The Straits Times, 2 October 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 1069 1 Goering, Ribbentrop And Keitel To Be Hanged NUREMBERG, Tuesday. TWELVE leading Nazis, including Goering, Ribbentrop, Keitel and Streicher, were today sentenced to death by the International Court at Nuremberg. Three Hess, Funk and Raeder will go to prison for life. Four Schirach, Doenitz,
    Reuter; AP  -  1,069 words
  • Article, Illustration
    25 1 Air Marshal Sir Leslie Hollinghurst, Air Member for Supply and Organisation, and Sir James Barnes. Deputy Undersecretary of State for Air, on arrival at Changi.
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  • 102 1 The following is the full list of sentences: Goering death by hanging. Hess imprisonment for life. Ribbentrop death by hanging. Keitel death by hanging. Kaltenbrunner— d c a t h by hanging. Rosenberg death by hanging Frank— death by hanging. Frick death by hanging. Streicher death
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  • 40 1 LONDON, Tues. A Foreign Office spokesman said today that the British Government was "actively studying" a copy of the latest soviet note to Turkey calling for bilateral discussion es a preliminary to revising the Montreux Convention on the Dardanelles.— A.P.
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  • 172 1 NEW DELHI, Tuesday. THE Nawab of Bhopal, Chancellor of the Chamber of Princes, saw the Muslim League President, Mr. Mohamed Ali Jinnah, here last night in what political observers regard as "an important diplomatic role" to secure the League's cooperation in the Indian interim government and Constituent
    Reuter  -  172 words
  • 148 1 U.S. Ports Tied Up For Second Time In Month SAN FRANCISCO, Tuesday. THE United States West I Coast ports wer* M f.ked for the second time witnin a month today when, at the same time that the engineers began their strike, the CI O International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union went
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  • 105 1 More Siam Rice Fraud Suspects BANGKOK, Tues. Another provincial governor and three more Government officials of Siam were suspended today on suspicion of having participated in the mishandling of Government rice stocks. They were Chom Xhong Siri, Governor of Surtnd province, the mayor of the town of Sri Koraphum and
    AP  -  105 words
  • 96 1 BATAVIA. Tues. Immediate steps were taken to deal wi:h the communal outbreak at Bagan Si Api Api, Sumatra, the Indonesian Information Ministry reports. Early reports from Chinese sources said that 100 people had been killed. According to Dr. A. K. Gani, the Indonesian Governor, the incident
    Reuter  -  96 words
  • 90 1 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Tuesday. COMMENTING on the compav rative slowness in the handling of rubber shipments from Malaya. The Times points out that the absence of plywood casing means that bales stick so hard together that they have got to be separated mechanically
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  • 36 1 JERUSALEM. '"ues. British troops were ambushed in three separate places north of Tel Aviv, the all-Jew city, late last night. One paratrooper was dangerously wounded and one Army canteen girl employee was shot.— Reuter.
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  • 47 1 JOGJAKARTA, Tues.— The Indonesian Labour Party is to hold an All-Java Congress on Saturday and Sunday at Soerakarta to revise the party's organisation, as well as to frame the party's policy in domestic and external affairs. Each regional branch of the party is to send two delegates.—Reuter.
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  • 206 1 JERUSALEM, Tuesday. IN Arab shadow Government for Palestine was organised in Alexandria this week-end, highlyplaced Arab sources told the Associated Press yesterday. Jamal Bey Husseini, deputy chairman of the Arab Executive, who returned yesterday to Palestine from Alexandria. immediately conferred with Arab leaders. The shadow Government
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  • 45 1 LONDON, Tues.— The United States has agreed to buy an additional 200.000 tons of Malayan rubber up to the end of the year at 20 !i U.S. cents p?r Ib. f.o.b. The previous price was 23" 2 U.S. cents.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 478 1 Big R.A.F. Plan For Changi fHANGI the centre of Royal Air Force operations in South-East Asia as well as the site of Singapore's future civil airport, will have more than £2,000,000 spent on it by the Home and Colonial Governments in the construction of a permanent airstrip 3,000 yards long
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 32 1 STERLING SILVER SERVIETTE RINGS of in. d'Tii design, good and superior finish now on u'l play at P. H. HENDRY with in established Malaya. wide Reputation M North BrMcr Rd. Singapore.
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    • 24 1 SCIENTIFIC E/t EXAM/MAT/OM /if QUALIFIED OPTICIAN c s. CMon& oa.»»oc but I can ill LEMONADE \Kttffi tc refresh me THE BEST SI MCE tBBs\
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  • 1187 2 NAZI LEADERS ARE NOW OLDMEN Thumb-nail Sketches OfNurem berg Accused NUREMBERG, Tuesday. TWENTY-ONE Nazi leaders charged with helping Hitler plunge the world into war and degrading Europe for five years listened yesterday and today to the verdict of the International Military Tribunal. The trial, after ten months and 15,000,000 words
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  • 28 2 Btitish motor vehicles parked near London's Tower Bridge waiting to be loaded for (he overseas market. This is part of Britain's great export drive.
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  • 262 2 French Legal Brush At Tokio War Trial TOKIO. Tuesday. THE French prosecutor, M. Robert Oneto, who threatened this morning; to withdraw from the war crimes trial unless he be permitted to present his case in the French language, was ordered to appear before the Tribunal this afternoon to explain his
    UP  -  262 words
  • 62 2 SHANGHAI. TOM.— A -p:cial pl^ne is leaving for Su-r-ang tomorrow to begin operations to rc?ci!2 the five Am rican airmen beiievrd to be en^lavrd by primitive Loio tribesmen in cnina Graves Rrgistratic n personnel comprired the re=cue team, which is equipped with a jeep, medicines and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 494 2 S. S, GOVERNMENT > 3'o LOAN I*2/72. Ihi Ri sister oT the above Loan »1U br tio,e<J frcm 7*n October IJ<4 to Is:h October lfrM both day* int for p.epaifct:on of autxtil THE STATION HOTEL COMPANY, SINGAPORL Notice n hereby Riven thai as Iron Ist October 1M« the lea»e of
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    • 362 2 ARCHITEaS, ENGINEERS, GOVERNMENT OFFICERS BANKERS General Building Contractors Furniture Suppliers. We a'.«o undertake tc make Blue and White PrlnU Troin tracing and duplicate works. Reasonable charges. For placing your orders. ju»t give us a ring Tel: 2828. Yencoong (•iwiraelion C«. 34-35. Nunes Building. Malacca Street, Singapore. ADMIRALTY. Application are invited
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    • 669 2 UNIVERSITY PREPARATORY CLASSES. The object is to prepare students for university examinations Inter Arts. Law economics. Commercial subjects and Languages. (Mandarin h a-so taught by a craduate ot Pelpli-..! Unlver.-lty). Do not *aste time Compressed knowledge and rapkl courses for those who a-e ambit ici* to Droceed fot higher
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    • 122 2 NOTICt. A« Ski.i ie s for or on U' rt Ktimai a«vairv Padayachi 1 I ot Grocery Shop a I v 131. .Niarkf-* SU-eet, Singapore, v name »nd ?t>;<' of "M. Kumaraswar, a Co" WE NOTIFY that the Kid m«r»<«ni-.v Padayachi has agre*-< 1 sell th? ssid Grocery dbap Bj
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  • 135 3 Constellation Aircraft Ov er Singapore CHARTERED by the it^yal Dutch v and Standard Vacuum Oil Companies a Lock.-i C.'d Constellation aircraft should pass over Malaya tomorrow morning on its wxv from Bangkok to Batavia. The giant sky-lii^r was ox\v nally scheduled to land in Singapore but. it is understood, Singapore
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  • 107 3 THREE Indian soldiers. Shah Naway. Indad Ali and Mo-h-amed Jacob, who were alleged to have stolen eight bales in military clothing worth $1-1.000 at Kirn Seng Road on Monday had the charge explained to them before Mr. p. C. Ooh, the Second Police Magistrate, yesterday. In the
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  • 191 3 LXJJiTY-SIX passengers arrived in Singapore on Monday by 8.0.A.C and Qantas flying boats from the United Kingdom. India, Australia. Hongkong and Bangkok. Prom U.K.: Mr. C. Grummitt Mrs. Grummitt, Miss E. Smith, Mr. Van Bonnlhom. Mr. W. R. Miller. Mr. J. Russell Capt. Marsh. Wins Cumdr. Tipping. Major
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  • 400 3 Chambers To Help In Recruitment INITIAL support for the proposal to form a special constabulary to assist the police in fighting crime in Singapore has come from the Singapore Chamber of Commerce. The chamber is to use its efforts to assist in the recruitment of
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  • 94 3 MYSTERY surrounds the death of 25-year-old Teow Kee Soo who was found lying on the grass verge in Braddell Road with a gunshot wound on the right chest. The incident occurred on *he night of June 4. while Teow was cycling home with a iiasicet
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  • Article, Illustration
    43 3 Mrs. L. 11. Cox at the opening of the Cox Social Club for Indian Troops, in Singapore on Monday. At the table are (left to right) Mr. T. Assomull J.P., Major General L. H. Cox and Mrs E. V. Davies.
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  • 308 3 Charge Against V.C.B. Menon MR. A. Holden, Custodian of Property, gave evidence at the continued trial of V. C. B. Menon yesterday before Mr. Tan Tlioon Lip in the Singapore District Court. Mr. Holden said that the articles which Menon had removed from the polo ground
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  • 163 3 P. P. Webb, an Inspector of Police, was acquitted by the Fifth Police Magistrate. Mr. Eu Cheow Chye, yesterday on two private summons charges ot causing hurt to a Chinese woman, Lim Ah Heo, during the Japanes2 occupation. Allegations were made by Lim Ah Heo, that
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  • 64 3 THREE hundred and sixty-six civilian passengers, the majority of whom were women and children, arrived in Singapore yesterday by the troopship Devonshire from the United Kingdom and Colombo. There were 140 Services personnel on board for Singapore. When the Devonshire leaves for Bombay later this wtek. she
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  • 22 3 Today's menu at Peoples Restaurants in Singapcvo will be: Fried mcc; beef or prawns; bean sprouts; bean cake; thoy sim.
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  • 460 3 THE Australian War Crimes Sec- tior in Singapore has signalled the Australian Judge-Ad-vocat* General in Melbourne asking fcr a ruling on a judgment Dossed in an Australian War Crimes court on Monday. The judgment resulted m the acquittal of six Japanese of the Bogor
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 516 3 BRITISH STORES DISPOSAL BOARD (SINGAPORE) TENDER NOTCE. I\\ ORDER OK Til!. IMKI. TOR OF DISPOSALS. FAR IHIITII AEEA (M.0.5l J Tlie Brit Stores Disposal Board. Singapore, is authorlsec to receive n for tho following Items which are located at '.h» Western Depot, alongside Adml-aity Road W st H M Naval
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    • 283 3 I «Ss»o 1 VICTORIA THEATRE "combined services entertainment presents STARDUST AN ALL-SERVICES MUSICAL SHOW Produced By ALBERT ARLEN NIGHTLY TILL SATURDAY sth OCT. AT 8 30 p.m. OPEN TO CIVILIANS AND SERVICES. Booking: 9 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Robinsons (Personal Callers only) 2 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. Tel. 6826 Theatre
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  • 38 4 Mm. M. Dyaaon and family wish to t xpres3 their sincere thanks t > all j< IsMves nnd friends who attend<-d the cf the late Capt. R.C.C. M well as those who sent «reathx. telegrams and letters of
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  • 443 4 The Straits Tim es Singapore. Wed. Oct. 2. 1946. Your Street And House No man can do an efficient days work if he has been patrolling the roads of Singa pore all night, and there are obveous limitations to the Volunteer Special Constabulary which is to be raised in Singapore.
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  • 1617 4 I l LONDON, Sept. 22. I IKE you, Malayaiis, we in Britain are still pretty much absorbed in the struggle to free ourselves from the sort of economic and social bog into which the war dumped us. We don't get enough to eat,
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    • 691 4 THE Indemnity and Validating Ordinance appeared in the very first issue of the Gazette which came out after the Civil Administration took over. The Ordinaiu-e in effect mak:s it impossible to bring any proceedings against an official of the B.M.A. or of the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 823 4 BULLOCH on VBth September. 19** In Bunpsar Hospital. Kuala Lumpur to ure Bridges), wife o! R. K Bulloch of Seremban. a daughter. SITUATIONS VACANT AN'lKu ov Import House a ..phrr immediately. Apply ma tint; qualifications and salary re- to Bo* No. 311. S.T. KD STENOGRAPHER I). Ealary $165- per m^nth
      823 words
    • 103 4 Mort Hew Arrivals tf AUGEMER" PIANO MUSIC BMk IS Two-part Inventions $2.20 Italian Coattrto 2.20 B*ch T.iiult Selected Prelude* FugiMc 4. 50 Rrethoven 7 Bagatelle*, op. S3 2 20 15 New BagatMlee, op 116 160 15 WalUes 2 2" Piano Concerto No. 5 3 20 Haydn M'nnrts German Dances 4.40
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    • 162 4 i Ne w Sh ipm ents DRESS MATERIALS Just Received Limited Q»iantit\ A* »i table Come Karly To A\->i<! DiMtpftointncnt S. A. MA JEED «c CO. TO Ki.uh St eet rh rt- .1 Branch:- 13», Rd Specializing ONLY in ikrvute extkkmination phopkrty maim k\anc~e jm{(mm:rty ccinsi k\ ation Dam^tr aitd
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  • 389 5 Chinese Chamber Pledges Support THK Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce intends to offer its services to Government in helping to solve the local rice problem. Indication of this was given yesterday by Mr. Lee Kong Chian, the new president, when he addressed members
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  • 241 5 the police; AND MILK QUEUES WITHOUT sufficient nun to detail to every shop v he re condensed milk is being «u--ti ilvutrd, the Singapore i< I air mrrtinc the probkm f Imoli anism in milk queues with the next best solution— an arrangement whereby police MMMN from the nearest police
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  • 61 5 LORD Killearn, Special Commix iov.i r in South East Asia, returned ti Singapore from BaUvia yesterday afternoon. He will be returning ,to BaUtvia on Saturday and preside at the frst official plenary merging of Mk> Dutch and Indonesian delegation.- on Monday, Oct. 7, whk'i he has arranged
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  • 35 5 AS irom yesterday, compulsory third party insurance operated in Singapore. The evasion of this is a very serious offence and conviction allows for a heavy penalty and 'suspension of the driving licence.
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  • 217 5 Price Control Bill: 1 20 Traders Petit ion From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Tuesday. WITH price control coniino into force today, more than 120 Irading bodies in Penang. led by the Importers and Xx porters Association, have it is learned, signed a joint petition addressed to both the Governor-General. Mr.
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  • 162 5 More Charges Against R.C. Marriott DONALD Charles Marriott, for- mer sergeant in the Special Investigation Branch, who faced a series of charges in the First District Court, was yesterday granted a postponement of the trial against him to give him time to consult counsel. Marriott, who was sentenced to six
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  • 30 5 The Rotary Club of Singapore meets today in the Roof-Garden ,if the Adelphi Hotel at 1 p.m. Thlj being a Business Meeting, members are asked not to invite non-Rotarian guests.
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  • 88 5 "CTARDUST." the C.S.E. production «3 showing this week In the Victoria Theatre. Singapore, is one of the most Mircessful example* seen of its type of p.-oduction an all-Serv:ces show. It is witty, modern bright, tuneful and. moit of all, very funny. Tne only non-Servlcec player is
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  • 22 5 There will be an informs' general meeting of the Singap Vegetarian Society today at 6 p.m. at No. 74-5 Bras Basali Road.
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  • 70 5 Mrs. Eardly-Wiluiot and her so v Michael, Commander R. i>. Pankhurst. My. T. P. r. MoNt ire and First lieutenant KardIt Wilmd enjoyin<t a 31-ccnt l«ncheon at the opening of a People's Restaurant at Blakan Mali yest r Mr. T. P. F McNeicc addressin g
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  • 138 5 AN his retirement after 38 years meriI torious service with the Straits Times, Mr. Yip Chong, c h 1 c mechanic 1 n charge of linotype machinery. jwa < yesterday presented with a "old wa eh by Mr. R o b r t Burns, chairman
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  • 57 5 A memorial service for Col. C. H. D. Wild, M.8.E., wiil be held in St. George's Garrison Church, Tanglin Barraclcs, ar 2.15 p.m. tomorrow. In order that seating can be ai ranged, all those who propose to attend the service should notify ALFSEA A.0., W*r
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  • 323 5 From Our Own < or respondent KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. TH E Food Enac' ment w a s d scribed as a stupid piece of legislation whirh was seriously hampering the rehabilitation of the rubber industry by Mr. G Shelton Agar. presiding at the annual general meeting
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  • 300 5 WITH «he opening of two People*' Canteens for the Sin-. pore Harbour Board yesterday by Mr. T. P. F. MeNcice Chief of Singapore's Social WeltnY. Department, and with the institution of another canteen ;ii Krpprl Harbour within the week, cheap lunches can now b*. b«>ti«ht
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  • 82 5 Judge Allows Sentenced Man To Appeal SENTENCING a 39 v c Chlneaf, Tan Hai, |o t>. I years' imprisonment, Mr W the Slnfnpore A^ '<i]fi the man. O mi' rer< let lam bound to c > jrou. But I d ogr<',. the verdict." Mi t o^t jt-r. WorUy p
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  • 65 5 |CINGAPORE C.I.D. Un uad< J -^vi prise raid on B R^fcd esrly yesterday mornli.t. wh?n th« marketinß crowd v its bipßect and detained II BOOf st.'^pected of biing pir ket.s. The d was planned r;. and can ltd out quickly. Ti pects, imonj them MTMmI dressed
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 173 5 f^sfe CRAPE XF^yn*^._ ___j C* Served ice-cold, a de\jv> -*s) l^ghtful, refreshing health drink. Contains the juice B P ure sun-ripened grapes free from any adU%W 1 tiitions of water chemirals o: preservatives. I^JTJ^^^^P Imported by:--fC 1 THK BORNEO CO., LTD. Incorporated In Enjland i For:BAN LEONG CO., 228-229 *»cr.ore
      173 words
    • 160 5 FURNITURE IN STOCK ROBINSONS DOUBLE BEDROOM SUITE Kapor Meiitnti II Pie*** Almeirah, I)rt -ing I able. Stool, 2 Beds. 1 Tall Hoy. (hairs, HeciMd, Cabinet |BMMNI DINING ROOM SUITE Pi*«e> Sideboard. Serving Isbk. Dining Table, 2 Arm Chatr*. 4 Armlet Chairs $<i."iU.U!t OFFICE DESKS .V x3' with <; drawers 51
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  • 136 6 From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Tues. THE first of Britain's 13 giU ships for the Chinese Navy, the Fupo, a 1,400-ton 3ubmarine chaser, is now in Penang en route to China. Yesterday the local Chinese associations held a tea party at the Kwangtung Hoay Kuan
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  • 380 6 President On Danger Of Strike Temptation From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tucs. THE All-Malayan Estate Asiatic Staffs Association was wound up on Sunday following a decision at an extraordinary general meeting of members from all parts of Malaya. The meeting Mm decided to transfer
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  • 149 6 Resident Pays Tribute To Chinese From Our Own Correspondent IPOH, Tuesday. y^T a tea party presided over by Mr. Lav Pak Khuan to mark the grert success of the recent charity fair sponsored by Perak Chinese, Perak's Resident Commissioner, Mr. A. V. Aston, paid a high tribute to the community
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  • 67 6 From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Tuesday. y^FTER over a month's freedom a Japanese prisoner of war was recaptured near Bukit Mertajam by the field security police. The prisoner, a member of the Japanese surrendered personnel working on MalakofT estate, Province Wellesley, escaped in August
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  • 53 6 From Our Own Correspondent MALACCA, Tuesday. THE Government servants can- teen selling 30-cent meals was open yesterday at the Volunteer Records Office. Malacca. Meals are available from 11 am ro 2.30 p.m. Coffee or tea is available from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. &i.d from 4 p.m.
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  • 210 6 Blukar To Rubber And Ruin? Straits Times Post Bag THE Straits Times heading, "PRICE CUT EXPECTED AS A RESULT OF WASHINGTON TALKS" comes as a bombshell to many a smai'holder who, relying en th? price fixed by the Government has borrowed money at heavy interest and cleared estate? half grown
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 351 6 AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE LEASEHOOD A STATI'TORY GRANT PROPERTIES To be held at THE SALEROOM OF MESSRS. CHEONfi KOON SENG CO. LTD.. No. 10 CtaulU Street. ON WEDNESDAY. 2nd OCTOBER, 194«. AT 2 SO P.M. Lot 1. Freehold land and house No 73 Emerald Hill Road. Singapore, area 1.427 sq.
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    • 133 6 SHERIFFS SALE Execution No. B/46. IN THE HIOH COURT OP THK COLONY OF SINGAPORE. Suit No. 92/48 Writ of seizure Sc sale dated 2nd day of September 1944 in the cause of YEO SIAW HIAP PLAINTIFF VS HO TAT CHIANG DEFENDANT AUCTION SALE OF One Tongkang No. 2654 (P.o. 1485;
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    • 580 6 FOR SALE FOR SALE Bed Sitting room with verandah and batliroom attached, fully furnished including Radio and Gram, pickup, with board. Furniture to be taken over or bought seperately. Apply between 6 and 7 p.m. 55 Cairn Hill Rd. Singapore. WIRE ROPE galvanised flexioie best acid resisting steel 6 x
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    • 169 6 T>tlU e+y&t]lHq ike LRRGEST SALE Uv"tkc II Kite A K*M*kJitnis Sole Distributor* rapineau SWAIKA EXPORT IMPORT LIMITED. POLLOCK HOUSE, CALCUTTA INDIA. EXPORT We export Linseed Oil, Stand Oil. Varnish. Snellac, Soaps. Liquid Soaps Soapstone Powder. Talc, powder. Spires. Chillies. Earthen ware, Glass Ware. Enamel Ware Lamp Ware. Gas Mantles, Minerals.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 650 6 Opesidg i ai; have far-reach- ace anu Ki:ig ol ciubs are "p'^ced i o^. 1 T p0 tif nc i i in /^l* 1 with West an d he passed origincards for the declarer. Consider aHy Therefore, it is vlrually imtodays deal: possible that h e also holds the West,
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  • 339 7 Around The Markets From Our Market Correspondent THE local share market has shewn very litt'e res- ponse to the increase is, tin price. Selective tin shares are in steady demand and business has been done in Petalings, Kramats, Southern Malayans, Kamuntings and Laruts.
    Reuter  -  339 words
  • 90 7 WASHINGTON. Tues.— The International Monetary Fund wil 1 soon be ready to begin currency transactions, aimed at stabilizing world trade. M. Camille Gutt. managing director of the fund, anno Heed _in Washington. He told the Governors of the fund at their first annual conference that the
    AP  -  90 words
  • 153 7 THE following is the market position on Monday as re-po«-ted by the Chinese press: Rock sugar market continued to decline. Kresh consignments have been coming. anJ some 3.964 nicuLs of stork arc now in importers' hands; seller's pvice was SI 27 per pi"il. Rubber quotations were as follows:
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  • 131 7 OTTAWA, Tuesday. THE External Affairs Depart ment to-day announce© the conclusion of a commer- i cial agreement between Canada and China, which provides for reciprocal ex- i change of unconditional most favoured nation treatment. The agreement was concluded by direct negotiation on Sept. 26 in
    AP  -  131 words
  • 59 7 LONDON. Mon.— Major Norman Edward Holden, the wellknown stcckbroken and finanei- j er, has been found shot in the grounds of his estate at Norton Priory. Selsey, near Chichester. He was 66. His wife, a beautiful and ac- I romplished woman, died just over two months ago. The
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 288 7 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. WE have reason to be thankful that the reserves we have built up in the past are available to assist us in the task of rehabilitation, for which revenue, at the present price of rubber and cost of production, is
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  • 156 7 LONDON, Monday There is a natural tendency to blame the United States silver bloc s machinations for the British decision to replace silver coins with nickel, but the truth is that a fundamental change has occurred hi Ihe use of silver which would probably have foieed
    Reuter  -  156 words
  • 37 7 ZAGREB, Mon— Aicnbishop Aloysius St«>pfinac. spiritual leader of millions of Yugoslav Catholics, went on trial this morning before a four-man Croatian People's Court, charged with treason to the Yugoslav people by collaboration and subversive activities.— U. P.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 854 7 -^&^RJfc^>NOTICE Is hereby given that the trade mark and/or name depicted and described above Is the exclusive pro--1 perty of Central Trading Co. of No. 21. I 2nd floor. Medeiros Building. Cecil Street. Singapore, and that the same !is Ufed by them in respect of hardi ware, aluminium ware, enamel
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    • 790 7 Mansfield Co., Ltd. «lnr«ra«ratMl tn slarapom ■LI h FUNNEL lalfft Sailings io mo from United Kn.t.' ir Lye«*a l'«r lr«i.i U.K. 3rd O<i. MHavpn\ Hw from I'.S.A. 7ih i Alrinoan «ail> lor U.K 18th (Hi Western Australm I'be «b..i M i »r. roott it hr cbr.M mm «»«ofl» tare: If
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 616 7 Singapore Tides Today: High water 2 37 a.m.. ft. 7 in.: 2.08 pin. 8 ft b in: Tomorrow: Mich water 3 2" a.m. 7 ft. 1 in.: Lti m. 8 ft. 1 in: Along The Singapore Waterfront SHIPS positions in SingapoIV Godown 12-U: Louis McH Howe i Empire Mountain.
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  • 275 8 Callovers For Autumn Double LONDON, Mon. TONY Lumpkin displaced Murren as the favourite for tto Cesarewitch when the callover on the two big autumr. races was held at the Victoria Club today. Murren has been favourite since finishing second to Airborne in the Saint Leger, but
    Reuter  -  275 words
  • 842 8 Letters To The Sports Editor TOO much has been published in your sports columns On the subject S.C.F.A. and Athletes. I am sending you a photo for publication in your most popular newspaper in the Malayan Union and Singapore. This photo was bought by me
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  • 167 8 i >m Own Correspondent) Taiping, Tues. 'PAII'INC. defeated Kuala Kangsar in a friendly tennis fixture played here by ten matches to nil. Results were: (Taiping players mentioned first) Ong Hock Sim and Tan Chin Teik beat Raja Hamld and Raja Abdullah 6-2, 6-3;
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  • 297 8 LONDON, Mon. ON the eve of the Indian cricket team's return home a fine tribute to their team both on and off the field was paid by the former England captain. Sir Pelham Warner, in a letter to the team's manager. Mx. PankaJ Gupta. Sir Pelham wrote:
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  • 140 8 DUBLIN, Monaay. ENGLAND beat Eire one-nil th's evening after a scoreless first half In the first soccer international to be played between the two countries in Dublin since 1912. England, who fielded the same t^am which trounced Ireland last Saturday. thus scored a notable double. Defying
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  • 50 8 Dublin, Mon. Norman Lockhart. 27 -year-old L*nfleld outside left, who scored both goals for Ireland against En?land on Sept. 28. was transferred after the match to Swansea Town the English League club. Swansea also signed SMcCrory. insideright from Linfleld. and pad about £6.000 for the double transfer —Reuter
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 105 8 The following will play cricket for P. W. MarsM's XI against the Combined Changi "I in a two day match, stari ng at 2 30 p.m. on Saturday, and at 11 a.m. on Sunday, at, Changi Airtle'd. F. W. March (Capt.i, I. B Suratla. Cheong Slew. S.
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  • 174 8 SYDNEY. Mon. TROUBLE has arisen in the Australian pre«s over the 1 British Boxing Board of Control's 1. -»ye to make Ronnie James defend his British lightweight title before considering the trip to Australia for the Empire match with Vie Patrick, Australia. Sydney Stadiums have
    Reuter  -  174 words
  • 54 8 LONDON. Moil. TO-DAY'S football results were: SECOND DIVISION Burnley 2 Barnsley 2 RUGBY LEAGUE (YORKSHIRE CUP) (second round) Hudderafleld 10 Hull K'ston R. 15 GLASGOW CUP FINAL Clyde 2 Third Lanark 1 SCOTTISH LEAGUE (A Division) Patrick Thstlc 3 Rangers 2 RUGBY UNION Coventry 21 Army 12 Crosskeys
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 50 8 In a low scoring game played at Tengah, the R.A.P. (Tengah) beat the Rocklite* by 37 juns. For the RocUites Edwards and Dhamaraj bowled well to take five for 42 and four for 26 respectively. Kenyon and Naylor for the RAF. took six for 14 and three for 17 respectively.
    50 words
  • 266 8 TN the match played at Changi on 1 Sunday, Sept. 29, HQ. ALF3SA beat R.A.F. Changi by 71 ru HQ. ALFSEA won the toss and batted fl'st, Fairbaira scoring freely in every direction made 76. When the R.A.F. batted Kerry batted well and scored 61. He was
    266 words
  • 133 8 A SOCCER match between Indian Association Married and S ngles will be played at Fairer Park ground today in commemoration of the 78th birthday of Mahatma Gandhi. There will be an Instrumental Musical Entertainment at the club premises at 7 p.m. by Misses Muthulaksluni, Rajalaksliml and
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 416 8 V PWONE', ***** V Opmlng To-Day 3 S^ohi Only— 3. 615 915 pm. The Andrew Sisters Joe E. Brown Kddle Cantor Jitnn Crawford U>;tte Uavla Barbara Stanwyck cU: etc. All to one picture of pictures •HOLLYWOOD CANTEEN" Stars, Songs. Dances. Music and Mi-rrlment The years mightiest hit! B'&e'vl'ang phon e
      416 words
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