The Straits Times, 21 September 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 534 1 Country- Wide Paralysis Feared From A Market Correspondent AN extremely serious situation has arisen m the rubber market m Malaya. Twelve months after liberation, rubber, the staple crop of the country, is unsaleable. Since the demise of the B.M.A. Rubber Buying Unit last May, local purchase
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  • 81 1 'T'HE secrets of the German high command are revealed in a series of articles by the noted military commentator. Capt. Liddell Hart, to be published in The Sunday Times, starting from tomorrow. In his first report Capt. Liddell Hart tells the German story of the Dunkirk
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  • 159 1 NEW YORK, Friday. A RESCUE party from Fort McAndrew reached the scene of the crash of the Belgian Sabena air liner near Jander, Newfoundland, late yesterday. The number ol survivors out of the 44 people which the plane carried is not yet definitely known, but
    Reuter  -  159 words
  • 210 1 I ORD KILLEARN, British Special Commissioner m South-East Asia, is expected to leave for Batavia today by air. His deputy, Mr. Michael Wright, has been m Batavia for some days. 1 It is understood that Mr. Wright's discussions In Batavia were mainly concerned with the evacuation
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  • 47 1 Gioup-Capt. fcdward Donaldson (right), a former Malayan, who recently created a world air speed record for Britain of 616 m p.h. Left b SquadronLeader Waterton, w. 0 reached 614 m p.h., and centi" is Mr. H. J. Allwright, of the .VnLstry of Supply.
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  • 280 1 British Approach To Arab States LONDON, Friday. AUTHORITATIVE British informants said last night that Britain would ask the Arab States today to present counter-proposals for a settlement in Palestine. After a recess yesterday the conference on Palestine's future resumes today. The Arabs yesterday sent the British Government a note rejecting
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  • 41 1 OTTAWA, Frl.—Miss Agatha Chapman, described as an economist for the Bank of Canada, was taken into custody today and charged with conspiring with members of an alleged spy ring m Canada to obtain and communicate secret information to the Soviet Union.—Reuter.
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  • 37 1 NEW YORK, Pri.— President Truman has asked Mr. Henry Wallace, whose speech on "British imperialism" last week caused a United State* Cabinet crisis, to resign from his post of Secretary or Commerce. Renter.
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  • 143 1 Burma Moving Towards A Crisis THE British authorities are more worried about Burma this week than about any other problem, states a special correspondent of The Times. It is freely stated that the situation there is very close to a dangerous explosion, and, there is deep interest in the attitude
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  • 178 1 PARIS, Friday. GEN. de Gaulle plunged into politics today with a declaration that he was firmly opposed to the proposed constitution for the Fourth Republic as it now stands and would carry the fight to the people. This emphatic position taken by the leader who resigned In
    AP  -  178 words
  • 391 1 LONDON, Friday. SOME sections of the British press today are sharply divided m their reaction to yesterday's Zurich speech by Mr. Winston Churchill, m which he called for a united states of Europe. While the Daily Express says that, "addressing himself to European nations,
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  • 40 1 BATAVIA, Fri— Allied troops were attacked by a concentration of 150 Indonesians south of Ploemboengan, m the Sourabaya sector, today's Allied Headquarters communique s I cd. After heavy Indonesian losses, the attackers withdrew, leaving five prisoners. Reuter.
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  • 256 1 Paris Accepts "Big Four Proposals r'ARiS, i i iiiay. THE Paris Conference today accepted all the "Big Four" proposals for the most i bitterly disputed frontier m Europe —between Italy and Yugoslavia, including the free zone of Trieste. That is the effect of the series of votes on amendments put
    Reuter  -  256 words
  • 30 1 LONDON, Thurs—ln the flow-er-filled Caxton Hall Wcstminist^r Register Offic" today. Princess Teri, 23-y:ar-old niece of King Zog of Albania, maided Lieut. R. H. Cooper, Royal Navy, 1 aged 24 —Reuter
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 55 1 'RECORDER' Carbon Papers Ribbons o\ J. MASON SON PTY. LTD. The Best Today Sole Importers: PACIFIC TRADERS WASSIAMULL'S Announce to their patrons the arrival of new shipments of INDIAN CARPETS of exquisite workmanship and beautiful designs of all sizes at moderate prices, Call at: WASSIAMULL'S CARPET DEPT, 35, High Street,
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    • 55 1 m -—rtatrwf m nwtmf ypo*i -HUM* j for driving Electrical Generators, Welding Plants, Air Compressors etc. Lowest Fuel and Lubricating Oil Consumption Guaranteed. Ecoert Service, Staff, and Spares Service. For Prices and Delivery Apply UNITED ENGINEERS LTD. SIHC APOPC PEMAMC IPOH MALACCA SERE M BAN ALSO THE FEDERATED.ENCINEERINC CO. US
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  • 303 2 Russian Witness In War Crimes Trial TOKIO, Friday. DUSSIAN prosecutors today notified the American authorities that Lt.-General Tatsumi Kusabu, brought here m custody from Manchuria to testify m the Tokio war trials, was found dead and that they suspected murder. Poison was revealed to have
    Reuter; AP  -  303 words
  • 277 2 Malayan PoW Graves Found In Formosa HONG KONG, Thursday. AN eight-man team of the British War Graves Commission has returned to Hong Kong from Formosa, with the remains of 400 Allied Service men found buried there. Most of them are of men who died m prison camps after c?ptaie m
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  • 59 2 TOKIO, Fri. Japanese police today arrested a 22-year-old coal miner who scaled a fence and entered the Premier's official residence with the self-avowed intention of assassinating Premier Shi^eru Yoshida. Police said that the miner, who arrived m Tolcio a week ago from Fukuoka. m Kyushu,
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  • 85 2 NEW DELHI, Fri. Sardar Baldev Singh, War Minister m India's interim Cabinet, assumed office yesterday and becomes the first of the 12 members of the new government to take oath. Two independent Muslims making up the remainder of the 14-member cabinet are yet to
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  • 53 2 PARIS, Thurs.— ln the first general elections to be held m Cambodia, Indio-China, 70 per cent, of the registered voters participated, stated a Government communique quoted by a French news agency dispatch from Saigon. Of 69 offices 50 went to Demo crats, 14 to Liberals and 5 to
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  • 93 2 NEW YORK, Fri— Officials of the United States Bureau of Mines are investigating the scene of a smouldering fire which threatens to destroy $50,000,000 worth of bituminous coal In the next 50 years it is not quenched. It has already burned uninterruptedly for 62 years. The
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  • 59 2 BATAVIA, Thurs— A joint air and ground exploration of an unknown territory beyond the Carstensz mountain range, m Dutch New Guinea, is now being prepared under the supervision of the Netherlands New Guinea exploration committee. The exploration will investigate agricultural and Industrial potentialities of the
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  • Article, Illustration
    35 2 Mr. Arthur Whiteley, of Dewsbury, Yorkshire, who ha« been appointed controller of all foundries m the British zone of Germany. He will supervise hundreds of iron and steel works, where nearly 500,000 men are employed.
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  • 287 2 MAJOR BOON ACQUITTED OF CHARGES LONDON, Friday. MAJOR Cecil Boon was today found not guilty by the ijondon court-martial on ail five charges that, while a prisoner of war m Hong Kong, he did act> voluntarily to assist the Japanese. Major Boon was released. Mr. G. O. Slade, defending, said
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  • 61 2 NEW DELHI, Thurs.— The Indian interim government is examining the possibility of sending a food mission to Russia shortly, it was learned here today. The first consignment of rice from Java reached the port of Oachin today, and began discharging immediately This first instalment of a
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  • 255 2 NANKING, Thursday. GOVERNMENT forces reVl entered Huaiyin, main Communist base of operations m northern Kiangsu, on Sept. 17, the Government announced today. Huaiyin has been occupied by Communists since the Japanese surrender m the autumn of 1945, the announcement said. Chinese Government forces tightened their drive
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    • 323 2 Survey Of Far East Rubber WASHINGTON, Thursday. MR. E. G. Holt, a representative of the Department of Commerce, who has just returned from a tour of the Far East, said that uncertainties regarding the general economic, labour and political situations m the Far East made it difficult to forecast production
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    • 82 2 The City Editor of the Evening Standard writes:—The prospect that a return to free rubber market early next year may reduce prices Oelow the present 14d. >er pound worries many smaller companies because costs are higher and output lower than expected. Owing to neglect during the Japanese occupation
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    • 98 2 The "Daily Telegraph" writes: Mincing Lane believes that the mum t: sk of the rubber delegation to New York will be to discuss America's future buying policy of raw rubber *n the i light of easier supply conditions The possibility of a furthrr large rubber deal with
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    • 43 2 New York, Thurs.—The U.S. Rubber Manufacturers Asscciatlon report* July production of passenger car tyres at 4.924,000 truck and bus tyres at 1 and passenger and bus tubes at 5,702,000. Exports m the same order were 48 000, 59,000 and *****0.
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    • 199 2 New York, Thurs —Bolivian tin producers (excluding Patina) should easily produce the 17,600 ons m 1946 on which they will q.mlify for the bonus of one cent m the 1 rs* halfyear and three cents m th<; second half-year on V<t basic price of f2.5 cenu Including a
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    • 37 2 New York, Thurs.—Output of electrolytic tlnplate (which uses less Lin) soared from 82,000 short tons m 1942 to 865.000 short tons In 1945 while output of hot-dipped tlnplate tell from 2,443,000 to 1,630,000 short tons.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 380 2 Mu.iicil'ALlTY OF SINGAPORE. NOTICE TO ELECTKICITt* CONSUMERS Thefts of Electrical Appliances A number of Instances have been discovered recently where electrical appliances have been stolen from premises by persons fraudulently purporting to be employees of the Municipal Electricity Department. Consumer are advised that all employees of the Department who are
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    • 803 2 BRITISH STORES DISPOSAL BOARD (SINGAPORE) TENDER NOTICE. 1. Tenders are Invited for the purchase of the following stores located at thr Oil Fuel Depot. Kenoko. H.M. Navai Base. Singapore:— Scrap Steel comprising remains of seven burnt out oil fuel storage tanks and quantity of steel plates from partly erected tanks
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    • 666 2 BRITISH STORES DISPOSAL BOARD (MALAYA) 1. The Brl Ish Stores Disponato Board (Malaya) Invites Tenders for the purchase of the following Lots which are lying at 309 Civil Salvage Vehicle Breakdown Depot Circular Road. Kuala Lumpur. Lot I—Miscllaiii1 Miscllaiii /ms Motor Car spares and parts consisting of: 36 Oil Filters;
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  • 192 3 Until She Started a Course of Kruschen Shu tnought we would like to know what Krusciien had done for her. Ana we Ulißk that otner rheumatic sufferer*, woulu like 10 know it too, so her letter is published below:— •1 thought you would like to know
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  • 339 3 Official Estimates For 1946 THE running of Singapore hospitals, dispensaries and other medical departments for the period Apr. 1 to Dec. 31 this year will cost the Government about $4,000,000, according to official estimates. In addition, over $392,000 is the estimated expenditure for
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  • 218 3 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. AS a rough guide it is estimated that approximately $75,000,000 will be spent during the nine months between April 1 and Dec. 31 this year on non-recurrent itsms of rehabilitation work m the Malayan Union. Some of the major
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  • 42 3 A 40-year-old Chinese, lee Aun Tong, was sentenced to one month's rigorous imprisonment a:.d lined $750. m default five months' r.i., by Mr. Paul Storr m the First District Cfnut v esterday for possession ot three pounds of opium.
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  • 67 3 fHAKGEI) with the theft of 33 v» bundles of white cloth valued »t $50,000 or alternatively of dishonestly retauiin* the stolen goods, a Chinese, Yon* Fen? ss n yesterday claimed trial m the Fourth Police Court. The alleged theft was stated to
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  • 132 3 DETECTIVE ON BRIBERY CHARGE A Singapore detective, Wong Lai Kooi, was produced before Mr. Paul Storr m the First District Court yesterday on a charge of receiving an Illegal gratification of $60 from Teh Tlang Hong. Teh, m his evidence, said that on April 24 at about 11 a.m. Wong
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  • 37 3 The Bishop of Labuan and Sarawak, the Rt. Rev. Hollis, who is now staying m Singapore as the guest of the Governor, will preach at Evensong at 5.30 pjn. on Sunday.
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  • 123 3 100 TRADE UNIONS REGISTER From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. MEARLY 100 trade unions oi W different occupational, iniustrial and general interests have applied to the Registrar of Trade Unions, Malayan Union, for registration. Many of these have already received their certificates of registration. The first was the Locomotive
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  • 272 3 Sunday Church Services Church of England: St. Andrew's 7 8 10.30 5.30; St. Peter's 7.30, 9'.30| 10. 30 i 7.30; St. Georges Garrison Church (Taiujlln) I.l* 6 30; Christ Church 8, 10.30, 5, 6.30 St. Hilda's (Katong) 8. 5.30; St^ Paul's (Serangoon) 8; Garrison Church (69 1.G.H., Alexandra) 7. 15,
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  • 116 3 From Our Own Car respond en: IPDH, Friday. WHEN the question of how many cinema halls Ipoh should have was brought up before the meeting of the Kinta Town Beard yesterday it was revealed that a population of 65,000 m 1941 has now swelled to over 126,000.
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  • 49 3 An open verdict was recorded by the Singapore Coroner Mr. W. G. Porter, yesterday when he inquired Into the death of an unknown Indian, who was sated to have thrown himself m the path of a military true* p.od sustained fatal injuries at Tanglin on June 14.
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  • 163 3 A VERDICT of suicide while of unsound mind was returned by a common jury at an inquest before the Singapore Coroner, Mr. W. G. Porter, yesterday, mto the death of a Chinese, Loo Ah Leong, who jumped from the first floor of the General liespital and
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  • 353 3 From Our Own Correspondent. KUALA LUKiMJR, Friday. IDMITTING that it was a "dangerous and costly experir\ ment" but that the present conditions necessitated such experiments, Sir Edward Gent, the Governor of the Malayan Union, today defended Government action m introducing the Price Control Bill.
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  • 343 3 Ships positions m Singapore yesterday were: 1 MAIN WHARF f Godown 31-32: Glen Affaric. discharging stores. f Godown 33-34: Alcinous, discharging stores. Godown 35-36: Van Der Heist, dtecharging stores. Godown 38-39: Priam discharging and loading stores for U.K. WEST WHARF Godown 1: Kepong, loading stores for
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 212 3 MID-NIGHT TO-NIGHT JUBILEE >^ THE SINGAPORE TRACTION COMPANY LIMITED. (incorporated m England) Additional Omnibus Service: Comineucir.g on Sunday— 22nd September, 1946, an Omnibus service will operate between Flnlayson Green and Norfolk Road via: Collyer Quay, Fulleitcn Road. Connaught Drive, Eeach Road, Bras Bo^ch Read. Selcgie Road. Serangcon Road and Rang(X)n
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    • 445 3 SITUATION VACANT EUROPEAN professional man requires services of first-class reception-ist-typist. Must hare good personal appearance and knowledge shorthand and booL-keeping. Apply Box 277, ST. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Tenders will be received at the Office of the Chairman. Rural Board, Singapore, up to noon ot the 27th September. 1»46. lor the following
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    • 280 3 SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY Appointment of Shorthand Typist Applications are Invited for the poet of Shorthand Typist In the Electricity Department at a commencing salary of $123 per month (plus cost of living allowance) In Grade 111 of the Municipal Subordinate Officers Salary Scheme, rising by annual increments of $10/- to $150per
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  • 59 4 Mr. and Mrs. T. ALBUQUERQUE thank all relatives and friend* who Attended the funeral of their beloved daughter MARY ANN, on 19th September, 1946, and for wreaths, telegraiiis. gifts and messages of sympathy. Mr. and Mrs. Stanislaus Ponniah vLsh to Uiank all friends and relatives fur their valuable presents
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  • 35 4 IN EVER LOVING MEMORY OF DAVID TAYLOR who ma..c the bujiieme sacrifice when the "Toyo Fuku Maru" went down on September 21st, 1944 off Bataan (Philippine Is:) Inserted by his wife, ETHEL TAYLOR.
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  • 822 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Sat., Sept. 21, 1946. Civilisation And The Gallows Just at the time when the extension of the death penalty to the offence of carrying arms has become the subject of judicial rulings m Malaya, it is reported from London that a bill for the abolition of
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  • 237 4 HANOI, Thursday. nRENCH and Viet Nam f circles nere are asking ii resident Ho Chi Minh sig-e the agreement with the French Minister for the Colo nies, Marius Moutet, m accord with the Viet Nam delegation or on his own initiative. An announcement that a
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 635 4 An inside view of Soviet Russia VOUR leader Twc Worlds Or None surprises me; not its vvarweary tone, nor iti in your own words parochial" and "detached" view, but in its tacit assumption that the United States' policy towards the Soviet Union is somehow accidental and due to the weak
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  • 119 4 Straits Chinese IT is indeed dopl liable that the majority of the Straitsborn Chinese d.> not know how to rp.vl and write their "wn language. They should realise that China is a *orld pow r. If the present Hvil war were to erase, and if r ba were t0 d
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  • Man In The Street
    • 348 4 RACKETEERING by bus ii conductors of the S.T.C. now developed on a colossal scale, and it is feareu that they are nearing the stage when they can dicta to to the passengers. Before the latest strike racketeering was only on a
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    • 154 4 MR. LIM WEE PIAN has done a great service to his iellow employees, especially those m commercial houses, by divulging that his firm the Chartered Bank have already paid a year's back pay to their pre-war staff. With this development we feel that back pay is no
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    • 164 4 RECENTLY the opening time mi n the People's Restaurant at Telok Ayer was altered from 11.30 to 11. Bui that does not alter the posi tion as far as clerks are concerned. How many clerks can attend the People's Restaurant at 11 a.m.? And how many womd want
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    • 85 4 niCYCLE thieves not satisfied with the cycles they steaJ from the five-footway, have now boldly advanced a step further by penetrating int< office buildings. Tlure are scores of clerks a id others who have lost macbi) while parked m their officr buildings. Mine, which was parked and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 782 4 DOWNES: On Aug. 23, at the Maternity Hospital, Penang, to Mrs. John Downed, of Sungel Patanl, a son The engagement ls announced between Mr. Emile Marcar of Macassar and Miss Araxy Edgar on Saturday 21st Sept. Spore. 100, Tanglin Road. The engagement is announced between Dr. Chla Chin Tlong, elder
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    • 34 4 Even the keenest mfnd may be dulled by Whether yon wear glasses or not. It is advisable to have a proper examination if you experience the slightest eye discomfort. Consult: S THONG. Ol>. F.P.OC.
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    • 16 4 Back again jfc to safeguard f£Jf your health C^^*3 f~ FMi It f A/ F 'JfW
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  • 455 5 FOOD SHOW Sir Franklin Gimson Stresses Need For All Out Effort "GOVERNMENT has been giving and will continuv to give every assistance to the smallholders m their endeavour to provide the people of Singapore with vegetables and other foodstuffs," declared the Governor, Sir Franklin Gimson, when he
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  • 120 5 NEW SHEEP SHIP FOR MALAYA AWING to lack of suitable shipping great difficulty has been experienced m the movement jf sheep on the hoof from Ausnalia to Singapore, states a communique from the office of tli*» Special Commissioner. The situation, however, has been eased by a prompt response from London
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  • 177 5 JAPANESE ingenuity m fashioning toys is revealing Itseit again. In Japanese PoW camps m Singapore and the mainland, surrendered personnel are making toys which are being sold to people outside the camps. A correspondent from Kuala iLumpuT writes that the Japs (there make a
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  • 536 5 By A Special Correspondent TWO points emerge after a A tosr of the "Grow More Food" Exhibition which was opened at the Happy World last night: first, the outstanding fact that good, and more, vegetables can be grown m Singapore, and second, the paucity of
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  • 38 5 The Singapore Immigration Office is to remove from Clifford Pier to godown "B" at the East Wharf. The telephone number ot the Deputy Immigration Officer, Mr. J.LJ. Haxworth, will be 2740 and that of the general office 3070.
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  • 47 5 The Singapore Traction Company Ltd. will operate an additional bus service from tomorrow between Finlayson Green and Norfolk Road. The route to oo taken will be Oollyer Quay Fullerton Road. Connauglit Diive Beach Road. Bras Basah Road, Selegie Road. Serangoon Road and Rangoon Road.
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  • 446 5 Proposed Municipal Constitution Criticised CTRONG criticism of the Singa- pore Municipal Constitution Committee and of its final recommendations is contained m a statement issued by the Malayan Democratic Union. If one word could summarise i the recommendations of the t committee to the Governor, it is "farcical," the statement em-
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  • 216 5 MALAYA'S G.G. rHE Governor-General, Hr.^ Malcolm Mac Donald, draws total emoluments of £9,500 a year, of which £5,000 is salary and £4,500 is termed "local allowance." The Prime Minister of Britain receives a salary ol £10.000 a year. The Governor of Singapore, Sir Franklin Gimson.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 123 5 For Distance Reading jp jTjfSfEi ffcey look just like S%INGAK)R^S3P Ordinary Gkwees Consult:NEW CHINA OPTICAL CO. 71, HIGH STREET SIKCAPORE. Mew Telephone Number UN^ER THE AUSPICES OF PUBLIC RELATIONS SINGAPORE 'GROW MORE FOOD' EXHIBITION AT THE HAPPY WORLD STADIUM FRIDAY TO MONDAY SEPT. 20th 23rd Sir Han Hoe Llm will
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    • 172 5 (nth PENICILLIN Sodium Salt (20C.000 units) Supplies now available to the Medical Profession am Registered Pharmacists po.-sessir" refrigerators. MAY BAKER LT2>., P.O. Box 73— Nunes Building— Tel. 2526 Singapore. THE GAIETY PLAYERS IN COOPERATION WITH C.S.E. PRESENT "THE TWO Mrs. CARROLLS" Produced By SIDNEY GARNER, at the VICTORIA THEATRE FINAL
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  • 397 6 Students Selected For Study In England KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. ALL scholarships opened for Malays before the war have now been revived Arrangements will be made as soon as possible to enable the 1941 Queen's Scholar and the holder of the College of Medicine Fellowship Dr. Mohamed Said
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  • 124 6 (From Our Own Correspondent) PENANG, Thursday. 001 KHYE TIT, a lance-corporai of the Penang Volunteer Force and former chief clerk of the Volunteer Headquarters Records Office, was today sentenced m the Assizes Court to three years' rigorous imprisonment on each of the three charges of forgery
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  • 54 6 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. THE police arrested two Chinese following a raid on a coffee shop mi n Malay Street about 6 p.m. on Tuesday. One of the Chinese was found m possession of a live hand-grenade. Subsequent inquiries led to the arrest
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  • 36 6 KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. THE discharge of 3,000 tons of rice, released to Malaya by I'N.R.R.A has been completed by the steamer "Hickory Isle at Penanf announces the Controller of Supplies, Malayan Union.
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  • 156 6 From Our Own Correspondent IPOH, Thurs. LAM WENG CHAK'S petition for review of his case has been rejected by the reviewing authority, but the sentences have been varied which m effect will mea n that the accused will have to serve nine years m prison.
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  • 177 6 (From Our Own Correspondent) IPOH, Wednesday. FRESH outbreak of lawlessness 1 m the raining areas is causing much anxiety to the local Chinese miners who may possilrly ask the Government to introduce the strongest measures to prevent gangsters from doing practically what they please One miner,
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  • 52 6 As a result of the combiner! military and police action against lawlessness m this district, two Matang Chinese, Tan Boey Heok and Wan Cheok Wan, appeared m the Taiping District Court on Monday on charges of possession of a revolver and «ix rounds of ammunition, reports the Straits Times Taiping
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  • Straits Times Post-Bag
    • 441 6 AS one who was ft very unwilling guest of the Japs for far too long a period, and who, m addition, h^ a sufficiently close contact Ith the local people to know what they are thinking, may I put a few points forward for
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    • 141 6 WE m Kelantan get a weekly rice ration of ?4 katty for adult males and Vs. katty for females and children. We appreciate that the Government is doing its level best to distribute equally from the available stock, but the quantity a'lotted is far below normal necessity. Three
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 658 6 FIGHTING THE ENEMY, LEAVE THE FIGHT TO THE MARINES! A SHARP ENCOUNTER "SOMEWHERE" IN THE PHILIPPINES! /Js^S W s^H s pSj| S WALLACE BEERY t as tame as a lamb (by the fireside at Imbicl (Tel. No. 5281) Daily: 11 ajn.-2 p.m.-4.15-6.3«-9.15 p.m. The Case of Mr. Caspar Makes Wally
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    • 675 6 HOUSES. FLATS, ROOMS WANTED WANTED Very large house within 3 miles Spore for immediate occupation On six months' lease. Furnished or unfurnished. Box 250. S.T. WANTED a modern nouse Dy married European couple. Close tc town. Apply Box 163, 8. T. WANTED. Small flat or rooms Bidadari District for Married
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    • 272 6 FAMOUS A. V. M. PRODUCT EAGLE B R A .< D Rubber Coacuiatine Arlc*. Sole Distributing A«rrnl«CHIDA FRANCIS C ~O.; B.M 4rnn Cantractun Shipchandlers USA Cecil Strret: Sincapare Tel 2952 We have the Good* now You nav c no longer Ui wait Dut aroD t ine s<»c ror vourselt T?
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 183 6 RADIO PROGRAMMES RADIO MALAYA KfcU NtlWOUfa (rum asur to 6 p.m. and 6.30 to 11 p.m. on £25 metre* from noon to 2 pjn on ***** tnrs/sec In 81 metre band and from 7.45 to V.30 p.m. on 4.78 mcs/aec In njitn Land CHINESE noon to 1.16 pjn (news in
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    • 126 6 session opens at a pjn (news Deadlines »c pjn amf news at <».3O p n MALAY noon to 1 p.m (news at 12.46 p.m.) anp from 6 D.m to 8 16 am iw-iWi tu Malay nt 80 Dm.) TONIGHT'S HIGHLIGHTS 8.30 pjn. Kews Headlines; 8.32 p.m. JRprcee Variety Quis; 9.30
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    • 133 6 Our Ehed; 8.30 p.m. News; 8.35 pjn. London Calling; 8.40 pjn. Interlude; 8.45 pjn. Radio Newsreel; 9.00 p.m. 3trmg along with Sandy; 9.30 p.m. Dance Music; 10.20 pjn. Sports commentary; H.15 p.m. London Calling; 11.20 p.m. Interlude; 11.30 p.m. News; 1140 pm. Prom Today's Papers. SEPT. M 7.30 a.m. Radio
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  • Article, Illustration
    87 7 o A copy of the £1' 2 millions British film, "Caesar and Cleopatra" is now m Sinrapore waiting to pass the film censor and then be released. This technicolonr production of Bernard Shaws play, staring Vivien Leigh and Claude Rains, has aroused considerable controversy m all areas where it has
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  • 377 7 WHEN Kristine Miller reached Hollywood a few weeks age to prepare for stardom m her first film she already was known as "The Viking Girl." This was a great disappointment to the movie press agents, any one of whom would have been delighted
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  • 74 7 Robert Watson, Scottish technical adviser for the Fox film "Bob, Son of Battle," goes to considerable lengths for the sake of authenticity. Learning that one scene m the picture concerns a village courtroom, Watson wrote to a boyhood acquaintance and former magistrate, James Gray, for
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  • 69 7 RKO Radio Studios is arranging the co-ordinated stage and screen production of "Jemand," one of Ferenc Molnar's earler European dramatic successes. The play will be produced m New York this autumn, and subsequently will be made into a picture. Milnar already has adapted "Jemand"
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  • 228 7 BACK m London from a visit to Sweden on a star-search Ealing Film Studios' director, Basil Dearden has some interesting things to say about films m Scandinavia. Dearden went to Stockholm to try to find a leading lady for his forthcoming dm of Ronald Miller's stage hit
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  • 46 7 HOLLYWOOD. Friday—Randolph Scott is one of the first American film stars to appear in a Chinese documentary picture This film, to be shown 40 Chinese universities as a study course lor cinematographers, is being made by Wang Sze Jen, official war photographer for Chiang Kai-shek.— AP.
    AP  -  46 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 443 7 The Life Story of The PRIZE-FIGHTER jb '^t&r***^ TO-DAY 1.15. 3.30, 6.30 and 9 p.m. rf^'tffctJfe* 1 North Blidpe Uo r tXP \S Back m >81 when the n g. ina) brawl took place, Sullivan is/\V| Vl IIJ flattened John Flood aboard Rlljl* barge m the Hudson. The en- V
      443 words
    • 412 7 American President Lines, Ltd. \KW fOKK w\a Bombay and Mediterranear Hnrtr LOUIS McHENRT HOWE* Due to Arrive Sefi. 22 PRESIDENT POLK Dae to ArriTe Sept. MARINE LEOPARD* Dae to Arrive Oct. 6 •Freight only For Freight infl Passengers fcpptt AMERICAN PRESIDENT LINES Cnion Bid*. Tels: 62?K 6757 WATERMAN LINE C.B.
      412 words
    • 312 7 Mansfield Co., Ltd. l Incorporates i» Sin a porn BLUt FUNNEL LOU Sailings to and from United Kingdom Priam tails for UJL 29th Srpt. Antilochus One from IK. 39th Sept. Atreus sails for U.K. Ist Oct. Alcinons sails for U.K. 6th Oct. Western Australia the «horte« «ea ro«t* at the
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 435 7 Good distribution »s usually a powerful weapon, and particularly When a player Is not vulnerable against vulnerable opponents, he is entitled to bid up fairly high, even without many honor- tricks There are, however, well denned limits to this so-called distributional bidding. Observe today's deal: South, dealer. East- West vulne^Hle.
      435 words
    • 210 7 It is true that South had very bad luck in this <* ea i to "at he found North short of both hearts and spades. In view of the opposing bidding, however, this fact Was not too difficult to foresee. West, vulnerable, had Jumped to three no trump over Souths
      210 words

  • 357 8 GOOD and keenly contested soccer should be witnessed at Jalan Besar Stadium this week-end; the Army will play the Malays this afternoon and the Singapore Kecreatio n Club are to meet the S.C.F.A. tomorrow. •£OR their Rehabilitation Fund r game against the
    357 words
  • 298 8 Two Likely British Contenders LONDON, Friday. r FHE London Boxing promoter, A Jack Solomons, now hopes to persuade Mike Jacobs his opposite number m New York, to allow Tami Maurifllo to fight Freddie Mills on Oct. 22 and Bruce Woodcock m November. Solomons was on trans-Atlantic phone to New York
    298 words
  • 136 8 BELFAST, Thurs. POUR footballers born m Eire —Gorman. A'heanre, Carey and Walsh— are included m the Ireland team picked tonight to meet England at Belfast on Sept. 28. Earlier m the daj the Irish Football Association had told the E' glish Football Association that tr
    Reuter  -  136 words
  • 68 8 II mbers please note that the S ngapore Amateur Sport Union will hold badminton practices on every Tuesday. Thursday, Saturday and Sunday at 5 p.r;. at No. 35, Lorong M, Telok Kurau. Those membars who have not re-enrolled can communicate with the Hon: Secretary, Mr l Chua Yeow Kwee, No.
    68 words
  • 152 8 r)-DAY'S game, between the Malays and thi Army, will be another fine one to watch. It is certain to draw one of the biggest crowds of the season following the Malays' victory over the Combined R.A.P. and also m view of th? improved form the Army showed against
    152 words
  • 105 8 From Our Own Correspondent SEREMBAN, Thursday. IN aid of the Malaya Welfare Fund a large crowd, including Sir Edward Gent, Governor of the Malayan Union, watched a soccer match m which the Selangor Chinese defeated Negn Chinese by three goals to one on the station padang
    105 words
  • 30 8 A rugby practice will be held on the Singapore Cricket Club padang this afternoon. All interested m playing, whether Club members or intending members, are asked to attend.
    30 words
  • 344 8 BOY ANDRE (8 st.) and Jimmy Hogg (7 st. 121 b), the flyweight champion of New South Wales, fought a thrilling 12-round draw at the Leichhardt Stadium, Sydney, tonight. Hog? had a slight lead at the end of the ninth round, but a great finishing effort
    344 words
  • 234 8 MELBOURNE, Friday. W. M. Woodfull, former Aust radian test cricket captain, In an article m the Melbourne Herald today suggests that if Don Br adman plays, the probable Australian team m batting order for the first Test at Brisbane, starting on November 3t:, is likely to be:
    Reuter  -  234 words
  • 731 8 LONDON, Thursday. MANCHESTER United lost their 100 per cent record on Wednesday by dropping a point at home to an improved Chelsea side and thus, with barely three weeks' season passed, no English side remains with maximum points. Chelsea, without centre forward Tommy Lawton, led
    Reuter  -  731 words
  • 134 8 The following were elected to hold cHc. for the coming season at the St. Andrew's Old Boy's rugby meeting: Chairman, Robert Eu; captain, John Ferguson; vice captain, D. Ross; hon. sec. and treas., O. Loh. Fixture list for the first six weeks is: Oct. 5, vs H.M.S. Sultan
    134 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 469 8 V PHONED 6470 ft V 3 shows Daily: 3. 6.15, Ml p.m. ACTION 'ROMANCE* MUSIC! ERROL FLYNN m "SAN ANTONIO" with ALEXIS SMITH, S. Z. SAKALI To-Nlte it Mld-Nite. "HOLLYWOOD CANTEEN" m Glorious Technicolor MARLBOROUGH Dally 3 Shews: 3.45, 636, 9.15 "KRISHNA LEELA" (Hindustani) starring KAN AN DBVI Released thru
      469 words
      234 words