The Straits Times, 21 October 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 584 1 PADI IRRIGATION Plan To Bring Virgin Jungle In Production THI«: Malayan Union Government is <«~king a grant of $30,000,000 (£3,500,000) from the C/olonial Development and Welfare Fund to carry out a ten-year programme for the construction of irrigation works to promote the cultivation of padi
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  • 145 1 Kuala Lumpur, Sunday. A pretty Chinese girl who risked her life to warn Tapt. Turner and a party of Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders who were hiding in the jungle after being cut off during the Malayan campaign and in imminent danger of being rantinvd, is mentioned
    Reuter  -  145 words
  • 101 1 lonpon. sun m Metro 'enni. new Italian Foreign Mini-aft.-r taking oath of offle-* lay stated at a press conferenx the -severity of the peace ity "creates in our conscienc 1 iid our will the necessity for a Rome Radio reported Addressing his subordinates at DC
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  • 86 1 PESHAWAR, Sunday. A BAND of approximately 100 Moslems attacked the motor car caravan of Pandit Nehru at the tribal town of Taka yesterday and in the ensuing stone-throwing. 16 people were hurt. Threewent to hospital but none died. Pandit Nehru's own car was "o» hit. A
    AP  -  86 words
  • 74 1 BIG LOSSES HOTEL STRIKE WASHINGTON Sun Over 300.000 is estimated to have n lost in the flrst eight days of the strike that has virtually < losed 18 of Washington's hotels. Hie inanaser^ stated today. HapM for a settlement with N hotel workers demanding pay increase of 15 cents an
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  • 49 1 AUSTRIA TO TRY BROWN SHIRTS I LONDON. Sun. Frankfurt Radio quoted the Austrian Minister of the Inter.or, Hcrr Helmer. as stating that Austria was nou going; to recogn se the acquittal of the s.A. (Nazi Brownshirlst by the Nuremberg tribub& an o would P r °ce3d with trials.— Router
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 212 1 Change Of U.S. Policy In China Demanded San Francisco, Sunday. CONGRESSMAN Hugh De \j Lacy declared before 600 delegates at the China-Far East Conference that unless United States Foreign policy in China was changed the United States might be involved in a third world war. The conrerence was summoned to
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  • 23 1 ATHENS, Sat.— About 20 soldiers attacked the EAM Meftwing organisation) centre in Kallithea suburb, southwest of Athens, tonight. No casualties are reported. -Reuter.
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  • 267 1 JERUSALEM, Sunday. TELEPHONE lines between Safed (northwest of the Sea of 1 Galilee) and Haifa were cut during the night apparently by Jewish terrorists, it was officially stated here today. An all-night curfew in Jerusalem, covering the Jewish quarters of the capital, began at 6.30
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  • 94 1 New Proposals To Exchange Java Internees BATAVIA, Saturday. THE setting up of a joint Dutch-Indonesian committee to arrange the exchange of internees in Republican territory for Indonesians who became slave workers under the Japanese in the Allied perimeter in Java and Dutch outer territories, is likely to b? prooosed at
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • 54 1 WASHINGTON, Sun—lnformed diplomatic officials disclosed that the United States has extended credits of $25,000,000 to $50,000,000 to Turkey which is at present resisting Russian demands for a share In the control of the Dardanelles. The credits are designed to enable Turkey to hasten the modernisation of its
    AP  -  54 words
  • 112 1 Humour Of Stalin Trip To America H tlifax (Nova Scotia), Sun. < jUOTING a "highly placed i M>urct>, the Halifax Chronicle says that Stalin may visit the United States, and ].os-;il>lv Canada, early in ranter. Although the report was with- onnrmation, the n:wspaper d a suite aboard the liner \nuitania
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  • 38 1 BATAVIA, Sat The motorship "jßotawvain" which left Amsterdam on September 24 with 3,000 soldi i., ot the Seventh Dccemi)« v r Division docked at the port ot Hat.ivia today, the Dtttcta news agency reports.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 35 1 ALEXANDRIA, Sat. A bomb thrown at a British army lorry driving past the faculty of law at U Un rergtty this a'.tornoon :rrd two British coldlers. The police are Investigator the incident. Renter.
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 283 1 CALCUTTA, Saturday. THOUSANDS of Hindu w«- men were tonight reported to be fleeing in terror into towns of eastern Bengal from the threat of abduction and "forced conversion" to Islam and harem— according to refugees swarming into Calcutta today. One woman refugee broke duwn a.?
    AP  -  283 words
  • 208 1 NEW YORK, Saturday. PEOPLE all over the world will be able to hear "live" broadcasts of the meetings ot the United Nations General Assembly, due to b.'gin in New York on Wednesday, under plans perfected in cooperation with the man; world radio stations, a Unitod Nations
    Reuter; AP  -  208 words
  • 70 1 FRANKFURT. Sat— The occupation authorities in the Britten. United Statts and French zones of Germary have placed altogether 568 factories "on repairtons account." Co'onel L. Wilkinson, head of the Industrial department In the United State.-, Mil tary government, stated today. Thirty-n ne out of 157 plant.-,
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 40 1 PARIS, Sat- An epidemic of infantile paralysis, descrbod as "fairly grave." has broken out in the Tyrol in French-oecupi d Austr a, it was officially annouiu ed here today. A number of towns, including Innsbruck, have been quarantin cd.— Reuter.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 86 2 NEW YORK. Sat— The New York Times reports from Buenos Aires that the Aigentine M nister for Industry and Commerce, Rolando Lagomarsino. by wit^-! holding export licences for 4.0C0 1 I tons of rice purchased by UNRRA I for famine relief in China, may oblige
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  • 59 2 LONDON, Sat.— The Air Ministry announced today that 11 military personnel are missing after the supply dropping flight in connection -*ith the military exercises in Chitral Province in north-west India. Six were RAF personnel, including the crew of the Dakota, and five were members of
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  • 108 2 RINGS STOLEN FROM WINDSORS LONDON. Saturday. The Duue of Windsor was roobed of several rings and a gold watch by the thieves who escaped with £20,000 worth of jewels from the Duchess' mil--1 on-dollar collection on Wednesday. At the same time, finger-print experts from Scotland Yard were summoned back to
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  • 150 2 SEA TRANSPORT BOOKING NOW BACK TO NORMAL LONDON, Sat.— Passages in British liners which are at present subject tc Government control will in future in most cases be hooked by shipping lines in the normal way, the Minister ol Transport announced today. A large proportion of passenger space in de-requisitioned
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  • 51 2 HAMBURG, Sat. —A total or 10,965 persons were removed from office in the British occupation zone during September because of their past assoc ation with the Nazi party, it was announced here today. This brought the total in the zone removed from office during the occupation to 163,621
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 261 2 Allied Council To Hear Report Today BERLIN, Saturday. IIEUT.-GEN. LUCIUS CLAY, Deputy American Military Governor of Berlin, said today that he assumed that the Allied Control Council would discuss Goering's suicide at its meeting in Berlin on Monday. Col. B. C. Andrus, chief security officer at hi
    Reuter  -  261 words
  • 196 2 China Appoints Envoys In Big Trade Drive SHANGHAI, Saturday. IN a determined bid to improve China's international trade position, the Chinese Government has appointed trade commissioners in all leading countries. Nominations have already been made for the United States, the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union and the South Seas (with
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  • 25 2 Mr. Anthony Eden arrhing at the House of Commons to join the Opposition front bench when Parliament reassembled after the summer recess.
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  • 61 2 BANGKOK, Sat— The Siamese Minister for the Intetior is planI ning a mass evacuation from the territories destined to be returned to Indo-China, and the government has appropriated two million ticals to provide assistance for the refugees. It is understood that Siam will allow the refugees
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  • 71 2 i.ONiI'ON. Sat.— The British Labour Government's "wise and liberal policy in India and Burma" feave the Sudanese greater hope for independence than they had ever had, Yagoub Osman, prominent leader of the Sudanese Umma Party, d.-clared today His party would welcome a plebiscite to determine the
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 65 2 RANGOON, Sat.— Burma will export one and a half million tons of rice next year, when about ny? million tons an increase or two million tons over last year— is expected to be harvested, it was officially stated at a press conference her 3 today.
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  • 219 2 SHANGHAI, Sunday. rE chief Communist negotiator, General Chou En-lai, yesterday agreed to resume peace negotiations with the government, but a top level council of war among government military leader; in Peking indicated he mitfht be too late. Many Shanghai Chinese maintained optimism, although government arm cs
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  • 59 2 Nankins, Sat. Lady Cripps, wife of the President of the British Board of Trade, has accepted an invitation from the Communist leader, Mao Tse-tung to visit Yenan as President of the British I'nited Aid to China Fund. She will travel probably at the end of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 401 2 Bar] BStA m Betty Hutton in AND THE ANGELS SING Coming Soon I TRADE MARK RIGHTS IN FEDERATED MALAY STATES. N.ttr- is hereby given that THE MUHICAN THLHMOS BOTTLE C M I'ANY. a Corporal! n rTaniztd end \uv. under the laws of the Stat; >. Oino. L'nlted Statrs if America
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    • 676 2 NOTIC* IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Trade Mark and Name above depicted and described are the exclusive property of CENTRAL TRADING COMPANY of No. 21. 2nd .ioor Medeiros Buldlng. Cecil Street, Singapore, and that the same are used oy them in respect of Glassware, Electrical Appliances, TextUes. Crepe Paper. Crockery,
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    • 1143 2 SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY. Tenders are invited for the following Contracts for the per.oJ Ist Janaary 1947 to 30th June. 1947:— Deposit required (a) Supply of Labour for the Maintenance of Side Tables of Public Roads. $50 (b) Supply of Labour and Explosives for Quarrying. Sledging and Leading granite at Mandal Quarry
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    • 245 2 NOTICE. Tenders will be received at "h« office the Director, Medical Service*, Singapore, second floor. Fullerton Buildings, up to 23rd. October. 1948. for the supply of the following: <a< Foodstuffs to Oovcrnmcnt Hospitals. <b) Fresh or Frozen meat, etc., to Government Hospitals (c) Firewood and Charcoal to Government Hospitals (d)
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  • 136 3 IN the absence of rice in the 1 Malayan's daily diet, Singapore nutrition authorities recommend one well-balanced meal which is said to provide at least one third of the daily requirements in regard to energy and other essentials. This ni-al is made up of: Five and a half
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  • 193 3 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Sunday. AFTER careful consideration of the history and scholastic record of T. Mori, the wellknown Kl. Japanese. and public representations. the Governor of the Malayan Un on. Sir Edward Gent, has decided to grant permission for Mori and nis aged
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  • 91 3 A \ery successful and largely att. nued social wxj held by members of tne Motnodlst Youth Fellowship (Yoong People's Section* Kuala Lumpur, recently at the Wesiey Church Social Hill. The Fellowship was only recently or an sed lii Kuala Lumpur, as part j.' a wide organisation with
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  • 159 3 PJRTHER donations amounting to $543 have been received &V the V.M.C.A. for their building fund. This sum together wiih $30,298 previously acknowledged, i brings the fund to $30,841. i The following is the latest list of donations: D.-nat ons per l£r. Yap Ah ILati $118 Singapore
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  • 30 3 As Wednesday is a ?ucli'- holiday, the usual weekly Rotary meeting will be held on T!-"Jis-day. Dr. Chen Su Lan will speak on Singapore's White Plag«tt
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  • 549 3 Nutritional Surveys In Singapore I STUDY OF DIETS Straits Times Reporter NUTRITIONAL surveys are being carried out in Singapore by a team of investigators to determine the extent of malnutrition among the people in view of the critical food situation. Another reason for the survey is to build up complete
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  • 375 3 Malayan Share Report By A Market Correspondent TRADING in Malayan share markets was on a restricted scale and numbers of quotations suffered during the week under review. The further decline in industrials and tins has brought certain stocks to levels where a few discerning investors have
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  • 97 3 The statue of Sir Frank Swettenham. (whose picture appears above), a pre-war landin, itk at the side of the Government Building in Kuala Lumpur, is being restored by the Public Works Department. Preliminary work on the stone base has started. A new granite pedestal will
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  • 151 3 fvorn A Correspondent BATU PAHAT. Sa». THE Chinese Consul-Genera: Dr. I Wu Paak Shing, on hti way !<o the East Coast ltopp«d at Batu Pahat last Thuiscay II': calkd at the Oflice of the \sj>stant Commissioner, and met Government officials and sh« Peirjhulus. Dr. Wu,
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  • 210 3 REVOLVER COURSE FOR VOLUNTEER POLICE Straits Times Reporter MANY volunteers to tha Special Police Constabulary formed to augment police patrols at night and v guard godowns and stores, were interviewed by officer-; of the Singapore Police headquarters last week. Those accepted will *>egin a revolver training course this week and
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  • 93 3 From Our Own Correspondent PENANG. Sun. A piracy aboard a Pera'r Jun'i moored at the Jetty oil Armenian Street Ghaut h:id a sequel in the police court today when a preliminaiy niguirj was held into charges cl aimed roOi bery against two Chinese. Kha-v Soon Heng
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  • 24 3 Mr. T. R. Bl.ickman. Collector of Land Revenue. Malacca, has left Malacca on six months' leave, leports th 3 Straits Times Correspondent in Malacca.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 805 3 MUNICIPALITY OF GEORGE TOWN, PENANG. WANTED Centrifugal Pumping Set V to two staKC cap*b> of throwing j to I mi Urn taUooe pr day again* 1 130 feet gro"» heart with dlesel engine c millet- Partitular^ of this or any .sinitbr ruitab'e pant available to be •he Ag Municipal Water
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    • 473 3 MALAYAN EXCHANCE BANKS ASSOCIATION. All members of the abo\e Association will be closed for business .>;i Wednesday 23rd October, 1946. belns DeeDavali. SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO.. LTD. DEEPAVALI PUBLIC HOLIDAY Wednesday. 23rd October. 1944. The Company's Retail Establishments In Singapore will open from 3 am. to 10 a.m. only for
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  • 39 4 Mr On« Soo Keng ft family deeply th. n'.: relatives St friends who attendi-a t ic funeral of Mrs. Ong Sto Kc-W-i-'Cf Tun Siak Tin. paid ni-ht visits, sent ■I wnaihfc, letters of condoltrlcKrams, it those who aaKonerally.
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  • 825 4 The Straits Times. Singapore, Mon., Oct. 21, 1946. Ikan Bilis On The Menu A plate of rice, fried ikan bjlis. bean sprouts and spinach —or. alternatively, noodles, bean cake, water cress, bean sprouts and prawn grayy is perhaps not a suitable subject for a leading article; and yet the announcement
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  • 121 4 THE Australian Minister for ternal Affairs, Dr. Herbert Evatt, is to go to Japan as soon as possible, it is authoritatively stated in Canberra. It is pointed out that the visit to Japan by the Australian Prime Minister. Mr. Chiffley, after earlier disagreement between Mr. MacMahon
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  • 47 4 Under a British Treasury order civilian travellers entering or leaving Britain may now carry £20. Outward bound travellers may also take foreign currency notes to the value of £10 and inward bound travellers may bring in foreign notes of a value which varies.— Reuter.
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  • 47 4 Sir Granville Bantoclc, eminent British composer, died last week at the ag? of 78. He won a music scholarship when a young man. and took up music as a career. His orchestral and choral works are distinguished for their melodic resourcefulness and graphical power. Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 1250 4 By the Shanghai Correspondent of THE TIMES. London QUftING the last three months there has been little sign of improvement in the economic trend in Shanghai. Commodity prices and wages are over 4,000 times pre-war figures and have doubled in the last six months alone.
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  • Man In The Street
    • 220 4 CAN you tell me whether there is any law against unscrupulous mothers selling their babies? I refer to the practice adopted by numerous poor Chinese wom;n of selling or giving away their infant children (mostly females) to non-Chinese, especially Tamils. It
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    • 260 4 I HAD hoped to see some| comment on the notice! sent by the Singapore Turf Club to its Ordinary Member?, under date 14th Oct., 1946. Before the late war the committee of this club was notoriously an European preserve— proxies have been known to have been solicited to
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    • 86 4 ABOUT two months ago there was a great splasn in your paper advertising Rycena and saying regular supplies would be available shortly. Since then, nothing more has been heard. A friend of mine approached the local agents a little while ago and was told that they had placed
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    • 265 4 WHEN people in Singapoireceived their ration of cloth, we in the Malayn.t Union eagerly looked forward to our turn. Deepavali is approaching, but nothing has been heard so far of our share of cloth. Rumour is in the air about a ration of five yards per head. If
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    • 102 4 I READ a letter recently us "Man-in-the-Street" column regarding the absence ot Indians in the list of awards of scholarships to Raffles College. The reason Is. I believe, that few Indians with the necessary qualifications applied for the scholarships. Idj not think they knew of the existence of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 877 4 BIRTH—-On 19th October. 1940 to Nellie Ngo, wife of N«o Beng Bw*c (in- g.ft of a son, Patrick, Ngo Swet Klat The engagement is announce*, between A J. W Slater, eldest son ol Lady Slater and the late Sir Ransfon hater of Whiieparlsh. Salisbury. Rosemary Murray Duncan, younger caiißhtrr of
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    • 21 4 $IJO mi mm ml* "i^ Stainless steel, waterproof, high gr&Uo lever movement, non-magnetic, protected against shocks, luminous dial. IC. COLLTER QUAY
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    • 46 4 MERCHANT TAILOR. 18-E BATTERY ROAD FIRST FLOOR ABOVE OLD PREMISES LATEST MATERIALS JUST ARRIVED 'PHONE 3660 R.V. MEYER OPTICIAN fellow oi the institute Ophthalmia Opticians (England.) Fellow of the Worshipful Company of Spectacle-Makers (Eng.) Freeman of the City of London. 6 RAFFLES PLACB n (OPP. LITTLES)
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  • 796 5 Also First Graduate Of Medical College Straits Times Reporter I\R. A. VISWALINGAM, to whose eye clinic in Kuala Lumpur thousands of people from Perak, Selangor, Negri Sembilan and Pahang have gone for treatment in the last twenty years, has been appointed to the super-scale
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  • 594 5 A SUGGESTION that Government should immediately call "a people's representative conference, through the medium of which they can consult the wishes of the people, including all parties and religious bodies'* is made by -the President of the Malay Nationalist Party in a statement. The
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  • 66 5 FFTY servicemen's children were among the 358 service and civilian passengers who arrived in Singapore yesterday evening aboard the 1* and O. liner Ranrhi. The ship brought in 234 civilians, mostly returning Malayans from the I'nited Kingdom. R.A.F. servicemen's wives aboard numbered 20. Army husbands greeted
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  • 138 5 6,000 S'PORE CHILDREN GET CLOTH AS part of the P^an to rehab litate about 57,612 Singapore school children, the Educatitt. Department has issued 312,403 yards of textiles to pupils and teachers. The textiles wh'ch include white and khaki drill, and white shirting, have already been distributed during the past month.
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  • 74 5 THE wounded gunman who slio. dead Detective Lee Koh Beng in Middle Road 'on Friday night, is still at large somewhere in Singapore. The causeway and ships leaving Singapore harbour, however, are being closely watched to prevent an escapi Doctors in Singapore—especially Chinese doctors- are being
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  • 125 5 MH lan Kah K:e has cabled wishes for the success of the conference to be held in San Francisco to demand the withdrawal of United States forces from China and to examine America's Far Eastern policy. Among those to whom the cable addressed was Mr. Harry Bridpes.
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  • 48 5 From Our Own Correspondent SEGAMAT. Sunday. LAM KEE. a Chinese lorry driver, was fined $25 or in default to undergo a month"s simple im:nent by Che Haron bin Ahmad in the Segamat court for ottering a bribe of 50 cents to a P >lice constable.
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  • 35 5 Air Marshal Sir George Pirie, inspected Singapore's Air Scout Group at Kallang on Saturday before he opened the Scout exhibition. This Straits Times picture shows the Air MaTshal during the inspection.
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  • 304 5 Penang Free School Is 131 Today i From Our Own Correspondent I Penang, Sunday. MALAYA'S oldest school will be 131 years old tomorrow. The training ground of many a Queen's scholar and of a long line of distinguished alumni, the Penang Free School has, ever since its inception in 1815,
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  • 604 5 MALAYA at present has 750,000 acres under wet padi and of this only 220,000 acres has so far been provided with, permanent irrigation and drainage works. The vast areas ofl North Kedah, Perlis, Kelantan and Trengganu depend almost entirely on rainfall and these areas
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 114 5 THIS WEEK'S NEWS for SHOPPERS WITNEY BLANKETS Made by Early of Witney. All pure Wool Size: 60" x 80" Weight 3 lbs. Colours: Camel, Reseda, Blue and Rose PRICE $18. so each DOROTHY GRAY BEAUTY PREPARATIONS Full Range of these famous creations LADIES RAYON HOSE Full Length Panel-Reinforced Tops-Mock Seamed
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  • 187 6 From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Sat. "IVING expert evidence yester- day in a case in which five Chinese were charged in con- I nection with the discovery of certain documents in an attap shed in Jelutong, Mr. M L. I Blythe, Secretary for Chinese Affairs, Malayan
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  • 195 6 September Total Only Half That Of August From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Sunday. THE fact that no tin was exported from Penang la* l month and that rubber exports showed a substantial drop from 35,000 tons to less than 14,000 tons have resulted in a reduction
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  • 143 6 Swettenham's Statue Being Restored FiOm Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. 'i"HE statue of Sir Frank jl Swettenham, a pre-war land- < mark at the side of the Government Building in Kuala Lumour, ll being restored by the Public Woiks Department. The preliminary work on the stone base has started.
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  • 153 6 From Our Own Correspondent IPOH.- Sunday. CUBSTANTIAL relief to Ipoh'si housing shortage envisaged in a scheme of the Public Works Department will not materialise as the Kinta Town Board at its meeting on Thursday turned down the Department's application for erection of temporary auarters for
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  • 88 6 Bazaar In Aid Of Poppy Day Fund From Our Own Correspondent PENANG. Sun. AFTER hearing one of the speaker's suggestion that "something out of the way should be included to catch the public's interest," the Penang and Province Wellesley Poppy Day Committee under the chairmanship of Mrs. E. M. Nolan
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  • 138 6 $29,000 To Be Spent On Home For Aged From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. QLANS for extension of the I Jubilee Home for aged women at San Peng Road, Kuala Lumpur, estimated to cost $29,000, wer« approved at the last meeting of the Cen- tral Welfare Council. The extension
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  • 86 6 From Our Own Correspondent KRIAN. Sat. ALLEGED to have harboured an Indian soldier who had de- serted frcm his unit, a Tamil woman was produced before the District Judge Mr C P Newton, at the Parit Buntar court nnd charged with having harboured a deserter from
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 351 6 NO I'M. AY NUMBER PLATE SERVICE f MBOSSKD NUMBER PLATES (Immediate Delivery) Perfectly clear-cut character* Distinguished appearance. As used by the leading car manufacturers WING KWONG CO. 145 Middle Rd. Singapore THE ANGLO-CHINESE SCHOOL OLD BOYS' ASSOCIATION. will h :ld an "At Hume" to welcome the return of Mr. Hindi.
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    • 132 6 DO VOl HOLD AN IMPOKT LICENCE? If so. we are now In a position to ofler you Swiss, Italian, French and Belgian TEXTILES. MACHINERY, HARDWARE and all types of General Merchandise. SWISS WATCHES A SPECIALITY! Those who already possess an Import Licence, please cable or Air Mall their enquiries, when
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    • 854 6 MISCELLANEOUS THE SERVANTS AGENCY, (tsto 1911) Supplies domestic servants »cv iramea in European Homes Apply 17 Ulioby Ghaut, ai Cattiay WANTED to purchase one petioldriven motor-boat suitable to carry at least 8 persons. Must be in good cotittitooa and speedy. OQers from privv.j owners only stating particular and < pric-
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    • 310 6 cIUVITB TRIO TOMtC CHWnOCATIOM UVtm. KiPMtT t 114PM* PtUt fltptoJl, EVERYBODY to EVERY HOME Solo Importer* SEOW KUAN COMPANY. Ohoby Ghaut, Singapore Tel: 7787 M.E3€Mei& Sms ESTABLISHED IN 1916 OPTOMETRISTS OPTICIANS 13. Biittcry Road. Sin&ipore For Appo n menl» Phone 7631. H. M. de SOUZA. Sr., aid SON Ground Contractors.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 668 6 Helped by an adversary's re- 1 clarer won and, on the thought vealing discards. South did a that it might be a good idea to highly workmanlike job in tn- keep West oft* lead, led the day"s deal trump jack through him. West North ripiw ducked, waiting to cover the
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  • 586 7 Malayan Share Quotations Share quotations, as at Oct. 18 according to Uie Malayan c i trebroken Association (Singapore) were aa follow*. INDUSTRIALS Bayer Seller Alexandra Brickworks Ords. SI .70 $1.90 Alexandra Brickwork* Prefs. 3.00 3.85 Brit Malaya Trustee ExttUtor Co. «.OO 9.00 Consolidate Tin Smelters Ord. 22 b 25 do.
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  • 790 7 By A Market Correspondent HOLLAR tin transactions last week included Hong V Fatts $1.09, Jelebus 87c, Kuchais $1.75 down to $i.7O, Petalings to $8.10 and Sungei Luas $1.20. In Australians, Sydney was only a spasmodic seller and there was less local interest than for many
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  • 131 7 NEW YORK. Saturday. Prices today were held within a narrow range around Friday's chwe »ith activity quiet. Numerous traders wer. j awaiting further developments of th? commodity price readjustment as well as the start of the United Automobile workers' campaign for higher wages In the motor industry to
    Reuter  -  131 words
  • 97 7 LONDON, Sun.— London's shortage of 1,600 taxi-dnvers is being cased by ex-Servicerrun studying at the British Legions Taxidrivers' School in S.W. London. The only on of its kind in this area, the school's capacity is 125 students. Before theyiare licensed all taxi-drivers must pass police examinations
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  • 61 7 WASHINGTON, Sat. Some diplomats here sm*le wryly at Allied proposals for small armies and navies for the five Axis satellites whose peace treaties are being prepared The first drafts allowed an army of 275.000 for Italy, 70.000 for Hungary, 133,000 for Rumania, 65,500 for Bulgaria and
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 601 7 A Celebration of the above Society will be held at th< Malac-a Club on Rt Andrews Day, 30th November. 1940 Will anyone wishing to join the Society i or any old members who have not already been informed and who wish to attend. pl< J*e write as soon as possible
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    • 450 7 PRESIDENT LINE Sailings NEW YORK via India and Mediterranean Ports MARINE LEOPARD* In Port MARINE FLIER* In Part MOUNT DAVIS* due Nov. 12th MOUNT ROGERS* -tut Nov. 25th •Freight Only MOUNT MANSFIELD Loading Penan); For Freight and Pa.«cage Appl> AMERICAN PRESIDENT LINES. LTD. Union Bide Tels: tiT.'f 4L o'?5? WATERMAN
      450 words
    • 413 7 Mansfield Co., Ltd. Incorporate* m Slnraporrj BLUE FOJNNEL LINE Balltngs to ana from Onited KlrgmmSamite sails for V K. 25th Oct. Prometheus <iails for U.K. 31 «t Oct. Sam«ara doe from U.K. 7th \ov. Antilochus -ails for l K. Ifth Not i Western Australia 11 The «hortest ronU ti (he
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 368 7 SINGAPORE TIDES TODAY: High Water: 8.56 a.m. 8 ft. 1 in.; 8.23 p.m. 8 ft. 3 in. TOMORROW: High Water: 9.35 a.m. 8 ft. 5 in.; 9.22 p.m 8 ft. 9 in. ■pnT>T|^ lUrjCT HV B 830 pm News HeadUne s: 8-32 p.m. p.m. London Calling; 8.40 p.m. **«*<'1>-' 1»1/\1j/\
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  • 214 8 LONDON, Sat. OVER 62,000 saw Arsenal gain their first home victory of the season and Stoke, without the service of their international winger, Stanley Matthews, lose by the only goal scored at Highbury this afternoon. Ten minutes before the game started, the gates were
    Reuter  -  214 words
  • 773 8 Positions m the Home football leagues after Saturday's matches arc: FIRST DIVISION Goals P W D L F APt> Blackpool 12 9 0 3 25 16 13 Manchester U 11 6 3 2 26 14 IS Wolves 12 7 1 4 24 13 13 Liverpool 11 6
    773 words
  • Article, Illustration
    31 8 ».ai Muti, Chinese goalkeeper, goes out to make a save in the Cup soccer match against the K.N. Kranji at Jalan Besar on Satnrday. CJifncse won 4-S. S (raits Times picture.
    31 words
  • 269 8 WREXHAM, Sat. OVER 30,000 spectators saw Wales beat Scotland 3 I in soccer international here this aitfrnoon. There was no score during the first half which was a fair reflection of the game. Scotland went near, just before the interval, when inside left, Blair, appeared to have
    269 words
  • 224 8 London. Sat. Home Rugby Union results: Bla'khea'h 8. London Scottish 14: Guy's 23, Old Paulines 8: Harlequin? 14. Cambridge 5; London Wejn 'j. Llanelly 35; Richmond 11. Rosily Park 9: St. Bart's 3. Metropolitan Police 15: St. Mary's 9, R.E.M.E. 0: Abeitillery 9. Maestag 0: Aldershot II Old
    224 words
  • 64 8 ADELAIDE, Sat. DON Bradman batted confidently in the Club Cricket match here today. He compiled a sk lful 42 unfinished in 40 minutes which included five fours after fielding most of the afternoon. Bradman showed he still retained his keen eye and hit with power. The
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 174 8 THE S. A. F. A. Victory Cup match at the Jalan Besar Besar Stadium yesterday between the Malays and the Indans was postponed on account of bad weather. A good crowd had turned uo to watch the game and to make amends for their
    174 words
  • 103 8 Combined XI: Ist Inns. 462 M.C.C.— lst Innings. Uulton b ('ummings Washbrook lbw b nooland 80 Fishlock c Kcssey b Puckett 11 Com p ton st Kcssey b Dooland 98 Edrich st Kessey b DooUnd 1 Ikln c Dooland b Johnson Z Gibbs run out 1 Yardlcy c Johnson
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • 47 8 From Our Own Correspondent Taiping Clashing for th^ first time this setuon Old Edwardian Taiping B dcfeaUU IVrak Asiatics Ipoh In a rugger fixture plavcd hero yesterday by six poinU f; three points (two tries, one try). Ike w.nnrrs were rarce impressive In foi-wa»-d play.
    47 words
  • 263 8 GOLDEN Boy provided quick-hitting Jemmy Welsh last U night with an easy victim when they met at the New World boxing arena last night, Welsh winning on points at the end of the ten-round bout. Outboxed and an easy targat for Welsh's jabbing left. Golden
    263 words
  • 302 8 (From Norman Preston, Reuter's special cones. with the M.C.C.) PERTH, Sat. DURING the steady Wash-brook-Compton partnership, which caused the Australian bowlers to toil unsuccessfully Hntil past the luncheon interval today, I j thought the M.C.C. woulc 1 n ake an adequate reply to the Combined
    302 words
  • 64 8 A friendly Badminton match of four singles and three doubles will be played at the Happy World Covered Stadium between the Mayflower and the Devonshire B.P. on iuosday at 7.30 p.m. The following will represent the Mayflowers: Chan Chtm Bock. Low, Seah Chuan. Ong Poh Urn. Seah Yak
    64 words
  • 122 8 Sydney. Sat. BILL O'Reilly, himself once the mainstay of Australian bowlinjc. writing in the Sydney Morning Herald, says it is imperative that the Australian Test captain is given at least Ml bowler ranablp with Toshark of undertaking a lons tough bowling; spell, to in i. c
    Reuter  -  122 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 432 8 It! ;<\Y: 3 15 0 30 ii 9.15 p.m. '.''•orjehan nno Shah Nawar :i Sh;.n Nawaz in Un>'^.l Film* Sons-Dance Hit of this year "3HAIJAN" /-•'Ttn»Unl» Today: 3 90. 6 30 ft 9 15 P m Thrrr shipwrrrked sailor*, stranded on Paramount TropieaJ Paradise of Loir, Laughter, Son;t A Sarongs.
      432 words
    • 321 8 ENTER TAINMENT |C|lll j L J fVEPY 3£AT M MMCHAJB Phone: 3400 LAST 5 SHOWS TODAY I You re A THRILL NEW AND GAY... In or r, f^ Dance Filled Holiday jr /*L '^J n 'oollot>»* Flying J a bender j. \&£g[ Tiger on a 5 Day Leave! i«** l^
      321 words