The Straits Times, 17 October 1946

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 1067 1 Army Board Set Up To Investigate Suicide NUREMBERG, Wednesday. PRUNCHDiG a glass phial of cyanide in his mouth, Hermann Goering, former Luftwaffe vhief, cheated the hangman by committing suicide in his cell in Nuremberg jail at 10.45 p.m. local time last night two
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  • Article, Illustration
    53 1 Gen. and Mrs. Eisenhower and their son, (apt John Eisenhower, were week-end guests of the King and Queen at Balmoral recently, picture shows the Eisenhowers and the Royal family in the grounds of the Castle. Left to right: Capt. Eisenhower, the Queen, Gen. Eisenhower, the King, Mrs. Elsenhower, Princess Margaret
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  • 63 1 NEWMARKET, Wed. Monsieur L&miral won the esarcwitch here today. Ford Transport was second and Geoff* rcy's Lady third. Twentyseven ran. The betting was: 33-1 Monsieur Lamiral, 100-7 Ford Transport, 100-6 Geoffreys Lady. Wily was the favourite at 8-1. The race was won by threequarters of a
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  • 81 1 LONDON (By Air Mail).—Opposition to the filming of the hanging of the Nazi war criminals is growing in England, and Mr. J Rank, the film magnate, will ban the film from his 570 cinemas. "I don't think the incident should be included in British newareels exhibited
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  • 313 1 France's Warning As Conference Ends PARIS, Wednesday. THE reminder that the main task of making peace with Germany still remained was given by the French Premier and Foreign Minister, M. Georges i Bidault, in the final speech of the Paris Peace Conference before he declared the Conference closed at 42'
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  • 109 1 CALCUTTA. Wednesday. HELIABLE sources report IV that an orgy of massacre M swelling in the rural Noakhali district of East Bengai. comparable to the recent Calcutta riots, in which 5.0G0 persons were killed. Reports reaching her? today said a reign of terror existed and
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  • 82 1 .From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Wed.— While large parties of police were operating In the jungle In the Sungcl Besi area yesterday evening, looking for armed gangsters who had seriously wounded Inspector Griffin, 0.C.P.D., Sungci Besi, another gun battle developed during which a Sikh sergeant.
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  • 49 1 LONDON, Wed.— Neville George Clevely Heath, the f o r m c l RAF pilot, was hanged at Pentonville prison today for the sadistic murder of the motion picture extra, Margery Gardner. Heath was convicted In one of the most sensational murder trials in Britan's history.— AP,
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  • 346 1 SINGAPORE RICE BODY TO WORK ON SHIPPING THE international sub-committee on rice, which holds its first meeting in Singapore not later than Oct. 22, will work principally on shipping schedules to move South-East Asia's rice around and out of the area, according to the International Emergency FooJ Council directive received
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  • 37 1 HANOI, Mon. (delayed) -The Viet Nam Workers' Confederation has held a flve-hour general s'rike. protesting against the French execution of seven Viet i Minh agents in Saigon. The strike was peaceful and no in.-i-dents were reported.— A.P.
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  • 214 1 NEW DELHI, Wecine I THE Kins j'eiterday accepted the five nomination-: (including one "untouci able") announced by the 'Muslim League a> memberof the all-India Interim Government. The portfolios ill !the Cabinet will be redis'.r. buted n^xt week. They are: I. I. Chundrigar President of the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 208 1 Ht member (J, S. For i: DIAMONDS > GEMS •r JEWELLERY 0. S. :.c SILVA. lewcller. m. ORCHARD RO. I Tel 2166 The Aspirin that Everyone appreciates M w j Impro ved Form of Aspirin AVni 5 h« n I« blet PI ovld «>•> Ml paln-relleT- muy. ft be efits
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    • 34 1 RADIOS KfEUUAT RADIO C tn-124 OftCHABD f)D. miPHOMI 45(6 M AI. v übMrUI PBNANG oUPERSCAb'hNGE 2 STRCK: [J^TaSpf INDUSTRIAL AND 1,70-sio sH»rM*t!" ENGINES 5 Month* for IbAmMb] < n 8 Month* lor Marine Kngines Ea
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  • 288 2 British Task In Java At An End BATAVIA, Wednesday. THE last group of persons interned by the Japanese was evacuated today by the Indonesian Republic, thereby concluding the major phase of the evacuation programme which had been one of the principal causes of the conflict between the
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  • 118 2 LONDON. Tues— Kenya, British colony in East Africa, is being considered as the location of the general headquarters of British forces in the Middle East after the withdrawal from Cairo. The Prime Minister, Mr. Clement Attlee, in the House of Commons today at
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  • 50 2 HONG KONG. Thurs.— Vice Admiral Sir Denis Boyd, commander in chief of the British Pacific Fleet, returned to Eon^ Kong aboard his flagship Belfast today. He has visited Japan and North China, where he conferrec* with General Douglas MacArihur Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shefc and others.— UP.
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  • 156 2 No Allied Plan To Nationalise Jap Coalmines TOKIO, Wednesday. f lEUT.-General K v z m a Derevyanko, Russia;) member of the Allied Con trol Council for Japan, recommended to-day *hat the Japanese .government b: directed to nationalise all coa! mines, irrespective of ownership, and suggested that mines owned by the
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  • 448 2 LONDON, Tuesday. FLLOWING his announcement in the House of Commons on the formation of a committee to consider whether, under the military code, there should be a right of appeal to the court of appeal, the War Minister, Mr. Frank Bellenger gave details of
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  • 51 2 ROME, Tues.— Twelve people were killed and six seriously injured, including Prince Charles oi Hapsburg, in a railway crash near Arezzo today, according to th-3 Italian news agency Ansa. The accident occurred when the Rome -Florence express ran into a motor-coach crossing the railway line.
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  • 25 2 PARIS, Tues.— A French military aircraft caught fire and crashed near Lyons today and the whole crew of five mcr. were burnt to death.— Reuter.
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  • 125 2 Lisbon, t*vd.-ll.> Maharajah of hhoia 1 ,1-iiiir died suddenly in a 1 ishon hotel >tsterday at the a<;e of 40. The Maharajah was the ruler of 160,000 ladiin* in his Gujarat State, and was a member of the Indian Chamber of Princes in his
    AP  -  125 words
  • 31 2 Cable Wireless LONDON, Tues.— The House of Lords today passed the Dill putting the Cable and Wireless Company under public ownership. The bill now only awaits the 'onnal Royal Assent. Reuter.
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  • 357 2 SHANGHAI, Tuesday. TO speed up financial and economic rehabilitation, China should return to the gold standard and issue a new currency this is the opinion of Mr. Hwang Yuanbin, a member of the Planning Committee of the National Government, who is regarded as an authority on
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 579 2 SALE BY TENDER. The Custodian of Enemy Property. Malayan Union. Invites tenders for the purchase of the property specified hereunder and located at Oodown No. 2. Dlanade. Penang: lt"m I— Armature in Box, Japanese N 12 It 2— Armature in Box. JaparnMe Nc. U. lUm 3— Armature in Box, Japanese
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    • 347 2 SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL s<*> DEBENTURE STOCK 1926 55 66. NOTICE Is hereby given that tne Transfer Books of the above Btock will be closed from 17th October to Ist November 1946. both day» JnclWr.ivi\ for the preparation of Interest Warrant* In respect of Interest due on the above Stock for the
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    • 226 2 ENTERTAINMENT |Cjljn I 11 L VEgY S£AT AN AfIMCHAiB SHOWING TO-DAY. Phone: 3400 For the First Time You can view the Amazing Stoiy of China's Young Heroes fighting shoulder to shoulder against Nippon Barbarians to rescue ChinaIt's Powerful! It's Exciting! •mnOtHE JAPS' m' mlipKjWiF jPv^A HAYWARD SOO HOO JIMMY DODO
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  • 415 3 August Figures For Malayan Trade Straits Times Reporter DUBBER made up half the value of August exports from Malaya, according to the first all-Malayan statistics of imports and exports which are now being prepared in Singapore. More than $80,000,000 worth of rubber went from Singapore
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  • Article, Illustration
    52 3 Wing Commander and Mrs. D. J. Devitt. mfter their wedding at lanelin's Garrison Church yesterday. Mrs. Devitt was formerly 2nd officer Betty Harris, W.R.N.S. She arrived (below) in the rain, on the arm of Rear Admiral H. J. Ege-rton, under a huge coloured umbrella held aloft by a guest at
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  • 189 3 PROTEST BY CHINESE MERCHANTS THE Singapore Overseas Chinese Importers and Exporters' Association have made another appeal to Chinese consular authorities in Singapore and Batavia regarding the recent detention of Chinese-owned ships on the Singapore-N.E.I. trade and the now regulations imposed by the Dutch authorities, states the Sin Chew Jit Poh.
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  • 161 3 MRS. K. M. ENGELMAN presided at a meeting of the Inner Whcol Club wnich was hold In the G. H. Cafe yesterday morning. It was decided to hold a fortnightly business meeting for members of the Committee, the f'rst meeting to be at the Adelphi Hotel
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  • 66 3 FOR the first time in five years, Singapore's (our boarding officers attached to th e Master Attendant's Office, are once again wearing their trim white uniforms. Boarding officers, D. Lazaroo. J. Sandosham, E. J. Neubronner and M. Cunico have each been provided with six uniforms, complete
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  • 111 3 SERVICES WEDDING AT TANGLIN AT Tanglin's Garrison Catholic Church yesterday morning the wedding took plae c of Win? Comdr. D. J. Devitt of Esh?r. Surrey, to 2nd. Officer Betty L. Harris, W.R.N.S of Guiaord Surrey. Th c bride was given away by Rear Admiral H. J. Egerton. and Wing Comdr.
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  • 89 3 TWELVE Malay seamen who were rescued last week by the Norwegian "rice ship 1 Halvdan in the Gulf of Siam alter spending more than five months in a wind-battered "salt" boat, arc row on their way to Kuala 1 :engganu to rejoin their famiDuring their short
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  • 80 3 CHINESE SCHOOLS GET GRANTS THE Government of the Colony of Singapore has authorised the Department of Education to ma.k P rehabilitation grants to the Chiness Aided Schools, based on 1941 enrolment figures, in proportion to th e amount of :;sential furniture for pupils and staff lost or destroyed as a
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  • 25 3 Today's menu at People's Restaurants in 9'n.;apore will be: rice: fried liver or liver curry; pak choy; preen peas, tomatoes; peanut butter; gravy.
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  • 93 3 THE export of coconut oil to Burma and Hong Kong is being pirmittsd. Licences will be granted against proofs of import licences issued in Burma and Hong Kong. Earlier this week, the Burmess Minister for Agriculture, U Ba Pc, disclosed that Burma was anxious to obtain
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  • 403 3 Bentong In quiry: No Suspension Order AT the conclusion of sn inquiry into an accident In the approaches of Singapore Harbour oa July 19, last, when the 957 -ton motor vessel Bentong struck a floating submerged object, a Marine Court of Inquiry yesterday dxilded to deliver their decision in writing.
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  • 255 3 Political Uniforms BUI DOLITICAL organisations in Singapore displayed little anxiety or interest in the bill which comes before the Advisory Council this morning banning the use of uniforms by their members. Official circles in Singapore yesterday disclaimed any political implications behind the introduction of the bii",
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  • 135 3 CHAMBER FOREGOES TEXTILES THE Chinese Chamber ot Commerce deeded at a meeting of the committee yesterday tv foreao its allocation of 360,0C;> yards of cloth and to ask Mr. J. Hamer, Controller of Supplies, to place this quantity for distnbu*tion by ration cards. The meeting agreed wtn tno suggestion made
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  • 104 3 WHEN the 22,000-ton Canadian Pacific liner Empress of Australia arrived in S ngapore on Tu-.sday she carried 13 officers and C 5 men of th? Chines? Navy who have completed their training in Great Britain and are or. their way back to China. Captain Li Lian
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  • 34 3 The Singapore East-West Society will meet today at 8 p.m. in the V.M.C.A. Pavilion, Bras Basah Road. Mr. R. Friedman will address th e Society on 'The Historical and Cultural Background of the Jews.'
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  • 135 3 Far East Tom By Christian Brother AN ,i tour ol inspection of all rv La Sulle Christian Brothers' institutions in Malaya yio:. Burma. Hong Kong and A lia. Rev Lawrence, A Superin:endent General of »b De La Saiie Brothers, ardved in Singapore recently from Bro. Lawrence, \£h in charge of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 356 3 Th I yi'ars with BmIMNK by Capt. H. C. Bu*:her *12.6( J I'uoy to the World's Fnd Hakcn Mle'.che 6.3( omcn's Mines H Kid.', haggard 3Of a r n.lmt At Horne Douglas Re 3d C3c Tlip Untutored Townsman's Invasion of the Country 0 E M Joad ».U In my Fashion
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    • 332 3 TRADING WITH THE ENEMY ORDINANCE No. 22 of 1939 CUSTODIAN OF PROPERTY PROCLAMATION No. 14 of 1945 Notice is hartbjr ,iven that any poison or persons havinp a in (o tbe property described ln the Schedule hereto are requested to forward 'i claim to the Custodian of Property. Suoreme Court.
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  • 2050 4 Our London Letter NEWSPAPERS LOOK AT LIFE LONDON, Oct. 7. THE first frost of coming winter sprea«i over southern England under brilliant stars last nit^ht. And when I walked through Regent's Park early this morning the lawns were white and crisp. Yet the sunshine was clearer and warmer than ever
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  • 68 4 Asked by friends going on a visit to New York City what he would Me brought back as a pift, Mr. Stan Forster of Bromlrv (Kent)., near London, quinped: "The Empire State Building or RrooMjn Now he has both: Mr. F*rster's friends brought him the
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  • 34 4 Employees of the Savoy Hotel on strike picket in the Strand, demanding recognition of their trade union. The first' day of the strike deprived the Savoy's guests of their breakfast.
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  • 224 4 LONDON, (By Air Mail). WARRANT-OFFICER RALPH HARDY has been given the George Medal for bravery in a Jap prison camp, but to his wife, The Angel of Hong Kong," goes much of the glory. The.r story begins with Ralph behind the wire at Shaur Shire
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  • 49 4 lONDON, Wednesday The hare chased the gTcyhounds in a recent race here. Traps on the race course were released before the hare reached the starting point and the dogs galloped along with the hare about 50 yards behind. The race was declared void and re-Tun. A.P.
    AP  -  49 words
  • 58 4 SIX special trains were needed to bring 5,400 anglers from all parts of the Midlands to the Birmingham Anglers" Association contest, claimed to be the biggest In the world. Before the war the contest was fished in the Severn, but the Severn cannot accommodate this year's record entry.
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  • 79 4 REVELLERS the other nigh", l» trooped through a stone arch where convicts in chains once trudged. The old Jail at Bcdmin had become Cornwall's only night club. Dancing fret slid over the newly-polished flcor of the former chapel Teetotal, non-duncing Councillor G. J. Smith bought the
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  • 340 5 Union Secretary On Price Control Whole Of The Country's Economy Is Involved From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. THE Government cannot permit conditions under which certain sections are reaping a huge harvest at the expense of consumers, said the Chief Secretary of the Malayan Union, Mr. A. T. Newboult,
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  • 141 5 Pennang Traders To Discuss Handling Kates FroM Our Own Cone, ponder.; PENANG. Tuesday. PENANG traders will invite representatives of dock workers to discuss the new Kate of handling charges, according to a decision reached at meeting of members of the Importers and Exporters iation and other leading trading bodies. It
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  • 101 5 Mr. Mrs. MacKay Entertained Fio'ii f)ur Own Correspondent RAUB. Wednesday. Ml .md Mrs N. Douglas Mac- Kay were entertained to a !1 luncheon at Trasers Hill on Oct 13 by friends and v/tll irlahen on th? eve of their departvrc to the United Kingdom this week-end by the Queen of
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  • 79 5 From Our Own Correspondent. KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. CLEVEN sets of twins were born dur'ng August at the Kuala Lumpur Maternity Hospital, a ild ii s; considerably to the complications of ovr consestion which reached its height during that month. There has been a noticeable increase
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  • 187 5 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. SCHOOLS in the Malayan Union ai% taking steps to eliminate the subconscious feeling of subjection and fear brought about by three and a half years of Japanese occupation. A local schoolmaster sad that i the Japanese occupation
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  • 232 5 From Our Own Correspondent ALOR STAR. Tuesday. A PROCLAMATION read ac the Ealai Be?ar today heralded the ceremonies of the royal wedding of Tungku Hamidah, eldest daughter of Sultan Badlishah of Kedah. J to Tungku Abdul Aziz, second Ofl of the late Sultan Suleiman
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  • Article, Illustration
    34 5 The lnd'an Muslim Associationof Kuala Pilah was opened recently by the Yang dl-pertuan Besar of Negri Sembilan. The above photo was taken on that occasion. Seated in the centre is the Yang di-pertuan Besar.
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  • 278 5 K.L. Court Story: From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. THE rescue of five Chinese towkays from armed gangsters I who had taken them into the jungle "ostensibly to be shot," was related, in the Supreme Court, Kuala Lumpur, on Saturday when three Chinese,
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  • 213 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. A BOUT 8,000 people attended the Rsmbau District Agri-horti-cultural Show opened by the Yan<x di-pertuan Besai of Negri Sembilan on Saturday. Amonj those pres?nt were the Tengku Ampuan, Lady Gent, the Resident Commissioner, the Undang of Rembau and Vrt Tengku Besar of Tampin. In
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  • 41 5 At a luncheon meeting of the Malacca Rotary Club on Saturday at the Re.,t House Mr, M. Neal, the District Judge, gave an interesting addrsss on alterations In the statute and case law since 1939 reports the Straits Times correspondent, Malacca.
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  • 162 5 From Our Own Correspondent IPOH. Wed. THE sixth war crimes teair. under Maj. N. McKenzie Us now in Ipoh calling tor and investigating evidence that will bring Japanese war criminals to justice. Ipoh so far has seen two criminals, Ekio Yoshimura, Ipoh Kempeitai sergeant and Nagayasu,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 77 5 ijffljpfr I his is 4^jPnw| the tube IftXnJ you want White It p LTa 7 C ll* BiL v0 ""yM oparklinq FHI TEETH yLM ipana f^3 TOOTH PASTE rr^^~~- »o».lr'>-id b» |rftoiM>» >Co Hv I^^^___^^__^ l(1 323 Pacific H jk>ai. No^H S<dn«f NOTICE OF REMOVAL THE CENTRAL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 54.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 313 5 n •\t;-S»;uth in today's deal >i-in :.i spades became i p:. reached a sound grand-slam con- lent .nvestment tract, but South overlooked a West opened Uw duh queen safety measure in the Play Dummy won. and aver some North, dealer. thought, declarer decided to rufl North-South vulnerable. low clubs in
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  • 699 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Thurs., Oct. 17, 1946. Headlines Then And Now Those of our readers who wer c reading the Straits Times in 1940 and 1941 must have! thought of those days when j they read the news published on our front page last Tuesday that Siam is to
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  • 415 6 NO one who has experienc of both pre-war and post war Singapore will deny that the nuisance arising from the misuse of motor horns has increased. Nor will any one who has experience of places where hootinp is prohibited deny that the use ol the
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  • 409 6 Shinto Shrine On Singapore Island [A newcomer to Sinpa|>orc from Home who recently visited the remains of the Japanese shrine on a hill beyond Uukit Timah village, has written to ask whether the Straits Times can provide a hi>t<>ry of this memorial and a photograph.] THREE war memorials were built
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    • 311 6 WHEN leleased from th* Sime Road internment vamp after three and a half years internment, I was one of the foolish persons who believed the story told to us by repatriation officials, that we would be well looked aft?r by the
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    • 214 6 THIS omnibus and trolley bus ticket racket is getting out jf hand. It is clear that the Singapore Traction Co. havo amongst their conductors pome of a very unruly type. To stop this nuisance and annoyance to passengers, the company should see that every conductor has on
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    • 99 6 THE Government offered lo 1 remove jewellry and other securities to places of safety outside Malaya in February 1942. After give years reoccupation or the country, the owners of these valuables are still waiting for thei return. The Government is doing its best, but there has been
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    • 87 6 I AM glad that R. M. LangleyFraser has written about the fiendish traffic noises from which we Singaporeans hay.; to suffer night after night. Other plarcs have "Noise Cui- fews'' such as this correspondent •recommends for S'ngapore by which cars aie no: allowed iv hoot or ca'erwaul from
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 810 6 KOH At Singapore on 14th Oct. 194i>. to Mrs. Kuii I'oh of Labuan, Nertß B rneo, a son. Kirn Hong. Both well. Sumatraii papers .opy I ONIERE— DAWSON. The eni.t look place on October 13th 1946 between K It. de la Brctonlere. son of Mr. and Mr«. C.
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    • 26 6 PERFECT VISIOK HAPPY LIVING. Guard your only pair of *yes. Should you experience the slightest eye discomfort, have them examined C. S. CHONO. O. D.. F.P.0.0
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    • 117 6 fffin^ T W Iheloolhbrusm that \.W "Jumps io Wjm fTUns is a Wisdom Tool 1 1 M brush, the brush thai I gives a brisker, certain clean. Your teeth teel l^Ji II fresher ar.d there's a Io if sparkle in your mouth. I The anchored Nylon 1 jij ,il tufts
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  • 368 7 Packers Growers Form New Company Straits Times Reporter MALAYA'S pineapple industry is to be re-organized so as to fuse into one the interests of growers and packers and thus abolish the prewar practice of what is described as "exploitation of growers." To carry out this scheme a
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  • 43 7 "Caterpillar" scrapers and scarifiers, developed for building airfields quickly, which are being used to level up the Y.M.CA.'s playing field off Bras Basah Koad This work is part of the Army's contribution to rehabilitation of the Singapore V.M.C.A.
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  • 48 7 yii; follow in": ex -Malay Volunteer Air Force personnel have been awarded mri.tions in despatches in re- < ognit on of their services durin; trte operations in the Far in 1H41— 1942. Sergeant R.B. Milne. M.V.A.F. j s.r K eat t Kamala Rai. M.VAF.
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  • 82 7 ACCEPTING the unanimous finding of a common Jury. Mr. Justice Thorogood at the .Singapore Assizes, yesterday. need a 30-year-old Chinese. 1 vii Fook Hong, to four years'; i i enrolls imprisonment on the induced charge «>r voluntarily j ;rif» er'evous hurt. Ban Fook Hong originally od
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  • 375 7 Y. M. C. A.'s Building Plans Straits Times Reporter BECAUSE there is not sufficient money to pull them down, cells installed by the Japanese Kempeitai in the 1 .M.C.A. building in Stamford Road, Singapore, will remain untouched, but locked up. when the, t>uilding is reoccupied next
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  • 59 7 THE Road Vehicles (Special Powers) Bill, designed to combat the wave of theft an;l looting and enabling a curfe* on the use of road vehicles to be imposed in SingaDore. Is to J3 rushed through the Singapore Advisory Council this morning. It is expected that
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  • 18 7 Appointed as Cadets to the Malayan Civil Service are Mr. J. D. W. Greare and Mr. A. Locke.
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  • 58 7 LADY Gimson. wife of Singapore's Governor, Sir Franklin Ginison. will be a passenger on board the Nederland Line's luxury vessel Oran.fc which arrives in Singapore on Oct. IA. Travelling on the same ship is Sarawak's new Governor. Sir Charles Arden Clarke and lady Arden Clarke. They Mill
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  • 54 7 FOLLOWING the intervention of th-e Labour Department, it is understood that the strike mechanics employed by local Chinsf-s engineering concerns will end tomorrow, when the men have proniised to return. An adjustment to wages has been drawn up by the Labour Department which has been acceptable to
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  • 102 7 THE Chinese gunman who was shot down by a constable whom he himself had wounded during a chase in Middle Road. Singapore on Tuesday night, died jin the General Hospital yesterday afternoon. The Singapore police, it is understood, took a statement from him before he died.
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  • 98 7 I T. Col. Masugi who with Lt. 11 Gen. Harada, C-in-C Java and three other Japanese are charged with the unlawful killing of the ttoree Australian airmen in Batavia held up the proceedings in the Australian War Crimes Court yesteiday when, in the course of
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  • 45 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. THE Department of Public Relations has arranged for supplies of silverware from Kelantan and baskets and mats from Trengganu to be sold in Kuala Lumpur. A fresh consignment is now on sale at the Information Centre. Mountbatten Road, Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 235 7 No Racial Discrimination In Colonies THAT it was the purpose of the 1 Colonial Government to have "no race discrimination or social barriers, no colour bars and no social injustice, no economic or political privileges but free cooperation of all peoples," was stressed by Mr. Arthur CreechJones, newly appointed Secretary
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  • 47 7 Two Jap generals Lieut. Gen. Mataguchi (above) and Ma j. -Gen. Kawamura (belovo aimed from Japan at Changi airfield Singapore, on Oct. I. Both these generals have bei-ri Lrought from Japan for interrogation in connection with the massacre of the Chines? in Singapore*.
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  • 271 7 OUESTIONED oil the legality of an order for sumrnan execution, a Lieutenant Colonel in the Japanese Army, wno appeared as a defence witness in the Third War Crimes Court yesterday, said that if it was vital to the winning of a war, an order for
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  • 212 7 BANK TO HANDLE CHINESE LOANS By Our Chinese Correspondent rHE $15 million (U.S.) 10...1 which th c Nanking Government has promised to allot to Malayan Chinese rehabilitation purposes is to be distributed and handled by the Bank of China. Singapore, reports the Nanyang Siang Pau. Applications for loans trom this
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  • 60 7 •:iie director! of the Sin.upor^ Rotary Ciub have deeded I -import th-> Siniapore ASSOC 'ion in pressing fo r a tubercn. C Rl a war ny moriai Singapore. Mr. S. H. Peel-. Prosidrnt 0 th? Rctary Club, announced at a meting of th<? c'.ub yc-ster-dav at
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  • 26 7 Mr v. F Stafford bai appointed a temporary Assistant Superintendent. Malayan I Service. ?nd Mr J D Pairhead to be a cadet Malayan Polic? S' r\ice
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 100 7 IT IS WORTH YOUR WHILE TO CALL LITTLE'S NEW GOODS ARE CONSTANTLY ARRIVING Men* "K" Shoes. Dunhill Pipes. Men's Cotton Underwear. Orlick Pipes. Dart Boards. Tennis Balls. Patou Perfumery. Caprice Belts. Zipp Fasteners. Model Millinery. Ronuk Polish. Instuat Juice Presses. Decorated Tea Dinner Ware. SIR VICE QUALITY ECONOMY JOHN LITTLE
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    • 81 7 New Lines for New Times The World Wide* Organisation of THOMAS COWAN CO. offers Guaranteed WHITE ANT Litentiinatkn Consult us For GENERAL PEST DESTRUCTION \u nu THE BORNEO CO.. LTD. SINGAPORF KUALA LUMPUR iPOH PENANG BEWISE, COW.WISK for the Prevention and Treatment of COLDS MANUFACTURED BY HARWOODS LABORATORIES, LTD., ENGLAND.
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  • 53 8 The MM in the foreground is the memorial at Bukit Timah .•re( trd hv the Japanese in mo mory of officers and men of the British forces who fell in the defence of Singapore The shrine In the background is the Japanese memc.ial (See story
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  • 2039 8 HEROIC AUSTRALIAN STOR Y OF SINGAPORE DEFENCE THE first full and detailed account yet to be published in Malaya of the Australian front on Singapore island in February, 1942, is reproduced here, by permission, from the book "Pacific War," by Hugh Buggy. The book is issued under the direction of
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  • 31 8 A baby giant-panda, destined for the New York zoo. arrived at Shanghai by plane from Chengtu yesterday. This is the eigh'h giant panda lo be sent abr. ad
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  • 24 8 The last hours of Singapore o n February 14, 1942. A section of the city pounded by Jarnnese artillery and bombs.
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  • 166 8 MARSHAL TITO's Government last week assured the British Ambassador to Belgrade that Ita industrial nationalisation plan will not include the British-financed Trepca zinc and lead mines, which, li was feared, the Yugoslavs would confiscate. But as ali Yugo&lav man resources apart from minl:v: plant have been
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 134 8 CREME i NAIL POLISH REMOVER >Jg^||g KWflta THE Mi&IMViW MMSOfUMAL I onTAi:: \bl^ at Ml !>!■ \l MAI. I tfrl>;it\l. DISPENSARY AND MUNVKD Tiade Enquiries to Oox No. 506 Stra'ts Times 4 Solution to the problem of SHORTAGE OF HOUSES MN the problems of -.noit» X ot house* by building
      134 words
    • 117 8 STILL OBTAINABLE j £jS Jf^^^^^ Difficulties of distribution owing to V^JI ack of shipping may cause a local W^9 »caivity of your favourite Evening 7 JA *j j in Paris toilet preparations. If you: M^">,W m usua itocki t cannot supply, tiv \jk B elsewhere, his worth the ertort to
      117 words

  • Thursday Morning's Film Fanfare
    • 514 9 UAITY days are here a train in Hollywood and for the first time in nearly five years the celluloid capital begins to look like its real self once BO i thr b >ys most of them are out of service and have picked up their cinema
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    • 593 9  -  Sheilah Graham By GENE AUTRY'S back in the saddle again— at Republic Studio and is aiming to recover his position as the No.l cowboy of motion pictures. While Gene was in the afmy— hp served four years his No. 1 rating in Westerns was titk.n over
      593 words
    • Article, Illustration
      314 9 David Nlven is particularly proud of hims c 1 f these days, and forBivably. In the same week he made his debut as a newspaper columnist and received word that his Eng-lish-made piciure, "A Matter of Life and Death." was chosen by ballet as the film to be shown
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    • 65 9 Maureen O'Hara and Douglas Fairbanks resting during the filming of RKO's "Sinbad The Salior"' which is one of the new films at present being made in Hollywood. Fairbanks. a lieutenant commander with the Atlantic fleet during the war, has now discarded his uniform for an Arabian costume.
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    • 222 9 POWELL REPLACES DURBIN IN lb-year-old Jane Powell. 1 Hollywood at last has found a pretty juvenile songstress to replace Deanna Durbin, who has graduated to marriage, motherhood and mature roles. Little Miss Pow:ll, who looks 18, is a refreshingly attractive blonde with sparkling blue eyes. She appeared inconspicuously In two
      AP  -  222 words
    • 327 9  -  Howard C. Heyn By UOLLY WOOD'S British accent, heretofore confined to a few suave imported stars, has broadened to include movie producers themselves. It is not a spoken accent in its latest manifestation, but a financial emphasis exerted almost wholly by one man J, Arthur
      th Century-Fcx In Australia  -  327 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 185 9 Pi isOkt S //^^^x 7 laC33llilaW £*^kl aw' /Ja^k «tf^^ "M^ \iia I iWTTrrriu/TT^B SINGAPORE YOUR HERITAGE Mother nature gave us all perfect nealUi, arm rr^"^~^^^ it is up to us to keep that health. Some people, 9S JlHBM|k owing to perhaps the nature of th-ir business, -natch a hurried
      185 words
    • 147 9 JEAN PATOU Parfu m c v r PARIS THE WORLD'S FINKS T PKK FUMES Colony the exotic Invitation the alluring Vacances ihe surprising Normnmlie the exclusiiv Amour-A:nour the flattering Moment Supreme the fascinating JOY the enchantment at ROBINSON'S and LITTLE'S RAFFLES 8 Q U A R E Importers Sole Agents
      147 words

  • 567 10 First Signs Of Coming Trouble For The Allies BRITISH H.Q. in GERMANY, Wed. UITLKR'S swastikas are returning to the Reich. They arc the first genuine signs of coming resistance to the British occupation since we entered Germany. Kvcn six months ago they did not exist
    567 words
  • 67 10 LONDON, Wednesday— A German soldiers bullet, find in Xh3 World War, achieved its H jears later A coroner ruled that th? d'a'h oi Mr Ernest RidUy. 41, a World War I so dicr. was "attributable to .1 wound received on active service." An
    67 words
  • 66 10 IH>VER (ENGLAND) Wed. A.i rtnctl in a n:w suburban community of n^yer ar c to be named after presidfnts. states .ii.d towns of the United States. Already there is a Rcosevelt Road, a Wyoming Way and a 1 Strt-.-t. on to use American n ••>! s was made by town
    66 words
  • Straits Times Post-Bag
    • 268 10 JUDGING from the meals J supplied at the People. Restaurants recently and considering that all rice, firewood, etc.. are obtained at Government prices, some one is making a very comfortable profit out of the whole show. A recent meal consisted of about two tahils
      268 words
    • 306 10 THE re-introduction of the pecuniary embarrassment circular for Government servants within a year of liberation, when rehabilitation is still out of sight, is ill-advised. Government servants can very *-ell appreciate the good intentions of the authorities, but what man in the service today is any
      306 words
    • 362 10 THE continued increase ir. road accidents calls for action. There are several contributory factors, some o{ which could be dealt with. The ftve- foot -ways are iv most places far too cluttered up for the ordinary pedestrians to use them, unless wishing to indulge in an
      362 words
    • 132 10 {SHOULD like to know why civilians in Singapore are always blaming the British serviceman for the housing shortage. We are perfectly willing to exchange our pre sent abode with any civilian in Singapore. Along Ayer Raja Road thsre Is a large tented camp and during
      132 words
    • 130 10 THE people of Malaya are going hungry, because Chinese stock-holders in Siam are hoarding. It to be overlooked thlu Siam sided with Japan fciasl 'is. and was our enemy. Why. then, are we treatine n»: as if she had been an ally or at
      130 words
    • 168 10 1 WOULD like to express my appreciation and praise ot the Singapore Police. At 2.30 this morning 1 was awakened by a suspicious noise, j switched on the light and discovered that I had been robbed. 1 raised an alarm and heard someone in the garden
      168 words
    • 176 10 UNEMPLOYMENT is increasU ing in Malacca. There are many unemployed ex-soldiers who have families to support. Such units as the (1) R.A.S.C. R.A..R.E., R.A.M.C. (the locally enlisted regulars) have been given indefinite leave without pay since June 30. 1946. Each of these units has done something
      176 words
  • 45 10 The Queen, followed by Princess Elizabeth, boarding a Clyde steamer for the liner Quern Elizabeth, due to begin sp ■< 1 trials. The Queen Elizabeth was scheduled to start her first fortnightly sa lin» to New Yovk as a passenger ship yesterday.
    45 words
  • 104 10 NEW YORK, Tuesday.— A sixmonth expedit on into the jungles of the Netherlands East Indies and Philippines islands has been planned by the National Foundation for Infantil e Paralys s to establish methods for collecting, housing, transporting and protecting from contamination monkeys vitally needed to ccntinup pol
    104 words
  • 82 10 CAPE TOWN. Tuesday.— South Africa has increased the transportation charge for shipments of export and ship bunker coal, resulting in a h gher price for such fuel The Minister of Transport recently increased railway rates and harbour dues at trie same time ending the special rates which had been in
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 810 10 THE MALACCA AGRICULTURAL MEDICAL BOARD. A Registered Medical Piamtioner is required by The Malacca Agricultural Medical Board, a body constituted under an Ordinance of tne Malayan Union Government (or 'he provision ot a medical and antimalarial service to rubber estates situated in the Malacca district. Details of the appointment are
      810 words
    • 361 10 FAMOUS A. V. M. PRODUCT EAGLE BRAND QubbP.r CnaKulatma Acid Sole Distributing Actnt<r CHIDA FRANCIS Ct CO.. R.M. Arm* Contractors A Shiprhandlrrs 1 13- A Ceril Street: Singapore. Tel We hove the Goods now You nav> no longei <*■ wait out aror and srr ror vourseli C sometnins 15 niaftttaoto
      361 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 279 10 Melody lingers on: 8.30 p.m. News 7.30 p.m. Music Hall; 830 p.iii. RAnlO MALAYA Headlines; 8.32 p.m. News Headlines: News. 8.35 pm. London Calling; 840 8.32 p.m. Radio Orchestra: 9.00 p.m. pjn. Inetrlude; 8.45 p.m. Home Singapore lUna; 9.30 p.m. News: 9.45 p.m. survey; 9.00 p.m. Lee Jazz; 9.30 p
      279 words

  • 140 11 Cripps Making Free Rubber Statement From Our Own Correspondent. LONDON Wed. SIR Stafford Cripps, President of the Board of Trade. wtU make a statement on the restoration of the free rubber market on Oct. 22 or 23. He is unlikely to give a full Indication of the eiaet organisation but
    140 words
  • Around The Market
    • 323 11 By Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Wednesday. I OCA I, Chinese dealers are holding rubber at pro < sent and the general opinion appears to be that there will be a lessening of imports from the N.E.I, between now and the end of the year
      323 words
    • 197 11 SINGAPORE, Wednesday. BETEL NITS became the main item of interest yesterday, with active enquiries from exporters, 9»ys the Chinese press. Quotations were. Java $120 per picuL Sumatra SI 10 per piruL Java seeds $190 per picul, Sumatra seeds $140 pm picul. Split new $24. old $14 per picul.
      197 words
    • 24 11 American steel production attains a new post-war peak this week at 90 5 pc cent canactt" or 1.595.000 tores A. P.
      24 words
    • 692 11 Share quotations, as at Oct. 15 according to vie Malayan i arebrokers Association (Singapore) were as follows. Alexandra drick works Ords. »1.70 Alexandra Brickworks Prefs. 280 Bra Malaya Itustee Executor Co. ».00 Consolidated Tin Smelters Ord. 33/6 do. Prefs. 26/6 Eastern Unr«o Assurance 35.00 Praser <5t Neave
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 521 11 JAVA NEW YORK LINE Sailing* to New York: due Spore. m.v. "SUMATRA" (N.L.i 1 In poll avv. 'VAN RUYSDAEL" 25th Oct. (HAL) «n v. "Ph WOrWERMAN" 3»th Oct (NX.) ■ho loading far Boston direct For trrighl and particulars apply to: M I 'l 111. A. Mi LINE (NX. vessel) 41
      521 words
    • 140 11 FOR SALE FOR SALE. Ladies Dressing Table modern style, Imported, triple mirrors centre. 4% x 18. wings 36 x 12 inches $250. Also Ladles Bicycle. English make $70. Write Box Sl7, B.T. FOR SALE Oreen Irish Linen Dress, 835. H 36. White Lmen Tennis Suit B.W. bath new $75 and
      140 words
    • 678 11 PRESIDENT LINE SaUlnn NEW YORK Ha India and Mediterranean Ports MARINE LEOPARD* In Port MARINE FLIER* <iue Ort. ttth MOUNT DAVIS* due Nov. 12th MOUNT ROGERS* iuc Nov. ?*th •Frrighl Only For Freight and Passengers Apply AMERICAN PRESIDENT LINES, LTD. Onion Bide. Tela: 622* ft 675? WATERMAN LINE U.S. AUmtte
      678 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 378 11 SINGAPORE TIDES TODAY: Hirh water: 307 am. 7 ft. 9 in.: 2.16 n m. 8 ft 7 in. TOMORROW: High water: 4.37 a.m. 7 ft. 3 ins 3 19 p.m. 8 ft. 1 in. CROSSWORD No. 78 j 2 |3 I I 4 5 1 is I' h I 8
      378 words

  • 179 12 Boxing At New World On Sunday WITH the approval of the Box- ing Board, professional boxing will be held at th? New World Arena next Sunday. The big fight of the evening will be a ten-round contest between Jimmy Welch, of the R.A.F., and Golden Boy, of Singapore. Jimmy Welch
    179 words
  • 406 12 Differences Put Aside (By The Sports Editor) FE Chinese Athletes will play in the Victory Cup and I have been officially told that all their players who have been selected in the 22 players for the Chinese Community, will be available for the final XI. Differences
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  • Article, Illustration
    41 12 An K.A.F. Base H.Q. pla>cr mo yesv es away with the ball during an incident in the lirst Victory Cup match against II M.S. Sultan at Jalan Besar on Tuesday. The Airmen won by six goals to four. Straits Times picture.
    41 words
  • 90 12 Letter KELANTAN XI A crowd of over 5,000 saw Kelantan football team beaten by six goals to nil on Oct. 8 by the Pubic Relations XI. (The first half of the gam c was spirited but aftjr two goals had been scored against them the home team became dispirited. In
    90 words
  • 91 12 The Singapore Indians will meet the i R.A.S.C. No. Petrol Point on Friday i at soccer on the 3.R.C. padar.g. KiJi off 5. 15 p.m. L A ream to represent the Singapore Luiicns against the R.L'.M.E on Sat-( urday. on the R.F If E. ground (Sturrock Road")
    91 words
  • 182 12 The Devonshire B.P. b:at the Playfair B.P. by six s'air.i s to one at the Happy World Covered Stadium last Friday night (Devonshire P.aye:s 111 ntioiicd first): Yap Chin Tee beat S.A. Dural 15-5; 15-7; Ong Poh Llm beat Koh Ken s Slung 15-6; 15-5;
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  • 99 12 Melbourne, (By Air Mail) rIE Victorian Cricket Association refused tenders from four broadcasting stations, including the A.8.C., for rights to broadcast the Melbourne third Test match, because they were all too low. The president. l>.- Morton, said the amounts tendered were "measley.'' The association stipulated that
    99 words
  • 41 12 From Our Own Correspondent SEGAMAT, Wea. After a lapse J five years the All-Johore Police annual athletic sport will be held tomorrow at Johore Bahru and competitors from .he various polio? centres in the State will take part.
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  • 64 12 The following will represent the Chines? Swimming Club in a friendly game of table tennis against the Chinese Sports Association "Blue Team" on Sunday the 20th inst. at 2 pm. at the Club's premises. Men's singles: Ng Yew Wing. Leong Chio Eng Quep. Lee Tong Keng and Lun
    64 words
  • 179 12 THE M.C.C. touring side will begin their second official match of the Australian tour today, with a match against a Combined XI in P?rth. This will be the strongest team the M.C.C. have met up to the present and i.he inclusion of the New South
    179 words
  • 195 12 From Our Own Correspondent SEREMBAN, Tuesday rE Seremban Rangers soccer team were well beaten in an important league match by four goals to nil by the N.S.C.R.C. played here today. The Chinese thus won the N S. Football Shield. With pools, of water everywhere,
    195 words
  • 41 12 Komford, Essex, Tuts. Bert Couzens was still walking strongly at Komford stadium today after covering 1,070 miles in 390 hours He has broken the record of l.Qtii miles in 390 hours he sot up in 1934— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 235 12 From Our Own Correspondent TAIPING, Mcu. I T'AIPING defeated Krian in an Inter-district tennis fixture at Parit Buntar on Sunday by 13 matches to one. Results (Taipinj players first) Ong Hock Sim and Lee Kirn Kvon bsai I Parthan and Oh Bak Him 6 2. 6
    235 words
  • 148 12 Fran Our Own Correspondent SEGAMAT, Wed. OLGAMAT will meet Johoie Bahru in a recent soccer I match at Johor-a Bahru on Friday. In the initial fixture Johore Bahru were victors by three-one. In preparation lor the match the S2gamat Chinese met the local Malays in
    148 words
  • 52 12 Playing their last match of the reason on Monday. St. Joseph's Institution beat the J.C.S.A.. by three goals to one in a soccer match on the Sohocl. neld The schoolboys were silently superior, but the Civil Servants put up a good fight, although playing without two good players. Lim Swans
    52 words
  • 71 12 Wally Hammond Stands Down FEKTH, Wed. HAMMOND, who is standing down following the policy of giving his me n all possible match practice, includes six, who did not play against Western Australia, for the M.C.C. match against the Combined Australian side beginning here tomorrow. The M.C.C. team to play tomorrow
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 245 12 IN a friendly badminton match played recently, the Maxfli B.P. beat the Catholic Young Men Association of the Church of the Nativity jf the B.V.M. Upper S?rangoon by five games to nil. Results:— Maxfli B P.'s players mentioned first. Singles: John Loh beat Lew Cheng Chong 15—1, 15—1;
    245 words
  • 17 12 LONDON. Tues.— A rugby league, Lancashire Cup match resulted: Oldham 7, Wigan 21.— R?uter.
    Reuter  -  17 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
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    • 326 12 ENTERTAINMENT ITS SCANDALOUSLY SENSATIONAL! War-Relief Workers /^a*fi fiSafflGSS£i»i'* > M. II I*. lAAlhl 1 II a.m. 4.15 630 9.15 p.m. THE POLICE HAD TO BE CALLED IN h wBH£Vi\ 6v(c/ (rCff m t 3 K I Ib|l ESP^r^^Bl ilv jBI By9*?G CARY^GRANT, zJzZZtf Produced by Datid Htmfslcad a» ft«^ Directed
      326 words