The Straits Times, 20 October 1946

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 614 1 Free Market Loophole Sunday Times Reporter BANGKOK, Saturday. SIAMESE rice dealers are enthusiastic over the Government's new scheme to release rice through commercial channels, and in today's Bangkok newspapers appears a proclamation, issued by the Minister of Commerce, stating the regulations for giving special benefits
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  • 98 1 ROBIN HOOD' CA UGHT B«a<»y Ttoes Reporter ALOR STAR Sat MALAYA'S Room Hood M the jungles. Embc^. wanted on 20 charges of gang robbery and possestion of f ■"^rms, Mas be-:-n ■aught by the Kedah police .:y members of hi* ere sentenced at the recent Asand the police ar? still
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  • 71 1 UK OUTSMARTS UNTED STATES NEW YORK. Sat Thi. toa% etloa that U> h.-in-j "outsmarted I i d other Eurui i rac c l<:: I to- 1 by the magazine Bus.:. Wt'plc whirh declared that Europe had ■■•rabb d the intia'iv and itencd to run arvay wi.h I In the v
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  • 14 1 n i*n 'ted I Chief of StarT. left Frank- V, at re.
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  • 201 1 Sunday Times Reporter THI Singapore Municipality plans to spend about $<>'.» million en water and more than $s'< million on electricity services during 1!47, according to official estimates o£ rt venue and expenditure released yesterday. Against an estimated 1947 re>enie of §20.226,881, expenditure for the s^me
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  • 68 1 KILLEARN IN BATAVIA BAT A VIA, Sat.— Lord Kil<f.»rn the British Special Ccmmis. c lcner in Souih-East As^a, returned to Bat a via today hi preparation for tl 1 p!er.?ry session, which will 5e preceded by a session of the Jc'nt Truce Committee. Dr. Koedirman. commander ot Indonesian 'army of
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  • 46 1 Queen Elisabeth took the helm of the giant f'unardtT namfd after her during speed trials in the Firth of lyde. The Queen changed court* under the navigators orders. A few days ajo, Molotov steered the ship off n r course in iuid-Atlantk
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  • 38 1 The Yugoslav Charge d'Affair- Washington said yesterday: We must categorically deny that, any Amer cans are b?ing subjected to slave labour in I Yugoslavia, or that slave labour condition^ exist there, sr.y-. RcuI Wi from Washington.
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  • 120 1 ■ABM, NORTH DAKOTA, Sat. Till: ITcited Nations first comb ned military venture was a success, evrn if the pheasants did not think so Officers from five n?< 1 ,of th* I'nited Naticns military staff— llrtain China. <l:r In ted States. Fiance and B«Mfa>— too'; the fi?M
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  • 104 1 LINER HERE WITH NO CARGO THE 22 ,500- ton Furness Withy liner, Queen of Bermuda, entered Singapore harbour yesterday devoid of all cargo. When the gant pre-war New York-Bermuda pleasure cruiser quietly slipped alongside the wharves, she was welcomed by hundreds of Singapore residents who thronged the quayside to meet
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  • 60 1 PESHAWAR, Sat. Eleven men-^six from the R.A.F. and five from the Army of whom one was British and fout Indian— are reported to ha. c been killed when a DaUota on a supply dropping expedition, crashed into a mountain sid« at Tirch in Chitral. 100
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  • 64 1 Sunday Times Reporter Lieut. -Oen. Sir Montagu Stopford, the Drputy Supreme Allied Commander. S.E. Asa, is flying to Ceylon on Tuesday on "a routine visit." He will be away tor several days. The Governor-General, Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald, Is expeccd in Singapore tomorrow from Penang. He
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  • 182 1 LONDON, Saturday. THE best British and French detectives are concenti on a continent-wide manhunt for the crafty burglar and presumed accomplice who stole £20.000 worth of Itui I Duchess of Windsor's jewels. Police authorities of North and South America as wcli as those in the diamond centre
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  • 113 1 12,000 FLEE BENGAL RIOT MOBS CALCUTTA Cit. MORE than 12,000 refugees have arrived at Chandpur, jn he western fringes of the riot area, and are crowding into all public and private buildings -nd overflowing into the streets or gathering at railway and steamer stations. Panic is adding to the refugees'
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  • 29 1 Eanday Times Reporter "I do not th nk th-re ne?d be any anxiety over textiles," declared the O^vernor of HBgaptr*. 'Sir FrrnklM Gimson. at a press yesterday.
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  • Article, Illustration
    20 1 S' PORE RAF 1..A.C. Kenneth Beckett, KAr, and Pte. Haiti May Lucas, ATS. who were married in Singapore yesterday. Report
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  • 22 1 A consignmert of 165.0C0 stems of bananas, the biggest ever loaded at Kingston. Jamaica 's or. its way to Britain.
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  • 329 1 Sunday Times Reporter WHAT is probably thu- important trial in thlong series connected witn the censtruction of the SianiBurma Death Railway by th Japanese will begin at th« Victoria Memorial Hall tomorrow when five MM Japanese officers stand in tfct dock. It is understood that
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  • 50 1 The military ofilcer wr.j. a: 9.30 p.m. on October 2, hand?;i an Indian over to a policema near the junction of Dalv**\ Estate Road and Bukit Tiinai. Road is requested by the pom- to call at the Criminal Invest 1 gation Department in Robinst. Road. Singapore.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 58 1 T. LEE Reoairt fiimt »I.M •11 U Paoip t9t txln t \U I KM SI KM( N mri M \IM«K M.*l .»:att»n It) Rcfis-U-tr* P><«l H > liuli^ street *>w?a»«r» l>l uorr TODAY from 10.30-130 P.M. SUNDAY MORNING CONCERT HARRY MARTINEZ HIS ROYAL HAWAIIANS SEA VIEW HOT2L SINGAPORE S EXCLUSIVE
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    • 192 1 RADIOS mum radio c m-O4 OM/ÜBD (XX TELLPUOiIt kitt -S/AG4AMf-KUAI-A LIj.VIPL K PINANG "COMFORT CONVENIENCE In cur Grand Father'? time few MM ever !rtan> cl the "Comfort Mi f onvecience" thct Electricity can jive vs so easy and so cheap Today. tie can jusi put the required amount of wat>r
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  • 1670 2 CLIFFORD PEER TURNS HIS DRIGADIER V. G.T. D I) a v i c lit'd Land l ftft Asia, who came in for so much hnm mention in dur- nirt M;>' r« ad what the had to tho army's lejra! system in jreneral and the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 101 2 POISE born of Jif£t^ 9r!^r .aKa^BKey expensive perfume /'^(iSr^E^ Her selj-cssiirMiie springs in. in/ft* yv^j; perfume in an cpen air V vh jnocd. Created in Lcndon /j^j v"** where Coxa's personal IVI ty<f^i U has made htm J \\K the modern muMf I j^BEj^V I's'HEATHEVm A is superbly packed jfl
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    • 110 2 IMPORTANT TO THE IMPORTANT WOMAN w <^\ THEf EXQUISITE PREPARATIONS OF A series ol highly eHecliva beauty preparations, compounded Irom lormuUi careful thought and foresight to care (c every type and condition ol skin; lo I correct completion and contour faults. Equipped with her individu«l basic roulme FULL RANGE lh
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 366 2 RADIO MAI AYA lc 00 om Mi i«>B4 eMMM nnuiy m*\i*i\xi\ n.w» P m to 1230 am <;s> I'ttz Singapore and IKB4 metro NfciWOKk icbioeae lotfiaat o( 0 iZS metres: also 12 pm to 2 pa. l.<»^s meeacyclrs per vrond (61 metre band) 30 a m Radl newsreei.^. .45
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  • 445 3 Blood-Stained Coat Clue Found Sunday Times Reporter •UGHOI 1 ye&lcruay and fai Istf last night, hundreds of Singapore pohcemer. ui.U ueteetives, Baropuui (»i.icei>, searched ti.c dtnsely popubetwten Bead. Roau «*nu Road for minded Si... niv.n vh,- >m Friday night I detective dead at »he Middle Road
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  • 45 3 Sunday Times Reporter lit Governor. Sir Franklin •IMB «aid >e»ter«a> he mt J J 1 ><- P<>li< were •ing •'exl.cmelv well in their ar against k angsten. Police action, he thought, irl already betrvn to limit >r\ ilcraMy of junen, robbers and l«*ters.
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  • 134 3 FIAH FARM HARVEST LONDON. Sat. REVOLUTION in the world's fishing industry, that may •ansform it from one of the last hazardous and precarious <>f iar.'s food raising activities, into ne of the safest and mor assuri, is almost certain in tlx- next Mr years riments which begen in a coltish
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  • 35 3 Au- Vice Marshal, S.r 1 >. Pirie, greets Miss Jessie Gibbs, before goring on to inspect her Air Rangers at yesterday's Singapore Air Scout Group's parade and exhibition held at Kalian* Airport.
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  • 87 3 Sunday Times Reporter PENANG, Sat. WORK on Penangs new cinema at Swatow Lane, adjoining the New Vf orld park, which had been l*ld up last month pending the approval of building plans. has now been resumed. °ern i Lssion has been granted by the Commissioners to proceed
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  • 71 3 evidence yesterday at :nquiry into the death of an unknown Indian, whose body was found near a damaged jeep :n Braddelj Road, Singapore on •'uly 27, a Navy driver, Rama•samy. said his jeep was stolen Later he found the jeep which hac crashed into a
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  • 309 3 C-INGAPORE'S first Air Scout Group, started early this 0 year by a small number of enthusiasts from the R.A.F. and local Scouters made its public bow at Kallang Airport yesterday at a parade during which they were inspected by their Group Patron, Air Vice Marshal
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  • 65 3 PENANG GANG FOILED Sunday Times Reporter PENANG, Sat. FORCING their way into a house at Machang Bragam, Penang, through* the kitchen door, a gang of seven robbers were scared off last night when the householder rushed out of the front door and ra-scd an alarm On hearing this the men
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  • 66 3 AN Indian soldier, saudan Khan, had a charge of murder explained to him when he was produced before the Fourth Police Magistrate, Inche Ahmad bin Ibrahim, yesterday Saudan who is alleged to have murdered a fallow soldier, Latlp, at Tkmg Bahru Road camp was remanded
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  • 43 3 The Clerical Union has received an allocation of shirts and pyjamas for free distribution to needy members of the union. Applications should be addressed to the General Secretary before Oct. 31 giving particulars of salary received and number of dependants.
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  • 74 3 Sunday Times Reporter PENANO, Sat. TN connection with the death ol 1 dance hostess Molly See, who fell from the landing of what had been a spiral staircase in the Shanghai Hotel, the manager of the hotel, Loy Kia Teng, was charged in the Third Magistrate's
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  • 51 3 MONTREAL, Sat. McGill University's 25,000,000 volt atom-smashing cyclotron will be inaugurated on Wednesday, following a special convocation at which honorary degrees will be conferred on Sir John Anderson, Chairman of Britain's Atomic Commission, and on Mr. Ernest Lawrence of California University, who is the inventor of the cyclotron.—
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  • 104 3 ALL ahips .sailing from Malaya, India and Britain for Ceylon have been instructed not to reserve space for cargo for Colombo owing to the strike of harbour workers there. It was announced today. Six ships sailed from Colombo yesterday without completing discharging, whfla another five or
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  • 301 3 Sunday Times Reporter KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. THERE is considerable doubt in the minds of rice merchants 1 in Selangor whether the new rice arrangement will be sufficient inducement to Siamese growers to hand over their stocks to the Siamese Government and retain the balance
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  • 92 3 CROWNS TO COME BACK LONDON, Sat. FIVE shilling pieces or Crowns are to reappear in British coinage by Government acceptance" of an amendment to the Coinage Bill at the third reading. Mr. Glenville Hall, the Financial Secretary, said it might be some tinK before the coins could be made One
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  • 64 3 SHANGHAI. Sat. pHINESE military authorities v have arrested pro-Soviet Archbishop Victor, Head of the Russian Orthodox Church in all China and Manchuria. A spokesman of the Chinese Garrison Command said the arrest was ordered by the I National Defence Ministry on suspicion of the archbishop belns a
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  • 52 3 LUCKNOW, Sat. "Home Guards" are to be recruited in the United Provinces to deal with communal disturbances, under a scheme approved by the Congress Ministry. The Home Guards. 2.500 strong, will be armed and stationed among the nine principal towns of the province. They will be
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  • 33 3 Sentence of death passed on a Malacca Eurasian. Cecil Belns, at the Malacca Assizes in August, has been commuted to seven years' rigorous imprisonment by the Governor of the Malayan Union.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 346 3 HpM.«|>^ fime marchts \~r qh Methods of tr»vd .nanje. Also ■nedicincs. Mow we don't ha«e to takt nasty-tasting o»h, inconvenient herbal brews and griping purgatives. Medical science gives us LAXOBAC- tht ir.odern chocolate laxative. Laxobac tastes |ust like chocolate because it it chocolate. Yet a small tablet will cause your
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  • 1170 4  - ONE AUSTRALIAN IN 250 IS MAD I Bob Gilmore rAir mail letter— i from MELBOURNE. rC Australian in ry 250 i ii is Muiyan to d last > annual pai l< I Smth v- i^alth rru'ntal ailrno^ts irr. using aUnn- in Au>tr:;lia, he said vtvy, Md itraUoa *n«i >ni n
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  • 608 4  -  John Langdon Davies To Stop Atom Bombs By THE question of the control of atomic energy has suddenly been moved into its proper place, which is the centre of all international discussion. Tnree important pronouncements have been published recently. First, the Scientific and Technical Committee or the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 305 4 W tfyouoreWEAkX < 9 THIN TIRBV, J k- RUNDOWN, VB^t_y .'.you need this fOOV j ifl TONIC 9 different Wm/ Minerals c Food lodine i* build you up flj^Uk r w *»s Vhen overwort-, worry »n«i strain sap ntal minerals fi,.m youx body you get o. Weak, Depressed Atptmt* tt-otm
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    • 149 4 PERMANENT WAVE, TINTINS, FACIAL, MANIUUP.ING, Etc., lix Emnpm* mti Mmej Kong EXPEMTX MAISON MODERNE, 126. Orchard Road, Singapore. (Opposite Oxley Road.) Watch Repairing Servicing RATNE 6c CO. 55 Stamford Ro*4 Singapore. < TO ALL MODEL AEROPLANE ENTHUSIASTS n></K of Kirst Quality Aero-Rubber Model Aeroplane Accessories Available at THE SINGAPORE MODEL
      149 words
    • 973 4 iWTISH STORES DUPOSAL BOARD (SINGAPORE! TENDER NOTICE BY OEDRE OF THE OIEECTOE OF DISPOSAL*. FAE EASTEEN AEEA (MO 8.) L The Brlush Stores Disposal tioard. Singapore. U authorised to i Tenders for the following 'jr.s»ri icable stores: Lot No 1 Metal Clover Clainpe W Rods and Wing NuU. Approx 1
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  • 264 5 Sunday Times Reporter PBNAKG, Sat. PENANG, only free port in the Malayan Union, has legistcred an WJHMOtd n po« t:. drop in the cost of iivin^, due principally to tho ever growing influx cf goods fi 'm Mvereeas. Fem;ng merchants fcei that in this
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  • 109 5 Crime down Says Perak police chief Sunday Times Reporter in Perai are now certain ihp crime wave in the us passed its peak. The nee the police took over in most encouraging l Chief Police Officer, Mr. that many h e jungle »t get i a law-abiding foot. -.i d
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  • 48 5 Sunday Times Reporter The chaliman of the War Damage Claims Comm.ssion is i to arrive In Malaya before the end of the month The Commission has begun functioning m Singapore and in Kuala Lumpur where much of the preliminary work is now done.
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  • 95 5 Sunday Times Reporter A committee has been appointed by the Singapore Governor, Sir Franklin Oimson, to study the rules and regulations of the electoral ordinance of Trinidad —che latest legislation on the subject to suggest suitable modifications for application to S.ngapore. The drawing up
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  • 128 5 rE wedding of L.A.C. Kenneth Beckett, of RAF.. Feietar, and Pte. Hazel May Lucas, ATS. look place yesterday, at St. Andrew's Cathedral, Singapore, the Rev. R. officiating. The bride was g.ven away by S.Q M.S. E. Phillips and Mr. Gerry Soliano was best man. A *ception was
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  • 38 5 The Governor of Singapore, Sir Franklin Gimson, is to consult the Commissioner of Police on a proviso in a new bill which would allow the use of prohibited uniforms on specific occasions with the ."^mmissioner's permission.
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  • 80 5 Flying soon at KL again DLANS are going ahead for the revival of the Kuala Lumpur Flying Club. Three Tifer Moths have been bought in Australia and flying will probably start again as soon as these arrive. The future of the club depends ver> much upon whether the Government will
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  • 60 5 SPORE TRISHAWS GET NEW LICENCES Siagap* re ri.khaws and ishj»ws are now being inspected for new licenoes. For the pM| few days, hundreds of Singapor e rickshaws have lined Bencoclen Street awaiting their turn to be inspected and approved. These Sunday Times pictures show (top) a trishaw man touching his
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  • 271 5 Sunday Times Reporter rS In every three applicants for driving licences tested by the Singapore police in the last two months failed when taken out on the roads. In several cases the failure was complete the test ending with an accident. Driving standards have
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  • 182 5 Sunday Times Reporter PENANG, Sat. A declaration in respect of a shipment of 100 tons of rubber to the United Kingdom formed the subject of an interesting case heard in the District Court yesterday, when a prominent local rubber firm. Saw Seng Kew and
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  • 56 5 N Kooh Chwee was produced in the Fourth Police Court yesterday on a churse of returning to Singapore on Oct. 18, after he had been lawfully banished from the Colony in 1924. The charge was explained and Ng was remanded in custody. The case was
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  • 41 5 The St. John Ambulance Brigade is to be revived soon in Malaya to provide trained men and women for rehabilitation work. Ambulance units are needed In factories and wherever crowds gather, and to instruct In nursing in villages.
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  • 84 5 Saying that he had an "irresistible desire" to steal clothing an 18-year-old Malay, Mohamed bin Samad, was sentenced to ten weeks' simple imprisonment Dy Mr. L. C. Goh in the Second Police Court, Singapore, yesterday when he was convicted of cheating a Marine policeman. Clothing belonging to
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  • 63 5 COIR Indian soldiers, a Javanese and two Chinese had a charge of hoiuebreakinr in order to steal $28,004 worth of tin ingots explained to them in the Fourth Magistrate's Court in Singapore yesterday. The housebrcaking is alleged to have been committed at a godown o» 223 BOD.
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  • 327 5 Sunday Times Reporter PINGAPORE'S Ponggol Zoo, pre-war attraction for naiurav lists, children, and people i n leisurely mood, will not be re-started for a very long time. Should the zoo be started up ii will have to begin from scratch. The area has been
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  • 189 5 TOKIO, Sat. TEN. Mac Arthur today directed the Japanese government to prepare for export to Hong Kong, Burma and the Netherlands East Indies. 5,477,600 pounds of cotton yarn spun in Japan from raw cotton import>d from the United States J. G. Torrens, chief of the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 301 5 1\ a don't look a day over 30 they sc.'ul on my 43/// birthday jjCyfl^^^HLrfA fe& I Imagine how dclightrd I C 1 was and it was trur, too. JBBf3^^^^^B|fcj^r^B(| Yrt keeping youn^-lrokin^ *f has been so simple. I realised WB a long time ago that make-up gf vis a
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    • 185 5 Wk TIONO OH TRADING CO. vSiM p.RAFFLES QUAY. 3TINLAYSON GRftM SPORE. TEL 4105 1946 aoain c nai Glittering PEWTERWARE can brighten and cheer-up you and your folks at HOME. Remember they are INEXPENSIVE* and the most POPULAR HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES in this country. This CHRISTMAS— Use our MAIL ORDER SERVICE. Write
      185 words

  • 566 6 THE SUNDAY TIMES SINGAPORE. OCT., 20, 1946. The Gunman's Gun A very necessary reinforcement of the law to supplement th? Mountbatten proclamation against gunmen was passed by the Singapore Advisory Council iast Ft day. The law draws a clear distinction bftveen unlawful possession of arms and "carrying arms." The latUr
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  • 1868 6  -  Liddell Hart, By who in this article, concluding the series on Nazi ivar secrets, tells of Hitler's last gamble in Dec. 1,44, and why it failed. IN the dark, foggy morning of December 16, 1944, the German Army struck in the Ardennes. The blow came as a
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    • 352 6 MALAY OPERAS HARD HIT unii rtference to your Pen- ang correspondent's article "No Strikes on Penang Stage" which appeared in the Sunday Times of Oct. 13, I presume he refers to the Chinese opera artistes who are well fed and well pad regardless of what the management collects nightly from
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 396 6 SITUATIONS VAC*N T WANTH) Lady T p*»* Fuia«»fti ng salary required to Sunday 71. TOR WAIfTED. Factory I yacopies of re nt ••■stun fUtUnc *X\ experten<e md sa'ary re--1 Ma.,l4 t nvei Buali E ate Banttes. Sela;«or. 'or Aii.t any capable tak'ng rorr.; r set of books stork records etc
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    • 31 6 To protect you rrcm rraua a Seat affixed to aU packet* of P-Mt-war BOH and I7GKR TEA Distributor* H%RPEK Gil FILL* N CO., LTD. with Branch** throughout Malaya BCN PUUtTATIOHS ITU.
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    • 13 6 but I can get iDrij Ginger Ale to refresh »*e (jHF BESTS/JVC* /*sT)
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  • 51 7 S.C.FOR SAVING A TOWN l<>r I. adlP r nl*>e 'Sen > bursting vhi-IK and blaiinc iv waKons at Savernake»iish. thus saving this U Itshirr town and its wnding village?, Major Knincth Alfred Bifgs, (a London hank otti- ial now that the is cvfvi has been awarded the
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  • 42 7 COMPENSATION CLAIMS RULES -Trip nsation in 4 i.ird Of Other nr-'per:* are publisl ed In a *'i* F- m^nt :.iy. 5 are called Singapore -lulatlons iCompenn Board' Rule?. 194« and the d-t mains tion of a d;pute by ihe Coiuprnv B _r(i
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  • 37 7 An Ind ;-n Kr onal Di saffron, vhite and green, vith rrescem fmbltm in the v n r aM been sugprs'f 'he Boirr..iv press a<; Wnrtjr <■ ease boh Hindus ard Musi n.-. ;:;\ys Rev-
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  • 284 7 Gunmen melt gold to cheat police Sunday Time; Staff Reporter CINAL home for a gre proportion of the gold and jewellery stolen from Singapore homes and robbed off men and women by gunrr >r are the neighbouring N.E.I, islands. Recent investif *ions by Singapore police officers
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  • 117 7 A rouges 'gallery is now on show at the Citizens' Advice Bureau and Amusement Park at Taiping. People who suffered at the hands of the Japs are asked to give evidencp to LieutCol. Parker of the War Crimes Department, Taiping. A public address van is
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  • 213 7 INDIANS TO MARK 'AZAD HIND' DAY rE Indians in Malaya are eel«»- j bratlng the third anniversary of Azad Hind Day.— tomorrow. Oct. 21,— the day when, three years ago, Subra* Chandra Bose, organiser oi the Indian National Army, established In Singapore hi." "provisional Government of Azad Hind (Free India).
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  • 96 7 PUR, suspected of war crimes, will be tried In Kuala Lumpur commencing Oct 28. The first two accused, Itomitsu Mcrritada and Fujiyama Teruyushi. are civilians and are charged with ill-treatment of civilian residents in Malaya, resultt'jg ir deaths of five persons. They will be
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  • 48 7 JAP HANGED AT JOHORE BAHRU Sentenced to death for war crmee, Sgt. Maior Yamnjauchi Teruo was hanged at the Johcre Bahru Jail yesterday morninjj. This was the first hanging of a Japanese war criminal at Jonor-: Bahru, which was the scene of the enmes perpetrated by the acCUSM*.
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  • 123 7 RESTAURANTS MAY NOW SELL BREAD rE restriction on the sale of bread in restaurants has been lifted, although bread may not be purchased by restaurants until 4.30 p.m. This relaxation of control has beer, brought in to reduce the possibility of wastage of bread under the rationing scheme which
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  • 89 7 CHIEF Justice Sir Henry Blaciall called for the death sentence for armed robbers, and threatened to impose life Imprisonment for the use of firearms in Hong Kong. "I regret to say that "fe and prosperity are more insecare in this city of Hong Kong at
    UP  -  89 words
  • 34 7 The preparatory committee of tha International Trade conference began work yesterday after listening to a highly cond.tioned acceptance by most delegates of American lower tariff proposals, says A. P. from London.
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  • 96 7 SHANGHAI, Saturday THE baby panda, destined for the Bronx Zoo in New York as r.ift from China to the United States, was found dead by the manager of the Municipal slaughter house where it was quartered. It had been ailing with intestinal trouble and it also was
    AP  -  96 words
  • 36 7 Russia will not claim any grain from Rumania under the armistice terms this year because of the severe drought causing a bad food shortage in the country, it was announced, In Bucharest says UP-
    UP  -  36 words
  • Article, Illustration
    2 7 S'PORE FLOUR
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  • 363 7 ?N a broadcast from Washington on Friday, the U.S. Secre--1 tary of State, Mr. James F. Byrnes, said: 'The two States, Russia and the United States, can quickly reach an understanding; if one is willing to yield to all demands. The United States is unwilling
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  • 137 7 GOVT. HEADS TO MEET EMPLOYEES Sunday l^imcs li j<>> >i i PENANO, Sat. IN order to get the employees' point of view and to hold discussions between the heads ">t departments and representatives of their staffs, the Government introducing a "joint interim council" in the various services, according to the
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  • 91 7 TEXTILES FOR INDOBESIANS A consignment of seven million yards of textiles, 24.000 agricultural implements and 700 cycle tyres and tubes is scheduled to be shipped from India to the Indonesian Republican government this week-end, the Indian Government Information Officer at Singapore said yesterday. The shipment is part of India's allocation
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  • 283 7 Sunday Tunes Reporter ELABORATE and "tricky" machinery required t« bring the lan into actual effect in Singapore may entail delay in the ir«; position of the curfew on !orri«s and other "load-cirrying" vehicles MC& M vans and trucks. Apart from this, it will be necessary
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  • 156 7 KL PLANS A MODEL HOME THE Public Works DtpartMtafl ts drawing up plans !or an extension o' the Jubilee Home bf Aged Women at San Peng Road in Kuaki Lumpur. T^e estini. cost of d "it the last meeting of the Central Welfare Council on Oct. 10 The extension Ls
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 259 7 KiriKdon WartJ »3 C NEYS IN THE SUN Doug as Ooldrtng. 6.31 aiOMTAfI tavtd Gar: c t 5.1 E HOME V.mi ME 9.00 -d OF WORDB i- ova 4.5' ;i TCH NAVY AT WAX —A Krcac Ml THK .6 BEAKS Keder S 10 KACE ABOV ..-ntlfO I •'gas Ref^,
      259 words
    • 352 7 N£W STOCKS PRFSS ADVERTbING PROM time to time we advertise new s.o k a:u>j m the local press but this is inadvh -bio in '-.any Instance* owi'e to t^p UwHW This v*-- lur inata-.ce *c n.. of men's shoes, walking shoos and Lotus < Prices range from $25 to $32
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 346 8 I E A DING WHOLESALRETAILD is You" Service Again I MUM KS I 1101 SK (Tri «31«). Drugs iv al*— Regularly from ,'lnnd. Australia. Ftc. KKTAII. HOI M I>l.~N-. 63SS). s. ours' sHiMi i i'ku. (OppnMt Telephone House) HU Patent MediclMi __l Toilet Requ»ilt~s. :IDbt N?ht Prescription Service. I NC
      346 words
    • 491 8 For Highest Quality .nul Vjiliu* in PLATINUM DIAMOND JEWELLERY DIAL 7421. jiwtitu t _CT^_^ffl4_rt##H___ TT-'jSfl l .■■Bn______L!*»»l TICK WOH HING IVafcA Dealers Repairer* Utrc us rrtai— you will o* assured of satisfaction 42». Noitb BrMfc Koad (near Middle Road Junction) Pho«# 79U (Contractors to H.M. Farce* Sine* ittS) M.EM*tki*Soms ESTABLISHED
      491 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 1572 8 |ffj|l|«l|in| THIS WEEK FOR YOU. BY STELLA B»|w\M What the Stars Foretell ■■■■■inIHH I'KRA, (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) CAPRICORN (Dee. 23 Jan ARIES (Mar. 22-Apr. 20)— If CANCER (June 23 July 23) —T*ke full advanUee of all 2»)_Yo-r efforts and interests art and music are your main Take care of personal
      1,572 words

  • 590 9  -  Jean Caye by Sunda> Times Women's Correspondent DROWN paper string have al•(jiiate to rtg Up }>an m.iht have used er and til hat as oui ii Jan. Tin ie manufacture I mat* „n industry and we ton i>. ...< b r h°"V tantaliur.'<l ptein Amen mi
    590 words
  • 41 9 T»-e Fashion Theatre at Selfridges department store in London held a fashion show at which some of Britain's latest models for day. evening and night wear -vere shown. Those in th« above picture were modelled by Rosalinde Gilbert.
    41 words
  • Article, Illustration
    43 9 wok t.reen coronet is shown off to perfection b> \u ie s sh.- poises it across the upswept coiffure, leaving her rnwn of golien curls expos* J Io viow. A Spanish touch »s added hv the mantilla-like lace *vr I.
    43 words
  • 776 9 —Says Anne Temple, Daily Mail humanist, runs the most popular and most successful human problem correspondence in journalism. She once wrote a book about her adventures as a pen friend. Here she is this wi'k writing for the Sunday Times. I married a very kind and wonderful
    776 words
  • Article, Illustration
    25 9 Mviner v»aKs ihrse tow down fcr a dip In the briny. Titese sturdy youngsters are lover* of the sun, MS and a*.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 39 9 New Lines lor New Times The World Wide Ortfanisation of THOMAS COWAN CO. offers Guaranteed WHITE ANT Eitermination a^ a^a^ Consult lit For v GENERAL PEST DESTRUCTION Agents THE BORNEO CO., LTD. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR IPOH PENANG BEWISE, COWANISE
      39 words
    • 416 9 AIMM TO SYDNEY iilll TO LONDON lyjr hkjr T r^JSPS*^, feli 18. St. t. \i fe v Flytno U*i •mm Smotpon LMOST any lime you wi«h. you can h» AlR— on th« Kangaroo rout* from S ngapor. and be in England or AuMralia within iv« a <-«• (lay*. Priority
      416 words

  • 591 10 CHINESE WIN BY AN ODD GOAL w re a t Kra nji Ra lly Fails In Cup Tie I nX 4 KRANJI 3 pi hmcse cleared their first hurdle in the .S.A.F.A. Victor* (up knock-out competition yesterday beating M Inhai Station by four goals to three before %irge crowd at
    591 words
  • 74 10 j»M.«.lr THOY, well known Singapore cricket and hockey player, returned to Singapore yesterday by the Queen of Bermuda from the United Kingdom. Thoy, who was a prisoner-of-war in Siam. had been recuperating i n England. While in England, Tnoy played cricket for the All-England civil
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  • 279 10 S.C.C BEAT SCOTS 8 TO NIL COME of the thrills iroru fast three-quarter movements and clever individual work seen in recent Padang rugby games were missed when the SC.C. met the Royal Scots, but an interesting tussle nevertheless resulted, ending in a win for the Club by a goal and
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  • Article, Illustration
    40 10 CHINESE TEAM The Chinese team, from left to right, bark row: Soo Thuan, Wai Mnn, Chin Lye; second row: Lim Swang, Yew Leng, Chwce Chna and Hnesman; front row: Lian Sin, Tee Siang, Ken; Hivk (captain), Boon Leong, Ah Yik.
    40 words
  • 194 10 Sunday Times Reporter i MALACCA, Saturday. THERE were about twenty representatives of the various clubs interested in hockey :it the first committee meeting of lie Malacca Hockey Association which was neid last Friday. Negrj have asked for two interstate fixtures in February but ;he meeting
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  • 385 10 Sunday Times Reporter PENANO, Sat. ALTHOUGH rather belatediy, a definite step has at last bee n taking towards putting hockey on a proper organised footing in Penang. At a meeting held last Wednesday, the Penang Hockey Association was revived and office-bearers were elected for the current
    385 words
  • 243 10 MUCH needed stimulus was given to the game by last Saturday's fixture when Ipoh beat Taiplng by 11 points 'one goal, two tries) to 8 (one goal, one try). Ipoh, won much more convincingly than the scores ln- dicale. and from her point of view it
    243 words
  • 308 10 SELANGOR TOO STRONG FOR N.S. XV Sunday Times Reporter KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. THE first inter-State rugger match since reoccuption 1 aroused great interest in Kuala Lumpur this evening when the padang was crowded with spectators, including Sir Edward Gent and Lady Gent and the G.0.C., Malaya Command, who saw Selangor
    308 words
  • 214 10 WONDER HORSE BEATEN Melbourne. Sat. A USTRALIA'S famous race-hors*. Bernborough, failed to get a p«jc« in the Caulflold Cup run over a m.'.e-and-a-half when Royal Gem. carrying 9 st.. won from Columnist (7.13). with Two Grand (7.3» th'rd. Royal Gem wol by a neck with three-quarter; of a length separatiii^
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  • 63 10 SERSMBAN. Sat. The Starlight Badnjinon Parly ol Serembaa. skippered by Mr. Wong Peng Soon. Malayan champion, will play Mr. Liew Kong Hon's Badminton Party of Kuala Lumpur (formerly Mih's ;BP.) at the Chin;se Assembly Hall on Sunday. October. 27. Th<rr will b« four sir. les and threi iMhMk.
    63 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 223 10 r/tTARQU£ tin Misery i^^BWfcW^^^i. .j^^i^WW^fc •*bbb| sa m ssßiaaw sbm sbw B^^. in 309econdsy jtffw^P^^ Compound R^t^t^. 'bRINK twice up each > .fl through the handy pocket Wmu^Kr "M tut" and get relief from the l JKk ry of Catarrh. Nasal Conges- IkO^fiVl P" *^j etc., in 30 seconds. Jk.^^^HV%
      223 words
    • 83 10 GLOBE (Great World Pmrk) DAILY: 3 P.M.— 7— «.lS PJt. PAUL MINI (The Star of "ZOLA; PASTEUR; THE GOOD EARTH" now shadows a)' his past triumphs) in COLUMBIA'S "COMMANDOS STRIKE AT DAWN" The story of the COMMANDOS who pulled many of these "KILL or be KILLED" raids In Nazl-occupi?d Norway!
      83 words
    • 151 10 WB nHB |2^=Jl^^^ BSff^BSSSSJSSSSSV i i^B^P^H iS^Bf^. Sole Agents t SKY (Great World Park) TO-DAY: S PH.- 7— ».15 P.M. The Star of "ADAM HAD FOUK SONS" and 'OASLIOHT" INGRID BERGMAN i Now sets the screen ablaze with hsfl rreatest performance) "INTERMEZZO** with Leslie HOWARD— Kdna BEST Iw Will Never
      151 words

  • 41 11 THE WILY GRIMMETT <dwa pi tin-i of l.ogiuh Trot rrirketcrs tlir i»rl» in P«rih with Hardstsff (left) and Edrich a* led %pe<t*»mr% (ItiTK mM his wiles on the Englishmen earlier. At the 1 na InriUttata a»4 »m pmrllcm\»rij ImpreaMd by Yardley.
    41 words
  • 345 11 Santl 1 IPOH S«t I MO I 1 V twtrp. total piol h 1 II ***** 137J1*. ijv< 4. 5 F«rt O.M. (8.09* tits, four Tcte: *2j;-j'. 672. 968. r. \< I two 110-^v (Urn 3. l>.v 1. 5 Furs. s^amI.adv (8.13) :"n:ih on" Time:
    345 words
  • 1058 11  -  Bill Botves Dooland, Johnson Get The Wickets From PERTH, Sat. DISMISSING the last English batsmen 18 minutes before time, with the score at 302, the Combined Australian XI, who had scored 462 carried away the honours in this drawn match. Major Howard and Wally Hammond issued
    1,058 words
  • 100 11 Combined XI: Ist Inns. 4C2 M.C.C.— lst Innings. Hutton b Commlngs 1* Washbrook Ibw b DooUnd M Fishlock c Kewey b Pvckett II < ompton st Kessey b DooUnd 9« Edrich st Keasey b DooUnd 1 Ikin c DooUnd b Johnson 2 Olbbs ran oat 1 Yardley c Johnson
    Reuter  -  100 words
  • 290 11 LONDON, Sat. TO-DAYS English football games k resulted INTERNATIONAL Wain 3 Scotland 1 ENGLISH LEAGUE. I IKS I DIVISION. Arsenal 1 Stoke City 0 Aston Villa 4 Chrjlton A. 0 Elackburn "J Sheffield U. 0 Blackpool 3 Manchester U. I Brertford 2 rreston N. B. "> Derby 1
    Reuter  -  290 words
  • 73 11 S;'i(U> Times Reporter Kuala Lumpur. Sat. AFTER careful ton-idcraUon 0/ tne i*- history an.; MMMHi record of T Mori, and public representations on lit? behalf, the Governor of the Malay rUnion, Sir Edward Gent, has decide to grant Mori and hU aged mother permis ion to
    73 words
  • 39 11 PLAYING their first hockey match this season, St. Andrew's Old Boys beat the Police by five goals to nil at Thomson Road on Friday. Scorers were: Lelah <2), D Ross 1, E. Ebert 1, Vanderputt 1.
    39 words
  • 118 11 AFTER a farly lonj Interval :o- right's p'o Ta.nme of professi boxinr: at the New World arena Is <;>:- peeled to attiact a good cro«d. Matcned m the main event are two o 1 the leading lightweights at present in Singapore Golden Boy and
    118 words
  • 52 11 •TODAYS match at Jalan Besar 1 Stadium the fourth in the knock-out competition for the Victory Cup brings together two civilian community teams. th Milays and the Indians. Wh le the Malays are hot favourites, the unexpectrd frequently happens in cup-tie soccer and there should be another
    52 words
  • 597 11 S.R.C. HOCKEY TOURNAMENT STARTS FRIDAY (By 'Sticks") w.It.C. scouts mill be out ta>ntr.potting next week when the 1r- '<■ hivicey match o7 the club's sev»n-i»-slde tournament will be played on 'Jv padang. While the tournament o b=en given the wholehearted support of Club members with 70 players partio'pat'ng—it wiU also
    597 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 259 11 $100.00 OM hundred dollars will be given to our patrons who c<»ul<l MgffMt to us a suitable title for the Paramount.; Newest Topmost Musical and Laugh Hit "And The Angels Sing" a show that's three times as fast, and three times as funny as any entertainment in l-mn, due mid-night,
      259 words
    • 313 11 WHEN HITLER WAS ALIVE! THE REIGN OF BRUTES BRUTAL FORCE! WHAT IS DEATH WHEN NAZISM CAN BE DEFIED? LAUGHTON'S DRAMATIC SPEECH! ''MIS LAND, THIS HEART, THIS MAN jj*. Jr*» «wrf/f M* f *e«P tfom ottl" m?Y jA Sl Today's piercing power mm drjma of life under the n'mmr v^Bk^^JHtfHH^k lash
      313 words

  • 55 12 FINAL preparations for Britain's first post-war whaling expedition are being made at Southampton. Norwegian sailor- have been .-itrned on for the trip. Equipment for the whaler Balaona ?ecn in picture above includes a Walrus amphibian plane (right) and radar (beloA). The Balaona can deal with
    55 words
  • 45 12 Twins In Dead-Heat I ota (left) and Dorothy Carae. 11 -year -old twin*, of Cambenrell High School Sydney, brokr the tape at the same time in the school sports recently. Left "Mary" (seven-year -old May EikJnjrton). £©es to school In Sydney with hri ll'tle \—nh.
    45 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 370 12 > L».N& PHONE o*s/O^F •ay; IN Clt A 15 pa. r shipwri rke« raito*. »Uandr J i*m w I roptrai rara4ltc ov*. I auflitrr. S»n;i A Bar*«C« AINBOW ISLAND Trchnfcrolor* f .imour Eddi- Bra k r, A Oil Lamb *»t Pa: amount Movie. on? Nrvt. GWLfIOG fUCr[**B<rO7B MNO S
      370 words
      228 words