The Straits Times, 3 April 1947

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 133 1 East Pun jab Rioting LAHCRE, Wednesday. LATEST Punjab Government communique reports "heavy disturbances" m the border area of Gurgaon district m Eastern Punjab. Members of both communities are attacking each other's villages.'' the communique adds. The rest of the Punjab is re pc: t ed quiet. 111 1 Bombay three
    UP  -  133 words
  • 38 1 LONDON, Wednesday. P.ans have been made m Leeds for thousands cf women to converge on London and march to the H use of C:n:mons to present a t-harler of ten points. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 28 1 There will be no issue of the Straits Times and the Singapore Free Press tomorrow. Good Friday, j Normal publication will be j resume'! on Saiurday.
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  • 1942 1 2 To Be Hanged; Five Receive Life Sentences TWO Japanese officers were sentenced to death by hanging and five others to life imprisonment when the Singapore "Chinese massacre" War Crimes trial ended m the Victoria Memorial riall yesterday afternoon. Death sentences were pronounced by the Court
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  • 191 1 SHANGHAI, Wednesday. TTHE British captain of an 1 UNRRA relief ship was seriously wounded when the ship was bombed and machinegunned by Chinese Government planes at Shischiuo today. The captain, together with four other members of th<> crew who were wounded, was transferred to the U.S.
    Reuter; UP  -  191 words
  • 52 1 NATIVE HELD FOR ROYAL CAR INCIDENT JOHANNESBURG, Wednesday. —The Queen fended off a shouting native with her umbrella when he jumped on the running board of the Royal car as it was approaching Behoni, an East Rand goldmining town during oday's tour of the reef. The police detained him for
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 22 1 NANKING, Wednesdays-Ge-neral Chenyl, commander of the Communist New Fourth Army is reported to have died m action on Mrach 14,
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  • 131 1 By Our Malay Correspondent I\ATO Onn bin Ja afar, PresiV dent of the United Malay national Organisation revealed at a tea pany given by the Pergera'an Kebangsa'an Malayu Selangor at Klang that he had been threatened m an anonymous letter. The writer of the letter, he sa.d,
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  • 199 1 BRUNSWICK, Wednesday. DRITISH officials announced yesterday that troops D were standing by here after a gang of German youths had demonstrated m the greatest outbreak of violence since the food shortage protests began m Germany a week ago. British officials said the gang marched through
    Reuter; AP  -  199 words
  • 433 1 8.30 P.M. DEATH SENTENCE ON IRWIN JONES IRWIN OLIVER JONES, 38-year-old Singapore was last night sentenced to death m the Singapore Assizes for the murder of Maurice Fox, a 23-year-old Eurasian ex-P.o.W. on the night of Oct. 31. Mr. Justice Brown recalled the special jury of six Europeans and one
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  • 26 1 NEW YORK, Wednesday—Trading m rubber futures, suspended since February 1942, is to bo resumed on May 1 m New York, it is reported.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 108 1 PARIS. WcJn.'suay. THE upiLsing of natives m the* Frerch island colony oi Mada as:ar ofl th? east African Coast has been quell. d. at lease temporarily, state latest official rocorts r." Ministry of Colonies. The trouj. till QMJ* ago v/h.n natives, armed with spears ar.d knives, attacked
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 107 1 KINGS, t I ER N II V RINGS m DIAMONDS GEMS U.S. de SILVA 106. ORCHARD ROAD. TEL 2466 TRANSFORMERS i *^k Illustration shows a 20,000 kVA v ~~-.~~S IU 33 kV 3-phase transformer }s>' v J changer, as supplied to -rUL^ JWT\ THL GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., LTD, OF ENGLAND
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    • 7 1 Full Report of Counsel's addresses, Pag* 7.
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    • 118 1 Jothionatte RIMOY-MAD£\ V^ MAOf TO o*DfB IN OTHER PAGES National Service Bill 3 British Court Mourns Death ot Greek King 4 Hotel Bills More Than Pay S Editorial Massacre Trial Speeches 7 Rain-making explained Moscow on a holiday, otters on Penang Beaches, Book review 9 About Films 0 Finance 1
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 948 2 NOTICES. NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that ELIAH MATOOK SHARBANEE or 334 A Orchard Rood. Singapore, and S3 Robinson Road. Singapore. Is applying to the Governor for naturalization, and that any person who knows any reason why naturalization should not be granted should send a written and signed statement of
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    • 425 2 NOTICES I NOTICE fU> Chua Kin Watt. Information Is solicited concerning Chua Kim Watt who left hta wise No. 33. Lorong 25, Geylarg for Lorong 19 sometime before the explosion which occurred at Oeylang English School on the 11th day of March 1942 and who has been missing ever since.
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    • 814 2 TENDERS MALACCA MUNICIPALITY TENDERS Pre-oast Concrete Drain Blocks. Tenders will be received at the Munictpal Secretary's Office up to noon of the 19th of April. 194T for the supply and delivery of pre-cast concrete drain blocks. Every person applying for a Form of tender win be required to deposit the
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    • 811 2 TENDERS. BRITISH STORES DISPOSAL BOARD (SINGAPORE) TENDER NOTICE BY ORDER OT THE DIRECTOR OF DISPOSALS, FAR EASTERN AREA (M.O.S The British Stores Disposal Board. Singapore, is authorised to receive Tenders for the following items: Located at Produce Group. 4 Sob Depot 223 BOD. BalesUer S4. Lot No. I— Mixed Metal
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    • 782 2 TEN! MS TENP^N INVITED MAR IMa Ui. .IEmENT, MALAYAN JNION Tenders will be rece!vel at 'he Office at the Marine SuperlnterKient, Malayan Union, Port Swettenham, up to noon X the Ist May. 1947. for the construe. Uon of a Water Boat far Tekk Anson. is per details given below. Any
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    • 884 2 TENDERS. SALE BY TENDER 1 The Custodian of Enemy Property, Malayan Union, will dispose of the plant and materials, etc.. specified In the Schedule hereunder by public tender. 2. As his agent to deal with this disposal the Custodian of Enemy Property has appointed Messrs. Sime Darby Co., Ltd., of
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    • 731 2 TENDERS. SINGAPORE IMPROVEMENT TRUST Tenders are Invited for repairs to tw» blocks of Trust buildings at Tiong Bahru. Tender Form. Specification and Schedule of Repairs may be obtained at the Offlce of the Singapore Improvement Trust on payment of a deposit of $50/- which will be refunded if a bona
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  • 360 3 NATIONAL SERVICE BILL GOES THROUGH Rebel Amendment Is Defeated LONDON, Wednesday. THE National Service Bill, which will impose peacetime conscription m Britain, passed its second reading m the House of Commons yesterday. An amendment moved by Labour Party members was rejected by 386 votes to 85, the few Liberals m
    Reuter; UP  -  360 words
  • Article, Illustration
    49 3 First pictures of the Bjrd Antarct'c expedition. Top. R^arAdmiral Richard E. Byrd pushes a carton containing a flag of eacb United Nations member from his plane as he flies over the South Pole on Feb. 16. Brlow. Adm'ral Rvrd lights a pipe at the expedition's base at Little America.
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  • 166 3 The Times Correspondent HONG KONG, Wednesday. TOE announcement by the Canton headquarters that further "infringements" of Chinese sovereignty like that of the visit of an aeroplane carrying the British civil air mission on its way to Tokio would result m the shooting down of the
    The Times  -  166 words
  • 116 3 The following are services for Holy W:?k at the St. Andrew's Cathedral: GCOD FRIDAY: Mattins and AnteCo.nmunion 7.00 a.m.. Children's Scruce 9.30 a.m.. Three Hours' Devotion 12 to 3 p.m.. Evensong and Litany 5 15 p.m. -TLRDAV: Mattins and AnteC :imunion 7.00 a.m.. Remembrance at Bidadari
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  • 65 3 From Oi.r Own Correspondent PFNANG. Wednrsclay. Cinema nana^ers are to hold a meeting to diocuss a petition for higher pay presented by their staffs. The Assistant Commissioner fo. Labour, Mr. J. Grundy is arranging a meeting between th( managements and the staffs The workers whose representations
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  • 176 3 DEATH SENTENCE QUASHED CENTENCE of death passed >n a rick^tiaw puller for the alleged murder of his one year old adopted daughter was quashed by the Singapore Court of Criminal Appeal yesterday. The Chief Justice, .Mr. Justice Murray Aynsley said that one of the most significant facts m the case
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  • 178 3 METHODIST YOUTH RETREAT METHODIST Youth Fellowship j leaders m Singapore will hold a week-end retreat at the Paya Lebar Methodist School, begin- 1 ning from noon on Good Friday and ending at 6 p.m. on Saturday. The object will be study and discussion on youth leadership and a consecration of
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  • 38 3 The full moon day which falls tomorrow will be celebrated at the Sinhalese Buddhist Temple. 96, Outram R:ad, by Mr. William Sena. 6-00 p.m. Illumination. 6-15 p.m. Chanting. 7-00 p.m Buddha Puja. 7-30 p.m. Sermon.
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  • 158 3 PRISON REFORM TN S'PORE pONFIDENTIAL information re- garding Singapore gaols is expected to be la d before the Jus'ices of Peace at a meeting which is to be held m th c Coun:il Chamber at 4 p.m. On Apr. 10. The meeting, which is convened by Mr. T. H. Stone,
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  • 51 3 l nre which broke out m a motor boat anchored off Raffles Quay yesterday morning, immediately spread to two large motor junks which were lying ilongside the boat. Two engines from the Central Fire Station which immediately went to the scene battled the fire from t*"»
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  • 51 3 The free IVi-hour cinema show to Chinese schoolchildren on Good Friday has been made possible by the joint loan cf films from the Singapore offices of the vario-.s producers. Th^se are M.G.M... Universal, 20th Century Fox, Paramount, R X.0., Columbia, TT-> ted Aitists. Warner Bros, and Shaw
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  • 89 3 AN English class for Malay drivers of Yellow Top taxis was opened at Oldham Lane, Singapore, this week. The class Is held at night and Mr. Safaruan is instructor. The object of inaugurating the class is to improve the men's prospects, stat g the Malay Union,
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  • 414 3 The Times Correspondent TOKIO, Wednesday. THE events of the past few days have shown that Allied 1 Headquarters have at last come to realise that, with inflation mounting daily, not only is the entire Japanese economy near the point of collapse but the pol:cy of
    The Times  -  414 words
  • 268 3 A SINGAPORE ship, the 554 ton Hung Hai, which had bern adrift for 48 hours m the South China Sea as a result of engine trouble, was assisted by the Norwegian liner Toulou* now m Singapore and was able to continue her voyaije to Borneo
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  • 67 3 Three British soldiers, Edward Morris, 21, Thomas Kelly. 22 and Dennis McCarthy. 21, appeared m the Fourth Police Court yeeterday on a charge of cheating an inquiry clerk at Bulk Reserve Group Depot, Kranji. on April I. All accused pleaded guilty 'o the charge and the
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  • 131 3 THE wedding took place yesterday at the Registrar of Marriages between Mr. S. R y Fernando, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Fernando of Ceylon, and Miss N eline Isabella Chandradasa, daugh'er of Mr. and Mrs. G. P« Chandradasa of Singapore. The brde wore satin brocade with
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  • 373 3 CHARGES of dishonesty, m timidation and heedlessness against the British Government m the conduct of their Sarawak policy were made yesterday by Mr. Anthony Brooke, ex-Rajah Muda, m an interview with the Straits Times. He referred to an ti- cession demonstrations which had b*»en taking
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 149 3 «£fl Wku. Remember ALEXANDER KORDA'S 0&i $pj Brilliant Marvellous Productions... JjjjJj "The THIEF of BAGDAD*... w! *l* superb story of fantasy m»g! "JUNGLE BOOK"... jJfefc^fA a film of the jungle about the jungle "SCARLET PIMPERNEL"... div..ung as It does the thrilling rescues by the Scarlet Pimpernel of the French Aristocrats
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  • 518 4 NEW MONARCH'S MESSAGE LONDON, Wednesday. THE British Royal Court today went into mourning for one week following the unexpected death yesterday m Athens of King George II of Greece. The last Court mourning was for the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt. The
    Reuter; AP; UP  -  518 words
  • 177 4 BATAVIA, Wednesday. PS economic rehabil tation of Indonesia has come to a halt now that practically all top-level Indonesian leaders have deserted Batavia for various parts of East Asia, Dr. H. N. Boon, political adviser to Lieutenant Governor-General Dr. van Mook. told United Press to-day. Dr. B..x>n
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  • 101 4 l^^ HANOI, Wednesday. THE Acting Commander of the t F^J lch m Nor:h Indo-China Col. Debes. an d CoL Gurnet, Chief of the High Command of the French Far Eastern forcss, were killed m a plane crash m the Kebao region, near the Gulf of
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 72 4 JERUSALEM, Wednesday.— The Palestine Government announces that the deportation vessel. Ocean Vigour, which transported several hundreds of illegal immigrants from Haifa, had been sabotaged while m port at Cyprus. An underwater exp:sicn. believed to have been set off by Hagana's "frogmen" shcok the ship and
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  • 86 4 COLOMBO, Wednesday— The Ceylon Government, it is learned, recently offered landing facilities m Ceylon to the Dutch X.L.M. Air-lines following a reported refusal by India to grant such facilities to the company's planes bound for the Netherlands East Indies. Though no reply has yet
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 292 4 MOSCOW, Wednesday. AMIDST deep pessimism as to the "Big Four" Conference's further chances for success, the Foreign Ministers meet today m an ordinary full session to consider the form and scope of the future German provisional government. In doing so, the ministers will pass over
    AP; UP  -  292 words
  • 1433 4 CHINESE PLANS FOR MALAYAN FEDERATION DECOMMENDATIONS for the construction of the entire plan of the Federation of Malaya, utilising a competent body such as a Royal Commission, have been made by the Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce of Malaya. They were embodied m a memorandum sent to the Governor General
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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  • 244 5 War Absentee's Petition Fails From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Wednesday, AN applicant for the tenancy, which he held before the war, of a house m Lim Chin Guan Road, told the War Absentees' Board yesterday that it was costing him $1,075 a month to maintain
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  • 164 5 FE dock, m the Singapore Court or Criminal Appeal was just big enough to contain the ten appellants who appeared together there yesterday asking for the reduction of sentences imposed after convictions for breaking into a food control godown last August and attempting to steal
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  • 165 5 A LI bin Ahmad (25), and Mahmood bin Mohamed (28). two Javanese, were sentenced to 18 months' rigorous imprisonment each uy the Second District Judge, Mr. T. T. Russell, yesterday, when they were found guilty of commii-ting housebreaking and theft at godown 21 on March
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  • 98 5 M. K. Kutty, a South Indian, was charged In the Second Police Court before Mr. L. C. Goh yesterday with falsely representing to P. K. Bhanu on November 13 last year that he had sufficient funds m the bank and dishonestly Induced him to deliver
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  • 175 5 "BANISH ME," MAN PLEADING, "Banish me to > China where I have a wife and children and aged parents," an app?llant, Chee Chiok Sing, at the Singapore Court of Criminal Appeal yesterday was ordered a retrial. He had been convicted at the Assize Court of armed robbery and at yesterday's
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  • 21 5 Personalities at Moscow: The French Foreign Minister, M. Georges Bidaolt, and Madame Bidault photographed »t a reception.
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  • 291 5 '"THERE is no doubt at all that, if there were a general 1 election tomorrow, a Labour Government would be elected again," said Mr. Bernard Newman, wellknown political commentator, lecturer and author m Singapore yesterday. "They might get a smaller majority," he added, "but m
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 508 5 JUST ARRIVED DIAMOND PLATINUM LADIES WATCHES Or THE LATEST FASHION 144. HIGH STREET lAND RAFFLES HOTEL BRANCHES: PENANO b BANGKOK new! NEW! NEW! Typewriters (Standard Rcyal Portables). Calculators, Adding Machines. Fostlndex Card Index. Ferro-Pmssiate. Drizene. Tracing Paper Cloth, DrawIng Ink Pencils and other stationery lunplies. Repaid under expert superviOFFICE EQUIPMENT
      508 words
    • 159 5 TS* v\ Vfl NOW AVAILABLE AT ALL FIRST CLASS CHEMISTS Agents: JACKSON CO., LTD. Singapore Koala Lumpur. Filial FLIES, MOTHS AID ML INSECTS ALSO IN POWDER FOAM A FUBEX PRODUCT (Manufactured m England) Sol* AcenU SIM AH KOW tfc CO.. t'i. Bonhaia Bide.. Stngapf Phone Nit. PLANNED PARENTHOOD. 6TN O
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    • 246 5 To Messrs. EAST ASIATIC CO., With Best Wishes Froai-Mtssrs TAN SOON SENG TAN SOON HUAT <0H SENG MONC FECK WANG KWANG HUAT CO THE FEDERAL DISPENSARY LTD. Take pleasure m announcing the REOPKMNG of bwtews premises at:— THE EMBANKMENT KUALA LUMPUR where a full ranee of Pharmaceutical Products and Drug*
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 361 5 I fas K «Iik4S^K vkilk^ST^^H < SINGAPORE KfcD NETWORK (Chinese Indian) 225 metres; also IS p.m. to 2 p.m. 1.325 megacycles per second (61 metre < band) and 7.45 p.m. to 9.30 p.m. 4.825 megacycles per second (61 metre band) BLUE NETWORK: (Maiaj English 485 metres; also 12 p.m. to
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    • 554 5 'declarer hid covered the possibility slam contract hit the dust! .more thorou e hly. West not Inclined to gue« among South, daaler the untold sulU, opened •JT™^*'^ Both side* vulnerable ln% fortunate for hl« side! W.tnout that lead It would have been virtually NORTH impossible for declarer t» go wrong,
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  • 24 6 In loving memory of my beloved mother Oh Gek Eng who passed away en 3.4.1928. Prom her loving daughter Chong Tii; Nyong.
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  • 1122 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Thursday, Apr. 3, 1947. The A.P.I. Trial The trial of Ahmad Boestamam, leader of the Malay youth movement known as A.P.I. 1 (Angkatan Permuda Insaf). which ended m Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday, has attracted the attention oi alert observers In all communities as a reflection of
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  • 416 6 TIN HATS, ISLANDS, ETCETERA rom A Special Correspondent MELBOURNE (By Air Mail). IN a little over three years since setting u;j shop, the Australian Commonwealth U»spo.-aU Commission, which has been given the job of selling up Australia's wartime oiock m trade, tun* i'one about ££0 million worth of business. Ihe
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  • 105 6 LONDON, Tuesday.— A posthumous award of the George Cross has been made to a South Afri-can-born chaplain, who was last seen kneeling m prayer up to the shoulders m water when the troopship Anselm was torpedoed and sunk on the way from Britain to West Africa
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  • Man In The Street
    • 436 6 •PHE dithyrambic declaration? of two Straits born Chinese lovers of England which you published lately did not provoke me to derisive laughter. On the contrary, I was impressed. Their sincerity was palpable. I admire their courage and candour. Rather incongruously the words!
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    • 92 6 1 pASSINO by the Mount Emily i swimm ng pool, the other Gay, I noticed that the pool looks very much neglected. It is now aoout six montns since the changr-over of the pool from the Services to the Municipality; and yet the public is not told
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    • 117 6 rHE letter published m your paper under the heading "From A King's Chinese" calls for comment. K.C. says that England is now m a bad plight, but he forgets his mother country CHINA which has suffered so much from 1937 up to now. K.C. speaks of England requiring
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    • 224 6 WHILE most men of the pre- sent generation no longer give privileges to women. I am on 3 of the few who still look upon females as the weaker sex, m spite of their claim to be the equals of men m all
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    • 246 6 PE Governor is rt ported to have Faid that "Dr. Vickers medical programme, lika housing, is dependent entirely on the Introduction of income tax, unless any other means of revenue can be devised". I beg to differ. And so do many others, I am sure.
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  • Article, Illustration
    15 6 SUDDENLY ITS SPRING) (A commentary on the English climate by Illingworth m the Daily Mail.)
    Daily Mail  -  15 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 902 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. KWANG at D! East Coast Road, Singapore on Ist. AurvJ 1947. to E«ah, wile of Osman Kwang, a an Mr. Rodney Jack Stoneley Franks, of Harrow and Calcutta, son of the late Mr. O.J. Pranks and Mrs. Pranks, 5 Ncwquay Crescent, Raynes Lane, Harrow, Middx, and Miss Beatrice
      902 words
    • 55 6 Scientific Glare Control American POLAROID DAY GLASSES .^HMBb^bV -drift FITS ONS also available. The only type of glasses that really controls r?lare. During the war used by the American Army and Navy. Call for a demonstration to prove the •UTerencs from ordinary sun glasses. Virl.^a New Types of Spectacle Frame*
      55 words
    • 74 6 LISTEN TO THE WORI D i ■Bfci V/lIIjI7 I V-^^B^^^sJ «5»/-. >'odel »37S'These famous British sets have a world- wide reputation for their fine engineering, reliability and ihe truth of the reproduction. We are proud that they have chosen us as their agents. Sole Agents: S. P. SHOTAM <Sc CO.
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  • 2642 7 Japan ese Officers Broke Their Own Military Code THE prosecuting officer, Major F. W. Ward, m his submissions to the War Crimes Court m the Chinese massa ere trial, which concluded yesterday, asked for the conviction of seven Japa nese officers charged with complicity m
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  • 32 7 MALACCA. Wednesday. Mr. R X Bogle, Assstant Food Controller Malacca, has left the par ment to Join the Penaag Municipality's Engineerlrg Department. He is succeeded by Mr. D M McPhal.
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  • 703 7 IN a 70-tninute address, the defence m the trial of sevei Japanese officers charged with complicity m the massacre of Chinese m Singapore m February, 1942, asked for the acquittal of Onishi and Hisamatsu who "obeyed willy-nilly the operational order" to
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 89 7 Canteens of CUTLERY MADE IN ENGLAND We have just unpacked Canteens of Cutlery m good quality E.P.N.S. Manufactured m England Sets of 24, 26. 38, 43, 47, 50 and S3 Prices from $55.00 > to $160.00 i Only limited stock •ivjilabU. Inspection cordially invited Ctrne* all day GOOD FRIDAY and
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  • 55 8 Experiments are still m the early stages, but scientists have succeeded to a point m doctoring the weather by 'Mushroom' explosion of clouds Dry ice granules, dropped on massive cumulus clouds sometimes produce this curious mushrooming effect, which is then followed by fall of rain from
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  • 1856 8  - HELPING I T TO RAIN EDGAR BEE By "THE Liberator climbed to 28,500 feet, ami flew 1 through temperatures below zero. Scientists and the crew of the plane wore flying suits and oxygen masks. "The plane flew under clouds to ensure that rain was not already falling. It then flew
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  • 53 8 A New Yorker's Round-up NEW YORK.— Tiny live turtles less than an inch across their shelly backs, are the latest gift fad. They cost 6/ complete with a message enamelled on the shell while you wait. Thousands of them, labelled "From Jake to Momma," are passing
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  • 102 8 r>UNG woman with a bundle of hundred-dollar bills, but a queer slant on geography walked up to a ticKet-window m Pennsylvania Station and put 300 dollars on the ledge and asked for a rail ticket to Italy. M. Loui£ Vitberg, the ticket seller, replied coolly, "No tickets to
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  • 79 8 MAURICE CHE VALIER, French stage and screen star, was back m New York again first time since the war. From the top of a skyscraper, be was watching, with friends, the night lights of the great city. He spotted an advertising dirigible In the sky spelling
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 133 8 Money cant buy finer M ILK! t!^/||w FIRST IN PREFERENCE THE WORLD OVER Agents: OETZ BROS., 6t CO., SINQAPORE. STILL OBTAINABLE ,mp £f^^^ v Difficulties of distribution owing to W Jgb lack of shipping may cause a local T9 I scarcity of your favourite Evening 1 m Paris toilet preparations.
      133 words
    • 180 8 .United stocks are now m^m available, with more on the way W^ J <£&fU,S@ i /tJg^Tu FvW JW First thing m the morning ml/'/jfit&f JK" even before WMhin 8 —^"kg g m I2M M of Inner Cleanliness, which is Kg i f >^Ht- J2S9 C Sure oun( at on °f
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  • 709 9  -  PETER GLADWYN By CUNDAY is a holiv day for most people m Moscow. As the sun shone warmly from a bright sky one Sunday, obviously the idea was to find out how Muscovites spend their leisure. First we went to Pokrovsky Cathedral, one
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  • 294 9 For Your Dustbin HILARY TRENT, by Horace Annesley Vacbrll. Melbourne: Cassell and Co. |\EAR old Horace Vachch (of v The Hill fame) is so sweetly aged and Harrovian that be still puts the word "glamorous m quotes. But none of his other words. Cads, rotters, an'i stout fellows
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  • 431 9 MYSTERY OF THE WEEK DR. SAM: JOHNSON, DETECTOR, by Lillian de la Torre. New York: Knopf. I WELCOME with a reverent balloon of cognac, the debut of a new and coruscating detective team. The detective, Dr. Sam Johnson, died m 1784; hj companion, Mr.
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  • 82 9 HARDLY before San Francisco's lew standing buildIngs had settled down after the disastrous earthquakes and fire of nearly 41 years ago. people began sorting out the still hot bricks with which to rebuild the city. The slogan of the day was. "Dont talk earthquake. Talk business!"
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  • 278 9 TWO species of otters occur m Malaya. The present species has the usual claws on its fore and hind feet, whilst the other species has no sharp, projecting claws, but only a series of very small, rounded nail-like objects m their place. The first species resembles
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  • 102 9 Spare the otter MANY readers of the Straits Times were doubtless interested m a recent mcs*»re from omr Ptnm correspondent mboahed nnder the heading PLKA TO SPARE SEA OTTERS." Otters are now seen «n the s— cars of renanc Island mmch ■acre frecjaewtty than before Ac war. There Is apparently
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  • 553 9 NOVEL OF THE WEEK COMPANIONS OF THE LEFT HAND, by George Tabori. Boston: Bought. >ii Milflin. THERE'S no mistaking the European touch m a novel. Only a country with a centuries o!d tradition which has given the arts a somewhat more prominent place than accounting or
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 175 9 (wi9 XflKfs? iVmf^^BM bBsx^^Z^^^ZX7 Watch for the new 1947 McCray Models Here come the pacemakers In the field of commercial refrigeration—the new 1947 McCray line— and, man, will you be glad you waited McCray engineers, collaborating with Raymond Loewy Associates, 'world-famous designers, have developed the smartest, latest models In sound
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    • 205 9 FOOD PARCELS FROM AUSTRALIA 2 of our 17 PARCELS PARCEL NO. M PARCEL N«l 37 S emae. Tattet S«a» 16 tin Dripping 1C oa. Pimm Pa44inc <« »vi*mM* Ml hlrkm 1« as. Trmit Cake am. im rotaa* ai tni«cn 4 a*. Costard Powder 16 os. tin Viennese Frankfurt* as. Spaghetti
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  • 113 10 COUTH Africa is making a determined bid to outrival Australia as another potential Commonwealth base for British film production. Associated British propose going into active South African production rext year. Its provsioral title is Gold Dust. Meanwhile, Joseph Arthur Rank has
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  • Article, Illustration
    61 10 Humphrey Bogart and his wife, Actress Lauren Bacr'l, ar2 presented with a portrait of Bo;a.i by Artist E. G. Srhrader at Wa's s.od'o m H llv-ood. Srlirader, a Swiss who migrated to the United States 11 years a r o, chose Bogart for his subject because the actor "looks
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  • Article, Illustration
    26 10 I.i. 1 .a l>e Havi> and is sh .»n wearing one of the striking cortMMs created fw her by Irene Sharaff for UnlvenalInternatiotiars "Tke Dark Mirror."
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  • 110 10 TRACY AS ROBINSON CRUSOE CPENCER Tracy will do a 3 fi'm adaptation of Robinson Crusoe after he finishes his current film, Cass Timb?rlar.e. The 70-page-long scenario, which follows the story, has only two actors— Tracy and a parrot. But there will be a woman on the island. Br^i'h Deborah Kerr.
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  • 96 10 BEFORE he left for Hollywood, James Mason said: "Odd Man Out is the one completely satisfactory film of the 30 I've been m." Odd Man Out m 1U premiere at the Odeon Theatre, Leicester Square, London, proved Jimmy had made an understatement. It is undoubtedly
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  • 148 10 DRESSES IN CAR WALTER FITZGERALD is to-day one of Britain's busiest actors. He is appearing with Stewart Granger and Valeric Hobson m Cinesruild's "Balanche Fury," directed by Marc Allegret. Walter has to be at Plnewood Studios at eight o'clock on most mornings of the week. Acting all day at the
    148 words
  • 78 10 DOBERT MONTOGOMERY has been signed by William Go2tz, Universal International pr:duction head, to an exclusive long term o ntract with the company effective immediately. Montogomery will head his own pr.duction unit and the deal calls for his services as a producer and director as
    78 words
  • 52 10 THE publicity for pin-up girls 1 is waning m the British film industry. At present the publicity boys are concentrating on "heartthrobs" the masculine equivalent. It seems the argument to that more women see movies than men, and women hare strong heart-throb preference*. Hence the
    52 words
  • 314 10 OLIVIA DE HAVILLAND and Lew Ayres appear opposite each other on the screen for the first time m "The Dark Mirror/ an International flim m which a mysterious murder is investigated by psychological methods. The picture marks the return of Ayres to cinema acting, after
    314 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
      314 words
    • 219 10 g «aY i^r I .^a^a^a^a^"^^^"^^^^^^^^^""^"^*-^^^^ THUNDEROUS APPLAUSE of the Opening Day Audaente s? BEST of the lon^ line of Tarzun Films i^TpL jMB ""AlUAYOalfif Johnny X X O«*S^a»^awV >. n>r*^^* i i«i^r"a*"iaafr :L ss N i Junnny DRAMATIZED GLORIFIED I Featuring the Tost niTTCRIIRGH Violent Fisl Fight m Fll 13DUnun
      219 words

  • 196 11 By Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Wednesday. THE Singapore share markets were quieter to-day and, after 1 a promising start, profit-taking became evident. During the course of the day increasing sellers caused markets to recede. This was by no means an unhealthy phase considering the sharp rises
    196 words
  • 127 11 LONDON, Wednesday. THE Ministry of Supply announ- ced last night a price boost from £370 to £423 a ton for Malayan tin metal bought at smelters' works. The selling price will be raised to £426 per ton. Simultaneously, the buying price for Nigerian tin concentrates
    AP  -  127 words
  • 207 11 A discussion on change of name took place at the first annual meeting of the Association of European Mining Employees m Malaya, held at Ipoh. The possibility of extending the •cope of membership to include those resident m countries adjacent to Malaya was also discussed. Another
    207 words
  • 72 11 i NEW trustee company, affili- ated to the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, has been opened m Singapore. It is called the H:ngkong and Shanghai Bank (Malaya) Trustee Ltd. and is operating m Singapore with its registered office at Hongkong Bank Building. Collyer Quay. It has the
    72 words
  • 60 11 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association's Prices at noon yesterday were Bayers Sellers Cts. CU. per Ih. per Ib. No 1 K.S.S. Spot looae 4394 44 No. 1 R.S.S. fob m hales April 44% 4%% No. 3 Ksr fae la bates April 43* 43ft No. 3 R.S.S.
    60 words
  • 64 11 Fifteen ex-Wfens sailed recently as th c first all-women catering staff n a Brilisb. cargo ship the 10,000- ton La Cordillera, on h-er maiden voyage from Sunderland. The National Urion of Seamen said In London that they had agreed to this, but only as an
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  • 36 11 The Honek nf and Shanghai Banking Corporation. Singapore, advises that a branch of the bank was opened at Nanking on March 24. This is the first time a Nanking branch has operated.
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  • 243 11 Company Report A dividend of $1.50 par share wffi be reoommemtod by the directors of W. Hammer and Co. Ltd., at the annual meeting of shareholders to be held at the Kcn^kong Bank Chambers, on Saturday week. The company accounts show that the net surplus at tlw
    243 words
  • 123 11 SHIPS alongside to* Singapore wharves yesterday were: MAIN WHARF Oodcwn 31-32: Naiinga. i Godown 34-35- Empire Raja. Oodown 36-37: Klstna Oodown 38-39- Toulouse. Oodown 41: Hickory Stream, Empire Seavtew alongside WEST WHARF Oodown 4-5: AmstefcUjk. Oodown 6-7: Bam ur Oodown 10-11: Kina EMPIRE DOCK Godown 17-18: Samforth. Oodown
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 548 11 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. (incorporated to Singapore) BLUE FUNNEL LINE Sailings to and from CaMei King*— "Amsttldijk" from CS.A la Part-G. 4 ••Samite" from U.K. lor H'Konc S"hal la Port-G. 43 -AntUochus" dM frau O.K Aa*. 4 -Samcreft" «««s far Liverpool Apr. I "Lrcaon" dae froaa CS.A Apr. IX "Shansr* dn«
      548 words
    • 193 11 PATERSON, SIMONS CO., LTO. BEN LIKE STEAMERS LTB Oatwarws s.s. -SAMLR" G«d. 7 Fran UJ£. catb H«ncfca«c Shanghai s.s. "BENLAWKRS" In Port From V. k calls Hongkong s.s. "BENCRUACHAN" In Part From U.K. calls Hongkoag. Shanghai Philippine* S.S. "SAMAFRIC- awe Apr. S3 From I! F -alls Honrkonc Japan Homewards s.s.
      193 words
    • 285 11 P&O and B I SAILINGS TO AND FROM INDIA. CEYLON, \l STRALIA. SIAM. CHINA, ADEN. EGYPT. CONTINENT AND UNITED KINGDOM Agent* Singapore a lalay Kerr Co., Ltd. aad at HA Coilyer Quay, Singapore. Penaaf 25 Beach Street, Prnang. P O AgenU K. Lampor P. Swettraham Barmoas CraefiaM (Maiaya) Ltd. B
      285 words
    • 479 11 PRESIDENT LINE Sailings Ta NEW YORK Via Part Swcttenaam A renang India and Mediterranean Ports MARINE ADDER Passengers for India Embark Saturday aftermooa Harbour Boar*. Fretghl only AMERICAN PRESIDENT LINES. LTD. Oaioo BMg. MM SttS 1737. For Passage Tel. 4t4S. WATERMAN LINE NEW YORK— DIRECT S.S. JEAN LAFITTI Lsalag Piaaag
      479 words
    • 96 11 ELLERMAN BUCKNALL S. S. CO.. LTD. (IncorDorated id England For HAVRE LONDON Samshire Loading G. 27 28 Sails 7 April For LONDON ROTTERDAM City of Lyons due 4 April Sails 15 April KLAVENESS LINE Incorporated with Limited UaUllrv ta Norway) LOS ANGEI.BS. SAN FRANCISCO. VANCOUVER -CASTLETnXE- Safe ttaj t -GRANVILLC
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 32 11 SINGAPORE TIDES Hlrh IMn hi Slno**** Today: 9 m.m 8 ft. 1 to. I 10 25 p.m. IN. tin Tomorrow: 10 «1 »■>.. 8 ft. > taw. It. 55 PJB., 8 ft. 4 «m.
      32 words

  • 701 12  - SINGAPORE SHOULD WIN EASTER CRICKET The Sports Editor) (By THE Singapore-Selangor cricket match on Saturday and Sunday will be the first state match m Sing- apore since the liberation. This game will prove a strong guide to the prospect the North vs. S-u f h match which will be played
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  • 45 12 Singapore Cricket Club wUI provide a cricket net for members of the Singapore side selected to pl»y against Selangor. The net iv I available from 4 o'clock this afternoon and all those selected are asked to make every endeavour to be present.
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  • 163 12 WOODCOCK TRAINS IN SECRET DONCASTER, Tuesday. Bruce Woodcock Is training behind locked doors m his stable loft gymnasium at Doncaster, not because he shirks publicity but because of space limitations. Discussing Baksi, today, the British and European heavyweight champion said, "Baksl is a strong fighter. I have heard a good
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  • 473 12 THE following will represent the Ceylon Sports Club at cricket during the Easter Holidays:— Asainst Combined R.A.F. (Changi) m a two day fixture on Sunday and Monday at 11 f0 a.m. at Changi. Players to meet at the V.M.C.A. by 9.45 a.m. each day. K. Muthucumaru (Captain),
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  • 94 12 At a committee meeting of the Old Rafflesians' Association held at Raffles Institution yesterday, it was decided to reorganise the association, and all old boys are invitee! to send their names and addresses to the honorary secretary. 0.R.A., c/o Raffles Institution. All records have been
    94 words
  • 106 12 THE following are teaisc for two first r-und games In the Army Parker Cup knockout soccer competition: G.H.Q. XI to meet Medicals at Nee Soon today. Farrell; H mer, Howells; Lloyd, Meyrlck, Allcock; Shape, Wilson, Burton, Jonea, Bryce. RE. XI to meet CRASC at
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  • 89 12 TAMPA. FLORIU.-. Moi: TARDNER Mulloy of Miami de- feated San Franciicos P.ncno Segura of Ecuador I—B m the final round of tne Tampa Invitation tennis tournament Segura upset the national tennis champion. Jack Kramer, m the semi-finals and took early leads m both sets In the final.
    AP  -  89 words
  • 61 12 The Permuda soccer taam tor Thursday vs Kota Tinpgi at Kola Tinggl and vs Selangor Malv.ys at Johore Bahru on Friday will be chosen from: Abdullah Don, Ail Ma'arcf, Noh Rchiman, Noti Idiis, Hamid Jamil, Syed Ali, Hassan All, Hashim Awang, Othmaa Mahdl, Ungku Chile. Katan Awang. Yusof
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  • 124 12 GOOD football can be looked forward to during the Easter Holidays when the combined Negri Sembilan- Selangor Chinese team will visit Singapore. Three games have been arranged for the visiting Chinese and they will be played at Jalan Besar Stadium on April 4, April 6, and April 7.
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  • 63 12 FE Singapore Chinese soccer team to meet the combined Negri-Selargor Chinese tourists at Jalan Besar Stadium on Easter Monday will be selected from: Chee Seng, Eng Hoe, Chin Lye, Swee Hock, Soo Thuan, Leng Hoo, Yew Leng, Lim Swang, Kirn Siang, Kwang Leong, Ah Yik, Kee Siang, Boon
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  • 37 12 THE Rugby League Council decided 1 on Monday to extend the season to at least June 14 In order to complete the fixture list. 174 games have to be played beflre the end of the season Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 255 12 OINGAPORE District H.Q pro- vided little opposition when they met the Singapore Recreation Club at cricket on the Club ground yesterday, losing by five wickets and 75 runs. It was the Club's first midweek match and had their bats men indulged In harder hitting, they might
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  • 423 12 Up-Country Sport From Our Own Correspondent MALACCA, Wednesday. I EADING by two goals to nil m the nrst M and adding a third during the second half, the Malacca Chinese trounced the 555 sub area by three goals to nil. Throughout the encounter Chinese forwards
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  • Article, Illustration
    24 12 Miss Pauline Beti, (J. S. women's tennis champion speaking to King Guslav of Sweden, d urine th~ recent tennis championships at Cannes. A.P. picture.
    AP  -  24 words
  • 65 12 IV KENYON, who assuted Wor- cestershire several tinr?^ 1 .st season while still serving In the R.A.F. has Joined the C^unt>'s professional start* Kenyon. a right-hand oatsman, bad ">n pverage of 24.3 In ten innings last year nls highest tcoie o^mg 90 agairst Middlesex m the
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  • 92 12 LONDON, April 1. Brttai* lost two mujor hopes of Olympic success today with an announcement that coloured West Indian splinters Arthur WLnt and E. McDobdld Bailey will not run for Great Britain m the 1948 games. The decision of Trinidad and Jamaica to enter teams m the
    UP  -  92 words
  • 210 12 C HANOI Airmen were neld to a draw ty a CHQ Sealf team in a gamo of cri:ket plred at Ch-n i over the week-en 1. Bae. aid Tibbie g ;t half uMM ries for Chanel whl'e for GHQ Padre Ste b plated a confluent mni:
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  • 49 12 The folio* ins? have been selected <o represent the S.C.C. vs. Selangor Club, at Kuala Lumpur on Saturday and Sunday at 11 a.m. I J.B.H. Leckie (capt >. R S TufneU. O.K. Stein, J.P. Luff, W.J. Harffer. !h.L.W. Mom. J.C. Reeves, H.V. The ne. ID.B. Ha'g, MA. Porter, N. Colema-.
    49 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 594 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued from Page 6> WANTED TO PURCHASE WANTISD to buy a piece of land. Trnslin district. Please quote title, pit c nnd area to Box No. A433 ST. FOX SALL BAR Book Case with 4 stools for ■t'3 Box No. A436 ST. vqMAN niano very «ood condlti .v
      594 words
    • 15 12 1 V t HhwplpmbliH REX-TO-DAYi^ Your Entertainment-packed Easter Programme! s" "^^x Mid-night WE/% |Q to-morrow
      15 words