The Straits Times, 11 October 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 452 1 War Minister Announces Release Order LONDON, Thursday. THE Minister of War, Mr. Frederick Bellenger, today announced the quashing of convictions in the Malayan mutiny charge, in which 243 British paratroopers were sentenced by a Kluang courtmartial to two years' imprisonment with hard labour. Making the
    Reuter  -  452 words
  • 322 1 FIVE Japanese, including two major-fenermli who were liefa of the Judicial Dopart-nu-nt at Singapore, were sentenced to death by hanging, mid five more to imprisonment foe life, at the Third War Crimes Court yesterday in the Outram Road ca-^ 1 The rest of
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  • 37 1 WASHINGTON, Thuri. The United States Government has accepted payment of $150,000 f r«'in Yugoslavia a.s indemnity for the lives or five United States airmen killed when Yugoslav fighters rhot down their transport plane on Aug. 19. Reuter.
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  • 105 1 NEW YORK, Thurs.— lndia's protest against the treatment of InJians in South Africa will be discussed at the forthcoming United Nations General Assembly by the Political and Security Committee, It is Item 31 on the Assembly 3 provisional agenda, but its place in the work of
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 246 1 LONDON, Thursday. THE Secretary for the Colonies, Mr. Arthur Creech Jones, told the House of Commons yesterday that he hoped there would emerge from the consultations between the Government and Malay representatives in Malaya a scheme acceptable to all concerned which would ensure a strong central government
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  • 363 1 CINGAPORE town resounded to the thud-thud of the v Chinese drum, the clash of cymbals and the bang of fire crackers as the mile-long Double Tenth lantern procession— first to be held since the Coronation, nine years ago threaded its way through the main streets
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  • 157 1 First Treaty Completed In Paris PARIS, Thursday. IN the irnall hours of today the plenary session of the Peace Conference completed the draft of the first treaty of the Second Great War— that between the United Nations and Italy. By three a. m. Paris time the conference had apparently voted
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  • 200 1 KENYA AS BRITAIN'S NEW BASE LONDON, Thursday. ITSUALLY reliable inforU mants here confidently believe that Kenya Colony, which is suited strategically, politically and climatically, has already been decided on as the British base and headquarters for the Middle East, and that Mombasa, port for Kenya, is destined to take the
    Reuter  -  200 words
  • 28 1 NEW DELHI. Thurs.— lndia has been elected to all six commissions set up by the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, it was learned today Reuter.
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  • 67 1 LONDON, Thurs.— The War Office announced that Lt. Gen. Sir William Morgan, Allied Supreme Commander, Central Mediterranean Forces, had been named Commander of the British Army Staff in Washington and Army member of the Joint Staff Mission, effective in the spring of 1947. Sir Willlam s
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  • 326 1 FREE MARKET IN RUBBER FROM END OF YEAR THERE will be a free market in rubber from the end of this year. A Reuter message from WtthingtMl yesterday stated: The Combined Rubber Committee, having recommended allocations of natural rubber for the fourth quarter of 1946, has agreed that, in view
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  • 124 1 WASHINGTON. Thurs.—Diplomatic officials said today that the United States had sent a n?w note to Russia, reaffirming its opposition to joint Soviet-Turkish defence of the Dardanelles. Moscow has been pressing Turkey for joint defence of the Straits and for direct AnkaraMoscow negotiations. Turkey, with British
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 295 2 Sjahrir Satisfied On Troops Issue BATAVIA, Thursday. UICiH Dutch and Indonesian sources are optimistic for the first time about the probability of concluding a military truce within a week, as the result of daily discussions between the head of the Dutch Commission General, Professor
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  • 232 2 Soviet Record Of Jap Embassy Statement TOKIO, Thursday. THE attitude of the Japanese I General Staff in 1931 was that any pretext should be used to attack Russia, the associate Soviet prosecutor, Col. A. I. Ivanov, told the International Military Tribunal today. He said the documents showed the Japanese intention
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  • 193 2 PANGKAL PINANG, Thurs.— J. E. van Hoogstratea, Director of the Netherlands Indies Economic Der>artment, replying to various speakers at the conference here, stated that the black-listing of Dutch ships in Australia with urn resultant delay in the transport of goods, difficulties in food transport owing to
    Reuter  -  193 words
  • 128 2 LONDON. WY>d.- The Food and Agricultural Organisation headquartf rs has announced that the 16-nation preparatory commission will meet on Oct. 28 to work out detailed recommendations for the international food pro- jumme. It will consider the proposal for a World Food Board submitted by the
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  • 43 2 BATAVIa. rhurs. A Pan-Ame-rican Airways Skymaster airciait il to make a reconnaissance .l'sht to the Netherlands Indies i'hout Nov. 3 to study the possibilities of opening an air service from the United States to this part of the worM.— Reuter.
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  • 80 2 BOMBAY, Wed.— The use of aircraft to help India's fishermen to locate shoals of fish on the surface or of a radar equipment to detect them at the bottom of the seas is suggested by Mr. C. C. John. Professor of Marine Biology and Fisheries of
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 70 2 LONDON. Wed. Mr. ueo.-ge Bernard Shaw did not atlc^.o the ceremony of presenting to him the freedom of Saint puiicras at Saint Pancras town hill, London, today. He stumbicd and bruised his leg at his London flat yesterday ar.j remained indoors on medical advei A recording of the
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 88 2 Inquest Tribute To de Havilland LONDON, Wed.— Capt. Geortrey de Havilland. famous British test, pilot who was killed durn.g the trial flight in a De HavHland 108 tallies jetplane on Sept. 27. was described at the inquest tod3y as a "very fine English gentleman who had given his life lor
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  • 217 2 NEW DELHI Thursday. THIS free India will be for all of us Indians, whatever our religion or creed 01 province might be. We shall all be equal sharers in that freedom and in the joy that freedom brings," declared Sardar Baldcv Singh, in his first
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  • 33 2 An air-conditioned bed. on display at the "Britain Can Make If exhibition in London. It is warm in winter and cool in summer and has an automatic temperature control.
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  • 257 2 NANKING, Wednesday. GENERALISSIMO Chiang Kai-shek tonight made a v plea for peace and national unification when he made a nationwide broadcast on the eve of China's "Double Tenth"— thirty-fifth anniversary of the proclamation of the Chinese Republic*. He urged the Chinese Communists to "aoandon
    Reuter  -  257 words
  • 216 2 LONDON, Thursday. FIVE pencilled words on a foolscap sheet written by Admiral Lord Mountbatten when he was appointed Supreme Allied Commander IB South-East Asia in 1943 were the basis of the operations which defeated the Japanese two and a half years later. This was stated
    Reuter  -  216 words
  • 44 2 PARIS. Wed.- Employees of the nationalised French Broadcasting Company have threatened .0 strike on Friday. The executive committee of radio workers declared in a statement today that the Government proposals relating to their wage claim did not satisfy their demands.— Reuter.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 472 2 MUNICIPALITY OF SINGAPORE A .> l x. l. l. in. nl vi Shift 1111. 1 1 nirer in th>--11. r Mouse at St. James I'ower Station iiii.ns arc invited from dul> l>itwccn the age* in ao and 40 y for the position of m the Boltac n> Powei BU
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  • 163 3 KILLEARN COSTS £326,000 LONDON, Wed. REPLYING to a question in the House of Commons today by Sir Waldron Smithers, Conservative. Orpington, about the number and cost of Lord Killearr.'s establishment in Malaya, Major Mayhew, Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, said: "Figures which the Foreign Secretary gave on July 29 were incomplete.
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  • 112 3 Food Control Clerks Convicted IT obvious that accused was aware of his crime. He had in his desk drawer a cigarette tin which contained money," said Mr. Tan Thoon Lip, in the Singapore District Court yesterday, when he sentenced a Food Control clerk, Soh Kai Heng, to three weeks' rigorous
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  • 482 3 Three Chinese On Corruption Charge TEN charges, including two corruption charges in- volving $200,000 each, were preferred against three Chinese, Lim Cheng Hoe, aged 31, Kan Kee Fong alias Stephen Kan, aged 30, and Low Kwan, aged 35, when they were brought before Mr.
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  • 82 3 Milk Imports Allowed lICENCES will co« be granted for the importation of canned mill;, milk powder, infant and invalid foods <milk based), from all sources except the United i Kingdom. Licences in respect of imports from non-sterling countries will be issued by the Registrar of Ini- ports an-.l Exports, Singapore.
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  • 82 3 AN appeal by three British military policemen, J. M. Hall, E. W Johnson and C. H. Bartlett, for reduction of their sentence was allowed by the Court of Appeal on Wednesday. Mr. Justice Willan reduced their sentences of ci^ht years to six pears, II ill, Johnson
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  • 87 3 DEMARKING that the police had no right to "waylay" people on the streets, Mr. K. M. Byrne, the Third Magistrate, acquitted a Chinese after the man had pleaded guilty to a charge of fraudulent possession of sugar. It was stated that the accused was riding in a
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  • 310 3 EXPOSED to the elements in a small wind-battered "salt" ship for more than five months, 12 Malay seamen who were rescued in the Gulf of Siam by the Norwegian "rice ship" Halvdan, are in Singapore today waiting to return to their wives and
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  • 108 3 NEED FOR WARRANTS STRESSED WHEN several Singapore Harbour Board labourers were charged in the Third Police Court yesterday with fraudulent possession of various articles, including cloth, scent and padlocks, it was disclosed that the articles were found in their quarters as a result of a search by the Harbour Board
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  • 130 3 Tried To Grab Revolver: Man Killed TN trying to grab a revolver 1 from a member of the Special Police. Teo Chin Boon, a 26-year-cld hawker, was accidentally shot. The policeman, Hassan bin Sulong, tried to wrest it from the man's grasp and the revolver went off. Teo was a
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  • 88 3 POUR men were yesterday r charged in the Fourth Police Court with committing criminal trespass into a Japanese camp hospital in Singapore. They were Kandasamy, Ng Hcmg. Yap Ah Gong, and Tan Tee and they claimed trial to the charges. In addition, Ng Hong
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  • 77 3 A TOTAL of $91,072 is to be spent in furniture and fitments for the College of Medicine and Dental Clinic. The students' dining room and recreation room are to be furnished. An additional 25 sets of furniture are required for the students' rooms of the hostel,
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  • 104 3 IT will cost the Singapore Gov--1 eminent $22,188 to carry out a general overhaul and repairs to a Government launch, the Lady Clifford, to get her in efficient running order again. After the lib. ration, eight launches belonging to the Marine Department, were recovered. Most of
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  • 272 3 DEFERENCE to the non-payment of back pay to Singapore Municipal employees, was made by Mr. R. Rethnasamy, honorary secretary of the interim committee of the Singapore Municipal Services Union, at Wednesday's inaugural meeting of the Union, when he said that a year had passed
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 732 3 CLASSIFIED 1 ADVERTISEMENTS Classified Smalls SI r> dpi line Ma Charge $5 J u l .lir Notice* orr uncle column incb *on«-\l Domestic 5?..'.« n>-« line Mm Charge $10 Xii Manas »»rd» wmpriw int Ji c -\d\ri UM-iiirnU may oe «r.. D> post B.ii.mpanird t>» -em-nance Kor Information telephone tdvertW
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    • 424 3 PERFUmE-EBUDE COLOGnE LOTIOn LIPSTICKS PA RI First Post-War shipment ot world famous It Ml Lpmheric Beauty Preparations have iust It il arrived from Paris. [I Obtainable at leading stores. FOOD PARCELS ENGLAND From Australia All Particulars From: William J. .Bernard UNION BUILDING United I\hnters ESTABLISHED IN 1930 PRACTITIONERS IN ADVERTISING
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  • 40 4 We regret to announce the death of Ilr A. Oliphai t Devltt In England on the 7th of October, 1946. Mr. Devltt was a Director of Lewis A Peat, London, and was connected with the firm throughout his life.
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  • 466 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Fri., Oct. 11. 1946. Rubber Crisis If there Is anyone who has been lulled into a sense of false optimism as to the rehabilitation of the Malayan rubber industry by the unexpected rapidity with which rubber production has revived, Mr. SB. Palmer's speech in the Malayan
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  • 1753 4 Our London Letter THE BURNING QUESTION AT HOME iX)NDON, Oct. 1. THE dominating topic here at the moment, Malayans, is food. I imagine it must be that way with you pretty often, too. But our domestic British cogitations on this perpetual problem hive taken on a new angle. At least,
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  • Man In The Street
    • 117 4 Kepada Tuan Penggarang, Straits Times, Kemdian daripada telah dibacha di-dalam surat khabar Straits Times dan juga keluaran pada 7.10 4C di-sini lah kita teT-tarck hali hukoman kesalahan yang di-jatoh-kan ke-atas a-.hkar ashkar itu, sangat sangat-lah patut bagai anak anak ncgri Malaya itu ainbil sedikit
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    • 100 4 The following is a translation:— To the Editor. The Strait* Times. After rw.ding th« Straits Time* of 7th Octolx-r. 1946. our feelings were roused by the sentences passed by the Military Court on the Paratroopers. We hope all Malayans will help the wives, children and relatives of these paratroopers by
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    • 157 4 IN the event of a lesident of this country sending a registered article by air mail to the U.K., and this not arriving, is it possible for the authorities to trace where the fault lies? Recently T ha7e sent one small registered packet by air and one by
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    • 93 4 MAY I, through your columns, appeal to those responsible to hasten the issue of the textile ration to estate?. The Hindu Deepavali festival falls on Oct. 2s, and if the issue is not uoeived in good time before that date, Indian estate labourers will invade the black market
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 852 4 To ELIZABETH wife of Dr. Chan Ah K'iw. a »on BTnaid. at Chansyill 7 45. Mountbatten Road, on Bth, Oct 194 C a 330 pm. SITUATIONS VACANT W IMTO IMMI .lAIVLV. An exp. ruiiced lady a KUnt in manicure two qua lined Europeans in niodrn Hair I>ressing and Perm. I.
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    • 98 4 VIOLIN SOLO RECORDS. JASCHA HEIFETZ DA1 702 Bstrelllta (Star of Love) Hora Stacato DAM 4 Valse Bluette Star of Love MISCHA ELMAK DAI 144 Valse Sentimentale Traumerel DA1094 Minuet In O. No. 2 Serenade In O Major YIl HI 1)1 MKM'III* DA1638 Labyrlnthe Hungarian Dance No. 12 DAI 500 Caprice
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    • 76 4 ■f h^^P^Nas eSt M' atena l Supplied ai l$8&j/iP§jffl¥ Reasonable lilfif 2I.CHUUAST. s'PoRi\&~ Just Received For suits and costumes, exclusive tropiclight Worsteds and Palm-beaches. From $60 to 95 per 3J yard length, wide double-width. Now showing at HARVEY €c CO., 8 Raffles Quay, Singapore R.V. MEYER OPTICIAN t i'!io\*
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  • 418 5 STUDENTS of Chinese schools all over Singapore stretched 100 yards by 50 yards deep in Singapore's Jalan Besar ■MOT stadium this morning in Singapore's first big celebration in 20 years of the anniversary of the Chinese Republic. While waiting to give a demonstration of mass
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  • 39 5 NEW ORLD FOOD CANTEEN 1NOTHER People's Restaurant opens in Singapore at 11 am today in the ar^na of the New World. Thirty-five cents lunches will row become available for the Inhabitants of the Jalan Besar and Lavender Street areas.
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  • 38 5 The second council the War Department C.I n Staff Association will be held at the premises of the Lak Alk Amateur Musical and Dramatic Association, No. 15-B. Havelock Road. on Sunday at 10 00 a.m.
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  • 619 5 $15 Million Victory Savings Certificates BondsDesignedFor Small Investor CINGAPORES Victory Savings Bonds each worth v $15 and carrying nearly three per cent, interest, should be on issue to the public at all post offices within a short time and in view of the great demand lhe**e was for the Rehabilitation
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  • 35 5 Employees of the Ipoh Combined Bus Services who went on strike on Tuesday, following the dismissal of two if their colleagues resumed work on Th rs^ay following a settlement, reports the Straits Times Correspondent Ipoh.
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  • 333 5 DESCRIBING Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek as the "biggest dictator in Chinese history," in a speech at the mass Double Tenth celebration at Farrer Park yesterday, Mr. Tan Kah Kee declared: "We must unite all parties in order to stop the civil war in China and bring
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  • 137 5 Chance For Unqualified Teachers MEMBERS of English teaching staffs of private schools who are at present unqualified for registration as teachers will be permitted to continue teaching as a temporary expedient, until Doc 1947, states a circular from the Director of Education Singapore. In the interim period they should, if
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  • 28 5 Rev Goh Hood Keng will speak on Woi Id Unrest— the Way Out." at the V's Men's luncheon meeting tomorrow at Cecil's. Finlayson Green. Members may bring auests.
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  • 536 5 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. THE tin mining industry of Ma- laya is today faced witii relatively high working costs due to increases in all factors including materials, food and wages and is also laced with lack of supplies, states a report by
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  • 111 5 Governor's Tribute To G.O.C. From Our Own Corrcsponden KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. "\IO commander could have set a finer example or done more effective work in cooperating with the Civil Government in the dislocated conditions with which we have been dealing," said Sir Edward Gent .'he Governor of the Malayan Unlor.
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  • 176 5 EUROPEAN ESCAPEE CAPTURED I\ASHING into the crowd which lined South Bridge Road Singapore, yesterday, in anticipation of the "Double Tenth' procession. 21-year-old European, James Shanley alleged to be a naval deserter, who had broken away from a police escort, nearly eluded persulng detectives. He was followed by two detectives, however,
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  • 23 5 Today's menu at People s Restaurants in Singapore will be: Rice; Vienna sausages: bean cake and mixed vegetable stew tomato sauce.
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  • 350 5 "No Room For Privilege" Creech-Jones "DESULTS are often despairin?- ly slow but Colonial administrations must be bold, imaginative and energetic, and the people Interested, active and understanding as they move and th.'y are everywhere moving towards greater responsibilitlrs." declares the new Secretary of State for the Colonies. Mr. A. Creech-Jones,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 77 5 Important Announcements OUR TELEPHONE NUMBERS: as from today will he as follows SALES DEPT. 4373 IMPORT EXPORT DEPT. 3114 FIRST SHIPMENT OF METROLAC 1 1 :it.\ Testing Instrument) received Use YACHT' BRAND FORMIC ACID TAN SIN PENG CX 11 PHILLIP ST. SINGAPORE l^y^J TOOTH BRUSHES K NATURAL Bristle* art back
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    • 149 5 YOU probably lost your silverware in 1942 (we lost ours about that time and a whole lot of it too!) We know you don't want to carry on indefinitely without some of the more luxurious things of life. What about replacing that handsome cheery silver tea set, while you are
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  • 66 6 Kuala Lumpur, Thursday. I AST Wednesday's sale of meal tickets at the Ipoh People's Restaurant smashed all previous records, 7,7fi4 meals having been served on that day. The buyer of the 250,C«0th ticket at the Restaurant, a poultry dealer in the Ipoh Central Market, was
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  • 67 6 Brunei Education Being Surveyed KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. AT the request of the State of Brunei a senior official of th s Department of Education of the Malayan Union is undertaking a survey of the education resources and requirements of th e State. Mr. A. W. Frisbv. Asst. D'rector of Education,
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  • 121 6 Two Years For Hiding Chandu In Suitcase From Our Own Correspondent ALOR STAR, Thurs. SMART woni done by Mr. D. G. Hall. Senior Customs Officer, Kedah, led to the haul of 1,111 tubes jf Siamese chandu alleged to have been hidden in the suitcase carried by an aged Chinese while
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  • 57 6 Mr. Thomas Ian Gordon's Death From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. INFORMATION has been receiv- ed here of the death of Mr. Thomas lan Gordon, former Assistant Secretary for Postal Affairs, Malaya. Known to his friends as "Tim, the late Mr. Gordon came to Malaya in 1907 from the
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  • 284 6 Govt. Grant To Balance Municipal Budget From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Thurs. THE Municipal Commissioners at their usual fort- nightly meeting on Tuesday were told by their President, Mr. W. C. Taylor, that the Government of the Malayan Union had agreed to grant to Penang
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  • 213 6 Police Kill Two Kedab Gang Robbers From Our Own Correspondent ALOR STAR, Thursday. rE score in the battle against crime in North Kedah for September resulted in a draw. Gang robbers killed two of their victims in the course of their raids but the police killed two gang robbers in
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 383 6 CAPITOL Daily: 4 Shows: 11 a.m.— 2.15 p.m. 6 9.15 p.m. DRAMATIZATION AT ITS VERY PEAK! AUDIENCES THRILLED TO THE CORE By A COUPLE'S 3-NIGHT ROMANCE! BB2fc3s^ mV T^f SSIX tttlirr ria»rrs: U.iin T. -.:iiu JT. Aluro dt Coidova. Joseph (allria. Katina :\i\im>ii anU \ltj.mar St.knlolT. uid oihrrs comprising an
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    • 776 6 FOR SALE FOR SALE Sunbeam Talbot Tourer 1939, Engine overhauled, general condition good. $4500/-, can be seen at 45, Arab Street, between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. FOR SALE 50 HP. National gas Engine (Minus Magneto and StartIng Plug). Gas Generating Plant Crepeing Battery consisting of Shaw Universal Scrap Washer,
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    • 318 6 GENUINE CROOKES' B 2 SUNGLASS For S*fe and Comfortable Vision STOCKS NOW AVAILABLE. DAH SIN OPTICAL HOUSE 325, North Undue Road, Sincapor*. Phone 620*. y/fj\\\ BpM r*»u» /lii M D R*-C'LK.\MNG A OYEINU No itB Orchard Koad. Singapore UNION rYPEWRITER SERVICE No* it a J« Chulia Street Telephone J622 Slncapore
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 624 6 Average players are inclined to tr?ct, and ended up by paymii &00 taite liberties with a bid that ex- points. wvwm-m perts, in their greater experience, Th f ]t trtat with the utmost respect. c was 100 This is the game-forcing cue SU l^ 6 5? H rth s Hl
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  • Around The Markets
    • 99 7 From Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Thursdpy. THERE was little activity in the tin market this morning and sellers predominated. Both Australia and London were inclined to sell. Prices offered this morning were Hong Fatts at $1.15, Laruts 7s. 4 1 L>d., Kuala Kampars
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    • 72 7 LONDON, Thursday. The market assumed a more normal appearance yesterday but buying was not widespread. Industrials showed a fairly substantial list of net gains and home rails made slow but steady progress. Kaffirs although a trifle above the lowest remained somewhat uneasy and other mining groups were
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    • 45 7 NEW YORK, Thursday. Uninspired rallying efforts In the final hour soon brought revival of pressure including uncovering of stop- 1 loss orders and the stock market en- tered a new low, showing broad-front losses of up to nearly five points. Closed weak.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  45 words
  • 75 7 SfNGAPORE. Thursday. PRICES for Straits produce yesterI day a* quoted by Sin Chew Jit r«li. w.-re as follows: COFFEE SEEDS: Palerabang 30% $32.50; Palembang IS% $34; Sourabaya new $70; Sourabaya old $105; Bali $120; Padanir first $»2. A. P. first irrade $47; A. P. second grave $42 per
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  • 53 7 WASHINGTON. Wednesday. Uni'ed States general Imports in Jiuy totalled $432,000 000. which was $47,900,000 over June, primarily reflecting increased Imports of crude materials, such as wool, furs, rubber and sugar. July exports were $826,000,000. which was $52,000,000 below June, primarilyreflecting decreases of exports to China and
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  • 83 7 SYDNEY. Wednesday. Aa event of major Importance to the" Australian wool industry is the decision just announced, of General Motors-lioMens Ltd. stipulating that a large proportion of their 1946 model cars is to be trimmed In Australian Bedford cord, using 100% Merino wool. About 20 years ago most
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 62 7 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Wednesday. Harrisons and Ciosfield nnalled 12i per cent on deferred, plus a special bonus of five per cent for Dominion income tax relief, making a total of 20 p-T cent for the year ending June TO, 1946. compared with 15 per cent
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  • 78 7 BATAVTA. Wed.— lt is estimated that on Banka island there is a total stock of 10.000 tons of pepper, valued at 14,000.000 guilders, says a communique issued by the Netherlands Indies Government Information service. At present a lnrge portion of this product is being smuggled into
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  • 350 7 QHIPS positions in Singapore J yesterday were: MAIN HHARr Godown 31-32- Lycaon. dlscharglne stores. Godown: 33-34 Alcinous, loading stores for U.K. Godown 35-36: City of Evansvllle. loading stores for UK Godown 38-39- D*er nk discharging store? Godown 40 Empire Pacific, loading stores for Port Swettenham. Godown
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  • 65 7 WASHINGTON. Wed— A report of the International Monetary Fund says that the directors are proceeding with the establishment of Initial par values for currencies that have an element of stability although present conditions are not ideal for determining the ultimate structure of exchange rates. Parities for some currencies
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  • 48 7 BATAVIA. Wednesday— The rubber position in South Borneo has Improved In recent monrhs with total native production during August at 75 per cent of August. 1539. total. fSubber estates on the island of Banka u_>uii 32.292 hectares ot 13.000.000 trees, of which 9,000.000 *re toppable —Reuter.
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  • 45 7 WASHINGTON. Wednesday— The Bureau of Agricultural Economics forecasts national income at $17.".000OC0OOO for 1947, an Increase of $10,000,000,000 over 1946 estimates. This record level Income payments of Individuals is expected to result from higher industrial production, higher wage rates and full employment. Reuter.
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  • 118 7 N.E.I. Export Trade To Be Free On No v.1. BATAVIA, Thursday. ris now learned the export trade will be returned to free enterprise when "Nigieo" (Netherlands Indies Government Import an<* Export Organisation) is liquidated on Nov. 1. Exporting, howevei. will be subject to the rules laid down by the foreign
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  • 171 7 Direct exchange rates as fixed Dy the Control are: READY RATES SELLING T.T./O.D. New York 47-18 Canada 47-i;i6 Switzerland ..203-14 Holland Guilders 125-18 N.E.I. 125-18 Swedish Kroner 169-12 Belgium 2068-14 French Francs 5021-12 Pesos 64-78 Danifh Kroner 226-1 4 BATING Air Mail New York T.T. 47-12 New York
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  • 15 7 The crop on Bukit Katil Rubber Estates. Ltd., for September wk 34.982 lb.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 491 7 THt MUNICIPAL ORDINANCE (Chapter 133) ASKKSSMKNT NOTICE. N.>u«- h« p-b> Riwn that on and Kttl October. 1046, the books cuotAlntni tIM va'uatiuns of. and rates on. bulidlniis and lands within thr Island of Sinirap >rr (brvond the Municipal Limits), p-ilau (bin. Piilnu Tokonß, Pulau Uranl, Puhii S« b.irok and Pulau
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    • 172 7 MUNICIPAL COMMISSIONERS OF GEORGE TOWN, PENANG. Applications are Invited for tbe posts of (a) One Mains Engineer and ibi Two Assistant Mains Engineers. Salary Scale for these appointments is $450— 25 A —5750 with Efficiency Bar at $600,-. Commencing salary for (a) will be $675 pm and for <b> $450/--p.m.
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    • 445 7 presid:*:t line Sailinrs NEW YORK via India and Mediterranean Porta MARINE LEOPARD* In Port MARINE FLIFR* AnWlni Oct. ?Oth Moim DAVIS* Arrtving Not. I'll. MOUNT ROGERS' Arrivine Nov. 25tta •Freight Only For Freight and Psaaengtn Apply AMERICAN PRESIDENT LINES, LTD. Onion Bide. Pels: «2iK ft «75? WATERMAN LINE I O.S.
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    • 257 7 Mansfield Co., Ltd. llor.irp.imrc v. -inn jp.,m ■•111 niNNB I-IM 3atllngs U' mm from Utnteo Klofdca .*lrlno-js »aiU for t K llth Oct. 01— pp Our fron- IK I llh Ort. -.unit. *»i|» for T.K. 23rd Oct. Samjaik xalU for IT.X. 251h o^t »\e>tern Atislralia rht «hnrt»«i «r» ronu «f
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 350 7 SINGAPORE TIDES TODAY: High water: 10 5" a.m. 9 ft.; 1106 p.m 9 ft. 8 in. TOMORROW: Hifc-h water: 11.21 a.m. 9 ft. 3 in.: 11 47 p.m. 10 ft. D m r\i/~\ urn ft t ■vk i l;ri iNl s HWHtHnw;; 8.v2 p.m. Fisday 3.40 p.m. Speaking to torces
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  • 221 8 Only One Goal In Final Game pLAYING at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday, the Royal 1 Scots beat 969 I.W.T. by the only goal of the match in the last game of the Army elimination Victory Cup competition. The Scots have thus qualified for the Victory Cup,
    221 words
  • 207 8 THE Army Post Office eleven put up a surprisingly good 1 show when they drew with the S.R.C. team, in a game of soccer played at the 'Padanjf yesterday. Score was three goali each. Much of the game centred on the Recs' centre forward.
    207 words
  • Article, Illustration
    23 8 'V;<sh!.rook Mist beats the hall to the wicket, during the English Test team's match against Northam, the first game of their Australian tour.
    23 words
  • 292 8 Chinese Soccer Troubles By The Soorts Editor SPACE will not permit the publishing of letters received on the subjec* of Chinese football today, but it I* only fair to mention that the C.A. have stated that they do not want a majority on the selection committee but would be satisfied
    292 words
  • 68 8 THE Army soccer team to play the 2nd. I)iv. touring team at Jalan Brsar tomorrow will be: Sis. Goram; Dvr. Stevenson. L. Cpl. Champion; Sgt. McCarthy, Cpl. Galloway, L.-Cpl. Dixon; Spr. Shaw, X., Cpl. Cumberlidffo, Capt. Gascoignc, Cfm. Bannister. Cpl. Please. Reserves: Spr. Shaw. J., Q.
    68 words
  • 150 8 Draw For Victory Cup First Round THE draw for the S.A.F.A. Vie- tory Cup competition was held last evening and resulted as follows: Oct. 15, H.M.S. Suitan v. R.A.F. Base, Singapore; 17th. 177 C RE. v. R.A F. (Tengaht; 19th, Chinese v. Kranji; 20^, Malays v. Indians; 23rd, Royal Scots
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  • 150 8 WAS IT RUGBY? Letter 1 would be obliged it you i would allow me space in your columns for the iollowing: This evening I witnessed a terrible spectacle on the S.C.C. padang, it was supposed to be a 1 game of rugger. As an ardent player and lollower of the
    150 words
  • 61 8 The Tamil EroUniiiood Association will meet the R.N.A.S. (Sembawang) in a friendly game ol soccer, to be I>layed at HBkMMBg tomorrow, riay«rs and supporters are requited to ar^emble at $>4. Owon Rd. by 3.45 p.m. The Tamil:/ team will Sithambarani; Kayambu; Thambyrajah; Ghani. N.G. Sumy, Sabapathy: Muniandy; Vijiyaretnam;
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  • 71 8 Mills-Baksi Fight May Be Postponed London, Thurs. THE fight between Freddie Mills, British cruisrr-weight champion, and Joe Saksi. American heavyweight, fixed for Karnnrray, on Oct. 22. may be postponed owing to the death of Baksi'.s mother last night. Baksi was due to leave for England today. In the event of
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 108 8 In a spirited and persi&tent game, Miss Elizabeth Hong beat Miss T. P. Brough by three games to one in the women's table tennis championship of 1946 last night at the Great World table tennis arena. This match leaves the final tie between Miss Yuen Lai Fong
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  • 221 8 EIGHT NEW HORSES FOR IPOH From Our Own Correspondent IPOH, Thurs. A TOTAL of 51 entries were ren ceived by Perak Turf Club for its two-day meeting on Oci. [19 and 26. This is the largest number received since the liberation. The participation of eight horses running for the first
    221 words
  • 32 8 NEW YORK, ThUTI. European middle-weight champion Marcel Cordan is matched with Geor r :*> Abrams of Washington In a ten-round bout at the New York MMU.4B Squar Garden on Dtc. 6. A. P.
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  • 252 8 HOME soccer fixtures for tomorrow week are: ENGLISH LEAGUE. FIRST DIVISION. Arsenal v Stoke City Aston Villa v Charlton Blackburn v Sheffield U. Blackpool v Manchester U. Brentford v Preston N.E. Derby v M 'borough Everton v Bolton Huddesfield v Liverpool Portsmouth v Chelsea Sunderland v Orimsby
    Reuter  -  252 words
  • 165 8 Basket And Volley Ball Exhibition Teams for the ciiarity basket-b?.!! and volley-ball txlubitwns at the Happy World Stadium o.\ Saturday are. 7 UL RASKSV-BAU Kong Sion; Old Boy*' Aisn. BhM (1946 champions i Eng Chye, Hj-.k Seng. Boon Wan, Thian Seek. Thian L-c, Sal Hoe. Koh Koh Khoon. Ko* Kiong.
    165 words
  • 61 8 The following will play for Sinhalese Association Cricket XI at 2.1 i p.m. tomorrow .it Tort Cannno grounds against Base Signals. L. Wijeweera (capt >. M. Perera, V.R. Fernando, Narendra Gunas°kera. We~,ter Warr.asuriya. L. HetUhewa, O. Ferru<jido, G. Ranatunga, T Withana. C. Fernando, E.A. Perera. Reserves. D.B.
    61 words
  • 81 8 A friendly bad lialon match of four singles and three doubles will be played between Devonshire B.P. against Play fair B.P. at the Happy World covered stadium *oday at 7.30 p.m. The following will represent the Devonshire B.P.: Sng Haw Par, OnT Poh Lim. Cho Kirn Hawk, Kok
    81 words
  • 61 8 Tl»e following have been selected to represent the Treasury Department j against the Anglo-Saxon Pet. Co. (E> Ltd.. in a friendly match of draughts •t 'he J.C.SA. Canteen tomorrow, at 230 pm.: E. Gomes; H.M. Ibrahim: E.J. Vass; Lim Yew Bcon; M.A. Rodrigo and C.H. Theseira. Reserves: Chenc Ah
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 336 8 V PUONf A 4709 V 3 Sh ws d.iily 3, Cl 5 X > U p.m. liriv \<hrntutr! I orhiddrn Kjcltrnirnt! Wild Komanrr! "ARABIAN NIGHTS" MAMA M< MTB JOHN HALL SABU In H!.tzir.<j Technicolor! TO-MOI:KO\V at Mil) NITE •T.I I KAI.O HIM," in technicolor ->■>'"•■"'''■-■■ •'■<», WS> hYLANO kHONE *****(f1F
      336 words
    • 308 8 SUPERB ADVENTURE../' say large mrdi AL-lllAiYlOlxA BOOK EARLY TEL: 630 HERE rDDHI Cl Vif ll AT THE PE^K is LnnUL rLinfl of his fame in the Film Daring enough to fit His Dashing? NANCY COLEMAN RAYMOND MASSEY ii» »»n inw mw W nm'mt HttTifaus^ LN TIIF rOOTSTFPS OF DUMAS' 3
      308 words