The Straits Times, 30 October 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 526 1 Malaya May Be Unable To Supply U.S. By Our Market Correspondent 1 1 is now reasonably certain that Malaya will be un--1 able to supply 50,000 to 60,000 tons of the amount ot 200,000 tons of rubber that America has undertaken to purchase up to the
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  • 187 1 THL yacht Saucy Sue, ia which Col. W. H. B. Wheeler, Deputy Direct r of Transportation in HQ ALFSEA, left the Singapore Yacht Club on Sunday morning, has been found abandoned off the entrance to the Kallang Rivor. Sinpaporo Island. So far no trace has been
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  • 45 1 COMMUNIST WIN IN BULGARIA sofia. Tuea The Conuuanistdominaied Fatherland Front WCD :sr>l seats to the opposi ion parties' 101 In Bulgaria's National Assembly ?lec,tion cii bunday, incomplete ri_'tiirn.s u'sclo.'J*. The election marked the li«t on* right opposition challenge of the Fatherland Fronts two-yeax rule A.P.
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  • 39 1 JERUSALEM. Tues.— Early returns in Palestine Jewry's elections for Palestine delegates to the 22nd Zionist Congress indicate that the Palestine Labour Party (Mafai* are leading With tin 1 Revisionist (Ri^htwing> climbing unexpectedly into. the second place. Reuter.
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  • 292 1 BRITAIN'S ANSWER TO CHARGES NEW YORK, Tuesday. THE British United Nations delegation spokesman today rejected the charges made yesterday by th. White Russian delegate, Mr. Kuzmav Kisselev, that Britain was violating the United Nations CharV-r by maintaining armed forces in such non-enemy territories as Greece, Egypt. Palestine, Iraq. Trans Jordan
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  • 710 1 LONDON, Tuesday. DUSSIA has 60 divisions in the West at present, she does not have the secret of the atom bomb, she is still interested in a loan from the United States and does not believe that the veto power has been overworked,
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  • 27 1 ii >1 OMBO, T.i :-CJ.^n Bil Montagu Stopford. Acting I vli-r. Smith-Las; today after a ogle's st:iv in Ceylon. where he inspecfd military inataUatlons i^u-n
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  • 190 1 WASHINGTON, Tuesday. PRESIDENT Truman has placed all United Stateatomic energy resources in the l.;!:i<ls of a commission of five civilians, it is announced in Washington. The Chatanan ol the ssmnls- lion i.s Mr David E. Lilienthal. rornirr Director of the Ttenncsm Val'ry Authority, vast power and
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  • 40 1 A ;voup of members of the Trades Union Congress general council arriving in Brighton for the opening meeting of the 78th annual congress. Eight hundred delegates represented 191 trade unions whose members number nearly seven million
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  • 525 1 STEEL-TIPPED ARROWS IN CALCUTTA RIOTS NEW DELHI, Tuesday. WITH the communal strife spreading rapidly from Bengal to Bihar province, at least 26 were killed and 80 wounded in the past 21 hours in Calcutta in renewed fighting between the Hindus and Muslims. Home-made hand-grenades and steel-tipped arrows were used in
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 218 2 U.S. Puts Forward Fresh Proposal WASHINGTON, Tuesday. THE United States yesterday threw cold water on the British plan to set up a world food board with broad powers, including authority to operate an "ever-normal granary." The United States endorsed the plan's broad objectives to combat hunger
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  • 145 2 LONDON, rues— Sir Stafford Cripps, President of the Board ol Trade, told the House of Covnmons yesterday. Britain believed that Japan must conUm* to export textiles but that Japanese war industries such as steel, chemicals, shipping, aircraft ar.d metal working 'will, on security grounds, undergo at
    AP  -  145 words
  • 105 2 CANBERRA, lues -Dr. Herbji-; Evatt's mooted trip to Japan ma, be postponed until 1947 but thvre is no indication from Government quarters in Canberra that it »M be cancelled. The flood of work Falling la the Foreign Minister in the next yeai during which Australia
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  • 67 2 NUREMBERG, Mon.— New Nuremberg trials— involving up to 1.000 major nazis— will begin on Dec. 21. it was .eliably learned here today. Full retailed iudictimnts. including allegations of freezing experiments. sterilisation and poisoning are being served immediately on 23 doctors in Nurem berg prison. Dr.
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  • 37 2 LONDON. Mon.— Government yielded to Conservative Opposition in the House cf Lords today by introducing thrre amendments to the National Health Servcc Bill giving hospital eotfiM'tteea more control of the r own hospitals. Reuter.
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  • 214 2 HONG KONG, Mon. DISCRIMINATION between U officers and other ranks of the British services hi Hong Kong's hotels is to be the subject of an official inquiry. The Colony's luxury Gloucester Hotel has been the scene of seve- ral night-time incidents in the last
    Reuter  -  214 words
  • 119 2 ATLANTIC CITY. Mon. Mr. Joseph B. Keen an. chief pr> secutor at the Tokio war trials, told the American Bar A.^ sedation that the Tok.o war crimes trial wer P based on sound iaw and justice, and were an alternative to lynchings. Term ng the
    AP  -  119 words
  • 69 2 HANOI, Tues— The Vietnam National Assembly has voted to ask the United Nations and the Vatican for support in the Vietnamese struggle for independence. It has voted, also, to address a similar appeal to the people of France, China, Indonesia, India and the Ph lippines.
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  • 67 2 MALANG. Mon. After two days' stay in Semarang, where he had talks with Dutch civil and military officials and a,t'.r.ded gatherings of the Chinese populations, the Chinese mission headed by Dr. Li Ti Chur. left for Sourabaya by air yesterday. A sum of $10,000 Straits was
    UP  -  67 words
  • 32 2 The Indonesian Republic nas received an invitation from the Indian Government to ser.d delegates to the inter-Asiatic relations conference to be held Ifi India in March next year, says UP. from Batavia.
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  • 210 2 NANKING, Mon. A three-article cease fire pro posal was signed by twelve mediating third parties' lealers today and delivered to the headquarters of Government, Communists and Gen. Marshall. No details are yet available of the specific points of the proposal which was the subject of discussion among
    Reuter  -  210 words
  • 57 2 The High Commissioner for New Zealand in London, Mr. U J. Jordan, inspecting Sea Cadets at the Nelson Column, where he laid a wreath on Tr.iful*,. r Day This year the day was the 141 st anniversary of th; iiattle of Trafalgar, when Adia/.al Lord Nelson destroyed
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  • 213 2 LONDON, Monday. IT is most unlikely that Netherlands troops will be trained in Britain after Nov. 30, the date on which British military responsibility in Indonesia is to end. Major C. P. Mayhew, I'nder-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, made this clear in the House
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  • 225 2 German Strike Protest To Russians STUTTGART, Mon. IJALF of 600 workers engaged in dismantling an aircraft factory for Russia went on strike today in protest against the Russian removal of German workers. The workers are holding a meeting tonight to decide on I future acton. Britain has asked Russia for
    Reuter; UP  -  225 words
  • 37 2 JERUSALEM, Sun. A ship bearing uncertiflcated Jewish refugees was rumoured to be nosing towards Palestine territorial waters today as the Royal Air Force and the British Navy remained on the alert to thwart any landing attempt.— Reuter.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 191 2 Tudor Players •meat "SHE JOOPS TO CONQUER" AN AMUSINU I'lKlnii PLAY BY OI.IVKI GOLDSMITH VICTORIA THEATRE TONIGHT AT 1131 P.M. lOR FOUR NIGHTS Il( KKTS:— J2 Ml. $2»9. I) 50 A SI 00 Bwkinc at Rubinson* a.m. Theatre p.m. Parl prorrrds in aid of the late An-hdcaron Ciraham White Memoii
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    • 409 2 SALE BY TENDER The Custodian of Property. Singapore, invites tenders for the purchase of an otl blending plant consisting of the following Galvanized horizontal cylindrical storage tanks, mixing pans, separating tanks. separating pans, Japanese Vacuum Distillation Plant, mixing tanks, condensing tanks, fire-pans, oil sump, hexagonal sieve, marine boiler, vertical boiler,
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    • 278 2 SINGAPORE IMPROVEMENT TRUST. Tenders are invited tor Sundry M;m-.-tenance Work at Kreta Ayer Road and Keong Saik Road Tenement*. Specification and Form of Tender may be obtained at the office ot the Singapore Improvement Trust on payment of a deposit of $50 which will be refunded If a bona fide
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  • 289 3 INTENSIVE ACTION Straits Times Reporter CINCAPORE'S fight against black market hankers who are upsetting every rationing scheme, and unlicensed vegetable vendors, who are causing a serious health problem in crowded areas of the city, has entered a new phase. Food Control Department inspectors and the
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  • 150 3 Gratuities For British Servicemen TN a recent Parliamentary State- ment it was anr.oun-vU lhat war gratuities of serving members cf the British Forces would shortly be released for paymerft based on rrckonable service up to Aug. 15, 1946. Payments win h.-» mid- 3 m early as jx)ssibl o by credits
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  • 212 3 LONDON, Monday. AM. people eligible for a free return passage to Malaya should have sailed before December, according to an answer given in the House of Commons to-day by Mr. Arthur Creech Jones, the Colonial Secretary-. Hv said: It is probable that all who are
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  • 77 3 DANGEROUS CARGO' FOR SINGAPORE "I\ANGEROUS cargo" will arrive in Singapore today by« the Danish motorship Asia from Continent.l ports. Included in the 1.200 tons of general cargo for Singapore are 75 drums of sulphuric acid. The vessel is also carrying 1.200 barrels of chrolate of potash and 192 drums of
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  • 187 3 SGT. Major Hussain bin Ibrahim and Sgt. Mohamad Saman of trt Singapore Police, appeared again before Mr. T. T. Russell, Second District Judge, when hearing was resumed into charges against them of causing hurt to various peopl? during the Jap occupation. Jaffar j)in Abdul Hamid. who worked as
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  • 48 3 Am Sing, a stowaway who was discovered a day after the ship Glenaffaric left Hong Kong for S neapore. was sentenced to two months' rigorcus imprisonment by Inche Ahmad bin Ibrahim yesterday at the Fourth Poli.ce Court. The sh p arrived in Sinnaporp on Oct. 28.
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  • 199 3 From Our Own Correspondent SEREMBAN, Tues. ASeremban Malay and his wife, Yusof bin Hassan and Indon binte Ujang, who gave their ages as 17 and 15 respective!}-, were found guilty of abandoning their sixweeks old daughter in a disused pit-latrine at Chengkau
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  • 133 3 j CINGAPORE Chinese students J have not fully recovered from the effect of the Japanese occupation, reports the Chungnau Jit Pao. At a d'scussicm meeting of Ins Singapore Chinese Teachers' Association, recently, it was pointed out that the present standard of students at the Chinese
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  • 32 3 UNLICENSED VENDORS Twenty-flve fresh milk-vend-ors appeared before Mr. Eu Cheow Chye. Fifth Magistrate yesterday. when they were caught in the Municipal area for sell ng milk without licences Each was fined $10.
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  • 70 3 MEW Zealanders who served with the Colonial Volunteer Forces outside New Zealand ar c now entitled to claim from the New Zealand Government the difference between th i gratuity to which they are entitled at U.K. Army rates and the gratuity laid down for the New
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  • 338 3 J^INETY-EIGHT Allied PoWs, were killed and over 200' wounded, many severely, when Allied aircraft bombed a railway siding in Nong Pladuk. Siam. on Sept. 6, 1944. hitting the PoW camp itself. This was disclosed In the allldavit of Lt.-Col. R. C. Laming wnich was read
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  • 61 3 Trengganu Street stamp- -lc ?cene as police and Food Control officials carried out a raid yesterday on blarkmarket hawkers. All perishable food collected was distributed to Singapore Convents. Left: four of the 200 Chinese orphans at St. Anthony's Convent in Aljunied Koad help to carry
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  • 67 3 PLLOWING raid on Friday night by officers attached to th? Central Division on a shop dealing in second-hand goods in the vicinity of Sungei Road, when -a large number of head lamps and parts were seized, several victims have called at the Central Police station to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 704 3 LEGAL NOTICL TAKK NOTICE Uiat the NoUce inserted by NELLY CHUA wife of NEO POH CHUAN which appears on Page 6 of the Straltt Tlme« of the 20th October. 1948. Is misleading and not In accordance with the true facts. On the 2»th July. 1946. the said Nelly Chua applied
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    • 577 3 MALACCA MUNICIPALITY. NOTICL Native Passenger Lodging lloases Ordinance Chapter (95) Under the provision of Section 6 of the above Ordinance, notice is hen !>•• given that no person shall open or keep a Native Patamcar Lodging Hous? or being the owner or occupi?r of any premies, permit* v Native Pi
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  • 46 4 Mr. and Mrs. Wong Fook On: 11 friend* and relatives ior ttiei v «kl wishes and presents on the oc eldest sons inurrlage Mr F. Anthony and family t'innt all friends and relatives who sent wreaths and attended the funeral o Mrs. Juliana Anthony.
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  • 907 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Wed., Oct. 30, 1946. The Living And The Dead What is a suitable form of memorial to those of our fellow-citizens of Singapore who lost their lives in the Second World War? We think of those who were killed while j serving in the regular and
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  • 86 4 DAR-ES-SALAM, Mon.—Specimens of uranium, an essential in- gredient in the atomic bomb have been found in the Ulu«uru mountains In Tanganyika, the chief insp:ctor of the mines for the territory stated today. He was replying to questions ;rom Africans as to their mining rights in Tanganyika.
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 29 4 Batavia, Mon. An official invitation to send 16 Indonesian delegates to an Inter-Asian Delegations Conference, to be held in India next March, was received here today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • Man In The Street
    • 365 4 r' appears that our Civil Airport is not suitable for general use by the lar^e air linen now employed. It will be used mainly by internal air services and by the Singapore Flying Club. Seme four million dollars was spent in the creation of
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    • 223 4 I7OUR paper has given proI minence to the appoint merit of a local doctor to a mperscale post, on the eve of i\s retirement. ihis recalls the promotions of i Malay Inspector of Police to ;he post of Ass stant Superintendnt at the age of
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    • 225 4 IT was reported in the Straits Times several days ago that the Chief ical Officer attached to the Tan Tock Seng Hospital, is to resign shortly. Dr. Kenivasan has been in the layan Medical Service for years and h a specialist in erculosis. Nothing
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    • 63 4 WE Asiatic Service men who were recruited in this country before the fall hear that there is to be a $100 advance against back pay for Volunteers only. What about the Asiatic regulars in various posts who are stranded here with their families? We are anxiously waiting to
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    • 25 4 Letters signed with a nom-de-piumc are not published unless the writ".': name end i>dd :<.•*> are conttinntcited to the Editor as a guarantee o; a-ioo" fakh
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  • 1088 4  - MALAYAN GARDEN MEMORIES KATHARINE SIM By MANY of those gardens, upon which so much care was lavished, must now be sadly derelict places; overgrown, tangled and impoverished, but in memory they are as bright as ever they were when we saw them last —nearly five years ago. Going back across
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 835 4 SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED-SHCHTHAND Typist A Typ st by v big Chinese Concern. Male or female Apply Box 613, S.T. WANTED Expert shorthand-writer <»pable of reporting meetings verbatim Interrstin* position for fully qualified i Write giMng details of previous appointments to Box No. 615, ST. WANTED Male European capable ol :.uperv
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    • 57 4 "THE VIDOR" PORTABLE ELECTRIC COOKER. (Made In England). Ideal for the small family and those who have to live in small flats. Consumes 1000 watts per hour. Works from any power point. Needs no Installation. Sze 12i" x 9i" x 7". Can be used on A.C. or D.C. Mains. (By
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    • 61 4 Specializing ONLY in TERMITE EXTERMINATION PROPERTY MAINTENANCE PROPERTY CONSERVATION Damage and the necessity of constant repairs as a result ot white ants are completely eliminated by our Termite Extermination, Property maintenance and Property Conservation Service. Our record and Clientele prove our leadership in inn specialised field C. P. TAYLOR LIMITED
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  • 125 5 $40,000 PEPPER MISSING THE loss of a largo quantity of pepper understood to be worth about $40,000 from a warehouse in Singapore is being investigated by the Police. It appears that the pepper, owned by produce merchants, ad beer, stored in a Rodown in Havelock Road. The godown extends to
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  • 107 5 Appeal By Extortioners Dismissed AN appeal by two young Chinese, Lee Chi Cheng and Chia Swee Meng, to have their sentence of 18 months' rigorous imprisonment reduced to a shorter t»Tm was dismissed by Mr. Justire Worley in the Supreme Court yesterday. In rejecting the appeal. Mr. Justice Worley said:
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  • 22 5 Today's menu at People's Restaurants in Singapore will be: Itice porridge (bubor): meat halls and salted vegetables with i arnishmrnt
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  • 57 5 A Singapore Food Control inspector helps a nun of the French Convent to carry a load f vegetables confiscated by Food Control officials and police in widespread raids carried out on unlicensed hawkers in Singapore yesterday. Singapore's drive against black market vendors is increasing in tempo.
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  • 114 5 Carrier Will Take 900 Servicemen ANE of Britain's newest aircraft- carriers, the Indefatigable, now anchored in the Outer Roads, will carr/ 81 Navy and Army officers and more than 800 naval ratings when sh? leaves for the United Kingdom on Nov. 5. Six hundred and twenty-five recently demobbed naval ratings
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  • 298 5 Government Grant Ofs3o,oooMonthly Straits Times Reporter CINGAPORE'S newest experiment for fighting malnutrition in children the provision of a free well-balanced meal to the child of pre-school age is expected to be launched during the second half of next month. Government have sanctioned the expenditure of
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  • 150 5 sample meal recommended by the Nutrition team under Dr. C. J. Oliveiro to be «iv«n to children between the ages of two and six years under the new feeding scheme is given below: Lightly milled rice- -one ounce; finely ground kachaiig hi i in one ounce
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  • 147 5 MR. H. N. Balhetchct has been; elected president, and Mr. i Yapp Thean Chye. vice-president, of the newly formed Sinsrapcr° Teachers' Unon. Mr. P. V Sarma is general secretary. The Union was formed following a meeting of mor P than 200 Government and Governmentaided school teachers
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  • 118 5 KUCHING, Tues JOIR Charles Arden Clarke was installed as the first British governor of Sarawak at ceremonies here attended oy the i Governor-General, Mr. Malcolm MacDor.ald. and representatives 'of the resident communities. Sir Charles in his installation address pledged that no changes woutd be made ir. the
    AP  -  118 words
  • 51 5 A CHARGE of being in possession of 24 Japanese rifles on Oct. 27 was explained to Tan Ah Juan when he was produced before Mr. L. C. Goh, Second Police Magistrate, yesterday. The case was postponed to Nov. 6 for mention, and the accused rtmanded in
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  • 52 5 Mr. Fred J. Barretto, represent Pti-.-e in Singapore for Rycena Food Products, writes that in addition to the impoit permit secured by the Fourpoints Ltd., the Singapore agents for the product, Cheng Chiang Trading Co., the Kuala Lumpur agents for Rycena, have also secured an import permit Icr
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  • 140 5 EX-POW'S NOVEL WINS Ist PRIZE Straits Times Reporter MR. Oswald Wynd, a farmer resident of Kuala Lumpur wno was taken prisoner of war in Malaya, has won a £2,500 prize awarded annually for the winner of the Doubleday novel competition. Mr Wynd was interpreter attached to a party of 400
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  • 179 5 A RRESTED on a charge of steal Ing a bundle of bed sheets belonging to the SEAC Red Cross iiom the Singapore Harbour Board, a 25-y:ar-old labourer. Low Ah Kow, was convicted and sentenced to two years' rigorous imprisonment yejterday. by Mr. P: ul
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  • 31 5 Mr. A. S. Martin, Vice-Presi-dent of the East-West Society, will give a talk on "The Future of 'East and Wast' on Friday, at 5.15 p.m. at the M.D.U. Hall.
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  • 484 5 Chinese Headline Of The Week By way <<t relief from the sober and conservative tone of the Straits Times, we present today a news story worthy of Baron Munchausen or even the "Arabian Nights" which was published by our Singapore contemporary the Nanyang Siang
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  • 183 5 THE Singapore Harbour Board strike, in which nbout 10,000 dock workers arc involved, and which has caused a stoppage of shipping turn-round for several days, was fur ther complicated yesterday. Strikers' representatives, after discussions with Urn Harbour Board authorities, decided once more to refer
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  • 94 5 MIDDLE-AGED Chinee WOman, Poon Thyp Hcnp. who anpoalcd against her sentence, of two years" rigorous imprisonment for transporting chanriu had her sentence reduced I i 18 months' r.l. by Mr. Justio ley in the Supreme Cour* day. Mr Justice W.,rley. in reducing her sentence, said that
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 206 5 rlil YOUB GOODS 1 to EMPIRE MARKETS —by speedy Qantas Air Freight 'T'AKH tuli advantage of -valuable pott-war markets by tending your products oversea; in the shortest potsible rime by speedy, efficient Qantas Air Freight Services. At moderate rates, you can fly all types ot air cargo, including perishable products,
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  • 330 6 Includes Non-Muslim In League Quota UAIAJU ITA, TUCS. THE inclusion of a non-Muslim in the Muslim League quota of five in the Indian Interim Government submitted by Mr. M. A. Jinnah is considered in some political circles as an astute manoeuvre on the part of the League
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  • 91 6 Handling Rates For Foodstuffs Reduced From Our Own Correspondent Penang. Tuesday. THE decision to reduce their charges for handling four essential foodstuffs, rice, sugar, salt and flour, was reached by the Penang Harbour Labourers Association at a meeting heid on Monday to consider thy. present dispute with local importer. The
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  • 360 6 D:ar Mr. Culbertson: In last night's game I was accused of booting a slam all over the room. This was the deal: North, dealer East-West vulnerable. NORTH A J AQ ♦AQ***** Q 10 WEST CAST 7 S 10 VK96SS VJIO 742 10 K J 9 IK9SU *****
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  • 108 6 From Our Own Correspondent. IPOH, Tues. CAR thieves carried out the most daring theft yet reported in Ipoh on Saturday night when a newly purchased Austin 8 and a new Triumph motor-cyole were removed from a garag; iv Gooeng Road. Both the vehicles were put in
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  • 46 6 From Our Own Correspondent ALOR STAR. Tues. 'TWO Indian youths, Marimuthu x and Arumugam. were produced on a charge of houseorea>ring and theft before Cho Azrn: Mohammed in the District Court. Alor Star, and sentenced to two years' imprisonment each.
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  • 222 6 From Our Own Correspondent BATU PAHAT. Tuesday. MR. TAI KWEE SHENG, Vice-minister for Overseas Chinese Affairs in the National Government of China, received a warm welcome from representatives of all Chinese organisations and members of the Chinese public of Batu Pahat when he arrived
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 322 6 FUNERALS ft CEMETERY MEMORIALS. SINGAPORE CASKET CO., LTD. 139/133. Lavender St. Tel. 6075. POSITIVELY LAST DAY J -Jj\ M WfcC 4 SHOWS 1.30, 4. 6.30. 9.30 P.M. Don't Miss This "Uncommonly Good Film" m g"^" REX HARRISON 4 RAKES PROGRESS PALMER coo.riy TEARLE wmm JONES |T »s mOviOUAI »icru»l 0....1-1
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    • 83 6 JOHN DEREK MONEY TAYLOR, t< P.O.W. ThaUand Any information concerning the ibovementloned will be appreciated by ■.he undersigned. C. P. H. RICHES. BAHAU. N.B. MALAYA. GLOBE i GREAT WORLD PARK) DAILY: 3 iVM— 7— 9.15 f»• James MASON— Ann TODD IN A STORY SO lIVMAN OF ROMANCE SO TOITIIINC! "THE
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    • 416 6 FOR SALE AUSTIN 10 HP. Saloon 1940. recently overhauled 3 new tyres, licensed and Insured $4,300. Box ■636. S.T. FOR SALE. Flat Marvolet car engine, tyres, paintwork, all in gooJ condition. For immediate sale. Phone 4939. FOR SALE, one brand new gas stove with 4 rings and grlller etc.. apply
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    • 281 6 LRRGEST SfILE Sole Distributors Popineaa We ha\e in storu to offer a cooo selection of well known makr pian.>as follows: MORRISON BOMNMM l>\\l v ANN RKX ST»:iNW.\YS BABY GRAND MOI'TRIE Your insiwction cordially Invited NANG HWA PIANO CO.. 173. Tank Road. Singapore When you THINK of NEW lypp-writr-rs. Calculators. Adding
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 388 6 CROSSWORD No, 89 T~ T~ T~ 4 7"" 6~" T" 5~" "io~ 7T~ T~ "li" d LM M H I iIT HZ _v_J h"l 1 118 I §1 IfelLli S S i iiir__M 26 j 29 30 31 3 > <4IKOSb 1. This support U only a leek of hair
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  • 593 7 »|HE one hundred and fifty-third ordinary general meeting 1 of the Borneo Company, Ltd., was held in London recently. Sir Adam B. Ritchie (chairman of the company) presided, and in the course of his speech said: "No detailed survey of our properties
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  • 90 7 Yesterday's Sinffapore produce price were: ROCK SITGAR: $98. COFFEE: Pa dan* Bali $72, No. 1 Bali $I*o. No. 1 Palembang $29.50, No. 2 Palembang $28. A.P. No. 1 $40. A.P. No. 2 $37. PEPPER: Muntok (white) $10 Sibu $100. Lombonr (white) $S'2. I inn pon K i black)
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  • 162 7 Washington, Tues. Mr. Charles G. Ross, secretary to President Truman, to-day denied knowledge of a report that the Government might change the (35 an ounce gold valuation. A treasury official also threw cold water on the idea, saying that the Treasury Secretary. Mr. John W. Snyder.
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  • 212 7 •pHE report of the directors of Karmen Rubber. Ltd.. for the year ended May 31, 1946. presented at the anuual meeting of shareholders in London on Friday, says the Astatic sub>rdincr« staff are mostly back on the estate o'lt the labour force has been sadly depleted
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  • 259 7 CHIPS' positions In Singapore today are: MAIN WHARF Godown 31-32: Pentaknta. Godown 33-34: Fort Pitt. Godowrt 35: Rlmau leaves when ready. Godown 42-43- Samlamu. WEST WHARF Godown 1-2- Denbighshire discharging general cargo. Godown 9-10: Glenapp. Godown 11-12: Maiine Leopard. EAST WHARF Godown 44 Bi uas. Godown
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  • Around The Markets
    • 318 7 Local Shares Again Quiet By Our Market Correspondent. SINGAPORE, Tuesday. THE local share market was I even quieter than usual this morning. In the tin shares there were inquiries for Australian isues. London continues to offer tin shares freely. Petalings, Kuchai Tin and Batu Selangor were slightly firmer. Industrials were
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    • 88 7 NEW YORK. Tues— The domestic cor.sumpt ien of natural rubber increased 28.82 per cent in August over July, totallin? 23.336 tons, the Rubber Manufacturers" Association reports. Overall consumption of all types of rubber soared in Aue'isi to 18,122 tons— a gain of 15.1 ?3£ cent over
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    • 43 7 OTTAWA. Mon Mr. Ruhard Grew, formerly Canadian Trade Comm ssioner in Norway, has been appointed Canadian Trade Commissioner in India. He w.ll leave Canada early next year for Bombay. He will also be rf presentative to Burma and Ceylon.— Reuter.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 510 7 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. (incorporated in Singapore) BLUE FUNNEL LINE sailings to and from I'nlted Kingdom rromethe«i 'or U.K. 4th Nov. N»m£ara lufl lrom 7th Nov Antilorhi salta for U.K. lOtb Nov. S.ilinjt to and from Western Australia CtMMa *>"* lir Fremantle 3rd Nov. orgon from Fremantle 16th Nov SINGAPORE STRAITS
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    • 480 7 PRESIDENT LINE Railing* NEW YORK via India and Mediterranean Port* MARINE LEOP4KD* Godowns !1 I? MOUNT MANSFIELD loading Penang MARINE FLIER* In f.:i MOUNT DAVIS' due Nov M MOI'M ROGERS'* Nov. 25tli •Frefchl Onrj For freight and Passage Appl. AMERICAN PRESIDENT LINES. LTD. Union Bide. Ids: «t» S?S< WATERMAN LINE
      480 words
    • 445 7 ELLERMAN BUCKNALL S. S. CO.. LTD. FORT FORK For New York In PoH KF.NLAWERS For London Due Singapore titb No*. SAMTWKED ••'or sr« York. Due Singapore fnd Nor. KLAVE N E S S LINE. FOB PACIFIC PORTS Sa llnir* to be mnimd v hnrtl? McALISTER CO.. Spore LTD. Tel 7257;
      445 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 353 7 SINGAPORE TIDES TO-DAY: Hi)th Water: 1.40 a.m. 8 ft. 2 in 0.59 o.m 9 It. 1 in. TOMORROW: Ilisri Water: 2.1?) a.m. 7 ft. 7 in.; 1.30 o.m. 8 ft. 7 in. RADIO MAT AVA ramme summary: 8. 18 p.m. Accent on pjn. Int«nude: C.45 p.m. Home sur-V-rklin. X£\ rhythm;
      353 words

  • 557 8 ADELAIDE, Tuesday. A FINE defensive innings by Craig, who scored 111, and a fighting knock by Mann in the latter stages, saved South Australia from defeat in tho match against the M.C.C. here today. The opening batsmen gave the side a good start
    Reuter  -  557 words
  • Article, Illustration
    21 8 K. .>ai:i;crs, New ctith u.wes HK»ei.ujpi r-uatsinan, who wni be a strong conicntlrr l.>r a place in the Australian Test side.
    21 words
  • 474 8 PLAYING their first game of the season the Medical College surprised the S.C.C. on the Padang yesterday, holding them to a scoreless draw. Rain made it a forwards' < an eagerness for hard work even out the disadvantages of l Some of them literally
    474 words
  • 80 8 The following will b» selected to re-pre.-.cnt the Rrx kiites Sports Party n ;n list the Naval Contir»gent (Malayan Aro? i in a fricniliv soccer game on Sunday at Tclok Kuiau Knßlt;h S-hool ground at 5 15 p.m.: Wot* Glm Soo, C. Humphries. Cheow Hin, Ire Kens Lcnj\
    80 words
  • 44 8 Prom Our Own Corrrspondrnt Taiping. Oct. 27. Talptoc*! rugger talent was seen in action yesterday a scratch nftecn known as J.U. Joseph's team met and defeated Major Bmkh-ys fifteen by 17 point-; (1 ;;o«l 4 tlicsi tt) (J points (2 tries).
    44 words
  • 56 8 i toll wring will nptv t i-t the Chines. Club in a f;l nd!y tahti- t-nnis miuch against the Ai Tong Old Buys' Association on 3uni"v r.t I ;ini a' OOI Club's premL.t" Btaclcs: N.t Yew Wing. Chio i 1:1 f'lioo Ann. Lee Tons bil (Thta OOUI. Men's Doubles Na
    56 words
  • 309 8 Badminton Results And Teams In a return Meatfly badminton ■atoll pli-yed at Urn home court on Biddajr. UM Sp.ift.-c B.P. ->:at Mm Merry Union B.P. Ly four games Lo three. R;sulrs. (flptttlrc players men- 1 Oaoed Ont):— Sinrles: Chee Pi;ui Hung beat i Georce Tan 11-15. 13-6. 15-11; Hu Wei
    309 words
  • 267 8 Three- All Draw In Rugger At Seremban PXHILARATING rugger *ai Ij witnessed on the Station padang on Sunday when a Seremban Asiatic XV skippered by Inche Yaacob bin A. LatifT. State Public Relations Officer. N.S. and a Northampton XV played to a draw of three points each. Rcfereed by Mr.
    267 words
  • 187 8 M.C C. Ist. Inns.: 506 for 5 d.-dui.J SOUTH AUSTRALIA— Int. Inns. Craig c Evans b Pollard 14 Hammenee b Smith g Ridings b Langi-idge 57 Bradman c and b Smith :s James b Langriug? gg K. Gogler b Smith E. Dooland b Smith K. O'Neill c Evans b
    187 words
  • 168 8 London, Oct. 28. VINCE HAWKINS of laatltfijrtl became lh» new British middleweight champion w.ien he ot'tcointed the uo'der "> rate Roderick of Liverpool over 15 rounds at th? Albert Fftl 1 tonden this evening. Hawkins, who la a 23-y;ar-oid railway worker, outpun^hed ?nd outboxed Roderick making
    Reuter  -  168 words
  • 128 8 EVENTS C.ia'.i Poh Ying and Lim Pen;; Queo. nc-WUt contenc'f-rs lor the men's doubles ,'chr.r.ipionshin title, are still tho master table tennis pa r. Playln-; cautioiislv. Poll Yin;; and Pen<r Quce boat Yeo Chen'; Hai and Chan Kwok Mir^. me of the stron-'est pair of companions in th-
    128 words
  • 92 8 Kota Bharu. Tuesday On the occasion of the birthday «.f H.H. Uie Sultan, the scheduled fourth round games of the Kelantan Soccer league were postponed indefinitely. The fifth weeks matches, five at Kcta B'.iaru. one at Tumpat and the atlMI at Pasir Mas. were played off according to
    92 words
  • 72 8 The Coionlals' w.L' play a "home and home" cricket match, en the Police grounds on Saturday at 2.30 p.m. The two team-,, skippered by Ratnayake awl Christie Ser.eviratne, will be Eatnayakr's team: Ra'nayako, Nugera. Van Rpyk, Albert. Ferdinand. 1, Delika: W.F. Jayascoriya. F rt.B Perera. Abey a».na. Clasusn
    72 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 246 8 CAPITOL MIDNIGHT PREMIERE FRIDAY .HAL B.WALLIS^. CLAUOc RAINS CONRAO VEIOf -'GREENSTKEET HIHIORK^WCHtfICMII/ PRECEDED BY WARNER'S SENSATIONAL FEATURETTE HITLER LIVES?" in ti won t;u him PI ad ;«KI( F OnaVi BY Tll»: H01.1.Y--nrooai h»k» k.n < «>"••' l-OMIf NTS aMOCI \VH>N A Timely Warning Against Totalitarianism in All its Insidious Forzns
      246 words
    • 254 8 LAST DAY TO-DAY KBBn FIVE SHOWS iMßkßr^^fl I 1 2 p.m. 4.15 6.30 9.1 5 p.m. SrjflK Hb^M^MaJBI NEWSPAPERS, RADIOS, BOOKS AND NOW ON THE SCREEN. B^B^BEn-^bt^ ill 1 <^Psv SJK LSrjttdaTO M I^hlsV^l N I dß^B^al^^t alkar^in ifa.airv Ifiß "PRISON SHIP" MACHINE-GUNNING OF WOMEN CHILDKKN THE ALLEGED OFFENCE
      254 words