The Straits Times, 4 October 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 198 1 Russia's Need MayAmountTo 400,000 Tons LONDON, Thursday. A LETTER to the Financial Times (from a writer who previously emphasised Russia's potential (kr.iand for natural rubber) says additional information shows that Russia's demand alone in the next six months is likely to exceed the present stocks in
    Reuter  -  198 words
  • 264 1 ISTANBUL. Thursday. AFTER careful examination of the recent Soviet note on the Dardanelles, the Tr.i kish Government intends to let Moscow know shortly that its point of view is unaltered, it was stated today. The General Secretary of the Turkish Foreign Ministry yesterday conferred with
    Reuter  -  264 words
  • 264 1 NEW YORK, Thursday. UR. Bernard Baruch, United States delegate to the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission, last night unleashed a sharp attack on the former Secretary of Commerce, Mr. Henry A. Wallace, for his criticism of the United States' atom control proposal. Mr. Baruch
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  • 203 1 Pangkal Pinang Attacks On Britain Pangkal Pinang, Thursday. CHARGES that Britain was j O interfering in the Netherlands Indies internal polit i in an effort to create "a your: and inexperienced Indonesian Republic which would come under the influence of Singapore" were made at the Pangkal Pinang Conference today. The
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  • 87 1 NUREMBERG. Thurs. The Prosecutor of the Nureni(ierman Purge Court has arrest warrants against von Papen, Schacht and Frit•che, the three acquitted at the War Crimes Trial, the American news service in Germany 1 today. The German criminal police this rrurninp: surrounded the Palace of Justice and
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  • 67 1 TEHERAN, Thurs.— The newspapci Etelaat said yesterday the Percian Gulf port of Bush ire was completely in the hands of rebel tribesmen. it said the Government's position at Kazt-roun was extremely serious, as rebels had bi ought reinforcements, apparantely for a final assault on the
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  • 114 1 RANGOON. Thurs. Twentytwo thousand -mployees in (inurnment offices, including ports, railways, posts and teleKiMphs, decided yesterday to call oil their ten-day-old strike following an agreement reached with the Government on the question of inoiv.iscd cost of livin? allowances. thousand pottccaen also derided to call off their
    Reuter  -  114 words
  • 56 1 ATHENS. Thurs.— Members ol the Greek Government headed by Mr. Constantin Tsakiaiis, which resigned on Saturday when King George of the Hellenes returned to his country, were sworn in last night as the new and exclusively Royalist Govern- ment. Archbishop Damaskinos, the ex-Regent, administered the oath in
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 241 1 LONDON, Thursday. H.M.S. Vanguard, the world's biggest battleship and n 1,000,000 capital fightiiu,-! unit of the fleet, needs onlyj comparatively small altera- 1 tions to convert her into a 1 floating palace to carry th; Royal Family on their visit to South Africa in February. Apartnvnts
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  • 104 1 NEW DELHI. Thurs—Negotiations to persuade the Muslim League to participate with the Congress Party in the Interim Governmtnt we:e report d la^t night to be in a crucial stage. The Viceroy. Viscount Wavcll, conferred with the Muslim League loader, Mr. Jinnah. durir" the day. Til* formula
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  • 50 1 Their Majesties the Kin* and Queen arriving at the Victoria and Albert Museum in Kensington to open the "Britain Can Make It" exhibition. The exhibition is drawing 29,000 people daily and was visited yesterday by trade buyers from seven countries. The Nawab of Bhawalpur also attended yesterday.
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  • 172 1 39 BELIEVED DEAD IN AIR CRASH NEW YORK, Thursday. .AN American Overseas Airlines four-engined DC-4 carrying 39 persons, including three infants, crashed in flames on a hillside near Stephenville, Newfoundland, today, and the United States Coast Guard said there were not likely to be any survivors All t-ie 31 passengers
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  • 788 1 BYRNES SAYS NO MORE U.S. ISOLATION PARIS, Thursday. CPEAKING in Paris today, Mr. James F. Byrnes, States Secretary of State, said he heartily agreed with Marshal Stalin that there was no immediate danger of war. Then he added: "I hope that his statement will put an end to the unwarranted
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 288 2 'Liberal Views 9 Of Van Mook Praised BATAVIA, Thursday. THE Republican Premier, Sutan Sjahrir, is leaving for Jogjakarta tomorrow, returning on Oct. 6 at the latest, to form the delegation for the Dutch-Indo-nesian negotiations. It is certain Sjahrir will head the delegation, to which one or
    Reuter  -  288 words
  • 211 2 Japs Said To Have Had Atomic Bomb NEW YORK, Thursday. THE paper Atlanta Constitution published today a report that Japan had successfully tested the atomb bomb three days before the end of the war. The story, written by David Sncll, one ol the papers reporters, who has recently returned from
    Reuter  -  211 words
  • 106 2 NEW DELHI, vVed— Mr. K. L. Punjabi, Joint Secretary of the Indian Food Department, leaves for Bptavia by air today to arrange shipments of Indonesian food grains for India. On his way, at Singapore, Mr. Punjabi will also discuss the food grains transport problems with the Acting
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  • 118 2 MONTREAL, Wed.— The Inietnational Labour Organisation International conference will bi held in New Delhi next year and an Asiatic regional conference will be held in China in 1948. Edwr.rd J. Phelan, Director General of ILO. said today. Preparations were being l.nde for a conference in
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 163 2 TOKIO. Thurs.— Japan decidrd in 1940 to ally herself with Germany only because she realized she was unable to continue her international isolation resulting from the withdrawal of the west' m nations, a secret German radiogram disclosed to the War Crimes Tribunal today. The German
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  • 70 2 AIR HELP FOR SEARCH PARTY CHENGTU. Thurs.-A search plane was held ready /e^icrcay to keep in touch with U.S. soldiers slogging painfully across mountainous western China, seekiiif? lost airmen believed e.iskved by primitive Lolo tribei.i.cii. The plane is to operate from Sichang A search plane also will bo hc-Jdi ready
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  • 32 2 DUSSELDORF. Thurs. Air Marshal Sir Sholto Douglju, mamiinp the British zone <>: c:< rmaiiy. disclosed last nl^Lt thai he had ordered an u.',".-u' Irivc to increase Ruin i-or.! production. A.P.
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  • 26 2 PARIS. Wed.— The French National Assembly voted by a show of hands last night In favour or the death penalty for food cornerers and blackmarketeers.— Reuter.
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  • 199 2 NANKING, Wednesday. NATIONALIST columns havt accelerated their drive towards Kalgan, especially from the south-west, where vanguards are now less than 30 miles from this major Communist base. Much speculation has be n aroused by the reported visit to Mongolia and Manchuria of the
    Reuter  -  199 words
  • 43 2 Mr. A v prill Harriman, former! y IS Ambassador to Britain, who succeeds Mr. Henry Wallace as U.S. Secretary of Commerce. Mr. Harriman is seen arriving at the U.S. Embassy in London, after hearing of h s new appointment.
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  • 595 2 LONDON, Thursday. Fis certain that the executions of the Nazis condemned to die at Nuremberg prison in two weeks' time will be carried out by an American hangman, says the London Evening News. British hangman Pierrepoint, who went to Vienna to execute four displaced
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  • 82 2 SYDNEY. Wed— TesMfy .ng 10.--the defence in the closing stage of the trial of Major Charles Cousens, Lieut .-Commander Gecree Henshaw, of the U.S. Naval in* diligence staff in Tokio. denied that Cousens was trearoil by the Japanese with leniency because of his broadcasts over
    UP  -  82 words
  • 44 2 TRIESTE. Thurs.— Police Investigating a drug-smuggling rin^ here have seized 280 vialb of cocaln, said to be "enouß:i to kill half Trieste." The drugs ar.e believed t o oe of German origin, although tl.ere is no official statement so far.— Reuter
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 521 2 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS classified Smalli (I .'■> orr Imr Mm Cbftrgf $5 %Mh Noticet »t on tinglf column inch 'Vrtonal Domrstic I ivr Une Mm Charge Sltt. Vn kmh »i.rd» eompriv >m lj« VUrntvitirnu >na> be vr. d> post imatiird r>< rni'lunif hoi •iirnia'top Irlrphoo* \dverln tig M*<ia(ci im wr1l« StrjtU
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    • 486 2 MALAYAN RAILWAY Commencing on Sunday/ Monday. I'D 3<hh Sept mb r, 1946 «na neW after e\ery Sunday (eastward) and every Wednesday (VHtWftj Urn fOUuwlna ttaiouafl train service to and Irom Kelantan wUI operate; KASTWARD. Penang (Launch) dep. 2245 Sundays Prai 2330 Sungei Patani OiOB Mondays Alor Star c3^2 Padang Besar
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  • 77 3 Esplanade Hawkers Raided II WVKF.KS alonj Connaught Drive last nijht abandoned tliv/r pitches and in most their goods and took to their heels when members of lh« Town Cleansing Department of the Municipality and the polir? raided the area The party whii-h was led h) Mr. H. J. Dohirty of
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  • 127 3 Uleged Use Of Phosphorus Explosive Two chargM of causing grievous hurt, and one of c< mmlttlng mischief with an exrabstance were explained to three Indians. S Rajoo. WarBtafh, and Samsudin bin Mohamed. when they were prom the Second Police Court rday. other Indians, Kamoo. and Govindasamy wl-.o should teen
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  • 134 3 AN Indian named Chellamutl.u Nadesan, who was described as a person with a "special attraction for revolvers," was yesterday sentenced to three years' rigorous imprisonment by Mr Paul Storr. the District Judge, for possession of a .32 revolver. The police arrested Nadesan in a photographer's
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  • 264 3 Good Response To Call For Recruits SINGAPORE youths with Senior Cambridge qualifications are among the applicants for police work who are to be interviewed and tested in the Police Training School at Thomson Road during the next few days. If accepted they will be the
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  • 89 3 j TWO young Chinese, Chua Ah Bee and Poh Kee Choon, werei acquitted and discharged by Mr Justice Worley yesterday at Ihe Singapore Assizes without their defence being called. Chua and Poh v/ere charged I with armed robbery and alter- j natively receiving stolen pro- I
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  • 71 3 TWO Chinese lost their lives in the recent fire at Boat Quay in which cargo was destroyed and a motor tongkang badly damaged. They were Se e Kirn Chuan (32 1 and Tan Chin Lim <23>. Death in each was believed to havp been due
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  • 66 3 STATEMENT appeared in the Straits Times yesterday that the Governor-General had commuted the death sentence imposed on Fara Singh, a Sikh police sergeant in North Borneo to JO years' rigorous imprisonment. This is incorrect. Th? death sentence was commuted by the Acting Governor, of North Borneo
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  • 267 3 Municipal Services Entertain President THE last proclamation of Sir Shenton Thomas issued on Feb 16, 1942, which stated that it was the task of every man and woman in Singapore to co-operate in the restoration of order in the town, was quoted by Mr. S. V. Hogan, at a tea
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  • 87 3 THREE Chinese, Lim Cheng Hoe, Kan Kee Fong, and Low Kwan, were at the request of Mr. A. R. McEwan, A.S.P., ordered to be remanded for a further 14 hours police custody by the Second Police Magistrate, Mr. L. C. Goh. The three men face
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  • 191 3 Food Control Clerk On Bribe Charge A 27-year-old Indian, T. Navaratnam, was yesterday produced before Mr. Tan Thoon Lip at the Singapore District Court on two charges of having corruptly received money from two Chinese as a reward for showing tavour by issuing without delay rice ration cards. Koh Kok
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  • 150 3 Escapee Sentenced To 3 Months TOR making his escape while in polic? custody, a Javanese. Hashim bin Samat was convicted, and sentenced to three months' rigorous imprisonment by the Third Police Magistrate, Mr. K. M. Byrne, yesterday. Hashim was one of the three men arrested in connection with an armed
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  • 38 3 Miss Mary Chen, former CLlnese secretary of the Y.W.C.A. in Singapore, is leaving by ihc Gorgon on Oct. 15 for Auckland, New Zealand, where she has Deen invited to be an international Secretary of Y.W.C.A.
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  • 29 3 Bishop Edwin F. Lee will oe the preacher at the Thanksgi' ing Service on Sunday, at &.30 a.m. in the Tamil Methodist Church, 1, Short Street.
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  • 271 3 AN Indian soldier, Abdul Latif bin Munshi Abdul Aziz, was produced before Mr. Justice Worley at the Singapore Assizes yesterday charged with armed gang robbery. Mrs. W. R. Bartels, of 309-H Changi Road, gave evidence that on the evening of May 10 when she was
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  • 37 3 Mr. L. Rr.yman, President of the Singapore Municipality speaking at the tea party held in his honour yesterday. Below, Mr. S. V. Hogan, on behalf of the Municipal Services staff, welcoming Mr. Rayman.
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  • 102 3 Firemen Ask For More Rice A FOUR-POINT petitiu,, lus been submitted by Sinjjiipore firemen to the President of the Municipality for his consideration. The flr?men are asking for their weekly ration of rice to oe Increased to six katis, for 60 cigarettes a week, and a free ration of milk
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  • 132 3 IT. COL. C. E. R. Jenningi at the Australian War Crimei Court yesterday sentenced Capt Nomura Fumio. commandant of a PoW camp In Siam to five years imprisonment for inhumane treat- ment of Allied PoV After an Allied air raid it #aa disclosed, an
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  • 62 3 ALLEGED THEFT FROM BASE j A 17-year-old Tamil, K. Maniam, claimed trial in the Third Police Court yesterday to the theft of 300 sheets of galvanised iron valued at $1,500. from tha Naval Dockyard, on Sept. 16. He was ordered to be remanded for 48 hours in police custody for
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 213 3 THE BEST (^BINOCULARS arrived in Malaya after the War. «*^m Slocked 7X304 9 X 35 THE ROSS BINOCULARS GIVE YOUL 50°o more light. Wr^ A wide field of view. k -it Perfect definition always. Stocked by NEW CHINA OPTICAL CO., 71, High Street, (Phone 2586) SINGAPORE. rZXso VICTORIA THEATRE COMBINED
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  • 626 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Fri. Oct. 4. 1946. Bangka, Bali And Java At Pangkal Pinang, on the island of Banka, a conference representative of European, Chinese and other minority groups in the East Indies is meeting to discuss their status in the new Indonesia. At Den Pasar, in Bali, another
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  • 546 4 r promenade during the tittin hour is a thrilling pastime, and a favourite onj with Singapore's office population. The rhythmic scissorlike motion of the legs soothes the emptiness of the stomach, the almost-elitterins shou windows of Battery Road and the new Change Alley are the butter and
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  • 29 4 Should be care A Singapore Chinese citizen's comment on repur's that th Army is unable to give more he Ip to the Civil Police in combatinr the crime wave.
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    • 356 4 IN the past we have noticed several suggestions by J well-meaning and presumably intelligent readers that troops should be used to stamp out the present crime wave in Singapore and the mainland. Your "Kluang Reader" has made several quite brilliant suggestions, but he has forgotten
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    • 270 4 MOST of us agree with the S.T. editorial column on the strain of night patrols for office workers. The Japanese system of night patrols favoured the rlv,b. be--03 use the rich man could always hire someone to appear f<r him when his turn came, whereas the office worker
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    • 169 4 MY wife and I have been residing in Singapoie .since 1921. We stayed pu •i-i did our duty to the coun try up to the time the kindhearted Japs herded us into Changi Jail and then Sime Road Camp. After 3' 2 years of Internment we were
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    • 121 4 OCTOBER Ist.. 1946 has passed the TARGET DATE on which all requisitioned buildings were to bo re leased. And so now, we are wondering when the military authorities will keep to their promises which they lavishly and carelessly threw about. Are we to expsct another statement stating
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  • 812 4  - Will the Malayan Union citizen do all this? SIR GEORGE MAXWELL, K.BE.,CM.G. By [Probably the thorniest question under discussion by the committee o£ representatives of the British administration, the Malay Sultans and UMNO which M drafting proposed amendments to the Malayan Union scheme in Kuala Lumpur is definition of the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 956 4 SITUATIONS VACANT WANTID: Shorthand Typist Salary $1W $200 according to qualifications. Apply P.O. Box 35. WANTED Junior Salesman own b» able to type. Apply P.O Box 35. ANTED Grade II Dreaser for an fc-.ute in Central Johore. Reply giving details of experience iind salary required to Box 371. S.T. WANTED
      956 words
    • 103 4 RECORDS Sung by RICHARD CROOKS. DAIOiV One Alone (Desert Song) When You're Away DA1239 111 always be true Vienna. Cltv of my Dreams 1»AiI«3 Olpsy Moon Just to linger In your Arms D.U306 Without your Love If I am Dreaming DAI3U Castles In the Air Waltc Song i Waltc Dream)
      103 words
    • 76 4 R.V. MEYER OPTICIAN ■iw oi the insfiute Oorn i«h jc Opticians (England Fellow of the Worrh Dfri i.'cm.panv M SDectacle-Makers Ens Freemnn 'it th? Wt% of London ft RAFFLES PLACE n OPP. LITTLE*' k Wm^|«WM|l\ cs Materials Supplied at "^BbS BEE CHOff Mill 2I.CHULIAST. S'POfttUMf^ Just Received For suits and
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  • 384 5 Malayan Census To Be Taken Next Year Mr. del Tufo As Superin tenden t A MALAYA-WIDE and Singapore census is to be carried out under the direction of the count*/* pre-war Census Superintendent, Mr. M. V. del Tufo, next year Mr. del Tufo has jus England where he has dor
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  • 138 5 Lancashire Petition For Paratroopers BOOTLE, Thurs. DOCKERS today Joined in a I ampaign protesting against the two yearr.' sentence passed on 242 men of the 13th Paratroops Battalion alleged to have been guilty of mutiny in Malnya. A number of the men from Lancashire. A petition, so far signed by
    Reuter  -  138 words
  • 46 5 Fines totalling $1,650 were imposed on 31-year-old Quek Siew Song by Mr. T. T. Russell, the Second District Judge, yesterday, for selling sugar to of the control price, unlawlul possession of sugar and dealing ln rice without a permit on Aug. 15.
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  • 352 5 AT St. George's Garrison Church, Tanglin, yesterday afternoon a service attended by high service officers, was held in memory of the late Col. Cyril Hugh Dalrymple Wild, War Crimes Liaison Officer to ALFSEA, who was killed recently while flying to Singapore from Hong Kong after
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  • 10 5 >!r. M. V. del Tufo, M.t'.S
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  • 157 5 Chinese And New Rubber Agreement By Our Chinese Correspondent THINESE newspapers in Sinv gapore yesterday published local Chinese reaction to the new Anglo- American rubber agreement. Mr. Wee Kip Chui, purchasing manager of one of the largest Chinese rubber dealers, th* Lee Rubber Ltd., is pessimistic regarding the new agreement.
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  • 81 5 FIGHTING broke out between rival Chinese gangs at the junction of Yio Chu Kang Road and Upper Serangoon Road last night. The incident occurred at about 8 p.m. when large crowds had gathered to watch a procession from the Chinese temple. Pottles and missiles were
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  • 108 5 A finding of murder against some person or persons unknown was recorded by Mr. W. G. Porter, the Singapore Coroner, yesterday, when he inquired into the death of 29-year-old Llm Chenr, Choh, a taxi driver, whose body was found ln Reformatory Read o.i May 31. Three
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  • 19 5 Today's menu at People's Restaurants in Singaoore will be: Rice, fish fritters with tomato sauce, spinach, beetroot.
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  • 168 5 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. MACHINERY has been set up In Malaya to inquire whether the man-power resources of this country will need to be supplemented by immigration and If so to assess such requirements in accordanc? with th e needs of trades and
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  • 326 5 Proposal For S'pore War Memorial THE Singapore War Memorial should take the form of a Community Centre which should be the everyday home of communal activities in Singapore, where all races can meet and mingle for the pursuit of cultural ends. This proposal was approved by the Social Welfare Council
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  • 214 5 S.C.B.A. To Discuss Constitution Of Council AT a committee meeting today the Straits Chintse British Association will discus th e recent report of th e special committee making recommendations o n the constitution of Singapore's Legislative Council. Varied views Rre hid by members as to how the Council should be
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  • 390 5 GEN. NUMATA ON WORK OF JAPANSE JUDICIAL OFFICERS LT. Gen. Numata Takazo, Chief of General Staff to t late Count Terauchi, called as a prosecution witness in the Outram Road Gaol trial, spent the best part of yesterday morning in the witness box. The Court treated him as a hostile
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  • 49 5 Alleging damage done to then stall?, hawkers in the Ro^hore Road-Jalan Besar on Wednrs day held up a bread lorry and threatened to assault the driver Mr. Gan, of the Oversea Chinese Commercial Union spoke to the hawkers and the lorry proceeded after a half-hour delay.
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  • 87 5 7From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPIR, Thurv AS a result of a general comh out of Kuala Lumpur town by mobile patrols of the I. IV. 136 loiterers were rounded up, 30 of whom were sentenced to five months' rigorous imprisonment by Che Abdul Rain in the
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  • 210 5 'STRAITS CHINESE': NEW NAME? THE Straits Chinese British As- sociation is to be called by a different nam? now that tbe term "Straits Settlements" 1 no longer a i- plies. What its new nr.rr.e ».:11 a? dt pends on the dcci :on of the committee which will meet today :c
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 208 5 A NEW FORCE in the MOTION PICTURE INDUSTRY Monogram «l LU I s Pictures Mo iirrun siudu* in Hollywood uho have been producing Top Ranking r.nrtui tlon* during the War PMCS, have now entered the entertainment fidd nlh thiir late t ATTRACTIONS Ihiough the MALAYA FILM SERVICE 2G. Winchf tei
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    • 171 5 FURNITURE IN STOCK ROBINSONS DOUBLE BEDROOM SUITE Kapor Meranti 11 Pieces Almeirah, Dressing Table, Stool, Beds, 1 Tall Boy, 2 Chairs, Bedside Cabinet ftftftJO DINING ROOM SUITE 9 Pieces Sideboard, Serving Table, Dining Table, 2 Arm Chairs, 4 Armless Chairs 5H50.00 OFFICE DESKS 5' x 3' with 6 drawers $140.00
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  • 185 6 SETTLEMENT COUNCIL IN PENANG Invitations Issued To Local Leaders From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Thuis. INVITATIONS to Penang and Province Wtllesley leaders to sit on the proposed Settlement Council have already been forwarded, the Resident Commissioner, Mr. S. N. King, indicated at a press conference yesterday. So far, however, no
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  • 145 6 Ceylon Sends Representative To India COLOMBO, Thursday. THE appointment of Mr. Justice de Silva to be th a Hi picsentative of the Government of Ceylon in India has officially announced. A barrister-at-law of the Middl e Tcmp'e and King's Counsel, Mr. de Silva, who is 59 years old, th P
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  • 40 6 DELHI, Thurs. Sir S. l bl Vice-chancellor rslty, will [ation to the omic, Social ami cultural conference whlib In Nov.- York this month. her members of the delegaire Dr. Z&kir Htiss in and Rajkumarl Amrit Kaur. A.P.
    AP  -  40 words
  • 74 6 From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Thursday. WITH the arrival of another food ship on Monday the ri<e position here van be considered '"very satisfactory" and Penang residents need have no anxiety on this score, according to a local food official in a statement to
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  • 123 6 From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Thurs. *N important statement on the share out of supplies ordered by the Army and the Colonial Office was made at a press conference yesterday by th? Resident Commissioner, Mr. S. N. King, who revealed that firms, other than msmbers of
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  • 249 6 Tenders are invited for ths printing of ihe Malayan Union telephone dl- I rectory in Chinese characters, under the fo '.loving general conditions: The Dliectory to be issued in January and July of each year. Approximately 2.500 copies will be I su the outset. This
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  • 97 6 SHANGHAI, Thurj.— The Sin Wan Pao reports the formation of the Southwest Aviation Company to operate three airplane routes connecting Shanghai and Canton, Canton and Kunming and Canton and Taiwan. Originally established by officials of Kwangtung and Kwangsi provinces, the company l s said to plan
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  • 82 6 SHANGHAI, Thurs.— C hin a's multi-million dollar yearly prewar export of tung oil has. like most other Chinese exports. fa!le n the victim of inflation and high labour costs which have made production costs prohibitive. Before the war tung oil could be produced in China for
    UP  -  82 words
  • 116 6 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Thursday. THE third People's Restaurant in Selangor will be opened at Eatu Road. Kuala Lumpur, on Friday by the Resident Commissioner of Selangor, Mr. W. A. Ward. It will seat 350 people at any one time; the number of
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  • 74 6 CALCUTTA. Thurs.— Lt.-Gen. Shamshere Jung Bahadur, Prime Minister of Nepal, has left for England to decorate King George VI with an insignia on behalf of the King of Nepal. The Nepal Premier Is scheduled to visit the United States o n his way back to
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  • 67 6 Tea Exporters Ask For Loan SHANGHAI. Thurs.-Tea exporters in China have been negotiating with the Central Bank for a loan to finance the export of tea to the Uinted States, according to well-informed financial circles. It is understood that the loan is sought at very low interest rates to help
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  • 60 6 From Our Own Correspondent TAIPING. Wed. 1 MILITARY truck on Satur- day night caught Ore near Ihe Taiping aerodrome, the flames spreading to an adjoining building used by the Japanesesurrendered personnel as their administration office. The Taiping nre brigade rushed t) tin- scene, but was power)) i
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  • 97 6 NANKING, Thursday. MR. CHEN CHIEN YU, commissioner of social affair* for the Nanking City Government, told a press conference that Nanking business conditions have registered a substantial decline. Within recent weeks, he said, 14 department stores have bean forced to close because of a combination of
    UP  -  97 words
  • 84 6 CALCUTTA. Thurs. -Mr. Jai Prakash Narain, the Congress socialist leader, has "politely declined" the offer of the presidentship of the Indian National Congress. His chief reason for declining the offer is reported to be his desire not to identify himself with the Congress to the "point of
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 233 6 Vmhb^«v| -m— JSj 2BvVßvu^^m^LJL*m*^mJßi^«»4S>B^BlSjßv i D\V: 3 P.M. a ::o p.m. I >-mono«: \l LM p.m. :i! RETURN Screening A PM D*|l ONLY! "ARYAMALA" i i Tamil i f;-a; V I (li nnappa. T. v B-UuLih. M. S. saiijini. V S Kri- hnan ard T. A. Mathuram. NE.vT f JlTf
      233 words
    • 34 6 MAJESTIC Premier Chines? Picture Palace! 4 shows daily: -1. 3.15. A 9.15 p.m. "MERRY CLUB" A super romance picture in Mandarin, ronr.rriv and laughter. Tomorrow Mlrinite! •THE SKCRKT AOSN1 OF JAPAN Espionage Myst« ry
      34 words
    • 569 6 FOR SALE FOR SALE one Fo:d V.B Coupe, 19(10 model, fitted with short-wave Radio: also one M.O. car Saloon, li litre, model 1937-1938: Both !n tiptop condition. Apply Box 386. S.T FOR SALE Chevrolet Sedan spassenger, 1939 model. Recently co:npl.tdf overhauled. New lea.her upholstery. New pant. $7,200 cash or nearest
      569 words
    • 248 6 GENUINE CROOKES' B 2 SUNGLASS For Safe and ComforU.Je ivuti. STOCKS NOW AVAII I DAH SIN OPTICAL HOUSE Phone 6204. UNION iYPEWRITER SERVICE Not it A 11. l hul.a Sirrcl Telephone 3622 Singapore Dealer.' «no Specially >v re; air? at all makes or Office Machinery Including Bookkeeping Muchitx Eltctr'c Calculators
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 683 6 The declarer in today's deal West decided to open a tramp passed up a finesse that wouid -not usually a wise decision have been a safety play and chose against a small slam, but in this another finesse that really hurt case inconsequential. Declarer when it lost! promptly cashed the
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  • Around The Markets
    • 665 7 LONDON, Thursday. fOMMENTING on the new rubber agreement, the Times says in view of the present accumulation of rubber in Malaya, a fall in the price is expected to follow the freeing of the market. Now the initial trend of a free
      Reuter  -  665 words
    • 98 7 SINGAPORE. Thursday. IHK prpper market turned dull >rsi. i cUy and there were few transartioii!i. reports the Chiue&t press. Pi ire* were:— Munlnk White. $105 in the morn Ing hut no buyer*. Sliver White. 9"% no hu.vers. Black, $89 Two thousand piculi of rock-sugar arrived yeaterday. Prices dropped
      98 words
    • 52 7 THE HAGUE, Wed— According to the Manager of the Netherlands Bank a revision of the guilder value In view of Canada's revaluation of her currency has never been contemplated, and Holland enters the International Monetary Fund on the basis of the existing currency relation with regard to other
      Reuter  -  52 words
    • 26 7 BATAVIA. Thurs— A decree signed by "President" Soek&rno announces the establishment of a Republican currency of which the exchange value has not been announced yet. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  26 words
    • 245 7 From Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Thursday. THERE was no business done in rubber commodity this morning in the local market, though there were enquiries for loose rubber at 40 cents. The Singapore Chinese press says quotations dropped to about one dollar per picul. It compares yesterday's local
      245 words
    • 185 7 SINOAPORE, Thurs Direct exchange rates as fixed by tlie Control are READY RATES SELLING T.T./O.D. New York .47-18 Canada 47-1 16 Switzerland 203-14 Holland Guilders 125-18 N.E.I. 125-18 Swedish Kroner 169-1 2 Belgium 2068-14 French Francs 5021-12 Hesos 64-7 8 Danish Kroner 226-1 4 BITING Air Mail New
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 403 7 4 SHOWS 1.30. 4. G3O. 9.30 P- M. Another Outstanding Show This Weekend! *«t fc J B? w<r<er BfOS Prejeirt^BT j Hl^l BARBARA |W^^ In the Story of the Startling Loves of it* Gflf SISTERS' The Girls the Town Pointed At... Donald Crisp Nancy Coleman Gene Lockhart ft^ 'Tim Tim
      403 words
    • 468 7 American President Lines, Ltd. NEW YORK via India and Mediterranean Port* LOUIS McHENRY OOWK* Godowns IS 14 MARINE I.EOPAKU* Due to Arrive Oct. II •Freight only A VESSEL Due Oct £8 For Freight md Pnss^nxera f.ppi> AMERICAN PRESIDENT LINES Union Bide. Tels: 622 ft «?5? WATERMAN LINE t.S ATLANTIC COAST
      468 words
    • 324 7 Mansfield S Co., Ll I Inorporalrc in Singapore! HI. IT HI.NNKI lIM Sailings to ana from United Kingavß Vfrlampus Due from I' S.A 7th Ort. \iriiinii- >ail<« ror t'.K l Oth On. rr >.iiU lor IK 'Oh 0.1. Western Ansl r:ilt;i I'ht »horte*« *e» routr 'he -hr»pr«t rmU Slngk
      324 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 777 7 SINGAPORE TIDES Today: High water 4.42 a.m. 6 ft 6 in; 3.37 p.m. 7 ft. G In. Tomorrow: With water 650 am., 6 ft. 5 in; 458 p.m. 7 ft. 2 in. Along The Singapore Waterfront THE arrival Of tWO more loCO- 1 Godown 3-4: Flyln? Mist, loading Van Heutsz.
      777 words

  • Article, Illustration
    19 8 'llic .Mannc Polite one-mile medley relay team which took part in the Police snorts at Thomson Road on Saturday.
    19 words
  • 276 8 THE following are the football next week: ENGLISH LEAGUE OCT. 9 THIRD DIVISION SOUTH Mansfield Town v Watford OCT. 10 THIRD DIVISION SOUTH Notts County v Port Vale OCT. 12 FIRST DIVISION Arsenal v Brentford Aston Villa v Portsmouth Bolton Wandrs. t M'boreusrh Chelsea
    276 words
  • 66 8 The Tamil Brotherhood Association will play a friendly game of soccer gainst th- Naval Dockyard, on Saturday a: Naval Base. Players and supporters are kindly requested to assemble at 94. Owen Road by 4 p.m. for transport. The team will be: Slthambaram: Abdul Rasak: Somu: Kayambu: Muniandy: Ohani;
    66 words
  • 120 8 The following arc requested to represent the Maxnt Badminton Party In a friendly badminton match of live singles and two doubles against the Gentle Badminton Party to be played off at the former's court on Sunday at 3 pm. sha«p: Ang Gher Yong. Kar.i' Yon: Hens. Goh Buan
    120 words
  • 89 8 In one cf the most Interesting league games played at the Istana Padang, Johore. on Monday between Customs and Persckutan Pemuda2 Melayu, Johore. the Customs won by a narrow margin of 2 l. The Persekutuan Pemuda2 Melnvu JtIMN Is supposed to be o:»e of the br-st t^arm
    89 words
  • 171 8 'From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, Thurs. VARIOUS territories making up the British Commonwealth of Nations competed in the Annual Colonial small bore rifle matches, without cessation through world war 11, despite a great shortage of .22 ammunition and first class rifles in the Colonies. A
    171 words
  • 51 8 BRITISH WOMEN'S AMATEUR GOLF HUNSTANTON, England, Wed. MISS Maud Harlemann, Swedish and Danish Women's golf champion, defeated Mrs. C.M.V. Elliott of England two and one in the third round of the British women's amateur golf tournament on Tuesday. With only 32 survivors, the fourth round will be played tomorrow. -A.
    51 words
  • 72 8 Cycling Carnival At K. Lumpur From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. FIRST post-war, All-Malayan, cycling carnival will be held at T.P.C.A. ground Kuala Lumpur on Saturday. Gross proceeds will be given towards the Malayan Welfare Fund. There will be cycling events over distances ranging from a mile and relay
    72 words
  • 55 8 S.R.C.TO BEGIN HOCKEY ALL S.R.C. hockey players &re requested to fill in their names l n the Hockey Book provided for in the Club or to get in touch with R. Minjoot, the Secretary Convener. It is proposed to start a seven-a-side or eleven-a-side tournarrrnt if sufficient support is received.
    55 words
  • 28 8 LONDON, Wed. DUGBY UNION results to-day were: Bristol 21 Clifton 6 RUGBY LEAGUE LANCASHIRE CUP (second round) Leigh 6 Oldham 11 Salford 0 Wigan 19 Reuter.
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 28 8 THE Acsea ho:key team would like to arrange away games with any teams in Singapore. Fixtures could be arranged with Cpl. Banks, telephone Air Command 134.
    28 words
  • 250 8 Big Margins In Kelantan Football DESLITS of play at Kot.i Bharu in the soccer league last week were: The Police advanced a stage lurthe r in the l:ague v hen they easily defeated the Warders 4 o two days ago. They now head the league table with six points by
    250 words
  • 478 8 HAMMOND RETIRES AT 131 M.C.C. Win By Innings By Norman Pr«ston, Reuter'§ Special Correspondent NORTHAM, Thursday. A GLORIOUS century by Wally Hammond, who retired at 131, and the bowling of Bill Edrich, who took six wickets in six overs for 20 runs, featured the first match of the M.C.C. tour
    478 words
  • 24 8 ROYAL Scots beat R.E.M.E. Base Workshops by four goals to one in a Victory Cup elimination soccer match on Wednesday.
    24 words
  • 127 8 Bulli Soil Wicket For Bulli BULLI SHIRE, on the south coast of New South Wales, will shortly have its first turf wicket of the famous Bulli soil which is used fo r pitches in Sydney, England and South Africa. Bulli soil is famous the world over as being th e
    127 words
  • 162 8 THE following will represent the S.C.C. at rugger against Hq., Alfsea, on the padang tomorrow, kick-off at 5.15 p.m. G. S. Taylor; C. M. Quayle, F. L. Morris, M. E. Davis, D. M. Seward; W. E. Grieve, J. B. Potter; K.N.R. Wilson, J. w. G. Kerr. R.
    162 words
  • 104 8 A game of cricket will be played on Sunday at Thomson Road Police grounds commencing at 10 a.m. between the Sinhalese Association's Home and Home teams: J.N. Fernando's team: F.V.R. Gunasekera, D.B. Fernando. Gregory Fernando, Cyril Fernando. V.R. Fernando. J.N. Fernando iCaptj. Lloyd Fernando. N. Gunasekera. George]
    104 words
  • 111 8 Singaoore Recreation Club cricket I teams for this week-end will be: On Saturday at 2 p.m. vs. Police on the S.R.C. padang G F. Clarke. (CapO. P. D'Almeida. N. Aeria, B. Barker. E.W. Barker, J. Gallstan. R.C. Hoffman. S.M. Hope. R. Koenltsz. D.C. Ross, M.C. Schubert, J. de
    111 words
  • 47 8 Members of the Mayfalr B.P. are requested to note that the reunion dinner will be held at the China Restburant, ex Swan Restaurant, Happy V'orld on Saturday night. Members will assemble at the President's residence (Mr. Tan Soo Llew) 483. Sims Avenue by 7.15 p.m.
    47 words
  • 59 8 From Our Own Correspondent Muar. Monday. Op -nint? accounts In an impressive fashion when they scored their first and only goal in the fifth minute of •he gam?, the Tangkak Youngtsers Football Team eventually went down to th Muar Chinese Football Team by flve roal? to one In
    59 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 383 8 > b MOST POPULAR *N0 I^TO P4> 0 GEtLANG PHONE 64-370 W TO-IMY:— 3.OO- 6.30— 9.15 P.M. M\ 1! MOTH SPECTACLE! SPKCTKAI. TERROR!! ALL IN MATCHLESS TKCIINICOLOR! "PHANTOM OF THE OPERA" ißrn"'l N»w Print Nrl«in F.DOY-Smanna FOSTER Also L*tr»t M.vl-lnn- News. Tnrnorrm-r at MIHNITE! ••FRFNCHM^'S CIEEK" it i T r'-.ntrolon
      383 words
      252 words