The Straits Times, 19 May 1947

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 572 1 War Crimes Men Need Massacre Witnesses AN appeal to Singapore Chinese to come forward with evidence to assist the War Crimes investigation team in the arrest and prosecution of further Japanese suspected of haying been implicated in the massacre of 1942 has been made by the
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  • 23 1 ZURICH, Sunday. Switzerland beat England I—o1 0 m the soccer international here today. The Swiss scored m the first half.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 50 1 Mussolini's son Vittoria (left) m Buenos Aires. He arrived m the Argentine about a .ncn.a ago and hopes he may be allowed to bring his family over from Italy to stay with him. His beard has been shaved off since this photograph was taken. A.P. picture.
    AP  -  50 words
  • 222 1 Viceroy Leaves After Final Talks NEW DELHI, Sunday. THE Viceroy, Viscount Mountbatten. accompanied by Viscountess Mountbatten and his staff, and Mr. V. P. Menon, Reforms Commissioner, left Irv London by air this morning. Before he left he had las minute talks with the Indian leaders. He wa* reliably sta ed
    Reuter; AP  -  222 words
  • 79 1 BANGKOK, Sunday.—The Government began commandeericg ric c on Saturday m order to speed up deliv:ry according to the terms of the Tri-Partlte Agreement. Th? Ministry of Commerce stated that compulsory purchase was necessary as merchants and millers w:re hoarding rice stocks m anticipation of higher prices.
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  • 28 1 DEATH OF FORMER N.Z. PREMIER WELLINGTON, Sunday. The cLath is announced of Mr. George William Forbes, Prime Minister of New Zealand between 1930 and 1935. He was 78.—Reuter.
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  • 135 1 WASHINGTON, Sunday. CLENN L. MARTIN, aeroplane manufacturer, told Senators on Saturday that United States scientists were working on a "radioactive cloud" which could be released by planes at a great 1 altitude without the explosion of an atomic bomb. 1 Appearing before the Senate 1 Commerce Sub-Committee
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  • 55 1 SHANGHAI, SundayTHE local edition of the official Daily News says a farmer's wife at Lincheng village, m Hopei Province, has given birth to octuplets. The paper says the family is so poor that the local authorities are organising a movement to supply one wet nurse for
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  • 150 1 A mother who last saw her daughter floating away n om a torpedoed ship in March, 1942, and was re-united to her after the war ended, 1 as arrived back in Singapore in the M?rella, just in from Australia, She is Mrs. Ruth Li, who after having
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  • 47 1 HAMBURG, Sunday.—Marshal of the Royal Air Force Sir Sholto Douglas, Commander-in-Chief of British forces m Germany, arrived at Gatow airpor-, Berlir.. from England this afternoon on his return af'er talks or. the German food situation with the British Foreign Minis er, Mr. Ernest Bevin.—Reuter.
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  • 45 1 NORWICH, Sunday.— During a freak storm at Norwich, a "ball of nre struck a house l€ft a gaping hole In tiv wall of the room, where Mr. J. T. Johnson and his three-year-old grandson w:re sitting. They were uninjured. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 174 1 LONDON, Sunday. PUNDAY newspapers say iJ that Britain has been driven by dissatisfaction with the terms of the United States han and American food contr butions to Germany to conclude a barter agreement with Russia. Both Conservative and laftwing papers critic-se United States policy and say
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  • 261 1 RANGOON, Sunday. ARAKANESE residents m Rangoon at a public meeting today criticised the Government's action m sending military forces to suppress unrest m the Arakan division of southwest Burma. The meeting was attended by Arakan leaders who arrived by air today to make representations
    Reuter  -  261 words
  • 91 1 GRAND RAPIDS. Michigan, Sunday. P. O'Dom, who a month ago established a r.und the wo Id record m Reynold's Bombshell, disclosed today he is planning a i.ew globe circFng flight over the North and South Poles. O'Dom said he had discussed his plan with the authorities
    AP  -  91 words
  • 117 1 Train Wrecked For Loot CALCUTTA, Sunday. THE express train which wax derailed on the Bengal-Assam line 300 miles from Calcutta yesterday with the loss of 31 lives may have been deliberately wrecked for the sake of loot. The deputy leader of the Conress Party in the Bengal Legislative Assembly, Mr.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 50 1 wf VENTILATION PROBLEMS ARE EASILY SOLVED BY THE USE OF VENT-AXIA STALF AIR EXTRACTOR UNITS Trade Enquiries toW. G. Thurslon La., 60 The Arcade. Singapore Seng Henf Co., 63 Pudu Koad, Knala Lumpur. Federal Trading Co., (1916) Ltd.. 1 Rr,«,> r Road. Ipoh. Llston Co.. 2H, Chartered Bank Chambers, Penan*.
      50 words
    • 26 1 Sit»° rt Knitted BLO USES $5.90 BEAUTIFUL SHADES. ALL SIZFS Macham Tadi! T I M E FOR A TIGER FULL STRENGTH Look TOf ihe Tiger
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  • 709 2 Rubber's Money And Labour Problems From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. DEVISION of the Government's present immigration policy was "a matter of urgency," said Mr. Khoo Teik Ee, President of the Malayan Estate, Owners Association, speaking at the annual meeting here yesterday. Mr. Khoo also
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  • 156 2 SCHEVENINGEN. Sunday. Great Britain and some other wheat-importing countries should be able to end bread rationing next October if Canadian anil United States wheat crops developed as expected this year. Mr. John Watson, President of the Saskatchewan Wheat Pool, made this statement at the Farmers'
    Reuter  -  156 words
  • 146 2 MALANG, Java, Sunday. Australian workers would fight just as hard to assist India or any other colonial country as they had done for the Indonesians through boycotting Dutch ships, said the Assisiant Secretary of the Australian Waterside Workers Federation. Mr. E. Roach, at Malang on Friday. Mr.
    Reuter  -  146 words
  • 184 2 ISTANBUL, S u n d a y.— T h e United States programme to help Turkey establish a compact defensive military organisation, will get under way next w.ek with emphasis on a communications system which would spe d up a modern army. An American spokesman said
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  • 117 2 LONDON. Sunday. The marriage of A.T.S .Sergeant Monica Patricia Cann. a shorthand teaefcer at Central Ordnance Depot, Donnington. and a German prisoner of war. named Ganter. it is understood, will be raised m Parliament. Ganter was m the prisoners' compound at the depot until hlg removal to
    Reuter  -  117 words
  • 287 2 JERUSALEM, Sunday. rE Jewish terrorist Stern Gang last night issued a six-point declara'ion containing its "terms for a truce." The declaration, ivuec. as a typewritten statement to H;brew language newspapers m Tel Aviv, gave the lollowir.g demands as tne conditions for a "cease tire" against British
    Reuter  -  287 words
  • Cable Flashes
    • 99 2 ROME, Sunday. THE former Premier, Signor Francesco Saverio Nitti, an. 1 nounced last night, after two flays of laborious consultations, he would accept the mandate to form Italy's new Government. He added he would begin the task of distributing portfolios today. Signor Nitti, who is now
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    • 84 2 NEW YORK, Sunday.—Viscount Knollys, Chairman of British Overseas Airways Corporation, told a press conference here yesterday, m answer to a question that, on the question cf popularising through flights via Britain, between India and the United States, it was not a matter of competing with American lines
      Reuter  -  84 words
    • 46 2 WASHINGTON, Sunday.—A 23ma n mission, predominantly military, anj representing the Stal'3, War and Navy Departments, leaves by plan c on Monday for Istanbul to confer with th^ U.S. Ambassador, Mr. Edwin Wilson, o n lhe disposal cf the $150,000,000 loan for Turkey.— U.P
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    • 36 2 LONDON, Sunday.— Nine hundred milk roundsmen in the eastern and western sections c.f the London Co-operative Society, who have been on an unofficial strike for saven days, are returning to work this morning. Router.
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    • 53 2 LEEDS, Sunday—Before rescuers reached Mrs. Florence Ellison and her seven children m the bedroom 'at their home m Shelley Street. Wolbick, Leeds, during a fire, she dropped two of them, Valeric, ,aged 2, Dor:thy, aged 4, into blankets held out by neighbours. She herself and the other children
      Reuter  -  53 words
    • 70 2 Truman' s Mother MISSOURI, Sunday.—President Truman yesterday disregarded the heavy wind and lashing rain m his hurried flight to the bedsid? of his critically-ill mother aged 94, who, during the night, had suffered two heart attacks. Th» solemn Chief Executive carried a box of red rosss and snapdragons to her
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    • 54 2 P^ARL HARBOUR. Sunday. The U.S. battleship, Oklahoma, sunk 500 miles north-east of Pearl Harbour on Saturday. The Oklahoma was sunk by the Japs during the attack on Pearl Harbour. She was refloated after the war and was being towed f> San Francisco when she began to develop a
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    • 41 2 LISBON, Sunday.— During the past few days, th e Portuguese police have arrested a number of persons at Lisbon suspected of plotting against th e regime of Premier Dr. Antonio da Oliveria Halazar, it was learned here yesterday.— U.P.
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  • 289 2 "If War Should Come..." WASHINGTON, Sunday. IF war should corre, it will not be because the people want war, but terause of the incapacity of those who eontiol the Governments of the world, said the former U.S. Secretary of State. Mr. James E. Byrnes, yesterday. "In both the Soviet Uni
    Reuter  -  289 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 539 2 NOTICES NOTICE The Institute of Architects of Malaya r.ish to thank all members for their kind donations of books. The library is still m dire r.eed of many volumes and would welcome any further contributions. THADE MARK NOTICE NC/wLii IS HEIiBV GIVEN that the trade mark and trade dep.cted
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    • 655 2 NOTICES NOTICE Professor K. S. Manlam T.R.0.. PR. AS.. (Philosopher. Scientist Inventor) of Malaya will beat the Adelphi Hotel Chamber No. 91 from Monday the 10th inst. Singapore. SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY For the construction at New Cemetery. Choa Chu Kang Read, of: (1) Earthworks for proposed 4ti'O" Access Road, and (2)
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    • 840 2 NOTICES. NOTICE MR. ERIC ADCROPT CORLESS has been authorised to sign per procuration our firm. FRASER CO. NOTICE OF REMOVAL Messrs. SONG HENG Si CO., at present oX No. 25, Circular Road, Singapore, will be removing to more commodious premises it: No. 74, Robinson Road, (2nd. floor.) Singapore. on and
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  • 180 3 MALARIA SCIENTIST FOR K.L. From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. I RESEARCH scientist who fi was close'y associated with tre work which culminated m the discovery of the antimalaria drug paludrine is expected m Kuala Lumpur this week. He is Dr. D. G. Davey, of Imperial Chemical Industries. His
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  • 64 3 CARLISLE, Sunday. The Chief of the Imperial General Staff Field Marshal Lord Montgomery, declared yesterday there was too much pessimism about the prospect^ of peaceful settlement of world problems. "I don't think they are doing so badly," he said. "1 would far sooner take a bit
    AP  -  64 words
  • 313 3 NEW YORK, Sunday. BRITAIN will maintain a "completely neutral posit.on" m the United Nations Palestine investigation and make no suggestion to the 11 member Inquiry Commission, a British spokesman said on Saturday. His statement came as the ci>rlegates of the five Arab countries began a
    AP  -  313 words
  • 91 3 The ex-Rajah Muda of Sarawak. Mr. Anthony Brooke, has received a letter signed by 160 Dayaks of the Saribas district of SarawakIt quotes the third principle of the Atlantic Charter and protests that the Dayaks were not consulted on the question of Cession. "We have been living
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  • 92 3 m a m-cuug iiviu <*t nig iwvucm Chamber of Commerce, it was decided that immediate action be taken to form an India Club. To expedite the formation of the club it was decided to have a n exscutive committee of five as follows: Mr. P. Parthasarathy
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  • 48 3 New Moon Day which falls today, will be celebrated at the Sinhalese Buddhist Temple, 95, Outram Road, by Mr. M. G. De Fonseka, the Hon. Secretary of the Singapore Buddhist Asir. All are invited. The programme is. 6 p.m. illuminations, 7 3uddha Puja, 7.30 sermon.
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  • 26 3 Mr. S. K. Chettur, representative of the Government of India, left Singapore by air yesterday morning on a 13-day tour of Koto Bahru, Trengganu and Pentng.
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  • 200 3 rruin uur uwd correspondent SEREMBAN, Sunday. ANOTHER five hundred Chinese and Malay school chi'dren m the rural areas of Negri Sembilan have been brought into the school feeding system whereby under nourished children receive hall a pint of full cream powdered milk every
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  • 221 3 'Precious Stream' in Penang *Tom Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Sun. THE Govtrnor-General, Mr. 1 Malcolm MacDonald, was present last night at a performance of "Lady Precious Stream," staged in aid of the Women's Service League by the Penang Chinese Amateur Players. He was presented to the Dirccors, Messrs. Hooi Yfw
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  • 253 3 M.D.U. Election Campaign rHE Malayan Democratic I Union expects to be first m the field m the compaign for seats on the first Singapore Legislative Council. The elections, returning six candidates m four electoral districts, are expected to take place early next jear. An executive member of the M.D U.
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  • 207 3 A Public Relations statement denies a newspaper report that huge stacks of rice are deteriorating m goaowns along Malaya's West Coast ports. The statement says: '"The following was the situation on May 11 m these ports:— Malacca, m stock 248 tons, weekly ration 344 tons; Muar,
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  • 122 3 "The -ir^umstances m which the Trade Union. Adviser, Singapore, Mr. S. P. Garrett. has tendered his resignation have left a bitter taste m the mouths of sincere Trade Unionists," said the President of the Singapore Printers' Union Mr. A.S. Rajah, at a spe-cially-convened meeting of the General
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 303 3 i Fluol boc( fxn/ f LIES. MOTHS AND ALL INSECTS As Supplied to the Naafi A FUBEX PRODUCT i Manufactured In England) Sole Agents SIM AH KOW 6c CO., Itonhira Bid?.. Spore. Phone 3027. 31. China St. Ghaut. Penan* Sain 5 Lbs. In 7 Days 1 >ont b* discouraged if
      303 words
    • 206 3 COMING SHORTLY. 'This Singapore Our City of Dreadful Night. The Most Outspoken Book Yet Written on The Fall of Singapore by N. I. Low H. M. Cheng. WA TCH FOR FUR THER ANNOUNCEMENT. CITY BOOK STORE, COLLYER QUAY, SINGAPORECHICKS HATCHED IN SINGAPORE by Australian Hatcheries Malaya from Pedigree Stock. Available
      206 words
    • 302 3 STEWART McINTYRE LIMITED ENGINEERS BUIIDERS Our staff of experienced designers and engineers is at your service and enquiries for all types of constructional engineering are invited. 45, Orchard Road, Singapore Telephone: 4061 Telegrams: Construct SM/3. Itffrgggi Aml TmII Fm< Yo«i.»— Leek Y«in« Nothing M n man or woman tnora than
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    • 158 3 WELCOME TO GENTLEMEN'S BAIR DRESSING SALOON WHICH HAS NOW OPENED AT! JOHN LITTLES RAFFLES PLACE FIRST CLASS FULLY TRAINED INDIAN BARDERS IN ATTENDANCE. j IMPORT -EXPORT Representative wanted tor selling all types of merchandise including textiles, clothing, medical supplies. automotive Items, cameras, toiletries, etc. CROMOR, INC. 101 Maiden Lane New
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  • 25 4 The family of the late Madam Llm Ang Si tender thanks to friends and relatives who attended the funeral, loaned cars, sent wreaths, etc.
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  • 28 4 In ever loving and undying memory of the treasured devoted wife of Chew Keng San of Pulo- Samboe (Cheong Ong Neo) who died m May 1945.
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  • 1088 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Monday, May 19, 1947. Twilight Of The Occupation The report from our Tokio correspondent (published elsewhere m this page today) giving a factual account of active Japanese resentment of the introduction of western democracy may come as a surprise to some people m this part of
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  • 61 4 HAMBURG, Sunday. One hundred thousand Poles are due to arrive during this month m the regions of Danzig, Allensteln and other former German areas now administered by Poland. says the British-controlled German News Service, quoting the Polish Press Service. In March, 36,000 and, m April, 50.000 Poles and
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 1156 4  - The Japanese Resist The Occupation RICHARD HUGHES, Front Straits Times Correspondent m Tokio the sun sets and the mellow Japanese twilight closes m, they now draw down the screens on the windows of all trains carrying* Occupation personnei. Military police stride through the cars and rebuke even high officers who
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    • 420 4 PHE past week has seen the 1 ignominious defeat of the Malayan team m their first encounter with the American Stalwarts at the international game of Rubber. Our side put up the usual bunch of backwoods planters, village shop-keepers, commission agents, f.o.b. packers and rubber
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    • 149 4 THE Safety First Campaign enjoins the public to cooperate with a view to improving present conditions. Apart from the wretched state of some of the roads, particularly the West Coast Road, Pasir Panjang Road. Alexandra Road, Ayer Rajah Road and many others, together with the poor lighting system,
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    • 200 4 IF anybody, as much as hurts a hair of anyone of you I will at one word stop all buses on the roads of Singapore." This is an extract from Mr. Samy's speech to his Unionists as it appeared m the papers. Judging from this line of talk,
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    • 103 4 f WRITE as a free Ma'ay, born I and bred m Sarawak, to warn the Malay reading pub- j lie to abstain irom ta'.cng part m a political campaign originating from the so-called na tional body which claims to champion the Ma'ay cause anl whose catch-word is independence.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 801 4 CLASSIFIED ADS. INGLIS. To Connie wife of R. Inglis. T?'uk Anson. on 13/5/47 at Batu Oa:ah. a son Robert Keith. CROOKS. To Noreen. wife of O. E. Crooks, at Kacdang Kerbau Hospital on 15th May. a daughter. HYGATE. On 9th May. 1947 at Epsom. Surrey, to Joan, wife of Leonard
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    • 3 4 ETERNn Qammeter !6CoilyerQuay
      3 words
    • 98 4 IfI^OPTICIRN Fellow ot the insi Opntnmnc O)MCMn> tinymnii Fellow of the Worshipful Comnanv oi Bnertacle-Maker« (Erie > PreemaD of the Cif tt Londor OPTICIAN BY APPOINTMENT CO H. M. FORCES SOUTH SASI ASIA 6 RAFFLES PLACE (OPP LrTTLES) PHONE M 0643 H. B. WINTER MERCHANT "TAILOR Just Arrived IRISH LINEN
      98 words

  • 314 5 S'PORE SAFETY WEEK RECORD DISAPPOINTS 4 Killed, 46 Hurt In City Accidents THE final accident figures for Singapore's Safety First Week, which ended on Saturday show that there was one less accident during Safety Week than in the week before, but there were double the number of fatalities. There were
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  • Article, Illustration
    45 5 Lady Mounthatten, Mrs. A. Saminatban, Mrs. Sarojini Naidu and Sardar Vallababhai Patel are seen from left to right, at an at Home riven by the Viceroy and Lady Mountbatten to meet members of the Constituent As sembly of India Government of India Information Services, photograph.
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  • 336 5 DR. D. D. CHELLIAH, of the Anglican Church, Singa- pore, and vice-principal of St. I Andrew's School, has been j ruminated to represent] Maaya at the International! Missionary Council which will tit at Whitby. near Toronto, from July 5-25. Purpose of the meeting will be to
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  • 23 5 MUNICH, Sunday. Richard Strauss, 82, one of the m< st ::>.- mous of livirg romp sers, is seriously ill m— UP.
    UP  -  23 words
  • 165 5 From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Sunday. A REGIONAL Committee of the Malayan Volunteers i Ex-Services Association was formed yesterday in Penang, "to promote social contact among members and organise periodical conferences among them." At a meeting attended by local Volunteers and men of the Force, the cnairman
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  • 49 5 A concert by children from n:arly every school m KuchL.g I was held for two nights at the Lilian Theatre, Kuching. It was under the patronage of the Goverl or and Lady Arden Clarke, m aid of th-i Kuching Boy Scouts and Girl Guides Movement, Sara1 wak.
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  • 282 5 Students Will Be "Sifted" A SELECTION Committee of four professors is to visit various Malayan centres to interview entrance candidates for the College, of Medicine and Raffles College, Singapore. The interviews are designed to ensure that candidates are suitable for college training. The suitability will not be gauged solely on
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  • 60 5 The S.H.B. Staff Association salaries scheme submitted to the Salaries Commission last week represents a hundred per cent increase over the existing rates. The Association president, Mr. M. A. Abdul told the Straits Times last night said there had been some criticism of the suggested
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  • 262 5 Postal Workers Want Special Salary Schemes A PLEA for special salary schemes to be drawn up for Postal and Telecommunications workers is made in a memorandum submitted to the Salaries Commission by the Singapore Union of Postal and Telecommunication Workers. They make the plei in view of that fact that
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  • 60 5 PENANG, Sunday.— "lt has bee:: conclusively proved m this case that taking an excessive quantity of alcohol is liable to result m no less a fate than death," said the Penar.g Coroner, Mr. A. M. I. Austin, yesterday, when he recorded a verdict of death by misadventure on a stallholder,
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  • 202 5 Taiping News From Our Own Correspondent TAIPING, Sunday. HNOFFICIALS of the Larut U and Matang Town Board paid tribute to Major K. J. L. Jamieson, their outgoing chairman. A European member, Mr. C. W. Hayward, proposed that a vote of thanks be recorded for the services rendered by
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  • 567 5 Ths Times Correspondent NEW DELHI. Sunday. INDIAN reaction to the Vicel roys visit to London lor final discussion with th? British Government en the transfer of power is mostly favourable. Newspapers and party spokesmen are agreed that provided there is no delay m the schedule, and
    The Times  -  567 words
  • 529 5 HOW KILLEARN SAVED ASIA FROM FAMINE LONDON, Sunday. THE Killeam organisation saved what looked like being "catastrophic starvation in the Far East," said the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Ernest Bevin, winding up the foreign affairs debate in the House of Commons on Friday. In South East Asia,
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  • 380 5 DAMAGE CLAIMS BY S'PORE PoWs The Go\ernmeni can not undertake to gi c pr.ority to War Damage Claims submitted by members of the War Prisoners' (Singapore) As ociation, the Governor of Singapore, Sir Franklin Gimson. has told officials of the Association. The Secretary of the Association. Mr. D S. Marshall,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 40 5 BERYL CONSTANTINE will present A Collection of New Models on Tuesday 20th May at 5.30 P.M. m aid of SALVATION ARMY FUNDS at PRINCE'S, Orchard Road. New Decor by KER-LINDSAY DECORATIONS Union Building TICKETS obtainable from Princes $5.00 Tel. 6312
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  • 869 6 By a Market Correspondent SINGAPORE. Saturday. r»EX ordinary conditions the past fortnight's serious setback in rubber would have been more than sufficient to cloud all sections of the local share market, but quite the contrary has occurred. The weight of money-seeking investment still dominates
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  • 114 6 From Our Own Correspondent IPOH, Sunday.— A former editor of the Times of Malaya, Mr. Allan Edward Moreira, died last r.ight. He was 71. He was one of the most rest>ected of Ipoh's residents. Born m Kandy Ceylon, m 1875 and educated at Trinity College, Colombo, he
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  • 28 6 The annual general meeting of the Johore Planters' Association will be held at the Civil Service Club, Johore Bahru, on Thursday, May 29, at 10.30 ajn.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 245 6 POSITIVELY LAST DAY! TCL *w Get there f*3t^ TARZAN HNDS A SON! Plus "BADMINTON"— all there is m the game! T/> AA/%DDOIA# I Now!... The showjon'tt I \Jrn\JK RWff talk about long afteryou've Cary GRANT—he heW stopped laughing! htki a longterm contract \j9 jP^i^L with the other guy! vC^** WM
      245 words
    • 277 6 f Pi'^l TO-DAY u^ v IJ BY 11 a.m. 2 p.m. (.15 p.m. TEL! 4042 jaD^ *3 •.is p.m. THE MIRACLE MARITIME MUSICAL MIIK IT tMUJOI MCR CMSM MCUt C. CUASON and «M MN -*mt Mm SMMk- NncM *t UOVO »ACOH W«n ««f »t >"n W«M Bck«« >«.<..4. r >A»
      277 words
    • 85 6 H.A.P P V To-night at 7 and 4 15 p.m. Johnny Mcßrown m "FIGHTING WITH KIT CARSON" Opening Chapters SEASIDE To-night at 7 and 9 15 p.m. "AND THEN THERE WERE NONE" with Ray Hilland STRAITS TIM&S~ SUNDAY TIMES classified SMALL MS pulled 15,004 REPLIES to Box number* ir tho
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 473 6 SINGAPORE MONDAY 1.00 p.m. Hospital Half -Hour; 1.30 News; 1.40 Musical Comedy Memories; 2.00 Close down. 8.15 p.m. News headlines and programme summary; 8.20 Listener's Post; 8.30 String Time; 9.00 Harry Martinez and His Royal Hawaiian*; 9.30 News; 9.45 World Affairs by Allington Kennard; 10.00 Ambrose and Ann*; 10.30 Nights
      473 words
    • 690 6 According to Culberton should nave cont'n ed himself with a bid of only two hearts on the second round. When West, virtually told what to lead by the opponents, opened a spade, the declarer was in imrr.2ctiate d'fnculty. With tne spade ace removed, there would be no chance to establish
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  • 239 7 WASHINGTON, Sunday. rE Secretary cf Sta'e, General George Marshall, on Saturday said agreement an a charter for the proposed International Trade Organisation would be a "great step toward economic stability and common security." "Economic conflict and trade wars." General Marshall said, "invariably set the stage for
    UP  -  239 words
  • 106 7 NEW YORK, Saturday. The New York Stock Exchange suffered a second setback with many issues reaching further new low levels Friday's avalanche of liquidation was still affecting the market and buye:s, worried as to the prcbiible extent of the business recession, were unable to cape with lurther
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  • 65 7 The Sn.gapure Cnamoer ot Commerce Rubbei Association's prices at noon on Saturday were: ouyers ocucr: CtS. CtS. oer 1b Der Ib. No. 1 R.S.S Spot loose H% 34 No. 1 R S.S. fob in bales May 35 '-z 35% No. 2 R.S.S. fob in bales Ma* 34 4 34*4
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  • 111 7 By Oar Market Correspondent LONDON, Saturday.— Some irregularity developed m the market today although there was no material alteration m British Funds. Industrials were firm with Dunlops finally unaltered on a three per cent, increase m its annual distribution. South African gold chares remained quiet until later
    Reuter  -  111 words
  • 407 7 LONDON, Friday. There was nothing very special in yesterday's markets, which >n the whole, proved disappointing so far as actual rading was concerned, but the undertone remained senerally firm, says Reuters inancial correspondent. British Funds showed minor improvement, although only small business was conducted. Less interest was displayed
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  • 376 7 Rice And Sugar Up Again Produce Market Rice and .sugar prices increased again during the week-end, while sago-floui and pepper remained very dull. borne quantities ol Siamese "free" rice was demanded by up-country dealers, while local sugar stocks are on the decline. Coconut oil went ap sharply during the week-end,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 642 7 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. i lncorporaieo id Singapore! BLUE FUNNEL LINE Totrphfrous" sails for I'pool R'dam May 19 "Calchaa" sails for Liverpool "Glenaffario" due from U.R May *l -Memnon' due from U.K May M •Glenlffer" due from U.K May Z5 "Kamerlingh Onnes" due from USA M»y -Glengarry" doe from U.K MyM
      642 words
      283 words
    • 225 7 P «c O and B I SAILINGS TO AND FROM INDIA. CEYLON. AUSTRALIA. SIAM. CHINA. ADEN. EGYPT. CONTINENT AND UNITED KINGDOM Agent* Singapore isI.AV KKKK A CO., LTD. and at HA Collyer Quay, Singapore. Penang 25 Beacb Street. Penang. P O Agents K. Lumpur A P. Swettenham Harmons Crosfield (Malaya)
      225 words
    • 571 7 EUERMAN KUVENESS LINE 6 U C X N A L (In corpora tec witn uimiteo i Tl» Liabllltv id Norwavi S.S CO.. LTD. LOS ANGELES (Incorporated m England) cam L-Diunccn for London, Antwerp SAN FRANCISCO CITY OF POONA VANCOUVER AT GOD. 4/5 "Granville". June 10 SAILS MAY 21 Calls P.
      571 words

  • 289 8 First Trophy Match Since Liberation C ELECTION of both the Europeans and the Rest side was made last night fpr the annual cricket match for the Clarke Cup. The game will be played on the S.C.C. padang next Saturday, Sunday and Monday. This will be the first
    289 words
  • 539 8 LONDON, Sunday. (17ITH four we«ks of the English League extended soccer Yr season si ill to run. Saturday's results brought the projli'in of the first division no nearer to a solution. Manchester United were the only team among the four leaders to win. and they drew
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  • 198 8 THE R.A.F. (Paya Leban cricket' team beat the Johore Cricket Club by three wickets m ft match played at Johore Bahru yesterday. The scores were: J.C.C. W*Jt b Balme 0 Ghani c Ball b Harris 11 I School Ixck played on Baline 23 Roberts c
    198 words
  • 209 8 •THE Ceylon Sports Clubs 2nd XI beat 1 the Royal Engineers m a keen game of cricket at Aver Rajah Road yester- day. passing their opponent's score with one wicket m hand. The scores were: CSC. A. Shegaran lbw Kite 18 R. Muthu b Johnron 0
    209 words
  • 154 8 In a friendly badminton match played on Friday night consisting of six singles and three doubles, the Rex B.P. beat the Merry Dnion B.P. "Reserves" by six games to three. (Rey B.P. players mentioned first). Singles: Khoo Soo Seng beat Chla Eng Hin 15-11. 15-1: Slow Whatt Pen<> beat
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  • 113 8 Plenty of interest is centred on today's S.A.P.A. League match between the Army and the Malays at Jalan Besar Stadium. It is a second round fixture. In the first round Malays just managed to beat Army four-three after a hard fight. Both teams are m the
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  • 35 8 POTGER. All that was mortal of Constance Maud, dearly loved wife of Mr. Reginald S. Potger of 34 Branksome Road. wiU be laid to rest at Bldadari Cemetery this evening (19.5.47) at 5 p.m.
    35 words
  • 58 8 LONDON, Saturday. Norman Yardley of Yorkshire has accepted an invitation to captain England m the first T.\st mach against South Africa beginning at Nottingham on June 7. This was announced today by Group Captain A. J. Holmes, Chairman of the Selection Committee. The England team w
    58 words
  • 248 8 pLAYING on the Padang yester- day, S.C.C. beat General Headquarters S.E.A.L.F by 45 runs In a keen game of cricket. Elderton and Leckie, who hare been selected for the European side m the forthcoming match against the Rest, scored 35 and 26 respectively. The scores
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  • 141 8 The Services Scotland v England Soccer International match will be held at Jalan Besar Stadium on Wednesday. Kick off 5 p.m. The two teams are picked from the Army and all players must be either Scottish or English by birth. Capt. Johnston R.A. Ch.D. (Ber-wlck-on-Tweed) will referee the
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  • 182 8 IN a cricket match played between the S.C.C. and Singapore District at Blakan Matl yesterday, the S.C.C. won by 46 runs. The scores werr: SINGAPORE DISTRICT Pearce b Bell !> Wright lbw Moss 0 Haig b Hcaloy 5 Omaney lbw Graham 26 Row'^y c Bainbridge b*"«
    182 words
  • 37 8 The Jollilads Athletic Union beat the j Combined Minesweepers by two goals to nil m a friendly soccer match olaved at the Jalan Besar Stadium on Friday. All the two goals were scored m the second half.
    37 words
  • 230 8 IN a cricket mat<# played at Thomson Road yesterday, the Singapore Clarke Rargers and the Special Commissioner's C:icket Club played to a draw. Bannister and Fielding returned the best bowling averages for the Commissioner's eleven with five for 20 or>rj five for 26 respectively. CLARKE
    230 words
  • 1250 8 HOME SOCCER RESULTS TABLES Saturday's U.A. football league results and tab.?? up-to-aate are: ENGLISH LEAGUE FIRST DIVISION A^ton Villa 4 Preston 2 Bren fiord I Live;p,ol 1 Derby 1 Sheffield U. 2 Grimsby 4 Leeds Utd. 1 Hudaersfield 3 Middlesbro* 1 Manchester 3 Portsmouth 0 Stoke Cl f y 0
    Reuter  -  1,250 words
  • 419 8 JN reply to the M.C.C. total of 230 South Africans lost three wickets for 53 runs m the match which began at Lord's today. After Brookes ai.d Dodds had put on 121 for tlv. first wicket remaining M.C.C. batsmen offered little opposition to ttv bowling of
    Reuter  -  419 words
  • 70 8 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. The following have been selected to represent Sclangor at cricket against Penang to be held over next week-end at Penang. H. U. Bennett: M. V P. Brooke (capt.); Chua Eng Cheng; r.orbex Singh; I. Ingleton; Khoo Bin Keng: Lull Sinirh; C.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 491 8 AGENCIES INSURANCE. Chinese Import Export house experienced all classes of Insurance will consider full agency North Malaya from reputable insurance company. Reply P.O. Box No. 389. Penang. WANTED IX) PDRCHASt WANTED to Purchase— A txx* thread-sewing machine m good condition Apply Box No. A730 ST. Modern hcuse m goad Residential
      491 words
    • 31 8 £||pCOWvlflP$ PITM'TUALITY CALLS FOR A DEPENDABLE SWISS ALARM CLOCK E&SKr *w* w% m. MttftS&sLwHP Limited Quantity hi Attractive Colours and Designs Sec Display at GIAN SINGH CO mMI Raffles Place. rwsewsß
      31 words