The Straits Times, 9 April 1947

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 585 1 HENRY FORD DIES AT AGE OF 83 Made Millions Of 'Tin Lizzies DETROIT, Tuesday. UENRY Ford, multi-millionaire motor car manufac11 turer, died tonight of cerebral haemorrhage at his modest Dearborn (Michigan) home. He was 83. The world's wealthiest man who was the son of a humble Irish imigrant, Ford died
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  • Article, Illustration
    30 1 Giand Champion St. Bernard of Sydney Easter Royal Sn^.v lie weighs H stone compared with the one stone of the 12 monthold baby m the picture.— Consoli dated Press photo
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  • Article, Illustration
    13 1 Late Henry Ford One *f ttie flrs* Ford Model T*s seen m Singapore.
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  • 94 1 Frwn Owr Own Correspondent FKLANG, Tuesday. O brothers were drowned at Morib beach yesterday, one while trying to rescue the other. The boys, Ong Lock Teong, aged 15, and Ong Lock Huat, aged 13, were two of a picnic party of schoolboys from the village
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  • 27 1 Washington, Tuesday President Truman has submitted to the Senate the nomination of !Mr Fenry F G^adv of San Francisco, as Ambassador to I India.—U.P.
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  • 62 1 NEW DELHI, Tuesday:— Mahatma Oandhi said yesterday that religious strife In the troubled Noakhalt section of Bengal appeared to call for the Hindus to leave or perish "In the flames of fanaticism.'' Mr. Oandhi released telegrams yesterday from Congress party workers In Noakhall, a predominantly
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  • 160 1 l ORD KILLEARN, Special Commissioner for South East Asia, will leave Singapore for Sydney by air on April 12 on an official visit to Australia on the invitation of the Australian Government, a communique issued yesterday by the Special Commissioner's office stated. He will be accomoanled by
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  • 1158 1 As Interference NEW YORK, Tuesday. AMERICAN aid to Greece constituted interference m the internal affairs of that country, declared the Soviet delegate to the United Nations Security Council, Mr. Andrei Gromyko, today. In an unprecedentedly sharp attack on U.S. policy, Mr. Gromyko declared that
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  • 108 1 Malaya 's Bell For K.L. From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. THE First Lord of the Admiralty, Viscount Hall, who was formerly Secretary of State for the Colonies, has decided to present the bell of H.M.S Malaya to the Victoria Institution in Kuala Lumpur. The normal practice is to
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  • 132 1 TU Congress Party is ready to sign a lr»ce with the Muslim League if the question of Pakistan is refcued to an Imperial tribunal" This dramatic announce mint was made at a public meeting ■•re bjr the Home Member of the Interim Indian Government and a
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  • 198 1 SJAHRIR DUE IN STORE TODAY OUT AN Sjahr.r, Indonesian I 3 Prime Minister, is expected to arrive at Kallang airport this morning with his wife and nine Indonesian delegates after attending the Inter -Asian Conference at New Delhi. This atternocn, at 4-45 p m. he w 11 be entertained at
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  • 98 1 NEW YORK, Tuesday. The former U.S. Secretary lor Commerce and Vice-President, Mr. Henry Wallace, left yesterday on an air tour of Europe where he Is scheduled to have conversations with various Government leader o to discuss means of strengthening t'ie United Nations. He evaded reporters QueiUoi;*
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 13 1 *^S?> 25 run |{T|W ■C I. fe?»iP |j v jjv El ME wggg
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    • 75 1 r* hi \ni.t KSPONSIBIfc DRY CLKAN'NC MENDING VFINO NANRINb J.M CLEANING SHOP 1« Tuctta B*. B'Mra. PINS WAR ft CO M llUgtl B 4 Ladies and Genclemen thank you with all my gathered s^.cngth for your support during my year as understudy to "TIGER". In making my last bow. I
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  • 223 2 JAPANESE RAYONS AGAIN Bigger Production Allowed TOKIO, Tuesday. ALLIED headquarters today authorised the Japanese government to permit the rebuilding of Japan's rayon industry to an annual production capacity of 150,000 metric tons of filament rayon yarn and staple fibre a year. The announcement said that production of this quantity of
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  • 268 2 Free U.S.A.British Trade Seen CONSIDERABLE optimism v» prevails yin commercial circles m the United Stales that present-day trade restrictions existing between America and Malaya will be lifted before July 1, this year. This opinion was expressed last night by Mr. Manuel Bering. Far Eastern representative of Seven Seas Trading Agency,
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  • 73 2 SHANGHAI, Tuesday.— Chinese reports from Mukden declared yesterday representatives have sent a memorandum to Soviet officers representing the commander of Dairen and Port Arthur setting forth six measures for talcing over of Dairen 1 According to one Chinese report, the Government has now given up hope
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  • 254 2 The Times Correspondent PARIS, Tuesday. GENERAL De Gaulle al StrasU bourg yesterday cast aside the trammels of an official personality and resumed the independence of action and expression conferred by outright opposition to established order. He delivered a speech wiiich marked the opening of his
    The Times  -  254 words
  • 296 2 WASHINGTON, Tuesday. MERICA'S telephone strikers ft have mi n for a long strike." This statement was made today by the President of the' National Federation of Tele phone Workprs. Mr. Joseoh Beirne. Beirne told ripo.ters after a 6tormy 45-minute conference with the Federal Conciliation Direc- 1
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  • 111 2 Home Football Results LONDON, Tuesday. Football results m B itain today were: FIRST DIVISION Aston Villa 4 Sunder land 0 Leeds United 0 Manchester Utd. 2 Wolverhamp- Derby Counton Wndrs. 7 ty 2 SECOND DIVISION Coventry 3 Swansea Town 2 Leicester 5 Millwall 0 FIRST DIVISION (Southern) Northampton 0 Walsall
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  • 95 2 BUS PLUNGES INTO RIVER NINE KILLED SEATTLE, Tuesday.— At least nine persons were killed last night when a North Coast bus collided with an oil truck on a raindrenched highway and plunged into a river. The dead include eight passengers and the driver of the truck The police said that
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  • 264 2 MADRID, Tuesday. MEMBERS of General Franco's government re acted stn n^ly today to the critical rejection of Franc Vg succe son offer by the Pretender to the Spanish Throne, Don Juan. Don Juan's manifesto was regarded as amounting to a complete break between Don Juan
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  • 92 2 SHANGHAI, Tuesday. The Britlsfti-owned Shanghai Electric Construction Company which operates tram and trolley services m the former International Settlement— ia likely to be permitted renewal of its franchise expiring on Oct. 10 this year, it is learned today. The City Councillors, who would have to
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  • 169 2 NEW DELHI, Tuesday. HpHE Indian Central Legisla1 tive Assembly today pass ed financial provisions cutting' the link between the rupee and the sterling and linking the rupee with currencies of all countries which are membrrs of the International Monetary Fund. Liaquat All Kiian, Finance Member of
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  • 123 2 LONDON, Tuesday. INSTRUCTIONS to appeal to j 1 the Privy C i ncil aga nst the death sentence passed last January on 3U-> oar-old Jewish terrorist, Dov Gruner, w*re re- i oeived today by the London »oliciiors tf Israel Rokach, Ma- yor of Tel Aviv. Kokach's
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  • 255 2 PEIPING. Tuesday. IINDER the protectitn of a heavy v Marine guard as a result of Saturday's Communist attack on Marine installations near Tanku, the last American remnant of the former executive headquart rs. 1 ft Pa'.plng this morxng en route to the Un.ted States. With t
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  • 129 2 LONDON, Tuesday. 1 crowd of 10,000 besieged tne RfctM >f the Rugby Lea,ue match a f Leigh. Lancashire, y-s-terday whfn he tock refuge in 'ue players' tent after the matc.i. Aft.'r a 40-mnute batue. in wheh mounted constables l ought vainly tc clear a path, a po
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  • 81 2 ATLANTA. Twsaday. Oeneial Dwight D. Eisenhower today said. America, as a matter of practical security is ready to help any nation m the world that wa. t* help provided they are willing 10 "practise our form cf govp-r»ment or a similar one."' The Chief of Staff
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  • 85 2 LONDON. Tuesday.— A sui-priae decision to hold a special Independent Labour Party conference "to examine the whole activity and future role of the party and its place m the ifitish working class movement" was adopted during the closing session yesterday of the IL.P two-day conference. I.L.P.
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  • 129 2 LONDON, Tuesday -The i nviction that the crippled nations of the world would not bj abandoned was expressed by the Popo yesterday when he receiv. private audience high UNRRA officials who have been holding a congress m Porno »»-tr>s Vatican radio. The Pope suue.l uui
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  • 87 2 BOMBAY, Tuesday.— The Indian Shrines Reform Organisation has asked the Interim Government to order the immediate removal ot 84 "sex- passioned" portraits en the walls cf the Jagannath Temp'° si P"H Hihar Province The secretary m me bunocu Reform Organisation declared! j that the exhibition
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  • 236 2 'Don't Waste Our Time Judge 's Tokio Warning TOKIO, Tuesday. AUSTRALIAN Justice Sir William Webb, presiding judge at the trial of Hideki Tojo and 25 codefendante, today warned the defence that unless defence counsel tightened up their case the court may fix a time limit for the presentation of evidence.
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  • Article, Illustration
    26 2 Jul.o \itonco Rota, new Argentine Ambassador to France, arrives at the Elysee Pal icr m Paris to present his credentials to President Vincent Avriol. A.P. photo.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 762 2 NOTICES. NOTICE NOTICE Is hereby given that Aaron Jacob Isaac of 143. Middle Road is applying to the Governor for naturalization and that any person who knows any reason why naturalization should not be granted should send a written and signed statement of the facts to the Colonial Secretary, Sin
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    • 325 2 NOTICES NON-BENDERS CRICKET CLUB OF MALAYA It is proposed to revive the above 1 Club. A cricket match will be played against the Selangor Club on the Padang on Sunday 30th April. A Special General Meeting will be held m the Selangor Club (Secretary's Office) after the match at 6.30
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  • 326 3 Nationalisation Of All Industries BATAVIA, Tuesday. THE new Indonesian Republic today announced a 10- year plan to convert Java and Sumatra from a colonial to a semi-socialistic economy. The Indonesian Minister of Economics, Mr. A. K. Gam, said the programme was intended to raise the
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  • 58 3 BATAVIA, Tuesday. The Indonesian Minister of Economics, A. K. Gani, announced today, that because of large-scale counterfeiting m China and Singapore, the entire currency issue of the Indonesian Republic would be replaced m mid-summer hy a new issue of 300,000,000 guilders m banknotes to be printed
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  • 189 3 New Policy In French India TVk Times Correspondent PARIS, Tuesday. FRENCH India is to be given a measure of self-govern-ment. The Governor J French India, M Baron, told the Representative Assembly which is sitting m Pondicherry that a Governing Council would be created. The Council would be obliged to consult
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    • 206 3 I THE HAGUE, Tuesday. I\R. Johannes Ringers, Dutch expert on hydraulic engineer1" ing, is flying to Britain to-day to give advice m an attempt to close the breach m the river Trent, through which millions of gallons of water have been pouring for the last
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    • 245 3 TEHERAN, Tu&sday.—The f xecution yesterday of Ghazi Mohammed, president of th« c ;tlawed Kurd-sh Peoples Republ c, j has displeased Kurdish minor*-! ties and "there is danger of Azerbaijan si ppLns back under Rossi an influence.'* akyi a diplomatic authority. Ohazl Mohammed proc lamed the
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  • 159 3 Easter Wedding At Cathedral T*HE wedding took place yes1 terday at the Cathedra! of the Good Shepherd of Mr. H. W. Phipps, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Phipps of Singapore, and Miss Marie C. Dragon, of the Seremban Convent. The bride wore a gown of white silk organza with
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  • Article, Illustration
    34 3 Upper picture: Mr. and Mrs. Phi pps, after their wedding y sierday. Lower: Mr. and Mrs. E. K. L. OToole, who were married a i the Cathedral of the Good Sh epherd on Monday
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  • 209 3 AN offer by the Singapore Cooperative Stores Society, Ltd., to run a co-operative store exclusively for Municipal labourers was made by Mr. N. A. Mallal, president of the Society, m an interview with the Straits Times yesterday. Commenting on the possibility of a co-operative store for Municipal
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  • 99 3 H.MJS. MINSTREL, mine- sweepper. is being formally transferred from the Royal Navy to the Royal Siamese Navy this forenoon at the Naval Dockyard Singapore The handing over ceremo? y will be carried out by the Flag Officer. Malayan Area, Rear Admiral H. J. Egerton, C B
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 211 3 ■In W «^L mi| V^W4oSaTTs»47o»^^^ OPENING TO-DAY 3 >HOWS ONLY: 3, 6.15 9.15 p.m. Your favourite singing Cowboy GENE AUTRY m "CALL OF THE CANYON" SINGIN— FISTIN— ROMANCIN 1 AGAIN with SMILEY BLENETTE BLTH TERRY and the SONS OF THE PIONEERS_ ■t OISTKiCTS HOST ytX^fiifmtmßfwmwtfr W&^tTlng ph"6ne e" "ra W
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    • 200 3 Vsn^tis&) THE ZujWiibi NON-CREASY lEAVTY CIEAM Fragrant, retres/iing. Ven-Tiua brings to the skin an enchantment that few men can resist It U an aid to true lasting skis loveliness, a protector against the most trvtoc climate. Be ins j^^^Z^E^EJEj non-srea*7 and deI Ueately perfumed J f^aH^Pl Ven-Yuaa can be at
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    • 86 3 IpDtJ bad fa) FLIES. MOTHS AND ALL INSECTS ALSO IN POWDER FORM A FUBEX PRODUCT Manuiactureo m Krucianai Hole Arentt SIM AH ROW «Jc CO.. tS. Boaham BMc Sine* pore. Phostt M2l •mwtt viia c f jtofHcjedtea iminfdiaU deliven anywuri* m Malaya of IS and S5 ra ft Refrigerator* DC
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  • 52 4 IN MEM ORI AM In ever and undying memory ot our darling son Joyce Allstairc Loveday (Joy) who nobly gave hi* life In Labuan 1944. "Proud are we darling of your noble sacrifice, you are ever In our Thoughts, till we meet you again." Inserted by his sorrowing parents, brothers
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  • 1173 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Wed., Apr. 9, 1947. Clementi Across The Years There have been very few statesmen m the making of Malaya, as an entity of the modern world. That is not surprising, considering the brevity of the history of this country. W.* can, if we like, go back
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  • 1674 4 A CONTRIBUTION TO ASIAN CULTURE By Sir A Carr-Saunders TN a talk from Radio Malaya last week, Sir Alex- ander Carr-Saunders, chairman of the Commission on Higher Education m Malaya,, spoke of the future University of Malaya and outlined its scope and functions. Sir
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  • Man In The street
    • 352 4 MAY I voice, on behalf of myself and ten other girl friends all Straits born Chinese office workers our jndignation and contempt for Mr. B. H. Tan's effusion m your paper of Apr. 3, m which he criticised X.C.'s suggestion to open a fund m
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 828 4 CLASSIFIED ADS. GREGOIRE. At the Kandang Kerbau Hospital on 7th April, to Joan, wife d 3. M. Oregolre, a son, Anthony John. GUI.LIFORD. On Easter day at Kandang Kerbau to Elizabeth wife of Maurice Gulliford a daughter (Margaret Jane). ANG-YONG. The engagement took place on 6th April, 1947, between Mr.
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    • 49 4 THE ''GOLDEN STRAD" Aluminium Wound Strinm MM o* The super-grade English Aluminium woud Violin Strings for the Artist. Golden Strm4 E fI.M Golden Strad A I.M Golden Strad D 1.75 Golden Strad G 2.M 'Postage 30 cts.) Tor Violins only. 61 63 High Street, and 336 North Bridge Road.
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    • 92 4 FOB YOUR^INSURAN^E REQUIREMENTS THE COMMERCIAL UNION GROUP:Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ltd. Union Assurance Society, Ltd. (London) Palatine Insurance Co., Ltd. Liverpool Victoria Insurance Corp: British General Insurance Co Ltd. Branch \jU i LPOH (P.O. Box 47) SINGAPORE (Tel: 574) (P.O. Box 107 Tel: 5077) M Local Manager: Branch Manager: WF1
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  • 310 5 Lawlessness Hampers Opening Of Tin Areas From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. I AWLESSNESS m tin mining areas has been one of the main reasons why a number of Chineseowned mines have not resumed operations, declared Mr. Lav Pak Khuan, when
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  • 358 5 THE enlorcement of the Societies Ordinance "will not m itself bring about a lessen ng m gangsterism" m Singapore, while "its threat to the existence of progressive organizations is very real indeed." This statement is made by the Maiayan Democratic Union m its latest
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  • 90 5 THE president and vice-presi-dent of the Young Malay Association, Slbu Sarawak, write as follows: As active president and vice-presi-dent of the Young Malay Association, of Slbu. Sarawak, we wish to Inform the public that we have not been consulted by those who signed themselves as committee members
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  • 169 5 OEVERAL Japanese surrendered personnel from the River Valley Road camp gave evidence at an inquiry m the Singapore Coroner's Court yesterday into the death of L/Cpi Yoshino Shigeyuki who was killed when an iron bar from a im m the face. passing military truck struck
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  • 202 5 Ship Owner Gaoled On Gun Charge ALLEGED to have kept a revolver loaded with six rounds of ammunition m a sack hidden under a safe, Ho Kian Chong, a middle-aged Chinese shipping contractor, was sentenced by Mr. Justice Brown yesterday to five years' imprisonment on each of the two cnarges
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  • 81 5 k BRITISHER, Richard Ap- pcrley- Jones, appeared m the Fourth Police Ccurt yesterday en a charge of breaking into the motor vessel. Nar.mei, and entering the cab n of the master of the ship to steal $1,500 on April 2. He faced an alternate charge ol dshonestly retaining
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  • 62 5 WANTED for questioning m connection with the torture and beating up of prisoners In Taping prison m 1942, Cpl. Ogata Ryochi is due to arrive m Singapore from Sumatra by air tnis morning. He will be lodged m Char>gi Gaol before proceeding to Taiping. He is
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  • 106 5 OI.M.APORK snakes may habi- tually prefer ben coop crevices or lallang trass patches, but one wound itself around the axle casing of jl moving: car m Ridout Road, yesterday. A motorist following this car reports that he first noticed what he tock to be a
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  • 136 5 SENTENCE of 18 months' rigorous imprisonment was imposed by Mr. Paul Storr, the first District Judge, yesterday, on a Malay. Surian, for breaking into a house m Cable Road to steal three motor car tyres and rims belonging to R. Cra'.k on Nov. 11. last year. An
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  • 229 5 TRANSPORT FOR MALAY CHILDREN From Our Muslim Corre pondent AS President of the Kesatuan Melayu (Malay Union), Singapore, Inche Sa'adon bin Haji Zubir, Malay barrister-at-law who is also a member of the Muncipal Commission, is taking a great interest m the progress and advancement of his community. At the annual
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  • 155 5 From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Tuesday. DISCUSSIONS are presently taking place between the Postal authorities and Malayan Airways for the early institution of an internal airmail and parcel service within Malaya. The Controller of Posts, Malayan Union, m reply to recent representations made to
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  • 127 5 Control Inspector Acquitted THERE would be no security from fal£« accusations if anybody could bring accusations against a Food Control Inspector on no grounds whatsoever, declared Mr. C. F. J. Ess, when he made a successful plea for the acquittal of Tan Kirn Leong In the Singapore Crimiral District Court
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  • 40 5 Monsignor M. Bonamy. Vicar of the Good Shepherd Cathedral, has been promoted to the Office of Vicar General of the Diocese pf Maldcca, consequent upon the election of Monsignor M. Olcomondey as the Bishop of Malacca.
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  • 439 5 THE financial losses sustained by the Singapore Traction 1 Company were mentioned by Mr. John Laycock, who is representing the Company, at yesterday's inquiry into the S.f .C. strike. Mr. Laycock said the losses were of three kinds: first, the loss of £8,054 on the
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  • 356 5 WELFARE workers m iiinga pore and Malaya are soon to lose the service? ol Mis. T. W. Hmch, 0.8. E., President of the Y.W.C.A. m Mf laya, who is shortly leavinK for England on retirement with her husband. Mrs. Hinch, wuo came to Mal^a m 1921,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 137 5 fg. Lasting |."2 AIDS TO I BEAUTY Trie tragram Deauty preparations created by Helena Rubinstein, and now obtainable m Malaya Include Pasteurised Pace Cream- Water Lily Cleansing Cream: Grecian Anti-Wrinkle Cream; Skin Toning Lotion; Herbal Skin Tonic; Town and Country Foundation; Flower Petal Complexion Powder and a full range of
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    • 183 5 Straits Times Correspondents Describe Hozv ARMED GANGS HOLD UP SHOPKEEPERS m PROVINCE WELLESLEY and KUALA LUMPUR A BATTLE between polke and armed gangs- WW 1 1 1" h.h U^ °f an armed robber y J1 hl ten occurred last night m vMa«e on the Ku aI on Monday border of
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    • 53 5 MODERN STERLING SILVER Cigarette Cases and Boxes Plain Engine Turned $85 to $140 Napkin Rings m various shapes Plain Engine Turned $15 to $30 Silver Pencils $15.50 Silver Mounted Crystal Powder Bowls $35 to $50 Engine Turned Compact Cases $22.50 A Variety of Suitable Wedding Christening Presents 'wrP^l^M I Itb
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  • 199 6 S. Siam WILL TUT DOWN UNREST' F. >m Our Own Correspondent BANGKOK, Tuesday. rE leader of a Chinese outlaw band operating along the Siam-Malay border has offered to suppress any agitation which may be "provoked from outside" m the four Malay-speaking provinces of Pattani, Narathiwat, Yala
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  • 57 6 The Government of India Info: ir.T.tion Service announces that tiie special arrangements sanctioned by the Government of India m April, 1946. for reception and dispersal of Post War Repatriates from Malaya a; d Burma, will be discontinued after May 31. Intending repatriates are warned to make use of
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  • 112 6 COLOMBO, Tuesday. MR. Vtrn:n Bartlett, Member of Parliament and well-known British journalist, left for Penang yesterday on hi way to Singapore after a three weeks stay m Ceylon, where he saw various political leaders, including Mr. D. S. Senanayake, leader of the State Council. Mr.
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  • 35 6 The Lord President of the Council, Mr. Herbert Morrison, leaving the London hospital where he has been for many we«ks under treatment for thrombosis. Mrs. Morrison is shaking hands with the matron.
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  • 244 6 From Our Own Correspondent PENANO, Tuesday. A PENANG boy who has made a name both m China and America, Dr. Wu Teh Yao; resigned recently from the Chair of International Relations at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to join the Chinese delegation to the United
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  • 39 6 A talk on Ooethe will be giTen b., Bgt. J. Lindsay to the V.M C.A. Literary at Debating Society at the V.M. C.A. premises Orchard Road at 8 p.m. today. Members and friends interested are welcomed.
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    • 194 6 Ke* Network (Chinese lulun 12 p.m u> 2 p.m. A 6 m to 11 p,m. on 225 metres. Abo from 12 to 2 p m and "45 to 930 p.m, on 4.82S Me per second m 61 metre band. Bldc Network (Malay fcn«U h Malays: 10.3* a.m. to 1
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    • 49 6 WEDNESDAY 8.30 p.m. News headlines; 8.35 Scrapbook, with yesterday's headlines; 9.00 Orchestra of the week, Oeraldo and his dance orchestra; 9.30 News: 9.45 Pencil* please; 10.00 Spread a little happiness —featuring Robin Simpson at the piano; 10.20 Turn on the tap: 10.55 News .summary and Close down.
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    • 130 6 WEDNESDAY 4.00 pm. Light music —The Salon Orchestra and Albert Sandier (violinist); 4.30 Australian news; 4.45 A.B.C. Hit parade with Jim Oussey; 5.15 SporUug round-up; 5.30 Shirley Deane presents Forces' Requests; 6.00 Concerto caravan, music of Peter Tschalkowaky; 6.30 Australian news; 6.45 Star dance band, Benny Goodman and
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    • 72 6 WEDNESDAY 7.30 a.m., Big Ben. Radio ncwareel; 7.45, Short story; 8.00. Brains Trust; 8.30, News; 8.40. Home news from Britain. 7.30 pm A Tale of Two Oltlw; 7.SS Interlude; 8.00, Accordion club; 8.30, News; 8.40. Programme announcements: 8.45, .familiar Christian hymns; 9.00, Table on the terrace; 9.30, 8.8.C Welsh
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  • 204 6 Meatless Days For Film Unit From Our Staff Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, Tuesday. MEMBERS of a Public Relations cinema unit which travelled 120 miles up the Kelantan River to give shows to villagers far removed from civilisation became vegetarians for two days because they had to conform to custom m a
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  • 81 6 A bus belonging to the Singa-pore-Malacca Coach Co., Ltd., which was the subject on Maroh 26 cA a police charge of theft against Ah Jee, alias Chiang Kee Chiang, a partner m ttie company, has been released into service and is back on the Singapore run. The
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 117 6 (PX^<Mjfi&) Last Four Sliows T<mU V i.oO i 6.30 9.30 p.m. Don't Miss This Last Opportunity To See! WSJU^SA^^ A a GRIAT PICTURE k OPENING TOMORROW 'Just What We Need These Days To Forget Our Worries" Daily Herald L F&mJr ANOTHEYRE ENTERTAINMENT 1 'H^ y HIJTORy TOGETHER! RAFFLES HOTEL DANCING
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    • 150 6 fiSs^jj^S^ OPENS TODAY '*|^|5*^T^5KjR 11-2-4.15-6.30-9.15 8^ ANOTHER SPECIAL! P^SSHfu^r WALLACE MARGARET SI^KERy O'BRIEN ifi BADBASCOMB ym&k Marjorie MAIN J. Carrol NAISH IC 9^ FfMices RAFFERTYWarshall THOMPSON fclll« Mot bf WMIm L.pmoo o»d Oont Com** Original Story by D A lo.t.y Ontf4 ky SYIVAN SIMON Proavc^ by OtVIUf O. PUU. CONCLUDING
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 667 6 It is an old tradition to bridge that W.-st g first problem cam* on the defense to very much harder than de- operang lead, and he decided in favour cla#ers play Actually this is not the of the heart six. The jack forced case in a large proportion of deals,
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  • 157 7 By Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Tuesday. 'THE Singapore share markets opened dull after the Easter holidays. There was no particular feature, with no pressure either to buy or sell. Prices generally showed little change. Among industrials, Gammons tended to be a selling market at $5.85,
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  • 61 7 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association's Prices at noon yesterday were: Buyers Sellers Cts CU per Ib. per !b. No. 1 O.S.S. Spot loose 4J*i 44 No. 1 R.S.S. fob m bales April 44H 44* No. 2 K.S.f. fob m bales April 43', 43V No. 3 B.S.S.
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  • 157 7 SHIPS alongside me Singapore wharves yesterday were: MAIN WHARF Godown 31-32 Narin&a. Oodown 34: Mourt Mansfield. Godown 35: Ki.M.ia. Oodown 38-39. Tculouse. Godown 41: Hickory Stream. Godown 42-43: Nevassa. WEST WHARF Godcwn 1-2: Samsette Godo»-n 4-5: Antllochus. Godown 6-7: Samur. Godown 10-11: Bencruachan. Godown 14: Benledi Godown 15-19
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  • 193 7 A TOTAL, of 1.623 ships were accomodated alongside the Singapore harbour Board wharves during the yeai ending, Mar. 31. this year. The number of vessels at the wharves over a similar period In 1940-1941 was 2.909. Giving the reason for the comparative fall In
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  • 209 7 CHARTERED BANK 10 PER CENT DIVIDENDS ARBCOKO u/..u li, ui i L 118.174.870. aa Increase of £28,128.960, over la-.( I year was shown In the balance shset of the Chartered Bank of India. Australia and China submitted to the annual meeting of stockholders m London. After making provision for bad
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  • 286 7 Decline In Produce Prices SINGAPORE, Tuesday. DURING the past few days, some inquiries were made for sugar, pepper and soya beans, while other markets were practically at a standstill. The heavy Inflation of Rangoon Inferior rice Into the local market ha* caused sellers to reduce their quotation* to: 81am No.
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  • 196 7 Company Reports PARIT PERAK UNDAMAGED AT the annual meeting of tne Parit Perak Rubber Co. Ltd held in Penang, it was report, d that the profit and loss account for the five years up m 1945 showed a balance of >\ 17,524 after charging all expenditure on reha! ition, which
    196 words
  • 35 7 NEW YORK. Monday —On the New York Stock Exchange today there was little activity during the afternoon and prices showed little chance from earlier limited declines. The market closed barely steady Reuter.
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 497 7 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. (incorporated la Singapore) BLUE FUNNEL UNE Sailings to and from United Kingdom •aantUQchas" from C.X O. 4 fghansi* due from C.X Apr 14 "Atren*" sails for Genoa, Marseilles, Havre. Liverpool A Glasgow Apr. IS *t,ycaon" doe from U.S. A Apr. 14 PTheaew" aalb for Liverpool Apr. M
      497 words
    • 140 7 PATERSON, SIMONS CO., LTD. BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. Outwards a.a. "BENLAWERS" In Port Frcm U. X calls Hongkong at. "SAMAFFRIC" due Apr. 23 From r X -alb Hongkong it lapan Homewards a.a. "BENLEDI" Godowna 13 and 14 Loading for Antwerp. Rotterdam tt London a. a. BENREOCH Apr. 10 Loading for
      140 words
    • 178 7 P&Oa CI PASSENGER 6c FREIGHT SERVICE P. O. S. N. CO. ll SAMSOABINft Fran U.K. /Genoa For UK S'lui Japai In Port i.t. KMPIRF RAJA Now loading for Genoa /U.K. Sails abt Apr. SO a.a. SAM YORK from Bombay Karachi Bevpore Apr. 30 «.a. TEEVEI.TAN From 0.K. /Genoa Bariy May
      178 words
    • 645 7 PRESIDENT UNE e «-«-«man 6 BUCKNALL NEW YORK BOSTON VU Port Swettenham Penang CO.. LTD* IndU and Mediterranean PorU (Incorporate*! m England? a. a. MOUNT MANSFIELD Gds. 33/34 a.a. MARINE FLIER Gda. 15/18 Pn- HAVRF Jtr I fIVTHIW a.a. MOUNT DAVIS Apr. 11 rOt nA LUNIMJH Samshire Loading G. 27/1*
      645 words

  • 367 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. QELANGOR'S long overdue soccer league begins on Monday r5 with ties m the first division being played. Thirty three teams have entered for the three sections of the leagu c and they include all the well known prewar sides and also three service
    367 words
  • 250 8 SINGAPORE RIFLE ASSN. RESULTS Results or Singapore Rifle Asso:iation shoot on Monday were: r.stoJ: 10 Yards Range: Lt. Col Brayant score 19; 20 Yards Range: Pte. Jones score 20; Aggregate Second: Lt. Col Chapman score 32; Aggregate First Ft.-Lt. James score 32 (Exide Cvp 1 Failing Plate: Winners: Ft.-Lt. F/O
    250 words
  • 59 8 SYDNEY Tuesday.—Seventythousand people saw Mrs. F. O. Spurway's Proctor by Actor out bJ Giand Escape, carrying 7st. lOlbs starting at 5 to 1, win the £6.000 Sydney Cup on Randwlch Course here today, beating; the 7 to 2 favourite Mrs. C. A. Reid's Rainbird by the Buzzard out
    59 words
  • 36 8 Today: High water 12 31 a,m. H'ight 8 ft. 8 ins.. 1.14 b.m.. H i?ht 8 ft. 4 ins. Tomorrow: Highw.«ter 12.55 a.m Height Bft 7 ins., 1.50 p.m., Height 7 ft. 8 ins
    36 words
  • 149 8 MUAR. Tuesday— The Muar Floodlight B.P. beat the Magnet B.P. from Johore Bahru by four games to three when they met In a friendly badminton match consisting of two singles and four doubles at the former's court. Results were (Floodlight players first): Singles: Joharl Ismail
    149 words
  • 59 8 LONDON, Tuesday. THE annual meeting of 1 the British Amateur Swimming Association expressed disapproval of the tightening up of the restrictions governing the measurements of women's costumes. While realising that the object of F.I.NJV. was to debar immodest costumes, tbe meeting bated to think that the inter national
    59 words
  • 42 8 SjC.C. soccer team to play the Jollllads, today, on the padang will be J.C. Reeves; D. Brennan. A. Qlanville; F J Donaldson, J.B. Karelse, V R. Burton. E Penbois, W.C. McLean, W.H. Hughes. R Smith, IV McKay. Referee: O. VeraaL
    42 words
  • Article, Illustration
    36 8 Horse and jockey spattered with mud Irom tbe b»avy going, Gaurhoo with E. Dempsey m the raddle is led m by Miss Mary McDowell, the owrrcrs sister, after his treat win Aintree m the Grand National.
    36 words
  • 248 8 NEW YORK, Tuesday. IT is understood that at a special meeting of members of the United States Lawn Tennis Association amateur rules committee yesterday it was decided that Pauline Betz, bledon tennis champion, has forfeited her American and Wim amateur status. The meeting attended by only three
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  • 188 8 Segamat Win Two Games From Our Own Correspondent SEGAMAT. Tuesday SOME fine bowling by P. Nagesu largely contributed >o two wins scored by the Segarmat Cricket Club over visiting teams at Segamat during the Easter. Meeting a Negri Sembilan team, captained by Dionyslus, the Segamat 0.0. dismissed their opponents (or
    188 words
  • 174 8 SERKMBAN, Tuesday Fielding a side consisting of five State players the N S Club Cricket XI could only manage to draw with their chief rivals the Seremban HUlrangers each side scoring 72 runs lr. a cricket match at Easter The match was one of the most exciting games
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  • 73 8 Amended Home football results m the trilrd division (Northern) played on Monday are: THIRD DIVISION NORTHERN Barrow 0 N. Brighton i Bradford 0 Rochdale Gateshead 1 Darlington 0 Halifax T. 2 Accrlngton S 1 Hull City 2 Carlisle D. 0 Lincoln City 2 Cheater 2 Oidham Ath. 0
    73 words
  • 1036 8 FOLLOWING holiday football league tables up-to-date ire ENGLISH LtACl t FIRST DIVISION Ohm P W D LFAPto Uackpool 39 21 5 IS 69 07 47 Volves 34 21 4 9 74.41 46 tencbester U. 34 17 10 7 78 50 44 Koke City 35 19 8 10
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  • 391 8 Malays Miss Two Penalties Navy 1; Malays 0. THE Royal Navy maintained their unbeaten record m the S.A.F.A. league competition when they beat the Malays by the only goal scored m the match at the Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday. Excitements were few and t*s between and
    391 words
  • 228 8 In a return Cricket fixture piayed as Sunday U» RockltUs beat R.A.F. Tengah by 38 run* In a h%h scortnc game. Batting first tbe Rocklltes knocks* up 237 for t (declared). J. OaUstan topscoTßd with 107 (retired) played a ehaneetaaj lnntngs. Scores BOCKUTM Th*m Khoon Poo b
    228 words
  • 151 8 BATU PAHAT. Monday A large crowd was present yesterday at the Tanjong Laboh field when the 3 R.V.P. Vehicles Ordinance Coy held their Easter sports. Axis Mohamed easily won the championship cup with 11 points On* feature of the meet was the victory of the Officers In
    151 words
  • 150 8 IRISH FINALS FOR N: Y. DUBLIN, Tuesday rX finals of the all Ireland senior football championship was today provisionally fixed to be played m New York City to coincide with the Irish convention scheduled for New York and the centenary of the great Irish famine which caused thousands to migrate
    Reuter  -  150 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 149 8 CLASSIFIED ADS. Continued Prom Page 4) TUITION PRIVATE TUITION at pupils residence all subjects junior grades. Box No A4BO. S.T. PRIVATE TUITION by i a d y 1 Malay conversation lessons. Box No. A464, S.T. WANTED TO PURCHASE WANTED B.SP. "ZENITH" 6-ton piling winch or similar: Particulars to Box No.
      149 words
    • 167 8 will see hoic majestic, how sublime, how Thrilling and powerful a Motion Picture "^V*"^! JM o"lo "l Mighty Pages of f|PP FRANZ WERFEI/S T novel romr-s the radiant *"|H «U>tt of a simpir rirl whose faith ihoofc the earth' D ft! ft* MtsWf(/ V JENNIFER JONES WILLIAM EYTHE- CHARLES BICKFORO
      167 words