The Straits Times, 2 September 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 339 1 As Mufti Is Not Invited By Britain JERUSALEM, Sunday. THE Palestine Arab Executive has unanimously re- jected the British invitation to the talks m London on the future of Palestine, declaring that the British -efusal to invite the Mufti of Jerusalem was the result of
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  • 60 1 The 34.year.old battleship "Iron Duke," Admiral Jetlteoe's flajsh ip at the Battle of Jutland, has arrived m the Clyde to be brok en up. She was bombed by the Germans m 1939, beached, and refloated as a depot ship. She is seen being towed tXfODfh
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  • 38 1 LONDON. Sun— Reports that SJr John Shaw. Cbi-if Secretary io the Palestine Government, is ijaving his pre3*>nt post on promotion were for the first Hire nrniriailv confirmed by the Colonial Office spokesman -RutT
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  • 91 1 PRAGUE. Sun.— The Former Uoneral Manager of the Skcda Armaments Works, Albeit Goeruig. brother of the Field-Marshal. wa> among 16 alleged war criminals handed over by the United Staif.s authorities m Wiesbad n to Czechoslovak a for trial m Prague, it was reported here today.
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  • 36 1 SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA Run The Sumrf ogress "Paewsan Dreamboat" which will at. i 'inpt to fly from Hawaii to Cairo v a tho North Pole, left McCMellan field here for Honolulu yesterday A. P.
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  • 218 1 WASHINGTON, Saturday. rO United States senators, Francis Myers of Pennsylvania, and Warrem Magnuson of Washington State, supported the Russian proposal by Andrei Gromyko before the United Nations Security Council for a public accounting of the military forces stationed by any other nation outside its own borders
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  • 171 1 ATHENS, Sunday. AGAINST a background of bloody fighting throuffhA out the nation, the Greeks today voted m a plebiscite to determine the future of the monarchy. Official and unofficial reports said that tip to 250 persons were killed m widespread fighting :i. 'he 48
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  • 67 1 VALETTA, MALTA, Sun—Notices exhibited aboard British men -o: -war here say units of the Mediterranean Fleet will leave for a cruise of approximately four weeks' duration on September 18. Unconfirmed reports stated that the cruise would be m the neighbourhood of the Piraeus. Ths
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  • 77 1 WASHINGTON, Sun.— Mr. Donald M. Nelson, War-time Chief of Production m the United States, has sent to Marshal Stalin a personal plea for psace based on trade and a "more complete express.on of policies and objectives" between this country and Russia. Mr. Nelson— at
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  • 40 1 WASHINGTON Sat -The VS. Civilan Production Administration today announced that, because of th» continued h'gh demand for synthetic rubber, the manufacturing industry has conrjw^d every pound of natural, sviuhetic and rrflaimed rubber en Uie market. -UP.
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  • 235 1 VICEROY ANNOUNCES PORTFOLIOS NEW DELHI, Sunday. IT was officially announced m New Delhi today that Field Marshal Lord Wavell, the Viceroy, has distributed the portfolios m the new interim government as follow*: Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru (Congress President) External Affairs and Commonwealth Re. lations. Sardar Baldev Sinsh, Defence. Sardar Vallabhai Patel,
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  • 148 1 "America Must Change Policy" -Chou En-Lai SHANGHAI, Sunday. pENERAL CHOU EN-LAI, U Communist negotiator, today called on the United States to halt aid to the Kuomintang or terminate her mediation ir China and openly proclaim support the National Government m the civil war. The General told a press conTerence, on
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  • 83 1 LONDON, Sat— The Air Ministry announced today that the Royal Air Force crew of the Mosquito reconnaisance aircraft which was forced down on an uninhabited Island m the Golf of Si am. baa bettn rescued and brought to tbe mainland by the Siamese Air Force. The
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  • 326 1 LONDON, Sunday. AFTER cross-examination of Staff-Sgt. Hitchings. at the court-martial of M .;or Cecil Boon. who faces charges of voluntarily aiding the Japanese while a prisoner of war m Hong Kong Albsrt Henry Tovee who was demobilised from the Army on Friday, said he
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  • 234 1 PEACE PURPOSES ATOM RESEARCH OPEN TO ALL PARIS, Saturday. A DECISION to ban atomic weapon development in ex-enemy countries, but not for peaceful purposes, was made unanimously by the Military Committee of the Paris Peace Conference today. Belgium had sought to ban atomic research m an amendment to all draft
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  • 56 1 SOVIA, Sun— A high -ranging Bulgarian official stated that the Bulgarian royal family is pieparing to Join the Ital an monarchy m ex le m Egypt, after the September 8 plebiscite on the ihrone. Queen Giovanna was reported to hold the opin on that the monarchy
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  • 189 1 Dutch Asked To Follow Queen's Wish THE HAGUE, Saturday. THE Dutch people should pui themselves "in th2 p ac oi Indonesians" declared t'.i Netherlands Minister for Overseas Territories, Dr. J. A. Jonkmau. in a broadcast tbiS evening to mark Queen Wilhelmina's 66th birthday Indonesians' View I Dr. Jonitnaan o-.-a- -u:
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 105 2 SINGAPORE IMPROVEMENT TRUST. Appointment of Clerks The Trust Invite* applications for appointment as C'.erks. Applicants rhould be under 23 yean of age and have passed the Malayan School Certificate Examination or other equivalent examination. Successful applicants will in the fir. t Instance be appointed on 6 months' probation at an
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  • 505 2 "U .K. 9 s Good Wishes For Independence" LONDON, Sunday. MO government was ''ever offered a grander opportunity for true liberalism and conciliation" thau the Government composed entirely of Indians which takes office m India tomorrow, declares the Observer today. The paper declares: "For good or
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  • Article, Illustration
    42 2 This British made model kitchen cabinet is designed to both edacate and unnse. It is to be shown at an exhibition of British toys to be held In Lon lon this month. The exhibition Is to be called "Britain Can Make It"
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  • 92 2 WASHINGTON, Sat.—Responsible Government officials said today that it is a certainty that the German-American bund, which was completely crushed early In the war by the FBI. could have no link with the Ku Klux Klan at present, as suggested m a letter to
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  • 83 2 "Chinese Girls Are Used For Spying" PEKING, Sat.— A Chinese Communist spy ring m which seductive Chinese girls, acting as hostesses m nightclubs play an important role m trying to get military secrets from Nationalist officers is operating m Manchuria, according to press dispatches from Changchun. The Huapei Jih-pao estimates
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  • 182 2 LONDON, Saturday. IF India chooses complete independence as the result of the meetings of the Constituent Assembly the British Empire will be relieved of many responsibilities, says Sir Alfred Watson, former Editor of the Calcutta Statesman, l n an article m the current issue of
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  • 113 2 CLEVELAND, Fri.— The national air races flagged on for tn* first time m seven years with new recoras taken for granted. Tweiity-two planes were on line at Vannuys, California, for the 2,000-mile $25,000 Benaix Trophy race on the opening day ieature of the four-day progra-ime.
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  • 43 2 TEHERAN, Sat. The Persian Chamber of Commerce has officially revealed for the first time the well-known fact that Russia is selling sugar tc Persian merchants at blackmarket rates 10 times higher than the commercial rate offered by Britain. U.P.
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  • 181 2 SYONEY (By Air Mail) THE first five days' hearing of the Cousens treason case m 1 the Central Court m Sydney has already cost £1,743 m legal fees. Of this amount, the public contribution has been £69: v for prosecuting counsel 1/» Dovey,
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  • 172 2 German Communist Group Examined FRANKFURT, Saturday. k U.S. Military H.Q. intelligence spokesman today was reluctant to comment on the fact that 14 Germans, seized m connection with the arrest of Walther Kazmarek, who confessed to be an agent for the Russians, have been released. The spokesman revealed that a probe
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  • 122 2 MILWAUKEE, Sat.— "America's best guarantee for peace is her preparedness for war," Mr. Kennetn C. Royale. \3B. Under Secretary of War, urged at the National Convention of Army and Navy Union today. "America," he asserted, "n«ecls an overall defence plan which wo.M Include industrial plants and
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  • 164 2 'US Naval Move Is A Earning' MOSCOW, Saturday. IZVESTIA today gave pro1 minence to alleged aggressive designs by the United States upon the Mediterranean and m Afghanistan. The article referred to the visit of the American Naval squadron to the Mediterranean and to American road-building ir Afghanistan. The special article
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  • 81 2 HONGKONG. <By Air Ma 1> Hongicng businessmen and m. duFtrlali&ts are planning to set up a Soutn-Seas Economics Institute to study economic and bus ness conditions m Malaya the NEI. the Philippines and Formosa, so that Chinese traders may become more famiLar with the needs
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  • 67 2 SHANGHAI, Sat— The High Court invoking the traitor law. passed a six month jail term on Lin Kang-shou, a prominent banker considered to be one of Shanghai's "three business elders" who held the post of Secretary-Genenvl of the puppet Commcn 9 Control Commission under u.e Japanese.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 266 2 NOTICE. To celebrate the birthday of DATOK HACHAP of KRAMAT GAONG SEM11ILAN on Sunday, 8th September. 1946, religious ceremonies will be held at No 106. Lorong J. Telok Kurau, on that day and on the following day, Monday 9th September. There wUl be Chines? wayang perfonnod by the "Lau Sal
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    • 427 2 .>' fk,M^m± Smart women everywhere 'ZMj?. \-*^Wl nave learnt to rely oo MMW X Evening m Paris toilet j\ i^*\ preparations. They know pH I by experience there are JfJ' <* b s s^~m no substitutes for such M^L /ltw I distinguished elegance and f*^ charm. Though local I ■L^HilliM
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  • 419 3 B.I. To Replace Ship Mined Here PlansForPost- War Far East Service By Our Shipping Correspondent ANNOUNCING details of an extensive shipbuilding rt programme for service between India, Malaya and the Far East, the British India Steam Navigation Company are constructing a new 9,000-ton vessel which carries the same name as
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  • 108 3 "Hope Springs Eternal A local firm of share brokers offer a word of encouragement to those who are placing their faith m receiving War Damages from the Govern, ment. They state, "We met a merchant who recently called at the Board of T-adt ir London to lodge his claim. Re
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  • 111 3 New Shipping Line Operates From S'pore THE Waterman Steamship Cor1 poration, recently admitted Into membership of the StraitsNew York Freight Conference, is resuming Its regular monthly service to the United States, Atlantic Coast and Oulf ports. The first vessel of the service is the s.s. Afoundrla. loading At Singapore, Port
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  • 143 3 Lightermen Return From Our Own Correspondent PENANG. Sun. THE five-week old strike by Penang Harbour Board lightermen ended yesterday when the men retun^d to work following the successful outcome of negotiations m which Mr. S. K. Chettur, ths Agent for the Government of India, took a prominent part. It is
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  • 744 3 Share quotations, aa at Aug. 30 according to msj Malayan .1 arebroiceik Association «Bingapv.r*> were as follows fDI'STRUIS Bu»-- Seilet Alexandra dwelt work* Ordi $2 00 $2 40 M^xcndra R; cJtworkf Prefs 2 B 0 3.00 Brit Ma my j lYustee Executor Co 8 00 9 00
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  • 185 3 At Sime Road CIME Road C«m" would hive been closed soon after the libei *»t. oil, ou>. *«v i^tuii.^j id house the destitutes nroucht off the streets of Sin»ipore m the early da>s of the liberation," according to Mis* C. J. Ensor, acting F.ed Cross Commissioner
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  • 676 3 By A Market Correspondent QUOTATIONS remained steady m Malayan markets during toe week and making due allowance for the Hari Raya Puasa holiday, turnover was on a satisfactory scale. Main business was m Dollar and Australian tins and industrials, rubbers and sterling tins being very neglected.
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  • 24 3 Mr. N. O. Nair forms'iy of the YM.CA. School, Singapore, has Joined the Bombay Lift AsstTance Co., Ltd., as Orgit.iser for Singapore and Johore.
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  • 208 3 PENANG ELECTRIC PROBLEM From Our Own Correspondent PENANO, Sun. BECAUSE of the "gravely un- satisfactory condition of the Prai Power Station which sup. plies electricity to r-enawg. me Electrical Department has circularised all power consumers asking them to cut their usaio of electric current bc.Wv.jn and 10 nightly. Explaining
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  • 80 3 A large and enthusiast k audi- ence was present at :h? concert given by Mr. Wu Paaj. Chiu, the Chinese tenor, and Mr. Coh Soon.Tioe. tr.e wellknown Singapore violinist, at the Victoria Tlieatre last right. The concert had been arrant. Ed by Dr. Wu Paak-Sh,n<i. me
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  • 129 3 From Our Own Correspondent r'^i'lAi'tu, WITH thi increased enteriamment tax coming into force m the Malayan Union today admission prices at Penan cinemas are being raissd almo,' correspondingly, but amusemei) parks arp keeping their same rates of 20 cents gate admission Pointing out that the
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  • 37 3 "Total Education" was the sub. ject of a talk given by Mr. A. 8 Martin, of the Army Educatio 1 1 Centre, at thj fortnightly luucheon meeting of the Youn^ Men's Club at Cecil's Restaurant, on Saturday.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 945 3 SALE BY TENDER. The Custodian of Prope-ty, Singapore, invites tendcis for the purchase of the following, particulars of which •r; as iOllows:— Lot I— One Vickers Petters Lti. Mach'ne Oil Engine N0. ***** B.H.P. 50, IVP.M. 260. about 6' high lying at 46, Orchard Road. Lot 2. About 200 empty
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    • 958 3 Lot 85. Comprising 2 multiple screwing machines leas diet and guides. Lot 88. Comprising 1 Punch (Japanese). Lot 67. ComptAk 2 Punches. It 68. Comprsmg 1 Punch and Shear (blades rabalng shear head). Lot 80. Comprising 3 screw presses for nut making. Lot 70. Comprising 1 Punch (Shtotani Co.). Lot
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    • 177 3 Hk Bf^i^^^^^^^ft AiMiitg NEW wit way brfn9* glor lows rditf Jrom Im'l it gnmt uri flartwn l»if ••<< briofiaf r<xi UZAnArUCC (Mlmi vlms row ImmUclm <*••». p*i*-fiM nM. HtAOAQflt9 "-p 1 Look for th. mi, MtUBAUiIA km U th. MdiciM th« brines RESPKIN. Ace.p. M whw WUWWWWI yom immtitttt i*iM<.
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  • 988 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Monday, Sept. 2. 1946. The "Red Hairs'" Prestige It is regrettable that the Singapore Association, at its first public meeting since its reincarnation under a new name, should have provided the platform for a sensational denunciation that was very wide of the mark. When an Asiatic
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  • 72 4 SHANGHAI, Sun.— The Chinese Government nas decided to senu Mr. Tal Kwei-shsng, Vice-Min-ister for Overseas Attairs, to the South Seas to convey thanks to overseas Chinese m tne area for their contribution to China's war effort. Mr. Tal, who expects to to r.way for three to
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  • 1016 4  -  r. a Yeo By [In this article a Chinese merchant of Boat Quay, Singapore, explains how a rice crisis similar to the present one occurred during; the Japanese regime, due to the inability of the Siamese Govment to fulfil its promises, and how the Chinese
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  • Article, Illustration
    7 4 Chinatown tarns to bread. (Straits Times p'cturc.)
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  • 352 4 A One -Act Play Scene: A oolicc court in Singapore. Two constables lead into the dock a chinche* of a Chinese junk. Court clerk: Accused, See Muz Ler, is charged unuer Proclamation 123 with smuggl ng 120 bags of Siamese nee valurd at $1,200. Magistrate: Ask accused if he p.eads
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  • Man In The Street
    • 137 4 WITH reference to the report of the Singapore Association meeting m the Straits Times, please note that I did not say that tne Food Controllei was to blame for the present shortage of rice. I said I had no doubt he was not to blame for the
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    • 84 4 Helpfulness YOUR editorial headed "The Last Straw" should touch a responsive chord in the soul of that very troublesome body the S.T.C. Employees Union. To the S.T.C. emplayees, I would say, "It is bad enough that you are publicly known to be swindling your employers, but to aggravate the already
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    • 246 4 AS I went through the leading article of th. Straits Times of Aug. 29, m regard to the strike of members of my union, it gave me great pain that the members are said to have done a great injustice towards the public m Singapore. I regret
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    • 143 4 "Encouragement I SHALL be grateful if you will publish the following Jetter under the heading "Encouragement Yerterday I visited a few of the Peoples Restaurants and eventually had my lunch m one of them. The menu consisted of chicken curry, spinach and Chinese turnips. The chicken curry and vegetables were
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 935 4 On August 36th at Hot ham. Su*s-t, to Peggy, wife of C. de W. Jansen— a 101 WILSON on August 31st at Cubrie*haw Nursing Home, West Kllbnde, to Ursula, wife of Robert WJJson, a la-iphtor. On Sept. Ist to HAZEL, wife of Dr. U. C. Oehlws. a son. ACKNOWLEDGMENT Mrs.
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    • 57 4 OYSTER We can -ervlcc and repair these watches as far as the limited resources at our disposal psrmit We are very short of tools anr. sparepnru at present but hope to -estore facilities to full efficiency by the end of this year. We regret we cannot repair other makes of
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    • 11 4 OTHER LETTERS—PAGE SIX nia.V Mterket Tickets- Rfee and bread; Pensioners' ReCister.
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    • 80 4 PORTABLE BItAMOPHOHES i hint P«st War Model i- WL Design mare betuUfol than I ever h The 194 C Portable with the Tone of a CnYMt Gr»- vl H^K 1 mopliorr. W V Fixed Price \W la (can be sent by Parrrl Post. V^TC& 1-osUce 111* each extra JH Hlg-h
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  • 253 5 PRICE OF BREAD JUMPS AGAIN DICE and bread are getting scarcer m Singapore every day. Yesterday's black market quotations for rice was $3 a kati with little purchasable on the market although information is that "thousands of bags" have been smuggled into Singapore since
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  • 53 5 Mr. M. F. Vigeveno, the Dutch Consul, tienerii I. delivering a speech at the celebration m honour of the birthday of Queen Wilhelmina at the former Dutch Club on Satur. day. On the wall behind Mr. VUeveno are the Dutch and British flan and a portrait
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  • 35 5 40,000 Tons Of Flour For Malaya MALAYA'S flour position will be considerably improved within the next month with the arrival here m September of a number of food ships with flour totalling approximately 40,000 tons.
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  • 108 5 IIA.M.Opening For People's Restaurants OFFICE workers who have their midday meal at the People's Restaurants will m future be able to do so without having to wait too long. The Social Welfare Department have decided to open up these Restaurants at 11 a.m. thus allowing: those people who have no
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  • 33 5 A Negri Sembilan order calls for the vaccination of all persons, who are unable to prove vaccination within the preceding three years, to be vaccinated within the next three months.
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  • 222 5 Celebrations QUEEN Wilhelmina's birthday was celebrated extensively by the Dutch community and many Indonesian subjects of the Queen m Singapore on Saturday. The celebrations included a parade of Dutch troops, a gymkhana for children, a soccer match between teams of the Royal Air Force and the Dutch
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  • 37 5 RRTTISH insurance firms In Singapore were represented at a luncheon at Raffles Hotel on Saturday m commemoration cf the Joint Malayan r.enteasu.y of the Royal Insurance Co., Ltd.* and their agents, Boustead Co., Ltd.
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  • 364 5 Venereal Incidence On Down Grade ARMY and civilian medical authorities declare that venereal disease is on the down-grade m Singapore, and put this down to two very potent reasons: first, penicillin, and second, the overwelming desire of women voluntarily to take a cure. Figures m the possession of the Medical
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  • 59 5 Two Indian soldiers, Piarp Lai and Bhagat Ram, were produced before Mr. T. T. Russell m the Second District Court on Saturday when they were charged w.ta criminal breach of trust m respect of 1,025 mil tary blankets valued at $10,250. Ball of $2 000 each was offered
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  • 126 5 Mass Rally Of Trade Unionists BETWEEN ten and twe:ve thousand workers representing th 3 96 labour unions m Singapore affiliated to the Singapore Federation of Trade Unions < formerly The Singapore General Labour Union) stood three hours on Farrer Park, listening tc speeches, singing sc-ngs and shouting slogans to eel^
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  • 98 5 A STEP toward filling the gap m Singapore's musical entertainment left by Dr. Eric Chisholm on his departure for Soutn Afiica some time ago is bring taken next Friday by Radio Malaya, wliose ow n orchestra will make its first public appearance on the concert platform
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  • 590 5 District Jud ge Addresses Estate Labour From Our Own Correspondent KRIAN, Sat. A warning to estate labourer: not to be intimidated anc advice as to what constituted breaking ;.ie law were delivered to a packed court by the District Judge, Mr. C. P. Newton, at the Bagan Serai court today.
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  • 259 5 STRENUOUS efforts made during the weekend by the Acting U Controller of Labour, Mr. R. If. Oakeley. the Trades Union Adviser, Mr. S. P. Garrett, and the secretary of the Pan-Malayan Labour Union, Mr. Lan Swee to end the Singapore Traction Company busmen's strike ended
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  • 92 5 JAPANESE REPRINTED DICTIONARY FOLLOWING an article published m the Straits Times on Thursday stating that the Japan, ese had published a Brtish book during the occupation, a reader has sent m a copy of Wilkin. son's Malay-English Dictionary, which was reprinted Tokyo and openly sold m Stmapore hi 1842. Cost
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 247 5 RAHMAN HYDRAULIC TIN LTD. Application has been made to the Directors of the above Company to Issue to the following shareholders duplicate certificates to replace the original certificates stated to have been lost or destroyed. Notice is hereby given that if within 30 days from date hereof, no claim or
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  • 166 6 From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Sunday. THE mass shooting of Chinese and Malay civilians m 1 Penang prison m 1943 was recalled I>> a subwarder Hashim yesterday at the resumed hearing at the war crimes court of the case m which 35 members of the
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  • 307 6 Indian Agent Settles Kedah Strike From Our Own Correspondent ALOR STAR, Sunday. THE strikes on Dublin Estate, Kultm, and Havard Estate, Sungei Patanl were settled follow ng vi*lt3 by Mr. 8. K. Chettur. Agent for the Government of India In Malaya, during an extensive tour of Kedah. Labourers on these
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  • 184 6 FULL V-DAY PROGRAMME FOR K.L. THE following provisional pro- gramme has been arranged for Victory Day celebrations tn Kuala Lumpur at a meeting railed by the Resident Commissioner. Sept. 10: A hockey match between tne Services and the civilians. 3ept. 11: Sports for adults on the padang. Sept. 12: Presentation
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  • 152 6 From Our Own Correspondent TAIPINCJ, Sat. UARI RAYA FUASA In Taip'ng this year was celebrated as m pre-war days. Dresses were more colourful, with the arrival of new sarongs and kebayas m local shops. The weather also kept fine and large crowds attended the spesial
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  • 82 6 From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Sat. THE police campaign against the operators of "Hua Hoay" games m Penang and Province Wellesley has revealed that these lot. teries are conducted by big organisations which employ touts to carry bets across the channel from the mainland. Intensification ot official
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  • 56 6 (From Our Own Correspondetn) RAUB. Sat. Recent arrivals among Government officials at Raub are Mr. L. F. Harvey, District Officer, Mr. W. F. Mayor, Senior Customs Officer, Lt. Col B. V. Rhodes, District Judge Mr. J. L. Chambers, Senior Executive Engineer: P.W.D., and Mr. J. N. Wilson,
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  • Straits Tims Post-Bag
    • 189 6 ONE of the worst black market rackets in cinema tickets is at the Royal Theatre, North Bridge Road. A set of hooligans have made this place a happy huntingground. Before almost every show long, queues form in the hope of buying tickets. Within a
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    • 160 6 r! question uppermost in the mind3 of the public today is the rice and bread crisis With regard to the rice situation, unless something is done to increase our ration, strike and other disturbances will be the or. der ot the day. It is, however, most gratifying
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    • 132 6 IT was the general policy of 1 Government before the war to till temporary vacancies \n any Government by the appointment of able-bodied pensioners. The reasons were perhaps that these men served th^ purpose better than raw hands in view of their past experience, as ex-Government servants, and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 185 6 DEMONSTRATION NIGHT at the GREAT WORLD CABARET TOMORROW By MISS JENNY Q'JEK and MR. POH SAN WALTZ TANGO A warm welcome is extended to all Your Patience will be rewarded w SHALIWAHAN due at MARLBO ROUGH TONIGHT: 6.30 and 9 p.m. The Reciprocated Love of a Princess and a Slave!
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    • 309 6 AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD LEASEBOLD SINGAPORE PROPERTIES. To be held at The saleroom of Messrs. Cheong Koon Seng A Co.. Ltd.. No. 10 Chulii Street, Singapore. On Wednesday, 4th September 1944. at 2.30 p m. Lot 1. 909 years' leasehold land and houses Nos. 44. 44A Si B Market
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    • 532 6 TO THE MEDICAL PROFESSION PENICILLIN. 100,000 I.U. Fresh stock arrived by Air. GRAFTON LABORATORIES, LTD., SINGAPORE. TELEPHONE NO, 7061, Labour Department, Singapore INDIAN LABOUR INSPECTOR Applications are invited for the post of Indian Labour Inspector m the Labour Department, Singapore. Applicants must have a names College Diploma or similar scholastic
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    • 359 6 Jm mm) m^mw m 'm. A^V aaw W J ELECTRICAL TESTING INSTRUMENTS Sole Agents Malaya KEE HUAT RADIO CO., 122.124 Orchard Road. SINGAPORE. Phon* 4566. Branches PiiNANG, KUALA LUMPUR. H. M. dV SOUZA, Sr., >.d SON, Ground Contractor*. Tel. No* 3604 and 7126 at ISJ. Battery Road. Residence at 97.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 191 6 RADIO PROGRAMMES RADIO MALAYA KUU ftfcTWORR fr.m> OMB U p.m »nd iSO lo 11 pm od <25 metre* from noon to Z p.m Mi t.Ui mvnc ta VI metre o»nd and trmm 1. 45 to 9 30 p.m m 4.78 oacs/aec to mctrr band CHINESB noon to LM pm (news
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    • 131 6 session opens At a p.m (news headines > 8 it p.m am' r.ews at 'SO p m MALAY noon to 1 pm (newt at 12.45 p.m > an" from 6 pm to 8 IS j.m < news, in V4a lay *t 30 o.m TONIGHTS HIGHLIGHTS 8.30 pm. News Headline*; 8.33
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    • 141 6 7.50 p.m. Cricket commentaries; 800 pin Billy Cotton; 8.30 pm. News; 8.35 p.m. London CmUing; 8.40 p.m. Interlude; 8.45 p.m. Talk; 9.00 p.m. Navy Mixture; 9.30 p.m. Radio Rhythm Club: 10.00 p.m. Palm Court Orchestra; 10.30 p.m. Radio Newsreel; 10. 46 p.m. London Calling; 10.99 p.m. Forces Favourites; 11.90 p.m.
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  • 1041 7  -  Rear-Admiral G- P. Thomson SECRETS OF THE CENSORSHIP-5 by In September 1940 a rumour spread throughout Britain that the Germans had attempted invasion that the R.A. F. had wiped out the invading fleet that large numbers of dead had been washed up on the coast. Rear-Admiral Thomson tells
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 654 7 NOTICE Be LAI BENG SAM Inonnation is solicited concerning Lki Beng Sam who was detained and taken away by the Japanese Military fron the concentration area at Upper Cross Street, Singapore, on 23nd February 1943 The said Lai Beng Sam, husband of Madam Koh Lip Hlang of No. 63, Buklt
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    • 99 7 MUNICIPAL COMMISSIONERS OF GEORGE TOWN, PENANG. Applications are Invited for the post «f Health Sister at a salary of $300.00 p.m. with annual Increments of $10 00 pm. to $410.00 p.m. Applicants should be State Registered Nurses and State lieglstered Mldwives and should possess the Health Visitors Certificate. Pull nartkm
      99 words
    • 516 7 AMERICAN PRESIDENT LINES NEW YORK Tia Bombay and Mediterranean Porte ■J. "LOUIS HOWE" Dae to arrive Sept. M NEW YORK Tia Penan*. Cotesaao. Bombay and Mediterranean Ports WIIXF.MFTTE VICTORY" Dae to arrive Sept. 4 -PRES POLK" Dae to arrive Sept. 14 For Freight and Passengers apply American President Lines. Ltd.
      516 words
    • 440 7 Mansfield Co., Ltd. taeorpor atto ia S«ngaporei BLUE rUNNEL LINE Sailings co *no from Un.too Kingdom Menetaas sails for UK 10th Sept. Alclnons Dye from USA 11th Sept. Samberle sails for IT.X.I T .K. 14th SeptWestern Australia The thortea aesi ronu «l (he -:heape*t mm Single rare: 5240.M iA £35)
      440 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 330 7 •Dear Mr. Culbertaon. Please decide two disputed points in connection with this deal. South, dealer Both skies vulnerable North-South 40 part-score. NORTH A K K 88 2 14 Q •> l#9 6 WEST EAST ♦10 0 J 8 5 t vqj:« ie ■194 A l« 5 2 g J 8
      330 words
    • 187 7 der the circumstances, was the no trump an acceptable bid? "Our second question concerns the play. West opened the spade ten Declarer cashed th; ace and king, then led a low heart to his met, cashed the spade queen and led another heart from the closed hand. We«t refratntd from
      187 words

  • 449 8 Good Soccer A t Stadium A HEAVY shower of rain late m the afternoon was no damper to the enthusiasm of over 10,000 soccer fans, who turned out at the Jalan Besar Stadium, last evening, to see the Singapore Chinese Football Association defeat the Northamptonshire Regiment by
    449 words
  • Article, Illustration
    17 8 The R A.F (Changi) boccer te %tn. which beat the Royal Netherlands' Army XI live-one on Saturday.
    17 words
  • 153 8 A SHOWER of rain yesterday afternoon prevented further play of the cricket match at the Padang, when the Singapore Cricket Club were just about to field against the Singapore Recreation Club. The Recs had just dismissed their opponents for 115 runs when rain stopped
    153 words
  • 100 8 London's Saturday. INDIA won the toxj and batted first I m the match with M<ddles?x here today. Scores wereINDIA IST. INNINGS Merchant !b» Harrin'ton 21 Hiiihtaq Alt b Sims 23 PfcfaudJ c Robertson b ShaMook 18 Hazard not oat 193 Amamaih c Price b Sims 1 Modi
    100 words
  • 54 8 S.C.C. scored 160 for six wickets against, the Devons on Saturday. At close of play De. vons bad lost eight for 74 and the match was drawn. The match scheduled to have bf»en played between the Recreation Club and Malacca was cancelled as the visiting team were unable
    54 words
  • 245 8 pHINESE beat the Ceylon Bporti Club at cricket yesterday by two wickets Scores were: CEYLON SPORTS CLUB C. Thuralsingham c Tay b Chong Gee 35 S. Yogarajah b Obong Gee 10 S. K. Sundram b Chong Gee 2 K. Muttu b Kirn swee 9 E. Doraisamy c
    245 words
  • 58 8 London, Sac. County cr ckst close of pay scores were: At Nottingham, Yorkshire 283 for nine (Sellers M, Turner 53) verstu I Nottinghamshire At Gloucester. Sssex 48 for nine versus Gloucestershire, rain. At Hove. Lancashire 159 for five versus Sussex. At Kingston. Hampshire 334 (Arnold 57. Squires 8
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 732 8 i fl^x bb L c t 2tSii?s*rLi: ouMnds to haii tbe kick rf air The last season's attendance records were easily eclipsed, as close on a miUion fans gave welcome to the restart of a relentless battle for league points afler the longest break^ i^ the history
    732 words
  • 83 8 For the first time yesterday for a big match at Jalan Besar Stadium, the crowd were under perfect control and a space of twenty yards beyond the tourhline was free right throughout the game. The credit for these arrangements lay with the S.C.F.A. committee headed by
    83 words
  • 231 8 LONDON, Sat. I ENGLAND'S football season will be highlighted by short tours of continental clubs. The Sparta of Czechoslovak a, Norakopping of Sweden and Anasibe from Copenhagen have almost completed their arrangements with the Football Association for visits that will give soccer fans here a
    231 words
  • 204 8 1 From Our Own Corresnondent > KUALA LTJMPUR. Sat. WEIGHTS for Saturday. Sept. 7, the first day of the Selangor Turf Club's September meeting, areHorses, Class 1, Div. 1, S) furs. Goafs Bk\r\ 10.03; Jesanne 9.13; Tonroe 9.06: Ballyxrun f-.02: Calataint 8.01: Favourite 7.12- Mr. Chip 3
    204 words
  • 69 8 London, Sat. Rugby Leacue results: Barrow ao Salford 8 Bellevue R«n»errH Wigan v Bramley 5 Hull Castleford 10 Bradford N 3 Dewstoury m Huddersfleld 3 T^Mfax 33 Worktagton T. 11 HullKiugstor'K. 5 Peatherston; R 5 Keißhley a Batley 10 r.«<ds f Wa»:elVld T. It Liverpool SUnl?, 5 Oldham
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 395 8 phone uO/IiIP LMt Day: 3.00, 6 30. A 9 IS p.m. Death awaits those who trust THE BRIGHTON STR ANGLER" with June Dupres <5t John I Oder The amazing drama of a man ha'f-mad. haU-'pne. ALL KILLER!! Preceded by Paramount News Opening Tomorrow 'NIGHT PLANE FROM CHUNGKING 1 GEVLfIfIG PHOfIE
      395 words
      290 words