The Straits Times, 27 December 1946

Total Pages: 12
1 14 The Straits Times
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  • 154 1 SIAM TO RATION RICE FROM JAN. 1 Geis Higher Price For Next Year BANGKOK, Thursday. TUT, JjtfaMWf GtWltrt has announced that it in- lends to ration rice in Siam from Jan. I. The daily ration v> ill be •">»•<> grammes, or about IS ounces. The National Police will administer the
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  • 353 1 FRENCH SPLIT ON VIETNAM Thy Tfnct Contspoadf I PARIS. Thursday. qoml measure of the French -J Government's diflk-uity in I traming s p«^!icy for IndoChina which will encoui violent opposiUca from neither right nor the left of the alist Parly was provided n M Blum, the Premier, .n his statement
    The Times  -  353 words
  • 302 1 Straits limes Reporter II La true that gone up locally in i c M Charle l p on, Leo t Lord Kil am. to rimea loubt, a ration w b v., ed t" see tha body in Siam get l hand. It ma; Etort on the
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  • 24 1 PARIS, rhurs rii" French < (vernm 'nt I- 1 1 decld< <! to set •t month 7.000 Baar-born now in hands A P.
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  • 259 1 US 1946 Rubber Output Twice 40 NEW YORK, Thursday. AMKIJICAN rubber manufacturers, employing 300,--n 000 workers, produced $2,300,000,600 (I'.S.j worth of finished jroods in 1916. more than doubling the output of 1940. In a relatively strike-free year, marred only by <»ne fiveweek shutdown, the industry produced 88.000.000* tyres (66 million
    AP  -  259 words
  • 146 1 Quake Toll Exceeds 3,600 TOKIO, Thursday. I«HE casualty toll in Japan's earthquake and tidal wave disaster pushed past the 3.600 mark to-day with tli3 j receipt of further American reports from Shikoku. Col. Crawford Sams, of the Supreme Command public health and welfare section, iaid today that tho reports frrm
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  • 62 1 PEKING, Thur.s Chin s~ Communist guerillas In tihe Pek ing sector, making their bolder attack yet attempted, yesterday raptured Luchungtsun. five miles north of Peking's outer d: fence wall, in a surprise Christmas thrust Luchung-Uun is a lew miles west Of the important Pcking-Suiyuan highway and marks
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  • 57 1 NANKING. Tbttts.— national constitution was formally adop.ed yesterday more thar. ten years alter the original dralt was publU-ied on Ma; 19. 1936 It had been allayed a decade by war and the Kucmintaiig-Communist dispute. The constitution will be officially promulgated o.i January 1 and 11 become
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  • 194 1 Straits Times Reporter CHINESE traders may organise ;i boycott of trade with the Dutch in the East Indies unless assurance is given that there will be no recurrence of seizures oi cic lention of Chm se yes ois. This decision eras Laken at a meeting <>!
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  • 76 1 After the w.ddi.ix of Mr. Mali-o !m MacDonpH, Goverior-Gen?- ral of Malaya, and Mrs. Audir.v Keliowcs Ro.Ury, in Ch:ist (liurch Cathedral. Ottawa, a .ct-piion was held in Govern m-nt House. Ottawa This ptture >h )\>.s (from left tt right). Mr. A. I) P. Heenejr, Clrr!; of the
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  • 241 1 BOYCOTT CALL BY ARABS CAIRO, Thursday. T'liE Palestine Arab Executive 1 Committee ye-t rday a.-i< v seven Arab states to boy< *t the Jan. 14 London Pa Conferepce unless the British Government accepts the committee's demands. In atuia.em, meanwhi'c a m.xou rece] d the pension t; the World Z.onlst Con-
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  • 263 1 WASHINGTON, Thursday. CIX John Boyd Orr, I)irector-(iencral of the I'nitcd Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, said on Tuesday that (hiring 1917 .Malaya, parts i,l Indl i. China and Manchuria would he limited to less than M) per cent, of their
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  • 127 1 THREE PLANES CRASH SHANGHAI. Thins;, CHRISTMAS nighi in i v* ghrii was marred bj greatest afr disast r in Chin, s aviation history when thl airliners tv ing i the Chinese-American concert:, th China National A\ Corporation, and the ot th State owned C i tral A:: pi rt Corporati
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  • 120 1 RANGOON (Bj All IdallJ. O\ ja thousand cases ol dacoity. 'robbery and murder were i no' icd to the police authorities in Burma during th moi mber. accoroinn to offlrial statistics published here. Th;- which do not cover all tne district :o Increase In (1'":'--j
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  • 30 1 w. C FIELDS DIES PASADENA, rhura v: C j Fields, noted comedia.i ot the j American stage, screen and radio died h.;re yesterday at the age of '66.— A. P.
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  • 81 1 Manila rhurs. The i mas ambush of a civilian tru carrying 35 tnllltar m n. b death t'i two mllitarj nol'ci Mabatacat, Pampanjjo province, the (i ported here todi The departm >nl identil the HukbaL cti men <v'io openi d m machine gun* vayuv, two 'n''
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 422 4 LONDON, Thursday. CPEAKING from Sandringham, where the Royal Family are spending their holiday, the King, in a broadcast message to the Empire yesterday said he hoped the British people would show the world the way through present difficulties, just as they showed how to stand
    Reuter  -  422 words
  • 204 4 TOKIO, Thursday. IN revenge for the burning oi Java oilfields, Japanese officers ordered the excrut on ot" Dutch civil officials near Blora, and Nipponese officers stood by while soldiers lepcatediy raped the wives of the dead Europeans, the International military tribunal was told in
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  • 120 4 BIRMINGHAM. Wed. ustin Motcr Company announced yesterday thai the .shut rj *wv to 14.500 employees becAUM ol coi'.i bhcrtage at tneir Slrwingharr. factory had been c I as sufficient coal had now been delivered to ent'.ble work to b« nirikd o;i Monday. Dec. 30. Iron and
    Reuter  -  120 words
  • 91 4 DEAL. Thurs —The 90u0 ton American ship. Northeastern Victory, broken In two ar.d wr.h both halves flooded, and settled on h? treacherous Goodwin sands, was ?l>andoned yesterday by h*r iaptain ar.d six remaining :iewnteil who had stayed aboard for cold, ciammy Christmas Eve
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  • 38 4 MANILA. Thurs. Christmas passed in Manila without the expeoi«d Hukbalahap ofTeiisivc <leveloping in central Luzon, although a Military Police detachment shelled Huk posiaons In three mountain barrios in Rizal and Al.'imci'an provinces, south of Mar.ila.-AP
    AP  -  38 words
  • 124 4 LONDON. Thurs —Well informed sources said yesterday that the British Government may cut down i'us economic and financial .support to Greece if thp so-called "Brame proposals' on the reorganization o; Greeit trade unions are not carried out by the Greek Government. The British Government
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  • 60 4 LONDON. Thurs Visas oetween Britain and France are abolished as from Jan. 1, 1947. the British Foreign Office announced yesterday. This follows the exchange of notes between t.-.r British and French Governr-vents. The agreement applies tc travel to Britain and Northern Ireland and Metropolitan Francp 'tifi
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 285 4 Congress Playing For Time The Times Correspondent NEW DELHI, Tuesday. WHAT amounts to a postponement of the decision whether or not to accept tho British Government's interpretation of the sectional vot iiig provisions in the Cabinet Mission's plan is the salient point of the Congress Working Party's statement after a
    The Times  -  285 words
  • 143 4 DAIHEN. Dec. 20 rDeiayecu Soviet Russia intends to rei tain full con.rol ol the dtj of Daii\n— gattway to Manchuria— i and will keep military forces there until attcr tbe peaci j sic;ned vnth Japan, writes Wil- liam H. Newton, repreeenting the irombind World Press
    Reuter  -  143 words
  • 73 4 JERUSALEM. Wed -Enir ftjoj hammed Ei Saleh. tribal ehieuain and landowner .»ho ao'd sh« Jewish National Fund many thousands of :\c:-s ol 'and. v.:\s i murdered today on Kings Street, Haifa, in broad day;.i:nt fv in assailant R*iug irom a laxi>ab l'h e murder is attr.buted to
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  • 31 4 NEW YORK. Thurs.- Baron Robert de Rothschild. 66. died on Chriitmas Day of pneumonia in Lausanne, Switzerland, it was reported here by the attorney for his family.— A. P.
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  • 219 4 LONDON, Wednesday. LIEUT. -GEN. A. E. Percival, General Officer Com- manding, Malaya, at the time j )f the fall of Singapore, revealed yesterday that he had re Jceived assurance that his despatch on the campaign, submitted to the War Minister on *pr. 25. would be published. He
    Reuter  -  219 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 878 4 NOTICES. WF.ARNE BROTHERS LIMITED. I is hereby Riven that an int'lim DrvMMsi «t 10', on account i>[ the vrar pnd»-d 30th September IMS In, .in (I payable on the Mtk l.inusry. 1947 u> .shareholders on the Rcuistcr a.s at the 13th January I Ml is also hereby glvea thai the
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    • 214 4 NOTICES SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY Tenders are invited for the supply of: (li High Pressure Copper Tubes.— 4 pm Friday. 31.1 47 (Closing date). (2) Thirty Auto Cycles 4 p.m. Monday. 27 1 47. (Closing il.\tp>. Separate Tender Forms and Specifications are obtainable from Municipal Secretariat. Room No. 235. BY ORDER. Singapore.
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    • 816 4 NOTICES AIRMEC. NOTICE is hereby given that the Trade Mark or trade name depicted abovi Is the exclusive property of Airmec Limited of Perivale, England, and is used by them hi connection with Radio Sets and Apparatus. Phonographs and Induction Heating Apparatus and ether goods manufactured and or Imported and
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    • 614 4 TENDERS P.W.D. TENDER NOTK Tenders null oe received at tin 1 oflses ol ism Superintending Kiumiki i CeatnU sßoan, up to 12 noon ol the :iiiili December. l!»4li tor |M IfannfaCtUTe aiul Snpptj nt Furniture tor Cinvcriiment Qwrten In SemaUan flat's and ipectfieaUons nun and all particulars obtained at the
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  • 423 5 $400,000 SINGAPORE 'BACK LANE' SCHEME Improvement Trust To Repair Property Straits Times Reporter THE main object of next year's outlay by the Singa- pore Improvement Trust will not be new building on any large scale, but rehabilitation of Trust property and the improvement of slum areas. An estimated total of
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  • 147 5 ABOUT 80 taxis returned to SingHPore .streets yesterday following settlement of a three-week strike for more pay by drivers of the Yellow Top crrtpany. Details of the settlement were not available from the company day because drivers had .(1 th< y should not be public A
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  • 60 5 NAVY SHIP AGROUND OFF HAINAN Mi.vis limes Reporter in pi:. mea were 1 1 :rum ttie Wl Ure to an ex-mldgei su dmarlne dep en me, when the frigate ran on a;. r- I ot Hainan. I a was on Its way from and 80 seaird the are now
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  • 80 5 CITY wid" "tr asure-hont" d by the Union ;inht in which part irere given charts to help 1 hidden ail hold by ih Club on Crn f thi aornlng. C! ere lired by I ban--1 n Ms wi rr (!i. :;i,uted to breakind a ■rant I
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  • 90 5 PERAK CHINESE MINERS MEET ■I Ainlng Cor- held .i in itlng re--1 premises with Mr. Bo Kok rev in the chair. r.s lor 1947 VCN elect (1 a* toll klent. Mr. I.ik Wan. J P vii-e-prvsi- ii tary. Mr Wu Kah Lin, Treasurer, Mr. <■:■ 1 committee memben It I.m
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  • 50 5 THE wedding took place yesterday at St. Joseph's Church, Victoria Street, Singapore of Mr. John Bohn, only son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bohn and Miss Ivy Beins, daughter of the late Mr. J. J. Beins and Mrs. Beins. A reception was held at the Atomic Club.
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  • 139 5 SYMBOLS FOR STORE ELECTIONS I CYMBOLS v.ill be adopted for j" illiterate voters at the fortheomlnfl Legislative Council < lections, states the Singapore Electoral Supervisor, Mr. G. Hawkins Mr. Hawkins said symbols without any particular significance wculd be selected. suggested were a tme, lion, house, ,iar.. elephant and aeroplane.
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  • 363 5 Tiom Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. NEARLY 2.000 tons of preserved meats from Egypt and Australia are lying in Kuala Lumpur godowns and -lores, rotting, and unsaleable except as pigs' food. It is understood that merchants in Kuala Lumpur will hold a meeting soon
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  • 108 5 OOVER 2,000 people, comprising Indians, Malays, Indon?sians and Arabs attended a gatnoiing held on Wednesday afternoon at the Jalan Besar Stadium to celebrate tne 71st birthday .if Qunede Azam Moi.amed \ii JinrtUfi, the Muslim leader. Mr. M. Karimgani, President of the Indian Muslim League, took the
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  • 161 5 SHANGHAI, Thurs. AT least 77 are known to be dead and 22 seriously injured when three Chinese airliners crashed last night in a heavy fog enveloping Shanghai. One passenger plane is still missing and is believed to have crashed on the outskirts, with the fate of
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  • 36 5 Pictures taken on Christmas F. ye at a party s»ven fur about r>o children of otTirt-rs of Head ■aarten, S.T.A.L.F., by the (om-niandtT-in-Chicf, Gen. Sir Montagu Stopfoid, at his Tyersall residence, Singapore.
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  • 236 5 GROUP S YSTEMFOR LOANS TO MINES |N consideration of the present economic difficulties of bringing mines into production, (he Chinese Tin Mines Loans Committee has decided to permit a grouping system. By this system any person, kongsi, or company 'owning more than one mine may group such mines under the
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  • 278 5 Straits limes Reporter IN order to accommodate th< large voiume of traffic ii Singapore waters as well as remove navigational dangers, about 27 wrecks m Telok AyciBasin and off Pulo Brani aro to be cleared. The work of clearing wrecks, which will cost a total
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  • 34 5 The Chinese Consul In Slngapot Ifr. A. C. T. K\>. tainea at lunch the n< r to China. Sir I I mail Boy and hi I re today for c\ steamer PJiJalanka.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 48 5 J&\ RAT EXTERMINATOR >^^.. Hii rats dir outsidr In the open no had smrll non poisonous Small Tin $2.50 jfof,hi, Lar 8 e Tin $4.00 i 3£Ak'..-' e> i..< M:i!.iyn Discount tc rrndc Ihe British Pest Exterminating Co., 985, Serangoon Road, Spore. Agents wanted In all tuwn-s ot Malaya.
      48 words
    • 197 5 POOP PACTS tfou MUST know Today, food is the World's greatest problem. R.itioninrr of S; foods to ease the situation, reduces ths normal quantity of essential vitamins available to the individual. Un^eos the bndy is nourishe 1 by a correctly balanced diet of vitamins ."..B. and D. h»*»ltli suffers resistance
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  • 637 6 Oldest Fossil Jaw Found LONDON, (Air Mail). Monday. THE most nearly perfect fossil jaw of an anthropoid ape ever found has revealed a link in the chain of human evolution millions of years older than any other yet identified, according to the well-known anthropologist, Dr. L. S.
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  • 175 6 CINCINNATI (Air Mail) rAT South Sea island paradise of the 19th century romanticists is gone, says Dr. John Wesley CouHer, University of Cincinnati professor of geography and authority on the Pacific Islands. Sweeping changes brought about by World War II are described by Dr. Coulter
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  • 83 6 LOXDON, i Air M.Ul'. -Sonr. bo nave returned from th'. j harrowing experiences of wartime parachutist or from commando have found peacj-tim: as i:tum men for British rllms. Capt. Jock Easton, Special Air Service parachutist who twice after being captured during tho war. is leader of
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  • 78 6 London. 'Air Mali)-- CouraeJ for girls In light engineering will j be one of the features of Birrr. ingham's technical schools uncer a £20,000.000 development plan to be spread over 15 years. Tlie city has been divided into; .six sectors for developmen*. and plans tor
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  • 48 6 COLOMBO (Air Mail).— On? of! the few hired transports. H.M.S. Orbit a. parsed through Colombo recently on her v:ay to Australia. She has a reputation as a bride :hip. and on her present voyage she carrir-d nearly fifty of them to Australian ports. U.P.
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  • 40 6 COLOMBO, 'Air Mail).— Six baby elephants have been shipped to New York on the SS Roner. This is the second batch of elephants shipped to New York. The first batch was sent on Oct. 24. I U.P.
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  • 191 6 POLISH COUNT A SETTLER SYDNEY, (Air M.ulj A POLISH count, formerly Polish Ambassador to China, arrived in Sydney a few days ago to live in Australia. He is Count Alfred Poninski, who arrived with Countess Poninski in the freighter Masuln from Bombay. Countess Ponlnsjci said her husband intended to look
    Reuter  -  191 words
  • 112 6 SYDNEY (Air Mail).— As an added safeguard against quarantine diseases, overseas arrivals by air who do not have satisfa'-t iry vaccination certificates are nov kept under survc-illar.c* for 14 days from th n date of vaccination in Australia. Stating this, the Senior Commonwealth Medical Officer 'Dr.
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  • 106 6 TOKIO 'Air Mail). High on tf food and commodities throughnut Jrnan ma'.;es it impossible for Japanese families to live on the 500 yen cash limit imposed by the Government and. as a many of them are selling family heirlooms and curios to keen alive
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 85 6 PARIS. (Air Mall)- Daniel Ohandler. 25-year-old commercial traveller, stepped out of his car, to fill the petrol tank, stopped to light a cirrarf*'te. and sot fire 'o his car. Firemen arrived, put out bb« fire and discovered In tbe car 3,000 sovereigns, 1.6G5 gold dollars and
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  • 319 6 PARIS, (Air Mail). FRANCE, aiming at recapturing its lucrative prewar tourist trade, is prepared to welcome a mil'ion tourists next year, M. Henri Ingrand, General Commlsary for Trench Tourism" said recently. M. Ingrand, pointing out tha: prewar the tourist trade returned the third highest income of any
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 448 6 CHEMICAL INDUSTRY T 1 Ins is the syin I x>l of Imperial InihlMliw Ltd., the great British thcniival WlbiiM known familiarly thiounhout tlw wortd bj its n, i. ..1s It I." FormcJ in 1926 by the MM^MBadoa et f>'.ir GunOM 00aoa«Hl Brunner Mond Co., 1 ul Nobel Irnlu-tnirs Ltd.,
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    • 349 6 THROVGH WSTliVtel tSHED SERI H Sono studs of Krtinwtifz Ouolify rolled gold p'ote hove been wen foi cj iortg os thirfy-Rve ynors. jy3 All Kr«m«<ntz jewelry will give corresponding satisfaction. -j ififZ'* ffQ-' Kremintr '.tiff link* 'cmoin v i v i ni; qu a i.i T v ji; vi r;
      349 words

  • 228 7 CHRISTMAS AT THE PEAK AGAIN From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Wednesday. WITH a heavy influx of outstation visitors, Penang Peak has regained its pre-war reputation as one of Malaya's favourite Christmas centres. All seaside, hill and other holiday bungalows were bookid weeks ago and
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  • 263 7 New State Of East Indonesia DENPASAR (Bali), Wednesday. T*HE second step in the forJ mation of the United States of Indonesia has been taken with the proclamation in the name of Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands, of the provisional state of East Indonesia. The new state has a population of
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  • 128 7 LONDON, Mon.— A re-union of discreet wom'-ei ■wall take place on Jan. 25. The women were members of the No. 1 Supreme Headquarteis j Company of the A.T.S., mosl of whom were 1..t into the secrets of D-Day. Arranging the re-union is exJunior Commander Virginia
    Reuter  -  128 words
  • 50 7 LONDON (Air MaiiJ— Gordon Richard Long, aged 46, of Sittinjfbourne, Kent, sentenced to death for the murder of his seven-year-old imbecile daughter was reprieved recently. When he pleaded guilty to the murder. Long said: "It has haunted me ever since, but at least Jessie is at peace."
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  • 45 7 LONDON, (Air Mail)— For years Southend Town Council has been selling salt water for baths and cleansing, at 3s. for 1,000 gallons, without any authority to do so. Clause in a Bill which the council is promoting will now put matters right. k
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  • 44 7 QUEBEC. Thurs.— Four of the seven occupants of a Quebec Airways plane whioh was forced down two days ago in the lower St Lawrence have now been r '.:ed, leaving rhn.e mfn still adrift on ice floats in the river.— A P.
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  • 102 7 From Our Own Correspondent Klang, Wednesday. AFTER removing iron bars from the window of their cell at Klang police station on Friday, four Indians, Krishnan. Nallusamy, Savarimuthu and Malan escaped while facing a charge of being concerned in an armed gang robbery. Three of the Mien
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  • 80 7 From Our Own Correspondent ALOR STAR, Wed. A PARTY of Malays and British soldiers clashed at a cafe in Sungei Patani last night, as a result of which two Malays were admitted to hospital. The fight stopped when a military policeman fired a shot from
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 368 7 TAN SIN PENG CO 11. Philip St., SINGAPOBC. Sjl-s llrpl. In. ii" 4373. Import A I port Dept. ::114 I Irst Shipment of Rrlill for I- ire Kxti:i,uishrir li'tv. iiir are now available iiii-Ciirroxive PainU (England > Assam Forks A5»--ujb Cf.rr Plain Sh U I Jo!ntUu(F Axi-hrnd Arid Ann M:
      368 words
    • 150 7 for immediate deliver, Mild Steel Round Ban. Mild Sleel Flats Plates Manhole Covers Fram»» OAKUM Parangs (England) Pick Axes Paint Brushes Pimrw (Water) A Pittlnn PASTE PAINTS Rubber Insertion Ready Mixed PainU Rubber Spouts Aluminium Roonnß Frit Ronuk Polish Roofing Screws with Diamooo Roofing Tilec Rooting Title Ridges RED HARD
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    • 271 7 BIR K O ELECTRIC SOLDERING IRONS STOCKS NOW AVAILABI.K CO— «o— 1 30— 200— 25« 300— 350— 400 WAT I I 23« VOLTS. EXTENDING BIT. Sole Distributors 46, Orchard Rd., S pore Phone 7295. H. M. de SOUZA Sr.. Son GROUND CONTRACTORS Office Ke>idenre--97, Cavenach Road. Singapore. Tele: 807 Vt.
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    • 359 7 ENROL NOW! St'iciy u-ci S V i t 1200 CHINESE BASIC CHARACTERS OUARAMra COURSK Adaption of the "New OftV. rtihmr Scrip'/ (GWOYFUi A STANDARD OF VGMANIZATION Promulgated by Itoard of Edneation (China). Aiso rour System' used in rocliM l»: tionaries, the m.inrll( jOy spo.ily ifßJf >f ;":i»li!ur Chinere Character
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 695 7 iiie 'sacrifice b'A" In today's iensive potentialities seemed very <".-ai led to an excellent result, hard. <It should be observed that 3:uth, dealer North was right— three no trump Neither side vulncrabli woii'd have been easy against any s-rtK-ru defense.; :>UKIH At tcur hearts doubled West i0 8 4 s
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  • 1055 8 The Straits Times Singapore, Friday. Dec. 27, 1946. De-Housing The Houseless It Ls perturbing to lcurn that hundreds of families living ra attap huts in trie Municipal area if Singapore will shortly be faced rttta the problem ot finding somevtacti eIM to liv. in this already overcrowded city The Municipality
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  • 148 8 RIO DE JANEIRO, Wed. TWENTY were killed and only one man survived the biggest foreign plane disaster recorded in Brazil when an Avro York air liner crashed in a storm into a mountainside when on i!s way from London to Buenos Aires. Among the dead were
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  • 1088 8  -  SYDNEY BALHORK By THE sun slips behind Wilson's Promontory and dusk falls on the inlet. A strong wind that has lashed the waves all day dies away. The ribboned channels draining seaward smooth to glass and mirror the first stars of approaching night. Overhead a
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  • Man In The Street
    • 303 8 THE building of mole bouses t 1 for the public should be, given a top social priority. In spite of the high cost of materials and labour some money surely could be allocated from the Singapore Budget for thi.~ purpose. We are-
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    • 187 8 ANY person living in Kluaug i.s amazed that the police there have done nothing to stamp out the large-scale gambling in "Chee Fah". Every day the drawing of winning numbers is carried out brazenly in a hut near the Kluang Port Office: and bookies' not
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    • 249 8 I TAKE my hat off to the Government for its generous act of granting a 2-months advance of salary and increasing the cost-of-living allowance. But there are still some points regarding the Clerical Service which require clarification and a definite ruling. They are principally:— (a)
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    • 25 8 Letters signed with a nom-de-pi-jrr.< are not published unless the write;': name and address are corr.iniinlca'ed to the Editor a* a guarantee or tccrf fairh
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 639 8 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Classified Smatlt f 1.25 per hup Mm Charge S5 Put. li« Notice* fie per single column inch Personal Domestic f?.50 per line Mm Charge $10. Sli averact word* rompnw »ne tire AdverimrmrnU ma> oe «r.. by pot>f aoompanird b> .-em'tlance For Information telephone tdvertls 14 Miniirr 5471 or
      639 words
    • 76 8 JUST ARRIVED! Rjuxmh aff^ Anne She lafl 1007 There goes that Song again Love st Last 1129 Absent Minded Moon This is no laughing matter 6148 Love Is a Seng You walk by 6154 Why can't It happen It costs so little 6169 A Pine how Do-you-do You too. can
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    • 82 8 JDrisker, fresher teeth-cleaning with a Wisdom nr^HIS is the Wisdom Tooth- v^^Ol brush. Its anchored Nylon 'V \Vif I tufts give your teeth a busker !*•<•*: i/7 clean. Your teeth are really I </ cleaner, your mouth feels fresher, «/7 after the lively touch of tl Wisdom. No wonder Wisdoms
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  • 1042 9 INCLUSION OF STORE IN UNION ENVISAGED DATO BRADDELL ON THE FEDERATION THE future inclusion of Singapore as a free port in the Malayan Union, like Penang, was envisaged yesterday in an interview with the Straits Times by Mr. Roland Braddell, legal adviser to the United Malays National Organisation. Mr. Braddell,
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  • 277 9 DIFFERENT REACTIONS IN MALAYS Two oppo in" Malay vtewpokats on th? constitutional<d on ChrLstmas n iii Majlis, a Malay iper published in Kuala Lumpur and Qtasan M layu, published in Singapore. Majlis considers that th« piol roptable to the bulk «> Malayan i> ople and any crirhlotl may be
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  • 23 9 01 the vnik ol the (-'<>!' "i' w hy )h. v S c lot tho Mr A i" (01 it from London
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  • 369 9 A PROTEST agaiiust War Office requisitioning of shipping passages from the United Kingdom to Malaya which amounts to a "virtual withdrawal of shipping facilities for civilians" is made in a letter from Sir John Hay, Chairman of the Malayan Rubber Estate Owners Co., Ltd., to the
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  • 212 9 THE wedding took place yesterday at the Church of the Good Shepherd between Miss Mary Kathleen Hemelryk. daughter of Col. G. E. Homelryk and the late Mrs. Hemelryk, of Henfryn Hall, Dyserth, North Wales and Mr. Daniel Philip Rees, son of Mr and Mrs. David Rees of
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  • 109 9 GOV. -GENERAL'S OTTAWA WEDDING Photo by TV. Little. Ottawa. Two pictures taken at the wedding in Ottawa's Christ Church Cathedral, on Dec. 9, of Mr Malcolm Mac Donald, the Governor -General, and Mrs. Audrey Fr Howes Rowley. The picture above ?hows the bride and brid egroom at the reception which
    TV  -  109 words
  • 119 9 From Our Dun CSCTtSf fci UWDON, Wed. THE new Malayan constitutional proposals were given prominence in ail London papers There Is a strong feeling thai much of the credit for the Present happy issue is due to Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald. the Gover-nor-General, ard til widely expressed
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  • 191 9 AFTER discussion in 'fn Advisory Council. TIM Governor of the Malayan r Jiiion. ha- appointed the following to be mi'mbcr- ol consultative committee. Messrs. S. B. Palmer, Ihiraisaniy \iy«T II S Lee, V f (.«.in<s. Dr. Joseph (intuiting. <"• I' R. Monon, Lens Yew K«h, A. Arhuthnntt
    191 words
  • 75 9 A5O year-old Chinese n and her two ehlldi w re trapped in a bl. i Wee Road, at the tool o: Hill, yesti r.iay mornlnfi ai In the Singapore G Hospital suffering from burns Tvie fire which started a' 11 a.m. yesterday and whi. afier an he
    75 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 27 9 MADe ENGLAND \V *^»X' jRU I WJMk 'Stilish ifUide WMH "STANDARD" \"^srs^ar j(*Vs2^ Jsveiopir.j; jn d 'M ij IvS^TJ^^ printing at rcasonyy¥ able prices. Satis- faction guarantee.!
      27 words
      94 words

  • 1030 10  -  Our Woman Reporter By TIE v-<- "i cotton by iamuus Kur.ipcan dress houses is o. particular Interest to us m Mul.tya. It is the one material we can wear with comfort Mil the hottest day, and is parii til.rly suited to the climate here.
    1,030 words
  • 266 10 jWE wvre motoring tranquilly Quiet estate road, when suddenly the air was rent' with terri- scrc'cchis. My mind flashed •-o all sorts of ghastly emergencies. It was not hard to traoe the sound and we found that a larg<: bud of prey was about to kill a
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  • 315 10 JAPAN is finding that the silkworm turns too easily. The smells of an ordinary farmhouse sicken him. Furthermore, he is too sensitive to temperature Changes in the peasant houses where he ifl !argely kept. Si!!:worms have b:en behavir.u like this for centuries, but now their
    315 words
  • 246 10 THE leading light or the Japanese New Style Mannequin Club recently surveyed the wo^ld |of clothes and fashion and he j economic situation in general and j predicted that things are soing to be better for the modelling profession, writes Associated Press Correspondent Tom Lambert Madame
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 128 10 n/1 r C/ c jpy t Inn.r Cleanliness Andrews should be your first j J he ikh-rulc to get fit and keep fit. By taking a tonic glass of sra-'khng Andrews regularly, you wash away the f p< isoas that cause headaches, upset your stomach and liver. This is
      128 words
    • 406 10 t^KUM IS MILK r^ALIWILI ENJOY) Brm^TV, »°y* ELS!€ THE bor^en cow IN TIME FOR NEW YEAR FAMOUS BRITISH MADE COMMONWEALTH" and HOMELINK" FOUNTAIN PENS For Economy and Durability, and Natural, Beautiful Hand-Writing. PRICE $6/- EACH SOLE DISTRIBI TORS:TEO TYPEWRITER SERVICE, 7. South Tanal Rmd, IVionc 1134, I Opposite Oversea Chinese
      406 words
    • 242 10 To-day: 3."0 p.m. 7.30 pin. To-morrow A. Sunday: 1.30 ."i 8.30 p.m. The MylhoioKiral >2:ist< -rpirce Hailrd by thr Holiday louds as a real masterpiece! ISriliiant A Inspirin- Story! 'KUBERA KUCKELA" (In Tamil) uith a di'<tiii^iiishccl i:i>t P.l'. C'hinnappa IK. Itajkuin.iri .VS. KrLshnan— T. A. Matlun ,«m miira! sequences enjoyed
      242 words

  • 1412 11 jN order to assist the a)>ore parent! citizen i, and taxpayer to under- i stand problema involved in the new educational policy for Singapore, and the gradual Btepa proposed lor its Rttainmant, the its Times reproduces on this page further extractfl from the
    1,412 words
  • 955 11 A ten-year prejK'.rat ,r> period. Free primary eriucMiion "n the nio'.htr t"iii:;io. A M>-year (MVic itroni the ages of six to twelve/. r.t "mother tonfUCS" to English, Mala?, Chinese an.l Tamil \l\ Mho la above tlu primary stase t l>e fee-pajinc A twu-jreat Encttsh MMdle
    955 words
  • 82 11 The general principles on which the new educational policy is framed are: (a) That education should aim at fostering and extending the capacity for self-government and the ideal of civic loyalty and responsibility; (b) That equal educational opportunity should be afforded to the children— both boys and
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 17 11 ■SSI \^KFr MARTINS for Sparkling Teeth f^ *W| Vll W AatLIoiERINE LISTERINE ICIP^ TOOTH PAST E t-
      17 words
    • 450 11 WE IMPORT "ALLANDEB" RADIOS WITH CONFIDENCE W€ believe thai "AUANDER" ■■3 sjoft rjp rTj IB JEf < 'l i^^JT JL* 1 *%T &d SsMr I it V Vflsßßsl WIL.L ALWAYS BE "A JOY TO POSSESS" A QUALITY SET WITH SIBCIJU. IKVITIUS:I (iuaranleed fully tropicaliiccl. 2. 5-v.-.lve Superhet. A.C. Mains with
      450 words

  • 929 12 NEW YORK, (Air Mail) THE United States is looking for a return to the flourishing trade it had with the Far East before the war, but there are several factors hindering an early resumption. Rehabilitation of the war-devastated areas and settlement of numerous political
    UP  -  929 words
  • 361 12 TOKIO (Air Mail). ALTHOUGH no longer referred to as the "Son of Heaven," Emperor Hirohito is still popular with the majority of his 80,000,000 people. Since his dramatic rad o speech on Aug. 15, 1945, acceptin;; the Potsdam agreement for Japan, h e has played an
    Reuter  -  361 words
  • 128 12 Bligh Did Not Discover Tahiti LONDON. 1 ri. A Btitish boatswain's account of the discovery cf Tahiti, 20 years before Capt. Bligh, master of the mutinous crew of II.M S. Bounty, found rpfuse their, has come into the possession of the Uakluyt Society. The Hakluyt Society bcuan 190 years ago
    128 words
  • 157 12 RAIN OR SUN AT WILL? NEW YORK (Air Mail). RAIN or sunshine at wiil by the push of a button wa* envisaged as one of the possibilities of science by Brig. Gen. David Sarnoff, President of Radio Corporation of America. "We may yet hav e rain or sunshine by pressing
    UP  -  157 words
  • 179 12 Vessels Go Alongside At Colombo COLOMBO, (Air Mail). •THE Ceylon Government is I 1 going ahead with its plans for the development of Colombo port. Mr R l. GwyUier. partner of Messrs. Coode. Vaughan-Lee. Frank and Gwyther, Consulting Engineers to the Government of Ceylon, who is now in the island.
    Reuter  -  179 words
  • 148 12 HONG KONG, (Air Mail> I ATEST to receive the unwelcome attention of intimidation gangs here are those members of well-to-do iami'.ies who are about to become bridegrooms. Letters addressed to them warn •hat QfitaM the sum asked— ut.neraiij 'iun £250 to 1 500 -is paid
    AP  -  148 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
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    • 408 12 Chu La Long Korn succeeds Mongkut and Democracy is Pursued J^^T^T^Tc, LAST 5 SHOWS ragE 9 -XO-OAV- 11 PW A |g| W m— 2 p.m. -4 .15— €.3»— 9.15 pm. TEL. 4Q4 2. QIR C OpTpTT ipnEO. -j^.' from the sensational itist-scllerf .jjjM Opening TOMORROW JUNGLE BOCIIC" IN TECHNICOLOR i
      408 words

  • 571 13 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Wednesday. IN a statement to shareholders at the annual genera! meeting of Ayer Hitam Tin Dredging, the chairman, Mr. G. W. Simms, discussed the tin price and pointed out the likelihood of a big increase over prewar costs. He added:
    571 words
  • 162 13 Mr. Spens Thinks Otherwise From Our Own Correspondent LONDON. Wednesday. rCNTRARY to the views held oy Mr. Simms. Mr. J. Ivan Spens, chairman, at the Southern Kinta Consolidated meeting, urged the need for early preparation of restriction machinery against the time some years hence when tin production will exceed demand.
    162 words
  • 60 13 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON. Wed TAVOY Tin D'rc.;.r^ la applying :> tn Nm° n* .e share at par for each two .shares held, which will Increase the su^rl capital from £250.000 to < -375.0G0. In ordor to iep.-.v b nr> trim the London Ti:i
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  • 49 13 The British Malayan Tin Syndicate proposes o issue 701.506 shilling shares at par. shareholders registered on Doc. 17 having the right to subscribe lor 500 Oii) in the nronorUnn of five new for each existing st^re held. Applications close on Jan. 7.— Straits Times copyright
    49 words
  • 362 13 PHIPS positions In Singapore yester- v :1: were M\IN «HARF j OoAwq 31-32. Treworlas. I Godown 33-34: Kathleen S Holmes. I dlartMrßlnfl fhrp > Godown 33-36: Rajula. dirfhargins car-o Godo? n 38-33: Burnside discharging rargo. Godown 41 Rimau. UU WHARF Godo«vii 1-2: ifewlMh Godown 5: Wosang.
    362 words
  • 65 13 Bulk Buying Statement From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Wed. THE Financial Times understands that an official statement concerning the renewal of Government agreements for the bulk purchase of Ma'ayan and Nigerian tin will probably not be issued until the expiry of the current contracts on Dee 31. The paper says
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  • 82 13 SHANGHAI, <Air Mail)-Tlv-Ministry of Economic AfTiurs has established an industrial and commercial co-ordinating administration here to help solve the many difficulties confronting industrial and commercial circles. Its role will mainly be of a consultative nature. Besides aiding to facilitate the process of production, it will advise
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 86 13 SHANGHAI. Wed —For the first time in nearly a fortnicht the open market exchange rate for the U.S. dollar remained stecdv yesterday alter Monday's wild fluctuations. The U.S. dollar remained steady at 6.700 at which rate it opened and doa d. while gold bars, opening
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 62 13 COLOMBO i.V.r nLiil) R tat:ves of l'>cal mercantile as."have voted for continuing to accord preference to Brithh r.r.d Empire goods Commerce Deportment oflicial; here held a series of conference! with local iren to forward the Oorernment'i rlewi to the Colonial S?vttta regard to items c»f particular
    62 words
  • 24 13 shanghai. Tlmn.— Todsy'i quot;»t: n.<= un the Shanshni blackmsrket exchanee are: V.B I N $3,900: gold CN *****0 ii $1.200.— f P
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 871 13 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. i iiirnrporau-o in Singapore) BLI7I FUNNEL LINE Sailing to and from United Kingdom I nun IK for Java Ports In Porl ■Khixnior" from I. K for .lava Ports In Port ••Phrniili*" Irom C S A for .lava Port* In Port (.linhec" I• in I K for HonKkong
      871 words
    • 497 13 PRESIDENT LIKE. Sailing* NEW YORK HAVANA via India and Mediterranean Ports .MIKSON VICTORY .»url)er. 31 PSBBIOKNT MONROE One l:in R S.S. WILLIS VHKIRY One lan. 27 S.S. MARINE ADDER due Jan. 12 IDENTICAL WITH MAIIIM I \I ON for Madras and Bombay relurntnK San Francisco via China FARES Cabin Class
      497 words
    • 152 13 ELLERMAN Samtweed Kor Not Vi>rk iincj Halifax Due Singapore Dec. »9ih KLAVENESS LINE. FOR PACIFIC PORTS Sailing* u> oe NHMi Sh«i»l». Agent*: McALISTER 6c CO., (Spore; LTD. PMMKk IMI —I. (Pa l ii comm: i<( i\i > -^c. Next Departure i> i» BANGKOK HONGKONG. MANILA FOB PARTtCDLAIM *PPIY BOUSTEAD
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 355 13 SINGAPORE TIDES TODAY High Water: 1.19 a.m. 8 ft. in: 0.24 p.m. f) ft. 7 in TOMORROW: High Hater: 1.53 a.m. 8 ft. 5 in; 1 00 p.m. 9 ft. 5 in. RflntO IWIIIf A VIA TODAYS ENGLISH LISTENING seas; 845 p.m. Christmas pany 915 R**l/l'.y I'lrtLrt I H i.oo
      355 words

  • 367 14 MELBOURNE. Thursday. •...i of th" United States defeated Dinny Pails of Australia 8--G b— 3 9—7 to give the American forces a i iweep in the opening day's singles play in the Davis matches. low. mi" red Behroeder, California's gift to
    367 words
  • 474 14 Penang Race Results I'rom Our Own (o< rcspoiid.iit PENANG. Thursday, r }'..<: v WIC 810 I I >• Total pjul: J.: 11,000 Id Mm 1 *»;■„->!••> 1 N». 88.>;<;. in.i is3J.7y6) No. UIMS; 3id (Slti.B9Ki No. MMM; Btartcn: < $4,828 i-arh) Nos. 23!t.".H.:. J1G376. *****7; ***** JMK3S6. 2371.-.0. 115.01. Con
    474 words
  • 75 14 LONDON, rues. Oermai v and Japan will dclinitely not compete in the Olympic Games in 1945. This decision was made lcno<vn today by the International Olympic Committee which in the New Year will lane inviiaU-Kis to various countries to participate iii the sanies. The Invitations will gj o
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 95 14 l:i ;i friendly iocccr match played at li Police Trauiln School gr; und on Sitrday thr Jolhlads dm with the 2nd ■lion ButTy Rrcinv-nt "B" Coy. by a «oal each. Bearer for the Jollilads was M;:!il; -;.r Hi i Butts wan Bunt'ii. i ill win j pfairan m
    95 words
  • 289 14 CHINESE OVER-RUN INDIANS 18-6 W r ITH a more experienced team and complete HMKterj in the U rilHM, the Singapore Cliinese had no difficulty in beating (he Indians, playing their first big rugby game, 18 points (three «;<>aLs. one try) to six (two tries) on the fadang yesterday. The game
    289 words
  • 124 14 All Blues Team Against NS S^INGAPOKE> team lor the All Blues' K Cup southern .secti<.;i serr.i-nnal to bo played on the Padar.g to-rno:row r. i nine v. ill be selected lro:n the following: Onu Swee Lav J. B ■oa L. Carroll. Kul -i s:.u.-. Shah. Lee Siew Chch. L- Kce
    124 words
  • 289 14 LONDON. Wea. to-days F. a. league resulta i were j j I A- nal I HI rkburn R B< ItOS \V Cta ...i Eve;-ton Or rn-by T. Lords U. •I U. Stock C. Sunderland 2 Portsn-.ouih 2 H.'ield T. 1 Bl.ikpool 2 Mar.cliester U. 1 Preston N
    289 words
  • 226 14 Sum Po..g wit* j velterweigAi champ.o.i ol Btugupuia a..t-j- only trirce miuucea ttgauug v: the New Wor.'d boxing aro;;ii last night, bu oppo.>en.. Jimmy W^lcil reiinng with a badly cut eye at the end ol the flrs. legates; oi a scheduled 15-rcu-ici-> Apart from the cut. it
    226 words
  • 41 14 From Our C'vn Correspondent In a thrill ng soccer maidl Dlayed on Alor Star S.K.C. Grcimd. the Kedah State Malays had a r.arrow victory by the odd g< al in three over Johore Statr Ma ay;>.
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  • 493 14 MAKING use of all the opoor--111 tunnies that came their way, the Combined Aim/ bai em Combined Navy by live goals to two in yesterday s Boxing Day football matoh at Jilan Bcsar Stadium The game was characterised by the brilliant goalkeeping of Goram, for
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  • 193 14 Triangular Badminton From Our Own u>.\ -.pondi-nt Kua:a Lumpur. Wed TREAT interest being evinced .n the first triangular badminton tournnment which began at Kua'.a Lumpur tuday between M..Hlov.i:. Sinsupore and Palmstead, Penang. and L;ew Kwcng H:n Party, Selangor. Pecang wer^- leading, won three matchej oui of U;ur while Selangor
    193 words
  • 272 14 A GOOD crowd of members and friends watched the finals of the •iv.\ a;id junior singles of the Lok Hwa B.P. of Kuala Lump"r. which was ;il.ivcil off on Sunday, at th? Lok Hwa Court In the ppen singles. Won? Ppii^ VV.\h iii a Krurllin^;
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 39 14 MODERN SAFE PAX TABLETS PAX JELLY available .it: m FEDERAL DISPENSARY, LTD. uml :tll other lir>t cISM Piapcn—rici PAX i'o-,1 Boi 6.VS, Siof(apore< vi Bxpm ii inn S|m-i i.v, in Facial llal NOW OPEN AT LITTLES RAFFLES IM..\( 1
      39 words
    • 293 14 Owing to tremendous success aMaSfl S Show*: 2.30-6.00-9-0 p m 8&-^ 'Ph*M£. 6 VOJ^Jg} "Occosionolly Holl/wood digt »fiaJkk»>£y deep in the rich earth of its 'ißf Tnf 1 talent and comes up with flj^* a yuvher ol artistry. 'Sine* ■•J^^K* wr You Went Away' is that kind "Since You Went
      293 words