The Straits Times, 7 September 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 682 1 No Carving Up Of Country, Says Byrnes STUTTGART, Friday. THE United States Secretary of State, Mr. James Hyrnes, today warned the world that Germany must not become a pawn or a participant m the East versus West military or political struggle. He called for the immediate
    UP  -  682 words
  • 260 1 BATAVIA, Friday. THE Ueutenant-Govern©r-<*eneral of th« N.EJ., Dr. I Hubert us van Mook, to-day told United Press exclusively that he was wri ing to Premier Sutan Shahhr, suggesting a meeting to dismiss the advisability of asking Lord Killearn to extend his >od offices at the forthcoming
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  • 254 1 From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Friday. pENANG is the first place m Malaya to re-introduce the registration system for the sale of bread. An official statement today also gives details of the issue of "bread cards" to rice card holders. Stressing that no shortage
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  • 301 1 NEW YORK Thursday. IN two days of frenzied selling, Wall Street operators have marked down losses estimated at $1,200,000,000. The wave of selling abated today, but the market shows no great confidence and brokers are quite prepared to see the bottom fall out again tomorrow. Just
    Reuter  -  301 words
  • 62 1 Wives and children of men serving with the British Army «f Occupation on the Rhine are on the way to Germany to Join their husbands and fathers. P. 'tare shows Mrs. Mmry Cnfie, wMe of Major William Cnffe, Royal Signals, and her three t!a centers, waving
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  • 137 1 NO less than thirteen Governon and Residents of the Netherlands East Indies were beheaded, tortured to death or died in prison ramps in the hands of the Japanese. This fact is revealed in a letter published on Page Four today which gives the first figures yet
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  • 131 1 BANGKOK, Fri.— Siam's Ministry of the Interior revealed today that five officials of the southern province of Singora, including the Governor, hav? > <u suspended for alleged participation in a rice swindle, cables Alexander MacDonald, Associated Press correspondent. Because of the critical rice shortage and reports
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  • 26 1 ATHENS, Frl.— Archbishop Da. masklnos yesterday tendered his resignation as Regent of Greece, which will be accepted soon as he King returns, it is officially announced.
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  • 307 1 29 KILLED IN NEW CLASHES IN BOMBAY BOMBAY. Friday. DOLICE opened fire in northeastern Bombay to-uay, following a clash between two mobs. Two persons were wounded. As stabbing and lathi assaults continued, large contingents of British and Indian troor^ were standing by in northern and central Bombav. Red and black
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  • 176 1 Russian Move To Quit UNO Foreseen LONDON, Friday. ■THE Daily Mail, quoting: i reliable information," speculated in a Paris dispatch today that Russia might withdraw from the Un ted Nations Organisation. Wilson Broadbcnt, the newspaprr's diplomatic correspondent, emphasised that there was no official intimation that Russia was planning to quit
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  • 112 1 WASHINGTON. Fri.— The announcement of a new contract for the American purchase of Bolivia's tin production ftt an average price of 66-1/2 cents per pound is expected to *?e made at the weekend, it io learned in official quarters nere. United States contracts will pay a
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  • 108 1 HASTINGS, Fri.— Latest scores in the match bet\v°en India and the South of En 3 land are: India 2nd Innings— Merc! ant c and b Androw 39. Mushtaq Ali c Griffiths b Perks 6G. Mankad b Barilett 38. Hazaie not cut 42 Mahomed not out 51 Extras 14.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 123 1 "KUVITA" TONIC Builds YOU up for Young Old. Sold Everywhere Sole Importers PACIFIC TRADERS taken at hiiititKe. yffßm s~ Wa 1 vHH9!Rt^3m\ Hl'i'lls Thit diagram thoai that slirp imj much I morg restful when llerve Reserves 'Xz'f&L."" and Restorative Sleep A 3-year teriet of tcienlide tettt titrp thawed thmt 'Ovaltine,'
      123 words
    • 59 1 Mmo*rMerm>*rmo (imcem**nt <v<mM RUSTON MARINE DIESEL ENGINES FROM 22i TO 2240 H.P. Lowest Fuel and Lubricating Costs Guaranteed. Tb« RUSTON Engine has a reputatiun for reliability which is secoiid to none. RUSTON trained engineers always available for ser\ice. Stocks of spares m Singapore Direct enquiries to:UNITED ENGINEERS LTD. SINGAPORE PINAMC
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  • 338 2 Vital Food Held Up By Seamen 's Strike NEW YORK, Friday. THE general strike of seamen members of the American Federation of Labour stopped work at United States seaports yesterday in a shutdown which was unprecedented in the nation's history of waterfront labour disputes. Nearly
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  • 91 2 SAIGON, Fri.— More than 2.000 tons of rubber were fiercely blazing yesterday afternoon in a Saigon customs dockside warehouse. The fire, which covered the waterfront area with great columns of black smoke, was believed to be the result of an Annamite incendiary attack, according to
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  • 82 2 LONDON, Fri.— The London meat strike at Smithfield market over the "closed shop" issue was settled yesterday and supplies ol meat are now being rushed to butchers' shops throughout the London area. Following the distribution ot meat in the market there will be full resumption of work,
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  • 69 2 Rocket Ships Experiment PASADENA (California), Fri It was disclosed here yes. tcrday that the feasibility of inter.planetary rocket ships would be studied m November, when artificial meteorites will be released 70 miles above White Sands, New Mexico, Plans for the experiment, until now listed as "classified information," were revealed by
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  • 298 2 SWEEPING FOOD BOARD PROPOSALS COPENHAGEN, Friday. PWEEPING powers for the 0 proposed World Food Board that would enable it to eliminate exchange gambling in prices were proposed by Mr. Fiorello La Guardia, Director-General of UNRRA, at the conference of the Food and Agriculture Organisation here yesterday. He made the following
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  • 64 2 WASHINGTON, Fri.-The United States Government disclosed yesterday that Yugoslavia had agreed to release three American Army sergeants detained in Belgrade since February. The American Embassy has persistently demanded the release of the trio. Yugoslavia charged the sergeants with complicity in the shooting of a Russian soldier,
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  • 42 2 BORDEAUX, Thurs.— The United States liberty ship David Caldwell, with a cargo of 9,000 tons of coal, went aground on a sandbar at Che mouth of the Gironde River today, and broke m half m the lashing wind and high waves.— UJ».
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  • 197 2 Japs Beat PoW With Sword Belt LONDON, Thursday. AT the court martial of Major Cecil Boon, who is accused of aiding the Japanese while a prisoner of war, Maurice Richard Jones, former leading writer m the Royal Navy, told the court that after a letter which he had written had
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  • 113 2 BANGKOK, Fri.— Major-Gen. J H. Arkwright, Acting GOC, Malaya Command, celled yesterday on the Siamese Premier, Mr. Thamrong Nawasawat, at his official residence. The visit was termed a "courtesy call," but the Premier admitted that he and the British general had discussed cooperation between Siamese
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  • 40 2 ANTWERP, Thurs— The Belgium Government will submit the case of Leon Degrelle, the Fascist leader who recently escaped from Spain, to the United Nations organisation. This was announced from the Foreign Minister's office yesterday.— A P
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  • 43 2 JERUSALEM, Thurs.— The Palestine Government last night announced the appointment of Mr. H. L. G. Gurney as chief secretary of Palestine, succeeding Sir John Shaw, who resigned. Mr. Gurney, who is 48, has been Gold Coast colonial secretary since 1940.— A.P.
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  • 47 2 SAN FRANCISCO, Fri.—Transluxury Airlines reported yesterday that one of its two-engined transport planes had crashed near Elko, Nevada, killing 21 passengers and a crew of three. A woman and a baby were reported to have survived the crash and are m hospital.— A.P
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  • 225 2 TOKIO, Friday. JAPAN'S accused warmakers' concept of total war included use of all available resources of conquered areas to keep the Japanese armies rolling ahead to "military mastery" of China and the rich lands of the south, the International Military Tribunal was told today.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1212 2 SALE BY TENDER The Custodian of Property, Singapore, Invites tenders for the purchase of the followig, particulars of which are as follows Lot I—l Japanese Open vessel beached 323" x 0" x 3' No. 1 Lot 2—l do No. 3 Loi 3—l do No. 3 Lot 4—l do No. 4
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    • 472 2 HIS RHEUMATISM CAME BACK AGAIN But He Didn't Let it Stay for Long When his rheumatism hod gone, he stopped taking his Kruschen. The rheumatism returned. So back he went to the "little daily dose'— thk time for good. He writes: Over ten years ago I felt seven 1 twinges
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    • 241 2 TODAY SPECIAL TIFFIN Chicken Curry and Prawn Mayonnaise TONIGHT SPECIAL DINNER Fisb Meuniere and Roast Turkey Ham Controlled Price Bookings 2125. 'Milliard' VALVES FOR ALL RADIOS SEOW KUAN COMPANY Dhoby Ghaut. Singapore. Tel. 7787. KRYPTOKS Invisible Fused Bifocals For: Business Men Women. Bu~lnefs men and men who aavo ■a use
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  • 748 3 "I Modify Nothing In My Affidavit" THE principal witness at today's hearing of the Sime 1 Road case, Mrs. Gwen Kirwan, who was flown from Penang to give evidence, was complimented by the court on the very able manner m which she gave
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  • 206 3 'Music For Everybody' A Great Success LAST night's celebrity concert at the Victoria Memorial Hall was not only a triumph for the Department of Broadcasting, bat it prompted sug. .-I stions from many quarters that the popular radio feature "Music for Everybody" should be a regular celebrity night— of once
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  • 172 3 Church cl IJigLmd: St. Andrew "j 7, 8. 10.30. 5.30; St. Peter's: 7.30, 9.30. 10.30, 7.30; St. George's Garri on Church fTansl nV. 7.15, 9, t.45, 3.30; Christ Church: 8, 10.30, 5, 6 JO; St. Hilda's: 8. 5.30; St. Paul's (Se--a:uiK:tii; 8: Garrison Church (69 1.0. H. Alexandra):
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  • 119 3 FOR stealing 25 cases of cigarettes valued at $15,000 be. longing to the Malayan Tobacco Distributors Ltd., an Indian Adikulam, was sentenced to three months" rigorous imprisonment by the Fourth Police Magistrate yesterday. Adikulam who was employed as a truck driver Is alleged to have
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  • 129 3 Go vt. To Quit Municipal Building QUESTIONS on how many goYeminent departments stiB occupied tpace in the Municipal Buildiag were asked by Mr. John I.ayeoek and the re. plies were tabled at yesterday's meeting of the Commissioners. They disclosed that only the Food Control Department and the Director of Medical
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  • 247 3 9 Palembang Camp Guards To Hang THE Palembang camp trial in 1 which 24 Japanese officers and Korean guards were arraigned on various charges »f ill -treatment of PoWs in a camp at Soengei Geron, con. rinded yesterday at the Second War Crimes Court. Nine sentences of death 'oy hanging,
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  • 59 3 Yet another rice ship, the Edendalc, arrived in Singapore yesterday. But the rice wa.> not lor unloadirg in Singapore. The ship carries nearly 2,000 tons of rice from Bangkok and is on its way to Fort Swettenham. Singapore's next rice ship is the Kistna, due here
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  • 51 3 A youn- Chinese, lim Fag. was fined ."r.iJB oi ljur inonHis' r'go'ons imrri-:f)T)r: i -»'it by Mr. T. T. Russell in the Second District Court yesterday for transporting 2.45 piculs of rice without a permit. Lim said the rice was from his own sawah near
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  • 431 3 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. THE report laid before the Advisory Council by the Rubber 1 Storage and Shipping Committee states that the Committee decided at its first meeting that the amount of rubber awaiting clearance through ports at the beginning of
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  • 183 3 Chinese Will Examine Dutch Statement THE eleven-man committee ap. pointed by the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce to implement resolutions passed at the recent meeting of the Chamber and the Oversea Chinese Importers and Exporters Association, will hold a meeting at the Chamber's premises at 2 p.m. today. The committee
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  • 32 3 Singapore Municipal Com. missioners y?sterdav bade farewell to their president. Mr. W Bartley, who was attending his last general meetin<» before his second retirement. They also welcomed his successor. Mr. L Rayman
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  • 91 3 *FTER the failure of "Dangerous Comer," the first show to be produced under the auspices of Combined Services Entertainment in South Eats Asia, the cast redeemed themselves completely in Bernard Shaw's "Arms and the Man," now in its third night at the Victoria Theatre. Outstanding was
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  • 388 3 l|X>R Ihe first time la several months, x a Russian ship has arrived i:i Sngapore Irom Odessa on her way to Vladivostok. She is the 1.800- ton Poliava wirh a cargo of 3.765 tons o" whea. for Vladivostok. The.-c was no cargo for Singapore. Under the
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  • 153 3 AN Indian soldier, condemned to death by Court Martial for the murder of a comrade in his own unit stationed at Labuan, escaped from Tanglin Military Prison at 7.15 a.m. on Aug. 27. He is still at large. He is No. *****0 Naik Abciul Razak, of
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  • 137 3 By Our Special orrespondent KLUANG, Fri. AT the conclusion of the 18th sitting of the Court Martial the case for the defence of the 260 Paratroopers of the 13th Parachute Battalion chargi ci ith mutiny approached a closi when the court recorded the evidence of nine
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 721 3 SINGAPOPE MUNICIPALITY. WATE.I DEPARTMENT U C©nsamrrs It is believed that during the pe.iod ol the Japanese occupation alterations to the water service were carried out which m many cases do nut comply w tli the "Municipal By-laws with Respect to Water Supply." Consumers arc requested, m the interests 0
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    • 182 3 M r -als at Prince's nre a ra r e ueii~ii. perfectly prepared, tastefully s.^rvr S"£\ Print's offer the choice of a* variety of French Win»s. Spirit"-. Liqueurs and Do -a'! p.t r<-.n:roll?d HflH^^ prircs. Ciince to C. Cire.'orlo's Swing S>W r %^^^M-tyf'\ Singapore's BEST Oirhnst'-a Tor Sparkling Teeth "^u
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  • 78 4 CHEW— Madam Wee Soon Bee Neo, aged 72 years, widow of the late Mr. Chew Swee Teong, passed away peacefully on 5-9-1946 at her residence, 137 Carpmael Rd. She leaves behind her 2 sons. Chew (Chan) Eng Seng, Chew Eng Lin, 2 daughters, Mrs. Ooh Teck Cheow Mrs. Tan
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  • 39 4 Mr. Norman S. Hogan thanks all relatives and friends who visited hi* beloved wife, Constance Beatrice Hogan, during her illness and also who attended the funeral on September sth, 1946, and for the wreaths and messages of sympathy.
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  • 965 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Sat. Sept. 7, 1946. After Calcutta, Bombay The long-awaited interim Government of India has at last taken office, to the accompaniment of an orgy of bloodshed which augurs ill for the future. By sheer force of contrast the Bombay riots have appeared less serious than they
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  • 106 4 WASHINGTON, Thurs.— The atom bomb's radium-like poison can penetrate a tightly-closed ship and spread death throughout the interior. This was disclosed in an Operations Crossroads report dealing with the animals used in the Bikini test.*. The report said radiation sickness proved fatal to all of
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  • Man In The Street
    • 321 4 I WAS amazed to read m your paper of today's date (Sept. 6) that a responsible body such as the Singapore Ratepayers Association, referring to increases m rent, stated. "It was apparent that trade In Singapore at present rould stand such charges, and if rents were
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    • 338 4 I WISH to add some facts to the editor's very true commentary on the letter of "Indonesian-born Chinese." Except for a nucleus of staff to carry on outside the country and give valuable information to Allied HQ's, the personnel of all services and departments remained at
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    • 226 4 IT'S rather strange that nobody seems to be responsible for, and culpable of, the acute shoriage of rice and flour in Malaya. I suppose Mr. Hamer blames Lord Killearn for not procuring more food for him for distribution to th e people: Lord Killearn oiames the International
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    • 75 4 I am a wage.earner, and my income is barely enough to maintain my family. I have to walk from my house in Upper Serangoon Road to office, as I am unable to pav approximately $2 to travel in a taxi to and from office. By ending this
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    • 304 4 EVERYBODY is anxiously Li awaiting the lifting of the moratorium. The long delay must be attributable to the question of what value to fix for the currency during the Japanese occupation. The Japanese military authorities compelled the Malayan Chinese to make huge contributions, amounting to millions of
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    • 345 4 The Terror Of Kelantan escapes the gallows UAVING undergone intense tortures, both physically and mentally, coupled with a year's imprisonment, I feel that practically all the Japanese war criminals and local collaborators in Malaya have so far been too leniently dealt with. While appreciating that sentences of death and long
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    • 204 4 THE Straits Times of Aug. 24 recounted the arrival in Kelantan by air of some learned judges who allowed the appeal of an Indian sent- need to death for fiendish behaviour during the Japanese occupation It can be imagined how the alteration to 10 years imprisonment (how
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 810 4 FIDDES. At Malacca, on 1st Sept., lDitt, to Rene tnee Kellitt) wife of D. Flddes, a daughter, both well. SITUATIONS VACANT LADY typist.. State salary required. Apply Box 122 Straits Times. Applications are invited from quali* fled Engine Driver? for appointment as Light Keeper, Marine Department, Malacca. Sfilary Scale $75
      810 words
    • 34 4 Even the keenest mind may be dulled by Whether you wear glasses or not, it is advisable to have a proper examination if you experience the slightest eye discomfort. Consult: S THONG. 0.D.. FF.O.C
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    • 12 4 Hack a (/a m ~j& to safeguard «%JJ J your health *g
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 1427 5 S'pore Plan For Municipal Elections To&ePlacedßefore Colonial Office FIKIsT practical steps m the advance towards the British Government's ultimate goal of self-rule within the British Commonwealth of Nations for the colonial and protected territories m South-East Asia are contained m the report to the Governor of Singapore, Sir Franklin Gimson,
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  • 75 5 One year ago today, the Straits Times resumed publication after a forced lapse of tVb years during the Japanese occupation. Here is the front page of that historic first issue which was published within 36 hours of the re-occupation of Singapore in the
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  • 454 5 DEHABILITATION covers the major proportion of expenditure of the $3,834,134 supplemental budget of the Singapore Municipality which was presented to and approved by the Commissioners yesterday. The revised estimate of expenditure exceeds that of income for the current nine months by $3,404,376, but the former
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  • 757 5 Court Of Appeal On Dea th For A rms Bill AN important judgment which affects all cases under the Public Order and Safety Proclamation was delivered on Thursday at the Ipoh Supreme v »urt when Mr. Justice Willan, Chief Justice Malayan Union, Mr. Justice Murray Aynsley, Chief Justice, Singapore, and
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  • 54 5 GOV.GEN.'S PARTY TO WAR HERBOUR PENANG. r The Gowernor-Oenert] bt« a garden p*tt« at tr-o c. m honor r of Tbcss Persons w o durir- the Jn— TIT *i had harboured a^d assists Allied troons and who for t ir r.raverv have he-n n"'arded the Sunreme Allied Commanders rrttflxtteO it
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 159 5 THE STRAITS TIMES PRINTING DEPT has received a consignment of high quality ACCOUNT BOOKS LE2JCERS Size a k" 8 20 foi O!> w Doubled Cash Columns, Indexed. Half Bound in goat skin $17 each C "SH BOOliS Size 12V 2 x8' 200 ioiios w»n Half Bound in goat skin $15
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    • 219 5 ANNOUNCEMENT. Watch for the Grand Opening of one of Si i a pore Mori Modernieed Hotel. With Special Tea Kio>k and atl a. tive tir.ll (lardfn. THE EASTERN HOTEL (Opp site th« New World via »ala n Besar). 21, TYRWHITT ROAD. SINGAPORE. To-Night Sept. 7th 1946 To-Night HAPPLY WORLD CABARET
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  • 325 6 Governor's Speech At K. L. Council Meeting From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. THE people are suffering badly from the opportunities given to a few anti-social people to prey upon them, said Sir Edward Cent, the Governor of the Malayan Union, referring to the black market
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  • Straits Times Post-Bag
    • 176 6 THERE Are thousands of acres of padi land in Malacca and elsewhere lying fallow, and nothing has been done by the Government to improve irrigation so that these uncultivated areas could be planted. We grant there is an acute shortage of labour, but if the
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    • 126 6 A FRIEND of mine, tired with ambition to become a police inspector, forsook a permanent and well-paid job as a cleric in the Government service to Join the Asiatic Police Inspectors' Training Course in Singapore. He was told on completion (after six months of back-break-ing training)
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    • 97 6 MUCH prominence has re"1 cently been given in the Press to announcements regarding acting appointments neld by local (non-European > officers in certain Government departments. The non-European British communities of Malaya have doubtless been pleased to read this n-3'AS. But may I. as a non-European British .subject, ask:—
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    • 78 6 WILL the authorities concerned kincLy extend "People's Restaurants facilities to the clerks and peons working in ALFSEA. Tanrlin Barracks. numbering about 500 to 600. At. present most of us have to eat our tiffin cold, or go without I it. and to go for it in the shops
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  • 204 6 Gaol Rotan For Extortion From Our Own Correspondent TAIPING, rhurs. TWO young Chinese. r;.r. T.vr Soo and Lee Ah Huah, who pleaded guilty to commlttm;j extortion from a Chirest snop. keeper m Kota Road on July .il, were today sentenced by the District Judge to 20 months' rigorous imprisonment each,
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  • 85 6 From Our Own Correspondent A MALACCA, Fri. T .the conclusion of the trial on a charge of forgery, Gan Tiong Swee was convicted and I fined $500, or to undergo three months' rigorous imprisonment, I m the Magistrate's Court, I Malacca. The accused was given a month's
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  • 218 6 Victory Day Celebrations In Taiping (From Our Own Correspondent) TAIPING, Thurs. PROPOSING the toast to the Republic of China at the Victory Dinner give n by the Taiping Chinese at the Hokkien Hoay Kuan on Tuesday, Mr. A. V. Aston, Resident Commissioner, Perak, said, "Your country has produced many great
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  • 87 6 From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, Friday. SHORT distance away Irom Kiapeng road car strippers ast night victimised the Manager of the Singapore Cold Storage. Mr. J. K. Hill. About 5 am he was awakened and on goins to the garage found his car resting
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  • 95 6 from Our Own Correspondent A KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. LLEGED to have caus.d UUrt to three Malays who. it war, stated, assisted Britis- para. troops and a Major Head!,*shortly before the invasion, \hivl Rahman bin Long. Inspector of Police under the Japanese regime, was found not guilty by
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  • 35 6 Malays in Muar will cele. brate Victory Day. Sept 12. on a grand scale. A special comm f £1 u d r the chairmanship of Dato Othman bin Buang has been formed for the purpose
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 534 6 MALAYA UNION FIRE SERVICES Applications are invited for tuc post of Sub-Offlcers m the Malayan Union Fire Service at a salary of $50 per month. Candidates should be between the a^cs of 22 and 26, unmarried, born locally, should have passed Standard VII In a Government or Government Ald.'d English
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    • 225 6 SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY. Applications are invited for the following appointments:. (a) 3 Clerks (Temporary) (Salary $100/- p.m. plus "Cost of Living" Allowance) (b) 1 Clerk (Permanent) (Salary »50-Aslo-SBO p.m. plus "Cost of Living" Allowance). Aonlications «tcting age. qualifications, experience, etc., together with copies of not more than 3 recent testimonials should
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    • 811 6 HOUSES. FLATS. ROOMS WANTED REQUIRED BY EUROPEAN SHIP PINO COMPANY. One master and one chief engineer. Apply P«ox No. 146, S.T. WANTED to rent a small European house, preferably more than five miles from the Post Office. Reply Box No 134. S.T. TWO EUROPEAN business ladies require furnished or unfurnished
      811 words
    • 428 6 Famous A. V. M. Product KAMOUS KLAVOUK -smooth, full. rich, delicious, gives extra fragrance bouquet. CHARACTER from choice tea leaves ECONOMICAL— you use less "Durbar" ocr cvp it's so rich m flavour A. V. M. Abul Ka«im Bro». 79. Choon Gnan St. s pony fh*ne 1176 dtoakHU: CHIU.« FRANCIS Cl.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 380 6 RADIO PROGRAMMES PJ a and d.3» to 11 p m on US 12-4'» p.m.) an? from 6 pm to 8*5 835 o'm' ?™h™ n.nin P B^ n NeWS metre, from noon to P .m. on 4.825 J «n (news ,n Malw at ?30 am toterlSd?' 8^£ nm i& k PJ>
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  • 63 7 MAUREEN O'HARA— 20TH CENTURY-FOX STAR Producer Sam Wood, having cast Olivia Dc Havilland as the feminine star of "Ivy," is con. templating a trip to England m September m search of three suitable male actors to play the principal roles opposite h-r. '1 would like nothing better than to obtain
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  • 136 7 /^HOICE of actors to imperil sonate world figures, either living or dead, in motion pictures has always proved a sore trial to Hollywood's casting I authorities. Therefore it's not surprising that MGM has i found itself in a tight jam over the portrayal of Franklin
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  • 284 7 PANADA is coming along as a threat to Hollywood m the V; matter of making pictures. John Loder says that he will probably go to Quebec and make "the fortress" for a Canadian picture company. The movie will be made m French and English. Victor
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 262 7 We Offer:— Prompt Delivery Ex Store Jams, Army Biscuits, Cadbury's Cocoa, Neilson's Cocoa, Table Talk Cocoa. Cocoa. Plum Puddings, Orange Cordials, Lemon Cordials, fifty-fifty Cordials. Candy, Mustard Powder, Pearls Barley, Rolled Oats, Macaroni, Three Stars and V.O. Brandy, Tow»ls, Aluminium EnaK"ttles Saucepans, Steel FV- :nu Pan« Coffee and
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    • 239 7 IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN WILLIAM JACKSON Deceased PURSUANT to section 29 of the Trustees Ordinance (Chapter 59) NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having any claims against the estate of John William Jackson deceased late of Bryniau's Fawnog, Llani ug Caernarvonshire and also of the Singapore Harbour Board,
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    • 439 7 American President Lines, Ltd. NEW YORK rU Bombay and Mediterranean Ports WILLAMETTE VICTORY* In Port LOUIS McHENRY HOWE* Doe to Arrive Sept. ZO PRESIDENT POLK Doe to Arrive Sept •Frrlght only For Freight and Passengers apply AMERICAN PRESIDENT LINES Union Bldg Tel 6228 WATERMAN LINE U.S. ATLANTIC COAST GULF PORTS
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    • 326 7 Mansfield Co., Ltd. ilnorporateo id Slngaporei BLUE KUNNKL LOU dalliriKf c mo troni Un.i<-r k ti 'rtnrn. Hickory Dale from U.K. In Port Asphralion Due from L.K. 12 Sept. Theseus Due from U.K. nth Srpt. Menelaa* sails for I.K. 12th Srpt. Aicii.ous Due from USA Kfk Sept. Sam»^ri» for I'
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 690 7 There were two excellent, safe I una.eiy, the spade que.n i.~ways of making the slam in to- lo the king, and later South, day's deal, but the declarer went I guessed wrong in th* heart suit, wrong at the first trick. placing the queen with East, so South dealer tne
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  • 165 8 Newcomer In Semi-Finals FOREST HILLS, Thursday. NATIONAL Collegiate champion, Bob Falkenburg, who possesses the fastest service in American tennis upset the fourth seeded player, Bill Talbert, to enter the semi-finals of the National Amateur tennis championships today, says a United Press message. His victory over
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  • 498 8 LONDON. rpHE following are football fixtures A for the English and Scottish Leagues next week. KNOU&d LEAGUE Scyi. 9 FIRST DIVISION Sheffield Utd. v. Chelsea SECOND DIVISION Barnsley v. Sheffield Wed. burnley v. Newport. Countv Kilham v. West Ham Utd. Swansea T. r. Notts Forest Tottenham H. v.
    Reuter  -  498 words
  • 147 8 SUTTON GOLDFIELD. near Birmingham. Thurs. WHEN the Penford 1,000 Guineas Golf Tournament started here this morning, players were faced with a stiff task owing to unfavourable weather. J. A. B. Kean of Royal Calcutta, who partnered South African champion Bobby Locke returned 40 on outward
    Reuter  -  147 words
  • 83 8 Teams for today's soccer match at Jalan Besar will be: Army: Sg. Goram; L Cpl. Champion, Drr. Stevenson; Cpl. Galloway. S. Sgt Sutton. L. CpL Dfxon; Cfn. Bannister, Cpl. Pleass, Q.M.S. Page, CpL Cumberlidge, Spr. K. Shaw. Reserves Sgt. McCarthy, CpL Bnshell, Spr. Shaw. KJL*.: Lac Chester; F.O.
    83 words
  • 79 8 Andre Again Beaten BRISBANE, Fri. CTUMt'Y BUTWELL. c x v flyweight champion of Australia, again proved too good for Boy Andr3 and won on points over 12 rounds tonight. Andre had the better of the fight up to the seventh when Butwell clapped on the pace «».nd gave the Malayan
    79 words
  • 95 8 The following have been Invited to play Football lor the Rocklitcs tomorrow at Changi against the Base Accounts Football XI. Transport will leare No. 14, Lorong "M" Telok Kurau Road at 4.15 p.m. C. Humphries (Capt); Chye Hln, Tan Eng Chla, Teo Chwee Eng, Sang Foo, N.K. Sabai.
    95 words
  • 81 8 The following will be SRC. cricket teams' weekend matches no the Padang: Against the Y.M.OA. at 2 pjn. today: O. Clarke (capt.), R. Hoffman, P. Almeida, D. Rom, B. Le Mercier, S. Choppard, A. Watts. C. Schubert. E. Barker, O. Westerhout, J. de Sou», H. Perry. Against the
    81 words
  • Article, Illustration
    19 8 AlCsca hockey team, who beat Police by three roais to two at Thomson Road on Thursday. Straits Times picture.
    19 words
  • 97 8 S.C.C. cricket teams for the week-end are: Versus Hq. Alfsea on the padang at 2 p.m. to-day V R. Burton. W. F. Cutts. W K. Jagger, H. D. Nicholas. J. P Pearson. L. R. Poole. J. B. Potter. Major L A. Smeeton, Q. K. Stein, Capt. H. Tinker.
    97 words
  • 53 8 In a friendly same of soccer played on very hard and uneven ground at the General Hospital on Thursday, the Food Control Inspectorate XI defeated the 2nd XI of the 93, BSD. by five goals to nlL The scorers for the winning side were:- Ow Yuen Lum (3),
    53 words
  • 255 8 DOUGLAS ISLE OF MAN, Thurs. TENS of thousands lining the 37-mile course of Manx Grand 1 Prix cheered the winner, Ernest Lyons, on a Triumph when he won the race today m 2 hours 57 mins. 3 sees, for an average speed of 76.73 miles per
    Reuter  -  255 words
  • 323 8 (From Learie Constantine, Reuter Special Correspondent) HASTINGS, Frid. ONE of the finest exhibitions of cricket seen on English ground this summer was reserved for Die last but one game of the India tour against South of England. When Griffith declared the innings c^sed with nine
    323 words
  • 153 8 LONDON, Than. COMMENTING on reports I* from the West Indies that he has been suggested as the best man to captaincy. Learie Constantine said: 1 would be tery proad to have the h our of captaining the team mmI playing against the Indians Bat the
    Reuter  -  153 words
  • 223 8 NEWMARKET. Thun. THE Gaekwar of Baroda who last year grve the record sain of 28.090 guineas for Dante's brother Sayajirao today paid lfi.000 guineas for a yearling colt by Nearco oat' of Eleanor Cross at the bloodstock sales. It took only two. and a-half minutes to
    Reuter  -  223 words
  • 93 8 LONDON, Thurs. Victoria Club CfJIOVM UK.4T on the St- Leger to be rvn on Sept. 11 over one and a three, quarter miles 11-4 Airborne taken and offered, 9-2 Gulf Stream offered 95.20 taken. 15-2 Nlrgal offered, 19-2 White Jacket offered 10 l taken. 10.1 Past
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 436 8 MARLBOROUGH At,L-MALAYAiN PRBMIETUB! DAILY 3 SHOWS: 3—6 9 VM. -SHALIWAHAN" (Tamil Beleascd thra t:-;e United ExhibltOTS -ldicatc. Tonlfht at Midi Jfht: "KRIS""' V '."■LA" (HinduiUnl) g GWLfInG PHOfIE BiJO7^ THREE SHOWS DAILY 3. 1S 36 9.15 ROBIN HOOD with CORNEL WILDE ANITA LOUISE In g rgecus Technicolor A C lumbla
      436 words
    • 254 8 EN TER TA IN MEN TS A I UA DDA n-1.30— 4_«.j0-!».i-, HLlinmunH BOOK EARLY Tel 6009 CAPACITY HOUSES EVERY SHOW Crowds Thrilled by Heroic Stand on Wake Island! WAKE ISLAND— ISLAND OF DEATH Holding out 1H days against the overwhelming enemy 18 DAYS OF HISTORY'S BLOODIEST CARNAGES! THRILL TO
      254 words