The Straits Times, 19 September 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 860 1 Move Towards Russia Urged In Letter NEW YORK, Wednesday MR. HENRY WALLACE, United Stales Secretary of Commerce, called on President Truman to "arrest the new trend towards isolationism and disastrous atomic world war" m a letter, dated July 23, the release of which last night by
    Reuter  -  860 words
  • 132 1 LONDON, Wednesday. BRITAIN'S Communist-led "squatters" yesterday bowed to court and police opposition and began evacuating apartments and buildings they commandeered ten days ago m a revolt against the Government's housing programme. A dozen moved out of the Ivanhoe Hotel, m Bloomsbury, and a spokesman for
    AP  -  132 words
  • 273 1 JERUSALEM, Wednesday. A SPECIAL meeting of the Inner Zionist Council— a body which confirms or otherwise the action of the Jewish Executive— has been summoned for tomorrow to consider reports from the Jewish Agency Executive members in-London on the major question of whether Jewish participation
    Reuter  -  273 words
  • 95 1 Break In U.S. Shipping Strike NEW YORK, Wednesday. A BREAK in the 12-day» oid shipping strike in the United States came yesterday when dockers belonging to th«' American Federation of Labour began loading ships in New York. This followed the decision of the National Maritime Union to cease picketing ships
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 48 1 SAN FRANCISCO, Tues Assistant Chairman of the CIO Political Action Committee, Mr. Thomas F. Burns, said m a speech to the CIO United Rubber Workers' convention: "Millions of tyres being made are Mdden and stored to rob the public through higher prices created by artificial scarcity." A. P.
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  • 39 1 Professor W. Schermerhom (centre) and the other two members of the Dutch Com-mission-General. Mr. Max van Poll (left) and Mr. F. de Boer, photographed when they passed through Singapore yesterday on their way to Batavia.
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  • 214 1 NEW YORK, Wednesday. been given to Poland's new THE Polish delegate, Dr. boundary along the Oder and Oscar Lange, m an un- Nelsse rivers m restrained tones expected attack on the Stuttgart speech of Mr. Byrnes, United States Secretary of State, declared before the United Nations
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  • 237 1 DELEGATESFROM HOLLAND ARRIVE IN BATAVIA BATAVIA, Wednesday. THE Dutch Commission-General, which its leader, the former Dutch Premier, Prof. William Schermerhorn, described as being as "strong as the Netherlands Government," landed m Batavia today to try to crack the year-old Dutch-Indonesian deadlock. Prof. Schermerhom, speaking for the three-men commission, told the
    UP  -  237 words
  • 272 1 IT is high time a settlement wa* reached m Java," declared Proi. Schermerhom when he landed m Singapore yesterday morning on his way through to Batavia, accompanied by the other members of the Commission-General Mr. Max van Poll and Mr. F. de Boer. The three men
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  • 103 1 WASHINGTON, Wed—Americans will get nearly one-third less rice during the last quarter of this year than during the corresponding quarter last year under the allocation plan, it was announced by the United States Agriculture Department today. The reduction is being mad" to permit more
    AP  -  103 words
  • 71 1 BOMBAY, Wed. -An act may be enforced against troublemakers if the situation m Bombay does not improve, it was stated here today. There was one stabbing incident m the riot zone soon after the curfew was lifted this morninsr The total number of dead since the
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 101 1 'RECORDER' Carbon Paper* Ribbons r>v J. MASON SON PTY. LTD. The Best Today Sole Importers: PACIFIC TRADERS How to make qourself _te-.\ lovelier i/p^'Try changing to the one powder which conHjT tains the secret of longer-lasting loveliness y«ftro-». Poudre Tokalon. Mousse of Cream is its amazing patented ingredient which will
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    • 25 1 RADIOS mum radio g 111-124 OfKHARD QD. TELIPHCVI *-566 KUALA i.tMPUR PKNANG iUk <^ckss> a6cut it WILLIAM JACKS CO., (MALAYA) LTD. Phon«)9U-l O««8B Building Singapore
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  • 901 2 Defenceless After Fall Of Rangoon LONDON, Wednesday. INDIA'S "most dangerous hour" was m April. 1942, after the fall of Rangoon, when Britain's Eastern Meet was "powerless" to protect Ceylon and Eastern India. How the danger from the Japanese was overcome at. a time when
    Reuter  -  901 words
  • 127 2 NANKING, Tues. While a British Embassy official has pointed out that the Kowloon civil administration was a 'matfr of pretty interpretation," it i? learned that official British representatives m Nanking are unlikely to issue a statement identifying the British Government with the current entanglement on the
    Reuter  -  127 words
  • 46 2 TANGIER. Tues.— The Amc:nan aircraft-carrier Franklin L>. Roosevelt, accompanied by a destroyer, will visit Tangier tomorrow for five days at the invitation of the local authorities. Her air group, consisting of approximately 12C planes, will pa rade over the city.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 74 2 BANGKOK, Wed— The Chinese flag was raised officially for the first time m Siam yesterday as the new Ambassador, Mr. Li Tieh-tseng, presented his credentials to the Regency Council at a n elaborate cenmony In the Chakri Throne Hall. The Ambassador then raised tiie flag before
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  • 337 2 LONDON, Tuesday. POSECUTING officer Col. Halse cross examined Major Cecil Boon at the continuation of his courtmartial here today about the allegation m one of the charges that Boo n had communicated to the enemy information relating to documents found m the possession of William
    Reuter  -  337 words
  • 224 2 NANKING, Tuesday. CHINESE Government troops, operating m the Paoting area, have captured Kaoyang. Anhsien, Yungchen, Hsunghsien, Mancheng and Tawelchuang, states the Chinese Ministry of Information Notable gains have also been scored by Government forces on other fronts. In western Shantung they took Tsinlng on Sept. 15, while
    Reuter  -  224 words
  • 141 2 NEW YORK, Wed.— Mr. Winston Churchill narrowly escaped assassination during his visit" f o the U.S. m June 1942. This was disclosed m the Saturday Evening Post by Michael Reilly, who headed White House service details during much of the late President Roosevelt's administration. Reilly
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  • 26 2 American Admirals Mark A. Mitscher and Henry K. Hewitt, who were recently m London to discuss United States naval problems m Europe.
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  • 585 2 UK- Argentine Trade Pact Provisions LONDON, Tuesday. FE Anglo-Argentine agreement does not create the Grst free sterling; some already existed since all sterling accruing to the Americans was, and is, free. But it does create the first blocked sterling. The difference is highly important to all other countries especially India
    Reuter  -  585 words
  • 279 2 TOKIO, Wednesday. UNITED Press learned clusively to-day that (he major war crimes pram ution will introduce as evidence a transcript of a conversation between Mussolini and other hiph Axis officials m v>\ it h they discussed plans to imiir the Soviet Union to join Italy,
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  • 37 2 PARIS. Wed.—Franc pMta uay announced the conclusion of an agreement with Britc.r whfretv Franc's 100.000 <»0 trpde d'bt will b? liquidated fx'rerrely favourable terms" »< thr Iwo counties will work tc?erhfr to bui'd up economic wt;.s rn a.p.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 484 2 ENSA Disposals Board Singapore. Tenders are invited for the aurchase of the following: 1. Item 1. 4 3-ton Fordson Vans romplet* w'.th Public Address and radio equipment imu*ed. ex U.K. l:cm 2. 10 Generators. at. 5 C.C.E. L'.phting Pla.ils. bi. .i Hobart, Ohio. U.S.A. c> 2 X.V.A. Item i 1
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    • 176 2 M. FLINTER S. GRINBERG Wholesale Retiil Dealers < o DIAMONDS and JEWELLERY Telephone 7923 67, Stamford Rd Eu Court Building Singapore DRUGS HOSPITAL SUNDRIES Phone 180 or Call M BUOY PHARMACY Wholesale Retail Druggists 89 Birch Road, Seremban. Suppliers to Estates, Hospitals and Dispensaries. 21 IttK A LIMITED QUANTITY OF
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  • 359 3 'Growing Menace Of Store Thefts A SPEED-UP m the issue of permits for the distri- bution of textile stocks is recommended by Singapore merchant; m order to stop the growing menace of thefts from stores and godowns. So precious a commodity has cloth become that
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  • 141 3 C.M.O. Thanks Helpers At Hospitals A COMMUNIQUE issued yesterday states that the Chief Medical Officer, Singapore, wishes to acknowledge his deep debt of gratitude to the G.0.C., Singapore District, and his officers who made available army personnel for work m the Hospitals during the strike and to the many civilian
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  • 119 3 MR. John Gray Buchanan, JP., Chairman of William Jacks Co. Ltd. London and William Jacks Co. (Malaya) Ltd.. completes this month his sixtieth year with William Jacks Company, having Joined the head office, which was then m Glasgow, In September, 1886. Four years later he
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  • 92 3 IN connection with the Grow a 'ore Food Exhibition, the Public Relations Office has arranged an essay competition for schoolchildren on the subject "How I would persuade the people of Singapore to grow more food" The City Book Store has offered to present three prizes of
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  • 24 3 Ne. maximum retail prices for Glaxo and Vi lb. tin Ovaltine have been fixed at $1.90 and $1.10 per tin respectively.
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  • 105 3 ON Tuesday night Singapore thieves carried out a wellDlanned raid on Whiteaway. Laidlaw's store m Battery Road and made of! with some $5,000 to $8,000 worth of goods mostly textiles— including a number of suits "waiting to be tried on." Robinson's of Raffles place were also raided
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  • 47 3 Air Vice-Marshal G. E. Glbbs, who served with No. 11 Group during the Battl? of Britain and has since occupied important air staff posts with the R.A.F. m South-East Asia, has been appointed to R.A.F. Transport Command Headquarters as Senior Air Staff Officer, the Air Ministry announces.
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  • Article, Illustration
    27 3 Mr. W. Rartley, President of the Singapore Municipal Commissioners, leaves Singapore on retirement today. Mr. L. Rayman will take over the duties of Municipal President.
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  • 190 3 Half-Mile Of Mountbatten Road Opened UOUNTBATTEN Road, the re- opening of whtah has been a bone of contention between the Singapore Municipality and the Royal Air Force, will resume public service tomorrow but for only half-a-mile of ils length for a start. TrafEs will be able to use It as
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  • 39 3 A fine of $1,000 or m default six months' imprisonment for possession of 19.600 dutiab!1 igarettes which were marked ior forces' use, was imposed on a Chinese youth, Tan Ah Lee m the Third Police Court yesterday.
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  • 38 3 The Australian Commissioner has received a letter from a 17-year-old boy, who seeks to establish pen friendships with boys or girls about his own age. He Is Kevin William Avery, 25 Rofe Street. Leichhardt, Sydney, Australia.
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  • 45 3 The Singapore Ratepayers' Association have Issued a circular drawing the attention of members to the fact that notices of claims against the requisitioning of premises en or before Mar. 29, 1946, should be made to Claims and Hirings, Singapore, before Sept. 29.
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  • 366 3 THE Arundel Castle leaves for the United Kingdom this afternoon on her return voyage with service personnel. The major portion of the remaining accommodation will be used for service personnel destined for India, where the vessel will be embarked to capacity for the United Kingdom. It
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 951 3 TRADING WITH THE ENEMY ORDIANCE No. 22 of 1939 CUSTODIAN OF PROPERTY PROCLAMATION No. 14 of 1945 Notice is hereby given that any psrson or perrons having a claim to the property described m the Schedule hereto are requested to forward such claim to the Custodian of Property, Supreme Court.
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    • 795 3 (Cont. from prey. Col.) 15 EHP. 730 rpm. cont. rating, size IS.M. 2 H 14 L 8, nr *****9. *****0. 1 Dynamo winding compd., 1100 rpm. 100 volte, 220 Amp. 22 X W., cont. ratln;;, enclosure screen protacled drip proof, equivalent continuous output 24 K.W.. Dyn. nr. 120 S *****
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  • 44 4 Mr. C. B von Hagt and sisters wish to convey their sincere thanks to all who kindly attended the funeral of their beloved mother, Mrs. Rosalind vun Hagt. and algj those who sent v.reaths. telegram? and letters of condolence. Upcountry papers please copy.
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  • 980 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Thurs. Sept. 19, 19 46. Two Worlds Or None The man-in-the-street m Malaya takes an extremely parochial view of world politics m these days. He does not care a hoot about British prestige or the theoretical wickedness of Russian Communism or the even more theoretical beauties
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  • Article, Illustration
    76 4 A Chinese rubber estate owner m Sinrapore drew tills cartoon before tbe news was published last week-end that the free market m rubber is almost certain to be restored at tbe herinninr or next year. In tbe meantime, our cartoonist might well have added yet another burden to his sketch
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  • 92 4 WASHINGTON, Tues. JJEWEY SHORT, senior member f the U.£. House of Representatives military affairs committee interviewed on his arrival m Honolulu, said that an American Admiral m Tokyo told him, "the way things are shaping, the Japanese will be wearing American uniforms m the next war. We might
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  • Man In The Street
    • 222 4 I HAVE read with interest the letter m the Straits Times of today (Sept. 17) signed by Mr. R. C. H. Lim, the legal adviser for the Consul-General of China. I low ask him to inform you and me and all your
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    • 108 4 IT seems very obvious from the various letters m your columns that Sime Road I was a "creampuff" show com- pared with camps m Sumatra and Siam. i This is confirmed by conversations I have had with inmates. I have no single grain of sympathy for the Nips,
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    • 311 4 YOUR leader of last Friday expressed exactly what most ex-internees are feeling about the very severe sentences passed on the Sime Road Japs. I was m the court when the sentences were passed, and the gasps of astonishment from the people present (especially exinternees) were proof enough
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    • 170 4 Tally-Ho !Banzai Kyotski! In taking oar constitutional the other evening along the cemetery paths over the hills* j In the Mount Pleasant Road area, we were suddenly confronted with two Japanese PoWs looking as sleek and well-groomed as the horses they were riding We were gravely saluted, and were as
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    • 139 4 rHE time has come for our Government to abolish the present rent restriction which for more than four years has been impoverishing landlords to the advantage of selfish and inconsiderate tenants. The high cost of living, heavy repair bills due to the fantastic cost of labour and materials
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    • 225 4 rD the Air Ministry representatives, sitting complacently at Changi, I would inquire (i) Why no efforts are being made for the Institution of People's Restaurants at R.A.F. stations on the island, especially at Beletar and Changi, where hundreds of Asiatics are employed tii) If it ever entered
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    • 145 4 l*i HEN the tnt iteration forces stepped on tnic island my feelings of exhilaration ana relief were coupled with the thought that i should now bz abie to carr\ on with my interrupted studies. But sad to say, thousands today are still left high and dry. without
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  • 339 4  -  V.K.G. NAIR By Moderation Wiser Than Abolition On Estates A LARGE section of the Indian community m Malaya is once again clamouring for the abolition of toddy shops, m this country. This fresh move, sponsored by the Malayan Indian Congress is no doubt commendable, but is it workable? The
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  • 81 4 I SHOULD like to apt drivers of all vehicles pas* ing through the conge«t«*i central areas of the c'tv t,try and use t'neir horn* *t lit'lf as possibla duri'iv. a hour? of the ciuy and v For those of is who hare no option but to live
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 756 4 FERRAO.— On 18 September 1946 at Kerbau Hospital, Singapore to Freida wife of 1C.8.E. Ferrao, a daughter Myrna May. On September 16th at General Ho pital. Pcnang to Ce c ca and Adrian Pharpe a sister Endcllion Ciare for Mark. SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED Junior Clerk. Good pro-pects. Apply Box 246,
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    • 35 4 Even the keenest mind may be dulled by Whether you wear glasses or not, it is advisable to have a proper examination If you experience the slightest txt discomfort. Consult: C. S. CHONG, O.D. F.P.O.C.
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    • 127 4 It'sWiWomfpl IT certainly is wisdom to buy a I Wisdom when you can. It will 1 if give your teeth the freshen, briskest Jl clean they've ever had. That's be- tjiml cause the tufts of a Wisdom are /'flml made from springy, let's-get-at-it," Mi hi Nylon. They never come out
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  • 678 5 Nazi's Evidence Against British Officer Former Supt. Of Prison Charged IN a Singapore court yesterday a German naval offi- cer who during the occupation commanded the German U-boat base at Penang, told how a British officer' who was superintendent of the Outram Road Prison immediately following the liberation had promised
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  • 97 5 BADLY redded tugs and barges for Siamese waterways are shortly to be forthcoming from India, according to a communique issued by the Special Commissioner, South East Asia. Through the intermediary cf ',he 3pe idl Commissioner. Lord nUlearn, the Government of Siam hi now r\ Tipleted
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  • 192 5 Mr. J. Downcs. of :>7 Vincent i 'reet. Nedlancs, West Australia.! riles to the Straits Times as 1 Mlows: Wia'.th Dorvnes. j .J Cth Pk'u Park < Engineers; R.AJ3., t" S;i.t;ap re jutu t in t.rr.e to be ;-.en prtroner by the Japs, irttb tlie h
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  • 142 5 AIR Marshal Sir Leslie Normal Hollinghurst. Air Member, Supply and Organization, arrives m Singapore yesterday afternoon from London, accompanied by Sir James Barnes, Deputy Under-Secretary of State for Air. They were met at Chan<?J Airfield by Air Marshal S r George Pirie, Allied Air
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  • 115 5 INQUIRING into th« death of a Malay named Siram bin Ja!i, second engineer of a Chineseowned landing craft who died as a result of burns sustained when the craft caught fire near Clifford Pier, the Singapore Coroner, Mr. W. G. Porter, yesterday recorded a verdict of
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  • 143 5 SIAM. target for widespread cr!tioi.-m because of her la lure to supply rice (o hungry A ia. is making plans for a 10.000,000 seven-year irrigalion project designed to bring 100.000 more acres under rice cultivation. The plans for a "liuge dam ."■cross the Chao Phva river
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  • 72 5 HEAH SOON HOE, who appealed against his sentence of one month's rigorous imprisonment on a charge of possession of nine tahils of opium was ordered ov the Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Murray Avnsley, to be retried In the lower courts. Heah's conviction and sentence were set
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  • 111 5 SINGAPORE S Social Welfare D Department was anticinated, discussed and almost Jut into bein* at Chan?, gao during the years of •ntf'"""" 1 by the Japanese, stated Mr. Is. H Peek at a Rotary Luncheon at the Adelphi Roof Garden, yesterday. M Mr Peek m introducing
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  • 556 5 T*E cost of living allowance 1 for monthly paiJ Government employees m Singapore has been increase 1 from Aur lL a flat rate of »«J* nius M per cent, of tne i»*i hSic ware or salary dements »t a regular scale The
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  • 44 5 Mr. D.S. McDonald, assistant on Sedenak Estate, Johore, was attacked by a Chinese rubber worker on the estate early on Monday morning and received a slash across the wrist with a tapping knife. Mr McDonald was taken to the Johore General Hospital tor utatment.
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  • 363 5 F. T. Meiherell, former Lt. Col. attached to a R.E.M.K. Depot, yesterday denied that the value of material removed by an Indian contractor from certain dumps was m the neighbourhood of $250,000. Metherell was being cross-examined m the case ;n which the contractor, V.
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  • 159 5 SEQUEL TO JANUARY STRIKE A IJ EGED to have be«n number* of an unlaw'.-l assembl> m Middle Road on Jan. 29, a 13-year-old Chinese, Lav Ah Choon. and an Indian. Bansraj Stagb. appeared before Mr. L. C. 000. the Second Police Magistrate. > terday, v/hen Lav was bound u.^r to
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  • 68 5 CUSTOMS officers patrolling the sea oft Siglap en Sept. 2 observed a tongkang and on coming alongside found 10 Dags oi rice < 1.493 katit> among heapof rubber. In consequence of this seizuit 38-year-old Ong Meng Kee waa fined $1,000 or six months' rigorous impr.s'uiment and six
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  • 572 5 THE black market m Singapore is not the result or the product of relentless economic conditions but Is the product of "black hearts and the unscrupulousness of people who aie prepared to traffic In human lives and happiness," according to Mr. T P F. McNiece,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 165 5 FUTURIST LADIES HOSIERY BRITISH MADE Chiffon Lisle Two Fold Suede Finish Aleck Fashioned and Seamed REINFORCED TOES HEELS Full Length Panel -Fancy Double Suspender Tops. ASSORTED LATEST FASHION SHADES SIZES B|, 9, 10. PRICE $3*OO PAIR WHiTERWIIVS (WHITEAWAY. LAIDLAW CO.. LTD.) Tel 6907 SINGAPORE Post Box 696 Wah Teong Travel
      165 words
    • 113 5 WE have been chosen v their Ag-nt, lt. this country *r.d we are pica.. to introduce these famous British Sets la you. You will be piea<anwv surprised at their natural tone and their reliability A distant iMtaM tn just as easy to tune In as local stations. Hard to believe?
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  • 255 6 Malaya Needs All Money It Can Borrow From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. THE Malayan Union Government is m need of all the money it can borrow from the public for the rehabilitation of Malaya. The war has left Malaya's financial resources much
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  • Straits Times Post-Bag
    • 565 6 Rice, Flour, Dehydrated Potato SINCE rice is plentiful m Siam, and the Siamese are not keen to sell as agreed at a low price, let the British Government get it from the Siamese at pistol-point. Or, if the British government is not prepared to resort to the use of force,
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  • 101 6 From Our Own Correspondent RAUB, Wednesday. IT was drizzling at Fraser's Hill 1 during the week-end but the weather dia not stop the Governor and Lady Gent and the Colonial Secretary, Mr. H. P. Bryson from witnessing a second round fixture of the Raub district lootball
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  • 132 6 1 From Our Own Correspondent MUAR, Tue3. THREE broU. p rs, Soh Seng, So.i i Lian and Soi Choon, and Lim Yu Keng, another Chinese, stood I trial mi n the Assizr.s hld at Muar Supreme Court before Mr. Justice Laville on a charge of committinp
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  • 55 6 "Shot while looting" was the finding recorded by the Singapore Coroner, Mr. W.G. Porter, on Tuesday at the conclusion of an inquiry into the death of an unknovn Indian who ignored a sentry's challenge and was shot while running away with bundles of tentage from a Base
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  • 138 6 Alleged Love Tangle Ends In Death From Our Own Correspondent ALOR STAR, Tues. TRAGEDY befell a young Malay woman and an elderly Mtia/ on Victory Day at Kota Bukit m north Kedah a& they were allegedly hacked to death by the husband of the woman. It is revealed that the
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  • 240 6 From Our Own Correspondent SEREMBAN, Tues. THE present session of the Negri 1 Sembilan Assizes under Mr. Justice Pretheroe concluded on Saturday, m the Seremban Supreme Court. There were seven cases on the list for hearing. Yassin bin Tamin, a former sergeant of the Malay Regiment,
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  • 54 6 Caught m the act of attempting to remove a trunk containing clothes and Jewellery worth $787 from a house m College Road on Aug. 29, Lee Soon Lai was sentenced to two years' rigorous imprisonment by Mr. Paul Storr, the Dstrict Judge, on Tuesday for house-breaking with the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 251 6 MARL BOROUGH Dally 3 Shows: 3.45, 6.30. 9.15 "KRISHNA LEELA" (Hindustani) starring KANAN DEVI Released thru the United Exhibitors Syndicate Saturday at Midn'ght "VETALPURAM(TamiI) THE ESTATE ASIATIC STAFF ASSOCIATION. NEGRI SEMBILAN. An Extra-ordinary General Meeting will be held at the premises of the Ceylon Tamils Association. Labu Road, Seremban, on
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    • 754 6 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED DISTRIBUTOR for Singapore for DASI FOUNTAIN PEN INK (Made m Australia). Write to:— K.S. Gill Ltd.. 136, Bati Road, Kuala Lumpur. SHORTHAND. Now session 6.30 p.m. Frl. 20 Sept. Vacancies 5 old classes. Dally speed classes. Teacher F.1.P.5.. P.C.T.S.. 02, Scphli Roaci CONVERT your gold ornaments, jewellery, diamonds
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    • 404 6 FAMOUS A. V. M. PRODUCT EAGLE BRAND Rubber Coagulating AcicJ Sole UisirihuUnc Agents: CHIDA FRANCIS 6c CO.. H.M. Army Contractor* A Shipchandlers. 113-A Cecil Street; Singapore. Tel. 295? Now Try this Amazing Liquid Healer for BOILS PIMPLES-ULCERS-ECZEMA SINGAPORE FOOT» ETC. A tnal ol DJ>J>. Prescription will pro\« to you the
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 440 6 RADIO PROGRAMMES QAHin lWTAf IVfl ■»*-<•""•. on Sundays when the afternoon drals and their organs; 8.15 a.m. CurniWfX\J 1*1/\1j/\ Z wsslon open* <it j p.m tnews neao- rent Events; 8.30 a.m. News. RU» NETWORK from ooo. M "TSaLaV^-SS ['Tin" (new^al 7 30 pm Music HaU; 8 30 m A p_m
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  • 250 7 Sir Edward's Advice To Raub Chinese From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. THE cultivation of a spirit of good neighbourliness was advocated by Sir Edward Gent, the Governor of the Malayan Union, addressing a luncheon party given m his honour by the Chinese community
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  • 180 7 Former Clerk Faces Forgery Charge From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Tues. ALLEGATIONS that he forged A the signatures of oth-:r volunteers and drew payments were made against ft Chinese Ooi Khye Tit, m the Assizes yesOoi a lance-corporal of the Penang Volunteer Force and until recently head clerk m the
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  • 168 7 Typist Delays Penang War Trial From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Tues. BECAUSE the prosecution lost the services of a typist the W»r Crimes Court trying tha 35 Kempeitai was adjourned until tomorrow to enable the prosecution to make up for lost time. The defence today sought th» withdrawal of a
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  • 130 7 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Z\ics. I THE Malayan Union Gr.vemment Medical Department Ji*s been supplying medicines etc. m small quantities to non-govern-ment purchasers m order to enable them to car-7 on until the usual commercial sources or supply are available. These rehabilitation supplies
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  • 97 7 From Our Own Correspondent IPOH Wednesday. 1 THE police, working on the dis- appearance of SO piculs of I tin-ore from the Wan Lee Hydraulic Tin, Chemor, last month, made an arrest a short while later when Liew Toh was found with over half a
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  • 310 7 Union Leaders Must Maintain Trust From Our Own Correspond nt SEREMBAN, Tues. "YOU have decided to form a trade union. You have appointed your officers and have a fine set of democratic nils upon which to build your foundation and your future progress. Now is the time to decide wha
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 243 7 DEFENDERS TO THE LAST! Big Action Drama OPENING TO-DAY /pTplYfll jk^k 4.^^ _-n. Dniicu n flßk. .lip fH^^f |M. »L ■•»#«#*>•■■ -^h tm iT^K IT IS JH jlfct sv^S ft H n |f j I And it MUST be Won! WALLY'S JUJITSU IS O- X.! 1 m^^^— I NOW NFS
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    • 440 7 American President Lines, Ltd. \y.\\ VOItK via Bomhay and Mediterranean Port* I.OIIS M.MFAKT HOWE* Doe to Arrive Sept. H PRESIDENT POLK Doe to Arrive Sept. t6 MARINE LEOPARD* Dae to Arrive Oct. 6 •Freifht only For freight and Passengers fcppiy AMERICAN PRESIDENT LINES Union Bide.. Tets: 622 X 6757 WATERMAN
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    • 367 7 Mansfield Co.. Ltd. i Int .»rpurauro m MOgaporrl Bl.tfe FUNNEL LINE Sailings to and tn:ni United Kinscn n> Menrlaas sails for IK. 19th Srpi. Antilorhu* Due from U.K. 28th Sept. Priam sails for U.K. 2Mb Sepi. Atrem sails for I.K. l*t O<U Western Australia Ihe *hnrte«i V* route 'he rh«-»pe«l
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 773 7 l ''WH'IHIHNMHHHI I i^^^^Sfc^^^^^BHi TI As a general rule, the bidding I learned about South's two aces B can be developed mor e smoothly and two kings satisfied him that if the player who makes a forcing a grand slam would be a 10 takeout p-xmits the opening i H»
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  • 473 8 WITH a better balanced side and a set of forwards who made full use of their chances, the Chinese Athletes Juniors trounced the Indian Juniors six goals to two m a soccer match at Jalan Besar vosterday. Highlight of the game was Micha/1
    473 words
  • Article, Illustration
    22 8 Chester (R.A.F.) goalkeeper savin? a shot m the match against the Malays at Stadium on Sunday. Malays won one-nil. Straits Times picture.
    22 words
  • 75 8 Channel Swim: Another Attempt Fails DOVER, Tuesday. ELNA Anderson of Denmark gave up an attempt to swim the English Channel three hours after entering the water at Cape Griz Nez m Prance. She was nearly blinded by salt water as a result, she said, of osinp prewar goggles. Like the
    AP  -  75 words
  • 31 8 Inter-Services Cup Soccer THE 93 B.S.D. will mcci =.he E.S-D (R.AJS.C.) at Jalan Besar Stadium this afternoon at soccer m an inter-services Cup match. The kick-off will be at 5.15 p.m.
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  • 57 8 The following players will represint the Cavenaugh Youngsters c;;ainst the "Hospital's Asst., <Sc ixessers's Assn., at soccer on Friday, at the General Hospital's ground. Kick off is at 5.15 p.m. Transport will leave at the K.K. Hosp., at 4.30 p.m. Osman, Naidu Basil, Sattar, Harold, Lloyd. Dollah, Balan,
    57 words
  • 70 8 From Our Own Correspondent Scgamat, Tues. The Segamat Sports Club open their hockey season on Thursday when they will travel to Muar to meet the Muar Club The Sepamat team will be selected from Capt. Hussein bin Onn, Capt. W. Fox, Orhman Kadir, Ismail
    70 words
  • 44 8 Nasl.- ille, Tues Johnny Palmer of North Carolina, former 829 gunner m the Pacific, cupped his first important professional tourament victory by defe.Vlns E. J. Harrison of Arkansas by one stroke Bl the 18 hole playoff of the Nashville Invitational golf tournament A H
    44 words
  • 232 8 I have been a linesman, referee, player and spectator and I write this m answer to "Chinese Sportsman whose letter was headed -Linesmen at Jalan Besar m the Straits Times Tuesday. As a player I have never t£.ken to heart the referee's decision m any
    232 words
  • 96 8 OIK ex-PoWs are included m the Selangor Club soccer team to play the Selangor Indian Association on the Kuala Lumpur padang. Cherrington will be remembered as an S.C.C. Dlayer. onetime Singapore and Sclangor State goalkeeper and a fine tennis player. O'Hare, one of the better known
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  • 43 8 JIMMY DUNCAN, leading Syd- ney jockey for many years was killed m a crash at Randwick last Saturday. He was buried on Monday at 2.30 p.m and more than 1,000 poopie visited the funeral parlojr during the morning.
    43 words
  • 35 8 A "pick up' 1 game of rugby will be played on the S.C.C. padang on Saturday at 5 p.m. All Club members, who have their names down for rugby, are requested to attend.
    35 words
  • 149 8 NEW YORK, Tues. THE world heavyweight cham- pionship fight between Louis and Mau-iello at the Yankee Stadium tomorrow night is failing to arouse much enthusiasm and promoter Mike Jacobs now tiitntu h will be lucky if the receipts total $300,000. He attributes this lack
    Reuter  -  149 words
  • 500 8 LONDON, Tues. BRITISH heavyweight champion Bruce Woodcock knocked out the world light heavyweight champion Gus Lesnevieh m the eighth round at Harringay stadium tonight. Woodcock who is 10 1 pounds the heavier man, had built up a comfortable lead m this scheduled 10-round non-title fight when
    Reuter  -  500 words
  • 43 8 LONDON, Tues. rTX>-DAr TX>-DAY S football results were: 1 ENGLISH LEAGUE First Division Blackburn R. i Arsenal 3 THIRD DIVISION (North) Rochdale 1 Oldham A. 3 RUGBY UNION Falmouth 5 Swansea 25 SCOTTISH GLASGOW CUP (Semi-final) Clyde 2 Rangers 2 Reuter.
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 43 8 DLAYING at MacPherson Road, Bates made lZ'i for Changi Airfield against the R.A.F. Paya Lr bar Bates included 18 fours and two sixes m his total. Changi won the match with a total of 257 against their opponent* 144.
    43 words
  • 185 8 (From Our Own Correspondent) PENANG, Wednesday. FUR new horses Colour Patch, m class one, and Aim Woll, Hill Queen and Shubel m class three will be making their Malayan racing debut at the Penang Turf Club's two days September meeting to be held on
    185 words
  • 100 8 From Our Own Correspondent PMUAR, Tuesday. AYING thrtr first game alter the August vacation, the Government English School, Muar, won comfortajl> by six goals to nil m a hockey match against the Teachers at the School ground. The Teachers wer_» not fully represented, and thoueh there
    100 words
  • 67 8 THE following will represent the Ceylon Sports Club against the Singapore Recreation Club on the S.C.C. padang on Sunday m a whole day match. K. Muthucumaru (Capt.), R. V. 8. Sundram. V. J*. Sabapathy, U. W. de Silva, S. K. Sundram, E. Doraisamy C. Thuralalngham, S. *> Durai,
    67 words
  • 25 8 S.C.R.C. members interested m tennis are invited to' attend a meeting of the tennis section at the Clubhouse on Monday, at 5.15 p.m.
    25 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 326 8 IP PWONE>. 6*7OB V To-day Action! Romance! Music! 1 KKOI. FLYNN m -SAN ANTONIO" with ALEXIS SMITH— S. Z. SAKALI 1.000 THRILLS! ALL IN TECHNICOLOR! Sat. 21st at Mid-Nit*! "HOLLYWOOD CANTEEN" M'Jd DISTRICTS MOST POPULAR AND UPTO 64? IB&EYLANG PHONE .***** HtP LAST DAY: 3.00-6.30 A 9.15 p.m. One
      326 words
    • 247 8 LAST DAY AT THE f PAVIUON^ji 4 SHOWS 1 3O 4 6. 30 9. 3O Your Last Chance To See This Masterpiece SnT\ jTTIJQjH presentation of |O! TTJ7 Jl Henry V 'Ilk by WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Itthnt color) OPENING TOMORROW. THE STAGE SENSATION THAT TOOK LONDON AND BROADWAY BY STORM WITH
      247 words