The Straits Times, 25 October 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 305 1 Committee Of Rubber And Tin Interests TIIK Joint Malayan Committee on War Damage Compensation, representing various tin and rubber organisations including the United Planting Association of Malaya and the British Association of Straits Merchants, was formed in Kuala Lumpur vtsterday. The main object of the committee is to
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  • 62 1 llif Governor-General, .Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald. will I'-ave Singapore this morning U-r Brunei. Tomorrow he will go to Raehlag for two days' touring in virauak to make contacts he IMS not yet been able to ma':«\ Fir will return to K aching to take part
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  • 247 1 Kalion Scheme Postponed For A Week THE rati'-iiiii),' of flour and bread in Singapore has' )>■ 11 postponed for a week. c inramen will hay? until Friday. Nov. 1. to register with their rrt-.ulers. Bread and flour will remain on the free market for v role of nexi we >k
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  • 67 1 MADRID, Thurs.— Gen. Franco's army yesterday began construction of new extensive fortifications along the whole length of the Franco-Spanish border, according to a French N:ws Agency's report. Work on the lortiflcation is on a scale comparable to the construction of the German Western Wall, and includes a
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  • 73 1 ADKLAIDE, Thurs. Laurie FlsbJoek, the Surrey left-hander, i bone at the base of his right finger while practising at the nets today. Ihi> means that he will be absent Imm tlv M.C.C. team lor at weeks. On a previous tour I Fish Ice k met with a similar
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  • 123 1 BRITAIN'S WORK FOR INDIA BRIGHTON, Thursday. THE Prime Minister, Mr, Clement Attlee, claimed today that his Government had just put its democratic principles into practice in India, Burma and Transjordan, in Ceylon and in other colonies. Addressing the annual conference of the Trades Union Congress here, he said of India:
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  • 104 1 Mufti's Pledge Broken LONDON, Thurs.— The Mufti of Jerusalem has failed to abide by the pledge given to the Egyptian Prime Minister to refrain from political activity while in Egypt, Mr. Ernest Bevin, the British Foreign Secretary, said in the House of Commons yesterday Replying to a parliamentary question, Mr.
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  • 28 1 AMSTERDAM. Wed— The Dutch troopship Johan de Witt has let here for the Netherlands East Indies with 1,712 men, including artillery, infantry, signals personnel and military police.— Reuter.
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  • 70 1 LONDON, Thurs. A writ was today issued on behalf of Mr. Winston Churchill against Harper and Brothers, Publishers, of New York and London, and the American author Luis Adamic, claiming injunction and damages for libel in respect of certain passages in Mr. Adamic's recently published book, "Dinner
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  • 205 1 NEW YORK, Thursday. rE United Nations Assembly, after its colourful opening last night, was today sitting down to the first business day Of its six-week session. riu' appeal of the President. M. Spaak. of Belgium, for the delegates to cut down their speeches may help to
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  • 37 1 Lady Gimson, wife of the Governor of Singapore, Sir Franklin Gimson, arrived in Singapore by the Nederland liner Oranje yesterday. Sir Franklin and Lady Gimson are here photographed together in Singapore. Public Relations picture.
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  • 240 1 BATAVIA, Thursday. THE Dutch Commission-General and Sutan Sjahrir's Indonesian delegation exchanged points of view and discussed working methods in a lengthy political discussion today. The participants maintained silence after the meeting. A brief official communique said both the viewpoints would be elaborated at further
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  • 78 1 Gandhi's Son Arrested In South Africa DURBAN, Thursday. rHE South African police yesterday arrested 358 ot 3,500 people attending a ma>s meeting of Indian passive resistance adherents held heiv to coincide with the UNO 'General Assembly opening in New York. Among those arrested was Manllal Gandhi, editor of Indian Opinion
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  • 34 1 SHANGHAI, Thurs. Mayor K. Wu announced today that the Executive Yuan has imposed an embargo, effective Oc?. 24. on all wheat exports from Shanghai, in order to check the high price of flour.— UP.
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  • 623 1 BENGAL RIOTS SPREADING TO CALCUTTA CALCUTTA, Thursday. UINDU-MUSLIM disorders, raging since Oct. 10 through two East Bengal districts, are threatening to spread to other parts of the province, particularly Calcutta. A state of emergency has been proclaimed for Dacca municipality, in an area north-west of the troubled Noakhali and Tippera
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  • 92 1 JERUSALEM, Thurs. Some minor casualties were caused among Jewish illegal immigrants when 200 refused to disembar): from steamers taking them to Cyprus yesterday afternoon, according to a Government statement. It was necessary to use force for bringing the disembarkation to a conclusion, added the statement. The
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 1372 2 CHURCHILL ATTACKS REDS IN EUROPE Commons Debate Foreign Affairs LONDON, Wednesday. UK. Winston Churchill, wartime British Premier, speaking in Parliament today as leader of the Conservative Opposition, reiterated his assertion in the much-publicised speech at Fulton, United States, that the Soviet Union wanted "not war but fruits of the war,"
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  • 35 2 RANGOON, Wed.— A communique issued yesterday, says that Saw Ba U Gyi, barrister and member Of the Karen central organ sat ion, has been appointed a member of the Governors Executive Council.— Reuter.
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  • 107 2 Casualties In Mined Ships "Serious" LONDON. Wednesday. MR. John Dugdale, Financial Secretary to the Admiralty, told the House of Commons today that casualties were serious as the result of the mining of two Britisil destroyers accompanying the first cruiser squadron of! Corfu yesterday. Killed, including missing believed killed, were one
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  • 99 2 TOKIO Thurs --Japan fell short of planned production goals during her preparations for war as w>ll as during th€ conflict, because of overestimates of her capacity by her industrial leaders and shortages of raw materials, an expert economic analyst for the prosecution, Mr. J.
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  • 37 2 LONDON, Wed— The Gazette announces that Lieutuiant-Gen-eral (Acting General) Sir Miles Dempsey, Commander-in-Chltf in the Middle East, has been made General, and Major-Gen-eral 'Temporary LieutenantGeneral) Sir Sidney Kirk has been made Lieutenant-Genera l —Reuter.
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  • 232 2 PARIS, Wednesday. VIETNAM troops in Cochin China have been ordered to cea^e fire by their commander-in-chief, it was leaned here today. A communique published by a limited iiuinLrT of Cochin Chinese newspapers favourable to the union with Vietnam, stated that in the interests of
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  • 53 2 CHICAGO. Thurs— An elevated express train rammed the rear end of another in a dens? fo°; yesterday, injuring at least 237 of an estimated 1.500 passenger.; for downtown Chicaeo The passencers were packed in both trains so tightly that only a few of them were thrown to ;he
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  • 76 2 Johannesburg, Wed. O'.er £1,000,000 is to be spent oy the De Beers C i isolidated Mints tv the next 18 months to restore Lo production the Premier mine where the famous Cuiimur. diamond was found in 1905 The mine ceased production in 1932. Engineers completes
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  • 37 2 NEW DELHI, Wed— The Finance member wil? move a motion approving India's continued membership of the Internat onal Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and development when the Central Assembly re-assembirs on Oct. 28 Rfuter.
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  • 300 2 NANKING, Wednesday. MILITARY conflicts in China are ending, although thi Communists are still attacking Yulin, important city between Yenan and Suiyuan, Mr. Peng Hsuih-pei, Minister of Information, stated this afternoon. Chinese press reports, however, contradict his assessment. Sizeable Communist forces, reported to be entering Shansi from
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  • 53 2 M> muers of the liMTt of Victims of Fascism mc--'tiiic in Berlin's ruined Wihcln.plut7 to protest against the Nuremberg verdicts. Tie posit r re ds: "We d«-n and (>< mian trials for German war criminals." The KZ emblem is the old Nazi continuation campbadge, now adapted
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  • 220 2 From Our Own i:orrrsp«mJ»iU LONDON, Thursday. THE War Minister, Mr. Frederick Bellenger, island Sir Waldron Smith.! (Cons., Orpington. Kent), in the House of Commons yesterday that he was well aware of the need of improving th« conditious under which the troops were living in Singapore, and
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  • 84 2 hong kong. Wed —The Governor of Hong Kong. Sir Mark Youns. has ordered all d partmental chiefs to eliminate ruption in the administration This step, it la briieved, has been taken on instructions from Colonial Office in London As tlfcj tint move in Ultg cleaasir.g
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 119 2 TO NIGHT AT MIDNIGHT j.iF BARBARISM ]\V IJKSTIALITY K > iiH-lruv tt-d with (»urage Anguish! A POOT-WAB rmiiii 1 now M"» K»K THE TRIHINAI> Or THE II l» \M>RI H TO JlDtiK! i o q c NOW' 1 4^\ \^^»ciate attraction vie, t:~% IN iHr T^|» R<KKIKS J^tk A« ACTION
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    • 291 2 TRADING WITH THE ENEMY <HU>.N\\tl r. of 1939 CUSTODIAN OF PROPERTY PBOCLAMATMIM No 14 of IS4". NOTICE is hereby given that any per on or penom Daving a ciaiia the property described in the Schedule hereto *•> request' il to forwan claim to the Custodian ot Proper^. Supreme 0 art,
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  • 233 3 Labour Advisory Board For Singapore Problems Of Industry To Be Dealt With Straits Times Reporter THE tripartite labour advisory board made up of employers, employees and Government which the Secretary of State for the Colonies, Mr. Arthur Creech- Jones, announced in the House of Commons on Wednesday would be established
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  • 616 3  -  Allied Submarine... Torpedoed By TIIK man who told the British authorities in November. 1944, of the treatment of Allied PoWs on the 'Death Hallway', was a witness yesterday at the trial of Lt. Gen. l-hida and four other Japanese officers charged with war
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  • 101 3 Politics Ban In Singapore Schools OINGAPORE schools are not to be &3d as places for political meetings or lectures. The Education Department has circularized schools that, in addition to the ban on the dissemination in schools of political propaganda by whatever parties or 1 actions, and the teaching of political
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  • 87 3 THE Naafi warehouse at Beach Road was the scene of two theft cases on Tuesday, and as a sequel a Malay, Abdullah bin Haji Fajar, and a Chinese. Tan Ah Say, were convicted in the Second Police Court yesterday. Abdullah bin Haji Fajar was sentenced to
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  • 20 3 The V's Men's Club will hold a business meeting after lunch on Saturday, at Cecil's Restaurant at 1 15 p.m.
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  • 209 3 MARINE PROVOST GAOLED ALBERT Edward Watson, a lance-corporal of a Royal Marine Provost Coy, who was stated to have given away his revolver to a naval deserter, James Shanley, for $40, was sentenced to three years' rigorous imprisonment by Mr. Paul Storr, the District Judge, yesterday, for abetment of possession
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  • 218 3 Inspector Acquitted: New Charge PHEAH Tens Cheok, Inspector of Pobce, was acquitted, without his defence being called, on all three charges of causing hurt to V. Chandragasu. P. Rajoo. and Narayanasamy, during the Japanese occupation, by the Second District Judge, Mr. T. T. Russei' yes erday. O:i the application -A
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  • 110 3 Some of the revellers wao celebrated tbr anniversary of the battle of El Alamein in Singapore on Wednesday, "^ncy are, left to risrht, Lieut Cnl. Roy Oliver. Col. Leeson, Flight Officer Y. Hath, Major Roy ar d Major Young. The 2# Army officers in the party all
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  • 70 3 A CHARGE of theft ol 148 cases of brandy w&rth $7,104 belor.glng to Naan on Oct. 22 was pre--1 erred against Lawrence Jansen, a Eurasian, when he appeared before Mr. K. M. Byrne Third Police Magistrate. Jansen who was employee 1 i a checker in Naafi, pleaded
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  • 61 3 THE theft of a motor-car tyre and rim from a motor car belonging to Lee Ong Sek at Palau Saigon Foad on Oct. 22 was explained to a 17-year-old Chinese, Yeo Toe Kiah. when he appeared in 'he Third Police Court yesterday. Bail of $400
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  • 534 3 "Hidop M elayu" And The Singapore Malay From Our Muslim Conespondcnt IN years gone by, the Malays of Singapore and of the Malay States prided themselves on one of their slogans, "Biar mati anak jangan lepas adat" whicn rendered into English rseant "Let the child die but do not neglect
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 463 3 MALAYAN RAILWAY r\ CM KiwtinrerißK Appointments for Railway Reconstruction. Applications are invited from candlr posts of Temporary Clvii l.iimiHt.Ts to supervise Re-coustructlon work.., on the Railway. Including permantnt way. bridging and general building and wharf construction in :i and Paruuig. pplieats shoi:ld be i.ot leas tlian 28 j md not
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    • 683 3 SINGAPORE ST. ANDREW'S auction sale of CfIPIFTV Wax P^hed and blacksUlned JatfUultlli cobead design teak Dining room suite 11IIIAI PFIFBRiTIOI 1946 comprising: Dining table and 6 chairs. ARRVAL bCLtDIMIIUR I 9*«. t dlnner wagon, 1 sideboard and 1 In connection with the abave reel cabinet, 1 lime polished teak tall
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  • 857 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Friday. Oct. 25, 1946. Rice Vs. Rubber Again The rice policy and programme for post-war Malaya was published in th c Straits Times last Monday. Much of that progiamme nao a familiar luig, being a repetition of what was said many times during the period between
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  • 175 4 From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Wed. |X) instructions have been offlN cially received in Penang as to the operation of the free rice market schem?, it is learned from the Penang Imports and I Exports Office, which adds that I so far no permits for
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  • 66 4 All Malayan orders for telephone equipment including switchboards are treated as of high priority. In spite of difficulties due to shortage of labour and materials, it has already been possible to deliver more than half the orders placed and the remainder is expected to arrive in Malaya
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  • 27 4 Special stamps commemorating Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek's 60: h blnhdny will b? issued on O t. 31 in denominations from $26 to $.;00, says United Press.
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  • 1238 4  -  Dr. CHEN SU LAN By In an address to the Singapore Rotary Club yesterday "Singapore consists of two worlds, with a deep artificial social gulf between. In one world the T.8.-laden cubicles into which sun and fresh air are refused admittance, where the inmates
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  • Man In The Street
    • 470 4 MR. A. M. CHIAS letter on Chinese girl babies in I Tamil homes deserves con- sideration. It is no doubt immoral ard 1 highly objectionable that a mother shoiild "sell" her baby— a custom usually found among the poorer Chinese people la
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    • 218 4 WHAT does Mr. A. M. Chia mean by his lamentation^ about the "njental torture" "forced marriage," etc., which a Chinese child brought up by j a Tamil farrvly is supposed to j undergo? Is he a psychiatrist who has j been consulted by grown-up i Chinese girls brought
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    • 212 4 THE Press recently has co;.--1 tamed many references to the "Death Railway which cost the lives of 16,000 Pows and 100,000 Asiatic labourers. Now I see that Great Britain hns soid, the railway to the Siam Covr-nment for £I,soo,ooo—the I purchase including equipmen; aiid rolling stock. If the
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    • 87 4 1/fUCH has been written about contribution < to the Welfare Fund, Maaya. At no time has welfare work been of paramount importance. Big sw:ep records have ryen smashed time alter time in ".is country in recent months. Mi;. I s-.'ggest that the managements of turf
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 950 4 WHITE— On October 13Ui at Putnny, 1 .I* land to PlivlliA (net Worlry) w.fe <.f l.vnU.n S. White, a Bon, Anthony SITUATIONS VACANT VACANCIES MM (or a nrst-clasn lu-protess camera operator and line and half-tone etcher tiood wages -.pplv Bm 44h B.T. WANTED part time services cont ilt .vial Stenographer
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    • 113 4 BOOKS OM MUSIC. Miiiic (or the Millions by David Ewen $30.00 Baker's Biographic*! Dictionary oi Musicians 528.00 Oxford Companion to Mutic, by Percy A. Scholes $28 03 Harmony: Its Theory A Practice, by Ebenezer Prout 8.00 t« i.mtirf Harmony, C. H. Kltson 8.40 Counterpoint: Strict A Free. Bbenczer Prout 8.00
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    • 67 4 ON VIEW! LADIES' LONDON MODEL .HATS Straw: fell, and be-feathered from $6 to $35 and Corsage flowers. Bridal wreaths. Buttons EXPECTED SOON! Bangalore Wool Carpets. Men's Tweeds, Flannels, W«m>| Suitings. HARVEY CO. 8 RAFFLES QUAY, SINGAPOBI R.V.MEYER OPTICIAN r "'.Jo* oi the institute Ophtnaimic Opticians < England.* Fellow of the
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  • 754 5 Civilian Protest On Release Of Houses *'L it tie Sa tis faction From Governor THE military authorities in the Malayan Union are 1 censured for their "scandalous disregard of the well-being of a country which has suffered Japanese occupation for nearly four years," in a report by a special housing
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  • 323 5 LADY GIMSON ARRIVES IN SINGAPORE THE Union Jack flew at the masthead of the 20,000Urn Nederland liner Oranje when she arrived in Singa|x>re yesterday in honour ol inree of her passengers Lady Gimson, wife of Singapore g Governor, Sir Franklin Gimson, and Sarawak's new Governor, Sir Charles Arden iarke and
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  • 85 5 YOUNG THIEVES SENTENCED TWO 1 v bg. Low choon 1 Cnonn and Chang Hock Seng. *:< -d 15 and 19 respectively, who Ota a motor car Jack from a i ulltary lorry parked at Tynrhltt f'nad outside Mie Jala/: Bcsar J-tnriium on W.^dne^dday were rmvivted in the Becond Pr.Uce C">urt
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  • 121 5 Sydney (By Air Mall>. THE Australian Government will reward Borneo people for the help they gave to Australian war prij^oners who made the Sandakan Ranau death march in 1945. Major H. W. Jackson will leave Australia for Borneo in the near future wlbh £300 in Straits
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  • 40 5 The Anglo-Chinese School Old Boys' Association will hold an "At Home" to welcome Mr. T. W. Hinch, the pr.ncipal of the School tomorrow at 4.30 p.m. Mr. Goh Soon Ttoe and others will render musical selections.
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  • 151 5 MALAYAN GOVERNORS' EXPENSES LONDON. Thurs. MR. Arthur Creech-Jones, the Secretary of State for the Colonies, in the House of Commons on Wednesday, told Mr. L. D. Gammans, 'Conservative Hornsey) that the annual expenditure on salaries and allowances of the Governor-General. Governor of the Malayan Union and the Governor of Singapore
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  • 115 5 Young Artistes In Weekend Concerts TWO youthfU un.Ustes will figure in piano recitals over the week-end at the Victoria Memorial Hall. Eight-year-old Dolores Anciano, who is making her first pubiic appearance, will be one of the guest artistes at the "Music for Everybody" Concert at the Hall on Sunday, Oct.
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  • 26 5 TODAY 'S MENU Today's menu at Peopled Restaurants in Singapore will be rice; stewed port: or steamed fish; green peas; marrow; yaw beans: soya bean sauce.
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  • 339 5 Straits Times Reporter PETTY remittances from Singapore to China by the "back door" will be considerably checked by a new rule which has come into force. Under this rule such remittances may not be credited to .the .accounts of .firms or individuals may not be credited
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  • 35 5 The Singapore Chess Club is to hold a meeting at the Adclphi Hotel this evening at five o'clock. All chess players arc welcome Those who wish to play are asked to bring their own sets.
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  • 135 5 UIS MAJESTY the King lias ap--11 proved the award of the Oder iof the Brit sh Empire to ACiine iWing Commander William C<,cke Pitts, R.A.F. Wing Commander Pitts, a signals technician captured in Java, was in command of 2,070 Brills i and Netherlands PoWs on
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  • 45 5 An appeal by a 22-year-old Chinese, Tan Soo Choo, against hs sentence was dismissed by Mr. Justice Worley In the Supreme Court yesterday. Tan had been convicted in the lower courts for housebreaking and theft and was sentenced to 18 months' rigorous imprisonment.
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  • 274 5 n^HE Singapore fost Office bn j nounces that Christinas and i New Year parcel mails for the j United Kingdom will flnallj close j on Nov. 15 but there will be desMtehM earlier than U'.i'.t, and j the public are advised to post early in order
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  • 132 5 Straits rii.u-s Reporter THE arrival of 3.574 sheep from Western Australia by the Blue Funnel liner Charon on Wednesday has brought Singapore's sheep imputations from Australia this moatb 'o 7,374. There were also >0 heifers on board for Singapore. The Gorgon which arrived from
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  • 121 5 Membership Of Councils: U. M.N.O. Threat From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, Thurs. AT an emergency meeting of the United Malay National Organisation held yesterday in Kuala Lumpur to review the d. visions adopted by the I' M.N.O. at PenaMg, repardi.n: nun-psrti'ipation of all council-., boar. ls and committees
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  • 51 5 F >ur Food Control clerks Ng Uat Kerttr. Kane Scow T Bk, Paddy Chua and Simon Enriquez. were r. .-quilted and discharged by Mr Tan Thoon Lp in thf Singapore District Court yesterday on a charge of abetment of bribery in connection wth the issuing of rice ration
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  • 229 5 Local Men Get More Jobs LONDON, rhurs MR Arthur Creeech-Jones, iem cretnry of State for the Colonies, ie reply to a question by Mr D. R. Rees-Wiliiams (Labour, Croydon. South Div.) in the House of Commons yesterday said that the policy of employing suitable. qualilled local officers in the La*
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  • 103 5 LONDON. QUESTIONED in the Hoi Commons today al out increase of thefi and burg arj n Singapore, the Beer itay oi St; I'for the Colonies Mr A C Jones, iaid it would take tv for? th"" old <n and r c-estauii«hcd Effort v. s made
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  • 26 5 Miss S?ivarani Thamb-xv of Kia'a I.umni'r will eve m :s!c~l p?r'ormrnee at the Ceylon Tsmli Association premises, at No. 11 Kandy Road, tomorrow at 6.30 p.m.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 158 5 ANNOjJRCEMENT -"ATOMIC"SPECIAL CABARET TURNS EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY RESTAURANT -PARTIES CATERED FOR JL Telephone 3260 (64, LLOYD ROAD) I I J 1 A^lßlSlsfl '*yUr*^JL+4Ft*fa& Vintn you iearn this Priceless SECRET 0 11 \ou Tire r^illv, fcrl Rundown, gci Depressed wtnii iout brain jck Oiiwly nature it merely tclltnu you trut
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    • 83 5 EXTRA QUALITY BUCK LABEL By Appointment TO THE LATE KING GEORGE CHAMPAGNE LANSON PIiRE FILS REIMS FRANCE MAISON FONDEE EN 1760 Price $20.00 per bottle ROBINSON CO., LTD. RAILROAD OF DEATH by John Coast $7.50 A true »ccount of the building' of the notariuua L>««nK*okMoulmein Railway written by one who
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  • 1282 6 (Continued from page 4) attention-compelling. Is usually slighted. Ignored and even laughed at by sufferers and others alike. Sufferers usually treat it as a common ex Id, with a cough mixture. There are many cases in which cough is absent, although there is much lesion In
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 385 6 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT OF SINGAPORE. Application* are invited for the post of Asst. Inspector of "Chinese Schools, Singapore. Applicants must Do well educated both in Chinese and English and have either training as a teacher ur teaching experience. Salary according to the scale is as follows: Orade II $120— A10— $180
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    • 444 6 FOR SALE FOR Quick Sale: Austin 7 Tourer 1936. $2300/- or nearest offer. Apply 384 Lavender St. Between 10 A 1 p.m. FOR CLEARANCE. Large quantity radio spares including empty radio/ radiogram cabinets, chassis, brand new R.C.A. and other type valves, condensers, resistors transformers and stamplnss. Willing accept ai j
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    • 485 6 GENUINE CROOKES* B 2 SUNGLASS For Safe and Comfortable Vision STOCKS NOW AVAILABLE. DAH SIN OPTICAL MOUSE 325. North Bridge Koad. Singapore. Phone (J204. *MuOardr VALVES FOR ALL RADIOS SEOW KUAN COMPANY Dhoby Ghnut. Singapore. Tel. 7787. IF**** //li Ul tleM Hesull 111 IN DRVt-'l-fcANINfi OVKINU So 148 Orchard Koad.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 659 6 m ITp ™,n. re f a a du P h cate t mal result °f taking all the tricks S?»^?° ag to dr °P a t least in the play. Whether the conone trick m the play on today's i tract was four or six, surely the aeai I following
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  • Around The Markets
    • 172 7 LONDON, Wednesday. M<> business has been reported on the London rubber market today and dealers were unwilling to quote prices, following the Board of Trade announcement permitting "third country* dealings. All dealers unanimously declare that they ;.re not committing themselves until Government announces its decision
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    • 203 7 The Tunes city editor says Government will doubtless watch the trend of new contracts with keen interest for there will bo Indications that the se-cond-hr.'f of the United States recently arranccrt purchase of 200,000 tons from Malaya will not be supplied so quickly as the first half "and
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    • 124 7 LONDON. Thursday. Despiu- further warnings regarding the serious coal situation the London stock mnrket yesterday showed a slight upward tendency There ran. however, no real character. A fair amount of small business appeared in glit-edgfd securities, co'ipVd with an occasional big order but no medium operations. It
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    • 151 7 NEW YORK. Thursday. Rallying atteir.^ti were feeble yenei day in New York and prices continued i arouiiri the daY: level. The raar*vi has shown little or no disposition to discount the November election ani brokers say the character of the trading suggest more a whiting attitude than anything
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    • 170 7 SINGAPORE, Thursday. IHE lo »l produce market was carried on as usual t, il.,\ Deepavall —with European firms all closed. Rubber was especially bu>r, for local dealers saw a betlir rhance at Shanghai. Efforts an being made to get export permit* for Shanghai and local for rubber
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  • 165 7 By Our Market CorrLs*>ondent SINGAPORE, Thursday. yESTERDAY'S Board oi I Trade rubber announcement has had no effect on the local market yet. In shares, there was little activity. Business was ooik- in Hammers at $35.50 ana were made for Gamnvjn Mala>a, Ltd., at $3.72fi.
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  • 232 7 The repjit of Urn directors of Riverview Rubber Ei:tntes, Ltd., for th' p< lod Aprtl 1. 1941, to March a). 1946. presented to the annual meeting of shareholders yesterday says all the statutory and financial booki ?.nd reco.cis of the company kept in Malaya were
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  • 37 7 THE HAGUE. Thurs. -Mr Johannes Van Don Brock, managing director of the BMUton Tin Mining Co., died on Tue-dav He was a director ot Kagerri Ttaflelds. Ltd.. the Angla-fc'.am^se Tin Syndicate and the Amster-dam-London insurance Company -A.P.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 534 7 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. i Incorporated In Singapore) BLUE FUNNEL LINE Sallinf* to and from Inited Kingdom «a!l* for I'.K 28th Oct. lieu- MulsforlK 2»4 Nov. t iiMfm du lth NoT vamidway d r '"n DJL Nov. IaMNfMI sail^ for I.K. I»«i N*» s.iMnt". lo and from Western Australia tju,,.,, tails
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    • 563 7 PRESIDENT LKfc SaiUngs NEVV YORK via India and Mediterranean Port* MARINE LEOPARD* Godowns 11 H MOUNT MANSFIELD Loading Penant MARINE FLIER' In Poi MOI'NT DAVIS 1 due Nov Bfh MOUNT ROGERS' lim Nov. IMh •Freight Only t-'or Freight and Passage Appl.i AMERICAN PRESIDENT LINES. LTD. Union Hide. Mi aSM A
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    • 357 7 ELLER M ft H BUCKNALL S. S. CO.. LTD. FORT rORK For New York l»-ie Sii.uapcre 2T> Oct MM LAWnU For London One Sing.-. pore bfh No?. n m rwno i'nr VorU Puv *>in?:.iporr tnd WM KLAVE N E S S LINE. FOR PACIFIC PORTS Sa lint' lo be resumed
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 705 7 Singapore Tides TODAY: High Wat<r: 10.58 a.m. 9 ft. 2 in 11.28 Dm. 9 ft. 6 ins TOMORROW: Hi*h Water: 11.20 a.m. 9 ft. 3 in. Along The Singapore Waterfront CHIPS' positions in Singapore today loading cargo for Baltic Papan. INNER ROADS Bre: ch£S n r c £o 24: POn
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  • 620 8 Club Beaten In Good Game DOYAL Air Force (Seletar) became the fy-st team to lower the Cricket Club's colours on the rugby field, yesterday, when they won a bittery fought out game by six points (one try, one penalty goal) to three (.one penalty goal) on the
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  • Article, Illustration
    34 8 Second day*s play at Perth between the M.C.C. and Combined XI. Gibb mishits a ball from Herbert. Kesscy is the wicket-keeper. The match was drawn with the Combined XI ahead on the first innings.
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  • 256 8 HOME soccer fixtures for by Reuter as follows: ENGLISH LEAGUE FIRST DIVISION Ai.; -n;.l v Sheffield U. Aston Villa v Manchester Uta Blackburn v Liverpool Blackpool v Chelsea Brentford v Bolton Derby 00. v Preston N. Evcrton v Grlmsby Huddersfield t Charlton Portsmouth v
    Reuter  -  256 words
  • 31 8 THE pre-war body, Association of Rugby Referees, is likely to come into being again. Anyone interested in rugby refereeing is asked to contact Mr. J. Johnson. Customs Dept., Singapore.
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  • 149 8 Playin;; at the Jacques" Court on Wednesday the Eclipse B.P. beat the Jacques B.P. in a friendly badmint >r\ by six games to one. Resul'.s (Ecnpse players mentioned first): Singles: Cheon? Hock Leng beat Ng Chen^ Hwa 15— S. 15 6. Chla Chio Soon beat Tco Thuang
    149 words
  • 71 8 The following will represent the RorUNM against ihe R.A.P. (Seletv.ri in a cricket fixture on Sunday commencing at 10.30 a.m. at Seletar. Players are requested to meet at the Party's premises at 9 a.m. Transport leaves at 9.15 a.m. S Mosbergen. E. Snelling, J. Gallstan, W. Galistan. Anthony
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  • 46 8 In the cricket match against The HE MM., at Thompson Rd.. the Sinhalcsr batted Jlrit and .■cored 72 ru'.is (or six "wkts. and declared. The K.E.M.E were able only to muster 7i uins four wkts. at close ol play, the match ending in a draw.
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  • 63 8 Adelaide 1 Thurs. DKKORE the M.C.C. cricketers v left Port Pirie for Adelaide tonight, after defeating the local side with an innings to spare, a local resident presented Len Hutton with a silver cup in recognition of the best batting performance (164) and an inscribed cricket ball
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 155 8 r |HE M.C.C. will get down to the hardest match today when they start a three day game aeainst South Australia at Adelaide. The big interest will be the re-appearance of Don Bradman in big cricket. Tliis match will b? regarded as an indication as
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  • 54 8 MELBOURNE, Thurs. When Eric Bedser, Sumy cricketer, arrived in Port Hobarc he was met by cricketer lan Johnson, bearing a letter of welcome from l.»o twin brother Alox Bedser, who is in Adelaide. Eric said he had no aefina-j cricket plans, adding: "I am over here on behalf
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 126 8 The following will represent tru Merry Union Badminton Party reservts in a friendly match, consisting of five singles and two doubles, against the Singapore Amateur Sports Union, to be played on Saturday at 7.00 p.m.. at the former's court. No. 1, Lorong 28, Geylang. Ong Tiaii Huat,
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  • 211 8 Cam bridgesh ire Acceptors LONDON. Wednesday. FINAL acceptors for the Cambridgeshire handicap to be run at Newmarket over one mile and one furlong on October 30 number 38. They arc with weights and probable jockey*: Sayanl M 9-4 W. Johnstonc). i Lang tori AbboU (9-3 Tommy Weston),. Preclptic (9-1 Edgar
    Reuter  -  211 words
  • 262 8 U7ITH the return of old mem- bers, and the large influx of service members, Sunday morning was something like old times at the Royal Singapore Yacht Club and eleven boats faced the starter, in very light airs for the two races arranged, but owing t:> a
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  • 89 8 LONDON. Thurs. Joe Baksi. American heavyweight i»ho will meet Freddie Mills on N'ov |5. began his final training at Juci Solomons' west London gymnasium lon Wednesday, after some earlier read 'work in St. James Park. I Baksi's weight was 213 pounds and ito British sports writers
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  • 119 8 An excellent wrestling programme has been arranged to take place on Saturday night, at the Groat World Arena. The main attraction will be the heavy weight contest between Jeff Conda. of Manchester, and Tiger Goldstone. The fight will be a tight to a decision, with Conda defending
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  • 70 8 WHEN Bemborough failed to win the Caulfield Cup on Saturday he saved bookmakers a pay out of £200.000 Aust. Doubts as to whethei Bernborough will start in the Melbourne Cup to be run on Nov. 5, have caused bookmakers to restrict his price. I/j connections have made no
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  • 66 8 MEXICO, CITY, Mon. THE Americans made a clear sweep of the Pan-American tennis championships today which was climaxed by Frank Parker's victory in the men's final over Francisco Segura of Ecuador, 6 4, 6—B. 5—7, 6—l. Parker and Bob Falkenburg won the doubles over Segura
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 373 8 V PMONfc».ft47O9 l..»i;iy_j, 615 «fc 915 pmA miracle of it minimi merriment: I>\\\V KAYE "WONDER MAN" \\"h DONALD WOODS S Z. SAKAI.I DONAIJ) WOODS S. Z SAKALL IN TKCHNICOLOR Tomorrow at MID-NITE Ronald Colman In "PRISONER OF ZENDA" dkf DISTRICT"^ MOST POPULAR ANO UP TO 04^ 370 (V BY POPULAR
      373 words
    • 384 8 Phone 3400 CATHA\ 11 a.m. 2.00, 4.15, 6.30. «>.iO p.m. SHOWING TO-DAY ALAN LADD is Lightning Quick in Tfmo <>' DMgtr. But Unforgettably Tender in Moments of Love with CJERALDINF PITZOBP w> I Alan LADD SATURDAY AT MIDNIGHT 7 fc cocoß J-iti GALE SONDERGAARD iune vincent IjyilllUjJXLUL W y*jy' THOMAS
      384 words