The Straits Times, 5 May 1947

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 1038 1 ANGLO U. S. RUSSIAN PACT ON INDIA Partition Guarantee: Viceroy Warns London LONDON, Sunday. THE British Cabinet may consider a Russo-British- American guarantee for India, states the New Delhi correspondent of the Sunday Times, m a dispatch m which he emphasizes the danger that chaos may overtake India long before
    Reuter  -  1,038 words
  • 57 1 LONDON, Sunday.— The Supply Ministry announced tonight that on and after tomorrow the premium for English refine<i tin of 99.9 per cent minimum quality as sold by the Directorate of Non-ferrous Metals would be increased from £3.10.0 to £5.10.0. The customary extra 10s. per A on for
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  • 36 1 The tauperor Hirohito and tbe Crown Prince of Japan found something to laugh at when they watched the Imperial Household sports m Tokio. It was the potato* race which brought the smile.
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  • 190 1 LONDON, Sunday. THE Prime Minister, Mr. Clement Attlee told the May Day celebration organised by the London Labour Party tonight that the Labour Government was making changes m the economic and social structure of the country with regard to the rights of the individual and the
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  • 81 1 BERLIN, Sunday. JUST as the hanging of the four women members of the Ravensbrueck concentration camp was due to begin, one of them was granted a stay of execution on representations from the Czechoslovak Government. She was grim-faced 26-year-old Vera Salvequart, a Czech nurse at the
    Reuter; AP  -  81 words
  • 46 1 SAN JOSE, (Costa Rica), Sunday. Eleven people wer c killed when a Central American Air Transport Company plan c on a local flight crashed and burned near Nicoya, m Guanaste Province. Officials confirmed the crash reports, but can give no details.— U.P.
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  • 68 1 WASHINGTON. Sunday. -The State Department has set July 15 as the tentative date for the resumption of private trading with Japanese and foreigners. The plan will permit limited numbers of foreign buyers to go to Japan under the quota system and deal d'rprtly with f Hp
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  • 271 1 BANDOENG, Sunday A MEETING of 5,000 supporters of the Sundanese People's Party today called for a plebiscite to decide whether western Java shall break away from the Indonesian Republic. The call was made m a proclamation that it was the will of 12,000,000 Sundanese that the independence
    AP  -  271 words
  • 375 1 THE Assistant Trade Union Adviser, Singapore, Mr. S. P. Garrett, last night declined to make puhlic the differences of opinion with the Government which led to his resignation. The Government on Saturday night confirmed the din gapore Free Press report that Mr. Garrett had resigned
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  • 110 1 WASHING ON, Sunday.— Las* night's proposals by Government councillors to e nd th c 27-day i American t.Lp.ion c Strike by oiierir.g workers an average wage increase of U. 5.55.14 par week, was this morning desciibd by an official of th r Am ncan j Telephone
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  • 49 1 HONGKONG. Sunday.- A 38-year-old employee of the Chinese Maritime Customs named MacHardy -a form r Petty Officer of the Foyal Nayy waa ki ?a on Fndny night m a eun ba'. tie with smugglers on Taishan Isa id at the mouth of Pe.iri "'.vcr.— Reuter
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 90 1 w~~4O *§fJi SEACON LTD. (Incorporated m Singapore; Civil Engineers Contractors I quiries invited for all types of Civil Engineering and Building Construction, including Factories Estate Building etc. STEEL FRAMED GODOWNS with brick vi concrete walls of any size or description, designed by experts to suit clVents particular requirements, and erected
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    • 33 1 AMERICAN PLASTIC HAND BAGS m Fascinating Shapes Prices to Suit All •> MICH •*»^A 41-43, HigJ Strtet, Singapore. Mac ft am Tadi f TIME FOR A TIGER FULL STRENGTH look for the Tiger Label
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  • 501 2 Martial Law In Hangchow SHANGHAI, Sunday. CERIOUS rice riots m Hungchow, capital of Chekiang Province, yesterday, m which 300 shops were completely wrecked, have led to martial law being proclaimed m the city, according to the Shanghai Evening Post. Over 2,000 bags of rice
    AP  -  501 words
  • 284 2 Palestine Wrangle In U.N.O. NEW YORK, Sunday. THE United States and Russia split sharply over Jewish representation m the United Nations Palestine debate on Saturday afternoon. The issue was left undecided after a four-hour wrangle m the General Assembly. When the delegates finally ros?. the situation remained thus: The U.S.
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  • 159 2 FLUSHING, Sunday— The U.S.A. will ask the United Nations Security Council to debate the political differences between Russia and the other powers of the Big Five on the question of military staff commitments America has asked the Security Council to start immediate consideration ol '-he organisation at
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  • 66 2 LOS ANGELES, Sunday.— Sev e n British airmen on a round-the-world flight m a converted Halifax bomber installed auxiliary petrol tanks on Saturday. They are preparing to take °ff on Tuesday fo r San Francisco and Honolulu. The pilot, Capt. Keith Thiele of New Zealand, said
    AP  -  66 words
  • 238 2 WASHINGTON, Saturday. TENERALISSIMO Josef btalin has announced that Russia "wants to co-operate" and "aoes not propose" to wage war against the United States. i nis assurance was made to Mr. Harold E. Stassen, former Minnessota Governor and Republican presidential aspirant for 1948, during an interview m
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  • 74 2 LONDON, Sunday,— The Ministry of Fuel and Power yesterday announced relaxation on the heating ban m Scotland, North England and North Midlands. This is m view of the unusual.y cold May weather. I These areas, the Ministry sa;d, will be temporarily exempt from the ban on
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  • 317 2 LONDON, Sunday. BY the introduction of a five-day week m Britain's coalmines today the Labour Government has placed the fale of its plan for British industrial recovery and its own fate into the hands of the miners and the miners' leaders know it. Is
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  • 506 2 PARIS, Sunday. PANCE'S Socialist Premier, M. Paul Ramadier, received a confidence vote of 360 to 147, with some 60 odd abstainers to-day. Communists voted against the motion. Soon after the National Assembly met this morning, a Communist leader told the Deputies that the Communists would not
    Reuter; UP  -  506 words
  • 122 2 SAIGON. Sunday. Important Annamite National* iit leaders met at Hue, capitsl of Annam, during the week-end to open negotiations with the French authorities to end the present hostilities and establish a Viet Nam union comprising Tonking, Annam and Cochin China, according to reports from French sources
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 872 2 NOTICES SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY. The Public is notified that the Chinese Cemetery at Coronation Road will be closed for burials at the end of May 1947. As from Ist June 1947 burials will b<- made at the new Chinese Cemetery hi the lbth milestone Choa Chu Kang Rond. NOTICE The Command
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    • 274 2 NOTICES. INSTITUTION OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS. Please note all correspondence should be addressed to Post Box 390, Singapore. NOTICE Special Great Reductions of the famous "KNIT OF DUPONT NYLON STOCKINGS" 51 Gauge In different slaes from 8" to 10." at $6.95 per pair. CHINA COMPANY No. 3 Battery Road, Singapore. i
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    • 700 2 TENDERS SALE BY TENDER Tenders for the purchase of the undernoted barges will be received by the undersigned: (a) Two all steel hopper barges of 450 tons capacity each: (b) One only all steel barge. 44' x 27' x s'. capacity 46 tons. These barges are lying at H.M. Naval
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  • Cable Flashes
    • 142 3 HAMBURG, Sunday. fAPTAIN Hellmut Ruckteschell, one of Germany's best known naval aces who preyed on Allied shipping m North Atlantic during the war, will face a war crimes court here tomorrow. Towards the end of the war Ruckteschell operated with the Japanese Navy
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    • 106 3 STUTTGART, Sunday. The trial of Hitler's former financial "Wizard," Hjalmar Schacht which began three and a half weeks ago before the DenazMcation Court, 1 ended this afternoon when the court adjourned to consider the verdict which will be announced on May 9. Schacht's final defensive speech was applauded
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    • 168 3 DUNDEE, Sunday.— A real hope of ending bread rationing m Britain was held out here by the Food Minister, Mr. Joh n Strachey, yesterday. The condition, he laid down was "if world harvests were good." Nothing could be done till it was know n how harvests would be.
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    • 169 3 SAIGON, Sunday.— The death of a second member of the Viet Nam (Indo-Chinese Nationalist) Government, m 10 days, was reported by Viet Nam radio last night. The radio announced the death of Hoang Kuu Nam, Under-Sec-retary of the Interior, who succeeded Juynh Thoc Khang, Minister of the Interior,
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    • Article, Illustration
      31 3 Ex- King Victor Emanuel. of Italy, leaving St. Catherines Cathedral, Alexandria, with ex-Queen Elena, after attending the recent wedding of his grand -daughter, Princess Victoria, to Count di Brenzone.— A.P. photo.
      AP  -  31 words
    • 64 3 SAN FRANCISCO, Sunday.— Two American-bom Japanese women who survived the atom bombing of Hiroshima have arrived here aboard the steamship general M. C. Meigh. They the Nobuko J. Suniyoahi, 26, formerly of Tacoma, Washington, and her sister Mrs. Chieko Nagamoto, Both said they heard the B-29 that dropped
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    • 80 3 ROME, Sunday.— The rapidly rising birth rate and the steadily diminishing death rate added almost half a million to Italy's already overcrowded 47,000,000 during 1946, the National Bureau of Vital Statistics reported today. Complete figures for last year showed 1,022,231 births and 341,629 deaths. These figures represented a
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    • 87 3 i LINCOLNSHIRE, Sunday.— A few hours after the Maharajah of i Nawanagar had decided not to j take over the "People's Car" Works of Grantham Productions, Limited, it was announced to- i night that another offer had been received for the purchase of the 1 Qrm. i
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    • 67 3 VATICAN CITY, Sunday.— The first series of beatifications tot this year will close tomorrow when the French sister, Alice le Clero, Is elevated to the rank of the beatified m a solemn cere-m-nv m the Bcsillca of St. Pc ter's. -we beatification of the French nun will be attended
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    • 59 3 TEHERAN, Sunday.— The United States is considering the sale of $25,000,000 worth of surplus army equipment to Iran, the American Ambassador, Mr. George Allen, said today. The American government presumes that Iran would use such supplies toward maintaining hex Internal security and defending her oountry m the
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    • 68 3 LONDON, Sunday.— The Archbishop of York, Dr. C. F. Garbett, said yesterday, m a sermon on the economic standing of the Church, that the clergy is sufferfrom "actual want." "The position of a large number of the clergy remains most precarious," Dr. Garbett said. "Their income, hardly
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    • 106 3 CALCUTTA, Sunday. Two Burmese, wearing garments similar to those of Calcutta Muslims, were stabbed and seriously wounded m a Calcutta street yesterday. They were rescued by the police. 1 The police fired on the attackers, killing one and wounding two, i and arrested 53 people —Reuter I MANILA,
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    • 104 3 RYE, NEW YORK, Sunday.— The claimant to the discovery of the "lie detector," Dr. William Moulton Marston, died on Friday.* He was 53. The discovery claimed was of the systolic blood pressure deception test.— AP. SHANGIiA'. Sunday. The Municipal Government anl nounced on Friday that $100 Chkiese bills
      AP  -  104 words
    • 112 3 PARIS, Sunday.— The United States has agreed to speed up wheat supplies to France, the French Prime Minister's Office announced here today. During May France will receive not only the agreed May quota of wheat, but also the June quota and further quantities to make up for
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    • 87 3 BYDNEY, Sunday.— A new survey along the road from Alice Springs to Darwin may solv e tbe mystery of Australiar. tides Surveyors aacr c establishing a level which, when complete, will give the first accurate h e igut above sea level at all points between Port Pirie and
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    • 79 3 OTTAWA, Sunday.— The Canadian House of Commons has rejected a proposal to restore pre-waf- fishing licences to Japanese m British Columbia, Canada's Pacific coast province. No solution was found, however, to the problem of what to do with the Japanese community m Canada. This totalled 23,000 before the
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  • 70 3 ARMY CIVIL UNION NOT AFFECTED THE secretary of the Army Civil Service Union, Singapore, announces that the union is m process of registration and expects its certificate of registration m the near future. In consequence, the secretary adds, this union is not affected by the Singapore Societies Ordinance and the
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  • 143 3 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. The merger of the Price Control and Food Control Departments m Negri Sembilan into a single department with resultant retrenchment Is not the start of similar measures m other States, but an "experiment m administrative economy" the Straits Times
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 704 3 -sq Courage Se DeTUtatlng Fnry! .how dau y S m*Ml THE «•">» TIGERS' Motloa Picture'! Top Spectacle! starring John Wayne Ths Teohniooloar Johll Carroll Anna Le. fZIEGFELD FOLLIES 1 I ■1 1 pjj Mor. breath-taking m colors. ■^I'l'RPnhfltff rVffHll Mora entertaining In general "ROAn TO MAHACrA" than all th« previous
      704 words
    • 336 3 STEWART McINTYRE JOK^gP^ L I IW I I C U B^^^^^^ sm i ENGINEERS BUILDERS If you are considering new or I *fL expanded facilities we would |jjj welcome an opportunity to help you translate your ideas int< ;i EMERG* sound construction programme- ~mmj*mU OrcW R-a. StRtNOW **<! Singapore ¥IfALI^
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  • 29 4 Mr. and Mrs. See Teck Swee thank all relatives and friends for their kind gifts, telegrams and attendance on the oc-asion of their wedding on 3rd May, 1947.
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  • 930 4 The straits Times Singapore, Monday, May 5, 1947. "Illegal" Unions The Singapore Government's efforts to unravel the tangled labour difficulties of the day have met with some small succasc lr> the past month or so but the result of Governments ruling that all trade unions should be registered, or should
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  • 192 4 SHANGHAI, Sunday. ALL shares on the Shanghai stock exchange touched the day's trading ceiling early Friday "morning, following another upward spurt m commodity prices and rumours of an early revision of the foreign rate. Some of the leading shares, such as Wing On textiles, have risen
    Reuter  -  192 words
  • 1481 4  -  CHE MUSTAFA BIN TAM By Retired Forest Officer, Kedah IN the interior of Kedah, extending from Kubang Pasu, Padang Trap, right down to Baling and Kroh, there exists a unique community known as the Samsam Siamese. The word Samsam means a hybrid. These people are believed
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  • Man In The Street
    • 734 4 SINCE there has been as yet no comment on U.M.N.O/s view of the proposed establishment of a university m Malaya, i send you this letter. U.M.N.O.'s view that a university should not be established until the Malays are better prepared to take full advantage of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 802 4 CLASSIFIED ADS. At Paglar's Maternity Home, to 7.ENA PEARL (nee Fernando) wife of Fred van Rooyen, a son. Mother and child getting on grand. SITUATIONS VACANT for work m Klang. Experienced bookkeeper. Apply Paterton. Simons it Co Ltd Kuala Lumpur. WANTED: Chief Engineer for Steamihip 850 I HP: Second Class
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    • 5 4 ETERNn Ssmmetefj 16 Coilyer Quay/
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    • 64 4 Ir^OPTICIRN Fellow ot the inst. Opnt.r«umic Ooucians (England) Fellow of the Worshipful ComDanv ot Spectacle- Makers (Eng FreemaD of the Cit» of London OPTICIAN BY APPOINTMENT TO H. M. FORCES SOUTH EAST ASIA. 6 RAFFLES PLACE (OPP. LITTLES) PHONE SO64* MERCHANT TAILOR 18-E BATTERY ROAD FIRST FLOOR Above old premises.
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  • 271 5 WESAK GIFTS FOR SPORE POOR Buddhists Observe Prophet 9 s Day DUDDHISTS m Singapore yesterday celebrated Wesak Day by distributing gifts to the poor and with religious meditation at all the Buddhist temples. Many devout Buddhists rose at 4 a.m. to commence their observance of Wesak, which is the anniversary
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  • 234 5 Control Transfer Planters Support Mr. Ascoli KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. PLANTING circles m Selangor endorse the statement by Mr F. D. Ascoli, president of the Rubber Growers Association, In London, that administrative control of the rubber industry must p&ss from London to the East In the near future. "It is obvious,"
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  • 98 5 THE Government of Singapore may now exercise its discretion m raising loans to defray extraordinary expenditure arising m connection with the enemy occupation of Malaya. Such loans would also be utilised for the purpose of rehabilitation The Government is also authorised to sanction the expenditure of
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  • 72 5 ANE "j tw:> armed Chinese wno w to3k $600 from the home of a Cantonese m Banda Street, Singapore, yesterday aftemocn, fired several rounds from a revolver. A seven-year-old Chinese girl was wounded m the thigh At 4 p.m. three Chinese, one of whom was
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  • 103 5 The Rev. Father Joyc e C S.S.R. of try R^rfemptorist Fathers, Singapore, will conduct a Friday r e tr .at m the Church of Kir.gship of Christ. Sungei Patani, next week after which a eimilar r will be Jvld at th« Church cf St. Michael,
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  • 126 5 To Study Music Abroad UISS Ellena So, 20-year-old music teacher of the Singapore Far Eastern Music School, left by air for Manila yesterday. In Manila, Miss So will seek admission to the conservatory of music. University of the Philippines If her application is unsuccessful, she will go to the United
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  • 266 5 rRTY-TWO Chinese godown labourers, each of whom received a minimum of $272 last month, have been on strike m Singapore for 10 days. They are demanding a 50 per cent, increase of pres e nt piecerates or a guarantee of $300 a month for six months
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  • 116 5 After an ir.t:rval of over six years, due to the enemy occupai tion of Singapore, the annual 1 ir.3eting of St. Andrew's Mission Hospital will be held on Wednesday. May 14, at the V.M.C.A., i Stam:ord Road. Agenda for the meeting is as follows: Address by
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  • 49 5 The retail price of "Klim" powdered milk has been fixed at $4.50 a 2> 2 -pound tin and the wholesale price at $119 a case under an order of the Deputy Price Controller, Mr. J. Hamer, appearing m the latest issue of the Si~ga- pore Government Gazette.
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  • 98 5 A denial that S.T.C. strikers have assaulted the conductors of private buses is made by Mr. R. K. Samy, President of the S.T.C. Employees Union, m a letter to the Straits limes Mr. Samy's letter refers to a news item m the Straits Times of May 3.
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  • 142 5 Detonators Sold As Army Scrap From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Sunday. THE Penang Coroner, Mr. A. M.I. Austin, has instructed the police to get m towch with military authorities m J Kuala Lumpur who sold, as part 1 of a load of scrap metal, a detonator which exploded and killed
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  • 123 5 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday.— The end of the Chinese festival season is held by the Union Price Controller, m his weekly notes, to be responsible for the decrease nearly everywhere m the Union of prices for chicken and pork. The tendency of
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  • 108 5 Singapore teachers and senior pupils will see a Safety First film entitled "Highway Mania today at the Pavilion Cinema This will be followed by a lecture given by a Singapore Traffic Police official, Mr. Hunter Grey m which Boy Scouts will act as demonstrators. The
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  • 446 5 From Our Own Correspondent IPOH, Sunday. THE Perak Hydro strike has been settled and the men, who have been out for 22 days, will retard to work tomorrow. The Union has accepted al9 cent a day addition to basic wages, and additions of up to
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  • 128 5 Wedding Party At S.C.S.C. "IOUT 150 guests attended a dinner and dance at the Chinese Swimming Club on Saturday night to celebrate the wedding of Mr. Oon Beng Soon a lecturer »v geography at Raffles Coll^g?, and Miss Khoo Beng Neo. of the Offlco of the Secretary of Economic Affairs.
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  • 72 5 The Naval Base Labour Union has been registered under the Trade Union Ordinance. Its office-bearers are as follows: President, Mr. Lav Foo Wah; VicePresident, Mr. K. Madhavan; General Secretary, Mr. S. Harris; Treasurer, Mr. Abdullah bin Itam Ahamed; Auditor, Mr. Soon Chia Kian; Committ2e Members, Mr.
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  • 427 5 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. THE Pan-Malayan Federation of 1 Trade Unions, with headquarters m Kuala Lumpur, which applied for registration last December, has only recently sent m a redraft of its rules for approval by the Registrar of Trade Unions, Malayan Union. As the
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  • 285 5 "TT is impossible to discard 1 the use of English, if it is intended to acquire a higher standard of education m Malaya," says a group of educationists from Singapore Chinese schools m a memorandum which is being airmailed to the London Committee on Higher Education
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  • 128 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Sunday. Every community and every State m the Malayan Union is represented among a total of 2,000 applications for membership of the proposed Malayan Association received by the Acting Secretaries, Mtssrs. Neill and Bell, up to the week-end. Neill and Bell report tliat
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 10 5 CtissonS worldjjgSK FAMOUS m PERFUMES \l 4 A 'tnf.mnp %,^S^^^^^^mW^
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  • 1034 6 Widening Interest In Tin Sharps From A Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Saturday. ALTHOUGH the general tone of the local share mam- ket has been more subdued during the past week, the volume of business reported—^especially as regards Industrials has m no way diminished Tin shares have also enjoyed a wide range
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  • 48 6 NEW YORK, Saturday— On the New York Stock Exchange today- There were gains ranging mostly to two points m Oils and Motors. Buyers paused later with the subsequent appearance of moderate profit-taking m most divisions Con tinned pressure caused the market to close ir« regular Reuter
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 155 6 TODAY JP %91 PJ I s^- J^ Pint Instalment V^/sJ^Tuv^a,^ hot' a. m»- Cfcapters 1-8 (14 Reels) AGAIN! ALL HOUSES PACKED TO THE TOP! MIGHTIESTU THK BEST BIOOBST! Of all Taraan Pllmsl BRAND-NBWI THRHiS! ACTIONI [ Unman Bi^lX WORLD FAMOUS OLYMPICS CHAMPION! You never saw anything like it! SV/«? "HIwAWIITWH
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    • 183 6 TOMORROW for one day c nly i 1 > I www ,>^| IDA C D C U W I U rl THOUSANDS TURNED AWAY EVERY H'.WCOME EARLY TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT! j Wm^m^Xn? ismS a.m. 2 p.m. 1.15 p.m. LL^_jJSr^L^-J 6M m 9 15 BIGGEST ENTERTAINMENT 7 C D 9 Alexander
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 512 6 SINGAPORE MONDA\ 1.00 p.m. Hospital Half -Hour; 1.30, News; 1.40, Musical Comedy Memories; 2 00 Close down 8.15 p.m. News headlines and programme summary; 8.20, Listener's Post; 8.30, String Time; George Melachino Orchestra; 9 <K> Harry Martinez his Royal HawaUans; 9.30, News; 9.45, World Affairs by Allington Kennard; 10.00. Ambrose
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    • 761 6 The declarer's winning line of play <Jice he haa reopened (and who can in today's deal wa, based on his ap- blame hiin?> he was naturally afraid to praisal of the opponents distribution pass and let the opponents play at and, ae It turned out, any other line four hearts,
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  • 374 7 LONDON, Sunday. the stock markets again lacked any real animation or enthusiasm, profit-taking accounting for the greater part of the business put through on Friday, says Reuter's financial correspondent. Industrials spent a quiet day and were Inclined to drift until the final dealings, where a small buying
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  • 71 7 By Our Market Correspondent fTHE Singapore gold prices have declined by some $3 during the past few days, with buyers offered $140 and seller $145 per tahil of 100 per cent, pure quality. The market has been easier, with buyers very reserved. This is attributed to
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  • 160 7 Company Report Rehabilitation Of Serendah REHABILITATION work during 1945 and 1946 cost the New S?rendah Rubber Co., Ltd. $74,899. By the end of thia year, said the chairman, Mr. M.J. Kennaway, at the annual meeting of the company, at Kuala Lumpur, it might well exceed $100,000. On a planted acreage
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  • 372 7 T"OKIO. The Japanese Government is reported to 1 have received instructions from the General Headquarters of the occupying Powers for the allocation of over 158,000,000 square yards of cotton fabrics to be shipped to countries m the Pacific area. The following is an analysis i by
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  • 362 7 Produce Market Business In Sugar Is Active By Our Market Correspondent rILE the Singapore rice market continued to be quiet during the past week, active business was done m sugar with absorptions made by up-country dealers. At the week-end Java brown sugar changed hands at $69 '-i per picul, but
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  • 62 7 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association's Prices at noon on Saturday were: Buyers Sellers Cts. Cts. Der lb. per Ib. No. 1 R.S.S. Spot loose 421 42i No. 1 R.S.S. fob m bales May 43{ 43J No. 2 R.S.S. fob m bales May 42 1 42} No.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 573 7 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. I Incorporated m Singapore) BLUE FUNNEL LINE "India Mail" from U.S. A Road* "Simiitt" from U.K. for Batavia G. 33 "Dlomed" Mils for Genoa, Marseilles. Havre Liverpool A Glasgow May 8 'Ajax" sails for Liverpool May 13 "Catenas" nils for Liverpool May 20 "Polyphemai" sails t.»r Liverpool
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    • 363 7 EMBARKATION NOTICE m.v. "ORANJE" for Colombo/Southampton/ Amsterdam Wednesday 7th May from Singapore Passengers are requested to embark r.'ith their cabinluggage at 9.04 a.m. The heavy luggage "wanted" (for the baggage-hold) and "not wanted" (for the hold) should be delivered m the Singapore Harbour Board on t^e 7th May at 8.00
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    • 180 7 B. I. S. N. COY'S M. V. "CHANDA" DUE PENANG May 11 SINGAPORE May 14 LOADS FOR BRISBANE. SYDNEY AND NEW ZEALAND PORTS vis SYDNEY ALSO »n opportunity daring JULY for same ports loading by vessel still to be named For freight apply to:— ISLAY KERR CO.. LTD. Singapore, Phone
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    • 594 7 EUERMAN KUVENESS LINE BUCK NAI (Incorporate wilt) Limited fwvrtlil-lbl. Liability m Norway) S-S CO., LTO. LOS ANGELES* SAN t KAN. (Incorporated m England) CISCO VANCOIiVKK for London, Antwerp uu« CITY OF POONA "CASTLEVILLE" In Port dv. 14 M y SMSSS--::: S? Agents: McALISTER CO LTD. (lncornorateo m Singapore) PHONES 7237—5906
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  • 373 8 LEICESTER, Saturday. I THANKS to the splendid innings r of 71 not out by their Captain Alan Melville, the South Africans finished the first ciay of their match against Leicestershire here m a very strong position being only 5 runs behind with 7 wickets m hand. Leicestershire
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  • 189 8 LEICESTERSHIRE IST INNINGS Berry run out tv Lester c Dawson b Payn Tompkin c Melville b Payn Prentice c Mitchell b Rowan 28 Jackson c Ovenjtoiv b Tuekett 15 Bidding b Tnekett 0 Wa<son b TuckeU n I Walsh c Nourse b Tuckett 7 Corrall b Rowan a (hampman
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  • 192 8 DAIN stopped play m local cricket matches yesterday afternoon. On the padang, the main game of. the day between the S.C.C. and the S.R.C, was stopped with honours even. The S.C.C. dismissed the Recreation Club for an addi tional 13 runs yesterday morn, ing
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  • 120 8 Malaya May Take Part In Olympics A meeting of various Singapore sporting bodies and associations was being planned with a Tiew of forming a Malayan Olympic Committee to enable Malaya to take part m the 1948 Olympic Games m London said the Singapore Public Relations Officer, Mr. G. G. Thomson
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  • 88 8 hlUx the R.N.A.S. Sembawang had scored bi for the loss of four wickets the game was abandoned on the padang yesterday In the match against the S.C.C. Scores: R.N.A.S. SEMBAWANG D. Curry b Moss 14 M. Pettingoll b Healy 0 J.P. Horrocks b Miltoa 5 W.M.
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  • 75 8 CANTON, YORKSHIRE, Saturday. Gerald Mick'em. a London stockbroker, is the new England golf champion for he beat Charles Wolverhampton motor mechanic and former pit worker, i by one hole m the 36 holes final here today. Both men were nominated !a lcn- while ago for next week's
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  • 137 8 The Royal Singapore Golf Club May Medal competition, und e r stableford anj handicap system, was played at Bukit Timah on Saturday, and resulted m a win for A. T. Aird. Aird had a score of 39 1/8. The ball sw<»ep m conjunction with the medal
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  • 222 8 •THE Ceylon Sporte Club beat Raffles I I College by six runs at cricket at j Raffles College ground yesterday. I Scores: C.S.C. S. Yogarajah c and b Kailasapathy 87 iC. Thuraisingham b Sivagnanam 5 j W. Ponnlah st Doraisamy b KaUasapathy 1 I V. R. Sabapathy c
    222 words
  • 222 8 S.C.R.C. beat R.A.F. (Paya Le1 bar) m a cricket match played yesterday. R.A.F. PAT A LEBAR Bray c Ong Lee b Keng Slew 0 Balme c Beng Bee b Teng Bin 40 Percival c Thiam Slew b Keng Siew 1 i Ball c Teng Bin b Keng
    222 words
  • 111 8 County cricket close or pl?.y scores on Saturday were: At Oxford, Oxford University vs. Gloucestershire. Gloucestershire 234 for 6 (Barnett 80, Allen 89.) At Lords, MCC vs. Yorkshire, MCC 134 (D. Compton 78, Robinson, righlarm spinner, four for 48). MCC second innings 67 for 1. Yorkshire 81. (Martin,
    Reuter  -  111 words
  • 265 8 (From VERNON MORGAN, Reuter's sports editor) LONDON, Saturday. ENGLAND gained ample revenge for her narrow de- feat m Paris last May by beating France 3-0 before 54,000 spectators here this afternoon. England won well getting all goals m the second half but an accident after
    265 words
  • 167 8 BOURNEMOUTH, HAMPSHIRE, Saturday. "THE British hard court tennis championships concluded 1 here today with all the titles going to the Empire, Three to South Africa, two to Australia. Eric Sturgess, South African ex-champion, won three of the titles while Mrs. Wayne Bolton of Australia finished the
    Reuter  -  167 words
  • 272 8 I R.A.F. (Tengah) beat BaflVe s College second eleven at cricket by one wicket and 58 runs at Raffles College ground on Saturday. RAFFLES COLLEGE C.G. Lingnam c Rubson b CouLson 0; T. Rajendra b Burblige 13; I.M Thomasz b Lewi s 0 Rlppiaaman Singh b
    Reuter  -  272 words
  • 1261 8 are: Goals FIEST DIVISION Manchester City 36 23 9 ***** 35 I Brentford 0 Blackburn 3 Burnley 36 20 12 4 54 24 52 Chelsea 1 Sheffield U. 4 Birmingham 39 23 4 12 68 32 iO Derby Co. 1 Huldersfield 0 i Spurs 39
    Reuter  -  1,261 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
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      276 words