The Straits Times, 29 July 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 642 1 A.itlee To Represent Britain In Place Of Bevin PARIS, Sunday. 'j EADING diplomats and a sprinkling of military experts from 21 nations will mc?t in the Luxembourg Palace tomorrow at 3 p.m. to open the debate on peace treaties that will shape the future
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  • 50 1 The famous statue of Eros, sod of lore, is on its way hack to Piccadilly Circus, London. Picture shows workmen .-arryinr Eros from his wartime home at Enrfefleld Green, Surrey, where he ha* been exiled for six years, on the first stage of his Journey home.
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  • 286 1 End Of U.S. Rubber Subsidy WASHINGTON, Sunday. QUBSIDY payments for Far 0 Eastern crude rubber will probably be cut off as a result of the new price control law, m the opinion of officials of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, according to a report m the Journal of Commerce. The journal
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  • 315 1 NUREMBERG. Saturday. AT ten minutes past one this afternoon 20 men, most oi them subdued, haggard, wor n and saying little to one another, began to file from the dock in the Palace of Justice here after nine hours' exposition of the indictment which rested at
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  • 138 1 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Sun.— "Atticus," of the Sunday Times, today characterises the parts which Mr. Roland Braddell and Sir Theodore Adams are playing as "a curious but promising development m the Malayan muddle." He adds: "These two men are likely to work m harmony,
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  • 43 1 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Sun.— One outstanding feature of Stock Exchange week-end dealings was the steady hardening of tins following on the Colonial Secretary's anticipation of a favourable outcome ro the current price negotiations. Straits Times Copyright.
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  • 103 1 LONDON, Sun.— Final arrangements for a Royal tour of Soutn Africa were approved today by the King. They call for extensive trips to native territories and elaborate criss-crossing of the Union and Rhodesia by rail, motor and plane. The Royal party, including the Queen and
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  • 316 1 By A Special Correspondent CMUGGLERS from Siam are believed to have brought not only rice, livestock and cigarettes over the Malayan border, but also cholera and smallpox, launching widespread epidemics in Kedah, Perlis, North Perak, Kelantan and Trengganu which are being fought vigorously today. Several
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  • 449 1 ARABS 'WILL NOT SIT DOWN WITH JEWS" JERUSALEiM, Sunday. MEWS of the British Government's acceptance of partition of Palestine under a federal government as a basis for negotiations in London was a leading topic among Jews and Arabs during the week-end. While Jewish official circles seem to be awaiting direction
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  • 185 1 King Of Siam's Death Still Unsolved BANGKOK, Sunday. THE information given by King Phumiphon of Siam and the Queen Mother to the Commission of inquiry into the circumstances of King Mahidol's death has not helped to clarify the mystery of the former Kind's death. King Phumiphon vi-tually disn.issed the suicide
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  • 37 1 PARIS, Sun.--Gertrude Stem. the famous American writer, wh j for many years had been a familiar figure in artistic and literary circles In Paris, has died at the age of <2— A. P.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 280 2 Government Opposes Communist Scheme NANKING, Sunday. A NEW Communist proposal for an unconditional truce for China faces a flat rejection by the National Government. "The Government reject the unconditional cessation of hostilities unless agreement for the reorganisation of China's armies and restoration of railway communications
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  • 90 2 NEW YORK, Sun.— The National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People yesterday asked President Truman to order the full prosecution of the band of armed white men alleged to have shot four negroes near Monroe, Georgia. The State Governor has offered rewards totalling
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  • 226 2 British Reply To Egypt "Not Satisfactory" ALEXANDRIA, Sunday. BRITAIN'S reply to the most recent Egyptian proposals for a revised Anglo-Egyptian Treaty was discussed for two hours by the Egyptian delegation here last night. Afterwards Makram Ebeid Pasha, head of the Kotla (independent Wafdist) Party said: "AH delegates agree that the
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  • 125 2 TOKIO, Sun.— Three thousand Chinese attended memorial services held under the joint auspices of the resident Chinese associations throughout the nation today for the five Formosans v.ho were killed m a gun battle with Japanese police m Tokio on July 19. Two of the Formosans
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  • 57 2 ltii.r women of the Women s Auxiliary Air Force have appeared m London with an addition to their Air Force blue uniform a white cover for the cap. Pict ure shows Cpl Anne Leach wearing her white cap at Charing Cross Station, London, as she directs
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  • 351 2 SHANGHAI, Sunday. pLANS for the rehabilitation and expansion of China's I rail and harbour facilities have been completed by the Executive Yuan's Engineering Mission. The whole railway system was found to be m very poor shape and nearly 900 miles of track will have to
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  • 77 2 She was a passenger on the City of Lille which docked a: Tilbury recently and dock officials decided it was easier to disembark her over the side trunk and all. She is one of three elephants, which were unloaded by ship-to-shore sling, two leopards, one snow
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  • 258 2 Hong Kong, Sunday. THE effectiveness of Allied bombing of shipping facilities in Hong Kong was disclosed by Mr. I) F. Landale, Chairman of the Hong Kong and Whampoa Dock Company, at its annual meeting. Six Allied attacks were made on the company's docks 140 bombs
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  • 104 2 Morality Courts In Red Army MOSCOW, Sat.— An editorial In the Red Star said today that Red Army officers might be tried by irllitary courts of honour for breaches of morality in their personal lives as well as for general conduct not becoming to officers. The paper said that some
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  • 46 2 Soviet Rationing Relaxed LONDON, Sun.— Bread, flour and cereals will come off the ration throughout the Soviet Union this autumn, Moscow radio said last night. Four thousand three hundred bakers' shops have been opened in Russia proper during the past two months, the radio added. Neuter.
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  • 322 2 BOMBAY, Sunday. THE British Government was yesterday charged with going back on its word by Mr. Mohammed AH Jinnah, leader of India's Muslim League, who, in a two-hour address opening a meeting of the Muslim League Council, asked: "What faith can we put in the British Government
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  • 61 2 WASHINGTON. Sun.— In a speech in the House of Representatives the leader of the majority, Mr. John W. McCormack, chciyed Marshal Tito's Yugoslav Government with being incom-' patiblewith democracy ar.d acont nual threat tc the peace of the world He called Tito a dictator imposed
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  • 161 2 Moscow Attack On The Labour Government LONDON, Sun. THE Moscow radio commentator, Anatoli Ossipov, •vvipv'iiig the first year nx office of th» British Labius: Government yesterday, crifcised its 'oreign policy as being too much like the Conservative policy m spite of its election programme. "The Churchill spirit is very much
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  • 74 2 WASHINGTON, Eat. —The House of Representatves parsed and sent to the Senate the $75,000,000 lean for the Philippines today. The passage of the ICan came with th 2 House approval o* a mea. sure extending; the iife of the tteconstruciion Finance Ccrp until Juiv 1, 1947. The lea",
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 325 2 UNIVERSITY PREPARATORY CLASSES. The object is to prepare students for university entrance examinations inter Arts. Law, Economics, Commercial subjects and Languages. Mandarin is also taught by a graduate of Peiplng University) The University of Malaya will be established In the near future. Do not waste time. Compressed knowledge and rapid
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    • 120 2 RAFFLES HOVEL TUESDAY 30TH JULY BOHEMIANS CONCERT PARTY International Gypsy Music O Songs Classical Mod< Also DANCE 9 p.m. to Midnight Admission $2.30. (Including Tax) NAM KH ENG CO. 55, TViuk Ayer Street Phone 4778 m 5 n7aporc. t "CYCLE" "FLYIHG WHEEL" BRANDS RUBBER N^\* COAGULANT U i"o/e Agents:KIAN NAM
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  • 391 3 Danish Ships Again On Far East Routes Four Newly-Built Vessels In Service NOTWITHSTANDING losses in the Battle of the Atlantic and other operations, Danish shipping is staging a pre-war comeback, and vessels of the East Asiatic Company's fleet are once again a familiar sight in Malayan waters. Two services are
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  • 56 3 THE wharves "and certain 1 other specified area*" within the port have been declared "protected areas. Friday's Government Gazette cautions masters of all vessels berthing in Keppel Harbour that entry into these areas is subject to special regulations which "should be obtained on arrival and promulgated to
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  • 76 3 PRED Taye and Harry Chi, wer c charged m the Second District Court on Friday for being m possession of mil tary property. It is alleged that on or about July 23, Fred Taye and Harry Chi had m their possession at 55. Gilstead Road, five
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  • 686 3 Share quotations, as at July 27 according to me Malayan i 1 arebrokers Association (Sinsapcre) were as follows. Buy-t Seller Alexandra Brckworks Ords. $2.20 Alexandra B.' ck works Prefs. 3.90 Brit. Malaya 1'rustee it Executor Co. 7.50 Consolidated Tin Smelters 24 6 Eastern UnlVro Assurance 38 00
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  • 382 3 Fraser Co. s First Share Circular A LINK with the past is re-established today with the appearance for the first time today since Dec. 16, 1941, of the share circular of Fraser Co. This circular recalls that on Dec. 16, 1941, the last circular ended, we believe that from its
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  • 141 3 From Our Own Correspondent IPOH, Fri. COMETHING unprecedented was accomplished by Perak's new judge, Mr. Justice L. C. Evans, when in the morning session yesterday he disposed of three cases in the Assizes. In one, a young Chinese chareeu w th committing armed robbery
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  • 91 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) PENANG, Wed. MOHAMED bin Hassan, selfIn styled "Eddie Polo of Penang" was today acquitted and discharged by Mr. C. W. V. Carey at the Penang Assizes, on a charge of murder of Seah Thian Slew at Sungei Nibong Road shortly before the Jap
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  • 36 3 Lt.-CoL R. F. M. Drake-BrocK-man is going on transfer to Ipoh as chairman of the Kinta Town Board. Mr. C. W. Shorland will take his place as Deputy Commissioner of Province Wellesley, writes our Penance correspondent.
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  • 233 3 Siamese P.C. Gaoled For Having Arms From Our Own Correspondent ALOR STAR, FrL "HEATH is the penalty for the "crime of carrying arms, but I am prepared to take the view that you are a Siamese official and that largely explains why you have this revolver. At the same time
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  • 28 3 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun.— The next meeting of the Malayan Union Advisory Council will be held at the Council Chamber m Kuala Lumpur on July 30 at 11 a.m.
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  • 423 3 From Our Own Correspondent MALACCA, Sunday. THE fact that clerks m Malaya are thinking m terms of Trade Unions is a sign of the times and a significant pointer for the future, said Mr. J. A. Brazier, Trade Union Adviser, Malayan Union and Singapore, addressing
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  • 175 3 From Our Own Correspondent IPOn, Weu. THE fact that textiles In Malaya were not of such surHci ncy as to justify the organisation of a rationing scheme is mentioned In a communication sent from the Controller of Supplies, Malayan Union, to the Perak Chinese Chamber
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  • 132 3 From Our Own Corre*pondent ALOR STAR, Sun. F;E Kedah Assizes opened here last week after four years. The Kedah sUte police band formed a Rurrd of honour for the new Judge. Mr. Justice R. Moor. The OS. PC. Alor Star. Mr. J N. D. Harrisoii introduced
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  • 55 3 Japs Take Over Harbour Work From Our Own rorres.pondent PENANG. Fn IS the Penang Harbour Boani lightermen's strike entered la second day yesterday 100 Japanese PoWs were allotted to wori: on the wharf m place of the strikers. They were engaged yesterday on two ships alongside 1 Swettenham Pier and
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    • 466 3 N.S. Planters Assn. From Our Own Correspondent SEREMBAN, Wed.— Mr. D. Farquharson, of Kirby Estate. Labu. was elected chairman at the general meeting of the NJS. Planters Association held at the Sungei UJong Club. Seremban. on Saturday. TRADING WITH THE ENEMY ORDINANCE NO. 22 Of 1939. CUSTODIAN OF PROPERTY PROCLAMATION
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    • 51 3 TATA PRODUCTS Arriving Soon for Malayan Mprkei jJLfr NEW LINES INPnll nln Soaps. Soap Flukes, Toilet Soaps, Ck^S* 111 Toiktries, Saf Karo {Ocas*.4e«^X Remover) Eau-de-Colo£m I'iir Oils, Cosmetics, etc. Dealers and Agents please apply to the Sole Distributors K. CHELLARAM SONS (far east, LTD. Winchester house (Ist floor) collyer quay
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  • 1018 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Monday, July 29, 1946. The Victors Try Again Twenty-seven years ago a group of statesmen representing the victor nations in the first World War assembled in the stately atmosphere of Louis XIV's Versailles to plan a brave new world from which the spectre of armed conflict
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  • 54 4 Port Hope 'Ontario), Sat.— The productior. of uranium for atomic bombs and the production of radium for science may be halted at the El Dorado refinery within hours as the consequence of a strike m the nearby sand-ash plant. Sand-ash is necessary m the production of both
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  • Article, Illustration
    56 4 "Just once I wish the peace news would be as good a* the war news used to be." (For the benefit of readers who complain that the Straits Times casts an atmosphere of gloom over the breakfast table, we reproduce this sketch from the Sydney Daily Telegraph to show that
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  • Man In The Street
    • 399 4 I RETURNED to Singapore a month ago, and my first impression was that I had come to a filthy land of poverty, sickness, robbers and black-marketing. I wondered what had happened to the land I. loved. Now, after being here a month, I find
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    • 205 4 WITH reference to all the recent ballyhoo regarding the cleaning up of Singapore, I would like to draw attention to a sadly neglected spot. I refer to the riverside right opposite the Marino Police station. Unfortunately I have had to pass this spot fairly regularly during
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    • 336 4 IF Mr. Lim Hong Bee's article "The Labour Movement In Colonial Malaya", was intended to justify the nefarious activities of the present-day socalled trade unions, he should do well to remember that there i is as yet no properly register- ed trade union either in Smj
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    • 135 4 SOMETHING, m my opinion, v should- be done about the deplorable condition, existing m the vicinity of th e Padang and Cathedral of Singapore, during the hours from sunset to midnight. It used to be a habit of mine, alter coming out of the 6.30 cinema show,
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    • 77 4 VOUR correspondent "Pelandok" is not quite correct in his statemen* that newly reopened European stores in Singapore are full of Service personnel. As far as this store Is concem- ed, over 95 per cent of our valued customers are Malayan civilians. and the very small minority of Service
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    • 622 4 'These Blood-Suckers': An Indian on Citizenship WITH reference to your leaderette entitled BloodTT Suckers," I send you herewith a copy of a letter which L wrote to the editor of the Indian Daily Mail the day after his editorial appeared, and request you to publish it. It has not been
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 874 4 CHIAM KOH. The marriage between Mr. Chiam Koon Nam and Miss Kathleen Emily Koh took place In Singapore on 27-7-46. SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED for Insurance Company a fast Typist-clerk good at English and figures. Salary $9V- Inclusive. Apply 2 Finlayson Grien. WANTED by a well established firm a Chinese compradore
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    • 58 4 CTERIMA We can service and repair these watches as far as the limited resources at our disposal permit. We are very short of tools and spareptrtc at present but hepe to restore facilities to full efficiency by the end of this year. We regret we cannot repair other makes oi
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    • 18 4 OTHER LETTERS.—Pa*e Seven Three Chinese Points Of View —Old And New Customs Wisdom From Malacca —In Public Places.
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    • 91 4 BRITISH MADE ELFCTR7C IRONS. $28.00 T^> $28.50 EACH. By Post. A Strong and Wcll-Mnde Llert.ic Iron that will give you years of service. Fitted vilh Connector-Guard and Thumb-rest. Body w enamelled In Cream Colour with a perfectly-shaped handle enamelled In Green. PRICE JCS.CO complete with Connector, Flexible and a 2-pin
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  • 306 5 Improvement In Textile Position Singapore Dealers Welcome Order GOVERNMENT'S order "freeing" private imports of textiles, announced by the Controller of Supplies on Saturday, took some Singapore dealers by surprise. The order should do much to improve the position of textiles in Singapore. Singapore's textile dealers generally welcomed the order stating
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  • Article, Illustration
    60 5 B;r>l C;cr?e and Bryan Neely m "Twenty-nine, Acacia Street,"' a play which will be presented at the Garrison Theatre tonight and tomorrow by an amateur c ompany entirely composed of Services personnel. Under the auspices of the Stage Club, this play has already been presented to about 5,000 pfople m
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  • 128 5 Interesting Exhibits At Kuala Lumpur From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. THOUGH getting off to a late start, some of the Government departmental displays promise to be among the most interesting at the forthcoming Malayan Exhibition m Kuala Lumpur. The Department of Agriculture will occupy a large space and
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  • 249 5 July Record For S 'pore Police EIGIiTY revolvers and pistols, 129 hand grenades and about 2,500 rounds oi ammunition have been recovered by the Singapore Police this month, when for the first time in many months Singapore experienced several gunless days days during which no armed robberies occurred. Armed robberies
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  • 11 5 Mr. D. Sturrock Is appointed Registrar of Import* and Exports. Singapore.
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  • 52 5 The Municipal Fire Brigade had a busy day on Saturday. Besides attending to an oil dump fire m Pasir Panjang Road and an outbreak m a joss shop m Beach Road, the Brigade was summoned to five grass fires. In all cases, the fires were extinguished within a
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  • 67 5 CERTAIN offers were made to the 15,000 labourers of the Singapore Naval Base, who have been on strike since Tuesday, July 23. through their representatives at a meeting at the Ba&e yesterday. Naval Base officials, the Controller of Labour, Singapore, and the Trade Union Adviser, Singapore,
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  • 177 5 3,700 Piculs Of Dhall Distributed THREE thousand seven hundred piculs of dhall was the allocation distributed recently through wholesalers m the Malayan Union and Singapore. This quantity was insufficient to meet the heavy demand, according to Esmail and Ahmad Brothers, one of the wholesalers, who m a letter to the
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  • 89 5 A correspondent writes: "Whereas all the other old routes are being serviced by new and old omn.buses, nothing has been done to restore the Norfolk Road-Finlayson Green service. W.J1 the Traction Company please give this matter attention. There were always plenty of passengers waiting along the roads
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  • 94 5 LIM Beck Teck, a 27 year-old Chinese, pleaded guilty before Mr. R. C. Hoffman m the Fourth Court, for the theft of two dozen handkerchiefs, the property of NAAFI, valued at $12 on Saturday. He was sentenced to one day's imprisonment and a fine of $50. In
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  • 87 5 From Our Own Correspondent MALACCA. Sun. INVITATIONS have been issued by the Resident Commissioner, Malacca, Mr. H. A. L. Luckham, to a garden party. at the Residency on Thursday, Aug. 1, at 5 p.m. to meet the Governor of the Malayan Union and th-, Governor of
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  • 56 5 A correspondent writes: "There used to be a sub-Post Office \t Tanjong Pagar beside the Harbour Board Police Station m pie-war days. Will the authorities take steps to reestablish this sub-Post Office to save people m the Tanjong Pagar area the trouble of going all the way
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  • 382 5 From Our Chinese Correspondent The following: extracts from Chinese newspapers in Singapore give an interesting insight into present-day trends in Chinese education in Malaya. THE real purpose behind the Malayan tour of the Chinese Special Com missioner Wu Yen Yin Is to double, if
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  • 267 5 A MEETING was held at Government House, Singapore on Wednesday, July 24 to discuss the question of the treatment of Chinese members of the Straits Settlements Volunteer Force which had been raised m a memorandum submitted by the Straits Chinese British Association, states a communique
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  • 84 5 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUrt, Sat. THE strike of 400 Indian dock workers at Porf Swettenham I has ended, but negotiations for a final settlement are proceeding at Kuala Lumpur between the strikers representatives and the Deputy Controller of Labour The men have been on strike
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  • 37 5 The following Police appointments have b^on gazetted: Mr. J.R.C. Denny sets as Superintendent of Police. C T.D., Singapore; Mr. D.W. Macintosh acts as Deputy Commissioner of Police. S'ncapore: urA Mr. L.F. Knlarht becomes Registrar of Aliens, Singapore.
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  • 312 5 A vital part of Malaya's rehabilitation which, as yet, has received little notice. Is the work of the Royal Army Veterinary i Corps in restoring the numbers and condition of Malayan livestock, states a release from A.L.F.S.E.A. By V J day c^t tie and buff
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  • 171 5 U.M.N.O. Approves From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Sun. AN estimated expenditure of $150,000 annually for education was among the measures approved at the twoday conference of the United Malay National Organisation held m Penang over the weekend. The conference ended at 5 p.m. today, and
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  • 186 5 BoibiED m Pemag {ox i&e first time was the f.c.3 of me United Malays Nat dial Org tion. The ceremony took o:i Saturday at the opening of me Congress by the Suk?n of Kedr.n. Half red and half white, with a yellow moon supevimpesed m
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 181 5 DENTAL SURGERY rr~~ I l^ 1 J-Jental surgery has made great strides, but advances m professional skill and technique have been enormously assisted by the work of the British chemist and the chemical industry. Where would the dentist be without anaesthetics? Gas laughing gas nitrous oxide was first prepared nearly
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  • 499 6 WASHINGTON, Saturday.— While China continues to struggle to achieve political unity her chances of bettering: her economic position m the Far East and world commerce are dwindling rapidly, writes Stewart Hensley of United Press. Various factors are barring China's way to attaining economic eminence
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  • 90 6 Magda Lupescu. red-haired friend of ex-King Carol of Rumania, Is now gravely ill m an hotel m Rio de Janeiro, m spite of three blood transfusions weekly, says the Daily Mail. Ex-King Carol, who Is 53, is unible. due to a non-matching !;!ood group, to give
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  • 138 6 Unemployment averages 2y 2 per cent, throughout Britain, said the Ministry of Labour One insured worker m 40 is workless, but thtre are big variations. There is only Vt p« r cent. 1 m 200 unemployment among women m London, Eastern Counties and North Midlands, and
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  • 33 6 Calcutta, Sat. India nas been Invited to the Peace C-jnference to be held m Paris beginning July 29. The personnel to represent India has not yet teen announced A P
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  • 177 6 MEDAN 'CITY OF GLOOM' FOR CHINESE BATAVIA, Sunday.—Describing Medan, Sumatra, as "a city of jfloom" a correspondent for the Chinese daily "Sin Po" says that, while nominally Indonesian police are maintaining law and order m the Chinese quarter, they are "either condoning or powerless to put an end to the
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  • 124 6 Occupied Area For Industries CALCUTTA, Saturday Tne 14,000 acres occupied by Ui> Army personnel in Kanchrapara. about 30 miles from Calcutta, is to be utilised by the Bengal Government for industrial and residential purposes. Known as "Roosevelt Naz?.r" the site already has a tuberculosis hospital with latest appliances and equipment.
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  • 121 6 COLOMBO, Sun.— An endeavour is being made by Ceylon Government departments to implement the proposal that replies to correspondence should be written m the language of tacta correspondence, whethor fc.nhalcse, Tamil or English. The Department of Co operative Development set the lead In th-s matter when
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  • 236 6 NEW YORK, (Air Mail). Amort Gusler, 52, was accused at Martinsville Court (Virginia) of having blown to nieces a man whose wife lie had kissed. Gusler has been charged with having murdered Russel Smith, I 38, who was killed by a bomb when he threw a
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  • 122 6 COLOMBO, Sunday—One of the most important aspects of Museum activities m Ceylon was resumed last year with the collection of date regarding Ceylon's extinct mammals and pre-histo-ric man, states Mr. P. E. P. Deraniyagala, Director of Museum*, Ceylon, m his administration report for last year Just
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  • 34 6 CALCUTTA, Sat.—The first of the 10 ships carrying relief grain to India has arrived m India. The vessel, Henry D. Lindsley, an American liberty ship, brought large quantities of maize. —A.P
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 487 6 NOTICE. A substantial reward will be paid for the return of the COMMON SEALS and valuable documents relating to the business of the following Companies Borneo Motors Limited. Borneo Motors Provident Trust Ltd. Orchard Estates Limited. Butler Webster Ltd. Service Garage (1938) Ltd. Federal Motor Oarage Ltd. Any information should
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    • 294 6 MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISER can undertake to recondition, repollsh _and repaint household and office furniture, repair mattresses, seat cushions, etc. Also buys secondhand furnitures, reasonable price offered. Write Box 609, S.T DOVE.R or other wood-burnlftg stove wanted. Give description, price, where and when seen. Box 610, S.T. 1946 MALAYAN BOXING ANNUAL Boxers
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    • 772 6 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND CLAIMANTS. Re JOHNSON Archibald Frederick formerly of Singapore Prison Officer, but late a Private (No. 1228) of the Straits Settlements Volunteer Force deceased, intestate. ALL pcr*ons having claims or demands- agianst the estate of the abovenamed are required to send particulars thereof m writing to the
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    • 567 6 EASTABLISIffcD 1917 Protect your Bungalow and furniture from Inclement weather by fitting Durable Rattan and Bertam Chicks. Will2sden Brand Rott proof and water proof green Canvas Tarpaulins at economical price enquiries solicited. Y. M. HOOSAINSAH, Office. No. 34 Robinson Road. Workshop. 293 Joo Chiat Place. MJizduei &Svny, Established m 1916.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 337 6 RADIO PROGRAMMES RADIO MALAYA MALAS nncn to 1 om (news at JtJLT 29 N f T 1 1245 pm) and from 0 m bis 7.30 a.m. Radio Newsreel, «.3O BED VETWOKK from noMt to om (news is Malay at T?0 p.m.) a.m. News. in ,i 99 k ENGLISH i pjn.
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  • 493 7 WALES PREPARING FOR EISTEDDFOD Princess Elizabeth To Be Initiated By HUGH BUSHER, neuter's Correspondent CARDIFF, (By Air Mail). —All Wales is preparing for the Royal Welsh National Eisteddfod at Mountain Ash or Aberpennar to give its Welsh name a mining town in the Aberdare Valley of Glamorgan, during the first
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  • 155 7 Civil Servants' Working Hours To Stay THE British Treasury has declined to reduce the working hours of civil servants In Government departments where temporary staffs are being discharged on account of redundanoy. This follows a claim put forward by the Civil Service unions that working hours should revert to those
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  • 113 7 Alderman Luke Hogan, Lord Mayor of Liverpool, a Socialist, condemned requests by certain M.P.s for an inquiry into the functions of the Press. '•The Press and liberty in this nation are synonymous terms," he said. "I hope the Government will resist any attempt by M.P.s intoxicated
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  • 52 7 The condition of some London schools "brought tears to the eyes of the Minister" (Miss Ellen Wilkinson, Minister of Education), Mrs. Estrange Malone told the L.C.C. Education Committee recently. She was announcing the launching of a six-week all-out cleaning, painting and repah drive on London
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  • 117 7 MARKS NOT WORTH ANYTHING BERLIN, (By Air Mail). Lyle Wilson, manager ol United Press, Washing+on Bureau, who recently sold a 15 cent (US) packet of cigarettes m Berlin for $13, writes that marks actually are not worth much of anything except to purchase rationed goods with fixed prices. Barter, he
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  • 134 7 Houses Empty In Westminster LONDON. Sunday— With London's housing problem showing no sign of early improvement, local authorities, who m recent months have appealed to the Ministry of Works to give up houses and flats still occupied as offices by government departments, are themselves being criticised by the Ministry for
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  • Straits Times Post-Bag
    • 175 7 APROPOS of what has been expressed by your correspondent "Straits Baba" that "no self-respecting girl of a decent family will have anything to do with boys m khaki In public." I entirely agree. The behaviour o' a few girls m allowing themselves to be hugged
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    • 225 7 NOT all Service men are cads and their girl friends wantons. Nor are all civilians angels—although some of them appear to have assumed tne role of guardian-angels. Perhaps the fears they express only mxror the unhealthy condition oi their own minds. We have the rather unusual privilege
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    • 206 7 JUDGING from the space you are giving to the "probiem" of the local girls mixing with Service men, one would gather that this is the most pressing social problem m this strikeridden city of ours. Surely this is a most distorted presentation of the real state of
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    • 84 7 IT is interesting to note the statement by Sir Theodore Adams published m the Straits Times of July 25. If Sir Theodore has no authority to represent the Secretary of State, then on whose authority or en whose invitation did he come to Malaya? If. as he
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 665 7 SALE BY TENDER. 1. The Custodian ol Enemy Property, Malayan Union, will dispose of plant and materials at Bungsar Paper Factory, Bungsar Road, Kuala Lumpur, by Public Tender. 2. Messrs. Harper Ollnllan Co., Ltd.. 15, Old Market Square, Kuala Lumpur, have been appointed as as agents to deal with this
      665 words
    • 346 7 Mansfield Co., Lid. (Incorporated In Singapore) BLUE FUNNEL LINE Sailings to and from Un.ttd Kingdom Teucer Sails for I'.K 30 July Benrlnnes due rrom U.K. 1th A u fust Glenbeg Sails for U.K. 7th Auguat Western Australia The shortest sea route at the cheapest rat* Single fare: $246.00 'A £35)
      346 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 754 7 The >orth-South hands in the North's rc-bid, now Inquired .'or following deal were overbid the aces and kings. Discovering that merest shade, but the declarer North had two of each, and concompensated for that with adroit vinced that he must have a valuplay. able queen as well, South went North
      754 words

  • All The Latest Soports News
    • 166 8  - International Horse Race Planned Vernon Morgan By LONDON, Sat. ASCOT authoritirs are, 1 understand, planning a big new race which they hope will attract the best horses m the world from the United States, France. Italy and even Latin America. The race, which will be staged on Oct. 12, will
      Reuter  -  166 words
    • 221 8 COMPTON HUTTON BAT WELL LONDON, Sat. TEST batsmen Denis Compton and Len Hutton were among the chief scorers in Comity cricket matches starting to-day Compton scored 142 for Mid^iedex against Kent, while Hutton irade 91 not out and of York's total of 150 for five in reply to Surrey's 114
      Reuter  -  221 words
    • 99 8 Seletar R.A.F. Win 2-0 v N'hamptons R.A.F., S. fUr 2. NorihamptJiuhire Rft. OELETAR brought off a soccer surprise yesterday when they beat the Northamptonshire Regiment by two goals to nil in a fast and exciting game p'ayed at Seletar. The soldiers did not play with the same understanding they
      99 words
    • 77 8 KUALA LUMPUR Sun. pERAK defeated Selangor oy eight wickets m the inter-state cricket match held m Kuala Lumpur over the weekend. Perak batted extremely well and figured m a thrilling finish today when following close on Selangor's second innings they went m to Lat and
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    • 324 8 French Tennis PARIS, Sat. MARCEL BERNARD, France, after dropping the first two sets, beat Jaroslav Drobny, Czechoslovakia, for the French men's singles lawn tennis title at Roland Garros stadium here today and Miss Margaret Osborne, United States, beat her compatriot Miss Hauline Betz for the
      Reuter  -  324 words
    • 63 8 Rangers Draw With Chinese From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sun.— The Selangor Chinese drew with the Singapore Rangers at soccer today, both sides scoring a goal. Midway through the first half, Rangers scored through Tee Siang. In the second half Selangor Chinese drew through Boon Seong and though the
      63 words
    • 164 8 A NOTHER interesting program of wrestling was seen at the Great World on Saturday night. The big fight of the evening between the giant Indian Dara Singh and Stan Gardslde created a stir when Dara Singh displeased a section of the crowd by his rough tactic.
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    • 467 8 BIG SCORE BY INDIANS v SUSSEX 533 For 3 Wickets By Learie Constantine BRIGHTON, Sat. ON a hard wicket and fast outfield India provided a real taste of her batting ability, giving the Sussex bowling a severe trouncing here today. The opening stand of 293 between Merchant and Mankad in
      Reuter  -  467 words
    • 159 8 The following~ties m the second round of the V.M.C.A. table tennis championships will oe played on Wedne-day, July 31, starting at 5.15 p.m. at the tennis pavilion: Open Championship: Fung Guan Swee v. Sim Soo Juay; Lim Thye Hoc* v. Wee Swee Lee; Toh Shung Chee
      159 words
    • 309 8 S.C.F.A. Beat Changi R.A.F. Four-One S.C.F.A...4 R.A. (ChangiK.l FINE opportunism by Chia Keng Hock contributed largely towards a four— one victory which the Singapore Chinese Football Association scored over R.A.F. (Changi) at Ja!a n Besar Stadium yesterday in a soccer match. Organised for the benefit of the R.A.F. Benevolent Fund
      309 words
    • 49 8 THE CURRAGH, Eire, Sat. The Maharanl Cinabal Gaekwar of Baroda's filly, Turkish Tune, finished second m the Irish Oaks, run over one-and-a-half miles here today. Turkish Tune, starting 4 to 1, was beaten a neck by the favourite Linaria, starting 10 to 11. Ten horses ran. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  49 words
    • 197 8 AN attractive charity table tennis match, organised by the Singapore Table Tennis Association, between the August Association, pre-war inter-club league champions for six successive ycirs. and the "Rest" will be held at the Happy World covered stadium on Aug. 17 at 7.30 p.m.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 417 8 MAJESTIC Premier Chinese Picture Palace l| shows daily:— l. 3.15, 7 A 9.15 p.m. "BATTLE IN A LONE CITY" JThe Chinese Army driving the Japs out of China Coming Attraction "ATTACK ON RABAUL" With Chinese Commentary CHUNGKING Tanjonic ragar Phone 3327 Last 4 shows: 1, 3.15. 6.30. 9.00 "TARZAN'S SECRET
      417 words
    • 347 8 TO-DAY'S CLOSING OPENING OF TWO BIG FEATURES! THE LAST 3 SHOWS /^a £3 GjJ^ySSfl^S^ B^^X II a.m. 2 p.m. 4.15 p.m. f I JW BJI H A fSs*™ TRIUMPH IN JgggJ. "SAN ANTONIO" (IN TECHNICOLOR) Hear the Last of the Popular Faroarlte 'Some Suuot; Morning*' By Alexis Smith. ALL-MALAYA PREMIERE—
      347 words