The Straits Times, 7 October 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 127 1 Rice Smuggled Into Malaya BANGKOK, Sunday. II SIAMESE governor has for the first time suffered outright expulsion from office as a result of continued investigation into the connection of officials with rice smujfjjling: rings. The expelled official is Luang Phrachand ChutaGovernor of Narathivas province, just north of
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  • 85 1 \KW DELHI. Sun.— Meld Marshal Sir Claude Auchinleci. f mmandcr-in-Chief, India, call ed on Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, of the Interim Government, this afternoon. ler Pandit Nehru, accompanied by Maulana Abul Kalar.i former President of the Congresa Party, and by Sardar Vallabhal Patel and Mr Rajago- iri,
    Reuter  -  85 words
  • 87 1 TEHERAN Bat— The Persian War Department has ordered the forces facins th e rebrl tribesmen in south Persia to counter attack everywhere they are menaced, ll was learned h-re today. It is feared that i; the rising of i ibesmen spreads to Khuzi6tau province, the oilfield
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  • 84 1 STOCKHOLM. Sun. The Swedish Prim" Minister, M. Per Alb r. Hansson. baa <Mrd suddenly. Ji waa 61 years of age and had b?>:i Prime Minister since 193^ witfc the exception of a break of three months in 1936. M Hansaon collapsed as he ahvhied from a
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  • 49 1 SIDKY PASHA TO GO TO LONDON ALEXANDRIA. Sun The E-;yptia n Cabinet today approved Premier Sidky Pashas proposal that he visit London, to continue negotiations on the Anido-Ecyptian treaty with Foreign Secretary Envst Bevin. Sidky I'asha is expected to arriv 0 l n London within 10 days. -U P
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  • 51 1 ATHENS. Sun-Nearly a score 04 petSOOfl have been killed and .">.• 100 wounded in the last daj in fighting between police, m'htary and civilians on :id. and leftist bands nn :h< »>th«r. in northern and central Greece. With violence increasing, the raent discloses H is eondderlns annlnc eirilUm
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  • 118 1 CA.IRO, Sunday. CAIRO was without trams and buses today folio— ing yesterday's lightning strike of the city's transport workers. Th e workers state that they will not return to work until they receive an order from their loaders and until th e police release
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  • 76 1 PEKING. Sat— Food prices at Tekinjj have jumped 50 per cent since Aug. 1. a public official reports. The cost of clothing and furl has increased by 50 per cent, for the same period. The price of a sack of flour has increased another $12,000
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  • 47 1 CAIRO, Sun.--The US. Army superfortress "Pacusan Dreamboat" completed its flight over the top of the world at 0803 GMT, landing at the Payne airfield in Cairo with barely enough fuel remaining to cover the bottoms of its tanks It had flown from Honolulu.— A. P
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  • 98 1 From Our Own Correspondent London, Saturday. RUBBER has risen steadily throughout the week, following on th? Anglo-American deal. Middle prices for favoured Issues are: Betong 41s. 3d.; F.M.S. Planters 13s. 6d.; Glanshisl 19s. 6d.; Vallambrosa 7s —Straits Tim:s Copyright. HEW YORK, Sat.— United States merchants will
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  • 55 1 ROME. Sun —All courier flights between Italy and Belgrade. Sofia and Bucharest, have bsen suspended, it was oil>ially learned here today. This move follows the lorc:ng down of an R.A.F. Dakota of the Transoort Command at Nish, ir. Yugoslavia, on Friday while on a regular flight from
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  • 307 1 LONDON, Saturday. THERE is reason to believe that the scheme of the Malayan Union will be so radically altered as almost to amount to abolishment ai:d that the sultans will be reinstated as sovereign rulers in their own states, writ?s O. M. Green in the Sunday
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  • 36 1 WASHINGTON. Sun. Mr. Cordcll Hull, former United States S-cretary of State who has been ill since Tursday, spent a restful night and "maintain^ the improvement noted yesterday,* th? medical mission said today Reutor.
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  • 55 1 Sir Leslie Boyce. chairman of the British Goodwill Trade Mission to China, being interviewed in Singapore on Saturday by newspapermen Behind Sir Leslie Boyce is Mr. C. B. Blaker, the secretary of the Mission. The seven members, all leading industrialists in Britain, continued their journey from Singapore
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  • 262 1 WASHINGTON, Sunday. QUESTIONED on reports that British Prime Minister Clement Attiee has cabled to President Truman expressing the British Government's dissatisfaction with his demand for immediate Jewish immigration into Palestine, the Presidential ~ress «?cretary. Charles Ross, said: "The situation is delicate. I do not want to
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  • 105 1 BANGKOK. Sun- Siam and Great Britain have agreed on the sale of the notorious "death railway," lintting Burma and Siam. to the Siamej,* Government for £1,500,000, it was reported officially here today. The purchase will include 300 kilometres of rail equipment, with 65 locomotives, 1.125
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  • 127 1 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Saturday. TIN producers are well pleased with the selection of Mr. A. G. Glenister. Mr. G.W. Simms and Mr. Ivan Spens *.o be their representatives on the advisory panel to the British delegation at the international tin conference, whi:-h onons
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  • 361 1 R.A.F. TASK IN SIAM AND N.E.I, NEARLY OVER By A Special Correspondent THE end of November will see Air Command, South East Asia, withdrawing its last personnel from the Netherlands East Indies, while Siam will be evacuated as soon as the Siamese have trained the necessary personnel to run their
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  • 72 1 REYKJAVIK. Sun.— The Iceland Parliament last night ra'ified the agreement giving the United States authorities continued facilities to use Keflavik airport as link in the communications chain be'we?n the United States and the occupation forces in Germany. The voting was 32 for and 19 against
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  • 137 1 Tories Blame Labour For "Neglect" BLACKPOOL Satin- i rIE Conservative Party fersnee here today unanimously carried the re.solu tion "that this conference views with alarm tho nume roufl and Insidious su-i.' which are beinjr taken day b\ day to undermine our liberi and urgps the party to take opportunity of
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  • 91 1 STOCKHOLM. Sun It is ofii cially announced here that tin j propped Swedish-Russian Tracii agreement has been completed v Moscow. The term*, as described v Washington last August, calle< for a Swedish loan to Russia o 200.000.000 U.S. dollars and ex change of raw materials and
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  • 626 2 Soldiers Right Of Appeal Urged LONDON, Sunday. WHEN the House of Commons reassembles next Tuesday, fifteen questions will be addressed to the new Secretary for War, Mr. F. J. Bellenger, concerning the 243 paratroopers of the 13th Parachute Batta"on recently court martialled at Kluang on
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  • 244 2 Rising Anger In Britain From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Saturday. MANY towns and bodies oi people "are getting up petitions protesting against the sentences on the Kluanj: paratroopers. An editorial in the News Chronicle says it is natural that the country should feel rising indignation, and it is to be
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  • 64 2 AMSTERDAM, Sat.— The motor vessel Johan van Oldenbarntvelt left Amsterdam today with 2.000 troops of the "Seventh of December Division" for the Netherlands East Indies. This is the seventh ship reported to have l?ft Holland with troops of this Division. The first, which departed on
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  • 292 2 PANGKAL PINANG, Oct. 5 AT the minorities conference now being held here, the Aral) representative yesterday h<id to be called to order by the Chairman, M. van Mook. when he made extremely derogatory remarks about the Netherlands Government, according to the Dutch new.? agency Aneta. in wously
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  • 39 2 The de HavilUnd Swallow jet plane which met with disaster at Hatfleld recently. It was hoped that the Swallow would be able to improve on the British -held world record of 616 miles an hour.
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  • 451 2 NUREMBERG, Saturday. AFTER over twelve hours of "house arrest" in different parts of this half-ruined city, Hjalmar Schacht and Hans Fritzsche two of the fanner German war leaders acquitted by the Nuremberg war crimes tribunal are free to come and go as they
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  • 172 2 PEKING. Sunday. nESURGENT Commui.iiti: lV yesterday drove the Government garrison inside the walls of Paoting, the Chinese Press claims. Th c Communist offensive against 90 miles of the PekingHankow railway has slackened. The government has recaptured Hantan station. Earlier, it was reported that
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  • 124 2 PARIS, Sat.— The French Governnv nt tonight officially denied Amsrican reports of th e intended submission of the FrenchSiamese dispute to international arbitration The statement declared: "In no cas c can France recognisj the validity of the Tokio Treatof 1941, and consequently there can be
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  • 43 2 Shanghai, Sun— Twelve persons were wounded by a handgrenade hwrkd into the jammed lobby of the Strand Theatre, in Ningrpo Road. The purpose of th? attack wa.s unknown. The man who hurled the grenade escaped into a crowd— A. P.
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  • 145 2 BANGKOK, Sunday. THE Lord Mayor of Bangkok and his tour-mar. council yesterday faced charges brought by 17 members of the municipal council of dealings in illicit public land leases. Five councillors, representing the 17 petitioners, presented a list of alleged improper practices by the Mayor,
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  • 149 2 Central India Cabinet Too Large Costly LONDON, Saturday. THE editorial in the current issue of the monthly magazine Great Britain and The East, says of the present situation in India "One of several absurdities that are the consequence of the need to conciliate many communities in India is the size
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  • 27 2 Dr. Evatt, Australian External Affairs Minister, estimates that the cost cf the rocket range installation in central AUitra:ia will amount to £14.000,000 'Australian) says Reuter from Canberra.
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  • 143 2 Seoul, Sun.— The Korean, national police announced yesWrday that 59 policemen were kill&l, -jb wounded and ICO are missirg in lour days' widespread rioting In southe-n Korea. Disorders w:re slcwlv being- put down yesterday. Rioters evidrntly concealed most of their dead ani wounded. Korean sources said
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    • 519 2 DAY-OLD CHICKS. Ain.ilnani.l v liaviclie: les, ot B&nltstown near Sydmy. N.S.W., have completed arrangements with Qant&s Airways to dispatch a limited numMi oi day-oM chicks weekly by FLYING-BOAT to Singapore Clucks available are unsexed only, >r K I K.. White Leghorn and Black Oi phlngtcD breed*. THEY ARE £12 PER
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  • 358 3 Improvement Trust Land For City's Squatters Register Opened For Temporary Houses liiNKSK squatters who carried out an "invasion and settled on more than eight acres of land bei.ind Owen Road have been given notices to quit by the Commissioner of Lands but have also received invitations from the Singapore Improvement
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  • 24 3 A geneial meeting of th? Negri Sembilan Planters Association will be hold at Sungei Ujong club. Serembui on Thursday, Oct 10 at 2 p.m.
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  • 60 3 liir iv Mii eenfereucc i» a Ne^BptM stri>et b«"iorc a -I'nt is ta!;rn by nu i n of the nfalAjraa Flm I'nit and th.> Crowa 1 i'm I'nil F.oti left i« ri ht a o: Ku^oT Khan bin Wajid Khan, assi lant d rvctor Kvans.
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  • 111 3 Special Deck Passage Fares To Ceylon iecS possesses from I Singapore to Ceylon on tho o'. Errmucia will b? $31, I Mr. A I. Raja Sirusntallve of the GovI C ton In Malaya. The ship will ta'.;j about I.OCO rs. am p Intsd out iicnbl i only ■•> thl^ porticular
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  • 245 3 AFTER nearly a year's work in the jungles, sawahs, kampong.s and towns of north Malaya, shooting thousands of feet of film for a 40-minute documentary showing the rehabilitation of the country since the Japanese surrender, two of the leading members of the Crown
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  • 114 3 Four Years' Increments Pensionable INCREMENTS received by 1 Government employees in Singapore since the re-occupa-tion are to be pensionable*, the Straits Times understand;;. This has already been announced in the Malayan Union, and Smep.pore is likely to follow suit. Originally, Government were told that although they would receive increments
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  • 11 3 A Malayan Volunteer Ex-Ser-vices Association has been formed in Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 79 3 Prlze-winnin; entries in the school, 1 anti-black market nostrr competition exhibited for two days at the Council Chamber ol the Singapore Municipal Buildings. Terence Galistan from St. Joseph's Institution took the Prst orize with his entry shown above, while the second and third places «e;e secured by Mbs
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  • 60 3 THE first post-war number of th? St. Andrew's School ma2a7ine "Ud and On." is brimful of interesting a.-ticl:s arc; news. It has jast been published a.ter more than four years. "Students of this ochool are indeed very fortunate to have most cf (if not
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  • 739 3 Share quotations, as at Oct. 4 according to ifce Malayan i arebrokers \3soctation iB.n?apor»> were as follows Alexandra Br.vkworki Ords. 51.70 Alexandra Brickworks Prefs. 2 60 Brit. Maiaya lYustee <te Executor Co ».00 CVnsoitdateo Tin Smelters Ord. 22,6 do. Prefs. 26.6 Eastern Umvx Assurance 35.00 Eraser <fc
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  • 691 3 Share Market Report By A Market Correspondent 'THE main incident of the week was the announcement that 1 the United States would buy up to 200,000 tons of rubber from Malayan markets before the end of tho year. This was the result of the Washington
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  • 66 3 THE following appointments have 1 been notified in a rxent Singapore Government Ga7f tte: Mr. V. D. Gerhold to be an Assistant Superintendent. Malayan Police Service; Mr. P. J Howts to be a Cadet, Malayan Police Service; and Mr. S. II Dowse to be a Cadet. Malayan Civil Service.
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  • 42 3 Youns Malayans '.vantin psnfriends in New Zealand and Austral'a are li.vited to writ? to Miss Jean Wisiiart. New Z ahnJ Woman's Weekly. Box 1409. Auckland. New Zealand and Miss P«(tsv Hawk. 53, King Stre.t Solomoniown. Port Pine, Sout. 1 Autralla.
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    • 209 3 NEWS PAPER 1 he fact that in rpire of tnc n'per shortage ye ill w:'.\ -erved with papers and ma^i, -incs is a tribute to the efficiency o! th« nev-nper nuiuslry ami to paper-makers. But behind their ids the s'mll Of the KMVch chemists and the strength of British chemical
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    • 268 3 ftmuJf 6e made Wit/i >^^^^ AROMATIC BITTERS \y\/ 18. Jt'i and digerfhre, add a little 'Angortura' V I "^^(|f^^ 2 to V° lir drinks long and si. l" w> A vv Try this: Into a tumbler drop nr Kj^sir lumps of c acked i< i leatpooiiful J[ i^ 9 a^B^
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  • 808 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Monday. Oct. 7. 1946 White Market Register Government and Municipal employees in Singapore are going to be in a distinctly better position than the rest of the population in the near future to cope with the cost of living, quite apart from the dubious benefit of
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  • 314 4 Congratulations to the S.T.C. Union on taking matters into their own hands to deal with the pickpocket nuisance on the main bus routes in Singapore. Last Friday a force of S.T.C. employees waited at certain pciiits, and when pickpokets alighting from the buses were pointed out
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  • Article, Illustration
    47 4 "With price control coming into force today, more than 120 trading bodies in Penang, led by the Importers and Exporters Association, have signed a joint petition addressed to both the Governor-General and the Malayan Union Governor urging the repeal of the new Enactment.'' —Straits Times, Oct. 2.
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  • 666 4  - Kepala Jernih a story of the Rhio Archipelago BECK SWEE HOON By CAYONARA (goodbye; was uttered by the Japanese before they left Rempang island, in the Rhio Archipelago, which was used as a concentration camp for many thousands of prisoners-of-war, but "goodbye" was sa-'d in a very different mood by
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  • Man In The Street
    • 318 4 OF late rubber smali-holdeis have received notices from the Land Office, Rembau, thus: It Is a matter of regret that land rents have not been coming in as speedily as they should, and the Resident Commissioner has expressed deep concern at the y'ow progress
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    • 151 4 WHAT are the real duties of the Food Control Inspectorate Branch? The people are clamouring to get food at controlled prices in the market and on th? street, but. so far. all of us have to pay exorbitant prices. I understand that the Food Control Branch has a
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    • 203 4 Profitee ring And PWP WHEN will people from England realise that the foo.l situation in Malaya* is appalling when compared with what it is in England? The position her c is as follows MEAT— unrationed out 3 to 10 times pre-war prices. SUGAR W lb per person per week EGGS—
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    • 189 4 IN Kluang there is restriction of the electricity supply, as a result of which only the privileged few ar. entitled to have electricity in the'r houses. I am one of the local medical practitioners, and my application for the supply of electricity was turned down by the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 824 4 r,t I uATIONS VACANT >EMAI,:' Khorlh:u>J typist required n) Box &IC, Singapore. VANIEI> IMMEDIATELY: A lady an experienced lady sistant in namcure two qualified Europeans M riuxitvn Hair Dre sing and Pirm. p -i sonally or write furnlahii K full particulars as to past exp?rl- net .salary expected to: The
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    • 44 4 We undertake servicing and repairs of ROL E X ETE R N A G AMMETER and OR I S vatches only, we regret we cannot accept other makes. First shipments ot waterproof gents wrist watches have arrived 16, Collyer Quay, Open 10 12 a.m.
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    • 90 4 lihporiant Announcements OUR TELEPHONE NUMBERS: as from today will be as followsSALES DEPT. 437 J IMPORT EXPORT DEPT. 3114 FIRST SHIPMENT OF METROLAC (Latex Testing Instrument) received Use 'YACHT" BRAND FORMIC ACID TAN SIN P&M^ €3* 11. PHILLIP ST SINGAPORE W^s +Wm M E Earn OPTICIAN I'elJow ot the institute
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  • 765 5 10,000 Acres For Maize, 5,000 For Pulses From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. AN extensive planting scheme during the off -pad! season in Tanjong Karang settlement area is expected to be put into operation immediately after the present padi harvest in February
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  • 109 5 I do not think there is any 1 doubt that If insurance of teKtile* and other stores breaks dowa in Singapore, we shall have to. cover it." said a Singapore (iovernment officer last night when asked if there was any Intention of
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  • 186 5 Millers Urge Unofficial Kiee Mission From Our Own Correspondent Ipoh, Sun. THE dispatch of an unofficial mission comprising traders ar.d merchants to producing countries to investigate the rice situation there is one of several jviints being considered by Malaya's tin miners to ease the present rice situation in Malaya. The
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  • 82 5 Gaoled For Theft From Our Own Correspondent KRIAN, Satiuday. TWO Malays, Mat Piah bin Said and Baharem bin Mohamad, charged with theft of sugar canj, were produced in the Magistrate i court at Bagan Serai yesterday. Both pleaded guilty but said they had cut down the sugar oane plants only
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  • 175 5 Claim For Advances To Labourers ON the advice of the authorities, the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce will shortly lodge a claim for over $30,000 with the Local Records Office in respect of advances mare by the Chamber during the war. This amount represents wages paid by the Chamber to
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  • 137 5 WITHIN seven hours of a burg- lary occarring in South Perak, the culprit was arrested, produced before the District Jud^e and sentenced to 18 mon rigorous imprisonment, and I stolen articles returned to the;r rightful owner. The burglar. Hoy Chee Kong, broke into a
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  • 396 5 Chinese Want More Seats On City Council DEACTION of Overseas Chinese to the proposed Municipal Constitution for Singapore is -iven in an interesting editorial •■■^mment by the Nanyang Siang T'ou of Singapore. The editorial states: "China emerged as one of the five big powers out of the war concluded about
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  • 64 5 The Chinese 1.400-ton corvette Fu Po, which 3ivived in Singapore on Saturday on h r uav to China. The ship leaves for China thfs week. Lieut. C;r. Kiu Hoh-iu. commander of the Chinese Navy's submarine chaser Fu Po, which arrived on Saturday and Mr. A. C.
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  • 298 5 THE present state of lawlessness in Malaya has affected Insurance Companies to such an extent, that in Stagapore, with recent high incidence of burglaries and car thefts, ma: y companies have refused coverage against bur glary risks particularly in respect of godowns where tyres and textiles
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  • 47 5 DEJECTING a petition for re- view, the Chief Secretary Malayan Union, has confirmed the sentence of thre^ years' rigorous imprisonment each on two charges of assisting the enemy originally passed on Loh Kai Fatt by the Perak Superior Court, at Ipoh on .lay 21 last.
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  • 271 5 QINGAPORE residents are now to get Ihci. milk "on the v rice card." By an arrangement come to between the firm of Nestles and their retailers in Singapore, no sweetened condensed milk should be procurable in a shop till further notice without production
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  • 61 5 "IN an emergency of thls description, we shall have to take stens to be responsible for the dependants of any citixen killed in combatting the lawless elements in the Colony,*' The Governor. Sir Franklin (iimson, stated in a press conference on Saturday. He was asked if insurance
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  • 70 5 Soldier Was Too Late From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Sun. SOLDIER who made an air dash from Malaya in order *o see his n'ne-month old daught-er, who was dangerously ill. arrived too late. He is Corporal Alfred Stubbs, of the Durhams, who was flown home from Malaya on compassionate grounds.
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  • 67 5 An excellent p. a.' Hi ■:>:•: Even It. 1 CarniLnta Law Victoria Memorial Hall last I Under thj ausp ces of the Combine 1 Services Entertainment, Miss who was an ul i v Academy of Muse where :iie tiiun I under John Panpr tr>
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 18 5 JAMSON WHITE ANT DESTROYING CO., Singapore Branch) I 1 -^**-y* t m H)8, South Bridge lioad, Tel: 4268
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    • 79 5 PERPUmE-ERU DE COLOGnE LOTIOfMIPSTICKS CS paft I r I d, r »r«t Post-War shipmer. ivrld lanou- It Ml Lentheric Beauty Preparations have ju arrived from Paris. fi *">bt insble at leaHine s»or«»«- m >nfc,G>v, i mib* i NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS Models to suit all types °f businesses including HrH-fSfl wk
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  • 166 6 Charge Of lU-Treating Prison Population From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. CIVE Japanese civilians, who are alleged to have 111- treated Pudu prison population very badly between April 1944 and the end of the war, will be charged be;>rc ihe War Crimes
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  • 128 6 China India Pillars Of Stability From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR Sat. THE Chinese Consul in Kuala Lumpur, Mr. Hsu Meng Hsiung. believes thai India and China, by virtue of their common philosophy and love of peace, wiil become the pillars of world statul ty. He expressed this in a
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  • 106 6 From Our Own Correspondent Taiping. Sunday. SINCE tlie reduction in the price of meals attendant at the People's Restaurant. Taiping, has risen by nearly 200 per cent. Five cigarettes for ten cents to all purchasers of meal tickets arj also given. The Gymkhana Club (Golf section
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  • 84 6 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. DLANS are under way to revive poultry keeping in English and Malay schools in the Malayan Union. B:fore the war about 103 Malay and English schools wer.t in for poultry iMping. A teacher who has had special training
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  • 41 6 From Our Own Correspondent Malacca. Sat. THE Malacca Chinese Chamber of Commerce and many Chinese Associations are Jointly holding a dinner at the premiers of the Meng Seng Charitable Association on Oct. 10 in celebration of the "Double Tenth."
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  • 136 6 SHIPPING SPACE LIMITED From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. OWING to the present shaping difiiculties the authorities are facing a big problem in providing facilities to Chinese, Indians and Cey!onei»e who wish to return to their home country. At the moment people are being given passages only on troopships.
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  • 61 6 From Our Own Correspondent MALACCA, Sun. A will-known Malacca resident. Mr. Ec Yew Kirn, President, of the Straits Chines? British Assoc ation. was the victim of a case of car stripping on Thursday night. Mr. Yew Kirn's car was removed from tho garage and left a few
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 449 6 AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION. MALAYA. I M.MIiII.AN A\l> MALACCA 3 BRANCH a A .-pocial Oeneral Meeting of the above AfsortftUoo wi'l b? held al the N S Club. SKKKMBAN on WEDNES- DAY 9th Oclober. 1948 at 7.30 p m. j AGFA It 1 (a) Tc, appoint Chairman of meeting <b> To elect
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    • 289 6 FOR SALE FOR SALE European bungalow 7-E. Fourth Avenue, off Bukit Tlmah Hoad i beJrooms, water and clec. Please ipply 303. North Bridge Road. FOR 6 ALE Brown House. Penang :lill. Ten rooms and four bathroonv< \nd nil modern conveniences. For Furtht r particulars apply to Messrs. PRESGRAVE MATTHEWS, 9
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    • 714 6 BRITISH STORES DISPOSAL BOARD (SINGAPORE) TENDER NOTICE. BY ORDER OF THE DIRECTOR OF DISPOSALS, FAR EASTERN AREA (M.0.5.) 1. The British Stores Disposal Board, Singapore. Is authorised to receive Tenders for: the following unserviceable goods which are shown in approximate weights and quantities: Lot I— Steel Helmets 46 tons. Lot
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    • 281 6 fIUVITfi TRIO I*B*OCAT/O UVeH.K/PNff t- BIAPPti Ftilt tt^Ji\>H EVERYBODY EVERY HOME Sok Importer* H. M. de SOUZA. Sr., and SON Ground Contractors Tel. Nos 3004 and 7126 at 18J. P.:ttrn Road Rfsldr:i r at ('arcnafb Road. ■>..■ Mfort You ran nut do better —THAN <ii;:>: YOUR— DRESS— SCIT— JIMPER. SKIRT
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 32 6 SINGAPORE TIDES TODAY: High water: 9.08 a.m. 7 ft 4 in: 8.08 n.m. 7 ft. 7 in. TOMORROW: High water: 0.41 am. 7 ft. 9 in; 900 p.m, 8 ft. 3 in.
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    • 669 6 Todays declarer had to solve a "reached" for ffi e diamonds, or problem on the basis of "ratng" tried for a game in no trump is an opponent. a moot point. South, dealer West opened the heart king. Neither sid? vulnerable then cashed the ace and played a th rd
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  • Article, Illustration
    14 7 Kett> Grable. costumed for an island romance in which she appeared in Singapore recently.
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  • 440 7 weren't for her I'd either become emaciated and anaemi? from too little food, or I'd soon find myself round and chubby from eating too much. Even so. Miss Davis admits that between pictures she slips off the dietetic regime once in a while. But when
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  • 93 7 MANY movies have been made for the amount of money the Twentieth Century-Fox will spend on clothes aione for Linda Darnell in her "Forever Amber" role of Amber St. Clare. Rene Hubert, Swiss-born head of the studio's costume designing department, has announced that eowns fashioned in the
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  • 100 7 Walt Disney, the cartoon film producer, will sal on Nov. 14 lor Dublin with author John Tucker Battle and director Perce Per re? to gather material for a picture based on th c tefendary "Lii a People" of E re. They will be accompanied by the producer's
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  • 66 7 Virtually every studio in Hollywood has been trying to have James Mason, the noted British film star, sign an American contract, but so far Mason has proved elusive. Latest effort la the overture made by RKO Radio Studios which wants him for Dudley Nichols' production of "Mourniiv, Becomes Electra." Nichols
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  • 295 7 Too Many Aliens In Hollywood THE foreign contingent in Hollywood is now so numerous that it is difficult to find an American movie cast which does not include at least one actor previously known i n another land. Still rare, however, is the American film in which players are predominantly
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  • 45 7 Deanna Durbin, who retired temporarily from the screen for the birth of her daughter, has returned to Universal-Interna-national studies, where her first picture i s "I'll Be Yours." The baby, Jessica Louise, was born last February 7. Miss Durbtn is from Winnepeg, Manitoba, Canada. A.P.
    AP  -  45 words
  • Article, Illustration
    21 7 Tins doiT>lr-breast<-i] r.' l-liruwn tweed coat with a regenrv coilar was one of the autumn fashion* on display in London recently
    21 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 436 7 K.P. M. LINE We herewith announce that we are r.sumtnr o«r »ervice SINCi*PORE— rONTIANAK v.v. m v. "MAKIAN" wUI (five the initial sailing from PONTIANAK on 18lh OCTOBFR. For particular* re freight and puu;t apply U; ROYAL PACKET NAVIGATION COMPANY Incorporated In the Netherlands) I Finlayson Green, Singapore. TELEPHONE 5975.
      436 words
    • 97 7 DO YOU HOLD AN IMPORT LICENCE? If to, we are now In a position to oiler you Swiss. Italian, French and Belgian TEXTILES. MACHINERY, HARDU'ARi. and all types of General Merchandise. SWISS WATCHES A SPECIALITY Those who already possess an Import Licence, please cable or Air Mall their enquiries, when
      97 words
    • 371 7 American President Lines, Ltd. NEW YORK via India ana Mediterranean Port* MARINE LEOPARD* Owe to Arrive Oct. II •Freight only A VESSEL Dae Oct. 28 For freight tod Passengers fcppi} AMERICAN PRESIDENT LINES Union Bide TeU: 622i> It 6757 WATERMAN LINE U.S. ATLANTIC COASI A <.1 I 1 PORTS Regular
      371 words
    • 330 7 Mansfield Co., Ltd. tlnc«r»«rate« id Singapore > BLUS FUNNEL LINE Sailings to and from United Kingdcm Melampus Due from U.S.A. 7th Oct. AnUnor l»oe from UJC. Bth Oct. tlrlnouf vails for U.K. 10th on. Samite saib for U.K. 18th o< t Samjack sails Kg- U.K. 20th Oct Western Australia lhe
      330 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 324 7 RADIO MAI AVA 915 P- m Tunes across the tab!e; Interlude: 8.45 p.m. Parliamentary w *«-a**«-a 930 pjn News 045 pm Talki Wor i d summary; 9.00 p.m. Navy Mixture: SinaQDOre Affairs; 10.00 pm. In musical mood; 9.30 p.m. Radio Rhythm Club; 10.00 10.30 p.m. Edmundo Ros and his p.m.
      324 words

  • 708 8 LONDON, Sunday. THE question soccer fans are asking today is whether England's crack winger Stanley Matthews ha s played his last game for England.. Profiting by Matthews' inability to play against Ireland owing to an injury, Preston's right winger Tom Finney played such a storming
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  • 76 8 LONDON, Sun. Commenting on the soccfr strike threat the Secretary of the Football League, Fred Howart, told Reuter today: "I do not think the strike will materialise." The League, he added, had made no plans to meet the strike if one did take place. "I certainly think football
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 741 8 POSITIONS hi Home football le^gu^s, up-to-date are Blackpool Manchester V Sundrrlarid Liverpool Sheffield Vn Stoke O. Wolv.-s Vliddesb' r, Brentfon Bol^ou Villa Charlton Evprtcn Ch?lsea Blackburn Prtston Cinmshv Arsonal 'Tuddcrsfield roi-tsmoulli r>rby Cc P W D L 10 8 C 2 9 6 2 1 9 5 2
    741 words
  • 119 8 A large crowd turned up at the QNM World Arena last Saturday and :.iw Jen* Conda score a sensational K.O. \.\n over the masked wrestler. Son of Zombie In the fourth round of a scheduled e'ght round contest, Conda scoring the victory with his famous knee drop
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  • 60 8 OLASGOW. Sat. THE Sparta PoofbaU Club of I'raiu^v *ho was the league champion and run holder of O/.< oiiuM Yak a. will play Glasfiow Rangers on Oct. 14 and Hibernians on Oct. 16. The dub surprised man; who.i fnarißf 2-2 v. ith Arsenal in the cp'nin? same of thMr tour,
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 99 8 Wayward Belle Now Favourite LONDON, Sun. LORD Milford's filly. Wayward Belle, is now the favourite for the Cambridgeshire at 10-1. She has been backed down from 100-7. At Hurst Park today 15 000 to £500 was taken. It Is understood that Sir Malcolm McAlpine's Groupitr, winner at Hurst Park today,
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 235 8 nEVONS were seven runs short of the S.C.C. total in tlw cricket match on the padang yesterday, when lheir innings was completed. A sportinc gesture by Devon's Captain, who allowed the S.C.C. to bat alter lunch when they had lost nine wickets at Tour minutes to one
    235 words
  • 128 8 SYDNEY Sat. MR. G. and J. Fleming^ Concerto by Midstream cut of Sweet Harmony, who at 3:J 1 outsider, carrying Bst. 701Ls. won thP £5,000 Australian Jockey Cluo Derby at Randwick here today over two miles, boating even the the favourite P. Miller's Flying Duke by
    Reuter  -  128 words
  • 233 8 D. ROSS who put up aii unbeaten 64 on Saturday did well again with the bat to return the highest score of 53 runs in yesterday's cr'cket match between the SRC. and Mr. A.N. Fiber's XI, which the Recs won by 31 runs. The scores were: S.
    233 words
  • 139 8 DETROIT, Sat. JOE Louis, the world heavyweight boxing champion, has a welcome home ready lor his lormer manager, John Roxborough. when the latter is released from the Southern Michigan prison after serving almost two years for conspiracy in connection with the policy racket in Detroit.
    UP  -  139 words
  • 74 8 ADELAIDE, bat. I \ON Bradman's decision to accept M captaincy of the Kensingto:. cricket team is considered to intiicaie that he will be .-vailable for b: matches such as inter-State game* and against the English tourists provided he is satisfied about thr state cf hi? health
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 66 8 MELBOURNE, Sat. AUSTRALIAN champion racehorse, Bernbt i >nrh. scored his fourteenth successive victory when he easily won the £1.590 Melbourne Stakes run ovrr one mile at Flcminslon here today. Bernborourh rarricd 9.8 lbs. The field nf 1 included Victorian champion Attley who. with 9.5. finished
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 510 8 Straits Times Kepjrti-r. PENANO, Sat r PHRKE new horsas, Hill Quoen. Aim 1 Well and Colour Patch won thtir races today. Hill Queen scoring a double for tho meeting, while Colout Paich iinishcd with a terriflc burst lo beat the favouiitc Houlichan or. the post to yay
    510 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 421 8 it (M4TRIC T\ MOST POPULAR AND UP TO Dj> fV l" a n g" phone" 'il'iiow Todiy: 3.0*. 6 3« 9 IS pin WV thr raciest, most rloutow rarapadr of thr movtp season "THE LADY HAS PUNS" Starring Ray Millind and TaulrlW C.oddard rmmttt by latent Itntish Paramount Nr»» v^sr^B^^^z^SiL
      421 words
    • 342 8 THE SCREEN'S MONSTERS OF TERROR TOGETHER FOR THE FIRST TIME I FIVE SHOWS DAILY (Tel. 5281) >^^^_ ANNEGWYNNE PETER COE ELENA VEROUGO LIONEL ATWIU Preceded by Pathe Gazette WEDNESDAY'S GALA OPENSNG Four Shows: 11 a.m. 2.15 p.m. 6 p.m. 9.15 p.m. The most Dramatic Romance, in the midst of War.
      342 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 72 8 Ijow Water Pre-war some clubs owed tl:ousandi'of pounds while others were in low water financially waiting and hoping !or their transfer cheque to come through. Lat?r on in the season some clubs may resort to cheque books to try to avoid relegation or assist in the promotion struggk but for
      72 words