The Straits Times, 1 October 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 493 1 Gestapo And SS "Criminal" Bodies ::KMBBK, Utmd»y w fcaal gtac« vi Xke greatest W trinw trial in h*u*rv rl i«ca> »Imb Lurti Justice La»renct, Ike Britkfc Pnta n- < uurt. be»iaiii rewling the iadirt—— t a<:aitt-i t^e acmiied Nark. rga- -.v-'i: ■_> '-r. *.r> COOTICUO
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  • 260 1 U.S. Ships To Stay In Mediterranean WASHINGTON, Monday. MX. James Forres,tal, United States Navy Secretary, stated today thar the United States naval forces were in the Mediterranean to help carry out American foreign policy, induatinjf that they would remain there for some time o come. "The United Stir 1 mr.tinuing
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  • 135 1 No Decision On Repatriation Of Japs THE lollowing- oAeial an- 1 nounccment was made by Headquarters, South-last v Command, last night: "A recent broadcast over Tokio Radio declared that Britain v.iv America had decided to rvpa- c immediately over 100.00T Japanese surrender personnel now held in South-Eiust Asm "The broadcast
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  • 85 1 Hesse Jewels Sentence FRANKFURT. Monday Kiihleen Durar.t, a member o: the American Women's Army Corps, was sentenced to five years' hard labour and disnn.-oal from the Service today when the United States court-martial In Frankfurt found her guilty on charges of being absent without leave, larceny and embezzlement in the
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  • 54 1 NEW DELHI. Mon -More incidents are reported from three Indian cities today as rioters clashed with the police in Bombay and stabbed communal victim.-, in Dacca and Calcutta In Bombay the police op;ned lire agu.wst mobs. In Dacca two persons were killed today, making 70 fatal casualties
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  • 125 1 W ARNING TO JEWS LONDON, Monday. A BRITISH spokesman reported today that Jewish leaders had been told to makt a final decision about participation in the Palestine conference if "they were to avoid their cause going by default. "There is no change In His Majesty's Government's at'Hude as regarding Jewish
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  • 401 1 A SPECIAL constabulary is to be formed of volunteers from the various communities to assist th« Singapore Police in combatting the present wave ot housebreaking, theft, burglary and looting of godo^n*. and stores. Armed with suitable weapons, the Voluntt,-! CousUbU larv will accompany the regular
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  • 125 1 Sjahrir Meets Chief Dutch Delegate BATAVIA. Monday. p'UTAN Sjahrir, the IndonfU sian Premier, and Pret William Schermerhorn, head oi the Dutch CommissionGeneral, met today in the (M sence of Lord Killearn, Special Commissioner for Sout':. Asia, in a four-hour m the Hotel dea hi* It was the first meet,:, tv.cen
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  • 96 1 LABOUR'S BIG MAJORITY MELBOURNE. M Latest figures in rhe Australian general n indicate that the Labour Party will lose five seats in the House of Representatives and win i one. but will have the support of Independent Labour members and a record senate majorr. ol 33 to three. Probable final
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 218 2 First Western Power Hacked By Japan TOKIO, Monday TH). French prosecutor in the war crimes triul today >aid I ha! France was the first ol the western nations to fall a victim to Japanese aggression because the I nited State* and other powers who were
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  • 49 2 C hina Reds Reject Govt. Invitation NANKING. M nUay A CHINESE C sent to 111.-' a fof- simo Chmng Kai-«bek ha.^ n lo: jn o' c*s not b tflf Atiiiude tr.e jveinmer casefln U »'Ol Go::. Stat A::.i^iSjC'- Di Stuai top ns if nego- la^ I i AP
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  • 103 2 Me T h > has asked the m n.arine lore niidn^h. tc line. •leed a tuil 24 boon o. n?oi are lo hope to TagiC n. Mi Edgar I Wa'ren chief ol the Federn'. lion Service, today. i «-5 or both the v ions. AX! Movers'.
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  • 8 2 POPE APPEALS TO WORKERS i He asked t
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  • 47 2 Britain i.« trying to find a variety of Indian corn enou;h t«. withstand the tlimat.-. He re a research scientist i^ t van, i. ing m roh on one of the trial i>l«ts l;>id out by the John bUMt Horticultural lnstilutc Merton.
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  • 285 2 NLVV UlKk. Sunday. El M«> I I Roum-wM, in an article published in the magazine "Look.' slates that his father the late President Roosevelt I old him he had agreements with leaders of the various nations to ensure liberty for the people of iht
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  • 60 2 DJOGJAKARTA Mon The Indonesian news agency Antara reports that a 16-man Chu.cse cmm.tte?. headed by Dr Yap Cnuah Bing. has been loin.fd to n^ip implement resc!u'.ion.« adopl- fd at the recent Chinese-lndo.ic »ian conference held here A: ura yaid this comnriittee in tMM vcuid be succeeded t>. central
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  • 66 2 NEW NAMES FOR SUMATRA PEAKS DJOOJAKARTA ICOO. A.rara reports 'hat two Mountain! in have bcon :e---ed Moun' Sofkarno and Moant Soedirman at a mab£ held a l the small muun- j K a jane, in the ;i Antara said the moun- j ud been named previously i li< Wlhelmina and
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  • 59 2 WANIIA Mu:> Ujf- Manila Times sa:d today that one American soldier was killed and another wounded when an un.denufied gang with machinegun.s .»day attacked Fort McKln[Jnlted States Army re servatkMl in the southern suburbs o: Manila. The U S Army authoriti the ineMeat .s under investigaiion J"hey
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  • 38 2 DJOGJAKARTA Mon.- The Indonesian Labour Party p. a Congreso on Oct. 5 *nd ■^.o to revise the p&rt> ci•ion and frame a party policy on domestic d 'xletnal afTairs. the Inn news agency Antara has announced A. P.
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  • 131 2 WORLD BANK W ELL BEGUN WASHINGTON. Mjimlhv. THE Prwident of the World Bank. Mr. Eugene Mayer, told tlie Bank- board oi governor^ that the Brer on Woods gual of restoring world economic stability hinged upon the "fundamental delire of nation-; for peace and understanding. He assered the Woild KaiA was
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  • 42 2 NEW YORK Sun Th 3 wismo- Rraph at Foidham University today recorded a strong" earrhqi ake, probably in the south Pa- rifle. The flr>t tremor was a' 3.21 a m GMI and vibrations continued for about three hours Reuter.
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  • 57 2 WORLD RADIO NETWORK P LAN WASHINGTON. Mon The Uniud States State IXepartment announced last night a proposal :or the erection ol a world-wide radio network, estimated k cost $250,000,000. The proposal was made to Mr. James W. Byrnes, United Sthies Secretary of State, by offlciff! advisers assigned to shaping the
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  • 55 2 BATAVIA Mon Dutoli casualties in the N [Ddtaa up to Aug. I, IMI Royal Neth. Navy. kUkd 4 oOkccrs, 44 NCOs and men. Royal Neth. Army, killed I o4V cers 78 NCOs and men. Royal Neth. md. Army. UUrd 8 nttii^rs. 105 NCO?, and men missing 13 OOcen,
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  • 213 2 SHANGHAI. Monday. pROVISION of British Uch- j I nical assistance in China's "igantic industrialisation programme is one of the results expected by the Chinese Government from the present viiit of the British Goodwill Trade Mission, it is learned. It is admitted that most of Chinas
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  • 203 2 SHANGHAI, Monday. THE Chinese silk industry is confronted with a serious crisis as a result of the tv; orted decision ot (Jen. Douglas Mac Arthur's headquarters in Tokyo i<> reject China's request for 10.000,000 pounds of raw cocoons. Unless th^ deo.-;on is reconsidered <i!k filatures he] have
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  • 105 2 INSURANCE FOR INDIAN WORKERS DELHI, Monday. a HEALTH insti. the beneri •.he Imla-; factory worii one of the mniii features Bill which will bo intltx in tht i Assembly its > n here. heal h inbU'.. novel"y fo Indian laboui ■d ."f'letn** provides suran.^e »(ainst injury employment and maternity worker:.
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  • 14 2 Mon. a n-wa'd I sio 000.000 rhe defend. Tatun^ Comiii.i for seven d r
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  • 92 2 GAZA. Sun Experiment drillings are to be made near here bj the Amer. 'i:: British. French and Dut:h-owned Iraq Petroleum Company Dulling *-:ll begin as soon as equ:pment ar:ives from America. The corapany a\niM«nctd today hat they have secured new concessions, covtiing ih* entire Pa.estine
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 126 2 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS l&ssif>e<J Small* Public Notice* Per«o«aJ 4 Oo«fit'( mt» IMr mm Bfei v .1 C<rt.LtG£ OF MEMCME wmamk I OKI pHHI ir.on":.' '....■<- i- coaomexK. MALAYAN UNION. STATE JOUOtLK.. J :ur» Bt. w ■nc otter o: Joborr r. i oelveer. Uk I I a jr. and 430 p.m nders
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    • 242 2 Quick-Action FOOD TONIC 4jL re-nourishes body nerves with daily ration of precious MINERAL SALTS lJN^# j^i fla When your sfsltWi MB cortain T Kf essential Mineral Salt^ you get Rundown, m^m yjdJW Tired, Depressed. Your body must I have an adequate daiiv supply cf these j^A t life-giving Min«rai*. and
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  • 589 3 Indonesian Progress Impresses Dutch Mission Rebirth Of A Nation, Described Prom Our Own Correspondent BATAVIA, Sept. 23. TJIK general impression of our visit to mid Java," said Dr. P. J. Koets, head of the unofficial JiuUh goodwill mission to mid Java, ;n a press interview on his return to Batavia
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  • 226 3 h of water was so severe thai McKays craft ca~. Flung into the wa:er. McKay *as struck by a revolving propetior biade and thrown heavily •he water He received broken ribs At thig juncture he was again struck by the revolving propellor and
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  • 110 3 Consul's Wife Leaves For America MRS Wu Paak-shing, wife jt Singapore's Chines* Consul General was among the 21 pa. who left Singapore yesi?rday by the American President Liner President Polk for New Accompanying Mrs. Wu was r. z b.-other-ir.-law. Mr. Wu Parv chiu and his wife who are proceeding to
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  • 51 3 REMARKING that the sentene was j r no way excessive, the Justice. Mr. Justice Murray Avnsley. jesterdav dismissed an by Inn Kirn Song lor a .">n of his sentence. had been convicied by a for illegal po->session c! G3.000 cigarettes, and was fined $2,360 or 12 months' rigorous
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  • 161 3 Malayans Returning From New Guinea TH' IE hundred and twenty-flve Malayans who were taken to Dutch New Guinea as forced labuurers by the Japanese and stranded there after the surrender are en route home at last, states Associated Press from Batavia. A Dutch spokesman, in Batavia, confirming the departure of
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  • 151 3 8 Police Inspectors Charged EIGHT police sub-inspectors a"d detectives, wro have been in custody for seven months duii:ig which time they have been brought before the Super or Military Court, the Third Police Court, the District Court and the Seventh Police Court, appeared before Mr. Paul Storr, in the District
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  • 84 3 _V SPOKESMAN of the Singapore Barbers' Association yesterday stated it was unlikely that barber charges are to be Increased at the moment, although there have been proposals for such increase following the recent cut !n the rice ration, according to f he Sinchew Jit Poh.
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  • 91 3 A young Chinese, Tan hai, was pioduced before Mr. Justice N. A. Worley at the Singapore Assizes yesterday charged wi'h armed robbery. Goh Kah Chee described as a secondhand furniture dealer, alleged that on the morning of April 4, Tan in company wit* 1 two other Chinese
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  • 156 3 DArtENTS of pupils in Singapore schools have been notified -hat "when there ore two childof the same family paying «hool fees, the other nay te -cucated free," and that they hould apply to the Deputy Diof Education TMj is a concession that w 11 dt
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  • 27 3 1 aptain and Mrs Benjamin K. M&ssry photographed their wedding at St. Andrews ahedral yesterday evening. Mrs. Massey was formerly Miss Mary Elvina Partington.
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  • 605 3 I ETTERS written by the late Col. C. H. D. WUd, War Crimes L Liaison Officer, ALFSEA. who was killed in an air crash in Hong Kong last Wednesday were tendered in evidence yesterday at the continuation of the trial of Lt. Col. Banno
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  • 133 3 PEN AN G, Mon. THE Penan* Chinese Association "anti-civil war committee" has sent a telegram to Mr. Tan Kah K»e supporting the latters recent appeal to r.esident Truman for cessation of American aid to China A telegram has als> been sent to the people
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  • 113 3 Worried Over Rent: Jumped Into River A CHINESE woman who attempted to commit suicide oy jumping into the Ilallang River tecaose she alleged she was worried over her arrears jt rent, fcr which her landlord was pestering her. was bcund over by the Second Police Magistrate for the sum of
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  • 194 3 Husband Kills Himself As Wife Joy- Rides From Our Own Correspondent: ALOR BTAR, FE story of how as a result of his wife and daughters j bein^ friendly with men jof the tcrces. an aged CathoETunuian. PtancM M Netto, an employee of th? Publir I Works Dept., Kedah. committed suicide
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  • 102 3 Possession Of Car: Appeal Dismissed AN appeal by a middle-aged Cantonese, Wong Nam On.:, against his sentence was dis missed by the Chief Justice. Mr. Justice Murray Aynsley. in ti.e Supreme Court yesterday Wong had been lined $500, In default three months' rigorous imprisonment, in th e lower cour.i for
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  • 184 3 Very Good Response To Call For Blood CINGAPORES BlujJ B^nn ia fast reaching solvenctors in charge describe th* respoiioe as "so sat:s:actcry, tha' a few prospective donors have, unhappily, had to be asked io come later. Arrangements are being made by the organisers to deal with this situation which they
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  • 34 3 A decree absolu'e was granteQ in London on Sept. 24. to Mr H A.J. Wopdtal. of the Manu:acturers' Life Insurance Com^anv, Singapore. a^a nst Mrs I. R. Woodfall now In E^in 1
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 67 3 PRINTS DR PURPOSES REHABILITATIO RECONSTRUCTION We spcalize in making BLUE PRINTS WHITE PRINTS iiwn lrarine» 01 in \n«-tura; moo I rnw irj l>rmvlr Prompt vt.u KftMMMr rkarcn PRrMAR PFNTING WORKS Z. Bonha Budding. Smoparr RAFFL2S HOTEL *OWI c H T DANCE 9 P.M. to MIDN I G H T RAFFLES
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    • 28 3 CHANGE OF NAME As from 2nd September 1946 the firm of Harrisons, Barker Co. Ltd., (INCORPORATED IN SINGAPORE) will trade under the name of HARRISONS CROSFIELD (Malaya) LIMITED
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  • 53 4 l'ak Har. wife of Mr. ler I t!if tio\< I -I away p«acefulJy on Wednesday. faept?mber 194 i. leaving behind to n.o ir vii .Kilters. Mrs. Ng Cheng! I m Neo. Lee Gek r.'fM *nd Lee 0113 Neo. and 1 > ans Cheng 1 C)»<Mig son-in-law, Mr. Ng Ann
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  • 48 4 Hunk all friends aiij for thCJ h»-:;! i it.- wreaths. a: IUL of Mrs. Koli Peng lam. Junmy I Ba»- fair thank all •elati\es 4c ir:-n_. I ided funeral of th- r katowi mother i iid moth" r-in-Uw Madam Chan C A- for .eaths. ,croi:«. r.isrr muU
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  • 1020 4 The Straits Times Singapore. Tuesday Oct. 1, 1946. 1867 Or 1946 In Council The starting-point in this column yesterday was an offl[cial record that there was no change in the system of government in the Straits Settlements from 1867 up to the years before the Second World I Wax. Today
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  • 90 4 LONLX)N, Sunday. MR. George Hall, Colonia! Secretary, has appointed I six members of the new coloj nial economic and development council, formed to advis<' him on the framing and review of plans. The members are Viscount rortal former Milliter of Work?. i Sir Bernard Bourdillon, former Governor
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  • 966 4 This sketch of Dr. van Mook. Lieutenant-(iovernor-Ceneral of the Netherlands Indies, is published at a time when, as ex officio member of ti-c Commission-General from Holland which is in Batavia, he is about to participate in fresh negotiations with the Indonesians which will decide what happens in
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    • 903 4 MUCH has been written against those parasite.? ihe black-market eer«. But let us not overlook the good work that is being done by a very small band of honest traders, li.ese are the people who sell at reasonable prices for things that are
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 719 4 BAHROW Ou 2«uh September l'ji r > and to RuUi ace kiilauui, Un. A.P.L. Barrow, a dau. Un Bt] .^.ioang itai a baby U0... 7ne engagaetnem to announce »e--k Ho i. third coa i t the I^te Mr. Tan Km Wan ar.J .(ujne Wong Eng Leong. and Mis& C'hua En;
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    • 56 4 5 Things Money Cannot Buy 1 A baby's smile. 2 Youth, when It te gone. 3. *^M love of a good woman 4 mariDLe Into beaven. spl tast most important 3 tym, WHLN RUINED Guard your Eyes. Wlienever they (Ml uncomfortable whether you wear glasses or not, nave tbem
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    • 48 4 FRENCH PEiFUM£S Ex o tic PARISIEN P I S T WAR PRODI! OT I O N Marriage B Uiir v>z. Size $21/-, 3oz. $45/J*tf toz. Size $21/Joz. $45/BAO U. Size $21/OUtlaw Mb!. Robinons John Ittles Federal Dspensary Medica Hall Maymrds IftaV^/*iV\* Matenls buppliod ai lilif 2i.csfifvk ST. spoxixßr
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  • 36 5 I of the Singapore Fire Br>gaue figniing tae tongnang Hn M Boat Quay yesterday (above), and below, the motor ton -'.a ii.: a burning mass before the arrival of the Fire Brigade
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  • 149 5 THE allegation that hen she tendered her son.- ration j > ard for renewal with $2 in it the accused rejected it bu: later aci fpted it when she raised the sum o $10 was made by a 64-year-old t'hinese woman at the trial on Saturday,
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  • 29 5 1 day's mt nu at People's I,', st^urants in Singapore wiU b«*: j Kin. boiled chicken with whit? l -miki'. or rabbit stew, green peas ehye huav.
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  • 252 5 Siam Navigation Company To Buy 30 U.S. Ships New Plans For Far East Trade NEGOTIATIONS are at present taking place between Thai Maritime Navigation Co. and the United Stales Government for the purchase by the company ol' about 30 ships of approximately 1,000 tons each. If the negotiations are successful,
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  • 88 5 269 Jap Suspects Arrive TWO hundred and sixty-nine Japanese war criminal suspects believed to be concernea with atrocities to Allied PoWs working on the Buima-Siam "Death Railway' —arrived in Singapore on Sunday by t:ic P. and O. liner Corfu from Bangkok. Believed to be the largest number of suspects to
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  • 172 5 VALUABLE cargo was destroyed and a motor tongkang \eiy badly damaged when a fire broke out on the tongkang in a congested area in Boat Quay yesterday afternoon. It took the Singapore Fire Brigade more than an hour t > put out the fire.
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  • 71 5 IN an emergency when Pohc assistance is reouircd. a telephone call should be made HNd to the Radio Control Rocm number 3777 or 37i8. When it is desired to contact a particular oflWr. the caller j sho:ili telenhone the Police exchanre 5221 and ask for the I officer
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  • 40 5 An allocation to Malaya of Canadian hei rings ha.- been made and aoplirations lor import licences, supported by firm offers and stating the gross tonnage applied lor should now be submitted to the Registrar of Imrorts and Exports.
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  • 218 5 Moratorium To Be Lifted Shortly? TTHE position of credits totalling 1 several hundred, million dollars, placed in Singapore banks during the occupation, will be defined when the moratorium is lifted in the near future. A report of the extent to which local banks were involved in occupation transactions has already
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  • 27 5 The Board of Imperial Chemical Industries Limited have declared an interim dividend of three per cenf on the ordinary stock payable on Dec. 2.
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  • 19 5 The Governor and party will be attending the 9.15 p.m. show today of 'Blithe Spirit" at the Alhambra Theatre.
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  • 52 5 MORE than 500,000 eggs haw arrived in Singapore from Saigon by the Messageries Maritime* freighter Gialong. The vessel which also brought a shipment of 1 .'ioo tons of rice from French IndoChina is now discharging her cargo in the Sinranore Road?. She sails for Sydney later
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  • 209 5 CIXTY passengers will leave Sin«-- pore today by the Blue Funnel liner Pram for the United Kingdom via Colombo. They are: Rev. Colin King. Ur. R T. Maddison. Mr. B.A. Davies, Mr. G.W. Clark. Mr. EC. Wood Mr. Cashman. Mr. F.J.K. Jansen. Mr. W. MrCall. Mr W.J.
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  • 236 5 IT is true that the Indian Troops do not suffer from want of food or clothing and are free from hunger, but Iheir's Is a different kind of hunger the hunger for human companionship, the hunger for a home and family around them,' said Mr,
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  • 113 5 r rHE Moving Dew appointment* were announced in ihe Government Gazette 1 yesterday: Mr. Lazarus Raym&n to Le a member of the Advisory Council. Singapore. Mr. M H. Blacker, M.C.S.. to act M Secretary to the Malayan War Damage Claims Commission. Mr. N.G. Morris to art as Deputy D
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  • 153 5 From Our Own Correspondent PENANG. Mon. ALL the 21 Jap Kempeis sentenced to death by the Penang War Crimes court on Saturday have signed a petition for remieve and this petition has been forwarded today by the defence counsel. Dr. Towika, it Is learned.
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  • 90 5 TWO well-known numbers of the Eurasian community in Singapore, Mr. and Mrs W. F. Mosbergen, will be celebrating their Golden Wedding on Sunday, Oct. <T. The Mosbergens, are old residents of Singapore. Mr. Mosbergen has bee n clo.ely associated with the Eurasian Association of Singapore for a
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  • Article, Illustration
    6 5 MR II J. PAGE
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  • 143 5 FE Services' V.M.C.A. vacated the Singapore Cricket Club premises yesterday. Partial derequisitioning of the building was effected at the end of July under arrangements r.ith the Services the rest o! the building was to be held until the end of September. The building generally is
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  • 71 5 A notification fronr, ih» Public Rolatioru Office states: "In the notiflfa'ior? rega-tiing toffee wh'ch was published on Sept. 27. the maximum retail p.~e r i'en for Super Kream toffee was W « rer lb. and for Eaton tofl.-e .SO cents [>er lb. ••The prices for the«e i»o
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  • 167 5 H.J. Pages New Post In Trinidad From Out O* n Correspond t KUALA LUMPUK, Mon. MX. H. J. Papc, direct; i the Rubber Rescue ■titute, Malaya, is going v Trinidad in two months' tin. to take up an appointment Principal of the Imperial Cv lege of Tropical Agricultuit. Mr. Par;e.
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  • 127 5 l ITTLE kno n facts o: the days o: the occupation in U laya are contained in a big] interesting article written by S S. Tan in ihe first post-war of the Sou'h S:as Bodetj*i Jo nal Member* ot -ais society, over China and Malaysia rem >
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  • 84 5 Rubber Control Superintendent Mr c w a Btnnett, Corns sioim ol Lands sing.. h?.s bten appointed to hold tn concurrent post of Superin den: ol Rubber Control, Sir pore. Mr. W. N. Gourlay has fa appointed Controller of Rub--Malayan Liiion. The office of Supt rlntend of Rubber Control in Sings;
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 47 5 THE PRUDENTIAL [assurance company LIM IX E D Incorporated in England I !!»■> Now transacting in Malaya LIFE •ASM ITIES FIRE MOTOR VEHICLE MARINE— WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION PERSONAL ACCIDENT SICKNESS. Principal Office for Malaya MFRCANTIU: BANK BUILDING <>nd. Floor) SINGAPORE. I- A. Williams Manager for Ma!aya. i f. cirertali.m> >
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    • 83 5 1 fJSTno 1 VICTORIA THEATRE COMBINED SERVICES ENTERTAINMENT presents STARDUST AN ALL-SERVICES MUSICAL SHOW Produced By ALBERT ARLEN MGHTLT Till s«tt BUAY sth OCT. A I -.9 p.m. OPEN tO CIVILIANS AND SERVK't'S. Booking: 9 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Robinsons (Personal Callers oulv) 2 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. Tel. 6826
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  • 309 6 Letter From Officer Mentioned In Court From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Monday. AT the continued inquiry into the death of a former cabaret hostess, Molly See, who succumbed to injuries received from a midnight fall at the Shanghai Hotel, a letter said to have
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  • 168 6 Straits Times Post Bag WITH much disappointment I read in the papers that death sentences imposed on five Japanese in charge of the Sime Road camp have been reduced to ten and eitfht years and even one year's imprisonment. At present, the mere possession of
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  • 75 6 from Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Mon. THE distribution of cloth to padi planters has already begun in Province Wellesley and nearly 7,000 ards have been allotted by the Government for this purpose it is learned. Over 2,300 cultivators will be receiving three yards each
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  • 86 6 Pro;.! Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Mon. ENTERING the premises of Messrs. Chop Jee Seang, one of the five Government-appoint-ee cigarette distributors, in Beach Street, lcoters on Thursday night rejioved rv large quantity of Craven A cigarettes estimated to be a week's ration for a thousand persons. Tie
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  • 165 6 From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Sunday. A popular police officer, who is 1 generally credited with having ."mashed the crime wave in Penang, Plt./Lt. C. E. Parker, is returning shortly to the United Kingdom. Parker was a memb ar of the Metropolitan Police from 1925 until
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 307 6 SINGAPORE'S GHKAITeST SCREEN EVENT! ONF of the BIG THREE oi the World's Most Celebrated Masterpieces I PARAMOUNT'S adaptation of the Umoiu Ernest Hemingway's I |M -rfn.iv -el h'f.'i A I S:»iy p'.iyrtl a .a -i I- I '••*<• i,,.:,t ound of incomparable IIrKOISM, THRII.I.INii BATTI.K and BRI'TAL PASSION! A BRILLIANT
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    • 356 6 Mahatma Gandhi's 78th BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION A mass meeting will be held at Farrer Park (Old Race Course) on Wednesday the 2nd October, 1946 at 5 p.m. to celebrate the 78th Birthday of Mahatma Oandhi. Members of all communities are cordially invited to participate. Program** 515 P.M 1. National Anthem and
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    • 611 6 FOR SALE FOR quick *alr, goods ex stock, 1CJ ia us Hign Hat (Mm and 203 causes Cutiy-Sark Rum. Price. $13/- pe; cA5e Apply 30 Bencoolen Stuvt, bin. gaporc. FOR SALE One 3 Cubic feet Hcfrl;iiator for use on 230 volts A.C. or O.C. in perfect working condition. Apply Box
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    • 494 6 GENUINF. r.ROOKES 1 B 2 SUNGLASS STOCKS NOW \V\ll\ri[. For SaJp .t**d Cwif^rfablc VMM, DAH SIN OPTICAL HOUSE MS, .th P.. id?? Road. Sinxaporr. Phone 620 1. M.Extkk3& 3®ms ESTABLISHED IN 1916 OPTOMETRISTS OPTICIANS 13, Battery Koad. Singnporo For Appoinlmentt Phone 7631. DANCING MADE EASY! f.fu..ii mmhM Metnods in irachlnj
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 628 6 HlJ UteunrM In ahutOUt tac-i The r.-syonoiu:..; itir.g tics are usually ineffectual. Ob- South name both of his suits, serve this rather typical case thereby getting North's preler«r ot e nce, w entirely on West. He ii 1 aier fell down woefully m the field of Both sides vulnerable. Uctics
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  • 298 7 Around The Markets WASHINGTON, Sunday. IT was revealed today that the United States, dangerously short on rubber at the start of the war, has so well caught up on supplies that it can now afford to bargain over prices. Natural rubber is now
    UP  -  298 words
  • 193 7 rE followiiis are Sunday* quotation* as rep»rted by the Chinese preai: SUGAR: Rork SI2S. cube |lt«. palm sufar $39 per plcnl. RICE: Kedah (latinou* yo Siam fluttnous JIOV Kedah mee-'-oon $85 per pical. COFFEE SEEDS: Pore Bali $130. Fadang Bali <M $115, second quality vir, A. P. first
    193 words
  • 201 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. ON the question c* the distribution of textiles to schools in Selar.gor. it is stated that 205,000 yards wtre let over 'rom the quantity alloted lo eelangor after distribution to employers o( labour and Government departments. In order to ensure the widest distribution
    201 words
  • 72 7 Ships For ChinaS'pore Service HONGKONG. Sun. THE China Merchant Navigation Company has purchased several large ships from Britain to increase the flow of Chinese c?:- ports to Siam. Singapore and the N.E.1., according to trading cir- <!les here. These ships, which are due lo arrive in Shanghai soon, will be
    UP  -  72 words
  • 32 7 New office-bearers of Urn Chinese Cnamber ot Commerce will be introduced today at a cerpmony which will be heid at the Climes? Chamber of Commerce. Hiil Strec'. at 4 p.m.
    32 words
  • 342 7 NANKING, Monday. THE open market foreign exchange rate continues to fluctuate in Shanghai and Nanking, despite official flat denials of persistent rumour* that another depreciation of the Chinese dollar is imminent. Speculators are in a sort of 'to be or not to be" state, wonderhig if they
    Reuter  -  342 words
  • 90 7 from Oar Owi Corre*poadrni IPOH, Saturday. IN The Supreme Court Mr. Justice Evans ruled on Wednesday that one month's notice must be served by the landlord be:cre he could take proceedings to evict a defaulting tenant. The case before him was brought by Mohamed
    90 words
  • 65 7 From Our Own Carrespondenl TAIPING, lhui. ABOUT 80 Malay women, members of the Malay League or Perak. Larut and Matang, entertained their patrons, the Raja Perempuan Kelsom and Yang Amat Mulia Tengku Permaisun to a tea party at the former Kempei Club in Assam K'imbatK on Saturday afternoon.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 453 7 rt HOCK HIN SHIPPING TRADING CO.. Nm. in: Boat Quay and :5 Tiang Bahra Raad. Singaparc. NOTICE is hereby gi\en that Ong S.or« Bee. Koh Ah Kow and Foo See Chone are now carrying on business In partnership as shtppuag and torwarding agents. Importers and exporters, commission agenu. Ughtei and
      453 words
    • 94 7 AUCTION SALE OF About 1 *35 packet* "Sergeant Dan" Creamed Wheat Breakfast Food. 38 packet* Rolled OaU. 69 tabes "Ve«)ax >l Toothpaste. 19 "Contact" torchlight cases. 43 <tmall bottles assorted perfumeries. S porcelain Sinks (chipped > and 3 Cisterns (broken). To Be Held At Our Saleroom. Nos. 14 l«. Robinson
      94 words
    • 397 7 American President Lines. Ltd. NEW YORK via India and Mediterranean Part* ions McHENRT HOWE* Gadawns IS/14 I MARINE LEOPARD* Dae la \irf\c Oct 6 I 'Freight oalv A ve»H t« 4ae Oct. U Pot Preuyit 4t>d P»«^ngerj applj AMERICAN PRESIDENT LINES Union Bide.. Ids: MM 575? WATERMAN LINE 1 P.S.
      397 words
    • 286 7 Mansfield Co., Ltd. (lM«raaratec id Slngmporei BLl't FUNNEL LINE Salltnfrs to ana frnm United Klreo'ir Priam saris for I.K. Ist O. i. I.vcaon Dae from I .K. 3rd Oft. Melampas Die from f.S.A. 7th O<t. Aleinous «aiU for V.X 10th 'Xl Mrealeni Australia Ihe <hort»M roitt af tkC chrmrM Mb
      286 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 514 7 TIDE TABLE TODAY: HUh Water 157 am S ft. 4 ins 139 p m., 8 It. ft in. TOMORROW: High Water LSI a m. 7 It. 7ins.: *.O8 p.m. 8 ft. in Along The Singapore Walerf ron I MAIN WHARF Godown II 13 I-ouis McH Ho«f. N.ii K H«i. discharging
      514 words

  • 266 8 From Our Own Correspondent PENANO. Mon. r pWO horses are promoted and three others demoted in the latest reclassllication list Issued in Penang today by the S.R.A. official nandicapI*v Mr. R. J. Norton. Following Uic.r convincing wins on Saturday. Tommy and Never Mind
    266 words
  • 279 8 JALAN Bcsar Stadium is derequisitioned and the situation now is that the Services will have the use of the ground on Monday, Wednesday and Friday in each week and civilian sides under the control of the S.A.F.A. will use the ground on other days
    279 words
  • 55 8 COLOMBO. Mon. THE Indian cricket team, that recently toured England, has been invited by the Ceylon cricket association to pay a two-week visit to the island. In view of the cancellation of the West Indian tour or India, the CCA. ha* extended this invitation to
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 473 8 Letter Admittedly. S.C.F.A. is the parent body of all Chinese soccer clubs in biagapore. "A Chinese Flayer" is all wrong in saying that S.C.F.A. is the parent body of all the Chinese clubs. What he meant actually w; s that S.C.F.A. is the parent body of Ctatßese
    473 words
  • 46 8 TULSA. Sun Mr<. Babo Dedrtckson Zaharias. or Denver, added the national WMien amateur Rolf championship to her long list of victories by defeating Mrs. Clara Sherman of Pasadena 11 and nine. This was Mrs. Zaharias' fourth major championship of the year. A.P.
    AP  -  46 words
  • 121 8 COLOMBO, Mon. ALBERT Perera, Ceylon's featherweight boxing champion who has been invited to participate m the British Amateur championship. has left for England. Captain Peebles, of Middlesex who had seen Albert fight in the various meets invited him to England to train for the English ABA.
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  • 53 8 LOS ANGELES, Mon. National champion Jack Krame r outstroked Ted Schroeder, 6—2, 6—B. 6—2. B—6, to win the men's singles championship in the finals of the 20th Annual Pacific Southwest Tennis Tournament. National champion Pauline Betz won the women's singles title, defeating Dorothy May Bundy, 6—2.
    AP  -  53 words
  • 58 8 DALLAS, Mon. BEN HOGAN came in with three over par 73 on the final 18 holes, but it was good tnough to tjive him first money of $2,000 in the Dallas Open Golf Tournament with 284 for 72 holes. Paul Runyan and Herman Keis?r tied
    AP  -  58 words
  • 139 8 THE all-Singapore women's table tennis championship opens tonisht at the Great World Table Tennis arena commencing at 8 D.m. sharp. For the first time in Singapore, sports enthusiasts will see women players in aclio n sincr liberafion in this branch of sport. Tonight an a'l stars'
    139 words
  • 30 8 In a fr~ndly came of draughts held last Saturday afternoon at the- Chinese Swimming Club. Amber Road, the Treasury team beat the Club Players by 14 points to 10.
    30 words
  • 254 8 From Our Own Correspondent SEREMBAN, Saturday. A NEGRI Civilian XV, captained by S, H. Dowse, defeated a Combined Services XV in a rugger match played here at the Station padang this evening by 19 points (2 goals, one try, 2 penalty jroals) to 3
    254 words
  • 104 8 Dublin. Suu. Teams for the soccer international tomorrow are: England: Swift (Manchester City); Sci.t (Arsenal), Hardwick (Middlesbrough, captain i Wright (Wolverhampton). Franklin (Stoke Cityv. Cockburn (Manchester United), Finney (Preston), Carter (Derby). Lawton (Chelsea;, Mannion (Middlesbrough) Langton (Blackburn Rovers i. Eire: Breen (Shamrock Rovers); Hayes (Huddersfleld), Gorman
    Reuter  -  104 words
  • 160 8 BRITISH Empire champion, Ronnie James expects to leave England for Australia on Oct. 12 and he expects to fight Patrick, Australian lightweight champion, three weeks after arrival in Australia. He will train on the way out and expects no difficulty in hems: fit soon
    160 words
  • 259 8 Changi Win Three-Two i|N a fast, exciting game of soc--1 cer played at Changi Airfield on Saturday, the RAF. (Chaugit beat the Royal Engineers "969 IWTi by three goals to two. the highlights of the game being the fine defensive work of Wardlow the R.E. centre-half, and ths trickiness and
    259 words
  • 72 8 Hammond Playing Tomorrow PERTH, Mon. The appearance of Walter Hammond in the MCC team playing a two-day match against Northam, 60 miles upcountry from Penh, is greatly welcomed. The team will be: W. R Hammond, W. J. Edrich, Dennis Compton, Laurie Fishlock. T. O. Evans, Cyril Washbrook. Len Hutton, Peter
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 73 8 McNair Cricket Club had an c;isy victory over the Katong C.C. Jh a game of cricket played on the McNair Ground. Dismissing the Katong c.C. for 38 runs: the McNair C.C. passed this total for 4 wickets and went on to make 109 runs for 9 wickets.
    73 words
  • 20 8 Singapore Cricket Club will hold another rugby trial on the padang this evening and all players are asked to attend.
    20 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 391 8 OlblNlCn MOST POPULAH AWO \fJOOAf iEY LANG PHONE 6^37O^b»' Iml Day: 3 M. 6 30 9 15 p.m. The screen s rlassv of stispense! Loaded with thrills you'll never forget "THE PHANTOM LADY" with Ftr.nehot Tone and Ella Raines friT d<"d by Paramount News Opening To-Mmrow "PHANTOM OF THE OPERA"
      391 words
    • 261 8 OPENIN6 TOBAY AT It gLg IU I Kyi 4 SHOWS 1.30-4-6. 3O a «v r-.M. ""iWttw MAP* THgMJftMQm/ aßar<iasaaaigBS ssg fßEptaicriecoaoovA CHINA S C ouRAGE WINS /^r?3^%k. &j^ THE ADMIRATION OF THE I^^^^^K WORLD! LAST 5 SHOWS 10.30 a.m. 1.15 p.m. i p.m. 6.45 9.30 p.m. Resourcefulness VA^srml I \3w*/
      261 words