The Straits Times, 14 October 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 165 1 Jinnah Sends Letter To Viceroy NEW DELHI, Sunday. MR. Jinnah, President of the Muslim League, today sent a letter to the Viceroy of India, Field-Marshal Viscount YVavell, announcing that the League had decided to participate in the Interim Indian Government. An announcement said the Muslim League
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  • 263 1 TIN STUDY GROUP PROPOSED LONDON, Saturday. IJEPRESENTATIVES of eight IV countries at the International Tin Conference, which has been sitting in London since Tuesday, are to recommend to their Governments the establishment, as soon as possible, of an international tin study group, making full use of the existing statistical services.
    Reuter  -  263 words
  • 55 1 BANGKOK, Sat. The S.anRice Commission revealed today that October obligations for nc? .shipments had already been lulrtlled. according to a statement by the Slam Vepresentative at the Singapore liaison confereure. The rice was being loaded iv* and was expected to reach deficit countries before the end
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  • 133 1 Navy's Future In Far East LONDON, Sun.— The naval wt ration in the Far East generally is the subject of much speculation, states the Sunday Times today in a message from its Peking representative. Ring to tne visit to Pc- Vice-Admiral Sir Donis Bind. Commander-ln-Chlef of the British Pacific Fleet,
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  • 77 1 Ship Ablaze In Atlantic NEW YORK. Sun— Four persons were today known to have been killed and eight others seriously burned in the 3,889-ton Swedish .ship Kristina Thorden when it caught fire in mid-At-lantic Information received from the United States coastguard today disclosed that the tire burned for 36 hours
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  • 28 1 WASHINGTON, Sun. —The I tiled States has sent a note to Moscow requesting that Russia shall wind up her $11,000,000,000 lend-lease account, informed government officials have disclosed. —Ji.P.
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  • 179 1 PARIS, Sunday. FRENCH voters went to the polls today to decide the fate of the tripartite Government's new constitutional draft in a nation-wide referendum the second vote within five months. Polling places opened at 8 a.m. and remained open until 6 p.m. Early voting in Paris was
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  • 297 1 BATAVIA, Sunday. OUTAN SJAHRIR, Premier of the Indonesian Re- public, and Prof. Willem Schermerhorn, head of the Dutch Commission-General, will renew truce committee discussions tomorrow morning, with a full plenary session to follow later in the day. Diplomatic officials expressed hope that an "important announcement"
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  • 216 1 Doubts Of The Future Of Synthetic WASHINGTON, Sunday. GOVERNMENT experts pretl dieted yesterday that there would be enough demand for synthetic rubber to keep United States plants operating at capacity for the next six months, despite the growing supplies of natural rubber. They differed somewhat on prospects after that. Some
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  • 64 1 JERUSALEM, Sun— Dr. Hussein Khalidi and Ahmed Hilmy Pasha, members of the Palestine Arab Higher Committee, left Jerusalem yesterday on a one week's visit to Egypt. Although they said their visit was not concerned with politics, the possibility that they might meet the Mufti of Jerusalem,
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  • 46 1 Lord Justice Laurence, who presided over the trial of the Naxi leaders at Nuremberg seen (left) shaking hands with the Lord Chancellor, Lord Jowitt, on his return to Britain. In the centre is Mr. Justice Birkett, also a member of the Nuremberg tribunal.
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  • 189 1 SAN FRANCISCO, Sunday. FE death occurred here yesterday of Gen. Joseph Stilwell, the famous American commander of the China, Burma and India theatre during the recent war and hero of the Burma campaign. He underwent an operation earlier this month. WHile in the hospital Gen. Stilwell
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  • 760 1 LONDON, Sunday. IT was announced last night that the Aquitania was to make a special sailing to New York towards the end of October, carrying the British delegation to the meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers headed by the British Foreign Secretary,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 92 2 WINCHESTER, Sat.— Mrs. Sarah Fitt, of Complon, near Winchester, Hants, thought to be the oldest person in Britain is 108 today. She received hundreds of congratulatory messages, including a telegram from the King and Quvcn One of the first messages to arrive was a cablegram from friends
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  • 522 2 Gen. StilwelVs Part In Liberation SAN FRANCISCO, Sunday. TEN. Joseph Stilwell, who died here yesterday at the age of 63, was known affectionately to his men as "Uncle Joe" and "Vinegar Joe." He was born in Florida and graduated from the United States Military Academy at
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  • 265 2 Nationalists Push On From Kalgan PEKING, Sunday. GOVERNMENT armies, flusiiU cd.with the capture of Ka'gan, the Communist stronghold, are concentrating, on lifting the siege of Paoting and reopening the PekingKalgan railway, which the National military authorities boast they can do within a week. The Communists have not yet officially acknowledged
    AP  -  265 words
  • 31 2 LONDON. Sat.— The War Ottlce announced today that Brn<. W. S Tope, Director of Mecna.iloal Engineering, General Headquarters, Middle East, had been app<?ir.ted Director of Mechanical Engineer ing, War Office.— Reutei.
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  • 114 2 LONDON, Sat.— Renewed efforts to sc le the strike of London hotel catering staffs, who are demanding trade union recognition, were made today as the stoppage entered its fifth day with 12 hotels, five restaurants and one social club now affected. One more hotel the Cumberland—the Lansdowne
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  • 59 2 WASHINGTON, Sat. Mr Henry Wallace, who was dismissed .rom the United States Cabinet for speaking out against the Administration's foreign policy, announced today that he had ac cepted the editorship ji tta New Republic magazine so that he could say "exactly what I think at a tim^when the bipartisan bloc
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  • 203 2 PARIS, Sunday. THE Peace Conference com pleted its work on tlv> Hungarian peace treaty early today. Among the final acts on the last of the treaties for the Balkan satellites of Germany, the Conference voted to free the Hungarian section of the Danube river to commerce
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  • 128 2 JOHANNESBURG, Sat. The Rev. Michael Scott, the Anglican clergyman who has taken part in the passive resistance movemert in South Africa, today said that passive resistance leaders "strongly condemned"' the attack oft Mr. Y. C. Mia, who was yesterday assaulted by five Indians in a
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  • 98 2 HERFORD, Sat.— Werner Rohder, a doctor in Natzweiler concentration camp, who admitted giving lethal injections to four British women agents who parachuted into France, died on the scaffold with eleven other war criminals in the British zon c of Germany yesterday. The hangman of the
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  • 39 2 London. Sat. Britain has been reminded that 1 jesday is the latest day for posting parcels and surface mail to reach South-East Asia Command, South-East Asia Air Force j and Hong Kong in time for Christmas. Reuter.
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  • 203 2 LONDON, Saturday. IN response to an urgent re- quest from Sir Frederick Furrows, Governor of Bengal, Air Marshal Sir Roderick Carr, Air Officer Command-ing-in Chief, India, has sent aircraft to Calcutta to transport food and grain to the famine-stricken population in the Dacca and Chittagor.g areas. Service
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 373 2 BEITER and MORE IJKSTING PERM BY EUROPEAN EXPER'I MAISON MODERNE 126. Orchard Road. SINGAPORE (Opposite Oxley Road) Just Arrived BRITISH MADE WHITE MOSQUITO NETTING 90' WIDE $2.30 per yard Limited Quantity Only Single Nets Require 7 Yards Double 9i Yards Order Strictly By Rotation CHOP NAM KEE 164, Victoria Street,
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    • 641 2 NOTICE. NOTICE to hereby given that by an Agreement of Sale dated the 9th day ot October, IM6 entered Into between M^^« Pappa Amma of No. 173 and r. 5 Kallang Road, Singapore of the one part and Teo Peck Seng of No. 26 Sumbawa Road. Singapore of the other
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    • 1175 2 LIST OF GOVERNMENT LICENSED BREAD RETAILERS "A" DIVISION. 1. Chan Cher Seng 147, Boat Quay 3. Tan Yong Luaa 137. Boat Quay. 3. Chin Joo Bee 75 New Bridge Road 4. Lee Buan Sim 14. Upper Hokkiei. Strret 5. So Hang Chit J6-27. Pekin Street Ang Ke Joo 76. Cecil
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  • 545 3 A ustralian Colonel 's Evidence At Trial "1 DOUBT if any men in history have ever been treated as badly as the men of *F Force; by the time I returned to Changi nearly 60 per cent, of the British and 30 per cent,
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  • Article, Illustration
    41 3 The type of houses which are now nearing completion for the Army in Napier Road, Singapore. Th ese local equivalent of pre-fa-bricated houses are cool and M v» a loiik way to alleviate the housing shortage a mong troops in Singapore.
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  • 112 3 From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Sat. THE position of a general labour union or federation was clarified today in an ofti- rial statement which says that such a union or federation must either submit its rules for registration as a trade union to the Registrar
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  • 224 3 From Our Own Correspondent BATAVIA, Sun. A DECISION has been reacted n between the Department of Traffic and Communications at Batavia and private railway companies operating in Java and Sumatra for all railways in these areas to be operated from a central organisation. It
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  • 110 3 (DELEGATES to the South-Easi Asia liaison officers' food conference in Singapore were entertained to dinner at Government House last night. Those r>resent besides the Governor, Sir Franklin Gimson, were Mr. U Ba Pc, Mr. U Them Pe. Mr. v Myat Tun, Mr. Claude Massey, Mr. and
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  • 212 3 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. THE Victoria Institution, Kuala Lumpur, was officially reopened by the Governor of the Malayan Union. Sir Edward Gent, on Friday evening. There was a large attendance. including many old boys of the school who had come from
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  • 94 3 Mr. M. M. AlsagofT writes on the Muslims Boys' Home as follows: M--. Ma/is proposal and philanthropic spirit is commendable,. For his information I wish to bring to his notice that the Committee of the Muslim Trust Fund Association have been running an Orphanage at 80. Lorong
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  • 263 3 S'pore Reaction To Free Rubber Market News By Our Market Correspondent. ri announcement of termination of international control of the allotment of rubber, to take effect from Jan. 1 next, was the feature of the week. A free rubber market in 1947 is taken to connote the full resumption of
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  • 181 3 S'pore Claims On Property In Europe DERSONS resident in Singapore and firms and other bodies constituted or incorporated under the laws of the Colony who own property in Bulgaria, Finland, Hungary or Rumania, are invited to furnish particulars of any claim for restoration or compensation for loss or damage they
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  • 70 3 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. A CHARITY cinema show will be held at the Queen's cinema, Penang, on Oct. 15 in aid of the Malayan Welfare Fund. Two volumes of the publication, "The Royal Family In Wartime," autographed by five Governors, the
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  • 27 3 The next Y.W.C.A. fortr.ight!v meeting will be held on Thursday at 5.15 p.m. at Fort Canning Road. Col. Tours will speak on "Food Problems of the Day."
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 638 3 TRADE Tins journal 'eatures the complete range of British goods available for early shipment. 11l Mini [)> Ot BARGAINS IN mil ISSt'K Subscription '1 shillings per annum (12 tames) runted in English language. Imnnrtors and Traders are invited to subscribe THK PUBLISHKR. 'TRADE" 82-94 Seymour Place. London, W.I. Rnrland NEW
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    • 467 3 SALE BY TENDER. The Custodian of Enemy Property. Malayan Union, invites tenders for the purchase of the property spe-tfled hereundor and located: AT THE TONGKANO YARD, AI.OK STAB, KEDAH Item Description 1. One Tongkang fixed with Diesel Engine (Incomplete). marked B.M.A. 3. 2. One Barge in fair condition without engine
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    • 661 3 SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY. Tenders are Invited for the supply or Course Sharp Sand for Concrete to the Singapore Municipality for the year 1947. Trnder forms may be obtained at the Municipal Secretariat on payment of 50 cents for each form. A Municipal Treasury Receipt for $50 must be produced with each
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  • 99 4 < LAN AH KNAd .ut Ev.ey 1 1.1 Neot passed away peact'fu.iy >»t ftuEiKoon Road on Oct. 13. mo lairing behind :ie»- beloved hi.sband; live sons, Chan Chme Hoe. •n. Swee Lee, Swce i-uin. iiin; four d<"-.ic!i!ers-i:i-law; 3 daughters. Meo Slang. Mcl Hung, Dr in. Mcl Chrng. Mcl Klal.
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  • 886 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Mon. Oct. 14, 1946. The Malacca Chinese The Governor-General has been the guest of the Malacca Chinese twice within the last ten weeks, and on each occasion he has heard pronouncements on the Malayan Union which must have given him cause for yet further reflection on
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  • 182 4 The Dutch In The W est Indies NEW YORK, Saturday. WHILE conditions in the Netherlands East Indies remain disturbed and the future uncertain, the Dutch are pushing ahead with big -chimes of development in Surinam, their We*t Indian territory. Work is being on the territory's huge bauxite depos'.s, which
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  • 702 4 AT Littleboro, Lanca- shire, the countryside tells a century of cotton history. There are the old cottages, where women used to hand out hand-woven cloth to merchants on horseback in return for more yarn to weave into more cloth. There is the 100-year-old red brick mill, which
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    • 314 4 THE publicity you give to th*> activities of the black market is highly commendable. That it has been productive of fruitful results is evidenced by the price lists advertised from time to time in your paper by some of the old-established firms.
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    • 148 4 MAY 1 plead for something to be done about the ever increasing maddening noises at night. •Ye are all more or less victims of this "Raging Peace" ar.d suffering from war-shattered nerves. Wt have traffic control: why not noise control? Could there not be a noise curfev
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    • 263 4 ris an ironical fact thai here in Malaya owners of Ctfa have to take precautions to prevent their preciou> tyres from being filched, while at Uie same time thousands of tons of the ray material were recently unexportable because of a rubber "surplus." America during her rubber
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  • 670 4 TWO statements have just been made on the present position and future of the Japanese textile industry which will interest British textile interests (writes a special correspondent of the Manchester Guardian.) One is by Mr. Stanley Nehmer. t.ircutive secretary to the International Textile Mission to Japan,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 805 4 KTTXI.A and MATILDA, daughters fi Dr. M. A GABRIEL J.P. and the h te PETRONILLA GABRIEL of Kiang AIS 1 IN and CYRIL sons of MR. A- MRS. E. A. D'SOUZA of Singapore will be united In Wedlock of Holy I ony at the Church of OUR 1 Al)'/
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    • 44 4 We undertake servicing and repairs of ROL E X ETE R N A G AMMETER and OR I S watches only, we regret we cannot accept other makes. First shipments of waterproof genU *rLstwatches have arrived. /6 f Collyer Quay,' Open 10 12 a.m.
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    • 102 4 R.V. MEYER OPTICIAN rcllovj oi the i -an vie Opritnaimic Opticians 'England Fellow of the Wor«h pfu) conipanv of SDCctacJe-Makors i Ene; FTepman of tho Cits of London 6 RAFFLES PLACE n %99. i:rTLES> AMERICAN "TEXTILES 1 of Distinction lIKOAIHLOTH (WIBKIC < KM K DRAKRRH DIMMFLANNEL GABARDINE POPLIN PRINTCLOTH FJOIf
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  • 69 5 Tho tine Nuprfiiu- \!!i.d omnundcf, Lieut <ien. Sir >l- M(ai:ii Stopford. rave hridv away at the 'deling on Saturday of I dr. K B N. Hicks, I) S O KN at II M s Terror, and .li'iiior Commander Joan Mar i -.r. t Say. of
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  • 89 5 Taiping Children Given Cloth Pn in >ur '»v n C n c pondent TAIPING. Sat. T.ii lNc; Kbool-chUdren have d wi h two yard; 0} h h Dteen has been a King Edward VII Sthcx^l. and i :dv.c'' (1 to .-cNo'iiilartn at 15 c e nti per "l'-.te. Tin-
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  • 170 5 Fertility Of Soil Malaya's Greatest Asset Frem Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Sat. (•IGLRES in me toepiemuci Jauiletin of tne xtuuoti uccreiariat showing that Malayan exports in AUtfußi, 1946, amounted to 54, baa tons, compared with 20,527 in July and 17,735 in January this year have not altogether surprised the city
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  • 478 5 More Ships For Trade With Hong Kong Ho Hong Steamship's Plans For Future UAVING lost eight of its 12 ships through enemy action during the war, the Ho Hong Steamship Company, one of Singapore's youngest shipping firms, will shortly augment its depleted fleet with new vessels and thus re-establish its
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  • 120 5 QUESTIONS of taste axe to be considered by delegates from Indian temple management commHtes throughout Malaya at a Conference which is expected to be convened in the near future. The conference will decide on whether or not to permit temple entry for all Hindus irrespective of
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  • 472 5 14d Rubber: Govt. Breach Of Faith ASSOCIATING himself with views expressed last week at A the Malayan Union Advisory Council meeting regarding the (iovcrnmenl's rubber policy. Mr. Khoo Teik Ec, President of the Malayan Estate Owners Association, which represents Asiatic producers, in a statement to the Straits Times yesterday referred
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  • 22 5 Today's menu at People's Restaurants In Singapore will be: rice: fish curry; or masak asain; salad (cucumber, kangkonK): tomato sauce.
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  • 43 5 The Police Radio Squad, which Ls h'*lDing considerably in suppressing crime In Singapore, was inspected by Mr. R. E. Toulger, Commissioner of Police in Singapore 1 at the headquarters in the C. I. D. building in Robinson Road, yesterday morning.
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  • Article, Illustration
    40 5 Following the Govorn els decision to abolish rickshas next year, several hundred aged pullers arc to be repatriated. Each puller will receive a grant of SlOO from the Sin ap :e Trlsha-.vmen's Union in addition to ten yards of textiles
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  • 395 5 From Our .Musi. in I'orrespondcß ESTABLISHED in 1904 by the late Sycd Mohamed Alsacoff, the Muslim philanthropist who was popularly known as "Nonßchi.' 1 and reßiste cJ under the Compani s OrJinance, tJ><' MiiS-ini Trust Fund Association from a small beginning has crown tn be
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  • 74 5 The Malacca Y.W.C.A. has been revived and its membership is gradually returning to its prewar strength. The Club is unable to resume its activities in full however, on account of the lack of funds. Urgent needs are permanent premises, furniture and equipment. Th? a&>ocia'.ion s making an appeal
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  • 258 5 Police Fight 'Commercial' Crime Wave QINGAPORE busings nvn ij welcome the news of the tarly resuscitation oi one "f the most branches >t police work in Singapore tho commercial crime sub-brancli of the C.I.D. Despite shortage of stall- a disability which the branch sulfered from before the war it
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 215 5 NOTICE FORMIC ACID 90 0 NICE i|| Mil T S P European Estate Quality i> hrrrhi «i\fn that thr AnUgn or tiiidr n:aik cirpicted ..h -.!uU p op^rty lAS SIN n.SU COMPANY of No. 11. I'hill i i- t. BlagafMn l« wm4 I* thtm in re»p«>ct of Formic Acid r(1
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    • 204 5 B3INKMANN Ci, Insurance Department rf-pr* Sun Insurance Office Ltd The Liverpool London Globe Insurance Co. Ltd. Thames Mersey Marine Insurance Co. \Ad. Change Of Address: MONPAY. OCTOBER 14, 1946 ROOM, No. 6, SECOND LOOR Laidl-w Building Singapore. Tel. 7J30 Itf^^^ricelejj SECRET J now revealed! If vitality is fading and you
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  • 320 6 Services To Gel Out By End Of 1947 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. IF no unforeseen factors arise, it should be possible to derequisition 70 more properties by January 1947, another 85 by May 1947 and the balance of 10 by the end of the year,
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  • 83 6 From Our Own Correspondent Malacca, Sunday. THE distribution of textiles to the rural areas in Malacca has begun. Forty-five thousand yards are available for distribution to an estimated population of 61.000 persons. There are 18.000 families and allocation has been fixed at three yards per
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  • 68 6 From Our Own Correspondent. SEREMBAN. Sun. AT a special meeting of the A Automobile Association of Negri Sembilan and Malacca Mr. J. Wishart was elected chairman and Messrs. Stevenson, J. Brislin, Raja Azman Shah bin Raja Sir Chulan, Chin See Yin and A. S. Emmanuel were
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  • 219 6 Boy Offenders Bound Over In Taiping From Our Own Correspondent TAIPING, Sunday. IT is an absolute disgrace that 14 months after the re-occupation of Malaya, no reformatory school has yet been established in the country," stated Capt. J. Thin of the Taiping police in the Taiping Magistrate's Court on Thursday,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 211 6 PRICE CONTROL AU dealers who wish to continue dealing in price Controlled goods should send In their licence application forms to the Assistant Price Controller of the area In which their premises are situated before 20th October, 194 C If application forms are not received by this date there may
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    • 437 6 HOUSES. FLATS. ROOMS WANTED SENIOR officer urgently requires rent or buy house or bungalow furnished or unfurnished. Preferably 3 bedrooms. Any locality, preferably East. Box 460. ST. WANTED quickly board and lodgin,, by couple with two children. All offers considered. Please quote terms etc to Box No. 480, ST. MISCELLANEOUS
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    • 305 6 IvU^^jL^* p H^ From all Chemists Distributors: GRAFTON LABORATORIES LfO Telephone No. 7061. READY STOCK FOR SALE. 3 H.P. Master Pup Marine Enguie 454 HP. Super Pup Marine Engine 7/9 H.P. Twin Super Pup Marine Engine AU the above engines are complete with clutch, propeller, silencer, fuel tanks, propeller shafts
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    • 375 6 fIUVITfi TRIO TOM/C imwnocATio* urea inwittr haphk wutt g»y.*JU, EVERYBODY te EVERY HOMF SoU Importer! 'Mullard' VALVES FOR ALL RADIOS SEOW KUAN COMPANY Dhoby Ghaut. Singapore. Tel. 7787. H. M. de SOUZA. Sr M and SON, Ground Contractors. Too can not do better Tel. Noa 3*04 and 7126 at 18J,
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 675 6 Tr.ere were three important trump would hav c been far supe"situations" in today's deal, a n <l ror to the minor-suit contract, two of them were unfavorable to If West had happened to lead a the declarer. Nevertheless, high heart the five-diamond conthrough excellent planning he tract would have met
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  • Our Weekly Review
    • 833 7 By Our Market Correspondent DUSINESS in Malayan share markets during the week was in reduced volume and many quotations suffered in the tin and industrial sections, largely in sympathy with the continued weakness in New York and London stock markets. Dollar counters constituted thei bulk
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    • 778 7 Share quotations, as at Oct. 11 according to the Malayan crarebrokers Association i Singapore > were as follows. Bayer Alexandra Brickwork* Ords. $170 Alexandra Brickwork* Prefs. 2.60 Brit Malaya mwtc* Executor Co 00 Consolidated Tlo Smelters Ord. 22 6 do. Prefs. 26 '6 Eastero Unlfec Assurance 35 00
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    • 88 7 r pHE following are the Best rates quoted by members of the Malayan Ex- change Banks Association: SELLING. BUYING T.T. O D. T.T. O.D. 30 *60 d s :•<> d/S. londuii 2 4 18 2 4 7 32 2 4 14 2 4 5 16 H 11
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    • 183 7 LOCAL MARKET ACTIVE THE pepper market was very active on Friday, owing to keen buyers for America. Brokers were busy, but sellers were reserved. Prices ar» likely to go further. Friday's quotation*: Mun.ok white $110 p r p.cul, Slbu white first quality $11* per ptenl, Segatuat white $105 per picul.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 877 7 GOVERNMENT NOHFICATWN Tenders will be received at the Office of the Director of Public Works. Sintapore. up to noon of the 19th October. i' 4» for the following work: Supply and delivery of furniture A fitments to the Nurses Staters Quarter*. General Uo*pltaL Singapore. Kvery person applying for a form
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    • 411 7 PRESIDENT LINE Sailings NEW YORK via India and Mediterranean Ports MARINE LEOPARD* la Port MARINE FLIER* in* Oct. t*th MOUNT DAVIS* due Nov. 12th MOUNT ROGERS* -lut Nov. 25th *Fre4ght Only For Freight *nd Passengers Apply AMERICAN PRESIDENT LINES, LTD. Union Bide. Tels: 622* ft <75? WATERMAN LINE U.S. At:»otic
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    • 242 7 Mansfield Co., Ltd. I Incorporate* U> Singapore: BLUf FUNNEL LINE Sailings to and from United Kingdi or Glenapp Due from I.X ISth Oet Samite sails far I'.K 23rd Oct. Samjack «aib for U.K. 2Sth Oet Promethew sails for I.K. 29th Oet Western Australia I'he »horiein <e« rtmt» al the eneapeft
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 255 7 Ti flntA IUT7IT It Vlt p.m. News headlines; 8.32 p.m. Variety Eric Winstor.e; 8.30 p.m. News; 8.35 IXnULKJ l*lf\L*l\X J\ hlifhllßhts; 9. C0 p.m. Men and Miislc; p.m. London Calling; 8.40 p.m. Inc 915 pm Tunes across the table; 9.30 --erlude; 8.45 p.m. Parliamentary Singapore pm News- 9.45 p.m. Talk;
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  • 530 8 ENGLAND LOSE TO WALES CAMBRIDGE University started their rugby fixtures with a win (a goal and two tries to two goals) after an indifferent start. Lan Lumsden. Bath's Scottish international fly-half, was in grand form for the club but superior all-round ability brought Saint Mary's Hospital victory. Coventry and London
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  • Article, Illustration
    33 8 Lim Jo.- Djlcm and Ka:.iU t:V, ..n after an exhibition game ot tennis on Wednesday at Mr. P. F. de Souza's court. Lim Joe Djiem won 6 l, 6 2.— Straits Times picture.
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  • 956 8 LONDON, Sun. NO team remains unbeaten in the major leagues of Britisn football following today's surprise home defeats for Barnsley and Queen's Park Rangers. The latter's defeat meant that they are deposed from the league leadership. Eighteen thousand spectators r~ saw tlie
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  • 84 8 AT a meeting held at the School Hall the following were elected as interim office- bearers for the Victoria School Old Boys Association: President Mr. Ong Eng Lian; Vice Presidents Choo Kirn Chwee and the Headmaster of Victoria School; Oenrral Secretary Chan Joon Oek; Assis;ant Secretary Cheong Mln
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  • 55 8 MELBOURNE. Sat. KEITH MlUer. Australian cricket all rounder, has informed his parmits that he Is flying home next week Miller's State team, Queensland, are due to meet the M.C.C. at Brisbane on Nov. 22 or seven days previous to Urn start of the first Test match to be played on
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  • 125 8 IN a friendly match o! badmin- ton played last Sunday the United Family B.P. "B" team beat the Playfair B.P. "B" team by four games to three at the latter's court. Results, United Family B.P. mentioned first: Singles: Heng Siak Thiang lost to Chan Swee Lam 2-5, 2-15;
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  • 350 8 TWO well-known Singapore Chinese sports clubs, Siong 800 Athletic Association, and Amicable Athletic Association, served up interesting soccer at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday, the game ending in victory for Siong 800 by six goals to one. It was the first meeting between these
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  • 241 8 Ie the S.R.C. final cricket match nt their season, played between the 'Under 30's and "Over 30's' played on the pac I yesterday the former won easily, .^coring 218 to their opponents 90 ISDEB 30's O. Clarke b Westerhout 39, F. Chopard c Morrow b Westerhout
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  • 64 8 The following has been selected to represent the Eclipse B.P. in a friendly badminton match of four singles and three doubles against the Devonsire B.P. on Friday at the Happy World Covered Stadium at 7.'»0 p.m. Wilson Heng, S. /*bli:ll3ii Matrar. Chla Chin Soon, S. Ahmad Alhabshec, Cheong
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  • 286 8 French Champion Wins International Race From Vernon Morgan, Reuter's Sports Editoi ASCOT, Sat. THE French horse Souverain, owned by >I. Schmitt, a Paris cafe proprietor, became the "champion of champions" today when winning the £5,000 King George VI Stakes the new international race over two miles here. Making his challenge
    Reuter  -  286 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 377 8 Lml Db/: 3.M 6.30 9.15 p.m. Exciting sag: of buccaneer love and adventure •FRENCHMAN'S CREEK" (In naming Technicolor) Btarrin,; Arturo de CordoTa and Jo»n Fontaine Preceded by IjiU-s; British Movietone News OpenlnK To-morrow "PRIDK OF THE MARINES" m mrj!2S2Z& i iftj :"•:•>■. 3.15 -6.15 -9.15 YOUR LAST CHANCE TO SEE
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    • 218 8 Phone: 3400 f| jfl^ 11A.M. 2.00, 4.15. 6.30. 9.30 P. M GALA PREMIERE TO-DAY ■w Tl a w JIL HAYWARD JL Jgm \ii Produ-ed by GRANT WITH€RS ■*>«*!«■«« 11^1 iO D».o»d by MONTA KU LAST DAY AT THE 4 SHOWS 1.30~ 4 6.30 9.30 P.M. Don't Miss This Movio It's
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