The Straits Times, 26 October 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 510 1 South Africa Case To Go To Assembly NEW YORK, Friday. TIIK l T ni(ed Nations Steering Committee yesterday decided to recommend to the General Assembly thut it should consider India's charges that South Africa was discriminating against her Indian citizens*. The question will go before
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  • 88 1 CORFU, Fri.— Ten of the 38 victims of last Tuesday's mins explosions which damaged two British destroyers, the Saumarez and Volage, in Corfu Channel, were buried at Corfu yesterday with full naval honours. The bodies of the other 28 victims have not yet been recovered. The service
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  • 116 1 JERUSALEM, Friday. rHE police here have detained nearly 150 Jerusalem Jews following last night's explosions of bomb and mine I blasts. Twelve persons 11 soldiers and a civilian— were wounded in four bonb and grenade explosions in Jerusalem. The condition of three is list?d as
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  • 90 1 LONDON, Fri.— Th* Board of Trade announces that the Government announcement concerning the freeing of the rubber market, which it was expected Sir Stafford Cripps would be making today, has been postponed. It is expected, however, that the statement will be made within a fortnight.
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  • 320 1 THE loading of rubber for the United States and London on three vessels lying alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves was brought to a standstill yesterday as a result of the dockyard strike. The ships affected were the Sea Hydra and Marine Leopard, loading
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  • 114 1 OXFORD. Fri.-When the King went to open the doors of the new £1,000.000 extension to the Bodleian Library, Oxford, yesterday, the silver key broke in the lock. Officials of the University had to open the door from the inside. For some moments there was confusion.
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  • 55 1 BATAVIA, Fri— Lord Killearn, British Special Commissioner in South East Asia, who has taken the chair at sessions of the Dutch Indonesian Conference here to settle the constitutional future of the Netherlands East Indies, flew to Singapore today. He is to return here in time for the plenary
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  • 202 1 LONDON, Friday. rE British Parliament, by a free vote in a debate next Tuesday, will decide whether there should be an inquiry into the British newspaper press its control, management and ownership. Such an inquiry is demanded in a motion from Labour backbenchers headed by Mr. Haydn
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  • 35 1 Lancaster House, St. lame's, London, where the Palestine Conference has been taking place. The conference, which so far neither the Palestine Arabs nor the Jewish Agency have attended, has now adjourned.
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  • 99 1 FRANKFURT, Fri.— A military court-martial yesterday ordered contempt charges to be brought against WAC Capt. Kathleen Nash Durant for refusing to give evidence against Major David Watson as a prosecution witness in the second phase of the Kronenburg Jewel trials here. She would say only
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  • 41 1 JERUSALEM, Fri.— Lieut. -Gen. Sir Evelyn Barker. General Officer Commanding British Troops in Palestine, left by air for Britain last night to take over the post of General Officer Commanding, Eastern Command, England, tn succession to Lieut.-Qen. Sir Oliver Leese. Reuter.
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  • 593 1 AGREEMENT ON MUSLIMS IN INDIA CABINET NEW DELHI, Friday. AGREEMENT has been reached over the allocation of portfolios between the Muslim League and Congress representatives in the all-India Interim Government, it was learned here today. It is understood that the Muslim League gave satisfactory assurances of its intentions with regard
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 45 1 OUTDOOft PHOTOGRfIPHHI Jspec\al\£e in. Qe»e (obi no y\iuTvrtq jP ana (pntaiaiua SALES 6 SERVICE feo-2RA.P.JELETAIM>wd LVLLAGE. JINGAPO&J PERSIAN aiwfHWl BOKHARA II 1:1 1'! INDIAN and lilPi CHINESE J^t^ &v.nnrLiu mr^m* We have on display THE ORIENTAL CARPET STORE 67, THE ARCADE 3rd FLOOR Tel. 6453
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    • 54 1 l imrtimmmt nnm) SPOMI -HMAM4 J rdo MARINE DIESEL ENGINES 80 HP, 100 HP and 120 HP FOR DELIVERY IN 8 MONTHS EX WORKS Comprehensive stocks of Spares in Malaya? Resident PAXMAN Engineer available for Serviced UNITED ENGINEERS LTD, SINGAPORE PE N AMC IPOH MALACCA SEREMBAM ALSO THE FEDERATED ENCINEERINC
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  • 85 2 Paris, Fri. The ruins of a village believed to be more than 6,000 years old have been discovered on a plateau near Toulon. Ramparts made of blocks of basalt eight yards thick, vestiges of houses, arrowheads of bronze and silver coins, 13 arches of polished stone
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  • 124 2 T.U.C. Attacks The Greek Government BRIGHTON, Friday. rHE Trades Union Congress yesterday adopted its General Council's report strongly criticising the Greek Government, but supporting the Labour Government's attitude. 'Reference back' -the motion to reject the report— which it had been suggested might have provoked sharp exchanges at tho annual conference,
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  • 109 2 SHANGHAI. Fri.— Chinese military authorities have captured a Japanese Army officer named Kubota and his associates, who are accused of the massacre of an entire village population of over 3,000 in 1933 in southern Manchuria, the Central News /gency reported today from Mukden. The report said
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  • 471 2 Support For Attlee 's T. U. C. Speech LOUGHTON, Essex, Thursday. THE condemnation by the British Prime Minister, Mr. Clement Attlee, of British Communism when addressing the Trades Union Congress at Brighton today, was strongly supported by his wartime predecessor, Mr. Winston Churchill, speaking here tonight.
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  • 117 2 OTTAWA, Thurs— An Ontario supreme court jury yesterday acquitted Eric Georgt Adams on a charge that he conspired to give confidential information to Russia during the war. Adams, a tormer official of several Government branches, re. mained under $5,000 bail, however, pending termination by the Crown of
    AP  -  117 words
  • 27 2 SHANGHAI. Fri.— A Chinese report from Tsingtao said that five members of the United States navy had been killed and severai wounded in two accidents on Wednesday.—UP.
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  • 59 2 LONDON, Fri -The House of Lords last night completed the second reading of the bill to use nickel instead of s lyer in British coinage. Lord Pethick-Lawrence said the bl'l. which has already passed the House of Commons, would enable Britain to repay to the United States
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  • 328 2 LONDON, Thursday. REORGANISATION of thr A British Army infantry was announced in the House of Commons today by the Wai Secretary, Mr. Frederick Bellenger. Under the new scheme "ghost battalions with only skeleton organisation, on which new formations can be built rapidly in case of an
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  • 102 2 PARIS, Fri.— The agreement between France and Viet Nam will be discussed in the V-et Nam National Assembly on Monday, according to French News Agency reports reaching here from Hanoi. The assembly w.ll also consider reshuffling the Cabinet and will appoint a new Foreign Minister and
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  • 87 2 LONDON, Fri— Mr. Frederick Bellenger, the War Secretary, said in the House of Commons that he was aware that /rces a»r mails to Hong Kong haa b en delayed in recent months. The main reason was that this route involved some of the most
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  • 177 2 FRANKFURT, Thursday. A NUMBER of former Nazi Ministers have been removed from Dachau concentration camp, where they had been interned since their capture, to Nuremberg for trial, the American news servic announced tonight. They w*re stated to be: Otto Meissner, chief of the Reich Chancellery: HanzHeinrich Lammers.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 458 2 SALE BY TENDER. The Custodian of Property, Singapore, invites tenders for the purchase of the following, particulars of which are as follows; lot 1 One Japanese open vessel beached. 42' 3" I I' I I marked No. 3 1 One Japanese open vessel marked No. 4 beached. 42' 3' t
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    • 252 2 LEGAL NOTICE. RE. UNITED CONTRACTORS NOTICE is hereby given that Tan Hong Ngiap has from the 14th day of Bept«inb>r 1944 ceased to be the Manager of United Contractors ol No. 44 B Raffles Quay, Singapore. Any debus, obligations or receipts Incurred, entered Into or signed by the said Tan
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    • 885 2 BRITISH STORES DISPOSAL BOARD (SINGAPORE) TENDER NOTICE. BY ORJ>EE OF THfc DIBECTOR OF DISPOSALS. UK EAST M v AREA (M O S 1 The British Stores Disposal Board is authorised to rec<i\e render.* for the following items: Let Ho I Radio Scrap consisting of Approx 2 500 lbs. a large
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  • 440 3 Mr, Laycock Refrains From Vote Of Thanks UOW the affairs of the Singapore Municipality were manned in London during (he period of the Japanese occupation of the island was disclosed in Singapore for the first time yesterday when the Muni .pal Commissioners held their monthly
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  • 85 3 THE wedding of M: Hum:sh Ross 1 Barron. a plan '.or from Lavang Layang, Joacrs, and Miss Diana Louise W!uterton look place on Thursday at St Andrew's Cathedral the Rev. D. Rosenthall officiating. A recepti v was held at i£o. Mount Plea..i-.t and the hor.eymoon will be
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  • 48 3 While whitewashing a portico at the Cathedral of th e Good Shepherd, Bras Basah Road on July 13, a 35 year-old Chinese Yeo Sai Kirn, fell from a scaffold ng to the ground and died the next day. The Coroner yesterday returned a finding of ucath by misadventure.
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  • 79 3 Lt.-(iin. Numata, Lhiel ot Staff to the late Field Marshal Count Tcrauchi, riving evidence of character of Lt.-Gen. Harada, C-ln-C Japanese Forces, Java, after Grn. Harada and four others had been convicted at the Australian War Crimes Court in Singapore yesterday of the killing of
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  • 334 3 rE early attention of the Municipal Commissioners should be directed to the throwing open of parks, playing grounds, swimming pools, and the clearance of the water fronts at Connaught Drive and Collyer Quay, stated Mr. Lien Ying Chow, at a meeting of the
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  • 142 3 Assessment Rate Ceiling Restored SINGAPORE Municipal ComJ missioners, at a meeting yesterday, agreed unanimously to rescind i n earlier decision removing the ceiling on assessment rates. The motion for the repeal or that decision was first introduced by Mr. D. K. Walters. Mr. John Laycock, who mo vetthe first resolution
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  • 185 3 Church of England: dt. Andrews 7, 8. 10.30, 5.30; St. Peters; 7.30 9.30, 10.30. 7.30; St. Georges Garrison Church (Tanglin); 7.15. 9, 9.45, 6.30; Christ Church: 8. 10.30. 5. 6.30. St. Hilda's: 8. 5.30: St. Paul's (Serancjoon); 8; Garrison Church (69 1.0. H. Alexandra); 7.15. 11. 6.
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  • 59 3 Tonight will see the closing of the present Shackle Club premLses, and the last appearance for the time being of Forces' Variety Quiz, which has been broadcast by Radio Malaya from the concert hall on the Shackle Club's top floor, every Saturday night for the last nine months.
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  • 34 3 Hoe Chiang Road, which connects Cantonment Road with Tanjong Pagar Road, will be r opened to the public from Nov. I. This road was formerly blocked and used by the military.
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  • 37 3 An acquittal on a charge of causing hurt to an unknown Chinese during the Japanese occupation was granted to Cheah Teng Cheok, a Chinese Inspector of Police, yesterday by Mr. T.T. Russell. Second District Judge.
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  • 154 3 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. yiLLAGERS in Ampang, three miles outside Kuala Lumpur, who have been cultivating crops for orivate consumption in order to cope with the rice shortage, became infuriated at repeated damage to their allotments by what appeared to be wild Pigs.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 344 3 2j?^jfW- The $100.00] On<- hundud doiurs will (y t:ivcn to dur patrons who could suggest U a iNr titlf for thr Paramount s N*wfsi. Topmost Musical and Laugh Hit v •And llu Ai.^ls Siii|i{" A ihow that's thre# tune?; a.-, fjst, ana thn-e limes as funny as any entertaln-T-Vl- 1
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    • 302 3 %a 4 isc j^^^^f «dSmVmmVr^K Ss^^^. PW AD B -r*^ %^T w *x ■BE!^mm«m^s^mmm»^Btm22^^'^l^^E K *V "A Ym^Rmmmmvta^B MJHI TM M ~1 ~=rH. Y\\ *v '^"w I^SBBSISK^ iff Ifl z~. >J\ *v_ '^^B^BSBmmwH^^^ iml aV-'j .IN CHROMIUM .*Vl3^b] e f or too large that we canJjlL-__ Knob, a motor car
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  • 633 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Saturday, Oct. 26, 1946. Two Worlds Dr. Chen Su Lan is an authority on the subject of tuberculoss in Singapore, and th c macabrs story which he told to the Rotary Club on Thursday must not be dismissed as an example of that ebullience which so
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  • 496 4 The Malayan newspapers this week have published a noteI worthy item of news from another member of the British colonial family, namely the little colony of Bermuda The Assembly of Bermuda nas adopted, by 27 votes to 5. a message to the Governor refus- ing
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  • 769 4  - Chinese Learning Chinese: Straits-Born Problem LIM JOO GUAN By [One of the provisions in the new educational policy for Malaya will be more facilities for the study of Chinese by locally born Chinese pupils of the English schools. Here is an article which shows how difficult such studies are for
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  • Man In The Street
    • 256 4 I SHOULD think the noisiest corner in the world at pre- sent is to be found at the junci tion of Orchard Road—Penang ißoad— Dhoby Ghaut. The drivers of Service vehicles ot all descriptions seen to take s delight in revving their engines full out when waiting
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    • 89 4 WE hope the authorities will take note of what is going on nightly in the open [space just behind Queen Street. A kajang hut was erected by somsonc in this open area, and every night, from dusk to dawn, prostitutes of all races are bringing their prey
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    • 143 4 IT is high time that the Arab community of Singapore roused themselves to approach the Government and ask that an Arab representative be appointed in the Legislative Council as well as the Municipal Council to watch the interests of their community. The Arabs are secwri only to the
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    • 203 4 IN November, 1941, the Chiei I Police Officer issued an edict to hand i n our guns to the police stations. When that was completed a .~.)h aopear:d n the Straus Times to the effect that the guns were required for dciensive purposes. The only "defensive purpose"
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    • 172 4 WITH further reference to correspondence on the subject of the term Orang Kling", it is interesting to note that "Singapura" was also the name of the ancient capital of the kingdom of Kalinga, on the east coast of India. Kalinga was a great maritime kingdom founded at least
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 869 4 PIERCEY. On Oct. 23rd at Kuala Pilah Hospital to Ji>an Isobel <nee Hamilton i. wife of Maxwell Tunnel I daughter. At Kuala Lumpur on 19th October ]<i4fi. Korbes Wallace, Malayan Police. wm of the late Major F. T Wallace and of Mrs. Wallace, Ernsyde. I«yi-i, Klfe. to Dorothy Hamilton Des
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    • 27 4 PERFECT VISION HAPPY LIVING. #"*2^M<k Guard your only pair of eyes Should you experience the slightest eye discomfort, have them examined C 8. CHONG. O D.. P.P.0.0
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    • 20 4 a^a^BMMMMP V*\ 'W '*X.) f Af* I r^^J^^^MMMMMr J^jJ^LX ~^^H Hack again fc to safeguard J% J your health J*"
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  • 928 5 How Singapore Can Bring Down Prices MOW co-operative stores can help overcome the black market in Singapore was described by Mr. S. P. Garrctt, Trade I'nion Adviser, Singapore, addressing the Singapore Co-operative Stores Society yesterday. The Secretary of State for the Colonies, said Mr. I
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  • 95 5 WE give below a comparison of prices charged in co-operative society stores and in ordinary stores in Singapore. The list was quoted by Mr. Garret t in support of his claim that the co-operative shop is truly the people's shop. Co-op. Price < Others' olinson's Baby Powder
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  • 41 5 The Singapore Municipality will folio V government practice in matters connected with the counting of the period of Japanese occupation towards the benefits of provident fund and leave, according to a decision approved r»y a meeting of the Municipal Commissioners, yesterday.
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  • 183 5 THE blackmarket price of rice in Johore Bahru has came down from over $200 to abut $100 per picul, says the N?.nyang Siang Pau. Wheat flour is sold at a little over $10 per picul, and the total disappearance of a black market in
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  • 44 5 LONDON, Thurs Purchases of rubber for shipment from Malaya during the reminder of this year have now been complete: said the Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Trade. Mr. Belcher, in reply to a quesM^n in the House of Commons yesterday. Reuter.
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  • 14 5 The number of Singapore Mun.cipal Commissioners is to be increased to the 1941 level.
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  • 179 5 AUESTIONS were tabled by Mr. D. K. Walters at a meeting l£ of the Singapore Municipality yesterday, on Singapore problems. The replies stated that the pre-war carrying capacity of the Singapore Traction company as at Dec. 1, 1941, was 10,205 passengers as compared with
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  • 94 5 THK Singapore Island Club announces that it will have to close down as the result of a strike by club coolies for higher p*y. The Committee agreed to pay a minimum of $41 per month with two days' holiday a month and the committee also agreed
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  • 48 5 Miss Lee San San, a Java- born Chinese, popularly known athe 15-year-old prodigy, who gives a piano recital at the Victoria Memorial Hall tomorrow. After a brief stay in Singapore, she goes to Europe for further studies in music on a Dutch Government-:Oonsor-ed scheme.
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  • 147 5 From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Friday THE story of how five men in a sampan stopped a junk bound for Penang with a cargo of rubber and other good."- in waters of* Pulau Rimau was told at a preliminary inquiry held yescerda: into a
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  • 58 5 The Food Controller in Singa!X>re announces that it has hitherto been impossible to i include domestic staff in the controlled distribution scheme o textiles, but it is hoped to extcn distribution to include this cia s Details of the scheme will cpublished in the neur Culure. Applications
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  • 319 5 Swimming Club Wants To Double! Subscriptions THE Singapore Swimming Club, I which was at one time considered the cheapest club of its kind in the Far East, will double its monthly subscriptions and raise its entrance fe-es, if proposals to be submitted to members at a special general meeting are
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  • 351 5 COLLOWINC a tribute to the loyalty of the Sn.,a--r pore Municipal staff during the Battle of Singapore and throughout the period of the Japanese occupation, the Municipal Commissioners, at a Meeting yesterday, passed a resolution agreeing in princ pie to grant all Municipal officers and servants
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  • 134 5 Deepwater Berths For Bagan Luar PENANG, Friday. rE question of constructing deepwater berths on the mainland in the vicinity of Bagup Luar is to be investigated, it was decided at a meeting of members of the Penang Harbour Board and representatives of the Penang Chamber of Commerce. The meeting -as
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  • 62 5 rRTY-SIX Punjabi recruits for the Singapore Police Force were among the 262 passeng rs which arrived by the Ascar.cU'.s from Madras on Thuivdav The majority of the pass-ngnrs were Indian businessrr. Tha newcomers to I he local police force will undergo a period of training at
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  • 29 5 Today's nirnu at the V «,pi, R<*s!.mran's in Sinsraporr Kill b^ fried noodle*, fried pork and prawn-, toufrrh. fri«d onions, koo chye. rhrw rhow ani chov sv-n.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 182 5 PROTECTING the EYES. *^fc The differences of m 1 CHANCE'S CROOKES. (^c-^^PS| New Crookei A Vy[ i?ives complete protection for norma: \j Ci^^J occasions i Y^*^i^r Crookei A 2 C^< I A faint bluish tint, preferred by those i. whose eyes are more than normally wpsltivr to ordinary M?ht. VA
      182 words
    • 186 5 THAT NEVER, NEVER <®S^%) CHANGES IN QUALITY %^tk foyt EISIE, th«BORDFN COW >^v ,s3sp^ Elsie: This is KlLm' ll is pure, powdered whole milk. Only fine milk from healthy cows is made into Klim. And it is kept safe and pure through our special packing process. Klim quality never varies!
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  • 406 6 Sir Edward's Speech To Selangor Indians Fpoip Out Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. TEAM spirit is essential to the growth of a democratic I society and games and sports matches are a great nationbuilding factor, declared Sir Edward Gent, Governor of the Malayan Union, in a
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  • 100 6 From Our Own Correspondent MUAR, Fri. roUND guiHy of robbing an Tn- dian woman, Kamachi, of $30 in cash and a gold chain, Ong Ah Yam was sentenced to five years' rigorous imprisonment and twelve strokes of the "cat" by Mr. Justice Laville in
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  • 108 6 Young Malay Posed And Drew Money Prom Our Own Correspondent TAIPING, Thurs. A YOUNG Malay, Habizah bin Duhad, alias Wahab, was charged before Mr. C. P. Newton in the District Court with posing as one Nazir bin Lunia, a private of the Malaya Regiment, and drawing on Feb. 7 this
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  • 112 6 VERNACULAR EDUCATION POPULAR From Our Own Correspondent TAIPING, Thursday. VERNACULAR education is now popular among boys in English schools. Classes in Malay, Punjabi, Chinese and Tamil have already been started in the King Edward V'll School, Taiping, and Clifford School, Kuala Kangsar. The King Edward VII School was th e
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  • 64 6 From Our Own Correspondent Ipoh, Friday. THE Social Welfare Department is planning to open another People's Restaurant to supplement the present one at Ipoh Market. Tlv? new restaurant will cater for clerks though it will oe oppn to all. It will provide slightly better food
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 170 6 Showing To-day 11 hju. 2.00. 4.15. 6.30. 9.30 p.m. Bb^iw J^^^^^^^ Jfc»^^^^^ x9i I p pw Int... patsic VucwieT if I vD^^ io«« nor! X.^^^^r'^lS^ TONIGHT jiT MIDNIGHT GALE SONOERGAARD JUNE VINCENT m W H jrv THOMAS mil GEORGE DOIENZ JANE FAffSA* tUOWIG STOSSEI TO-NIGHT AT WTKB9K MIDNIGHT yg^^l STAMFORD
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    • 84 6 LIDO (NEW WORLD PORT) TO-I>AY: 3 P.M.— 7— 9.15 TM. JAf .ATlMKlTirt RECALLFD! ANTHONY QUlNN.wo.nwwm.rSSfc SEE- 1W DEATH MARCH! TO-NICHT: (1130) MIDNIGHT "WOLF DOG" (FINAL CHAPTERS) WITH GEORGE LEWIS FRANKTE DARRO RfN-TIN-TW JR. SUM (New World Park) TO-DAY: 5 pm. and 8.30 p.m. TO-MORROW: 1.30 p.m. 5 9.30 p.m. TWO
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    • 723 6 FOR SALE GREAT DANE PUPPIES, Black and White, Harlequin Champion Stock. Prices Reasonable. S. Ingham, Ashwood Dane Kennels, Royal Parade. Ashgrove, Brisbane, Australia Cables "Ingham F 8569 Brisbane." FOR SALE. Large Quantity Lead. For further particulars apply Chop Hock Hln, 233. East Coast Road. Singapore. PROMPT SHIPMENT OFFERS: 1. Tyres
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    • 295 6 STERLING SILVERWARE •Tea C*ffee s*U I 'Powder compacts ♦Salvers trays I •Srrrirtte ring* •Cirarette caws \sh tray* •Oit.irrttr bora New storks n«w on display DIAL 7421 or nil \Mf i F/H IWMPF/PM ii mi in W r §< f f fy^^r^titf^ui wA fx ABntzjxTJtlll^DxSflCjj^S vk MJWITEREY rAcr.rowDE* UPSttac. v\ km
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 659 6 Today's deal occurred in the to three diamonds. Actually, of recent Masters' Pair Champion- course, South might have made ship. It contains several import- that bid anyway, but if North ant bidding points had only six clubs and South had North, dealer two. the contract might end in Neither' side
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  • 123 7 BATAVTA, Thurs.-It is learned that Indonesian Republic currency will be issued on Nov. l, presumably at the same exchange rate as the Netherlands Indies guilder. It is stipulated that ah Turaueae guilders which at preseni are lawful Republican ■.'•.rrency must be deposited in tne appointed banks
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  • 80 7 LONDON. Wed— The Ministry il Supply announces that stocks of tin metal heiv? by the Ministry on Sept. 30 amounted to 8.738 long tons and stocks held by consumers are calculated al 4,237 tons. Production during September totalled 2,507 tons with arrivals nil. Deliveries by the Ministry
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • Around The Markets
    • 330 7 SINGAPORE, Friday. DUBBER went up in price following the Board of Trade announcement. According to the Chinese press, No. 1 sheet rose to 4:>' 4 cents per pound, showing an increase of 1 cent from the previous day. Local dealers quotations per picul were:
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    • 76 7 LONDON, Friday. Disquiet which tv shown in certa.n sections of the London market early almost entirely dlscppearcd The change »as brought about by further demand in gilted«red«. other fixed Interest stork* and nationalisation Issues. Leading industrial equities also Joined the upward trend wh-le the market as a
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    • 64 7 Wall NEW YORK. Friday. The New York Stock Market stiffened yesterday, rails improving on third-quarter reports that Home Rails are the bert so far in 1946 with further gains expected. This Improvement was reflected by minings, utilities, oils and aviations, but industrials, notably steels, motors and chemicals lagged giving
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    • 141 7 SINGAPORE, Friday. IN the produce market Tester day, the local price for black market rice dropped sharply, says the Chinese press. First quality was sold at 595 per pirul, with retail price at $1.20 per tahil. i Similar quality of rice Is sold at $75 per picnl at
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  • 132 7 (By Our Market Correspondent) SINGAPORE, Friday. rERE was little activity ir. the local share market his morning. Straits Trading Co. shares showed further decline and business was transacted at $15. Malayan Collieries were on offer at $2.37' 2 while Straits Steamships were offered at $21. There
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  • 196 7 Paper Prospects In L. S. Brighter New York Prospects that the pap^r shortage In the United States might ea.-ie sooner thar. originally expert ed arc receiving encouragement from development in the pulp and paper industry during the past months. Major bottlemtks of production wtre pried open or widened, and conditions
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  • 114 7 Washington: There were no oank failures In the United States in 1915. the Federal Dtpcslt Insurance Corporation revealed in its annual report, released recently. In a summary of the report the Corporation said: 'For the first time In I several generations, an entire calendar
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 756 7 P&O and BRITISH INDIA PASSENGER A FREIGHT SERVICES P. A U 5. ft. CO.— k SAMSOARINti NT M«"» <■ •,i. BKNAI.DF.R From I^ndon For Hongkong port >U sAMTRI TH From Karachi port Ha. FORT PITT From Karachi port •<j S A MIA Ml From Bombay J» P*'* •a.i SAMF.TTRICB For
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    • 547 7 PRESIDENT Line SaUlnfs NHVt YORE via India and Mediterranean Ports MARINE LEOPARD* Godowns 11 17 MOUNT MANSFIELD Loadine fenant MA BINE FLIER' In I' MOI'NT DAVIS* due Nov. etb MOI'NT KOGESS* iiH Nov. i-Mh ■Frelffbl Only For Freifbt and Passage Appl; AMERICAN PRESIDENT LINES. LTD. Union Bldg. Tcla: ti2£* •757
      547 words
    • 357 7 ELLE R M t n BUCKNALL S. CO.. LTD. FORT FORK For New York In Por BKNLAWERS For London l>n* Sl' WW| tith Not. SAMTWEED For New York Due S.ngapore end Nor. KLAVENESS LINE. FOR PACIFIC PORTS Sailnc* to be renamed <h«ni» Agrou:— McALISTER «Sc CO.. Spore LTD. PHONE 7JS7—
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 628 7 Singapore Tides TODAY: High water: 11.20 a.m. 9 ft 3 in. TOMORROW: High water: Midnirtit 9 ft. 4 in 1144 p.m. 9 ft 4 in. Along The Singapore Waterfront SHIPS' positions in Singapore today Godown 15-16: Samaria discharging Eastern Trader, loading cargo Tor are cargo. Hongkong. MAIN WHARF EMPIRE DOCK
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  • 111 8 Sydney. (Air Mail*. TWENTY-nlne-year- Dave Watt, topscorer for Western Auot ralia and the Combined XI against England, is a Scot. He was brought to Australia at the age of four, returning to Scotland for schooling. He attended the Royal High School in Edinburgh and played club
    Reuter  -  111 words
  • 174 8 LONDON. Thurs. AT todays Viototla Club callover on the Cambiidgeshire. running at Newmarket on Oct. 30. betting was heavy with leading candidates being backed to win £133,000. Langton Abbot, who was a 25-1 chance at M>e lost callover. was becked at 18-1 to win £16.000 but
    Reuter  -  174 words
  • 357 8 M.C.C. 237 WITHOUT LOSS Hutton 117 Washbrook 111 ADELAIDE, Fri. M.C.C. had scored 237 without loss at close of play in the match against South Australia. Hut ton was not out for 117 while Wasrbrook had totalled 111. Though they scored slowly, they dominated the bowling throughout and played all
    Reuter  -  357 words
  • Article, Illustration
    33 8 »>r. I). A Hopitin (SIC'C.) leadi a~bre£lt tfirourh of ffie BJUT. forwards in the rugby match on the padang on Thursday. which the K.A.I- Seletar won six points to three. Straits Times picture.
    33 words
  • 48 8 'I UM S.C.C. XV to play rugby 1 against H.Q. Singapore District tomorrow will be: J.J. Bell; J.M. »ulton. J. Redman. JS.W. Pinnock. CM. Quayle; B.P.M. Pascoe, R. Laird: R. 3mlth. M.S. Lea. T.M. Goring. I. A. Nelson. F Hutchlnson, T.M. McCarter, J.H. Wheeler, D.A. Blunt.
    48 words
  • 108 8 From Oar Own Correspondent SEGAMAT. Thursday. For the first time In years a soccer team of the Kedah Malays will meet an All-Johore Malay XI some tim; early next month in a charity match In aid of U.M.N.O. The exact venue of the match has
    108 words
  • 270 8 T*HE following is the S.C.R.C. Rugby side against Command Pay Office at Raffles College this afternoon at 5.15 p.m R. Eu: Low Kee Uow, Lee Slew Choh. Wee Leong Sou. WUham Fung; Edward Pung. Eu Cheow Chye: Thlo Yoon Kirn. J. P. Teng, Cheah Chim Joo, Ong
    270 words
  • 153 8 IT is understood that there will be a rugby match on the last Saturday in January between a Combined Services' team and the Rest of Malaya. This game will be played in Singapore on the day normally given to the North vs.
    153 words
  • 85 8 Letter WHEN A GOAL IS SCORED In order to settle a dispute, could you let the Johore Bahru Soccer fans know through the .medium of ycur journal, whelner a ball striking the goal-post and rebounding beyond the goal area could be allowed as a goal. An incident which took place
    85 words
  • 230 8 From Our Own Correspondent SEREMBAN, Thursday. GOOD soccer was played on the station padang this evening when the Chinese, winners of the Shield competition, won 8-4 against XI drawn from the rest of the teams that had taken part in the league competition. Showing perfect
    230 words
  • 34 8 LONDON', in. Home football and ru^by result* were: DIVISION II Newport Co. 1, Southampton 2. RUGBY COUNTY CHAMPIONSHIP Leicester 0, Warwick 13RUGBY UNION Cambridge Univ. 6, Bedioid 0 Reuter.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 253 8 From Our Own Reporter Ipoh, Friday. THE first race this afternoon will be a walkover for Robelus, the only horse left in the field. The walkover in the first race is the first since 1940 in Malaya when Royal Hampton was conceded the big
    253 words
  • 15 8 Hutton not out 117 Washbrbok not oat 111 Extras 9 Total (without loss) 237
    15 words
  • 356 8 Seven-A-Side Hockey At S.R.C. rN teams are participating in I the S.R.C. Seven-a-side knockout hockey competition which began yesterday with Team 1 beating Team 10 by four points i to three. The only rules for this knockout system is that one point for a short corner and two points for
    356 words
  • 138 8 From Out Own Correspondent Batu Pahat. A definite step has at last been taken in Batu Pahat towards putting football on a proper organised footing. At a meeting recently it was decided to revise the Association and office-bearers were elected. It was decided also
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 596 8 Join the Weil-Paid Ranks of the I.C.S. TRAINED MEN What aoout your future? What of thf nrw world and the marvellous opportunities it ogtii to those who h»ve had .^penalized training. One thing is certain— there will never be any worthy hire lor the untrained Ambitious men everywhere have succeeded
      596 words
    • 220 8 AIHAMRDA n 13 4 630 9 /\Lfll/\ITIDI\/\ ROOK NOW: TEL 6999. MORE THAN YOUR QUOTA OF LAUGHS! Laurel Hardy's INSTANTANEOUS SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION has EVERYBODY HOWLING! They're a Swingy ZOOT-SUIT BAND! Outcrooked Crooks with their Envelope-Stunt! Tripping the light fantastic, With a dame that's plastic! VIVIAN SINGS 3 GREAT SONG HITS
      220 words