The Straits Times, 5 October 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 659 1 Conservatives "Hated In India" BLACKPOOL, Friday. THE debate on India provided the Conservative Conference with a dramatic episode today when Mr. Douglas Reed, one of the delegates who recently returned from India, where he had been for six years a member of the Madras Legislature, described
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  • 290 1 Condensed Milk On Ration Cards /CONDENSED milk, at preV/ sent distributed by retailers, is to be placed on the ration card, the Straits Times understands. This decision was arrived at, it is further understood, following discussions between Food Control officers and representatives of the chief importers and distributors. Condensed milk,
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  • 29 1 BEZW A D A, INDIA Fri.— Twenty-eight people lost their lives and 70 were injured when the Madras-Calcutta mail train was derailed at Oni*ole, 75 miles from Bezwada. Reuter.
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  • 61 1 WASHINGTON, Fri.— The latest bulletin from the Naval Hospital here on the condition of Mr. Cordell Hull, tormer United States Secretary of State, said: "Mr. Hull has lost ground during the day and his condition is considered grave tonight." Mr. Hull, who was 75 on Wednesday,
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  • 225 1 NEW YORK, Friday. GEN. George C. Kcnney, Chief of the United States Delegation to the United Nations Military Staff Committee, said today that Russia had belatedly submitted a proposal looking towards the setting up of an international army, and had thus broken a five-month stalemate in the
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  • 44 1 Jhe (unard-W'hite Star Queen Mary, passing the Queen Elizabeth at Southampton. The Queen Mary had just completed her last voyage as a wartime transport from Nova Scotia in the record time of 3 days, 15 hours and 48 minutes.
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  • 272 1 PARIS, Friday. THE "Big Four" agreed here late last night on the rules of the procedure for speeding up the plenary session of the Paris Conference to ensure that the conference will finish its work on Oct. 15 the "deadline" fixed by the Foreign
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  • 154 1 St. John's, Newfoundland, Fri. RESCUE team which strugl\ gled for five hours up rain-swept, barren hills near Stephensville, Western Newfoundland, last night found tfce charred bodies of all 39 occupants among the smouldering wreckage of the America?) Skymaster airliner New England, which crashed
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  • 98 1 WASHINGTON, Fri. Pandit Jawharlal Nehru has been notified that the United States is ready to enter into diplomatic relations with the Indian Interim Government, and the only thing holding up the exchange of Ambassadors is the selection of men to hold the posts Reuter learned authoritatively
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  • 62 1 LONDON. Fri— The British Foreign Office spokesman today confirmed that a proposal to visit London for direct talks with Mr. Bevin about the AngloEgyptian treaty negotiations had been passed by Ismail Sidky Pasha, the Egyptian Prime Minister, to the British Charge d'Affaires in Cairo. Mr. Bevin,
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  • 286 1 NEW YORK, Friday. DRESIDENT Truman in a statement today, demanded that "substantial immigration" into Palestine should begin at once without waiting for a solution of the Palestine problem as a whole. President Truman said: "Preparations for this movement have already been made by this Government
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  • 83 1 MARCUS HOOK, Pennsylvania. Fri. Seven persons were kihtd and upwards of 140 injured when fire, followed by a series, of earth-shaking explosicns, raged through the United Sen Oil Company's huge aviation petro) refinery here. Nineteen of the injured weie reported to be in a critical
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  • 212 1 NEW DELHI, Friday. A COMMUNIQUE issued today by General Headquarters made it clear that British troops sent to Iraq during the last few days were not additional to those already there. "In actual fact," the communique .-aid, "the parties «>f men, numbering about 540. have
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  • 53 1 THE HAGUE, Fri. The Indonesian President, Dr. Soekarno, has delegated his full executive powers to the new Cabinet headed by Sutan Sjahrir, the Indonesian news agency Antara reports from Jogjakarta. The President took over full powers as a temporary measure in July after the kidnapping of
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 107 1 OUTDOOR PHOTOfIM and. ( SALES &SBVICE I VLLAGt. JINGAPO&J qf lU J lo ut//i<'W or ™h one l !lir0ll(" OUt yr w\ Tonic Food Bevemge J\j^ < sf\ has all these advantages I W* HW OVALTINE e.f.,. r jJ^ popul.ritr X^^H^|v 1 0 OVALTINE ;3&/ universally '.v recommended by V
      107 words
    • 65 1 m. \*t i/\ r/i'. T X B.#dtGAa&\ (meaanMtit* m nnm) SKMt -PIN A** J for driving Electrical Generators, Welding Plants, Air Compressors etc. Lowest Fuel and Lubricating Oil Consumption Guaranteed. Expert Service, Staff, and Spares Service. For Prices and Delivery Apply UNITED ENGINEERS LTD. SINCAPORf PENANC IPOH MALACCA SERE M
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  • 569 2 M.P. Urges Trial Of Officers From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Thursday. DOLTON'S Member of Parliament, Mr. John Lewis, has informed the Bolton Labour Party that he has written to the War Secretary, Mr. Jack Lawson, asking for the trial by court martial for infringements of the
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  • 99 2 PALEMBANG. Fri. Approximately 5,000,000 guilders worth of products consisting ol rubber, rattan, and coffee stored for foreign export went up in flames when from some mysterious cause three godowns at kampoiv* Sekanak here caught fire recently and destroyed a lari?e pen of the stores. The Nelherland
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  • 114 2 Reds Attack China Rail Key Points NANKING, Thursday. rE focal point of the North China war shifted suddenly from southern Chahar where the Nationalists are now reported only 20 miles from Kalgan, to the north Hopei front, where the Communists today struck against key points on the PekingHankow railway. The
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  • 107 2 BATAVIA. Fri.— Military and naval activity in the Netherlands Ir.dies cost the lives of 21 Dutch officers and 227 men up to Aup 1, the Government Information Service announces. Twelve officers and 32 oiner ranks are listed as missing The number of wounded is not
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  • 99 2 SAN FRANCISCO. Thurs.— Mr. Robert Patterson, United States Secretary of War. has called for a regular territorial and reserve force of 5,000.000 men kept up to strength by a universal military training programme which would train 726,000 youths for the Army every year. Speaking to
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  • 191 2 SHANGHAI, Friday. GERMAN spies in the East U solved the United Siau Coast Guard code and kept tracks of troop movements in the Pacific, Louis T. Siefken testified before a United States military commission at th war crimes trial of 27 Nazis. Siefken Identified himself as r.-'ad
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  • 36 2 King George of Greece taking I cave of the Duchess of Kent before starting his journey to hi? own country. His return was recently approved by a plebiscite of the Greek people.
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  • 459 2 Hjrchill, Britain's wartime leader. Alfred Rosenberg and Fritz Sauckel are reported to have signed appeals for mercy. Hans Frank, Julius Stieicher and Ernst Kaltenbrun:;er have told their counsel dial they will not appeal against tn?:r death sentences. Reuter. BERLIN, Thursday. DERLIN transport and industrial workers
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  • 170 2 17 Ships Carry Food To India NEW YORK, Thursday. DIWAN Chaman Lall, head of the special Indian food mission to Argentina, announcing that his mission had been "completely successful," disclosed today thai 17 ships laden with Argentina foodstuffs were at present on the high seas on the way to India.
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  • 125 2 LONDON, Thurs Welcoming the announcement tha', ai Indian textile delegation will arrive in Britain towards th 3 end of October both to try jind get more textile machinery more particularly discuss the possibility of making such a plain, in li.dia, a leading member of
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  • 51 2 BATAVIA, Fri.— Owing to insect plague, followed by an unprecedentedly long period of drought, the rice crop in South Celebes for the most part has failed. Although the planting areas were considerably extended it is expected that little or nothing will be available for export this year.—
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 597 2 SALE BY TENDER. 1 The Custodian of Enemy Property Malayan I nlon. Invites tenders for th- purchase of the following derelict tnngkan-s now lying In the Malacca v-yard": TONNAOE NO. AVAIUIBLX M 1.. tone three 18 three 21-28 four 31 three 100 two. 2. Application should be made to the
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    • 537 2 NOTICE. THE CLERICAL UNION NOTICE to hereby given that a Extraordinary General Meeting of the Clerical Union will be held at the M.D.U. Hall. 331 North Bridge Road on Priday. 18th October. 1946, at 5.15 pm. sharp to consider and approve the revired Rules and Bye-Laws to comply with the
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    • 379 2 THE EASTERN AGENCIES LTD. (Members' Voluntary Winding Ipi The Companies Ordin&nrr 194« NOTICE is hereby given Jie Creditors of the abovenamed Company, which 4 being voluntarily wound up. are required on or before the thirty first day of December 1946, to send their names and addresst.s and particulars of
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  • 331 3 Special Facilities For Govt. Clerks A SYSTEM for supplying imported goods as well as rationed articles, first to Government employees in Singapore and later to commercial office workers, at officially approved prices is being put into operation. It is designed to deliver a shattering
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  • 295 3 30,000 TONS OF RICE FROM SIAM THE Siamese Premier, Luang Nawasawat Dhamrong, revealed yesterday that rice shipments in September totalled 30,000 tons. He added that 42,000 tons were available against the target of 60,000 tons but thp British were able to ship only 30,000 tons, according to a message from
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  • 233 3 AN Indian sentry attached to the 93 Base Supply Depot at Alexandra Road, described in the Fourth Police Court how he shot at two Javanese who failed to stop when he ordered them to, with the result that one was killed. He was
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  • 165 3 Church of England: St. Andrew's 7, 8. 10.30. 5 30: St. Peter's; 7.30. 9.30, 10.30, 7.30; St. George's Garrison Church (Tangh:ii; 7.15. 9, 9.45. 6.30; Christ Church: 8, 10.30, 5. 6.30; St Hilda's; 8. 5.30; St. Paul's (Serangooru; 8; Garrison Church (69 I.G.H. Alexandra); 7.15, 11, 6.
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  • 50 3 The Y.W.C.A. Business and Professional Women's Club will hold a moonlight picnic at Siglap on Oct. 8 from 1 p.m. to 10.30 p,m. Transport will be provided members and guests from Canning Rise. Further information may be obtained from Miss D. Nlcolich, Box No. 454, General Post Office.
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  • 229 3 YESTERDAY'S SINGAPORE WEDDING THE wedding took place at St. Andrew's Cathedral yesterday afternoon of Mr. John O'Dell, Deputy Municipal Treasurer, son of Mrs. O'Dell and the lat e Mr. H. J. O'Dell of Aberystwyth, and Miss Winifred Marsh of the Educational Department, Colonial Service, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G.
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  • 45 3 The Governor, Sir Franklin Gimson, visited the Government Printing Office yesterday and, following an inspection of the works, complimented Mr. V. G. G. Gattrell, the superintendent, on the condition of the plant, and the volume and efficiency of the work produced.
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  • 38 3 The 13 members of the committee of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce, who resigned this week as a protest against the use of the Chamber premises for discussion of political subjects, have withdrawn their resignations.
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  • 203 3 S.T.C. Men "War" With Pickpockets FOLLOWING two assaults on S.T.C. employees by hooligans In busos on Thursday, Singapore Traction Company busmen yesterday declared "war" on pickpockets. First skirmishes were "fought out" just after midday when strong forces of Traction Company men waited at street corners and took charge of pickpockets
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  • 233 3 "China's Little Devils" At Cathay MANY films have been produced of how underground armies helped to win the war against the Japanese, but "China's Little Devils," a Monogram picture, is the first of its kind. Singapore filmgoers will have an opportunity of seeing at the midnight premiere at Cathay Cinema
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  • 87 3 AS a result of using an open oil lamp on May 27, Ang Ah Ng, a 34 -year-old motor-boat salesman, and a friend sustained burns which subsequently proved fatal to Ang. Ang and his friend went to inspect a fishing boat and when in the
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  • 357 3 "CIR Leslie Boyce, head of the U.K. Trade Mission to China, said on his arrival in Singapore yesterday that the Mission had been specially sent by the British Government "to exchange information and ideas with our Chinese friends and to see in what ways we
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 781 3 BRITISH STORES DISPOSAL BOARD (SINGAPORE) TENDER NOTICE. BY ORDER OF 1 Ilk. DIRECTOR OF DISPOSALS. FAR EASTERN AREA (M.0.5.) I. The British Stores Disposal Board. Singapore, is authorised to rcnive Tenders for: the following unserviceable goods which arc shown In approximate weights and quantities: Lot I— Steel Helmet* 40 tona.
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    • 498 3 NOTICE. Information is sought by Madam Lee Soy Nlah, concerning her husband Tan Khuak Chwee also known as Tan Seng Hwee of No. 26 Jalan Ah Kock. Johore Bahru, Johore who in January 1942 moved to temporary accommodation near the Mental Hospital. Tampoi, Johore Bahru and from there he was
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    • 316 3 ROAD TRANSPORT DEPAK I MENT. MALAYAN UNION. Vacancies exist in the appointment of Asiatic examiner (motor in the salary vale. $110 per month annual increment* at the rate of $10 monlh to a maximum of $160 per montl>. Eligible for government quaiters. free medical attention, and for 21 days vacation
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  • 35 4 A CKNOWLEDGMENT. Lee Kong Boon and funlly sincerely thank all rrl*tiv<o, friends and Hosp ial S aft for thtlr attendance, night »l*iLv wrrath* and loan of vehicles for thr lunrral of Mrs. Ler Kong Boon.
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  • 28 4 In dearest memory of In^es Trenii'lpnta"y kllied on October 2nd, IMS. "H" has outsoared the shadow of our nipht. Eiivy and calumny and hate ixaJn."
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  • 904 4 The Straits Times Singapore,sat,oct,5,1946. Pandit Nehru As Premier After the somewhat hectic atmosphere which prevailed at the time the Int?rlm Government was formed, a welcome state of calm has become apparent in Indian politics. True, communal rioting has not altogether subsided. A number of deaths have been reported during the
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  • 92 4 UNITS of the Mediterrean Fleet under the command of RearAdmiral H. R. G. Kinahan in tiit cruiser Mauritius, started "operations" yesterday against the fleet of an imaginary minor power described as "Bluelancl" and accused of piracy. Cyprus represented "Bmeland The attacking force includes the cruisers Liverpool and Left-i--der,
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  • 109 4 JERUSALEM, Thursday. LEADERS of the Arab military organisation Futuwah met today and drafted the stand they would take in offering to merge with the rival organisation. Nejada "to form a common front against Jewish colonization and attack." Persons close to the Arab Executive said that the meeting
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  • 956 4  - The New Education: visions in Australia DR. C. E. W. BEAN By A conference on methods of international education to promote world peace was attended in Melbourne recently by educationists from Great Britain, Europe, the United States and Australia. These impressions are reproduced from the Sydney Morning Herald. Official Australian
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  • Article, Illustration
    13 4 r I know its damn si llif T\ old boif 9 hut y
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  • Man In The Street
    • 487 4 ris with trepidation that I read in the local press thai a famous American hunter will return to these parts in the near future in order to replenish the "sadly-depleted stock of wild animals ir. American zoos and circuses." 1 can only hope that many others
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    • 95 4 THE public must have noted with real satisfaction the displeasure expressed by the Governor, Sir Frankiin Gimson, In a letter to the Singapore Municipal Commissioner? concerning their recent decision reml'ing the limit fixed for assessment rates. The Governor is certainlj right As long as the Rent
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    • 82 4 MANY people agree with Mr. Walters and the othe r Municipal Commissioners that the assessment ceiling should not be removed. In order to get more revenue to meet the Municipal deficit, why not have the Rent Restriction Ordinance amrnded to such an extent as to allow only
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    • 92 4 pAN anyone enlighten thousands like me working for the Army, on the question of the Pyke allowance for W.D. employees? As a result of the strike, W.D. employees at the Naval Base were granted the Pyke allowance, and lately those working in the Air M nistry,
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    • 76 4 jC: .OYEES ol the Government services who did not receive their two months advance of pay before the fall ii. 1942 have recently been paid. But employees of the Singapore Municipality have been denied the payment. 80 far, no indication as to whether they will ever be
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    • 54 4 I NOTE in your news columns that a well-known firm in Kuala Lumpur was censured by the judge and fined for not exhibiting the official arlce list In respect of regulated articles. It is hoped that th? Pric e Control Department of Malac-a will make this a
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 666 4 The engagement U announced between Tan Slew Sin. only son of Mr fend Mrs. Lan Cheng Lock of Malacca, and Catherine Llm Cheng Neo, second ilauKlil.r of Mr. and Mrs. Llm Bock Kr* of Slprbp ■>!•*•. SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED clerks by Commercial murt have pased UH Middle Brhool In Chinese
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    • 56 4 5 Things Money Cannot Buy 1. A baby's smile. 2. Youth, when It Is gone. 3. The love of a good woman. 4. Entrance Into heaven. and last but most Important 5. SIGHT WHEN RUINED Guard your Eyes. Whenever they feel uncomfortable whether you wear glasses or not, have them
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  • 262 5 Rubber Industry Residual Buyers From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. TIIK new rubber agreement has failed to excite optimism in local rubber circles in Kuala Lumpur in view of the lack of information on other vitally connected matters. An authority on the Malayan rubber industry told th* Straits Times
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  • 60 5 Rl I. nil! storks in the Malayan Inion at the end of »u"ii*t are Riven officially as 81.22 tons. Durin- the period 45.173 tons were exported. 9.181 to Singapore. r odurtion of estates and •.mall holdings amounted to 45.240 tons. 2,357 tons being imported and
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  • 74 5 U.S. STARTS BUYING ON MONDAY? THE Chinese newspaper, Kung Pao, reports that local rubber exporters have received instructions from American buyers to the effect that the Americans are to start buying Malayan rubber from Monday on the terms agreed upon in the new Anglo-American agn^men^t. The paper continues that the
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  • 23 5 Toda>'.s menu at Peopled Restaurants in Singapore will be: Noodles and goulash or llokkien mcc, beef or prawns, choy ■itn, towray.
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  • 67 5 <;OVT. CLERKS TO MEET THE General Clerical Service As- sociation, which was formed in Singapore recently for members of the Government clerical department*;, will hold a general meeting at tl.o Municipal canteen at 2 p.m. u>dav. Principal business will be to elect a committee of management to take over from
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  • 355 5 Singapore Assn. Talks On Rice Problem Lifting Of Movement Ban Suggested COOl) has loomed large in recent discussions of the committee of the Singapore Association, and i's vice-president, Mr. H. I). Mundell, and a member, Mr. L. Crcsson, have had a talk with Lord Killearn's Economic Adviser, Mr. Charles Empson,
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  • 201 5 rE Colonial Secretary has been asked by the Singapore Association whether Government is prepared to make a public announcement to the effect that it will be responsible for the dependents of any citizen killed in combatting the lawless elements in the Colony. This decision
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  • 175 5 Police Recover Loot Half-Hour After Robbery I ESS than half an hour after thieves broke into a boarding house in St. Thomas' Walk yesterday and got awa>- with $1,500 worth of jewellery and clothing, a jeep patrol operating from Orchard Road Police Station, arrested three Javanese anc' recoverrd all the
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  • 114 5 THE Singapore Association considers that the need Uc adequate rare and treatment of tuberculosis rases is more urgent than ever in view of the increase in incidence. Two members have been detailed to obtain as much information on the suhiect as possible and report to
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  • 90 5 TWO BIRTHS FOR EVERY DEATH THERE were two births for ev* r y d ath recorded in Singapore during the first half of this year, according to figures pub'ishod yesterday Total number of births recordd for this period was 15.192 wh l e th«- number of dea'hs were 7.862. Among
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  • 44 5 IWAKUNI, Fri. HNDER heavy guard by R.A.F police, three Japanese army officers, suspected of war crimes, took off by plane for Singapore to stand trial. The officers included Lt. Gen. Mataguchi, Maj. Gen. Kawamura, and Maj. Gen. Kinoshita.— U.P.
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  • 49 5 The Straits Times editorial office is now located on the fourth floor of the building in Cecil Street. This picture taken yesterday shows the modern, well-ventilated room which now houses the editorial staffs of the Straits Times, the Singapore Free Press and the Sunday Times.
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  • 207 5 'War Trials May Lead To Race War' AN appeal to a War Crimes tribunal to see to it that by their decisions "the next war— a race war worse than the last, Is not started in this room right in front of the blindfolded figure of Justice was made by
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  • 131 5 Children Fight B.M. With Posters THILDREN from 23 schools parv ticipated in the Singapore Schools anti-black market poster competition, an exhibition of which was opened by the acting Colonial Secretary, Mr. H. P. Bryson in the Municipal Council Chamber yesterday. Winner of the first prize was 14-year-old Terence Galistan, of
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  • 109 5 CIVE more vessels belonging to members of th e Singapore Chinese Importers and Exporters Association have not been released by the Dutch, reports the Sinthew Jit Poh. The paper states that four of these vessels are still detained at Batavia and on c at Singkep.
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  • 147 5 A^BDUL Latif bin Munshi Abdul Aziz, dascribed as an Indian soldier was yesterday semen c to seven years' rigorous imprisonment by Mr. Justice Worley at the Singapore Assizes. Aziz was found guilty of armi-d robbery. The prosecution stated that on May 10 at about 8.30
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  • 73 5 T<HE manager of Raffles Cafe in 1 Bras Basah Road, M. Arathoon was yesterday fined $500 or three months' imprismmen by Mr. T. T. Russell, in the Second District Court, for overcharging for meals in the Cafe on July i. Kis waiter, Neo Ah Boon, wiao
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  • 37 5 REV. JOHN HAYTOR will preach at St. Hilda's. Katong. at the Harvest Festival on Sunday at 8 a.m. At GJO p.m. the same day Rev. Haytor will officiate at "Evenong" at St. Andrew's Cathedral.
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  • 318 5 nAMAGE caused to the Straits Steamship Co.'s motor vessel Bentong, on July 19 wiu-n she was approaching Sing&pcis harbour, was the subjecl of an inquiry at the Marine Court yesterday. The Court comprised Mr Paul Storr, assisted by Commander C A. Robinson R.N.R., (the Master
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 240 5 A NEW FORCE in the MOTION PICTURE INDUSTRY Monogram (|t|D.j|) Pictures looorram Studios in Hollywood who have been productive Top Ranking Productions; the War ye«r«, have now entered the entertainment fi«-!d with their latest ATTRACTIONS through the MALAYA FILM SERVICE IC, Winchestei House. Collyer Quay. Singapore, wko hare arqaired
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    • 54 5 Some of The New Arrivals LADIES GENTS SHOPPING BAGS ALL COLOURS SIZES SUEDE LINED •TURKISH HAND TOWELS 22" X 30". Price $1.30 Per Pair Visit WASSIAMULL'S DEPARTMENTAL STORE for QUALITY VALUE SERVICE Phone 3454 31. 33 High St. V HO makes HISTORY Follow this hand tomorrow ifi^i LISTERINE used j
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  • 352 6 Settlement Bid By New Workers' Union Fails From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. A STRIKE on the Ladang Geddes Estate, Bahsu, which started on Sept. 28, is stil! continuing in spite of the efforts of Mr. V. M. N. Menon, General Secretary of
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  • Straits Times Post-Bag
    • 187 6 THE present system of distri- buting sweetened condensed milk to the public through appointed retailers simply allows the black-marketeers to exploit the public. Do not the authorities know full well that when the Cold Storage undertook to distribute sweetened condensed milk some time ago.
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  • 95 6 From Our Own Correspondent Seremban, Friday. ARRANGEMENTS are almost complete for the combined Seremban and Port Dickson agrhortlcultural show on Sunday at the King George V School. Serem ban. The best mukim will receive the District Officer's Cup, while special prizes will be awarded to other?.
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  • 115 6 GovernmentTo Replace Stolen Textiles From Our Own Correspondent Penang, Friday. DROVIDED premium is paid similar to that paid to Insurance companies for cover against burglary and adequate precautions are taken to safeguard stocks, the Malayan Union Government, it Is understood will assume responsibility for relief supplies of textiles held by
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  • 78 6 From Our Own Correspondent MALACCA. Fri. THE recently-formed Prisoners' Aid Society of Malacca is issuing invitations for membership of the Society. The minimum individual subscription has been fixed at $6 per ioar or $60 for life. All subscriptions can be sent cither to the Resident Commismissioner or
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  • 61 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. THE htad office of the Dewan Perniagoan Melayu (Malay Chamber of Commerce), Malaya, is situated at 17, Old Market Square, Kuala Lumpur. Ail Malay concerns and individuals throughout Malaya with twenty or more employees ur.df r tl.em are requested to cummunicat#j as
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 341 6 LID O ■Ti:H'»BiiIiI;HiM;J;I:MH L*U 3 Show*: 3 p-m. 7 9.15 p.m. M( TOR JORY in THE SHADOW" iCbapi. l to T) EVUtV MIMTE A THRILL! EVERY MOONS A BRKATII-TAKKR! Final Chaps: Open To-Morrow To Nieht (11 SO) Midnisht 2 SrCCTACCLAB TEC'HNKOLOR TK Tl RKS AI.I. IN OM NHillTi: DON'T MISS...
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    • 58 6 f GREAT WORLD PARK Last Z Shows: 7 p.m. 9.15 p.m. PAR AMOUNT'S "ROAD TO MOROCCO* 1 with Bing Bob Dorothy CROSBY HOPE LAMOUR It's the Cream of all the 'Road' Shows! Opening To-Morrow (With Matinee At 3 p.m.) A SUSPENSE-CRAMMED THRILLER I "THE SHADOW* 9 (Chaps: 1 to 7)
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    • 629 6 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED by European firm of Importers centrally situated office. Reply Box No. 488. Post Office Singapore. A REPRESENTATIVK of the IndoAustralian Corporation, visiting Singapore, and proceeding to Australia on the 17th inst.. desires to contact merchants for purposes of Imports-exports between India. Australia and Malaya in textiles, chemicals, foodgrain
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    • 218 6 The Finest that craftsmen can create in. GOLD AND PLATINUM JEWELLERY STERLING SILVERWARE alwa ys a t PTEREY FACEPOWDC*. LIPSTICK. PERFUME. TOILET ~Okfj ROUCC ETC, ETC ((I'LL RAKCXI MAuttriMatv rintuHie subtly FiArrs nna Tttutr i* v man Sole Importrn We haoe the Goods nmv You navp no longer to wait
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 677 6 There were two good lines of with the play in dummy, declarer play for the slam In today's deal, led a low club to his jack. As he but the declarer chose a third, explained later, his theory had not so good line. been to find ttu club queen on
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  • Around The Markets
    • 376 7 NEW YORK, Thursday. DLrtBER consumption in the United States for the 11 first seven months of this year established a new record, totalling 569,675 tons, including 106,^82 tons of natural rubber, compared with 491,928 and 69,272 tons respectively for the same period last, reports
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    • 162 7 SINGAPORE, Frt. ill£ pocitton yesterday In the local produce market U reported by the Chinese press as follows: PEPfER: Market artive, with about 100 tons absorbed by foreign buyers. Fresh stock SKy per picnl. old stock $88 per plcui. Muntok white, J.IOS p r plcui. Sibu white. JlO2
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    • 101 7 BATAVIA. Friday. I^HE Netherlands Indies Rubber Fund reports that in an agreement concluded in the middle of September the United States Government expressed willingness to buy up ail rvbbor in the Netherlands Indies (with a minimum of 10,000 topis' which is still unsold at
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    • 93 7 ■AM FRANCISCO. Pri— Unofficial estimates at Bank of America headquarters here indicated yesterday that during the third quarter of 1946 the Bank had maintained its position as largest in the world in resources and deposits. Bank sources reported that deposits in the huge Pacific Coast institution had Increased
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    • 60 7 PARIS. Thursday. Effective next week prices of textile goods in Prance will be reduced from between 10 and 12 per cent, announces the Ministry of National Economy. Ano'her message from Paris states that French Industrialists have decided tc organise a "cotton week" shortly whr-n 'arge quantities of textiles.
      Reuter  -  60 words
    • 155 7 From Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Friday. THERE were buyers of No. 1 I sheet rubber in the market today at 42 1 o cents f.0.b., which is the full New York price. This Is accounted for by the probable fact that this market is still short of sales
      155 words
    • 41 7 The coni Inure lnn!t.-«;ion c: Mexican gold into the lotil .nark?; through Hongkong has caused a further drop in local prices. Buyers' price for 100 per cent, pure pold yesterday WSI $185 per tael, and sellers' $19b. Market active
      41 words
    • 53 7 McAlister and Company (Singapore) Limited showed a profit in their Eastern operations since re-estab'.lsh-ment, following the liberation until June 30. 1946, of £6.245. In London, the profit bought forward from last year was £14.105 and this has beer Increased to £21,387. The directors propose to carry forwari' the
      53 words
    • 76 7 The directors of Ge^vcr Tin Mines Ltd., recommend a Dividend of 10 per c?nt. actual (6d. per stock unit) less ir. :cm3 tax at 9s. in the payable to members registered on Oct. 22. being the total dividend for the year ended Mar.
      76 words
    • 95 7 The report of the dire. tors of i Kramat pulai, Ltd.. for the ye?.r ended Mar. 31, will recommend the payment of a divider of 3d. per share, less tax at in the If sanctioned the dividend will be paid on Oct. 24. The excess of expenditure
      95 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 544 7 RFFIINfTinNINC OF I CHRIST'S HOSPITAL KLhUNlllUrllNU Ur FOUNDER'S DAY DINNER. ASTON ATHLETIC CLUB. is proposed to hold the usual Will old members of the above Club cc i eDrm tion on Founders D»y. 23rd Mibniit their names »nd ad- October. Would any Old Blues (lndrcMM to the Hon: Secretary. Mr
      544 words
    • 475 7 Mansfield Co., L.I t locorpor»l«e m sincap«rci BLUt HJNNEI LINt Sailings lo ana from United Kuigacm Mrlampus Due from U.S.A. 7th Oct. Antenor Doe from U.K. Bth Ort. \lein<>as «all* for I K 10th *>< i. Samjark sails for U.K. 2«th Ort. 4 Western Australia Ibt «hort«M «M rouu si
      475 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 761 7 SINGAPORE TIDES TODAY: High water 650 a.m. 6 ft. 5 in; 4.58 p.m. 7 ft 2 in. TOMORROW: Highwater 821 a.m 6 ft. 9 in: 6.45 p.m 7 ft. 2 in. Along The Singapore Waterfront 1 FIRE which broke out on the Godown 13-14- Kelso Victory, dis- Bulan. arr. Sept.
      761 words

  • 319 8 (From Norman Preston, neuter's special correspondent travelling with the M.C.C. team.) NORTHAM, Western Australia, Thursday. TOO much importance should not be attached to the MCC I victory by an innings and 215 runs over Northam districts here today. It was merely a
    319 words
  • 155 8 PROBABLY no other city in the world will see such a carnival of sport as Melbourne, Victoria, in the next few months. The M.C.C vs Victoria will start the ball rolling on Oct. 31. This game would normally begin on Nov. 1 but it has been
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  • 444 8 Letters WILL you be kind enough to publish the following for the enlightenment of the pubiio •W ith reference to the remarks made by the Chairman of the Chung Wah Football Club (Chinese Athletic) that:— •in accordance with the deel sion contained in the letter of
    444 words
  • 38 8 A limited number of chairs will be available to S.C.C. members for the rugby matcn S.C.C. vs HQ. All. si. i on the padang today. Following the pre-war practice a charge of $1 will be made.
    38 words
  • 147 8 HUNSTANTON. Norfold Wed. THE Irish champion. Miss Philo- mena Garyey, reached the final of th e British women's golf championship here this afternoon and will meet Mrs. Hetherington of Wanstead. London, tomorrow. Nineteen-year-old Miss Garvey, who attracted so much attention during earlier championship play,
    Reuter  -  147 words
  • 64 8 Ceylon ese Win Two-One 'THE Cry lon Sports Club yeshrd.-.y A beat No. 1 Petrol Point (R.A.S. C.) by two goals to one In a game of soccer played at Parrer Park. After a scoreless first half the Ceylonese forged ahead In the second with two goals scored by Shagram
    64 words
  • 48 8 LONDON. Thurs. To-day's football results were: SECOND DIVISION Swansea T. 4 Shampton 2 DIVISION THREE (south) Notts C. 3 Port Vale 2 RL'GBY LEAGUE YORKSHIRE CUP (2nd round) Hull 42 York 8 Wakefleld T. 11 Castleford 2 LANCASHIRE CUP «2nd round) Widnes 9 Swlnton 2 —Reuter.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 37 8 H.Q. Alfsea rugby team to play the Singapore Cricket Club on the padang this afternoon will be: Salmon; Robertson, Cave- Brown, Hogg, Hope: Williams, Lewis; Pike, John, Evans, Frost. House, Moreton-moss, Rowley, Wyatt.
    37 words
  • 211 8 OLLOWING are acceptances for today's races at Penang: RACE ONE Horses. Claac 3, D»r. 2. 5) Furs. Silica 9.07. Aim Well 9.02, Shubel 8.05. Scratching*: Marquise de Poloina 8.04, Dark Encounter 7.11, Neelavenl 7.10. RACE TWO Horses, Class 4, Div. Z, 5} Furs. Robelus 9.12. Rumination 9.10,
    211 words
  • 108 8 The heavyweight match between Jeff Conda. of Manchester and Son Of Zombie, the masked wrestler, will take place tonight at the Great World Arena. The second main event will see Johnny Merrill, of the Royal Navy, clashing against Jim Corbett of the 2nd Div. Johore. This bout is
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  • 157 8 LONDON, Thurs. THE Victoria Club callover on the Cesarewitch this evening was. 100—8 Tony Lumpkin taken and offered: 100 8 Cadenazzo offered 100—7 taken: 100—6 Ford Transport offered; 18 1 Auralia offered 20—1 taken: 20—1 Wily. 22—1 Reynard Volant. 25—1 Culrain offered; 28—1 Urgay 33—1 taken; 28—1
    Reuter  -  157 words
  • Article, Illustration
    35 8 Erv sh Test Team's arrival at fmuui'lt. Playem received their ■nt mail on arrival in Austra lia. Left to right: Ikin, Pollard, Edrich, Peter Smith, Hard staff. Langridge. Gibb and Evans (seated in deck chair.)
    35 words
  • 582 8 I ARGE entries and keen competition marked the KAI Base L Sports, held at Paya Lebar on Wednesday. The meeting, which was held with the purpose of selecting Base representatives for the RAF Malaya Command athletic championships to be held at Seletar on Oct.
    582 words
  • 39 8 It is learned that the yearling colt by Fair Trial out of Rose Legend, which was sold to Harry Wragg, had been bought for the Maharajah Gaekwar of Baroda for whom Wragg will train the colt —Reuter.
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 423 8 L? 2 *m Last Day: 5.1 5— 4i*— 9.15 P^DouelM Fairbanks Jr. hi THE CORSICAN BROTHERS" with Akim Tamlror. and Ruth Warrlck Tc-nllc MMnite <;ARIB" (In Hindustari) To-ntrnw -SHUKRITA(tn UirdusUnH V PWONE'. 64^09 *F I Shows l>aily: —3. 6.15 A 915 P.M. The picture of pictures "HOLLYWOOD CANTEEN" With the
      423 words
    • 272 8 EN TER TA IN MEN I S HERE'S YOUR WEEKENO ENTERTAINMENT AND ITS AT THE mB l J&s3> TODAY 5 SHOWS 10.30 a. m ■M. 4, »>..> I. ».30 p. m :J? i *^T> Bros. Preifnt^^r" A m vC JM W BARBARA "^^^P^ GE R ALOINE the Story of the
      272 words