The Straits Times, 10 September 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 444 1 New Outbreak Of Terrorism In Palestine JERUSALEM, Monday. BRITISH Military Headquarters are today receiving reporis of attacks made throughout the country last niffht by Jewish terrorists on the Palestine railway system. The main incidents were the sabotaging of the Haifa-Cairo main railway line between Rehovoth and
    Reuter; AP  -  444 words
  • 65 1 LONDON, Sun —The British South American Airways Company announced today, that Air Vice Marshal D. C. T. Bennett, the company's general manager, had arrived m Bathurst, West Africa, to investigate the fatal crash of a four.engtned York plane near Bathurst early yesterday. The death roll
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  • 29 1 Mr. Fiorello La Guardia, Direct or.General of UNRRA, (right), photographed at a London and erground station with Lord Ash. field, managing Director of London Transport.
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  • 314 1 LONDON, Monday. THE effect of the United States maritime strike oa British food supplies is being discussed by the British Cabinet at a meeting this afternoon. The Food Minister, Mr. John Strachey, and the Agriculture Minister, Mr. Tom Williams, are flying from the Copenhagen
    AP  -  314 words
  • 32 1 ATHENS. Sept. 9.— The United States naval squadron, which has been visiting Greece as part of goodwill cruise In the Mediterra1 nean, sailed from the Piraeus i port of Athens today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 138 1 Mufti Calls Arab Meeting In Egypt JERUSALEM, Monday. TfHE Mufti of Jerusalem has sent an urgent summons; to the Palestine Arab Higher Committee of which he is chairman —to proceed to Alexandria immediately to review the question of Palestine Arab participation m the Palestine talks m London opening to-morrow. Four
    Reuter  -  138 words
  • 155 1 RANGOON, Mon —The first j big dacoity since the police weal m strike was perpetrated at Kokine, Rangoon's fashionable lake area, last night. Armed with revolvers and sten guns, the dacoits forced their way into a building where a cosmopolitan gathering of Chinese. Indians and Burmese
    Reuter  -  155 words
  • 125 1 FRENCH NOTE ON F.I.C. PARIS, Monday. THE French delegation to the talks with the Viet Nam delegates o n the future status of French Indo-China, met today to study the note sent by the French Government on Saturday to Mr. Ho Chi-Minh, President of Viet Nam Republic. The note proposed
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • 119 1 8 V D N V Mon. Defending himself against the Crown's allegation of treason. Major Charles Cousens said he broadcast for the Japanese Ooverumen' over the Tofcio Radio only jecause refusal meant brutal treatment When told that he would have to obey orders to broadcast, he
    UP  -  119 words
  • 134 1 LONDON. Mon.— At the resumed courtmartial of Major Cecil Boon charged with aiding the Japanese while a prisoner of war at Hongkong. Lieutenant Field told how when he wanted to protest to the Japanese about the prisoners being employed on i assembling an airfield as
    Reuter  -  134 words
  • 51 1 SOFIA, Mon.— The plebiscite shows complete victory for the Republic. A total of 3.8»1.1GO persons voted for the Republic, and 171,000 for monarchy, while the remainder were blame or spoiled out of a total voting list of 4,103.000. Ninety-two per cent of the electorate polled. A.
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  • 221 1 BATAVIA, Monday. DR. van Mook, Netherlands Lieutenant GovernorGeneral, and Dr. Sutan Sjahrir, Indonesian Republican Premier, may resume their talks here pending the early arrival of the Dutch Commission, it was reliably learned today. Dr. van Mook and Dr. Sjahrir may also discuss how they can make use of
    Reuter; AP  -  221 words
  • 222 1 HEAVY STORMS HALT RIOTING IN BOMBAY BOMBAY, Monday. CLOUDBURSTS which flooded almost every street through' 1/ (Hit Bombay today, brought peace to the riot areas fur the first time lor .mere than a week.. The Government announced at 11.30 a.m. Bombay time only two cases of stabbing had been reported
    Reuter  -  222 words
  • 65 1 THE rice situation will form the principal item on the agenda of the two-day conference of Liaison Officers which begins m Lord Killearn s office today. Liaison Officers from all Sonth East Asian territories have already arrived or will be arrhrinp some time today. A communique
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  • 216 1 PARIS; Mon. BRITAIN has agreed to support the recommendation to the United Nations to p -t pone the General Asse~nb!> openmfc from Sept. 23 until Oct. 23. it was learned here this afternoon. This follows the decision by the Council of Foreign Ministers
    Reuter; UP  -  216 words
  • 133 1 PARIS. Sun.— The Duke and Pjchess of Windsor will visit Br.tain for about on? month m October and will later make a trip :o bcth Canada and the Unitd States, an unimpeachable source said tonißbt. The Windsors return :d to Paris tonight from Chateau de la
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  • 35 1 GUAM, Mon —The United States military government has granted a nve-day adjournment m the war crimes trial of 14 Japanese charged with eating the flesh of a murdered American war prisoner. A. P.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 96 1 mmmtmm A QUALIFIED OPTICIAN c.s. CHono 0.0.f poc POISE born of expensive perfume &&&®h Her self-assurance springs \k from Goya's 'HEATHER' jjfi^ cri.p and intriguing |^^TlX^B^ >^^^ perfume m an open air mood. 21 /B I Created m London where i\) \x\ t# I Goya's personal genius I tt\ \&y&
      96 words
    • 15 1 g 1 lACMIO BY I WILLIAM JACKS tfc CO., (MALAYA) LTD. Phraa 6>56 Bw*»*tag o
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  • 627 2 "Never Expected To Defeat America TOKIO, Monday. MAOKI HOSHINO, one of Japan's greatest planners! who helped to prepare the country for war, admitted at the War Crimes Trial today that Japan never expected to defeat the United States or invade America, but hoped for
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  • 57 2 MOSCOW, Mon.— The allegation that Britain was making "intensive war preparations' m Transjordan and Palestine was made m yesterdays Soviet Army newspaper Red Star m an articte by Col. Tolchokov. "The construction of military objectives continues m Transjordan and the British Command '^as turned Palestine into
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 302 2 Communists In China "Under Moscow" NEW YORK, Monday. THE American China Policy Association yesterday made public a notice which it cabled evidence that Chinese Communists were under Moscow control and had no intention of agreeing to anything with Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalists. Chinese Communists, the organisatiori asserted, plan to use
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  • 84 2 TEHERAN, Mon —Correspondents of Teheran newspapers report from Ispahan, m South Persia that a nlct ~>:> :-> i security of the country has been discovered. Mario', law and curfew have been impc Prince Firouz, one of the leading members of the Persian Government, has gone to
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 34 2 LONDON, Mon.— Radio Moscow said yesterday that Marshal Stalin had attended a parade of the Fourth Guards Tank Division, held m the Red Square m celebration of Russia's Tank Oay.— U.P.
    UP  -  34 words
  • 216 2 TRIESTE, Monday. THERE were 12 cases of civilian casualties, two of them from gunshot wounds, m yesterday morning's street fighting m Trieste, it was learned today. A hand grenade was thrown at an American jeep, resulting m slight injuries to one Allied officer and three United States soldiers.
    AP  -  216 words
  • Article, Illustration
    56 2 Mr. George Bernard Shaw signing the Dublin Book of Freedom at his home at Ayot St., Lawren ce, Hertfordshire, when he was presened with the Freedom of the City. Dr P. J. Hemon, City manager of Dublin, is in the cc <r-\ and Mr. J. W. Dulanty, High Commissioner for
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  • 256 2 BERLIN, Monday. TEN. JOSEPH T. MCNARNEY, the United States U Commander m Germany, m his monthly Military Government report for July, issued yesterday, followed up the Stuttgart speech of Mr. Byrnes, the Secretary of State, with another call for both economic and political unification of Germany.
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  • 192 2 Japanese Army OfBoo,oooMen "Missing" TOKIO, Sunday. IT is believed that the 800,000 I officers and men of the Japanese Kwangtung Army, take n prisoner by the Russians, are being held m Siberia. United Press reports that the American authorities now fear that these men are being usec as slay** labourers
    Reuter  -  192 words
  • 107 2 TANGMERE, Sussex. Mon.— Britain may attempt this week to raise her world air speed record of 616 miles per hour set up on Sunday by Group-Capt. E. M. Donaldson. The R.A.F. speed flight of which he is the leader is continuing to stay here
    Reuter  -  107 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 349 2 FRASER NEAVE LTD., MALACCA. Customers are advised that the factory .s now In production. Enquiries for supplies should txaddrcsned to The Branch Manager, Frnscr Neave Ltd., Buklt Gedjag. Tel. No. 129. KIDNEY WEAKNESS Tin ii uitiiy do not reallre what kidney weakness Is, but to the sufferer it means
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    • 380 2 VICTORIA THEATRE THE STAC.L CLUB "HAWK TsLAND" A DRAMA OF THE NIGHI on WEDNESDAY, FHIDAY SATURDAY SEPTEMBER, 11th 13th A 14th AT 8.30 P.M. TICKETS $2 CO $1.00 -.5* cis. Obtainable from: ROBINSON CO. LTD. Raffles Place (Tel. .\B94i 9 AM —12 30 P.M r './»TRr BOX-OFFICE 2 P.M.— 4.30
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  • 518 3 "Tried To Make Camp Cheerful As Possible MAJOR GENERAL MASATOSHI SAITO, over-all commandant of the PoW and internment camps m Malaya from March, 1944 until the surrender, appearing as a defence witness m the Sime Road case yesterday said it was his
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  • 65 3 A 21 -year-old Chinese, Yip Lee Kcw, was charged before Mr. Justice Thorogood m the Second Singapre Ass'zes yesterday with committing armed robbery. The prosecution stated that Yip was one of four men who entered a house m Geylang Road on June 25 shortly after dawn, and held
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  • 170 3 NEW DELHI. FURTHER recognition of his gallantry has just been accorded to yubedar Mohamed Azad, G.M., LD.S.M. of the 2/1 j Punjab Regiment, the eighth Indian Army winner of the George Medal. A grant of R5.55 a month has been sanctioned for this Viceroy's Commissioned
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  • 74 3 Lukut' s Loss Of Property niRKCTORfi' report to share- holders of the Lukut Tin Dredging Ltd.. states that the dredge was completely destroyed under Government's scorched earth policy. Some shore plant was also destroyed at the same time and during the occupation the remainder of rjlant and machinery was removed
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  • 62 3 A two- reel film showing a number of "shots" taken of the Malayan Contingent to the London Victory Parade, will be shown free by the management of thp Happy World Stadium for three days, Sept. 10, 11 and 12 at 8.30 p.m. each day. The film
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  • 81 3 A Malay. Ahmat bin Dems (27), was produced m the Fourth Police Court yesterday and had two charges explained to him. The first charts was that on Aug. 18 at Jurong Road. Ahmat with another, fired a revolver at two "police constables, causing grievous
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  • 110 3 JAPANESE succesded m raisins the Jelebu Tin Dredging dredge m February, 1943. The dredge was sunk under Government's orders m 1941. The Directors' report states the Japanese worked the mine Intermittently until February, 1844 and during that period approximately 1,000 piculs of tin ore were taken
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  • 137 3 $365,230 Profit By Eastern United eUBSTANTIAL contributions from accrued interest on investments made up a large portion of the $365,230 profit recorded by the Eastern United Assurance Corporation. Ltd., for the period ending March 31, 1946, according to the chairman, Mr. S. Q. Wong, at the 29th annual general meeting
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  • 252 3 CRITICISM of the use of the term "Belsen of the East" m describing the Outram Road Gaol, was made by the defence counsel, Major N. S. Bams when he opened the case for the defence yesterday. On the submission of the de. i fence
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  • 102 3 By Our Chinese Correspondent FOLLOWING the change of star tvs of Saraw.ik, the Chinese inhabitants of Srrawak have requested the Chinese Consul-Ge-neral m Singapore to contact the Chinese Government for an establishment or a Chinese Consulate Ii Kuching to look after their interests. It is understood
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  • 65 3 THE Governor has been pleased to reconstitute the Standing Trade Advisory Committee of Singapore uith the following membership: The Secretary for Economic Affairs (Chairman), The Financial Secretary, The Controller of Customs. Mr. E M F Pergusson. Mr. Lien Ying-Chow, Mr. R. Jumabhoy, Mr. F. C. H. Charlwood. Mr.
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  • 271 3 INTENSIVE FOOD DRIVE IN MALA Y SCHOOLS THE Department of Education has had an intensive crive to incrsase food production. As a result of this it is estimated that home gardens of the Malay pupils have now reached the 1941 figure of 10,000, while Malay school gardens have passed the
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  • 247 3 By Our Special Correspondent KLLANG, Mon. EVIDENCE given today concluded the testimony lor all 259 accused m the Kluang court martial.. Tomorrow, the defence proposes to call witnesses other than the accused. This will he follow :d by the defending officer's address. Pte. J. Starkey said
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  • 388 3 AT the ordinary general meeting of Wearne Bros, A held m London on July 13 a resolution was passed and the meeting was adjourned to a date to be fixed later. No accounts at that time were available to put to tho meeting. The
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 389 3 burden of these duties and decided to retire on the 31st December last. He held the view that the place of a Managing Director was m the 'front line' m contact with the staff and men on our Jobs, and that this could onrj be discharged by a younger man.
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    • 277 3 Best Insurance Against Loss KEEP YOUR VALUABLE RECORDS IN A mtrr^-Jr SAFE I CONSTRUCTION *£&■■s. I lxn r.i.i -to IJpMINMMPBi' ki lo< fiaMGttSßMßfr&° HEN l iRE '*H<^ Rfc.SIST NG 4 Dlflrrcnt Shrs *%|f ■w^ p...J v C|n, *r^ Illustration of Safe M" x Ztt" x2f NKTT WEIGHT 665 lbs. Sole
      277 words

  • 132 4 T^OTTER^ Now officially reported presumed died about 13th February l»«2, Robert John, beloved husband of Mabel Macdonald 6 Park Place, BUrllng, Scotland. COGSWELL— On 6 August 1946 at her home 6 Litflrld Place, Clifton, Bristol, England after a sho.t illness, Dorothy Bertha Elizabeth, beloved wife of John E. Cogswell
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  • 64 4 The family of the late Madam Wee Foon Bee Neo sincerely thank all friends and relatives who sent wreaths, expressions of sympathy, etc., lent cars and lorries, attended night visits end funeral. C. P. D'Crui; of Katjn thanks all friendt, and re'atives who sent wreathi Mid attended the funeral
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  • 672 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Tuesday, Sept. 10, 1946. Federation For Germany? During last week a certain amount of excitement was aroused throughout Europe by the announcement that Mr. James Byrnes, the United States Secretary of State, was to make a speech at Stuttgart 111 which he was expected to lay
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  • 441 4 No better example of the fantastic disparity betweer. supply and demand m Malaya at present could be found than that well-known brand of biscuits known as Jacob's Cream Crackers, which have been the object of a hunt by many disappointed citizens m Singapore recently, following announcements
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  • 1357 4 PACING Victoria Pier m Hong Kong are five empty pedestals which were formerly graced by statues of former rulers and governors of the colony. The statues were taken away by the Japanese for their metal value. On the hill immediately at the back stands a large white
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  • Man In The Street
    • 173 4 lAM a poor office-worker. I have to support a family of eight. My income is meagre, and with such a big family I find it very difficult to keep my head above water. Five of my children are still schooling, and everyday they attend school with
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    • 97 4 HOW long is the S.T.C. strike going to last? That is the burning question m Singapore today. What about the workers and school-children? How are we going to manage for transport? Some workers have lorry transport to take them to work and back, but some have not.
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    • 118 4 A EURASIAN price inspector had a cup of coffee m a eating-shop. When the bill of 20 cents was presented to liim he threatened to report the over-charjre. Another EuraSan price inspector came on the scene and offered to settle the matter m a friendly way by
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    • 141 4 Eighty- Six Tins AFTER reading m your paper concerning the sak> of Jacob's biscuits, I proceeded at 8.30 a.m. to one of the shops listed mi n South Canal Road m an attempt to purchase a im. I was greeted with a "sold out" retort m answer to my reqno?t.
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    • 80 4 I WISH to draw attention to the fact that if pigfc are allowed to be freely Imported into Singapore from Siam there is the gravest danger that farmers m the latter country, finding it more profitable to feed their rice to pigs and sell the ani. mals
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    • 65 4 SIX old long-sentence men (since Feb. 24, 1912), aU teetotallers, patiently browsing m Poh Leung Kuk awaiting back pay and reparations from Japan, thank you and other Journals for your gene, rous feed of "liberation" tripe. Our bellies are full, our hearts overflowing. Our pockets are empty, likewise
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 716 4 Lientnant GEORGE BROCKMANN Deceased Any person having knowledge of the fxlstence of a Will of Lieut. O. Krookmann. General List, formerly of C o The Borneo Company Litilted, Singapore, who died while a prisoner of war m Japanese hands at Thanbyurayat Camp. Thailand, on the 23rd F«bruarv 1943. L« requested
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    • 36 4 Even the keenest mind may be dulled by Whether you wear glasses or not, it is advisable to have a proper examination if you experience the slightest eye dis omfort. Consult: C S THONG. 0.D.. F.POC.
      36 words
    • 50 4 They are on the w*y "COS SOU RADIOS POP GRADE EFFICIENCY ata t if RKALLY MODERATE PRICES Details Will be announced later "COSSOR'' Firtt m the world to produce Radar Receiving Equipment. P^jJ s*^ <«rZ?! Beat/ ost ater a^ s Supplied at ffisßiil! Reasonable Charges IKf 2TCHFUA ST. SPORE \2Jf
      50 words

  • 177 5 SHIRTS ON SALE TODAY MESSRS. Harper Gilnllan Co. Ltd. acting as Government Agents, have distributed 430 dozen shirts and 196 do-^en vests to the following dealers. The shirts should be available to maximum retail prices of $1.20, $1.25, $1.30, $1.40, $1.45, $1.60 and $1 65 each according to size and
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  • 78 5 "Disgraceful Condition" Of War Graves PRAVES of civilian internees v buried m Bidadari cemetery are m a "disgraceful condition" according to the Singapore (War Prisoners) Association. The Association has set up a committee of two to investieate and report upon the condition of i internees graves and to expend monies
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  • 47 5 Ghani bin Aman, a driver employed at a Chinese school m Katong, was yesterday fined $100 or three months' imprison. ment by Mr. Paul Storr m the First i-oli'-e Court yesterday for carrying a knife m public without a police permit at Amber Road on Aug. 20.
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  • 37 5 Mrs C F Blair, who made an unavailing attempt to stop an armed burglar when he broke into her room at Raffles Hotel, holds up her cat Skipton which gave the alarm.
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  • 502 5 QINGAPORE Police believe that the armed Malay who J was foiled m burgling a room at Raffles Hotel yesterday morning and shot his way out to escape seriously wounding a Sikh jaga named Chanan Sin^h is the man who has been committing
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  • 190 5 Increased Flour Ration Forces Prices Down Rice At $2.50 A Kati In Spore Yesterday WITH more bread distribution shops, with bakeries functioning at normal output once more and with hopes for an increased flour ration next week, prices m Singapore's black market have started to climb down from the peak
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  • 204 5 nOR several years editor of the Straits Times and a well, known Journalist in the Far j East, Mr. Thomas Hird Reid died on Aug. 6 at his home, r ine Jungle, Braemar Road, Ballater, in his eighty-second year. Mr Reid was a native of Aberdeen
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  • 119 5 THE Governor of Singapore, Sir Franklin Gimson, speaking at an ''At Home" held by the St. Andrew's Old Boys' Association to welcome back the Rev. R K. S Adams, head of St Andrews School, declared that if a University "is set up m Kuala Lumpur it
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  • 103 5 STATING that two months have elapsed since he was arrested, Mustagh Hussein, an Ind an soldier, claimed trial to a charge of criminal breach of trust m respect of 50 bales of military goods worth $10,000. He asked Mr. Paul Storr, the District Judge yesterday
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  • 68 5 By Our Chinese Correspondent REPRESENTATIVES of about I* 300 Singapore laundries met recently and passed a resolution to increase washing charges all round, on the grounds that the "black market price of rice has soared out of all proportion." The new charges are. coats, trousers and shirts:
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  • 84 5 Gaol For Man Who Intruded Into S.H.B. A CHINESE, Yong San, who ad- I mitted six previous convictions was yesterday sentenced to six months' rigorous imprisonment by Mr. T. T. Russell, the Second District Judge, for bein« m the Singapore Harbour Board area on the morning of Sept. 1 without
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  • 104 5 TWO well-known Ceylonese families of Singapore and Seremban were united when the marriage took place yesterday at the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes of Miss Teresa Imelda Ranjitham, only daughter of the late Mr. N. A. Marshall a-id Mrs. Marshall of Singapore, to Mr. Stanislaus Ponniah. fourth
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  • 198 5 Fined For Refusing To Sell TINES totalling $550 were ;m- posed on Quek Thiam Ting, a licensed retailer o; No. 1. Havelock Road, Singapore, by Mr. T. X. Russell, the Second District Judge, yesterday, for refusing ro sell a bottle of whLsky and selling whisky m excess of the price
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  • 104 5 THE LasU-ra B Ltd. ll Sin?apore have rereiv d a cable from their Lord n office that at a Boari m eting h Id on Sep- 4. th tfirec 's d an Interim dividend at the rate of 2s. 6d. p' r .hare less I i woe
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  • 287 5 COR the first time in over a hundred years Singapore's New Year's Day Land and Sea Sports will be held only as Sea sports when the event is revived next year after a four-years' gap This was decided at a meeting held in the
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  • 100 5 TOMORROW morning another 15 Japanese war criminals will be hanged for their ill-treaanent, resulting in death of civilians and prisoners of war in Borneo, the Burma-Siam railway. Ambon Island, and in French Indo. China. Among the condemned m?n are Lieut. Nagataro Kokubo and Sergeant Tsunee
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 274 5 Be the LATEST Model Girl... We bring you TODAY the BEAUTY of "MONTEREY" fKRSONALIZEU MlX^-liP We waited 9 months for this shipment and it's wuith waiting for "MONTEREY" presents TO-DAYS most e^citii.g DUft of BEAU i f PH-x'Aj-A nu.sS to match your stilus and Mil your mood 1 Haunungiy Perfuim
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  • 256 6 Jap Cruelty Revealed In Penang Court From Our Own Corr«m«mUni PENANG, Monday. rrvTNG evidence of the execution carried out m Penang prison during Jap occupation, Bagh Singh, former corporal of the guards, said at the resumed hearing of the war crimes trial that on
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  • 531 6 Dewar: Perth Centenary IN 1846. when England was in the midst of the Corn Laws controversy, Ireland in the throes of the Potato Famine and Scotland in grim ecclesiastical conflict over the Disruption of the Church, a middle-aged Scot opened a small wine and spirit shop in the High Street
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  • 175 6 From Our Own Correspondent AUtm, Mon. LARGE gathering including all community leaders attended the Victory Dance held At the Town Hall on Saturday night. The proceeds of the dance will go to the community destitute fund. The Resident Commissioner Mr. A. V. Aston, addressing the gathering
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  • 150 6 From Our Own Correspondent VOD have committed a /ory 1 serious offence. You do not care whether the Sten gun reach bad elements or not All ft?U r^ 1 1 about ta Profit," said the District Judge, Mr Newton wh?n h ian> Pitcna y
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  • 242 6 Straits TuMt Pwt-Bag rPH the fantastic high coat of living- obtaining at the present moment, coupled with the drastic cut m the rice ration, life- m present-day Singapore i» anything but cheerfuL Employers do not realise the difficulties their clerks ar e experiencing, and
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  • 196 6 I AGREE that Malaya should not go against the plan for allocation of rice exports that w put up by the Internationa] Food Council mi n Washington. I But I do not understand why a change m the system of import- ing rice from Siara will be
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  • 119 6 THE people of Maiaya .should not think only of their stomachs while millions are starving outside their country. Should not we tighten our pelts a bit more until the position improves, and continues to di? for our larder as We did wring the Jap regime? Why expect
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 903 6 TRADING WITH THE ENEMY ORDINANCE No. 22 of 1939 CUSTODIAN OF PROPERTY PROCLAMATION No. 14 of 1945. Notice Is hereby given that any person or persons having a claim to tne property described m the Schedule hereto are requested to forward such claim to the Custodian of Property, Supreme Court,
      903 words
    • 832 6 rrtw 'J'^PC^LAfMEOtJS Rimless glasses m COMPLETE 3BT 0/ Hagan OoU Clubs m splenild condition with leather WHITE GOLD bag. Also one act of ladiss clubi A practically new. Apply Dale Pat- f%r **->^ A terson Road. I I OCI lif^^r r-ir-» \*H STAMPS FOR SALE. Collection I rTT «W (S»
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 163 6 RADIO PROGRAMMES RADIO MALAYA KEI> NKI*G.rK from nooo metre* from noes to 2 p.m. on 4.825 rx^qV 1 metre b d snd klen at 1 tun. in Cantonei* at p.m. and from 7 D .m to pm (aewe ta Cantonese at 746 0 and In BokkJen at 845 o.m
      163 words
    • 118 6 i*.« p.m.) anc from 6 run to ft i s °.m mew, tn MaCat P m! TONIGHTS HIGHLIGHTS 8.30 pm News Headlines; 8.32 p.m. c cr P08*:P 08 9.00 p.m. Hawaiian h^ZJ^^ b l Martinez and royal Hawaltons; 9,30 p.m. Mews; in™"' y tTOm Kual Lun.pur; Ri<*ard Tauber accompanied by
      118 words
    • 130 6 HaU: 83 ajn Newß. n Varlet y Band-box; 8.15 X n^""? 830 P' m W«r»: Tnt i P oLondono L0nd0n Calling; 8.40 pm. rL P iT' i, wdy ioVa agaln 93 P-«n-n™ k^? <tance orchestra: 10.06 pm. Radio Mewweel; io.« p.m. Lonr.^.^ 1 11^?'" 10 50 pjn Por^ favouSSSSi aSU^JT"
      130 words

  • 466 7 Preliminary Inquiry In Malacca From Our Own Correspondent MALACCA, Monday. YUSOFF BIN AHMAD, inspector of police attached to the Joo Chiat police station, Singapore, was discharged today m the magistrate's court, Malacca, at the conclusion of a preliminary inquiry into a charge of voluntarily causing hurt to
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  • 85 7 CALCUTTA, Monday.— Bengal's padi outturn will be increase by 119,000 maunds with the reclamation of 62 square miles of land as a result of resuscitation of the Nowgong canal. The ceremony opening the canal was performed at Beliaghata, 25 miles from Calcutta, by Bengal's Irrigation and
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  • 83 7 COLOMBO, Monday.— Proposals for the purchase of two lar^c commercial planes for inaugu. rating an air passenger service between Ceylon and the United Kingdom are being considered by the Government of Ceylon. The need for the establish, ment of such a service has been brought home
    UP  -  83 words
  • 131 7 COLOMBO, Monday. A v national army for Ceylon was urged by Mr. J. R. Jayawardena, a member of the State Council, m the course of a debate on Ceylon's defence. He expressed the hope that a rightful place m the United Nations Organisation would be found
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  • 96 7 CALCUTTA, Monday.—lndia i Government engine »s are iieparing a plan to control the Kosi River which during the last 200 years has shifted its course 70 miles westward laying waste to approximately 3,000,000 square miles of agricultural land m Nepal state and Bihar province. The
    AP  -  96 words
  • 53 7 Actors and actresses m the midst of the filming of a scene In the film. "Kamosh Nigahen," escaped safely when a spar'/t ignited films m the editing section of the big hall and flrmes shot through the building reach, ing a store of new and old films, says an A.P.
    AP  -  53 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 173 7 ENTERTAINMENTS OPENING TO-DAY gj^ \XHSt 4 Shows 1.30, A, 630, 930 p,m, I™ O milSnd j%% W> mi IL. wkWrnXWrnm F _^^f w f**Jl GLADYS GEORGE -VIRGINIA FIEIO CECIL KELIAWAY .cJ^«r~--T WILLIAM BENDIX NEXT CHANGE •ANOTHER OUTSTANDING MOVIE" i I^7 ill KE jH** TODAY j^m^^^^^^ 1.15, 3.30. 6.30 9 p.m.
      173 words
    • 609 7 American President Lines, Ltd. NEW VOKK via Bombay and Mediterranean Port* WILLAMETTE VICTORY* In Port LOUIS MrHENRY HOWE* Due to Arrive Sept. 20 PRESIDENT POLK Dur U> Arrive Sent 24 ♦Freight only For Freight and Passengers apply AMERICAN PRESIDENT LINES Union Ride.. Tels: 6228 675? WATERMAN LINE t.S ATLANTIC COASI
      609 words
    • 427 7 Mansfield Co., Ltd. llocorporateo .n •iincaporei BLUfc FUNNEL LINE Sailing} t me frotr Un.uc Kinfrtotn Theseus Due from I.K. m Port arlc Miils for U.K. lllh Sept. Asphalion Due rrom IK. 12 srpt. Aicinout Due from USA I'flk Sept. Menelaus sail* for U.K. 17th x-pC Weslern Australia The <hort<«* «ea
      427 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 535 7 The defenders lost three tricks, worth 800 points, in today's deal because West had a fixation about penalty doubles. South, dealer North-South vulnerable. NORTH Q64 963 AS2 KQJ96 WEST EAST X 105 A ,192 A KQBS 9742 ;> I KQIO 4.10 8 2 SOUTH 873 V J 109 J9B7G 4
      535 words
    • 207 7 of the four.trick defeat that could have been inflicted on either two clubs or two diamonds. The point was that East sensed the situation and acted accordingly. West led the heart King, out when East played the deuce. West shifted properly to a diamond. Dummy ducking, East won with the
      207 words

  • Article, Illustration
    26 8 Army soccer side, who were bea ten by the Combined R A.F by four goals to one at Jalan Besa r on Saturday— Straits Times picture.
    26 words
  • 272 8 Holiday Game At Stadium THE Chinese Athletic Association will meet the Combined Army XI m a Day" eocoer match to be played at Jalan Besar Stadium on Thursday. A gate will be charged and the proceeds will go to the Y.M.OA. Rehabilitation Fund. On Sunday the
    272 words
  • 455 8 BERLIN, Sun. A WELL-BALANCED American Army team won the armed forces' "Olympics" to-day before 85,000 track and field fans. Eight nations competed m the meeting m which the American team scored 57 points, Denmark 27, Belgium 21 France 20, Great Britain 12, Netherlands 11, Luxembourg
    AP  -  455 words
  • 98 8 Tn #v Ipoh, Mon. m the season's first representative Rugger CiviUans beat MUIhuTS w iadanl 3 ne try p/ilf *'m a me ««n^ the hoM f. Uc Rugby delation was held !>nd it was stated the revival of a l Blu s rugby competition this seaton is
    98 words
  • 52 8 WESTBUitY. U>una"tiaut, Sept 3.— Cecil Smith's brilliant stick work and powerful drives sparked the United States polo team to a 10-4 opening victory over Mexico m the post-war international tournament today. Smith, riding the number 2 position, chalked up seven goals as international polo returned atter a seven-y«ir
    UP  -  52 words
  • 230 8 LONDON, Monday. MOST newspaper racing correspondents appear to consider the St. Leger at Doncaster on Wednesday as «i two-horse race between the Derby winner Airbori.e and the runner-up Gun* Stream. Often leading Sunday papers' correspondents five give the Derby winner and five Lord D-rby's 3uh
    Reuter  -  230 words
  • 69 8 Th* Tamil Brotherhood Association will meet Fort Canning m a friendly game of soccer, to be played at Port Canning tomorrow. Players and supporters are requested to assemble at the Anglo-Chinese School, Coleman Street, by 4.45 p.m. The Brotherhoods team wfll be: Sithambaram: S.R.S. Naidu: G. Somoo:
    69 words
  • 52 8 The following will represent the Combined Services Team for the Victory Day soccer on Sept. 12: S Sgt. Gibson, Sgt. Harrison. Cpl. Baker. Sgt. Towers, Dvr. Everett, L/Cpl. Me Auley, Pte. Cameron. C.'n. Cowley, C.S.M. Houston, Pte. Carney, Sign. Kajre. Reserves: L/Cpl. Heron. Sgtf. Smith. Dvr. Dtckensen. Linesman:
    52 words
  • 167 8 Seremban. Bun ..Tbf; P -W.D. Cricket XI drew with the Second Durham Light Infantry at (cricket on Saturday. The Dij. team scored 125 runs for 6 wickets and declared thrtr innings closed The P W.D. sent m Kandasamy and Oopal Dm to bat. The runs came
    167 words
  • 66 8 NEW YORK, Wed. TEORGE Robson and George v Barringer, motor racing drivers, were killed m a pileup of racing cars at a turn during the 100mile car race at Lakewood Park, Atlant? Georgia on Monday. Four other drivers ol 11 starters were injured when the cars smasher!
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 40 8 LONDON, Sun.—Chilean Swimmer Jorge Berrota, said toni«ht that he hooed weather conditions would permit him to leave Dover at <" p.m. on Monday afternoon for the attempt to swim the English Channel about 8 pjn. UP.
    UP  -  40 words
  • 38 8 COMBINED Y.M.C. A. The Combined V.M.C.A. team to play the S.C.P.A. In a soccer charity match at Jalan Besar Stadium tomorrow at 5.15 p.m. will be: Day son: Hall. Dyke: Valentine, Hindle, Ughtbown: Wallace, Parry, Brazier, Rumblo, Martin.
    38 words
  • 343 8 DERNBOROUGH, Australia's greatest racehorse and rated D by turf experts m Phar Lap's class, scored his eleventh consecutive win when he beat Magnificent mi n the Warwick Stakes over seven furlonprs m Sydney on Sept. 2. He has won £21J826 m stake money but is
    343 words
  • 45 8 r commemorate the liberation of Malaya, Mr. F. W. Palmer, president of Selangor Football Association, has presented a cup for soccer to be played annually between Civilians and Combined Services «m Sept. 12 each year. The ftrst match will be played on Thursday.
    45 words
  • 125 8 From Learte Corutantire Reuter's Special Correspondent: SCARBOROUGH, Sun The Indian cricketers arranged a quiet day here today !£^J are staying at the Royal 2S el n f unc tions of any sort Is included in' their prothp 11 6 either today or during I"»:us spa, visaing
    125 words
  • 116 8 (Prom Our Own Correspondent) KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday k, i t**' 0 lnaiazs "ieket roatcn m Kuala Lumpur played over the week ?P^ra^ Ccvl °ne«e defeated the TJ>.C.A. by 131 rum Perak scored 146 run* m the first Innings on Saturday. The T.P.C.A. had soared 63 runs
    116 words
  • 53 8 The following will represent the A M.D.G.W. against the 8.A.0 C C Changt on the S.C.C. ground tomorrow at 2 p.m. P.M. Chopard, P.P. Lowe, GE. Woodward. D.W. Berry, M. Carrier, S. Perreira. A. Clarke, D. Rabot. H. Semson, C.A.B. Lucas, A.N Piber Scorer: C. Morris, Umpire Lt.
    53 words
  • 181 8 The Singapore Table Tennis Association will celebrate «he l«th anniversary of Us founding next week. A dinner, to be followed by dancing and social will be arranged by the committee and will take p'.ace at the Qreat World Garden Cabaret. All affiliated members of the 6.T.T.A.
    181 words
  • 93 8 TN A friendly badminton match the 1 Steadfast B.P. was beaten by the United Family B.P. by fire games to nil. Results were: Tan Ouan Hong lost to Heng Siak Kwang 05-10) (615). (10-15); Lam Joon Shu lost to Heng Siak Km (15-9). (1-15), (9-15); Seah Yeak Khern
    93 words
  • 49 8 The 3fciplng chinase Recreation Club defeated the Chinese National Language Association, Ipoh, m a badminton fixture played here yesterday by •ev^p matches to nil. At the conclusion of the match, the visitors presented a silk banner to 7>e Thoo Cieng, captain of the Taip ng team.
    49 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 377 8 MAJESTIC Premier Chinese Picture Palace 4 shows dally: 1, 3.15, 7 A 9.15 p.m. "SWEETHEART" An up to date romance picture In Mandarin. Full of comedy and excitement. CHUNGKING Tanjong Parar Phone 3827 Last 4 Shown: 1. 3.15. 6.30, O.M p.m. "THE ADVENTURES OF BMILIN' JACK" (Ist. Instalment) "THE ADVENTURES
      377 words
    • 283 8 T#-day To-morrow /SST^^geaflai^v (BY SPECIAL JIEQUEST) L^ DAILY: 11 AM.-4 MI-4.IS— 30— 9.15 P.M. (Tel 5281) "THE PRISONER OF ZENDA" aaa|^^^H most celebrated screeii triumphs of all time: DAVID RELZNIOK'S Mmterplet*. One of the most celebrated aeraen Irhnnphs of all time. RONALD COLMAN J^aH^ IS IN THE TITLE role and
      283 words