The Straits Times, 15 October 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 725 1 Decisions To Be Made On The Spot RICK sub-committee of the International Emergency Food Council in Washington is being set up in Singapore immediately to make decisions regarding food on the spot instead of having to refer to Washington. The formation of the sub-committee was announced
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  • 229 1 BANGKOK, Monday. THE Siamese Cabinet today decided to return the foui disputed border provinces to French Indo-China, ending a territorial quarrel of nearly flv> years, Mr. Thamrong Nawasuwat.tthe Premier, announced after a Cabinet session. A n emer^nrv meeting of th? Siamese x*ariianient was
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  • 445 1 LONDON, Monday. A BOOK has just been published here that is valuable n for the light it throws on the attitude of Asiatics towards the Imperial Japanese Army and its treatment of men who built the Burma-Siam railway during the war. These men were not
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  • 88 1 LUXEMBOURG. Mon. Lt.Col. Mangat Rai, Indian Army, lately Commander of the Royal Engineers in Rangoon, and the former editor oi the Calcutta Statesman, Mr. Arthur Moore, represented India at the First World Federalist Congress, which was convened here today. Lt.-Col. Mangat Rai and Mr Moore, with delegates
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  • 73 1 HAMBURG, Mon— Germans in the British occupation zon-e voted .in county elections yesterday for 28,000 candidates seeking 7,700 posts. Early r: ports said the balloting was orderly and stead.,. Some 13,000,000 were eligible to vote. Local elections were held last month. At a later date a central
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  • 36 1 An incident in the came between the M.C.C. and the West Australian Colts at Fremantle. J. T. Ikin. the M.CC, left-hand bat, throws himself into the crease to avoid bein; run oat.
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  • 212 1 PARIS, Monday. MR. Molotov, the Soviet Foieign Minister, today attacked the dominating dictatorial policy" of the western nations and hinted that the Soviet Union would ignore even the two-thirds dec-'sion of the Peace Conference when the Big Four wrote the flna! treaties. It was Mr. Molotov's last
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  • 199 1 TRUCE TO END INDONESIAN HOSTILITIES BATAVIA, Monday. DRITISH, Dutch and Indonesian military delegation D have agreed on terras c f a truce to end hostiiitic between the Allies and the Indonesians, it wa* officially stated here today. The decision was reached during a three-bear meeting this morning between the Indonesian
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  • 115 1 France's New Constitution Accepted PARIS, Monday. FRANCE yesterday accepteJ the new Constitute >:. Dacked by the three mam parties Fnpular Republicans. Socialists and Communists. With figures for only one metropolitan department -Cors ca outstanding, the voting wasFor, 9,200 407: ago.'nst 7,790.676. Abstentions reached the reremarkable total of 7.77G.893 In the
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  • 103 1 From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur. Mon.— Another massed gaol break has taken place in Pudu Gaol, Kuala Lumpur, where noeatfr five Japanese condemned war criminals jumped over a wall and escaped. Pr'con authorities yesterday evening discovered that the bars of a cell had been
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  • 53 1 LEEDS, Mon.— Walter Hammond, captain of the M.C.C. cricket team now touring Australia, is th 3 respondent in a d vor c petition presented by his wife, Mrs. Dorothy Hammond, to be heard at Leeds Assizes. Mrs. Hammond is the daughter of a Yorkshire manufacturer. The
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  • 46 1 PARIS. Mon —The British Government is sending the cruiser Dido to Le Havre to take Mr. Molotov, the Soviet Foreign Minister, on the first stage from France to the United States for the meeting of the United Nations General Assemb'y on Oct. 23.— Renter.
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  • 40 1 LONDON, Mon. -The Vatlcai. Radio announced today the excommunication of all who actively participated in ""the condemnation of Archbishop Stepinac, Pr mate of Yugoslavs, sentenced last week to 16 yearsimprisonment by the Belgrade Court for "crimes against the State. Reuter.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 59 1 SCIENTtF/C I fV£ IXAMt*AnOK\ /y QUALIFIED OPTICIAN c s CHons oa.F»oc I ir, Six fascinating shades. tndehble stays y^' fi\-sli all day. Unaffected by climatic tMtnmtt. Velvetfsniootlt texture. Ntw Up- yfo. shaped pittnttd detign ior mid accurate application. so; o BY AIL COOO CHEHISrS and STOHIS Sole Agents Importers
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    • 26 1 ptW?Ti?RY > l JI-^IAMONItf) J tACHie tr IMMEDIATE DELIVERY P V \JLFO Plft GRANULATORS 16" X 5" complete with Diesel Engine; loading platform and scrern Mail/. 1
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  • 157 2 HONG KONG, Sun -Before leaving China for a concert tour in America, Y. K. Sze, China's famous bass singer, will give several broadcasts, a mass at Hong Kong Cathedral, and a number of public recitals In Hong Kong. After about two weeks in Hong Kong,
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  • 100 2 Liverpool, Sun.— Robert Kyie Mauger, 43-year-old superintendent "of the Punjab police, due to return to India this weekend, was today found shot dead in the Exchange Hotel, Liverpool. l he discovery was made by his wife. He had a head wound and i) slol was found
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  • 409 2 Fresh Crisis May Come This Winter WASHINGTON, Monday. TOR a second time this year a major strike seems to have been averted in the rubber industry, but there may be another crisis this winter. Some loose ends still remain to be tied up, but reliable reports
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  • 217 2 TOKIO, Monday. LIEUTENANT GENERALS Kingoro Hashimoto and Iwane Matsui were linked today by Russian prosecutors before the International Military Tribunal with Japanese plotting as early as 1929 to commit sabotage against tha Soviets in the Caucasus in the event of war. Hashimoto, then military
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  • 115 2 LONDON, Sat— A Dakota aircraft flying Just over wavetop level at 20 feet dropped a packet of drugs for a passenger aboard the Gripsholm, famous wartime internee repatriation ship, on a "mercy mission" over the Atlantic this afternoon. The Dakota took off from Prestwick airport at
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  • 62 2 Volcano Danger Menaces Island San Francisco, &un.— Radio Australia said yesterday that there had been a volcan.c eruption followed by earthquakes on the island of Niuanovu, in the Tongan group, 1.000 miles north of New Zealand. RadK Australia reported that the New Zealand Government had sent a ship to move
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  • 41 2 General Dwipfat Eisenhower &nd his wife chatting with the Kin* in the grounds of Balmoral Castle. General and Mrs. Eisenhower and their ion, Capt. John Eisenhower, were recently week-end ruests of the Kin; and Queen at Balmoral.
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  • 334 2 BATAVIA, Monday. "I CONSIDER my task to be the integration of the Chinese community in Indonesia into a reorganised Indonesian society," 34-year-old Dr. Tan Po Gwan, one of the five ministers without portfolio \v Sutan Sjahrir's third cabinet told Reuter. He added that
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  • 140 2 PEKING, Monday. A SERIES of fierce battles was yesterday reported to be in progress along the railway south-east of Kalgan, as Chinese Government troops fought to reoccupy the lina from Peking to Kalgan. and the Communists strove to maintain the corridor linking their
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  • 70 2 NANKING, Mon.—Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek yesterday sent condolences to Mrs. Stilwell on the death of General Joseph Stilwell. The massage said the Generalissimo was particularly touched by the fact that death was caused by illness contracted during his service In the Chin a -Burmese -In dia theatre,
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  • 44 2 LONDON, Mon.— Major-Gen, o. W. E. J. Erskine was ywltrday appointed General Officer Commanding Land Forces, Hoi.g Kong, as from November, Air Vice-Marshal F. J. W. Meilcrsfc becomes Air Officer Commanding 91 (Bomber) Group. He formerly commanded 231 Gkaip, Scruth-East Asia.— Reuter.
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  • 264 2 NUREMBERG, Monday. pRISON chaplains conducted I special services for the Nazi criminals in their cells here yesterday, the last Sunday some of them will see. Prayers w?r> read to the condemned men by the Catholic chaplain, the Rev. S xtus O'Connor, and a Lutheran clergyman, the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 479 2 EXTENDED SERVICE FOR NAVAL RESERVE OFFICERS. The Admiralty has decided to Invite appt ration* for Extended Service Oonim cslor <n the executive branch of tfce Royal Navy for 4 to 5 yean tram officers of the executive and cpecU brandies of the permanent and itm-p-rary R N.R. and R N.V.R.,
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    • 613 2 BRITISH STORES DISPOSAL BOARD (SINGAPORE) TENDER NOTICE. By Order Of The Director Of Dispouk, Far Eastera Area (M.0.5.) 1. The British Stores Disposal Board. Singapore, U authorised to receive Tenders for the following stores Lot No. I— Plywood Casks Apprcx. 2,000 ServiceaDle The above located at Ex No 5 DrD,
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  • 14 3 now Straits Times piciurc ol tii' in ii at Joborc Bahru.
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  • 70 3 LILY TAN, Chinese wife of an I^diPn Musttm. Mchamed I yesterday tcld the Slnga|>or Coroner. Mr. W. O. Porttr, |>ov. a gang of armed robbers i into her house in Silit Ro:"» and &hot her and her hu.*bai d. Imsband died throe days I:.'' r.
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  • 38 3 doc. cO be maao übso-l-i in three nvjrJhs was granted I Joseph Br.teman Potter i his wife, yesterday by Mr. J i Worthy in the o.nsapore Suureme Court. Potter's petition was based ounds of desertior.
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  • 373 3 How S'pore Bread Ration Will Work Surplus Daily Sales After 4.30 p.m. WHEN bread comes on the ration card on Oct. 28, a purchaser must remember to collect it at his retailer's between the hours of 7 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. After that he is not entitled to his bread
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  • 278 3 IN THREE MONTHS NINE entries in all have been made into Messrs. Henry Waugh's godown at Trafalgar treet between the period July 23 and Sept. 28, this year, when a total of 8,320 yards of cloth valued at $10,000 were stolen. Thi.i was revealed
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  • 134 3 Naval Man Convicted On Arms Charge lAMES Shanl.y, a naval deserter yesterday pleaded guilty and was convicted before Mr. Paul Storr, the Singapore District Judge, to two charges of having possessed a revolver and five rounds of ammunition. The prosecuting officer stated that on the night of Oct. 2 the
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  • 141 3 DESCRIBED as a man wiio for eight years had been "under observation," A. E. Watson, a member of the Royal Marines, wa^ yesterday convicted by the District Judge, Mr. Paul Storr, on a charge of abetting James Shanley in th? offence of possession of a revolver.
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  • 406 3 DETAILS of the execution of three Australian airmen, survivors of a Catalina which crashed into the sea off Macassar, were related in the Australian War Crimes Court yesterday when Lt. Gen. Kumakichi Harada, Commander-in-Chief of the Japanese Forces in Java, who ordered
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  • 78 3 Fifty enlarged photographs showing the post-war ranges of British-made goods from kitchen knives to a hand-model vacuum cleaner which are now beln? shown at the "Britain Can Make It" exhibition at try? Victor a and Albert Museum. London, wi 1 be on display a t Robinson's
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  • 24 3 Todays menu at Peoples Restaurants in Singapore will be: rice; chicken or rabbit stew or chicken kruma; yam beans and chye huay.
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  • 367 3 Counsel Questions Authority Of War Crimes Dept. pEFENDING, P. P. Webb, Inv spector of Police, who appear°d in the Second District Court, b fore. Mr. T.T. Russell, yesterday on charges of causing hurt, Mr. P. F de Souza, stated that h e believed that the War Crimes Investigation Department which
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 263 3 PILE CARPETS TO U. K. ■-i for 12 x 12\ Bs. 289 8 f i 12' x 9,' H. 217 2 for 9' x 9. R". M U for V x 4. lls 44 7 for C x 3 1 of all charges for froi -ht, lnnnd for.vardin? unto any
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    • 87 3 PRICE CONTROL All dealers who wi h to continue dealing in price Controlled goods shou d send in ihelr licence application forms to the Assistant Price Controller of the area in which th:ir premises are situated before 20th October, 194 C. If application forms are not received by this date
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    • 233 3 BEAUTY PREPARATIONS from LEADING BRITISH HOUSES at ATTRACTIVE PRICES The finest and m^/^i. Ift I '/leu, J&k r a^ J theSC V m\ \m 1 SPKCJ AT V Jc i "4\ *fJt' ft MERLON Face Powders PRICE $1.75 Lipsticks $2.25 Rouge $1.50 Eye Shadow $1.50 Talc Powder $1.00 Hand Cream
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  • 27 4 *milv of th» tat* Mr. Frank Mm tin R'>wd»wvn »i»h to rr.nvrv tlNtl m aril f th" fnn*ral a.« »h i «<>nt wresrhs and I riff
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  • 897 4 The Straits Times Singapore. Tues. Oct. 15. 1946. Anybody's Guess In Rubber The announcement that there Is to be a free market In rubber from the beginning of next year except in so far as the British Government may nttempt to prevent speculation in Mincing Lane and possibly also in
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  • 255 4 There was onr point in Mr Tan Cheng Lock's speech at Malacca last Friday which must surely have impressed the Gov-ernor-General as a very reasonable one, and that was his criticism of what is believed to be the Intended procedure for dealing with the recommendations of
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  • 948 4  -  OM. GREEN By In The Observer, London AN Sept. 11, 1945, General V Mac Arthur hoisted the Stars and Stripes over the U.S. Embassy in Tokio. For the first time in hietory the "holy soil" of Nippon lay at the proud foot of
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  • Man In The Street
    • 229 4 IN the Straits Times of Oct. 12 it is stated that the Government of the Malayan Union has made an official reulv to the charges made by me tir.t the Government had rendered no assistance to the rubber producing industry. The official reply quoted
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    • 169 4 WE have been urged to set an exaniDle of cheerfulness to one ar other. We have been urged to grow more food We have been urged to avoid the black market. But I do not believe that anybody has told us to paint our buildings and thus bring
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    • 249 4 RECENTLY I was informed at a Cold Storage depot j that sale of butter was meant only for Europeans, in spite of the fact that I am a registered holder. Has it ever occurred to the powers concerned that the poor Asiatic living In his own country on
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    • 196 4 MY brother, aged 16 years, was taken from the Orel Road concentration camp after the fall of Singapore, and to this day his parents still cherish a faint hope of his surviving in some wild and uncivilised country. A few days bark a friend told mo that he
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    • 519 4 "The Mind Of Every Planter" I THINK when Mr. 8. B. Palmer spoke in the Malayan Union Advisory Council in Kuala Lsm.)ur recently on the attitude of the Government towards the rubber industry he spoke the mind of every rubber planter in i!. country. I for one fully endorse his
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 808 4 IMRIT f >ti (Kt. 2nd at Penang M ItJ HonpitKl. to Knthiern Mary (nee Oowim. «ife of K(»nneth CXiWmui linr,» a daughter A and MA7ILPA. daughter*! \4 A OARRIFI. .1 P. »nd the KONIII.A GABRrET, of Klang and AI.RTtN arid CYRIL sons of MX A- MM I A D'BOUZA of
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    • 37 4 PERFECT VISION NAPPY LIVIN6. Guard your only pair of eyef. Should you pxp*>rlp;irp th* 1 slitthtest pyp discomfort, have them warained OBOWI O D P P.O.C. Ia i jil'llH 111 1 1 if 1 1 4 I
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    • 31 4 fV J\r has just received Hollywood Xs)& Playsuits, Swimsuits, Plastic Shoes and Casuals ■t THE LITTLE SHOP, RAFFLES HOTEL. E w\sj/V est ater a^ s Supplied at llhli 21.CHUUAST. s'ppxTySr I
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  • 346 5 S'pore Chinese Merchants Cable Siam Move To Procure More Rice WITH a view to helping Government to procure more rice from Siam for Singapore, local Chinese rice importers have sent urgent cables xo merchants in Bangkok, asking for "inside" information on the rice situation there. If the required information received
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  • Article, Illustration
    42 5 In orUir to alleviate the congestion in rar parks in the tintre of Singapore town. Military Police notices have been tvected in Collyer Quay, Battery Road and Raffles Place prohibiting the parking of heavy War Deoartment vehicles In parks in those areas.
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  • 78 5 Paratroopers To Play Rugby In Singapore COLONEL Roy Leyland, England international centre-half, will captain a team of the 13th. Paracflute Battalion in a rußby match against the Singapore Cricket Club on the padang oe Thursday. The match is outside the Cricket Club's fixture list. Members of the 13th. Pararhutc Battalion
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  • 50 5 The first trial in the new pro i fabricated courthouse in the precincts of Cnangi gaol opened yesterday when a Korean guard. Kioshi Kaneoka. was charged with the ill-treatment of PoWs resulting in the death of some ar.d physical suffering to mar* The trial is proceeding.
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  • 233 5 DETAINED for more than three weeks by Indonesian officials in B-?ngkalis. Sumatra, and employed for their own requirements, the 185-ton Ho Hong Steamship Company trader Hong Thong, plying between Singapore and Bagan Si Api Apt, has returned to Singapore after being finally released last
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  • 75 5 Sgt. Major Yamajauchi Teruo, a Japanese soldier recently sentenced to death for war ciimes will be hanged at 10 a.m. en Saturday, Oct. 19 at Joh:re Bahru gaol. Th s will be the first hangin? of a Japanese war criminal at Johore cShru, and the
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  • 284 5 Dea th For Ca rrying Arms In S'pore FUND guilty of carrying a revolver which was loaded with four rounds of live ammunition, a 37-year-old Teochew, Heng Bak Chang, was sentenced to death by hanging yesterday by Mr. Justice Thorogood at the Singapore Assizes. This is the first case in
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  • 120 5 ACCUSED of the unlawful killing of 28 civilians of Miri. Capt. Kasai, chief of the Miri kempeitai and nine of his men are being tried before Lt. Col. R. L. l e Gallais In the Third War Crimes Court at th e Victoria Memorial Hall. Major S.
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  • 44 5 Rev. S. M. Collier, who is on his way to take up duties as Archdeacon of Penang, is in Singapore. He will be pleased to see friends from Sarawak and Labuan at Cathedra! Charter House between 5 and 6 p m. today.
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  • 41 5 FIRE-WALKING IN SINGAPORE The annual fire- walking ceremony at the South Riidge Road temple was held yesterday. Thi s Straits Times picture shows an Indian devotee garlanded «/i th flowers and carrying a plant in his hands walking on glowing emtnvs.
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  • 644 5 INCIDENTS on board a hospital ship anchored in Singapore harbour on Sept. 2, in which a British officer Is alleged to have used insubordinate language to his superior officer and to have assaulted a military policeman and some i.O.Rs. had a sequel yesterday at the
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  • 337 5 BURMA wants to purchase 4,000 tons of edttrte oil from Malaya and negotiations over the price are to be conducted in Singapore during the next few days. This was disclosed by U Ba Pc, the Burmese Minister for Commerce, in an interview with
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  • 168 5 'Someth ing A bout The Chinese THE Cnmn Of wal, Mr. Malcolm MarConald. paid the following tribute to the Chinese of Matova when lie spol;e at the dinner in his honour given by the Malacca Chinese community on Friday: "Since com nc fo Malaya I have been more than ever
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  • 76 5 JAMILAN BIN DALAN, deSCrited as a Javanese who had b.on brought to S. 1 gapo: e ficm Java by the Japs, was yesterday ccnv cted by Mr. Paul Sloir o:i three charges of homebreaking md theft on Sept. 7 and 11 ar. Raeburn Park and Spot.iswool
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  • 21 5 Dr j. N. Dugdale returned from leave on Saturday rrul will be going back to Joh^c- Bahru.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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  • 76 6 Daylight Robbery In Malacca From Our Own Correspondent Malacca, Monday. A DAYLIGHT robbery took place at Limbongan, Malacca, yesterday morning when three men, one of them armed with a pistol, entered a Chinese house and took away some cash and jewellery. This is the second case of daylight robbery reported
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  • 228 6 Penang Un ion President i Urges Buyers 9 Strike From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Mon. TOVERNMENT servants and mercantile employees perform the same type of work and both should be granted the same privileges as far as possible, Mr. N. Ponnudurai, President of the Penang
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  • 95 6 Kuala Lumpur. Monday. CHOKAPPA Rettiar, proprietor of an Indian store in Camp Road, Port Swettenham. was fined $200 in the Klan? Police Court on a charge of falsely denying that he had controlled goods in stock. It was stated by Mr. E. Field. Assistant
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  • 113 6 From Our Own Correspondent SEREMBAN. Mon. THE entertainment that we are being given tonight is an example of Chinese hospitality. The Chinese, as you all agree, always had a reputation for hospitality and th c N.s. Chinese can take a firm place in the front You
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  • 87 6 KUALA LUMPUR Mon A COMMITTEE, under the chairmanehip of Mr. Lee Kirn Thian has been formed in Klang to look after the 1,800 Chinese refugees who ha/c arrived in Pulau Ketam and Kuala Selangor from Sumatra as a result of the unrest in Indonesia. The refugees
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  • 93 6 KUALA LUMPUR, Mjd. UISS P.I. Digwood has been M appointed State Rural Welfare Worker for Penang and Province Wellesley. she has a very wide experience of Social Welfare Work, both In India and Mala* a. She is on the stall of the Ar«.a Welfare Officer, and
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  • 222 6 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. OBJECTION to the term dresser being used was raised at a meeting of the Hospital Assistants and Dressers Association, Malayan Union, held in Kuala Lumpur on Saturday. It was stated that the term dresser was a stigma and a
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 364 6 classified! advertisements Classified SmalU SI 25 i>. r line Mm Charge S5 Put.lir Notices lII per single column inch Personal Domestic S?.:.l> n**r line Alin Charge Sl« Bti average words compriu jn« ai«c AdvertmrmrnU may be wci by poal i.^miunird ti» remittance r'or information trlcpbone %«vertlru« Manacrr. M?l or write
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    • 407 6 i SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL 5c i DFBENTURE STOCK 1926/55-66. NOTICE is hereby given that tnc Transfer Books of the above Stock will be closed from 17th October to Ist November 1946. both days inclusive, for the preparation of Interest Warrants in respect of interest due on the above Stock for the
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    • 805 6 MISCELLANEOUS RED BREAILrAST require U<r Australian business gM. Not too lar cut of city. Box ■i«4. ST. PUPPIES delivered by air to Singa'xjre. Cost. Inducting freight. (Australian money for the following pedigreed puppies, 8 weeks old. Alsatians; Bull. Airedale. Scotch and Wire Haired Fox r -.Triers: Collies; Oalmatians; males at
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    • 432 6 GENUINE CROOKES* B 2 SUNGLASS Cor Safe and Comfortable Vi-.mii. STOCKS NOW AVAII.ABII DAH SIN OPTICAL MOUSE 325. North Bridge Koad. Singapore. Phone 62*4. I 8-DAY ENGLISH LEVER OFFICE CLOCKS 12" DIAL $65.00 Orders can lie accepted noiv for delivery in 6-8 vxeks. NO DEALERS MOTION SMITH SON. 11. BATTERY
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 676 6 The declarer safeguarded his raise. (If partner has three wincontract in today's deal through ners he i s not ap 1 to require urga very sample maneuver. ing to enter th^ auction.) East dealer West opened his top card in Neither side vulnerable Ws partner's heart suit, and East captured
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  • Around The Markets
    • 349 7 By Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Wed. CTRAITS Traders changed hands in the local share market this morning at $16. The last business in these shares was done at $17. The weakening of the shares is attributed to the fact that no statement has been
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  • 252 7 TJEPPEH, which had drawn some J interest on Friday, failed to keep up Its activities during the week-end, says »he Chinese press. A sudden suspension of purebase by European firms haa (mused a decline in prices, following Friday's absorption of some 109 tons of stock for Europe. Saturday's
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  • 87 7 CLEVELAND Monday. The Magazine Steel says there are inti casing signs that the United States government is preparing to scrap present wage and price control. Steel says among factors which should bring early clarification of the administration's altered philosophy in regaia to stabilisation. are statements made recently by
    AP  -  87 words
  • 38 7 According to the American Automobile Manufacturers' Assoc.ation, Britain is exporting one of every two motor-cars which she makes as against a pre-war one In five. America is exporting on P in every 20 says A P. from Detroit.
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  • 17 7 The output of Talam Mines for August was 399 p.culs and for September 369 plcuL
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  • 194 7 LONDON, Saturday. The Londen Rubber Secretariat monthly statistical bulletin estimates (in long tons) is as foUows: World production of natural rubber: June 60,000. July 80.000, August 85 OCO Total exports from principal territories: June 60,000. July 80.000 August 105.000. Of the August total export, It is estimated
    Reuter  -  194 words
  • 110 7 (By Oar Market Correspondent) SINGAPORE, Monday. /COMMENTING on the discussions at present beinc conducted in London regarding speculative b«y--in c it was stated in Singapore this morning that dealing in futures to essential to the restoration of normal rubber trading. "One Government restriction leads to another,"
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  • 163 7 Direct exchange rates as fixed oy me Control are: READY RATES SELLING T.T./O.D. New York ..47-18 Canada 47-1,16 Switzerland H 203-1 4 Holland Guilders 125-1,8 N.E.I. 125-18 Swedish Kroner 169-1,2 Belgium 2063-1.4 French Francs 5021-112 Wesos 04-7 8 Danieh Kroner 226-114 BUYING Air Mail New York T.T. 47-1 2
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  • 313 7 pHIPS positions in Singapore ester day were: MAIN WHARF Godown 31-32: Lycaon. Godown 32-33: Pentakota, loading 3tores for Melbourne. Godown 35-36: Fort Frederick, discharging stores. Godown 40: Kolam. Godown 41: Darvel. loading stores for British North Borneo. Godown 42-43: Carthage, embarking personnel for Bombay. WEST WHARF
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 581 7 NOTICE. Tho public are hereby notified that the Poochow Coffee Trading Co.. Ltd. has removed to 17. Albert Btreet. as fium 15th October. IM6. aU letters shall be addressed to Its new address. FOOCHOW COFFEE MERCHANTS TRADINO CO, LTD. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Tendcrv will be receivea at Uie Office of the
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    • 269 7 SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY. Tenders are Invited for the supply a Course Sharp Sand for Concrete to tin Singapore Municipality for the year 1947. Tender forms may be obtained at the Municipal Secretariat on payment of 50 cents for each form. A Municipal Treasury Receipt for $50 must be produced with each
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    • 442 7 PRESIDENT LINE Sailtafft NEW YORK via India aad Mediterranean Ports MARINE LEOPARD* la fort MARINE FLIKR* due Ort. t*th MOUNT DAVIB* due Nov. 12th MOUNT ROGERS* 1u« Nov. 2Mb •Freirht Only For Freight and Passenrers Apply AMERICAN PRESIDENT LINES, LTD. Union Itldc. I els: 622K b'757 J WATERMAN LINE U.S.
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    • 253 7 Mansfield Co., Ltd. llDorpurslea is Singapore} BLUE FUNNEL LINE Sailings to ana from United Kingdon Glenapp Dm from U.K. 15th (x-t. Samite sail* for U.K. 23rd Oct. Samjack salla for U.K. 25th Oct Prometheus sails for U.K. 29th Oct. Western Australia rhr <hort«a) «c» route at <b« ebeapes* rat* Single
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 360 7 SINGAPORE TIDES TODAY: High water: 1.14 a.m. 9 ft 3 in. 954 p.m 9 ft 5 in. TOMORROW: Hirh water: 2.05 a.m 8 ft 7in; 1.31 p.m. 9 ft 2 in. News Headlines 8.32 p.m. Listener's 8.40 pm. Interlude; 8.45 p.m. Pacts RADIO MALAYA Post 90 P m H rry
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  • 344 8 I'l.K I li, Mon. CCORING 208 before he was bowled, Hammond dominated v the final day's play of the match between the M.C.C. and Western Australia. The visitors totalled 477 and had a lead of 111 when their innings closed. West Australia had lost one for
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  • 91 8 THE S.C.C. Rugby team to pla> the H.Q. 2nd Div. Signals on the padang this aftrrnoon will be: D. M. Scward: J. J Bell, XV. E. Grieve. F. L. Morris, J. Fulton; C Milton, H. B. Wilson; W. J. Todd, J. n. Wheeler (Capt.). K. N. Wils in,
    91 words
  • 222 8 Barnes And Compton As Spectators SYDNEY. (By Air Mail). INTERESTED spectator at the match between the M.CC. and western Australia, on th--opening day was Sid. Barnes who is to play in the Combined side against the M.CC on Thursday, Friday and Saturday this wefk Barnes is staying at the sains
    222 words
  • Article, Illustration
    61 8 English Test cricketers fojnd P lenty to eat when they were entertained at a barbecue by the Mayor of Northam (Cr. F. Hammond) after the first day 's nJav against the local team. Spin bowler Peter Smith, who had a rood day at th« wickets, also had a good time
    61 words
  • 103 8 LONDON. Sun. l ATEST developments in ir>£ threatened strike of English Football League professionals that the Football League mar. agement committee has prepared tho statement asked for by thi Ministry of Labour who requeo f ?r' the committee's comment ja the demands of the Player's Umn This
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • 79 8 ST. LOUIS, Man. RECOVERING from a shaky start, Pitcher Harry Brecheen of the St. Louis Cardinals turned buck the Boston Red Sox nn Sunday to win his second game in the 1946 World T im, four to one. The series deciding the American baseball championship is
    AP  -  79 words
  • 94 8 The draughts match between AngloSaxon Petroleum Co. IE) Ltd and Ck>Vfrnment Treasury on Saturday resulted In a win by four points for the lormtT as follows: ASP. Co. (E) Ltd: Lim Chen Bak 3 pts; Tay Chong Ann 3 pts; Cmia Chin Chye 4 pts; Koh Hock Chye
    94 words
  • 230 8 WESTERN AUSTRALIA— Ist Inns. Bigg c Edrich b Smith U L'dward c Hardstaff b Smith 43 RobiiiM>n c Wright b Smith J6 Barras c Washbrook b Wright 10 l>att lbw Wright 85 Herbert c Hammond b Wright 53 Lan*don lbw b Wright 19 Kessry not out 44 O'Dwyer b
    Reuter  -  230 words
  • 43 8 HAMBURG, Mon. A BRITISH Combined services team defeated a Danish army XI by five goals to nil, in an association football game here on Sunday. The halftime score was three-nil. Scorers were Duggan three and Bailey two. A. P.
    43 words
  • 191 8 LONDON, Mon. THE Cesarewitch first lefr- of the big autumn double is as tricky a handicap as usual, so it is not surprising there are differences of opinion among Sunday's newspaper correspondents as to what will win. The majority go for the Irish importation. Tony Lumpkin, which
    Reuter  -  191 words
  • 37 8 ALL S.R.C. hockey players a:c f reminded that entries for tlit club's six-a-side tournament clc.v at 5 p.m. to-morrow. Mr. R. Mm Joot, the convenor, can be contacted at the Municipality or at the club.
    37 words
  • 180 8 IN an exciting finish at St. George's Road on Sunday, C.R.E. 162 Works gained a narrow victory over H.M.S. Sultan Staff C.P.Os. by two runs. The scores were: C.R.E. Davison b. Thornton 0 Rodrigues c. Ilott b Hcward 23 Tyndall c. Ilott b. Martin
    180 words
  • 469 8 Letters To The Sports Editor Community Team Must Play In Cup WITH reference to the recent dissension between the S.C.F.A. and one of its affiliated clubs, the Chung Hwa Football Association, in matters relating to the Victory Cup competition, I trust that they will come to an understanding before-•• the
    469 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 436 8 GfvipnG^PHOflf^aao?^ lipriuiiK Tudsy: 3.15— fi.1%— 9 15 ::»rojtiii. Mm Mott A Shankev V.i>.te in :;!ADHO BAN SARI 1 (Hlndißtanl) Thrills! Mort- AcMHal Released thru United Exhibitors Syndicate. Next rhnn*r: "SUMMER BTOUM" i -la D«rnpl Ocorgc Sanders. Opa*i( TO-DAY: 3 P.M. -7-9. 15 I'M. NAT LEVINS presents Ahmlvt MOM tlirilU'r jammed
      436 words
    • 251 8 HERE'S ANOTHER GAY COMEDY OPENING TODAY AT THE 4 SHOWS 1. 30 -4 -6. 30-9. 3O P.M. John Sutton Is A "Love Doctor" Full Of Theories About Marriages! Her hubby told WL r her to get her- MmA^^±*J »elf o hobby. Mtl^^J^BW^^^^. ■F>^SF yfiy IYNNBARIJOHfiSUnOH -DAM Tr^^jß^JL^ »ACON K>TCI
      251 words