The Straits Times, 24 October 1946

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 588 1 Truman Gives Peace Message To UNO NEW YORK, Wednesday. ARESIDENT TiII. MAN, in a welcome address to the I'nitc;! Nations General Assembly here today, ■Mated that freedom from fear of war "is attainable nov>," and expressed confidence that peace could be achieved through the
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  • 137 1 L.S. To Use More Natural Rubber WASHINGTON. Wednesday. iMERICAN motcr-car tyre.* n and other rubber commodities produced in the fir^t quarter of 1947 will contain about one-half of natural rubber. Iho Civilian Production Administration announced today that at present about 30 per cent of natural rubber was used and that
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  • 111 1 LONDON, Wed -Th e official announcement of the restoration of free rubber trading, which has been long awaited, has now teen made. The Board of Trade has agreed that frcm today London rubber traders may make contracts for buying or selling physical rubber (excepting liquid or sole
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  • 202 1 rHE 13th Parachute Eattalion, 263 of whose members were charged with mutiny at Muar in May this year, ended their regimental association with Malaya and Singapore yesterday. the exception of some men who have been -ft behind fo r reposting to units in SouthEast Asia and Japan,
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  • 42 1 IJo.v Pal stine searches are carried out. Soldiers on the roof of a building as they examine every likc'j hidingplace Ist arms and ammunition Tiles arc loosened for inspection and furniture has been brought out for close scrutiny.
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  • 660 1 LONDON, Wednesday. MR. Alilee, the Prime Minister, resuming the debate on foreign affairs in the House of Commons today, said: "Everyone must have sympathised with Mr. Bevin in the magnitude of his task. "Quite apart from the major problems of the future of Germany and
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  • 49 1 CALCUTTA. Wed Despite h3avy monsoon rains in the Naokhali and Tipperah districts o' Eastern Bengal. Muslim-Hindu riots ontinued unabated today. Police reported thrte killed and 12 inji mi during the past 24 hours Troops have been sent into riot areas to quell the disturbances. UP.
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  • 469 1 SIAM DEALERS WANT RICE PLAN EXTENDED DICE millers and dealers in Uangkok are asking the Siamese Government to extend the period oi free export of rice to the end of December on the ground:* that the scheme, as it stands, is premature. Further information from unofficial sources received In Singapore
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  • 114 1 34 Killed When Mines Explode BATAVIA. Wed Thirty-iour P3cple were killed and 30 Injured wh?n 18 Japanese sea niinrs exploded at Menado, Celebes, th? Netherlands News Airen^y repor*ed tr>day A report receiver in BaUvt: today '.rom M;nado said that th mines exploded while the Dutch Naval mines disposal squad wa
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  • 117 1 Two Destroyers Strike Mines ATHEM The B destroyers Eaumarez and V which struck mines ofl i yesterday afvr taking pan in the fleet's Mediterranean I -r^ early today towed in;o Corfu The 45 c. ad ann wounded -were taken ash* i pinnaces frcm tbr aircraft carrier O^can. Drees reports her<>
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 127 1 Remember (J. S. For it DIAMONDS GEMS JEWELLERY U. S. de SILVA. Irweller. 106. ORCHARD RD. Tel. Z4M YOUR FAVOURITE radio ieceiver thal win PROGRAMMES WITH ~^> .U afh to the corners of the CERTAINTY.. ih and brln in ALL the jtfS Li-osramm23 you want AC. > C or bat;er
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  • 331 2 ON MUAR Camp Not Ready To House Troops LONDON, Tuesday. THE main cause of the bad conditions at Muar Camp in Malaya, where 243 British paratroops were lourt-martialled on a charge of mutiny recently, was, according to the War Minister, Mr. Frederick Bellen|Cr t in the House
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  • 140 2 Ceylon Police Association Outlawed COLOMBO. Wednesday. pEYLON'S Chief Secretary, L Sir Robert Draytui;, on tM advice of the hMDCCtorQmenl of Police. C ,lone! K.R.M. Bacon, has wfti'idiwwn nition of the Ceylon Police Sergeants' and Con■tables 1 Association. A ctcular to this effect was issued by Colonel Bacon and read out
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  • 82 2 COLOMBO, Wed— The Government of Ceylon is collecting data for the purpose of putting forward a claim for war reparations from the Japanc-s^ Govern- I "The claim will relate to damage rau.-ed in, or losses j .suffered by, Ceylon as a result o! hf> war. Included
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  • 59 2 SHANGHAI, Wed. -China's response to the partial lifting of the UNRRA ban on relief shipments to China was a demand for the immediate resumption of full i klpmentc. aLs of the Chin se National R lief and Rehabilitation Administration said it was at present handling
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  • 56 2 LONDON. TlM*.- Maj.Oen. F. ral Officer Commanding. Hong Kong, is to sueiecd Mai -Gen. G\ H. MacMUDtreetor ol Weapons and the War Office on Fob l VU7. it officially ana i t'Kiay. iMlllan is to iikccc J I en. Sir Evelyn Barker as < Commandlng-ln--1
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  • 110 2 SYDNEY, Tues— Fortyseven Chinese seamen in th? British ship Hickory Glen yesterday staged a sitdown strike in the shipping office of G. S. Yuill and Co., Sydney, in an effort to obtain the suspension of the snip's offlc-j rs The Chinese were finally forcibly taken by
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  • 106 2 LONDON, Tues —The part played by Inda in the settlement of the Danube question at the Paris Conference was criticised by th n Soviet commentator M. Mikhail Mikhalov. *n a broadcast over Moscow Radio today. He said: "Among the votes that pushed through the decision
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  • 74 2 LONDON, Mon.-Thc list of; casualties winch occurred when I a York aircraft of the R.A.F Transport Command crashed i >t rdaj shortly after taking off Iran Dum Dum, Calcutta, was issued by the Air Ministry to- I Bight Killed: Group Captain Q. H. Foss. Squadron Leader Reverend
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  • 163 2 Jap Banana Money Plans Described TOKIO, Wednesday. rHE Japanese War Ministry requested the Chief of the Japanese Financial Bureau on March 11. 1941 to manufacture 39,000.000 yen (approximately $8,000,000 prewar rate of exchange) printed in Dutch and English, to be ready early in April. l'J4l, according to evidence pieItented i
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  • 110 2 TOKIO, Wed.— Sixty-two factories throughout the nation, including som? of the largest ste<l electrical plants in the Tokio areas, were forced to halt production on account of a threehour suspension by the AilJapan's Electrical Workers' Union, which is at present fighting for higher wages. A union
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  • 54 2 LONDON. Wed— The King as Sovereign of the Order and the Quc;n as Grand Master, attended a service, postponed for seven years owing to the war, at the King's chapel of Savoy for the ceremonial inauguration o'. the chapel as the chapel of the Royal Victorian Order the personal order
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  • 180 2 High Safety Standard Of Empire Flying LONDON, lut-i.ay. fTP to fcjep'.. 30 thu year, U 8,500,000 passenger miles were flown with no pcs.v n- gers killed or seriously injured. This figure was included in a return issued by the Ministry of Civil Aviation 'of accidents on the regular air services
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  • 68 2 HAMILTON, Bermuda) Tues.— Bermuda's financial independence of Imperial Funds was emphasised yesterday when the Assembly by 27 votes to 5 adopted a message to the Governor refusing assistance from the Colonial Development Fund, or other Imperial Government resources. The Assembly declares that while appreciating the assistance
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  • 44 2 PARIS, Tues.— The Vietnam President. Mr. Ho Chi Minh, arriving at Hanoi from Haiphong was today greeted by a large crowd which met him at the station with the words: "let us all hail Franco-Vietnam amity," according to the semi-official French news agency. Reuter.
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  • 256 2 CALCUTTA, Tuesday. OPENING the first public session of the Calcutta 'disturbances" inquiry cimmission, the President. Sir Patrick Spens, Chief Justice •>i India, made a statement in reply to certain rumours and suggestions "capable of gravely undermining tli° confidence of some sectini of the public in the work
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  • 44 2 testers of m Tlj in r<trij voting on the new draft constitution drawn up by ttie French Constituent Assembly and placed before the French people In a referendum. Results showed that 83 of the 90 departments of metropolitan I Vance approved.
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  • 327 2 Propaganda Truce In China Peace Talks NANKING, Wednesday. THIRD party leaders at a midnight emergency press -1 ference announced that the government and the Communists have agreed to call a propaganda truce, and that progress has been made in the present informal talks. Earlier, one third party leader told United
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  • 49 2 FRANKFURT, Tues— Fritz von Papen, who was acquitted by the International War Crimes Tribunal at Nuremberg, was due to leave Nuremberg gaol at 9 a.m. today and go to a private apartment which has been s>3t aside for hirr. in the town, the American news service in Germany reported.—Reuter.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 717 2 FOR SALE FOR SALE. Bungalow 7-E, Fourth Avenue. Vacant. Particulars irom 30 J N',.th Bridge Road. FOR SALE 1936 P type MO recently overhauled. Good running order. Very smart appearance, S good tyres. Owner leaving country. Also Underwood portable typewriter tn case almost brand new. What cflers! Write Bo.x No.
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  • 66 3 .1 the I'ort tomn.andr.nfs office entertained Col P. I Hi: a-il ijeut C«i H. M. Jefcoate, Tort (omul DeputT l'«vt «mi mandant. resprciivcl:'. i.clt to i.lit (as«Te): I. .-li 01. 11. >l. Jefcoati', Tant. E. Hewitt, i. K Masitagae Jon es. V B E.. and Tol.
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  • 263 3 */vom Our Own Correspondent P KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. H! Penang and Province Welfesley is suffering from lack of rice products, according to a statement issued by the Agricultural Department. There are no supplies of broken rice ;md rice polishing* available and only a restricted
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  • 75 3 I i -in (»ur Own rscrcijsMtiU i.umpur. Tucdav fj rounds of Irregolariti &üb(i by counsel, the Couit Appeal sitting in Kuala Lurnjur. presided ovei v,- Mr Jus'.u-c 1 c, Malayan rd da retrial m c.ii" in which a Malay, Si:lr> n g bin at
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  • 68 3 20,000 SIGN 'QUIT CHINA' LETTER Ij rdaj over 20,000 s gv 'in..; have been obta.i'-d which will be President Truman urging the Immediate withdrawal of American foreea in China. The Singapore "Quit China" will conclude on Sunhec the Inaugnral m Slnssipore I Federa n for r, Democracy in China will
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  • 83 3 r J' -launations of the til Inliliite of Accountants Then- arc I la Malaya i Kuala I.umnd Sin apore). particular! oi t II r.nis anil arranirempnU for n ihouM write to Institute ntanl > <„' wen tn et Brta- < -land. Australia. til Who Wl*h t > t;rt
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  • 320 3 Bekor Massacre Echo: 28 Chinese Charged 56 MALAYS DIED From Our Own Correspondent IPOH, Wednesday. IJNUSUALLY large crowds were present in the Kuala Kangsar District Court on Monday when a preliminary inquiry was held by Tuan Sheik Abdullah into what has become known as the "Bekor Massacre." According to the
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  • 206 3 THE nurses Who live in Kanfang Kerbau Hupltai Banes? hostel. Singapore, have W the influence of a tall, dark rrarT lor over a year. 1) is r.ot a figure oi romance, rfc sam* cut petty thefts. He started operations in the hostel a month berate he
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  • 165 3 Salvage Scheme For Sunken Vessels From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Tuc day. STEPS are being taken to expedite tht salvaging of shipping wrecks in Penang harbour, Mr. F. E. Martin, the Penanp Harbour Master, said today. Mainly located in the South Channel and off Mitchell Pier, these wrecks have now
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  • 115 3 A provident fund cuntribul:on amounting to $200 from a reserve i fund plus any credit balance standing in the ledger account will b* paid to nominees of deceased members of -the (Singapore Catholic Benevolent Associa- tion. it was decided at a General < Meeting held recently. j
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  • 403 3 needs between twenty and thirty m!!"on men for purposes of national offence; at the moment ther? b an intake of about 70,000 or 75,000 urn a year, said Mr. G H. Westbury, Army lecturer, in a Singapore interview. Mr. Westbury has come from Gr:at Britain on
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  • 220 3 Co-Operative Store Opens In S 'pore r establish a strong and vigorous consumers movement, which will obtain and make available to purchasers goods at low prices, the Singapore Co-operative Stores Society, Ltd., has now been opened. With its opening, yet another organization is added to the limited number of purchasing
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  • 247 3 Indication Of Responsible Thinking "IT is an indication of responsib le thinking that certain members of the public are de- j raanding that cloth be rationed j and a sign of official awakening that a Consumers' Advisory Com- J mittee has been set up in Singa- pore to enable consumers
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  • 187 3 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. MORE Chinese are taking an in- creasing interest in farming. M indicated in the farming scheme in the Stkingchang rea in Kuala Selangor. Thi s area is i reserved only for Chinese. During the past fortnight nearly
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  • 58 3 From Our Own Correspondent PENAN G, Wtd. A campaign to collect old clothes for the poor and needy, especially school children whose parents cannot afford to make new suits for them, has been launched by the Penang welfare committee The appeal Is particularly directed to ex-Servicemen whose khaki
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  • 122 3 THE Controller of Supplies in 1 Pahang is issuing clolli, to (.states, employers, associa'io s and Chambers of Commerce at live arris ppr employee. District Officers in pahfcrg. j through Penghulus and vhl :gj re aJao dis..:Lt:' ng 180 000 yards of textiles Lo kampong dweller*. Distribution
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  • 103 3 THE Sultan of Kelantan and the Resident Commissioner were present at the trial which began in Kota Bahru on Monday of Sergeant Major Ogata former member of the Kelantan Kempeitai. Ogata was charged with illtreating: civilian residents of Malaya who were in the custody of
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  • 232 3 PASSENGERS ON CHARON DASSENGERS who arrived by the Blue Funnel liner Charon from Fremantle, Sydney ami Melbourne yesterday were: Mrs. E. Aikman and child Mr. and Mrs. wa. Aeria, r.ii;.s h.j. Aeria, vir. and Mrs. G. Aurky, Mrs. D V. Bell and two daughters. Mrs. A. R. Brown. Mr. Balhorn,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 762 3 NOTICE. LS.P. MKKTINO A General Meeting ot UV* porated Society of Planters J Johore Branch, will b- hUi s! ha Civil Service Club. Jo) oiv Balru :it 5 p.m.. on Tuesday, 4 .he sth Ni.ven-.oci. 46. All number* fz those In m i d we requested to attend By
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  • 1865 4 Our London Letter WAR MINISTER 'S KL UANG SPEECH WAS 'CHILL Y' From Our Own Correspondent Ixmdon, Oct. 8. TODAY London's un- ending streams of suburban trains, pouring incessantly in and out of Waterloo, Liverpool Street, Paddington and all the other vast and dirty termini, were heated for the first
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  • 124 4 Vision Draw s 30.000 People Lisbon 'By Air Mail*. NEARLY 33,000 people made a pilgrimage to the iUiM VI ii Chao recently at the bidding of Am^l a e'e Nativadftd. a peasant girl who l-iims she ".'as < miraculously an id She- claims that after s;\ of illness she was
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 237 4 1* L. I Supplies are obtainable from GuTfnaE c €fe MMGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PENANG MALACCA IPOH ■M NtWION CHAMBERS ft OOk kfDa IHOKNCLIFft. SHCFHELD ENGLAND THE EAST-MI ORiENTAL HOTEL PENANG The Only Hotel in Malaya which provides Accomtno^n'ion. Food and Service up to pre-war standards. Special Weekly and Monthly Terms.
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    • 53 4 Tooth Mftoi'M Paste Jp^W J^W IPANA makes your teeth White and Sparkling Selo by oil Itading autributon and monufacturtd by li'itft-Mytri Co Hi Ltd. 2?i Pocifie Highway. North Sydnty, NSW. u1 t.01,« RAFFLES HOTEL TO-NIGHT DANCE 9 P.M. to MIDNIGHT RAFFLES AUGMENTED ORCHESTRA Directed by JOE SPEELMAN Admission to Non-Residents
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  • 390 5 43,000 Tons Handled In September Alone PrMB Our <Vii Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday IN spile of the numerous difficulties of post-war reorganization, conditions in Port StoeitcakMl are rapidly returning to the standard of -ffici"ncy experienced before the occupation. Tlip day to il.iv \.«.rk goea "ii
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  • 71 5 Penang Wardens Get Arrears I ror.i Our Own CorrespondviU PENANG. Wed. LI h Ai. A h.P. ..ardens are now pi. id their arrears of :^!s OtViee of the ecr Headquarters. The pa* is computed for the period from mobilisation day, December o. 1941. to the fall of I < n
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  • 174 5 Penang Union Petitions To British Labour Party From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Wednesday. FE Penang General Labour Union, following a 16-hour discussion ending at 1 a.m. yesterday, decided to address four petitions to the British Labour Party, the GovernorGeneral, the Resident Commissioner and the Registrar of Trade Unions, Malayan Union,
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  • 143 5 Two Chinese On Robbery Charge In Malacca From Our Own Correspondent Malacca, Wednesday. DROMPT action by the Maucra police in connection with a number or robberies has resulted in the apprehension ol two Chines? alleged to have been involved in two separate cases at Limbongan and Malim Road, respectively. Ta
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  • 197 5 Tribute To Penang Free School Spirit PJLNANG, Wednesday. A TRIBUTE to the Penang '< Free School for its part in producing "worthy citizens men with responsibility and uiis, Ifish in their devotion to the Empire" was paid by th Union Governor, Sir Edward Gent, in his addivss to th Penang
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  • 101 5 From Our Own Correspondent ALOR STAR, Wednesday. IN a recent fight between the i Kodah police and gang robbers in the village ol Pauh on the Siamese frontier four robbers were killed and a large quantity of booty was cap- tured. I Th? fight was
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  • 132 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. DICTURES made entirely from minute particles of padi straw are on display at the Information Centre, Mountbatten Road, Kuala Lumpur. They are for sale a., prices as low as $2 and $4. The artist who has invented this n:w technique is a young
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  • 48 5 Five Years' Gaol For Extortion From Our Own Coivespoiuii-ut Muar, Wednesday. ABDUL Rashid, a Malay alleged to have enterec a provision shop in Muar armed with a rifle and to have extorted $18 from the shopkeeper, was sentenced to five years' rigorous imprisonment at Muar Assizes last Saturday.
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  • 32 5 Above: The waterfront at Port Swettcnham with vessels at the landing stage. Below: A view of thr shipping jetty at low tide with the Customs House in the centre.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 143 5 DO YOU KNOW! an a pan aboat -i .oiig each weighing Lar^e blixnl vcs^rls pasf u.'iti arl&Cißf b:i>od from «L' parti ol the body. Kj!i Udncy com- vondarfal ol tine sieves b which the bloo:' r and urint blood. Ortc Arid is amon; matter, .u.U worklot and I ok De
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    • 186 5 NOTICE. tu the rotate of I.m Yang (.'baa dereastii. Pursuant to Section 29 of the Trusts Ordinance (Chapter 59!. NOTICE I-. hereby piven that Creditors and others having claims MPktnat the estate of the abovenamt'd deceared should give notice thercfl it writing to the undersigned, solicitors Ice Estate and Trust
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    • 510 5 TRADING WITH TIIK KNK.MY OKI) IN ANTE No. 22 mt 1939 CCSTOOIAN OF PROPERTY PROCLAMATION No. 14 of IMS. NOTICE Is hereby given that any person or pe'.soos having a claim n the property described In the Schedule hereto are requested to forward *urh claim to the Custodian of Rvparty,
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 317 5 East's double in today's deal teach d four hearts. Nev ihould have bee n expensive, be- less, there was more to b e lost cause it plac:d every key card than gained by doubling and for the declarer. The latter, how- ••markiti'4 cards for the declarer, ever failed to rise
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  • 923 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Thurs., Oct. 24. 1946. Undercurrents Living conditions in Malaya have improved markedly dur- j ing the past three months. In J many directions, the situation i is still acute, particularly so far as affects th e Asiat c section of the population, aud there l&\ as
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  • 30 6 Ifc.ith has occurred in Rejen Chacko. aged 21, the eldest ton of Mr A Mrs. V E. Cha'.ko of Klang. n su. day the 20th October 1946 in Travail
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  • 24 6 Mrs C. M. Rodrigucs and family all r>-'atlver, fr.ends who of the late Joseph Wilfred Rodr.gucs it also those who ftf'tu wn
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  • 22 6 la i'\i;.i: MWQ of our brother Vin B Wtaf •tie: and bought *lth prices of t ath 'lie Eternal Own.
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  • 103 6 HATFIELD. Tues.— The Minister of Supply, Mr. John Wilmot. replying to Wing-Commander Millington <Lab., Chelmsford) in the House of Commons, said that the results of the investigation into the accident in which Mr. Geoffrey de Hnvilla-id was killed were not yet available. There were
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • 837 6 Does Labour really rule in Britain? By GARRY ALUNGHAM, Labour M.l\, in the Sydney Daily Telegraph TRADE unionists are not 100 per cent, happy about the industrial set-up that is developing along Socialist lines in Britain. Two questions agitating the Labour movement Where does the trade union figure in a
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  • Man In The Street
    • 236 6 I SHOULD like, through the medium of your columns, to bring to the attention of local Service officers and executive committee of the Mountbatten Club the unnecessary unfairness of the exclusion of Merchant Navy officers from th: use of the very excellent faci lities offered by
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    • 131 6 SEE one of your correspondents inquires what ha? happened to the Rycena promised to this country from Australia to help eke out the rice ration. From personal experience in Australia, I wish to assure your correspondent that he will not find Rycera a suitable substitute for rice. It
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    • 145 6 THE Malayan Union Government's policy of seeking public views on toddy shops I* highly commendable. The Japs advocated toddy as a source of vitamin and preventive against beri-beri. We no longer need this panacea of the Japs. Many well-meaning people recommend toddy as a tonic for ♦he exhausted
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    • 190 6 I EAVING the Singapore HarL bour Board by Exit Gate No. 3 at 5 p.m. today, I witnessed a very distressing scene in which a European police officer, aided by some Malay subordinates, was himself tussling with women coolies who were passing through the barrier one at a
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    • 118 6 IN reply to Mr. H. R. Legge, 1 who asked whether the term MOTOR CAR first appeared in the Daily Chronicle, (London) of 1895— The application of the name CAR to public vehicles is US American. Hence "Street Car" and the typically American term "Trolly Car." as counterpart
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 779 6 LEB— At Randan* Kerbau Hospital i: 22nd October, 1046 to Mrs. Benny Lee (Kthrr Won*) a girl Beth are d-itne we 1. SITUATIONS VACANT VACANCIES? exist lor a first-class proem camera operator and and half -lone etcher Good wages Boa 44b ST. [■ID: Trader of Nc-dlew.n*. I stills' expmence
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    • 33 6 PERFECT VISION NAPPY LIVING. Guard your oniy pair ot eyes Should you experience the slightest eye discomfort, have them examined C S CHONQ. O D. P.P 0.0 IVi^i'i'lii iff 1 1 Jii ifT^n^B
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    • 111 6 It f sWiWom|s§ IT certainly »s wisdom to buy a V^ffW Viisdom when you can It will 1 Jv give your teeth the freshest, briskest fj clean they've ever had. That's be- /d'/ cause the tufts of a Wisdom are /'iJM made from springy, let's-get-at-it," 1/ Nylon. They never come
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  • 666 7 Health Of S'pore School Children Improving Free Feeding Scheme Proves Successful Straits Times Reporter THK general health of schoolchildren since the in stitution of carefully prepared morning meals supplied to them free of charge at school, has improved considerably wherever meals have been given according to investigations by medical authorities
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  • 21 7 Mr. S. P. Garrctt, Trade Union Adviser. Sngapore, will speak on j Co-operative Stores in Relation I SSt. LW at 515
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  • 247 7 DEATH FOR 4 'F' FORCE JAPANESE THE guards at Iho War Crimes Court in Nassim Road Ml reinforced yesterday when Lt. Col. Bam../ and x co-accusod in the 'F Force casj who ur.d been -.onvicted o n Tuesday appeared to receive their MdtewMO. Sentences of death by hanging v.itp passed
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  • 23 7 Todays menu at People s Restaurants in Singapore will be: rice, beef and onions with jt.iriMshrm-nt, bayam, and green pea sprouts.
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  • 137 7 SHANGHAI, (By Air Mall). TO promot* 1 1 ade relations be- j tween Chinese in Malaya and the mother country, Mr. Yap Pheng G ck, Singapore business leader, who arrived here recently, is today making an extensive I study of economic and industrial conditions in
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  • 401 7 Rickshaws May Be Allowed In Singapore Snails Times Reporter TO alleviate the city's transport situation. Singapore Muni-pal Commissioners may decide *o allow rickshaws to rema.-i and rescind a ruling made earlitr 'M!s year for their total abuliUco. Commissioners are aiso discussing whether it would oe advisable at the same time
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  • 120 7 Deepavali, Feast of the Lamps, was celebrated by 53,000 Ilindus in Singapore, yesterday. These Straits Timrs show the celebration of the feast at the home of a TamilHindu family in Singapore. Above: after the traditional oil bath the family gather together wearing new clothes, at 4.30
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  • 184 7 XHE only per-ons h^' saw usir.g j th e Burma-Siam Railway were Japanese trooi^s. AH ed PoWs Asiatic, labour gangs, Japanese prostiailes and a f m Siamese travelling presumably on Jarj^nese sponrored busness. said Mr. J. K. Gale living cvllence yesterday at *he irial
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  • 292 7 From Our Own o;:d nt KUALA LUMPUR. W-.< DISCUSSING the futUiP f aviation in Malaya, Air Marshal Sir George Pirie, Air Officer Commandi-ig-in-Chief, South East Asia, said yest'iday that ono of the chief ne <1s at present is an auxilitry Air Force to
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  • 64 7 New Canteen For Johore Johores second pub rant. sr.onsor:d by the E Welfare D?partm nt. was oprncd hv the Repent of Johore. T. n2i;u Mahkora. on Oct. 19. n the 11 .^ence of a large Dumber (H Gov* ernment officials and the various commun Th-> prospect of ooenlng simlT"rr.nts !n
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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  • 1952 8 THE OLD ORDER CHANGETH.... IN SARA WAX In Sarawak, no less than in Malaya, District Officers and Residents sigh for the good old days when in their districts and their divisions they were the Law. There is a nostalgic charm about this article, reprinted from the Sarawak Gazette, which will
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 227 8 PALETTE AND EASEL Unnl comparative!) modem time-, (he artist had to eriata for I is paints and then purify and compound I Itramarinc, for example, had to lie prepared by .ih. a process often taking diiys. The artist now has Nans, riie most recent results ot" chemical research and im
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    • 166 8 •S*** el h2f j lirsi ifimg in the anrana yea> cv^n Detore your fbath, think of Inner Cleanliness. There's not!. refreshing and invigorating as a glass of sp Andrews nothing that will mi surely give system that deep-down, gentle yet thorough learning, which is so important to your health FIRST
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  • Thursday Morning's Film Fanfare.
    • 292 9 (EDITOR'S NOTE: Charles Trenet, Urn In- nth sinking star, relates his imprMMOM of the I'nited States in the tollo'.\in<; ariicle. Trenet. who made his American debut at the Embassy Club >n V-u ork last May, is now under a starring contract at The
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    • 64 9 HER BIG CHANCE IN FILMS J an K«»iit viiacteM Hr t.-li star, who is one of the attrartinns in -The Rake's Procvess" which open at the Pavilion Theatre tomorrow. in has for long been knocking on the door of fame with several very fine \xrrformanrcs and with her excellent portrayal
      64 words
    • 265 9 REAL LIFE DRAMA IN HOLLYWOOD Cameras 'Shoot 'Strike Scenes HOLLYWOOD. UOLLYWOOD is in a ferment. Clashes between police, sheriffs' deputies, and pickets parading outside the great strike-bound studios are producing reallife crowd scenes which enterprising cameramen are shooting." Matthew Woll, vice-president of the American Federation of Labour, increased the tension
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    • 59 9 JAMES WONG HOWE, the Chinese cameraman, is using an ingenious new device in filming "Pursued," at Warner Brothers To simulate gunfire, 70 small photographic flashbulbs are mounted on the perimster of a circular wooden disc. The disc is arranged so that it will revolve on a
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    • 221 9 ESMOND KNIGHT and Chinese restaurateur Lay On at the two latest additions to the cast of th<> Powell-Press-burger Technicolour adaptation of Rumer Godden's bf.<t seller, 'Black Narcissus.' After being blinded during the Bismarck action while serving aboard H.M.S. Prince of Wales, Esmond appeare.l in an
      221 words
    • 68 9 INN TODD, brought to Hollywood from England for a role in David O. Selzniek's "The Paradine Case," has now been slened also for "The Birds and the Bees" at Metro-Ooldwyn Mavei Mm Todd will enact the middle dau&hter. The family in the screen s'ory is now
      68 words
    • 240 9 THE WEEK'S FILMS IN SINGAPORE THE Rake's Progress' which opens at the Pavilion tomorrow, was inspired by Hogarth's famous eight prints, and it is bba story of a personality and a period; of a mar. and an i .a The man is Vivian Ktnway Rex Harrison i. the Rake, r.^ckless.
      240 words
    • 371 9 onirials at Monogram Studios h^v c bc-;n notified that the camera crew filming exterior scenes for "High Conquest" in Switzerland has reachfd th: summit of th P Matterhorn. One shipment of film, dispatched before the mountain party reached the summit, already has arr ved in io'ly^ood. Judge
      371 words
    • 60 9 Veteran Ginger Rogers has been in pirturrs for a lon* time now, but she's as young and beautiful as ever. She changed over from dancing pictures in which shr starred with Fred Asiaire, to dramatic charac'.rri>ations like "Kitty Foyle.' which won her an Academy Award, (liner
      60 words
    • 191 9 IN the movies, a town cvi. age 30 "ears in a few weeks, tjut even so it's quite an accomplishment In filming -its a Woi Lire,' producer Fu.nk Capra nf-cdod to aho\. the evolution of a small town, tie sta:tcd with the shop;, facades, fixtures and
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 161 9 SHOPPING NEWS For Personal Shoppers BLACK STEEL UNIFORM CASES Twin Clasp Superior Centre Lock— Reinforced PRICES $45. 555, 5*5 MEN'S MESH VESTS Short Slee>e*— Round Neck»— Cool io Wear SIZES tB. 30. 31. 34, 36. 40. PRICE 51.50 E*eh MEN'S TWEED JACKETS Sm»rt Sell Coloured Tweeds. Nicely Styled. Yorkshire Harris
      161 words
    • 98 9 JEAN PATOU Pa r f u m e u r PAP 1 s ill K WORLDS PI NX S T l» r. XI «l K S C'olonN the exotic Invitation the alluring Vacances the surprising Normandie the exclusive Amour-Air.our '//>■ flattering Moment Supreme the fascinating IO V the enchantment at
      98 words

  • Straits Times Post Bag
    • 262 10 GOVERNMENT, at the instance of commercial houses, is U forming a special constabulary to cope with the crime wave. We who have to buy necessities at black market prices do not see why we should assist government, the commercial houses and rich profiteers who
      262 words
    • 131 10 rHE Fullerton Building liftmen consistently ignore Asiatic users of the lift, and I have myself seen their beI'haviour, and have been constantly delayed by their laziness. Is there a rule to say that I liftmen operate only when seven 1 or eight persons have entered the
      131 words
    • 108 10 I REGISTER this protest against the apathy of the Municipal authorities in mutters of health, sanitation anc' drainage in the locality of Kamponpr Paya Lebar Road —Alsagoff Estate," alongside the Paya Lebar Road just behind the bus stand at Geylang. Despite repeated requests from residents, stagnant
      108 words
    • 89 10 IS a father who is anxious A about the progress of hi* son, I resent favouritism. This favouritism is not due to brilliance but to the fact that the students on whom the favour is bestowed are attending I evening classes on payment of fees. I
      89 words
    • 119 10 HERE are some of the grievances wnich are being nursed by the lower-paid clerks employed by the NAAFI. I (and there are many others) have worked for the NAAFI for almost a year; yet I have not received any of the increments proraised. My
      119 words
    • 104 10 I HAVE read a letter from a reader in Kedah on the losof his registered packets. I write to explain that a re- j gistered postal letter or article! can rarcl;.' be los* in course of transmission by post, unlf-." the j loss be dv?
      104 words
  • 248 10 C^jME time in August a copy J of a letter dated 19.8.46 to the Colonial Secretary's Office stating that details of the services requirements were submitted to the Controller of Supplies, but it is understood that these demands could not be met as
    248 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 327 10 SHOWING TO-DAY 11 A. M. 2.00, 4.1 5, 6.30, 9.30 P. M. .fifl/ktionS*' *t nil ILi i m r7i ii "T^m m the Tap phricVnowuT II V y9Rl^^^ SATURDAY AT MIDNIGHT ■Hffljjft HLVJ fm*k GALE SON3ERGMRD ione Ymcni IJHAjjiUIIJUL^ thomas ami urn fauai iudwig stossei AiHAMRDA 130> 4> 6 30
      327 words
    • 724 10 TRADING WITH THE ENEMY ORDINANCE No. 22 of 1939 CUSTODIAN OF PROPERTY PROCLAMATION No. 14 of 1945 Notice U hereby given that any person or p.Vsons hav'ng a claim in respect of property, schedules to which from time to time appear in MM Government Gazette, may inspect mso schedules at
      724 words
    • 428 10 FAMOUS A. V. M. PRODUCT EAGLE B R A :> Rubber c;iai;uint tt ■>, VrUBBERXv Sulr It »tribut»nj Agrnt** CHIDA FRANCIS C ZO.l 11. M Xrmv <'«intra<lorv A nliijieh.indlfrs 113-A Cecil Strrrt: Sinir;ipor»Tel 29.12 We hove the Good.* notv You nav c no longer tb wult out drop 'n ana
      428 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 727 10 CROSSWORD No- 84 j-' wljJjjjJ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r ES^SS^^J Most women are this when assessed >^ 6 I|| 2 The bride gets her husband before >^1 I j I I I J 3 Remainder due at last (7>. H|§ 14 Well known but not at
      727 words

  • 727 11 Malayan Share Quotations Share quotations, as at Oct. 22 according to me Malayan i areDrofcers Association (Singapore) were as Io!!ows: Buytr Seller Alexandra Brickworks Ords. SI.7C $1.90 Alexandra Brickwork* Prefs. 2 60 3.86 Brit. Malay* Trustee Executor Co. 00 9.00 Consolidated Tin Snieliers Ord. 22/6 25 do. Prefs. 26/6 28/6
    727 words
  • 331 11 FACTORS which made it impossible to lay before the shareholders a clear-cut programme for the future operations of the-Ulu Klang Tin Limited were described by the jhain.ian of the company, Mr. T. D. Ensor, in a review of the company's position at the
    331 words
  • 212 11 Singapore, Wednesday. THE foodstuff market was comparatively active yesterday, although prices were still declining, especially with rice -Terra loelli, which was quoted $85 for local superior quality, $75 for local medium quality and $65 for local inferior quality. says the Chinene pre«. Siamese rice-termicelll $105, others $30 per
    212 words
  • 59 11 The exchange value of Straits and Hon-j Kong currercies are Increasing in Slam, according to the Bangkok correspondent of the Slnchew Jit Poh. It Is stated that on Oct. IS. Straits currency went up to 7.80 tlcals and Hong Kong to 4 15 reals. American
    59 words
  • 41 11 NEW YORK, Wed —It was announced today that the New York coffee and sugar exchange have approved the formation of a sugar industry advisory committee to advise on the prospect of de-control and the prospect-ve sugar legislation— UP.
    UP  -  41 words
  • 80 11 LONDON, Wed —The stock market yesterday remained unI der political influences which again caused operators to withheld from the market business in 1 giltedged s and such transactions I which are taking place a little above normal. Enthus'asm on the industrial I market has born dampened by
    80 words
  • 56 11 NEW YORK, Wed— Somewhat better support for assorted favourites, notably textiles, appeared in the final hour yesterday on pleasing corporate developments, while lalls pave a mixed response to reports that freight decisions are in tJie offing. Elsewhere the market rallied from lows but averages rtill finished on balance
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 596 11 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. (Incorporat'o In Singapore) BLUE FUNNEL LINE Sailing* to and from United Kingdom Kunite for LJt 2«th Oct. r^methem *ail» for U K Samidway d «e from U.K l»th Nov. Antilmhiu sails for I.K. ..10th Nov. Sailing* to and from Western Australia p^ma saiU for Fremantle 2nd Nov
      596 words
    • 345 11 PRESIDENT Lirt t Sallinft NEW rORK via India and Mediterranean Port* MARINE LEOPAKD* Godowns 11 At: MARINE FLIER' In Port MOUNT DAVIS* doe Nov. 6th MOUNT ROGERS* lih Nov. 25th •Freight Only MOUNT MANSFIELD Loading rvr-ini: For Freight and Paaaage Applj AMERICAN PRESIDENT LINES. LTD. Union Bide. Tcis: 622* 5757
      345 words
    • 373 11 ELLERNimN BUCKNALL S. S. CO.. LTD. FORJ" FCRK For New York Hue Singapore 2S Oct. BEN LAWERS For London Dae Singapore 6th Not. S TWKKI) For New York Due Singapore end Not. KLAVENESS LINE. FOR PACIFIC PORTS Sailings to be retained Shortly. Agents:— McALISTER 6c CO., Spore 1 LTD. PHONE
      373 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 364 11 Singapore I ides TODAY: High water: 10.35 a.m. 9 ft. 10.51 p.m. 9 ft. 6 in. TOMORROW: High water: 10.58 a.m. 9 ft 2 in; 11.28 p.m 9 ft 6 in. Along The Singapore Waterfront SHIPS 1 positions in Singapore today charging cargo. INNER ROADS Godown 25-26: Warialda. loading Bruas,
      364 words

  • 314 12 Home XI Out For 87 92 PORT, PIRIE, Wednesday. M.C.C. bowlers had a harvest at Port Pirie today when they dismissed the South Australian Country XI twice in the day for 87 in the first innings and 92 in the second, and so won the match
    314 words
  • 280 12 M.C.C. Ist Inningrs. Hutton c Veal b McLean 161 tiibb Ibar b Corr:» iq Fishlook c and Adams 98 < ojr.pton c Corric b McLean 100 HurdstafT not ouc tt 7 Yardley c Corri»? b Veal 1»^rid;e c White b Davis 5 Smith, not out 17 Extras 5
    280 words
  • 156 12 SYDNEY, 'Airmail. MISS Patricia Molony, Victorian n?ure and pair champion skater, Hies to Britain early n?xt, month to contest the British championships on December 9 i and 10. She then will go to i Davos, Switzerland, to compete in the European championships, to i Oslo for
    Reuter  -  156 words
  • 61 12 THE S.C.C. Rugby team to play the R.A.F. Sole' art today on the padang will be: D. M. Seward: C. M. Quaylr. W. E. Grieve. G. S. Taylor, F. L. MorrU; J. Franu\ J. B. PoUer; K. N. Wilson, J. W. Kerr, R. J. Maxey, J. Aurely, E.
    61 words
  • 175 12 ADELAIDE, Ucd. THE M.C.C team to meet South Australia in a four- day match starting here on Friday will he selected from Ilanu.und (captain), Yardley, Fdiith, Compton, Hutton, Evans, (lardstaff, Washbrook. Ikfo, Pollard, Langrid;c and Smith. It k significant that the M.< do
    Reuter  -  175 words
  • 404 12 RALLYING spectacularly in the latter stages, in spite of being a man short, R.A.F. eliminated the Rflfttl Scots from the Victory Cup competition yesterday, winning by three goals to two at Jalan Besar Stadium. Leaving the Airmen to lace the I th^ Scots
    404 words
  • 198 12 STOKE. Tues. ALL the differences between Stanley Matthews, Stoke j and England outside right, and bis club have be?n amicably settled. This news followed a two hours' meeting behind closed doors at Stoke s ground today when Matthews met the club board. Owing to the
    Reuter  -  198 words
  • 84 12 U.S. Cup Team For Aust. NEW YORK. Wed. FE American Davis Cap team j leaves San Francisco on Nov. 15 by a Pan-American clipper lor j Australia to play in the last week In December. This is the first air trip for American Davis Cuppers. Captain Walter Pater indicat- j
    AP  -  84 words
  • 130 12 SYDNEY. 'Air Mail". j AUSTRALIAN National Airways, Ltd., has ordered three of the (world's largest freisht planes for the transportation of racehorses. The orders were placed after successful experiments had been rarricd out, when six horses were loaded into a Douglas transport plane. An A.N.A. spokesman
    Reuter  -  130 words
  • 58 12 SYDNEY. (Airmail. UUBERT Opperman, lamuus 11 Australian cyclist, imasJ :;an three miles m-tor-dirt track cycling record by l i weondi at the Young Christian Workers sports carnival at the Slvuvground Melbourne on October 12. His time was 5 mm 15 sec, and betl red the record which
    58 words
  • 25 12 1 i i\ fi ■>ntlly game on the padarv 'vest ril.iv the S.H C. tK-at the Chln?.-v by Km goals to fvo.
    25 words
  • 333 12 "IF I were to be absolutely strict I would bar every horse that raced in Malaya pre-war, with the exj ception of one from racing," the local Veterinary 1 official of the Ipoh Turf Club told the Straits Times correspondent yesterday at Idoli. "I
    333 words
  • 84 12 Sydney. Wed. i^ID Barnes, brilliant Ne* BOUtb Wales batsman who played for ihf Combined XI a-a.nst the M.C.C. at Perth has warned the Australians a?a nst any tendency to underrate tl.e Fn.-lishmen as the result of tri°ir ;xr;,rmanc!s in Western Australia. "MaJce no mistake about Uiis
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 147 12 From Our Own Correspondent penang, Weuuwday EXCESS income ovri exp-r.cii-ture for the year eiTiirv; Aug. 31, is shewn in the Fccaus Tuif Club's report as i7J >":'s29. To this has been adj.. i $5,219.82 cents. Depreciation en l?<;il.lirjss. Lotalisator, furniture a-' dttrnga has been estima'^l
    147 words
  • 85 12 At a general meeting of the Sports Section of the Singapore Ind an Asuok.:'atlon the following were elected as Office-bearers fjr the ensuring year: Chairman: Dr. A. A. Sandosham (re-elected). Hon. Sports SecretaryTreasurer: K. Pvriayah, Football Convener: S.R.P. Naidu (re-clectedj. Fcotball Capt.: A. Sankaran, Crincct Convener: R.S. Sithambaram,
    85 words
  • 26 12 Th-? Chinese Swimm:n<; Club and tlir Singapore Swimming Club played a four-pee draw in the uater polo match at the lai^r's pool yesterday.
    26 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 329 12 PHONE t)^S7OTgF tmttmi 300 630 A 9 15 pm lyes front, for the lustiest melodrama evr set to music. R K O. Radio's 'BELLE OF THE YUKON' dn Kntliralllnß Technicolor) *|-h Randolph Beet Ulnah Shore, and Ovd y Row Lee. Prerrdwl by Latest British I'aramount New*. f GREAT WORLD PARK
      329 words
    • 328 12 GYPSY QUEEN THE BARON! SFNSATIONAL CUMAX TO VILLAINS "PLAY WITH FIRE!" FIVE SHOWS DAILY f&^ J. 'jajjGSiJ! jX 11 a.m.— J 1.15 6.30 9.15 o \s aHI I V flggflgH wS'-^i-^a tJ li i is w HSkTV^ ay rft 1 1 1/ J \r with ®4St, s z^r j£m S&srrfi
      328 words