The Straits Times, 9 September 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 342 1 Fight Against "Spirit Of Discord" NEW DELHI, Sunday. PANDIT Jawaharlal Nehru appealed for the cooperation of all the peoples of India last night m his first nation-wide broadcast as "Prime Minister" of the new interim Government. He hoped earnestly, he said, that "an Independent India will
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  • 195 1 B A T A V I A Sat.— Sutan Sjahrir, the Indonesian Republican premier, left by train for Djokjakarta this afternoon after again expressing his willingness to transfer Indonesian rice shipments from India to Malaya if Lord Killearn, British Special Commissioner for South-East Asia, makes the
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  • 87 1 THE United Kingdom, after consultation with the Governments of the United States, Bolivia. Belgium, and the Netherlands, has invited the main tin-consuming and tin-producing countries to an international tin conference :n: n London. The countries invited are Belpium Bc'livia. China, France, the Netherlands,
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  • 66 1 JERUSALEM, Sun.— The Palestine police announced today that eight blocks of Italian TNT, with a detonator and 18 inches of fuse, ware found m the impounded Jewish immigrants' ship Four Freedoms yesterday. Experts said there were sufficient explosives to destroy the vessel. More than 1.000 passengers
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  • 80 1 PARIS, Sun —The Italian Premier, Signor Alcide de Gasperl, and Dr. Karl Gruber, the Austrian Foreign Minister, announced yesterday that they had signed an agreement settling the differences between the two countries over the Set them Tyrol The area remains Italian, but regional autonomy will be granted
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  • 112 1 WASHINGTON, Sun.—lncreasing famine throughout the world is predicted by United Nations food experts unless crop production is virtually doubled within ten years. In a worid food survey the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation expects the population of the world to increase by 25 per cent during
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  • 299 1 ATHENS, Sunday. THE Greek Government has reimposed martial law m Northern Greece, following a Cabinet meeting yesterday at which it was decided to re-establish the "extraordinary law enforcement", as before the plebiscite. Action had been threatened for several days against Greek Communists, who have demonstrated
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  • 182 1 Moscow Silent On Byrnes's Speech MOSCOW, Sunday. ONLY a tightly summarised Soviet news agency dispatch, which makes the point of United States willingness to transfer the fcoentgsberg area to the Soviet Union, informed the Russian population of the speech made by Mr. James Byrnes at Stuttgart on Friday. This version,
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  • 90 1 SOFIA, Sun.— Heavy polling m some sections of Bulgaria marked today's referendum on the issue of a monarchy ox a republic. Sofia was gaiiy beflagged as the polls opened early this morning Correspondents were touring the countryside watching the voting and waiting for early Early
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  • 59 1 NEW YORK, Sun.— The United States Army transport Bell Ringer has run aground on a reef about 30 miles off the southern coast or Florida, and broadcast a general alarm for aid, according to a message picked up by Radio Marine Corporation. The ship gave her position
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  • 148 1 LONDON, Sunday. ELABORATE security precautions are being taken to safeguard delegates to the Palestine conference due to benjin m London this week. Scores of detectives from the special branch of Scotland Yard have been drafted for duty to Lancaster House where the conference is being held. Every entrance
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  • 43 1 An artist's Impression of the new Biitish liner Magdalene, now being built at tta* Belfast Yard of Harland and Wolff. She will embody the latest features of naval architecture and will be completely stream, lined, with a funnel of novel design.
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  • 139 1 INCREASE IN RATION OF FLOUR SINGAPORE'S flour ration v is to be increased from half a kati to three-quarters of a kati a week. The increase will become effective m the ration period following Sept. 16. An official statement announcing the increase adds that arrangements have been made to increase
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  • 104 1 WASHINGTON, Sun— Mr. John R. Steelman, Reconversion Director has ordered the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to maintain the sales price for natural rubber at 22.5 cents per pound until the end of the year. An announcement said that when the world market price of rubber was increased by
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  • 485 1 NEW YORK, Sunday. MOUNTING chaos spread inland from America's strikebound seaports today as American Federation of Labour maritime leaders threatened to ask ail organised labour to join the greatest shipping shutdown m the nations history. The general strike threat came from Mr. Paui Hall,
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  • 130 1 TANGMIiRE, Sussex. Sun.— A new world air speed re ord of 613 miles an hour was established by Oroitp-Capt. E. M. Donaldson yesterday over a measured coursj bciween Littl harrpt/m nnd Worthing. Ih,s was announced early this morning by Air Marshal Sir James Robb, Curnmander-in-Chief,
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  • 43 1 LONDON. Sun.- Sir Alan Lascelles. Private Secretary to the King, today officially denied the report that Princess Elizabeth was engaged to Prince Philip of Greece. "Princess Elizabeth is not engaged to be married," he said., "The published report is incorrect."—Reuter.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 457 2 SICK MEN PARADED FOR WORK More Evidence Against Boon LONDON Saturday. AT the resumed court-martial of Maj. Cecil Boon, charged with aiding the Japanese while a prisoner of war m Hong Kong, a former officer prisoner m Shanghai POW camp, Ahred George Webber, of Lewisham, now demobilised and formerly m
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  • 201 2 NANKING, Sept. 7. rE Nationalists are stepping up the progress of their "victory march" m Shantung, Kiangsu, Honan and Hopei border areas for the recovery of six important strategic towns and cities m south Shantung, north Kiangsu and South Hopei. Government reports claim that the Nationalists
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  • 79 2 LEEDS, Sat.— A double wedding by telephone, recognised as valid for passport purposes, is taking place at Leeds on Monday afternoon. It unites two English girls with American bridegrooms 3,000 miles away at Flora, Illinois. The two brides will sit on either side of the telephone
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  • 111 2 LAST NAZI GAULEITER ARRESTED HERFORD, Saturday. JOSEPH Grohe, one of the original members of the Nazi party and the last remaining gauleiter at liberty, has been arrested by British intelligence officers. He was captured near the frontier of British and American zones. As a gauleiter of Aachen ai.d Cologne. Grohe
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  • 49 2 NEW YORK, Sat. IN addition to the thousands of American ships tied up by the most widespread maritime strike m United States history, 157 foreign ships are also held m port by the walk.out. Among them was the Swedish repatn. ation ship Gripsholm.— U.P.
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  • 74 2 LONDON, Sat. The Burma Government announces that it is prepared to appoint a committee representing the Government and the Police Association to consider the police strikers grievances about pay and allowances. As regards victimisation, the Government says no immunity can be guaranteed, as the Rangoon police are
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  • 114 2 TRIESTE, Sun.— Four persons, including a British officer and an American soldier, were m jured when a hand prena' c Cij tossed at Allied military po cc attempting to prevent an unauthorised meeting of 5 000 Italian Communists and Pro-Slovenes here today. The crowd had gathered
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  • 83 2 SAN FRANCISCO. Sat— The San Francisco "Call-Bulletin" said In a copyright article that a San Francisco medical experimenter has established that the drug sulfadiazine prevents plague and may even wipe it out from the earth. On the recommendation of Dr. Karl F. Meyer, the
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  • 67 2 SAIGON, Sat.-- Initial resilts m the first election m Cambodia's history on Sept. 1 show overwhelming success for the Democratic party, Phr.o-n Penh political leaders claimed today. The Democratic party pro'^rses that its major objective is to transform Cambodia into a modern democratic state. Observers
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  • 34 2 QUEBEC, Sat.— Captain E. C Sherwood, aide-de-camp to the Governor-General of Canada Field Marshal Viscount Alexander, said today that Mr. Winston Churchill is expected to visit Canada next spring. Reuter.
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  • 181 2 New Delhi, Thursday.— The princes of India are determined to remain as constitutional monarchs if the country achieves independence and will confederate for resistance, by force if necessary, against any attempt to de. throne them or interfere in their internal affairs, an authoritative informant close
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  • 29 2 BUENOS AIRES, Sat —Unless last.minute improvement occurs in the Anglo-Arsrentine trade negotiations the British mission, headed by Sir Wilfred Cady, is expected to leave for London on Tuesday. Reuter.
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  • 24 2 NANKING, Sat.— The Foreign Office said to-day that 6,588 Chinese refugees have been repatriated from the Philip Dines since the war ended— United Press.
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  • 77 2 LONDON, Sat.— Twentythree persons were killed early today when a British South American Airways plane which left London yesterday crashed soon after taking off from Bathurst, m Gambia, West Africa. The dead include all the four members ol the crew. The plane was a York aircraft.
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  • 163 2 WASHINGTON, Saturday. pRESIDENT Truman has directed an indefinite postponement of the deep under-water atom bomb test, which had been planned for next spring. The postponement had been recommended by the Joint Chiefs of Staff. War and Navy Secretaries and the President's commission. A White House statement
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 463 2 KELANTAN POLO CLUB. Will anyone (a) with any claim Bga nst the above Club, (b) who owes th>' above Club any monies, or (c) who pottmmm, or knows the whereabouts of. any of the Club's property or of The Rusrfll Shield of the Malayan Polo Association please communicate with the
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    • 670 2 NOTICE. NOTICE Is hereby given that as from the 31st day of August, 1946, Lim Kia Jack ceased to have any Interest in the business of "Savoy Restaurant" carried on at No. 11, Collyer Quay, Singapore, of which he was one of the partners, the said Lim Kla Jack having
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    • 532 2 TRADING WITH THE ENEMY ORDINANCE No. 22 OF 1939. CUSTODIAN OP PROPERTY PROCLAMATION No. 14 OF 1945 NOTICE is hereby given that cny person or persons having a claim to the property described m the schedule hereto are requested to forward sucfe claim to the Assistant Custodian ol Enemy Property,
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    • 131 2 NOTICE re TAN HAK KIAT. S.M.J., Information is required concerning Tan Hak Kiat. S.M J., of Nos. 21 and 22, Jalan Segget Johore Bahru. Johore. who m January 1942 moved to temporary accommodation near the Mental Hospital, i'ampol, Johore Bahru, and from there was taken away by the Japanese Military
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  • 196 3 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMFUK, Sat. IN reply to questions by Mr. V. M. Menon m the Malayan Advisory Council, it was stated mat negotiations as to the future of the Burma-Siam railway, which includes 80 miles of F.M.S. railway track, are being conducted by
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  • 108 3 THE following appointments have been gazetted: Mr. H. A. Forrcr to act as Registrar Supreme Court as from Aug. 12; Mr. C. W. A. Sennett to be Commissioner of Lands vice Mr. W. K. Wilton with effect from Aug. 1; Mr. Ralph C. Hoffman to be a Deputy Collector
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  • 109 3 The defence m the "Eastern Bclscn" case m which two. major-generals and 42 other Japanese who were connected with military section of the Outram Road Gaol are being tried for war crimes, opens to. day. In the picture above Lt. Col. R.L. le Gallais.
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  • 346 3 $200,000 Veterinary Laboratory Malaya Has No Serious Animal Diseases UALAYA'S research laboratory for veterinary scien- ces is at present housed m buildings at the Singapore Turf Club grounds, but with the recent allocation of $200,000 for furtherance of the work of the laboratory it is expected that before long, the
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  • 142 3 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. IN replies to questions by Mr. W. G. Blunn at the Malayan Advisory Council meeting it was stated that: 1. In the four months from May to August 472 cars were allotted to non.Government purchasers m the Malayan Union
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  • 110 3 Union 's Transition Period Extended From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. FE transitional period before the formal inauguration of the Malayan Union which was fixed at six months and was to have expired on Sept. 30. 1946, has been extended for a fur. ther period of six months by
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  • 165 3 Europeans And Asiatics Meet 'T'UROPEAN and Asiatic members of the staff of Harrisons, Barker and Co., Ltd.. attended a reunion dinner held at the Happy World last week. The function also served as a farewell to Mr. J. C. Cuthbert and Mr. F. J. Kemlo, directors of the Singapore branch,
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  • 689 3 Share quotations, as at Sept. 6 according to me Malayan i arebrokers Association (Singapore) were as follows. INOrSTRIAI S Buvt Seller Alexandra Brickworks Ords. $1.80 $2.20 Alexandra Bnukworkf Prefs. 2.80 3.00 Brit. Malaya Trustee Executor Co. BOO 9.00 Consolidated Tin Smelters 24/3 25 '9 do. Prefs 27/6
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  • 177 3 Development Of Penang Harbour From Our Own Correspondent PENANG. Sat. THE big Job 01 rehaoilitatinff Panang Harbour is nearly nnLshec now and it is considered practical to start work on new rievelopm?nt schemes," stated Mr. H. Basten chairman of the Harbour Board In a statement following a two hour meeting
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  • 93 3 The following items of unrlaimoj hagtjagc! arc lying with the Military Parwarding Officer at No. 2 Docks Gate, Singapore, and may be claimed by owners upon production of suitable authority Any infor-^aMon as to Cc n-esenf. a.idresscs of the persons concerned shou'd be f^iwr-iH t-> t1""t 1 f*
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  • 31 3 Full moon day which falls tomorrow, will be celebrated at the Sinhalese Buddhist Temple, 36, Outram Road. Sinßapore. by Mr. O. N. de S. Ounawardhana m memory of his late father.
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  • 830 3 By A Market Correspondent THERE was a shrinkage m the volume of business transacted on Malayan markets during the week and practically all price changes were downward. In the staple industries uneasiness was caused by tardiness m announcing the new tin price or m stating
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 288 3 We are eager But supplies come slowly Almost every Business House is waiting for Royal Typewriters and Roneo Equipment. Supplies are coming through, but unfortunately, very slowly. Please register your requirements for delivery upon arrival. Phone 6480. /Hi! LTD 104, Robinson Road, Singapore. (iNCOMPONATIO IN CNOLAND. THE STRAITS TIMES PRINTING
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  • 729 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Mon. Sept. 9, 1946. More And More Inspectors European mercantile opinion with regard to price control was voiced m the Advisory Councils of the Malayan Union and Singapore last week, and it is significant that the tone m both cases was lukewvrm. critical and pessimistic. In
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  • 355 4 The closing of the British Red Cross commission m Maltya is a reminder that this country has passed out of the emergency phase of rehabilitation into one nearer normality. The Red Cross (with which the Order of St. John was associated) wound up its relief
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  • 247 4 WHILST the whole of the Katong district appears to be over-run by idle troops and "surrendered enemy personnel" (equally idle owing to lack of supervision apparently) the vital matter of cleansing the district remains static. A certain amount of barbed wire is
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  • 264 4 ARE British authorities in charge of Jap surrendered personnel" allowing the public to think perhaps that they are afraid of the Japs? As an ex-internee of Kuchlng PoW camp, the writer has pretty comprehensive idea of the Jap mentality. We had— during the last days— Jap soldiers timidly
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  • 121 4 THE existence of a flourishing brothel business along Tanjong Katong Road is a nauseating blot On that residential landscape. The only thing the M.P.s have done Is to stick up "Out of Bounds" signs which only help to guide a person to the correct back-door. Now that
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  • 231 4 CAN anyone tell me the position, when property is being de-requisitioned, whether the cleaning-up is done by the outgoing authorities or by the incoming owner? I ask this with special reference to the Katonß Convent School, which has been used by the authorities for the past eight months
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  • 208 4 TO "One Who Is Doing It," 1 whom I seem to have annoyed by my letter headed by you "A Pre-War Mem," I wish to point out that First and foremost I am not one of those European pre-war mems used to a retinu3 of servants, but
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  • 254 4 IN going through your paper on Sept. 6, I was delighted to read "Biscuits Ttfße Released Today" and the nam/>s of the shops dealing in them. I immediately went round iwlth a friend to the various shops mentioned, only to receive the usual answer, "All sold out." When
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  • 100 4 SINCE the re-opening of schools after the liberation, we boys of Raffles Institution have been using the premises of other schools. In the first term we borrowed St. Joseph's Institution in the afternoons, experiencing great in. convenienc?, and new in Monks Hill Boy's School, though given the morning
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  • 171 4 J {*T. Patrick's, you point out, vis "still waiting for liberation," and so is the Serancroon English School which serves the whole of Upper Serangoon District. Because or t>>- l^nlslttor'n" n' this school by the military, a large number of S.E.S. boys have had to join other schools.
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  • 191 4 Malayan National Anthem By A Malayan Chinese The following are the i.ord* of a Malayan patriotic song that has been written by Mr. Yong Yew Kirn, acting p;incipal of the Anglo-Chines© School, Seremban. This son,', with its musical accompaniment, has been printed m leaflet form, and is on sale m
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 886 4 SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED Immediately British Master for local vessel. Apply Hua Slang Steamship Co., 54, Boat Quay Tel. 7857 VEQUIPED BY EUROPEAN SHIPPING COMPANY. One master and one chief engineer. Apply Box No. lip S.T WANTED: Fast and accurate Typist, Shorthand not necessary, for British Export Firm. Apply Rtatlng salary
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    • 59 4 OYbTtR STERNA We can service and repair these watches as far as the limited resources at our disposal pc mit We are very short of tools and spareperk at present but hope to -estore facilities to full efficiency by the end ot :>.hit year We regret we cannot repair other
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    • 155 4 R.V.MEYIR OPTICIAN Fellow oi Uie institute Opntnaimic Opticians (England.) Fellow of the Worsh pful Company ot Spectacle-Makers 'Eng. > Freeman ot toe City of London RAFFLES PLACE n OPi>. Lll IXK& —^—p^— Masters. NEW PRICES OF STRINGS (for Musical Instruments) VIOLIN: DOUBLE BASS: E Steel $-50 G> Ust) Gut *3
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 313 5 Urgent Action Needed On Several Points rUK War Prisoners' (Singapore) Association is to send a deputation to the Governor of Singapore, Sir Franklin Gimson, to represent matters affecting the rehabilitation of ex-PoWs and internees shortly. Mr. J. C. Corbett, Chairman of the Association, will head
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  • 129 5 (By Our Chinese Correspondent) THE dispute between the employers and employees of the Singar<H," bakeries, arising out of the recent cut m rice ration to th- public, has been settled and bakers are to produce more bread. It will be recalled that the employees demanded
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  • 44 5 The marriage between Mr. Yap Siong Lin, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Yap Pow Nyen, of Kuala Lumpur, and Miss Chan Swi Yin, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chan Kirn Choon, of Taiplng, was held at the latter's residence on Saturday last.
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  • 145 5 lINITED States rice exports from U August, 1945, to April, 1946, inclusive, amounted to 588 million pounds, the highest amount ever exported from the United States. During the same period last year, 382 million pounds were exported. More uhan 200 million pounds of
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  • 125 5 New Grave Plots At Bukit Brown AVAILABLE land Bukit Brown Chinese cemetery has been marked out as new grave plots with priority to people whose reservations m the cemetery were utilised for pauper burials during the Japanese occupation. This is a recent decision of the Singapore Municipal Commis. sioners, and
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  • 70 5 An indication of the popularity of People's Restaurants m Singapore is Riven m this Straits Times picture taken at lunch time at the Telok Ayer canteen. Since the cut m the rice ration m Singapore, the canteen has served the needs of an increasing number
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  • 334 5 MORE than 150,000 Indian, Chinese, Indonesian, Burmese and Siamese labourers di«d m the building of the SiamBurma "Death Railway," according to calculations made by three medical officers which will be produced at the War Crimes trial of 15 Japanese which begins m Singapore on Wednesday.
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  • 43 5 THE Straits Times under. stands that an announcement relating to the lifting of tl»e moratorium may be expected soon. Final dNriissions on various complex points covered by the moratorium are now taking place m Singapore and the Malayan Union
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  • 72 5 RICE RATION MAY BE INCREASED THE rice ration may be increased—but only when the stoc« Justify this step being taken. At a Press conference, on Saturday, the Governor, Sir Franklin Gimson, sac that after October it was hop-;<l to get rice from Brazil, and more rice out of Siam and
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  • 83 5 REPAIRS TO FULLERTON BUILDING REPAIRS to the Singapore Club section of Fullerton Building now being effected by the P.WD. are confined to necessary renovation of a number of rooms which are to be used as bedrooms by members of the Club The repairs are being carried out because it is
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  • 69 5 inquiry is being held into the death of Flying Officer N. O. Goodings, who was found suffering from a bullet wound on the beach near the Government Bungalow. Changi, on th? morning rf Sept. 4. Flying Officer Goodings had recently arrived at Headquarters, Air Command, South-East
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  • 424 5 By Our Batavia Correspondent BATAVIA, Sc \3. CINCE the return to Singapore of Lord Kiuetra, accompanied by the Dutch Lieutenant (JovernorGeneral, Dr. H. J. van Mook, and the American Consul, Mr. Walter Foote, the local press, both Dutch and Indonesian, have indulged in speculation regarding
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  • 140 5 Dealers Hold Back 10,000 TonsOfRubber From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Sat TEN thousand tons of rub Dei packed and ready for export I to London and America are held up m Pcnanpj awaiting what one leading dealer refers to as '"better times." This stock is being stored m local godov.ns.
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  • 382 5 Why SEAC Red Cross Surplus Is Being Sold DECENT critical comments m the Press regarding the disposal of surplus stocks has brought forth an explanation of the responsibilities of SEAC. Red Cross from H.Q., ALFSEA. A statement issued yesterday states: "This formation pools resources drawn from the British, Indian and
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 258 5 —Remember US Your old and reliable dealers for Persian Bokl.ara Indian Carpets Rugs our prices are slill the most reasonable and competitive m tov>n. THE PERSIAN CARPET HOUSE Late H. A. CHANI 243a. Orchard Rd. fopp. Grange Rd.) Proprietor A. HAMiP RAHIM INK AND PAPER I isv realise when they
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    • 269 5 SHIPS FOR SALE A limited number of vessels of TftriotU typei .:nj sizes are available for sa!e. Some of the:s vc.--.sels are owned by ourselves and others are exclusivey m our hauOs as Shipbrokers to Companies for whom we are pri"i!e^t'd to solely represent. Bona-fide enquirers will be furnished with
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  • 262 6 Second Sentence Passed In Kedah From Our Own Correspondent ALOR STAR, Sun. MR. Justice Moor of the Kedah Assizes passed the second death sentence for carrying arms on a Malay named Ismail bin Munai yesterday. Two other Malays, Dollah bin Matnoor and Awang bin Mehat, were
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  • 166 6 From Our Own Correspondent ALOR STAR, Saturday. QEVENTY.FTVE persons have been convicted in the Sup. reme Court during the last two Assizes for robbery and gang robbery alone. In addition warrants of arrest have been taken out against 30 other known gang robbers. and 30 extra
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  • 138 6 (From Our Own Correspondent) ALOR STAR. Saturday. THE story of how nine Malay robbers intending to rob a Chinese house in a little village in Kedah one night entered the house and how one of the robbers fired and killed accidentally one of their own
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  • 92 6 From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Sat. A PRAYER for the longeivity of the Governor-General, Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald, was offered by the Buddhist priest, the Rev. Wah Tee, at the conclusion of the "Victory Thanksgiving" service held today at the Penang Buddhist Association. The Rev.
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  • 83 6 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. A report on education tabled at the Malayan Advisory Council states that there is an increase of nearly 100,000 in the number of children enrolled at schools in Malaya t compared with 1941. The biggest proportional increase is in
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  • 99 6 From Our Own Correspondent ALOR STAR. Saturday. RESPITE the stern sentences on v smugglers of rice from the Siamese border the racket appears to be going on. Several cases of illegal movement of rice were brought up for hearing in the district court before Che Azml Mcfiammed
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  • 108 6 From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Saturday. EXPLAINING that he had used "this method of rah" n r iunds in order to return to his unit j without putte," Walter Archibald, 121-year-old1 21-year-old member of the IR.A.F.. Butterworth, pleaded guilty in the District Court today to
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  • 223 6 Straits Tines Post-Bag rrH the liberation anniversary fresh in our minds, it is timely to recall two incidents of which I was an eye-witness during the occupation. (1.) Railway station at Kuala Lumpur. Eight to nine British prisoners being made *o sweep the floor. Up comes
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  • 234 6 NOT long after the liberation, I had interviews with several manager of business firms in Singapore with a view to getting a job. When the question of salary was raised and ment on was made of the abnormal prices nrPva"'>>~ I asked those managers for their
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  • 133 6 GOD forbid that people in this country, particularly we Asiatics, should say any harsh things against Lord Killeam in relation to the rice cut. If it were not for him, the food situation here might be worse. He has not only to look for food to feed
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 917 6 TRADING WITH THE ENEMY ORDINANCE No. 22 of 1939 CUSTODIAN OF PROPERTY PROCLAMATION No. 14 of 1945. Notice is hereby given that any person or persons having a claim to the property described in the Schedule hereto are requested to forward such claim to the Custodian of Property, Supreme Court,
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    • 647 6 MISCELLANEOUS DOGS AND PUPPIES of all breeds for s&.~. Alsatians, Dalmatians, English Bulldogs, Great Danes etc. delected pedigreed stock DELIVER 7 BY AIR. Inquiries to Manager, Canine Caterers. 3 Dutruc Street, Randwick. N.SW. Australia. TO LET fully equipped Photo Siudio. Apply 378-B, Changi K*d, 14/ mil«* Changi Road, Singapore. NOTICE
      647 words
    • 386 6 When you think of:— Typewriters, Calculators. Adding Machines New Card Index CaLlnets, NEW safes. Roneodcx, Steel Piling Cabinets, Repairs, or Stationery Supplies. THINK OFFICE EQUIPMENT COMPANY: Ist floor. HTD. Chulla St. next to Cheong Koon Seng <5t Co. Ltd. STEPHEN MAX TYPEWRITER SERVICE. Contractor* to H.M S Force*. if Office
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 171 6 RADIO PROGRAMMES RADIO MALAYA KKl> VKTWOKK from hood to p.m and 8.30 to 11 pju. on its metre* from noon to 8 p.m on 4.825 met/see. In 81 metre band and from 7.45 to 9.30 p.m. on 4.78 mcs'scc in metrr band CHINESE noon to 1.14 p.m (news in Hoklclen
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    • 125 6 "*'"< on Sundays when the alternooD »esslon opens at a p.m (news neadllnet ISC p.m anc* news at V3O p.m.) MALAY noon to 1 pm (news at 13.45 p.m.) ano from 8 pm to 815 ojn (news In Malay at 1 30 o-m TONIGHT'S HIGHLIGHTS 8.30 p.m. News Headlines; 8.32
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    • 142 6 e.le Hookc; 8.15 a.m. Experiment in I Freedom: 8.30 a.m. News. I 800 pjn. BUly Cotton; 8.30 p.m. I News: 8.35 London Calling: 8.40 p.m. Interlude: 8.45 p.m. A Talk; 9.00 1 p.m. Navy Mixture; 9.50 p.m. Radio I Rhythm Club; 10.00 pjn. Palm Court Orchestra; 10.30 p.m. Radio Newsreel;
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 280 7 ENTERTAINMENTS LAST DAY TODAY RH9H 11 a.m. 2 p.m. 4.15 1 t^k +*A 6 .SO A 9 15 p m. THE MOST BEAUTIFUL TECHNICOLOR PICTURE WITH WELLMEASURED SONGS MUSIC. Nove'ty Dance Numbers. Intricate Step*. Tke Eye-filling Bridal Veil. The Gorgeous Weddi«« March RITA 3^J2 HAYWORTH GENE KELLY TODAY YOUR LAST
      280 words
    • 689 7 American President Lines, Ltd. NEW YOKK Tl« Bomb*; and Mediterranean Port* WILLAMETTE VICTORY* In Port LOUIS MrIIK.VRY HOWE* Dae U Arrive Sept. 2« PRESIDENT POLK Dae to Arrive Se»t. 84 *Freirht only For Prelght and Passengers sopiy AMERICAN PRESIDENT LINES Union Bids Tel 6228 WATERMAN LINE U.S. ATLANTIC COAST A
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    • 465 7 Mansfield Co., Ltd. I Incorporate* in Singapore) BLUfc KUNNEL LINE Sailing* < mo frotr lin.uo Kirwrinrn Sarrharle sails for U.K. 11th Sept Asphalion Due from U.K. 12 Sept. Theseus Due from U.K 12th Sept. Alcinous Dae from USA 1 t*i Sept. Menelaus sails for U.K. 1 rih Sept. Western Australia
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 525 7 South made a spectacular bid in today's deal— but a little less impulsiveness might Viav* been profitable! West, dealer. North-Sout.h vulnerable. NORTH 10 8 tAIJII A KQ ***** WEST EAST 2 *-76 Q9B •***** •42 AKQJt64 410 9853 SOUTH A KQ J954 3 94 853 2 Th* blddii Wt*t North
      525 words
    • 207 7 for stopping om trick two low, it is only fair to comment that North, with some logic, could have continued bidding over six spades. As a matter of fact he took a long time to pass, but as he explained later, he had been afraid that Souths bid was bastd
      207 words

  • 289 8 Easy Victory At Stadium APPEARING at Jala n Besar Stadium yesterday after a n series of tours up-country, the Chinese Athletic Association registered a clear cut victory of five goals to one over the Singapore Recreation Club. While the winners were definitely the better side,
    289 words
  • 32 8 A meeting of all interested m the promoting of the Land and Sea sports for 1947, wifl be held at the Singapore Cricket Club at 5.45 this evening.
    32 words
  • 262 8 rpHE Ceylon Spo. ts Club scored an -L easy win over Singapore District on tnc Thomson Road ground yesterday. Batting first the Ceylonese ran up a score of 161, S.K. Sundram making 54. Skinner lowled bast for the District to take iJt for 48. Of the
    262 words
  • 30 8 NEWMARKET, Sat. J.L. Jarvis, Newmarket trainer, stated tonight that Lord Rosebery's filly lona will be scratched from the St. Leger today. E. P. H. Smith will ride Highland Laddie. —Reuter.
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 630 8 60,000 See Arsenal Play Draw LONDON, Sat. FAVOURED by better weather, except In Scotland, than on the opening day of the League soccer huge crowds were attracted today. The total attendance at 44 English League matches was well over the million mark. Some 400,000 saw eleven first division games alone
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  • 391 8 INDIANS STRUGGLE FOR RUNS (From Learie Constantuie, Reuters special corres.) SCARBOROUGH, Sat. The Indians put m first to bat had to struggle hard here while the hot sun baked the pitch, not fully recovered from the heavy rain earlier m the week. In ten minutes over two hours they were
    Reuter  -  391 words
  • 148 8 Footballer Wins Golf Tournament BIRMINGHAM, Sat. NORMAN Sutton 38-year-old former centreforward of Tranmere Rovers Football Club, won the 1,000 guineas Penfold golf tournament with a fourround aggregate of 283. His four rounds were 75, 69, 67 and 72 which was a magnificent performance m a major professional play. His third
    Reuter  -  148 words
  • 59 8 Riyjbv union (r~*Cb« resulted. \beravon 21 Briton Perry 3ath 3 Manelly 3ridfrwater Albion 14 Taunton 19 Stroud Cardiff 9 Plymouth Albion Devenport Services 11 Penzance Halifax 8 Sale j Leicester 12 Bedford <7eath 22 Crynant Newport 15 Ponarth Metropolitan Northampton 1 1 Police rorqay Athletic 8 Somerset Police
    59 words
  • 510 8 SELANGOR RACE RESULTS From Our Own Correspondent AT Selangor races on Saturday highest dividend of the day was paid by Tommy, $68 for a win m the last race. Harlequin paid $54 for a win. Results were: BIG SWEEP The draw on the Bit Sweep, total pool $204,384, resulted: *****
    510 words
  • 46 8 GRONTNGEN, Sat. In last the round of the world chess tournament here today Kotov of Russia defeated the Dutch champion Max Euwe while the Argentine nlayer Nridor' heat B^t'^inniic of Rui-sla. Botwinnik. however, won the tournament with 14J points Against 14 points scored by Euwe. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 276 8 FE Chinese beat the S.C.C. by 32 runs m a cricket match played on the padang yesterday. Cheong Thiam Siew scored 59 for the Chinese, Jeans with six for 35, being the Club's best bowler. mc scores wcic. S.C.K.C. Cheong Thiam Slew c
    276 words
  • 138 8 Plenty of thrills were seen at the Great World Arena during Saturday's wrestling promotion. Sin of Zombie the masked wrestler, did very well to stop Andy Oliver, of the Royal Signals, m the fourth round. The fight was hectic from the start to the end. Jeff Conda, the
    138 words
  • 80 8 LONDON. Sat. At Scarborough In the festival match rain seriously Interfered with the game which nevertheless was Interesting. M.C.C. wickets fell rapidly but afte- 6fi for 7 the Middlesex O.r>! 'in n. V. Robins came to the rescue with a century. This was more than Yorkshire could muster
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 368 8 MAJESTIC Premier Chinese Picture Palace 4 shows daily:— l. 3.15, 7 A 9.15 p.m. $100,000/- reward for tbe capture of the "BANDIT BEAUTY" Coining. "YEE TIONG JIN" Gcylanc Phone *****. Opening to-day: 3.15—6.30—9.15. MnUlal A LeeU Desal m "KALIYAM" with Romola (In Hindustani) ..tOl ?i I H I C 1
      368 words
    • 304 8 A BLAZING SPECTACLE OF PAGAN ROME! THE MIGHTIEST ADVENTURE IN 2,000 YEARS OF A MAD EMPEROR NERO AND A LOVER. al^aA^^L I DOOK JL B j 1111/ 1 v- w£jS| wB B^K n>o 2.00 HNKsf f ?fo «'c^ 1> Ik s 6 30 Kvß J£* gh to n jj 930pm
      304 words