The Straits Times, 23 October 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 429 1 "Russia Was Ignored After World War I" LONDON, Tuesday. THE British Foreign Secretary, Mr. Ernest Bevin, opening the two-day debate on foreign affairs, (old a crowded House of Commons today that the world must find a "new solution on a comprehensive hasis if we are
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  • 184 1 Rice Body Meets For First Time THE International Emergency Food Council sub-com-mittee on rice for Southeast Asia met for the firs. 1 1 me in Singapore on Monday. The committee elected as i Chairman the United Kingdom delegate. Mr. Charles Empson, Economic Counsellor to the British Special Com.nissioner in South-East
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  • 96 1 HAIFA. Tues. --Two British snips sailed today for Cyprus with 814 Jews who were stopped just short of th'ir coal in an effort to enter Palestine without permits. In Jerusalem an official announcement said two railway loccmotlves and a guard car on the way from Jerusalem
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  • 63 1 U-BOAT PEN TO BE BLOWN UP HAMBURG, T v r s British Royal Engineers, aided by men o: the Royal Navy, will on Friday blow up the second of Kiel's Üboat pens to be destroyod under Potadam agreement terms, it was announced here today. The flral of the pens was
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 64 1 LONDON, Tues- Admiral VisCO«nt MmintbaUen of Burma, who rirclvcd a peerage for his service* M Supreme Allied Command, r in South-East Asia, will i;ikt> hi.s scat in the Housi- of tomorrow. tuppottera wilj be two of the Chief* of Staff with whom red Admiral of the Fleet Vlacount
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 299 1 STUTTGART, Tuesday. AMERICAN constabulary troopers, equipped with tanks and machine-guns and aided by the general police, took 55 Germans into custody in two lightning raids in search of anti-denazification of terrorists who exploded three bombs here on Saturday. The first raid, lasting two hour?
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  • 101 1 Jap Synthetic Rubber Plants Taken Over TOKIO. Tuesday. SUPREME Command. Allied J Powers, has taken into custody Japan's eight synthetic rubber plants, "once dreamed of as the forerunner to a vast synthetic rubber industry," it was announced here today. A S.C.AP. spokesman said the Army would assume custody of the
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  • 119 1 Batav a, Tues.— Price s of rice and other commodities leaped from 100 to 700 per C3nt today as Chinese rushed to spend Japanese "banana" mowy before ihe Oct. 31 deadline. The Indonesian Pres s said today that a Republican decree called for Japanes? currency,
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  • 43 1 NEW DELHI, Tues— General Headquarters said today that eleven British and Indian soldiers were killed last Thursday in the crash of an AmericanouU; C-47 plane in Chitral Sta*e, on the North-West Frontier. Earlier reports said 20 were killed.— AP.
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  • 36 1 BERLIN, Tues— Some of the official pictures of the Nuremberg executions will be made oubl'c, the Allied Control Council has decided. It has assignee *l its secretariat the task of the selection of publishable pictures. A.P.
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  • 224 1 NEW YORK, Tuesday. DIPLOMATS from all over the world called their .staffs and advisers to last-minute conferences today to shape the policies they will present in inert ings of the United Nations General Assembly. These will open tomorrow in Flushing Meadow Park, with President Truman as
    AP  -  224 words
  • 48 1 „ui";ts in robes and lvi tomed wigs, kneeling in prayer at Westminst v Cathedral for the annual Red Mass. The mass is held in connection with the opening of the Michaelmas law sittings. Church of England judges attend a special service at Westminster Abbey.
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  • 215 1 PATROLS TO STOP TRAIN LOOTING Straits Times Reporter SPECIAL anti-looting patrols U are now employed to accompany trains leaving Singapore for the mainland with valuable food and textiles. Gangs of organised looters have attempted to board goods trains in transit, and it has been found necessary to place guards on
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  • 51 1 BATAVIA, Tues— The Dutdi Commission-General and the Indonesian delegati, i today opened the political phase oi Dutch-Indonesian negotiations in a two-hour meeting at the home of Sutan Sjahrir, Premier of the Indonesian Republic. A spoke;man announced thai there would be no communique, since the meeting was
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  • 112 1 ATHENS, Men— Greek gendarmes opened flre with machinemms, rifles and tommy guns in a fierce nine-hour battle against mountaL. rebels' at Vrontu village, at the foot of Mount Olympus, yesterday, according to reports reaching Athens. The rebels, who are said to have lost 22 killed and over
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  • 497 1 TENSION RISING IN BOMBAY AND CALCUTTA NEW DELHI, Tveeday. TENSION heightened in Bombay as news ipread today of the attack on Pandit Jawakarlal Nehru in the North- West Frontier country by hr; Muslims, while violence broke out in Caluuin as refugees from Eastern Bengal continued to pour into the city.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 99 2 New Cambodia Holds Its First Assembly PARIS, Monday. THF, Cambodian constituent assembly held its opening session yesterday at Pnom Penh, it is reported here tonight. Addressing th 2 newly-elected deputies, the King of Cambodia, who prcs ded over th? assembly, str.tcd that the only pa-t he would play in the
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  • 133 2 LONLX)N, Monday— Tl€ British Government regards the elopments in the reform cf the Executive Council in Burma with satisfaction." said the Under-Secr°tary for India and Burma. Mr. Arthur "Henderson, in reply to a question n the House of Commons today. Mr Henderson said on Sept. 26 th?
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  • 412 2 Harvest Forecasts Too Hopeful WASHINGTON, Tuesday. MR. FIORELLO LA GUARDIA, Director-General of UNRRA, has announced that the embargo has been relaxed on UNRRA shipments to China to permit, as soon as the maritime strike is over, "sailings on call from China in accordance with" the
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  • 90 2 BERLIN. Mon —The Deputy Military Governor of Berlin. Lieut-Gen. Lucius Clay, made a formal protest today to the Soviet authorities over the killing ot the American Military Government official who was shot dead yesterday while fleeing from the Russian military police. Gen. Clay made his protest
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  • 210 2 LONDON, Monday. THE Governor of Bengal, Sir Frederick Burrows, in a report read to the House of Commons today, ?aid he expected the number of dead from the rioting in Bengal to be low in the three-figure category." The evidence available supports the conclusion that
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  • 93 2 JOHANNESBURG, Mon:— Ihe book by Mrs. Paul Rob:s3n. wife of the world- famous singer, called "South African Journey," which crit'clses South Africa's policy towards the indigenous population, may be banned in South South African booksallers have been asked by customs officials to withhold copies
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  • 188 2 NANKING, Monday. niRECT talks, aimed at end- ing the civil war which has ravaged China with only slight pauses since the Jap;, nose surrender, are going on here tonight, spurred by the personal wishes for success from Generalissimo Chi;in^ vai-shek. The talks were resumed jri 'top
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  • 41 2 Mr. Clement Attlee, the Prime Minister, receiving the insignia of Knight of Grace at a special investiture of the order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem. The Earl of Clarendon, Sub-Prior of the Order, presented the insignia.
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  • 209 2 BATAVIA, Tuesday. I\R. HUBERTUS VAN MOOK, Lieut.-Governor-Ge-V neral of the Netherlands East Indies, has assured the Republican Premier, Sutan Sjahrir, that Dutch naval craft will not interfere with Indonesian rice shipments to the famine-stricken island of Madura, according to the Republican Ministry
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  • 83 2 The Hague, Monday. THE Dutch possessions of Surinam (Dutch Guiana) and Curacao (Dutch West Indies) were promised greater freedom today in a statement by Mr. Jan A. Jonkman, Minister for Overseas Territories. Mr. Jonkman's statement said stens would be taken to MM about changes as
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  • 88 2 COLOMBO, Mon.-- Grave diggers went on strike today and emergency labour forces were pressed into service to bury dead. The general labour situation continues grave. Steel-helmetcd soldiers line the city's streets and patrols form guard posts at strategic points. The Acting Governor, Sir John Howard,
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  • 100 2 LONDON, Mon:— The American military occupying authorities in Japan have found the "mest flagrant' violations by the former Japanese Government of international drug treaties, it was stated at a press conference in London today after a meeting of the permanent Central Opium Board, created by
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  • 44 2 HEATH ROW, Mon Aoout 4,000 pounds of penicillin, worth about .€3,000. arrived at London, eirport this afternoon from NewYork in an American Overseas Airlines Skymoster. This is thR largest consignment of nenichlm ever flown across the Atlanti-. It will be sent to Greece.— Reuter.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 224 2 A.R.P. lp«h A Mrnxlrmbu Arrears of Pay Claim forma may now be drawn from Senior Wardens and Service Heads. All member* of the A.RP. D. R. and I B P.S. Services, who wish to file claims for arrears of pay In respect of of the mobilisation period 6th Decembsr to
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    • 508 2 P. W, D, TENDER NOTICE, Tenders will De received at the ottce of the Superintending Engineer, Soui-i Central Zone, Seremban, up to 12 Noon of the 4th November. 1946. For the Miscellaneous repairs md other works in connection with Buntings ir Seremban and Port Dickson. Specifications may be seen and
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    • 836 2 SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY. Applications ar invited for recru't.•nent into the Munic pal Cleri. vice. Applicants must be not less .6 and not more than 26 years of a<<e and must have passed the Malay >n School Certificate Examination or other examination of equivalent or higher rrade. On appo ntment applicants will
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  • 309 3 Govt. 9 s Stand On Requirements TIIK establishment of a Local Trade Voyage Board is announced in Singapore, following Government's decision that no further general relaxation can be permitted to unregistered craft plying from Singapore. A communique issued yesterday states, however, i hat where clear evidence is produced
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  • 201 3 WITNESS ALLEGES THREATS ri.LIOT M. Davis, a Police Department clerk, told the B BOOd District Judge. Mr. T. r. rday that when h? wis called to the War Crimes L» .jartment on Feb. 26 he was d up in a room and intimiI by a British officer B was th
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  • 194 3 I rum Our Own or.cspoutlvnt ALOR STAR, W< dnesday. OINCE tho Malayan Rob.n Hood. Embec, is under heavy in Alor Star police hcadrs, robberies have, howi vi-r. |iven place to extortion v hlch is sweeping the northern :ta of thr State and the 1 ollce if
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  • 105 3 TOWN CLEANSING MEN'S PETITION JUANDOKES, carpenters, masons, Wl peons, oilice watchmen and shelter keepers of tho Municipal Town Cl anting Depnr.mcnt have ■eat a petition asking for increased vagea and A.R.P. allowances for those ■■mployed on AR P work during 1941 They have also demanded that certain labourers declared medically
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  • 125 3 Alleged Banishee Committed AN alleged banishee who returned to Singapore was committed for trial at th? nsxt Assizes at the conclusion of a preliminary inquiry in the Second Police Court yesterday. Ho mi Leong Hup Siew, alias j Leong Ah Kew, who on July 22 was arrested in W?ld Road
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  • 160 3 RUSSIAN FOOD SHIP ARRIVES DUSSIAN ships are infrequent callers at Singapore. One o'. the few to visit Singapore is t l c i.OOO-ton vessrl Magn:tog'>-?k which arrived yesterday Under the command of C«;/.. Pietcr Tlmofeuk. Mh> Magneto-gc::-k is making a voyage from Novorossisk, a Black Sea port, to Vladivostok with
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  • 64 3 $1 1,000 BRANDY CHARGE A CHARGE of criminal breach of trust in respect to 250 cises o. brandy worth $11,000 belonging to the forces was explained to 22-year-old Indian soldier, Roshin Din, in the Fourth Police Court yesterday. The proprrty has not been recovered yet. Bail in the sum of
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  • 123 3 THE total number of PoWs taken to wcrk on the Burma-Siam Railway was 64X03, including Americans, Australians, Erit sh and Dutch, and of these approximately 20,000 died, stated the aifidavit of John C. Reas. an American PoW who was emplcyI ed at the Japanese Headquarters in Kanburi
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  • 97 3 Indian soldier attached to an*ALFSEA transport Coy. R.I.A.S.C, Inayat Moham.xi. was yesterday sentenced to nine months' rigorous imprisonment by Mr. Pf ul Storr. the District. Judge, for dishonestly retaining stolen property. It was stated that following an armed robb-'-y by Indian soldiers who ra.isaciced a
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  • 104 3 THE death took place in Bangkok on Saturday of Mr. Graham Sidney Sanderson, one of the oldest Br.tish residents in Siam, at the age of 74 years. Mr. Sanderson who arrived in Bangkok from England mothan 50 years ago, was the pio*ifer of the ferry-boat
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  • 66 3 A MEETING cf the Commute? of the Eurasian Association, Singapore, held recently approved the expenditure o." $250.00 for the erection, in the pavilion of th? Singapore Recreation Club, oi a memorial to all Euiusians who made the supreme sacrifice In "orld War 11. The memorial is being
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  • 37 3 Thero will be a public lecture at the Singapore lheo;oph;cal Scciety, No. 8, Caimhill Road, ai 6."0 p.m. to-morrow. The subject is The Spiritual Government of the World' and Mr. S. Von Krusentierra will be tho speaker.
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  • 340 3 FINDING Lt. Col. Banno and six of his co-accused yesterday guilty of treating inhumanely and causing the death of many of the members of the 'F Force, comprising 3,600 Australian and 3.400 British PoWs, who were sent to work on the 'Death Railway," the Fifth
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  • 408 3 CUGGESTIONS for a revision of the duty on tin ore and a v warning that Government's present mine taxation scheme was economically unsound, were made by Mr. T. D. Ensor, Chairman of Ulu Klang Tin Ltd. at the ordinary general meeting of the
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  • 144 3 DEATH OF COMPANY SECRETARY THE deatii took place in tn>- office of William Jacks and Co.. (Malaya i Ltd.. yesterday morninof Mr. Robert Campbell Stewart, a director and the secretary of the firm. Mr. Stewart was sitting at his desk at 8.45. having Just arrived, when he collapsed aaJ died.
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  • 85 3 DACKFIRING from an omnibus started a fire in one of the new omnibuses belonging to the Singapore Traction Company ar Magazine Road yesterday. The Singapore Municipal Fire Brigade immediately sent an engine to the scene -and prompt action by the firemen saved the fire from spreiding
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 496 3 GENERATING SETS AND ENGINEERING STORES FOR SALE 53—22 KW New Diesel Engine Driven Generating Sets. JiM SU Cylinder Water Diesel with Mawsley Alternator, A.C. 400 230 volU 3 pha»e, 50 i.cles, each complete with Switchboard and accessories. 4000— lbs. No S.W.G. Enamelkd Copper Wire :000.>— lbs. No. 21 S.W.G.
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    • 142 3 KEMPAS, UMITF.D. NOTICE is hereby given that SIM Thirty second Ordinary Annn«» General Meeting of Members will u« held at the Registered Offre of tha Company, 5. Malacca Street. Singapore on 2nd November. 1946 at 13 o'clock noon for the follow In* purposes To recoiv.' the Dire-tor; 1 Report and
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  • 35 4 STEWART. Hubert Campbell, agec ri years, dparly beloved husband oi Margaret. (William Jacks St Co. Mnlnya Ltd. i. passed away peacefully yesterday 22:»d Oct. The funeral took place la t evening at Bldadan Cemetery.
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  • 947 4 The Straits Times. Singapore, Wed., Oct. 23, 1946. Singapore's New Department One of the most interesting places in Singapore at the moment is the old Supreme Court at the back of Empress Place, where are housed the various branches of the Social Welfare Department. In the eyes cf the public
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  • 82 4 WASHINGTON, Mon. Mr. Sumner Welles, former United States Under-Secretary of State, declared yesterday In his weekly broadcast that "the first step towards the re-establishment of even a semblance of peace it Palestine must be the end cf m'litary nil;;" by the British. Mr. Welles sa d he
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  • Man In The Street
    • 293 4 "Free Compulsory Education" Where Is It? nECENTLY there has been 1» much talk about a University College and free compulsory education in the Malayan Union and Singapore. But I wonder whether the authorities are aware of the fact that there are still several thousand children who are out of schools.
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    • 45 4 WE Tamils here have waited for more than 12 months and have yet to see ONE good Tamil programme on the air. Instead of wasting tim? and 'luhlic money on "programmes," i* wouH be far better to play ..amo^lion? records CEYLONESF
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    • 163 4 Mr. Creech-Jones Should Visit Singapore MR. CREECH-JONES, the new Secretary of State for the Colonies, in his recent broadcast said that it was the purpose of the Imperial Government to have no race discrimination or social barriers, no colour bars, no social injustice, no economic or political privileges, but free
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    • 110 4 rHE Oriental Telephone Company is certainly getting into its stride and has improved tremendously in efficiency since taking over from the B.M.A. Several months ago complilnts about telephones being out o! order were not attended to until weeks afterwards, but recently the service has been very pr?rnpt
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    • 225 4 ris sheer nonsense to say that cloth rationing can only be done if wo actually have enough stocks to go round on a ration. Singapore could be divided according to the existing Police Divisions—A. B. C. etc. If the present stock of textiles in hand is not
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  • 1404 4 By A Special Correspondent [M.Ps. continue to ask questions in the House of Commons about delays in the port of Singapore which are a thing of the past. The average delay for non-priority ships at the Singapore docks was reduced to less than
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 842 4 WILKINS FAITHFULL. The engagement ls announced bc--1 Robert George Wllkins. youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. H.B. Wllkins. of Essex. England, and Violet Mary Falthfull. only <hild of Mr. F.H. Fai hfull, ot Sussex. Rngland, and Mrs. Falthfull of Malaya. SITUATIONS VACANT VACANCIES exist for a first-class ■rocess camera operator
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    • 80 4 MELODIES FROM MASTERWOKKS Volume 1: Extracts from Piano Concertos by: Beethoven, Tschalkowsky. Schumann, Kit i.delssohn, etc. $2.00 Volume 2°: Extracts from Popular Symphonies by: Beethoven, Bruhms, Schubert, Mozart, etc $2 00 Volume 4: Extract*, from Piano Concertos by: Brahms. Bach, Moeart, Rubinstein, etc. $2.00 THEATRE Ml SIC of International Stage.
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    • 63 4 Specializing ONLY in TERMITE EXTERMINATION PROPERTY MAINTENANCE PROPERTY CONSKKV ATION Damage and the necessity of constant repairs as a result ol white ants are completely eliminated by oar Termite r.* termination. Property maintenance and Property Conservation Service. Our record and Clientele prove our leadership In specialised fielil. C. P. TAYLOR
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  • 420 5 $30,000 Monthly For Free )h*(ils In Singapore Straits Times Reporter THE Singapore Government is contemplating a scheme for providing a free morning meal to children of pre-school age at an estimated cost of $30,000 a month. This scheme will apply to children between two and six
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  • 80 5 uuota of 500 tons of corianitf needs has been made available to Malaya from > ylon, A communique issued yesterday advises Singapore ~nd Malayan importers to contact the following among otht-r Colombo shippers: J:iiT«rjre Bros, Abdulhusscin Jafferjec, and J. M. Kaliappa ratal < o. vipli -ations
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  • 65 5 M< named bin Zaimudin. a < < rk employed in a Naan warehouse at Beach Road. was .sentenced to ten weeks' rigorous imprisonment by Mr. L. C. Uj! 1 j the Second Magistrate, yester:v. for stealing 12 purses be•is to Naafl on Oct. 21. He was searched as
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  • 246 5 Pan-Malayan Federation Of Women A Women's Federation with plans to extend its membership throughout Malaya. has been formed in Singapore and is aiming to educate women to take th.'ir part in public life. With the intention of forming an All-Malayan Women's Federation, representatives from upcountry have recently visited Singapore to
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  • 184 5 AFFICIAL circles in Singapore would not comment on the statement made by t^e Secretary of State for the Coionies. Mr. Arthur Creech Jonei, in the House orf Commor-s ->n Monday, when he said he wjuld ask the Governor of Singapore to consider whelher it wojla t»e desirable
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  • 147 5 150-Year-Old Veil At S'pore Wedding THE bride wore a /eil trimmed jvith iace 150 years old, when the wedding took place at ihe Cathedral of the Good Shephcid yesterday of Mr. Pal rice Francis Given-Wilson, only son of the late Mr. H. M. Given-Wilson and Mrs. Given-Wilson, ard Miss Beatrice
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  • 202 5 Jap Lawyers, Interpreters Arrive Here SIXTEtJ* lawyers and ten interpreters, forming the first batch of Japanese civilian personnel to come to Singapore after the termination of the war, arrived by sea last week. The lawyers will be employed la the defence of Japanese surr ndered personnel accused of war crimes
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  • 37 5 Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Given Wilson, photographed after their wedding at the Cathedral of the Good She^errl, Singapore, yesterday. Tile bride, formerly Miss Beatrice Goodman, wore a veil trimmed with lace 150 years old.
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  • 136 5 KILLED TWO, COMMITS SUICIDE THE story of hew a husband, Tan Kin Khian, who before he died admitted to having stabbed three women and then himself, was related at an Inquest into the death of two women. Ng Lee Keow, his wife, and Lim Siou Eng, his mother-in-law, at the
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  • 44 5 With reference to an article on the Worley Commission which appeared in our issue yesterday, the Straits limes is informed that the terms of reference of the Worley Commission do not, cover the question of back pay for Government and Municipal employees.
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  • 68 5 A 21 year-old Chinese, Than. Meng Seng, had two charges of armed robbery and murder explained to him in the Fourth Police court yesterday. The armed robbt-.y was alleged to have been committed in a house in Kampong Bahru Roaa in the early hours of July 4. The
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  • 317 5 A PERSONAL, assurance that he, felt there would be no wilful discrimination against Ceylonese in Malaya was given in a farewell message from Mr. A. I. Raja Singham, Representative of the Government of Ceylon, who left Singapore yesterday on the Queen of Bermuda, at the termination
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  • 51 5 The scene inside the office of the Food Control Distribution Department as clerks sorted nearly a million returns from Singapore people which would indica'e their choice of flour, bread or both flour and bread. The majority, surprisingly enough, seem to prefer flour. Some returns ;-.e stiil
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  • 276 5 Straits Times Reporter THE people of Singapore have shown, in the returns made by them to their retailers and through them to the Food Control Department, that only a minority want bread on their ration. A clear majority wish to buy the full ration of
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  • 48 5 Tan Eoon Cheng, a Food Control clerk, was acquitted a r d di charged by the Jud?e, Mr. Tan Thoon Lip, yesterday wh.n he was found not guil y on a eha r g^ of bribery in connection wth the issuing of rice ration cares.
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  • 139 5 DERPAVALI, Feast of tlw Lamps, is being celebrated by Singapore's 50.000 Hindus today. The striking feature of the festival which has given it tta name, is the decorative lighting of all Hindu homes. This Hindu festival was ushered in at nhout 430 this morning when Hindus
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  • 22 5 There will b? no publication of the Siaja!>ore Free Pn-ss today on the occasion of IH-cpa-vali. Publication will be resumed tomorrow.
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  • 108 5 The Hindu hardest hit this year is the labourers who will not be able to make his cloth purchase in the open market. A dhoti which pre-war cost a dollar a piere new fetches between $10 to $15 secondhand. A n w dhoti costs between $20 to $30. An ordinary
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  • 80 5 Major's Appeal Dismissed AN appeal submitttd by Mr. P. F. de Souza for Major William Henry Rothwell. who is now In the United Kingdom, acpinst this conviction and s :i--tri was d'tmln^d by Mr. Jus. ire Worley in the Bnprem Court yes'mlav Maior RothweU had been convicted of having drawn
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  • 26 5 Rev. Goh Hood Kerg will spea.t on "Youth and Freedom at the Straits Chinese Methods Cnureh, Kampong Kapor. on at. 5 pjn.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 122 5 We are here to Serve Y0u.... For all Electro-Plating work we are equipped with the most scientific apparatus and our service can be depended upon. JNDF.R DIRECT EUROPEAN MANAGEMENT SUPERVISION Telephone 6377 •IK YOU ARE NOT SAriSHII) XMTII VOl'R I'RESFNT ACCOMMODATION TRY "THE TAVERN" Mir NrurM European Residential II olrl
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  • 130 6 From Our Own Correspondent SEREMBAN, Tuesday. A resolution protest p. g against deduction from arrears of pensions of the monthly ie!icf granted to pensioners by the Japanese from January 1, 1943 to August 31. 1945 was "passed at a meeting of the Negri Sembila" pensioners held
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  • 272 6 Solid Front Against Labour's Demands From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Tuesday. IN order to present a "more united front" in negotiations with harbour workers, the Penang union of Commercial Associations was formed following a four-hour meeting yesterday. Over 300 representatives of local Chinese importing firms
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  • 178 6 FOR the information of our readers we give below the time of posting air mail letters at the General Post Office to c'iffcrent parts of the world. Australia and New Zealand 3 p.m Monday. Wednesday and Friday. Burma 4 p.m. Sunday. Wednesday Friday and Saturday.
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  • 102 6 From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Tuesday. MR. N. Ponnudurai. President of the Penang Clerical and Adminis f rative Staff Union, was entertained yesterday at a dinner given by members of the Union on his appointment as a member of the Settlement Advisory Council Addressing the gathering Mr.
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  • 47 6 From Our Own Correspondent SEREMBAN, Tuesday. JHE 27.000 school-children In Negri Sembilan have been supplied with about 4 ozs. each of chocolates. It Is proposed to give schoolchildren In areas badly affected ~>v malaria supplementary rations of milk and biscuits in lie near future.
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  • 34 6 Mr. Richard Sidney, editor of Young Malayans," will deliver a lecture on "Help yourself— how ♦V at the ACS. school hall, ?remban, on Saturday, Oct. 26, 7.30 p.m., reports the Straits limes correspondent, Seremban.
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  • 83 6 I.M.R. OPENS BRANCH IN TAMPIN From Our Own Correspondent SEREMBAN, Tuesday. A MALARIA branch cf the Institute for Medical Re.oirch, Kuala Lumpur, is being opened in the Tampin Hospital. Members of the slaff are beginning wor'.; there investigating the potentialities of the new malarial drugs discovered during the war The
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  • 102 6 Irom Our Own Cuivespondcnt KLALA LUMPUR, Tues. JWEDICAL authorities hav e in--1" ten.sificd the vaccnation drive in the Besut coastal area it ar the Trengganu-Kelantan gorder as a result of an outbreak of small-pox. The epidemic, how vcr. is confin?d to ,a small isolated area. The
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 250 6 NOTICE. Will th<- holdri of Cmtodlan ol Property BUI N0. 2958 and Receipt No 1»*«7 ple»s« brlnfc them to the Custvrtt» i of Property Offlre immediate';/ f« verification. GOVERNMENT TRADE SCHOOL, SINGAPORE. An Ins luctor In Machine Drawing mid Mathematics 1-, required tor the I hi»)l. Singapore. A'iplirunt<> should have
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    • 168 6 MUNICIPAL COMMISSIONERS OF GEORGE TOWN, PENANG. Applications are Invited for the post of Legal Assistant. Applicants should be Advocates and Solicitors of the Malayan Union or Singapore. The salary scale of the appointment ll Scale C of the Municipal Salary Scales, i.e. $4. r >o, p.m. rising by $25 annual
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    • 367 6 FOR SALE FOR SALE 1936 P type MG recently overhauled. Good running order. Very smart appearance. 5 gcod tyres. Owner leading country. Also Underwood portable typewriter in case almost brand ne-x. What ffTer.! Write Boy N». 576, Straits Times. FOR SALE Beau iful sterling silver tea sets, f-.mplete cu'.loiy. stcrll:i!»
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    • 259 6 LRRGEST SALE «*v tiifc Unite A KmciAf***./ Sol« Dittributon UNION TYPEWRITER StRVICfc ■Nos 3? A .11. Cbulia MM Telephone 162? Singapore Dealer; »nc Speciaii t« in ot all makes ot Office Machinery lnclud.nn Bookkeeping Machine* Ultcirc Cai'uiator- TMUOMn Supplier' \na CiPnPra' Merchants ihe l'i')uccr House For PIANO Heutirt Flifol
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 638 6 111 todays deal a simple hold- South won with the king and a up play would have let the de- tacked hearts. West holding up clarer discover the easy road to: his ace til! the third round upon success. which South discarded a diamj..d. South dealer West led the spade
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  • Around The Markets
    • 183 7 By Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Tuesday. THE local share market was quiet this morning, and though London was inclined to sell tin snares there was little business passing. Hong Fatts and Kuchai tin improved a little and there were buyers at $1.11 and $1.72V-i
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    • 102 7 LONDON. Tues. Interest on the stock markets, yesterday was again centred chiefly on giltedged securities, where operations have been the heaviest for some time, both at regards switching and outright buying. In this section large operators were endeavouring to rearrange the position created by the redemption of
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    • 78 7 NEW YORK. Tues. Bullish trading yesterday set the continuation of narrowly mlx.d tendencies Numerous broi-is expect further market hesitation d-ir-)ng the period ol re-adjustment of r<itiony economy. The final hour of trading saw .jivotals particularly responding to iho rally on the partial recovery of cowon rs well as
      Reuter  -  78 words
    • 116 7 NEW ORLEANS, Tues. Ti-*dln» in luture contracts, suspended on Saturday because of the sharp drop in nnces last week, was ie bi resumed yesterday on the Uni*c<? States lead:ns cotton exchanges. President of the New Orleans exchange. Mr. D. T. Manget Jr.. 'Announced that one operator, whocc selling
      AP  -  116 words
  • 250 7 SINGAPORE. Toes. 1/OOnsTl XI s showed a general decline In prices yesterday. Rice, sugar, Australian provisions and Hong Kong foodstuffs were all down. There were no inquiries for Siamese rice-vermlcelU in the morning despite a further reduction of $1 per picul. Prices at noon were: Siamese "Cho-Heng" brand
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  • 107 7 SYDNEY. Mon. An Australian delegation of six representatives of commerce and Industry are leaving tli.s week for India oii the invitation o! th» Indian Government. Three delegates, Mr. B. Meecham, l'-n of t"'>- d"!egption. Mr. E. P. Simpson and Mr. J. A. Kemp, are r
    Reuter  -  107 words
  • 226 7 LONDON, Monday. ris expected that a statement by the President of the Board of Trade, Sir Stafford Cripps, on the future rubber market will be made towards the end of this week, says the Daily Telegraph. It is understood that the Rudber Consultative Committee, which is
    Reuter  -  226 words
  • 115 7 Spanish Silver For India LONDON, Mon.— Bullion brokers believe that Spanish silver, recently flown from Madrid to London, n»H eventually find a market in Indiaafter refining. It is difficult to .■Ktimate the quantity involved as several brofc\ r s apparently are importing Spanish silVU but the total appears no be
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  • 99 7 NEW YORK, Mon:— The Reserve Bank of India has made arrangements whereby up to December 21, 1946, notes in denominations of 500, 1,000 and 10,000 rupees held in the United States may be delivered to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York for account of the Reserve Bank
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 32 7 LONDON. Tues. Total rubber exports from the Netherlands East Indies for the firrt nine months of this year realised about 16.000.000 dollars. Exports went mainly to the United States. Reuter.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 626 7 SALE BY TENDER. Tho Custodial, of Enemy Property. Mnlnyan Union. wUI dispose of the following by Public Tender: Approx. 800 cases (each approx. 1 picul nett) oi Cutch. now lying at the E.S.D.. Ipoh Road. Kuala UimP'jr. tx-llverv tf> be taken ex site. 2. Messrs. Harper. Oilftllan Co.. LUi 15.
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    • 220 7 MUNICIPALITY OF GEORGE TOWN, PENANG. WANTED: Centrifugal Pumping Bet. 3" to 6" two stage capab!« of throwing J to J million gallons psr day against 13 0 feet gross head with dlesel engine complete. Particulars of this or any similar suitable pant available to be ■ent to toe Ag. Municipal
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    • 424 7 PRESIDENT LINE SaUlngs NEW YORK via India and Mediterranean Ports MARINE LEOPAKD* Godowns 11 12 MARINE FLIER* In Port MOUNT DAVIS 1 dne Nov. tith MOUNT ROGERS* lim N«v. 25th •Freight Only MOUNT MANSFIELD Loading Penan* For Freight and Passage Applj AMERICAN PRESIDENT LINES. LTD. Onion Bldg. Ids: RM ft
      424 words
    • 369 7 Mansfield Co., Ltd. < Incorporated id Slncapurr: BLUE FUNNEL LINE Sailings to ana from Unitea Klngd< m Samite sails for I.K. 29th Oct. Prometheus *aUs for U.K. 2nd Nov. Samrara dne from I.K. ?th Nov Antilochus nils for U.K. l«th ,Vu» Western Australia I'hr shortest «ea roalt ti the ehrapes*
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 627 7 Siogapore Tides TODAY: High Water: 1O.»7 a.m. 8 ft. 8 in.; 10.11 p.m 9 ft. 4 in. TOMORROW: High Water: 1035 a.m. 9 ft.; 1051 p.m 9 ft. 6 in. Along The Singapore Waterfront (HIPS positions in Singapore today cargo for Palembang. INNER ROADS are Godown 27-28; Port Kilmar, dis-
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  • 411 8 HUTTON 164: COMPTON 100 487 For Six At Close PORT PIRIE, Tues. M-C.C. batted first m the match against the Co*nbined Country XI here today and at close of play had scored 487 for the loss of six wickets. Hutton, Fishlock and Compton played the bowling with confidence. The attack
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  • Article, Illustration
    84 8 C V. Grimmett, Australian Test match spin bowler, fives Yard.ey Knfftand vice captain, tome practice against spin bowling in Perth. Yardl^y's prac'l c ag»»'* Grimmett caused some conste> nation In the Eastern States, where it was considered unnecessary that an Aus.ralian shou'.i spend hours Riving practice against an attack that
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  • 369 8 From Our Own Correspondent BATU PAHAT, Monday. ONE of the best games of soccer since the liberation was witnessed on the local padang when the Devons, who made a visit from Singapore^ played a one-all draw with Jatu Pahat. There was no score
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  • 261 8 S.C.C. LUCKY TO BEAT PAY OFFICE T"HE Command Pay Office were beaten by six points ''wo trkst to five <one goal) by the Cricket Club in tho rugby match on the padang yesterday, tut they are quite away the better side Tlie Army team led flve-ni! at half time through
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  • 109 8 In a friendly badminton match proved off last week before a lar-e gath-.-r--tag of friends. th» United Family fl.l' d»ieatfd the Steadfast by five games to one. Scores (United Family B.T. nioiuiuned first): singles: Low Scan Chuan beat S~>ah Ynak Khern 15-^ 15-8. Heng SiaU Kwee beat Lam
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  • 96 8 An Indian Army XI will meet H.MS. Terror at hockey in a match to be played at Seletar this afternoon. The game is one of the many fixtures arranged in order to select a Combined Indian Army side to play against major Singapore teams this season. Players
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  • 142 8 Letter CHINESE TEAM TO WIN CUP After witnessing the Chinese XI versus Kranji football match last Saturday. I would like to draw the attention of the selection committee of our Chinese team to make some changes in the nlayers if they wish to see our Community team in the final
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  • 49 8 There will be a meeting ot Uie sports section of the Young M?n's Muslim Association at the premises of "Tne Malay Teachers' Association" Palembang Road, on Sunday at 10.30 a.m. All interested members who are k -en to take part in the various sporting activities are asked to attend.
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  • 196 8 LONDON, Mon. i rLARO. which will be ridden by, the champion Jockey Richards, displaced Wayward Belle as a favourite at Cambridges^io callover. C'aro whs backed <o win £21. C00 while Wayward Belle attracted only small amounts at 100—9. Claro, (he Irish classic winner owned by
    Reuter  -  196 words
  • 107 8 M.C.C.— lst InninrsHutton c Veal b McLean 161 Gibb lbw b Coiru \9 Fishlock c and Adams 08 Compton c Corrie b McLean 100 Hardstaff not out ti7 Yardlo c Corri« b Veal It Lan*rid;e c White b Davis 5 Smith not out 17 Extras 5 Total (for 6
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  • 126 8 S.R.C. BEAT AIRMEN THREE-NIL THE S R C. beat R.A.F. (Ten- gah» by three to nil in a friendly game of soccer played on the padang on Monday. Scorers wer Eddie Barker, Andrew Clarke and Douglas Ross. The 3 F. C "A" team to meet the S C.F.A. Veterans in
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  • 119 8 In a return friendly badminton match played at the Happy World Covcreu Stadium on Sunday, the Mayfai: B.P. again beai the Merry-Union DP. by four games to three. Results. (Mayfair players, mentioned first): Singles Lim Yew Hock lost lo George Tan 15 0. 7-15, 13-13 (4-5). Tan Soo
    119 words
  • 113 8 The following will be selected to represent the Spitfire B.P. in a return friendly oadnvnton match of five si.ig!es and two doubles against I'ic Merry Union B.P. on Sunday s. 2.30 p.m.. at home court No. 153 Haig Road. Singapo-e R. Murugason. M. Nonnis. Lei Cheng Sun. R.
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  • 131 8 \T a special general meeting of the Maxfli B.P. held recently. Mr. Robert Lee was elected President w'th Mr. Llm Teck Khim as a Vlce-Presid-ent. The eighth committee meeting will b? held today at 465-A, Upper Serangcx,n Road at. 10. 30 a.m. The main object of the meeting
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 423 8 tt PMONEu ***** W i Shows Dai:y— Z. 615it9 15 NAMELESS! PUBHLBMI DEATHLESS! !X)N C.HANKY in 'THE MUMMY'S GHOST 1 H> Chalai Can Hold It! No Totnb Can Seal It! with John Carradine Ramsay Amez B»rtnn Mar Lane Robert Lcwery AN ALL NEW TERROR «oJ OISTWICrS MOST POPULAR ANOl»TOBj» Wt
      423 words
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