The Straits Times, 23 April 1947

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 529 1 Five British Servicemen Killed JERUSALEM, Tuesday. CEVEN people, including five British servicemen, are known to have been killed when Jewish terrorists blew up and fired on a Cairo-Palestine troop train carrying 250 troops and 100 civilians near the all-Jewish town of Rehovoth, in Southern Palestine,
    Reuter  -  529 words
  • Article, Illustration
    63 1 I Breakine up of the former! I French liner Normandie is I nearing completion. This A.P. J 1 picture shows her hulk at J the Newark. New Jersey, scrap- I yard, where demolition has I 1 b-en m prcr'-s trr th— e| months. Inset is the Normandie arriving m New
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  • 232 1 WASHINGTON, Tuesday. THE United States Secretary of State, Gen. Marshall, has declared that President Truman's programme of protecting Greece and Turkey against Communism is urgent and "indispensable." Senator Vandenberg placed the message from Gen. Marshall, who is now m Moscow, before the Senate as it
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  • 70 1 One thousand five hundred Japanese surrendered personnel will leave Singapore for Kure on Apr. 27, by the 23,000-ton P. and O. Strathnaver. This will be the largest number to be repatriated to Japan this month. A fortnight ago, th€ Japanesemanned ship Kaiwj Mara returned 1,200 Japs
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  • 129 1 LONDON, Tuesday. rPO Kings formal y took the royal oath yesterday, when King Frederik IX of Denmark swore to rule in the "old traditions" of his father, and King Paul of Greece called for unity in his strife-torn country. Denmarks King, at the conclusion of a
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  • 101 1 HAVANA, Tuesday.— Cuba's 20-million-dollar Parliament buildings were attacked this evening by unidentified gunmen, armed with pistols and sub-machine JLWOS. who poured 3,000 bullets Tnto the building from a slowlv moving car while the Senate was still in session, thereby touching off a bitter politcal battle which
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  • 37 1 LONDON, Tuesday. A Foreign Offke spokesman said today that the Foreign Secretary, Mr. Ernest Bevln, planned to leave Moscow tomorrow. The British party will make the return trip to London by train. U.P.
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  • 228 1 A 30-YEAR-OLD Malay, Che Ahmad bin Mohamed Ibrahim, at present Fourth Police Magistrate and Third District Judge, Singapore, has been appointed Lecturer m Iw nt Raffles College Law at rtames college, Che Ahmad rills the vacancy created by the death during the occupation of Raja
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  • 137 1 HONK KONG, Tuesday. ACANADIAN-born Japanese who escaped war crimes charges by plead ng he was a British subject has failed to evade punishment for hi?h treason by claiming that he alwavs ejarded himself as a Japanese. A native of Kamloops, British Columbia, the man,
    Reuter  -  137 words
  • 304 1 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday A RECORD production of 58,782 tons of rubber m March is reported m statistics issued today by Mr. H. L. Barnett, Acting Registrar of Statistic:-, for the Malayan Union. Rubber exports m March from the Union to Singapore
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  • 80 1 16 Killed In Crash At Sea PEARL HAREOUR, Tuedj. PIXTEEN off.csrs and men O were killed on Sunday in the crash of a B 29 at sea immediately after taking off from Kwajaldn, the Uni ei States 20th Air Force Headquarters announced today. The plane, on a routine flteM from
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 346 2 EAST INDONESIA PARLIAMENTS SESSION Will Seek Unity With Republic MAKASSAR, Tuesday. |N a renovated schoolroom of the old Catholic Mission in the historic spice port of Makassar, the first session of the Parliament of the world's newest self -governing state of East Indonesia was opened this morning. Dr. Van Mook
    Reuter; AFP  -  346 words
  • Article, Illustration
    73 2 Mr. Milton Reynolds, round -thr- world air record-holder, at Orley airfield, Paris, with his sister, Mrs. Paul Levy. Mr. Reynolds circled the globe m 78 hours 55 minutes. He finished at New York on Apr. 16, beating Mr. Howard Hughes' 1938 record by 12 hours 19 minutes. Mrs. Levy hi
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  • 229 2 MOLOTOV AGREES ON KOREA MOSCOW, Tuesday. THE Soviet Foreign Minu1 ter, Mr. Molotov, agreed m a letter to the United States Commission m Korea resuming efforts to form a provisional democratic government there with July August as deadline for recommendations to the Governments of Russia and the United States. Mr.
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  • 139 2 LAKE SUCCESS, Tuesday. HTHE Urited States and Bri- 1 tain have turned down Soviet Russia's Swedish candidate for the governorship of Trieste on the ground that he lacked sufficient exparisi.ce to hold down that diplomatic hot spot. But Russia stood by Mr. George Branting, Social Democratic member
    Reuter  -  139 words
  • 115 2 WASHINGTON, Tuesday Survivors of the Bataan death march have urged Congress to let victims of Japanese mistreatment and their next of kin file claims against seized Japanese assets to repay them in part for what they went through. Two Congressmen and the Veterans of Foreign Wars
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  • 99 2 NEW YORK, Tuesday.—President Truman yesterday coupled a pointed demand for sharp price reductions with an appeal for home front "unity" to avert a major depression "which would carry disaster for the forces of democracy tht world over." Addressing the annual luncheon of the Associated Press, the President
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  • 76 2 ROME, Tuesday Luigi Ferrari, Chief of Italy's Federal Police, said today he had received information from "private sources'' that Mussolini's u>n Vittorto was living in Argentina under an assumed .name 'This information, howevfir, has still to be confirmed," said Farrari. lie made the statement in commenting
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  • 75 2 NEW YORK, Tuesday.—American rubber consumption in the first two months of 1947 was at an annual rate of nearly 1,200,000 tens, or more than double the annual rate from 1930 to 1940, the Rubber Manufacturers Association announced today. Natural rubber consumption including latex during February was
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  • 273 2 U.K.— U.S. Trade Talk Difference The Times Correspondent GENEVA, Tuesday. DIFFERENCES of approach towards tariff reductions have been seen between Britain and America at the International Trade Conference here. Britain prefers confidential bilateral ccnversatims. The U.SJL prefers a multilateral conference open to all 17 nations participating. It is expected that
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  • 139 2 LONDON, Tuesday. TWO hundred and fifty worfars 1 at the North England atomic plant 20 of whom are suffering lrom effects of their work and whose sex desires are said tz nave been affected actually worked on the atomic bomb project, Mr. R. Edwards, General Secretary
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  • 221 2 PELELIU, Tuesday. rALLY convinced that the war is over, 26 Japanese soldiers and sailors formally surrendered to the Americans on this Pacific Island, two and a half years after the is'and3 capture by UJS. Marines. Others hiding m the caves are expected to surrender tomorrow
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  • Cable Flashes
    • 145 2 POINT MUGU, CALIFORNIA, Tuesday. A THREE-TON, radio controlled flying bomb was fired westward over the Pacific last week. It was the greatest guided missile of military history. The United States Navy permitted publication of descnp tions to-day. The bomb was known to 700 naval and civilian
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    • 227 2 LONDON, Tuesday— The British Defence Minister, Mr. A. V. Alexander, said yesterday that casualties in th? Army fr.m August L 1945 to March 21, 1947. were 15,272 killed and 1,627 missing. Royal Navy casualties tetwetn V-J Day and Apr. 16, 1947, were 63 killed and 52 wounded, while
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    • 128 2 TOKIO, Tuesday. Conservative candidates scored an overwhelming victory m Sundays elections to the House of Councillors. The results indicate that the Japs favour a middle course bct-veen communism and ultranationalism U P m FRANKFURT, Tuesday.— The condition of Franz Von Papei^, former Nazi diplomat who had a heart
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    • 77 2 DETROIT, Tuesday— vioience flared on Detroit's telenhona picket lines-resulting m injuries to at least three persons. Police battled pickets attempting to block the entrances to the main Michigan Bell Telephone Company office building and the outlying exchanges. Twenty-two strikers, including three women and two union leaders, were taken
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    • 109 2 PRAGUE, Tuesday. Two fcrmzr Prime Ministers of Czechoslovakia wer c sentenced to 20 years' imprisonment for callaborating with the Nazis. Rudolf Beran and Jan Syrovy, both 59, were convicted also of sharing m the responsibility fir the downfall of the Republic m 1939 —U.P. PARIS, Tuesday.— Large
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 662 2 NOTICES MALACCA MUNICIPALITY. KIM SENG BRIDGE doaare to Traffic Notice is given that Kirn Seng Bridge over the Malacca River (oppo- j site the Clock Tower) will be closed to all traffic on Thursday. 24th April, for the purpose of repairing the structure for a period of about 2 weeks.
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    • 667 2 NOTICES. NOTICE The aruraal feneral meeting of the I Stamford Club will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday. Apr. M. at the office of the Singapore Teachers' Union, 331, North Bridge Road. RAFFLES INSTITUTION EVENING CLASSES. The second term will start od Monday, May 12th. The only new classes will
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  • 116 3 THE President of the Sarawak Dayak Association has sent a protest to the Prime Minister, Mr. Clement Attlee, in connection with the recent statement by the Governor-General MrMalcolm MacDonald, that Sarawar is content with its new status as a British Crown colony. The message
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  • 174 3 CEVERAliUTHU, a 26-yee.r-old w Indian, was sentenced to live; years' rigorous imprisonment ati the Singapore Assize Court yes-| terd&y, when he was found guilty of possessing 793 rounds of .38 ammunition on Jan 13 '-his year. It was stated by the prosecuuon that a
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  • 312 3 GANGS KEEP FILM FANS AT HOME GANGSTERISM in Singapore is one of the chief reasons for U the steady decline in cinema audiences, according to Mr. J. A. M. Ede, secretary of the Cinematograph Exhibitors' Association of Singapore and the Malayan Union. Contrary to the general im- presoion that the
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  • 105 3 A CHINESE motor mechanic, Lee Tiong Wah, who was found guilty of driving a car undir the influence of liquor at the Junction of Jalan Besar and Upper Weld Poad on Oct. 30, last year, was cd $200 or a month's imprilment by Mr. Eu Chew
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  • 165 3 Jan Uiot Causes Bad Eyes From Our Own Correspondent SEREMBAN, Tuesday. MALNUTRITION during the Japanese regime has so tadly affected the eyesight of clerks in the Malayan Union that a scheme has been started in Negri Sembilan to provide glasses to all who need them. The
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  • 288 3 FRM belief that Russia will not wage war in the r.etr I future was expressed last i night by the politcal commentator, Mr. Vernon Eartlett, M.P. Soviet Russia was not strong, but "relatively weak. Mr. Bartlett spoke on Radio Malaya. "Mainly about Russia He gave
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  • 101 3 ON tne grounds mai were weic "discrepancies and conflicting evidence among the prosecution witnesses." the District Judge, Mr Paul Storr, yes*prdav acquitted Jemadar Gurdial Singh, a V C O. attached to the military pollrew wlthoui t( on-:iis defence Hf* waa dMrgea v»-i, M receiving $200 and attempting to
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  • 271 3 ADEQUATE safeguards against inferior educational stann dards can be adopted in a university of Malaya which this country should have in the immediate future, the Stamford Club suggests in a memorandum to the Commission on Higher Education. The Club is an association of graduates of
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  • 170 3 A SPECIAL Anzac Day mass will be celebrated at the Cathedral of the Good She-jheid it 8 a.m. on Friday. The secretary of the Sx-ser-vicemen's Association requos's members to join in the dawn service at the Cenotaph with Mistralian and New Zealand exservicemen. In the absence of
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  • 51 3 Mr. S. K. Chettur, Represent- j ative of the Government of India in Malaya, returned from his lour of the East Ooast areas yesterday j morning. Before leaving Kuala Lumpur, i Mr. Chuttur had over an hour's < interview wlht the Governor of the Malayan Union, Sir
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  • 144 3 Ojnjs; of a neet of te n liberty ships rec3ntly purchased by a Shanghai firm from the United States government, the' 7.710 ten Hai Chen, has arrived in Sngapore on her mai en voyage with a cargi of] more than 500 tons of iextiles, vegetables and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 214 3 LA N& PHONE 8070<B7 BMt S Shows: 3, 6 30 and 9 15 p m ALAN LADD la Aa Entirely New Role la Hb Sky-Rocketing Career! "AND NOW TOMORROW" with LoretU Tounf Bwta Hayward and tarry Sulllv»n Opening To-morrow "TA&ZAN'S DESERT MYSTERY" I PHONt 84or» W MKX 3.15. 6-30 i
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    • 183 3 FAMES M. MACKIE Broker Buyer Shipper Address Brighton. Melbourne. Australia. Imports A Exports. I am prepared to act as buying agen n Australia for textiles. electrlca ;oods, grocery lines, chemicals, bard pare, sporting goods, etc. etc. vlll give you the wholesale price o Australian products buying commls ilon only. HOST
      183 words
    • 114 3 Fluoi 6cbc( krv FLIES, MOTHS AND ALL INSECTS ALSO IN POWDER FORM A FUBEX PRODUCT < Manufactured in Eneland) Soif Acento SIM AH KOW tfc CO..' !5 Ron ham Bide Si n» a purr. I'honr 3017 'j^jS*** ThORTnS VKg r CIGARETTES > CHUNGKING T:in jon(t Pai;ar Phone 3327 To-day: 1,
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  • 1029 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Wed., Apr. 23, 1947. More People: More Padi? Malaya's dependence on imported rice is to be challenged, and not for the first time, by a policy of agricultural expansion which aims at doubling the present acreage of padi. If this target is achieved, Malaya would still
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  • 100 4 SOFIA, Monday. DRESIDENT Vassil Kolarov said today Bulgaria must plan her economy without a dollar loan, and pointed to Greece as the reason why. He said "our foreign trade must correspond to our policy of national independence. We k ow we could receive a foreign loan, for
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  • 28 4 Demonstrators protesting against the North Italian Railway Company's decision to make weekly tickets invalid on Sunday lay across the railway tracks at Saronna Junction today. Reuter.
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  • 1077 4 Perak Hydro Strike: A Vital Power Network THE Perak River Hy1 dro-Electric Power Co. Ltd., whose staff have been on strike since April 12, is a public utility company the extent of whose operations in the Kinta Valley and whose contribution to the industrial development of Perak is probably not
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    • 588 4 j?XCEPT to the black-market and smuggling fraternity the reorganisation of business and the rebuilding of one's- pre-war assets (to such degree as this may be possible) presents a very serious problem indeed. The early solution of that problem, on which the future prosperity of all
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    • 136 4 |T is now nearly six months since the Government decided to pay something on account of back pay to Volunteers and L.D.C. personnel who were not interned. Since then we have had the Worley Rep:rt, and although the Government of the Malayan Union has accepted this
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 901 4 CLASSIFIED ADS. At the General Hospital Kuchlng. on April 14th. to Elizabeth, wife of Alan D. Dant, a son. Kenneth Patrick. SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED: Lady Shorthand-typist for the Town Board, Kuala Lumpur. Salary according to qualification. Apply Chairman. Town Beard. Kuala Lumpur. BRITISH COMPANY has vacancy for experienced stenographer. Good
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    • 51 4 NEW! LATEST! HOTTEST! New shipment of Latest Swing Records by the Famous Qrebestnt:— Artie Shaw, Benny Goodman, Charlie Barnet, Count Basic, Duke Ellington, Harry Hay**, Harry James, Harry Parry, Lionel Hampton, Tammy Dorsey, Etc.. Etc. WHEN NEW RECORDS ARC RELEASED, T.M.A. HAVE THEM— AND, HAVE THKM "FIRST." 61/63 High Street,
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    • 85 4 FOR VOUR^INSUrWe REQUIREMENT*:- TNE COMMERCIAL UNION GROUP:Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ltd. Union Assurance Society, Ltd. (London) Palatine Insurance Co., Ltd. Liverpool Victoria Insurance Corp: British General Insurance Co. Ltd. Branch Offi -a:— IPOH (P.O. Box 47) SINGAPORE (Tel- 574) (P.O. Box 107 Tel: 5077) Branch Manager: Local C. W. WARREN
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  • 400 5 27 JAPS ALLOWED TO REMAIN IN MALAYA 21 Women Married To Local Men From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. TWENTY-ONE Japanese women, two Japanese men and four Formosans, all former residents of Malaya, have been permitted by the Malayan Union Government to return and stay in the country. They
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  • 94 5 A photograph of the Chinese Association committee shows: Sitting (left to right): Anthony P. K. Wee. Soo Ah Urn, Loh Ah Fong (Secretory), Wong Puck Sham (Vice-President), G. H. Kiat (President), Dr. Lav Peck Hiong (Vice-President), One Cheng Leong (Treasurer), Wee Cheong Yew (Auditor) and Lim Tong
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  • 107 5 MEGOTIATION3 are proceeding between Messrs. Unilevers Export Ltd., and the Government of the Malayan Union for a 13-acre site in Teluk Anson for the building of z. soap factory. A representative of the Company told the Straits Times yesterday that this will be the first factory
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  • 205 5 CIMON PATINO, who started life as a Bolivian peasant and amassed a tin fortune reputed to be £75,000,000, and died of a heart attack on Sunday had large tin interests in Malaya through tis associated companies. An Associated Press message from Buenos Aires states
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  • 34 5 Taiping, Tuesday.— A sepoy, Alam Khan, was found dead m his lines m Trump Road yesterday morning. Several shots were heard previously. Alam Khan was on guard duty at the time.
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  • 363 5 r! question of the imposition of a speed limit in Singapore has not yet been fully discussed by the Traffic Advisory Committee and no decision has so far been made as to what the Committee will recommend to Government on that point, the chairman
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  • 69 5 JOHORE BAHRU, Tuesday. Leaving a parcel of 260 yards of cloth under a seat in the train, Chen Heng waited on the platform at the railway station here hoping that Customs officials would not detect it. He was unlucky and when charged with trying to evade
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  • 40 5 IPOH, Tuesday. A 29-year-old dentist's apprentice, Lai Yoon Tin, who attempted extortion by asking a hotel keeper to deliver to him $30 "protection" money received a three-year prison term yesterday from Mr. Justice L. E. Cox Evans.
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  • 273 5 Begins Service •THE First Indonesian airline begins operations with a flight 1 from Singapore to Jogjakarta, provisional capital of the Republic, m the interior of Java, this morning. The airline has been sponsored by the Republican Government and will be known as Indonesia Airways. A Dakota manned by
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  • 179 5 HELAYED for nearly a month as a result of a fire which broke out on board ship in Marseilles harbour a month ago, the French freighter Benjamin H. Latrobe has arrived in Singapore with a full cargo of goods for local merchants. Although the ship
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  • 103 5 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. A LARGE increase in the area under padi cultivation is anticipated this season as a result in the drive for increased padi production and the guaranteed Government padi-purchase price. In some localities there is a shortage of land,
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  • 252 5 SALARIES BOARD MEETS THIS WEEK THE first full meeting of the Joint Salaries Commission, attended by representatives from Singapore and the Malayan Union will be held in the Colonial Secretariat, Singapore, on Saturday morning. This announcement was made yesterday by the Chairman of the Commission, Sir Harry Trusted, who arrived
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  • 179 5 Mr. L. Barnes To Write Book On Malaya 1 MEMBER of the Commission on Higher Education, Mr. Leonard Barnes, is to write a book, giving his impressions of his four-week tour of Malaya, he told the Straits Times on the eve of his departure for the United Kingdom with two
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  • 42 5 Mr. A. P. M. Daniel, one of the oldest members of Singapore's Sinhalese Community, died at his residence. No. 13, Trafalgar Street. Singapore, on Monday. The cremation takes place at the Sinhalese Buddhist cemetery, Bidadari, at 4 p.m. today.
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  • 146 5 From Our S'aff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesaay. FHE Plenary Conference ol! 1 the Governor General, Mr. Malcolm MacDonaid. tha Governor, Sir Edward Gent, and the Malay Rulers and the constitutional Working Committee has been postponed to Thursday. It was to have gathered tomorrow but the Working Committee
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  • 83 5 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. INFORMATION has been receiv- ed that the Siamese naval sloop Mae Klong, under the command of Capt. That Kra Nloct, wili So proceeding to Trincomalee, Ceykm, in the first part of May for the purpose Of taking; over ina
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  • 76 5 From Our Own Correspondent SEREMBAN. Tuesday tar. Michael Wright. Lord Killearn's deputy, has visited Seremban an-i together with Resident Commi.- sioner. Mr. W A. Gordon Haii saw for himself the progress of padi growing in Negri Sembila:.. They visited Kuala Pilah. Pertang and Jelebu in the
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  • 61 5 KUALA Lumpur. Tuesday.— rhe sum of $1,832 has been receivee' by the Central Welfare Council Malayan Union, from Dr. H M Soo, President of the Kuala Lumpur Symphony Orchestra, representing the proceeds of orc'uts tral concerts held at the Towr Hall, Kuala Lumpur, on March 1' and
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 48 5 Eventually YOU WILL OWN A "Bandspread" Radio why not now? H.M.V. mobel 52o a wavebands. "ow Available 6 Valves. OCft 12 In. Speaker. ODU.00 fo~T\ Guaranteed and Serviced free of i^^_yt\ charge for 6 months by the ttZ^fgT Sole Malayan Distributors MOUTli 11, ROBINSON ROAD TEL 7030 SINGAPORE
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    • 45 5 NEW DRESS MATEHSALS Printed Cottons in a Large Range of Designs Width 30" $2.00 per yard Tropical Linen, Plains, White, Pink, Blue, Beige, Yellow Width 38" $4.50 per yard Art Silk Taffeta in a Large Range of Checks and Tartans Width 31" $4.25 per yard
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  • 310 6 MUNICIPAL MEN GET NEW SCALE WHEN Municipal employees get their salaries next month, they are likely to receive m addition an accumulation of the difference of eight months' cost of living allowance between the Pyke scale and the newly approved MunicipalImprovement Trust scale. The new scale is retrospective to September
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  • 84 6 POSTERS TO FIGHT CRIME THE Chinese Association will 1 ask the Government to fight crime by psychological methods. At a meeting of the Puolic Affairs Committee of the Association, it was suggested that the Government b1?b 1 asked to display posters and similar propaganda to show lawless elements that crime
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  • 53 6 Without being called on for his defence, Inspector Sandaduan was acquitted by the Third District Judge, Che Ahmad bin Ibrahim, yesterday, on two charges of extorting $470 from a restaurant proprietor m Queen Street, Quek Chu Chye, and trespassing Into the restaurant m order to commit extortion
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  • 45 6 A shipment of 2,500 tons of American flour has arrived m Singapore by the Blue Fnnnsl liner MelimDUS from New York and New Orleans. A lurther shipment of 2,800 tons U expected on Friday by the India Mail from the same ports.
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  • 89 6 THREE Chinese, Ah Pee Chay <26), Lee Thin Chong (26) and Lieu Fatt (23), appeared before the Third Police Magistrate, Mr. X Bf. Byrne, yesterday, on two char s r»f armed gan^r robbery at a Jeweller's shop ?n Hgh Street or Marca i Armed with KVOiVdrj tney
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  • 193 6 A CHINESE builder wanting to sack an employee would have to get the permission or the Singapore Federation of Trade Unions under one of several union demands recently served on the Singapore Chinese Contractors' Association. He wculd also be obliged to refer any dispute to the
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  • 67 6 TWO Chinese, Ng Mun Yew i3l) and Ng See Pak (26). who were alleged to have attempted to put a compatriot, Foo K;h Tun, m fear of "death or grievous nun.' m order to commit exertion cf $6,000 on Monday, were remanded m police custody for 24
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 198 6 OPENING TO-NIGHT 8.45 p. m. VICTORIA THEATRE Kesselrin&'s "ARSENIC and OLD LACE" A Stage Club Production RESERVATIONS Robinson's 5894 Ext. 4 or at the Theatre Box Office nightly. FOUR NIGHTS ONLY 23rd, 24th, 25th 26th APRIL. $3.00, $2.50, $2.00, SI.OO Space Donated by GOODYEAR t* jt iv 1 1 rOJBS
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    • 200 6 uTS! OPENS TO-DAY AT THE v^l 1.30 m* ■VPiR Xk. not chan c 4.00 w" m^ RbJB Jfm ln mes 645 I W&&K 930 Phone S 4«o f plcture GABLE /At C1Q&B Oark GABLE Greer GARSON iS^ ADVENTURE withJOAN BLONDELL THOMAS MITCHELL TOM TULir JOHN QUALEN RICHARO HAYDN UNA ROMAt
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 441 6 SINGAPORE WEDNESDAY 1.00 p.m. Radio Orchestra; 1.30 News; 1.40 At the Organ; 2.00 Close Down. 8.15 pm. News headlines and profiamme summary; 8.20 Listener's Post; 9.00 Dance Music played by Harry HMkmeyer and His Orchestra; 9.30 News: 9.45 Presenting the Virtuoso: 10. 00 St. George's Day; 10.30 Quiet jMusic; 11.00
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    • 501 6 It is far easier to make good defen. sive play against the dummy than against the closed hand. This somewhat obscure statement will b e clarified In the following account; North, dealer. Nor. h- South vulnerable. NORTH A K 10 4 6 2 4 3 MIUI WEST EAST 11(13! ♦JH
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    • 229 6 'Was returned. East automatically play ed "second hand low" and Sou'h put in the Jack. West could have made things very comfortable for his adversary by holding up the diamond queen, but from his point of view it was possible that declarer had started with the A-K-J of diamonds, and
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  • 193 7 Singapore Shares Firm Up By Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Tuesday. THE Singapore share market firmed up today with better inquiry m both industrials and tins. Among industrials there was renewed inquiry for Wearnes, Malayan Breweries, Hammers, and Fraser and Neaves fct previous prices or possibly slightly better. Gammons found buyers
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  • 107 7 MAIN WARF Gtodcwn 31-32: Silverash. Godown 33-34: Mount Davis. Godown 36-37: Rajula. Godown 40: Empire Sea view. Godown 42-43: Lycacn. MAIN WHARF God;wn 1-3: Burnslde. Godcwn 3: Empire Pacific. Godown 4-5: Sam Constant. Godown 10-11: Theseus. Godown 13-14: Samsette. Godown 15-16: Glenartney. EAST WHARF Godown 44: Prosper. EMPIRE
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  • 702 7 SINGAPORE, Apr. S3. CINGAPORE share quotations toy d»y. as given by the Malayan Shareholders' Association, were as follows: INDUSTRIALS Buyer Seller Alex. Brick (O) 2.00 2.15 Alex. Brick (P) 3.1& 3.30 B. M. Trustee 8.25 9.00 Consolidated Tin 8naelter» (O) 30/6 22/do (P) 38/8 28/Eastem United Assurance
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  • 28 7 NEW YORK. Tuesday.—Closing foreign exchange rates yesterday were: Britain $4.02 7 Canada $91.31%. Prance JO.MV Swedsn $27.85. Switzerland $23.40, Argentina $24.40. Brazil $5.50. Mexico $20.62.—A J».
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  • 136 7 N.Y. Market Poised For New Advance NEW YORK. Tuesday. AN the New York Stock Ex- change yesterday, activity quietened during the afternoon, bat the market experienced little difficulty m maintaining the earlier advantage. Some Quarters were of opinion that the market appeared poised for an attempt to make additional recovery.
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  • 110 7 LONDON, Tuesday.— On the London Stock Exchange yesterday, generally speaking it was a gin. gularly uneventful day. Most sections, however, displayed a certain amount of firmness for a greater part of the 4>eriod, Ibut there was no sizeable turnover m any of them. Towards the close,
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  • 58 7 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association's Prices at noon yesterday were: Cts. Cts. per 1b. per lb. No. 1 R.S.S. Spot loose 43% 43* No. 1 R.S.S. fob In bales April 44% 44% No. 2 R.S.S. fob in bales April 42% 43% No. 3 R.S.S. fob In
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  • 16 7 The crcp of the Buk t Katil Rubber Estate for March was 31.583 Ib.
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  • 114 7 rHE following have been elected office-bearers of the SeUngor Indian Chamber of Commerce for this year: President: Mr. A. A. Mohd. AbduUa. Vice-presidents: Mr. S. Palanivelu and Mr. K. Jainul Abdin. Hon. gen. secretary: Mr. Gurbaksh Singh Sambhl. Hon. treasurer: Mr. A. Joseph. Secretary: Mr.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 638 7 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. (Incorporated Is Singapore) BLUE FUNNEL LINE rMrdoa 1 from U.K. for Hong Koag, Bhangkal A Jivab G. 29 Tyeaon" from U.S.A., Batavia G. 42 "Melampos" due from U.S. A In Port Tbu?u^" sails for Liverpool Apr. 24 "India Mali** dme from U.S. A Apr. 25 "Rhesus" for
      638 words
    • 216 7 ■.t. "ORANJE" Due Singapore from Amsterdam. Southampton, Port Said 29th April at 8 a.m. Sailing same day for Batavia FOr particulars and passage Apply to: NEDERLAVn LINE Royal Dutch Mail 41. Robinson Road Tel. 4819 HOLLAND EAST ASIA LINE S4. "LORENTZ" due Singapore 26th April from Rotterdam. Antwerp, Genoa, Port
      216 words
    • 209 7 P O and B I SAILINGS TO AND FROM INDIA. CEYLON, A I STRALI V SI AM. CHINA, ADEN. FOYPT, CONTINENT" AND UNITED KINGDOM Agents Singapore ISLAY KERB CO.. LTD. and at HA Colly er Quay, Singapore. Penaag 25 Beach Street, Penang. P O Agents K. Lumpur P. Swettenham Harrisons
      209 words
    • 625 7 ELIERMAN KLAVENESS LINE Rl l f X N A I I (Incorporated with Limited UUVIXUMLL IMbOitr to Norway) S S CO., LTD. LOS ANGELES, SAN FRAN- CISCO. VANCOUVER (Incorporated In gngi»n/i) Baifti For LONDON "CASTLE VILLE" May "GRANVILLE" Jnne IS CITT OF POONA *M May 20 "SOMERVILLE" Jnly 10 McALISTER
      625 words

  • 402 8 Malays 3; Chinese (Selection I) 2. MALAYS gained full points at the expense of the Chinese (selection I) m a league fixture at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday, the score being three two. While the Malays were generally expected to win, they gave a
    402 words
  • Article, Illustration
    27 8 dimming, Middlesborouch goal keeper punches clear m the game against Charltnn early tit's ironth m the Home football first division match which was drawn three-all. A.P. picture.
    AP  -  27 words
  • 135 8 Pauline Betz To Explain PARIS, Tuesday.— Pauline Betz, world's foremost woman tennis star left Paris for New York by plane this evening, to clarify her status with the United States Lawn Tenn's Assrciation which has suspended her. The association banned the pretty Californian two weeks ago from participation in amateur
    135 words
  • 238 8 The Singapore Clarke Rangers beat a RE. (Pulau Brani) team by nine wickets. Feature of the game was a fine knock of 42 runs (retired) by Low Hock Chye. Water Bourne R.E. Pulau Branl: Heme b I. Isa4, Parker b A.R. Omar 0. Mace b A.
    238 words
  • 58 8 The April monthly medal will be played on Saturday and Sunday, April 26 and 27 at the Island Golf Club. The competition will be bogey. The course will be closed to women on Saturday alternoon only and the monthly medal will m future be confined to members
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  • 59 8 The Ceylonese will make their first appearance at Soccer for the season, against the S..K.C. 2nd eleven. On Friday kick-ofl at 5.15 p.m. at the S.R.C. Padang. Players will be: S.K. Sundrum, E. Dlas, Thuraislngam, V.N. Pillay, V.R. Sabapathy. O. Ratnatunga. K Thambirajah, C. Samad. W. Ponnlah, A.C.
    59 words
  • 405 8 THE Singapore Malays Badminton Tournament is now reaching Its 'final stage with Ismail Marjan (Muhibbah). S. Salim (Kg. Jagoh Muslim). S. Ahmad Mattar (Mayblossom) and Suadi Hj. Tahir (Gentle) remaining In UM list of singles players. Ismail Marjan had been the Junior Champion of Singapore In 1941 In
    405 words
  • 232 8 LONDON. Mon. rs King's colt. Blue Train, was backed to win the Derby at the Victoria Club. London, when cards on the Two Thousand Ouineas and the' DcrbJ* er S ove? tJ"nteht oerDy were caved over to night. Introduced at 21-2 he was wl" t£l7:ot£17:0^ K
    Reuter  -  232 words
  • 759 8 Z ARI NA SPE AR MIRTH BEST BETS Slick ness Also 1 Strong Chance By Our Racing Correspondent 7ARINA and Spear Mirth, two good winners last Saturday, are expected to complete a double, today, the second day of the Perak Turf Club April meeting at Ipoh. Slickness has been working
    759 words
    34 words
  • 799 8 SIX races will make up the programme today, the second day of the Ipoh Turf Club's April meetine. The first race will start at 3.15 p.m. Last Three Horse* Owner Ttainer R:™, 3.15 p.m! Horses, 3 and 4 Comb., Div. 2, 5 l z Furs: SYLVAN LASS 8.11
    799 words
  • 125 8 BROMWICH RANKED NO. 1 MELBOURNE, Mon. K)HN BROMWICH, although beaten by Dlnny Pails m the final of the Australian lawn tennis championships this year, still heads the list of official Australian rankings for 1947. The Australian Lawn Tennis Association have placed Pails second, while Geoff Brown, who was beaten In
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • 53 8 The following have been selected to represent the Royal Engineers against the S.R.C. on the S.R.C. padang at 11 a.m. oh Sunday: O.W.A. Kite, J.D. Gwynne/D. Blake. N. Pearson, G.C. Sim, C. Johnson, J.A. Cole, R. Bridgett, B.A. Savage, T.T. McCarry, W.J. Moxon. 12th man W. J. Reed.
    53 words
  • 42 8 The Singapore Rifle Association will hold a Sunday morning spoon shoot at Seletar Rang?. SINGAPORE TIDE? TODAY: Highwater 12.10 p.m., Height 8 ft. 9 ins., 11.59 p.m., Height 9 ft. TOMORROW: High water 12.55 p.m., Height 8 ft. 6 ins.
    42 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 533 8 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued from Page 4) TUITION PRIVATE TUITION m English. Mathematics and French given by experienced qualified teachers Box No. 1A6205.T VEHICLES FOft SUK FOR QUICK SALE Royal Enficld. 1945. 2| H.P. Oood condition. View at ...B. Co.. Sheep Farm, off Henderson Road. IN EXCELLENT CONDITION, taxed Insured, Saloon
      533 words
      147 words