) Chupra (6-7,) Samyork 8-9) Kapitan Vis'.ob?kov <12.)
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  • 88 3 petition of the Singapore Association of Teachers of Dancing was held at the Haopy World Cabaret. The first six placings were made m the following order: Mr. Ho Kon Kee and Miss Nancy Ec, Mr. S. A. Soon and Miss Jennie Quek, Mr. K. S. Tan and
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  • Article, Illustration
    40 3 The U.S. Navy Blimp KlO7 developed a puncture as it was being moved from its hangar at Moffett Field, California. It rubbed against the hangar frame-work. Helium gas escaped. The Blimp rctlspMd but noone was injured. A.P. picture.
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  • 136 3 LONDON. -\i_' day. -According to the Evening standard the British treasury is planning to ask the United States for another loan of $4,000,000,000. A Treasury spokesman denied that any decision has been taken, but British political anl financial experts for some time now have believed that
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  • 423 3 Singapore Association And Local Elections THE ting. pore Association 1 committee at a meeting this week will discuss participation m the c ming elections for six unofficial on the reconstituted Legi-Vive Council. A spokesman lor the Malayan Democratic Union stated during the weekend that a subcommittee was being formed to
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  • 115 3 4 JAPANESE Catholic sister wes among the 12 pas sengers to le-*ve Singapore yesterday by the French vessel Champollion for Marseilles. Sister Onoda was a resid nt of Fenang before the war ard join:d the Malacca Convent nearly seven years a?o. She contir ucd her work
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  • 39 3 Lew Kirn Serg and Foj Jee Jong were sent to piison for five years and fours ye^rs rrsp?ci\Tly by Mr. Justice Jobiinj; at Ihe Singapore Assizes yes'srd:.y lor possession and abetting possession of revolver ammunition.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 77 3 I i A Today's Most Flattering Make-up I 1 *r. c .r... t A VyV judy garland j v^ fl^b^^^i^ r a *v M M s the one and on/) >\ *^J p»^W^i A/ax /actor Wk £g I *It gives you a smooth, flawless, Bj 4 < \.O beautiful new
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  • 223 4 PENANG RUBBER EXPORTS $20 MILLION s,ooo Tons Brazil Rice In April From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Monday. ABOUT $20,000 worth of rubber was exported from Penang last month, according to trade statistics published today. Total shipments amounted to 20,945 tons, of which 12,729 tons went to the United States, 3,143
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  • 201 4 Ipoh Rally Condemns Proposals From Our Own Correspondent IPOH, Monday. I WISH the three Governors were here today to see what's going on", said Mr. Tan Cheng Lock, at yesterday's mass meeting here when resolutions were passed rejecting the constitutional proposals for Malaya. Mr. Tang Cheng Lock was addressing about
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  • 53 4 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday The Central Executive Committee of the Pan-Malayan Federation of Trade Unions is reported to be shortly convening a meeting of representatives of rubber workers' unions m Malaya and Singapore to discuss the formation of a Pan Malayan Federation of
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  • 171 4 Kuala Lumpur, Monday. THE fight for better condi1 tions and status for clerical workers must ba continued with greater intensity until all reasonabh claims are met, declared Mr. Khoo Teik Ee. m his presidential address at the first annual meeting of the Selangor Clerical and Administrative Staff
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  • 173 4 'Invasion' Notes Now Illegal From Our Own Correspondent BANGKOK, Monday. NOTES of one, five and ten ticals printed by Messrs. Thomas de la Rue and Co., Ltd., for use of the Allied for ces m the South-East Asia invasion, are no longer legal tender m Siam. The notes were duplicates
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  • 90 4 PENANG, Monday. Nearly 5,000 cases of condensed milk arrived m Penang last month, but it is still m short supply. With prices around *1.30 a tin it would appear that certain dealers are withholding stocks to cause a rise. In addition to the 5,000 cases
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 359 4 ANNOUNCEMENT TO N G AH, Cold Storage and Wine Merchants of 14. Jalan Ibrahim. Johore Bahru. bee to acnounee to their numerous patrons that they have installed a cold storage Dlant and can now supply cold storage producU at reasonable orices WHISKY AT CONTROLLED PRICES ALSO AVAILABLE. A TRIAL IS
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    • 310 4 WILL BE BACK AGAIN SOON! "World's Foremost Boxing and Wrestling Magazine" Distributors:SINGAPORE:— N. PONMJSAMY CO., 60. BEACH KOAD. PENANG:— SOON HUAT CO., 1. CHURCH STREET. PERAK:— UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC CO., 77. MARKET ROAD, TAIPING. Distributors required for Selangor, Neg r i Sembilan, Malacca, Johore, Kelantan and Trengganu. Sole Agents:PARAMOUNT TRADERS 95,
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    • 219 4 MeV/tmifis DURING THE WAR MILLIONS OF THE FIGHTING FORCES AND CIVILIANS WERE GIVEN HEALTH AND STRENGTH BY VITAMINS you need Vitamins now more than ever 9 out ol 10 people who suffer today are 'Vitamin starved" even though they eat well. The rich vitamins Nature puts In nm food hre
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 501 4 SINGAPORE TUESDAY 100 pm Radio Orchestra; 1.-0 News; 1.40 Lucky Dip; 2. 00 Close down. 8 15 p.m. News headlines and programme summary; 8.20 At Your Request; 9.00 Serenade to the Stars; 9.15 Song Recital; 9.30 News; 9.40 Talk; 10.00 Just William: 10.30 Dance Music relayed fsom the Prince s
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    • 741 4 When a declarer sees that he Is though the last-named action was not abou; to go down 1000 points through entirely sound. South cannot be blamed the safest line of play, it is "good for getting highly aggressive on his percentage" to risk another 600 points holding. Perhaps, however, it
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  • 600 5  - Paris fashions SUMMER DRESSES ON THE BOULEVARDS Amelie Rose By PARIS (By airmail). AT the beginning of February a large choice of summer garments, hats and accessories was presented by the leading Parisian fashion trade stylists to the smart women of the world. Now comes the time when we can
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  • 82 5 A FEW aids to beauty Cultivate cheerfulness: g> to bed as long bclore midnight as possible; breathe deeply; don't eat when you are tired, cross, or nervous. For tired-looking eyes, smear a little boracic ointment over the I'tis and then very carefully on the lower rims of the
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  • 642 5  -  CHIA KAY SEE By THE old-world Chinese nonyas, who before the war took delight m displaying their array of jewellery on almost any occasion, are feeling very unhappy these days. They complain that robbers and fashion are conspiring against them, compelling them to hide
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  • 224 5 Planter's Wife says RECENTLY we spent a Sunday on a local quiet beach. Seme of the jolly little Malay kampong boys (following the example of children all over the world) try to earn an honest few cents by carrying the baskets of picnickers. This
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 199 5 Keep Age at Bay where age first tells its tale x It is the skin, and most noticeably the > skin, that reveals the advancing years. T And now it is easy to capture and to >>^ keep a soft, smooth, wrinkle-free skin \V by using Damaskin at night as
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    • 343 5 fIU Lasting >g AIDS TO M BEAUTY The fragrant beauty preparations created Dy Helena Rubinstein, and now obtainable m Malaya Include Pasteurised Pace Cream; Water Lily Cleansing Cream; Orecian Anti-Wrinkle Cream: Skin Toning Lotion: Herbal Skin Tonic: Town and Country Foundation: Flower Petal Complexion Powder— and a full range of
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  • 959 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Tuesday, May 20, 1947. Safety First Farce The news that Singapore's Safety First Week was to all intents and purposes a failure is impressing m the extreme. It is not as if those directly concerned with bringing messages of warring and appeals to the public had
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  • 239 6 JERUSALEM, Monday. THE Irgun Zvai Leumi, the Jewish terrorist organisation, last night broadcast a statement commenting on the United Nations Organisation's appeal for peace m Palestine pending a decision, and said: "If the British Government is prepared to fulfil the United Nations demand then the Hebrew
    Reuter  -  239 words
  • 946 6  - RICE BLOCKADE OF BA TA VIA H ARRIS SITOMPOEL By the British assumed control of Batavia following the landing of British and Indian forces m Java after the Japanese capitulation, there was a tendency m the interior to regard the city as an English town wdA nationalists from Bekassi to
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  • Man In The Street
    • 199 6 IN the last few cays it has become clear that, notwithstand ng the signing of the Dutch-Indonesian Agreement, the state of affairs m Indonesia has not improved, but has even grown worse. This has been confirmed by both Dutch 2nd Indone.s an sources. In The
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    • 433 6 Second, It must be stated that the Dutch-Indonesian Agreement has not been sigxert merely to get joint action m the economic field. There is even more m the I Linggadjati-agreement than the return of fcraign-owned properties. The Dutch commurique says that the Republican counter-pro-posals (which have not been
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    • 279 6 WITH reference to thi article m the "Straits Budget" of February 27, Mr. Tan too Chye will no doubt be inte rested, if he has not already seen it, m a note by Mr. VV Bartley une'er the heading "Singapore Population m 1819" m the Journal of the
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    • 75 6 I AST Saturday week 1 board- Leia bus at Bras Basih Road for Paya Lebar. I gave the conductor a 20- cents I note and got a 15-ceriiS ticket, I No. S.N. 3840. but I never got back my change, although I had a3kc-d for it. This happened
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 851 6 C LASSI FIE D ADVERTISEMENTS Classified Smalls 51. 25 per line Mm. Charge S.» Public Notices SIU per single column inch. Personal Domestic 52.50 per line Mm. Charge $10. five average words comprise one line. Advertisements may be sent by oost accompanied by remittance, lor information telephone Advertising Manager. 5471
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    • 56 6 Scientific Glare Control American POLAROID DAY GLASSES FITS-ONS also available. The only type of glasses that really con rols glare. Daring the war used by the American Army and Navy. Call for a demonstration to prove the differences from ordinary su:i glasses 9 Various New Types tf Spectacle Frame i
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    • 45 6 f^^^S\ One tJ/Jt/> leading > Eejutifully coloured dial covers all short-wave stations Calibrated Bandsprc filing makes tuning easy They are on the way. Book yours NOW. Sole Distributors For MALAYA. S& W SIAM DOKTTTO ANN PENG TRADERS '59. Stamford Road, Slngap:rc Branches: K. Lumpur, Ipoh, Penarp;
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  • 813 7 EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS BLOCK TIN INDUSTRY New Ric e Cv t A dds To Difficulties Ed a situation which was anything but conducive to harmonious relationship between capital and. labour. Mr. Lee went on. The Malayan Mining Employers Association was dealing with labour problems, but to hi s mind solution was
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  • 95 7 Singapore will be free or strikes when 30 men engaged on unloading timber m the Roads return to work today. The timber labourers work about 10 days each month and receive $24 a day. They struck work when the owners, who considered this excessive, decided to
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  • 63 7 rO former British naval corvettes, th? Tcck Lo'n? and the Tuck Shing. have arrived m Singanore from Lond'n on their >vay t:> Shanghai. Thry have been towed !hi 8.000 nilej by the 66-1 on tug Rumani?.. Formerly named the Sneldrak > md Kit'ywake. the
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  • 352 7 A TOTAL of 84% pounds of opium and three pounds of cocaine were seized by customs officers and Royal Naval n>lice from Chinese on board the aircraft carrier. H.M.S. Glory, at the Singapore Naval Base, on Saturday morning. Six men were charged before the District
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  • 389 7 MAJOR John Burnett, D.5.0., M.C, Ist Battalion, the Seaforth Highlanders was found guilty m the Fourth District Court, yesterday by Mr. H. A. Forrer of doing "a negligent act not amounting to culpabl homicide" and was fined $85 or one month's imprisonment. Mr. Forrer
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  • 180 7 Chinese Protest On Sibolga pHINESE consular authorities b m Medan and Fatavia will protest to the Dutch Govern* ment over the "Sitolja incident," the Singapore Chinese Consul-General, Dr. Wu PaakShing told the Straits Tim 1 yesterday. A cable from Chinese m Sibolga, West Sumatran port, was receiv?d by Dr. Wu
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 64 7 "W MM n M<*m n* o* THE HIGHEST AWARDED W% «"t W"t VI FULL-BODIED J# JHf J£f g\ H ON THE MARKET jUf i'-J^ Bottled By E*^^|^ Messr* WTV Zuid-Holiandsche Bierbrotiwerfl Lfej^t^i^vli V e HHuel ue Holland rCZH^^cR I By to H.M. The Queen of Holland. Sole Distributors for Malaya
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    • 117 7 In Pleasing Array! 31 m. CRETONNE jKi*l 'ffifflS) from $3.50 I R>\ Cretonne 31" wide. Prices /^V^t J from $3.50 to $12.50 per yard ir^i^VV^/ 38 m. ROCKFAST %^Jt^sS CURTAIN NET $225^^^^^ Kockfast Curtain Net 38 wide. All Colours Price $2.25 per yard. 48 m. TAPESTRY from $550 Tapestry 48"
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  • 2103 8  -  ROBERT TRUMBULL By THE BATTLE OF IWO JIMA— I TWO JIMA (Sulphu/ i Island) is a sinister mound of black volcanic ash, shaped like a pork chop and eight square miles m area, that rises from the cold gray sea about 650
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 149 8 VihyffflsdomtMm is made this shape brush misses awkward corners, but s|||||||3££2^^^^| Huj Wisdom's short head searches into *&22^^£0&&wMUBim features include its widely spaced the correct way to clean tapered tufts, straight line head, INSIDE UPPER BACK TEETH v stream me tip and cranked handle. For upper teeth place the brush
      149 words
    • 59 8 W Zfl** FOR YEARS W LEAKPROOF V#v RAY-O-VAC LEAKPROOFS (ft i^ DELIVER MORE LIGHT 6 L/"^^^ v ocluo te4t Roy-O-Voc leokprooft outlott /J\J//fff4i' t^^S^. oulilonding soviet on all ..oild bot'lefrontt. Yfjl////// N^v. IEAKP*OOFSwer. u ,edbyo u ro.medfo.c«» Yr*l/l/l J f\ ifcanonyoihef biondof loihl,{hiba"t»«i. /nil w?%Sim [\V\i Rons f m <t>ot£fnefot
      59 words

  • 908 9  -  R.E. HOLTTUM By THE soil is the medium m which roots live, from which they obtain the water and food needed by the plant. Successful gardening is based on good soil management, and to manage the soil intelligently we must krow something of
    908 words
  • 552 9 (Continued from Page 8) foresaw that he would soon lose control of the air. So he relied, perforce, upon a defence concept based upon conservation of forces, and upon maintaining Impassable fields of fire. He knew Iwo was doomed, but he resolved to make Hat capture of
    552 words
  • 909 9  -  J.N. MILSUM and J. R. P. SOPER i— Bv GROW YOUR OWN VEGETABLES TOR those who are fond r of green salads, it is almost essential to grow lettuce m the home garden. Local market gardeners usually plant a rather coarse variety. They
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 226 9 ,Jgpli|& MADE 'FOR Wm ?0k EACH OTHER {BM Gillette '/Ml RAZORS BLADES Fit a Gillette blade into a #^%*V Gillette razor and you can y/p^^i^'^^^^j^^vy /p^^i^'^^^^j^^v be sure of a perfect shave. Gillette razors ani.' blade-, are U^^^j^^^^S BSg?ttS> made for each ether, side b,' ■Sr'^) side m the same
      226 words
    • 39 9 LANG *J*HOME^. 6^370 V^ OPENING TO -DAT 2 Shows only: 3, 6.30 A 5.1 5 p.m. WONDROUS! GLORIOUS! The Greatest Film Achievement Yet to Come from Hollywood! "WILSON" (m Technlcolour) ■tarring Alexander Knoz Charles Coborn and Thorn*. Mitrbd 1
      39 words
    • 251 9 /^SECRETof HEALTH^ Utrength&vitaisty/ Amazing FOOD TONIC feeds M I new HEALTH ENERGY into k THIN, WEAK,RUNOOWN people d You get Rundown. Tired and Depressed only because overwork, worry or nerve strain have sapped vital Mineral Salts from your system. You must replace these -^^^^m precious elements and re-nourish your Hjw
      251 words

  • 1772 10 London Letter.. PROBLEMS BEFORE THE NATION tells of the grave crime wave sweeping Britain as a result of 17,000 Services deserters becoming armed desperadoes.... the sinister' forces behind the "unofficial" strikes... these are the From Our Own Correspondent LONDON (By airmail) TVER since I can remember, Britain has been having
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 298 10 jU TO-DAY PUl^ll^^^ Last 4 Shows 4 SKowi. i.iSf- 3 30,- 610^ 9jty- A howling gale of 592 Thundering Thrills! BrTor^-^-r-r^^^| The Story packs a Thrill /S^PnfYlCs^\l a minute' WL-^~^C__/lX IV7 \_^J amidst a raging s«fc.^J<!s*^dBi tempest of thrills! coiumma mctuu GALA OPEMNG TO-MORROW You'll gasp with AMAZEMENT! You'll thrill
      298 words
    • 231 10 808 HOPES BACK IN TOWN, f AND WITH BETTY HUTTON TOO. 11 a.m. 1.45. 4 15. §T M^ U M%k Fhon 6.45. 9.3.. A4 I n#^ 1 OPENING TO-DAY Plenty of laughs, plenty of gags m the best Hope manner! I_%F^^^ t rtliMHt rlctiit «ltl f p^"-*S%^^ Dona Orjke Cully
      231 words

  • 309 11 Kampong Kamuntings 17s. 3d., Katu Ms.. Rawang Concessions 265. 9d.. Rawang Tins Bs. lttd. Among rubbers Austral Malays made $1.50 and Bxtu Ltntangs *I.MH. INDUSTRIALS opened the week quietly, but there 1 were still good buyers of some issues such as Alexandra Bricks Prefs. and Ords.,
    309 words
  • 189 11 By Our Market Correspondent JHE arrival of 3,677 sacks of 1 Siam "free rice" has put a halt on the up-going trend m rice prices, and the market turned easier yesterday when the superior grades were neglected by buyers. However, a comparatively small volume of business was done during
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 633 11 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. (Incorporated In Singapore) BLUE FUNNEL LINE ••Polyphemus* sails for L'pool A R'dam May 20 "Calchas" sails for Liverpool May 20 -Glenaffarie" due from U.K May 21 "Memnon" due from U.K May 22 "Kamerlingh Onne»" doe from U.S. A May 22 "Glenlffer* *ne from U.K May 25 "Glengarry"
      633 words
      304 words
    • 334 11 P O and B I SAILINGS TO AND FROM INDIA. CEYLON. AUSTRALIA. SIAM, CHINA. ADEN. EGYPT. CONTINENT AND UNITED KINGDOM Agent* Singapore ISLAY KERR A CO.. LTD. and at HA Collyer Quay. Singapore. Penanf 25 Beach Street. Penang. P O Agents K. Lumpur A P. Swettenhanr Harrisons A Crosfield (Malaya)
      334 words
    • 564 11 E HERMAN KLAVENESS LINE BU C X N A L (Incorporateo with Limited] c C aa t LlabUitv In Norwavl S.S CO.. LTO. LOS ANGELES (Incorporated m England) g^N FRANCISCO for London, Antwerp VANCOUVER CITY OF POONA "Granvilte" June 10 AT GOD. 4/5 Calk P. Swettenham McALISTER CO., LTD. (Incorporated
      564 words

  • 596 12 Welter Champion Receives Offers From Manila, Paris SPORT FLASHES NEW YORK, Monday. WORLD welterweight boxing champion Hay Robinson has received offers for bouts m Manila and Paris. His manager, George Gainsford, said yesterday that the Negro champion was more interested m fighting m France. Robinson has been offered iU.S. $35,000
    596 words
  • 64 12 LONDON, Monday. \Vl;en Gordon Richards rode I.r e G:ird by Plassey rat of 1 >ur Bar to victory m the f 'eunty Handicap at Worcester this afternoon, lie broke a world record. This was his *****t. winner. Tl>e previous record of 3260 ■M helu by British-born
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 264 12 THE first athletic meeting to be held under the auspices of the Singapore Amateur Athletic Association will take place on July 18 and 19. Thi; was decided at yester- dsy's S A.A.A. meeting at the Sinjrappre Rec cation Club. On May 27 the newly-elected
    264 words
  • 61 12 Interest is biing centred on today's second round League fixture between Chinese Seniors and the Indian Associat'.cn at Ja'.an Besar Stadium. In the flrst round meeting, the Indians created a sensation by winning tw:— nil, the Chinese being completely outplayed. Speculation is rife as to whether
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  • 180 12 From Archie Quick LONDON, Monday. DEHIND the scenes m the boxing game the fight of tlu promoters is continuing. If H isn't Jack Solomons attempting <o frus'rato Ben Smith m L ndon, it is the controversy over Manchester fights betwten Solomons and George Dingey. Recently Peter Kane
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  • 426 12 Th» Rovers Juniors will meet the St. Joseph's Institution In a friendly soccer match on Wednesday at the school jrround commencing at 5.15 p.m the Pasir Pantane Rovers Junior team will be:— Anthony Soli; Lawrence Wong and Cvrll Tan; Horace Lee. John Hon (Capt.). and L.A.
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  • 545 12 ARMY AVENGES FIRST-ROUND DEFEAT 2 Malays Chosen At Last Minute Army 2 Malays I ARMY yesterday avenged their firsl-round defeat at the hands of the Malay*, by defeating the Malay side two-one at Jalan B:*sar Stadium. Included m the Malay side were two lastminute selections Madon and Ilaji Abdul Rahman.
    UP  -  545 words
  • Article, Illustration
    76 12 All eyes m the above picture are on the one a:id only goal scored by the Rest of Europe m the recent Britain v. Rest fixturp G. Nordhal Sweden >, seco nd from left, scored the JML On his knees looking towards the goal is Frank Swift (Britain's goalie). Britain
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  • 260 12 From Our Own Correspondent SEGAMAT, Mondiy. A grand double by C. S. K. Bovell, who hit up 52 and then went on to capture three wickets, coupled with fine bowiing; by P. Nasesu enabled the Segamat Cricket Club to beat the Johore C.C. by 78 runs at
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  • 356 12 MALAYS OUTPLAY AIRMEN From Oar Staff Corres- J pondent KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. HISPLAYING superiority m attack and defence, the Malays had an easy passage m their First Division soccer match against the R.A.F. this evening,! winning by six goals to I one. Except for occasional flashes of aggression on the
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  • 178 12 LONDON, Monday. "DRITAIN is a nation of gamD biers, and we might as well admit it," declared the Picorial this week. "Everyone I knew gambles" said the Pictorial sports eV.umnist, peter Wilson. "It's about time we stopped i being a nation of
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  • 41 12 Representatives of all junia'-ear -port m Singapore will meet at < Council Chamber, the Sec-e-riat, at 5 p.m. today. They will discuss the formation of a "Singapore Amateur Sports Federation, with a view to establishing a Pan-Malayan Federation
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 468 12 t i.assim; \j ads. (Continued from Page 6) SITUATION VACANT. FIR&T-CLASS ACCOUNTS CLERK Good salary, provident fund and permanency to right man. Apply ■with copies cf testimonials i~> Box ■XYZ S T. VKHICLE WANTED JELfo ii TRAILERS m first class condition Pull Dsrticulars and orices to Box No. A9BO. S.T
      468 words
    • 30 12 PUNCTUALITY CALLS FOR A DEPEND A RLE SWISS ALARM CLOC '^UB O S A^*^|r Limited Quantity m Attractive Colours and Designs See Display at GIAN SINGH CO. Raffles Place. "a^H^Mßi
      30 words