The Straits Times, 24 September 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 409 1 Bid To Resist Transfer HAIFA, Monday. DKITISH naval launches today foiled a desperate attempt by about 30 Jewish youths to swim three miles to the shore from an immigrant ship Palmach to resist transfer to a British freighter before being: taken to Cyprus. The immigrants
    Reuter  -  409 words
  • 263 1 RANGOON. Monday. BURMA today saw the first general strike m her history. Twenty thousand employees of Government office.?, ports, railways and posts ard telegraphs struck m Rangoon with a one-day sympathetic bU'ike by municipal workers. The strike has virtually paralysed civil administration, which Ir being helped
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  • 182 1 LONDON, Monday. MR. Averi'l Harriman, United States Ambassador to I Britain, who is to succeed Mr. Henry Wallace as United States Secretary of Comi merce, mi n a statement here today, said: "1 fully support the policy of President Trrmsn and Mr. Byrnes, who are
    Reuter  -  182 words
  • 35 1 LONDON, Mm.— The King »t Buckingham Falace today received m audience Mr. Charles Arde.i Clarke, who kissed hands on appointment as Governor and Com-mander-in-Chi?f of Sarawak. The King conferred knighthood on him. Reuter.
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  • 204 1 LONDON, Monday, i FRESH reports reached Reuter today of disruption to world radio communii cations, due, it is believed, to 1 sunspots which have blacked out many wave-lengths all over the world and interrupted some plane services during the last 48 hours. New York reported frequent radio fading
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  • 28 1 Tho famous conductor. Sir Thomas Beecbam, who direc s the newly-formed Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. With him is Lady Beecham. formerly the well-known pianist Betty Humby
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  • 373 1 NANKING, Monday. UNITED States authorities today expressed fear for the lives cf -ae eight American airmen reported to be held in slavery by the Lolo tribesmen in the mountain fastness of West China bordering Tibet, following the publication of reports that some of the
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  • 60 1 Batavia. Mon Lord Kil.carn, Special Commissioner for SoutiEast Asia, today received formal invitations from both th s Dutch and Indonesians to furnish "gocd offices" m the forthcoming negotiations towards a final Indonesian political settlement. Lord Killearn was asked to convene and preside over the first meeting
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  • 45 1 LONDON, Mon King George of the Hellenes will leave London next Thursday night for Greece, the Greek Ministry of Information announced here last night. The first stage m the journey will be Malta, where h? wi'l Join the Greek destroyer Themistocles. Reuter.
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  • 38 1 NEW DELHI, Mon.— Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, head of the New Indian Interim Government, announced at a meeting here today of the All-India Congress Committee that he was relinquishing the presidentship of Congress.— Reuter.
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  • 257 1 RUBBER MARKET PARALYSIS STILL ACUTE THE paralysis m the Malayan rubber market brought about by the failure of the London purchasing authority to accept offerings by Malayan dealers continued over the week-end. A Singapore broker expressed doubt yesterday whether as much as five per cnt. ol the total offerings to
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  • 254 1  -  Tribesmen By TEHERAN, Monday. ARAB tribesmen on the Persian Gulf coast have sur rounded the port of Bushii and telegraphic communication with Teheran has baer cut, stated reports from Sou'li Persia yesterday. Three localities between Bushire and the large town or Shiraz have now been occupied and
    Reuter  -  254 words
  • 31 1 ST. JOHNS. Newfoundlanc. Mon. —All 18 survivors of the Belgian air liner which was wrecked near Gander last Wednesday are now m Gander hospital. Experts are surveying; the damaged plane. —Router.
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  • 68 1 LISBON, Mon.— A man strongly suspected to be Leon Degrello. the Belgian Fascist leader, is m the University Hospital ol Coimbre m north Portugal, suffering from bullet wounds. SaM reports from Coimbre today. The man, who had been under police supervision since he arlived m
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  • 55 1 CALCUTTA, Mon.— More than 20 stabbingo and assaults had occurred m central and northern Calcutta up to noon today, a Bengal Government statement said Polic3 patrols were strengthened, while Government loudspeaker vans toured districts reminding people that assemblies of more than five peoplo and carrying of
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 247 1 I A DUALIPIED OPTICIAN c V CHOno 0.0,f poc I %mm- 79'immrmm rnEE y/^y ♦til'Q^ C.NOISI«IUNO OPPORII'MTIBS it now mulf tn< fST^^,'^'- With > toraword bf Piof»s»or Ijjw. and coniainint. \^S BB -'<'•> Vt'* "f piei'llrtl (uldsnc*. Italt Book Is, wlthon: ■^A' BHHK iloubi. Ilia finest and oomplrla Handbook
      247 words
    • 50 1 fjEWEUERYj nUMI crystal ISM £4^J)s* VmH t0 a detailed examination, ana iBUil > (>^''*-' that ll con f° r n« to the highest stanza Hatri DKY GIW «|VI set for Gtn, hc.nß unadulterated ana Hrv iJti Iree from an h'W'nru' Ingreditnl n B»O f-_- ie beneficial effects etanct i ■Hi/
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  • 292 2 Alliance Of Chief Parties Urged PARIS, Monday. THE French News Agency reports a new move to establish political unity among the Republican parties of French Indo-China. At the national congress of the Vietnam m Hanoi, the Agency said, the Dan Chu Dang, one of the
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  • 131 2 British Help For China Scientists SHANGHAI, Sunday. THE readiness of Britain and British scientists to share their knowledge with Chinese scientists and assist them was expressed by the British Ambassador, Sir Ralph Stevenson, m an address before members of the Scientists Weekend Conference of China. This organization composed of research
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  • 69 2 MELEOURNE, Sun.— Miss Paran jpye, daughter of the Indian High Commissioner, Sir Raghunath Paranjpye, and Miss Khandvala and Mrs. Lam, delegates of the New Education Fellowship, addressed a rally on Indian famine relief today. Judge Foster, patron of the Australia-India Association, presided and £250 was
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  • 71 2 BATAVIA, Sun.— A denial of the report circulated by an American news agency that the Dutch Commission -General m Indonesia had informed the Indonesian republican leaders that they were willing to recognise the authority of the Republican government over Java and Sumatra, has beon issued by
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 80 2 NANKING, Sunday. rNA'S peace negotiations head toward complete collapse followinu the Communist negotiator General Cbou Enlai's "walkout." and sources close to Government and Communist leaders predicted further talks were useless. After nearly ten disheartening months trying to brinff the two factions torether, General Georgre Marshall. L.S.
    AP  -  80 words
  • 306 2 WASHINGTON, Sun. rl United States Department of Agriculture reported today that the world food situation will be partly relieved during the year ahead by a 10 per cent, increase m rice production and the largest potato crop since 1942. The rice crop will be about 6,300,000,000
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  • 49 2 BATAVIA, Mon.—Locally-pro-duced margarine may soon be available m the NEI as the first shipment of 250 tons of copra have left Negara, Bali island, for a Soerabaya manufacturing concern. Fifteen hundred tons await shipment, which is expected to be at the rate of 1,000 tons monthly. Renter
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  • 115 2 COLOMBO, Sun A demand foi complete national independence for Ceylon and the end of four centuries of foreign rule, particularly 130 years of British rule which had "brought political and economic ruin to the country," is made by the Ceylon Trade Union Federation which today concludes
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  • 122 2 BATAVIA, Mon.— To replace the huge fl-et of prahus which before the war served the interisland trade, the NEI Coy ltnent have decided to give financial support to local boatbuilders It is estimated that about 90 per cent, of the 12,000 prahus were destroyed during
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  • 81 2 LONDON. Mon.— For the first time since the spring of 1941 Britain's national dailies today appeared with six pages instead of the four page standard which was established more than five years ago. when serious shipping position enforced a severe reduction of newsprint consumption.
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  • 270 2 NEW YGr.K, Monday. WHILE Britain's shipyards are working at full speed i to restore the nations war- j depleted Merchant Navy, the United States is laying up hundreds of surplus vessels which she is ready to sell to all comers. Figures given to the
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  • 60 2 NEW YORK, Mon.— Marshal Stalin, m a message to the "Win the Peace" Rally sponsored by the American-Slav Congress, said today: "Before all mankind stands the problem of eradicat- ing the remnants of Fascism and the establisnment of lasting peace m all the world." Ten thousand persons at
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  • 129 2 LONDON, Sun— The British Government promised yesterday to complete 30,000 new houses by Christmas, but officials were unable to settle the more immediate problem of who had the right to live m Bromley Housea Government hostel claimed both by aquatters and scores of imported building workers
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  • 105 2 NEW DELHI, Sun— Mr. N. G. Ranga, who arrived here today arter attending the Food and Agriculture Conference at v»openhagen, said that Jawaharlal Nehru's appeal yesterday to the Acting United States Secretary of Commerce forthwith to send food shios to India from the United States
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 119 2 HONG KONG, Mon. Hong Kong's trade m August showed a decline over July, according to the Imports and Exports Department. Imports amounted Lo H58C.338,189 compared with H586.4 millions m July $71.7 m June, $77.5 m May and $60.1 m April. The figure for August 1939
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  • 275 2 TOKIO, Monday. A SECRET memorandum by the Nazi Gestapo chief Heinrich Himmler was introduced m the war crimes tnaJ here today. The document, dated Jan. 31, 1939, was captured by the advancing America*h troops when they seized the office and files of Himmler m Berlin. The
    AP  -  275 words
  • 244 2 BATAVIA, Monday. THE unrecognised Republic of Indonesia committed itself to a comprehensive series of guarantees of Chinese interests m a two-day Sino-Indonesian Conference which has just ended at Jogjakarta. The conference, which was attended by more than 500 persons, including two Chinese representatives from each or
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 437 2 THE AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION OF MALAYA. NOTICE Is hereby given that a General Meeting of the Members of the Singapore Branch will be held at the Adelphl Hotel. Singapore, on Wednesday, 2nd Otcober. 1946, at 5 15 pjn. AGENDA 1. To elect a Chairman. ii. To receive and. If thought fit.
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    • 212 2 The SINGAPORE FREE PRESS has the largest nett sale cf any afternoon newspaper published m Malaya Nett Sales Exceed 11,500 copies p?r issmThe Singapore Free Press is th<> oldest e*Jt;th!i.-he.'J newspaper m Singapore. It recommenced! publication m Ma? last and its -*mart presentation ol news has made an immediate appeaJ
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  • 152 3 Held as suspects m the j foi Incoming trirl concerning the February, 1942, Singapore- i massacres, tSiese four Japs ar.' j no-.v m Changi prison. No. 7 j VV::r Crimes Invstisat.'on team I appeal for information from any person who can provide evidence of leetag Chinese beins
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  • 128 3 Kempei Chief Commended Penang, Sun. WHEN the War Crimes Court rose yesterday after hearing further evidence from the second accused, former Kempei chief TTata, the President, Lt. Col. H. E. R. Smith, commended Terata on his efforts to save his subordinates even at his own expense an attitude which the
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  • 476 3 Press Attack On Mr. Tan Kah Kee By Our Chinese Correspondent. A STORM of protest has recently arisen m the Chinese Press m Malaya over the recent telegram sent by Mr. Tan Kah Kee m the name of the Oversea Chinese population m South
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  • 127 3 BOYS HOME FOR MALACCA From Our Own Correspondent MALACCA, Sunday. THROUGH the knid permission of the Commissioner of Police, Malayan Union, and the Resident Commissioner, Malacca, a suitable site ha& been obtained for use of the Malacca Boys Jubilee Home. A spacious building with playground and other facilities near the
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  • 115 3 Committed On Attempted Murder Charge A PRELIMINARY inquiry into a charge of attempted murder was concluded yesterday m the Second Police Court when a 57-year-old Chinese. Chin Tek alias Wong Chay. v/as committed to stand hi^ trial at the next Assize^ a witness, Ng Siew. told the court that m
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  • 85 3 Three Men On Impersonal ion Charge THREE men claimed trial to a charge of impersonating police officers yesterday m the Third Police Court. They were K. Narayan. W. Bah Chi, and Lior.g Kirn Tian, who were alleged to have posed as police officers, and stopped a Na.afi lorry for examination
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  • 71 3 Moratorium May Be Lifted Next Month IT is learnt from reliable souTces that the moratorium will be completely lifted next month, and that this lifting will be made simultaneously m Malayan Union, Hongkong and Burma, states the Chinee newspaper Rung Pao. The same sources also say that plans have been
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  • 146 3 1 MR. Paul Storr, the District Judge, yesterday, sentenced a j 19-yeax-old Chinese, Poh Chui I Chim, to a year's rigorous impri- sonment and fined him $100 or a lurther three months for posses- sion of a Japanese rifls and 317 1 rounds
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  • 135 3 CENTENCE of six months' rigow rous imprisonment was imposed by Mr. T. T. Russell, the Second District Judge, yesterday on Ho Kiat Swee who was found guilty on a charge of poss2ssion of 35 tahils of chandu. Mr. D. K. Walters and Mr Wee Chong Jin.
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  • 71 3 THE curiositfy of a 23-year-old 1 Chinese, Yew Kiah, who unsuspectingly middled with a Japanese delayed time bomb which he picked up on the beach off Beach Road on June 10 cost him his life when the bomb exploded Yew Kiah was killed instantaneously while
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  • 53 3 The V's Men's Club will hold a social, dinner and dance at Cecil's Restaurant, Pinlayson Green on Saturday. Sopt 28 startirj at 8 p.m. for their wives and Inends. Members are requested to send their names to Mr. Lim Chong Min,-^4, Cairnhill Circle not later than Wednesday,
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  • 318 3 Chinese Appeal To Stopford AN appeal for assistance "to achieve a peaceful ending" to the difficult situation which ha 4 arisen following an attack on the Chinese population of Bagan Si Api Api, Sumatra, by about 1,000 Indonesian extrsmists, has been made by the Singapore Chinese Consul-General, Dr. Wu Paak-shing,
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  • 130 3 A 33-year-old Chinese, Ong Siow Siang, who allowed his brother Ong Ah Honj to serve his sentence for a n offence under the Fcod Control Order, was yesterday sentenced by Mr. T.T. Russell, the Second District Judge, to fcur months 1 rigorous imprisonment for abetting his brother m
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  • 82 3 "London By Night "Is Good Show UEARL Bedford's "London By 1 Night" took its first nisht Singapore audience by storm last night. The Victoria Theatre echoed with the laughter for the comedy and applause for the clever acts by the 10 artistes m this Combined Services Entertainment's latest offering to
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  • 69 3 rE death of Mrs. Victoria ("Queenie") AUc n took place at Exeter, England, on Sept. 19. Mrs. Allen will be remembtrcd by a large circle of friends of 1 pre-war Singapore days as a popular hostess. She was also a writer of articles of local
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  • 324 3 1 1 OCAL clashes between Indonesians and the Dutch m thz Geylang area last July were recalled yesterday when the appeal of the Crown for revision of the sentence of Marwikata bin Surawirja came before Mr. Justice Worley m the Singapore Supreme Court, on the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 91 3 ENJOYING LIFE? Da WITTS Kidney wi Bladder Pill, have won worldwiL- renown >■ efficient remedy for the alleviation of sulteri::,* arising from the vaiious forms ol kidney weakness. Within 24 hours of taking the first dose > >n will see feel and Know that tin medicine h"s reached the kidneys
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    • 1421 3 SALE BY TENDER. SALE BY TENDER. The Custodian of Property, Sn;aTHE BRITISH STOEES DISPOSAL p^g, invites tenders for the purchase BOARD (MALAYA) of the f o n. ow ing, particulars ol which Invites Tenders for the purchase of are as follows: the following Lots at THE ORDNANCE Lot 1- -comprising
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  • 67 4 .MX.EN. On 19th September at TXETER. VICTORIA (QUEENIE) beloved wife of F. G. Allen. (By cable). CO.tVl.EY— died suddenly July 13th. Corley, John Robert Fulton beloved and adorrd husband of Harriet Dorothy— SI Southsca Terrace, Southsea, Hants., Knsland. late Chartered Bank of India Australia China, (Hon; Kong Burma, Manchuria)
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  • 890 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Tues., Sept. 24,1946. Why Not Ask The Army Is there not a great deal to be said for the opinion expressed by an Indian correspondent m this page yesterday that it is fantastic that lawlessness should be so widespread and so flagrant m Singapore when the
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  • 198 4 'MISERY WITHOUT SOLUTION' A Singapore correspondent writes: Apropos Mr. Winston Churchill's Zurich speech, here is what tne Neve Zuercher Nachr.chten had to say at the end of August on the geneial situation m Germany today, which it describes as "Misery Without Solution." It is horrifying, on leaving; the British or
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  • 52 4 The first contract for the export of German products sine: the war's end is being negotiated between the United States and Switzerland, it was learned m Frankfurt yesterday, says A. P. The deal Involving several million dollars may bo conduced within a week
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  • 1261 4 The situation m Burma is critical, and serious trouble is expected there if the current talks between the Governor and the leader of the Anti-Fascist League are not successful. This League, the only coherent political force m the country, is a confederation of parties,
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  • Man In The Street
    • 296 4 I FORWARD herewith a picture of what is m the hearts of our Asiatic planters and estate labourers. It is a surprise that one year after the war ended, Malayan rubber exports should be held up. Only limited quantities are purchas:d by London
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    • 137 4 DAILY we read m your paper of robberies from premises m the heart of Singapore, and the loss of goods badly needed by the public. The police seem unable to cope with the situation. Are the civil authorities afraid that if they ask for help they will
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    • 450 4 THE prominence given to the letter signed "Soyusnik" and published on Saturday unckr the heading "An Inside View Of Soviet Russia' seems rather naive. For almost three decades we have been treated to an unprecedented spate of these "inside views.' from the well-known canard of the nationalisation
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 26 4 NOTICE Tendtn art im;ud for the <-on■tnwtton <>( ac AaMaat'a Buu«tiicw <>n UuUi Es'-aU'. KuaUi Kurau. Pint lor particulars ot ipecMcaMMi please QPPty <-° the Manager, Gula tiuu-
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    • 56 4 5 THINGS MONEY CANNOT BUY 1. A baby's smile. 2. Youth, when It Is gone. 3. The love of a good woman. 4. Entrance into heaven. and last but most Important 5 SIGHT WHEN RUINED Guard your Eyes. Whenever they feel uncomfortable whether ycu wear glasses or not, have them
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    • 145 4 lilllff 21. CUUUA ST. S'POXM \Sr PA LARGE CLAIM FOR DAMa(.KS CAUSED BY A FALLING BRICK. If only the con tractor had not nerWted to ta'< out that lu'-lic DON'T DELAY- liability Policy-d irnapps and law cos's would ha v been paid by Insurance Company SEEK PROTECTION FROM ONE O*
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  • 352 5 Seized Ships: Govt. Asks For Details Colonial Secretary's Letter To Importers CHINESE merchants m Singapore whose ships were detained by the Dutch Navy at Muntck recently have been asked by the Colonial Secretary to "bring forward detailed statements of individual cases where ships qualified to fly the British flag, and
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  • 111 5 KOH (hong Sia alias Koh Ah Lok, of the Dalforce, appeared before Mr. Paul Storr, /the District Judge, yesterday, on three charges of cheating l,ee Meng Kec, a paymaster m the S.S.V.F. It was alleged that on June 18 and 2«. K<* dishonestly induced
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  • 288 5 Singapore Lorry Drivers' Strike Eases rE transport of goods m Singapore was less seriously affected by the lorry drivers' strike yesterday than was at first anticipated. Several private Chinese firms wasted no time m reaching satisfactory settlements with the Union individually and armed with sP'cial "passes" ran their trucks all
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  • 34 5 Import licences will now he ronsidered for cotton piece goods rom both Spain and Switzerland npainst firm offers which confirm p. va liability of poods ordered and statinp quantities, a Singapore Government communiqu? states
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  • 86 5 Shot Pigeons In People's Park: Appeals AN appeal by Loh Lee Sang, a Shanghai seaman, who wa; sentenced to six months' imprisonment on his pleading guilty to being m possession of a n airrifle, came up for revision of sentence before Mr. Justice Worley, yesterday. The Judge reduced the sentence
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  • 256 5 THE general textile position m Singapore is becoming more stabilised and prices of cotton goods are beginning to drop. No further applications for textiles under the Government bulk distribution scheme should be submitted, states a Singapore Government communique. It is hoped to release large
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  • 133 5 Housebreakers' Appeal Dismissed CENTENCED to 18 months' im- prisonment on a charge of house-breaking and theft, six Chinese appealed unsuccHssfully against their sentences before Mr. Justice Worley yesterday. The appellants wer? found inside a military store at 5 o'clock m the morning of June 5. They were hiding among stacks
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  • 61 5 Statement of account for the year ending Sept. 30 has been embodied m the last statement as at Sept. 30. 1945 of the Kundong Rubber Estate Ltd. From the balance of $36,479.42 standing to credit of profit and loss account, $3,000 has been reserved for directors' fees and
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  • 46 5 For the possession of 30 gallons of dutiable sarasu found m a taxi at the Junction of Thomson and Braddell Roads, a Chinese, Tor Tang, was fined $2,000 or m default 12 months' rigorous imprisonment, m the Third Police Court yesterday.
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  • 97 5 Singapore's new Juvenile Court Magistrate, Mr. Chua Boon Lan, (above) although only 26 years old, has had specialised training m Social Science at the London School of Economics. Ihe Singapore Juvenil? i.uuiv has now been established at the old Supreme court buildin*. This Straits Times picture shows
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  • 211 5 INABILITY of the Indian labourer to live on the meagre rice ration, due to limited income, is the chief cause for widespread strikes and strike threats on rubber eftates m Malaya, reported Mr. S. K. Chettor, Indian Government representative m Malaya, after a recent
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  • 25 5 The New Moon Day which tails on Wednesday will be celebrated at the Sinhalese Buddhist Ttm pie, 96; Outram Road; Singapore by Mr. B.A. Ranasinghe.
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  • 413 5 'Informal Juvenile Court Opens Here PR the first time m Singapore, yesterday, juvenile offenders were tried m an atmosphere removed from the harsh precincts of a Police Court where these MMS were being previously tried. The new Juvenile Court has been set up m a portion of the old Supreme
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  • 90 5 T*HE police raid on a house ii 1 Lorong 27- A. Geylang, m tin early hours of July 20, m whicl two pistols, two rifles, 128 round, of ammunition were found, had i sequel m the First District Cou>yesterday. Mr. Paul Storr sentenced Oni Hui
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  • 127 5 AIR Marshal Sir Leslie Norman Hollinghurst, Air Member, Supply and Organisation, has le:t Singapore for Hong Kong an] Japan. He will return about ♦he end of the month.^ Sir Leslie, who arrived at Changi airfield lrcm Lo-.oi: on Sept. 18, is engaged on a tour
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  • 98 5 Appeal By Tyre Thieve Dismissed HAVING regard to the ence of motor car tyre Mr. Justice Worley yesterday ci.*---I missed the appeals of Tay <.i Song and another Chinese who were sentenced to six months' rigorous imprisonment fo of tyrej. The appellant. Tay Ad was arrcotrci at 4 am. on
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  • 71 5 THE 26,000 pupils of schools m Singapore will is-ued with t;xlilc s at thr- coni trolled pr.c:s this week At the same time 716 school teachers belonging to 146 Chinese scho ;'s will a)sj be piven the r**i n, states the S n Chew J:t Poh.
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  • 25 5 To «iay's menu at Peopli Restaurants ii Singapore wi.l be as follow;: i Rice, roast turkey with app! > sauce or chicken stew silad.
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  • 349 5 $500,000 Worth Of E ggs Imported CINGAPORE'S imports of w fresh and salted egrs last month, which represents approximately one -fifth of the Colony's pre-war monthly consumption, have cost importers over $500,000 to obtain. Last month alone over 5,000,000 eggs we.v Imported into Slngapor from China, IndoChina, Australia and Siam.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 49 5 T T iE PRUDENTIAL ASSURANCE COMPANY LIM IT E D (Incorporated m England) Now transacting m Ma'aya LIFE ANNUITIES FIRE MOTOR VEHICLE MARINE— WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION PERSONAL ACCIDENT SICKNESS. Principal Office for Malaya MERCANTILE BANK BUILDING (2nd. Floor) SINGAPORE. L. A. Williams Manager for Ma'aya. j|ipp| Success _P HOE MIX
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  • 380 6 Engines And Pumps Expected Shortly From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. TOMPREHENSIVE plans to reorganise the equipment and personnel of the Malayan fire services on a more up-to-date and efficient scale are under way, reveals Mr. W. G. Gormon, Director of FireServices, Malayan
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  • 103 6 From Our Own Correspondent i PENANO. Mon. i THE flour allocation for Penang has been increased and as a result the quota supplied to baKerles will be correspondingly l raised, it is officially announced. The increase is one pound of flour per head per week. The announcement
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  • Straits Times Post-Bag
    • 196 6 IN pre-war days there was no such appointment as District Officer, Johore Bahru. The Japs created a laboui i recruiting office, lookea I round, caught hold of a highly-paid Malay officer m retirement, and bestowed on him the title of District Officer, Johore Bahru,
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  • 126 6 From Our Own Correspondent TAIPING, Sun. AT the monthly meeting of the Town Board, Larut and Matang. held on Tuesday members of the Board learnt with surprise that the Peoples Restaurant opened here last Wednesday was not well patronised by the public. The Chairman, Major K.
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  • 59 6 From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Sat. THE first death sentence m Penang for carrying arms was passed by Mr. Carey on Thursday on a 20-year-old Chinese, Tan Ah Cheng, who was arrested on the night of June 23 this year following a gun duel at MacAlister
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  • 79 6 Commendation For Hiding Flag 'From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Mon. TWO local residents, Sardar Sahib Sardar Mehtab Singh, J.P. and Narajan Singh, police constable, who hid the Residency Union Jack throughout the enemy occupation were presenttO witn certificates of commendation by the Resident Commissioner, Mr. i S. N. King, at
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 258 6 re TECK GEE €r CO., NOTICE is hereby (j.:n UMt KOII AH KOW and FOO SEE CiiONE two of thp (COT partners of TECK GEE CO. of No. 14 North Boat Quay. Singapore, have sold their shares and Interests of and In thj ousm^s^ of TECK GEE CO. to QUhK
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    • 257 6 re TECK GEE CO., notice Is btrebgr given that koh AH t \OW and FOO SEE CHONE heretofore joint mana^sis of TECK GEE CO. of No. 14 North Boat Quay, Singapore, have no further connection with or interest m the said £rm and have no authork;, to do or transact
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    • 655 6 SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY. Applications are invited for the post of Indian Interpreter ln the Kegisirar of Vehicles Department at a commencing salary of $90- per month, plus cost of living allowance m Grade IV of the Municipal Subordinate Officer.; Salary Scheme. Applicants must be fiuent interpreters m Punjabi Hindustani, Tamil and
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    • 406 6 Rimless glasses m WHITE GOLD No longer supplied In America Limiteo m Stock Vake roar early rhanre to get th -m from: DAH SIN OPTICAL HOUSE 333, North Brldgr RoaJ SI -p,.ipoie Phone 6204 Extraordinary OHer AIR MAIL ANNOUNCEMENT!! SAVE POSTAGE Fresh Stock of Airmail Paper Just Received tor Distribution
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 685 6 There are certain card- .tomb!- made the "natural" shift to me nations that constitute natural club queen. East capturtd the traps for nine players out of ten. king and returned a club, but the One of these is illustrated m the best West could do was cash his toV.Of/ins deal.
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  • 533 7 MARKET NEWS Free Rubber Market: London Opinion DONDON, Saturday. DRESENT discussions may bring an early resumption of the free rubber market (says The Economist) if the Combined Rubber Committee agrees. Rubber supplies, including old stocks, exceed allocations. The big unknown factor is Sumatra production. So far only old estate rubber
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  • 89 7 Local Commodity Prices Decline Singapore. Monday. LX>LLOWING the release of Chin- ese trading vessels detained by the Dutch Navy at Karlmon, local prices of roek-sagar and other commodities have sharply declined. The present rating prices are:— SUGAR: Ist grade $1.16 per pkrul Rock |103 B 2nd grade $95 Cabe $133
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  • 159 7 LONDON. Sat. Calling In by one of the large clearing banks engaged m the monthly make-up created credit string. ency on the money market m the early part of the week. Supplies of fre*h funds proved insufficient to meet demand arising In respect of payments for new Treasury
    Reuter  -  159 words
  • 42 7 SUWA, Fiji Island, Sat. VOLCANISING eruptions on the Pacific island of Niuafoou have burned out the ma:n village of Angaha including all government buildings and wireless station, but no loss of life or serious injuries have been reported.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 318 7 Kempei Chiefs Evidence At Penang PENANG, Mon. rE claim that his Kempeit&i m Penang was the best m Mai ay a was made on Saturday by Capt. Terata Isamu, the second accused m the War Crimes trial and Kempei chief here from 1943 to the Japanese surrender. Giving evidence m
    318 words
  • 80 7 From A Correspondent TAP AH. Sat. CHE Khairi, eldest son of former Penghulu Selama, who was dismissed by the Japanese, ha> been reappointed Assistant Penghulu Mukim Tapah Road and Tapah. He was the Assistant Penghulu, Tapah. before the war, and is a well-known Perak
    80 words
  • 382 7 Along The Singapore Waterf r on t FIVE Russian cargo boals entered Singapore on Saturday from Colombo on their way to Vladivostok, carrying cargoes of oats. The vessels are: the Donetz, Shota Rustavelli, Aleksander Parkhomenko, Dimitry Laptiev and St. Shaumiai'.. They are carrying a total of 6,403 tons of oo
    382 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 135 7 KOK KEE AGENCIES Agent*: N. E. M. INSURANCE GENERAL AGENCIES Indenting all kinds of Tin Printing I tho-println^ have removed to: 401, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. LIM BOON SOO DECEASED. NOTICE is hereby given that all person! having any claims against the abovenamed deceased Letters of Administration of whose estate were
      135 words
    • 43 7 Something New OK so. gs. .Nc.v sungs. songs ....sold Jive. ."Stormy Weather" lias all kinds, combined with some of the most sensational dancing and production numbers ever filmed. It's the one picture that will have audiences tapping their feet throughout the film.
      43 words
    • 728 7 American Mansfield Co., Ltd. rresioent Lines, Lto. blue funnel line Callings to and from United Kingdom NE» r<) K Bomb., mat t9f VJL Mediterranean Part* Antdochn* Doe from U.K. Mth Sept. LOOTS MrtIRNRT HOWE* Atre»« tails for O.K. l«t Oct. Aklnoui sails foe U.K. 6th Oct. Dae to Arrive Sef)t.
      728 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 191 7 RADIO PROGRAMMES RADIO MALAYA RED NETWORK from noon to 2 p.m. and G.30 to 11 p.p.. on 225 metres from noon to 2 p.m. on 4.825 mcs s?c. in 61 metre band and from 7.45 to 9.30 p.m. on 4.78 mcs/sec In 61 metre band. CHINESE noon to 1.19 p.m.
      191 words
    • 130 7 u-ssioD opens At a pjn (news neadlines 8 SC p.m anc" news at .V30 pm.i MALAY 3000 to 1 pjn (news at 12.45 p.m.) anc from 6 p m to 8 15 j m (npwf to Mala* at 1 SO o.m.) TONIGHT'S HIGHLIGHTS 8.30 p.m. News Headlines; 8.32 p.m. Listener's
      130 words
    • 131 7 7.30 pjn. Variety band-box; 8 15 pjn. Saxophone quartet; 8.30 pjn. 1 ews: 8.35 p.m. London Calling; 8.40 pjn. Interlude; 8.45 p.m. Facts and figures; 9.00 pjn. Itma; 9.30 pjn. Blue rockets dance orchestra; 10.00 pjn. The fellowship of the frog; 10.30 pjn. Radio newsreel; 10.45 pm. London Calling; 10.50
      131 words

  • 297 8 ALFSEA WIN THREE -NIL Elimination Cup Soccer FE Alfsea Headquarters' team advanced a further stage m the Army elimination contests for the Victory Cup, when they easily defeated the 16th Hq. Petrol Unit by three goals to nil mi n a game of football played at the Jalan Besar Stadium
    297 words
  • 371 8 (By SYDNEY. Sept. 20. 1 USTRALIA is approaching the Davis Cup challenge round A with all the cheery confidence of a blind man. She has no idea of her chances of retaining the trophy emblematic of the tennis championship of the world,
    371 words
  • 146 8 Mu:r than 60 people gathered on Saturday night to celebrate the sixteenth anniversary of the Singapore Tab'e Tennis Association. A large part of the party con-.istcd members from the Chinese Snorts Association. Affiliated clubs and Association:; represented were the Slonj 800 Athletic Association. Harmony Musical Association. Chiate Sins
    146 words
  • 49 8 <• «c,-.■•n- v>"»- r---^d i>t th«> bos- ing held at the Buklt Bmtanjt Park In Kr.Ma T umniir last Frid.w wh*n Ar>dv O'iver K.O'ed Jimmy Bird m the fifth of a scheduled ten round cont?;t Prior to tl« knock-out blow. Bird w:i iufleilne with a cut liv.
    49 words
  • 103 8 LONDON Sun ICELANDIC footballers, playing their first game on grass, wernarrowly beaten by thr..c goals to two by Dulwich Hamlet m the first match oi their brief English tour. But Dulwich were fortunate to win. The Iceland forwards continually outmanoeuvered a poor defence and many shots were
    103 words
  • 99 8 MARSEILLES. Sun. A LEX JANy. French swimming star, failed to break the world mark for the 400 metre freestyle swim on Saturday but he was clocked m at 4 minutes and 45 8 seconds, 2 10 of a second better than the European record for
    99 words
  • 36 8 Singapore Customs will meet Johorc Customs at soccer at lalan Besar Stadium tomorrow.; Proceeds from the game will J ;o to the Singapore Customs' i Club Rehabilitation Fund. 1 I i i
    36 words
  • 134 8 Gocd and clean wrestling bouts were «een by a larg«? audience at the Great World Arer.a last Saturday Results weie: Stan Grrtide cf Yorkshire, scored a narrow win over yovthial Bosca Boa in the main bout. The score was two fal's to one, ending the fight in the
    134 words
  • 34 8 A meeting of the rupßcr section of the S.C.R.C. will be held at the Club louse tomorrow at 5.15 p.m. Members. v ho are interested m rugger, are kii»dly Invited to attend.
    34 words
  • Article, Illustration
    33 8 S. Yoga raj? h and E Doraisamy going cut to open t'je C.S.C. innings against the S.R.C. on S uml*y on the SRC. padang, C.S.C. won by 45 run 3. Straits Times picture.
    33 words
  • Article, Illustration
    23 8 Vie Admiral Ejtrton, l r las OHirer, Malaya, a keen polo player, photographed at tin* Singapore Polo Cl i»» 01 Saturday, after practice.
    23 words
  • 121 8 France's Best Filly Wins At Longchamp PARIS, Sun MARCEL Le Baron's thre: year-old filly Pirctte, by Deiri out of Pimoette, today, won the 600,000 francs Prix Vcrmeille for fillies over about a mile and a half at Longchamp. Second a neck behind was Jam** Hennessy's Pastourelle with Marcel Boussar's Alborada
    Reuter  -  121 words
  • 111 8 ALFSEA have now advanced to the fourth round m the Army e'iminat:©n.s cup soccer competition H.Q. Singapore District, 16 E and M. Co.. E.S.D., Royal Scots, R.E.M.E. Base 56 Water Transport have all reached Ihe second .cund. which. how:v.r. is still incompleted. When the competition proper is
    111 words
  • 87 8 SYDNEY (By Air Mail). MRS. Don Bradman denied that she had made any statements regarding her husband and play m Test matches, as was recently reported. Mrs. Bradman stated that hsr husband, himself, did not know what his position with regard to playing cricket would
    87 words
  • 56 8 Prom Our Own Correspondent Taip'ng, M'jn. Honours were shared m the annual rjntest for th; Kanapathy Pillai Cup h°ld hsre duruis weekend between the Taiping Ceylon Association and the looh Cylon Association. ipDh won the football, hockey, and cricket games, wh !e Taiping annexed tha honours
    56 words
  • 22 8 Sincaporo Crick H Club will hold a second rug'oy trial for all interested playing members on the padang V.w afternoon
    22 words
  • 263 8 Revival Of Novices' Cup Soccer In K.L. (From Our Own Correspondent) KUALA LUMPUR, Mori. rE Malaya Cup Veterans Football Association, under the presidency of Mr. J. E. King, who, it will be remembered, was cne of the famous Selangor Malaya Cup team which defeated Singapore B—l8 1 on the padang
    263 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 410 8 TP PWONEU647O9 V 3 Shows To-day: 3, 6.15 9.15 p.m. The newest most hilarious hit! Donald OCcnnor Peggy Rv»n Ann Blyth In •CHIP OFF THE OLD BLOCK" ■wiLh Helen Vinson Arthur Treacher knd the Quiz Kid— Joel Kupparmans The, best of lively comedy musicals! ?i ii L.I. .wnirrn .jwwrrwwtrm^C Mffaliil
      410 words
      260 words