The Straits Times, 13 May 1947

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 520 1 GOV.-GEN. SALUTES THE KING Message Of Loyalty On Coronation Anniversary A MESSAGE of loyalty and congratulation to the King and Queen on the tenth anniversary of their coronation was broadcast by the Governor-General of Malaya, Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald, last night. The King and Queen, and the Princesses returned home
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  • Article, Illustration
    17 1 The Sultan of Selangor, Sir Hisamuddin Alam Shah, X.C.M.G,, who is 49 today. Story m Page 3.
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  • 168 1 TWO WARS ON FRENCH HANDS PARIS, Monday. REINFORCING of French forces m revolt-torn Madagascar and bitter fighting between French and Viet Nam tforces, m Indo-China, were imported yesterday. Dispatches from Madagascar t-aid reinforcements, including r.aval aid. hnd been rushed to Manajary, m the Indian Ocean Inlands, off the east coast,
    Reuter; AP  -  168 words
  • 41 1 KINGSTOWN, JAMAICA, Monc ay. —Five perse ns were killed ,:nd three injured at Bernard 'Lodge sugar factory when a disylao^d flywheel smashed an I evaporator and hot liquor .scalded v.orkers standing nearby. The 5act:ry is owned by United Fruit Company.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 194 1 PORTSMOUTH, Monday. The people of Portsmouth and thousands of visitors who flocked into the town were up early this morning to greet the King and Queen and the two Princesses when they stepped ashore on English soil after their three and a half months' tour of South
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  • 45 1 Washington, Monday. Mr. Dean Acheson, United States Under-Secretary of State, resigned today. President Truman has appointed Mr. Robert A. Lovett, New York banker and former Assistant Secretary for Air, to replace him. Mr. Acheson will remain m office until June 30.— Reuter.
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  • Article, Illustration
    47 1 The bull that won the toss. Ringside members of the audience moved oat of the way as Toreador Lulu Eyrand sailed m among them, out of the bull-ring and off the bull. The action was "caught" at Aries, France, on Apr. 7.— A.P. picture,
    AP  -  47 words
  • 222 1 From Our Own Correspondent BANGKOK, Monday. DEOPLE of the four southern Siamese provinces of Pattani, Narathiwart, Yala and Setun have asked that Malay* be declared the official language for the provinces in addition to Siamese. They also &^k that Malay should be taught in
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  • 118 1 4 DIE IN MID-AIR EXPLOSION NEW JERSEY, Monday. A Trans-World Airways Constellation yesterday exploded m mid-air and crashed Into Delaware Bay, killing four persons. Fishermen arrived at the scene shortly after the crash, but found only few splinters of the plane and several articles of clothing. The plane was on
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  • 71 1 The Assistant Trade Unio: 1 Adviser, Singapore, Mr. S. P. Garrett. who recently resigned his post, said yesterday that he expected to return to England within the next few weeks. The Governor, Sir Frar.kur. Gimson, s>aid on Saturday tha* although m Mr. Garrett's cr&e a successor was
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  • 59 1 NEW YORK. Monday.— The production of natural rubber is increasing steadily m countries freed from Japanese domination. A statistical survey showed the January exports from North Borneo and Sarawak at 4,000 metric tons against 3,000 a month m 1939.. Production m British Malaya m February was
    AP  -  59 words
  • 31 1 LYMINOTON. Monday —Field* Marshal Sir Cyril Deverell, who was Chief of the Imperial General Staff from 1936 to 1937, died at his home here today. He was 72. U.P.
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  • 197 1 HiddenA.A. Guns Found By Police FOUR large anti-aircraft guns T were found m Bukit Timah by a party of police from the Criminal Investigation Department yesterday afternoon. The guns, were obviously placed there by the Japanese during the occupation, appear to be m good condition and are of large
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  • 344 1 Help Children Fund Readers Send Donations 'THE Straits Times had re1 ceived a number of contributions totalling $155 from charitably-inclhiea readers for the benefit of the Children's Aid Society and the Good Shepherd Home for destitute girls. These donations have occn made m immediate response to the special page of
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  • 243 1 POTIANAK, Monday. HTHE Statute recognising West Borneo as autonomous territory with its own Government was signed with colourful ceremony at Pontianak today. The Dutch Prime Minister, Dr. J. M. Beel, sat with the West Borneo Indonesian rulers and councillors to witness Dr. Hubertus Van Mook
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 238 1 PITMAN TECHNICAL BOOKS PrititM*- tW my use trom PITMANS. P»rflk k «r> St.. LonM k don. W.C. 2. Telegrams: \1 Ipandsons, IX >J» Westceat, London. Vhe Proper J&y to fake Aspirin and other Pain Relieving Tablets ■R^EDICAL opinion agrees that to obtain the boat results, the tablets should be allowed
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    • 44 1 B.P.deSilvaLtd. S/MGAPORE PBMAMe r~^^^ <S& BROS LTD. Holntan CAMBORNE r. J ENGLAND ionoon o*nct- moad sioiit Mouti tea CONTRACTORS I METAL MIKES °F COAL MINES WreUMATIC QUARRIES PtAHI FOR DOCKYARDS ™D«S™«S FOUNDRIES THROUGHOUT RAILWAYS THE WORLD Rockdrills available from Stock &44 <i*«:ks> a/rcut it
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  • 586 2 SOVIET FILM ACCUSES ALLIES MOSCOW, Monday. A FORTHCOMING motion picture, "The Battle of Stalingrad," shows Marshal Stalin accusing his wartime Allies of wanting Russia to be "bled white" so that Britain and the U.S. could dictate terms of peace. This was disclosed fca excerpts from a script published yesterday. Marshal
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  • 79 2 LAKE SUCCESS, Sunday.— The United Nations Commission on Conventional Armaments will inform the Security Council tnis week that it has failed to make any progress towards world arms reduction since it was established by the Council three months ago. Under a Council resolution adopted on Feb.
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  • 391 2 NO OPTIMISM ON RUSSIAN PACT LONDON, Monday. BRITAIN re-examines its foreign policy this week m the light of the Moscow Conference deadlock, American aid to Greece and Turkey and the critical economic situation m Western Germany. The two-day foreign policy debate m the House of
    UP  -  391 words
  • Article, Illustration
    53 2 Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Wu m th c Valican Loggia, Roe, aft*- heinr received by the Pope. They had just been married, m 'Jt. Peter's Basilica, on April 30. Mr. Wu is a son of the Chinese minister to> the Holy See, Mr. John Wu. His hrid- was Miss Elizabeth
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  • 51 2 LONDON, Monday.— The Russian Tass News Agency reported that Soviet cotton growers will try this year to grow more than 16 bales of cotton per acre. This yield, the dispatch said, would be 'five times the harvest obtained by cotton -growers of the Nile Valley."
    AP  -  51 words
  • 212 2 BRITONS SEEN AS PESSIMISTS LONDON, Monday A REPORT to a society, head ed by Winston Churchill, pictured Britain as a nation of pessimists, largely convinced that another war is inevitable, increasingly friendly to the Soviet Union and increasingly hostile to the United States. Mass Observation, an opinion survey agency, reported
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  • 76 2 LONDON, Monday. If the present clamour m the British press continues, rationed Britons soon will be feeling sorry for un-" rationed Americans. Britons read m the Sunday press yesterday that "scores" of G.I. brides are returning to England, sadly disillusioned by their experiences across the Atlantic. In some cases British
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  • 249 2 WASHINGTON, WORLD Bank officials expressed on Saturday the hope that their first loan— U.S. $250,000,000 to Francewill give impetus to the reconstruction of Western Europe. The grant is only half the amount France requested, but it represents more than a third of the
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  • 356 2 CALCUTTA, Monday jJVERYCNE is apprehensive of the role wh ch Soviet kus.C may play m helping the Communist Party of India, Doctor Suresh Chandra Banerjee, Fresident of the recently formed Indian National Trade Union Congress, stated at a press conference here. Declaring that the Indian Trade
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  • 176 2 VIENNA. Monday. A fourma:i American delation rei'-ed by Mr. Joseph Dodge, Detr ;>t bunker, arrived late yesterday by air. They will pait c p:-.t.' In toa Four Power Commission, wnicn will attempt to ircn out Mia differences hindering ccmpl tioa cf the Austrian Peace Ire y.
    UP  -  176 words
  • 59 2 LONDON, Mo. -"ay.— A Commission of fiv.3 United States experts left the Ur.i'-d States 0.1 Saturday by air. for Turkey to r.5S«s the ccun'ry's ■military needs und-r President Truman's aid to Greece and Turkey programme, Ankara reported yesterday. Th* will visit Ig'anbul, Smyrna and
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 223 2 WASHINGTON, Monday. EMPHASIZING the imporG tance the War Department 'attaches to the Arctic m planning American defences, the Army Air Forces announced today an eight and a quarter million dollar programme for the area near Ladd field Alaska, to base its 10,000-mile 836 superbombers. Nearly $3,000,000
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1152 2 TENDERS TENDER NOTICE Tenders are invited for the purchase and removal of the undermentioned lots lying at the P.A.R. Malayan Paint Works Ltd.. 610 Teluk Blangah Road. Lot No. 1. Approximately 500 pieces of Quarry Flooring Tiles, 12" square 2. Approximately 250 lengths of unglazed Drain Pipes" 12" long 9W
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  • 340 3 From Our Staff Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, Monday. 'THE Sultan of Selangor, Sir I Hisamuddin Alam Shah ibni Al-marhum Sultan Aladin Sulaiman Shah, X.C.M.0., celebrates his 49th birthday today. The celebrations will be mainly m Kuala Lumpur— the first time that such celebrations have taken place
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  • 186 3 Societies Law Repeal Sought FVECLARING that the ordinance as it stands is a serious V infringement of the right of free association, twelve political, quasi-political and other bodies required to apply for registration or exemption under the Societies Ordinance by Thursday sent a petition yesterday to
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  • 114 3 On Sunday, on the eve of the Sa'ety First campaign, Singapore's accident figures were abnormally low. There were seven accidents m which three adults and one child were injured, none of them fatally. A accident m which a twe'.ve ytar old Chinese boy was injured was
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  • 515 3 Burnett Judgment May 21 I CONSIDER myself fully justified m the action that I took m the circumstances," declared Major John Burnett D.5.0., M.C., at the continuation of his trial, m the Singapore Fourth District Court, yesterday, m which he is indicted on a charge amounting to manslaughter, following the
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  • 76 3 FRANKFURT, Monday. The United States occupation police used tear gas and flre arms to quell disturbances which broke out at a Polish displaced persons camp at Altstadt, Bavaria. Noone was injured, according to a U.S. occupation police announcement m Munich, quoting Dana, German news service
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • Article, Illustration
    52 3 P.-ince Feisal al Saud (centre,) chief delegate to the United Nations General Assembly from Saudi Arabia. He is speaking with a member of the Lebanon Secretariat at Flushing Meadow Park, New York, on Apr. 29. The chairman of the Lebanon delegation. Dr. Charles Malik, is on the left—
    AP  -  52 words
  • Cable Flashes
    • 594 3 LONDON, Monday. WHAT is hoped may be the first of a chain of British clubs, where the ordi- nary man can eat, sleep and be entertained under the same roof, is to be started in an 18th century playhouse in London. It is
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  • 269 3 SOME improvement m certain aspects of crime m Singapore is revealed m statistics just issued by the Singapore Police, m respect of crimes during April. The police. however, believe that crime could be reduced still further if the flow of arms entering the country could be
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  • 251 3 Signals Chief Arrives SINGAPORE may be linked O with the outside world by a multi-channel radio hook-up m the not too distant future, said Gen. Leslie Nicholls who arrived by air m Singapore yesterday. Gen. Nicholls, former Chief Signals Officer to General "Ike" Eisenhower Is now a director ol Cable
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  • 80 3 The Singapore Chinese Consul Mr. A. C. T. Kwcng. was guest at a Chinese Chamber of Commerce tea party yesterday. He is about to leave for Kuala Lumpur transfer. The Chairman of the Chamber, Mr. Lee Kong Chian, said Mr. Kwong's departure was a
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 280 3 The Worlds Greatest jl fr^^ REMEDY MiS^n Zam-Buk ourejy nerDej omtmem is known ali the world over !S!5^S«/> as the most successful antiseptic !!s '*qL^. j healer of aIJ skin Injurle* and The reflnea nerba) oils m Zam-BuJt cleanse damaged or dfcease-j sfcln tissue;, or parasites or poison, and quickly
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    • 163 3 Money..... When you most need it Will you most need money! In a lump sum, when you retire? As an Annual Income, after you ;etire? a For your Family, if you should die during your working years? We have devised a policy which covers you for all three of these
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  • 439 4  -  Amelie Rose Paris Fashions By PARIS (By airmail). THE Parisian dress1 makers used, m the past, to select for their parades a group of mannequins representing different human types. Some of their models were designed for a tall blonde girl, then came a small brunette
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  • 117 4 From a correspondent FE sewing section < f the Malacca Women's Service League has received the o: a sewng machine from Mr. L.m Sian Soon, cf the Hevea Agency, m recognition of the good wrrk the League members have so far accomplished In helping
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  • 93 4 Four pear halves peeled and c«d, 4 small, curly lettuce leaves. 4 tablespoons grated carrot, 8 raisins, 4 thin strips tomato skin, sliced tomatoes, pink colouring. Prepare four individual plates with a circle of overlapping tomato slices. Arrange a curly lettuce cup m centre of each plate.
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  • 450 4 Planter's wife says "THE little Malay girl was carrying home a fish nearly as big as herself. She was hurrying, for not only was it nearly her suppertime but she was already very wet. A heavy storm had broken as she made her way home.
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  • 541 4 (From the Straits Times Postbag) BROTHERS, I wish to lay before you one of the commonest and the most idiotic practices of the women of today. To start with, I have a!l these four years of married life been led arcund by the nose
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 357 4 Newsagents since 1793 We ran supply you with any BRITISH or AMERICAN rooks or aenodicals that you may require Send us a Us* of your requirements *no we shall oe Dle&sed to Quote you. Clubs. Schools. Messes. Hospitals. Business Houses Government Departments etc.. especially catered for. All technical and orofessionai
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    • 313 4 TO SYDNEY illJl TO LONDON Phf\na boat mitt Simgapor: A LMOST any time you wi»h, you can leave by AIR— —on the Kangaroo route from Singapore— and be m England or Australia within |im at.a t. w dayt. Priority restriction! are lifted and a generom baggaee allowance if made. You
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  • 382 5 2 Million Acres More In 2 Years DURMA hopes to bring a million more acres of land under rice cultivation next year and still another million acres m 1949, the Burma Government's chief rice executive, Mr. A. M. Thomson, told the Straits Times yesterday. Mr. Thomson has been
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  • 85 5 TPOH. Monday.— The Stamlora Club (Perak Branch) was revived when the Alumni of Raffles College, Singapore, held a reunion dinner on Saturday night at tbe Hotel Metropole. The Perak branch of this club was first formed In 1935. Before dinner a general meeting was held and
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  • 171 5 Queen's Scholars Named AUEEN'S Scholarships for l£ 1946 have been awarded to Mr. E. W. Barker and Dr. Ho Yuen, and a Queen's Fellowship to Mrs. M. Knight. Mr. E. W. Barker will study Law at Cambridge University. He Is an old boy of Raffles Institution ani, m 1939, joined
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  • 91 5 rE Governments of Singapore and the Malayan Union do not intend to review the decision already taken m regard to back pay, says an official statement issued last night. "Ttve Government is advised that the claims on legal grounds cannot be admitted," says the Colonial Secretary,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 327 5 NEW! SIMPLE AIC TREATMENT ENDS FOOT TROUBLES IBRITATIN., PAINFUL FEET RAW, CRACID, PEDJNCSIUN Untfßf TOO RELIEVO OVEaUBHT If you suffer from burning, tired, aching feet, or peeling skin and irritating painful cracks between the toes (Singapore Foot) follow this simple ABC routine. A. Wash feet night and morning with soap
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    • 341 5 ASTHMA New hope to thousands If you are a sufferer from ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS or CATARRH, you should not hesitate about making yourself acquainted with DR. HAIRS ASTHMA CURE This remedy is designed to restore the natural forces which alone can effectively resist these troubles. Thousands have gained relief from Asthma
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    • 263 5 esSte i «^eS f Mm fake Vitamins DURING THE WAR MILLIONS OF THE FIGHTING FORCES AMD CIVILIANS WERE GIVEN HEALTH AND STRENCTH BY VITAMWJ you need Vitamins now more than ever 9 out ot 10 people who suffer today are 'Vitamin starved" even though they •at well. The rich vitamins
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 501 5 SINGAPORE TUESDAY 1.00 pjn. Radio Orchestra; 1.30 News; 1.40 Lucky Dip; 2.00 Close down. 8.15 p.m. News headlines and programme summary; 8.30 Bohemian EnFcnible, led by Otto Foormaii; 9.00 Serenade to the Stars; 9.15 Song Recital; 9.30 News; 9.45 Talk; 10.00 Just William; 10.30 Dance Music relayed from the Prince's
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    • 749 5 Making a "preference bid" to not tract that was virtually unmana^esimply a matter of counting the cards able. Ruffed down from the start by in the two suits shown by partner, I club leads declarer never could cash and choosing the longer support. Con- in h'.s spade tricks, and the
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  • 74 6 ANGELL. Irene Grace beloved wife of Francis Le-lie Angell died m Westminster Hospital London, on May 11, 1947. Mourned by all her friends. DORAL: The death took place at the General Hcspi'al yesterday of Mr. Adrian A'phonso Doral of the Water drawing Office. Singapore Municipality I The cortege will
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  • 83 6 Mrs. Choo Teck Guan and family wish to thank all relatives and friends f>>r attending the funeral of Dr. Choo Terk Guan and all those who sent ■vvn-aths and condolences. Mr. Ng Mong Seng and family gratefully beg to thank all friends. Associations, Officers and Staff of j Food
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  • 954 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Tuesday, May 13, 1947. The Outlook In Indonesia The two communiques which the Dutch authorities have Issued on the situation m Indonesia make very depressing reading. Blame for the failure to implement the Linggadjati Pact L« placed, of course, on the Indonesian Republic, which is charged
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  • 117 6 FRANKFURT, Monday.— Mor e machine tools and parts from German factories m the United States zones are to be sent to countries entitled to reparations and reeding them for industrial reconstruction. Dena, German news agency Ln th, 3 United States zone, made this" statement yeserday. Ur.der the third
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  • 29 6 D< legate from 33 nations will attend the first annual conference of the International Federation of Agricultural Producers which will open at Schieveningen, Holland, tomorrow.- Reuter.
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  • Article, Illustration
    7 6 OFF TARGET— Ulingworth m tbe Daily Mail
    Daily Mail  -  7 words
  • Man In The Street
    • 381 6 Borodin Aided Sun Yat-sen Dato Braddell WITH regard to the letter by A. K. in Thursday's Strait? Times stating that Borodin had not assisted Dr. Sun Yat-sen, I wish to say that the only part of my story about these two as to which there can be any doubt is
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    • 135 6 YOU could be much worse off, under the Japanese or German power, couldn't you! Charlie Chan's Ghost? It is only common decency, (law or no law) to return to the rightful owner a house belonging to one who has helped to free you. Be fair please. Wouldn't you
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    • 193 6 OPERATION Bloodsucker appears to be proceeding according to plan. My short wave radio tells me that: (a). Britain has contributed relatively more to UNRRA than any other country. Over seven hundred millions m fact. 1 (b). Britain is to reimburse Officers of the Indian Army and Civil Ssrvants losing
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    • 83 6 '"THE Soviet Union will not, I forget the Chinese because they contributed their share when the U.S.S.R. were fighting five years ago to overpower! Fascism," said Miss Olga Tchetcherkina m Singapore oi May Day. May I ask her. whether ln at is i the U.SjSR.'s way of expressing
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    • 123 6 RLE college girl m your issue of A,or;i 29 deplores tie fact that many of her kind have to be spinsters. This, perhaps, is not peculiar to Singapore. In England and In India there is probably a greater percentage of college girls condemned to single existence Is it
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    • 158 6 QIAM has now been admitted 5 into the U.N.O. and the re-establishment of her Consulate m Singapore has also been announced m the press. This shows that, probably after fulfllling her obligations as an ex-enemy of Britain, Siam's diplomatic relations with the Empire have been brought bacK
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    • 202 6 A GOVERNMENT clerk is now eligible for 105 days' vacation leave which is made up of 63 days' accumulated vacation, plus 42 days' leave earned during the occupation. It is just 106 days on paper, for when a clerk applies for his full leave he is very politely
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    • 220 6 Federation Before University rC letter signed by "A Progressive Malay" appearing m the Straits Times dated May 5, 1947, under the heading of "U.M.N.O. and University: Graduate's View" seems to have been based on an incorrect report, published m a group of the local English newspapers, to the effect that
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    • 121 6 MAY 1 congratulate your correspondent, L.N.O. I i. .ink it is time that every girl, aLer passing her Senior Cambridge, should study domestic affairs and not waste their parents' money en further education. Although I am n3t a college girl, I have seen and learned about their hard
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    • 66 6 THE Committee of the Singapore Ratepayers Association m opposing Income Tax state "It would be a crushing burden On the salaried community, the majority of whom were n.w spending over their income and dipping into their savings." It would be interesting to kn:w how the Committee oan reconcile this
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 763 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. YEO-LIM. The engagement Is announced between Mr. Yeo Kirn San, the youngest son of Madam Low Slew Buay and the late Mr. Yeo Cheng Hai and Miss Llm Ban Kirn. the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Llm Beng Sun. Major O.W.A. Kite Mise NJC. Pallon The engagement
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    • 27 6 BAUSCH 10MB Q T** I GLASSES Absorb all Harmful (ultra-violet infra-red) Rays. Non-habit forming No colour Distortion Produced specially for U.S. aviaton dnrinr the War. QUALIFIED OPTICIANS
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  • 840 7 SAFETY WEEK OPENS WITH TEN ACCIDENTS Mobile Police Give Kerbside Lectures YESTERDAY, the first day of Singapore's Safety First Campaign, opened on a quiet note as far as road accidents were concerned. From midnight Sunday until 4 p.m. yesterday, only ten accidents were reported m the city, and noone was
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  • 62 7 When driving across bridges, or approaching traffic points, always keep in your own lane of traffic. And don't try to race the lights. Perhaps you have got yourself behind a slow moving truck. Too had, but stay there until you are over the bridge or past the
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  • 238 7 Teacher Becomes Councillor 'THE Governor, Sir Franklin Gimson, has appointed to the Singapore Advisory Council for the first time since the resumption of civil adminis tratton a representative from the salary-earning class, Mr. ThiD Chr.n Bee. Mr. Thio is a senior master at the Anglo- Chinese School, Cairnhill Road, where
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  • 140 7 Singapore Strike -Free At Last OINGAPORE is enjoying its first strike-free period this The Department of Labour has not been notified of a fresh strike since Singapore Traction Company employees returned to work last Thursday Up to last Thursday there had not been a day without a strike outbreak or
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  • 155 7 VIENNA Monday— Laszlo Laky, General Delegate of the Hungar- ian Repatriation Mission for Austria and Germany, has disappeared, it was learned here yesterday. Ills disappearance has aroused gieat uneasiness among Hungarian displaced persons m Austria. Laky, who was stationed at Munich, was summoned to Vienna to attend a
    Reuter  -  155 words
  • 48 7 IPOH, Monday. A young Sitia%»an Chinese. Oh Kay Peng, who possessed a copy of the Perak Assistant Food Controller's rubber stamp, was convicted today on a charge of unlawful possession and intent to use it. Justice Cox Evans sentenced him to three years' imprisonment.
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  • 79 7 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. The dismembered body of a telephone repairer of the Posts and Telegraphs Department, an Indian named Palaniappan, was discovered by the Kuala Lumpur police this morning along the railway line near the Salak South police station. Parts of
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  • 137 7 LAKE SUCCESS. Monday. Chances of a unanimous agreement on the scope and composition of the United Nations Palestine Inquiry Commission faded yesterday after compromise efforts had failed to reconcile the conflicting American and Soviet views Each had substantial backing. The main questions not yet settled were
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  • 166 7 rRTY-FIVE Australian racehorses arrive m Singapore this afternoon aboard the 8.1. ship Chupra from Australian ports. They are this month's first importation for the Malayan turf. The Chupra will discharge 670 tons of General cargo, 360 of foodstuffs, 425 of fruit, 400 ol potatoes, 150 of
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  • 245 7 rE President of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Lee Kong Chian, yesterday urged that disused burial grounds should be made available for building. Mr. Lee pointed out that such land would provide space [or the erection of thousands of houses. It is estimated
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  • 88 7 Ships alongside the Singapore wharves yesterday (godowns m brackets) were: Main Wharf: Samuta (32-33). Mount Rogers <34-35). Rhu (39). Empire Seabird (40), Empire Tedport (41). West Whar: Empire Rani (1-2). Sarcconstant '4-5). Steel Advocate (6-7). Samyork (8-9). Silverguava (11-12). Kepor.g (14). Trevaylan (15-16). Empire Dock: Sumatra (17-18). Samaffric
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  • 104 7 Mr. M H. Wood and Mr. DA. Fyfe have been appointed to be cadets. Malayan Civil Service. Mr. C.H. Wood and Mr. J.B. Fraser Smith have been appointed to be cadets. Malayan Customs Service Mr. J Duncan has been appointed to be an engineer and ship's surveyor,
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  • 127 7 A meeting which will launch the Malayan Association the Union counterpart of the Singapore Association is to be heW m Kuala Lumpur Town Hall on Thursday, May 22, at 5.30 p.m. The purpose of the meeting is to receive the report of the organising committee,
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  • 47 7 LONDON, Monday. Exports from Britain during the first three months of IM7 exceeded by one per cent, the average exports m 1938, according to official statistics. For the final three months of 1946. exports were 11 per cent, greater than the average m 1938.
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  • 239 7 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. ESTATE workers' trade unions all over the country are to form into a pan-Malayan body. The object is to unite labour m Malaya, and so form a counterpart to the Malayan Planting Employers Association, which is
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  • 74 7 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUiV.PUK. Mond-.y The Malayan Union G^ is consicleiine; ho formation of a central organization to conduct a safety first campa pn o-. a Malayan wide basis Selangor's safety first campaign, originally schedul'd for this week, has baer postponed as the question
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  • 269 7 f»HARLY Lim, a 14-year old v musician who will go to Amsterdam Conservatoire at the end of this year, will be among the players at the classical concert at the Victoria Memorial Hall on Sunday. Charly Llm Is being sent to Amsterdam by Mr. Dirk
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 84 7 LAWN MOWERS Beautiful we'.l-trimmed lawn enhances the glory of a lovely parden. Spend wisely and become a satisfied "Presto" users. PRESTO LORN MO 14 inch Blade Good for rough pround as well as green. PRESTO ROLLMO $90|2" and complete with grass box. Ideal for tennis court. idSbr? i ■T m
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  • 2883 8 Enemy suffers first defeat on land KjEW Guinea was to the Japanese what Stalingrad was to the Germans. They got so far ard no farther. i their sweep through Mi.laya, the Philippines and the N.E.1., they had built up a 'e°;end of invincibility
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 137 8 CORK-TIPPED Jl HPfMp^^! H^ VIRGINIA /f fit, j^^^* ;^l^^jP^i& k* 1 fMade specially to prevent sore throats L 50 's Air-tight tins Ilk 10's Packets JM^L with Easy-Access inner foil BvKm and Cellophane wrapping. Ip Imported front London, England CARRERAS ISO YEARS* REPUTATION FOR QUALITY Ti>iiidcet.j,'ocKlncw&thjtßuckfa«tTonicWinei«once --^>lk Ia- am obtainable.
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      79 words

  • 925 9  - ORNAMENTS, SU RROUNDINGS SHOULD BE IN HARMONY R.E. HOLTTUM The Malayan Gardener By Director of the Botanic Gardens, Singapore fAR D E N ornaments are usually included m a formal garden, and may be varied to suit personal taste. In a small garden, there is noc room for many ornaments,
    925 words
  • 34 9 THE next instalment of the "Grow Your Own Vegetables" series by Messrs. J. N. Milsuni and J. R. P- Super, of th; Department of Agriculture, Malaya w 11 ?p!>far next Tuesday.
    34 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 134 9 Wisdom is made thiS Shdipe (and only this shape) JTr"^|4ri^H^&|Jßo| 1 riMxm's widely spaced tufts correct teeth cleaning easy. For v outside front teeth is shown on between teeth and comb out every particle of food which outsidWront teeth mightcausedecay.Other Wisdom i zi'ilT"*: correct-shape features include its IWI of iht
      134 words
    • 277 9 We always nive you r-""'""'"""T > Satisfaction /C """>— -£~r^s m all ways In I p --1, handling your I J \r_T_J Cargo or r£= UJ^poßt BAGGAGE Baggage f/fi\\ Let us handle U KSJ k l^^^m. t < next lob. \^y« V T: STARTS IN 30 SECONDS STRAIT* GASPING fOX
      277 words

  • 29 10 tells of worsening food.. ..of syndicalist strikes.... of births re hearsed.... of those who would rather smoke than eat .of bare "midriffs'^.. of toffee apple fortunes yes
    29 words
  • 1605 10 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON (By airmail). THERE is nothing quite so pleasing about postwar life m Britain as its variety. Our food may be monotonous, and there's no I doubt its quality is steadily worsening. The Government forbids one to use gas or
    1,605 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
      270 words
    • 246 10 I til I ACT nxvi £Z? [('III Hit 8-4JS-B.M-8.15 J V fH>lAl ITmirra^?' Meet the \J L f yrfTTTrTfTff/rJ> saint! A^/ Audacious hero Mighty nan of daring I 1 LOUIS HAY WARD as THE SAINT! "'SAINT-NEW YORK j) I .««ne wolf turns unofficial executioner! C* n I it a HIGHWAY
      246 words

  • 387 11 LONDON, Mcnday.—On the whole it was a rather disappointing day as far as trading was concerned altnough generally prices were well maintained, says Reuter's tmanciai correspondent. A no;abl c exception to tfcia was the market (or British Govern, ruent securities. where there were one.eighth declines Is a amail
    387 words
  • 143 11 By Our Market Correspondent r| the Singapore produce market yesterday, salt and Java sugar continued to decline, while coconut oil and peas stood firm. Siam rice was easier owing to arrivals of fresh sunply Latest quotations were:— R-ce: Siam No. 1 SB5. No. 2 $84, without brand $62,
    143 words
  • 355 11 By Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Monday. THE local markets opened weakly today with prices 1 generally steady but with conditions rather .I*l n* «nrt ti AO rhunorrl nands There was again a drop m rubber commodity pii:es »ifi some business resulting before the close. In the
    355 words
  • 66 11 The Singapore Chamber o! Commerce Rubber Association's prices at noon yesterday were: Buyer* Sellers Cts. Cts per lb. Der 1b No. 1 R.S.S. Spot loose 37 VAV A 37H No. 1 R.B S. tob In bales May 3814 38' i No 2 R.S S. (Ob m bales May 37
    66 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 603 11 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. i Incorporateo m Singapore) BLUE FUNNEL LINE "Samula" from O.K. for Batavia O. J3 "Calehaa* sails for Liverpool May t% -Memnon" dor from I'.K May "Glensffaric" due from UK May 21 "Polyphemus" **Us for L'pool A R'dam May !1 Glrntffer" due from C.X May 23 •Kamrrlinch Ownes"
      603 words
      372 words
    • 265 11 B. I. S. N. COY'S M. V. "CHANDA" DDE SINGAPORE May M LOADS FOR BRISBANE. SYDNE* AND NEW ZEALAND PORTS via SYDNEY ALSO aa opportunity daring JULY for same port* loading by vessel stfll to be named For freicht apply to:— ISLAY KERR CO.. LTD. Singapore. Ptoone 5159. Penanc 1086
      265 words
    • 605 11 EUERMAN KLAVENESS LINE R II r X N A I I (Incorporateo with Limitef DVVnnNU Llabllltv m Norway) S.S CO., LTD. LOS ANGELES, (Incorporateo to England) SA^ FRANCISCO for London, Antwerp vAMrnirvFß CITY OF POONA VANCOUVER due 15 May. "Granville". June 10 McALISTER CO., LTD. (Incorporateo m Singapore) PHONES 7237—
      605 words

  • 461 12 "NoßeasonWhyWe Shouldn HHave IV 9 A.A.A. Delegate THERE was no reason why Singapore should not have a first-class modern stadium catering for all branches of sport, said Singapore Amateur Athletic Association delegate Mr. F. C. Cooke last night. Mr. Cooke, Johore's representative, was speaking at
    461 words
  • Article, Illustration
    63 12 The South African cricket team began its English tour badly, Using to Worcestershire at Worcester. Heavy rain made the wicket particularly "sticky." Picture above shows sawdust bebrourht out to the wicket by the sackful before play started on May 1. Picture at right shows A. Rowan, batting for the South
    63 words
  • 108 12 The following have been selected to play m the trial game on the Padang at 11 a.m. on Sunday to select the Rest team to meet the Europeans m a three-day fixture on May 24, 25 and 26. Clarke's XI: G. Clarke (Capt.). E. Thiirai<=ingham.
    108 words
  • 194 12 THE question of colour bar m British boxing is likely to loom prominently m sporting and political circles now that Mr. Creech-Jones, the Colonial Secretary, has uken the matter up. The British Boxing Board of Control has been asked mi n a letter from
    Reuter  -  194 words
  • 166 12 Combined Changi cricket terjn has won its last eight matches. Of a total of 21 played, the sido has now won 14. Bates and Harding are leading the batting averages, with averages of 43.0 and 38.5 respectively. Major Smith has taken 36 wickets at a
    166 words
  • 38 12 TAIPING, Monday. The North Perak badminton championships will be hold U? Taiping on June 7, 8 and 15. The championships are open to badminton players residing m i Kuala Kangsar, Krian, Upper Perak, Sitiawan, Selama, Larut and Pema'ans.
    38 words
  • 60 12 Sweep results for last Saturday's Penan X race meeting are.— BIG SWEEP Thf draw on the big swt«p, total pool $235,000 resulted: 1 ***** ***** ***** Starters: *****7. *****. *****. *****; 7i126, *****1. *****3. CONSOLATION FRIZES *****, *****. *****5. *****0; 2>0153' *****2, *****. *****). *****4: ir>olos;
    60 words
  • 203 12 Want Southern Korea In Olympics NEW YORK, Monday. TT appears certain that United States will make an all-out effort to have southern Korea admitted to the Olympic Games at St. Moritz and London next year. Important officials m the State Department and the Army, as well as sports leaders like
    203 words
  • 129 12 BERLIN, Monday. ruETRICK Huchs, the German heavyweight who many U believe to be a second Max SchmeHßg, yesterday retained the German middleweight boxing championship before 20,000 spectators at Berlin's Olympic Stadium. I Huchs floored his challenger, Erich Campe, six times m the last four rounds of
    129 words
  • 67 12 From Our Racing Correspondent PENANG, Monday. DAIN interrupted this morn- ing's workouts on Penang racecourse. The track was treacherously sloppy, and the horses were merely trotted around. Several were exercised In the ring and on the hill. Corai Sea, which was taker, twice round the
    67 words
  • 571 12 J.) a fondly soccer match at Tengah on Suiday the Jollilads Athletic Union beat the R.A.F. Tengah 3—2. The following players are selected to play football for the JollUads Athletic Union against the A.C.C. Training Centre Far East tomorrow at the Medical College ground at 5.15
    571 words
  • 296 12 SHANGHAI, Monday. CHANGHAI defeated Hong Kong yesterday by 2 to 1' v m the Interport Soccer classic before 25,000 spectators. Hongkong played 67 minutes with only ten men after the leftwing, C. T. Tsao, suffered an injured ankle. All scoring was registered m the
    UP  -  296 words
  • 129 12 Louis, who was born m Lexington, Alabama, on May 13, 1914, has held the championship for nearly 10 years. He won it when he knocked out James J. Braddock at Chicago m the eighth round on June 22, 1937. Since then he has defended his title
    129 words
  • 24 12 PARIS. M-ndav. Yvon Pelra, winner cl the single's title at Wimbl'idon lasc year. wiil not de.'end his title next month
    24 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 466 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued from Page 6) TUITION PIANO lessons from Eng. Lady prof Method Liszt Leschetlsky. Any sgs successfully taught at your home. Engagements accepted. Box A9ll. S.T. DANCING LESSONS Given Daily (11 a.m.— B p.m.) Phone 2963 for appointment. C.H. Tan, 30, Cairnhil] Rd. (OS Orchard Rd., near Pavilion).
      466 words
    • 54 12 REGULAR SHIPMENTS CHEVROLET TRUCKS Arriving JUNE onwards Orders may be booked direct at any oj our Branches BORNEO MOTORS LIMITED Singapore, Malacca, Seremban. K. Lumpur, Ipoh Pemn?. PUNCTUALITY CALLS FOR A DEPENDABLE SWISS ALARM CLOCK n SPFCIAI Limited Quantity m Attractive Colours and Di-s^rx Sec Display at GIAN SINGH CO.
      54 words