The Straits Times, 27 April 1947

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 68 1 TEXAS CITY INFERNO About t>oo people perished and 3.00 1 others were injured when Tixas City was virtually w p?d out 11 days ago by explosions and fires caused by the blowing up the nitrate and »uncot ton -laden French ship Grandiamp. This air plelt 8 shows the blazing inferno
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  • 95 1 U.N.O. GUARD AGAINST TERRORISTS NEW YORK. Saturday. PEEKING to avoid any outbreak of Jewish extremist violence -imil.-.r to that In Palestine. Unit»d Nations security officials and New ork City detectives have begun an exhaustive search of the United Nations General Assembly hall, preparatc.y to the special assembly session on Palestine
    UP  -  95 words
  • 29 1 NANKING, Saturday. Gir Hisoo Tani, former Japanese Commander in Nanking, convict ■i of resp:ns;bi!ity lor 'he Nanking rape in 1937, was sho; this morning. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 53 1 HAIFA, Saturday. HR A. E. Conquest, Haifa C.I.D. IU Chief who was shot twice in the by Jt wish gunmen in Haifa today, died l2t?r. Mr. Conquest w: s diving hs car down Carm:l Avenue, Haifa, when Jews five on him from a
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 412 1 BIGCOMMANDBUILDING SCHEME H.Q., hospital and depots Sunday Times Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. jTONSTRUCTION of Malaya Command Headquarters in Kuala Lumpur and three other building: proj' ~ts, now in progress, will cost $1,700,000. The Headquarters, which are expected to cost $340,000, are being carved out of a hillside off Rifle
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  • 106 1 Sunday Times Correspondent LONDON, Saturday. TEXTILE mills and other factories in Northern England have used scrap rubber at £4 a I ton to fire boilers and maintain production during the worst i period of the recent fuel crisis. The comment of one mill-owner was: "It was
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  • 68 1 Sunday Times Reporter FO Chinese members of a crew of seven in a motor driven craft were lost following a collision at 2 a.m. yesterday with the Japanese repatriate ship Taian Maru. about 70 miles eff Singapore. The 20-ton motor vessel overturned after the collision.
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  • 42 1 THE Registrar General for Eng- land and the Wales announces that the higest birthrate for years was recorded during the first quarter of this year. A total of 241,421 births was recorded or 22.8 per thousand of the population—UP.
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  • 161 1 SHANNON, Saturday. ANEW Atlantic record was set up today by the British Overseas Airways Constellauon, Earigcr II which crossed the ocean from Gandar, Newfoundland, to Shannon in 5 hours 28 minutes, 8.0.A.C. announces. The plane was piloted by the noted British aviator, bearded Capt. O.
    Reuter  -  161 words
  • 175 1 Sunday Times Sets Up New Record THE Sunday Times, with aver- ase n?t sales for March of 43,2.">8, has created a new re;-ord for Sunday newspaper circulation in Malaya and today its sale is much greater than the combined sales of all its En<-l.'sh-language contemporaries. The combined sales of The
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  • 139 1 TOKIO, Saturday. JAPAN swung towards Socialism, but kept her grip on Conservatism in the elections for ty^e new House of Representatives, giving it an apparent mandate to apply moderate controls in solving the country's economic problems. Complete but unofficial returns show the Social Democratic Party had
    AP  -  139 words
  • 61 1 THREE young soldiers who said they stole two fowls Decaus? their Sergeant Major was going away and they wanted to give him a treat were each fined £2 at Southampton. The court clerk asked: "Has anything of that kind ever been known before?" The prosecutor,
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 184 1 LONDON, Saturday. THE Marquess of Bute, ag a 65 on» of the world's rich, st men. died last night. He had been in ill heal h for some time. He died at Momv.s*uart Hcuse at hU esta f e on the west roast of Sco'b.nd.
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  • 30 1 The golden key bearing t::e coat-cf-arms of Care Towr whim the capital of th- Union of South Africa presented to Princes* Elizabeth on her 21st birthday.
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  • 193 1 Sunday Times Correspon Jent FENANG. Saturday. AFTER sending out two planes yesterday, the R.A.F. at Penang have abandoned the search for the BriLMi India Navigation Line steamship Sir Harvey Adamson, which has been missing since she sailed from Calcutta for Rangoon on April 17 with
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  • 236 1 Hundreds try to stow away in India ship Sunday Times Correspondent PENANG, Saturday. r prevent a repetition of the discovery of 411 stowaways aboard when the ship last sailed for India from Penang, 50 police were specially siationed at the quayside this afternoon, when Indian passengers embarked aboard the Rajula
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  • 46 1 CKARLTON Ath!etio yesterday won the FA. Final for thJ first t:me in theii hist;ry. beating Burnl?y with a dramatic goal sccrsd by left-winger Chris Dutly in 24 minutes oi extra time aft?r a rrp!ay had seemed certain. Full report— Page TWELVE
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 43 1 MARCONI RADIOS Sole \Kcnt> vlauya (EE HUAT RADIO CO., 12?- 12 i Orchard Road Phone 4566 SINGAPORE Branches: KUALA I.IMIMK PENANO. "6 can wnte even t/wupft i 4 imrfic&ty mtldo ttw washing' "SERVIS" ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE. Available from Singapore Stork— Fall particulars from
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    • 6 1 f y.u B**"' -"A c/\on-+i CIGARETTES
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  • 1110 2 SPOTLIGHT on MALA YA Clifford Peer Turns His JOINT-Chairman of the new Malayan Wages Commission, 37-year-old Professor T. H. SILCOCK has held the chair of economics at Raffles College since 1938 and has taken, a keen practical interest in many Malayan social problems. Member of a well-known Quaker family, he
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 301 2 The modern man or worn .11 I KyOAmtcqSßl^ in list study appearances I bIMIE^E&Q^^ Nothing is mere objectionable I ■QjSjj|o^A\\V tran mv f and dandruff ar.d I W/B^t^jZ t'*e resul.irg dull and I \?^^^.»«*&,v\ >l less hair. Try BRYLCREEM m\ ♦♦'s*V*sA^ Brylcreem il The easiest shave__ (fl^x is a
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    • 555 2 WVELIER SKIN jf^^M FREE FROM DKYNESS <g^ M If your skin looks dull and lifeless, it consta. make-up has left it coarse and dry, use Damaskin the modern Two-Purpose Skinfood That way you, too. can make your skin wonderfully smooth and silky. See how Damaskin gives your complexion a new,
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 312 2 RADIO MALAYA *-00 Military Band Parade: 4.15 Gerry> Week; 10.00 World news; 10 15 AustraSivr \i>ni>l Half-Hour; 4.45 Weekly Preview; 5.00 llan pianists; 10.30 Overseas Mail Bag: MMUArUKK Aa Singapore; 8.30 News headlines; 10.45 Australian news- 11 00 Magazin:SUNDAY 835 Sunday Prom; 9.30 News; 11.00 of the Week; 11.15 Dance
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  • 493 3 SOME WAGES ARE 25 TIMES GREATER Carriers earn $30 a day Sunday Times Staff Reporter WAGE increases up to 25 times the 1938 figures are disclosed in official statistics compiled by the Singapore Labour Department and in many instances the list of 50 different trades reviewed shows that many people
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  • 64 3 A 34-year-old Chinese, Chee Ya;i n Kong, who is alleged to have attempted armed robbery at a sundry gcods stall at 13/2 Milestone, Sembawang Road on Apr 25 was remanded in the Fourth District Police Court, yesterday It was alleged that the accused attempted to obtain $80
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  • 62 3 Sunday Times Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. MALAYAN railway workers and Government employees of Selangor today entertained Mr. M. P. Rajagopal at a tea party In honour of his appointment as a member of the Malayan Union Advisory Council Mr. Rajagopal, who is 28 years of age, is the
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  • 120 3 BRIGADIER C. C. Clark. Director of the Stores Disposal Board, Far East, at Cathay Buildin?. Singapore, identified I typewriter he had been using for 20 y>,ars. in the Singapore District Court yesterday. Brigadier Clark was gi\ing evidence before the District Judge, Mr. Paul Storr, in
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  • 88 3 KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. THE Governor, Sir Edward Gent, and the Sultan of Selangor, were the thousands of people who thronged the Kuala Lumpur .adang last night and applauded the various events In the military tattoo which brought "Army Week" to an end. The highlight
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  • 166 3 Sunday Times Correspondent PENANG, Saturday. CTATING that he was satisfied that there were "a lot of 0 gangs causing inconvenience to people," Mr. Justice Carey expressed the hope this afternoon that the railways would take steps to see that "peaceful citizens are not molested."
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  • 137 3 Sunday Times Reporter. CIR Alexander Carr-Saunders, chairman orf the Colonial Office Social Research Committee, yesterday met members of the Singapore Social Survey Committee to discuss with them the proposed social survey of Singapore. Sir Alexander said that there was no similar scientific survey under consideration in any
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  • 62 3 IN old and battle-scarred crop- raiding elephant has been shot by the District Forest Officer. Bentong. at the 89th mile Lipis-Kuantan Road, reports the Sunday Times Johore Bahru correspondent. The animal had been wounded in the past and had three wounds on the face, om» eye
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  • 161 3 Special police radio for Penang Hill Sunday Times Correspondent PENANG, Saturday. PLANS have been made for the installation of a powerful shortwave transmitter to be situated high up in the clouds which overhang the summit of Penang Hill. This transmitter will De connected by landline to the maJn police station
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  • 92 3 Sunday Times Correspondent IPOH, Saturday. F[E Perak Hydro Electric Power Co., management stated to-day that about one-flfth of the total staff of both the company and of its subsidiary, the Ktata Electrical Distribution Co., who have been on strike are now back at work. The honorary
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  • Article, Illustration
    45 3 MX. S. F. H PEKERA, one of the members of the Ceylon Rubber Commission who arrived in Singapore to study ronditloM In Malay*. MR. E. W. WHITELAW, the other member of the Ceylon commission, which is in this country on a fortnight's tour.
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  • 258 3 Sunday Times Correspondent SEREMBAN, Saturday. ALLEGED to have knocked down A an elderly Chinese pedestrian and then picked tihe body up and dumped it at the side of a lonely stretch of road two miles away, the Malay driver of a petrol tanker, Mansor
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  • 377 3 TEYLON'S Rubber Commission, which is to report on the future of the industry in that country, arrived in Singapore yesterday on a fortnight's tour, to study conditions in the Malayan rubber industry. The commissioners are: Mr. S. F. H. Perera, a member of the Ceylon
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  • 153 3 K.L. WILL HAVE NEW HOTEL DANCE HALL Sunday Times Reporter. KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. APTVE-storey, 52-room Hotel, restaurant and dance hall, costing $200,000 has begun to I rise in Bukit Bintar.g Road, Kuala Lumpur, the first project of its kind in the Malayan Union to receive the app-oval of Government. The
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  • 57 3 Sunday Times Reporter. ftR. Ivor Jennings. Vice-Chan- cellor of the University of Ceylon, who is at present in Malaya as member of the Higher Education Commission, will at 4.30 tbis afternoon speak about the University of C' ylcn at a public lecture to be given at the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 122 3 One PROTEX Toothbrush will outlast tnree ordinary toothbrushes. Tufts are made of Nylon the perfect, scientific material and will not break off, fall out, or become limp or BOffKV. Ob'a'n-ble at all d^lpr* j 111 V -J J J TOOTHBRUSHES WITH TOFTS OF 6 Etl U I H E IYLON
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    • 94 3 Eventually YOU WILL OWN A "Bandspread" Radio why not now H.M.V. Now Available 8 Wavebands. 6 Valves. 350.00 12 in. Speaker. J&K Guaranteed and Serviced free of \4r^\*\ charge for 6 months by the gJTTsSSfgp Sole Malayan Distributors Miilii 11, ROBINSON ROAD TEL 7030 SINGAPORE UNION TYPEWRITER SERVICE 82/34 Ctaulla
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  • Article, Illustration
    19 4 JEAN KENT, J. Arthur Rank artiste, who is to play a leading role in the new film "Good-Time Girl."
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  • 411 4 AN the south bank, across tthe Thames from the ancient square-mile City, a i.ew London Wil scon arise. Here, amid scenes that recall Shakespeare and Dickens, from a mass of grimy and gloomy streets and war-blitzed derelict wharves and warehouses, workers will begin London's
    AP  -  411 words
  • 647 4 -MIDNIGHT TALES" is a selection of "horror" stories by William Fryer Harvey, excellently arrange* by Mr. Maurice Richardson. If you like tales of the uncanny, and really enjoy being frightened you should certainly get this book, for the late Dr. Harvey is probably the best writer
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  • 930 4 FOOD FOR BRITAIN: NEW PLEA The Australian Seene by Bob Gilmore MELBOURNE, Apr. 16. THIS week's most futile 1 plea Down Under was that of R. E. Hewart, agent in Australia for the British Food Ministry. His plea: Australian adoption of the slogan Australia Can Send It." The plea was
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 66 4 MILLOT parfumery CREPE DE CHINE V BOIS PRECIEUX CYPPE it A/.i'iUDE parfumes Eau de Cologne MOMTOR LTD.. TELEPHONE 6046 etc SOJOS THE CRAG HOTEL PENANG Runnymede Hotel Limited has pleasure in announcing the re-openii^ of the CRAG HOTEL ON lit MAY, 1947 Terms on application to the Manager, Crag Hotel,
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  • 57 5 THE Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association's Prices at noon yesterday were: Cts. perlb. Cts. perlb 40. 1 R.S.S. Spot lcosc 43 4 Co 1 K.S.S. f»b in bales May 44', Vo. 2 R.S.S. fob in bales May 4: >, <io. 3 R.S.S. fob in bales May II
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  • 386 5 4½ MILLION MEALS SOLD IN S'PORE Feeding schemes big success Sunday Times Staff Reporter CINGAPORE feeding schemes, through People's Restaurants and People's Kitchens, and by sponsored restaurants and industrial canteens, have been responsible for serving well over 4 1/ 2 million meals since last June. Feeding schemes directly operated by
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  • 206 5 Sunday Times Staff Reporter AN appeal to Singapore Chinese "to do away with the nonsensical idea of luxurious funerals was made by the Singapore Chinese Consul, Mr. A. C. T. Kwong, yesterday. He said the present elaborate Chinese funeral, with i f s din
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  • 72 5 I. BUNTIN, Assistant Traffic Supervisor of Ships, Slngap rt Harbour Board, was acquitted without being called upon k> make his defence at the Singapore Fourth District Court yesterday. He was charged with emmitting theft of a piano valued at $400 from Godown 45A, SH.B.
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  • 63 5 28- YEAR-OLD Chinese -Lob. n Ah Ngan, appeared before Mr. L. C. Goh in the Second Police Court yesterday on a charge of committing extortion of $2,500 from Lee Chee Leontj on Apr. 25. Loh was alleged to have threatened Lee with death "by throwing
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  • 49 5 Sunday Times Correspondent PENANG, Saturday THE Penang Police yesterday 1 found the bodies of two babies —believed to be twins— lying in a drain i n Tanjong Tok;ng Road. The babies wer c both female but their nationality coul^ not be ascertained.
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  • 101 5 Sunday Times Correspondent PENANG. Saturday. A WARNING to traders to guard against impersonators was issued today by the Police. These impersonators, it is stated, have lately been putting telephone calls to business houses in Seremban in an attempt to induce them to deliver goods. They
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  • 70 5 Sunday Times Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. A MEMBER of the armed forces, charged in the Civil Courts with any offence other than murder or rape may be detained in military custody. This is provided for in an Ordinance to be presented to the Malayan Union Advisory
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  • 10 5 Higlrwater: 3.25 p.m.. Height 6 ft. 8 taw.
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  • 273 5 Sunday Times Reporter FOLLOWING repeated adver- T tisements urging the public not to reward Municipal employees by paying "tea money" and giving gratuities, the Singapore Municipality has just printed 300 notices in English, Malay, Tamil and Chinese, calling on Singaporeans to report immediately
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  • 103 5 Sunday Times Correspondent lIZNANG. Sat" y DESPITE the prevailing housing shortage there is in Penang today a rest house which accommodates Muslim visitors free oi charge. There is no catch in it. Operated by a Punjabi merchant, this hotel is open to tired travellers who
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  • 89 5 A YOUNG ex-detective who escaped from Police custody at the Civil District Court building yesterday was re-arrested after an exciting chase. The man who is faoing charges of corruption and forgery, had been handcuffed to another prisoner when he suddenly slipped his handcuffs and dashed
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  • 229 5 PEDERATIONS of trade unions in Singapore are In future to be allowed to register under the Trade Unions Ordinance. The Governor has by notification published in the Singapore Gaaette yesterday declared the payment of affiliation fees to a registered federation of trade unions to be
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 260 5 ['DEATH TO GERMS mt $mpt We* G 9aV U»a*c Sam the Am-6UARO now! GIiRMSTROYD PRODUCTS HAVE JUST ABMVED Essence No. 7 Bouquet Perfumed. Essence No. 6 in La vender. Carnation. Hawthorn. Pine. Eau De Cologne. Essence in Pine Eucalyptus. Essence in Pin? Super Concentrated Disinfectant Fluid. Eucahptus type disinfectant, black
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    • 333 5 PERIODICALS AND BOOKS Direct from London Our complete and unique >-?rvict naa supplied everything for the readei tor aver 60 yean. Write for our Selective Book Notes and Periodical Subscription List SOME ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION RATES £.s.d. Engineer 4.10 0 Punch 1.18.6 Country Life 4. 6.8 Picture Post 1 1.8 ni
      333 words

  • 534 6 SINGAPORE, APRIL, 27, 1947. Remote Control MARCHING with the times, 1 the chairman of the Rubber, Growers' Association, which has sometimes in the past been regarded in t*:is country as a "die-rnrd" organization, declared clearly and frankly that the days of remote control from London are over that "administrative control
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  • 1664 6  - ANCIENT TRIAD MODERN SECRET SOCIETY T.P.F. McNIECE, to MANY of the secret societies ahd gangs which are today levying extortion throughout Malaya are descended from and linked with the ancient Triad bloodbrother societies of China, which came to this country when largescale immigration developed in the last century. The Triad
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  • 775 6 HE MADE MILLIONS FROM A DEBT The Fabulous Tin King THERE is no more romantic story in the history of tin than that of Simon Patino, the little Bolivian whose fortune, some times estimated at £100 million, all started from a bad debt. When Don Simon the Just, as he
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 364 7 S.H.B. BUYS VESSELS FOR 1½ MILLION Disposals deal Sunday Times Staff Reporter ONE of the largest individual sales yet to be undertaken by the British Stores Disposal Board .(Singapore) has involved *fee outright purchase by the Singapore Harbour Board of barges, lighters and tugs on loan to them by the
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  • 194 7 GAVE WATER TORTURE: MAN GAOLED Sunday Times Correspondent TAIPING, Saturday. AN Ind:an, Retnam, who gave the "water treatment" to a Chin:se Beh Swee Lin in June, 1945, was sentenced to eight months' rigorous imprisonment by the District Judge, Mr. C. P. Newton, on a charge of voluntarily caus ng hurt.
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  • 91 7 THE Joint Wages Commission, 1 whL-h is investigating the problems of daily paid labour, held its first meeting in Singapjtv ou Friday and discussed its task. In a statement issued yesterday the Commission appeals to employers, employees and labour associations and trade unions who have
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  • 120 7 Sunday Times Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. A SUPPLEMENT to the Malayan '""Union Government Gazette issued today gives details of motor vehicles held by the Malayan Union Custodian of Enemy Property. This lists 663 motor cars, motor cycles and trucks and states that particulars of claims
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  • 66 7 Sunday Times Correspondent KUALA LtJIvIPUR, Saturday DENTS are to be controlled in 11 the States of Kelantan, Trengganu and Perils where no such legislation exists today An ordinance rectifying this commission is to be introduced into the Malayan Union Advisory Council. It has
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  • 174 7 Sunday Times Correspondent MUAR, Baturda rO 10-year-old Malay girls were killed, a European seriously injured and three ethers slightly injured as a result of a collision between a taxi and a truck at the 4'' 2 milestone Muar Batu Pahat Road. The driver
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  • 43 7 ALLEGED to have can' d I ria^per. without the permission cl the police at Ja!an Kayu m Apr. 24. a V year -old Chinese. Ons T h Bak was r?mand^d <^n tall in the o'ngacore Fourth F li :e Court yorterd^y.
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  • 72 7 Malaya's British Council visitors to Britain are seen with the Secretary of State for the Colonies, Mr. Arthur Creech Jones (left) and Sir Ronald Adam, the president of the Council (at back), in London. Left to right, at back: Che Abdul Aziz bin Yeop, Sir Ronald Adam,
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  • 301 7 Sunday Times Staff Reporter ITEHICLES below a proper standard of road worthiness are often the cause of accidents in Singapore, accordirg lo the Officer-in-Charge of the Traffic Police, Mr. C. J. R. Bembroke, who declared yesterday that the police would welcome the disappearance from the
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  • 66 7 BAIL of $5,000 till May 3 was granted in the case of Lim Cheng Hoe (32), who appeared in the Fourth District Police Court, yesterday charged with falsely representing to Lim Tian Heng, that he had sufficient money in the bank to meet three post-dated cheques, to the
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  • 80 7 Sunday Times Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Saturday. lyilKN members of the Jeram Choh {rang, who are believed to have b?en responsible for six armed robberies, raided the mandor's house at Sungei Buron? Estate at m dnight today, the whole labour force turned out and attacked the robbers.
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  • 127 7 Sunday Times Reporter ON their first post-war visit to Singapore, Sultan Abu Bakar of Pahang and Sultan Ibrahim of Kelantan arrived in Singapore by train yesterday and are staying at tiie Sea View Hotel. The Sultan of Trengganu who was expected to make the
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  • 352 7 Sunday Times Staff Reporter MALAYA has made more progress than any other country in South East Asia, and most countries in Europe, in effacing the effects of war, enemy occupation, worthless currencies, and destruction, the Political Counsellor to Lord Killearn, Mr. R. H.
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  • 568 7 Sunday Times Staff Reporter 35-YEAR-OLD Dutchman, Lieut. Alexander Landberg, who was said to have twice deserted from the Royal Netherlands Army since the Japanese surrender, pleaded guilty in the Second Criminal District Court yesterday to charges of theft of two jeeps. On the application of Mr.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 112 7 SOUND EQUIPMENT Then are TRIX JfSS^i -^A\ Amplifiers from <C~jj "351 5 500 Watts. fj For eitner A.C, AC/DC and/or 12 Volt Battery Model uB4 12 Watts for AC/DC $535 Model B 618 18 Watts for A.C. or 12 Volt Battery $685 Model T 633 30 Watts for A. C.
      112 words
    • 142 7 1 1 •^^^^^V^Si^B'P^L^'^M^^^^^ *^-£jy£i ill f l^^^^^^fXi Aill?^!.! Bed Sheets 530.00 Coloured Rayon CoUo n Bed Snc ts Sizes 70" x 100" Colour— Lemon, nil Green A Peach. Price $30 00 each. PLASTIC Tea-Cosies from $9.5 0 In assorted colours Prices $9.50 $10 50 Moss Crepe per yd. $7.50 in
      142 words

  • 417 8 nBCENTLY, I have pointed out that good players use leaddlrectlng bids In third posiUon. They may equally wrtl open in thtrtt or fourth position on flimsy hands, hoping to make a part score but cot to make a game. Let us assume that you are third hand,
    417 words
  • 93 8 A FORM of verse puzzle In which the letters of one keyword are transposed, or rearranged, to form the next. What ONE are these! So tragle and so sad! Would that we had the power to make them glad! We are such TWO— helpless and weak indeed We read
    93 words
  • 38 8 ABC DECFAGHI GI JHKCLI MLA CNBGOGAF JEFA FHJCAGJCF OC PBCABCL AH BMIQ ABC RGSAELC HL ABC MLAGFA JSIJJ* an 10 ojruoid airj 3u«u. 03 iaqja-,;.* aq ■~>un>dui >s jsncu siiqiqxa us uj'toui or uopsanb sqx :«<W»r S
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  • 542 8  -  STELLA THIS WEEK FOR YOU BY TAURUS (Apr. 21-May 21)— An excellent week for beginning a new job or a new phase of aa old one. Make real progress now. Practicability in an idea should be the main guide in helping yon to make up your
    542 words
  • 543 8  -  NEIL MUNRO by mo b* two THIS is governed by the same 1 rule* as wn«n I first introduced it to you a few weeks ago. Each name In the left-hand column has some connection with on<, of the words in the right-hand column You have to pair
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 241 8 Chiimfrafts 79, North Bridge Road, Singaoore Specialised in Chinese CARPETS RUGS CURIOS AND CAMPHOR WOOD CHESTS Cable Address: "CRAFTS" TEL. ***** A Meat-in* vi me arum 10 materials^ the best of scientific design and workmanship combined to bring you the moat pcifecMj balanced DAH SIN sunefatsM* bvailablr to-day DAH SIN
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 487 8 Sunday Times Crossword ACROSS DOWN 1. Occupants (7): 2. Ab\c (4); 3. cemre tB>, 24. Revolts <6;; 26. ExisMeasure (4): 4. Insect (3): 5. Stout tent (5): 28. Struck out (7): 50. 15); 6. He faces the bowling (3): 7. Serpent <3); 32. Loans (5); 34. Fix B'.ack (4); 8.
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  • 623 9  - SPRING COMES AT LAST Mary HEATHCOTT. A Woman 1 View of Britain by LONDON, Apr. 14. TT would be quite safe for you to wish 'Oh, to be in England now that April's there!" for this week the Springhas really arrived after so many weeks of snow and floods. Take
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  • Article, Illustration
    36 9 This white sharkskin shirtwaist dress has a contrasting sapphire blue webbing belt. A new pocket line from the side seams is emphasised by outside stitching which corresponds with stitching on deep armholes, cuffs and back yoke.
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  • 385 9 IN YOUR GARDEN ONE of Malaya's Detter known flowering plants before the war was Vanda Miss Joaquim, but during the Japanese occupation acres of this plant disappeared from the nursery gardens and it is only now that the bsautiful pinkishmauve masses of flower are again becoming
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  • 359 9 pHEESE and egg dishes are so nourishing and simple to make that one is inclined to overlook their value. Here are a few suggestions for easily made supper dishes. CHEESE PIE (for six) Two tt>. potatoes (cooked and mashed), six oz. grated cheese, cne egg and
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  • 527 9 Can you give me a tip on bow to treat a man who sulks? After the slightest argument my husband shuts up like a trap. He keeps up this silence until, nearly crazy, I admit I am wrong. This has gone on for years, and I am
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 206 9 COOKERS JD s t Pll| IN— AND THERE'S YOUR KITCHEN! 250 V AC/DC Price: S2O complete with cord: Postage 50 Cls. extra to I. iv Malayan Union Town. ALADDIN RADIO ELECTRICAL STORES 107 North Bridge Rd., Singapore. The laxative for the Liverish BP-l. 47. f, Lasting AIDS TO '.Tie fragrant
      206 words
    • 346 9 IFOOD PARCELS FROM AUSTRALIA 2 of our 14 PARCELS _PARCEL_No._3O PARCEL No. 32 16 «M. Drippin* 16 ot. tin Drippin* 16 os. Fruit 16 ox. tin Frankfarts in Tomato 14 o«. Condensed Milk Sauce 16 oc. Honey 16 oc. tin Steak and Kidi ■> 12 os. Cheese Pudding 14
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 113 9 i Crossword Solution ACROSS: 1. Tomato; 6. Bedaub; 10. Even; 11. Blab; 12. Nettle: 14. Torpor; 17. Are; 18. Ass; 20. Nerve; 21. Swell; 22. Pair; 23. Day; 24. Ruin; 25. Sailed; 27. Messed; 29. Lair; 31. Bee; 32. Lime; 33. Hop^d; 35. Event: j37. All; 38. Rue; 40. Netted:
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  • 636 10 DAFFLES College were in a strong position to win their 13th annual match against the Medical College yesterday, when they scored 279 in reply to the Medicals' first innings total of 88. Highlight of yesterday's play was the brilliant unfinished knock of 138 runs by
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  • 542 10 Sunday Times Soccer Reporter S.C.C 1 Indian Association 1 rINTS were shared between the Singapore Cricket Club and the Indian Association at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday, each scoring once in a League fixture. It was the Club's first point in six matches and yesterday's result
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  • 260 10 DLAYING their first water-polo i match against a non-service i team the Ist Battalion, the Sea- forth Highlanders were beaten by ihrve (oalt to two oy tne Tig«r Swimming Club at Haw 1 Par Swimimng Pool yesterday. The Army team was drawn from all companies
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  • 47 10 THE Chung Wah Football Club of SUT j gapore drew with the Capitol team 1-1 In ttieir match played at Bangkok on Apr. 24. The Sin Wah Basket Ball team beat the Huang Yuen High School team 36-16 in Bangkok on Apr. 25.
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  • 290 10 YOGARAJAH MAKES 67 v POLICE THE Ceylon Sports Club scored an easy victory over the Police in a game of cricket played at the Police Training School ground yesterday. Yogarajah. who score* an unbeaten 117 for the P.WX). at Johore Bahru last Sunday, batted well again to score 67 for
    290 words
  • 243 10 RECS DRAW WITH CLARKE RANGERS THE Singapore Recreation Club, 134 1 for eight, drew with the Clarke Rangers, 123 for nine, in a game ol cricket played on the padang yesterday Top scorers for the day were J. Sanderson 50; D. Kkinman not out 4€ j Sanderson also bowled well,
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  • 116 10 ARMY DRAW WITH SEIANGOR CLUB Sunday Times Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. ONCE again H.O. Bennett was top-, scorer for the Selangor Club in a match against the Army today, which ended In a draw. Bennett's breezy innings ended after I he had scored 43 runs Q.F. Cooke and H.I. Puckridge
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  • 73 10 Sunday Times Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. AFTER enjoying territorial superiority for most of the game, the Indian Army beat the Malay Regiment onenil in the Army Week soccer friendly played at Taylor Road today. The rc-.ult was a surprise, as the Malay Regiment had been
    73 words
  • 26 10 LONDON. Sat. Tri« Australian t tennis stans. John Bromwich and Dinny Pails who win compete in the [Wimbledon championships in June, arrived here today. A. P.
    26 words
  • 444 10 By Our Badminton Correspondent IT is most unlikely that a badminton team will be included in the Malayan contingent to the China Olympics at Nanking on October 10, although there has been no official word on this point yet. Tan Chong Tee, of the Marigold
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 207 10 Valet BLADES Shave with a "VALET" Auto-Strop Safety Razor I —it is simple, quick and I money-saving. With a "VALET" there is V nothing to take to pieces, nothing to unscrew. \v^^u \°> J Stropping and cleaning take only a few seconds. X_ I But each blade gives you weeks
      207 words
    • 358 10 "ORANJE" Due Singapore from Amsterdam, Southampton, Port Said 29th April at 8 a.m. Sailing same day for Batavia For particulars and passage Apply to: NEDERLAND LINE Royal Dutch Mail 41. Robinson K 1 Tel. 4819. WATCH FOR "DUNIYA DIWANI" an Uproarious Comedy sterrfaag *E. BILLIMORIA^ _>* DISTRICTS MOST POPULAR AND
      358 words
    • 160 10 In lighting infection in you* own home, Irurn from the hospital. Against th* germs that caufie infection modern science has a modern weapon. In great hospitals, in surgical, medical and maternity ward* surgeons, doctors and nurses protect their patients and themselves -with 'Dettol* the safe wnv to Aafety. OUCH.'MYPETfy^ v
      160 words

  • 1549 11 Big Stayers' Race To Win The Peace Sunday Times Racing Correspondent IPOH, Saturday. NEGLECTED on the tote, Golden Gypsy ran a great race to beat Invest, the hottest favourite of the day, in the sprint race for cracks at Ipoh today, the last day of the
    1,549 words
  • 228 11 A GOOD bowling performance by Rapsey, who took seven wickets for 18 runs, enabled the S.C.C. to beat the A.M.D.G.W. by the small margin of three runs in an exciting finish on the Padang yesterday. Batting first, the S.C.C. were ail out for 77
    228 words
  • 133 11 J.CS.A beat Ur.iul Chinese Library T. T. P. 5—2 J.C:S:A: players mentioned first. Goorge Ch:n beat Kwck Yong Tong 3 o; J. Nalpjn beat Chew Swee Kirn 3 o; S. Suppinh b?at 'Chew Swee H;rn 3 2; Gon Teck P'uan 'bJai. Chew Swe^ Chua 3
    133 words
  • 779 11 Besntt, and dividends at a glance are: RACE 1: Golden Grove (133 and and $8) Theo West (57) Lady of Kent ($6) RACE 2: Avant Toot (922 and $10). Shnbei ($2l). RACE 3: Avail ($5O and 915). Diamond Epic (99) RACE 4: Win The Peace (911
    779 words
  • 198 11 VICTORIA School. Singapore, entertained the Ceylon Sports dub at the school yesterday and were defeated by them by 109 runs to 59. Victoria School: Campos bL. Pereira 0, Balakrlshnan lbw Rajah 0, J. Slnsh run out 8, Kin Hul c and b Rajah 4 Manichan b Mugawela
    198 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
      90 words
    • 389 11 PATUAY lla m 'l~'*M.OO Phone LAST UH I IIH I 6.45, 9.30 3400 DAY x j:1 Clark GABLE > Greer 6ARSON OPENING TO-MORROW The Liveliest Show of the Year! Glamorous, Amorous, Song-Sparkled Fun! r^frWmSßm- BROWN carney V^ UUUIUI V MITCHELL JEFFREYS V V PRESIDENT LINE SAILINGS TO NEW YORK BOSTON
      389 words
    • 46 11 Use MACLEANS and note the difference I Macleans Tooth Paste does supremely well, all that a good tooth paste should do. It cleans teeth thoroughly polishing them to a natural white brilliance. Start using it to-day the difference will amaze and delight you TO THE TEETH
      46 words

  • 593 12 CHARLTON WIN CUP AFTER EXTRA TIME Duffy scores only goal LONDON, Saturday. AFTER $xtra time, Charlton Athletic beat Burnley by one goal to nil in the final of the Football Association Cup before a crowd of 99,000 at Wembley Stadium today. This is the first time that Charlton has won
    Reuter  -  593 words
  • 259 12 Sunday Times Staff Reporter RECRUITING for the special force of 200 auxiliary police inspectors for the Singapore Harbcur Board is still going on and so far only slightly more than half the force has been selected. Selection is becoming more difficult in the
    259 words
  • 38 12 Chicago pen-manufacturer Milton Reynolds holds up three of his pens which accompanied him in his record breaking round-the-world flight of just under 79 hours. The pilot of his former attack-bomber, William Odom, is on the right.
    38 words
  • 55 12 The U.S Army Air Force's 829 '•Flying Laboratory" will leava the United States for Brazil tomorrow to study cosni'c rays ir. connection with the total eclipse Of tho sun on Mn.y 20. The study of the rays will be earned out nt a
    UP  -  55 words
  • 161 12 Malaya may have all-up air mails Sunday Times Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. AN all-up internal mail service may be operated in Malaja when it is practicable, announce the Postal authorities. Speaking of the internal airmail service which will commence with the inauguration ot the Malayan Airways flights on May 1,
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  • 75 12 THIEVES USE TELEVISION LONDON. Saturday. SCOTLAND Yard detectives searched today for thieves who own a television set. The theory was that the gang tuned in on the 8.8.C. television station until Geoffrey Steele came on in the leading role of A. A. Milne"s play "The Ugly Duckling." and then they
    UP  -  75 words
  • 85 12 NEW YORK. Saturday. nOCKErtS hustled ii>o ws* ol flax seed into the liner Queen Elizabeth instead of a higher rever.ue cargo of jewellery and furs as the luxury ship prepared to race the Spring planting time to England and thus aid in rehabilitating the
    85 words
  • 93 12 LONDON, Saturday. THE British soccer team to meet the rest of Europe in Glasgow on May 10 will be: Goal: Swift. Manchester City; backs: Hardwick, Middlesborough (captain), and Hughes, Birmingham City; halfbacks: Ma-aulay, Brentford; Vernon, West Brotnwich Albion; and Burgess, Tottenham Hotspur; forwards: Matthews, Stoke
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 89 12 Rugby Union LONDON, Saturday. Ru*by Union matches result' d as foilows County Championship Final (replay) at Gloucester: Gloucestershire 3. Lancashire 14. Club matches: Blackhiu.h 1«. Richmond 5; Aberavon 3. LJanelly 6; Barnstaple 0. Cambome 9; Bath U, Moseley 0: Cardiff 14, Pontytwol 3: Cheltenham 8, Wolrs/hannpt^n 6: Coventry
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 73 12 LONDON. Saturday. RUGBY League matches resulted as follows: Barrow 17, Bellevue Rangers 10; Batley 5. Wigan 6: Bramley 7. Hunslet 18; Castleford 4, Huddersfleld 21: Hull <fc Kingston Rovers 6, Leeds 22: Leigh 5. Warrlngton 1: Liverpool Stanley 9. Bradford Northern 20: Oldham 26. Halifax 3; Rochdale Hornets
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 53 12 S.A.O.B. A, CRICKET TEAM "THE following will represent St. 1 Andrew's Old Boys at Cricket I against th« Johore Cricket Club today at 2.00 p.m. at Johore Bahru: A. G. Armstrong (Capt.); S. M. Hope, lati Ross. E. Ebert. O. Campbell. H. Humphries. J. Duclos, J. Anchant. P. Yzelman, V.
    53 words
  • 489 12 LONDON, Saturday. iLTHOUGH overshadowed by the Cup Final, the remainder of the football programme attracted the usual interest and -bout 800,000 watched the Leagu; matches. They saw some exciting games which are likely to have a great effect on promotion and releggtion positions. Wolverhampton
    Reuter  -  489 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 109 12 d£l pMX S^ TO-DAY -^^^^V II am Z p.m. I 1 5 pni tel: 4.042p^F c3O p.m.— 9.15 pm. 1 HAD A WIFE THAT NEEDED f[l|r imJtt^ '^^l^k J^m DAN DURYEA JUNE VINCENT PETER 10RRE Preceded By Movietone New» Luxury Liner Aground: National Hunt Chase: Many Happy Returns To H.R.H.
      109 words
    • 191 12 <py^^ eTg'oV^CCC^ 1 1-2-4.15-G.30--U5 IBWPIPWBIji HERE IS ONE 'iif IT TTHf MrI* ERA'S GREATNESS THIS KIND OF LOVE. ...due, not happen j^^EVERY DAY! Those who've read it Mff pi A and those who've seen it mrf MSB V MICHAEL REDGRAVE K Jji John Mills Rosamund John %gj g^fi^^^wiWa^jM^jJl^ Douglass Montgomery
      191 words