The Straits Times, 1 May 1947

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 410 1 World St udy Group Resolution From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. THE World Jin Study Group, at the conclusion of its first meeting m Brussels this month, passed a resolution recommending that its next meeting should be held m Malaya. This resolution followed a presentation
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  • 170 1 TWO Malays who were axrested by the Singapore harbour Eoard Police early on Monday morning escaped from the lock-up m West Wharf Police Station about 1.30 a.m. yesterday. Tiie men, with one Chinese, not out of the cell after prising open floor boards with
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  • 58 1 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Wednesday. The weakness of rubber shares, which hav# again been marked down, Is due to fear of the possible effects of the threatened estate strikes. Much publicity has been given In the London press m the last three days to the
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  • 91 1 Carillon As A Gift A 3G-bell carillon, the largest bell weighing over two tons and the smallest about 21 pounds, was loaded aboard tbe United States liner America at Southampton for shipment to Stamford, Connecticut, a fortnight ago. The carillon is a gut from the Nestle Company to the church
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  • 328 1 The Times Correspondent THE KHYBER PASS, Wednesday. AFRIDI chiefs who assembled m the Khyber Pass to meet fhe Viceroy, kord Mountbatten, told him that when Britain left India the famous pass must be returned to the tribes. Malik Abdul Latif Khan, m a speech welcoming the
    The Times  -  328 words
  • 139 1 NEW DELHI, WednesdayLord Ismay, Military Advis e r to the Viceroy, is leaving for London on Friday to report on the discussions the Viceroy has been havingoocrv e r the past month with representative Indian lead3is, it was announced today. While there has been no disclosure
    AP  -  139 words
  • 114 1 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Wednesday.— The reconstruction of the Netherlands East Indies mining industry, says the Amsterdam correspondent of the Financial Times, is expected to cost frcm 95,000,000 to £117,000,000 A. very great effort is to be made to restore Banka and Bii'iton as
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  • 267 1 IT MUST DISSOLVE,' SAYS TRADE UNION REGISTRAR THE Singapore Federation of Trade Unions is an illegal body, and has been since Apr. 26. It is illegal because its application for registration, m its present form, has been rejected, said the Singapore Registrar of Trade Unions,
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  • 312 1 Japs On Hell Ship Charges At Changi this morning the trial will open of four Japanese charged with the ill-treat-ment of British prisoners of war who were shipped from Singapore to Japan m 1942. Out of 1,000 m e n, at least sixty died during the voyage, 21 werew e
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  • 114 1 WORTH. MISSOURI, Wedn 33day .—At least 18 people w.'ie killed and abcut 50 injured m tornadoes which swept thr:ugh five communU-s^rday i.i Miss our Arkansas and lowa. Founeen killed and .k> injured m Worth, which is a smalj northwest Missouri t;wn with a total
    AP  -  114 words
  • 25 1 LONDON, Wednesday.—Scotland Yard detectives today continued the biggest "combout" for the gunmen who took part m two shooting affairs m the West End yesterday. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 123 1 CROWN JEWELS: 15-YEAR SENTENCE FRANKFURT, Wednesday. /K)L. Jack W. Durant was v» sentenced by a seven-man General Court Martial today to dismissal from the Army and 15 years' hard labour "for his part m the theft of $1,500,000 worth of the Hesse crown jewels from the family'^ castle at Kronberg,
    UP  -  123 words
  • 113 1 RICKSHAWS made ttu-ir last runs m Singapore yesterday. The total abolition of rickshaws In Singapore was decided upon by the Municipal Commissioners m November 194 C. It takes erlec. today. Any rickshaws found plying m the streets will be seiz?a by the Registration of Vehicles Department. The
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  • 83 1 BATAVIA, Wednesday— To prevent decrease m rubber production, the N.E.I. Government has decided as from May 1 to grant a 10 cent subsidy for a kilo (22 pounds) of dry rubber, according to Aneta News Agency. Netherlands Indies Rubber Board purchase prices will be: NY 1 to
    UP  -  83 words
  • 171 1 LONDON, Wednesday. rE British Government has authorised the Viceroy, Viscount Mountbatten, to announce that it accepts the obligation to see that European officers and Indian officers m three special categories of the Indian Civil Service should receive compensation for the loss of their careers and prospects consequent
    Reuter  -  171 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 137 1 DIAMOND GEM RINGS. iGAAETTE CASES to GOLD A SILVER. -i. cUSILVA .iwnxu IM. ORCHARD ROAD. TEL. 2466 p\V\\ I A LUCKY LADY •V^i*. V j J^V she has a G.E.C. Electric Iron /j^fcHjT^^^ \\.«X \»l and her amah never complains IM9b V-^bP\ of the amount of Ironing to be fal
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  • 1477 2 PALESTINE: RUSSIA JOINS THE ARAB A TTA CK ON BRITAIN HISCUSSION of the Palestine problem by the Steering Committee of the United Nations yesterday developed into a two point attack on Britain by the Arab states and their supporters. The Arab states, seeking a full debate of the issue at
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  • 183 2 JEKUSALEM, Wednesday Menahim Beigin, head or the Irgun, in a message to Hagana headquarters, said that he would declare a "United Nations holiday" from terrorist activities provided there was "no British provocation Military security headquarters in Palestine, nowever. did not attach much importance to the assurance, believing that
    Reuter  -  183 words
  • 138 2 RANGOON, Wednesday. Burma's 1946-47 rice trade reacaed a peak this month. Exports tor the month were 132,000 tons up to and including yesterday In the first three months el this year exports were 236.000 tons. February registered the lowest figure at 38,700 tons owing x> the
    Reuter  -  138 words
  • 214 2 OTTAWA, Wednesday. rE Canadian Finance Minister, Mr. D. C. Abbott, said in his Budget speech yesterday that Canada was "more prosperous today than at any time in living memory." He said the surplus of $325,144,D00 was the first surplus since 1930 and was also greater than
    Reuter  -  214 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1409 2 NOTICES FEAST OF THE HOLY CROSS AT MALIM The annual Mass will be celebrated at the Santa Cruz Chapel at Malim on Sunday, the 4th May, 1947, at 8.30 a.m. The Chapel will b e opened from Friday the 2nd May. NOTICE ALL interested are hereby informed that, commencing from
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    • 778 2 TENDERS BRITISH STORES DISPOSAL BOARD (SINGAPORE) TENDER NOTICE BY ORDER OF THE DIRECTOR OF DISPOSALS, FAR EASTERN AREA (M.0.5.) 1. The British Stores Disposal Bocrd, Singapore, is authorised to receive Tenders for the follc-ving items: Located at 389 M.U.. R.A.F.. Base Seletar. Lot No. I—Non-ferrous1 Non-ferrous Metal Scrap Q: Approx.
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    • 713 2 TENDERS P. W D. TENDER NOTICE Tenders win be received at the offlci >f the Director of Public Works, Kuals Uimpur, up to noon of the Bth May 1947, for the supply of 1,800 tons o Portland Cement. All particulars may be obtained a he office of Director of Public
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  • Cable Flashes
    • 99 3 SYDNEY, Wednesday. FIVE Indonesians who are married to Australian girls were being deported to-day by order of the Australian Government Their wives are not being il'i.wt'd to accompany them. The Indonesians, who came to A' iralia during the war, were b'irs sent back to Batavia
      Reuter; AP  -  99 words
    • Article, Illustration
      73 3 Mr. WUhflm Furtwaengler. Planet News Ptetur*. BERLIN, Wednesday.— Wilhelm Furtwaengler, t'ae veteran sym- phonic conductor, is to be allowed to resume his music a 1 activities irr mediately. The Allied X; mmandatura which governs Berlin made this ruling yesterday. The X o m m an d atura's
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    • 66 3 LONDON. Wednesday. The Argentine Government has placed a preliminary order with the Gloster Aircraft Company icr ix Mateor IV Jet-propelled fighters. It was expected that a larger order would be placed after the f-ur had been tested, The Times said yesterday. The p-.per said that the Ministry of
      UP  -  66 words
    • 90 3 PORT TALBOT, WALES, Wednesday.—A nine-year-old boy was ordered to be held for trial yesterday for murder. He is being charged with killing a four-year-oid playmate Th; prosecutoi. Mr. Edward Robey, told the Glamerganshire Assizes Tribunal that the boy admitted tying Glyndwr Owen Parfitt with the
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    • 82 3 LONDON, Wednesday. —Three masked gunmen shot a man dead here yesterday. He tried to intercept them as they retreated li">m a jewellery shop hold-un The shop manager haT* rtc—» refused to be intimidated Vf their guns. The three fled ~mptyhanded. They escaped on foot ii-< t> mr m
      UP  -  82 words
    • 29 3 FRANKFURT, Wednesday. Army officials reported that the pilot of a P-80 jet propelled fighter was killed when his plane crashed near Breman army air ba.'f yes-'rrday. -UP.
      UP  -  29 words
    • 82 3 LONDON, Wednesday.—A mysterious landscape painter who' turned out to be Mr. Winston Churchill had London's art world wondering yesterday. He exhibited under the name of Mr. Winter. The war-time Prime Minister submitted two canvasses to the R yal Academy. Both were accepted. A spokesman for the Academy said
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    • 143 3 The boy cried when the magistrates announced their decision to hold him for trial. Sobbing, he was led forward to sign the charge. When arrested he had told the police that "I won't do it again.''—UP. LONDON, Wednesday: Th« "dream plane" of model enthusir ;s was explained yesterday.
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    • 58 3 ROME, Wednesday.— ltaly last night named a special delegation to leave immediately for Bu e nos Aires. It will pave the way for Italian mass migration to Argentina which wiil begin In the middle of May. The first Argentine migration ship, with 900 Italian workers, Is scheduled to
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    • 32 3 BUCHAREST, Wednesday.—Reports reaching the Rumanian capital said yesterday that food riots flared ap over the weekeiid m TransylTania and Banat provinces. Two m e n aacr c reported killed.— A.P.
      AP  -  32 words
    • 65 3 CAPE TOWN, Wednesday. -Field Marshal and Mrs. Jan Christian Smuts celebate their golden wedding anniversary today. The United Party members of both Houses of th c South African Union Parliament yesterday presented the Field-Marshal with an antique wooden casket to mark the occasion. All the couple's children
      AP  -  65 words
    • 34 3 TOKIO, Wednesday.—The War Crimes trial of 25 former Japanese leaders reached its first anniversary yesterday. Th cr c is little prospect that It can ue finished before the end of 1947.
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    • 79 3 LONDON, Wednesday. The Lord President of the Council, Herbert Morrison, returned to duty as Government leader m the House of Commons yesterday. He has been absent on account of sickness for a considerable time. He was cheered as he took his seat on the front bench. He
      UP  -  79 words
    • 44 3 Frontier Studen ts GENEVA. Wednesday. The United Nations Balkans Commission agreed behind closed doom yesterday to send a subsidiary group to Greece on Saturday. They will set up a headquarters at Salonika to study the frontier disputes. They will have wide discretionary powers. —UP
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    • 33 3 PARIS, Wednesday Representatives of Gen. Charles de Gaulle's Union of the French People trom 50 French Departments met here yesterday. They discussed the organisational problems of the new movement. UP
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    • 48 3 ROME, Wednesday. The Milan Police reported finding a box containing two thousand handbills stamped "Fascists ol the Revolutionary Action" at Piazza Lorete. This is where the body of Mussolini was hanged by the heels. A simple explosive was with the handbills meant to scatter them —UP.
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    • 41 3 MARSEILLES, Wednesday.— Fifty missionaries and 100 nuns from France, Italy and Belgium sailed from Marseilles yesterday tor Indo-China and China. They are the first group ot missionaries from these countries to leave for the Far East since 1939—Reuter
      Reuter  -  41 words
    • 54 3 LONDON, Wednesday. Ar-gentine-born Capt. James Storey left England yesterday m his personal Spitfire for what he called a "routine flight to Buenos Aires." The latest nonstop leg of the trip will be the 1850 miles from Dakar to Natal. He Intends to use the machine lor commercial serial
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  • 51 3 Letters and letter packets up to a maximum weight of one pound and non-illustrated postcards may now be sent for transmission by air or surface route to the whole of Germany. No registration service Is yet available. Business communications must be confined to those ascertaining facts and exchanging
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  • 304 3 Troops May Unload Food Ships In The Thames BUT HOPE SEEN OF DOCKERS' RETURN LONDON, Wednesday. TROOPS may be assigned to unload food from strikebound ships if the 9,400 London dock workers persist m defying appeals to return to work. The Minister for Labour, Mr. George Isaacs, told the House
    Reuter; UP  -  304 words
  • Article, Illustration
    34 3 U.S. Cruterr Providence docked at Naples beside the overturned liliU o» the suiiken Italian cr~ ser Dandalo. The Italian ship was link by Am'rioan ai craft a few weeks before her completion. A.P. photo.
    AP  -  34 words
  • 259 3 Malayan T.B. Board Named From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday TIIE_ full composition of the Tuberculosis Advisory Board was announced today. This board will advise the Government and the public on practical measures relating to the prevention an<j control of hum m tuberculosis. This excludes any matters concerning the
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  • 173 3 Congress Holds Up Aid Bill WASHINGTON, Wednesday. rILE Congressional leaders cheered General George C. Marshall's "no appeasement" stand toward Russia, the rebellious house faction struck heavily at his foreign policy by tentatively slashing foreign relief funds and stalling action on the anti-Com-munist Greek Turkish aid bill. The House by a
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  • 111 3 From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Wednesday. A PROMINENT towkay, Mr. Kee Hup Hor, J.P., has been kidnapped from his residence m Sungei Bakap. The Penang Police today announced the offer of a $2,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the abductors. Mr. Kee, according
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  • 328 3 T*HE great need for more schools m Singapore, modeled 1 more closely on the lines of English ptibhc schools and staffed by graduates of good universities, was stressed by Archdeacon David Rosenthall, Vicar of Singapore, at the annual parochial meeting of St. Andrew's
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  • 92 3 THE institution of the Vener- able Archdeacon David Rosenthall as Vicar of the parish of St. Andrew's Ca hedral, took place yesterday. The ceremony which began with a sermon by the Right Rsv. J. L. Wilson, was well attended by parishioners and members of the clergy of
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  • 396 3 From Our Own Correspond eat SEREMBAN, Wednesday. r3T of the dredges m the tin mining areas of Negri Sembilan were run to deatb by the Japanese during the occupation owing to lack of spares and proper lubricating oil, stated the Resident Commissioner, Mr. W. A,
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  • 170 3 Police Stand By On Estate From Our Own Corresponded! PENANG, Wednesday. •THE situation on Dublin 1 Estate, Karangan, wher« a labourer died from wounds received when police fired on a mob of 300 on Monday nighid was normal this morning. A strong force of police, how* ever. Is standing by.
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  • 163 3 FHE death occurred m I Colombo, Ceylon on April 19 of Mr. N. Nadarajah, K.C., who is well-known m Malaya. Mr Nadarajah. who was ?0 years of age, died of a heart attack at his home at Kamalasanam. Kxlupitiya, after having the previous day presided at
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 79 3 I? l \ffiJ l \l s* B*/T/SM MATCfttA IS NB& Ai r\ sty i sr/v comes By nPF^'^ LO#6 SLECViS $7~BS W'^W S T S7-25 v *Lrjp jTci f\\ A?<J TO /O The March of Time 1,000 8.C.) Ancient Chinese llgggßßgßg I Calculated i 1 1 1 JL JL 1
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  • 354 4 Swing Towards Moderate Left The Times Correspondent TOKIO, Wednesday. THE past week has been a crucial period m the his- tory of Japanese democracy, with the nation going to the polls to elect members of the House of Councillors and the House of Representatives. The result
    The Times  -  354 words
  • Article, Illustration
    30 4 "Fru", once Mussolini's horse, has been bought by the former President of the Italian Bank of Labour, Dr. Arturo Oslo. A.P. picture shows Fru and new owner at Osio's home.
    AP  -  30 words
  • 111 4 YOKOHAMA, Wednesday.— One the accused m th e "h e ll ship' War Crimes trinl today told cf 1.000 Allied war prisoners who were killed or who died m th c voyege of vessels from the Philippines to Moji. Japnn a grisly r o rital
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  • 196 4 NANKING, Tuesday. FR the second time m four months China has been caught m an economic crisis. Business and economic quarters said the crisis was marked by more violent prica fluctuations and more confusion even than last February. It is generally agreed that the
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  • 156 4 VANCOUVER, Wednesday —A Trans-Canada Airlines plane with 15 persons aboard disappeared on Monday night two minutes before it was schod ilsd to land here. It radioed that it was 7,000 feet over the west leg of the Vancouver Range, preparing for a landing. Nothing more was
    Reuter; UP  -  156 words
  • 341 4 Vesak Festival Programme THE Singapore Buddhist Association will celebrate the Vesak Full Moon festival on Sunday, anniversary of Buddha's birth, and his attainment of Buddha-hood and Nirvana. Mr. M. G- de Forseka, honorary secretary of the Association, writes: "This will be the Vesak festival of the year 2,491 of the
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  • 89 4 WASHINGTON, Wednesday. President Truman yesterday called on American businessmen to help dispel "the inflationary cloud now hanging over us." He suggested cutting prices and boosting production to achieve an "ev e r-expanding system of private enterprise" No community leaders have a •»rav e r responsibility at
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  • 1147 4 fHE attention of the Representative of the Government of India has been called to the editorial m the Straits Times of Monday, April 28. commenting on the facts and views expressed by him at his recent Press conference on return from a tour of estate-?
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 80 4 just right f FOOTWEAR Just right m weight and balance, based on John White's Jy n^. experience m making 25,000,000 JF HraL pairs of footwear for men. /1 -(yHn resources and latest JeSS^S*^MKmt production methods, JoH W^yd^fj^' kAkIW. T.ade Representative MR. J. E. TAN, Lewfc Banks Si Co., Ltd., 28-
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  • 295 5 35,000 TO TAKE PART IN CITY RALLY May Day March THE biggest rally of workers ever seen m Malaya is expected to take place m Singapore today. Organisers of the May Day celebrations estimate that at least 35,000 men and women will participate m the procession through Singapore streets this
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  • 116 5 WAR RISKS INSURANCE BOARD From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. THE Governors of Singapore 1 and the Malayan Union have appointed the following to be members of the Board of Management of the War Risks (Goods) Insurance Fund: The Financial Secretary, Singapore (Chairman); the Deputy Financial Secretary, Singapore; the
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  • 127 5 Census Of Singapore's Homeless DEOPLE sleeping m the streets 1 en the night of Sept. 23 will be counted by policemen, while Marine Police will go round counting those who live m sampans. This is part of the census taking plans announced yesterday. It will be p;ssible to know how
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  • 87 5 CECOND Motherland," a film produced m Singapore and featuring both local talent as well as stars from Chungking will be given a pr e view by the producers, Shaw's Studios, at R x Cinema on Sunday at 9 a.m. Directed by Shanghai-born Mr. Wu Choon, the picture
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  • 96 5 THE secretary of the North Johore Indian Labour Union has sent the following letter to all estate managers m North Johore: "We have to inform you that we have advised our sub-branch on your estate to celebrate May Day m the aiteroon. "In the morning they
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  • 69 5 TWO Chln©se, Wong Scon Kee 1 and Ho Cheng Huang, who wer c alleged to have affixed slogans commemoratirg Labour Day on th e walls of a house at the 4«/ 2 milestone, Pasir Panjang, on Tuesday, appeared before the Fourth Police Magistrate, Che Ahmad bin Ibrahim,
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  • 114 5 From Our Own KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. CULFA DRUGS now on sale m the open market, may be placed on the poisons list, Dr. W. C. E. Diamond, the Malayan Union Medical Department's specialist on venereal disease, said yesterday. Dr. Diamond said that these
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  • 79 5 U7HEN the case against three Indian soldiers, Karim Wullah, Khunna and Abdul Rahman, who were alleged to have been m unlawiu! possession of 17 Sten suns m Al xandra Read on Sunday morning, was mentioned m the Fourth Poiice Court yesterday, it was stated that police investigations
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  • 80 5 IPOH, Wednesday:— Voon Jan Shin, a former Ipoh hospital dresser was today committed to stand his trial at the Penang Assizes at the end of a preliminary inquiry today m the District Court when he appeared before Inche Shamsudln on a charge of voluntarily causing
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 153 5 ALL-MALAYA PREMIERE SAT: MID-NIGHT Oregon seen.c wontleriatiii of trains, cabins, girls, trails that lead to FORTUNE w DEATH! with DANA ANDREWS BRIAN DONLEVY SUSAN HAYWARD and INTRODUCING PATRICIA ROC m Radiant New TECHNICOLOR (Universal's latest) MAN AGAINST MAN 7n The Fight To Rule! _B^^-«_____f "S*^ _L _U___V'^ MAN AGAINST WOMAN
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    • 143 5 *rf WS T RK T"S E>O3T POPULAR /END iy^T>ft» &EYLAN& PHONE SOTO^? OPENING TO-DAY 2 SHOWS ONLY: 6.30 A 9.15 p.m. JOHNNY MACK BROWN TEX RITTKR m "DEEP IN THE HEART OF TEXAS" Double Dynamite! Blasting The Trail for Law Order Through Texas' Bloody Decade! The Greatest it Latest 'Road'
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    • 369 5 BRITISH SOCIETY OF COMMERCE LIMITED. Designation of Fellows: P.B.S.C. Executives and others holding responsible position In Commerce Invited to apply for details of membership Write: Secretary, Westmede, Preston-road. Whittle. Chorley. Lanes. England. SINGAPORE, MALACCA, COACHES' LIMITED. PASSENGER ANT PARCEL SERVICE DAILY BETWEEN SINGAPORE MALACCA DEPARTURE STATIONS:— Shang Onn Hotel 37
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    • 306 5 THE EFFICIENT LAXATIVE TAXOL is not a purgative bat a gentle laxative. Two tablet* nightly, swallowed whole. wH usually prove to be sufllclent tQ relieve your constipation. TAXOL is made by Continental laboratories Ltd. of Londoa. Look tor this sign on the packet. Obtainable from: AH first class Chemists tc
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 480 5 SINGAPORE THURSDAY 1.00 p.m. George Melachrino Orchestra; 1.30 News; 1.40 Calling all Hospitals; 2.00 Close down. 8.15 p.m. News headlines and programme summary; 8.20 Evenin? Star; 8.30 Radio Orchestra; 9.00 I.T.M.A.!9.30 News; 9.45 Film Review- 10.00 Music in miniature; 10.30 Picture Parade; 11.00 News headlines and close down. KUALA LUMPUR
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    • 758 5 H m tncicult 15? Worth-South In ten tricks. today"s deal so reach the game con- The discussion immediaUly arose tract that was so logclal on their as to whether North could logically combined hands, but the difficulty have gone to three no trump, or would have been overcome through a
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  • 27 6 Mr. Mrs. S. V. de Kretser thank all friends relations for their attendance, congratulatory letters, telegrams and useful gifts, on the occasion of their Silver Wedding.
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  • 704 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Thurs., May 1, 1947. Labour Day In this land of everlasting summer where May means no more than December, the ancient festival of Europe known as May Day is now celebrated. There will be a mass meeting m Farrer Park this morning and a procession through
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  • 476 6 Today we say goodbye to the rickshaw, or ricksha, as Mr. Laycock prefers to spell It In an adjoining letter, or jinrikisha. as officialdom has always spelt it m Singapore. The last Municipal licences for this form of public transport expired yesterday, and Raffles Museum will be well
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  • 4 6
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  • Man In The Street
    • 414 6 TODAY I wish to congratulate the Singap j micipal Commissioners on the extinction of the jinrikisha. After some 20 years of discussion, oppo. lion and determined perseverance, the Singapore Municipal Commissioners decided on July 12, 1946, to refuse to re-license any ricksha. This
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    • 115 6 A FEW days ago I read a report m tlie Straits Times about a snatch-and-grab robbery m which no one va-<! a wrested. The next day I witnessed two policemen marching majestically, proudly exhibiting a prisoner, ah" itinerant ven<k>r of not more than 14 or 15 years
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    • 219 6 MAY I be allowed to reply to "Disgusted Nurse," who recently voiced some complaints m thecolumns of your newspaper. As a nursing sister of some years experience I would like to point out that this probationary nurse shows her ignorance, and complete lack of application of
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    • 151 6 "In Ordeer To Save Their Heads" A FEW days after the capitulation of Singapore certain Chinese community leaders were arraigned before Yamashita, and, after angry threats, they offered to make a gift to the Imperial Japanese Government m order to save their heads. An association known as the Oversea Chinese
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    • 223 6 rTO Roland Braddell m his "Memories Of Old Singapore" mentioned the sensational and venomous case between two well-known bookmakers, Tuliy and Cowan. I remember the case very well. It was tried m Penang m 1911. Dato Braddell with Mr. G. E. Wright-Motion, one of the
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    • 225 6 IFEEL certain that ev€rj| true Britisher is d sgusted at the suggestion that Princess Elizabeth might marry a petty, penniless, Continental prince who has now camouflaged his identity by becoming a naturalised British subject and adopting a famous name. Surely there is already far, far too
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    • 220 6 "Indonesian": A New Word In Malaya I AM a bit comu %d over the term INDONESIAN which is so comrron'y iired nowMicys. Is an Indonesian only a native of Java (who m pre-war days was called a Javanese>? Or can he also be a Sumatran, a Balinese, an Amboinese or
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 848 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. SITUATIONS VACANT TWO EXPERIENCED baggage clerk wanted. Apply personally, American Lloyd Agency, 64 Robinson Road. WANTED European assistant to take charge of insurance department engaged m all branches of insurance. Box No^A72o. S.T. WANTED Architectural draughtsmen. Apply Box No. A732 Straits Times. A VACANCY occurs for a reliable
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    • 53 6 Scientific Glare Control American POLAROID DAY GLASSES FITS-ONS also available. The only type ol glasses that really controls glare. During the war used by the American Army and Navy. Call for a demonstration to prove the differences from ordinary sun glasses Various New Types of Spectacle Frames A M-MinliriK* a'so
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    • 68 6 SOUND EQUIPMENT Amplifiers from For either A.C, AC/DC andyor 12 Volt Battery Model UB4 12 Watts for AC/DC $535 Model 8618 18 Watts for A.C. or 12 Volt Battery $685 Model T633 30 Watts for A.C. only $795 AN M<xkk include, Microphone Amplifier Speaker. LARGE CONSIGNMENT 18 ON ITS WAY.
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  • 375 7 PLAN TO FIGHT BLINDNESS IN MALAYA Rotary Club Move From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. A PLAN to form a society for the prevention of blindness m this country is being launched by the Rotary Club of Kuala Lumpur. It was announced at the weekly luncheon meeting of the
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  • 169 7 Soldier To Die For Murder SENTENCE of death was passed on Suden Khan, an Indian Army lance-corporal at the Assize Court yesterday at the conclusion of a trial m which he was charged .with the murder of Sepoy Abdul Latif at the Engineering Base Workship, Tiong Bahru. on Oct. 18
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  • 145 7 Frcm Our Own Correspondent TAIPING, Wednesday. Th e electricity problem is causing oorsidprable c iT-crn since U hr.c now been stated that an additional generator which it was thought Seremban might be able to supply is not now available. \t a nc^n f T' vn "~a
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  • 76 7 The annual general meeting of the All-Malaya Muslim Missionary' Bocl; tv of Singapore was held or. Saturday, at the Al-Juned Islamic School. The following were elected office-bearers for the ensuing year: President, Syed Ibrahim bin Omar AlsagofT; Vice-Presidents. Dr. S. I. M. Ibrahim, Syed Abubakar bin Taria Alsagoff
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  • 70 7 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Wednesday —Mr A. W. WaUich, a director •:f Bcustead and Co. m Kuala Lumpur, has been appointed a member of the Malayan Union Advistry Council, succeeding Mr. W. G. C. Blunn, who is going on leave Mr. Wallich was Senior Civi] Aflairs
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  • 269 7 PURCHASED from Credit Foncier D'Extreme Orient at a cost 1 of $120,000, al3 acre property with nine bungalows at Goodman Road, Singapore, adjacent to the Kallang An port, will be the future site of the Singapore Chung Cheng High School. The School, at present m
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  • 95 7 THE following appointments, promotions and transfers to Malaya have been made m various branches oi the Colonial Services: Capt. J.W.3. Hamilton and Mr. A.T.R. Brown. Administrative Service. Capt. B.M. Maclver, Customs Service. Mr. D. Brown, "Mr. D.O. Edge and Maj. DR. Scott. Assistant Engineers. P.W.D. Dr. J.C Burns
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  • Article, Illustration
    75 7 If you are m need of a garden shovel, Union Agencies at number 4, Laidlaw Building have 500 which they will give away to the first 530 applicants. The shovels were bought from Army disposals but are not the type that can lie sold m bulk m Singapore As they
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  • 73 7 A view of the 13-acre property at Goodman Ruad, adjacent to Singapore's Kallang Airport, which has bc*n purchased by the Singapore Chang Cheug High School f>r its future site. The site, which has nine bungalows built on it, cost the School $120,000 to
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  • 96 7 ONE thousand dozen, "quick frozen oysters are ready for immediate shipment from Australia to Singapore. The oysters will be shipped m bottles. The shells will be shipped separately and the two will come together again on a dinner pi ite m one of Singapore's restaurants. The
    96 words
  • 57 7 The following meus will be av^i'able today at People's Restaurants m Singapore: Thlity-cents meal: Rice or bread, mutton stew or fried fish balls or mutton curry, onions, baked beans, bayam and tomato kitchup Fifteen-cents meal: Rice, bean cak.'s and salted vegetables or dhall curry, and bayam. E ght-cent
    57 words
  • 317 7 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. TAI CHONG alias Fan Kau, a 32 year-old Chinese carpenter, •I was today convicted and sentenced to death by Mr. Justice Spenser Wilkinson at the Selangor Assizes for the murder of J. P. Stancil, an Indian clerk on
    317 words
  • 377 7 BURNETT TRIAL A CONVERSATION between Major John Burnett D.5.0.M.0, Ist Battalion Seaforth Highlanders and the Intelligence Officer of the Battalion regarding shooting on anti-looting patrols was described m the Fourth Singapore District Court yesterday. The Major was making his fourth appearance before Mr.
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  • 93 7 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU. Widne.-.uav. —Mr. J.P. Edwards. State Forest Officer. Johore. lsaves for Kuala Lumpur, on Friday where he «-Ll act as Director of Forestry. Malayan Union, m place of Mr. 1 a. "Strong, who is flying to the Unite J Kingdom m the
    93 words
  • 64 7 From Our Own Correspondent IPOH, Wednesday:— At today's meeting of the Ipoh Rotary Club the following were elected officebearers for the next term: President, Dato Panglima Bukit Gantang, vice-presidents, Mr M B. Chapman and Mr. M S. Mahendran, secretary, Mr. J. V. Morais, treasurer, Mr. Tan Hong
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  • 164 7 From Our Stall Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Wednesday rO writers m Singapore have won prizes m the Malayan short story and novel competition run by the Department of Public Relations m the Malayan Union. Mi. Colir Deans, a teacher cf St. Patrick's Sciiool. Singapore, was voted
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  • 378 7 AVER 1,000 complaints are being received monthly by the Watei Department of the Singapore Municipality. Most of these are trom people who think they are being charged for more water than they use. An official of the department said yesterday that where it ha^ not been possible
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 36 7 SHERRY Dry Fly Sherry per bottle $9 00 Dry Club Sherry 9 00 Old Moreno Sherry 900 Old Fashion Brown Sherry 9 50 A Winter's Tale Sherry w 10.60 PORT Crown Brand m $8 50 llllwißSßwiil
      36 words

  • Straits Times Thursday Magazine
    • 1187 8 By MONT FOLLICK, M.P. |F Prince Juan were to take his courage m both hands, go to Madrid and proclaim himself openly King of Spain, he would have the backing at the whole Spanish nation. That is the impression I gained after ten
      1,187 words
    • 345 8 A New Yorker's Round-up NEW YORK— Eight times married miilti millionaire Tommy Manville is still at outs with his eighth wife. On his 53rd birthday the other day, she book him a birthday cake by helicopter. Tommy said it was silly (they've filed assault charges against
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    • 407 8 Thousands Of Wild Camels In Australia By Zelie McLeod WILD camels have become a dangerous nuisance m the cattleraising districts of Central Australia. A leading pastoralist, Mr. E. A. Brooks, says the Government ought to use strafing planes there to wipe out wild camels, wild dogs, and brumbies; they bred
      407 words
    • 449 8 Empress raises chickens...lunch box wrapped m white silk... happy songs are now unpopular... By RICHARD HUGHES rKIO Resigning from the Japanese Liberal Party to join the new Democratic Party, Dr. Hitoshi Ashida has simultaneously donated a sum of 130,000 yen to his old party. This action, wnich he
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 110 8 Babies thrive on HUM fi^\^ soys ttSU,TKIBOfiO£M COW £wHin<l Taw* ffSkSilkiL TOILET PBtp ARATIOKS '(^nfcift®) Evening m Paris perfume and powder 5 and Even mg m Paris lipsticks m th« shades are still to be obtained; it A, If. I ma y *>« li«lc more trouble than formf A L
      110 words
    • 67 8 Limited stocks are now gS a! available, with more on the way V^^^ SILENT KNiGHT HOUSEHOLD REFRIGERATORS Arriving about May 7 Electric Mod Is. for A/C or D/C 230 Volts Kerosene M dels for Estates, Mines or Places Without Electricity. Limited quantity available BUY YOURS NOW at THE MARDEN COMPANY
      67 words

  • 733 9 NOVEL OF THE WEEK THE PROMISE, by Pearl S. Buck, London: Metbuen and Co. Melbourne: Hicks, Smith, and Wright. THERE'S no need to introduce Pearl S. Buck. When you get a writer whose books automatically run into anything from
    733 words
  • 259 9 FOR YOUR DUSTBIN THF. GILDED LIZARD, by Mary Brooke Stoker- London: Mac Donald Co. MISTRESS Mary Stoker, as befits a relative of Bram Stoker, the clelebrated creator of Dracula, has written a novel teeming with baying dogs, slavering wolves and whimpering women. But chiefly whimpering
    259 words
  • 647 9 MYSTERY OF THE WEEK FIVE PASSENGERS FROM LISBON, by Mignon Eberhart. London: The Crime Club. TO the connoisseur of crime there can be no more satisfactory setting for homicide than an open boat; it imposes on the murderer and his historian a rigid d'scipline which
    647 words
  • 1175 9 ByZelieMcLeod INDIA has asked Bri- tain to return the famous Koh-i-noor diamond to her. This seems an odd request from a country on the verge of independence and preoccupied with internal strife. Perhaps it's not so odd though: Tradition .<-ays that whoever possesses
    1,175 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 167 9 iRKy Tcie"" lines L tWn-^fi ter fT sX ffor HeaL {h J Yes, you're certainly doing the right (fiflj^^*''-^ thing by taking Andrews for Inner Cleanliness A Ijgg fIM >; ionic glass of sparkling Andrews, taken regularly, BESSS^ keeps you clean inside, banishes those poisons that K'' i: ff ]ji
      167 words
      111 words

  • 538 10 HOLLYWOOD.— When Walt Disney began to combine live action with cartoon animation on film, some observers in Hollywood considered that Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck, would ultimately disappear from the screen, along with the other sketched and animated animals which Disney made popular
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  • 50 10 Singapore cinemas are showing the following films: ALHAMBRA: "Swamp Fire." M nday Double Indemnity." CAPITOL: "Thief of Uairhdad." Tuesday "Lost Horizon." CATHAY: "Thrill of a Romance." JUBILEE: "Black Dragons." Sunday— "Black Magic." PAVILION: "Night Train." (tomorrow.) Tuesday "Great Expectations.' REX: "A Stolen Life." Sunday "Navy Blues."
    50 words
  • 184 10 M. Molotov Praises Dickens' Film U.K. Film notes: GREAT EXPECTATIONS, j a British Cineguild production, was shown to the Soviet Foreign Secretary, M. Mo'otov, m Moscow by the British Foreign Minister, Mr. Ernest Eev n. Mr. Molotov described the picture as "extremely good," whereupon the copy was presented to him
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 79 10 Every House A Box-Office Record! Come Early to Avoid Disappointment! TOPS H33Y3ND A DOUBT! e 5 Ml mp k Jy*s0*u** \SM+mm**£m 77«e triumphant fO-^AY A^ 11 ».m., 1.45, 4.15 6.45. 9 M PhOM 3400 successor to T "Bathing Beauty" A which you have MtJtJ^L Y6een waiting for! K/\*m M SaUrJay
      79 words
      182 words

  • 276 11 Coffee Peanuts In Demand Produce market By Our Market Correspondent IN the Singapore produce market yesterday, coffee and peanuts were active, and sago, glutinous rice and copra were firm. Siam rice ana Java white sugar turned easier. Business done for rock and cube sugar was brisk. In the rice market,
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  • 38 11 MOSCOW. Wednesday.— If Russia has a good harvest she may be able to send wheat to Britain this year, and she may also export timber to Britain, according to Informed British sources here.
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  • 568 11 INTEREST IN TINS INDUSTRIALS By Our Market Correspondent f^ SINGAPORE, Wednesday. THE local share market continued steady again to1 day, with most interest centred m Industrials and tins. There was selective buying for rubber shares but the section, generally, continued featureless Fraser and Neaves changed I —1 hands at $3.72y
    568 words
  • 52 11 WASHINGTON, Wednesday —The Netherlands Goyenunent has sabmiUed to the W«rid Bank a formal application for P.845»».MM»». The Bank authorities say that the Netherlands had asked for the mmt to finance a portion of the natlon 1 mare orrent projects In the «rer-»n rehabUiUtion, reeMMtraetion and indnstrUUMktleo
    AP  -  52 words
  • 113 11 SHIPS alongside the Tanjong Pagar wharves yesterday (po •ltlons given m brackets) wireWTCST WHAKF: Burnslde (Oodown 1), Empire Seabreeze «Xt Bruas (S), Samconstant (4), Hennund (6); Emplr- Pride Skldmore Victory (10)- Mer lanspua (13) Dlomed (15)! EMPIRE DOCK:— Hong Sing (Gate 4) Benares (Godown 17); Hlmrod (31) Ponce
    113 words
  • 94 11 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association 1 Prices at noon yesterday were: Buyer* Sellers Cts. Cte. per lb. per Ib. No. 1 R.S.S. Spot 1 «*e 42J 43 i No. 1 R.S.S. fob la bales May 43} 44 No. 2 R.S.S. fob in bale* May 42 J
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 578 11 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. (Incorporated la Singapore) BLUE FUNNEL LINE "■■e l from U.S.A. for Batavia Road -India Mall" from U.S. A from U.K. for BaUvto G 3 "Wowed" tails l«r Genoa, Marseilles, Havre, Liverpool A Glasgow Mas 7 #A J»*" sails for Liverpool May U •Poryphemms- tails for Liverpool and
      578 words
      191 words
    • 296 11 "TJIKAMPEK" due Singapore 2nd May from Amsterdam/London/Genoa/ Port Said enroute for Batavia/Semarang/ Soerabaia/Makassar/Balikpapen/ Morotai Consignees are requested to apply tor Delivery Orders to: N'EDEELAND LINE Royal Dutch Mail 41, Robinson Road Tel. 7128 P O and B I !>-*,« AS^ EN E 1 F *«GHT SERVICE oc O. S. N.
      296 words
    • 534 11 t HERMAN KLAVENESS LINE BUCKNALL <tacorporateo with Llmiieo Liability tn Norway 1 S.s CO., LTD. LOS ANGELAS, SAN FUAN(lncorDoratea m England) CISCO VANCOUVER for London, Antwerp CITY OF POONA "castleville- mJt 4 due 15 May. 5 McALISTER CO., LTD. an £2TP°"|"*> "i Singapore, PHONES 7837— 5906. BOUSTEAD CO., LTD." LLOYDS
      534 words

  • 361 12 CAMDEN, N. Jersey, Wednesday. TIGHT manager Jack K earns, who guided Jack Dempsey to the heavyweight title m days gone by, was m Camden today to try to persuade Jersey Joe Walcott to go through with a heavyweight fight with Kearns' new protege, Joey
    AP  -  361 words
  • 31 12 Malayan Non-Benders will play a North vs. South cricket match at Kuala Lumpur on Aug. 17 and 18. The annual general meeting will follow the match.
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  • 163 12 PRAGUE, Wednesday. A charge that the referees at the European basketball championships were "whistle happy," was made by Mike Lluzgis, the American coach of the French basketball team today. Ruzgis said that over-con-scientious officials were shrilling "like a cage full of canaries," and they created the
    163 words
  • 120 12 K>HORE Bahru beat Kluang by 3 matches to 2, m the finals of the Johore Int e r-District Badnvnton Tournament, at the Gov e rnm e nt English School Hall, Kluang. The results are as lollows. (J.B. players mentioned first): Ist. Singles: Ng Ngoh Tee best
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  • 72 12 Good soccer ls anticipated at Jalan Besar Stadium today when the Navy meet the Chinese (Selection II) m the first round of the S.A.F.A. League. Both teams suffered surprising defeats recently the Navy losing three-one co the S.R.C. and the Chinese seven-nil to the R.A.F. It was
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  • 91 12 An Inter-unit swimming and diving meeting is to be held at Glllman Barracks Swimming Pool on Saturday at 3.30 p.m. to decide the Army championships, and help m the choosing of the Army Team for the Inter-services aquatic meeting scheduled to take place nt the end of
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  • 566 12 Beats Ordnance 7-3 In Parker Cup Soccer Combined Infantry ..7; RjLO.C 3. THE true cup-tie atmosphere prevailed at Alexandra 1 Barracks yesterday when the Combined Infantry beat R.A.O.C. seven-three m the semi-final of the Parker Cup soccer competition. Comprising selected players from the Ist. Seaforth Highlanders and
    566 words
  • 187 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday 'TN spite of the formidable 1 liabilities and the heavy further rehabilitation expenditure which is envisaged, the position of the Club would appear to be sound," states the the annual report of the Selangor Golf Club, to be presented at the annual
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  • 218 12 Following is the latest list the Straits Racing Association TRANSFERS From class 2 to class I.— Jack Pot, Rex Flash and Zarlna; from class 1 to class 2. Bull Toi and Prattle On; from class 3 to class 2.— Spear Mirth: fr;m class 2 to
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  • 277 12 STOKE, Wednesday. THE approach of Stanley Matthews, England's outside right to the Stoke Board asking for a transfer, has been a closely guarded secret, and even his wife did not know anything about it. Matthews met the Stoke directors some days ago, and m the
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  • 133 12 Mr. Ff*w<u°d iobs (piciured above) of Aberdeen, Scotland, a 34-year-old bachelor bos driver, has won the world record football poor price of £61.456 m Little-wrod's Penny Pool competition. Mr. Cross was driving his bus on a route through Torry, his home district, when the telegram carrying
    133 words
  • 206 12 T. Minstrel Wins Guineas NEWMARKET, Wednesday. rX>R Minstrvl won the 2,000 Guineas, run over a mile here, by eight lengths vith Saravan second and Sayajirao third of 15 runners. The judge ordered a photograph finish before placing Princess Aly Khan's Saravan by Legend of France out of May Wong a
    206 words
  • 59 12 PENANG. Wfcdne^Uav Twenty-seven new horses aro among 87 entries received lor the Penang Turf Club May meeting, to be run on May 10 and 17 Originally three days had been set aside for the meeting, but entries did not come up to expectations, and the committee
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  • 910 12 The Royal Singapore Gclf Club May Medal Competition (Stableford Handicapping System) will be played at Bukit Timah on Saturday afternoon 3c Sunday morning, 18 holes, maximum harjdicap allowed 18. A Ball Sweep will be run m conjunction with the Medal at $2 per head. Time
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 381 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued from Page 6» "tuition Shorthand. New beginners' sesslcn Btarts May-6. Vacancies speed classes. Object:— Nov. Exams. Instr F.I.P.S. r.C.T.S Interviews 5.30. Room-6, 222 <Queen St. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CAMERON HIGHLANDS. Investment with congenial employment availn )le m tea planting concern. Box No. A729 S.T BRITISH engineering. nardware, general
      381 words