The Straits Times, 29 December 1946

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 365 1 Orders for new plant soon Sunday Times Reporter AS part of a scheme for the extension of the Bt James Power Station, the Singapore Municipal Commissioners are to place orders in the I'nited Kingdom for a 25,000 kilowatt set and two 187,000 Ib. boilers which
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  • Article, Illustration
    20 1 oi '»*■!>; i ji <l-tfrmin»'ion as she cuU th«" nnt o f »he new maUrnity <,<y*iion of St. Corf's Ho-),Kal 1.->nlon
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  • 51 1 TOKIO. I "J iaJ eirhquake toll has 1 incrras-d fr;rr. 1.000 to -1.668 fl missing, wi'h o! 214.016 honr atest figure^ Vtrt > dead. 3.214 injured a>:d The d:ath oil or. Shikok'j I lone tctais 946 insj :he i :h« i nra of I mped
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  • 214 1 SIAM RAISES RICE PRICE CUTS RATION BANGKOK. Sat 1 THE Siaiu m Government aa- j MOBMi today :hat the con- trolled price of rice will be in- j creased .rum 85 to 125 ticaLs a bag and that tl~e individual rice ra- 1 ticn. effective Jan. 1. will be 11
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  • 83 1 D SHANGHAI Sat. EATH& as a result of the Christmas night triple D'anc crashes at Shanghai have mounted to 71. it was learned tod*;-Four-year-old Wong Dee Dee both or whose paren s died m the crash, escaped unhurt, rh? Chinese Dress calls him a frur,v;l*
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  • 48 1 DRIGADIER S. M. Srinegesh, 43-year-old veteran of Burma and Assam and son of the laU? I>erson2l physician to the NiKim of Hyderabad, has been appoint ed to the command ot the 268t>ii Indian Brigade in Japan, reports A. P. from Iscw Delhi
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  • 263 1 Iv «v I*l BATAVIA, Sat. N the most threatening official Indonesian military «tateww^? "T- I?* BriUsh milii^y withdrawal. Gen SZ?. in 2ft £i"f f the Indonesi an Republican Army £wer"l^ a tim *hayorne for Indonesians to show their TrTv whi k °l rCC nt
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  • 108 1 LONDON. Sat. IjtflTH '.he industrial fuel pos,- tion in Northwest England d'-scribed today as ''desosnit?" and with firms closing down ?.n i threatening tn close, the British Ministry of Fuel in a stateme .t 3aid that supply difflcul ies would continue until work in collieries
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  • 94 1 SKIKAMPI'R, Eastern Bengal, Sat. M AHATMA Gandhi declared at "1 a prayer meeting here: *1 warn Indians that if MM) ar«foolish enough to quarrel among themselves »iUr the Bntisti have left India and I have no doubt in m> mind the BriUsh will quit— lndia will nass
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  • 112 1 LONDON. Sat. 1 SEQUEI to the dramatic roofn top gun battle yesterday t<>ok place in the London Magistrates' Court today when Frederick Westbrook, described as a 27--year-old soldjer. was charged with the murder of Aloysius Abbot, 21 -year-old Jamaican airman, on Christmas Day Detective-Inspector
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  • 84 1 LONDON. Sar. TWENTY-SIX YEAR -OLD Mrs Molly Hill, film hair stylist, who was married only 12 weeks ago. plunged 100 feet to her dea h from a block of fla's in Albany fi'reet. Regents Pork, on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Hill, who were married
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  • 20 1 Evetts is 51 r«rs of a?^; bfs s*l ary is expected to be about €2.500 a y«ar
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  • 387 1 NEW YORK. Sat THE United Nations Atomic Energy Commission postponed a final vote on an interr.a.lonal control plan today after Mr Bernord M Baruc^h. United States chief delegate to the Commission, flatly said lhat the United States would not surrender the secrets of
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  • 381 1 Pit HANOI. Sal. E Hanoi battle is assuming the aspect of bloody and savage street fighting. Mopping up of the European quarter has been relatively easy, except for r«me strong points where trapped groups offered de>p?raU the Presidential Palace, cenral gaol and
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  • 217 1 12 KILLED INEIRE AIR CRASH SHANNON <Eir°i Sat TWELVE people were killed m v:'. air crash outride Shannon airport early this morning when the Paris-New York Constellation Star cf Cairo &lew up with blinding flash and explosim which shook distant buildings to their foundations. It was the sixth world air
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  • 30 1 So:r.^ 750 illegal Jewlth m "rants, now in Caraolos Camu h Cyprus, will be transferred I Palestine in the steamer Oc\... Vigour -sailing today
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  • 29 1 Gen. Cnarles do Qaulta aid Paris yesterday rhn' he VOUid not be a candidate for PrendMit of France's new Four'li r He &?.ys A P
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  • 51 1 LONDON. Sat 1 60 MILE AN-HOUR tra n from Bournem ath fn Waterloo, which Jumped th at 4.30 p m yest<rday. ploushci through 500 yards of track and .'topped near Pieet (Surrey < Si tlon. All twe've roiehcs of tl'c train :frp rW'raMed On« passenger was
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 32 1 FOUNTAIN PFJS t f—Tt guarantee n« SupiMT Iret nw tuaranu« a»vea you iK'in rure ana Moan T. T. LEE N I hull» St.. Sin; port < Pti aakn an ideal rift i VHCINit
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    • 99 1 1 RADIOS KEfUUAT RADIO D tn-iUOKUMDBO. TELLPHOn kM$ KUALA LUMPUP PENANG JUST ARRIVED! The New Bescol 'ELEPHANT' Electric Kettle A C MAINS |t^M| IN ONLY IJL ENGLAND For appearance. ftnUh and effic'on.y. The BfcM OL leaves noini.s. more to be desired. Furthermore, if you should forget and leare the kettlp
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  • 1258 2 SPOTLIGHT On MALA YA AND MALAYANS CLIFFORD PEER TURNS HIS UK. J A N CiLK.>U in LOCK, vvhdhtismafle back in Mai ics with vigorous l< rship of the new Joint Council of A the domiciled coniinu- b, has a long record public siM vie* 1 which should prove of great
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 216 2 NOW..,you too ca* have a I- B^R^Bk. v A M d <- H|V «^R^R^R^R^R^rV^L I a; i.iM An aniu/:ng n>. ,^j JsvW bcjuuficr that \vhiun> your ikin. A wunJerlul new discovery that softer, prettier, in 3 minutes. <Un -tan-reveals WHy n()ES that pale, fresh loveliness that -vcrv uoman dreams about
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    • 209 2 l^tit sufficient to make J^f^Trave rs^> son;; Ml j>mr9rir9r%^^. .^surn j'rrsDßmrnrTrflDWwiv w jj'l^rw j^orwi Mm I ft, m Fop qcup II CARRERAS ISO YEARS' REPUTATION FOR QUALITY JfL^ NEW fro*. F/fsfs\ New Zealand p j^p^^f With the NEW specific I for unsightly dandruff =s?^ v "r.\ \J HEXYL \V^7 RESORCINOL
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 198 2 «O.M p.m. Ptay Murder in the Ck..>eRADIO MALAYA dral: u°° pm NeWB heatUlne mnd clote down. Sinoapore BBC ftfcD NETWORK (Chines* A inaUa .D.V» -.'5 metres; also U pan. te Z pjn. 1.325 aB- I3M metrtm #4 j pm v ad ■rcaryrle* per »econd (61 oietre Damll p^, GBV i
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  • 642 3 DRAMATIC NAVY RESCUE FROM REEF Survivors reach Singapore Sunday Times Reporter TIGnTY-FIVE survivors of the 1,800-ton frigate Aire which ran on Bombay Reef a treacherous coral reef which lies in the path of shipping between Hong Kong and Singapore and who were perched there high* and dry for morr than
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  • 128 3 "HL v Stan* Sgt. James Travli, RE., son of Mr. and Mrs i. Travis of Audeushaw. Vlanch. sler and Miss Emily reresa Jansen, daughter of Mrs. and the late Mr. J. A. S. Jansen n >ok place at the ra] of the Gx>d Shepherd >esterc'jy morning. wh" had
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  • 29 3 rn-v iniwl st. tolte pries* .-used of I Ung an underground terrorist (1. was sentenced ;o derh by a rrilitary court In Warsaw. I A P
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  • 71 3 The Neaeiland Line (Royal Dutch Mail) luxury liner Oranje will be a "full ship" when she leaves Southampton tomorrow for Singapore and Batavia. Among the passengers are a number of wives and children of Malayan residents One-time evacuee ship employed by the Netherlands Government, the Oranje
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  • 167 3 Thieves steal radio sets at dinner hour Sunday Times Reporter RADIO thieves— men who specialise in the theft and stripping of radio sets are operating in Singapore suburbs. In the past few weeks, the Singapore Police have received a large number of reports, particularly from Europeans, of the theft of
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  • 61 3 A CHINESE, Tan Bok Seng, was charged in the Second Police Court yesterday with the having stolen a taxi valued at $2,:>00 from Changi Road at 3.50 a.i.i on Dec. 13. A Malay, Abu bin Alias is said to be the owner of the car. Tan was remanded
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  • 300 3 Sunday Times Stall Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. IMIORTERS in the Malayan Union have been requested by 1 the South-East Asia Freight Committee to cancel or divert, if possible, any commercial cement consignments due to arrive in February in view of the excessive existing stocks
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  • 110 3 WORLEY REPORT OUTSOON r PHE question of back-pay and j 1 other entitlements foi Volunteers, Passive Defence j Services and ex-internees is I expected to he decided upor within a short time, the Sundaj Times was informed yesterdaj by Mr. H. P. Bryson, Acting Colonial Secretary, Singapore. Decisions have been
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  • 111 3 AFTER spending Christmas m the Lombok Straits, 53 holi- daying school children from Australia arrived in Singapore yesterday by the Blue Funnel liner Gorgon in time to spend the New Year with their parent*. Everything to make the children happy during Christmas time was done
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  • 74 3 CAILORS dressed as pirates manned the cruiser Gambia at the Naval Base yesterday when the captain, officers and ships company gave a party for more than 100 children of members of the dockyard staff a. id children from the Singapore General Hospital. The children were shown
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  • 46 3 THE Western Airlines plane, which vanished on Christmas Eve, has been found smashed and partly burned with all the 12 o board the plane dead on a peak in the Laguna Mountains, east oi San Diego, Cal reports A. P.
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  • 62 3 RESCUE SKIP'S CAPTAIN CAPT. FELL, skipper of the 11, 000-ton ship Bonaventure which rescued 85 men and a dor from treacherous Bombay Reef. Capt Fell, a New Zealander whose home is at Wellington, has commanded the Bonaventure for nearly three years, and saw midget submarines Ir.unrhed from his ship in
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  • 365 3 Sunday Times (or respondent I KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. A MALAY girls' college parallel j to the Malay College at Kuala Kangsar will be opened in i Kuala Lumpur about the middle of next year with a curriculum adjusted to meet the needs of i the
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  • 253 3 Sunday Tjmes Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. DOROTHY LAMOUR'S latest film, Paramount's Beyond the Blue Horizon has been banned throughout th 3 Malayan Union by the acting Governor-General. Sir Edw:ir<l Gent, on the grounds of misrepresentation of Malaya. This decision was taken follow ing consultations
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  • 85 3 MR. Anthony Brooke, ex-Rajah Muda of Sarawak, is now expected t& arrive in Singapore by the X.l' M liner Tjibadak from Hong K"ngr on Thursday, according to latest information received in Singapore. The Tjibadak was scheduled to arrive in Singapore on Jan. 1, but in v.ew
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  • 304 3 Sunday Times Corr?spoudcnc LONDON. Sat. niSCUSSINQ the new G >vi rnment tin purchasing agreement due on Jan. 1. the Financial Times considers that bh« price Is unlikely to be reduced and thinks it may even be tncreasrd. because It Is known that the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 80 3 ,Ui: have excellent facilities for shipping these delightful parcels to England. I "pc .inH British Occupied Germany. CHOICE Gfr 21 PARCELS WRITE FOR FULL PARTICULARS Papineau Eng Hoe Company, Eng Wah Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Puiig Choon Company, OF 9 10. PHILLIP STREET SINGAPORE. wish All Their Customers Friends A Happy
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    • 121 3 NOW! Seats are Available! HOME BY AIR T T q SYDNEY Now, air passages may be reserved b y nun priority travellers, for early departure, on the Kangaroo service to Sydney and London. Whether on business or pleasure bent you can fiy lv spacious air-line comfort with full sleeping berth
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  • 859 4  -  Bob Gilmore rAir mail letter from MELBUI c. 18. rU rp»-( t a- -l^n <>f Australian maturity Urn nont wide blush at the immatur Jack Beaslcy. Austrar in Knit 1* all o v«r BBC Brai.:I When .something over try Mt week about t imon with rt
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  • 632 4 "ADVENTURERS in Slum in the Seventeenth Century" is a sound, wdldocumented, but extremely readable account of a period «.nat was first introduced to the general reader by Maurice Collis' "Siamese White". Mr Hulchinson traces the story ci the growth of Western trade with Siam, beginning with the
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  • 658 4 |N England today, the Lords of the manor can more often be found in the stables or the villages than in the big houses. Prices and taxes are high. There death duties, a lack oi domestic servants and a shortage of coal for heating,
    AP  -  658 words
  • Article, Illustration
    16 4 TURNING OVEIt A NEW LEAF: Luscious Marilyn Maxwell. M.G.M. blonde beauty, ponders her New Year resolutions.
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  • 275 4 20,000 want to play the "Sheik" rAD for 20 years, Rudolph Valentino, the Latin cinema-screen who won fome in tho role of "The Sheik," lives on M the affections of those who admired his films. And there are many of thoM admirers who consider themselves to bo just Uie type
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 179 4 New Zealand Insurance 'MPANY IMITED SINCaPOPF BRANCH OFFICF 1s» MOOR HONGKONG BANK CHAMPS N M LEVTEN «'ith rOH 3UUII-I CASI ASIA A D ANDERSON life iHKouUtuju: maIAYA HARPER GILFTLLAN CO. LTD. h. it it Omm <• ,\i.)ti.i v'ehKie Personal Accident m. C'.mprehenalVf Plate Olacs Miiriw (Carpo A Hull) Pub!i<- Llabilttr
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    • 28 4 Best Wishes to all our old Clients and Asccria'ez for a HAPPY PROSPSSOUS NEW YEAH MONTOR LTD. THONES 6046 A H0305 lf X?CW^^ Mf 57, NORTH BRIDGE RD.-SPORB
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  • 437 5 New Year Target Sunday Times Reporter CINGAPORE'S streets wiU be free of hawkers who refuse to exhibit a controlled price list by next month. This is one of the chief targets in the war on the black marketeer being waged by the Food and Price
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  • Article, Illustration
    45 5 Mrs. Ong Keng Bee, the first woman police constable in Malaya, who has been appointed by the Perak Police to do special work connected with th? social problem in Ipoh. Mrs. Ong was formerly matron of the Kuala Lumpur Federal Home for Vagrants.
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  • 143 5 CONVENT GIRLS WIN FILM ESSAY PRIZE Sunday Times Reporter A GIFT by a British film macnate will be the means of securing books for the Singapore Convent of the Holy Infant Jesus. After the recent screening in Sing-pore of "Henry V," schoolchildren, for whom special facilities for seeing the film
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  • 239 5 STORE PLAY FOR HOMELESS IN KUALA LUMPUR Sunday Times Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. ONE thousand men, women and children, comprising 140 families, doomed to leave their homes on 12 acres of land on the Cheras Road, a short out o f Kuala Lumpur, and without money to find new
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  • 72 5 k REMAND of 48 hours in police custody was ordered for two Malays. Abdullah bin Mjhamed Yunos and Mani bin Asuml. by Inche Ahmad bin Ibrahim, when they were charged in the Fourth Police Court yesterday with criminal brr ach of trust in connection
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  • 75 5 rO British servicemen, Frank Leyland (22) and Peter Joseph Riley (21) attached to 31st Co. A.F.S.C. were charged In the Third Police Court yester!day wiih dishonestly retaining stolen property, one roll of blue curtain fabric, which they were alleged to have removed from the I rear
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  • 56 5 OAIL or $300 was ollcred lo a Chinese, Tan Jorig Khlans, yesterday, after he was charged in the Third Police Court yesterday with being in unauthorized possession of a folding dagger, said to have oeen found on him on the evening of Dec. 26 at Kirn Yam Road
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  • 26 5 "PHU Chki Chow, the known musical comedy, is to be broadcast tonight at ten o'clock in the Blue Network programme of Radio Malaya.
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  • 199 5 Sunday Times Correspondent PENAKG, Sat. IN uiday is a hostel for "lost boys "—orphans who have been rescued from a life In the streets. Run under the care of Padre E. H. Scott, this home. St. Marks, i iothes. feeds and educates these
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  • 100 5 CLNGAPORE vehicle owners will receive during the next few days the schedules of tax which they will have to pay at th* new rates recently announced. A spokesman at the Registrar of Vehicles office said that these tax schedules are now being written out and they
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  • 55 5 UAYAT Mohamed Khan, a lorry 11 driver attached to the Royal Indian Army Service Corps, appearec. before Mr. Paul Storr in the First District Court yesterday on a charge of criminal breach of truat of 30 bales of military blankets valued at $10,000. The case
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  • 391 5 IN increasing volume of mer- chandise had found its way to the public in spite of difficulties and delays that surround attempts to transport and market badly-wanted consumer goods, seated Mr. E. C. H. Charlwood, presiding at the annual general j meeting of Robinsun Company,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 450 5 Vf"T_~_H _^_^_^_i 1^ I CONVERSION OP PETROT t LKUM by A. N S»chanen *28.50 t2___r I THK ELECTROLYTIC CAPA- _4E>_ Y~< CITOR By Alexander M. i 3^ y 5~ I THE HEATING OF STEEL By u£*m _JH MH. Mawhinney 31. M JL___^ ?^*^Mr^B ATOMIC AND PREE RADICAL REACTIONS By E.W.R.
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    • 346 5 M AM-TMTOfACCOCO LTO LONOON White, Sparkling when you use IPANA TOOTH PASTE Sold b, oil Icodlnq dutnbutori and maMvjfnrturcd by Ir.ilol M,«p» Co. Pty. Ltd., 223 Pacific Highway, North SydMy, N.S.W., Auttralia. FOOD PARCELS FOR BRITAIN Arrangements have been made in Australia for the prompt despatch »l FOOD Parcels to
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  • 606 6 THE SUNDAY TIMES Singapore, Dec 29. 1948. A Yew's Work And More A COUNTRY that has been swept by war and suffered more than three years of enemy occupation does not easily regain its stability, p»rticular,y when the in vader has been as ruthless and neglectful as the Japanese, but
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  • 914 6  - TAKING PICTURES IN MALAYA J.R.T. Richardson A Service photographic expert on by Sq. Leader IT doesn't matter whether you are in a busy office in Singapore or whether you are a rather lonely up-country planter: the urge to take that old camera out of its case, clip in a film,
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  • 907 6  - TRAMP 'SHIPS' OF THE SKIES COURTENAY EDWARDS r by JN a small London office an ex-R.A.F. officer and a former U.S. fighter pilot are planning the world's first Tramp Service of the Air. Starting in the New Year, they hope to operate a fleet of cargo-carrying planes which will ply
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  • 320 6 Royal tour in 'White Train' WHEN the Royal Family tours South Africa early next year, it will rid. veritable palace on wheel* called the "White Train," although the decoration in cream and gold. After the tour, the cars used exclusively by the King and Queen and the two priii will
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 39 7 i >< auties took me first ihrr»> prurs at the udcon ('abaxt-t. S«-» World, Singapore. day night. Thr> are Mi*-s Anna Tham icfntm who won iir>i piiir Mirs Marian li*n right) Mho was second and Janet (hoy third.
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  • 78 7 $10 ,000 BAIL ON OPIUM CHARGE Sanday Mfeoj < ..rr« spondVnt PENANG r^O prominent loca] Cl Tan Swee Tin a. J Tan Shu were produced in the Middle •nornmg and were granted bail of $***** each ge of possession of opium Wt Id Qu.-y on t'-.e afiernoon Dm Ar »r
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  • 104 7 Sun la > Times Correspondent PENANG, Sat. DENANGS Big Ben— the big clock tower rear the Esplanade, presented by the Chinese millionaire, the late Mr. Cheah Chen Bok, on the occasion of Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee—was heard chiming again this week after a silence of
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  • 394 7 TALKS ABOUT S.E. ASIA DEFENCE Plans now being considered DLANS for the defence of South East Asia are still 1 under active consideration and discussions are continually taking place to d> aw up a scheme in which it is expected and hoped that all territories concerned will contribute their share
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  • 48 7 Sunday Times Correspondent LONDON, Friday. THE death took plaoe on Chxist--1 mas Day at Bittingbourne of Mr. Daniel Wills or the Malayan Civil Service at Uie age oi 48. Mr. Wills was appointed to the Malayan Civil Service in October 1921.
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  • 65 7 1 CHARGE of being in fraudu- lent possession of a $3 toy rabbit at gate 9. Singapore Harbour Board on Dec. 27 was preferred against a 33 year-old Eurasian, John de Silva. of 176. Anson Road, in the Singapore Third Court yesterday. He claimed
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  • 25 7 THE Singapore Chinese Recreation Club will hold a dance on New Year's Eve at the Club's premise Tickets ar c obtainable from members.
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  • 279 7 1 00 apply for free trip to Britain Sunday Times Reporter MALAYA produced 101 applications for "visiting scholarships" to Great Britain, under the scheme announced some time ago by Sir Augus Oillan, chief of the Empire Division of the British Council OrUy five such scholarships arej -ivailabU-. and the probable
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  • 151 7 Gaol and 'cat' for S'pore armed robbers IOENTENCE of *ix years' rigorous imprisonment and eight strokes of ihe "cat" was parsed on two young Chinese labourers, Lav Ah Kal and Wong Ah Sum. at the Singapore Assizes yesterday by Mr. Justicie Brown. The accused had been convicted of armed robbery.
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  • 140 7 Sunday Times Rcp.j... i CNOBBERY and a general dewrc I for significance, aggressiveness acquisitiveness, desire for power and "wishing to be greeted In the market place' are. in th« view of the Bishop of Singapore, the Right Rev. J. L. Wilson, the cause of conflict bo'W»pn ir.oV:dual
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  • 41 7 rdate more than 15.000 Christmas and New Year telegrams have been handled by Cable and Wireless. Ltd, Singapore. More telegrams are coming in. mostly from the United Kingdom, for the New Year, a spokesman of the company, said yesterday.
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  • 62 7 MISS MI'KIKL STfclMHi the Australian stage and film star, will arrive in Singapore by the Qantas flying-boat on Jan. 6, for a personal appearance at Rex Cinema during the premiere of "Smithy", Columbia Pictures film of the life of Sir Charles Kinrsford Smith, the Australian aviator. Miss
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  • 445 7 Sunday Times Reporter AWAKENED by shots in the nigiht. an Indian officer on Christmas Island looked through his window to see flashes near the 8.0.R.'s barracks. H> reached for his revolver, and then, unable to find it, started running towards ;he nearby jungle. This
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  • 284 7 Consultative Committee Sunday Times Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. •THE Consultative Committee set up by the Malayan Union 1 Government, I understand, have not yet received any letter or memoranda on the subject of the Federation proposals. Apart from the initial formation meeting, the mittee have not met
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  • 233 7 FIDGETY M AN USED 'FAG' TO GET AT WALLET CUSPICIOUS of a fidgety I m standing behind him In a crowded bus, an Indian b man Mr. M. K. Plllay. having on.- before been a victim of plckpork cts, kept his hand over his pocket i wherein he kept his
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 301 7 "Gs Good as Gold" i 4 h>uuLwn P»n> are MADI UI -c foil iwlng dealers: White- ►>•;*. \NO 0j Ccmpa.jy. Ltd Battery Road H.i,< Traoan, 59 Stairforu Kuad. Wiiir 1 Bridge Ro*d. R" A\ N Bri Ire Road Ijee Chay J Co Cat Book t :uj Store. t W I
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    • 223 7 ROBINSON Co Lu have received a Wtm >h'ptmnt of Gentlemen's Shoes Made by Lending l.nftl sh Manufiv r M Sizps 7 to 11. STYLES FOR OFFICE, ESTATE flr QOLFWEAX it Tan I :i|f lll:<ck and Hn>wn (im n Tan Si;i Price $25 OO IVr i"*: r LotuA. Brown <'hronic, Price
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 231 8 An Ideal MEW YEAR GIFT 1 />/.« t <>f Jewellery ATMUM DIAMONDS ChinaEfaOs tut Uty /or ywr I all kinds oj (.:hin«.^- Cunos r IVking An Carpets Rugt Linens and Embroideri** 9. North Bridge Rd. Spore. ,0 ALL MODEL AEROPLANE ENTHUSIASTS *T(M K 'ft itm <^iiilit\ Afro-Rubber J Model Aeroplane
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    • 442 8 STOMACH SUFFERER NOW EATS ANYTHING Blewei the Day She Tried Rennies Hits lormei unTatll trouble has fouiid re;.i it He! at U*t. She v so pleuaed with H«-!inl«-s lh*l she recoir mciidi then to her frtanda. She wrttea:— "1 have been 4 t-uxnacn suZ a number ot years, but
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 1149 8 THiS WEEK FOR YOU t BY STfcILA r— What the Stars toretell^ CAPRICORN (Dec. 23-^. ARIES (M». 22-Apr. CANCKR (jßne 2J) LIBRA (fcp|> 2«)-.Ha«e sue that your Affairs of your maternal parent c^tacU y<m I-mke may Your paternal parent i»motive, are of the best an 4 may come to the
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    • 134 8 Cogsforthe Brain A COG WHEEL on a printing n press has 10 teeth and Is in mesh with a wheel with 40 cogs. The smaller wheel, which is directly above the larger one, has one of its cogs marked. When the smaller wheel has completely revolved around the larger wheel,
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    • 477 8 jg sßaßaaaaßMM^^^^Mß^^^^^^^^M^^^^Tal HERE'S a Whiz Quiz to test knowledge of the owners of various things, particularly things which have helped magnify the importance or fame of the ownors. I Who in the Arabian Nights owned the Wonderful Lamp? 2 Who in the Bible owned the Ccat of Many Colours 0
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  • 618 9  - Spring fashions for Malaya MARY HEATHCOTT -by- LONDON, Dec. 10. CP RING fashion .-bowings are in full swing and while lookir. Mt f>! ions and lightweight clothes mak.s you ltd colder it is aNo ring to think that imewhere sometime. This k in the Dorvflk cticn I Mf many ks
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  • 289 9 2"Kl' ihek» nev; ways o» using our own famUiar M»:A;an f;vits for party «*e€is. CIKKOLATB FRIIT (US Pour or five people. Four or five *li>« of pineapple (tinned*. Four de«m«poonsful >f pineapple wrup. Four Bananas: Quarter pint of cream Three ounces of sweet ihocoiate. Drain and cut
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  • 487 9 How do miv cure people who are selfUh and mean (that's my wife), and how do you cur* people who are hot-temper«»d (that's mo)? T.P. YOU don't cure other peo--1 pie. They must Mrs: wish to be cured and then set about it themselves. Your wife might oc^ii
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  • 246 9 WORK ON THE LAWN In My Garden By "Kebun" rE job of work that is really in need of attention at present in Malayan gardens is t*ie renovation of the grass. It U much easier to attend to If the ground is level, but most garden areas have been planted
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  • 539 9  -  JEAN GAYE A WOMAN'S NOTEBOOK BY HARK the herald angels sing. Of egg nogs and everything". So ran the invitation to what must have been one of the best Christmas morning parties in Singapore. It was the tenth annual egg nog party at the American
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 119 9 HASKOE'S LTD. Rich Pile MIRZAPORE and KASHMIR CARPETS plain art-shades, patterned, embossed. Size 9ft X 12 ft. 53! 5/- tmi $600/ COIR MATTINGS in effecii>e stript-s ;ind chei ks .V» inclMi wide :ii SX.SO per vsird CARBONISED WOOL MATTRESSES tire now showing at HARVEY CO. S KnflK^ »^u;i>, SfchJapMfe >t
      119 words
    • 410 9 s r^ famous mk&Z* "WALKRITE" i or •'WALKRITE" SHOLS art* made in Tan Willow. >tt sinil Comfortable, \\u\e Uk*s, extended !ku!s for asm :mkk* support. ALL SIZLS from $5-95 to $8.95 pail UIHITERUIfIVS (WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW V CO., LTD.) Tel. 6907 SINGAPORE Post Box 096 foot novßiff/ I SINGAPORE scientific j-wav
      410 words

  • 233 10 Sunday Times Correspondent KUALA LI'MPUR, Sat. Just managed to beat Singapore Cricket lub hy 13 poir.U (two goals, penalty) to 11 (one Koal. M tv.o teams met on the Padang this \s;ir annual inter ciub fixture. 1 1 v exciting in thp final stages to
    233 words
  • 89 10 PHILADELHIA. Sat. JOE Louis will defend the world heavyweight championship in Atlantic City in spring, probably in April when meeting Joey Maxim or Joe WolHermnn Taylor, local t>oxing promoter, said he had a definite arrangement with Mike Jacobs, a's leading promoter, who has promotion rights for all
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 99 10 CDIOAi>ORES Civilian hockey side selrcted to m«e» the Army on Monday on the Padanc Is: V. N. Pillai; Neubroon-r. Alfred Ponnampalam. FMwin Doraisamy. Gerard Clarke. Capt i. Chia Kirn S«ee: Douglas Ross. V J. Retnum. S Kulasingam. Andrew Clarke. V. Vanderpatt Reserves: Berna.-<; Noronha. E
    99 words
  • 28 10 Bofl Abidalh. playing in an annual cricket, fixture betwixt die students ol Bombay Colleges, tly scored IW2 mrs Ml out. reports Router from Bombay. i
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  • 29 10 The Australian Davis Cup team, from left, ninny Pails, John Bromwich. Adrian Quist and C olin Long which lost the Cup to America last week.
    29 words
  • 588 10 20,000 locked out at Arsenal ground HOME FOOTBALL LONDON, Sat. nEMARKABLE scenes at the Arsenal ground, where 20.000 It were locked out before the start, featured the opening of the second half of the football season, in which fixtures were the same as the opening day but with the venues
    Reuter  -  588 words
  • 436 10 IN the first big aquatic content held by the Singapore Chinese Swimming Club since the liberation, the club team won first place in the open inter-team 200 meters free style relay at the club pool yesterday. The police team scored second place, the R.A.F.,
    436 words
  • 149 10 V ester ti»> Rugby football ie»ults were as follows: Blackheath 10. St. Mary's Hospital 8; Harlequins 9, Richmond 11; Odi Cranletghans 3. Fetteaian Lorrettonians S; Old MUlhlliians 3, Guy's Hospital 3: Wasps 17. Aldershot Services 5; AbertllVery 3. Neath 4: Bedford 8, Hossiyn Park 7 Blrkenhead Park 16,
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  • 69 10 Brainley 5, Xeighley 3; Cattleford 12. Bellevue Rangers 5; Dewsbury 5. Leeds 0; Huddersfleld 19, St. Helens 12; Hull 22, BaUey 10; Hunslet 0, Warrington 11; Liverpool Stanley 10; Hull Kingston Rvs. 3; Oldham 23. Featherstone Rovers 0: Salford 8. Bradford Northern 12; Wakefleld Trinity 21, Rochdale Horneta
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  • 545 10 Bird Wins On Points At Ipoh Perak Sport Sunday Times Reporter IPOH, Sat. IIMMY Bird 1541 b) won a flcht styled as the middleweight championship of Malaya at t':e Jubilee Park on Thursday night against, Gunboat Smith a6oib) on what must have been a very narrow points decision over ten
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 713 10 BRITISH STORES DISPOSAL BOARD (SINCAPORE) TENDER NOTICE. BT ORDER OF THE DIRK TOE OF DISPOSALS. FAR EASTERN ARIA (M.0.5.) 1. The British Stores Disposal Board. Singapore, is authorised to receive Tenders for the following Items: Located at 663 Tn. Stores Depot. Rerlayer Creek, Singapore Lot. No. I— Snap Rivet Flush
      713 words
    • 353 10 IT FllEs^*^r IT FIIES BKITISB FINEST AERO W- RUBBER MODELS FOR {<Cgp^> YOUR KIDS. FLYERS ACE' SERIES t* Inches l WINGBFAN. 1. HAWKER HURRICANE (battle of Britain). 2. AIROCOBRA (American Fight.. 3. MUSTANO (American Fighter). 4. TEMI'EST (Britain's Fastest FlgiU*). 5. TYPHOON (Flies very wcll> 6. THUNDERBOLT (American F^hter Bomber).
      353 words

  • 840 11 SINGAPORE ALL BLUES SNATCH 6-3 VICTORY pLAYING on a sodden pitch Negri all but beat Singapore in I the semi final of the "All Blues" Cup competition yesterday, holding Singapore well until the last ten minutes when the home forwards, playing as they have never done during the season, eventually
    840 words
  • 112 11 Australian Polo Players To Visit India MW I. I.HI \irmail A -11.411 polo players vi'l MMt India *»rly ne«t year I" rr poire tt an in-iUtion by Ihr M l-ar.-n if Jaipar. one r' lh<- ilti'% mot famous p«lo plaven 9*m took a tram to F.ncfind in "4 won
    112 words
  • 324 11 Sunday Times Correspondent PENANG. Saturday PROVIDED scratchings are not heavy, there should again be good fields for the second day of the Penang Christmas and New Year meeting to be run on New Year's Day. Chief inU>re?t is centred or. New Year
    324 words
  • 157 11 nLAYING at the Happy World Stadium on Thursday night before a larpe eathTing of badminton enthusiasts. the Ec!lp«* B.P. (Singapore) defeated the Jaya Etia B.P. fICX.) by six games to thrrr Results (Eclipse players m^'itiorf 1 first single; Chcone Hock Leng beat Abu Osman by 15-9. 15-12:
    157 words
  • 351 11 FRANCIS TO MEET JACKIE PATERSON ALTHOUGH he was beaten try Cliff Anderson, bantamweight champion o'. New Uuin:a. las: Saturday night. M:ckey Francis hes been recognised by the British Boxing Boar i of Control a.s the topical contender for the British Empire bantamweight title helo b. Jr.ckie Pat:rson. ThLs was announced
    351 words
  • 119 11 Sunday Times Coriupondrnl SEAEMBAN Sat. IN a friendly earne of badminton plu>ed at the Juvenile's B.P. court, the Juveni c BJ>. won iv« first match the Youths Union B.P. by five zames to nil. Result. (Juvenile B.P meuticned first) were: Singles: Tan Berg San b'-at Chew Poo
    119 words
  • 280 11  -  Norman Preston l-'roni CANBERRA. Sat. THE M.CC.'s presence in Australia pleases farmers berruse wherever the tourists go they bring rain, but cricket officials wish they would bring more sunshine. Only half an nour's cricket was possible today on the second and last day of the match
    Reuter  -  280 words
  • 41 11 '|*HE tenth committee meeting of the Maxfll Badminton Party will be held on Sunday, Jan. 5. at the residence of Mr. Lee Kheng ~hiang, 4C5-A, Upper Sfrinsoon Road at 10 a.m. All committee members are requested to be present.
    41 words
  • 49 11 British Rugby Union retulU on P. iday weir: Cardiff 35. WaUonUns 8: Leicester 9, r bsrians 8: Northampton 3. Mo&elry OIJ Cranleighans S, Merch'stenlans C. Reuter. The soccer match hrtween the Sin-T--rc Tnd'wns and 61 Coy. RASC, at 8.-ar yesterday resulted io a I is draw. i
    49 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 232 11 Owin; to Tremend'n's Success Season Extended A FULL 3 HOURS SHOW G^^^^^S Today 4 Shows: 11 a.m.— 2 30 6.00 9.30 p.m. "Oceotionoily Hollywood digs y£±± ~s! deep in th» neK eortfi of its Wf talent and comes up with _V >• f a yusher of artistry. Since 1 You
      232 words
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  • 173 12 TMi h I ift-piopellfd U>;nj wmc which is und?rzoini i ,ts in Britain. Wfwhin.. i: 1 tons, it has no me or and is expect -d to cntise at 500 m. ph. at 50," 00 feet Above: This is thr Ministry of St'*>ply onccptioa
    173 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 344 12 >h«v I is ii p m. h w* an 4 d»nm.^ N I IM RBIW M MAZIHf. Mr*. HOLUDAY" wltk •i«nJ (IT, Irn— Bbitt f rt UcermW and Arthur Treacher r«tnaw«elt>ff with tk* aftrriMlli frWiwla, law Jmpmmrmr lerrw'. >MBi(.IS HOST FO^ULM #N0 iFlOftlr I pi 1 i*. •> A I
      344 words
      289 words