The Straits Times, 11 April 1947

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 1227 1 "Cession Favoured By Overwhelming Majority" AN overwhelming majority of the people of Sarawak are content that the country has been ceded to the King, according to a statement issued by the Governor-General, Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald, m Singapore last night The Governor-General's statement took
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  • 135 1 Police Called To Stadium A MOBILE polce patrol was called to quell a disturba. iv m fiont of the players' dr ro mat Ja'an Besar Stadium yesterday afternoon following a league match between the Army and the In'ians. The disturbance followed an incident m which an Army player struck an
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  • 76 1 COLOMBO, Thursday. The; services of a Ceylon civil servant, i Mr. C.E. Tilney. have been lent i to the Malayan Government, announces a Government com- munique. Mr. Tilney, who is a controller of establishments at the General Treasury, Colombo, is to be a i member of
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  • 36 1 THE HAGUE, Thursday —Prof Posthum and Prof. Johannes Verzijl have been relieved of their posts as advisers to the Dutch Commission-General to the Netherlands Indies, the Ne- I therlands News Agency learns. —Reuter.
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  • 192 1 U.K. Asked For Labour Expert KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. I REORGANISATION of the ft Labour Department of the Malayan Union is announced m an official re.ease today. The Secretary of State has oeen approached with a view to obtaining the services of an experienced trades union and labour officer from the
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  • 91 1 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. After three weeks of iutensiiied i investigations, Kuala Lumpur I detective branch last night recovered $11,000 worth of jewellery, believed to be the proceeds of the robbery of Singapore jewellers' shops. Some of the recovered articles bear marks corresponding to
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  • 150 1 TOKIO. Thursday, first pott-war shipment of eottca labrics to Malaya, British Borneo and Sweden, totalling 8.169 bal t, w!U leave Kobe this week. Su>reme Command Headquarters announced here today. A total of 4.909 bales of f I will be shipped aboard the British vecsai Siniiiang for distribution
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  • 434 1 Cheeseman Report For London From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. THE Malayan Union Advisory Council today ap- proved the despatch to the Secretary of State for the Colonies and to the Malay Rulers of the report of the Consultative Committee. The Union Governor, Sir Edward Gent,
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  • 106 1 MALAYA'S PETROL TO BE DEARER MOTORISTS in Singapore and the Malayan Union will have to pay an extra seven sent* a gallon of petrol from today. The new official price U 97 cents a gallon compared with the former price of 90 cents The price of gas oil has Oeen
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  • Article, Illustration
    33 1 A number of motor-can, which arrived with a shipment for Borneo Motors, Ltd., Singapore were almost ''pancaked" when a cargo of cement fell on then. Above picture shows one of the damaged car*.
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  • 181 1 ENID, OKLAHOMA, Thursday ARMY planes and state police cars rushed aid to four devastated Texas and! Oklahoma communities today after a tornado had left a 150mile trail of death and 2re. At least 180 people were killed, and officials feared that the d 'b roll would be
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 577 2 HITLER ANGRY AT FAILURE OF SPIES Could Not Learn Bombing Results FRANKFURT, Thursday MINUTES of Hitler's staff meetings just released by the United States Army record an outburst of anger by the German Fuehrer when he was told that his intelligence could not get a satisfactory report of the damage
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  • Cable Flashes
    • 668 2 Sacred Mountain Recovered NANKING, Thursday. FHE Information Minister, Dr. Pen; Hsueh Pei, at a press 1 conference today said that Nationalist forces had recovered the historic Taishan one of China's five sacred mountains m the course of the fighting m Shantung province He said the Communists had been bottled up
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  • 36 2 TOKIO, Thursday. Five more Japanese hav e been apprehended at the request of the British ar.d placed m Sugamo Prison. They I are described as implicated m Burma and m Hong Kong.— A.P.
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  • 204 2 MOSCOW, Thursday. A MAJOR clash occurred at the conference of Foreign Ministers yesterday, when General George Marshall demanded that an international commission investigate and report on the future German Polish frontier. Britain and the United States want to return to Germany agricultural land occupied by the
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  • 101 2 SHaiMUHAI, Thui^>day. SIX persons were killed and 18 injured m five fines which broke out m Shanghai last night. All the deaths occurred when fire destroyed an overcrowded house m the southern residential area of Lhe city. Eleven were injured when flames gutted a
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  • 68 2 WASHINGTON, Thursday. Mr. David Lilienthal has been confirmed m the appointment of head of the United States Atomic Energy Commission by a Senate vote of 50 to 31 Mr. Lilienthal, who is the former chief of the Tennessee Valley Authority, has been bitterly attacked for his
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  • 246 2 BERLIN, Thursday. AT least 160 persons were arrested m the United States* and British sectors of! Berlin during the first half of, a four-power comb-out of the city's three and a half million! inhabitants aimed at crimi-j nals, deserters, black-mar-keteers and other wanted persons. Troops of
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  • 173 2  - Japan Ban On Anzac Day Parades Richard Hughes, By Straits Times Special Correspondent TOKIO, Thursday. IN deference to Japanese sensitivity, Anzac Day commemoration services throughout Japan this year will be drastically curtailed. A surprise official order tana all public ceremonial, mass assembly and marches past, with or without arms. anJ
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  • 100 2 ADELAIDE. TnurstUy. MrCyril Chambers, the Australian}, Army Minister, has sent m{ urgent cable to Lieut.-Gen. Robertaon, Commander-in-Ch; ■■.£< of the British Commonwealth! Occupation Forces m Japan, as*-/ Ing for confirmation of reporia'' that celebratu ns of Anzac Day I have been banned. "Anzac Day celebration is re1
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  • 113 2 SALISBURY, Thursday nI cesses Elizabeth md garet motored m state ycsuicny to picturesque wcods on a hillside for a girl guide show out for a few moments it appeartd that someone had made a rristake for there were only two persons to receive them But Ju6t as
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  • 100 2 NEW DELHI, Thursday.— June 25, 1948— the birthday of Admiral Viscount Mountbatten, the Viceroy has been decided on as the day on which power m India will be handed over to the Indian Government, says to-day's Lahore Tribune. The paper's London cci.respondent states that Lord Mountbatten
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  • 86 2 LAKE SUCCESS. Thursday.— The United Nations headquarters announces that 14 countries favour the proposed special session of the United Nations General Assembly to take up the Palestine question. They are the United Siaits. China, Russia, Cuba, France, Haiti, Honduras, Liberia, Greece, New Zealand, Czechoslovakia, Sweden, Denmark
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  • 27 2 STOCKHOLM, Thursday. Karin Koch, leading Swedish 3uffragLst and professor of political economy, today became Sweden's first woman Cabinet memb r. She was appointed Minister without Portfolio— UP.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 712 2 NOTICES NOTICE Notice is hereby given that Mr. JacK Perry of 26-B Orchard Road, Singapore, ls applying to the Governor for naturalization, and that any person who knows any reason why naturalisation should not be granted should send a written and signed statement of the facts to the Colonial Secretary,
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    • 783 2 NOTICES ST. ANDREW'S OLD BOYS' ASSOCIATION. Old Boys are reminded of: (1) The Annual General Meeting at 3.30 p.m. sharp, and (2) An "AT HOME In honour of the Rt. Rev. the Bishop of Singapore at 5.00 p.m. on Saturday 12th.. April 1947 at the School, Woodsville NOTICE Notice ls
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    • 528 2 NOTICES. NON-BENDERS CRICKET CLUB OF MALAYA It is proposed to revive the above Club. A cricket match will be played against the Selangor Club on the Padang on Sunday 20th April. A Special General Meeting will be held m the Selangor Club (Secretary's Office) after the match at 6.30 p.m.
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  • 526 3 tpoh Men Meet Commission From Our Own Correspondent IPOH, Thursday. SUGGESTION that the proposed University College should be situated m Kuala Lumpur and that it should be a state or state-aided institution planned for both teaching and research as well as the conferring of
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  • 154 3 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday AN Indian trade unionist aged j 28 has been appointed by j the Governor of the Malayan I [Union, Sir Edward Gent, to be one of the four new members who will "broaden the membership of the Malayan Union Advisory
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  • 152 3 ONE thousand two hundred Japanese surrendered personnel^the largest number to be repatriated trom Malaya to Japan this month— will embark on i board the Japanese ship Kaio j Maru for Kure today. The vessel which is now at the Seletar Naval Base arrived on j Wednesday to
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  • 76 3 The Governor, Sir Franklin Ginison, sent a cablegram to Lady Clementl yesterday stating thet at a meeting of the Singapore Advisory Council, held yesterday, members requested him to convey to her on their behalf and on behalf of the people of Singapore an expression of their
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  • 87 3 |»ENTS of iurtain single rooms In Sirigapore Improvement Trust buildings, mainly ln the Tiong Bahru area, Banda Street and New Bridge Road are to be raised by $3 a month from May 1 This increase doe* not affect ■tta The Improvement Trust states that thLs increase
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  • 267 3 THE Malayan Medical Service and Asiatic and European staffs of Singapore hospitals yesterday afternoon paid tribute to the memory of Dr. John Herbert Bowyer at his graveside m Bldadari Cemetery. Dr. Bowyer was Chief Medical Officer, General Hospital, Singapore, at the capitulation. He was responsible
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  • 339 3 1 REVISED salary scheme for Singapore Government clerks, A for submission to the Joint Salaries Commission, is to be tabled for discussion at an extraordinary general meeting of the General Clerical Service Association tomorrow at the J.C.S.A. tiffin room at 2 p.m. The proposed
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  • 154 3 HIGH hopes of the outcome of the Indonesian-Dutch negotiations following on the signing of the Linggadjati Agreement were expressed by Sutan Shahrir before he left Singapore yesterday. A United Press message receiv-. Ed ln Singapore last night stated that the Indonesian Premier had arrived m Batavia The
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  • 262 3 ARMY PLANS FOR RELEASE OF HOUSES BY the end of this year, tbe Army m Singapore should be clear of all requisitioned civilian property except the following: 20 acres of land, five civilian houses, two godowns, four buildIngs, one hotel and one block of partially completed »hops near Buklt Tlmah.
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  • 363 3 Food Price Drop In Singapore S.T.C. Inqatry PRICES of foodstuffs m Singa- pore have dropped since last October, the Food Controller, Mr. J Hamer, told the public inquiry Into the Singapore Traction Company strike, yesterday. Producing tables of price* of fresh foodstuffs, Mr. Hamer said Lbe worst period last year
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  • 364 3 BANISHMENT LAW PROTEST "THE Malayan Communist Party will not apply for registration under the Societies Ordinance unless Government abolishes the existing banishment and sedition laws," Mr. Chang Ming Ching, Singapore representative of the M.C.P., told the Straits Times yesterday. Mr. Chang said: "These laws breed
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  • 103 3 IVHKN CU«4e 6e Sow, Ng *v Kai Fan and Tan Teng He* appeared before Mr. faal Storr, In tbe District Court, yesterday, on a enargc of extortion on Sept. 4. last year, they were toM that Sept. 4. IM7. had been s«t aside for tbe trial, one
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  • 55 3 Caught m the act of stealing some khaki clothing and bottles of liquor from a godown m the Singapore Harbour Board three Indians— Nadar Shah, Muthusamy and Ranga Nathan were each sentenced to 16 months' rigorous imprisonment by Mr T. T. Russell m the Second District Court
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 434 3 ON DISPLAY... x GENTS COMPLETE. 1 o prevent Uc« tunun, fmm |pp I I aWIn/ yellow to keep It white Ii ™LI l^fl^. I M <Qow, roo oeed to use Q F T Q onto little I, MOTHER Of WAL l^fVjSvSl ONYX M&gl <&£**. smg^Si 44 HIGH STREET JW^ W^
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  • 99 4 Mr. Boey Khye Leng wishes to thank all friends and relatives who sent wreaths, letters of condolences, attended night visit and funeral of his only beloved daughter Catherine Boey Swee Keng. Mr. and Mrs. T. Paul Raj of the Veterinary Dept. Seremban wish to thank all those who sent
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  • 19 4 Mrs. M. A. Daley passed away peacefully at Bu:ifjar hospital on Tuesday, Bth /.ortl. (Up-country papers please copy).
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  • 27 4 HOLLANDERS, ATTENTIEI Wederom verkrijgbaar "ELEDON" (Nestles karnemclk en poedervonn) bij de navolgende tokos: Medical HalL Will's Clinic. M S. Ally Drug D?nt. Nalna Mohamed Drug Dept.
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  • 1101 4 She Straits Times Singapore, Friday, Apr. 11, 1947. Merdeka In Malaya The first Prime Minister of Indonesia was the guest of honour of the Malay and Indonesian 1 communities of Singapore on j Wednesday afternoon. That was certainly an event of historic interest, but it is an old axd pleasant
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  • 55 4 WASHINGTON, Thursday. The UJS. State Department spokesman said yesterday that the U.S. has not yet approved any plan for financial aid to Korea. This statement followed a Shanghai report that President Truman had promised a US $600,000,000 loan to Korea as soon as the Korean
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 1031 4 Singapore's "Big Ben" By A Special Correspondent CORTY-one years ago, r the bjb. Benledi, pride of the Ben Line, on her maiden voyage to the Far East brought a strange cargo to Singapore. Waiting at Tanjong Pagar wharves to supervise the unloading of this
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    • 288 4 A FILM was recently recommended to me as having a good story and a beautiful; woman superbly dressed. This sounded the sort of sophisti- cation which. would be a suitable sedative for a wet day. What I heard and saw was this:— An incoherent
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    • 259 4 i I LTHOUGH your corresponA dent X.Y.Z. sa:ms pretty well informed about the Ir-cal pork situation, yet his suggestion that the quota system should be abolished is unsound. The abolition of the quota system at this stage would result m competitive bidding for limited supplies,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 769 4 CLASSIFIED ADS. MONTIGNY. On Bth .'nril at Cureplpe, Mauritius, to Jeanne wj° of Id. A. Montlgny a daughter (Ollberte). SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED Dresser/Conductor for small Estate Ayer Kuning district 595 plus $30 H.C.L. Box No. A 498 S.T. WANTED a ledger cleric with knowI of typing. Apply Box No. A486
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    • 95 4 GLEN MILLER and his Orchestra. 5565 Out of Space— P.T. In the Mood— P.T. 5595 Danny Boy P.T. Tuxedo Junction P.T. 5733 Cradle Song— P.T. Elmer's Tune P.T. 5768 Moonlight Sonata— P.T. Story of A Starry Night 5789 Jingle Bells— P.T. American Patrol P.T. 5811 At Last— P.T. That Old
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    • 115 4 FOR MEN British Art silk woven dressing-gowns Tweeds and wool suitings British Van Heusen Collars, 90 cents. Black dress-bows made-up $3.00 "Morlcy" leather belts (grey) $2.00 HARVEY Co. 8, RAFFLES QUAY (Beyond Finlayson Green) POIUS rr**^oPTicißN MJow of the ln« Oonthaimic Ouuc-wn* lEniriand) Fellow ot the Worshipful Company ot Sueotarle-Makfr-
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  • 45 5 KEEPER OF S'PORE'S "BIG BEN" Tang Ah Lai (right) who has maintained Singapore's "Bit Ben every week for the past {< years, is seen winding the mech an ism with a hand lever. A story of "The Clock" is to be found on the opposite pare*
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  • 459 5 Chinese Members Support Minority Report From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. SIX unofficial members spoke today at the meeting of the Malayan Union Advisory Council which endorsed the recommendations of the Consultative Committee and agreed to the transmission of the report to the Secretary of State and to the
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  • 85 5 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. AT least eight seats m the proposed Federal Legislative Council should be reserved for women, declared Dr. (Miss) Soo Kirn Lan at the Malayan Union Advisory Council meeting today. Two seats, she suggested, should be for official
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  • 877 5 SPEEDY SOLUTION TO CONSTITUTIONAL QUESTION URGED Attorney General Asks For Unity Among The People From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. THE Attorney General, Mr. K. K. O'Connor, after outlining the reasons for the need to transmit the report of the Consultative Committee to the Secretary of State and to
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  • 199 5 Blunn On Settlement Question From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. FURTHER and very careful con- sideration should be given to the question of the inclusion ot Penang and Malacca m the Federation, urged Mr. W.Q.C Blunn at the Malayan Union Advisory Council meeting today Mr. Blunn said that the
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  • 228 5 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. "IT is quite clear that the con- ctitutional measures for this country will have to represent a compromise m the views of those people who live m It, declared thi» Chief Secretary, Mr A. T. Newboult at the Malayan
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  • 91 5 IPOH, Taurstay: r. c anage* ment of the Perak River Hylro Electric Power Company, L o Ipoh. has announced that it will acctpt the awarl annourccd by the Arbitration Soard m the dispute between the company and its employees on condition tnai the employees' union cept
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  • 129 5 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS WANTED From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, TfcaCKtajT. MR. S. B. Palmer, one of the signatories ft the Consultative Committee Report, said he personally thought that the recommendation of introducing elections to both Municipal a. d Town Board Councils would be a move m the right direction and
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  • 79 5 Recommendations will be madei to Government for the establish- ment of a Commission to investigate the short term problems ot accommodation and security m the present Singapore prison, andi long term plans for prison reform. Fhis dec.iion was made yesterday after discussion at a meeting of the Justices
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 157 5 Now Showing to Packed Houses t '2^^mkm BU*»-*fl fifl HnH^l l^PinflUßn^i DAILY 2 SHOWS at 6 and 9.30 p.m. Matinee at 3 p.m. on Sat. Sunday Acclaimed by the Public of Singapore as tke Cleverest Circus ever visited Malaya, THE KAMALA CIRCUS b scoring fresh Laurels every sh«w AT Fairer
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    • 176 5 For Week-End Shoppers In Women's Wear Londonus Tailored Sportswear Linen Suit* m Saxe. Navy and Rifet. Coogie Beach Suits m pure ff /C I 111 linen, white shorts with coloured WiUU top. Ladies Dresses prices from Morning and afternoon Art Silk §35 50 Dresses ln all colours and sizes. to
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  • 94 6 From Our Own Correspondent TELUK ANSON, Thursday. A CHINESE who with two companions jumped from a burning motor-boat on the PeraJc river yesterday was rescued by a Malay sampan man and later admitted to hospital, where his condition to s ♦is factory. The motor- boat
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  • 128 6 BANKER LOSES APPEAL From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Thursday. THE Penang banker and millionaire, Mr. Yeap Chor Ec, unsuccessfully appealled m the High Court today against a District Court judgment which had dismissed with costs his acton to regain possession of a house In Penang Road. Respondent, Cheah* Ah Cheng,
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  • 161 6 WITNESSES AFRAID OF REPRISALS Identify Robbers In Closed Court From Our Staff Correspondent BPOH, Thursday. TWO Chinese witnesses yesterday refused to identify two armed robbers m open court. They told the District Judge that they were afraid of reprisals and a successful application was made by the prosecuting officer to
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  • 149 6 House Has 'Vanishing' Rooms From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Thuraday. A LANDLORD who said that rooms m his house someumes "disappeared" applied io the rent Board yesterday for permission to increase his rent. TT*e applicant, Mr M. Farok, an Indian, said there were five rooms In the house. The respondent
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  • 55 6 From Our Staff Correspondent MALACCA, Thursday. Organised drives by rat destruction officers, particularly m Malacca and Merlimau, resulted In the extermination of 9,818 rats last month. Damage to crops and storehouses has been considerable and m one area alone nearly 6Vfc acres of pad! crop were
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  • 185 6 From Our Own Correspondent PKNAMO, Thursday. THE admisalbulty v evidence 1 of statements made to the prosecution by the accused was challenged by counsel tor the defence In tfae District Court yesterday, when five Chinese were produced on a charge' of being knowingly concerned m depositing prohibited
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  • 301 6 From Our Owi Corrcspossdeat PENANG, Thursday. IN memory of M. A. S. workers 1 who died m the bombing of Penang, a plaque is to be placed m the Genera] Hospital and a "roll of honour" is to be printed. This decision «v reached by
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  • 24 6 A New Year social will be held on Monday, at 5.30 p.m at the Ceylon Tamils Association premise*, 11, Handy Road.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 103 6 "Most Pleasant And Witty Comedy That London Has Seer For Months" Evening Standard. fPAVIUQN^S^ Today Four Shows 1.30 4.00 (J. 30 9. 3O p.m. OTBtWG WEDDING B^ special Gaumont British News— Oxford and Cambridga- boat race. a^^^tfiswj^ TO MORROW I Ufif MID NIGHT X^^ii^V^/ SIX-GUN FURY Sr.iok«s out the O"t'»ws!
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    • 211 6 mj3m£3S& TO-DAY S *I*i I¥^i^s^ BIGGEST b awl! Sl^lliEUßSfcEal!^ 11-2-4.15-6.30-9.15 If you Want: 1 ACTION ROMANCE 3. COMEDY 4. PATHOS Com* running wauaci a*A»e>AArr M ■2 BWRy OBRItt WE Bsf >BAD \§S tT I torpmstAW-LC^HAiSti F— m Mrtfl V Msmsi TIOMPSti Sa*» Ms* a» w»Ss- U»— md •mm* •mmm OHsM
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 616 6 SINGAPORE Red Network (flilac— Indian It »hl to 2 p-m. p.m to 11 p.m. ud .23 metrrs Ala* from 12 to 2 pjn. a»4 7.45 lo 9 30 pjn, on 4.825 M'e tier second Ib <1 metre band Blae Network (Matey A Eaflfefc Matey: II M a. a*. U 1
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    • 504 6 North -^xrth in today's deal went a*, t. uietit to dispense wuh ace -show astray In the selection of the corXract. ing conventions. South jumped from but the really sad thine na t*»»t one spade to six clubs because he was South gave up without a struggle! sung he would
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  • 219 7 By Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Thursday. THE brighter market noticed on Wednesday was not maintained yesterday and conditions m all sections turned extremely dull. Some business was reported m Fraser and Neaves at $3.70 and m Malayan Breweries at $22.50. Hammers were up to $43 and
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  • 175 7 STUDY OF RUBBER INDUSTRY COLOMBO.— The Commiss-on appointed to investigate the present position of the rubber indQstry m Ceylon has commenced its preliminary work. All arrangements to facilitate the Commission's settling down to work have been made a* it is considered essential that, m view of the present position of
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  • 52 7 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association's Price* at noon Buyer* Cto. Na. 1 R.SS Spot laoae 43 No. 1 K.S.S. fob la bale* April «H no. s E.s.r. rob la bales AprU i No. S S.8.S. fab in balea April 4H 4 Tone of Market: Qnlet. Scllai
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  • 224 7 COLOMBO.— Official steps will shortly be taken by the Government of Ceylon to help the local sole crepe industry by amending the wartime Rubber Thefts Ordinance which prohibits dealers from buying latex. Much of the crepe latex produced m Ceylon was finding it* way
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  • 156 7 i-«'<uON, Thursday. ON the London Stock Exchange yesterday there was once again little real tendency m the market* which were scarcely tested. Cessation of some of the recent support for savings Issues produced heaviness In the market for British Government stocks, and what amounted to little
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  • 90 7 EXPANSION OF ASSETS Hongkong Bank rrAL imU of Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation exjanded by £32.331.311 to £136.043.700 during IM6, Hongkong notes m clrculaton have rtoen by £9.809.656 to £25,734,862. The deposit account stand* at £93.757.942— an lnrrea-e of 25 625.748. Some notable increases are shown m the assets Cash
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  • 41 7 THE HAGUE, Thursday. The New Guinea Petroleum company has resumed exploration activities m Dutch New Guinea. The Company is a joint enterprise of Dutch Royal Shell, Standard Vacuum, and the Standard Oil of California Texas Company, group. A. P.
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  • 375 7 Recovery Progress In Malaya T*HE Malayan branches of the 111 1 Mercantile Bank of India reported a high level of trading activity and an all-round increase m their business last year, said the Chairman, Sir Charles Innes, m London recently m a statement circulated with the Bank's reports and accounts.
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  • 106 7 A FURTHER large increase In rle- < pc sits is shown by the accounts of the Mercantile Bank of India for the year Dec. 31. 1946. Current, fixed deposit and other accour.U, which include rebates and pro111 1 Ulons for taxation and bad debts, have risen
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  • 83 7 SHIPS aionguae me Singapore wharves yesterday were: MAW WHARF Oodown 31-33: Atrens. Godown 34: Mount Mansfield. Oodown 35: Klstna Oodown 42-43 Steel Advocate. WEST WHARF Oodown 1-2: Samaette. Oodown 4-5: AntUochua. Oodown 6-7: Samsoartng. Oodown 14: Benledl. Drplre Mayflower alongside. Oodown 15-16 Marine Filer. EMPIRE DOCK Godown 17-18:
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 550 7 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. (Incorporated to Singapore) BLUE FUNNEL LINE Sailings to and from United Kingdom "AntUochos" from U.K O. 4 "Shansi* doe from U.K Apr. 14 "Medon" doe from U.K Apr. 15 "Atr«»" sails for Genoa, Marseilles, Havre. Liverpool Glasgow Apr. 1« •Lycaon" dot from U.S. A Apr. If *Theseos"
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    • 143 7 t/t "MARIA G" wiU arrive at daylight on Saturday, 12th April and consignees are requested to apply for delivery orders from Paterson. Simons A Co.. Ltd. EVERETT 'ORIERTURE MS "COASTAL CHAMPION" at Singapore 15th/ 17th April far PENANG RANGOON Agent*:— CUTHRIE fit CO., LTD. Stagapore. (TeL 51SC) PATERSON, SIMONS CO.,
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    • 63 7 P&OS.N, Cor. 8.8. EMPIRE RAJA Freight Service to UK <Se Continental Ports Now Loading SINGAPORE Loads Penang 2nd half April This vessel will also accept cargo for Genoa BLUE FUNNEL North American Service M.V. EURYBATES E.T.A. 3rd week May. Loading Straits Port* for New York. Halifax For freight apply to
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    • 570 7 PRESIDENT LINEELLERMAN -Sr.i™. BUCKNALL Via Part Swettenham Peaang 5. S. CO.. LTD. India and Mediterranean Parta •.I. MOUNT MANSFIELD Oda. JJ/M Oncoroor»t«d Id England) MARINE FLIER Gds. IS/U MOUNT DAVIS la Part MARINE LEOPARD Apr. 17 "Vm- LONDON ft ROTTERDAM rZLZT^r^JSTvTpJri. City of Lyons At God. 23/24 .I. SKIDMORE VICTORY
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  • 82 8 INDIAN TEST TEAM FOR AUST. NINE members of the Indian side which toured England last year are included m the team for Australia next season. They ar-: V. M. Merchant (Captain), L Amaraath, Mustaq All. V Mankad. V S Hazare, ft. S Modi, C S Nayudu, Gml Mohamed, and S
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  • 64 8 RA.S.C Training School (Par Bast) scored 82 for eight wickeU la reply to O HQ. 2nd Echelon Sealf Xls 78 In s cricket match played at Nee Soon. "or the Training School Nash took five wickets for 16 runs and scored 60 no. out. Wiikutxro (Echelon Btafl) returned
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  • 515 8 Incident In Stadium Mutch Army 3; Indians 0. BAD sportsmanship almost caused an unpleasant disturbance at the conclusion of a league game between the Army and Indians at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday, which the Army won by three goals to nil. The incident occurred short ly
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  • 103 8 PLAYING against RAP Jurong on I Wednesday at Jurong. BaHne. the medium-paced Pajra Lebar spin bowler, took 9 wicket* for 18 runs. His final fleures read UJ 8 8 18. Paya Lebar battled first and scored 83. best performances being 14 from Hill and II
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  • 220 8 NAT Rogers, Mike Jacob's matcnmaker, is trying to sign the winner of the Baksi-Woodcock flght to meet Joe Louis for the 1) .(tip His inducements are $1,000,000 gate if its Woodcock and slightly |M 8 if its Baksi. Ropers says that LouU is
    UP  -  220 words
  • 44 8 LONDON, Thursday.— Britain's premier turf classic hors« race, the Derby, wiU be run on Wednesday. June 4 at Epsum. thus rt'spellintr the popular belief that the famous race would also come under the government's ban °n midweek sport.— UJ».
    44 words
  • 342 8 MALACCA. Thursday. In a fast game of football the Malacca Bumpers easily defeated 555 Sub Area second selection by four goals to nil In the Craven Cup soccer league competition on Wednesday. Goal scorers were O R.i»no. i 3) and J. Carvalho. SJUKaiuSAN, Wednesday The Juvenile Badminton
    342 words
  • 586 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. ffGHLIGHT of the recently concluded Selangor Turf Club Easter meeting was the success of Kuala Lumpur tramer R N Hobbs who sent out seven winners, including Sovereignty who scored a "double" to top the list of successful eignty trainers of the meet. Hobbs al*o
    586 words
  • 119 8 SYDNEY, Thursday.— The Brisbane Amateur 1 Urf Club will stage another £10,900 sprint race at Domnben this year. Known as the Doomben Tea Thousand, H will be rua over seren furlongs less 93 yards oa July ft. Last year the BJLT.C. staged the first £10,000 sprint event
    119 words
  • 222 8 r GLAND will play Scotland soccer at Wembley on Saturday. The F.A. Cup semi-final replay between Burnley and Liverpool will be played at Maine Road, Manchester and Arbroath will play Aberdeen at Dundee m the Scottish Cup semi -final. League fixture* will be a« fol- Arsenal
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 736 8 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued From Page *> ACCOMMODATION VACANT SEASIDE, accommooauon on reason- able monthly lerma. Continental cuisine j new lurniture. m.s. accommodation un- a mediateij available. The Grand Hotel, 24-26 b-aniuu Roaa, Katong, S'pore. c Phone U4B12 Managei J. Rothschild. ACCOMMODATION WANTED U EACrtELOR, Dutchman, requires j, larte airy room
      736 words
    • 363 8 11 a.m.— 8. 88 p.m.— 0.88 p.m.— B. lf p.m. Only 4 f jm^^^^ Km^ m A OlUy 4 Shows Wt Show* Dally KeW BIW- Dally 1 LL^dJ] gC^ The Immortal Story of a Simple Girl Whom Faith Shook The Earth! WILLIAM EYTHE CHARLES BICKFOfIt W^M Proea Urn J^ v
      363 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 34 8 SINGAPORE TIDES TODAY: Highwater 1 22 a.m Height 8 ft. 6 ins., 2.28 p.m., Height 7 ft. 2 ins. TOMORROW: 1.54 a.m., Height 8 ft. 3 ins., 3.15 p.m., ■«fdH 6 ft. 5 ins.
      34 words