The Straits Times, 8 April 1947

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 421 1 SIR CECIL CLEMENTI DEAD Stormy Regime In Malaya LONDON, Monday. CIR Cecil Clementi, Governor and Com»ander-in- Chief of the Straits Settlements and High Commissioner for the Federated Malay States from 1929 to 1934, died at his home near High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, today at the age of 71. Sir Cecil, after
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  • 205 1 DELEGATES to the Inter-Asian Relations Conference m New Delhi are agreed on the early (liquidation of foreign rule ►m Asian countries. T. is statement vas made to Jthj Stra.ts Times last night by fcvlr. Philip Hoa'im, chairman jpf the Malayan Democratic JfcJnon, who is
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  • 144 1 ATHENS, Monday. TROUBLED Greece buried a 1 king yesterday and to-day set about the task of restoring order m the strife-torn northern frontier. The last rites were held In Athens Cathedral for King George II and he was buried In TatoTa, 14 miles northeast 'of Athens. Highlight
    AP  -  144 words
  • 75 1 NEW YORK. Monday. The start of the attempt by Milton Reynolds, the Chicago pen manufacturer to set a new round the world flight record, was delayed for the second successive day yesterday, this time for an overhaul of the pirn transmitters An official at NoWaiu.
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 119 1 PARIS, Mon.— Over- riding the findings of the p:st mortem, the French Judiciary Police today returned a verdict of suicide m the case of Gejza Racgejao, Czechcvslovaklan Consul whose body was found at dawn on Sunday m the West Er.d of Pars. .The police said that
    Reuter; AP  -  119 words
  • 36 1 LONDON, Monday:— Frederick Lionel Duke Parsons- sentenced to death at Birmingham on March 20 for murdering his wife and baby at Birmingham has been certified insane. The sentence has accordingly been commuted. Reuter,
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 162 1 BEVIN REPORTED FEELING STRAIN MOSCOW, Monday THE Foreign Ministers -will begin today the second of their sessions and will again take up the. report of the co-ordinating committee on the orovlsional German government. Bevln Is showing signs of becoming physically fatigued. His physician accompanied him to the Saturday Council meeting
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  • 203 1 LONDON, Monday. EASTER was celebrated m Rome with majestic Pontifical Masses m the four great Basilicas and solemn masses m the 365 parochial churches of the city. At St. Peters Cathedral, where Cardinal Fererico Tedeshini officiated, foreign visitors included members of the Diplomatic Corps,
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  • Article, Illustration
    51 1 Belgian Resists charged w.tb th« murder or a law officer In August, a few days before the liberation of Brussels, are taken to Secret Police Headquarters in Brussels where the murder is alleged to have been committed. On arrival the chains linking them to the gendarmes are removed. A .P.
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  • 487 1 The Times Correspondent NEW DELHI, Monday. INDIAN affairs have reached a dire pass and matters cannot be allowed to drift further without general disorder supervening. This is the general realisation among Indian party leaders and political commentators. The compulsion of events is such as
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  • 117 1 JERUSALEM, Monday A petition, m the nan.c of the Mayor of Tel Aviv, that the sentene* of de«th on Dov Gruner should be quash ?d. was dimissed today by the Palestine Supreme Court on the grounds that the Mayor had no legnl standing to intervene. The Mayor
    Reuter  -  117 words
  • 22 1 SWANSEA, Monday. Two men were killed and six injured m an explosion at Felinlran colliery at Glal* m Swansea valley yesterday. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 30 1 LONDON, Monday.— The Dairy Mail m a despatch from Lisbon quoted Don Juan. Pretender to the Spa^vsh throne, as saying Franco's succession plan was "absolutely unacceptable." A.P.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 47 1 PITMAN i Books on Correspondence. Ir.intn« Twnlnr etc. j* irom PITJ? MANS Parker £k St.. KinjiwiT, -ondon. W.CJB. relerrann: lpandaons. \i «>stcent. London Football Results YesUrday's home football re- j suits will be found m Page 10. i» JLIBIB. wJL JB.X 1 cork tip ZnfoaL JJGARETTES
      47 words
    • 61 1 B.P.deSilva Ltd.. S/MSAPOfI PCM*M<S 18 TIMES STRONGER THAN PURE CARBOLIC ACtP Cooper, McDougall <£ Robertson "MUNICIPAL" white DISINFECTANT This is not Just another ordinary Disinfectant. It possesses a co-efficient of from 18 to 22, rendering it at least 18 times as strong as pure carbolic acid. In one and five
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  • 394 2 Walk-Out To Song In Chicago WASHINGTON, Monday. THE first nationwide telephone strike m the United States' history, (involving 325,000 workers) started as planned at 6 a.m. today after the failure of allnight efforts to stave off the workers' walkout. Primary cause of the strike is the telephone
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  • 352 2 CHINA REDS DAMAGE U.S. DEPOTS PEIPING. Monday. THE U.S. Marines announce that two large explosions resulted from the Chinese Communi.'-t attack on Saturday on the Hsinho ammunition dump, near Tangku, m which five Marines were killed and 16 injured. The exr/losions. they said, were felt m Tientsin. 30 miles away
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  • 132 2 Candidate Against Churchill LONDON, Monday Mr. Churchill, will be opposed at the next election which is due m 1950 by a Commonwealth Party candidate who will advocate a "social'st foreirr n^'lrv." was announced at Hastings after a private session of the Commonwealth Party's conference yesterday. The candidate to oppose Mr.
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  • 202 2 NANKING, Sunday. TENERAL Pai Chung Hsi, official Nationalist v government investigator into the Formosan riots, flatly denied press reports of atrocities by Nationalist troops on the island and that reprisals were being taken against the Taiwanese. At the same time, agency messages m Nanking announced that
    UP  -  202 words
  • Article, Illustration
    46 2 Admiral Jean La horde, who rave tn e order for {he scottlmK of the French fleet at Toulon m 1943. gathers his papers durinr an in*erm«sin m h's r "*l before the Versailles Higb Court. He is charged with having inteillrfce wth the enemy. A.P. photo.
    AP  -  46 words
  • 92 2 GLASGOW, Monday:— Britain is exporting a fleet of "Jigsaw" ships to the Far East. These small, prefabricated motorships which are being built m the Northern Shinyard will soon be on their way to Rangoon m packing cases, ihey ar.- a.j--cial passenger river ferry ships which
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 62 2 BATAVIA, Monday.— The Indonesian civil police yesterday arrested the Chinese director of a Chinese daily paper at Batavla for counterfeiting republican currency. The counterfeiting equipment and the republican currency valued at 20,000 rupiah were found at the newspaper office. A Dutch court will take the matter
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  • 63 2 SHANGHAI, Monday.— Chinese aftern on papers claimed today that Chinese warships recently diverted to Taiwan from intended mission as China's token occupation f ree m Japan has now been ordered to proceed to Dairen presumably to J m the seaborne landing: against the Communists as soon as the
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  • 388 2 Moscow Conference Abortive? The Times Correspondent MOSCOW, Monday. ITNLESS something un- expected happens during the coming week, the present Big Four Foreign Ministers' conference on Germany and Austria will produce very little result. Tnere li little or nothing on which to base hopes that ihe tour Ministers can wo.k
    The Times  -  388 words
  • 76 2 MOSCOW, Moncay.— The American delegation is rec nciled to the idea that it must probably, remain here at least another, fortnight :n order to get through, the agenda ence. Most members expect a stalemate at thj end. similar to the first Paris conference. However, there is a
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  • 43 2 SANTIAGO, Monday:— Co. ■rviHives and Communists gained ground m Chile's municipal te< tions yesterday, communists doubling the number of their seacs m many cases. One person was killed and abjuc a dozen injured m incidents reported from var ous localitie Reuttr
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 252 2 BLACKPOOL, Monday. rO Blackpool trades union officials have received 'threats that acid would be flung at their wives unless the officials withSrew from all political activities. The threats bore Swastika symbols. v Ellis Smith, of Parliament and President of the Lancashire and Cheshire Federation of Tradss Councils,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 856 2 NOTICES NOTICE No "ice Is hereby given that Dr. Cbarlss Hoffmann of 314, South Bridge Road. Singapore, is applying to the Governor for naturalisation, and that nny person who knows any reason why iie'ualisation should not be granted should rend a written and signed statement of the facts to the
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    • 555 2 NOTICES. THE HONGKONG SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION nave pleasure m announcing the opening of a branch office at Kuala Belalt (Serla) m the State of Brunei, on Bth April. 1947. AU descriptions of banking business can be undertaken. CHINESE CHILDREN'S DAY The Mayfair Musical A Dramatic Association and representatives of the
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    • 580 2 TENDERS. SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY Tenders are invited for the supply of Butt ended reinforced concrete tubes and collars for Rffluent Conduits. Specification and tender forma may be obtained from the Municipal Engineer"* Office on production of a Municipal Trewurer's Deposit receipt for $60/- which sum will be refunded provided the tender
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  • 586 3 AMERICAN FORCES IN CHINA FAN CIVIL WAR r Charges In Molotov Letter To Marshall THARGES by the Soviet Foreign Minister, M. Molotov, that the United States was giving "extensive military aid" to Chinese Government troops, were released by Russia's Tass news agency today. The charges were contained m letters sent
    Reuter  -  586 words
  • Article, Illustration
    28 3 A... a..v Ho. D. K. Wroj alter f'eir welding at St. Andrew's Cathedral, Singapore, on Satur- a X V, V c v. Chartered Bank of India, Austra'i.i China.
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  • 80 3 The t'X-Pajah Muda of Sarawak, Mr. Anthony Brooke, hopes shortly to meet the Governoral. Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald. v !io returned to Singapore tent rhursday after his tour of British N' th Borneo and Sarawak. Mr. Brooke told the Straits Times yesterday that he
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  • Cable Flashes
    • 170 3 America Russia: De Gaulle's Warning STRASBOURG, Monday. I GEN. Charles de Gaulle, speaking before an enthusiastic crwrd of 20,000 people here today, said that Frances c.i of prchi.m was to maintain its independence between the in<£ blocs represented by America and Russ'a. Je Gau'.le caused consider- 1 ab e surprise
      UP  -  170 words
    • 196 3 LONDON, Monday— Henry J. Duiton, believed to be Britain's chorister, failed to make h s planned farewell appearance a" EM Pauls Cathedral evensong services yes erday. celebrated his 94th birthday on Good Friday. A few days earli he had announced that the Easter ceremony would mark the
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    • 95 3 I LONDON, Monday.— The BrlPW:tt Government stands m a pfcre^vulnerable position over ■B^Deacetime conscriptPJ|^yer any previous the Gov- ernment was prepared to lean upon the Opposition for help m carrying out acts of policy re- pugnant to some of the Labour Party has produced resentment I even
      Reuter  -  95 words
    • 205 3 Chinese Bomb UNRRA Ship SHANGHAI, Monday.— Captain William Lee of Devonport, wounded by two bullets and bleeding profusely, saved the UNRRA relief ship, Wancheng by directing "weaving" tactics when "wo Chinese Government planes machinegunned and bombed the vessel m the Chinese Communistheld port of Shin Chi Wso, 60 miles south
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    • 79 3 Hurt In A ir Pocket SHANNON. Monday.— A United States Constellation airliner bound for London from New York hit an air pocket over Shannon (Eire) airport last night causing the plane to drop about 300 feet. A New York passer.ger was thrown to the floor. After the pilot had regained
      Reuter  -  79 words
  • 121 3 A SINGAPORE branch of the Royal Air Force Association has bern formed following a meeting held recently at the Airport Hotel. The following officers have been elected: president, Air Vice Marshal J. D. Breakey; vice-presi-dent, Air Commodore O. P. Carter; chairman, Warrant Officer H. Howard:
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  • 82 3 LONDON. Monday —The White brothers at Muswellbrook, New South Wales, planned new pastures for tfceir steers, but the land surrounding was pitted with over 300 rabbit burrows, the Manchester Guardian report- After battling rabbits vainly with smoke, poison exhaust fumes, ferret* and dogs, they figured rt
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  • 42 3 NOKTHUMBEKLAND, Monday: Production incentive m the form i of three coveted championsh'p soccer match tickets from the Coal Board was categorically re- 1 fused today by miners at North t Seaton pit, who announced: "We J X -A "-r, p
    42 words
  • 208 3 From Our Own Correspondent BANGKOK, Monday. AT least 40 Members of Parliament have so far failed to return funds entrusted to them to facilitate the replacement of the re-called twenty and lnty tical currency notes m the provinces by new notes. Funds totalling approximately 1,640,000 ticals were
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  • 253 3 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Mon. MANY listeners m Britain were very deeply moved by an address broadcast over the 8.8.C. by the Bishop of Singapore the Right Rev. J. L. Wilson, nearly six months a«o en Sunday morning. Oct. 13. Now. thos? listeners are being tfiven an
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  • Article, Illustration
    37 3 Mr. It. G. Brass and Miss E. J. S. Gray, who were married at St. Andrew's Cathedral, Singapo re, on Saturday. Mr. Bragg is a rubber planter. His bride arrived in Singapore in the Otranto last week.
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  • 33 3 The submarine Acheron, designed for use In the war against Japan, was launched at Chatham last month. She is a larger Mid faster version of the famous Truant and Trident.
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  • 212 3 Wild 'Statement On Singapore A SING AFORE port authority yesterday described as "wild and irresponsible" statements made by the manager of the Manila Terminal Company, Mr. Enrique Razon, after returning to Manila from a trip to Singapore. According to an Associated Press message, Mr. Razon said the pilfering m Singapore
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  • 137 3 WASHINGTON, Monday. General George C. Kenney disclosed yesterday that the striking power of his globe-ranging bomber fleet will be intensified m a few months with the delivery of two new type superbombers. The Chief of the Strategic Air Command 'its miss'on is "to be ready to go
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  • 36 3 A Ore caused by an eleotrical short Circuit at the V.M C A. building m Orchard R:ad at about eight o'clock last night was extinguished m less than five minutes by the S ngapore Fire Brigade.
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  • 189 3 The Times Correspondent 1 RANGOON, Monday. ANOTHER stage has bc«fl reached m Burma's progress towards self-govern-ment. Her currency from April 1 m do longer linked to India's. A Central Treasury Office, qualified to issue notes, has been established at Rangoon In place of the Reserve Bank
    The Times  -  189 words
  • 76 3 TURKEY HOLDS MY -ELECTIONS ISTANBUL. Monday:— Nine unproposed candidates of President Ismet Inonu's Peoples' Party won seats m Turkey's National Assembly yesterday m by-election* m which the opposition Democratic Party refused to participat The Democrats refused to run on grounds that the Government had failed to modify various laws to
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  • 92 3 COLOMBO. Mon.Hy:— Rubber Commission which was appointed to enqvir-e into r>nd report on Ceylon's rubber indu.«" decided to rnak" an interim recommcodaticn th^t rt?ps be tak^n for the removal of the international agre mci.t restrict planting of tea. which will tv .i substitute for rubber as
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 75 3 SKYWAYS LIMITED Largest Private British Air Company will shortly start operating unscheduled services Singapore -Hongkong m 6 hours with the Famous LANCASTRIAN SKYLINERS 4 ROLLS ROYCE ENGINES STEWARD SERVICE USUAL RATES-WATCH FOR DATES! Enquiries to: THE BORNEO COMPANY (Inc m England) General Agents m Malaya Mercantile Bank Building;, Singapore Phone
      75 words

  • 553 4  -  Amelie Rose PARIS FASHIONS By JjEFINE the feminine grace This is most difficult We can, however, observe that it results from the balance of the entire body movements of the neck, position of the tor.-o, the slight swing given to the hips when a woman
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  • 795 4  -  June Austin By WHAT did you think when you saw the pictures of the Queen's and Princesses' clothes for the South African tour? Few women are indifferent about the clothes. They either think, like the manageress of a Singapore store, that they are "plumb
    795 words
  • 171 4 URS E A ELDER, of Singam pore, has this advice to offer Icr the e'e: ii^ floors First 6WIII the Moors with hot soapy water, then use hot water with a good quantity of washing soda (or better still, caustic soda— one stick to each
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  • 539 4 Nightjar would not fly- she had baby under her wing PLANTER'S WIFE SAYS FRIEND told me that she was much puzzled recently by the behaviour of a nightjar or "tok-tok" bird, as most people call them. The bird was waddling over her lawn m a way which made her think
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 57 4 ROGERecGALLET PAPFUV. EUR PARIS Sole Ageulsr The Eastern Auto Co., Ltd. Import Depl. 69/79, Orchard Road Singapore Jfflmfflua siiH.-W:'¥WH I Miyi¥ni 'PHONE 679 1 P" s^SakV^^-^^BBBiSBBlS^M*x«b^^k\^iSB*^^BA^^kV'4ISBBASJSX%^iS^iS^BSBBBBBlSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlB^BBBB^B^BBi^B^S^B^BBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBB Relieves Cough of coiaf I: ...iiMi/a or Sore Throat M s^ J Storra^ n or Chest Affertion flf^zfim^/Am* woods 9^^Bffm PEPPERMINT U R
      57 words
    • 323 4 IMAKEVP DRYNESS* MESS* JfV/o PRCH'fc Niol W^^^^^^M WOMEN USINO MAKt UP 1 HAVK DRY SKIN »r> <<"* N W NOW! DRY SKIN A«• CAN BE MADE SILKY-SMOOTH jfc L Gently and soothingly Damaskin sinks info the tiniest pores, making your skin exquisitely smooth and lovely Soon your complexton takes on
      323 words

  • 296 5 Help For Jap Victims From Our Own Correspondent SEREMBAN, Monday. A FURTHER extension to the Seremban Relief Camp a been approved by the M ayan Union Government ard when these are completed th; riff will be able to acC moi'ate 50 people. -!c np this statement
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  • Article, Illustration
    35 5 firt-k partisans and peasants dancing in the frontier village of Kastanoflton. This is the village at which the U.N.O. inquiry commission had a rendezvous with the partisan General Marcos, which the General failed to keep.
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  • 133 5 CHETTUR FOR EAST COAST MR. S. K. CHETTUR, Representative of the Government of India m Malaya, will leave Singapore for Kuala Lumpur tonight on a 15-day tour of up-country areas. The main object of this tour will be to study the oraiditions of Indian nationals on the east coast of
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  • 150 5 From Our Own Correspondent TELUK ANSON, Monday.— A proposal to celebrate the silver jubilee of th» Lower Perak Indian Ass.ciaUon this year was adopted at the general meeting held her c on Saturday. The election of office-bearers resulted as follows: President, Mr. K. R. Sithambaram Pillay;
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  • 64 5 Mr. Charlie Chan otherwise known as Chan Kheng Liang, I 14, Norris Road, who is employed m the Municipal Vehicles Department, wishes to point out that he is not the Mr. Charlie Chan who appeared at the Fourth District Police Court on 1 April 1. A report of
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  • 111 5 From Our Own Correspondent SEREMiiAN, Monday.— At toe! annual general meeting of the Negri Sembilan Indian Association, held at Its premises at Hosa Road on Friday, the f hewing were elected offic3-b?ar'rs for I 1947:— President, Dr. Tara Singh; vice-president, Mr. 8. O. K. Übadullah; secretary, Mr.
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  • 171 5 nEGISTRATION and exemIV ption from registration under the Societies Ordinance m Singapore will be resumed with effect from April 15. All societies which are still In existence and which were registered or exempted before April 30, 1941, should notify the Registrar of Societies of their continued existence as
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  • 371 5 From Our Own Correspondent BANGKOK, Monday. WITH the political atmosphere fired by confusing reports, speculation is rife as to whether a change of government is again imminent. The prospect that Premier Thamroiig Nawasawat will make his exit when Parliament convenes for the new session early
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  • 158 5 Displaced Chinese Return From Our Own Correspondent BANGKOK, Monday. APPROXIMATELY 500 disA placed Chinese, mostly labourers who were recniit«d by the Japanese m Siam during the war, have arrived m Bangkok from China. It was reported some time ago that arrangements were being made by VXMRA. for the return of
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  • 82 5 By Oar Malay Correspondent Over 400 Malay farmers have voluntarily registered their names with the M.N.P. Agriculture Section, Kota Star, Kedah, and a commttee has been formed to conduct a state-wide agricultural comp&JLgn The committee, which met .a*t week, elected Inche Ahmad bin Haji Aboul
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  • 39 5 From Oar Own Correspondent BAIXJ PAHA'I, M nday. Tungku Ismail, Rejrent of Jonore, will entertain Sutan SJharir, Prime Minister of the Republic of Indonesia to dinner at the Ist ana Beiar, Johore Bahru, tomorrow.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 525 5 Just Arrived! American Optieal's M«dera Speetadewear O Numont Ful-Voe Rimless o Zrlonlte Pal Vac Frames O GoM Fitted F:>l-Vae Frames O Crwakea aad White KrrrUk Btfwcal Lenass Cnuite Letsses etc YOUNG OPTICAL CO., OPTHALMtC OPTICIANS, 45, Stamford Rd Spore. Let us Take Care Of Your Next Job. Oar Knowledge of
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    • 352 5 Nr^'sssssaP^—-- J **Gm Bsssssf' A^B W^^ftF «wkasß ssv > ash M m Mmk m k M --«Bsßssbß ■BsssKbsl^^' Take Vitamins DURINC THE WAR MILLIONS OF THE FIGHTING FORCES AMD CIVILIANS WERE CTVEN HEALTH AMD STRENGTH BT VITAMINS •> you need Vitamins now more than ever A out of 10 people
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 427 5 SINGAPORE Aed Network (Chinese Indian 12' p.m. to 2 p.m. 6 m to 11 on 225 metres. Also from 12 to 2 p.m and 7.45 to 9.3« pjn, on 4 825 M c per mt nd in 61 metre hand. jJ ue Network (Malay Lncluh M.laya: 10.30 am. to
      427 words
    • 550 5 Tfi* aefeiia* could nave MM nroen w-^-jre-l diL-n»fTT>iieen and. w.oi tft« betier, but tooay's ue. Uuer s-.lU ueser.- .ii^a-i-ii 01 iUppuig heait rulla 1" ed credit lor brt; glrg himt his double dummy, shifted to a trump. Declarer contract. won with ttie a<~e and led the heart East, dealer queen
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  • 1099 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Tuesday. Apr. 8. 1947. Chinatown-Now And Then An eight-storeyed block of working-class flats, imposing m dimensions and design, towering up from the filth of Chinatown into the pure air ad sunshine, and laid out so as to be an island of quiet and security amid the
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  • 68 6 The Soviet New Times states that the war against Germany and Japan cost Russia the equivalent of U.S. $357,000,000,000 to maintain its fences. Russ a a!so lost U.S. $128,000,000,000 from German looting. The New Times charges thai British and American monopolies are striving not for the
    UP  -  68 words
  • 1135 6 BCG-TUBERCULOSIS DEFENCE NEW WEAPON FOR SINGAPORE PLAGUe FOR years a potent weapon against tuberculosis has been neglected. Not a cure, but a preventive, it might reduce the ravages of the white plague that every year takes 50,000 American lives and strikes more than 100,000 new victims. The weapon is cheap
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  • Man In The Street
    • 234 6 LETTERS to the Custodian's office regarding disposal ol furniture, valuables, etc., found m Singapore after the Japanese had capitulated meet with no effective response. Ca n he be persuaded to make a pubic announcement on the following points: (1). Have any such articles
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    • 187 6 AN the question of girls m buses and your editorial footnote, I cannot help remembering a problem we once had to tackle while m the Boy Scouts. During a talk on courtesy, a scoutmaster asked us what course of action we should take when
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    • 102 6 AGREE with Mr. Khoo Eng Teow's grouse anent the manners of certain modern hussies m bu.-es these days. I had a similar experience from an office girl lately. Instead of being rewarded with a smile or "Thank You" for relinquishing my seat, all I got for my pains
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    • 196 6 A Leaf Out Of Syonan 's Book MR. P. A. B. McKerron must be complimented on his disapproval of lavish entertainment. Though this is admittedly wrong these days, there is still perhaps a slight excuse on occasions such as marriages or birthdays. What is definitely to be condemned is the
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    • 26 6 Letters signed witb a nom-de-piuim are not publishea unless the writer's name and address are communion :ea to the Editor as a guarantee of (rood faith.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 907 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. THE LATE DR. J.H. BOWTER A Service will be conduced by Rev. R K.S. Adams at the grave of the lute Dr. J.H. Bowyer at Bidadan Cemetery at 5.30 p.m. on Thursday. 10th April. All friends are invited to be present. PERSONAL HOLLANDERS. ATTENTIEI Wederom verkrljgbaar "ELEDON" (Nestles
      907 words
    • 54 6 Scientific Glare Control American POLAROID DAY GLASSES FITS-ONS also available. The only type of glasses that really controls glare. During the war used by the American Army and Navy. Call for a demonstration to prove the difference from ordinary sun glasses. Va. ~s New Types of Spectacle Frames A Mountings
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    • 74 6 The Finest Radio m the World available to the public at the Price. MURPHY THE STATION MASTER tt is easy to put a Short-wave Switch on a radio set ana a list of Short-wave Stations on the dial. But Is It easy to get those Stations? Is It ea<y to
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  • 220 7 Municipal Works Body Proposed rE Singapore Municipal Services Union, representing*the junior staff, has asked the Municipal Commissioners to appoint their representatives to a Works Committee to be formed on the lines suggested by the Trade Union Adviser, Mr. S. P. Garrett. T^e Union has not yet received c reply from
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  • 325 7 SINGAPORE EASTER WEDDINGS THE took place yester- day at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd of Mr. P. J. Darker, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A Danker of Johore and Miss Maureen Audrey Gaudart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Gaudart. of Singapore. The bride wore a
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  • 61 7 From Our Own Correspondent KLANG. Monday.— A Chinese merchant who has returned here from Medan relates how Dutch gunboats patrolling the Straits of Malacca on March 23 captured a Chinese tongkang carrying goods from Medan to Singapore. He said during March m^re than 50 Chinese tongkangs earring
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  • 86 7 KLANG. Monday.— At a meeting of prominent members of the Chinese community held yesterday it was unanimously decided to establish an association known as the Chinese Benevolent Association of Klat The election of officials resulted as follows: President. Mr. Lee Boon Pin. vice-president, Mr. Theh Chai Heng;
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  • 363 7 Loans And Land On Lease A SCHEME to encourage private building enterprise m Singapore has been placed before the Singapore Improvement Trust for consideration. The outline of the plan is that Government should assist potential builders by making loans and that the Singapore Improvement Trust
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  • 233 7 Penang Claims On Dutch From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Monday. IN order to submit claims to the Dutch Government. Penang merchants are being asked for details of losses or damage sustained by them as a result of the confiscation of their goods by the Dutch authorities. This move has been
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  • 51 7 The Canadian Pacific passenger liner Empress of Canada which is scheduled to inaugurate Canada's postwar re-entry into the North Atlantic passenger trade next May 14, will not be ready to sail before June or July. Refitting delays caused by Britain's fuel crisis caused the postponement.
    UP  -  51 words
  • 76 7 Hong Rons, Monday. A N informed Annamite source /i reported today that four Ho Chi-mlnh emissaries from Hanoi arrived at Ho Kong on Saturday to confer with the former Annam Emperor, Bao Dai, presumably on the peace neuotiati jns. and that a French emissary from Saigon was
    UP  -  76 words
  • 434 7 Judge's Appeal Came Too Late MR. Justice Jobling should have suggested a return to work at the opening of his inquiry on March 19 instead of waiting till last Thursday, the Assistant Secretary of the Singapore Traction Company Employees' Union, Mr. Abdul Karim, said yesterday. Mr. Karim was commenting on
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  • 10 7 The crew of the Martin Behrman
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  • 598 7 Late Sir Cecil Clementi An Appreciation By A Special Correspondent IN the long line of men who have headed British administration m Malaya 1 from Raffles onwards, there have been few with more distinction of intAiwt nresence and character than Sir Cecil Clementi. SkChw (been T three
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  • 85 7 An Indian infant on board the American President Lines ship Marine Adder was found Infected with smallpox when the vessel arrived m Singapore from Batavia during the weekend. Singapore Port Health officials who boarded the essel quarantined the child and its parents on St. John's Island
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  • 385 7 THE Marun Behrman, whicH recently attempted to def;* tne Dutch export ban aff Chenbon, is now lying two miles off Singapore m the outer roads waiting for sailing orders The Mart.n Behrman. owned bJi the American Isbrandtsen Line, loaded at Cherlbon with Indonesian goods but
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 20 7 I^EZH HiHfv«iUnXi_( /fl WMI HfrMJOMnvllkl H^ L||^^ODAY Still better tomorrow TYRE RUBBEH CO. (S.S.I LTD.. Bk 22 GEYI.ANO RD.. SINGAPORE
      20 words
    • 100 7 QUALITY that pleases Mens Cotton and Wool Dressing Gowns from with cording and j~ gridle ia assorted %hQ.OO colours on Check. fancy and strips, sizes 36. 38 40 42 Prices from $60 to $80/-. All Wool Travelling, Rugs from m assorted colours g^ •Dorset' 58" x 68" 53*5^ -OO Price
      100 words

  • 1779 8 THE 17th Indian 1 ("Black Cat") Division, referred to by its members proudly as "God"s Own Division" was m action against the. Japanese from January 1942 until August 1945, apart from a few short breaks for re-organisa-tion and training. It
    1,779 words
  • 1299 8 The column dashed into Ngathayauk, 16 miles from Nyaungu and then split into two. One took the Sekteln-Welauns road, the other the Kamye road. Both forces crushed resistance as they went along. Water was the chief difficulty In this arid tract of Central Burma. The
    1,299 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 150 8 is made this shape z back teeth is as shown on the left. brush misses awkward corners, but WjL Wisdom's short head searches into I every crevice removing every parfeatures include its widely spaced TM£ CORRECT WAY TO CLEAN taivrpH tnfK ttraioht lifW h««aH inside upper back teetm tapered tults,
      150 words
      130 words

  • 1192 9  -  R. E. HOLTTUM ,THE MALAYAN GARDENER By THE names of plants are always a difficulty to the gardener. And yet they are of great importance; for if plants had no established names, v/e should have great confusion, and seedsmen's lists would be impossible.
    1,192 words
  • 989 9  -  J.N. MILSUM and J.R.P. SOPER GROW YOUR OWN VEGETABLES By MAN V people fight shy of growing carrots on the plains ami, unless they are prepared to take a certain amount of trouble, they are quite right. Perhaps also thpy have been disappointed
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 253 9 World's Richest Source of \?s*j Vital MINERAL SALTS brings S-^Hp new health to RUNDOWN, M WEAK, DEPRESSED people fSNP^S When you overwork or worry or suffer acute w| M nerve strain, your system is gradually robbed m|| of certain vital Mineral Salts. So you get 1&| Rundown, Tired and Depressed.
      253 words
    • 196 9 FOOD PARCELS Owing to the small demand of our Pnrcel No. 31 (special parcel for school children) 1 have taken that Parcel off our list. Furthermore as a gesture of Easter Goodwill towards the children of England I am mnilintf cheque of three dollars to Math purchaser of that particular
      196 words

  • 32 10 tells of half- submerged Britain.... of the havoc wor ked by frost, blizzards and floods... of swiftly rising waters that gave no time to rescue furniture m homes and of
    32 words
  • 1324 10 LONDON (By airmail). FOR the first time since early January my garden is altogether free from snow. For the first time for a fxrtn ght the park beyond it is free fiom the muddy brown water of tfce Thames floods. And though the sleet was wh'r'.ed
    1,324 words
  • 194 10 I DROVE an astonishing iittle car the roof reached just above my elbow which hardly anyone at the International Motor Show m Geneva has even heard of, iet alone seen, writes a motoring correspondent. This 350 c.c. slngle-cy Under rear-engined "baby." built by Mr.
    194 words
  • 29 10 An optimist advertised m The Times: "Will anyone who bought 1 car pre-war and still believes m fair, uninflated transactions, sell it now for €20?"
    The Times  -  29 words
  • 450 10 T, +v LONDON, Monday. Football results for Easter Monday were: FIEST DIVISION Huddersfleld o Arsenal f Blackburn R. i Chelsea a Blackpool o Everton 3 Derby Co. j Wolverhampton 1] Liverpool 3 Preston N.E 0 Manchester U. 3 Leeds U. 1 Wborough 1 Charlton
    Reuter  -  450 words
  • 350 10 THE greatest single originating cause for divorce m the United States is not drunkenness, wife beating, mental cruelty, or even infidelity— it is snoring. An article by Jamea Dugan m Collier's Magazine says a survey m five inland States mentons snoring m 17.6 per cent, of
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 153 10 WONDERFUL! They all say that about the Show at the 1 1 A.M.. 1.45, 4.15. A T|J A \F PHONE 6.45. 9.30 P. M. W#\ I liyWk I 3400 I'Tfjß/TTjMI wgL mwH^^^^ or tor rtian th r FEXT CHANG* 1 «g^ k Most Famous Sea Story Ever filmed! I SlniMx%u*&\7imJif^tm*i
      153 words
    • 114 10 SEASON EXTENDED OF A GREAT PKTIRE! f PAVILION "ffiS^ Today Four Shows 1.30 4 6.30 9.30 p.m. BRITAIN'S GREATEST DIRECTOR VICTOR SAVILLE MADE TfflS PICTUSR *m H-h-li "c»w»i HmiTi m ii m NEXT CHANGE The Most Hilarious Idea In Film History! MONTY WOOLLE V And GRACIE FIELDS. IT$ A BJUJED
      114 words

  • 242 11 The Times City Editor LONDON, Monday. AN important change is now taking place m the traditional link between sterling and the Indian rupee. This is the effect of a bill introduced into the Indian Central Legislative Assembly. The new bill seeks to repeal
    The Times  -  242 words
  • 128 11 BUCHAREST, Sunday. A RUNAWAY inflation is deve!oping m Rumania and me Government is reported to have abandoned the struggle to save the present currency. The most significant price increase was the announcement by the Ministry of National Economy that a kilogramme of rationed corned (maize) nour
    128 words
  • 52 11 New life assurance business written by the Oriental Government Security Assurance Co. Ltd.. last year totals 105.73S Policies assuring R» 286,330.095. This figure. In addition to showLi? an Increase of over Rs. 33.500.000 m the sum assured over the figure for 1945, constitutes a new record for
    52 words
  • 195 11 THE directors of Kali Glagah Rubber Company (Paloh. Johore) have decided to redeem the existing £79.167 per cent. Convertible debenture stock with effect from June 30 at £105 per cent. In order to provide funds for the redemption and for rehabilitation work It is proposed to lsstie
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  • 235 11 New Coal Tie-up In U.S. Looms PITTSBURGH, Monday. LITTLE hof e is held for the resumption of soft coal production as the United States' 400,000 bituminous miners are apparently satisfied to extend indefinitely the six-day mourning period for 111 Centralia mine explosion victims until the Federal Government certifies that all
    Reuter  -  235 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 473 11 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. (Incorporated In Singapore) BLUE FUNNEL LINE tiailinga to and from United Kingdom r-Antlk*has" rrom O.K A°- '"Lyeaon" due from U.S. A Apr. 13 PfihansJ* do« from U.K Apr. 14 "Atrens" sails for Genoa, Marseilles, Harre, Liverpool Glasgow *P r -Theseus" sail* for Llrerpool "Alcrnous" salla for London—
      473 words
    • 236 11 PATERSON, SIMONS CO., LTO. BED LINE STEAMERS LTD. Outwards s s. "SAMOTt" Go*. From UJ£. calls Hongkong Shanghai s.s. "BENLAWERS" In Port From O. X calls Hongkong s s."BENCRUACHAN" God. 1» 11 From IK .alls Hongkon«. Shanrhai Philippine* ss. "SAMAFFRIC" dne Apr. 23 From IK all« llonrkonc A fapan Homewards
      236 words
    • 286 11 P&OS.N, Coy. 8. 8. EMPIRE RAJA Freight Service to UK tfc Continental Porte Mow Loading SINGAPORE Loads Penang 2nd half April This vessel will also accept cargo for C«noa BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. LLOYDS AGENTS Agents for Malayan Railways GLEN LINE BURNS PHILP LINE "«W. I t-SS. C A-Sr BY J^^S^tT
      286 words
    • 571 11 PRESIDENT UME ELLERMAN BUCKNALL Via Part Swettenham Penanc L W India and Mediterranean Ports Uneoroorateo a> enolsnd) is MOUNT MANSFIELD CMs. 12 M. MARINE FLIER Gda. 15/16 For HAVRE LONDON s.s. MOUNT DAVIS April 17 Samshire Loading G. 27 28 T« Philippines, Honckenc, San Sail*4 9 Aoril rraneiso*, New Tork.
      571 words

  • 1364 12 Good Dividends At K. Lumpur From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. WINNER of the seventh race here today, Favourite, paid $135 on the win tote and $21 for a place. The race was the best of the day, short heads and heads separating the
    1,364 words
  • 405 12 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. WONG Peng Soon, of Singapore, won the Malayan Badminton singles title for the third time m succession, when he beat Selangor's representative, Lim Kee Fong, 15-8, 15-12 today. Another former Malayan champion, Mrs. Cecilia Samuel, performed the hat
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  • 132 12 Results And Dividends Of Final Day AC «> 1- 1 Peac Biawi RACE Diplomat ».M Donnelly (113 Bohrah S.M Martin (SH, »7) Dtettofiilshed S«6 Ellery *8; Four Winds 800 Woods. S10: Good Scoot 8.11 Spencer. RACE 2. Wjnmalen 904 Bi«by $lf| RACE SoT*reignty B.M EUery $7; SUckness 907 EUery $7;
    132 words
  • 573 12 IN a two day cricket fixture played on Sunday and yesterday at Changi the Ceylon Sports Club drew with the Combined R.A.F. Changi. In reply to the R.A.F. score of 140, the Ceylonese totalled 233 for nine wickets. S. K. Sundram scored 88 and Yogarajab
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  • 235 12 DAIN saved the Singapore Non-Benders from an overwhelming defeat when they met an S.C.C. XI m a cricket match on the padang yesterday. Scores were: S.C.C. XI D.B. Carr b Bfasaey M P.C. Firkins c Leonard b Bostock Hill C 7 J.P. Pearson st SUunton b Bostock
    235 words
  • 235 12 Pa game of cricket played at the Police Depot yesterday, the Selangor Ceylonese Youths defeated the Singapore Ceylonese "A" by 48 runs. After the match Ben Dudley presented a bat each to Naysadorai, the best batsman and to Mahadevan the best bowler. Naysadorai retired with a top
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  • 610 12 pi a fast and thrilling game at the Stadium yesterday, the Negri-Selangor Chinese beat the S.C.F.A. by two goals nnp t In spite of the threatening weather, more than 12,000 spectators watched the game. The home side were tile weaker side, and although
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 150 12 «> FAREWELL TO-NIGHT ffljrr After A Tremendous Season m. <^l^i^H^L. ED6MI WCt BURROUGHS' *> Ik to^^^t^m Bir towito JOYCt j>*t SNCFFICLDii Xrv Ifßfjl OK^*S LAST 5 SHOWS I SfjtlffiflUfff'T'* 11 am-2p.m-4.15 pm I A 630 p. m 9.15 p.m. HERE IS GREATNESS!... Wonder Majesty /I Motion Picture no Human Words
      150 words